Ethics and Moral Reasoning in Everyday Life
Ethics and Moral Reasoning in Everyday Life
This module aims to analyze the nature of mores and values in ethics. It discusses the
interplay between the individual as a free moral agent, and his/her society or
between values and moral values. In broad strokes, it gives a background on the
nature of morality and the mores which are the subject matter of ethics. It examines the
nature of mores, including the development of the notion of what is ‘right’ in our
The module also examines the notion of freedom as it relates to morality, together with
the wide range of values and moral values, including the nature and basis of the
4. Explored the difference between intellectual choice and practical choice.
1.0 The Realm of Morality: Ethics and approaches — normative and meta-
Ethics is the branch of philosophy that norms or standards of goodness and the
came from the root word ‘ethos’ which where its standards of morality are
Ethos includes the attitude of approval with its well defined and clear
a given time and place. The subject good and bad based on its
morality. Morality came from the root on the other hand, examines the
people. This constitutes the core of the assuming that there is an objective
attitudes and beliefs of a particular moral truth, metaethics will question the
group of people. Therefore, mores (in basis for this by asking whether or not
Latin) and ethos (in Greek), both refer to morality is objective or subjective, or by
Ethics as the study of moral goodness or justification for claiming in your theory
The study of ethics and morality entails guests, and a right way of dressing up.
an analysis of both the individual human Sumner refers to these notions of ‘right’
society’s expectations in terms of together with its customs, social rules,
character and behavior — that is, to and social sanctions, and that of the
come as close as possible to the ideal individual or the free moral agent who
As mentioned, the notion of morality valuing what he/she considers as most
develops with the interplay between important when he/she makes his/her
society and the individual. Here, society choices society, as a whole, functions as
values of the individual. These values impose social controls and sanctions so
serve as the individual’s guide in his/her that the individual would be guided
the moral or the ‘good’ life. Note that coerces its members to follow its rules to
moral agent who can make choices are irritated by people who disobey
and deliberate or reflect before acting traffic rules, we are not free to do what
society grows and becomes more because we are bound by the mores of
complex, the different groups that our society. These mores become the
comprise it could put forward basis of the morals of that society when
notions of ‘what is good’. In this case, it principles that its members are bound to
is the rational individual who can respect and follow. This is the force or
decide for him/herself which moral power of mores. The individual can feel
upbringing and the influence of various something against the rules of society
school, peer groups, social media, mass ‘conscience’ as if he/she is hearing the
media, etc.). Therefore, the individual voices of elders telling him/her what
According to Sumner, as society grows, personal loans without collateral (also
behavior of its members, and there is a people, and even keeping common
need to formalize and codify some of law wives on the part of philandering
the rules that we are bound to follow. husbands have long been part of our
Thus, from mores as the embodiment of culture and are examples of our
societal welfare, laws and institutions customary or common law. They may
emerge in order to protect society and not be legal but these practices are
to set some system of societal control part of the Filipino culture and are
Sumner states that common laws or our very rich religious practices which
customary laws are part of the customs mirror the religiosity of Filipinos. In
our culture, whereas positive laws are purposely established to cater to the
formulated and are products of rational needs of the members of society, in the
code are part of the positive laws of the enacted institutions are our banking
Philippines while certain practices in our system and land titling system.
with its own rules of the game, or the been passed into a positive law can be
the mores originally intended to serve wishes of his captors. Sartre claims that
societal welfare and protect society. In “Man is nothing else but that which he
The concept of freedom, as well as the choices, you are taking control and
philosopher, assumes the idea of radical maintain order in your soci-ety. For
unconstrained free moral agent in the the saying ‘your freedom ends where
sense that he always has a choice in my freedom begins’. Within the given
somebody points a gun at his head, he including the economic, political and
freedom. Our discussion will come to what other beings feel and to situate
Freedom of the human person in the given situation, even in the most trivial
moral sense of the word assumes that things like choosing our outfit for the
one is a free moral agent. Moral, in this day, or what to eat, or what hair-style to
sense, refers to the freedom to make adopt, the process of value experience
one's choice in accordance with one’s comes into play. Mothershead adds
own moral discernment of what is good that this is the side-taking part of our
and bad, and one is taking full experience. This valuation process
responsibility for one’s own actions and happens when we make choices and
is using his/her rational and empathetic indicate our preferences, for example,
our reason and critical thinking, we also disapprove, favor or disfavor. Values are
have the ability to empathize or to feel the result of this process of value
priorities to pursue. They may also be because it is a means to an end, which
have set your mind to do. than money and for which you are
attach to values are limited in its scope Can beauty become a moral value?
For example, money is a value and as a Can chastity and purity become a
student you might save money in order moral value? Mothershead argues that
to buy something that you value more, a value can become a moral value if it
like a new mobile phone. Once you becomes an unlimited priority in its
have that new mobile phone, you will scope of relevance in our life. This is to
be fulfilled until the next object of value say that one is willing to give up other
that you would consider worth saving values in order to promote what s/he
moral value takes precedence and Values and moral value may change
priority over other values. In other words, over time. As one matures and grows
you are willing to give up other values older, there are values and moral value
just to promote this moral value. that one outgrows and a new set takes
individual or the human being as a free Value experience is the side-taking part
making his/her choices and is the agent experience where you set which
who is taking full responsibility for priorities to pursue. They may also be
planning his/her life, and in the process, considered as imperatives that you
planning and budgeting his/her actions have set your mind to do. Mothershead
for some future outlook or goal. This is in argues that a value can become a
rational capacity for knowing and priority in its scope of relevance in one’s
discerning what is right and wrong. life. Moral decisions comprise the most
freedom is obligation. In its moral sense, because these have reference to the
do this budgeting and planning for the do. “What ought I to do given this
only humans are moral in so far as they could examine and analyze the
choice. This is the process of giving
hypothetical situation.