Using Creative Visualization To Empower Your Life With Law of Attraction

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Using Creative Visualization To Empower Your Life With

Law Of Attraction

Creative visualization is the process of generating images in your mind, and is often used as a
tool for self-improvement and stress relief. Athletes, celebrities and successful people from all
walks of life have touted visualization as an effective way to improve performance, enhance
skills and boost confidence.

As farfetched as it may seem, visualization can actually help you to overcome fears and
strengthen your ability to do anything you desire because your subconscious mind accepts
these visions as real experiences – just as it would if you were physically engaging in such a
reality. Athletes in particular swear by the effectiveness of mentally going through their practice
exercises numerous times in order to enhance their physical performance – but visualization can
be a powerful aid in any endeavor; not just athletics.

Below you’ll find a few tips to help you make your visualization practice as powerful and
effective as possible:

1)Make your visualizations very detailed.

Rather than simply visualizing yourself in a better situation than you’re in now, try seeing more
details of the new situation you wish to experience, such as the type of clothing you’re wearing,
the size and state of your body, the other people around you, the details of your home or career,
and so on. The more detail you can infuse into your visions, the more “real” they will seem, and
the better your subconscious mind will be able to believe them.

2)Visualize frequently and consistently.

Visualization is like any positive habit; the benefits build up the more you do it! If you visualize
sporadically, your results will be equally sporadic. Instead, set a specific time for visualization
every day – even if it’s only for 10 minutes at a time. Make it your priority to stick to this time
except in the case of an emergency, and you’ll see results much more quickly.

Even better, try to perform “mini-visualizations” several times a day while you’re going about
your normal activities. Simply pause for a few moments, close your eyes and recall a positive
image that makes you feel happy and optimistic about some aspect of your life. This will help
keep your focus strong and minimize any negativity you pick up during the course of your
normal routine.

3)Use lots of emotion.

The feelings you experience while performing your visualization exercises are more important
than the images you see in your mind. For example, if you’re imagining yourself as a successful
business person, try to make sure you’re feeling the feelings that correspond with such a vision,
such as confidence, empowerment, satisfaction and success! The stronger you can make your
emotions, the more effective your visualizations will be – and the more likely you’ll be to think
and act in ways that bring them forth into your physical life.

What Does Lack of Motivation Mean In Your Life?

A lack of motivation can often seem to be caused by laziness or procrastination at first glance,
but looks can often be deceiving! If you’re struggling to stay motivated about working on your
goals or any other endeavor, a little introspection can be just the thing you need to provide clarity
and insight about what’s really happening beneath the surface.

Grab a sheet of paper and a pen, and answer the questions below:

1) Am I afraid of failing?

Fear of failure is an all-too-common reason why people lose motivation. If this is one of the
reasons you’re holding back, you’ll likely be able to come up with clear ideas why you feel so
afraid. For example, you may write, “I’m afraid of embarrassing myself in front of my family
and friends,” or “I’m afraid I’ll be really disappointed in myself if I don’t make this happen.”
Whatever comes to mind, write it down and then really think about whether it would be so
terrible to experience – or if it would be much worse to not try at all.

2) Do I really believe in my own ability to persevere until I make it?

Likewise, you may be feeling uncertain about your ability to overcome obstacles and challenges,
which is slightly different than a fear of failure. For example, you may have a certain measure of
confidence in your skills and abilities but doubt that you have the determination and fortitude to
achieve the full outcome you desire.

3) Have I grown bored with the goals that once meant so much to me?
This is an excellent question to ask because sometimes you’re not aware that your priorities and
preferences have changed, and you can gain a lot of clarity by understanding what you REALLY
want. If you do find that you’ve lost interest in your initial goals, you simply need to come up
with some new and exciting goals that will spark your eagerness to move forward again.

4) Am I afraid of what it might mean if I succeed?

Another common fear is the fear of success. A fear of success is more about fearing the baggage
that often comes along with success. You may feel nervous about taking on extra responsibility,
feel overwhelmed by the increased attention your success would bring, or you might even be
worried that you’ll never be able to “top” this level of success in the future. The only way to
work through these fears is to discredit them. When you break them down and really examine
them, you usually find that they’re groundless or irrational, which helps you to move past them.

5) What would make me feel more motivated about this goal or activity?

Sometimes you can’t find any clear reason for feeling unmotivated, but asking this question can
often help you feel more in control of your own willingness to take action. Not only do you
realize that you’re not powerless against a lack of motivation, you may come up with creative
ideas that could inspire your sense of enthusiasm again.

Discovering Your Dream is One of The Best Things You

should Do

Are you pre-occupied with dreams of a better life? Do you go to bed at night wishing things were

Whether you want to start your own business, travel the world, live your passion or downsize so
that you have more time for you and your family, it all begins with some considered planning
that will get you on the road towards fulfilling your ambitions. But first of all it pays to know
what holds some people back, and make sure that you don’t fall victim to these excuses yourself.
A lot of people are apprehensive about trying to make their dreams reality because of the
sense of risk and insecurity. They find that their current situation, although secure and
comfortable, makes them unhappy to the core. Yet, to move on to living a happier, more
contented life would require them to step out of their comfort zones for a while to embrace
change. But it’s only when you’ve gained the courage to do this that you realize that what you
thought of as ‘comfort zones’ weren’t comfortable at all.

Another issue is that of procrastination. It’s so easy to put things off for another day, but more
often than not, that ‘other day’ never arrives. One lost moment can never be regained so it’s
important to act now! Don’t become an armchair dreamer who is full of regrets for not having
tried. Better to try and fail, than fail to try!

Create time to make good things happen. Once the dream is alive, the rewards will be a more
enriching way of life.

So, where to start? First, take pen and paper to write down your thoughts, ideas and your plan of
action …

Create Your Wish List …

But the thing is, do you really know what you want?

Perhaps you have a vague idea that you’d love to travel … but where to? Perhaps you want to
start your own business … but doing what? In setting up your wish list, you need to identify and
write down your specific goals. Bring color and form to them by adding flesh and bones to your

If you want to travel, get the map out and decide where. If you want to set up a rural business,
decide exactly what you want to do and where you’d like to do it. Visualize exactly what you
want. This way, you are bringing your wishes to life; they become more real and attainable.
And, equally important, they’ll make you even hungrier for achieving your goals.

Have you asked yourself why you want to change your life? Maybe it seems quite obvious but it
helps to confirm your reasons to paper. You may say that it’s because you hate your present
job, or you’re fed-up of rush hour traffic jams or your long hours don’t give you any time for
yourself and your family.

At this point, rather than dwelling on the negatives of your circumstances, start focusing on the
positive aspects of what your new life will bring, such as a job you love, more time for yourself,
a sense of meaning to life, etc. Focus on these benefits and keep reminding yourself why you’re
making the changes to your life.

And you will live your dream.

How To Motivate People And Yourself: Three Simple Ways

Three Simple Ways to Motivate Yourself and People

When you feel unmotivated, changing your mind-set can seem as strenuous as hauling yourself
out of a sticky pit of mud. Not only do you feel unmotivated, you feel unmotivated about trying
to GET motivated!

Luckily, the mind is very susceptible to persuasion – if you use the right stimulators.

Here are 3 simple ways to motivate yourself:

Remind yourself why your goal is important.

Sometimes it’s easy to lose your motivation if the end result doesn’t seem as important as it did
when you first set the goal. Most of us are fired up with enthusiasm when we first set our goals,
but over time that fire begins to die down.

In order to rekindle the flames, revisit your goal in full detail! If you kept notes about what you
wanted to achieve, re-read them now. If not, simply take a trip down memory lane. What will
your goal do for you? Why was it once important to you? Is it still important to you? Important
enough to override the temptation to avoid working on it?

If this activity isn’t sufficient to get you moving again, perhaps it’s time to set some NEW goals
that will get your blood pumping again.

Give yourself a push.

Very often, it’s the start that is the most difficult part! Even when you don’t feel like working on
something, pushing yourself to get started can often shake off the last vestiges of resistance and
put you on the right track again.

I like to play a little trick on myself: when I really don’t feel like working on something, I’ll tell
myself that I have to put in at least 15 minutes of time on it. I promise myself that if, after 15
minutes have passed I still don’t want to keep working on it, I can stop. This almost always
works for me. Once I get involved in what I’m doing I have no trouble keeping up the

Whatever you have to do to “trick” yourself into getting started, do it. Once you’re rolling along,
you probably won’t want to stop.

Set a compromise.

If all else fails, try bargaining with yourself. Promise yourself that you can spend the rest of the
evening watching whatever you want on television if you first work on your goals for an hour or
two. Or promise to buy yourself a new outfit if you stick to your workout plan each day this

There are two important things to keep in mind with this technique. First, keep your promises
realistic. Don’t promise yourself the moon just to try to motivate yourself, because somewhere
deep inside you’ll know you are lying to yourself. Second, be sure to honor the promises you
make to yourself! If you get into the habit of making promises you don’t keep, your mind will
become ever more resistant to compromise.

No matter which method of motivation works best for you, the 3 suggestions above have one
thing in common: a decision to take action. You can play all the mind games you want, but if
you’re not willing to move out of inertia and get moving, a motivated mind-set won’t help a bit.

How To Build Self Discipline or Ways To Be More


This article should help you to build self discipline, I will present here some tips that might lead
to improvement in learning self discipline.

Lack of self-discipline can often be an annoying “catch-22.” You find that you need a certain
measure of self-discipline in order to become more disciplined, and not having it can cause you
to go around in circles trying to make positive changes in your life.
If you are struggling to build self discipline, it may not be as difficult as you think – provided
you start with these 3 simple steps:

Start with willpower.

Self-discipline eventually becomes a habit, just like any other activity you do on a regular basis.
Until then, however, you are likely faced with the challenge of overcoming your other habits
while trying to form new ones.

One good way to get over this hump is by asserting your willpower, consciously and repeatedly.
“Willpower” is defined as “energetic determination.” That means making a conscious CHOICE
to take a certain action (or to avoid taking certain other actions).

When you find your self-discipline slipping, remind yourself that you have the power to choose
what you do or don’t do – by pure force of will. Avoid allowing outside influences to make your
choices for you. Turn your attention inward and make a conscious decision about your actions.

Keep the end result in mind.

The reason temptation is so seductive is that we get sidetracked by what we stand to gain right
now, instead of what we stand to gain at some later time. Telling yourself you prefer a healthy,
strong body six months from now may be difficult when you’re staring at a donut dripping with
sweet, gooey icing. All you can think about is the pleasure you’ll gain from eating the donut
now, rather than the benefits you’ll gain from sticking to your health program.

In order to keep temptation from sabotaging your self-discipline efforts, keep a strong
reminder of your ultimate goal with you at all times. This can be a photograph from a magazine,
a written description of your dream, or even a written vow to yourself.

When you feel tempted to abandon your goals for a momentary pleasure – stop and ask yourself
if it’s really worth it. Take out your reminder and revisit your goal again. If the goal is still
vitally important to you, you should have no trouble choosing the right action.

Repetition and reinforcement.

Self-discipline is formed one decision at a time! You may think of self-discipline as something
you either have or don’t, but it’s not usually that simple. Developing true self-discipline is an
ongoing process, not a one-time event.

If you make this insight a part of your long-term plan, you cannot fail! Simply keep making
conscious choices for yourself moment to moment, and your self-discipline will be formed as
you go along.

In addition, be sure to keep giving yourself positive reinforcement. When you slip up, be sure
NOT to beat yourself up over it. Instead, acknowledge that you made a poor choice, and make a
better one next time. When you do make a positive choice, shout it from the rooftops! (At least
inside your own mind.) Praise yourself and reward yourself for being able to stay aware and
faithful to your long-term goal.

The more positive reinforcement you can give yourself, the less painful will be your journey to
true self-discipline. If you follow these simple, yet effective tips, you will build self discipline in
no time.

Popularity: 16% [?]

Believe In Action And The Law of Attraction

When you begin working with the Law of Attraction more proactively, you may wonder whether
you need to take physical action in addition to your mental and emotional exercises. The answer
to this will vary according to who you ask.

There are people who claim that no action is needed; just directing the right frequency of thought
and emotion toward a desired outcome is enough. Then there are those who believe that action is
always necessary, because action is the vehicle through which all desires are manifested.

In my experience, it can easily work both ways. Depending on the situation, you may or may not
find yourself needing to take specific actions toward your goals.

Here is a simple process to help you know for sure:

• Do the inner work first. Focus on getting your thoughts, emotions, beliefs and expectations into
complete alignment with what you want. Don’t worry about “how” it’s going to come about, just
focus on putting forth the right frequency of energy to attract it. You can do this by meditating,
visualizing, affirming, making a vision board, and so on.

• Completely let go. Once you are in alignment with your desire, turn it over to the universe.
Don’t worry about whether it will arrive, or drive yourself crazy trying to come up with a plan.
Just step back from it and let it ferment for a little while. The length of time is up to you, but I
recommend at least a week or two.
• Tune into your intuition. During this letting go period, turn your attention inward regularly.
Tune into your intuition and ask if there is anything you can do to bring this desire into your life.
You may or may not receive any insights about it. If you do feel a hunch or nudge to do
something specific, by all means do it. If not, simply keep on the lookout for any opportunities
that might show up later. Don’t try to force or hurry the process along, because you’ll probably
end up causing more delays. These things have a way of arriving at exactly the right time,
regardless of how we try to mess it up!

The truth is, there is no right way or wrong way to use the Law of Attraction. Interestingly, the
way it works usually seems to correspond with your beliefs.

If you believe you MUST take action to attract your desires, guess what? You’ll probably
have to take some kind of action. Likewise, if you believe that you do not necessarily have to
take action, the universe will find a way to deliver your desires without a bit of additional effort
on your part.

However, there are instances when you will be prompted to take action even if you initially
didn’t believe you’d have to do so. When this happens, simply follow where your heart leads.
The actions you are encouraged to take will ALWAYS be for your highest good, and they’ll
usually be a lot of fun too! Learn to trust your intuition for guidance whenever you want to
attract something, and you will be shown the way to get it as quickly and easily as possible –
whatever that may involve.

Popularity: 16% [?]

How To Expect The Best And How To Get It

When it comes to abundance and prosperity, expectations are vitally important. The Law of
Attraction teaches us that we tend to receive exactly what we expect in life. Why is this? How do
expectations work with the Law of Attraction?

If you’ve studied the Law of Attraction at all, you know that your thoughts and emotions release
an energetic frequency out to the Universe. Whatever is vibrating at this same frequency will be
pulled into your reality. If you emit low vibrations like anger, fear, or cynicism, you will attract
corresponding experiences and events. If you emit high vibrations like joy, love, and passion,
you will again attract corresponding experiences and events.

Another important part of this process, however, involves your expectations. Perhaps you can
remember expecting something that did indeed happen. Sometimes we do this in a positive way:
“Today is going to be a great day, I just know it!” and sometimes we do it in a negative way:
“Ugh - today is going to be ‘one of those days’.”

Expectations can be powerful, especially if they are backed up with firm conviction and
unwavering faith.

Below you’ll find some simple tips to help you learn to expect the best – and get it!

• First, you must choose to expect the best in every situation. This will be challenging if you
don’t have full control of your thoughts yet. If you haven’t developed a strong focus, you’ll
probably keep vacillating back and forth between random thoughts and focused thoughts until
you train your mind. Simply keep at it! Keep saying things like, “I know this is going to work
out for the best,” or “I know I will turn this situation to my advantage somehow,” or “I expect
the best and the best always comes to me!”

• Avoid negative talk like the plague. By “negative talk” I mean complaining, arguing, or doom
predictions – anything that drags down your emotions and contradicts your positive expectations.
If other people try to engage you in negative talk, you may have to be firm to avoid it. You might
also need to limit the amount of time you spend with negative people. Try to always phrase your
statements in a positive way. Instead of saying, “This won’t be easy,” say, “I can handle this.”

• KNOW that your expectation will come true. You may wonder how to “know” when you really
don’t know yet! If it hasn’t happened yet, how can you be sure it will? This type of knowing is
based solely on faith. You are CHOOSING to know. It might take awhile to get comfortable with
this, but once you do it becomes a lot easier. In order to really know, you’re going to have to
completely banish doubt and disbelief from your mind. When they pop up, simply push them out
of your mind and affirm again that you KNOW your expectation will happen.

These three simple things can make a world of difference in your ability to attract what you
want, and when the actualizations start showing up in your life, you’ll be able to add that much
more faith and confidence to your expectations – which will make them still more effective!

Popularity: 7% [?]

Great And Famous Life Quotes

Now it is time to post more quotes. Theme of our section will be famous life quotes. Some will
be known, some not but overall I think they will make you think about life at least. Read on:

“Every person’s life is a fairytale written by God’s fingers.” Hans Christian Anderson
“Dream as if you’ll live forever. Live as if you’ll die today.” James Dean

“Enthusiasm, if fueled by inspiration and perseverance, travels with passion and its destination is
excellence.” Napoleon Hill

“I believe that if we are conditioned into believing something is true, then that’s what will
happen.” Sandy Foster

“If you’re sincere, praise is effective. If you’re insincere, it’s manipulative.” Zig Ziglar

“It is time to break through the barriers that have held you back and held you down for such a
long time. It is time to reach out and indelibly etch your place in history.” Greg Hickman

“It’s how you deal with failure that determines how you achieve success.” David Feherty

“A deadline is negative inspiration. Still, it’s better than no inspiration at all.” Rita Mae Brown

“Inspiration never arrived when you were searching for it.” Lisa Alther

“If constructive thoughts are planted positive outcomes will be the result. Plant the seeds of
failure and failure will follow” Sidney Madwed

“Keep your thinking right And your business will be right.” Zig Ziglar

“The universe is change; our life is what our thoughts make it.” Marcus Aurelius

“The significant problems we face in life can not be solved at the same level of thinking we were
at when we created them.” Albert Einstein

Hope you liked these great life quotes and if you have some famous life quotes on your mind,
do not be shy and post them.

Popularity: 16% [?]

Positive Motivational Quote: The Instant Motivator

Positive motivational quote would be a part of our fast growing Better Life Project. We hope
You would enjoy these quotes on success, motivation, inspiration and so on. Today is born the
section with positive motivational quotes.

1. Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.
Albert Einstein
2. Those who have succeeded at anything and don’t mention luck are kidding
themselves. Larry King
3. Human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer
aspects of their lives. William James
4. It is how people respond to stress that determines whether they will profit from
misfortune or be miserable. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
5. Success is more permanent when you achieve it without destroying your
principles. Walter Cronkite
6. There is no success but your own success. Leslie Grimutter
7. Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom. George Smith Patton
8. It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.
9. We live in an age when unnecessary things are our only necessities. Oscar Wilde
10. Truth is what stands the test of experience. Albert Einstein

Hope you find here your greatest positive motivational quote and will stick to it.

Popularity: 10% [?]

Free Inspirational Quotes To Improve Your Mindset

Inspirational quotes

“Never look down on anybody unless you’re helping him up.” - Jesse Jackson

“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.” - William James

“Only through focus can you do world-class things, no matter how capable you are.” - Bill Gates

“Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.” - Og Mandino

“We can all be heroes in our virtues, in our homes, in our lives.” - James Ellis

“There is nothing noble about being superior to some other man. The true nobility is in being
superior to your previous self.” - Hindu Proverb

“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve” - Napoleon Hill

“Do not follow where the path my lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” -
George Bernard Shaw

“Strength lies in differences, not in similarities.” - Stephen Covey

“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt
the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” - George
Bernard Shaw

“Happiness is the only good. The time to be happy is now. The place to be happy is here. The
way to be happy is to make others so.” - Robert G. Ingersoll
Well that is all for now my readers, hope you liked these free inspirational quotes.

Popularity: 14% [?]

Famous Ghandi Quotes: Another Batch Of Inspirational

Quotes From Mahatma Ghandi
ong time ago I posted collection of famous ghandi quotes and this collection brought great
amount of visitor so I want to make another collection with inspirational quotations. Here we go

1. “One must be the change one wishes to see in the world.”

2. “There is nothing that wastes the body like worry, and one who has any faith in God
should be ashamed to worry about anything whatsoever.”
3. “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”
4. “Whenever you have truth it must be given with love, or the message and the messenger
will be rejected.”
5. “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed.”
6. “Whenever you are confronted with an opponent. Conquer him with love.”
7. “Anger and intolerance are the twin enemies of correct understanding.”
8. “You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, but you will
never imprison my mind.”
9. “You may never know what results come of your action, but if you do nothing there will
be no result.”
10. “Just as the body cannot exist without blood, so the soul needs the matchless and pure
strength of faith.”

Well that is all for today, hope you liked these motivational and inspirational famous ghandi

Happy Quotes: These Famous Happiness Quotes Will Make

Your Day
Strengthen Your Intuition With The Secret Visualization
Your intuition can be a powerful guide in any situation, helping you to avoid dangerous and
detrimental experiences – or even leading you to the best opportunities to improve your life.
With this article you will enhance your secret vizualization ability.

However, as with any skill, the strength and intensity of your intuition will fade with disuse. If
you are not accustomed to consulting your intuition, you’ll need to work on strengthening it
before you can use it as a reliable guide.

This is a preview of Strengthen Your Intuition With The Secret Visualization Process. Read the
full post

How To Improve Concentration: Mental Exercises to

Improve Your Focus

How to improve concentration is a theme of our article for today. One major snag in any time
management plan is the ability to stay focused throughout the day. Have you ever had days
where you just couldn’t seem to keep it together and found yourself running in circles and
getting nothing done?
Poor concentration is one common reason for a scattered mind-set. If your mind isn’t as strong
and alert as it could be, you won’t be able to focus clearly for extended periods of time. Mental
exercises can help because they strengthen your ability to concentrate, and will improve your
focus over time.

Here are 3 good exercises that can help you create a strong, clear focus and of course these are
answer to your question how to improve concentration:

1)Strengthen concentration. Twice a day, practice holding a specific object in mind steadily for
5 to 10 minutes. The item should have some detail that you can imagine, but it should also be
simple to “see” it in your mind. Some good examples: an apple, a pencil, the face of your child
or pet, your house as it looks from the outside, and so on. Choose something you won’t have
trouble picturing, but something that requires you to focus in order to see it clearly. Call up a
strong mental image of it, and then try to keep your focus on the object for a full 5 or 10 minutes
without losing your focus.

This is hard to do at the beginning because your mind is probably untrained. Random thoughts
and pictures may keep popping in and you’ll have to keep pulling your attention back to the
object again. Don’t let this stop you! Remember, the only reason you struggle with this is
because you don’t have a strong ability to focus yet. As you keep working at it daily, you’ll
notice that you find it easier and easier to concentrate. The stronger your ability to concentrate
during your focus sessions, the more you’ll notice you’re not having trouble concentrating at
other times either. Could this be the first major step in how to improve concentration?

2)Empty your mind. Another focus-killer is a head full of scattered thoughts. You know those
days when you’ve got a million things going on and you’re trying to remember them all at once
and you keep forgetting things anyway? Emptying your mind can do wonders for scattered
thoughts! Before you do this exercise, first make a list of everything you can think of that you
need to remember. This will help you feel more comfortable about releasing your scattered

Then, set aside 5 or 10 minutes to focus on quieting your thoughts. Though this exercise is called
“empty your mind,” you really can’t completely empty your mind of thoughts. Your thoughts
will keep on flowing through your mind the whole time. However, you can detach and simply let
them pass by. You become an observer of sorts, watching your thoughts flow by. You’re aware
that you’re having thoughts, but you don’t latch on to them and start actively “thinking” about
them. You simply sit in a space of peace and being while your thoughts flow calmly past. This
experience is hard to describe, but once you master it you’ll have discovered a powerful
technique for releasing stress and improving your focus in a very short period of time! How to
improve concentration tips might be easy at first sight, but they are much more difficult to do.

3)Visualize for practice. If you’ve got an important goal or task coming up and you’re feeling
unsure about your ability to do it, visualize it first! Many studies have been done on the power of
visualization, and the general consensus is that performing tasks and activities mentally over and
over again is equally as effective as performing them physically! That means that visualization
can serve as a powerful practice session that helps you master anything – including better time

Try visualizing yourself staying balanced, calm and focused throughout the course of your day,
easily handling any surprises and interruptions, and feeling happy and proud of yourself at the
end of the day. Visualize yourself giving a successful speech, getting better at sports activities, or
anything else you want to master. The trick is to go through it completely in your own mind,
seeing and feeling what you would see and feel while it’s really happening. The more you do this
the more proficient you will become at it and the more you’ll start seeing results in your physical

Hope these tips helped you in seeking the answer for how to improve concentration.

Popularity: 100% [?]

Plugging the Holes: Avoiding Drains on Your Time, Energy

and Resources – Part I

Despite your best efforts at time management, you may find yourself facing serious drains on
your time, energy and resources. Unless you deal with the causes of these drains and “plug the
holes,” so to speak, you’ll forever keep running in circles as you try desperately to stay in

Below are three major things that can drain your time, energy and resources; and what to
do about them:

Distraction. Have you ever had those days where you just can’t seem to focus? Even the
simplest tasks make you feel overwhelmed because you already have a million things on your
mind. Distraction is usually caused by chaotic surroundings, scattered thoughts, or lack of a clear
plan. When you’re distracted, you are not working at an optimal level.

How to deal with distraction: The best way I’ve found to deal with it is by first finding a quiet
place to think and plan. Grab a notebook and pen and make a list of the things you really need to
get done as soon as possible. Try to organize your thoughts by putting them down in written
form (this alone helps immensely!). If your distraction is caused by chaotic surroundings you
may need to find a quieter place to work, or if that’s impossible you might simply use
headphones or earplugs to blot out as much noise as possible. Most important is to simply have a
plan of action; a clear idea of what you need to get done and how you’re going to go about
completing it.

Poor health habits. Believe it or not, poor health habits can have a powerful negative impact on
the rest of your life. When you don’t get enough rest, don’t eat nutritious food or when you try to
live on caffeine and sugar, your body and brain cannot function at an optimal level! They
just don’t have the fuel necessary to meet the demands your busy schedule places on them. As a
result you end up feeling fatigued, cranky, distracted and mentally foggy. In a very real sense,
poor health habits create a big “hole” through which your energy consistently drains, leaving you
with the inability to meet the demands of your life.

[photo credit]

How to plug the hole: The answer is obvious; start taking proper care of yourself! Make it a
priority to get adequate sleep each night, schedule in time for exercise and proper meal-planning,
and don’t forget to make time for fun, recreation and personal time. Though it seems like these
activities will “take away” time from your already-overloaded schedule, you’ll find yourself with
much more energy and stamina so you end up being able to accomplish more than you would

Unresolved emotional issues. If you’ve ever had an emotional burden weighing heavily on you,
you’re all too familiar with the way it can drain your energy. Unresolved emotional issues can
range from anger and resentment about current problems to grief and trauma from past
experiences. Avoiding dealing with these issues will cause you to feel like you’re moving
underwater. You’ll feel sluggish, weighed down and held back from creating a more balanced

How to resolve emotional issues: It may sound overly simplistic, but working through them is
the best way to resolve them once and for all! If you still hold a lot of anger toward someone in
your past and refuse to forgive them, you’re only going to keep harming yourself. Likewise, if
you feel angry or resentful toward someone in your life right now, avoiding the issue will only
make it worse. Instead, make a strong effort to work through these situations. There are
numerous ways to do so, from having a heartfelt talk with the person you’re angry with, to
journaling your feelings, to working with a qualified therapist. The most important thing is to
work through any pain, trauma, anger or resentment you are holding inside so you can
finally release it and achieve closure. Once you do that, you will find yourself feeling much
lighter and freer – which will provide the space you need to better balance your life.

In Part II of this article, we’ll cover two more destructive drains and effective strategies for
plugging them.

Popularity: 7% [?]

Plugging the Holes: Avoiding Drains on Your Time, Energy

and Resources – Part II

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In Part I of this article, we covered three common drains on your time, energy and resources, and
shared helpful tips about how to “plug the holes,” so to speak.

Below you’ll find two more destructive drains and what to do about them:

Stagnant situations. Similar to unresolved emotional issues discussed previously, you may need
to achieve closure on situations that no longer serve you. This might include relationships that
have become empty and unproductive, a job that no longer fulfills you, or even financial
habits that are causing greater expense than they need to.

How to clear stagnant situations: The answer is simple, but not exactly easy. Be willing to
LET GO. Endings are hard, there’s no doubt about it. But by being willing to let go of what no
longer serves you, you make room for better circumstances that do! The process becomes easier
when you keep that in mind. Rather than focusing on what you’re “losing” by letting go,
acknowledge what you stand to gain. Then take a deep breath and do some heavy pruning in
your activities, habits and relationships. It may not be fun while you’re in the process, but
afterwards you’ll marvel at how energized you feel!

Demanding people. Demanding, petulant, needy people are often referred to as “psychic
vampires.” Simply being in their presence can be draining and exhausting. They are impossible
to please; they always focus on the negative aspects of every situation; they find fault with
everything you do and say; and they generally make you feel like you’re fighting a constant
battle of wills. If you spend a lot of time with people like this, you’ll quickly find your energy
and focus draining away.

[photo source]

How to stop them from draining your energy: The solution seems obvious; stop spending time
with people like this. However, when “people like this” happen to be your family members or
co-workers or even long-time friends, the situation becomes a bit more complicated. You can’t
simply shut them out of your life and move to a mountaintop somewhere to avoid them. In
that case, it’s better to develop some strategies for coping with them more effectively.
First, limiting your exposure is a good idea. You may not be able to avoid them completely,
but you can definitely do your best to spend less time with them. They’ll probably be unhappy
about that at first (remember, they find fault with everything anyway), but eventually they will
find another target for their venom.

Second, try to be mindful of the real reasons for their dour demeanor. Believe it or not, they
don’t act that way just to cause you grief. Most likely, they have some deep-seated emotional
issues that make them miserable. When you look at it that way, it’s easier to feel compassion for
them. That doesn’t excuse their behavior, but at least makes it easier to not take it so personally.

Finally, remember that their beliefs and perceptions DO NOT have to become your own. Learn
to step back mentally from the things they say and do. Avoid getting sucked into dire predictions
and negativity as much as you can.

We’ve covered some pretty big issues that can drain your time, energy and resources, but
there are many more. What other drains do you deal with on a daily basis? Take a close look at
the areas of your life where you seem to experience trouble or difficulty, and see if there are any
“holes” that need to be plugged.

Popularity: 6% [?]

Making Self-Care a Priority: Time Management Articles


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Getting the outer facets of your life into order is an important part of time management, but so
also is learning how to balance yourself from within. This is one area that many people skip
without realizing how it can keep them stuck in patterns of chaos and distraction. Continue to
read one of our time management articles.

It’s important to understand that chaos and distraction usually begin within! It may seem like
your problems exist solely outside of yourself, but your inner state of mind and mood patterns
are what have a strong effect on your surroundings. Simply put, your thoughts trigger your
emotions and your emotions determine your actions (or non-action), which then bring about the
results you experience in your outer life. When you are scattered and chaotic within, you
cannot help but transfer that condition to your surroundings.

Conversely, a calm, centered and in-control state of mind will help you to better manage all
aspects of your life, even when disruptions are caused by external influences. Since self-care is a
very large part of keeping yourself balanced and centered, it makes sense that a strong
commitment to it can benefit every area of your life.

Here are three ways to help you make self-care a priority and keep your life in balance:

1)Take time for yourself. When your life is hectic and busy you might be tempted to dismiss
the importance of personal time, but doing so only makes you feel more stressed. Remember,
“All work and no play . . .” makes YOU a very unhappy person!

When you take time to do things you enjoy each day, you end up feeling happier and stronger
from within. As a result, you can better handle the stress in your outer life.

Try setting aside 30 minutes for yourself each day. During that time you can exercise, read,
engage in creative hobbies, or simply watch your favorite sitcom on television. Whatever you do,
DON’T allow yourself to feel guilty or obsess about what other tasks you could be getting done
during those 30 minutes. Instead, affirm that you deserve some downtime, and allow yourself
to enjoy it. Then you can return to your normal activities feeling refreshed and energized.
[photo source]

2)Get adequate rest. Another thing people often do when they’re very busy is start cutting into
the time they need for sleep (or even just rest and relaxation). Unfortunately, they fail to realize
that a hectic schedule can create major mental and physical drains and the only way to recharge
is by getting enough rest. If this describes you, you have probably noticed your focus and
stamina beginning to slip. You may find yourself feeling more irritable, impatient, fatigued,
or just plain stressed. Unless you begin treating your body a little more gently, the problem will
only get worse.

It may not seem like you can afford to set aside a full 8 hours for sleep each night, but your
efficiency (not to mention your overall well-being) depends on it! Don’t believe me? Commit to
trying it for one week. Make it priority to get a full night’s sleep no matter what, and watch in
amazement as you are suddenly better able to accomplish more during the rest of the time –
simply because you have the clear focus and energy to do so.

3)Strengthen your spiritual connection. Does your spiritual practice consist of a once-weekly
visit to church or a few rapidly uttered prayers before bedtime? Or do you spend time connecting
to your spirit on a daily basis? Did you know that current research indicates that spiritual people
typically experience less stress and better health than non-spiritual people?

It’s important to note that spirituality has nothing to do with religion, unless your religion
happens to help you connect spiritually; but you don’t have to be religious to be spiritual.
Spirituality (in this context) is all about connecting to your center; the part of you that is
connected to something larger than yourself. Whatever name you apply to this “larger
something” depends on your existing belief system, but even if you don’t have a specific name
for it don’t let that stop you from connecting to your inner self in a deeper, more profound way.

The point is to spend time turning your attention within through meditation or prayer. When you
shut out outer distractions and focus on the peace and harmony within you, you
automatically feel lighter and more balanced.

By following the above suggestions, you’ll quickly notice how the rest of your life seems to flow
more smoothly and easily – which ultimately makes your time management efforts that much
more effective! Hope You liked one of our time management articles and bookmark us to get
more unusual life tips.

Popularity: 11% [?]

Effective Time Management Tools To Boost Your Life

Time management is very much a product of effective planning and balancing of your life
activities, but there are also plenty of time management tools and resources that can help you
in your quest for a more peaceful life.

Below are a few simple ideas that can help you save time and get more focused:

Planner or date book. Sometimes getting focused is a simple matter of having a clear system to
organize the activities and tasks you need to get done each day. A good planner can help, but
even a simple blank notebook can do wonders too. Start by keeping a list of your daily chores
and obligations, and check them off as you get them done. This is one of our mentioned time
management tools.

Dry erase calendar. You may also find it helpful to buy a large dry erase calendar and hang it in
a prominent location in your home. The kitchen or a frequently-traveled hallway would be good
locations. On this calendar, mark down important activities and commitments for all members of
the family. Record your kids’ activities, your own meetings, doctor and dentist appointments,
special functions, etc. You can plan a week ahead of time, or even a whole month at a time. After
each event has passed, erase it so you have a clear, at-a-glance view of the things coming up

Software programs with reminders and alarms. Many of the email and organization software
programs available today offer great little settings that can remind you of important activities.
You can schedule everything from birthday and anniversary reminders to notes of
encouragement for yourself!
Or, use a reminder service. There are also reminder services out there that are absolutely free to
use. You simply sign up for a free account, set the dates and activities you want to be reminded
about, and they will send an email notification on the date and time you specify. This is a handy
tool worth using if you need help remembering activities and special occasions. One such
popular service is; or try an internet search for “reminder service.”

Mini-recorder (or notebook). Get into the habit of carrying a mini digital recorder in your
pocket or purse, or alternatively a small notebook and pen. When you find yourself waiting in
line, stuck in traffic or you simply have a few minutes to kill, use your recorder or notebook to
record ideas, strategies and plans to save time later. This also works well to remind yourself of
things to do later, like picking up a few things from the store on the way home, gift ideas for
upcoming birthdays and holidays, etc. This is one of the most used time management tools.

[photo source]

Outsourcing services. If your daily schedule is packed full of chores and obligations that you
can’t seem to pare down or delegate, consider outsourcing some of them to individuals or
companies that can help. For example, if you find that you spend a lot of time nagging your
spouse to do the yard work (or you’re forced to do it yourself and it poses a real drain on your
time and energy), call a few local landscaping companies and check out their rates. Likewise do
the same for housecleaning services, dog walkers, grocery delivery services, and more. You
might think these services are too expensive, but you’d be surprised at how inexpensive they can
be. Besides, when you consider the increased time and peace of mind you gain by letting others
shoulder some of the load on your behalf, you’ll quickly feel justified about the extra expense.

Organizational tools. If you spend a lot of time hunting for things you need because you’re
swimming in a sea of clutter, consider investing in a few good organizational systems (or even
hiring a professional organizer to get you started on the right foot). Once again this will involve
some extra expense at first, but in the end your peace of mind will be worth it.

All of these tools may seem overly simple, but don’t be fooled! They can go a long way toward
helping you balance your life activities. Remember, simplicity is what you’re after anyway! The
simpler and more efficient you can make your daily schedule, the less stress you’ll have to deal
with. Hope You liked this article about time management tools.
Popularity: 10% [?]

Consequences of Time Management Techniques


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Have you been struggling to get your life under control for a long period of time? Does it seem
like no matter what you do you can’t get a handle on the chaos and disorganization? Do You
feel, that you might need some useful time management techniques?

Believe it or not, you may be sabotaging your own efforts to take control of your time and life.
Why would you do this? Only you can say for sure, but one possibility is that you fear the
“consequences” of a balanced life. In other words, your destructive habits might actually be
serving a purpose in your life, and you fear letting them go because you might find yourself in
situations that you don’t know how to handle!
Let’s take a look at some possible “consequences” of effective time management and usage of
time management techniques:

1)You would finally have time to pursue your dreams. Even though you want to pursue your
dreams and you long for the day when they become your reality, you may also be frightened of
the ways they would change your life. It’s easier to complain about how you “never have enough
time” to do the things you really want to do; then you’ll never have to take a risk and possibly
fail or deal with the uncomfortable side effects that may come along with the realization of your

2)Your relationships might become more intimate. Sometimes we use chaos and busyness to
avoid confronting issues that are painful for us. For example, if your marriage has become
dispassionate and disconnected, you might feel nervous about having the time to address and
resolve it because you will put yourself in a more vulnerable position by opening up more deeply
to your partner. It seems easier to keep avoiding the issue.

3)You would be able to hear your inner voice more clearly. Have you ever become aware that
you’ve been fooling yourself about something? You were absolutely convinced that one thing
was true, but later you’re amazed that you couldn’t see the REAL truth staring you in the face!
Don’t feel bad; we all “fool” ourselves like that from time to time and one of the ways we do that
is by keeping ourselves so busy that we can’t hear our own inner voice when it’s trying to tell
us something important. You may be trying to avoid an inner nudge toward a new life path, a
new career, or even better health habits. If you get control of your life, you may suddenly find
yourself faced with the need to make decisions that would be uncomfortable and scary.

4)You would have more time to help others. Most of us are compassionate and we want to help
others, but we also have a hard time balancing the needs of others with our own. If you have a
hard time saying no, or keeping your own priorities in order, you might be trying to avoid
being available to help others. Somewhere deep inside you might feel justified that you can’t
possibly help others when your own life is so out of control!

5)You would claim full responsibility for your life. Effective time management gives you a
feeling of empowerment and control that can easily spill over into other areas - and you may not
quite be ready for that! If you acknowledge that you’re in full control of the way you live your
life, you might have to also acknowledge that you’re in full control of the state of your body,
your relationships, your career, and more. A scattered, chaotic life allows you to remain in a
“victim” status, so you don’t have to face the fear of owning up to the way your life is right

These are just a few “consequences” of a well-managed life. Do any of the fears mentioned
describe you and your life? If so, take a few minutes to explore them further. Grab a journal
and jot down some ideas about ways you may be sabotaging your own efforts at time
management, and why.
Often, just facing your fears and striving to understand yourself better can provide the insight
and courage you need to make positive changes. In next series of articles I will give you some
time management techniques and tips, that will help you in your life.

Popularity: 10% [?]

How To Stay Calm In A Crisis

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Have you ever had a crisis throw your time management efforts out the window? If so, it
might have gone a little something like this: You were organized and efficient, moving along at a
good pace and getting a lot accomplished. Then suddenly one thing went wrong and threw your
whole plan off-track, and you found yourself scrambling to fix the problem before everything
else went haywire too. It happens to the best of us!

Crises will happen no matter what we do, and there is usually no way to plan or prepare for
them. However, you don’t have to let them ruin your whole day.

The next time a crisis rears its ugly head and threatens your organized schedule, follow these
three steps to stay cool:

1) First detach emotionally from the situation. Don’t get carried away by panic, anger,
frustration or exasperation. It’s difficult not to, but remember that giving in to turbulent emotions
will only make matters worse. Instead, step back mentally and make a conscious decision to stay
calm and detached so you can better handle the situation.

2) Avoid forming conclusions about what the crisis “means.” One way we often make things
worse is by throwing up our hands and declaring the whole thing a huge disaster just because one
little thing went wrong. We make an assumption that just because one thing went wrong, our
entire day is shot. Or worse, we decide that we’re destined to be complete failures at time
management (or failures in general) because we can’t seem to control the events of our lives.
This type of defeatist thinking will only make the crisis seem that much bigger and more
intimidating. Instead, learn to see a crisis for exactly what it is: a delay or obstacle that needs to
be dealt with. Yes, it may be challenging and frustrating, but it doesn’t have to be any more
horrible than you decide to make it. Simply affirm that you can handle it, and your mind will
immediately go to work on finding a solution.

3) Ask yourself, “What now?” Rather than focusing on what went wrong, turn your attention to
possible solutions. Come up with one step you can take that may help turn the situation around.
Even better is if you can come up with several action steps and begin taking them immediately.
Be proactive! The longer you stew and fume about the inconvenience and irritation, the more
impact the obstacle will have on your plans. If you simply refuse to be intimidated by it, you’ll
probably sidestep it easily and keep moving forward.

Dealing with a crisis may not be fun, but it doesn’t have to be devastating either. It all comes
down to your own reactions! If you “flip out” and decide it means your world is coming to an
end, that’s very likely what you will experience. If, on the other hand, you decide it’s no big deal
and do your best to work through it calmly and determinedly, you’ll very likely find a simple
solution and get back on track quickly.

Popularity: 7% [?]

What Is Multitasking: Multitasking - Friend or Foe?


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Multi-Tasking: Friend or Foe?

Multi-tasking is one popular technique taught by time management experts, but does it make
your life easier, or more stressful? That will depend on several factors, such as the type of person
you are, the tasks and activities unique to your situation, how strong your level of focus is, as
well as your ability to handle pressure.

Some people are great at multi-tasking because they thrive on challenges. The more complex and
intensive a task is, the better they are able to master it. They have no problem focusing on more
than one thing at a time and completing them easily.

Other people simply get overwhelmed when they’ve got too much to do at one time, and they
end up feeling pressured and irritable. As a result, they accomplish very little.

Also important to consider are the types of tasks you’re working on. Multi-tasking may be easy
if the work you’re doing isn’t mentally intensive. For example, you would probably find it easy
to fold laundry while helping your child with his homework. One task can be done on “autopilot”
while the other requires concentration. If you tried to balance your checkbook while helping your
child with his homework, however, you might end up feeling scattered.

There is no right or wrong way to multi-task, only what works for you. If you find yourself
feeling frustrated and confused, it’s a sure sign that you’re trying to do too many things at once.

But what do you do when you have no choice but to multi-task? When you’ve got a ton of
things that need to be done and only so much time to do them, you might be faced with the
necessity of overlapping activities.

Here are a few simple techniques that can help keep you focused:
1) Try to stay organized. When you’re working on multiple projects or tasks at one time, it’s
easy to get confused and lose your place. You may find it helpful to keep organized lists and files
for every project or task you have to complete. Keep detailed notes about what has been done
already and what still needs to be done. When you switch to a new activity, give your notes a
quick review so you can refresh your memory and pick up where you left off.

2) Avoid getting stressed. One major cause of stress in relation to multi-tasking is a feeling of
panic or urgency. This happens because you feel the weight of two or more tasks that must be
done and you worry that you won’t be able to complete them properly or on time. However, that
very panic can erode your focus. Do your best to stay calm and focus only on the task at hand.
Take it one moment at a time and don’t worry about what comes next. The calmer and more
focused you can stay, the more easily you’ll be able to get more done.

3) Pause and breathe periodically. Sometimes just a two-minute pause to clear your head and
refocus your attention can do wonders. Do this at least once every hour; more often if you can.

Popularity: 12% [?]

Sensual Electronic Greeting Cards: Send Them To Someone

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Sensual electronic greeting cards is the topic of our next personal development post, that is
little bit light. I mean there will be no information regarding stress, time management and other
heavy stuff in your life. Topic is love, personal e cards and intimate sensual e cards.

You now that feeling, when you can’t stop thinking about your significant other, your lover, your
wife or your husband. There are many ways you can show that you care, that you love, that you
want to feel them appreciated. Nowadays more and more people are using animated e cards to let
others know their feelings.

A sensual electronic greeting cards, that are personalized, unique and quality can be found
on the Internet almost everywhere. I would like to post some links, where you will be able to
find them.

Here they are:

 Link 1
 Link 2
 Link 3

Popularity: 39% [?]

Time Management articles: Beware the Habits That Eat

Away at Your Time

You may have heard it said that time management is really about managing yourself. That
truth becomes all the more apparent when your ingrained habits seem to eat away at the time you
have available each day.

Most of us deal with a few “bad habits,” but sometimes our habits move beyond “bad” into
“destructive and limiting.” Does this describe some of your habits? And do those habits make
managing your life almost impossible?
When it comes to bad habits, there are several that can completely stall your efforts at effective
time management, but here are two common ones to start with:

This is a preview of Time Management articles: Beware the Habits That Eat Away at Your Time. Read the
full post

You may have heard it said that time management is really about managing yourself. That
truth becomes all the more apparent when your ingrained habits seem to eat away at the time you
have available each day.

Most of us deal with a few “bad habits,” but sometimes our habits move beyond “bad” into
“destructive and limiting.” Does this describe some of your habits? And do those habits make
managing your life almost impossible?

When it comes to bad habits, there are several that can completely stall your efforts at effective
time management, but here are two common ones to start with:

Procrastination. This is a habit that can range from mildly annoying to downright debilitating.
While some people procrastinate only occasionally, others have gotten locked into a rut of
inaction that will eventually create severe problems in their lives.

How often do you procrastinate? Do you consistently avoid doing the things that would make
your life easier? Is your favorite phrase, “I’ll do it later”? If so, you are likely causing more
problems for yourself because you can’t realistically do everything “later.” As a result, more
and more things aren’t done getting done, right?

In order to overcome this habit, you’ll need to develop a stronger will to do certain things
immediately instead of setting them aside until later. You’ll find that many tasks you’re tempted
to put off until later really wouldn’t take that much time if you’d just get them over with quickly.
When you do decide to set a task aside for later, just be sure you schedule time for it so it doesn’t
remain in the “later” category forevermore!

Another big time-eater is disorganization. We often avoid activities like filing or putting
belongings in their proper place because we think it will take too long, but not doing so is what
creates problems!

When you’re disorganized, it takes you much longer to find the things you need to manage your
life properly. You’re forever searching for your car keys, your brown shoes, your wallet, or the
files you need to finish a project at work.
[photo source]

The more disorganized you are, the less efficiently you’ll be able to complete your activities
each day. While it SEEMS like putting organization off until you have more time is a good thing,
it will just continue to wreak havoc in your life until you get control of it.

Here’s one good way to start: Beginning today, spend 10 or 15 minutes organizing your
surroundings each day. Clear off your desk, toss unused products and containers from your
kitchen cabinets, designate a spot for your car keys, and so on. These short organizing sessions
each day really begin to add up and before long you’ll notice a big difference in your stress

Other common time-eaters include: excessive television and computer activities, dealing with
crises (that could have been avoided with better planning), and not having a set routine to follow
each day.

Take a few minutes right now and jot down some ideas about what is eating up much of your
time. Then come up with some simple strategies to get them under control. Even small changes
can often create big results! See you soon in next time management articles.

Popularity: 10% [?]

Time Management Articles: Are your Goals realistic?


Achieve your goals

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Time management articles with discipline are vital points of your time management skill.
When you start making positive changes to better balance your life, you may become
overzealous in an attempt to “fix” everything at once. However, doing so can end up causing
more stress and magnifying the problem.

Below are three common ways you might sabotage your own efforts at better time management,
and how to avoid them:

Expecting too much from others. Just because you feel a great need to make changes in your
life doesn’t mean everyone else feels the same way! Remember that your life overlaps with the
lives of the people around you. If you try placing unreasonable demands and pressure tactics on
them, you’ll probably end up causing more problems. That doesn’t mean you can’t ask for help
and work together to satisfy everyone, but your approach in seeking cooperation will be

Rather than making unrealistic demands or expecting perfection from the people in your life, try
first explaining why you are unhappy with the way things are now. Give a clear view of the way
you’d like things to be, and highlight the changes they would have to make in order to
make it work. Then, be forthright in asking if they are willing to do it. For example, if your
spouse is not in the habit of helping out around the house, ask if he or she would be willing to
take on a few very specific chores (spell out what they would be) and how doing so would help
you. If he or she agrees, confirm that such and such tasks are now his/hers, and confirm that he
or she is going to do them from now on. Don’t be surprised if you have to issue a few gentle
reminders before the new habits kick in for good – but try not to get upset or frustrated about
it. That will only cause more resistance.
[photo source]

Demanding too much from yourself. Just like you don’t want to place undue stress and
expectations upon others, you also don’t want to do it to yourself. Wanting to make changes in
your habits and goals is a good thing; but expecting everything to change as if by magic
overnight is not!

Instead, vow to take it one day at a time and be gentle with yourself. Each day when you wake
up, promise that you’re going to give your best effort to keep your activities running smoothly
and on-time, but if events don’t go as planned you will simply dust yourself off and start again.
At all costs, avoid berating or scolding yourself because you aren’t “perfect” at managing
the events and activities of your life. You’ll never be perfect at it – and neither is anyone else!

I hope you will continue reading this post from time management articles, as you will get
another one good opinion about your goals, that may be unrealistic.

Unrealistic idea of what a balanced life really is. You may be interested in learning time
management techniques because you dream of a completely serene, peaceful life where no
upheavals occur . . . ever. Unfortunately, such a dream is unlikely to become reality. Perhaps it
could if you moved to a secluded island and lived like a hermit in your rustic cabin on the beach.
But you’ve got a full life that inevitably comes with the need to juggle and prioritize constantly.

Rather than wishing for the impossible, remember that time management is an ongoing process
of planning, preparation and readjustment. There will never be a time when you get it perfect.
Instead look at it as an ever evolving process of growth and mastery. Over time you’ll find
yourself getting better and stronger at time management, and it will seem like less effort is
needed to keep everything balanced. This is only one post in our time management articles
series, come later, stay tuned and let yourself grow.

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