Safe Load Securing of Precast Concrete Loads
Safe Load Securing of Precast Concrete Loads
Safe Load Securing of Precast Concrete Loads
March 2016
Information Sheet
Safe Load Securing of
Precast Concrete Loads
What the Law requires
Under Health and Safety Legislation, a vehicle is a place of work. The law
requires that workplaces are maintained in a condition that is safe and without
risk to safety and health. Employers have duties under the Safety, Health and
Welfare at Work Act 2005 to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the
health and safety of their employees and others who may be affected by their
work activities (other road users). This includes providing systems of work
that are planned, organised, performed, maintained and revised.
Road Traffic law requires • Other road users including pedestrians, if the load shifts
sideways or slides backwards and falls off the vehicle.
Every load carried by a vehicle in a public place shall be
of such a weight and size and so distributed, packed, • Unloading personnel, if the load has become unstable
adjusted and attached to the vehicle that, so far as can during the journey and collapses during unloading.
reasonably be foreseen, no danger is liable to be caused
and that there is no interference with the stability of Load Restraint Methods
vehicle. In the case of mechanically propelled vehicles and Loads can be restrained by two basic methods, either
trailers, no load carried shall exceed a reasonable weight, indirectly or directly using ‘Tie-down’ or ‘Direct restraint’
having regard to the vehicles capability; brakes, tyres and methods respectively.
general construction of the vehicle.1
Tie-down is when the load is prevented from moving by
So, vehicle owners and operators need to ensure friction only, also called a ‘frictional lashing’.
compliance with both health and safety and road traffic
legislation if they are involved in loading, unloading or Direct restraint is when the load is prevented from moving
transporting loads of any type on their vehicles. by containing, blocking or attaching it to the vehicle.
1 S.I. No. 190/1963: ROAD TRAFFIC (CONSTRUCTION, EQUIPMENT Figure 1. Example of correctly secured Precast Concrete load
AND USE OF VEHICLES) REGULATIONS, 1963, Reg 96 using chains
Even though concrete is heavy, the weight of the load Use of Headboards
alone cannot not be relied on to hold it in place. If the Where possible, Precast Concrete components should be
load lifts off the bed, even momentarily, static friction is loaded so that they are positioned against the headboard
lost. Therefore friction alone cannot be relied upon to of the vehicle. This enables the headboard to become part
hold the load in place. For Precast Concrete loads the use of the load securing system by blocking the load from
of the ‘Tie-down’ method which relies on the combined moving forward under braking or emergency conditions.
friction generated by the weight of the load and the ‘Tie- This will also allow for fewer lashings being required. The
down’ force of the lashings alone is not recommended. headboard should be strong enough to prevent the load
The most appropriate approach to secure Precast from moving.2 The headboard gives critical protection to
Concrete Loads is using a combination of the ‘Tie-down’ the driver, so the load should not be loaded above the
and ‘Direct restraint’ methods. Combining these methods height of the headboard unless precautions have been
to use suitable lashings (to increase friction), suitable taken to stop it moving forward.
headboard (to provide blocking) and side stanchions (to
provide containment) is the optimal approach to secure
the load. The use of ‘Anti-slip’ load matting between the
load and the load bed can ensure maximum coefficient
of friction values are achieved for the calculation of the
number of lashings, and reduce the number of lashings
Suggested alternative is to
use a moveable ‘blocking
frame’ at front of panels.
Top corner protectors Note that some panel weight is
under each chain resting on the frame base
2 Best practice suggests that the strength of the superstructure should meet the requirements laid down in EN 12642 (L-XL).
In addition, the end wall should be able to withstand 40% of the payload, up to a maximum of 50 KN
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Safe Load Securing of Precast Concrete Loads
If it is not possible to load to the headboard, or: This will usually lead to the requirement to use more
lashings on the load or, in conjunction, use alternatives
• there is no headboard in place,
such as blocking, loop lashings, or construction of an
• the headboard strength is inadequate, or intermediate bulkhead at the front end of the load to stop
• the load is designed for loading away from headboard, it moving forward.
Very rigid loads, such as pre-cast floor sections and
concrete beams, should be supported in only two
positions to allow the vehicle to flex. If the lashings are
placed between the dunnage3 positions they can break
or loosen when the vehicle and/or the load flexes. This
could allow the load to move. Note: In these cases the
Lashings (x2) must be of sufficient capacity to prevent Lashing position Lashing position
the load from moving or alternatively be supplemented
by use of Headboard, Side stanchions, End protection or
moveable blocking frame.
Once loaded, the load should be secured with a suitable
number of lashings. It is very important to ensure that
all parts of the load are secured. Building the load into
a ‘pyramid’ shape can help to ensure that the lashings
remain in contact with the whole load and prevent
individual items from sliding or toppling. Lashing position Lashing position
3 loose wood, matting, or similar material used to support and/or keep a cargo in position.
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Safe Load Securing of Precast Concrete Loads
4 See Table 1 for examples using an STF of 300kg at differing strap angles, friction coefficients and presence of blocking.
5 The lashing points should comply with EN 12640 and must be attached to the vehicle at approximately 50cm intervals.
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Safe Load Securing of Precast Concrete Loads
Figure 9. Over centre load binder (Not Recommended) Figure 10. Bottle tensioner (Recommended)
6 The European Standard EN 12195 (1-4) as amended, “Load restraint assemblies on road vehicles”
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Safe Load Securing of Precast Concrete Loads
600 to 900 approx. 0.85 to 1.0 510kg 1530kg 2040kg 2550kg 600 to
450 to 600 approx. 0.70 to 0.84 420kg 1260kg 1680kg 2100kg 450 to
300 to 450 approx. 0.50 to 0.69 300kg 900kg 1200kg 1500kg 300 to
150 to 300 approx. 0.25 to 0.49 150kg 450kg 600kg 750kg 150 to
Table 1. Max load restrained by one 50mm Strap Web lashing; Tie-down system
0kg 600 to 900 approx. 0.85 to 1.0 1275kg 3825kg 5100kg 6375kg
0kg 450 to 600 approx. 0.70 to 0.84 1050kg 3150kg 4200kg 5250kg
0kg 300 to 450 approx. 0.50 to 0.69 750kg 2250kg 3000kg 3750kg
0kg 150 to 300 approx. 0.25 to 0.49 375kg 1125kg 1500kg 1875kg