LM2-Research in Psychology 1
LM2-Research in Psychology 1
LM2-Research in Psychology 1
1. Demonstrate the capability to discuss and analyze the major theories and concepts
in psychology (knowledge in psychology)
2. Demonstrate and apply the methods of psychological inquiry in building knowledge
on local culture and context (psychological research)
3. Demonstrate and apply psychological theories and methods in personal and
professional setting (application of psychology)
4. Demonstrate capability for self-reflection and independent learning in graduate
education or in a professional context (independent learning)
5. Demonstrate professional and ethical behaviors in research and practice in
Psychology (ethics)
6. Demonstrate harmonious interpersonal relationship with colleagues, clients and
others (interpersonal skills) in diverse cultural setting
7. Demonstrate the ability to conduct psychological assessments and evaluation
8. Pursue lifelong learning for personal and professional growth through varied
experiential and field-based opportunities
The most common scale is the five-point scale. The following table illustrates the five-
point scale across its different facets:
When the researchers do not allow neutrality in the scale, perhaps because they really want
the respondents to make decision, like to agree or disagree and not just to be neutral about
it, then the middle rating is removed. The five point scale becomes a four point scale with the
middle scale absent.
Furthermore, when the researchers only want a three-point scale, then the extreme ratings
are removed, but the neutral element is retained.
A respondent is given a score of five (5) if he strongly agrees to the positive statement and
one (1) if he strongly disagrees to the positive statement.
For example:
For example:
Extract the key concepts from this video related to Research methodology.
Suppose that the researcher wants to determine how much water is in the tank. He
gets a meter stick and found out that the water in the tank measures two (2 ) meters.
What is the process of checking for appropriateness and accuracy in content validation? It
is the process of finding out whether the items are able to measure what the researcher
intends to measure. It is the process of evaluating the suitability, the correctness and
exactness of the item in relation to the objectives of the study.
After the scale had been content validated, the instrument would be subjected to dry-run or
pilot testing. At least 30 comparable samples would be considered to respond to the scale.
After which, the data would b subjected to item discrimination and reliability process using
Cronbach-alpha command as statistical tool. All items in the scale that have a Cronbach-alpha
value of 0.7 and above would be considered reliable and will be included in the final
1.00 - 1.49 = Strongly disagree
1.5 - 2.49 = Disagree
2.5 - 3.49 = Neutral
3.5 - 4.49 = Agree
4.5 - 5.00 = Strongly agree
Holistic Interpretation
Perspective: Do you see yourself using a Likert scale instrument in your research?
Empathy: During Focus Group Discussion, how would you spot if someone is feeling
awkward or uncomfortable?
Self-Knowledge: What type of research that would make use of a Likert scale instrument?
V. Explanation Application Reflection (EAR)
Explanation: Explain the process of validity and reliability procedures of Likert scale.
Application: As a researcher, you would like to know the extent of the psychology
students love for research, are you going to use a five point scale, four point or three
point scale? Why?
Reflection: What connections can you make to your lesson today from any previous
research lessons or experiences you had?
1. It refers to the degree of consistency or accuracy with which an instrument measures the
variables of the study.
A. validity C. efficiency
B. reliability D. objectivity
2. It refers to the degree to which an instrument measures what it intends to measure.
A. validity C. efficiency
B. reliability D. objectivity
3. What should be the first step in the construction of a Likert scale?
A. ask an expert to validate the scale C. conduct a focus group discussion
B. pilot testing D. discriminative item analysis
4. Which of the following must be the value of Cronbach alpha to determine the items in the
scale are reliable?
A. 0.7 and above
B. 0.7 and below
C. 0.07 and below
D. 0.07 and above
5. It is an instrument used to measure perceptions, views, opinions, knowledge and stance.
A. Likert scale
B. Bogardus-social distance scale
C. Semantic- differential scale
D. Guttman-scale
II. Learning Assessment
Directions: Read each item carefully and choose the best answer.
4. Which of the following steps can be taken to improve response rates to postal
III. Verification of attainment of the objectives, with at least 80% quality and
quantity standards through the item analysis of the NEO LMS
Part Two
1. Recorded Teaching
2. Power Point Presentation
• Baraceros. E.,(2016). Practical Research.Rex Book Store.
• Yap-Aizon, J.G., Research Made Easy.
Other References
• Prieto, N.G., Naval, V. C. , & Carey,T. G. (2017). Practical Research 2. LoriMar
• Dela Cruz, N. (2011). A Guide to Thesis Writing. Mega-Jesta Prints, Inc.
• https://global.oup.com/uk/orc/sociology/brymansrm5e/student/mcqs/ch10/
Prepared by:
Checked by:
Approved by:
Echel Simon-Antero, Ph. D, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Research
Estrella O. Simon, Ph. D, President FCPC