The O9A: Beyond Nihilism and Anarchism

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The key takeaways are that the O9A should be classified as either a nihilistic or anarchist occult movement, and rejects the allegation that it is a neo-nazi group. Individuals following the O9A can choose different praxises to follow including more traditional satanic or post-satanic approaches.

The O9A views all political forms as just forms that can be used to achieve sinister goals. They are not concerned with any particular political ideology like nationalism or fascism inherently.

The principle of individual judgement means that each individual following the O9A interprets and applies its esoteric philosophy in their own unique way based on their own experiences and duration of time.

The O9A: Beyond Nihilism And Anarchism


 ° The Alleged National Socialism Of The O9A.

 ° The O9A, Plato, National Socialism, And Nihilism.
 ° O9A: Beyond Satanism?


Included here are three recent - 2019-2020 - texts which explain (i) why the
Order of Nine Angles (O9A/ONA) is not a neo-nazi Occult group, (ii) what the
O9A mean by the term 'satanism', and (iii) why the O9A Occult movement -
its esoteric philosophy - has now evolved beyond even their distinct
presencing of 'satanism', an evolution consistent with the 'sinister-numinous'
praxis that is the O9A Seven Fold Way with its decades-long individual quest
for Lapis Philosophicus, for Wisdom.

These texts thus rebut the propaganda, the allegation, spread about the O9A
- by many anti-fascist groups and individuals, and by the media - that it is a
neo-nazi Occult group.

Instead, the O9A should be classified - depending on one's individual

interpretation of its esoteric philosophy {1} - as either a nihilistic Occult
movement or as an anarchist Occult movement, where by nihilism is meant
"rejection of prevailing religious beliefs, moral principles, and laws, together
with a practical hostility toward accepted beliefs and/or established
institutions," and where by anarchism is meant "that way of living which
regards the authority of The State as unnecessary and possibly harmful, and
which instead prefers the free and individual choice of mutual and
non-hierarchical co-operation."

Our own view, as a nexion, is that the O9A is in fact a blend of both nihilism
and anarchism, and represents a necessary evolution of both those causal
forms, those "ideas", thus presencing something new and appropriate for our
era, something post-Satanic.

TWS Nexion
April 2020 ev
{1} The fundamental O9A "principle of the authority of individual judgment"
means that each individual who identifies with the O9A movement  - and who
seeks for example by means of the Seven Fold Way to discover Lapis
Philosophicus - should answer the question about what the O9A means and
implies in their own way and in their own duration of causal time.

The principle is explained in the two texts Authority, Learning, and Culture,
In O9A Tradition and The Authority Of Individual Judgement: Interpretation
And Meaning both of which are included in the recent (2019) Baeldraca

The Alleged National Socialism Of The O9A

Q. Since a reputable British newspaper in February 2019 reported that "some

of the most extreme groups in Britain today are influenced by the Order of
Nine Angles (O9A), unquestionably the world's most extreme Nazi Satanist
group" my question is whether or not the O9A really is a neo-nazi Satanist

A. We who are inspired by the Occult movement that is the O9A make a
distinction between what some Media outlet reports and what is real, τῶν
ὄντων, as well as what is merely appearance (φάντασμα) and often, in our
modern world, propaganda.

Like the question about the use of the term "nine angles" by the O9A, the
question of O9A neo-nazism is a perennial favourite and has been answered
many times since the early 1990s even though most if not all O9A critics and
many of those interested have not read and not studied those answers, or if
they have, they failed to appreciate the answers and thus failed to
understand the O9A.

For example, one of these early answers was in a letter to a Ms Vera dated
27th May 1992 and which letter was included in the Satanic Letters of
Stephen Brown {1}. In the letter, "Stephen Brown" - the pseudonymous
Anton Long - explained that all political forms are just forms:

"the question is not about a particular type of political world-view,

be it fascism or whatever, being contradictory or not to Satanism.
The question is about all political forms being forms - structures
which can be used, for a Satanic purpose, to achieve Satanic goals
[...] my general point concerned a novice who might get involved
with politics as a learning experience - for perhaps a year or so [...]
when I say that National-Socialist Germany aided the sinister
dialectic, it is mis-understood: as me being a 'National-Socialist' or
something of the kind. I am simply stating a fact of Aeonics - as I do
when I say that a future State or Empire which was inspired by
National-Socialism would also aid the achievement of Satanic aims,
over centuries."

In other words, neo-nazism like all politics is understood by the O9A as a

causal form: as an idea, or ideal, ἰδέᾳ/εἶδος, which could be used "to achieve
Satanic goals" and which goals include "aiding the sinister dialectic" and a
personal learning experience via an O9A Insight Role lasting perhaps "a year
or so". {2}

Using such a causal form as neo-nazism to aid Satanic and personal aims
therefore does not make the O9A a "neo-nazi" movement.

It does however raise the interesting and important question of what the O9A
mean by Satanism. What the O9A - what Anton Long - meant was also
explained in some of those "Satanic Letters" and yet again his explanation
seems to have been ignored, not understood, or not read.

For example, in a letter to Lea dated 23rd September 1990 ev [101yf] he


"Satanism is a form, like any other - a 'container' constructed in the

causal world to effect certain changes. These are of an Aeonic

In the context of the O9A as a nexion - as a presencing of acausal, or

'sinister', forces - and in terms of O9A Occult philosophy and praxises this is
a profoundly interesting statement. It implies that the O9A uses their type of
Satanism - Traditional Satanism {3} - to achieve certain 'sinister' goals.

Since Anton Long goes on in that letter to explain these goals, and Satan,
and mentions the novel The Giving which forms part of the O9A Deofel
Quintet {4} his explanation is worth quoting in full:

"Satanism is a form, like any other - a 'container' constructed in the

causal world to effect certain changes. These are of an Aeonic kind.

On the exoteric level, this form is Opposition, Heresy, Change - and

also, on this basic level, a re-presentation of certain truths, of a
certain spirit, or ethos, or way of living. With regard to the present
Western civilization, it re-presents the original ethos, an ethos
since distorted by the Nazarene and beliefs deriving from the
Nazarene. This Western civilization is the outward expression of
the Western Aeon - and this Aeon began in the time that Arthur and
Merlin lived: the first practical, outward, effects on a large scale
occurred (as they always do) some centuries later.

On the esoteric level, the form does several things - it maintains

evolutionary development: the creativity, the inspiration that drives
individuals and thence gives birth and maintains civilizations. On
this level, it is beyond 'form', beyond transient (causal) opposites -
and thus is 'nameless'. In a sense, it is the essence that is 'Satan'.

Thus the exoteric forms - the name, the rituals, the overt opposition
to religion, and so on - are effective within the causal confines of
those forms: i.e. the civilization. When the causal aims are
achieved, another form or forms is chosen/developes naturally. On
the practical level, this means that the Order is Satanic for this
civilization - to effect changes upon the civilization. When the new
civilization arises [if all goes to plan, around 2400 ev] then another
outward form will emerge - in fact, it will already have emerged, to
prepare the way for what is to be. Until such time, the outward
form remains necessary. There exists beyond whatever outward
form in chosen/developes, the essence and this is what is intimated
in The Giving. This essence is always and of necessity, Dark (viewed
conventionally) - that is, creative, evolutionary, inspirational. And it
always brings Change, Disruption, Opposition and so on. It is not a
part of a dialectic process - it is the process itself."

In other words the O9A understands Satanism, the sinister, and Satan, as
having both an outer, exoteric, aspect or aspects and an inner, esoteric,
aspect or aspects. The exoteric aspect is manifest in - presenced by -
Opposition, Heresy, Change. The esoteric aspects are manifest in - presenced
by - the birth, growth, and decline of "Aeonic civilizations" {5} as well as in
the "nameless, formless" acausal which is the perception, the understanding,
acquired by the Adept when they have successfully undertaken the O9A
ordeal of The Abyss {6} which is the fifth stage of the O9A Seven Fold Way
where the Adept goes beyond denotata (terms, naming, causal abstractions,
forms, ideas) to an apprehension of the formless wordless Acausal. For,
esoterically apprehended, via pathei- mathos both Occult and exoteric, both
'the sinister' and 'the numinous' are themselves causal, human, abstractions.

In addition, as noted in the text Quintessence Of The O9A,

"both the LHP ('the sinister') and the RHP ('the numinous') are
themselves causal abstractions – ideations – which hide both our
own nature, the nature (the physis) of other living beings, and the
nature of Reality itself. For the O9A provides the individual with an
opportunity to develop a perception, an understanding, a
knowledge – acquired from a personal experience – beyond causal
abstractions/forms and thus beyond denotatum; that is, and for
example, beyond the illusion of conflicting/ideated opposites,
beyond naming/denoting/words, beyond abstract morality, beyond
dogma/ideology, beyond the simple principle of causation, and
beyond the simplicity of a posited dialectical process." {8}

In another letter dated 6th September 1992 eh and addressed to a Mr

Austen, who at the time was a member of Aquino's Temple of Set, "Anton
Long" explained the exoteric aspect of the O9A in plain terms that even a
low-ranking member of the Temple of Set might understand:
To achieve the strategic goals, certain tactics have to be used. This
means involvement 'in the world' by some individuals/members -
for instance, the disruption of society, the creation/manipulation of
certain forms, the guiding of others [...]

I, the ONA, my creations, are merely expressions of the sinister, of

the Prince of Darkness at work in the world. Can you hear Him
laughing? Is this a Satanic jape? However, unlike some, I do not
claim a 'Satanic' authority. I do not claim that my work, or the ONA,
or my 'authority' such as I possess, is sanctified by the Prince of
Darkness Himself. I do not claim, nor need, an Infernal Mandate. I
am, in one basic sense, the Adversary to they who claim a Satanic
authority. I accuse. The ONA is heresy. Does this make the dialectic
easier to understand in one particular sinister context? The Prince
always challenges, always likes to test..... But there is much, much

To conclude, the O9A is not and never was a neo-nazi Occult movement or
sub-culture. Neither was it, and neither is it, a Satanic Occult movement or
sub-culture as the "satanic" and as "Satan" are conventionally understood,
either in terms of Nazarene ontology and eschatology or in terms of the
so-called egoistic "satanism" propagated in modern times by Howard Stanton
Levey (aka Anton LaVey) and his followers. {9}

Instead, the O9A is (i) a means whereby an individual can move toward
self-understanding and Wisdom and thus find Lapis Philosophicus, and (ii) a
means whereby the current Aeon, distorted by the Magian, can be
undermined and replaced by a new Aeonic civilization with a new ethos and
with a new mythos which presences that ethos. That new ethos is an
essentially pagan one evolved from the Greco-Roman and Western notion of
καλὸς κἀγαθός, of τὸ καλόν (the beautiful) and τὸ ἀγαθὸν (the honourable)
manifest as these are in the O9A Code Of Kindred Honour {10} and in the
balancing (ἀρρενόθηλυς) of the masculous and the muliebral via the
enantiodromia that is the Seven Fold Way and presenced as that balance is in
the Grade Rituals of Internal Adept and of The Abyss.

A notion of καλὸς κἀγαθός which the religion of the Nazarene undermined

and which notion was later replaced by the Magian distortion.

2019 ev


{1} The two volumes of letters, published in 1992, are available in facsimile
in ONA Classic Texts, Part One available at
These 1990s letters are primary sources in respect of studying the O9A and
thus should be read by those who seek to understand the esoteric philosophy
and the praxises of the O9A.

{2} Regarding O9A Insight Roles, refer to the text Insight Rôles, The Seven
Fold Way, And The O9A: The Historical And Esoteric Context available at

Regarding how the O9A understand ἰδέᾳ/εἶδος see the text The O9A, Plato,
National Socialism, And Nihilism, included below.

{3} The O9A coined the term Traditional Satanism with its first public
mention being in the 1980s in their Black Book Of Satan a copy of which
1980s version is in the British Library, General Reference Collection
Cup.815/51, BNB GB8508400.

{4} Regarding The Deofel Quintet refer to /2019/07/07/the- o9a-deofel-quintet/

{5} Regarding Aeonic civilizations refer to the 1994 text Aeonic Magick - A
Basic Introduction. It is included (pp.678 ff) in Guide To The Order of Nine
Angles: Theory and Praxises (Seventh Edition) available at
To-TheOrder-of-Nine- Angles

{6} In respect of the acausal refer to the 122 yfayen (v. 2.03) text Debunking
The Chaos: Sorcery and the Esoteric Nature of The Acausal which is included
in the O9A compilation Concerning The Nine Angles And Acausal Energy,
available at

{7} The Numinous, Empathy, And The O9A, available at /18/the-numinous-empathyand-


{9} An analysis of the egoistic 'satanism' of Levey is given in /two-types-of-satanism.pdf

See also the text O9A: Beyond Satanism? which is included below.

{10} The O9A Code is the Logos of the New Aeon that the O9A presences.
The O9A, Plato, National Socialism, And Nihilism

It is obvious to those who have studied the O9A corpus from the 1970s to the
2019, 300 page, trilogy titled Seofonfeald Paeth, {1} that the O9A considers
National Socialism – both as a political ideology and in practice – to be a
useful tool, a means, to be used, via an Insight Role, {2} by individuals who
associate themselves with the O9A movement.

A tool, a dialectical means, whereby they (i) can in however small a way
disrupt the status quo and possibly persuade others to do the same, and (ii)
can personally learn from the experience of being a practical, a real-life,
modern day heretic, since according to the status quo – that is, according to
all current Western governments and educational institutions – National
Socialism is the epitome of evil with the myth of the "holocaust" a sacred
dogma which should not be challenged, often, in some Western lands, on pain
of imprisonment.

As mentioned in the above text, The Alleged National Socialism Of The O9A,
the O9A thus consider National Socialism, and all ideologies be they political
or religious, as an idea, or ideal, ἰδέᾳ/εἶδος, with Plato's ἰδέᾳ/εἶδος
understood – via Aristotle {3} and others – not as Plato himself believed as
an 'abstract' (true, ideal) essence or type of being which is independent of us
{4} – but as a posited causal abstraction {5} by someone or by some others.

That is, the O9A conceive of National Socialism, and all ideologies be they
political or religious, not as an "essence" and not as something "true" or
essential or necessary, but as a fallible human abstraction, a technique or
tool, a φαντασία, and one which can be usefully used by individuals just as
the O9A itself is or can be a φαντασία to be used {6} to achieve a personal
and esoteric pathei mathos. {7}

That this O9A view is an expression, a manifestation, a presencing, of

nihilism {8} has so far only been understood by a select few is, for the
sagacious, the Occult cognoscenti, comment enough on our modern Western
societies and their peoples, and comment enough on how the O9A is
mis-perceived, especially by those mundanes who call it "neo-nazi" and
campaign against it and who demand it be made illegal as a so-called
"terrorist" organization. {9}

Meanwhile, our antinomian and sinister-numinous dialectic, our presencing

of a type of traditional Satanism {10} – and our Satanic mirth – continues.

TWS Nexion
April 2020 ev

{1} Available at

{2} See the text Insight Rôles, The Seven Fold Way, And The O9A: The
Historical And Esoteric Context available at

{3} (i) Metaphysics, Book 1, 987β, (ii) Metaphysics, Book 5, 1015α

{4} (i) μήτε ἑκάστῳ ἰδίᾳ ἕκαστον τῶν ὄντων ἐστίν δῆλον δὴ ὅτι αὐτὰ αὑτῶν
οὐσίαν ἔχοντά τινα βέβαιόν ἐστι τὰ πράγματα, Kratylus 386d-386e, and (ii)
which πρῶτον μὲν ἀεὶ ὂν καὶ οὔτε γιγνόμενον οὔτε ἀπολλύμενον, οὔτε
αὐξανόμενον οὔτε φθίνον, Symposium 210e – 211a

{5} The O9A make an ontological distinction between causal and acausal
being. A causal abstraction is defined by the O9A as "the manufacture, and
use of, some idea, ideal, "image" or category, and thus some generalization,
and/or some assignment of an individual or individuals to some group or
category. The positing of some "perfect" or "ideal" form, category, or thing, is
part of abstraction. Abstractions hide the true nature of Reality – which is
both causal and acausal, and which true nature can be apprehended and
understood by means of The Dark Arts, and thus by following the Occult way
from Initiate, to Adept, and beyond.

According to the O9A, the so-called Occult Arts – and especially the so-called
Satanism – of others are manifestations of causal abstractions, lacking as
they do the learning of the skills of Dark-Empathy, Acausal-Thinking, and
Sinister Sorcery, and thus lacking as they do the ability to develope our latent
human faculties and our latent sinister character."


{7} qv. Notes On The Esoteric Learning Presenced Through Pathei-Mathos,


{8} A useful, working, definition of nihilism is "rejection of prevailing

religious beliefs, moral principles, and laws, together with a practical
hostility toward accepted beliefs and/or established institutions."


O9A: Beyond Satanism?

The phases or iterations of O9A strategy – outlined in texts such as the "inner
ONA" documents titled Geneseos Caput Tertium and Presencing Azoth {1}
and, importantly, as relevant and representative as they are to and of those
who form "the inner O9A" {2} – indicate how that "inner aspect" of the
Occult movement that is Order of Nine Angles may change, evolve, over the
decades with one aspect of that evolution being the move from Phase II to
Phase III,

"Phase Three (P3) marks the change from overt exoteric Satanism –
Satan as archetype, adversary; the 3 lower nexions of the Tree of
Wyrd – to the more esoteric aspects, Baphomet as archetype;
Rounwytha tradition; nexions Sol and Mars of the Tree of Wyrd."

As the authors of several recent texts have stated, Phase III is now – for some
– underway; a move evident in the publication of the book Feond {4} with its
collection of texts appropriate to the Seven Fold Way stage of Internal Adept,
since as noted in the Preface of that book:

"already published O9A works such as Naos, and Hostia […] were
and are relevant to only the first three stages – Neophyte, Initiate,
External Adept – of the O9A Seven Fold Way."

In other words, and as explained in the text The Alleged National Socialism
Of The O9A – included in the 2019 book Feond – Satanism, just like National
Socialism, is "understood by the O9A as a causal form: as an idea, or ideal,
ἰδέᾳ/εἶδος," which forms could be used to aid both the sinister dialectic and a
personal learning experience via an O9A Insight Role lasting perhaps a year
or so.

That text quotes letters from "Anton Long" – aka Stephen Brown {5} – in one
of which, a letter to Lea dated 23rd September 1990 ev, he writes that

"Satanism is a form, like any other – a "container" constructed in

the causal world to effect certain changes. These are of an Aeonic

With the move to Phase III, some within the O9A movement are evolving
away from overt Satanism, an evolution noted by an academic as far back as

"I suggest here that the Order of Nine Angles is also post-Satanic,
having outgrown its identification with its original Satanic
paradigm to evolve its system into novel forms. I also suggest that
although it still retains the concept of the "Sinister" as a familiar,
familial moniker, the ONA is poised to outgrow its exclusive
identification with the Left-Hand Path – a trend already indicated
by the ease with which it assimilates, uses, and subverts
Right-Hand Path esoteric and exoteric forms to its particular aeonic
purposes; such that the ONA system includes but transcends even
the Left-Hand Path / Right-Hand Path dualism which would
otherwise appear endemic to the concepts of the sinister." {6}

This is the move first toward a "sinister-numinous" Seven Fold Way (as
evident in Internal Adept) and thence to a perception beyond denotata and
beyond a dialectic of named opposites. Beyond names and categories and
ideas such as "satanism", and beyond opposites such as "Left Hand Path" and
"Right Hand Path" and even beyond "sinister" and "numinous". Which
perception is that engendered by a transition, on the Seven Fold Way, into
and beyond The Abyss. The perception of a Master of Temple and of a
Mistress of Earth. For,

"both the LHP ('the sinister') and the RHP ('the numinous') are
themselves causal abstractions – ideations – which hide both our
own nature, the nature (the physis) of other living beings, and the
nature of Reality itself. For the O9A provides the individual with an
opportunity to develop a perception, an understanding, a
knowledge – acquired from a personal experience – beyond causal
abstractions/forms and thus beyond denotatum; that is, and for
example, beyond the illusion of conflicting/ideated opposites,
beyond naming/denoting/words, beyond abstract morality, beyond
dogma/ideology, beyond the simple principle of causation, and
beyond the simplicity of a posited dialectical process." {7}

Such a change was described in a 116yf (2005) text by Anton Long:

"There will come a time when the ONA – and the individuals who
are part of it or who are influenced by it – will outwardly shed the
rhetoric, the images, the forms of "Satanism", for such things are
causal emanations tied to a particular Aeon; they are not the supra-
Aeonic acausal essence which we, through the progression of
Aeons, are moving toward and which it is the purpose of genuine
Occultism and magick to move us, as individuals, toward
experience of and understanding of.

What will also change are the means – the magick – to presence the
acausal. Thus, there will be a move away from ritual, and from
overt Old Aeon symbolism – and especially from "words" and
"names" – toward a much darker magick: a magick which manifests
the acausal without the need for causal forms, and certainly
without the need for "names". One type of the new magick is The
Star Game (the magick of "Thought") and another is that which
returns the Chaos which is, and which is not, The Dark Gods – but
there will be many other types of this new five-dimensional magick,
some of which are already known to, and used by, genuine Adepts
of the Dark Tradition." {8}
A Mis-Understood Transition?

Given the nature of the Occult movement that is the O9A, three important
conditional provisions apply to this evolution beyond Satanism and thus
beyond "the sinister", and which O9A nature is that it is profoundly anarchic
because the O9A, for example with its axiom of Authority Of Individual
Judgement, encourages

"individuals, via their own pathei-mathos, to develop, extend,

refine, adapt, change, transform, and eventually, transcend,
everything ONA, that is, what Anton Long himself has expounded
and learned; and […] champions the open and free publication and
distribution of esoteric information, of knowledge, and of the
pathei-mathos of individuals." {9}

The first proviso is that, in practical terms and currently, "beyond satanism"
only applies to the aforementioned "Inner O9A" and to perhaps a few others.

The second proviso is that those following the way of the Rounwytha are not
concerned with such temporal iterations, living as they do a mystical, pagan,
rural, life.

The third proviso is that everyone associating themselves or their nexion

with or who are inspired by the O9A Occult movement can (i) follow
whatever O9A praxis they choose, such as the traditional Satanist one
evident for example in the compilation The Requisite O9A {10} and in texts
such as Hostia, and (ii) can change, evolve, adapt that traditional praxis in
whatever manner, and (iii) can choose to develop their own O9A "flavour" or
praxis including a post-Satanic one.

As noted – in the form of a rhetorical question – in the 2019 text Progressive,

Traditional, Or Synthesis? The Evolution Of The O9A,

"If such [a post-Satanic] evolution of the O9A is natural and

necessary as a result of more individuals undergoing pathei-mathos
then is it also not natural and necessary that some of those
associating themselves with the O9A and some of those who have
reached the stage of Internal Adept and some of those have
successfully undertaken The Rite of the Abyss will, due to their
unique pathei mathos, prefer the more traditional and sinister and
well-tried approach with its practical presencing of its anti-Magian
ethos, its potentially suffering causing Insight Rôles and
ceremonies, and its overtly satanist nexions?" {11}

TWS Nexion
August 2019 ev


The title Geneseos Caput Tertium – Genesis, Chapter Three – was both
humorous and mimetic, as the inclusion of the text καὶ εἶπεν ὁ ὄφις τῇ
γυναικί Οὐ θανάτῳ ἀποθανεῖσθε at the end of the document revealed.

{2} The Inner ONA – also known as the Inner O9A – is the exoteric name
given to a small group of individuals who were recruited or trained or guided
by "Anton Long" and who have achieved the Grade of Internal Adept or (more
recently) who follow the O9A Rounwytha tradition. They are all personally
known to each other and have an established tradition of meeting every three
of so years at a Sunedrion, often at Oxford following the end of Trinity Term.

The two-part short story Sunedrion – A Wyrdful Tale fictionalizes one such
Sunedrion, and is available at

{3} Presencing Azoth, dated 122 yfayen (2011 ev).

{4} Available both as a gratis pdf document – – and as
a printed book: Feond: Order Of Nine Angles – Toward Internal Adept, 2019,
ISBN 978-1687255624.

{5} qv. The Satanic Letters of Stephen Brown, Thormynd Press, 1992.

{6} George Sieg, Angular Momentum: From Traditional to Progressive

Satanism in the Order of Nine Angles, Conference paper at Satanism in the
Modern World, November 2009, Norwegian University of Science and


The text is quoted in the Alleged National Socialism Of The O9A chapter of
the book Feond.

{8} Source:


{9} Authority, Learning, and Culture, In O9A Tradition, (2013), reprinted in

the 2019 book titled Baeldraca, available as a gratis pdf document from

See also the text The Authority Of Individual Judgement: Interpretation And
Meaning which is also included in Baeldraca.

{10} Available from


cc. TWS Nexion & O9A

2020 ev
This work is covered by the Creative Commons license Attribution-NoDerivs 4.0
and can be freely copied and distributed according to the terms of that license

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