The Contextualized SBM Assessment Tool
The Contextualized SBM Assessment Tool
The Contextualized SBM Assessment Tool
I. LEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCE (30%) A network of leadership and governance guides the education system to achieve its
shared vision, mission and goals making them responsive and relevant to the context of diverse environments.
II. CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION (30%) The curriculum learning systems anchored on the community and learner’s contexts and
aspirations are collaboratively developed and continuously improved.
Instruction Level 0 Level 1 Indicator Level 2 Indicator Level 3 Indicator
1. The curriculum provides All types of learners of the school Programs are 100% The educational needs of all
for the development needs community are identified, their implemented and closely types of learners are being
of all types of learners in Not learning curves assessed; monitored to address met as shown by continuous
the school community Evident appropriate programs with its performance discrepancies, improvement on learning
support materials for each type of benchmark best practices, outcomes (see the table
learner is developed with 26-50 coach low performers, mentor under the MOVs) and
percent decrease of the non- potential leaders, reward high products of learning.
numerates and non-literates achievement, and maintain Teachers’ as well as
environment that makes students’ performance is
learning meaningful and motivated by intrinsic
enjoyable with 51- 75 decrease rather than extrinsic
of the non-numerates and non- rewards. The schools’
literates differentiated programs
are frequently bench-
marked by other schools.
2. The implemented Local beliefs, norms, values, The localized curriculum is Best practices in localizing the
curriculum is localized to traditions, folklores, current implemented and monitored curriculum are mainstreamed
closely to ensure that it makes and benchmarked by other
make it more meaningful Not events, and existing
learning more meaningful and
to the learners and technologies are documented schools. There is marked
Evident pleasurable, produces desired increase in number of projects
applicable to life in the and used to develop a lasting learning outcomes, and directly that uses the community as
community curriculum. Localization improves community life. Learning laboratory, and the
guidelines are agreed to by Ineffective approaches are school as an agent of change
school community and replaced and innovative ones are for improvement of the
teachers are properly oriented. developed. Developed localized community. Developed
curriculum in 6 localized curriculum in all
Developed localized
learning areas. learning areas.
curriculum in 4 learning
3. A representative group A representative team of school Learning materials and Materials and approaches
of school and community and community stakeholders approaches to reinforce are being used in school, in
stakeholders develop the Not assess content and methods strengths and address the family and in community
methods and materials for Evident used in teaching creative, deficiencies are developed to develop critical, creative
developing creative critical thinking and problem and tested for applicability on thinking and problem
thinking & problem solving solving. Assessment results are school, family and solving community of
used as guide to develop community. learners and are producing
desired results. Developed
materials. Developed learning Developed learning materials
learning materials in all
materials in 4 learning areas in in 6 learning areas in all grade
learning areas in all grade
all grade levels. levels.
4.The learning systems are A school- based monitoring and The school- based monitoring The monitoring system is
regularly and Not learning system is conducted and learning systems generate accepted and regularly used
collaboratively monitored regularly and cooperatively; and feedback that is used for making for collective decision making
by the community using
Evident feedback is shared with decisions that enhance the total every quarter. The
appropriate tools to stakeholders. The system uses a development of learners for 2 monitoring tool has been
ensure the holistic growth tool that monitors the holistic quarters. A committee take care improved to provide both
and development of the development of learners once a of the continuous improvement of quantitative and qualitative
learners and the year the tool. data.
5. Appropriate assessment The assessment tools are The assessment tools are School assessment results
tools for teaching and reviewed by the school and reviewed by the school are used to develop
learning are Continuously Not assessment results are shared community and results are learning
reviewed and improved, Evident with school’s stakeholders once shared with community programs that are suited to
and assessment results a year. stakeholders for 2 quarters. community, and customized
are contextualized to the to each learner’s context,
learner and local situation results of which are used for
and the attainment of collaborative decision-
relevant life. making every quarter.
1. Teachers’ Portfolio
- RPMS/IPCRF portfolio (proportion of teachers meeting PPST career stage 3 in all domains (Highly Proficient)
- Monthly Supervisory Plan
- Classroom Observation Tool
- Observation Notes
- Class Program
- Sample Lesson Plan
- School Leadership with Designation
In the absence of NAT, the results of the reading test in Filipino and English and numeracy test shall be considered – with
reference to the policy standard set by the CLMD.
To determine the improvement of learning outcomes, the rating standard below shall be followed:
4. School’s Best Practices/Remarkable
- School initiated programs/projects
- Log sheet/logbook showing names of visitors who benchmarked schools initiated programs
- Best practices
- Innovations
a. Programs for improvement of the learning environment and increased learning outcomes
- Continuous Improvement (CI) projects
- Institutionalized programs for inclusive education
- Literary Services
- Guidance Services
b. Guidance Forms
c. Guidance Records and Reports
d. Computer/Science/TLE Laboratory (if any)
e. Learners’ initiated projects
f. Classroom Structuring
g. Reading Centers/Study Sheds (Reading Books)
h. Co-curricular Activities Report (ex. Scouting, Religious Instructions, Science Camp, Education Summit, etc.)
5. School Research Outcomes
3. Feedback Mechanism
- Feedback from stakeholders regarding school policies
✓ Feedback Tools, Suggestion Box, Clients’ Satisfaction Survey, Checklist Form, Survey Questionnaire, Tracer Study Tool,
Text Brigade
- Summary of Suggestions and actions taken
- Survey Results, analysis and intervention
4. Stakeholders’ Recognition
IV. MANAGEMENT OF RESOURCES (15%) Resources are collectively and judiciously mobilized and managed with transparency, effectiveness,
and efficiency
Resources Level 0 Level 1 Indicator Level 2 Indicator Level 3 Indicator
1. Regular resource 50% of Stakeholders are aware that Resource inventory is characterized Resource inventories are
inventory is collaboratively a regular resource inventory is by regularity, with 51-80% of systematically developed and
undertaken by learning
Not available and is used as the basis participation of stakeholders, and with 81-100% Stakeholders
managers, learning Evident for resource allocation and communicated to the community engagement in a Collaborative
facilitators, and community mobilization. as the basis for resource allocation process to make decisions on
stakeholders as basis for and mobilization. Resource allocation and
resource allocation and mobilization.
2. A regular dialogue for 50% Stakeholders participation in 51-80% Stakeholders are regularly 81-100% Stakeholders
planning and resource the development of an engaged in the planning and collaborate to ensure timely and
programming, that is Not educational plan in resource resource programming and in the need-based planning and
accessible and inclusive, Evident programming and in the implementation of the educational resource programming and
continuously engage implementation of the educational plan. support continuous
stakeholders and support plan. implementation of the
implementation of educational plan.
community education plans.
3. In place is a community- 50 % of Stakeholders support 51-80% of Stakeholders are 81-100% of Stakeholders sustain
engaged and share expertise in the
developed resource judicious, appropriate, and collaborative development of the implementation and
management system that Not effective use of resources. resource management system. improvement of a collaboratively
drives appropriate behaviors Evident developed, periodically adjusted,
of the stakeholders to ensure and constituent-focused resource
judicious, appropriate, and management system.
effective use of resources.
4. Regular monitoring, 50% of Stakeholders are invited to 51-80% of Stakeholders 81-100% of Stakeholders are
collaboratively participate in the
evaluation, and reporting participate in the development and development and implementation engaged, held accountable and
processes of resource Not implementation of monitoring, of monitoring, evaluation and implement a collaboratively
management are Evident reporting resource management.
evaluation and reporting processes developed a system of
collaboratively developed and on resource management. monitoring, evaluation and
implemented by the learning reporting resource management.
managers, facilitators and
community stakeholders.
5. There is a system that An engagement procedure to 51-80% Stakeholders support a An established system of
system of partnerships for
manages the network and identify and utilize partnerships improving resource management. partnership is managed and
linkages which strengthen and Not with 50% stakeholders for sustained by 81-100%
sustain partnerships for Evident improving resource management is stakeholders for continuous
improving resource evident. improvement of resource
management. management.