IntroPhil Major Works

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In The Apology, Socrates attempts to defend himself and his conduct certainly not to apologize

it. Derived from the Greek word “apologia,” which translates as a speech made in defense or as
a defense only. This is an account of the speech Socrates makes at a trial in which he is
charged inventing new deities, not recognizing the Gods recognized by state, and the Youth of
Athens corruption.

Phaedo claims to survey the events and conversations that happened on the day Socrates
which is Plato’s teacher was put to death by the state of Athens. This is the most widely read
dialogues written by Plato.

The Crito covers the topic justice, injustice and the proper response to both. This composition
originated in 360 B.C.E that portray a conversation between Socrates and Crito in a prison cell
in Athens.

The Meno started with Meno asking Socrates whether virtue can be taught, and this question
covers the two men for the entire text. One of Plato’s earliest dialogues with the conversation
dateable to about 402 BCE.

The Sypmosium is the first major philosophical text on love in Western literature. In the party of
ancient Greek, it is a series of speeches on Love being given. Using both genres it can be
codify as a tragicomedy.

The Republic is the most famous and extensively read dialogue. This is widely accepted that
this dialogue belongs to the dialogues of Plato’s middle period. In here, we come up against
Socrates developing a position on justice and its relation to happiness.

Gorgias both maintains independent significance and relates nearly to Plato’s underlying
philosophical project of defining noble and proper human existence. It is also a detailed study of
virtue founded upon an inquiry into the nature of temperance, art power, rhetoric, justice, and
good versus evil.

Phaderus is a dialogue which the two men cross paths as Phaedrus returns from hearing a
speech by Lysias on the subject love.

Philebus beguns to alter bacuse it appears to be one of the later writings of Plato and the
dramatic and poetical element has become subordinate to the speculative and philosophical.
Theaetetus is Plato’s one of the middle to later dialogues. Features Plato’s most sustained
discussion on the concept of knowledge, it fails to yield an adequate definition of knowledge,
thus ending inconclusively.

 Protagoras dialogue begins when Socrates starts to question Protagoras about what he
teaches his students. This is also a strangely disjointed text.

The Sophist were itinerant teachers and intellectuals who frequented Athens and other Greek
cities in the second half of the fifth century B.C.E.

Timaeus has nevertheless had the greatest influence over the ancient and medieval world. It is
the most repulsive and obscure to the modern readers

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