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E Script

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Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8 contains optional modules. This guide contains descriptions of modules that are optional and for which you may not have purchased a license. The Programs are not intended for use in any nuclear, aviation, mass transit, medical, or military applications.


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Siebel eScript Language

Version 8.1
March 2008
Copyright © 2005, 2008, Oracle. All rights reserved.

The Programs (which include both the software and documentation) contain proprietary information;
they are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are also
protected by copyright, patent, and other intellectual and industrial property laws. Reverse engineering,
disassembly, or decompilation of the Programs, except to the extent required to obtain interoperability
with other independently created software or as specified by law, is prohibited.

The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. If you find any problems
in the documentation, please report them to us in writing. This document is not warranted to be error-
free. Except as may be expressly permitted in your license agreement for these Programs, no part of
these Programs may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, for any purpose.

PRODUCT MODULES AND OPTIONS. This guide contains descriptions of modules that are optional and
for which you may not have purchased a license. Siebel’s Sample Database also includes data related to
these optional modules. As a result, your software implementation may differ from descriptions in this
guide. To find out more about the modules your organization has purchased, see your corporate
purchasing agent or your Oracle sales representative.

If the Programs are delivered to the United States Government or anyone licensing or using the Programs
on behalf of the United States Government, the following notice is applicable:

U.S. GOVERNMENT RIGHTS. Programs, software, databases, and related documentation and technical
data delivered to U.S. Government customers are "commercial computer software" or "commercial
technical data" pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific
supplemental regulations. As such, use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation of the
Programs, including documentation and technical data, shall be subject to the licensing restrictions set
forth in the applicable Oracle license agreement, and, to the extent applicable, the additional rights set
forth in FAR 52.227-19, Commercial Computer Software--Restricted Rights (June 1987). Oracle USA,
Inc., 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065.

The Programs are not intended for use in any nuclear, aviation, mass transit, medical, or other inherently
dangerous applications. It shall be the licensee's responsibility to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup,
redundancy and other measures to ensure the safe use of such applications if the Programs are used for
such purposes, and we disclaim liability for any damages caused by such use of the Programs.
Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be
trademarks of their respective owners.

The Programs may provide links to Web sites and access to content, products, and services from third
parties. Oracle is not responsible for the availability of, or any content provided on, third-party Web sites.
You bear all risks associated with the use of such content. If you choose to purchase any products or
services from a third party, the relationship is directly between you and the third party. Oracle is not
responsible for: (a) the quality of third-party products or services; or (b) fulfilling any of the terms of
the agreement with the third party, including delivery of products or services and warranty obligations
related to purchased products or services. Oracle is not responsible for any loss or damage of any sort
that you may incur from dealing with any third party.

Siebel eScript Language Reference 1

Chapter 1: What’s New in This Release

Chapter 2: Siebel eScript Language Overview

About Siebel eScript 15
About the Siebel eScript Script Engines 16
Incompatibilities Between the ST eScript and the T eScript Engines 17
About ST eScript Repository Introspection 19
About Siebel Script Performance Profiling 20
Siebel eScript Programming Guidelines 21
Siebel eScript Concepts 22
Case Sensitivity in Siebel eScript 22
White-Space Characters in Siebel eScript 23
Special Characters in Siebel eScript 24
Comments in Siebel eScript 24
Expressions, Statements, and Blocks in Siebel eScript 25
Identifiers in Siebel eScript 25
Variables in Siebel eScript 27
Data Types in Siebel eScript 28
Primitive Data Types in Siebel eScript 29
Object Data Types in Siebel eScript 30
Performance Considerations in Using Object Data Types 32
Complex Objects in Siebel eScript 33
Numbers in Siebel eScript 34
Data Typing in Siebel eScript 36
Implicit Type Conversion in Siebel eScript 37
Properties and Methods of Common Data Types in Siebel eScript 39
Expressions in Siebel eScript 40
Operators in Siebel eScript 40
Mathematical Operators in Siebel eScript 41
Bit Operators in Siebel eScript 43
Logical Operators and Conditional Expressions in Siebel eScript 44
Typeof Operator in Siebel eScript 46
Conditional Operator in Siebel eScript 47

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 3

Contents ■

String Concatenation Operator in Siebel eScript 47

Functions in Siebel eScript 47
Function Scope in Siebel eScript 48
Passing Variables to Functions in Siebel eScript 49
The Function Arguments[] Property in Siebel eScript 49
Function Recursion in Siebel eScript 50
Error Checking for Functions in Siebel eScript 50
Siebel eScript Statements 51
break Statement 51
continue Statement 52
do...while Statement 53
for Statement 54
for...in Statement 55
goto Statement 56
if Statement 57
switch Statement 59
throw Statement 61
try Statement 61
while Statement 63
with Statement 64

Chapter 3: Methods and Properties in Siebel eScript

Array Methods and Properties in Siebel eScript 67
Buffer Methods and Properties in Siebel eScript 68
Character Classification Methods in Siebel eScript 69
Conversion Methods in Siebel eScript 69
Data Handling Methods in Siebel eScript 70
Date and Time Methods in Siebel eScript 71
Disk and File Methods in Siebel eScript 72
Disk and Directory Methods in Siebel eScript 73
File-Control Methods in Siebel eScript 73
File-Manipulation Methods in Siebel eScript 74
Error Handling Methods in Siebel eScript 74
Mathematical Methods and Properties in Siebel eScript 75
Numeric Methods in Siebel eScript 75
Trigonometric Methods in Siebel eScript 76
Mathematical Properties in Siebel eScript 76
Memory Manipulation Methods in Siebel eScript 77

4 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Contents ■

Operating System Interaction Methods in Siebel eScript 77

String and Byte-Array Methods in Siebel eScript 78
Uncategorized Methods in Siebel eScript 79

Chapter 4: Siebel eScript Commands

Applet Objects 81
Application Objects 83
Array Objects 85
Array Constructors in Siebel eScript 87
Associative Arrays in Siebel eScript 87
Array join() Method 88
Array length Property 89
Array pop() Method 90
Array push() Method 90
Array reverse() Method 91
Array sort() Method 91
Array splice() Method 93
BLOB Objects 94
blobDescriptor Objects 94
Blob.get() Method 95
Blob.put() Method 97
Blob.size() Method 99
Buffer Objects in Siebel eScript 100
Buffer Constructors in Siebel eScript 101
Buffer Object Methods 103
getString() Method 104
getValue() Method 104
offset[] Method 105
putString() Method 106
putValue() Method 107
subBuffer() Method 109
toString() Method 110
Buffer Object Properties 110
bigEndian Property 111
cursor Property 111
data Property 111
size Property 112
unicode Property 112
Business Component Objects 113

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 5

Contents ■

Business Object Objects 118

Business Service Objects 118
About Script Libraries 119
Clib Objects 121
Clib Object Buffer Methods in Siebel eScript 121
Clib.memchr() Method 121
Clib.memcmp() Method 122
Clib.memcpy() Method and Clib.memmove() Method 123
Clib.memset() Method 123
Clib Object Character Classification in Siebel eScript 124
Clib.isalnum() Method 125
Clib.isalpha() Method 126
Clib.isascii() Method 126
Clib.iscntrl() Method 127
Clib.isdigit() Method 127
Clib.isgraph() Method 128
Clib.islower() Method 129
Clib.isprint() Method 129
Clib.ispunct() Method 130
Clib.isspace() Method 131
Clib.isupper() Method 131
Clib.isxdigit() Method 132
Clib.toascii() Method 133
Clib Object Error Methods 133
Clib.errno Property 134
Clib.perror() Method 134
Clib.strerror() Method 135
File I/O Methods in eScript 135
Clib.chdir() Method 136
Clib.clearerr() Method 138
Clib.getcwd() Method 138
Clib.fclose() Method 140
Clib.feof() Method 140
Clib.ferror() Method 141
Clib.fflush() Method 142
Clib.fgetc() Method and Clib.getc() Method 142
Clib.fgetpos() Method 143
Clib.fgets() Method 144
Clib.flock() Method 145
Clib.fopen() Method 146

6 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Contents ■

Clib.fprintf() Method 149

Clib.fputc() Method and Clib.putc() Method 151
Clib.fputs() Method 151
Clib.fread() Method 152
Clib.freopen() Method 154
Clib.fscanf() Method 155
Clib.fseek() Method 157
Clib.fsetpos() Method 158
Clib.ftell() Method 159
Clib.fwrite() Method 160
Clib.mkdir() Method 161
Clib.remove() Method 162
Clib.rename() Method 162
Clib.rewind() Method 163
Clib.rmdir() Method 164
Clib.sscanf() Method 164
Clib.tmpfile() Method 165
Clib.tmpnam() Method 166
Clib.ungetc()Method 167
Formatting Data in eScript 167
Clib Object Math Methods 171
Clib.cosh() Method 172
Clib.div() Method and Clib.ldiv() Method 172
Clib.frexp() Method 173
Clib.ldexp() Method 174
Clib.modf() Method 175
Clib.rand() Method 176
Clib.sinh() Method 176
Clib.srand() Method 177
Clib.tanh() Method 177
quot Method 178
rem Method 178
Redundant Functions in the Clib Object 179
Clib Object String Methods 181
Clib.rsprintf() Method 181
Clib.sprintf() Method 182
Clib.strchr() Method 184
Clib.strcspn() Method 185
Clib.stricmp() Method and Clib.strcmpi() Method 186
Clib.strlwr() Method 187
Clib.strncat() Method 187

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 7

Contents ■

Clib.strncmp() Method 188

Clib.strncmpi() Method and Clib.strnicmp() Method 189
Clib.strncpy() Method 190
Clib.strpbrk() Method 191
Clib.strrchr() Method 192
Clib.strspn() Method 193
Clib.strstr() Method 194
Clib.strstri() Method 195
Time Objects 196
Clib Object Time Methods 196
Clib.asctime() Method 197
Clib.clock() Method 198
Clib.ctime() Method 199
Clib.difftime() Method 199
Clib.gmtime() Method 200
Clib.localtime() Method 201
Clib.mktime() Method 202
Clib.strftime() Method 204
Clib.time() Method 206
Clib Object Uncategorized Methods 207
Clib.bsearch() Method 207
Clib.getenv() Method 209
Clib.putenv() Method 209
Clib.qsort() Method 210
Clib.system() Method 212
Date Objects 213
The Date Constructor in Siebel eScript 213
Date and Time Methods 215
Date.fromSystem() Static Method 216
Date.parse() Static Method 217
Date.toSystem() Method 218
getDate() Method 218
getDay() Method 219
getFullYear() Method 220
getHours() Method 221
getMilliseconds() Method 222
getMinutes() Method 222
getMonth() Method 223
getSeconds() Method 224
getTime() Method 225

8 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Contents ■

getTimezoneOffset() Method 226

getYear() Method 227
setDate() Method 227
setFullYear() Method 228
setHours() Method 228
setMilliseconds() Method 229
setMinutes() Method 231
setMonth() Method 231
setSeconds() Method 232
setTime() Method 232
setYear() Method 234
toGMTString() Method 234
toLocaleString() Method and toString() Method 235
Universal Time Methods 236
Date.UTC() Static Method 237
getUTCDate() Method 238
getUTCDay() Method 239
getUTCFullYear() Method 239
getUTCHours() Method 240
getUTCMilliseconds() Method 241
getUTCMinutes() Method 241
getUTCMonth() Method 242
getUTCSeconds() Method 242
setUTCDate() Method 243
setUTCFullYear() Method 243
setUTCHours() Method 245
setUTCMilliseconds() Method 246
setUTCMinutes() Method 247
setUTCMonth() Method 247
setUTCSeconds() Method 248
toUTCString() Method 249
Exception Objects 249
Function Objects 250
Global Objects 252
Global Functions Unique to Siebel eScript 253
COMCreateObject() Method 253
getArrayLength() Method 254
setArrayLength() Method 255
undefine() Method 256
Conversion Methods 257

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 9

Contents ■

escape() Method 258

eval() Method 259
parseFloat() Method 260
parseInt() Method 261
ToBoolean() Method 262
ToBuffer() Method 263
ToBytes() Method 264
toExponential() Method 265
toFixed() Method 266
ToInt32() Method 267
ToInteger() Method 268
ToNumber() Method 269
ToObject() Method 270
toPrecision() Method 271
ToString() Method 272
ToUint16() Method 273
ToUint32() Method 274
unescape(string) Method 275
Data Handling Methods in Siebel eScript 276
defined() Method 277
isNaN() Method 278
isFinite() Method 278
Math Objects 279
Math.abs() Method 280
Math.acos() Method 281
Math.asin() Method 281
Math.atan() Method 282
Math.atan2() Method 284
Math.ceil() Method 285
Math.cos() Method 286
Math.exp() Method 287
Math.floor() Method 287
Math.log() Method 288
Math.max() Method 289
Math.min() Method 290
Math.pow() Method 290
Math.random() Method 291
Math.round() Method 292
Math.sin() Method 294
Math.sqrt() Method 295
Math.tan() Method 295
Math.E Property 296

10 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Contents ■

Math.LN10 Property 297

Math.LN2 Property 297
Math.LOG10E Property 298
Math.LOG2E Property 298
Math.PI Property 299
Math.SQRT1_2 Property 299
Math.SQRT2 Property 299
Property Set Objects 300
RegExp Objects 301
RegExp Object Methods 301
RegExp Object Properties 306
SElib Objects 308
String Objects 315
Escape Sequences for Characters in Siebel eScript 316
String Object Methods and Properties in Siebel eScript 317
User-Defined Objects in Siebel eScript 331
Predefining Objects with Constructor Functions in Siebel eScript 331
Assigning Functions to Objects in Siebel eScript 332
Object Prototypes in Siebel eScript 333

Appendix A: Compilation Error Messages in Siebel eScript

Syntax Error Messages in eScript 335
Semantic Error Messages in eScript 339
Semantic Warnings in eScript 344
Preprocessing Error Messages in eScript 346


Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 11

Contents ■

12 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

1 What’s New in This Release

What’s New in Siebel eScript Language Reference, Version 8.1

Table 1 lists changes described in this version of the documentation to support release 8.1 of the

Table 1. New Product Features in Siebel eScript Language Reference, Version 8.1


“About Siebel Script Performance New topic. The new script-profiling feature allows you to
Profiling” on page 20 monitor the performance of a script in an application.

“Object Data Types in Siebel Revised topic. If you are using the T eScript engine, you must
eScript” on page 30 explicitly release the memory allocated to specific object types,
when they are no longer required, by setting the objects to

“try Statement” on page 61 Amended topic. Provided additional information about the
finally clause of the try statement.

“Clib.errno Property” on page 134 To return the error number stored in the Clib.errno property,
use the ToNumber conversion method.

“Clib.fgets() Method” on page 144 Added a caution to this topic. If the string returned by the
Clib.fgets method contains non-ASCII characters, open the file
specified by the filePointer parameter in Unicode to ensure that
data is not truncated.

“Clib.fopen() Method” on page 146 Revised topic. When the Clib.fopen() method is specified with
the u mode parameter, a file is opened in Unicode using UTF-
16, Little Endian encoding.

“getTimezoneOffset() Method” on Added information describing how the getTimezoneOffset()

page 226 method calculates the difference between UTC (Universal Time
Coordinated) time and local time.

“return Statement” on page 251 Revised topic. When defining a return type for a custom
function, you must explicitly return a value of the same type
specified in the function header.

“The Date Constructor in Siebel Amended topic to describe the additional formats that can be
eScript” on page 213 used when creating a Date object that is set to a date and time.

“String charCodeAt() Method” on New topic describing the String charCodeAt() method.
page 318

“String indexOf() Method” on Amended topic. A value of -1 is returned by the String indexOf
page 320 method if a string does not contain the characters specified in
the search criteria.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 13

What’s New in This Release ■

Additional Changes
References to Siebel SupportWeb have been removed from the guide:

■ Siebel Bookshelf and Siebel System Requirements and Supported Platforms are located on Oracle
Technology Network (OTN).

■ Other Siebel CRM documentation (Release Notes, Maintenance Release Guides, Alerts, Technical
Notes, Troubleshooting Steps, FAQs, Error Messages) is located on Oracle MetaLink 3.

14 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

2 Siebel eScript Language

This chapter provides an overview of the Siebel eScript programming language. It contains the
following topics:

■ “About Siebel eScript”

■ “About the Siebel eScript Script Engines” on page 16

■ “Siebel eScript Programming Guidelines” on page 21

■ “Siebel eScript Concepts” on page 22

■ “Data Types in Siebel eScript” on page 28

■ “Expressions in Siebel eScript” on page 40

■ “Operators in Siebel eScript” on page 40

■ “Functions in Siebel eScript” on page 47

■ “Siebel eScript Statements” on page 51

About Siebel eScript

Siebel eScript is a scripting or programming language that application developers use to write simple
scripts to extend Siebel applications. JavaScript, a popular scripting language used primarily on Web
sites, is its core language.

Siebel eScript is ECMAScript compliant. ECMAScript is the standard implementation of JavaScript as

defined by the ECMA-262 standard. The Siebel ST eScript engine, the default scripting engine since
Siebel 8.0, supports ECMAScript Edition 4.

Siebel eScript provides access to local system calls through two objects, Clib and SElib, so that you
can use C-style programming calls to certain parts of the local operating system. This capability
allows programmers to write files to the local hard disk and perform other tasks that standard
JavaScript cannot.

Regard coding as a last resort. Siebel Tools provides many ways to configure your Siebel application
without coding, and these methods should be exhausted before you attempt to write your own code,
for the following reasons:

■ Using Siebel Tools is easier than writing code.

■ More important, your code may not survive an upgrade. Customizations created directly in Siebel
Tools are upgraded automatically when you upgrade your Siebel application, but code is not
touched, and it may need to be reviewed following an upgrade.

■ Finally, declarative configuration through Siebel Tools results in better performance than
implementing the same functionality through code.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 15

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ About the Siebel eScript Script Engines

For more information on implementing the Siebel scripting engine, see Using Siebel Tools on Siebel

NOTE: The Siebel Bookshelf is available on Oracle Technology Network (OTN) and Oracle E-Delivery.
It might also be installed locally on your intranet or on a network location.

About the Siebel eScript Script Engines

There are two versions of the eScript scripting engine available—the T eScript engine, and the ST
eScript engine. The ST eScript Engine is the default scripting engine since Siebel 8.0. The T eScript
engine is the original Siebel scripting engine.

The ST eScript engine, introduced in release 7.8 of Oracle’s Siebel Business Applications, provides a
number of enhancements which allow easier script creation and testing. These include the following:

■ Strong typing of variables

■ The Script Assist utility

■ The Fix and Go feature, which allows you to edit a script and continue debugging to test your
changes, without having to recompile the script

For information on this feature, see Using Siebel Tools.

■ The Running ToolTip feature in the Script Editor, which displays method signature data once a
method name, followed by an open parenthesis, is entered

For information on this feature, see Using Siebel Tools.

■ Advanced script profiling capabilities

For information on the ST eScript engine features listed above, see Using Siebel Tools and the
following topics in this guide:

■ “About ST eScript Repository Introspection” on page 19

■ “About Siebel Script Performance Profiling” on page 20

■ “Data Typing in Siebel eScript” on page 36

Except for a few key differences, the ST eScript engine is backward compatible with eScript created
with the T eScript engine. For information on these incompatibilities, see “Incompatibilities Between
the ST eScript and the T eScript Engines” on page 17. In this document, the engines are referred to
by name only in contexts requiring differentiation.

Although it is not recommended, you can, if necessary, revert back to the T eScript engine after
compiling with the ST eScript engine. To do so, you must turn off the ST eScript engine in Siebel
Tools, back out any script you have typed prior to compiling with the ST eScript engine, then
recompile the script with the T eScript engine.

NOTE: If you choose to revert to the T eScript engine, you must contact Siebel Technical Support
for assistance and guidance.

For information on implementing the eScript engines, see Using Siebel Tools.

16 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ About the Siebel eScript Script Engines

Incompatibilities Between the ST eScript and the T

eScript Engines
The eScript scripting engines differ in their treatment of scripting elements in several ways. These
incompatibilities are described as follows:

■ Variable data typing. The ST eScript engine supports strong typing, or assigning a variable’s
data type when the variable is declared, so that the type-binding occurs at compile time. Both
engines support typeless variables, whose binding occurs at run time.

Typically, strongly typed variables provide improved performance, as compared with their
typeless counterparts.

For more information, see “Data Typing in Siebel eScript” on page 36.

■ Comparison operations. The ST eScript engine compares object values when performing
equality comparisons for typeless variables but it compares object identities when performing
equality comparisons for strongly typed variables. If you are not aware of this difference, the
results of comparison operations involving strongly typed variables can be misleading.

For further information on using the equality operator with strongly typed variables, see “Logical
Operators and Conditional Expressions in Siebel eScript” on page 44.

■ Accessing objects and arrays. On the T eScript engine, accessing an array item, or accessing
an object function or data, automatically creates a new object. This is not the case on the ST
eScript engine; the object to be accessed must be explicitly initialized. The following script
examples illustrate these differences between the eScript engines:

■ Accessing Object Functions or Data

The following script runs correctly using the T eScript engine but fails at runtime using the
ST eScript engine:

var oArr = new Array ();

oArr[0].m_Data =1;

For the script to run correctly on the ST eScript engine, you must initialize the data object to
be accessed, as follows:

var oArr = new Array ();

oArr[0] = new Object ();
oArr[0].m_Data =1;

■ Accessing Arrays

When accessing an array item, the following script runs correctly using the T eScript engine
but not on the ST eScript engine:

var oArr = new Array ();

oArr[2][3].m_Data = 2;

The script runs correctly on the ST eScript engine if you initialize the array to be accessed as

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 17

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ About the Siebel eScript Script Engines

var oArr = new Array ();

oArr[2] = new Array ();
oArr[2][3] = new Object ();
oArr[2][3].m_Data = 2;

■ Implicit variable type conversion. There are differences in how implicit type conversions are
performed with strongly typed variables and with typeless variables. Implicit conversions happen
in mixed type contexts, such as when a string variable is assigned the value of a numerical

For more information, see “Implicit Type Conversion in Siebel eScript” on page 37.

■ Methods. The engines restrict the parameters passed with the global.setArrayLength() method

For more information, see “setArrayLength() Method” on page 255.

NOTE: If a method (or group of methods) is supported by one engine, and not supported by the
other, then the restriction is stated in the documentation for the method (or at a level that covers
the group).

■ Properties. The ST eScript engine does not support the following static properties of the RegExp

■ RegExp.$n (including '$_' and '$&')

■ RegExp.input

■ RegExp.lastMatch

■ RegExp.lastParen

■ RegExp.leftContext

■ RegExp.rightContext

Instead, you must modify your script to use equivalent functions on the target object itself.

■ Commands. The ST eScript engine does not support #define or #if, preprocessor alternatives
that are used at compile time only. An alternative to using #define is to use a var declaration.

For example, change

#define MY_DEFINE "abc"


var MY_DEFINE = "abc";

18 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ About the Siebel eScript Script Engines

About ST eScript Repository Introspection

The Script Assist utility, supported by the ST eScript Engine, provides several features that facilitate
the scripting process. The repository introspection feature, introduced in Siebel 8.0, allows Script
Assist to access object definitions in the repository for objects in your script and then display this
information in the Script Assist window. You can then select the object methods, property names,
user-defined functions or fields available for the object and select the one that you want to add to
your script. This helps prevent scripting errors and makes the scripting process simpler.

The repository introspection feature also allows the ST eScript Engine to identify scripting errors
when the script is compiled, such as attempts to write to read-only fields, or attempts to get a value
from a field that does not exist.

The ST eScript engine provides repository introspection for the following objects and methods:

■ Applet objects

■ BusComp Method

■ BusObject Method

■ Application objects

■ ActiveBusObject

■ ActiveViewName

■ GetBusObject

■ GetService

■ Business Component objects

■ ActivateField

■ ActivateMultipleFields

■ Associate

■ BusObject

■ DeActivateFields

■ GetAssocBusComp

■ GetFieldValue
■ GetFormattedFieldValue

■ GetMultipleFieldValues

■ GetMvgBusComp

■ GetPickListBusComp

■ GetViewMode

■ ParentBusComp

■ SetFieldValue

■ SetFormattedFieldValue

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 19

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ About the Siebel eScript Script Engines

■ SetMultipleFieldValues

■ Business Object objects

■ GetBusComp

■ Business Service objects

■ InvokeMethod

Script Assist can determine the object referred to by the this object reference key word in a script
and displays the appropriate fields for the object. It also shows all the required and optional
parameters for Siebel methods, global methods and functions, and user-defined functions, and the
methods available for InvokeMethod calls.

To use the repository introspection feature

1 Access Script Assist from the script editor by pressing CTRL+SPACE.

2 In your script, type the name of an object or method, followed by an open parenthesis character.

The method, property names or fields available for the item are displayed.

3 Select the item you want to add to your script.

For additional information on Script Assist functions and on accessing Script Assist, see Using Siebel

About Siebel Script Performance Profiling

In Siebel 8.1, the ST eScript engine provides script performance profiling capabilities that allow you
to monitor the execution performance of your script in an application. Using the Script Profiler
performance statistics, you can identify those parts of a script that are taking the most time to
process and make any modifications that may be required.

You enable script profiling from Siebel Tools. Once enabled, profiling information is displayed in the
Tools Script Performance Profiler window for all scripts executed, and is updated when a script
executes in the attached application. For information on enabling script profiling, see Using Siebel

The Script Profiler provides performance statistics for script functions and events. F or compile time
scripts, you can also enable line profiling for functions of your choice.

You can choose to display the following script profiling data:

■ Call Count. Total number of times an event or function has been executed or a line has been

■ Total Self Time and Max and Min Self Time. Total time to execute a specific function or event,
excluding the time taken to execute nested functions, and the minimum and maximum execution
times of a specific function, excluding the time taken to execute nested functions

■ Line number, total time, and call count. Total time spent executing a line and the total
number of times a line was executed

20 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ Siebel eScript Programming Guidelines

■ Total Time and Max and Min Time. Total execution time of a specific function and its nested
functions, and the minimum and maximum execution times of a specific function and its nested

NOTE: You can export the profiling data displayed in the Tools Script Performance Profiler window to
a text file for later use.

For additional information on Script Profiler options and features, see Using Siebel Tools.

Siebel eScript Programming Guidelines

If you have never programmed in JavaScript before, start with a general-purpose JavaScript
reference manual. You need to understand how JavaScript handles objects before you can program
using the Siebel eScript.

Declare your variables. Standard ECMAScript does not require that you declare variables.
Variables are declared implicitly as soon as they are used. However, Siebel eScript requires you to
declare variables with the var keyword. Declare variables used in a module before you use them,
because this declaration makes it easier for others to understand your code and for you to debug the
code. The only exception to this standard is declaring a variable inside a loop controller, which
restricts the scope of that reference to the loop. Local declaration prevents the accumulation of
unwanted values.

Consider case sensitivity. Be aware that Siebel eScript is case sensitive. Therefore, if you
instantiate an object using the variable name SiebelApp, for example, eScript does not find that
object if the code references it as siebelapp or SIEBELAPP instead of SiebelApp. Case sensitivity also
applies to method names and other parts of Siebel eScript.

Use parentheses () with functions. Siebel eScript functions, like those in standard JavaScript,
require trailing parentheses () even when they have no parameters.

Use four-digit years in dates. Siebel applications and the ECMA-262 Standard handle two-digit
years differently. Siebel applications assume that a two-digit year refers to the appropriate year
between 1950 and 2049. The ECMA-262 Standard assumes that a two-digit year refers to a year
between 1900 and 1999, inclusive. If your scripts do not enforce four-digit date entry and use four-
digit dates, your users may unintentionally enter the wrong century when performing a query or
creating or updating a record.

(BusComp) methods GetFormattedFieldValue() and SetFormattedFieldValue() are examples of Y2K

sensitivities in Siebel eScript that use two-digit dates. If you use these methods in a script, users
requesting orders for the years from 03 to 05 may find that they have incorrectly retrieved orders
for the years 1903–1905 (probably an empty list), instead of for 2003–2005, as they had wanted.

If you use only four-digit dates in your programs, you will not have Y2K problems with your scripts.
With the preceding example, you could use GetFieldValue() and SetFieldValue(), which require dates
to be specified using the canonical Siebel format (MM/DD/YYYY), instead of
GetFormattedFieldValue() and SetFormattedFieldValue().

Use the this object reference. The special object reference this is eScript shorthand for the current
object. Use this in place of references to active business objects and components. For example, in a
business component event handler, use this in place of ActiveBusComp, as shown in the following

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 21

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ Siebel eScript Concepts

function BusComp_PreQuery ()
this.ActivateField("Account Location");
this.SetSortSpec( "Account(DESCENDING)," +
" Account Location(DESCENDING)");

return (ContinueOperation);

Make effective use of the switch construct. The switch construct directs the program to choose
among any number of alternatives you require, based on the value of a single variable. This
alternative is greatly preferable to a series of nested If statements because it simplifies code
maintenance. It also improves performance, because the variable must be evaluated only once.

Siebel eScript Concepts

Standard JavaScript, or ECMAScript, is usually part of Web browsers and is therefore used while
users are connected to the Internet. Most people are unaware that JavaScript is being executed on
their computers when they are connected to various Internet sites.

Siebel eScript is implemented as part of Siebel applications and is interpreted by the Siebel Object
Manager at run time. You do not need a Web browser to use it. It also contains a number of functions
that do not exist in ECMAScript. These functions give you access to the hard disk and other parts of
the Siebel client workstation or server.

The following topics describe factors you need to be aware of when programming using Siebel

■ “Case Sensitivity in Siebel eScript”

■ “White-Space Characters in Siebel eScript” on page 23

■ “Comments in Siebel eScript” on page 24

■ “Expressions, Statements, and Blocks in Siebel eScript” on page 25

■ “Identifiers in Siebel eScript” on page 25

■ “Variables in Siebel eScript” on page 27

Case Sensitivity in Siebel eScript

Siebel eScript is case sensitive. A variable named testvar is a different variable than one named
TestVar, and both of them can exist in a script at the same time. Thus, the following code fragment
defines two separate variables:

var testvar = 5;
var TestVar = "five";

22 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ Siebel eScript Concepts

Identifiers in Siebel eScript are case sensitive. For example, to raise an error from the server, the
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText() method could be used:

TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("an error has occurred");

If you change the capitalization to

TheApplication().raiseerrortext("an error has occurred");

the Siebel eScript interpreter generates an error message.

Control statements are also case sensitive. For example, the statement while is valid, but the
statement While is not.

White-Space Characters in Siebel eScript

White-space characters (space, tab, carriage-return, and newline) govern the spacing and placement
of text. White space makes code more readable for the users, but the Siebel eScript interpreter
ignores it.

Lines of script end with a carriage-return character, and each line is usually a separate statement.
(Technically, in many editors, lines end with a carriage-return and linefeed pair, "\r\n".) Because
the Siebel eScript interpreter usually sees one or more white-space characters between identifiers
as simply white space, the following Siebel eScript statements are equivalent to one another:

var x=a+b
var x = a + b
var x = a + b
var x = a+

White space separates identifiers into separate entities. For example, ab is one variable name, and
a b is two. Thus, the fragment

var ab = 2

is valid, but

var a b = 2

is not.

Many programmers use spaces and not tabs, because tab size settings vary from editor to editor and
programmer to programmer. If programmers use only spaces, the format of a script appears the
same on every editor.

CAUTION: Siebel eScript treats white space in string literals differently from other white space. In
particular, placing a line break within a string causes the Siebel eScript interpreter to treat the two
lines as separate statements, both of which contain errors because they are incomplete. To avoid
this problem, either keep string literals on a single line or create separate strings and associate them
with the string concatenation operator.

For example:

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 23

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ Siebel eScript Concepts

var Gettysburg = "Fourscore and seven years ago, " +

"our fathers brought forth on this continent a " +
"new nation.";

For more information about string concatenation, see “String Concatenation Operator in Siebel eScript”
on page 47.

Special Characters in Siebel eScript

Characters such as the double quote mark ("), the single quote mark ('), the hard return, the semi-
colon (;), and the ampersand (&) have special meanings within JavaScript and eScript. But
sometimes you want to use them for their traditional values, to have quotation marks appear around
a phrase on the screen, to add a hard return to your text file to make it more readable or to specify
a file system path. You can escape the character, that is, you can tell JavaScript to skip over it, by
preceding the character with a back slash.

The backslash (\) character is JavaScript/eScript’s escape character. The backslashes in SVB and
JavaScript/eScript are used differently. Two backslashes are needed in JavaScript/eScript. The
reason for this is that the JavaScript/eScript interpreter sees a single backslash as indicating that
the very next character is a character to be “escaped” (to use it literal meaning). For more
information, see “Escape Sequences for Characters in Siebel eScript” on page 316.

Comments in Siebel eScript

A comment is text in a script to be read by users and not by the Siebel eScript interpreter, which
skips over comments. Comments that explain lines of code help users understand the purpose and
program flow of a program, making it easier to alter code.

There are two formats for comments, end-of-line comments and block comments. End-of-line
comments begin with two slash characters, “//”. Any text after two consecutive slash characters is
ignored to the end of the current line. The Siebel eScript interpreter begins interpreting text as code
on the next line.

Block comments are enclosed within a beginning block comment, “/*”, and an end of block comment,
“*/”. Any text between these markers is a comment, even if the comment extends over multiple lines.
Block comments may not be nested within block comments, but end-of-line comments can exist
within block comments.

The following code fragments are examples of valid comments:

// this is an end of line comment

/* this is a block comment.

This is one big comment block.
// this comment is okay inside the block.
The interpreter ignores it.

var FavoriteAnimal = "dog"; // except for poodles

24 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ Siebel eScript Concepts

//This line is a comment but

var TestStr = "This line is not a comment.";

Expressions, Statements, and Blocks in Siebel eScript

An expression or statement is any sequence of code that performs a computation or an action, such
as the code var TestSum = 4 + 3, which computes a sum and assigns it to a variable. Siebel eScript
code is executed one statement at a time in the order in which it is read.

Many programmers put semicolons at the end of statements, although they are not required. Each
statement is usually written on a separate line, with or without semicolons, to make scripts easier
to read and edit.

A statement block is a group of statements enclosed in curly braces, ({}), which indicate that the
enclosed individual statements are a group and are to be treated as one statement. A block can be
used anywhere that a single statement can.

A while statement causes the statement after it to be executed in a loop. If multiple statements are
enclosed within curly braces, they are treated as one statement and are executed in the while loop.
The following fragment illustrates:

while( ThereAreUncalledNamesOnTheList() == true)

var name = GetNameFromTheList();

The three lines after the while statement are treated as a unit. If the braces were omitted, the while
loop would apply only to the first line. With the braces, the script goes through the lines until
everyone on the list has been called. Without the braces, the script goes through the names on the
list, but only the last one is called.

Statements within blocks are often indented for easier reading.

Identifiers in Siebel eScript

Identifiers are merely names for variables and functions. Programmers must know the names of
built-in variables and functions to use them in scripts and must know some rules about identifiers to
define their own variables and functions.

eScript Rules for Identifiers

Siebel eScript identifiers follow these rules:

■ Identifiers may use only uppercase or lowercase ASCII letters, digits, the underscore (_), and
the dollar sign ($). They may use only characters from the following sets:

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 25

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ Siebel eScript Concepts


■ Identifiers may not use any of the following characters:


■ Identifiers must begin with a letter, underscore, or dollar sign, but they may have digits
anywhere else.

■ Identifiers may not have white space in them, because white space separates identifiers for the
Siebel eScript interpreter.

■ Identifiers have no built-in length restrictions, so you can make them as long as necessary.

The following identifiers, variables, and functions are valid:


The following identifiers, variables, and functions are not valid:

Martha and Nancy
Add Both Figures()

Prohibited Identifiers in Siebel eScript

The following words have special meaning for the Siebel eScript interpreter and cannot be used as

break export super

case extends switch
catch false this
class finally throw
const for true
continue function try
debugger if typeof
default import while

26 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ Siebel eScript Concepts

delete in with
do new var
else null void
enum return

Variables in Siebel eScript

A variable is an identifier to which data may be assigned. Variables are used to store and represent
information in a script.

Variables may change their values, but literals may not. For example, if you want to display a name
literally, you must use something like the following fragment multiple times:

TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("Aloysius Gloucestershire Merkowitzky");

But you could use a variable to make this task easier, as in the following:

var Name = "Aloysius Gloucestershire Merkowitzy";


The preceding method allows you to use shorter lines of code for display and to use the same lines
of code repeatedly by changing the contents of the variable Name.

Variable Scope
Variables in Siebel eScript may be either global or local. Global variables can be accessed and
modified from any function associated with the Siebel object for which the variables have been
declared. Local variables can be accessed only within the functions in which they are created,
because their scope is local to that function.

Variables can also be shared across modules. A variable declared outside a function has scope global
to the module. If you declare a local variable with the same name as a module variable, the module
variable is not accessible.

NOTE: Siebel eScript variables declared outside of a particular function are global only to their object
(the module in which they are declared), not across every object in the application.

There are no absolute rules that indicate when to use global or local variables. It is generally easier
to understand how local variables are used in a single function than how global variables are used
throughout an entire module. Therefore, local variables facilitate modular code that is easier to
debug and to alter and develop over time. Local variables also require fewer resources.

Variable Declaration
To declare a variable, use the var keyword. To make it local, declare it in a function.

var perfectNumber;

A value may be assigned to a variable when it is declared:

var perfectNumber = 28;

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 27

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ Data Types in Siebel eScript

In the following example, a is global to its object because it was declared outside of a function.
Typically you declare all global variables in a general declarations section. The variables b, c, and d
are local because they are defined within functions.

var a = 1;
function myFunction()
var b = 1;
var d = 3;

function someFunction(e)
var c = 2

The variable c may not be used in the myFunction() function, because it is has not been defined
within the scope of that function. The variable d is used in the myFunction() function and is explicitly
passed as a parameter to someFunction() as the parameter e.

The following lines show which variables are available to the two functions:

myfunction(): a, b, d
someFunction(): a, c, e

Data Types in Siebel eScript

Data types in Siebel eScript can be classified into primitive data types and object data types. All
primitive and object data types can be either:

■ Strongly typed. The data type is specified when the variable is declared.

■ Typeless. The data type is determined by the Siebel eScript interpreter at run time.

For further information on strongly typed and typeless variables, see “Data Typing in Siebel eScript”
on page 36.

Data types need to be understood in terms of their literal representations in a script and of their
characteristics as variables. In a script, data can be represented by literals or variables. The following
lines illustrate variables and literals:

var TestVar = 14;

var aString = "test string";

The variable TestVar is assigned the literal 14, and the variable aString is assigned the literal test
string. After these assignments of literal values to variables, the variables can be used anywhere in
a script where the literal values can be used.

Data, in literal or variable form, is assigned to a variable with an assignment operator, which is often
merely an equal sign, “=”, as the following lines illustrate:

28 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ Data Types in Siebel eScript

var happyVariable: = 7;
var happyToo = happyVariable;

The following topics provide information on the Siebel eScript data types:

■ “Primitive Data Types in Siebel eScript” on page 29

■ “Object Data Types in Siebel eScript” on page 30

■ “Performance Considerations in Using Object Data Types” on page 32

■ “Numbers in Siebel eScript” on page 34

■ “Data Typing in Siebel eScript” on page 36

■ “Implicit Type Conversion in Siebel eScript” on page 37

Primitive Data Types in Siebel eScript

A primitive data type is the set of all possible values of a primitive value. A variable that is of a
primitive data type is simply a value. Unlike an object data type, it can have no other properties or
functions that are part of its definition.

The primitive data types are:

■ chars. This primitive type is used for defining and manipulating strings. By convention, a chars
value is a sequence of alphanumeric characters. However, it is technically any sequence of 16-
bit unsigned integers.

■ float. This primitive type is used for defining and manipulating floating point numbers.

NOTE: Integer is not an eScript data type. You can use a variable of type float. Some routines
that expect integer arguments do an internal conversion of a float variable.

■ bool. This primitive type is used for defining and manipulating Boolean objects. A bool value is
either true or false.

■ Undefined. If a variable is created or accessed with nothing assigned to it, it is of type

undefined. An undefined variable merely occupies space until a value is assigned to it. When a
variable is assigned a value, it is assigned a type according to the value assigned.

Following is code that will test whether a variable is undefined:

var test;
if (typeof test == "undefined")
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("test is undefined");

NOTE: When the chars, float, or bool primitive data types are used to declare variables, they must
be used as all lowercase.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 29

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ Data Types in Siebel eScript

Object Data Types in Siebel eScript

The ECMAScript standard defines an object as “a member of the type Object. It is an unordered
collection of properties, each of which contains a primitive value, object, or function. A function
stored in a property of an object is called a method.”

Siebel eScript does not implement a proper class hierarchy. Instead, objects are instantiated as type
Object or are instantiated from objects descended from objects of type Object. These instantiated
objects act as new object types themselves, from which other objects may be instantiated. Each
object has an implicit constructor function that is implemented through the new command.

Properties can be added dynamically to any object. An object inherits all the properties of the objects
in its ancestral chain.

The Object object type is the generic object type. By declaring a variable of type Object, the
variable’s structure is starting new, in a sense, in that it does not inherit properties from any objects
descended from the Object type.

Object types that are built into the scripting engine are:

■ String. A String object is created by using the String constructor in a new expression. The
string’s value, a chars value, becomes an implicit property of the String object.

A string is written using a pair of either double or single quotation marks, for example:

"I am a string"
'so am I'

The string "344" is different from the number 344. The first is an array of characters, and the
second is a value that may be used in numerical calculations.

Siebel eScript implicitly converts strings to numbers and numbers to strings, depending on the
context. For more information about implicit type conversions, see “Implicit Type Conversion in
Siebel eScript” on page 37.

■ Boolean. A Boolean object is created by using the Boolean constructor in a new expression. The
Boolean object’s value, a bool value (true or false), is an implicit property of the Boolean object.

Because Siebel eScript implicitly converts values when appropriate, when a Boolean variable is
used in a numeric context, its value is converted to 0 if it is false, or 1 if it is true. A script is
more precise when it uses the actual Siebel eScript values, false and true, but it works using the
concepts of zero and nonzero.

■ Number. A number object is created by using the Number constructor in a new expression. The
number’s value, a value of primitive type float, becomes an implicit property of the Number

For more information on numbers in eScript, see “Numbers in Siebel eScript” on page 34.

■ Array. An array is a series of data stored in a variable. Each datum is associated with an index
number or string. The following fragments illustrate the storage of the data in an array variable:

30 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ Data Types in Siebel eScript

var Test = new Array;

Test[0] = "one";
Test[1] = "two";
Test[2] = "three";

The array variable Test contains three strings. The array variable can be used as one unit, and
the strings can also be accessed individually by appending the bracketed index of the element
after the array name.

Arrays and objects in general use grouping similarly. Arrays are objects in Siebel eScript, but
they have different notations for accessing properties than other objects. While arrays use
indexes, objects use property names or methods. In practice, arrays should be regarded as a
unique data type.

Arrays and their characteristics are discussed more fully in “Array Objects” on page 85.

■ Null. The null object is literally a null pointer. The null object type indicates that a variable is
empty, and this condition is different from undefined. A null variable holds no value, although it
might have previously held one.

The null type is represented literally by the identifier null. The keyword null enables comparisons
to the null object. Because null has a literal representation, an assignment such as the following
is valid:

var test = null;

Any variable that has been assigned a value of null can be compared to the null literal.

If you are using the T eScript engine, you must explicitly release the memory allocated to specific
object types when they are no longer required by assigning the objects as Null objects. You must
explicitly release memory for the following object types:

■ Application
■ BusComp

■ BusObject

■ CfgItem
■ CTIData

■ CTIService

■ PropertySet

■ Service

■ WebApplet

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 31

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ Data Types in Siebel eScript

In addition to the String, Boolean, Array, Number, and Null object types, the scripting engine includes
the prebuilt object types listed in Table 2.

Table 2. Other Prebuilt Object Types in Siebel eScript

Object Comment

Application For more information, see “Application Objects” on page 83.

BLOB For more information, see “BLOB Objects” on page 94.

BlobDescriptor For more information, see “blobDescriptor Objects” on page 94.

Buffer For more information, see “Buffer Objects in Siebel eScript” on

page 100.

BusComp For more information, see “Business Component Objects” on page 113.

BusObject For more information, see “Business Object Objects” on page 118.

CfgItem This is a Siebel Product Configurator object.

Clib For more information, see “Clib Objects” on page 121.

CTIData For more information, see Siebel Communications Server

Administration Guide.

CTIService For more information, see Siebel Communications Server

Administration Guide.

Date For more information, see “Date Objects” on page 213.

Exception For more information, see “Exception Objects” on page 249.

File For more information, see “Clib.fopen() Method” on page 146.

Math For more information, see “Math Objects” on page 279.

PropertySet For more information, see Siebel Object Interfaces Reference.

RegExp For more information, see “RegExp Objects” on page 301 and
ECMAScript specifications.

SELib For more information, see “SElib Objects” on page 308.

Service For more information, see “Business Service Objects” on page 118.

WebApplet For more information, see “Applet Objects” on page 81.

Performance Considerations in Using Object Data Types

There is a performance overhead associated with using object data types when compared with using
primitive data types and, as a result, primitive data types typically provide superior execution
performance. For this reason, it is recommended that you use an object data type only if you need
to make use of properties specific to that object type. Otherwise, if an equivalent primitive type
exists for the object type, use the primitive data type instead.

32 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ Data Types in Siebel eScript

Table 3 shows the object data types for which equivalent primitive data types exist.

Table 3. Object Data Type to Primitive Data Type Mappings

Instead of using this object... You can use this primitive

String chars

Number float

Boolean bool

For example, use the chars primitive data type instead of a String object type in your scripts when
you do not need to use String-specific object or conversion methods.

Complex Objects in Siebel eScript

Variables can be passed as parameters to subroutines and functions in two ways:

■ By value. A variable passed by value retains its value prior to being passed, even though the
passed value may change during processing within the subroutine or function. The following
fragment illustrates:

var a = 5;
var b = ReturnValue(a);

function ReturnValue(c)
c = 2 * c;
return c ;

After this script runs, a = 5 and b = 10. However, c has value only during the execution of the
function ReturnValue, but not after the function has finished execution. Although a was passed
as a parameter to the function, and that value is manipulated as local variable c, a retains the
value it had prior to being passed.

■ By reference. Complex objects are objects that are passed by reference. When a variable is
passed by reference, a reference to the object’s data is passed. A variable’s value may be
changed by the subroutine or function to which it is passed, as illustrated by the following
var AnObj = new Object;
AnObj.name = "Joe";
AnObj.old = ReturnName(AnObj)

function ReturnName(CurObj)
var c = CurObj.name;

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 33

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ Data Types in Siebel eScript

CurObj.name = “Vijay”;
return c

When AnObj is passed to the function ReturnName(), it is passed by reference. CurObj receives
a reference to the object, but it does not receive a copy of the object.

With this reference, CurObj can access every property and method of AnObj, which was passed
to it. During the course of the function executing, CurObj.name is changed to “Vijay” within the
function, so AnObj.name also becomes “Vijay.”

Each method determines whether parameters are passed to it by value or by reference. For the large
majority of methods, parameters are passed by value.

Numbers in Siebel eScript

This topic describes the various notations for numeric literals. Numbers that contain characters other
than a decimal point, except in hexadecimal and scientific notation, are treated as string values in
eScript. For example, eScript treats the number 100,000 (notice the comma) as a string.

NOTE: The notations provided in this section are not data types and should not be used as data types
in declarations for strongly typed variables.

Integers are positive and negative whole numbers and zero. Integer constants and literals can be
expressed in decimal, hexadecimal, or octal notation. Decimal constants and literals are expressed
by using the decimal representation. See the following two sections to learn how to express
hexadecimal and octal integers.

NOTE: A variable cannot be strongly typed as an integer. You can use the primitive type float, and
its value can be used as an integer.

Hexadecimal notation uses base-16 digits from the sets of 0–9 and A–F or a–f. These digits are
preceded by 0x. Case sensitivity does not apply to hexadecimal notation in Siebel eScript. Examples

0x1, 0x01, 0x100, 0x1F, 0x1f, 0xABCD

var a = 0x1b2E;

The decimal equivalents are:

1, 1, 256, 31, 31, 43981

var a = 6958

Octal notation uses base-8 digits from the set of 0-7. These digits are preceded by a zero. Examples

34 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ Data Types in Siebel eScript

00, 05, 077

var a = 0143;

The decimal equivalents are:

0, 5, 63
var a = 99

Floating Point
Floating-point numbers are numbers with fractional parts that are indicated by decimal notation,
such as 10.33.

NOTE: Floating-point numbers are often referred to as floats. Do not confuse the familiar
connotation of float with the eScript float primitive data type.

CAUTION: The assignment of a floating-point number to a variable may cause a loss in precision
due to a limit in memory for decimal-to-binary conversion. Numbers that may be stored with a small
precision error are decimal numbers that do not convert to a finite binary representation. For
example, the statement var x = 142871.45 may result in x being stored as 142871.450000000001.
These small precision errors will likely have little effect on precision of subsequent calculations,
depending on their context. However, a number’s representation may be unexpectedly too large for
the field in which it displays, resulting in the error message “Value too long for field %1 (maximum
size %2)".

To prevent floating-point precision errors, use the toFixed() Method at appropriate points in
calculations or when assigning variable values. For example, use x.toFixed(2) in calculations instead
of using variable x as declared above.

Decimal floats use the same digits as decimal integers but use a period to indicate a fractional part.
Examples are:

0.32, 1.44, 99.44

var a = 100.55 + .45;

Scientific notation is useful in expressing very large and very small numbers. It uses the decimal
digits in conjunction with exponential notation, represented by e or E. Scientific notation is also
referred to as exponential notation. Examples are:

4.087e2, 4.087E2, 4.087e+2, 4.087E-2

var a = 5.321e31 + 9.333e-2;

The decimal equivalents are:

408.7, 408.7, 408.7, 0.04087

var a = 53210000000000000000000000000000 + 0.09333

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 35

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ Data Types in Siebel eScript

NaN means “not a number,” and NaN is an abbreviation for the phrase. NaN is not a data type, but
is instead a value. However, NaN does not have a literal representation. To test for NaN, the function,
isNaN(), must be used, as illustrated in the following fragment:

var Test = "a string";

if (isNaN(parseInt(Test)))
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("Test is Not a Number");

When the parseInt() function tries to parse the string "a string" into an integer, it returns NaN,
because "a string" does not represent a number as the string "22" does.

Number Constants in Siebel eScript

Several numeric constants, as shown in Table 4, can be accessed as properties of the Number object,
though they do not have a literal representation.

Table 4. Numeric Constants in Siebel eScript

Constant Value Description

Number.MAX_VALUE 1.7976931348623157e+308 Largest number (positive)

Number.MIN_VALUE 2.2250738585072014e-308 Smallest positive nonzero value

Number.NaN NaN Not a number

Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY Infinity Number greater than MAX_VALUE

Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY -Infinity Number less than MIN_VALUE

Data Typing in Siebel eScript

You can specify a variable’s data type in two ways:

■ Typed (or strongly typed) variables. You specify the data type in the variable’s declaration
by appending a colon “:” and the data type after the variable name. For example:

36 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ Data Types in Siebel eScript

var a : Date = new Date ();

var BO:BusObject;
var BC:BusComp;

Binding and type checking of strongly typed variables occurs at compile time. Typically, a strongly
typed variable provides improved execution over its typeless counterpart. It also enables the
compilation warning for incorrect methods and properties.

All of the primitive and object data types can be strongly typed. For a list of these data types,
see “Primitive Data Types in Siebel eScript” on page 29 and “Object Data Types in Siebel eScript” on
page 30.

NOTE: To strongly type variables, you must implement the ST eScript engine. For information
on implementing the ST eScript engine, see Using Siebel Tools.

For information on implicit type conversions, see “Implicit Type Conversion in Siebel eScript” on
page 37.

■ Typeless variables. You do not specify the data type in the variable’s declaration. For example:

var count = 0;
var a = new Date ();
var BO = new BusObject;

At run time, the type is determined by the Siebel eScript interpreter when the variable is first
used. The type remains until a later assignment changes the type implicitly. In the preceding
examples, the assigning of the value zero types variable count as integer. Similarly, variable a
is of type Date and BO is of type BusObject.

Implicit Type Conversion in Siebel eScript

Siebel eScript performs implicit data type conversion in many mixed-type contexts. However, to
make sure that your code performs conversions as you expect it to, you should use conversion
functions that are provided for that purpose, and you should test your code prior to putting it into

For more information on conversion methods, see “Conversion Methods” on page 257.

The rules governing run-time conversion of data types vary and depend on:

■ Whether the type mismatch is in the context of a value assignment or the result of concatenation

■ Whether the variables involved are typeless or strongly typed

Implicit Type Conversion Resulting from Concatenation in eScript

Data type conversion of typeless variables occurs implicitly during concatenation involving both
strings and numbers and is subject to the following rules.

■ Subtracting a string from a number or a number from a string converts the string to a number
and performs subtraction on the two values.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 37

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ Data Types in Siebel eScript

■ Adding a string to a number or a number to a string converts the number to a string and
concatenates the two strings.

■ Strings always convert to a base 10 number and must not contain any characters other than
digits. The string "110n" does not convert to a number because the n character is meaningless
as part of a number in Siebel eScript.

The following examples illustrate these implicit conversions:

s = "dog" + "house" // s = "doghouse", two strings are concatenated.

t = "dog" + 4 // t= "dog4", a number is converted to a string
u = 4 + "4" // u = "44", a number is converted to a string
v = 4 + 4 // v = 8, two numbers are added
w = 23 - "17" // w = 6, a string is converted to a number

To make sure that type conversions are performed when doing addition, subtraction, and other
arithmetic, use conversion methods. The following example uses a conversion method to transform
string input to numeric to perform arithmetic:

var n = "55";
var d = "11";
var division = Clib.div(ToNumber(n), ToNumber(d));

To specify more stringent conversions, use the parseFloat() Method of the global object. Siebel eScript
has many global functions to convert data to specific types. Some of these are not part of the
ECMAScript standard.

NOTE: There are circumstances under which conversion is not performed implicitly. If you encounter
such a circumstance, you must use one of the conversion functions to get the desired result. For an
explanation of conversion functions, see “Conversion Methods” on page 257.

Implicit Type Conversion Resulting from Assignment in eScript

Implicit type conversion resulting from assignment differ for typeless and strongly typed variables.

■ Typeless variables. Conversion occurs implicitly during assignment involving typeless variables
only. For example, the following assignments result in variable a assuming the String type.

var a = 7.2;
var b = “seven point 2”
a = b;

■ Strongly Typed variables. Table 5 on page 39 provides a mapping of types and the results of
implicit type conversion during assignment of mixed types. Interpret the table as follows:

■ For the assignment a = b, types for variable a are in the left column, and types for variable
b are in the top row. Thus, the assignment attempts to convert a’s data type to that of b.

■ For a given data type for each of a and b, the intersection cell in the table specifies whether
a’s type is implicitly converted to that of b.

❏ “Y” indicates that the implicit conversion occurs.

❏ “w” indicates that a message may display at compile time warning that the conversion
may not occur. Whether a conversion occurs and whether a warning displays depends on
the properties of the variables involved in the assignment.

38 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ Data Types in Siebel eScript

❏ “err” indicates that a compilation error occurs.

❏ “NA” indicates that there is no conversion needed. Typically, conversion is not required
when a variable of Object (a generic object) is converted to a specialized object type.

❏ “-” indicates that a and b are of the same type.

■ “value” denotes a typeless variable. Thus, the row and column with “value” headings specify
conversions when strongly typed variables are assigned to typeless variables, and

■ “*” denotes objects other than the eScript built-in objects Object, String, Number, and
Boolean. These other objects include prebuilt objects and user-defined objects.

Table 5. Implicit Type Conversion of Strongly Typed Variables that Are Assigned

Variable * (other
a type value chars bool float Object String Number Boolean objects)

value - Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y

chars Y - Y Y Y Y Y Y Y, w1

bool Y Y - Y Y Y Y Y Y

float Y Y, w Y - Y, w Y, w Y Y Y, w

Object Y err err err - NA NA NA NA

String Y Y err err err - err err err

Number Y err err Y err err - err err

Boolean Y err Y err err err err - err

* Y err err err err err err err -
1. toString

Properties and Methods of Common Data Types in Siebel

Common data types, such as Number and String, have properties and methods that may be used
with any variable of that type. Any string variable may use any string method.

The properties and methods of these common data types are most often used internally by the Siebel
eScript interpreter, but you may use them if you choose. For example, if you have a numeric variable
called num and you want to convert it to a string, you can use the toString() method, as illustrated
in the following fragment:

var num = 5;
var s = num.toString();

After this fragment executes, the variable num contains the number 5 and the variable s contains the
string "5".

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 39

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ Expressions in Siebel eScript

The following two methods are common to variables.

This method returns the value of a variable expressed as a string. Value is an implicit property of
Number and Boolean objects.

This method returns the value of a variable. Value is an implicit property of objects, including
Number, String, and Boolean objects.

Expressions in Siebel eScript

An expression is a collection of two or more terms that perform a mathematical or logical operation.
The terms are usually either variables or functions that are combined with an operator to evaluate
to a string or numeric result. You use expressions to perform calculations, manipulate variables, or
concatenate strings.

Expressions are evaluated according to order of precedence. Use parentheses to override the default
order of precedence.

The order of precedence (from high to low) for the operators is:

■ Arithmetic operators

■ Comparison operators

■ Logical operators

Operators in Siebel eScript

Operators act on literal and variable values in expressions to generate calculated values. The
following topics provide information on various categories of operators.

■ “Mathematical Operators in Siebel eScript”

■ “Bit Operators in Siebel eScript” on page 43

■ “Logical Operators and Conditional Expressions in Siebel eScript” on page 44

■ “Typeof Operator in Siebel eScript” on page 46

■ “Conditional Operator in Siebel eScript” on page 47

■ “String Concatenation Operator in Siebel eScript” on page 47

40 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ Operators in Siebel eScript

Mathematical Operators in Siebel eScript

Mathematical operators are used to make calculations using mathematical data. The following
sections illustrate the mathematical operators in Siebel eScript.

Basic Arithmetic
The arithmetic operators in Siebel eScript are standard. They are described in Table 6.

Table 6. Basic Arithmetic Operators in Siebel eScript

Operator Purpose Description

= Assignment Assigns a value to a variable

+ Addition Adds two numbers

- Subtraction Subtracts a number from another

* Multiplication Multiplies two numbers

/ Division Divides a number by another

% Modulo Returns a remainder after division

The following examples use variables and arithmetic operators:

var i;
i = 2; //i is now 2
i = i + 3; //i is now 5, (2 + 3)
i = i - 3; //i is now 2, (5 - 3)
i = i * 5; //i is now 10, (2 * 5)
i = i / 3; //i is now 3.333..., (10 / 3)
i = 10; //i is now 10
i = i % 3; //i is now 1, (10 mod 3)

Expressions may be grouped to affect the sequence of processing. Multiplications and divisions are
calculated for an expression before additions and subtractions unless parentheses are used to
override the normal order. Expressions inside parentheses are processed before other calculations.

In the following examples, the information in the remarks represents intermediate forms of the
example calculations.

Notice that, because of the order of precedence,

4 * 7 - 5 * 3; //28 - 15 = 13

has the same meaning as

(4 * 7) - (5 * 3); //28 - 15 = 13/

but has a different meaning from

4 * (7 - 5) * 3; //4 * 2 * 3 = 24

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 41

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ Operators in Siebel eScript

which is also different from

4 * (7 - (5 * 3)); //4 * -8 = -32

The use of parentheses is recommended whenever there may be confusion about how the expression
is to be evaluated, even when parentheses are not required.

Assignment Arithmetic
Each of the operators shown in the previous section can be combined with the assignment operator,
=, as a shortcut for performing operations. Such assignments use the value to the right of the
assignment operator to perform an operation on the value to the left. The result of the operation is
then assigned to the value on the left. Table 7 lists these operators, their purposes, and descriptions.

Table 7. Basic Arithmetic Operators in Siebel eScript

Operator Purpose Description

= Assignment Assigns a value to a variable

+= Assign addition Adds a value to a variable

-= Assign subtraction Subtracts a value from a variable

*= Assign multiplication Multiplies a variable by a value

/= Assign division Divides a variable by a value

%= Assign remainder Returns a remainder after division

The following lines are examples using assignment arithmetic:

var i;
i = 2; //i is now 2
i += 3; //i is now 5 (2 + 3), same as i = i + 3
i -= 3; //i is now 2 (5 - 3), same as i = i _ 3
i *= 5; //i is now 10 (2 * 5), same as i = i * 5
i /= 3; //i is now 3.333...(10 / 3); same as i = i / 3
i = 10; //i is now 10
i %= 3; //i is now 1, (10 mod 3), same as i = i % 3

Auto-Increment (++) and Auto-Decrement (--)

To add 1 to a variable, use the auto-increment operator, ++. To subtract 1, use the auto-decrement,
operator, --. These operators add or subtract 1 from the value to which they are applied. Thus, i++
is shorthand for i += 1, which is shorthand for i = i + 1.

The auto-increment and auto-decrement operators can be used before their variables, as a prefix
operator, or after, as a suffix operator. If they are used before a variable, the variable is altered
before it is used in a statement, and, if they are used after, the variable is altered after it is used in
the statement.

42 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ Operators in Siebel eScript

The lines in Table 8 demonstrate prefix and postfix operations.

Table 8. Auto-Increment and Auto-Decrement Operators in Siebel eScript

Example Results Description

i = 4; //i is 4

j = ++i; //j is 5, i is 5 (i was incremented before use)

j = i++; //j is 5, i is 6 (i was incremented after use)

j = --i; //j is 5, i is 5 (i was decremented before use)

j = i--; //j is 5, i is 4 (i was decremented after use)

i++; //i is 5 (i was incremented)

Bit Operators in Siebel eScript

Siebel eScript contains many operators for operating directly on the bits in a byte or an integer. Bit
operations require knowledge of bits, bytes, integers, binary numbers, and hexadecimal numbers.
Not every programmer needs to use bit operators. Table 9 lists these bit operators, their descriptions,
and provides examples.

Bit operators available in Siebel eScript are:

Table 9. Bit Operators in Siebel eScript

Operator Description Example

<< Shift left i = i << 2

<<= Assignment shift left i <<= 2

>> Signed shift right i = i >> 2

>>= Assignment signed shift right i >>= 2

>>> Unsigned shift right i = i >>> 2

>>>= Assignment unsigned shift right i >>>= 2

& Bitwise and i = i & 1

&= Assignment bitwise and i &= 1

| Bitwise or i = i | 1

|= Assignment bitwise or i |= 1
^ Bitwise xor, exclusive or i = i ^ 1

^= Assignment bitwise xor, exclusive or i ^= 1

~ Bitwise not, complement i = ~i

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 43

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ Operators in Siebel eScript

Logical Operators and Conditional Expressions in Siebel

Logical operators compare two values and evaluate whether the resulting expression is false or true.
A variable or any other expression may be false or true. An expression that performs a comparison
is called a conditional expression.

Logical operators are used to make decisions about which statements in a script are executed, based
on how a conditional expression evaluates.

The logical operators available in Siebel eScript are described in Table 10.

Table 10. Logical Operators in Siebel eScript

Operator Purpose Description

! Not Reverse of an expression. If (a+b) is true, then !(a+b)

is false.

&& And True if, and only if, both expressions are true. Because
both expressions must be true for the statement as a
whole to be true, if the first expression is false, there is
no need to evaluate the second expression, because the
whole expression is false.

|| Or True if either expression is true. Because only one of the

expressions in the or statement needs to be true for the
expression to evaluate as true, if the first expression
evaluates as true, the Siebel eScript interpreter returns
true and does not evaluate the second.

== Equality True if the values are equal; otherwise false. Do not

confuse the equality operator, ==, with the assignment
operator, =.

!= Inequality True if the values are not equal; otherwise false.

< Less than The expression a < b is true if a is less than b.

> Greater than The expression a > b is true if a is greater than b.

<= Less than or equal to The expression a <= b is true if a is less than or equal to

>= Greater than or equal to The expression a >= b is true if a is greater than b.

For example, if you were designing a simple guessing game, you might instruct the computer to
select a number between 1 and 100, and you would try to guess what it is. The computer tells you
whether you are right and whether your guess is higher or lower than the target number.

44 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ Operators in Siebel eScript

This procedure uses the if statement, which is introduced in the next section. If the conditional
expression in the parenthesis following an if statement is true, the statement block following the if
statement is executed. If the conditional expression is false, the statement block is ignored, and the
computer continues executing the script at the next statement after the ignored block.

The script implementing this simple guessing game might have a structure similar to the one that
follows, in which GetTheGuess() is a function that obtains your guess.

var guess = GetTheGuess(); //get the user input, either 1, 2, or 3

target_number = 2;
if (guess > target_number)
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText(“Guess is too high.”);
if (guess < target_number)
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText(“Guess is too low.”);
if (guess == target_number);
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText(“You guessed the number!”);

This example is simple, but it illustrates how logical operators can be used to make decisions in Siebel

CAUTION: Remember that the assignment operator, =, is different from the equality operator, ==.
If you use the assignment operator when you want to test for equality, your script fails because the
Siebel eScript interpreter cannot differentiate between operators by context. Using the assignment
operator incorrectly is a common mistake, even among experienced programmers.

Using the Equality Operator with Strongly Typed Variables

The ST eScript engine compares object values when performing equality comparisons for typeless
variables but it compares object identities when performing equality comparisons for strongly typed

The following script examples illustrate the different results produced from eScript comparison
operations using the equality operator.

The result of the comparison in the following script, which involves strongly typed variables, is always
"not equal" because object identities are being compared, not object values:

function foo ()
var oStr1 : String = new String ("aa");
var oStr2 : String = new String ("aa");
if (oStr1 == oStr2)
TheApplication ().RaiseErrorText ("equal");
TheApplication ().RaiseErrorText ("not equal");

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 45

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ Operators in Siebel eScript

However, the result of the comparison in the following script is also always "not equal", even though
the variables are not strongly typed. This is because the String is an object, and object comparisons
are used in the if statement.

function foo ()
var oStr1 = new String ("aa");
var oStr2 = new String ("aa");
if (oStr1 == oStr2)
TheApplication ().RaiseErrorText ("equal");
TheApplication ().RaiseErrorText ("no equal");

To ensure that the values of the variables are compared in an equality comparison operation, you
can either:

■ Use the valueOf () method, as shown in the following script:

function foo ()
var oStr1 = new String ("aa");
var oStr2 = new String ("aa");
if (oStr1.valueOf () == oStr2.valueOf ())
TheApplication ().RaiseErrorText ("equal");
TheApplication ().RaiseErrorText ("no equal");

■ Use primitive data type variables, as shown in the following script:

function foo ()
var oStr1 : chars = "aa"
var oStr2 : chars = "aa";
if (oStr1 == oStr2)
TheApplication ().RaiseErrorText ("equal");
TheApplication ().RaiseErrorText ("no equal");

Typeof Operator in Siebel eScript

The typeof operator provides a way to determine and to test the data type of a variable and may use
either of the following notations (with or without parentheses):

var result = typeof variable

var result = typeof(variable)

After either line, the variable result is set to a string that represents the variable's type:
"undefined", "boolean", "string", "object", "number", "function", or "buffer".

46 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ Functions in Siebel eScript

Conditional Operator in Siebel eScript

The conditional operator, a question mark, provides a shorthand method for writing else statements.
Statements using the conditional operator are more difficult to read than conventional if statements,
so they are used when the expressions in the if statements are brief.

The syntax is:

test_expression ? expression_if_true : expression_if_false

First, test_expression is evaluated. If test_expression is true, then expression_if_true is evaluated,

and the value of the entire expression is replaced by the value of expression_if_true. If
test_expression is false, then expression_if_false is evaluated, and the value of the entire expression
is that of expression_if_false.

The following fragments illustrate the use of the conditional operator:

foo = ( 5 < 6 ) ? 100 : 200;

In the previous statement foo is set to 100, because the expression is true.

TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("Name is " + ((null==name) ? "unknown" : name));

In the previous statement, the message box displays "Name is unknown" if the name variable has a
null value. If it does not have a null value, the message box displays "Name is " plus the content of
the variable.

String Concatenation Operator in Siebel eScript

You can use the + operator to join strings together, or concatenate them. The following line:

var proverb = "A rolling stone " + "gathers no moss.";

creates the variable proverb and assigns it the string "A rolling stone gathers no moss." If you
concatenate a string with a number, the number is converted to a string:

var newstring = 4 + "get it";

This bit of code creates newstring as a string variable and assigns it the string "4get it".

Functions in Siebel eScript

A function is an independent section of code that receives information from a program and performs
some action with it. Functions are named using the same conventions as variables.

After a function has been written, you do not have to think again about how to perform the operations
in it. When you call the function, it handles the work for you. You only need to know what information
the function needs to receive—the parameters—and whether it returns a value to the statement
that called it.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 47

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ Functions in Siebel eScript

TheApplication().RaiseErrorText() is an example of a function that provides a way to display

formatted text in the event of an error. It receives a string from the function that called it, displays
the string in an alert box on the screen, and terminates the script. TheApplication().RaiseErrorText()
is a void function, which means that it has no return value.

In Siebel eScript, functions are considered a data type. They evaluate the function’s return value.
You can use a function anywhere you can use a variable. You can use any valid variable name as a
function name. Use descriptive function names that help you keep track of what the functions do.

Two rules set functions apart from the other variable types. Instead of being declared with the var
keyword, functions are declared with the function keyword, and functions have the function
operator, a pair of parentheses, following their names. Data to be passed to a function is enclosed
within these parentheses.

Several sets of built-in functions are included as part of the Siebel eScript interpreter and are
described in this manual. These functions are internal to the interpreter and may be used at any time.

See the following topics for additional information on functions:

■ “Function Scope in Siebel eScript”

■ “Passing Variables to Functions in Siebel eScript” on page 49

■ “The Function Arguments[] Property in Siebel eScript” on page 49

■ “Function Recursion in Siebel eScript” on page 50

■ “Error Checking for Functions in Siebel eScript” on page 50

Function Scope in Siebel eScript

Functions are global in scope and can be called from anywhere in a script within the object in which
it has been declared. Think of functions as methods of the global object. A function may not be
declared within another function so that its scope is merely within a certain function or section of a

The following two code fragments perform the same function. The first calls a function, SumTwo(), as
a function, and the second calls SumTwo() as a method of the global object.

// fragment one
function SumTwo(a, b)
return (a + b)

TheApplication().RaiseErrorText(SumTwo(3, 4));

// fragment two
function SumTwo(a, b)
return (a + b)

48 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ Functions in Siebel eScript

TheApplication().RaiseErrorText(global.SumTwo(3, 4));

In the fragment that defines and uses the function SumTwo(), the literals, 3 and 4, are passed as
parameters to the function SumTwo() which has corresponding parameters, a and b. The parameters,
a and b, are variables for the function that hold the literal values that were passed to the function.

Passing Variables to Functions in Siebel eScript

Siebel eScript uses different methods to pass variables to functions, depending on the type of
variable being passed. Such distinctions make sure that information gets to functions in the most
logical way.

Primitive types such as strings, numbers, and Booleans are passed by value. The values of these
variables are passed to a function. If a function changes one of these variables, the changes are not
visible outside of the function in which the change took place.

Composite types such as objects and arrays are passed by reference. Instead of passing the value
of the object or the values of each property, a reference to the object is passed. The reference
indicates where the values of an object's properties are stored in a computer's memory. If you make
a change in a property of an object passed by reference, that change is reflected throughout the
calling routine.

The return statement passes a value back to the function that called it. Any code in a function
following the execution of a return statement is not executed. For details, see “return Statement” on
page 251.

The Function Arguments[] Property in Siebel eScript

The arguments[] property is an array of the arguments passed to a function. The first variable passed
to a function is referred to as arguments[0], the second as arguments[1], and so forth.

This property allows you to have functions with an indefinite number of arguments. Here is an
example of a function that takes a variable number of arguments and returns the sum:

function SumAll()
var total = 0;
for (var ssk = 0; ssk < SumAll.arguments.length; ssk++)
total += SumAll.arguments[ssk];
return total;

NOTE: The arguments[] property for a particular function can be accessed only from within that

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 49

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ Functions in Siebel eScript

Function Recursion in Siebel eScript

A recursive function is a function that calls itself or that calls another function that calls the first
function. Recursion is permitted in Siebel eScript. Each call to a function is independent of any other
call to that function. However, recursion has limits. If a function calls itself too many times, a script
runs out of memory and aborts.

Remember that a function can call itself if necessary. For example, the following function, factor(),
factors a number. Factoring is a good candidate for recursion because it is a repetitive process where
the result of one factor is then itself factored according to the same rules.

function factor(i) //recursive function to print factors of i,

{// and return the number of factors in i
if ( 2 <= i )
for ( var test = 2; test <= i; test++ )
if ( 0 == (i % test) )
// found a factor, so print this factor then call
// factor() recursively to find the next factor
return( 1 + factor(i/test) );
// if this point was reached, then factor not found
return( 0 );

Error Checking for Functions in Siebel eScript

Some functions return a special value if they fail to do what they are supposed to do. For example,
the Clib.fopen() method opens or creates a file for a script to read from or write to. If the Clib.fopen()
method is called and is unable to open a file, then the method returns null.

If you then try to read from or write to the file that is assumed to be open, you receive errors. To
prevent these errors, check whether Clib.fopen() returns null when it tries to open a file, instead of
calling Clib.fopen() as follows:

var fp = Clib.fopen("myfile.txt", "r");

check to make sure that null is not returned:

var fp = Clib.fopen("myfile.txt", "r");

if (null == fp)
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("Error with fopen as returned null " +
"in the following object: " + this.Name() + " " + e.toString() + e.errText());

You may abort a script in such a case, and the error text indicates why the script failed. See “Clib
Objects” on page 121.

50 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ Siebel eScript Statements

Siebel eScript Statements

This section describes statements your program uses to make decisions and to direct the flow based
on those decisions:

■ “break Statement” on page 51

■ “continue Statement” on page 52

■ “do...while Statement” on page 53

■ “for Statement” on page 54

■ “for...in Statement” on page 55

■ “goto Statement” on page 56

■ “if Statement” on page 57

■ “switch Statement” on page 59

■ “throw Statement” on page 61

■ “try Statement” on page 61

■ “while Statement” on page 63

■ “with Statement” on page 64

break Statement
The break statement terminates the innermost loop of for, while, or do statements. It is also used to
control the flow within switch statements.

Syntax A

Syntax B
break label;

Table 11 shows the placeholder description.

Table 11. break Statement Placeholder Description

Placeholder Description

label The name of the label indicating where execution is to resume

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 51

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ Siebel eScript Statements

The break statement is legal only in loops or switch statements. In a loop, it is used to terminate the
loop prematurely when the flow of the program eliminates the need to continue the loop. In the
switch statement, it is used to prevent execution of cases following the selected case and to exit from
the switch block.

When used within nested loops, break terminates execution only of the innermost loop in which it

A label may be used to indicate the beginning of a specific loop when the break statement appears
within a nested loop to terminate execution of a loop other than the innermost loop. A label consists
of a legal identifier, followed by a colon, placed at the left margin of the work area.

For an example, see “switch Statement” on page 59.

Related Topics
“do...while Statement” on page 53
“for Statement” on page 54
“if Statement” on page 57
“while Statement” on page 63

continue Statement
The continue statement starts a new iteration of a loop.

Syntax A

Syntax B
continue label;

Table 12 shows the placeholder description.

Table 12. continue Statement Placeholder Description

Placeholder Description

label The name of the label indicating where execution is to resume

The continue statement ends the current iteration of a loop and begins the next. Any conditional
expressions are reevaluated before the loop reiterates.

52 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ Siebel eScript Statements

A label may be used to indicate the point at which execution should continue. A label consists of a
legal identifier, followed by a colon, placed at the left margin of the work area.

The following example writes the numbers 1 through 6 and 8 through 10, followed by the string
“.Test”. The use of the continue statement after “if (i==7)” prevents the write statement for 7, but
keeps executing the loop.

var i = 0;
while (i < 10)
if (i==7)
document.write(i + ".Test");

Related Topics
“do...while Statement”
“for Statement” on page 54
“goto Statement” on page 56
“while Statement” on page 63

do...while Statement
The do...while statement processes a block of statements until a specified condition is met.

} while (condition)

Table 13 shows the placeholder descriptions.

Table 13. do...while Statement Placeholder Descriptions

Placeholder Description

statement_block One or more statements to be executed within the loop

condition An expression indicating the circumstances under which the loop should be

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 53

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ Siebel eScript Statements

The do statement processes the statement_block repeatedly until condition is met. Because
condition appears at the end of the loop, condition is tested for only after the loop executes. For this
reason, a do...while loop is always executed at least one time before condition is checked.

This example increments a value and prints the new value to the screen until the value reaches 100.

var value = 0;
} while( value < 100 );

Related Topics
“for Statement”
“while Statement” on page 63

for Statement
The for statement repeats a series of statements a fixed number of times.

for ( [var] counter = start; condition; increment )

Table 14 shows the placeholder descriptions.

Table 14. for Statement Placeholder Descriptions

Placeholder Description

counter A numeric variable for the loop counter

start The initial value of the counter

The counter variable must be declared with var if it has not already been declared. Even though it is
declared in the for statement, its scope is local to the whole function that contains the for loop.

54 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ Siebel eScript Statements

First, the expression counter = start is evaluated. Then condition is evaluated. If condition is true
or if there is no conditional expression, the statement is executed. Then the increment is executed
and condition is reevaluated, which begins the loop again. If the expression is false, the statement
is not executed, and the program continues with the next line of code after the statement.

Within the loop, the value of counter should not be changed in ways other than being incremented
on each pass through the loop. Changing the counter in other ways makes your script difficult to
maintain and debug.

A for statement can control multiple counters in a loop. The various counter variables and their
increments must be separated by commas. For example:

for (var i = 1, var j = 3; i < 10; i++, j++)

var result = i * j;

For an example of the for statement, see “eval() Method” on page 259.

Related Topics
“do...while Statement” on page 53
“while Statement” on page 63

for...in Statement
The for...in statement loops through the properties of an associative array or object.

NOTE: The for...in statement can be used with associative arrays, which are arrays that use strings
as index elements. The for...in statement is not for use with nonassociative arrays. For more
information, see “Associative Arrays in Siebel eScript” on page 87.

for (LoopVar in object)

Table 15 shows the placeholder descriptions.

Table 15. for...in Statement Placeholder Descriptions

Placeholder Description

object A previously defined associative array or object

LoopVar A variable that iterates over every element in the associative array or
property of the object

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 55

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ Siebel eScript Statements

An object must have at least one defined property or it cannot be used in a for...in statement.
Associative arrays must have at least one defined element.

The statement block executes one time for every element in the associative array or property of the
object. For each iteration of the loop, the variable LoopVar contains the name of one of the elements
of the array or the name of a property of the object and may be accessed with a statement of the
form array_name[LoopVar] or object[LoopVar].

NOTE: Properties that have been marked with the DONT_ENUM attribute are not accessible to a
for...in statement.

This example creates an object called obj, and then uses the for...in statement to read the object’s

function PropBtn_Click ()
var obj = new Object;
var propName;
var msgtext = "";

obj.number = 32767;
obj.string = "Welcome to my world";
obj.date = "April 25, 1945";

for (propName in obj)

msgtext = msgtext + "The value of obj." + propName +
" is " + obj[propName] + ".\n";

Running this code produces the following results:

The value of obj.number is 32767.

The value of obj.string is Welcome to my world.
The value of obj.date is April 25, 1945.

For an example of the for...in statement used with an associative array, see “Associative Arrays in
Siebel eScript” on page 87.

goto Statement
The goto statement redirects execution to a specific point in a function.

goto label;

56 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ Siebel eScript Statements

Table 16 shows the placeholder description.

Table 16. goto Statement Placeholder Description

Placeholder Description

label A marker, followed by a colon, for a line of code at which

execution should continue

You can jump to any location within a function by using the goto statement. To do so, you must create
a label—an identifier followed by a colon—at the point at which execution should continue. As a rule,
goto statements should be used sparingly because they make it difficult to track program flow.

The following example uses a label to loop continuously until a number greater than 0 is entered:

function clickme_Click ()
var number = 10;
if (number <= 0 )
goto restart;
var factorial = 1;
for ( var x = number; x >= 2; x-- )
factorial = (factorial * x);
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText( "The factorial of " +
number + " is " + factorial + "." );

if Statement
The if statement tests a condition and proceeds depending on the result.

Syntax A
if (condition)

Syntax B
if (condition)
[else if (condition)

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 57

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ Siebel eScript Statements


Table 17 shows the placeholder descriptions.

Table 17. if Statement Placeholder Descriptions

Placeholder Description

condition An expression that evaluates to true or false

statement_block One or more statements or methods to be executed if expression is true

The if statement is the most commonly used mechanism for making decisions in a program. When
multiple statements are required, use the block version (Syntax B) of the if statement. When
expression is true, the statement or statement_block following it is executed. Otherwise, it is

The following fragment is an example of an if statement:

if ( i < 10 )
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("i is less than 10.");

The brackets are not required if only a single statement is to be executed if condition is true.
However, you may use them for clarity.

The else statement is an extension of the if statement. It allows you to tell your program to do
something else if the condition in the if statement was found to be false.

In Siebel eScript code, the else statement looks like the following example, if only one action is to
be taken in either circumstance:

if ( i < 10 )
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("i is less than 10.");
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("i is not less than 10.");

If you want more than one statement to be executed for any of the alternatives, you must group the
statements with brackets, like this:

if ( i < 10 )
i += 10;
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText ("Original i was less than 10, and has now been
incremented by 10.");

58 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ Siebel eScript Statements

i -= 5;
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText ("Original i was at least 10, and has now been
decremented by 5.");

To make more complex decisions, an else clause can be combined with an if statement to match one
of a number of possible conditions.

The following fragment illustrates using else with if. For another example, see “setTime() Method” on
page 232.

if ( i < 10 )
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("i is less than 10.")
else if ( i > 10 )
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("i is greater than 10.");
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("i is 10.");

Related Topics
“switch Statement”

switch Statement
The switch statement makes a decision based on the value of a variable or expression.

switch( switch_variable )
case value1:
case value2:

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 59

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ Siebel eScript Statements

Table 18 shows the placeholder descriptions.

Table 18. switch Statement Placeholder Descriptions

Placeholder Description

switch_variable The variable upon whose value the course of action depends

valuen Values of switch_variable, which are followed by a colon

statement_block One or more statements to be executed if the value of switch_variable is the
value listed in the case statement

The switch statement is a way of choosing among alternatives when each choice depends upon the
value of a single variable.

The variable switch_variable is evaluated, and then it is compared to the values in the case
statements (value1, value2, …, default) until a match is found. The statement block following the
matched case is executed until the end of the switch block is reached or until a break statement exits
the switch block.

If no match is found and a default statement exists, the default statement executes.

Make sure to use a break statement to end each case. In the following example, if the break
statement after the “I=I+2;” statement were omitted, the computer executes both “I=I+2;” and
“I=I+3;”, because the Siebel eScript interpreter executes commands in the switch block until it
encounters a break statement.

Suppose that you had a series of account numbers, each beginning with a letter that indicates the
type of account. You could use a switch statement to carry out actions depending on the account
type, as in the following example:

switch ( key[0] )
case 'A':
case 'B':;
case 'C':

60 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ Siebel eScript Statements

Related Topics
“if Statement” on page 57

throw Statement
The throw statement is used to make sure that script execution halts when an error occurs.

throw exception

Table 19 shows the placeholder description.

Table 19. throw Statement Placeholder Description

Parameter Description

exception An object in a named error class

Throw can be used to make sure that a script stops executing when an error is encountered,
regardless of what other measures may be taken to handle the error. In the following code example,
the throw statement is used to stop the script after the error message is displayed.

catch( e )
TheApplication().Trace (e.toString()));

throw e;

Related Topics
“try Statement”

try Statement
The try statement is used to process exceptions that occur during script execution.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 61

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ Siebel eScript Statements

[throw exception]

Table 20 shows the placeholder descriptions.

Table 20. try Statement Placeholder Descriptions

Placeholder Description

statement_block A block of code that may generate an error

exception_handling_block A block of code to process the error

exception An error of a named type

statement_block_2 A block of code that is always executed, unless that block transfers
control to elsewhere in the script

The try statement is used to handle functions that may raise exceptions, which are error conditions
that cause the script to branch to a different routine. A try statement generally includes a catch
clause or a finally clause, and may include both. The catch clause is used to handle the exception.
To raise an exception, use the throw statement (see “throw Statement” on page 61). The finally clause
is used to perform cleanup work, for example, destroying object references.

When you want to trap potential errors generated by a block of code, place that code in a try
statement, and follow the try statement with a catch statement. The catch statement is used to
process the exceptions that may occur in the manner you specify in the exception_handling_block.

The following example demonstrates the general form of the try statement with the catch clause. In
this example, the script continues executing after the error message is displayed:

catch( e )
"Something bad happened: %s\n",e.toString()));

62 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ Siebel eScript Statements

The finally clause contains code that must be executed before the try statement is exited, regardless
of whether or not a catch clause halts the execution of the script. The finally clause can be exited by
a goto, a throw, or a return statement. A return statement in the finally clause suppresses any
exceptions that are generated in the method or passed to the method.

Statements in the finally clause are skipped only if the finally clause redirects the flow of control to
another part of the script.

Here is an example:

return 10;
goto no_way;

no_way: statement_block

Execution continues with the code after the label, so the return statement is ignored.

Related Topics
“throw Statement” on page 61

while Statement
The while statement executes a particular section of code repeatedly until an expression evaluates
to false.

while (condition)

Table 21 shows the placeholder descriptions.

Table 21. while Statement Placeholder Descriptions

Placeholder Description

condition The condition whose falsehood is used to determine when to stop executing
the loop

statement_block One or more statements to be executed while condition is true

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 63

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ Siebel eScript Statements

The condition must be enclosed in parentheses. If expression is true, the Siebel eScript interpreter
executes the statement_block following it. Then, the interpreter tests the expression again. A while
loop repeats until condition evaluates to false, and the program continues after the code associated
with the while statement.

The following fragment illustrates a while statement with two lines of code in a statement block:

while(ThereAreUncalledNamesOnTheList() != false)
var name = GetNameFromTheList();

with Statement
The with statement assigns a default object to a statement block, so you need to use the object name
with its properties and methods.

with (object)

Table 22 shows the placeholder descriptions.

Table 22. with Statement Placeholder Descriptions

Placeholder Description

object An object with which you wish to use multiple methods

method1, method2, methodn Methods to be executed with the object

The with statement is used to save time when working with objects. It prefixes the object name and
a period to each method used.

If you were to jump from within a with statement to another part of a script, the with statement
would no longer apply. The with statement only applies to the code within its own block, regardless
of how the Siebel eScript interpreter accesses or leaves the block.

64 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ Siebel eScript Statements

You may not use a goto statement or label to jump into or out of the middle of a with statement block.

The following fragment illustrates the use of the with statement:

var bcOppty;
var boBusObj;
boBusObj = TheApplication().GetBusObject("Opportunity");
bcOppty = boBusObj.GetBusComp("Opportunity");
var srowid = bcOppty.GetFieldValue("Id");

with (bcOppty)
ActivateField("Sales Stage");
SetSearchSpec("Id", srowid);
boBusObj = null;
bcOppty = null;

The portion in the with block is equivalent to:

bcOppty.ActivateField("Sales Stage");
bcOppty.SetSearchSpec("Id", srowid);

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 65

Siebel eScript Language Overview ■ Siebel eScript Statements

66 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

3 Methods and Properties in
Siebel eScript

This chapter describes the Siebel eScript functions, methods, and properties by functional group,
rather than by object. It includes the following topics:

■ “Array Methods and Properties in Siebel eScript”

■ “Buffer Methods and Properties in Siebel eScript” on page 68

■ “Character Classification Methods in Siebel eScript” on page 69

■ “Conversion Methods in Siebel eScript” on page 69

■ “Data Handling Methods in Siebel eScript” on page 70

■ “Date and Time Methods in Siebel eScript” on page 71

■ “Disk and File Methods in Siebel eScript” on page 72

■ “Error Handling Methods in Siebel eScript” on page 74

■ “Mathematical Methods and Properties in Siebel eScript” on page 75

■ “Memory Manipulation Methods in Siebel eScript” on page 77

■ “String and Byte-Array Methods in Siebel eScript” on page 78

■ “Uncategorized Methods in Siebel eScript” on page 79

NOTE: In this chapter, properties can be distinguished from methods by the fact that they do not
end with a pair of parentheses.

Array Methods and Properties in Siebel

Table 23 provides a list of array methods and properties.

Table 23. Array Methods in Siebel eScript

Method or Property Purpose

getArrayLength() Method Determines size of an array

Array join() Method Creates a string from array elements

Array length Property Returns the length of an array

Array pop() Method Returns the last element of an array, then removes
that element from the array

Array push() Method Appends new elements to the end of an array.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 67

Methods and Properties in Siebel eScript ■ Buffer Methods and Properties in Siebel

Table 23. Array Methods in Siebel eScript

Method or Property Purpose

Array reverse() Method Reverses the order of elements of an array

setArrayLength() Method Sets the size of an array

Array sort() Method Sorts array elements

Array splice() Method Splices new elements into an array

Clib.bsearch() Method Does a binary search for a member of a sorted

Clib.qsort() Method Sorts an array; may use comparison function

Buffer Methods and Properties in Siebel

Table 24 provides a list of buffer methods.

Table 24. Buffer Methods in Siebel eScript

Method or Property Purpose

bigEndian Property Stores a Boolean flag for bigEndian byte ordering

cursor Property Stores the current position of the buffer cursor

data Property Refers to the internal data of a buffer

getString() Method Returns a string starting from the current cursor position

getValue() Method Returns a value from a specified position

offset[] Method Provides array-style access to individual bytes in the buffer

putString() Method Puts a string into a buffer

putValue() Method Puts a specified value into a buffer

subBuffer() Method Returns a section of a buffer

SElib.pointer() Method Gets the address in memory of a Buffer variable

subBuffer() Method Stores the size of a Buffer object

toString() Method Returns a string equivalent of the current state of a buffer

unicode Property Stores a Boolean flag that specifies whether to use Unicode
strings when calling getString() and putString()

68 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Methods and Properties in Siebel eScript ■ Character Classification Methods in Siebel

Character Classification Methods in

Siebel eScript
Table 25 provides a list of character classification methods.

Table 25. Character Classification Methods in Siebel eScript

Method Purpose

Clib.isalnum() Method Tests for an alphanumeric character

Clib.isalpha() Method Tests for an alphabetic character

Clib.isascii() Method Tests for an ASCII-coded character

Clib.iscntrl() Method Tests for any control character

Clib.isdigit() Method Tests for any decimal-digit character

Clib.isgraph() Method Tests for any printing character except space

Clib.islower() Method Tests for a lowercase alphabetic letter

Clib.isprint() Method Tests for any printing character

Clib.ispunct() Method Tests for a punctuation character

Clib.isspace() Method Tests for a white-space character

Clib.isupper() Method Tests for an uppercase alphabetic character

Clib.isxdigit() Method Tests for a hexadecimal-digit character

Clib.toascii() Method Converts to ASCII

Conversion Methods in Siebel eScript

Table 26 provides a list of conversion methods.

Table 26. Conversion Methods in Siebel eScript

Method Purpose
escape() Method Escapes special characters in a string

eval() Method Converts an expression to its value

parseFloat() Method Converts a string to a float

parseInt() Method Converts a string to an integer

ToBoolean() Method Converts a value to a Boolean

ToBuffer() Method Converts a value to a buffer

ToBytes() Method Converts a value to a buffer (raw transfer)

toExponential() Method Converts a number to exponential notation

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 69

Methods and Properties in Siebel eScript ■ Data Handling Methods in Siebel eScript

Table 26. Conversion Methods in Siebel eScript

Method Purpose

toFixed() Method Converts a number to a specific number of decimal


ToInteger() Method Converts a value to an integer

ToNumber() Method Converts a value to a number

ToObject() Method Converts a value to an object

toPrecision() Method Converts a number to a specific number of

significant digits

ToString() Method Converts a value to a string

ToUint16() Method Converts a value to an unsigned integer

ToUint32() Method Converts a value to an unsigned large integer

unescape(string) Method Removes escape sequences in a string

Data Handling Methods in Siebel eScript

Table 27 provides a list of data handling methods.

Table 27. Data Handling Methods in Siebel eScript

Method Purpose

Blob.get() Method Reads data from a specified location in a BLOB

Blob.put() Method Writes data into a specified location in a BLOB

Blob.size() Method Determines the size of a BLOB

escape() Method Tests if a variable has been defined

isFinite() Method Determines whether a value is finite

isNaN() Method Determines whether a value is Not a Number (NaN)

ToString() Method Converts any variable to a string representation

undefine() Method Makes a variable undefined

70 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Methods and Properties in Siebel eScript ■ Date and Time Methods in Siebel eScript

Date and Time Methods in Siebel eScript

Table 28 provides a list of date and time methods.

Table 28. Date and Time Methods in Siebel eScript

Method Purpose

Clib.asctime() Method Converts a date-time to an ASCII string

Clib.clock() Method Gets the processor time

Clib.ctime() Method Converts a date-time to an ASCII string

Clib.difftime() Method Computes the difference between two times

Clib.gmtime() Method Converts a date-time to GMT

Clib.localtime() Method Converts a date-time to a structure

Clib.mktime() Method Converts a time structure to calendar time

Clib.strftime() Method Writes a formatted date-time to a string

Clib.time() Method Gets the current time

Date.fromSystem() Static Method Converts system time to Date object time

Date.parse() Static Method Converts a Date string to a Date object

Date.toSystem() Method Converts a Date object to a system time

Date.UTC() Static Method Returns the date-time, in milliseconds, from January 1, 1970 of
its parameters

getDate() Method Returns the day of the month

getDay() Method Returns the day of the week

getFullYear() Method Returns the year as a four-digit number

getHours() Method Returns the hour

getMilliseconds() Method Returns the millisecond

getMinutes() Method Returns the minute

getMonth() Method Returns the month

getSeconds() Method Returns the second

getTime() Method Returns the date-time, in milliseconds, of a Date object

getTimezoneOffset() Method Returns the difference, in minutes, from GMT

getUTCDate() Method Returns the UTC day of the month

getUTCDay() Method Returns the UTC day of the week

getUTCFullYear() Method Returns the UTC year as a four-digit number

getUTCHours() Method Returns the UTC hour

getUTCMilliseconds() Method Returns the UTC millisecond

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 71

Methods and Properties in Siebel eScript ■ Disk and File Methods in Siebel eScript

Table 28. Date and Time Methods in Siebel eScript

Method Purpose

getUTCMinutes() Method Returns the UTC minute

getUTCMonth() Method Returns the UTC month

getUTCSeconds() Method Returns the UTC second

getYear() Method Returns the year as a two-digit number

setDate() Method Sets the day of the month

setFullYear() Method Sets the year as a four-digit number

setHours() Method Sets the hour

setMilliseconds() Method Sets the millisecond

setMinutes() Method Sets the minute

setMonth() Method Sets the month

setSeconds() Method Sets the second

setTime() Method Sets the date-time in a Date object, in milliseconds

setUTCDate() Method Sets the UTC day of the month

setUTCFullYear() Method Sets the UTC year as a four-digit number

setUTCHours() Method Sets the UTC hour

setUTCMilliseconds() Method Sets the UTC millisecond

setUTCMinutes() Method Sets the UTC minute

setUTCMonth() Method Sets the UTC month

setUTCSeconds() Method Sets the UTC second

setYear() Method Sets the year as a two-digit number

toGMTString() Method Converts a Date object to a string

toLocaleString() Method and Returns a string representing the date and time of a Date
toString() Method object based on the time zone of the computer running the

toUTCString() Method Returns a string that represents the UTC date

Disk and File Methods in Siebel eScript

Siebel eScript provides the following disk and file methods:

■ “Disk and Directory Methods in Siebel eScript” on page 73

■ “File-Control Methods in Siebel eScript” on page 73

■ “File-Manipulation Methods in Siebel eScript” on page 74

72 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Methods and Properties in Siebel eScript ■ Disk and File Methods in Siebel eScript

Disk and Directory Methods in Siebel eScript

Table 29 provides a list of disk and directory methods.

Table 29. Disk and Directory Methods in Siebel eScript

Method Purpose

Clib.chdir() Method Changes directory

Clib.flock() Method Handles file locking and unlocking

Clib.getcwd() Method Gets the current working directory

Clib.mkdir() Method Creates a directory

Clib.rmdir() Method Removes a directory

Backslashes (\) can be interpreted as escape characters. When forming Windows path names, double
each back slash to prevent this interpretation. For example, to change the working directory to
C:\Applications\Myfolder, use the following command:


Similarly, when using UNC paths to access a computer on your network, use four backslashes (\\\\)
before the computer name.

Clib.system("copy \\\\server01\\share\\SR.txt D:\\SR.txt ");

File-Control Methods in Siebel eScript

Table 30 provides a list of file-control methods.

Table 30. File-Control Methods in Siebel eScript

Method Purpose

Clib.fclose() Method Closes an open file

Clib.fopen() Method Opens a file

Clib.freopen() Method Assigns a new file spec to a file handle

Clib.remove() Method Deletes a file

Clib.rename() Method Renames a file

Clib.tmpfile() Method Creates a temporary binary file

Clib.tmpnam() Method Gets a temporary filename

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 73

Methods and Properties in Siebel eScript ■ Error Handling Methods in Siebel eScript

File-Manipulation Methods in Siebel eScript

Table 31 provides a list of file-manipulation methods.

Table 31. File-Manipulation Methods in Siebel eScript

Method Purpose

Clib.feof() Method Tests whether at the end of a file stream

Clib.fflush() Method Flushes the stream of one or more open files

Clib.fgetc() Method and Gets a character from a file stream

Clib.getc() Method

Clib.fgetpos() Method Gets the current file cursor position in a file stream

Clib.fgets() Method Gets a string from an input stream

Clib.fprintf() Method Writes formatted output to a file stream

Clib.fputc() Method and Writes a character to a file stream

Clib.putc() Method

Clib.fputs() Method Writes a string to a file stream

Clib.fread() Method Reads data from a file

Clib.fscanf() Method Gets formatted input from a file stream

Clib.fseek() Method Sets the file cursor position in an open file stream

Clib.fsetpos() Method Sets the file cursor position in a file stream

Clib.ftell() Method Gets the current value of the file cursor

Clib.fwrite() Method Writes data to a file

Clib.rewind() Method Resets the file cursor to the beginning of a file

Clib.ungetc()Method Pushes a character back to the input stream

Error Handling Methods in Siebel eScript

Table 32 provides a list of error handling methods.

Table 32. Error Handling Methods in Siebel eScript

Method Purpose

Clib.clearerr() Method Clears end-of-file and error status of a file

Clib.errno Property Returns the value of an error condition

Clib.ferror() Method Tests for an error on a file stream

Clib.perror() Method Prints a message describing an error number

74 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Methods and Properties in Siebel eScript ■ Mathematical Methods and Properties in
Siebel eScript

Table 32. Error Handling Methods in Siebel eScript

Method Purpose

“Clib.strerror() Method” Gets a string describing an error number

throw Statement Makes sure that script execution halts when an error

Mathematical Methods and Properties in

Siebel eScript
The eScript language provides the following mathematical methods and properties:

■ “Numeric Methods in Siebel eScript”

■ “Trigonometric Methods in Siebel eScript” on page 76

■ “Mathematical Properties in Siebel eScript” on page 76

Numeric Methods in Siebel eScript

Table 33 provides a list of numeric methods.

Table 33. Numeric Methods in Siebel eScript

Method Purpose

Clib.div() Method and Performs integer division and returns an object with the
Clib.ldiv() Method quotient and remainder

Clib.frexp() Method Breaks a real number into a mantissa and an exponent as a

power of 2

Clib.ldexp() Method Calculates mantissa * 2 ^ exponent

Clib.modf() Method Splits a value into integer and fractional parts

Clib.rand() Method Returns a random real number between 0 and 1

Clib.srand() Method Seeds the random number generator

Math.abs() Method Returns the absolute value of an integer

Math.ceil() Method Rounds a real number up to the next highest integer

Math.exp() Method Computes the exponential function

Math.floor() Method Rounds a real number down to the next lowest integer
Math.log() Method Calculates the natural logarithm

Math.max() Method Returns the largest of one or more values

Math.min() Method Returns the smallest of one or more values

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 75

Methods and Properties in Siebel eScript ■ Mathematical Methods and Properties in
Siebel eScript

Table 33. Numeric Methods in Siebel eScript

Method Purpose

Math.pow() Method Calculates x to the power of y

Math.random() Method Returns a random real number between 0 and 1

Math.round() Method Rounds a value up or down

Math.sqrt() Method Calculates the square root

Trigonometric Methods in Siebel eScript

Table 34 provides a list of trigonometric methods.

Table 34. Trigonometric Methods in Siebel eScript

Method Purpose

Clib.cosh() Method Calculates the hyperbolic cosine

Clib.sinh() Method Calculates the hyperbolic sine

Clib.tanh() Method Calculates the hyperbolic tangent

Math.acos() Method Calculates the arc cosine

Math.asin() Method Calculates the arc sine

Math.atan() Method Calculates the arc tangent

Math.atan2() Method Calculates the arc tangent of a fraction

Math.cos() Method Calculates the cosine

Math.sin() Method Calculates the sine

Math.tan() Method Calculates the tangent

Mathematical Properties in Siebel eScript

Table 35 provides a list of mathematical properties, each of which is a numeric constant.

Table 35. Mathematical Properties in Siebel eScript

Property Value

Math.E Property Value of e, the base for natural logarithms

Math.LN10 Property Value of the natural logarithm of 10

Math.LN2 Property Value of the natural logarithm of 2

Math.LOG10E Property Value of the base 10 logarithm of e

Math.LOG2E Property Value of the base 2 logarithm of e

76 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Methods and Properties in Siebel eScript ■ Memory Manipulation Methods in Siebel

Table 35. Mathematical Properties in Siebel eScript

Property Value

Math.PI Property Value of pi

Math.SQRT1_2 Property Value of the square root of ½

Math.SQRT2 Property Value of the square root of 2

Memory Manipulation Methods in Siebel

Table 39 provides a list of methods with which to manipulate data at specific memory locations.

Table 36. Uncategorized Methods in Siebel eScript

Method Purpose

SElib.peek() Method Reads data from a specific position in memory

SElib.pointer() Method Gets the address in memory of a Buffer variable

SElib.poke() Method Writes data to a specific position in memory

Operating System Interaction Methods

in Siebel eScript
Table 37 provides a list of operating system interaction methods.

Table 37. Operating System Interaction Methods in Siebel eScript

Method Purpose

Clib.getenv() Method Returns the value of an environment variable as a string

Clib.putenv() Method Assigns a value to a specified environment variable

Clib.system() Method Instructs the operating system to run the specified

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 77

Methods and Properties in Siebel eScript ■ String and Byte-Array Methods in Siebel

String and Byte-Array Methods in Siebel

Table 38 provides a list of string and byte-array methods.

Table 38. String and Byte-Array Methods in Siebel eScript

Method Purpose

Clib.memchr() Method Searches a byte array

Clib.memcmp() Method Compares two byte arrays

Clib.memcpy() Method and Copies or moves from one byte array to another
Clib.memmove() Method

Clib.memset() Method Copies from one byte array to another

Clib.rsprintf() Method Returns a formatted string

Clib.sprintf() Method Writes formatted output to a string

Clib.sscanf() Method Reads and formats input from a string

Clib.strchr() Method Searches a string for a character

Clib.strcspn() Method Searches a string for the first character in a set of characters

Clib.stricmp() Method and Makes a case-sensitive comparison of two strings

Clib.strcmpi() Method

Clib.strlwr() Method Converts a string to lowercase

Clib.strncat() Method Concatenates a portion of one string to another

Clib.strncmp() Method Makes a case-sensitive comparison of parts of two strings

Clib.strncmpi() Method and Makes a case-insensitive comparison of parts of two strings

Clib.strnicmp() Method

Clib.strncpy() Method Copies a portion of one string to another

Clib.strpbrk() Method Searches string for a character from a set of characters

Clib.strrchr() Method Searches a string for the last occurrence of a character

Clib.strspn() Method Searches a string for a character not in a set of characters

Clib.strstr() Method Searches a string for a substring (case sensitive)

Clib.strstri() Method Searches a string for a substring (case insensitive)

String charAt() Method Returns the character at a specified location in a string

“String charCodeAt() Returns a Unicode character at a specified location in a string

String indexOf() Method Returns the index of the first instance of a specified substring in
a string

78 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Methods and Properties in Siebel eScript ■ Uncategorized Methods in Siebel eScript

Table 38. String and Byte-Array Methods in Siebel eScript

Method Purpose

String lastIndexOf() Returns the index of the last instance of a specified substring in
Method a string

String match() Method Returns an array of strings that are matches within the string
against a target regular expression.

String search () Method Searches a string for a regular expression pattern. If the pattern
exists, this method returns the index of the regular expression.

RegExp compile() Method Changes the pattern and attributes to use with the current
instance of a RegExp object.

RegExp exec() Method Returns an array of strings that are matches of the regular
expression on the target string.

RegExp test() Method Indicates whether a target string contains a regular expression

String split() Method Parses a string and returns an array of strings based on a
specified separator

String.fromCharCode() Returns the character associated with a specified character code

Static Method

substring() Method Retrieves a section of a string

toLowerCase() Method Converts a string to lowercase

toUpperCase() Method Converts a string to uppercase

Uncategorized Methods in Siebel eScript

Table 39 provides a list of uncategorized methods.

Table 39. Uncategorized Methods in Siebel eScript

Method Purpose
SElib.dynamicLink() Method Calls a procedure from a dynamic link library (Windows)
or shared object (UNIX)

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 79

Methods and Properties in Siebel eScript ■ Uncategorized Methods in Siebel eScript

80 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

4 Siebel eScript Commands

This chapter presents the eScript commands sorted alphabetically by object type and then by
command name. It includes information on the following objects:

■ “Applet Objects”

■ “Application Objects” on page 83

■ “Array Objects” on page 85

■ “BLOB Objects” on page 94

■ “Buffer Objects in Siebel eScript” on page 100

■ “Business Component Objects” on page 113

■ “Business Object Objects” on page 118

■ “Business Service Objects” on page 118

■ “Clib Objects” on page 121

■ “Date Objects” on page 213

■ “Exception Objects” on page 249

■ “Function Objects” on page 250

■ “Global Objects” on page 252

■ “Math Objects” on page 279

■ “Property Set Objects” on page 300

■ “RegExp Objects” on page 301

■ “SElib Objects” on page 308

■ “String Objects” on page 315

■ “User-Defined Objects in Siebel eScript” on page 331

Applet Objects
Within a Siebel application, an applet serves as a container for the collection of user interface objects
that together represent the visible representation of one business component (BusComp) object.
Applets are combined to form views. Views constitute the display portions of a Siebel application.
Applet objects are available in Browser Script. Methods of applet objects are documented in the
Siebel Object Interfaces Reference.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 81

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Applet Objects

A Web applet represents an applet that is rendered by the Siebel Web Engine. It exists only as a
scriptable object in Server Script and is accessed by using the Edit Server Script command on the
selected applet. Methods and events of the Web Applet object are listed in Table 40.

Table 40. Web Applet Object Methods and Events

Method or Event Description

ActiveMode() Method ActiveMode returns a string containing the name of the

current Web Template mode.

Applet_ChangeFieldValue() Event The ChangeFieldValue event is fired when the data in a field

Applet_ChangeRecord() Event The ChangeRecord event is called when the user moves to
a different row or view.

Applet_InvokeMethod() Event The InvokeMethod event is triggered by a call to

applet.InvokeMethod, a call to a specialized method, or by
a user-defined menu.

Applet_Load() Event The Load event is triggered after an applet has loaded and
after data is displayed.

Applet_PreInvokeMethod() Event The PreInvokeMethod event is called before a specialized

method is invoked by the system, by a user-defined applet
menu, or by calling InvokeMethod on an applet.

BusComp() Method BusComp() returns the business component that is

associated with the applet.

BusObject() Method BusObject() returns the business object for the business
component for the applet.

FindActiveXControl() Method FindActiveXControl returns a reference to a DOM element

based upon the name specified in the name parameter.

FindControl() Method FindControl returns the control whose name is specified in

the parameter. This applet must be part of the displayed

InvokeMethod() Method The InvokeMethod() method calls a parameter-specified

specialized method.

Name() Method The Name() method returns the name of the applet.

WebApplet_InvokeMethod() Event The InvokeMethod() event is called after a specialized

method or a user-defined method on the Web applet has
been executed.

WebApplet_Load() Event The WebApplet_Load() event is triggered just after an

applet is loaded.

82 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Application Objects

Table 40. Web Applet Object Methods and Events

Method or Event Description

WebApplet_PreCanInvokeMethod() The PreCanInvokeMethod() event is called before the

Event PreInvokeMethod, allowing the developer to specify
whether or not the user has the authority to invoke a
specified WebApplet method.

You can also use the applet user property

CanInvokeMethod to enable and disable methods at the
applet level. This is the recommended method of enabling
applet controls because it is simpler than using the
PreCanInvokeMethod() scripting event. For further
information on the CanInvokeMethod user property, see
Siebel Developer’s Reference.

WebApplet_PreInvokeMethod() The PreInvokeMethod() event is called before a specialized

Event method for the Web applet is invoked by the system or a
user-defined method is invoked through

WebApplet_ShowControl() Event This event allows scripts to modify the HTML generated by
the Siebel Web Engine to render a control on a Web page in
a customer or partner application.

WebApplet_ShowListColumn() Event This event allows scripts to modify the HTML generated by
the Siebel Web Engine to render a list column on a Web
page in a customer or partner application.

Application Objects
The Application object represents the Siebel application that is currently active and is an instance of
the Application object type. An application object is created when a Siebel software application is
started. This object contains the properties and events that interact with Siebel software as a whole.
An instance of a Siebel application always has exactly one application object. Methods of the
application object are documented in the Siebel Object Interfaces Reference. Table 41 provides a list
of Application object methods and events.

Table 41. Application Object Methods and Events

Method or Event Description

ActiveBusObject() Method ActiveBusObject() returns the business object for the business
component for the active applet.

ActiveViewName() Method ActiveViewName() returns the name of the active view.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 83

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Application Objects

Table 41. Application Object Methods and Events

Method or Event Description

Application_Close() Event The Close() event is called before the application exits. This
event allows Basic scripts to perform last-minute cleanup (such
as cleaning up a connection to a COM server). It is called when
the application is notified by Windows that it should close, but
not if the process is terminated directly.

Application_InvokeMethod() The Application_InvokeMethod() event is called after a

Event specialized method is invoked.

Application_Navigate() Event The Navigate() event is called after the client has navigated to
a view.

Application_PreInvokeMethod() The PreInvokeMethod() event is called before a specialized

Event method is invoked by a user-defined applet menu or by calling
InvokeMethod on the application.

Application_PreNavigate() The PreNavigate() event is called before the client has

Event navigated from one view to the next.

Application_Start() Event The Start() event is called when the client starts and the user
interface is first displayed.

CurrencyCode() Method CurrencyCode() returns the operating currency code associated

with the division to which the user’s position has been assigned.

GetProfileAttr() Method GetProfileAttr() returns the value of an attribute in a user


GetService() Method The GetService() method returns a specified business service.

If the service is not already running, it is constructed.

GetSharedGlobal() Method The GetSharedGlobal() method gets the shared user-defined

global variables.

GotoView() Method GotoView() activates the named view and its BusObject. As a
side effect, this method activates the view’s primary applet, its
BusComp, and its first tab sequence control. Further, this
method deactivates any BusObject, BusComp, applet, or control
objects that were active prior to this method call.

InvokeMethod() Method InvokeMethod() calls a specialized or user-created method

specified by its parameter.

LoginId() Method The LoginId() method returns the login ID of the user who
started the Siebel application.

LoginName() Method The LoginName() method returns the login name of the user
who started the Siebel application (the name typed in the login
dialog box).

LookupMessage() Method The LookupMessage method returns the translated string for the
specified key, in the current language, from the specified

84 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Array Objects

Table 41. Application Object Methods and Events

Method or Event Description

NewPropertySet() Method The NewPropertySet() method constructs a new property set


PositionId() Method The PositionId() method returns the position ID (ROW_ID from
S_POSTN) of the user’s current position. This position is set by
default when the Siebel application is started and may be
changed (using Edit > Change Position) if the user belongs to
more than one position.

PositionName() Method The PositionName() method returns the position name of the
user’s current position. This position name is set by default
when the Siebel application is started and may be changed
(using Edit > Change Position) if the user belongs to more than
one position.

RaiseError() Method The RaiseError method raises a scripting error message to the
browser. The error code is a canonical number.

RaiseErrorText() Method The RaiseErrorText method raises a scripting error message to

the browser. The error text is the specified literal string.

SetPositionId() Method SetPositionId() changes the position of the current user to the
value specified in the input parameter. For SetPositionId() to
succeed, the user must be assigned to the position to which they
are changing.

SetPositionName() Method SetPositionName() changes the position of the current user to

the value specified in the input parameter. For
SetPositionName() to succeed, the user must be assigned to the
position to which they are changing.

SetProfileAttr() Method SetProfileAttr() is used in personalization to assign values to

attributes in a user profile.

SetSharedGlobal() Method The SetSharedGlobal() method sets a shared user-defined

global variable, which may be accessed using GetSharedGlobal.

Trace() Method The Trace() method appends a message to the trace file. Trace
is useful for debugging the SQL query execution.

TraceOff() Method TraceOff() turns off the tracing started by the TraceOn method.

TraceOn() Method TraceOn() turns on the tracking of allocations and deallocations

of Siebel objects, and SQL statements generated by the Siebel

Array Objects
An array is a special class of object that holds several values rather than one. You refer to a single
value in an array by using an index number or string assigned to that value.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 85

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Array Objects

The values contained within an array object are called elements of the array. The index number used
to identify an element follows its array name in brackets. Array indices must be either numbers or

Array elements can be of any data type. The elements in an array do not need to be of the same
type, and there is no limit to the number of elements an array may have.

The following statements demonstrate how to assign values to an array:

var array = new Array;

array[0] = "fish";
array[1] = "fowl";
array["joe"] = new Rectangle(3,4);
array[foo] = "creeping things"
array[goo + 1] = "and so on."

The variables foo and goo must be either numbers or strings.

Because arrays can use numbers as indices, arrays provide an easy way to work with sequential data.
For example, to keep track of how many jelly beans you ate each day, you could graph your jelly
bean consumption at the end of the month. Arrays provide an ideal solution for storing such data.

var April = new Array;

April[1] = 233;
April[2] = 344;
April[3] = 155;
April[4] = 32;

Now you have your data stored in one variable. You can find out how many jelly beans you ate on
day x by checking the value of April[x]:

for(var x = 1; x < 32; x++)

TheApplication().Trace("On April " + x + " I ate " + April[x] +
" jellybeans.\n");

Arrays usually start at index [0], not index [1].

NOTE: Arrays do not have to be continuous. You can have an array with elements at indices 0 and
2 but none at 1.

Related Topics
“Array Constructors in Siebel eScript” on page 87
“Array join() Method” on page 88
“Array length Property” on page 89
“Array reverse() Method” on page 91
“Array sort() Method” on page 91

86 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Array Objects

Array Constructors in Siebel eScript

Like other objects, arrays are created using the new operator and the Array constructor function.
There are three possible ways to use this function to create an array. The simplest is to call the
function with no parameters:

var a = new Array();

This line initializes variable a as an array with no elements. The parentheses are optional when
creating a new array if there are no parameters. If you wish to create an array of a predefined
number of elements, declare the array using the number of elements as a parameter of the Array()
function. The following line creates an array with 31 elements:

var b = new Array(31);

You can pass elements to the Array() function, which creates an array containing the parameters
passed. The following example creates an array with six elements. c[0] is set to 5, c[1] is set to 4,
and so on up to c[5], which is set to the string "blast off". Note that the first element of the array
is c[0], not c[1].

var c = new Array(5, 4, 3, 2, 1, "blast off");

You can also create arrays dynamically. If you refer to a variable with an index in brackets, the
variable becomes an array. Arrays created in this manner cannot use the methods and properties
described in the next section, so use the Array() constructor function to create arrays.

Associative Arrays in Siebel eScript

Siebel eScript supports associative arrays, where the array index can be a string instead of a number.
This capability is useful when you want to associate values with specific names. For example you may
want to have a month’s array where the elements are the names of the months and the values are
the number of days in the month.

To access items in an associative array, you use a string as an index. For example:

array_name["color"] = "red";
array_name["size"] = 15;

An advantage of associative arrays is that they are the only arrays that can be used with the for...in
statement. This statement loops through every element in an associative array or object, regardless
of how many or how few elements it may contain. For more information, see “for...in Statement” on
page 55.

The following example creates an associative array of months and days, and totals the number of

// open file
var fp = Clib.fopen("c:\\months.log", "at");

// populate associative array

var months = new Array();
months["November"] = 30;

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 87

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Array Objects

months["December"] = 31;
months["January"] = 31;
months["February"] = 28;

// iterate through array items

var x;
var total = 0;
for (x in months)
// write array items name and value to file
Clib.fputs(x + " = " + months[x] + "\n",fp);
// Add this month’s value to the total
total = total + months[x];
Clib.fputs ("Total = " + total + "\n",fp);

//close file

The output of this example is:

November = 30
December = 31
January = 31
February = 28
Total = 120

Array join() Method

The join() method creates a string of array elements.


Table 42 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 42. Array Join() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

separatorString A string of characters to be placed between consecutive elements of the

array; if not specified, a comma is used

A string containing the elements of the specified array, separated either by commas or by instances
of separatorString.

88 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Array Objects

By default, the array elements are separated by commas. The order in the array is the order used
for the join() method. The following fragment sets the value of string to "3,5,6,3". You can use
another string to separate the array elements by passing it as an optional parameter to the join

var a = new Array(3, 5, 6, 3);

var string = a.join();

This example creates the string "3*/*5*/*6*/*3":

var a = new Array(3, 5, 6, 3);

var string = a.join("*/*");

Array length Property

The length property returns a number representing the largest index of an array, plus 1.


The number of the largest index of the array, plus 1.

NOTE: This value does not necessarily represent the actual number of elements in an array, because
elements do not have to be contiguous.

For example, suppose you had two arrays, ant and bee, with the following elements:

var ant = new Array; var bee = new Array;

ant[0] = 3 bee[0] = 88
ant[1] = 4 bee[3] = 99
ant[2] = 5
ant[3] = 6

The length property of both ant and bee is equal to 4, even though ant has twice as many actual
elements as bee does.

By changing the value of the length property, you can remove array elements. For example, if you
change ant.length to 2, ant loses elements after the first two, and the values stored at the other
indices are lost. If you set bee.length to 2, then bee consists of two members: bee[0], with a value
of 88, and bee[1], with an undefined value.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 89

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Array Objects

Array pop() Method

This method returns the last element of the current Array object, then removes the element from
the array.


The last element of the current Array object.

This method first gets the length of the current Array object. If the length is undefined or 0, then
undefined is returned. Otherwise, the last element is returned. This element is then deleted, and the
length of current array object is decreased by one.

NOTE: The pop() method works on the end of an array; use the Array shift() method to work on the
beginning of an array.

var a = new Array( "four" );
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("First pop: " + a.pop() + ", Second pop: " + a.pop());
// First displays the last (and only) element, the string "four".
// Then displays "undefined" because the array is empty after
// the first call removes the only element.

Array push() Method

This method appends new elements to the end of an array.

arrayName.push([element1,element2, ..., elementn])

Table 43 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 43. Array Push() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

element1, element2, . . . elementn A list of elements to append to the array in the order given

The length of the array after the new elements are appended

90 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Array Objects

This method appends the elements provided as arguments to the end of the array, in the order that
they appear. The length of the current Array object is adjusted to reflect the change.

var a = new Array(1,2);
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText(a.push(5,6) + " " + a);
// Displays 4 1,2,5,6, the length and the new array.

Array reverse() Method

The reverse() method switches the order of the elements of an array, so that the last element
becomes the first.


arrayName with the elements in reverse order.

The reverse() method sorts the existing array, rather than returning a new array. In any references
to the array after the reverse() method is used, the new order is used.

The following code:

var communalInsect = new Array;

communalInsect[0] = "ant";
communalInsect[1] = "bee";
communalInsect[2] = "wasp";

produces the following array:

communalInsect[0] == "wasp"
communalInsect[1] == "bee"
communalInsect[2] == "ant"

Array sort() Method

The sort() method sorts the elements of an array into the order specified by the compareFunction.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 91

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Array Objects


Table 44 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 44. Array Sort() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

compareFunction A user-defined function that can affect the sort order

arrayName with its elements sorted into the order specified.

If no compareFunction is supplied, then elements are converted to strings before sorting. When
numbers are sorted into ASCII order, they are compared left-to-right, so that, for example, 32 comes
before 4. This may not be the result you want. However, the compareFunction allows you to specify
a different way to sort the array elements. The name of the function you want to use to compare
values is passed as the only parameter to sort().

If a compare function is supplied, the array elements are sorted according to the return value of the
compare function.

The following example demonstrates the use of the sort() method with and without a compare
function. It first displays the results of a sort without the function and then uses a user-defined
function, compareNumbers(a, b), to sort the numbers properly. In this function, if a and b are two
elements being compared, then:

■ If compareNumbers(a, b) is less than zero, b is given a lower index than a.

■ If compareNumbers(a, b) returns zero, the order of a and b is unchanged.

■ If compareNumbers(a, b) is greater than zero, b is given a higher index than a.

function compareNumbers(a, b)
return a - b;
var a = new Array(5, 3, 2, 512);
var fp = Clib.fopen("C:\\log\\Trace.log", "a");
Clib.fprintf(fp, "Before sort: " + a.join() + "\n");
Clib.fprintf(fp, "After sort: " + a.join() + "\n");

92 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Array Objects

Array splice() Method

This method removes a specified number of elements from the array, starting at a given index, and
returns an array of those removed elements. The method then rearranges the remaining elements
as necessary to insert a specified number of new elements at the start index of the removed
elements. The entire process effectively splices new elements into the array.

arrayName.splice(start, deleteCount[, element1, element2, . . . elementn])

Table 45 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 45. Array Splice() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

start The index at which to splice in the new elements.

■ If start is negative, then (length+start) is used instead; that is, start

indicates to splice at an index counting back from the end of the
array. For example, start = -1 indicates to splice from the last
element in the array.

■ If start is larger than the index of the last element, then the length
of the array is used, effectively appending to the end of the array.

deleteCount The number of elements to remove from the array. All of the available
elements to remove are removed if deleteCount is larger than the
number of elements available to remove.

element1, element2, . . A list of elements to insert into the array in place of the ones that were
. elementn removed.

An array consisting of the elements that are removed from the original array

This method splices in any supplied elements in place of any elements deleted. Beginning at index
start, deleteCount elements are first deleted from the array and inserted into the newly created
return array in the same order. The elements of the current array object are then adjusted to make
room for the all of the elements passed to this method. The remaining arguments are then inserted
sequentially in the space created in the current array object.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 93

Siebel eScript Commands ■ BLOB Objects

var a = new Array( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 );
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText(a.splice(1,3,6,7) + " " + a);
// Displays 2,3,4 1,6,7,5
// Beginning at element in position 1, three elements (a[1], a[2], a[3] = 2,3,4)
// are replaced with 6,7.

BLOB Objects
The following topics describe binary large objects (BLOBs).

■ “blobDescriptor Objects”

■ “Blob.get() Method” on page 95

■ “Blob.put() Method” on page 97

■ “Blob.size() Method” on page 99

blobDescriptor Objects
The blobDescriptor Object describes the structure of the BLOB. When an object needs to be sent to
a process other than the Siebel eScript interpreter, such as to a Windows API function, a
blobDescriptor object must be created that describes the order and type of data in the object. This
description tells how the properties of the object are stored in memory and is used with functions
like Clib.fread() and SElib.dynamicLink().

A blobDescriptor has the same data properties as the object it describes. Each property must be
assigned a value that specifies how much memory is required for the data held by that property. The
keyword “this” is used to refer to the parameters passed to the constructor function and can be
conceptually thought of as “this object.” Consider the following object:

Rectangle(width, height)
this.width = width;
this.height = height;

The following code creates a blobDescriptor object that describes the Rectangle object:

var bd = new blobDescriptor();

bd.width = UWORD32;
bd.height = UWORD32;

You can now pass bd as a blobDescriptor parameter to functions that require one. The values
assigned to the properties depend on what the receiving function expects. In the preceding example,
the function that is called expects to receive an object that contains two 32-bit words or data values.
If you write a blobDescriptor for a function that expects to receive an object containing two 16-bit
words, assign the two properties a value of UWORD16.

94 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ BLOB Objects

One of the values in Table 46 must be used with blobDescriptor object properties to indicate the
number of bytes needed to store the property:

Table 46. Values Used With the blobDescriptor Object

Value Description

WCHAR Handled as a native Unicode string

UWORD8 Stored as an unsigned byte

SWORD8 Stored as an integer

UWORD16 Stored as an unsigned, 16-bit integer

SWORD16 Stored as a signed 16-bit integer

UWORD24 Stored as an unsigned 24-bit integer

SWORD24 Stored as a signed 24-bit integer

UWORD32 Stored as an unsigned 32-bit integer

SWORD32 Stored as a signed 32-bit integer

FLOAT32 Stored as a floating-point number

FLOAT64 Stored as a double-precision floating-point number

STRINGHOLDER Used to indicate a value that is assigned a string by the function

to which it is passed. (It allocates 10,000 bytes to contain the
string, then truncates this length to the appropriate size, removes
any terminating null characters, and initializes the properties of
the string.)

If the blobDescriptor describes an object property that is a string, the corresponding property should
be assigned a numeric value that is larger than the length of the longest string the property may
hold. Object methods usually may be omitted from a blobDescriptor.

BlobDescriptors are used primarily for passing eScript’s JavaScript-like data structures to C or C++
programs and to the Clib methods, which expect a very rigid and precise description of the values
being passed.

Blob.get() Method
This method reads data from a binary large object.

Syntax A
Blob.get(blobVar, offset, dataType)

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 95

Siebel eScript Commands ■ BLOB Objects

Syntax B
Blob.get(blobVar, offset, bufferLen)

Syntax C
Blob.get(blobVar, offset, blobDescriptor dataDefinition)

Table 47 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 47. Blob.get() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

blobVar The name of the binary large object to use

offset The position in the BLOB from which to read the data

dataType An integer value indicating the format of the data in the BLOB

bufferLen An integer indicating the size of the buffer in bytes

blobDescriptor dataDefinition A blobDescriptor object indicating the form of the data in the

The data read from the BLOB.

This method reads data from a specified location of a binary large object (BLOB), and is the
companion function to Blob.put().

Use Syntax A for byte, integer, and float data. Use Syntax B for byte[] data. Use Syntax C for object

dataType must have one of the values listed for blobDescriptors in “blobDescriptor Objects” on
page 94.

This example shows how to get values from a Blob object.

function GetBlobVal()
var a, b, c;
a = "";
b = 1234;
c = 12345678;
// Call a function to build the Blob
var blob = BuildBlob(a, b, c);
// Get the values from the blob object
// The first variable is string
var resultA = Blob.get(blob,0,1000);
// The second variable is an integer
var resultB = Blob.get(blob,1000,UWORD16);

96 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ BLOB Objects

// The third variable has a type of float

var resultC = Blob.get(blob,1002,FLOAT64);

function BuildBlob(a, b, c)

var blob;
a = "Blob Test Value From Function";
var offset = Blob.put(blob, 0, a, 1000);
offset = Blob.put(blob, offset, b*2, UWORD16);
Blob.put(blob, offset, c*2, FLOAT64);
return blob;

Related Topics
“blobDescriptor Objects” on page 94
“Blob.put() Method” on page 97

Blob.put() Method
The Blob.put method puts data into a specified location within a binary large object.

Syntax A
Blob.put(blobVar[, offset], data, dataType)

Syntax B
Blob.put(blobVar[, offset], buffer, bufferLen)

Syntax C
Blob.put(blobVar[, offset], srcStruct, blobDescriptor dataDefinition)

Table 48 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 48. Blob.put() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

blobVar The name of the binary large object to use

offset The position in the BLOB at which to write the data

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 97

Siebel eScript Commands ■ BLOB Objects

Table 48. Blob.put() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

data The data to be written

dataType The format of the data in the BLOB

buffer A variable containing a buffer

bufferLen An integer representing the length of buffer

srcStruct A BLOB containing the data to be written

blobDescriptor dataDefinition A blobDescriptor object indicating the form of the data in the

An integer representing the byte offset for the byte after the end of the data just written. If the data
is put at the end of the BLOB, the size of the BLOB.

This method puts data into a specified location of a binary large object (BLOB) and, along with
Blob.get(), allows for direct access to memory within a BLOB variable. Data can be placed at any
location within a BLOB. The contents of such a variable may be viewed as a packed structure, that
is, a structure that does not pad each member with enough nulls to make every member a uniform
length. (The exact length depends on the CPU, although 32 bytes is common.)

Syntax C is used to pass the contents of an existing BLOB (srcStruct) to the blobVar.

If a value for offset is not supplied, then the data is put at the end of the BLOB, or at offset 0 if the
BLOB is not yet defined.

The data is converted to the specified dataType and then copied into the bytes specified by offset.

If dataType is not the length of a byte buffer, then it must have one of the values listed for
blobDescriptors in “blobDescriptor Objects” on page 94.

If you were sending a pointer to data in an external C library and knew that the library expected the
data in a packed C structure of the form:

struct foo
signed char a;
unsigned int b;
double c;

and if you were building this structure from three corresponding variables, then such a building
function might look like the following, which returns the offset of the next available byte:

98 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ BLOB Objects

function BuildFooBlob(a, b, c)
var offset = Blob.put(foo, 0, a, SWORD8);
offset = Blob.put(foo, offset, b, UWORD16);
Blob.put(foo, offset, c, FLOAT64);
return foo;

or, if an offset were not supplied:

functionBuildFooBlob(a, b, c)
Blob.put(foo, a, SWORD8);
Blob.put(foo, b, UWORD16);
Blob.put(foo, c, FLOAT64);
return foo;

Related Topics
“blobDescriptor Objects” on page 94
“Blob.get() Method” on page 95

Blob.size() Method
This method determines the size of a binary large object (BLOB).

Syntax A
Blob.size(blobVar[, SetSize])

Syntax B

Syntax C

Syntax D
Blob.size(blobDescriptor dataDefinition)

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 99

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Buffer Objects in Siebel eScript

Table 49 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 49. Blob.size() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

blobVar The name of the binary large object to use

setSize An integer that determines the size of the BLOB

dataType An integer value indicating the format of the data in the BLOB

bufferLen An integer indicating the number of bytes in the buffer

blobDescriptor dataDefinition A blobDescriptor object indicating the form of the data in the

The number of bytes in blobVar; if setSize is provided, returns setSize.

The parameter blobVar specifies the blob to use. If SetSize is provided, then the blob blobVar is
altered to this size or created with this size.

If dataType, bufferLen, or dataDefinition are used, these parameters specify the type to be used for
converting Siebel eScript data to and from a BLOB.

The dataType parameter must have one of the values listed for blobDescriptors in “blobDescriptor
Objects” on page 94.

Related Topics
“blobDescriptor Objects” on page 94

Buffer Objects in Siebel eScript

Buffer objects provide a way to manipulate data at a very basic level. A Buffer object is needed
whenever the relative location of data in memory is important. Any type of data may be stored in a
Buffer object.

A new Buffer object may be created from scratch or from a string, buffer, or Buffer object, in which
case the contents of the string or buffer is copied into the newly created Buffer object.

In the examples that follow, bufferVar is a generic variable name to which a Buffer object is assigned.

For an understanding of the Buffer Objects, see the following topics:

■ “Buffer Constructors in Siebel eScript” on page 101

■ “Buffer Object Methods” on page 103

■ “Buffer Object Properties” on page 110

100 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Buffer Objects in Siebel eScript

Buffer Constructors in Siebel eScript

To create a Buffer object, use one of the following syntax forms.

Syntax A
new Buffer([size] [, unicode] [, bigEndian]);

Table 50 shows the new Buffer constructor parameter descriptions.

Table 50. Buffer Constructor Parameters - Syntax A

Parameter Description

size The size of the new buffer to be created

unicode True if the buffer is to be created as a Unicode string, otherwise, false;

default is false

bigEndian True if the largest data values are stored in the most significant byte; false
if the largest data values are stored in the least significant byte; default
is true

If size is specified, then the new buffer is created with the specified size and filled with null bytes. If
no size is specified, then the buffer is created with a size of 0, although it can be extended
dynamically later.

The unicode parameter is an optional Boolean flag describing the initial state of the unicode flag of
the object. Similarly, bigEndian describes the initial state of the bigEndian parameter of the buffer.

Syntax B
new Buffer( string [, unicode] [, bigEndian] );

This syntax creates a new Buffer object from the string provided. If the string parameter is a Unicode
string (if Unicode is enabled within the application), then the buffer is created as a Unicode string.

This behavior can be overridden by specifying true or false with the optional Boolean unicode
parameter. If this parameter is set to false, then the buffer is created as an ASCII string, regardless
of whether the original string was in Unicode or not.

Similarly, specifying true makes sure that the buffer is created as a Unicode string. The size of the
buffer is the length of the string (twice the length if it is Unicode). This constructor does not add a
terminating null byte at the end of the string.

Syntax C
new Buffer(buffer [, unicode] [, bigEndian]);

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 10 1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Buffer Objects in Siebel eScript

Table 51 shows the new Buffer constructor parameter descriptions.

Table 51. Buffer Constructor Parameters -Syntax C

Parameter Description

buffer The Buffer object from which the new buffer is to be created

unicode True if the buffer is to be created as a Unicode string, otherwise, false;

default is the Unicode status of the underlying Siebel eScript engine

bigEndian True if the largest data values are stored in the most significant byte; false
if the largest data values are stored in the least significant byte; default is

A line of code following this syntax creates a new Buffer object from the buffer provided. The
contents of the buffer are copied as-is into the new Buffer object. The unicode and bigEndian
parameters do not affect this conversion, although they do set the relevant flags for future use.

Syntax D
new Buffer(bufferobject);

Table 52 shows the new Buffer constructor parameter descriptions.

Table 52. Buffer Constructor Parameters -Syntax D

Parameter Description
bufferobject The Buffer object from which the new buffer is to be created

A line of code following this syntax creates a new Buffer object from another Buffer object.
Everything is duplicated exactly from the other bufferObject, including the cursor location, size, and

The following example shows creation of new Buffer objects.

function BufferConstruct()
// Create empty buffer with size 100
var buff1 = new Buffer(100 , true , true);
// Create a buffer from string
var buff2 = new Buffer("This is a buffer String constructor example", true);
// Create buffer from buffer
var buff3 = new Buffer(buff2,false);

102 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Buffer Object Methods

// Add values from 0-99 to the buffer
for(var i=0;i<size;i++)
var val = "";
// Read the buffer values into variable
for(var i=0;i<size;i++)
val += getValue(1)+" ";
// Trace the buffer value
TheApplication().Trace("Buffer 1 value: "+val);
// Trace buffer 2
TheApplication().Trace("Buffer 2 value: "+getString());
// Trace buffer 3
TheApplication().Trace("Buffer 3 value: "+getString());

Buffer Object Methods

Siebel eScript supports the following Buffer object methods.

■ “getString() Method” on page 104

■ “getValue() Method” on page 104

■ “offset[] Method” on page 105

■ “putString() Method” on page 106

■ “putValue() Method” on page 107

■ “subBuffer() Method” on page 109

■ “toString() Method” on page 110

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 10 3

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Buffer Object Methods

getString() Method
This method returns a string of a specified length, starting from the current cursor location.

bufferVar.getString( [length] )

Table 53 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 53. getString() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

length The length of the string to return, in bytes

A string of length characters, starting at the current cursor location in the buffer.

This method returns a string starting from the current cursor location and continuing for length

If no length is specified, the method reads until a null byte is encountered or the end of the buffer
is reached. The string is read according to the value of the unicode flag of the buffer. A terminating
null byte is not added, even if a length parameter is not provided.

Related Topics
“getValue() Method” on page 104
“offset[] Method” on page 105
“subBuffer() Method” on page 109

getValue() Method
This method returns a value from the current cursor position in a Buffer object.

bufferVar.getValue([valueSize][, valueType ])

104 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Buffer Object Methods

Table 54 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 54. getValue() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

valueSize A positive number indicating the number of bytes to be read; default is 1

valueType The type of data to be read, expressed as one of the following:

■ signed (the default)

■ unsigned

■ float

The value at the current position in a Buffer object.

To determine where to read from the buffer, use the bufferVar.cursor() method.

Acceptable values for valueSize are 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, and 10, providing that valueSize does not conflict
with the optional valueType flag. Table 55 shows the acceptable combinations of valueSize and

Table 55. getValue() Method - Value Size and Value Type Combinations

valueSize valueType
1 signed, unsigned

2 signed, unsigned

3 signed, unsigned

4 signed, unsigned, float

8 float

The combination of valueSize and valueType must match the data to be read.

Related Topics
“putValue() Method” on page 107

offset[] Method
This method provides array-style access to individual bytes in the buffer.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 10 5

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Buffer Object Methods


Table 56 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 56. offset[] Method Parameters

Parameter Description

offset A number indicating a position in bufferVar at which a byte is to be placed

in, or read from, a buffer

This is an array-like version of the getValue() and putValue() methods that works only with bytes.
You may either get or set these values. The following line assigns the byte at offset 5 in the buffer
to the variable goo:

goo = foo[5]

The following line places the value of goo (assuming that value is a single byte) to position 5 in the
buffer foo:

foo[5] = goo

Every get or put operation uses byte types, that is, eight-bit signed words (SWORD8). If offset is
less than 0, then 0 is used. If offset is greater than the length of the buffer, the size of the buffer is
extended with null bytes to accommodate it. If you need to work with character values, you have to
convert them to their ANSI or Unicode equivalents.

Related Topics
“getValue() Method” on page 104
“putValue() Method” on page 107

putString() Method
This method puts a string into a Buffer object at the current cursor position.


106 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Buffer Object Methods

Table 57 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 57. putString() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

string The string literal to be placed into the Buffer object, or the string variable
whose value is to be placed into the Buffer object

If the unicode flag is set within the Buffer object, then the string is put into the Buffer object as a
Unicode string; otherwise, it is put into the Buffer object as an ASCII string. The cursor is
incremented by the length of the string, or twice the length if it is put as a Unicode string.

A terminating null byte is not added at end of the string.

To put a null terminated string into the Buffer object, add the following:

buf1.putString("Hello"); // Put the string into the buffer

buf1.putValue( 0 ); // Add terminating null byte

The following example places the string language in the buffer exclamation and displays the
modified contents of explanation, which is the string, "I enjoy coding with Siebel eScript."

function eScript_Click ()
var exclamation = new Buffer("I enjoy coding with . . .");
var language = "Siebel eScript.";
exclamation.cursor = 20;

Related Topics
“getString() Method” on page 104

putValue() Method
This method puts the specified value into a buffer at the current file cursor position.

bufferVar.putValue(value[, valueSize][, valueType ])

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 10 7

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Buffer Object Methods

Table 58 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 58. putValue() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

value A number

valueSize A positive number indicating the number of bytes to be used; default is 1

valueType The type of data to be read, expressed as one of the following:

■ signed (the default)

■ unsigned

■ float

This method puts a specific value into a buffer. Acceptable values for valueSize are 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, and
10, providing that this value does not conflict with the optional valueType flag.

Combined with valueSize, any type of data can be put into a buffer. Table 59 shows the acceptable
combinations of valueSize and valueType.

Table 59. putValue() Method - Value Size and Value Type Combinations

valueSize valueType

1 signed, unsigned

2 signed, unsigned
3 signed, unsigned

4 signed, unsigned, float

8 float

Any other combination causes an error. The value is put into the buffer at the current cursor position,
and the cursor value is automatically incremented by the size of the value to reflect this addition. To
explicitly put a value at a specific location while preserving the cursor location, add code similar to
the following:

var oldCursor = bufferItem.cursor; // Save the cursor location

bufferItem.cursor = 20; // Set to new location
bufferItem.putValue(foo); // Put bufferItem at offset 20
bufferItem.cursor = oldCursor // Restore cursor location

The value is put into the buffer with byte-ordering according to the current setting of the bigEndian
flag. Note that when putting float values as a smaller size, such as 4, some significant figures are
lost. A value such as 1.4 is converted to something like 1.39999974. This conversion is sufficiently
insignificant to ignore, but note that the following does not hold true:

108 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Buffer Object Methods

bufferItem.cursor -= 4;
if( bufferItem.getValue(4,"float") != 1.4 )
// This is not necessarily true due to significant digit loss.

This situation can be prevented by using 8 as a valueSize instead of 4. A valueSize of 4 may still be
used for floating-point values, but be aware that some loss of significant figures may occur, although
it may not be enough to affect most calculations.

Related Topics
“getValue() Method” on page 104

subBuffer() Method
This method returns a new Buffer object consisting of the data between two specified positions.

bufferVar.subBuffer(beginning, end)

Table 60 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 60. subBuffer() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

beginning The cursor position at which the new Buffer object should begin
end The cursor position at which the new Buffer object should end

A new Buffer object consisting of the data in bufferVar between the beginning and end positions.

If beginning is less than 0, then it is treated as 0, the start of the buffer.

If end is beyond the end of the buffer, then the new subbuffer is extended with null bytes, but the
original buffer is not altered. The unicode and bigEndian flags are duplicated in the new buffer.

The length of the new buffer is set to end - beginning. If the cursor in the old buffer is between
beginning and end, then it is converted to a new relative position in the new buffer. If the cursor was
before beginning, it is set to 0 in the new buffer; if it was past end, it is set to the end of the new

This code fragment creates the new buffer language and displays its contents—the string "Siebel

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 10 9

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Buffer Object Properties

var loveIt= new Buffer("I love coding with Siebel eScript!");

var language = loveIt.subBuffer(19, (loveIt.size - 1))

Related Topics
“getString() Method” on page 104

toString() Method
This method returns a string containing the same data as the buffer.


A string object that contains the same data as the Buffer object.

This method returns a string whose contents are the same as that of bufferVar. Any conversion to or
from Unicode is done according to the unicode flag of the object.

catch( e )
"Something bad happened: %s\n",e.toString()));

Buffer Object Properties

Siebel eScript supports the following Buffer object properties.

■ “bigEndian Property” on page 111

■ “cursor Property” on page 111

■ “data Property” on page 111

■ “size Property” on page 112

■ “unicode Property” on page 112

110 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Buffer Object Properties

bigEndian Property
This property is a Boolean flag specifying whether to use bigEndian byte ordering when calling
getValue() and putValue().


When a data value consists of more than one byte, the byte containing the smallest units of the value
is called the least significant byte; the byte containing the biggest units of the value is called the
most significant byte. When the bigEndian property is true, the bytes are stored in descending order
of significance. When false, they are stored in ascending order of significance.

This value is set when a buffer is created, but may be changed at any time. This property defaults
to the state of the underlying operating system and processor.

cursor Property
The current position within a buffer.


The value of cursor is always between 0 and the value set in the size property. A value can be
assigned to this property.

If the cursor is set beyond the end of a buffer, the buffer is extended to accommodate the new
position and filled with null bytes. Setting the cursor to a value less than 0 places the cursor at the
beginning of the buffer, position 0.

For examples, see “getString() Method” on page 104 and “subBuffer() Method” on page 109.

Related Topics
“subBuffer() Method” on page 109

data Property
This property is a reference to the internal data of a buffer.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 11 1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Buffer Object Properties


This property is used as a temporary value to allow passing of buffer data to functions that do not
recognize Buffer objects.

size Property
The size of the Buffer object.


A value may be assigned to this property; for example,

inBuffer.size = 5

If a buffer is increased beyond its present size, the additional spaces are filled with null bytes. If the
buffer size is reduced such that the cursor is beyond the end of the buffer, the cursor is moved to
the end of the modified buffer.

Related Topics
“cursor Property” on page 111

unicode Property
This property is a Boolean flag specifying whether to use Unicode strings when calling getString()
and putString().


This value is set when the buffer is created, but may be changed at any time. This property defaults
to false for Siebel eScript.

The following lines of code set the unicode property of a new buffer to true:

112 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Business Component Objects

var aBuffer = new Buffer();

aBuffer.unicode = true;

Business Component Objects

A business component defines the structure, the behavior, and the information displayed by a
particular subject, such as a product, contact, or account. Siebel business components are logical
abstractions of one or more database tables. The information stored in a business component is
usually specific to a particular subject and is typically not dependent on other business components.
Business components can be used in one or more business objects.

Business component objects have associated data structured as records, they have properties, and
they contain data units called fields. In Siebel eScript, fields are accessed through business
components. The business component object supports getting and setting field values, moving
backward and forward through data in a business component object, and filtering changes to data it

Methods of business component objects are documented in the Siebel Object Interfaces Reference.

Table 61 provides a list of Business Component object methods and events.

Table 61. Business Component Object Methods and Events

Method or Event Description

ActivateField() Method ActivateField() allows setting search specifications and

queries to retrieve data for the field specified in its

ActivateMultipleFields() Method ActivateMultipleFields() allows the script to do

ActivateField() for many fields at one time. These fields are
listed in a property set.

Associate() Method The Associate() method creates a new many-to-many

relationship for the parent object through an association
business component (see “GetAssocBusComp() Method” on
page 115).

BusComp_Associate() Event The Associate() event is called after a record has been added
to a business component to create an association.

BusComp_ChangeRecord() Event The ChangeRecord() event is called when a business

component changes its current record from one record to
another, for example when a user changes the record focus
in an applet or when a script calls the NextRecord() method.

BusComp_CopyRecord() Event The CopyRecord() event is called after a row has been copied
in the business component and that row has been made

BusComp_DeleteRecord() Event The DeleteRecord() event is called after a row is deleted. The
current context moves to a different row because the Fields
of the just-deleted row are no longer available.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 11 3

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Business Component Objects

Table 61. Business Component Object Methods and Events

Method or Event Description

BusComp_InvokeMethod() Event The InvokeMethod() event is called when the InvokeMethod

method is called on a business component.

BusComp_NewRecord() Event The NewRecord() event is called after a new row has been
created in the business component and that row has been
made active. The event may be used to set up default values
for Fields.

BusComp_PreAssociate() Event The PreAssociate() event is called before a record is added

to a business component to create an association. The
semantics are the same as BusComp_PreNewRecord.

BusComp_PreCopyRecord() Event The PreCopyRecord() event is called before a new row is

copied in the business component. The event may be used
to perform precopy validation.

BusComp_PreDeleteRecord() Event The PreDeleteRecord event is called before a row is deleted

in the business component. The event may be used to
prevent the deletion or to perform any actions in which you
need access to the record that is to be deleted.

BusComp_PreGetFieldValue() Event The PreGetFieldValue() event is called when the value of a

business component field is accessed.

BusComp_PreInvokeMethod() The PreInvokeMethod() event is called before a specialized

Event method is invoked on the business component.

BusComp_PreNewRecord() Event The PreNewRecord event is called before a new row is

created in the business component. The event may be used
to perform preinsert validation.

BusComp_PreQuery() Event The PreQuery() event is called before query execution.

BusComp_PreSetFieldValue() Event The PreSetFieldValue() event is called before a value is

pushed down into the business component from the user
interface or through a call to SetFieldValue.

BusComp_PreWriteRecord() Event The PreWriteRecord() event is called before a row is written

out to the database. The event may perform any final
validation necessary before the actual save occurs.

BusComp_Query() Event The Query() event is called just after the query is completed
and the rows have been retrieved but before the rows are
actually displayed.

BusComp_SetFieldValue() Event The SetFieldValue() event is called when a value is pushed

down into the business component from the user interface or
through a call to SetFieldValue.

BusComp_WriteRecord() Event The WriteRecord event is called after a row is written out to
the database.

114 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Business Component Objects

Table 61. Business Component Object Methods and Events

Method or Event Description

BusObject() Method The BusObject() method returns the business object that
contains the business component.

ClearToQuery() Method The ClearToQuery() method clears the current query and
sort specifications on the business component.

DeactivateFields() Method DeactivateFields deactivates the fields that are currently

active from a business component SQL query statement.

DeleteRecord() Method DeleteRecord() deletes the current business component

record from the database.

ExecuteQuery() Method ExecuteQuery() returns a set of business component records

using the criteria established with methods such as

ExecuteQuery2() Method ExecuteQuery2() returns a set of business component

records using the criteria established with methods such as
SetSearchSpec. ExecuteQuery2() is an SQL-Server specific
version of ExecuteQuery().

FirstRecord() Method FirstRecord() moves the record pointer to the first record in
a business component, making that record current and
invoking any associated script events.

GetAssocBusComp() Method GetAssocBusComp() returns the association business

component. The association business component can be
used to operate on the association using the normal business
component mechanisms.

GetFieldValue() Method GetFieldValue() returns the value for the field specified in its
parameter for the current record of the business component.
Use this method to access a field value.

GetFormattedFieldValue() Method GetFormattedFieldValue returns the value for the field

specified in its parameter in the current local format; that is,
it returns values in the format in which they appear in the
Siebel user interface.

GetMultipleFieldValues() Method GetMultipleFieldValues() is used in scripts and effectively

performs many GetFieldValue() calls using a list of fields
specified in a property set.

GetMVGBusComp() Method GetMVGBusComp() returns the MVG business component

associated with the business component field specified by
FieldName. This business component can be used to operate
on the Multi-Value Group using the normal business
component mechanisms.

GetNamedSearch() Method GetNamedSearch() returns the named search specification

specified by searchName.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 11 5

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Business Component Objects

Table 61. Business Component Object Methods and Events

Method or Event Description

GetPicklistBusComp() Method GetPicklistBusComp() returns the pick business component

associated with the specified field in the current business

GetSearchExpr() Method GetSearchExpr() returns the current search expression for

the business component.

GetSearchSpec() Method GetSearchSpec() returns the search specification for the

field specified by the fieldName parameter.

GetUserProperty() Method GetUserProperty() returns the value of a named


GetViewMode() Method GetViewMode() returns the current visibility mode for the
business component. This method affects which records are
returned by queries according to the visibility rules.

InvokeMethod() Method InvokeMethod calls the specialized method or user-created

method named in its parameter.

LastRecord() Method LastRecord() moves to the last record in the business


Name() Method The Name() method returns the name of the business

NewRecord() Method NewRecord() adds a new record (row) to the business


NextRecord() Method NextRecord() moves the record pointer to the next record in
the business component, making that the current record and
invoking any associated script events.

ParentBusComp() Method ParentBusComp() returns the parent (master) business

component when given the child (detail) business
component of a link.

Pick() Method The Pick() method places the currently selected record in a
picklist business component into the appropriate fields of the
parent business component. See also “GetPicklistBusComp()
Method” on page 116.

PreviousRecord() Method PreviousRecord() moves to the previous record in the

business component, invoking any associated script events.

RefineQuery() Method This method refines a query after the query has been

SetFieldValue() Method SetFieldValue() assigns the new value to the named field for
the current row of the business component.

116 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Business Component Objects

Table 61. Business Component Object Methods and Events

Method or Event Description

SetFormattedFieldValue() Method SetFormattedFieldValue() assigns the new value to the

named field for the current row of the business component.
SetFormattedFieldValue accepts the field value in the current
local format.

SetMultipleFieldValues() Method SetMultipleFieldValues() is used in scripts and effectively

performs many SetFieldValue() calls using a list of fields
specified in a property set.

SetNamedSearch() Method SetNamedSearch() sets a named search specification on the

business component. A named search specification is
identified by the searchName parameter.

SetSearchExpr() Method SetSearchExpr() sets one search expression with many

fields for the whole business component, rather than setting
one search specification for each field.

SetSearchSpec() Method SetSearchSpec() sets the search specification for a

particular field. This method must be called before

SetSortSpec() Method SetSortSpec() sets the sorting specification for a query.

SetUserProperty() Method SetUserProperty() sets the value of a named business

component UserProperty. The User Properties are similar to
instance variables of a BusComp.

SetViewMode() Method SetViewMode() sets the visibility type for the business

UndoRecord() Method UndoRecord() reverses any changes made to the record that
are not committed. This reversal includes reversing
uncommitted modifications to any fields, as well as deleting
an active record that has not yet been committed to the

WriteRecord() Method WriteRecord() commits to the database any changes made

to the current record.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 11 7

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Business Object Objects

Business Object Objects

A Siebel business object groups one or more business components into a logical unit of information.
Business objects are highly customizable, object-oriented building blocks of Siebel applications.
Business objects define the relationships between different business component objects (BusComps)
and contain semantic information about, for example, sales, marketing, and service-related entities.
Table 62 lists the methods of business object objects. For further information on these methods, see
Siebel Object Interfaces Reference.

Table 62. Methods of Business Object Objects

Method Description

GetBusComp() The GetBusComp() method returns the specified business component.


Name() Method The Name() method retrieves the name of the business object.

Do not store Siebel objects, such as business objects and business components, as properties of
custom objects, such as shown in the following example:

var oParms = new Object;

oParms.bo = TheApplication().GetBusObject("List Of Values");

Business Service Objects

Business service objects are objects that can be used to implement reusable business logic within
the Object Manager. They include both built-in business services, which may be scripted but not
modified, and user-defined objects.

Using business services, you can configure stand-alone objects or modules with both properties and
scripts. Business services may be used for generic code libraries that can be called from any other
scripts. The code attached to a menu item or a toolbar button may be implemented as a business
service. Methods of existing Siebel business service objects are documented in the Siebel Object
Interfaces Reference.

Table 63 provides a list of Business Service object methods and events.

Table 63. Business Service Object Methods and Events

Method or Event Description

GetFirstProperty() Method GetFirstProperty() retrieves the name of the first property of a

business service.

GetNextProperty() Method Once the name of the first property has been retrieved, the
GetNext Property() method retrieves the name of the next
property of a business service.

GetProperty() Method The GetProperty() method returns the value of the property
whose name is specified in its parameter.

118 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Business Service Objects

Table 63. Business Service Object Methods and Events

Method or Event Description

InvokeMethod() Method The InvokeMethod() method calls a specialized method or a

user-created method.

Name() Method The Name() method returns the name of the service.

PropertyExists() Method PropertyExists() returns a Boolean value indicating whether a

specified property exists.

RemoveProperty() Method RemoveProperty() removes a property from a business service.

Service_InvokeMethod() Event The InvokeMethod() event is called after the InvokeMethod

method is called on a business service.

Service_PreCanInvokeMethod() The PreCanInvokeMethod() event is called before the

Event PreInvokeMethod, so the developer can determine whether or
not the user has the authority to invoke the business service

Service_PreInvokeMethod() The PreInvokeMethod() event is called before a specialized

Event method is invoked on the business service.

SetProperty() Method This method assigns a value to a property of a business service.

About Script Libraries

The ST eScript engine provides business services script libraries. Script libraries assist in the
development of reusable, modular components that can be upgraded and that are easy to maintain.
Script libraries provide a framework for invoking global scripts.

The script libraries feature provides the following functions:

■ Allows you to call a business service function directly from anywhere within the scripting
interface after you have declared the business service, without having to declare property sets
or issue InvokeMethod calls

■ Allows you to write strongly typed methods for built-in business services, which can then be
called using the Script Assist utility

NOTE: Using script libraries is optional. All code written prior to Siebel 8.0 is still supported.

Example of Calling a Business Service Function Directly

The following code illustrates how to call a method on the Data Transfer Service directly, without
declaring property sets. Calling business service methods this way results in shorter, more readable

var oBS : Service = TheApplication ().GetService ("Data Transfer Service");

oBS.SendData ("Name", "John Doe");

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 11 9

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Business Service Objects

Example of a Custom Method for a Business Service

You can write custom methods for business services and make these available from within Script
Assist. For example, the following code creates a custom wrapper method, SendData, on the Data
Transfer Service. You can intercept and change the calls to the Data Transfer Service in a centralized
location in the SendData method.

function SendData (sTag : String, sValue : String)

var oPS1 = TheApplication ().NewPropertySet ();
var oPS2 = TheApplication ().NewPropertySet ();

oPS1.SetProperty ("Tag", sTag);

oPS1.SetProperty ("Value", sValue);

this.InvokeMethod ("SendData", oPS1, oPS2)


Displaying a Custom Method Within Script Assist

To make a custom method available to the script libraries so that it can be called from within Script
Assist, you must do the following:

■ Save the business service method script.

■ Ensure the script does not contain compile errors.

For functions called using script libraries, the compiler checks that argument types are valid and
do not contain incompatibilities.

■ Check the External Use flag for the business service object in Siebel Tools.

The custom method for the service is added to the script libraries and will display from the Script
Assist utility.

To display custom business service methods within Script Assist, perform the following procedure.

To display custom methods in Script Assist

1 Access Script Assist from the script editor by pressing CTRL+SPACE.

2 In your script, type the name of a business service object followed by a period (.).

All the default and custom scripted methods available for the business service object are

3 Select the method that you want to add to your script.

For detailed information on Script Assist, on setting object properties, and on using the Server Script
Editor to create, save, and compile scripts, see Using Siebel Tools.

120 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Objects

Clib Objects
The Clib object contains functions that are a part of the standard C library. Methods to access files,
directories, strings, the environment, memory, and characters are part of the Clib object. The Clib
object also contains time functions, error functions, sorting functions, and math functions.

Some methods, shown in Table 128 on page 179, may be considered redundant because their
functionality already exists in eScript. Where possible, you should use standard eScript methods
instead of the equivalent Clib functions. The Clib library is supported in Unix and Windows application
servers. It is not supported for client-side scripting (Browser script).

NOTE: The Clib object is essentially a wrapper for calling functions in the standard C library as
implemented for the specific operating system. Therefore these methods may behave differently on
different operating systems.

For an understanding of the Clib object, see the following topics:

■ “Clib Object Buffer Methods in Siebel eScript”

■ “Clib Object Character Classification in Siebel eScript” on page 124

■ “Clib Object Error Methods” on page 133

■ “File I/O Methods in eScript” on page 135

■ “Formatting Data in eScript” on page 167

■ “Clib Object Math Methods” on page 171

■ “Redundant Functions in the Clib Object” on page 179

■ “Clib Object String Methods” on page 181

■ “Time Objects” on page 196

■ “Clib Object Time Methods” on page 196

■ “Clib Object Uncategorized Methods” on page 207

Clib Object Buffer Methods in Siebel

The eScript language has the following commands for buffer manipulation:

■ “Clib.memchr() Method”

■ “Clib.memcmp() Method” on page 122

■ “Clib.memcpy() Method and Clib.memmove() Method” on page 123

■ “Clib.memset() Method” on page 123

Clib.memchr() Method
This method searches a buffer and returns the first occurrence of a specified character.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 12 1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object Buffer Methods in Siebel eScript

Clib.memchr(bufferVar, char[, size])

Table 64 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 64. Clib.memchr() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

bufferVar A buffer, or a variable pointing to a buffer

char The character to find

size The amount of the buffer to search, in bytes

Null if char is not found in bufferVar; otherwise, a buffer that begins at the first instance of char in

This method searches bufferVar and returns the first occurrence of char. If size is not specified, the
method searches the entire buffer from element 0.

Clib.memcmp() Method
This method compares the contents of two buffers or the length of two buffers.

Clib.memcmp(buf1, buf2[, length])

Table 65 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 65. Clib.memcmp() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

buf1 A variable containing the name of the first buffer to be compared

buf2 A variable containing the name of the second buffer to be compared

length The number of bytes to compare

A negative number if buf1 is less than buf2, 0 if buf1 is the same as buf2 for length bytes, a positive
number if buf1 is greater than buf2.

122 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object Buffer Methods in Siebel eScript

If length is not specified, Clib.memcmp() compares the length of the two buffers. It then compares
the contents up to the length of the shorter buffer. If length is specified and one of the buffers is
shorter than length, comparison proceeds up to the length of the shorter buffer.

Clib.memcpy() Method and Clib.memmove() Method

These methods copy a specified number of bytes from one buffer to another.

Clib.memcpy(destBuf, srcBuf[, length])

Clib.memmove(destBuf, srcBuf[, length])

Table 66 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 66. Clib.memcpy and Clib.memmove() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

destBuf The buffer to copy to

srcBuf The buffer to copy from

length The number of bytes to copy

These methods copy the number of bytes specified by length from srcBuf to destBuf. If destBuf has
not already been defined, it is created as a buffer. If the length is not supplied, the entire contents
of srcBuf are copied to destBuf.

Siebel eScript protects data from being overwritten; therefore, in Siebel eScript, the Clib.memcpy()
method is the same as the Clib.memmove() method.

Clib.memset() Method
This method fills a specified number of bytes in a buffer with a specified character.

Clib.memset(bufferVar, char[, length])

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 12 3

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object Character Classification in Siebel eScript

Table 67 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 67. Clib.memset() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

bufferVar A buffer or a variable containing a buffer

char The character to fill the buffer with

length The number of bytes in which char is to be written

This method fills a buffer with length bytes of char. If the buffer has not already been defined, it is
created as a buffer of length bytes. If bufferVar is shorter than length, its size is increased to length.
If length is not supplied, it defaults to the size of bufferVar, starting at index 0.

Clib Object Character Classification in

Siebel eScript
The eScript language does not have a true character type. For the character classification routines,
a char is actually a one-character string. Thus, actual programming usage is very much like C. For
example, in the following fragment, both .isalnum() statements work properly:

var t = Clib.isalnum('a');

var s = 'a';
var t = Clib.isalnum(s);

This fragment displays the following:


In the following fragment, both Clib.isalnum() statements cause errors because the parameters to
them are strings with more than one character:

var t = Clib.isalnum('ab');

var s = 'ab';
var t = Clib.isalnum(s);

The character classification methods return Booleans: true or false. The following character
classification methods are supported in the Clib object:

■ “Clib.isalnum() Method” on page 125

■ “Clib.isalpha() Method” on page 126

■ “Clib.isascii() Method” on page 126

124 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object Character Classification in Siebel eScript

■ “Clib.iscntrl() Method” on page 127

■ “Clib.isdigit() Method” on page 127

■ “Clib.isgraph() Method” on page 128

■ “Clib.islower() Method” on page 129

■ “Clib.isprint() Method” on page 129

■ “Clib.ispunct() Method” on page 130

■ “Clib.isspace() Method” on page 131

■ “Clib.isupper() Method” on page 131

■ “Clib.isxdigit() Method” on page 132

■ “Clib.toascii() Method” on page 133

Clib.isalnum() Method
This function returns true if a specified character is alphanumeric.


Table 68 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 68. Clib.isalnum() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

char Either a single character or a variable containing a single character

True if char is an alphabetic character from A through Z or a through z, or is a digit from 0 through
9; otherwise, false.

This function returns true if char is alphanumeric. Otherwise, it returns false.

Related Topics
“Clib.isalpha() Method” on page 126
“Clib.isdigit() Method” on page 127
“Clib.islower() Method” on page 129
“Clib.isprint() Method” on page 129
“Clib.isupper() Method” on page 131

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 12 5

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object Character Classification in Siebel eScript

Clib.isalpha() Method
This function returns true if a specified character is alphabetic.


Table 69 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 69. Clib.isalpha() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

char Either a single character or a variable containing a single character

True if char is an alphabetic character from A to Z or a to z; otherwise, false.

This function returns true if char is alphabetic; otherwise, it returns false.

Related Topics
“Clib.isalnum() Method” on page 125
“Clib.isdigit() Method” on page 127
“Clib.islower() Method” on page 129
“Clib.isprint() Method” on page 129
“Clib.isupper() Method” on page 131

Clib.isascii() Method
This function returns true if a specified character has an ASCII code from 0 to 127.


Table 70 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 70. Clib.isascii() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

char Either a single character or a variable containing a single character

126 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object Character Classification in Siebel eScript

True if char is has an ASCII code from 0 through 127; otherwise, false.

This function returns true if char is a character in the standard ASCII character set, with codes from
0 through 127; otherwise, it returns false.

Related Topics
“Clib.iscntrl() Method” on page 127
“Clib.isprint() Method” on page 129

Clib.iscntrl() Method
This function returns true if a specified character is a control character.


Table 71 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 71. Clib.iscntr() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

char Either a single character or a variable containing a single character

True if char is a control character; otherwise, false.

This function returns true if char is a control character, that is, one having an ASCII code from 0
through 31; otherwise, it returns false.

Related Topics
“Clib.isascii() Method” on page 126

Clib.isdigit() Method
This function returns true if a specified character is a decimal digit.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 12 7

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object Character Classification in Siebel eScript


Table 72 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 72. Clib.isdigit() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

char Either a single character or a variable containing a single character

True if char is a decimal digit from 0 through 9; otherwise, false.

This function returns true if char is a decimal digit from 0 through 9; otherwise, it returns false.

Related Topics
“Clib.isalnum() Method” on page 125
“Clib.isalpha() Method” on page 126
“Clib.isupper() Method” on page 131

Clib.isgraph() Method
This function returns true if a specified character is a printable character other than a space.


Table 73 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 73. Clib.isgraph() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

char Either a single character or a variable containing a single character

True if char is a printable character other than the space character; otherwise, false.

128 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object Character Classification in Siebel eScript

This function returns true if char is a printable character other than the space character (ASCII code
32); otherwise, it returns false.

Related Topics
“Clib.isprint() Method”
“Clib.ispunct() Method” on page 130
“Clib.isspace() Method” on page 131

Clib.islower() Method
This function returns true if a specified character is a lowercase alphabetic character.


Table 74 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 74. Clib.islower() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

char Either a single character or a variable containing a single character

True if char is a lowercase alphabetic character; otherwise, false.

This function returns true if char is a lowercase alphabetic character from a through z; otherwise, it
returns false.

Related Topics
“Clib.isalnum() Method” on page 125
“Clib.isalpha() Method” on page 126
“Clib.isupper() Method” on page 131

Clib.isprint() Method
This function returns true if a specified character is printable.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 12 9

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object Character Classification in Siebel eScript


Table 75 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 75. isprint() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

char Either a single character or a variable containing a single character

True if char is a printable character that can be typed from the keyboard; otherwise, false.

This function returns true if char is a printable character that can be typed from the keyboard (ASCII
codes 32 through 126); otherwise, it returns false.

Related Topics
“Clib.isalnum() Method” on page 125
“Clib.isascii() Method” on page 126
“Clib.isgraph() Method” on page 128
“Clib.ispunct() Method”
“Clib.isspace() Method” on page 131

Clib.ispunct() Method
This function returns true if a specified character is a punctuation mark that can be entered from the


Table 76 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 76. Clib.ispunct() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

char Either a single character or a variable containing a single character

130 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object Character Classification in Siebel eScript

True if char is a punctuation mark that can be entered from the keyboard (ASCII codes 33 through
47, 58 through 63, 91 through 96, or 123 through 126); otherwise, it returns false.

Related Topics
“Clib.isgraph() Method” on page 128
“Clib.isprint() Method” on page 129
“Clib.isspace() Method”

Clib.isspace() Method
This function returns true if a specified character is a white-space character.


Table 77 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 77. isspace() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

char Either a single character or a variable containing a single character

True if char is a white-space character; otherwise, false.

This function returns true if char is a horizontal tab, newline, vertical tab, form feed, carriage return,
or space character (that is, one having an ASCII code of 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, or 32); otherwise, it
returns false.

Related Topics
“Clib.isascii() Method” on page 126
“Clib.isprint() Method” on page 129

Clib.isupper() Method
This function returns true if a specified character is an uppercase alphabetic character.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 13 1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object Character Classification in Siebel eScript


Table 78 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 78. Clib.isupper() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

char Either a single character or a variable containing a single character

True if char is an uppercase alphabetic character; otherwise, false.

This function returns true if char is an uppercase alphabetic character from A through Z; otherwise,
it returns false.

Related Topics
“Clib.isalpha() Method” on page 126
“Clib.islower() Method” on page 129

Clib.isxdigit() Method
This function returns true if a specified character is a hexadecimal digit.


Table 79 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 79. isxdigit() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

char Either a single character or a variable containing

a single character

True if char is a hexadecimal digit; otherwise, false.

132 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object Error Methods

This function evaluates a single character, returning true if the character is a valid hexadecimal
character (that is, a number from 0 through 9 or an alphabetic character from a through f or A
through F). If the character is not in one of the legal ranges, it returns false.

Related Topics
“Clib.isdigit() Method” on page 127

Clib.toascii() Method
This method translates a character into a seven-bit ASCII representation of the character.


Table 80 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 80. Clib.toascii() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

char A character literal, or a variable containing a character, to be translated

A seven-bit ASCII representation of char.

This method translates a character into a seven-bit ASCII representation of char. The translation is
done by clearing every bit except for the lowest seven bits. If char is already a seven-bit ASCII
character, it returns the character.

The following line of code returns the close-parenthesis character:


Related Topics
“Clib.isascii() Method” on page 126

Clib Object Error Methods

Siebel eScript has the following Clib methods for handling errors:

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 13 3

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object Error Methods

■ “Clib.errno Property”

■ “Clib.perror() Method”

■ “Clib.strerror() Method” on page 135

■ “Clib.clearerr() Method” on page 138

Clib.errno Property
The errno property stores diagnostic message information when a function fails to execute correctly.


Many functions in the Clib and SElib objects set errno to nonzero when an error occurs, to provide
more specific information about the error. Siebel eScript implements errno as a macro to the internal
function errno().

To return the error number stored in the Clib.errno property, use the ToNumber conversion method,
as follows:


For further information on the ToNumber method, see “ToNumber() Method” on page 269.

NOTE: The errno property cannot be modified through eScript code. It is available only for read-only

To access the error message associated with a Clib-defined error number, see “Clib.strerror() Method”
on page 135.

Clib.perror() Method
This method prints and returns an error message that describes the error defined by Clib.errno.


Table 81 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 81. Clib.perror() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

errmsg A message to describe an error condition

134 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ File I/O Methods in eScript

A string containing an error message that describes the error indicated by Clib.errno.

This method is identical to calling Clib.strerror (ToNumber(Clib.errno). If a string variable is supplied,
it is set to the string returned.

Clib.strerror() Method
This method returns the error message associated with a Clib-defined error number.


The descriptive error message associated with an error number returned by ToNumber(Clib.errno).

When some functions fail to execute properly, they store a number in the Clib.errno property. The
number corresponds to the type of error encountered. This method converts the error number to a
descriptive string and returns it.

Related Topics
“Clib.errno Property” on page 134

File I/O Methods in eScript

Siebel eScript handles file I/O in a manner similar to C and C++. In these languages, files are never
read from, or written to, directly. Rather, you must first open a file, most commonly by passing its
name to the Clib.fopen() method. You can also open a file using Clib.tmpfile().

These methods read the file into a buffer in memory and return a file pointer—a pointer to the
beginning of the buffer. The data in the buffer is often referred to as a file stream, or simply a stream.
Reading and writing occurs relative to the buffer, which is not written to disk unless you explicitly
flush the buffer with Clib.fflush() or close the file with Clib.fclose().

Clib supports the following file I/O functions:

■ “Clib.chdir() Method” on page 136

■ “Clib.clearerr() Method” on page 138

■ “Clib.getcwd() Method” on page 138

■ “Clib.fclose() Method” on page 140

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 13 5

Siebel eScript Commands ■ File I/O Methods in eScript

■ “Clib.feof() Method” on page 140

■ “Clib.fflush() Method” on page 142

■ “Clib.fgetc() Method and Clib.getc() Method” on page 142

■ “Clib.fgetpos() Method” on page 143

■ “Clib.fgets() Method” on page 144

■ “Clib.fopen() Method” on page 146

■ “Clib.fprintf() Method” on page 149

■ “Clib.fputc() Method and Clib.putc() Method” on page 151

■ “Clib.fputs() Method” on page 151

■ “Clib.fread() Method” on page 152

■ “Clib.freopen() Method” on page 154

■ “Clib.fscanf() Method” on page 155

■ “Clib.fseek() Method” on page 157

■ “Clib.fsetpos() Method” on page 158

■ “Clib.ftell() Method” on page 159

■ “Clib.fwrite() Method” on page 160

■ “Clib.mkdir() Method” on page 161

■ “Clib.remove() Method” on page 162

■ “Clib.rename() Method” on page 162

■ “Clib.rewind() Method” on page 163

■ “Clib.rmdir() Method” on page 164

■ “Clib.sscanf() Method” on page 164

■ “Clib.tmpfile() Method” on page 165

■ “Clib.tmpnam() Method” on page 166

■ “Clib.ungetc()Method” on page 167

NOTE: Siebel applications use UTF-16 encoding when writing to a file in Unicode. The first two bytes
of the file are always the BOM (Byte Order Mark). When Clib.rewind is called on such a file, it is
pointing to the BOM (-257) and not the first valid character. To skip the BOM, call Clib.fgetc/getc

Clib.chdir() Method
This method changes the current directory for the Siebel application.

136 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ File I/O Methods in eScript


Table 82 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 82. Clib.chdir() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

dirpath The path to the directory to make current. The path can be absolute or

0 if successful; otherwise, -1.

This method changes the current directory for the Siebel application. If the Siebel Server is restarted,
the current directory is automatically reset as one of the following:

■ The current directory recognized by the Windows operating system on the Siebel Server

■ The home directory of the administrator who restarts the Siebel Server on UNIX

The following example shows the use of Clib.chdir() to change the current working directory of the
Siebel application. The default Siebel working directory is the SIEBEL_ROOT\bin directory. For
example, if you installed the Siebel client in C:\sea81\client, then the default working directory is

function Application_Start (CommandLine)


// Start Tracing

var currDir = Clib.getcwd();

TheApplication().Trace("Current directory is " + Clib.getcwd());

// Create a new directory

var msg = Clib.mkdir('C:\\Clib test');

// Display the error flag created by creating directory;

// Should be 0, indicating no error.


// Change the current directory to the new 'Clib test'

Clib.chdir("C:\\Clib test");
TheApplication().Trace("Current directory is " + Clib.getcwd());

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// Delete 'Clib test'


// Attempting to make a removed directory current gives an

// error
Clib.rmdir("Clib test");
msg = Clib.chdir("C:\\Clib test");

Here are the trace results from the script:

Current directory is D:\sea81\client\BIN

Current directory is C:\Clib test

Related Topics
“Clib.getenv() Method” on page 209
“Clib.mkdir() Method” on page 161
“Clib.rmdir() Method” on page 164

Clib.clearerr() Method
This method clears the error status and resets the end-of-file flag for a specified file.


Table 83 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 83. Clib.clearerr() Method Parameters

Parameter Description
filePointer A pointer to the file to be cleared and reset

This method clears the error status and resets the end-of-file (EOF) flag for the file indicated by

Clib.getcwd() Method
This method returns the entire path of the current working directory for a script.

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The entire path of the current working directory for a script.

In a Siebel application, the default current working directory is the directory in which the application
has been installed. If a script changes the current working directory (using Clib.chdir() or similar
command), the current working directory returns to its original value when the script finishes.

In this example, the current directory is displayed in a message box. The script then makes the root
the current directory, creates a new directory, removes that directory, and then attempts to make
the removed directory current.

function Button_Click ()

var currDir = Clib.getcwd();

TheApplication().Trace("Current directory is " + Clib.getcwd());
var msg = Clib.mkdir('C:\\Clib test');
// Display the error flag created by creating directory;
// Should be 0, indicating no error.
// Change the current directory to the new 'Clib test'
Clib.chdir("C:\\Clib test");
TheApplication().Trace("Current directory is " + Clib.getcwd());
// Delete 'Clib test'
// Attempting to make a removed directory current yields error
Clib.rmdir("Clib test");
msg = Clib.chdir("C:\\Clib.test");

The output displayed in the message boxes is as follows:

Current directory is C:\SIEBEL\BIN

Current directory is C:\Clib test

Related Topics
“Clib.clearerr() Method” on page 138
“Clib.mkdir() Method” on page 161
“Clib.rmdir() Method” on page 164

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Clib.fclose() Method
This method writes a file’s data to disk and closes the file.


Table 84 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 84. Clib.fclose() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

filePointer A file pointer as returned by Clib.fopen()

Zero if successful; otherwise, returns EOF.

This method flushes the file’s buffers (that is, writes its data to disk) and closes the file. The file
pointer ceases to be valid after this call.

This example creates and writes to a text file and closes the file, testing for an error condition at the
same time. If an error occurs, a message is displayed and the buffer is flushed.

function Test_Click ()
var fp = Clib.fopen('c:\\temp000.txt', 'wt');
Clib.fputs('abcdefg\nABCDEFG\n', fp);
if (Clib.fclose(fp) != 0)
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText('Unable to close file.' +
'\nContents are lost.');

Related Topics
“Clib.fflush() Method” on page 142

Clib.feof() Method
This function determines whether a file cursor is at the end of a file.

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Table 85 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 85. Clib.feof() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

filePointer A file pointer as returned by Clib.fopen()

A nonzero integer if the file cursor is at the end of the file; 0 if it is not at the end of the file.

This method determines whether the file cursor is at the end of the file indicated by filePointer. It
returns a nonzero integer (usually 1) if true, 0 if not.

Clib.ferror() Method
This method tests and returns the error indicator for a file.


Table 86 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 86. Clib.ferror() Method Parameters

Parameter Description
filePointer A file pointer as returned by Clib.fopen()

0 if no error; otherwise, the error number.

This method checks whether an error has occurred for a buffer into which a file has been read. If an
error occurs, it returns the error number.

Related Topics
“Clib.errno Property” on page 134

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Clib.fflush() Method
This function writes the data in a file buffer to disk.


Table 87 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 87. Clib.fflush() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

filePointer A file pointer as returned by Clib.fopen()

0 if successful; otherwise, EOF.

This method causes any unwritten buffered data to be written to the file indicated by filePointer. If
filePointer is null, this method flushes buffers in open files.

Related Topics
“Clib.getenv() Method” on page 209

Clib.fgetc() Method and Clib.getc() Method

These methods return the next character in a file stream.


Table 88 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 88. Clib.fgetc() and Clib.getc() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

filePointer A file pointer as returned by Clib.fopen()

The next character in the file indicated by filePointer as a byte converted to an integer.

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These methods return the next character in a file stream—a buffer into which a file has been read.
If there is a read error or the file cursor is at the end of the file, EOF is returned. If there is a read
error, Clib.ferror() indicates the error condition.

Related Topics
“Clib.fgets() Method” on page 144
“Clib.qsort() Method” on page 210

Clib.fgetpos() Method
This method stores the current position of the pointer in a file.

Clib.fgetpos(filePointer, position)

Table 89 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 89. Clib.fgetpos() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

filePointer A file pointer as returned by Clib.fopen()

position The current position of filePointer

0 if successful; otherwise, nonzero, in which case an error value is stored in the errno property.

This method stores the current position of the file cursor in the file indicated by filePointer for future
restoration using fsetpos(). The file position is stored in the variable position; use it with fsetpos()
to restore the cursor to its position.

This example writes two strings to a temporary text file, using Clib.fgetpos() to save the position
where the second string begins. The program then uses Clib.fsetpos() to set the file cursor to the
saved position so as to display the second string.

function Test_Click ()
var position;
var fp = Clib.tmpfile();
Clib.fputs("Melody\n”, fp);
Clib.fgetpos(fp, position)

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Clib.fputs("Lingers\n", fp);
Clib.fsetpos(fp, position);
var msg = Clib.fgets(fp));

Related Topics
“Clib.feof() Method” on page 140
“Clib.fsetpos() Method” on page 158
“Clib.ftell() Method” on page 159

Clib.fgets() Method
This method returns a string consisting of the characters in a file from the current file cursor to the
next newline character.

Clib.fgets([maxLen,] filePointer)

Table 90 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 90. Clib.fgets() Method Parameters

Parameter Description
maxLen The maximum length of the string to be returned if no newline character is
encountered; if the File Mode is Unicode, the length parameter is the length in
Unicode characters. If you do not specify maxLen, then eScript uses the
default limit of 999 characters.

filePointer A file pointer as returned by Clib.fopen().

A string consisting of the characters in a file from the current file cursor to the next newline character.
If an error occurs, or if the end of the file is reached, null is returned.

This method returns a string consisting of the characters in a file from the current file cursor to the
next newline character. The newline is returned as part of the string.

This example writes a string containing an embedded newline character to a temporary file. It then
reads from the file twice to retrieve the output and display it.

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function Test_Click ()
var x = Clib.tmpfile();
Clib.fputs("abcdefg\nABCDEFG\n", x);
var msg = Clib.fgets(x) + " " + Clib.fgets(x);

Running this code produces the following result.


CAUTION: If the string returned by Clib.fgets contains non-ASCII characters, you must open the file
specified by the filePointer parameter in Unicode. If the file is opened in text mode, Clib.fgets treats
non-ASCII characters it encounters as end-of-line characters, and stops reading the current line. As
a result, the string returned by Clib.fgets may be truncated. If the file that is to be operated on by
Clib.fgets does not use an encoding standard that is compatible with Unicode, it must first be
transformed into either UTF-8 or UTF-16, with the appropriate byte-order mark (BOM) placed at the
beginning of the file. For further information on file opening modes, see “Clib.fopen() Method” on
page 146.

Related Topics
“Clib.fputs() Method” on page 151

Clib.flock() Method
This method locks or unlocks a file for simultaneous use by multiple processes.

Clib.flock(filePointer, mode)

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Table 91 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 91. Clib.flock() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

filePointer A file pointer as returned by Clib.fopen() or Clib.tmpfile()

mode One of the following:

■ LOCK_EX (lock for exclusive use)

■ LOCK_SH (lock for shared use)

■ LOCK_UN (unlock)
■ LOCK_NB (nonblocking)

0 if successful; otherwise, a nonzero integer.

The flock() function applies or removes an advisory lock on the file identified by filePointer. Advisory
locks allow cooperating processes to perform consistent operations on files. However, other
processes may still access the files, which can cause inconsistencies.

The locking mechanism allows two types of locks: shared and exclusive. Multiple processes can have
shared locks on a file at the same time; however, there cannot be multiple exclusive locks, or shared
locks and an exclusive lock, on one file at the same time.

Read permission is required on a file to obtain a shared lock, and write permission is required to
obtain an exclusive lock. Locking a segment that is already locked by the calling process causes the
old lock type to be removed and the new lock type to take effect.

If a process requests a lock on an object that is already locked, the request is locked until the file is
freed, unless LOCK_NB is used. If LOCK_NB is used, the call fails and the error EWOULDBLOCK is

NOTE: Clib.flock() is not supported in Unicode builds. It always returns 0.

Clib.fopen() Method
This method opens a specified file in a specified mode.

Clib.fopen(filename, mode)

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Table 92 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 92. Clib.fopen() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

filename Any valid filename that does not include wildcard characters

mode One of the required characters specifying a file mode, followed by optional
characters, as described in Table 93

This method returns a file pointer to the file opened, or null, if the function fails. This return value is
an object of type File.

NOTE: Several Clib methods require an argument denoted as filePointer in this document. These
input arguments are of type File and are often the return value of a Clib.fopen() call.

This function opens the file filename, in mode mode. The mode parameter is a string composed of
“r”, “w”, or “a”, followed by other characters, as shown in Table 93.

Table 93. Clib.fopen() Mode Parameters

Parameter Required? Mode

r Yes, only one Opens the file for reading; the file must already exist.
of these
w Opens the file for writing. If the file does not exist, eScript creates
the file.
is required.
a Opens the file in append mode.

b No Opens the file in binary mode; if b is not specified, the file is opened
in text mode (end-of-line translation is performed)

t No Opens the file in text mode. Do not use for non-ASCII characters, use
“u” instead.

u No Opens the file in Unicode mode (UTF-16, Little Endian); for example,
Clib.fopen(“filename.txt”, “rwu”). Use this mode for both ASCII and
non-ASCII characters.

+ No Opens the file for update (reading and writing).

When a file is successfully opened, its error status is cleared and a buffer is initialized for automatic
buffering of reads and writes to the file.

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The following code fragment opens the text file ReadMe for text-mode reading and displays each line
in that file:

var fp:File = Clib.fopen("ReadMe","rt");

if ( fp == null )
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("\aError opening file for reading.\n")
while ( null != (line=Clib.fgets(fp)) )
Clib.fputs(line, stdout)

Here is an example that opens a file, writes a string to the file, then reads the string from the file,
using the default codepage:

var oFile = Clib.fopen("myfile","rw");

if (null != oFile)
var sHello = "Hello";
var nLen = sHello.length;
Clib.fputs(sHello, oFile);
Clib.fgets (nLen, sHello);

Here is an example that opens a file, writes a string to the file, then reads the string from the file,
using Unicode:

var oFile = Clib.fopen("myfile","rwu");

if (null != oFile)
var sHello = "Hello";
var nLen = sHello.length;
Clib.fputs(sHello, oFile);
Clib.fgets (nLen, sHello);

The following example specifies a file path:

function WebApplet_ShowControl (ControlName, Property, Mode, &HTML)

if (ControlName == "GotoUrl")
var fp = Clib.fopen("c:\\test.txt","wt+");
Clib.fputs("property = " + Property + "\n", fp);
Clib.fputs("mode = " + Mode + "\n",fp);
Clib.fputs("ORG HTML = " + HTML + "\n",fp);

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Siebel eScript Commands ■ File I/O Methods in eScript

HTML = "<td>New HTML code</td>";


Related Topics
“Clib.getenv() Method” on page 209
“Clib.tmpfile() Method” on page 165

Clib.fprintf() Method
This function writes a formatted string to a specified file.

Clib.fprintf(filePointer, formatString)

Table 94 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 94. Clib.fprintf() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

filePointer A file pointer as returned by Clib.fopen()

formatString A string containing formatting instructions for each data item to be written

This method writes a formatted string to the file indicated by filePointer. For information on format
strings used with Clib.fprintf(), see Table 114 on page 168.

The following example shows uses of Clib.fprintf() with various format string parameters.

function Service_PreInvokeMethod (MethodName, Inputs, Outputs)

if (MethodName == "fprintfsamples")
var intgr = 123456789;
var flt = 12345.6789;
var hour = 1;
var min = 7;
var sec = 0;
var str = "Hello World";
var file = Clib.fopen("c:\\temp\\fprintf.txt", "w");

// Simple formatting:
Clib.fprintf(file, "(1) %s, it is now %i:%i:%i pm.\n", str, hour, min, sec);
Clib.fprintf(file, "(2) The number %i is the same as %x.\n", intgr, intgr);

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Clib.fprintf(file, "(3) The result is %f.\n", flt);

// Flag values:
// "+" forces a + or - sign; "#" modifies the type flag "x"

// to prepend "0x" to the output. (Compare with the simple

// formatting example.)
Clib.fprintf(file, "(4) The number %+i is the same as %#x.\n", intgr, intgr);

// Width values:
// Note that the width is a minimal width, thus longer values
// are not truncated.
// "2" fills with spaces, "02" fills with zeros.
var myWidth = 2;
Clib.fprintf(file, "(5) %5s, it is now %2i:%02i:%02i pm.\n", str, hour, min,

// Precision values:
// ".2" restricts to 2 decimals after the decimal separator.
// Note that the number will be rounded appropriately.
Clib.fprintf(file, "(6) The result is %.2f.\n", flt);

// A combined example:
// <space> displays either space or minus;
// "+" displays either plus or minus;
// "020" uses a minimal width of 20, padded with zeros;
// ".2" displays 2 digits after the decimal separator;
// "*" uses the next argument in the list to specify the width.
Clib.fprintf(file, "(7) The values are:\n%+020.2f\n% 020.2f\n% *.2f", flt,
intgr, 20, intgr);


return (CancelOperation);
return (ContinueOperation);

The script produces the following output:

(1) Hello World, it is now 1:7:0 pm.

(2) The number 123456789 is the same as 75bcd15.
(3) The result is 12345.678900.
(4) The number +123456789 is the same as 0x75bcd15.
(5) Hello World, it is now 1:07:00 pm.
(6) The result is 12345.68.
(7) The values are:

Related Topics
“Clib.rsprintf() Method” on page 181

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“Clib.sprintf() Method” on page 182

Clib.fputc() Method and Clib.putc() Method

These methods write a character, converted to a byte, to the specified file.

Clib.fputc(char, filePointer)
Clib.putc(char, filePointer)

Table 95 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 95. Clib.fputc() and Clib.putc() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

char A one-character string or a variable holding a single character

filePointer A file pointer as returned by Clib.fopen()

If successful, char; otherwise, EOF.

These methods write a single character to the file indicated by filePointer. If char is a string, the first
character of the string is written to the file indicated by filePointer. If char is a number, the character
corresponding to its Unicode value is written to the file.

Related Topics
“Clib.fgetc() Method and Clib.getc() Method” on page 142
“Clib.fputs() Method”

Clib.fputs() Method
This method writes a string to a specified file.

Clib.fputs(string, filePointer)

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Table 96 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 96. Clib.fputs() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

string A string literal or a variable containing a string

filePointer A file pointer as returned by Clib.fopen()

EOF if a write error occurs; otherwise, a non-negative value.

This method writes the value of string to the file indicated by filePointer.

For an example, see “Clib.fgets() Method” on page 144.

Related Topics
“Clib.fgets() Method” on page 144
“Clib.fputc() Method and Clib.putc() Method” on page 151

Clib.fread() Method
This method reads data from an open file and stores it in a variable.

Syntax A
Clib.fread(destBuffer, bytelength, filePointer)

Syntax B
Clib.fread(destVar, varDescription, filePointer)

Syntax C
Clib.fread(blobVar, blobDescriptor, filePointer)

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Table 97 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 97. Clib.fread() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

destBuffer A variable indicating the buffer to contain the data read from the file

bytelength The number of bytes to read

filePointer A file pointer as returned by Clib.fopen()

destVar A variable to contain the data read from the file

varDescription A variable that describes how much data is to be read; must be one of the
values in Table 98

blobVar A variable indicating the BLOB to contain the data read from the file

blobDescriptor The blobDescriptor for blobVar

The number of elements read. For destBuffer, the number of bytes read, up to bytelength. For
varDescription, 1 if the data is read, or 0 if there is a read error or EOF is encountered.

This method reads data from the open file filePointer and stores it in the specified variable. If it does
not yet exist, the variable, buffer, or BLOB is created. The varDescription value is a variable that
describes how and how much data is to be read: if destVar is to hold a single datum, then
varDescription must be one of the values shown in Table 98.

Table 98. varDescription Parameters Values

Value Description
UWORD8 Stored as an unsigned byte

SWORD8 Stored as a signed byte

UWORD16 Stored as an unsigned 16-bit integer

SWORD16 Stored as a signed 16-bit integer

UWORD24 Stored as an unsigned 24-bit integer

SWORD24 Stored as a signed 24-bit integer

UWORD32 Stored as an unsigned 32-bit integer

SWORD32 Stored as a signed 32-bit integer

FLOAT32 Stored as a floating-point number

FLOAT64 Stored as a double-precision floating-point number

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For example, the definition of a structure might be:

ClientDef = new blobDescriptor();

ClientDef.Sex = UWORD8;
ClientDef.MaritalStatus = UWORD8;
ClientDef._Unused1 = UWORD16;
ClientDef.FirstName = 30; ClientDef.LastName = 40;
ClientDef.Initial = UWORD8;

The Siebel eScript version of fread() differs from the standard C version in that the standard C library
is set up for reading arrays of numeric values or structures into consecutive bytes in memory. In
JavaScript, this is not necessarily the case.

Data types are read from the file in a byte-order described by the current value of the BigEndianMode
global variable.

To read the 16-bit integer i, the 32-bit float f, and then the 10-byte buffer buf from the open file
fp, use code like this:

if ( !Clib.fread(i, SWORD16, fp) || !Clib.fread(f, FLOAT32, fp)

|| 10 != Clib.fread(buf, 10, fp) )
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("Error reading from file.\n");

Related Topics
“Clib.fwrite() Method” on page 160

Clib.freopen() Method
This method closes the file associated with a file pointer and then opens a file and associates it with
the file pointer of the file that has been closed.

Clib.freopen(filename, mode, oldFilePointer)

Table 99 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 99. Clib.freopen() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

filename The name of a file to be opened

mode One of the file modes specified in the Clib.fopen() function; for Unicode, the same
“u” flag as in Clib.fopen can be used

oldFilePointer The file pointer to a file to be closed and to which filename is to be associated

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A copy of the old file pointer after reassignment, or null if the function fails.

This method closes the file associated with oldFilePointer (ignoring any close errors) and then opens
filename according to mode (as in Clib.fopen()) and reassociates oldFilePointer to this new file
specification. It is commonly used to redirect one of the predefined file handles (stdout, stderr, stdin)
to or from a file.

The following sample script writes to two different files using the same file pointer.

var oFile = Clib.fopen("c:\\temp\\firstfile","w");

if (oFile == null)
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("File not found.");
Clib.fprintf(oFile, "Writing to first file\n");
Clib.freopen("c:\\temp\\secondfile", "w", oFile);
if (oFile == null)
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("File not found.");
Clib.fprintf(oFile, "Writing to second file\n");

Related Topics
“Clib.getenv() Method” on page 209
“Clib.fopen() Method” on page 146

Clib.fscanf() Method
This function reads data from a specified file and stores the data items in a series of parameters.

Clib.fscanf(filePointer, formatString, var1, var2, ..., varn)

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Table 100 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 100. Clib.fscanf() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

filePointer A file pointer as returned by Clib.fopen()

formatString A string containing formatting instructions for each data item to

be read

var1, var2, ..., varn Variables holding the values to be formatted

The number of input items assigned. This number may be fewer than the number of parameters
requested if there was a matching failure. If there is an input failure (before the conversion occurs),
this function returns EOF.

This function reads input from the file indicated by filePointer and stores that input in the var1, var2,
..., varn parameters following the formatString value according to the character combinations in the
format string, which indicate how the file data is to be read and stored. The file must be open, with
read access.

Characters from input are matched against the formatting instruction characters of formatString until
a percent character (%) is reached. The % character indicates that a value is to be read and stored
to subsequent parameters following formatString. Each subsequent parameter after formatString
gets the next parsed value taken from the next parameter in the list following formatString.

A parameter specification takes this form:


For values for these items, see “Formatting Input in eScript” on page 170.

The following example shows uses of Clib.fscanf() with various options on the parameters.

var int1;
var int2;
var hour;
var min;
var sec;
var str;

var file = Clib.fopen("c:\\temp\\fscanf.txt", "r");

TheApplication().TraceOn("c:\\temp\\testoutput.txt", "allocation", "all");

// Simple scanf:
// input line e.g.: "Monday 10:18:00"
Clib.fscanf(file, "%s %i:%i:%i\n", str, hour, min, sec);

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TheApplication().Trace(str + ", " + hour + ", " + min + ", " + sec);

// Using width specifier:

// input line e.g.: "1234567890"
Clib.fscanf(file, "%5i%5i\n", int1, int2);
TheApplication().Trace(int1 + ", " + int2);

// Reading hexadecimal integers and suppressing assignment to a variable:

// input line e.g.: "AB3F 456A 7B44"
Clib.fscanf(file, "%x %*x %x\n", int1, int2);
TheApplication().Trace(int1 + ", " + int2);

// Using character ranges:

// input line e.g.: "helloHELLO"
Clib.fscanf(file, "%[a-z]\n", str);


The script produces the following trace output:

COMMENT,"Monday, 10, 18, 0"

COMMENT,"12345, 67890"
COMMENT,"43839, 31556"

Related Topics
“Clib.sinh() Method” on page 176
“Clib.sscanf() Method” on page 164

Clib.fseek() Method
This method sets the position of the file cursor of an open file.

Clib.fseek(filePointer, offset[, mode])

Table 101 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 101. Clib.fseek() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

filePointer A file pointer as returned by Clib.fopen()

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Siebel eScript Commands ■ File I/O Methods in eScript

Table 101. Clib.fseek() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

offset The number of bytes to move the file cursor beyond mode

mode One of the following values:

SEEK_CUR: seek is relative to the current position of the file cursor

SEEK_END: seek is relative to the end of the file

SEEK_SET: seek is relative to the beginning of the file

0 if successful, or nonzero if it cannot set the file cursor to the indicated position.

This method sets the position of the file cursor in the file indicated by filePointer. If mode is not
supplied, then the absolute offset from the beginning of the file (SEEK_SET) is assumed. For text
files (that is, files not opened in binary mode), the file position may not correspond exactly to the
byte offset in the file.

Related Topics
“Clib.fgetpos() Method” on page 143
“Clib.ftell() Method” on page 159
“Clib.rewind() Method” on page 163

Clib.fsetpos() Method
This method sets the current file cursor to a specified position.

Clib.fsetpos(filePointer, position)

Table 102 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 102. Clib.fsetpos() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

filePointer A file pointer as returned by Clib.fopen()

position The value returned by Clib.fgetpos(filePointer,


158 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ File I/O Methods in eScript

0 if successful; otherwise, nonzero, in which case an error value is stored in errno.

This method sets the current file cursor to a specified position in the file indicated by filePointer. It
is used to restore the file cursor to a position that has previously been retrieved by Clib.fgetpos()
and stored in the position variable used by that method.

For an example, see “Clib.fgetpos() Method” on page 143.

Related Topics
“Clib.fgetpos() Method” on page 143
“Clib.ftell() Method”

Clib.ftell() Method
This method gets the position offset of the file cursor of an open file relative to the beginning of the


Table 103 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 103. Clib.ftell() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

filePointer A file pointer as returned by Clib.fopen()

The current location of the file cursor, or -1 if there is an error, in which case an error value is stored
in Clib.errno.

This method gets the position offset of the file cursor of the open file indicated by filePointer relative
to the beginning of the file. For text files (that is, files not opened in binary mode), the file position
may not correspond exactly to the byte offset in the file.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 15 9

Siebel eScript Commands ■ File I/O Methods in eScript

Related Topics
“Clib.fseek() Method” on page 157
“Clib.fsetpos() Method” on page 158

Clib.fwrite() Method
This method writes the data in a specified variable to a specified file and returns the number of
elements written.

Syntax A
Clib.fwrite(sourceVar, varDescription, filePointer)

Syntax B
Clib.fwrite(sourceVar, bytelength, filePointer)

Table 104 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 104. Clib.fwrite() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

bytelength Number of bytes to write

sourceVar A variable indicating the source from which data is to be written

varDescription A value depending on the type of object indicated by sourceVar

filePointer A file pointer as returned by Clib.fopen()

0 if a write error occurs; use Clib.ferror() to get more information about the error.

This method writes the data in sourceVar to the file indicated by filePointer and returns the number
of elements written.

The varDescription variable describes how much data is to be read from the object indicated by

160 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ File I/O Methods in eScript

Table 105 shows the relative values of the varDescription and sourceVar variables.

Table 105. Relative Values of the varDescription and sourceVar Variables

If sourceVar Is... Then, the Value of varDescription Is...

Buffer Length of the buffer

Object Object descriptor

A single datum One of the values listed in “Clib.fread() Method” on page 152

The Siebel eScript version of fwrite() differs from the standard C version in that the standard C library
is set up for writing arrays of numeric values or structures from consecutive bytes in memory. This
is not necessarily the case in eScript.

To write the 16-bit integer i, the 32-bit float f, and the 10-byte buffer buf into open file fp, use the
following code:

if ( !Clib.fwrite(i, SWORD16, fp) || !Clib.fwrite(f, FLOAT32, fp)

|| 10 != fwrite(buf, 10, fp))
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("Error writing to file.\n");

Related Topics
“Clib.fread() Method” on page 152

Clib.mkdir() Method
This method creates a directory.


Table 106 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 106. Clib.mkdir() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

dirpath A string containing a valid directory path

0 if successful; otherwise, -1.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 16 1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ File I/O Methods in eScript

This method creates a directory. If no path is specified, the directory is created in C:\siebel\bin.
The specified directory may be an absolute or relative path specification.

Related Topics
“Clib.clearerr() Method” on page 138
“Clib.getenv() Method” on page 209
“Clib.rmdir() Method” on page 164

Clib.remove() Method
This method deletes a specified file.


Table 107 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 107. Clib.remove() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

filename A string or string variable containing the name of the file to be deleted

0 if successful; otherwise, -1.

The filename parameter may be either an absolute or a relative filename.

Related Topics
“Clib.fopen() Method” on page 146

Clib.rename() Method
This method renames a file.

Clib.rename(oldName, newName)

162 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ File I/O Methods in eScript

Table 108 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 108. Clib.rename() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

oldName A string representing the name of the file to be


newName A string representing the new name to give the


0 if successful; otherwise, -1.

This method renames a file. The oldName parameter may be either an absolute or a relative

Clib.rewind() Method
This method sets the file cursor to the beginning of a file.


Table 109 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 109. Clib.rewind() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

filePointer A file pointer as returned by Clib.fopen()

This call is identical to Clib.fseek(filePointer, 0, SEEK_SET) except that it also clears the error
indicator for the file indicated by filePointer.

NOTE: Siebel applications use UTF-16 encoding when writing to a file in Unicode. The first two bytes
of the file are always the BOM (Byte Order Mark). When Clib.rewind is called on such a file, it is
pointing to the BOM (-257) and not the first valid character. The user can call Clib.fgetc/getc once to
skip the BOM.

For an example, see “Clib.fgets() Method” on page 144.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 16 3

Siebel eScript Commands ■ File I/O Methods in eScript

Related Topics
“Clib.fseek() Method” on page 157

Clib.rmdir() Method
This method removes a specified directory.


Table 110 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 110. Clib.rmdir() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

dirpath The directory to be removed

0 if successful; otherwise, -1.

The dirpath parameter may be an absolute or relative path specification.

Related Topics
“Clib.clearerr() Method” on page 138
“Clib.getenv() Method” on page 209
“Clib.mkdir() Method” on page 161

Clib.sscanf() Method
This method reads input from the standard input device and stores the data in variables provided as

Clib.sscanf([formatString] [,var1, var2, ..., varn])

164 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ File I/O Methods in eScript

Table 111 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 111. Clib.sscanf() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

formatString A string indicating how variable or literal parameters are to be treated

var1, var2, ..., varn Variables in which to store the input

EOF if input failure occurs before any conversion occurs; otherwise, the number of variables assigned

This method reads input from the standard input stream (the keyboard unless some other file has
been redirected as stdin by the Clib.freopen() function) and stores the data read in the variables
provided as parameters following formatString. The data is stored according to the character
combinations in formatString which indicate how the input data is to be read and stored.

This method is identical to calling fscanf() with stdin as the first parameter. It returns the number
of input items assigned; this number may be fewer than the number of parameters requested if there
is a matching failure. If there is a conversion failure, EOF is returned.

The formatString value specifies the admissible input sequences and how the input is to be converted
to be assigned to the variable number of parameters passed to this function. The input is not read
until the ENTER key is pressed.

Characters from input are matched against the characters of the formatString until a percent
character (%) is reached. The percent character indicates that a value is to be read and stored to
subsequent parameters following formatString. Each subsequent parameter after formatString gets
the next parsed value taken from the next parameter in the list following formatString.

A parameter specification takes this form:


For values for these items, see “Formatting Input in eScript” on page 170.

Related Topics
“Clib.fscanf() Method” on page 155
“Clib.sinh() Method” on page 176
“Clib.asctime() Method” on page 197

Clib.tmpfile() Method
This method creates a temporary binary file and returns its file pointer.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 16 5

Siebel eScript Commands ■ File I/O Methods in eScript


The file pointer of the file created; null if the function fails.

Clib.tmpfile() creates and opens a temporary binary file and returns its file pointer. The file pointer,
and the temporary file, are automatically removed when the file is closed or when the program exits.
The location of the temporary file depends on the implementation of Clib on the operating system in

For an example, see “Clib.fgets() Method” on page 144.

Related Topics
“Clib.fopen() Method” on page 146

Clib.tmpnam() Method
This method creates a string that has a valid file name and is unique among existing files and among
filenames returned by this function.


Table 112 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 112. Clib.tmpnam() Method Parameters

Parameter Description
str A variable to hold the name of a temporary file

String - a valid and unique filename

This method creates a string that has a valid file name. This string is not the same as the name of
any existing file, nor the same as any filename returned by this function during execution of this
program. If str is supplied, it is set to the string returned by this function.

166 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Formatting Data in eScript

This method pushes a character back into a file.

Clib.ungetc(char, filePointer)

Table 113 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 113. Clib.ungetc() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

char The character to push back

filePointer A file pointer as returned by Clb.fopen()

The value of char if successful, EOF if unsuccessful.

When char is put back, it is converted to a byte and is again in the file for subsequent retrieval. Only
one character is pushed back. You might want to use this function to read up to, but not including,
a newline character. You would then use Clib.ungetc to push the newline character back into the file

Related Topics
“Clib.fgetc() Method and Clib.getc() Method” on page 142
“Clib.fputc() Method and Clib.putc() Method” on page 151
“Clib.putenv() Method” on page 209

Formatting Data in eScript

The print functions and scan functions both use format strings to format the data written and read,

Formatting Output in eScript

Table 114 on page 168 lists the format strings that are used with the following print functions:

■ “Clib.fprintf() Method”

■ “Clib.rsprintf() Method”

■ “Clib.sprintf() Method”

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 16 7

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Formatting Data in eScript

In these functions, characters are printed as read to standard output until a percent character (%)
is reached. The percent symbol (%) indicates that a value is to be printed from the parameters
following the format string. The form of the format string is as follows:


To include the % character as a character in the format string, use two percent characters together

Table 114. Format Strings for the Print Functions

Character Effect Example Statement and Output

Flag Values

- Left justification in the field with space fprintf(file, "[%-8i]", 26);

padding or right justification with zero or [26 ]
space padding

+ Force numbers to begin with a plus (+) or fprintf(file, "%+i", 26);

minus (-) +26

space Negative values begin with a minus (-); fprintf(file, "[% i]", 26);
positive values begin with a space [ 26]

# Append one of the following symbols to

the # character to display the output in
the indicated form:

■ o to prefix a zero to nonzero octal fprintf(file, "%#o", 26);

output 032

■ x or X to prefix 0x or 0X to the output, fprintf(file, "%#x", 26);

signifying hexadecimal 0x1A

■ f to include a decimal point even if no fprintf(file, "%#.f", 26);

digits follow the decimal point 26.

■ e or E to include a decimal point even fprintf(file, "%#e", 26);

if no digits follow the decimal point, 2.600000e+001
and display the output in scientific
fprintf(file, "%#g", 26);
■ g or G to include a decimal point even
if no digits follow the decimal point,
display the output in scientific
notation (depending on precision),
and leave trailing zeros in place

168 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Formatting Data in eScript

Table 114. Format Strings for the Print Functions

Character Effect Example Statement and Output

Width Values

n At least n characters are output; if the fprintf(file, "[%8s]", "Test");

value is fewer than n characters, the [ Test]
output is padded on the left with spaces.

0n At least n characters are output, padded fprintf(file, "%08i", 26);

on the left with zeros. 00000026

* The next value in the parameter list is an fprintf(file, "[%*s]", 8, "Test");

integer specifying the output width. [ Test]

Precision Values
If precision is specified, it must begin with a period (.) and must take one of the following forms:

.0 For floating-point type, no decimal point fprintf(file, "%.0f", 26.735);

is output. 26

.n Output is n characters, or n decimal fprintf(file, "%.2f", 26.735);

places if the value is a floating-point 26.73

NOTE: If you specify a Width value and

an .n Precision value when formatting
floating point numbers, the print
functions count the decimal point, and
the characters before and after it, in
determining the width of the output and
whether or not it needs to be padded. For

fprintf(file, "%10.2f", 26.735);

[ 26.73]

.* The next value in the parameter list is an fprintf(file, "%.*f", 1, 26.735);

integer specifying the precision width. 26.7

Type Values
d,i Signed integer fprintf(file, "%i", 26);

u Unsigned integer fprintf(file, "%u", -1);


o Octal integer fprintf(file, "%o", 26);

x Hexadecimal integer using 0 through 9 fprintf(file, "%x", 26);
and a, b, c, d, e, f 1a

X Hexadecimal integer using 0 through 9 fprintf(file, "%X", 26);

and A, B, C, D, E, F 1A

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 16 9

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Formatting Data in eScript

Table 114. Format Strings for the Print Functions

Character Effect Example Statement and Output

f Floating-point of the form [-]dddd.dddd fprintf(file, "%f", 26.735);


e Floating-point of the form [-]d.ddde+dd fprintf(file, "%e", 26.735);

or [-]d.ddde-dd 2.673500e+001

E Floating-point of the form [-]d.dddE+dd fprintf(file, "%E", 26.735);

or [-]d.dddE-dd 2.673500E+001

g Floating-point number of f or e type, fprintf(file, "%g", 26.735);

depending on precision 26.735

G Floating-point number of F or E type, fprintf(file, "%G", 26.735);

depending on precision 26.735

c Character; for example, 'a', 'b', '8' fprintf(file, "%c", 'a');

s String fprintf(file, "%s", "Test");

Formatting Input in eScript

Format strings are also used with the scan functions: fscanf() (see “Clib.fscanf() Method” on
page 155), sscanf() (see “Clib.sscanf() Method” on page 164), and vfscanf(). The format string
contains character combinations that specify the type of data expected. The format string specifies
the admissible input sequences and how the input is to be converted to be assigned to the variable
number of parameters passed to the function. Characters are matched against the input as read and
as it matches a portion of the format string until a percent character (%) is reached. The percent
character indicates that a value is to be read and stored to subsequent parameters following the
format string.

Each subsequent parameter after the format string gets the next parsed value taken from the next
parameter in the list following the format string. A parameter specification takes this form:


The * and width values may be as shown in Table 115.

Table 115. Scan Functions Formatting Parameters * and width

Parameter Description

* Suppresses assigning this value to any parameter.

width Sets the maximum number of characters to read. Fewer are read if a white-space
or nonconvertible character is encountered.

If width is specified, the input is an array of characters of the specified length.

170 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object Math Methods

Table 116 lists the characters that define the type.

Table 116. Type Values for the Scan Functions

Type Value Effect

d,D,i,I Signed integer

u,U Unsigned integer

o,O Octal integer

x,X Hexadecimal integer

f,e,E,g,G Floating-point number

s String

[abc] String consisting of the characters within brackets, where A–Z represents the
range A to Z

[^abc] String consisting of the character not within brackets

This sample script creates a file called myfile.txt and stores a float number and a string. Then the
stream is rewound and both values are read with fscanf.

function WebApplet_Load()
var f;
var str;
var pFile = Clib.fopen ("c:\\myfile.txt","w+");
Clib.fprintf (pFile, "%f %s", 3.1416, "PI");
Clib.rewind (pFile);
Clib.fscanf (pFile, "%f", f);
Clib.fscanf (pFile, "%s", str);
Clib.fclose (pFile);
Clib.printf ("I have read: %f and %s \n",f,str);

Here are the trace results from the script:

I have read: 3.141600 and PI

Clib Object Math Methods

Siebel eScript has the following Clib math methods.

■ “Clib.cosh() Method” on page 172

■ “Clib.div() Method and Clib.ldiv() Method” on page 172

■ “Clib.frexp() Method” on page 173

■ “Clib.ldexp() Method” on page 174

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 17 1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object Math Methods

■ “Clib.modf() Method” on page 175

■ “Clib.rand() Method” on page 176

■ “Clib.sinh() Method” on page 176

■ “Clib.srand() Method” on page 177

■ “Clib.tanh() Method” on page 177

■ “quot Method” on page 178

■ “rem Method” on page 178

Clib.cosh() Method
This method returns the hyperbolic cosine of x.


Table 117 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 117. Clib.cosh() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

number The number whose hyperbolic cosine is to be found

The hyperbolic cosine of x.

Related Topics
“Clib.sinh() Method” on page 176
“Clib.tanh() Method” on page 177
“Math.cos() Method” on page 286

Clib.div() Method and Clib.ldiv() Method

These methods perform integer division and return a quotient and remainder in a structure.

Clib.div(numerator, denominator)
Clib.ldiv(numerator, denominator)

172 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object Math Methods

Table 118 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 118. Clib.div() and Clib.ldiv() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

numerator The number to be divided

denominator The number by which numerator is to be divided

A structure with the elements shown in Table 119, which are the result of dividing numerator by

Table 119. Elements Returned by the Clib.div() and Clib.ldiv() Methods

Return Element Description

.quot quotient

.rem remainder

Because Siebel eScript does not distinguish between integers and long integers, the Clib.div() and
Clib.ldiv() methods are identical.

The following example accepts two numbers as input from the user, divides the first by the second,
and displays the result:

var division = Clib.div(ToNumber(n), ToNumber(d));

TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("The quotient is " + division.quot + ".\n\n" +
"The remainder is " + division.rem + ".");

When run with the values of n=9 and d=4, this example produces this result.

The quotient is 2.

The remainder is 1.

Clib.frexp() Method
This method breaks a number into a normalized mantissa between 0.5 and 1.0 and calculates an
integer exponent of 2 so that the number is equivalent to the mantissa * 2 ^ exponent.

Clib.frexp(number, exponent)

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 17 3

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object Math Methods

Table 120 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 120. Clib.frexp() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

number The number to be operated on

exponent The exponent to use

A normalized mantissa between 0.5 and 1.0; otherwise, 0.

This method breaks number into a normalized mantissa between 0.5 and 1.0 and calculates an
integer exponent of 2 such that number == mantissa * 2 ^ exponent. A mantissa is the decimal part
of a natural logarithm.

Clib.ldexp() Method
This method calculates a floating-point number given a mantissa and exponent.

Clib.ldexp(mantissa, exponent)

Table 121 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 121. Clib.ldexp() Method Parameters

Parameter Description
mantissa The number to be operated on

exponent The exponent to use

The result of the calculation.

This method is the inverse of .frexp() and calculates a floating-point number from the following

mantissa * 2 ^ exponent

A mantissa is the decimal part of a natural logarithm.

174 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object Math Methods

Related Topics
“Clib.frexp() Method” on page 173

Clib.modf() Method
This method returns the integer part of a decimal number.

Clib.modf(number, var intVar)

Table 122 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 122. Clib.modf() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

number The floating-point number to be split

intVar A variable to hold the integer part of number

The integer part of number, stored in intVar.

This method returns the integer part of a decimal number. Its effect is identical to that of

This example passes the same value to Clib.modf() and ToInteger(). The result is the same for both.

function eScript_Click ()
Clib.modf(32.154, var x);
var y = ToInteger(32.154);
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("modf yields " + x +
".\nToInteger yields " + y + ".");

When run, this example produces the following result:

modf yields 32
ToInteger yields 32.

Related Topics
“ToInteger() Method” on page 268

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 17 5

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object Math Methods

Clib.rand() Method
This method generates a random number between 0 and RAND_MAX, inclusive.


A pseudo-random number between 0 and RAND_MAX, inclusive. The value of RAND_MAX depends
upon the operating system, but is typically 32,768.

The sequence of pseudo-random numbers is affected by the initial generator seed and by earlier calls
to Clib.rand(). If the seed is not supplied, then a random seed is generated in a manner that is
specific to the operating system in use.

Related Topics
“Clib.srand() Method” on page 177
“Math.random() Method” on page 291

Clib.sinh() Method
This method returns the hyperbolic sine of a floating point number.


Table 123 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 123. Clib.sinh() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

floatNum A floating-point number, or a variable containing a floating-point number,

whose hyperbolic sine is to be found

The hyperbolic sine of floatNum.

Related Topics
“Clib.cosh() Method” on page 172

176 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object Math Methods

“Clib.tanh() Method” on page 177

Clib.srand() Method
This method initializes a random number generator.


Table 124 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 124. Clib.srand() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

seed A number for the random number generator to start with

If seed is not supplied, then a random seed is generated in a manner that is specific to the operating
system in use.

Related Topics
“Clib.rand() Method” on page 176
“Math.random() Method” on page 291

Clib.tanh() Method
This method calculates and returns the hyperbolic tangent of a floating-point number.


Table 125 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 125. Clib.tanh() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

floatNum A floating-point number, or a variable containing a floating-point number,

whose hyperbolic tangent is to be found

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 17 7

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object Math Methods

The hyperbolic tangent of floatNum.

Related Topics
“Clib.cosh() Method” on page 172
“Clib.sinh() Method” on page 176

quot Method
This method is used to find the quotient after a division operation.


Table 126 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 126. quot() Method Parameters

Placeholder Description

intVar Any variable containing an integer

The quotient part of a division operation performed by Clib.div() or Clib.ldiv().

This method is used in conjunction with the Clib.div() or Clib.ldiv() functions. For details, see
“Clib.div() Method and Clib.ldiv() Method” on page 172.

For an example, see “Clib.div() Method and Clib.ldiv() Method” on page 172.

Related Topics
“Clib.div() Method and Clib.ldiv() Method” on page 172
“rem Method” on page 178

rem Method
This method is used to find the remainder after a division operation.

178 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Redundant Functions in the Clib Object


Table 127 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 127. rem() Method Parameters

Placeholder Description

intVar Any variable containing an integer

The remainder part of the result of a division operation performed by Clib.div() or Clib.ldiv().

This method is used in conjunction with the Clib.div() or Clib.ldiv() function. For details, see
“Clib.div() Method and Clib.ldiv() Method” on page 172.

For an example, see “Clib.div() Method and Clib.ldiv() Method” on page 172.

Related Topics
“Clib.div() Method and Clib.ldiv() Method” on page 172
“quot Method” on page 178

Redundant Functions in the Clib Object

The Clib object includes the functions from the C standard library. As a result, some of the methods
in the Clib object overlap methods in eScript. In most cases, the newer eScript methods should be
preferred over the older C functions. However, there are times, such as when working with string
routines that expect null terminated strings, that the Clib methods make more sense and are more
consistent in a section of a script.

Each Clib method listed in Table 128 is paired with the equivalent methods in eScript. Because Siebel
eScript and the ECMAScript standard are developing and growing, the eScript methods are always
to be preferred over equivalent methods in the Clib object.

Table 128. Correspondence Between Clib and ECMAScript Methods

Method Description eScript Method

abs() Calculates absolute value Math.abs()

acos() Calculates the arc cosine Math.acos()

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 17 9

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Redundant Functions in the Clib Object

Table 128. Correspondence Between Clib and ECMAScript Methods

Method Description eScript Method

asin() Calculates the arc sine Math.asin()

atan() Calculates the arc tangent Math.atan()

atan2() Calculates the arc tangent of a fraction Math.atan2()

atof() Converts a string to a floating-point number Automatic conversion

atoi() Converts a string to an integer Automatic conversion

atol() Converts a string to a long integer Automatic conversion

ceil() Rounds a number up to the nearest integer Math.ceil()

cos() Calculates the cosine Math.cos()

exp() Computes the exponential function Math.exp()

fabs() Computes the absolute value of a floating-point Math.abs()


floor() Rounds a number down to the nearest integer Math.floor()

fmod() Calculates the remainder % operator, modulo

labs() Returns the absolute value of a long Math.abs()

log() Calculates the natural logarithm Math.log()

max() Returns the largest of one or more values Math.max()

min() Returns the smallest of one or more values Math.min()

pow() Calculates x to the power of y Math.pow()

sin() Calculates the sine Math.sin()

sqrt() Calculates the square root Math.sqrt()

strcat() Appends one string to another + operator

strcmp() Compares two strings == operator

strcpy() Copies a string = operator

strlen() Gets the length of a string string.length

strlwr() Converts a string to lowercase string.toLowerCase

strtod() Converts a string to decimal Automatic conversion

strtol() Converts a string to long Automatic conversion

strupr() Converts a string to uppercase string.toUpperCase

tan() Calculates the tangent Math.tan()

180 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object String Methods

Table 128. Correspondence Between Clib and ECMAScript Methods

Method Description eScript Method

tolower() Converts a character to lowercase string.toLowerCase

toupper() Converts a character to uppercase string.toUpperCase

Clib Object String Methods

Siebel eScript has the following string methods for the Clib object.

■ “Clib.rsprintf() Method”

■ “Clib.sprintf() Method” on page 182

■ “Clib.strchr() Method” on page 184

■ “Clib.strcspn() Method” on page 185

■ “Clib.stricmp() Method and Clib.strcmpi() Method” on page 186

■ “Clib.strlwr() Method” on page 187

■ “Clib.strncat() Method” on page 187

■ “Clib.strncmp() Method” on page 188

■ “Clib.strncmpi() Method and Clib.strnicmp() Method” on page 189

■ “Clib.strncpy() Method” on page 190

■ “Clib.strpbrk() Method” on page 191

■ “Clib.strrchr() Method” on page 192

■ “Clib.strspn() Method” on page 193

■ “Clib.strstr() Method” on page 194

■ “Clib.strstri() Method” on page 195

Clib.rsprintf() Method
This method returns a formatted string.

Clib.rsprintf([formatString] [,var1, var2, ..., varn])

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 18 1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object String Methods

Table 129 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 129. Clib.rsprintf() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

formatString A string indicating how variable or literal parameters are to be treated

var1, var2, ..., varn Variables to be printed using the formatString

A string formatted according to formatString.

Clib.rsprintf() can return string or numeric literals that appear as parameters.

The format string contains character combinations indicating how following parameters are to be
treated. For information on the format strings used with Clib.rsprintf(), see Table 114 on page 168.
If there are variable parameters, the number of formatting sequences must match the number of

Characters are returned as read until a percent character (%) is reached. The percent character
indicates that a value is to be printed from the parameters following the format string.

When Clib.rsprintf() is used to format floating point numbers to a specified number of decimal points,
the returned value is rounded to the number of decimal points specified. For example, if
Clib.rsprintf(“%.2f”, num) is used to format the variable num, then the string returned contains the
variable num rounded to 2 decimal points.

Each of the following lines shows an rsprintf example followed by the resulting string:

var TempStr = Clib.rsprintf("I count: %d %d %d.",1,2,3) //"I count: 1 2 3"

var a = 1;
var b = 2;
TempStr = Clib.rsprintf("%d %d %d",a, b, a+b) //"1 2 3"

Related Topics
“Clib.sprintf() Method”

Clib.sprintf() Method
This method writes output to a string variable according to a prescribed format.

Clib.sprintf(stringVar, formatString, var1, var2, ..., varn)

182 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object String Methods

Table 130 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 130. Clib.sprintf() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

stringVar The string variable to which the output is assigned

formatString A string indicating how variable or literal parameters are to be treated

var1, var2, ..., varn Variables to be formatted using the formatString

The number of characters written into buffer if successful; otherwise, EOF.

This method formats the values in the variables according to formatString and assigns the result to
stringVar. The formatString contains character combinations indicating how following parameters are
to be treated. For information on format strings used with Clib.sprintf(), see Table 114 on page 168
in the section “Clib.asctime() Method” on page 197. The string value need not be previously defined;
it is created large enough to hold the result. Characters are printed as read to standard output until
a percent character (%) is reached. The percent character indicates that a value is to be printed from
the parameters following the format string.

The following examples show Clib.sprintf() used with various format string parameters. Trace file
output follows after the script.


var a, b, c;
a = 5;
b = 2;

Clib.sprintf(c, "First # %d + Second # %d is equal to %03d",a,b, a+b);

TheApplication().Trace("Output : " + c);

Clib.sprintf(c, "\n First # %d \n Second # %d \n => %d",12,16, 12+16)

TheApplication().Trace("Output : " + c);

var x, y, z, n;
var x = "Ali is 25 years old";
var y = "he lives in Ireland.";
var n = Clib.sprintf(z, "\n %s and %s",x,y) ;

TheApplication().Trace("Output : " + z);

TheApplication().Trace("Total characters: " + n);

var a = 16.51;
var b = 5.79;

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 18 3

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object String Methods

var c;

Clib.sprintf(c, "%.3f / %.3f is equal to %0.3f",a,b, parseFloat(a/b));

TheApplication().Trace("Output : " + c);


The script produces the following trace output.

02/18/04,18:37:35,START,7.5.3 [16157] LANG_INDEPENDENT,SADMIN,3964,3836

02/18/04,18:37:35,COMMENT,Output : First # 5 + Second # 2 is equal to 007
02/18/04,18:37:35,COMMENT,"Output :
First # 12
Second # 16
=> 28"
02/18/04,18:37:35,COMMENT,"Output :
Ali is 25 years old and he lives in Ireland."
02/18/04,18:37:35,COMMENT,Total characters: 46
02/18/04,18:37:35,COMMENT,Output : 16.510 + 5.790 is equal to 2.851

Related Topics
“Clib.rsprintf() Method” on page 181

Clib.strchr() Method
This method searches a string for a specified character.

Clib.strchr(string, char)

Table 131 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 131. Clib.strchr() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

string A string literal, or string variable, containing the character which is to be


char The character to be searched

The offset from the beginning of string of the first occurrence of char in string; otherwise, null if char
is not found in string. The return value is zero-based. The first character is zero, the second is 1, and
so on.

184 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object String Methods

This method searches the parameter string for the character char. When possible, you should use
the standard JavaScript method substring(). For more information see “String replace() Method” on
page 327.

The following code fragment:

var str = "I can't stand soggy cereal."

var substr = Clib.strchr(str, 's');
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("str = " + str + "\nsubstr = " + substr);

results in the following output.

I can't stand soggy cereal.

stand soggy cereal.

Related Topics
“Clib.strcspn() Method”
“Clib.strpbrk() Method” on page 191
“Clib.strrchr() Method” on page 192
“String replace() Method” on page 327

Clib.strcspn() Method
This method searches a string for any of a group of specified characters.

Clib.strcspn(string, charSet)

Table 132 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 132. Clib.strcspn() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

string A literal string, or a variable containing a string, to be searched

charSet A literal string, or a variable containing a string, which contains the set of
characters to be searched

If no matching characters are found, the length of the string; otherwise, the offset of the first
matching character from the beginning of string. The return value is zero-based. The first character
is zero, the second is 1, and so on.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 18 5

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object String Methods

This method searches the parameter string for any of the characters in the string charSet, and
returns the offset of that character. This method is similar to Clib.strpbrk(), except that Clib.strpbrk()
returns the string beginning at the first character found, while Clib.strcspn() returns the offset
number for that character.

When possible, you should use the standard JavaScript method substring() (see “String replace()
Method” on page 327).

The following fragment demonstrates the difference between Clib.strcspn() and Clib.strpbrk():

var string = "There's more than one way to climb a mountain.";

var rStrpbrk = Clib.strpbrk(string, "dxb8w9k!");
var rStrcspn = Clib.strcspn(string, "dxb8w9k!");
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("The string is: " + string +
"\nstrpbrk returns a string: " + rStrpbrk +
"\nstrcspn returns an integer: " + rStrcspn);

This code results in the following output:

The string is: There’s more than one way to climb a mountain.
strpbrk returns a string: way to climb a mountain.
strcspn returns an integer: 22

Related Topics
“Clib.strchr() Method” on page 184
“Clib.strpbrk() Method” on page 191
“String replace() Method” on page 327

Clib.stricmp() Method and Clib.strcmpi() Method

These methods make a case-insensitive comparison of two strings.

Clib.stricmp(string1, string2)
Clib.strcmpi(string1, string2)

Table 133 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 133. Clib.stricmp() and Clib.strcmpi() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

string1 A string, or a variable containing a string, to be compared with string2

string2 A string, or a variable containing a string, to be compared with string1

186 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object String Methods

The result of the comparison, which is 0 if the strings are identical, a negative number if the ASCII
code of the first unmatched character in string1 is less than that of the first unmatched character in
string2, or a positive number if the ASCII code of the first unmatched character in string1 is greater
than that of the first unmatched character in string2.

These methods continue to make a case-insensitive comparison, one byte at a time, of string1 and
string2 until there is a mismatch or the terminating null byte is reached.

Related Topics
“Clib.strncmp() Method” on page 188
“Clib.strncmpi() Method and Clib.strnicmp() Method” on page 189

Clib.strlwr() Method
This method converts a string to lowercase.


Table 134 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 134. Clib.strlwr() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

str The string in which to change case of characters to lowercase.

String - the value of str after conversion of case.

This method converts uppercase letters in str to lowercase, starting at str[0] and ending before the
terminating null byte. The return is the value of str, which is a variable pointing to the start of str at

Clib.strncat() Method
This method appends a specified number of characters from one string to another string.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 18 7

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object String Methods

Clib.strncat(destString, sourceString, maxLen)

Table 135 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 135. Clib.strncat() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

destString The string to which characters are to be added

sourceString The string from which characters are to be added

maxLen The maximum number of characters to add

The string in destString after the characters have been appended.

This method appends up to maxLen characters of sourceString onto the end of destString. Characters
following a null byte in sourceString are not copied. The length of destString is the lesser of maxLen
and the length of sourceString.

This example returns the string "I love to ride hang-gliders":

var string1 = "I love to ";

var string2 = "ride hang-gliders and motor scooters.";
Clib.strncat(string1, string2, 17);

Related Topics
“Clib.strncpy() Method” on page 190

Clib.strncmp() Method
This method makes a case-sensitive comparison of two strings up to a specified number of bytes
until there is a mismatch or it reaches the end of a string.

Clib.strncmp(string1, string2, maxLen)

188 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object String Methods

Table 136 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 136. Clib.strncmp() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

string1 A string, or a variable containing a string, to be compared with string2

string2 A string, or a variable containing a string, to be compared with string1

maxLen The number of bytes to compare

The result of the comparison, which is 0 if the strings are identical, a negative number if the ASCII
code of the first unmatched character in string1 is less than that of the first unmatched character in
string2, or a positive number if the ASCII code of the first unmatched character in string1 is greater
than that of the first unmatched character in string2.

This method compares up to maxLen bytes of string1 against string2 until there is a mismatch or it
reaches the end of a string. The comparison is case sensitive. The comparison ends when maxLen
bytes have been compared or when a terminating null byte has been reached, whichever comes first.

Related Topics
“Clib.stricmp() Method and Clib.strcmpi() Method” on page 186
“Clib.strncmpi() Method and Clib.strnicmp() Method”

Clib.strncmpi() Method and Clib.strnicmp() Method

These methods make a case-insensitive comparison between two strings, up to a specified number
of bytes.

Clib.strncmpi(string1, string2, maxLen)
Clib.strnicmp(string1, string2, maxLen)

Table 137 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 137. Clib.strncmpi() and Clib.strnicmp() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

string1 A string, or a variable containing a string, to be compared with string2

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 18 9

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object String Methods

Table 137. Clib.strncmpi() and Clib.strnicmp() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

string2 A string, or a variable containing a string, to be compared with string1

maxLen The number of bytes to compare

The result of the comparison, which is 0 if the strings are identical, a negative number if the ASCII
code of the first unmatched character in string1 is less than that of the first unmatched character in
string2, or a positive number if the ASCII code of the first unmatched character in string1 is greater
than that of the first unmatched character in string2.

This method compares up to maxLen bytes of string1 against string2 until there is a mismatch or it
reaches the end of a string. This method does a case-insensitive comparison, so that A and a are
considered to be the same. The comparison ends when maxLen bytes have been compared or when
an end of string has been reached, whichever comes first.

Related Topics
“Clib.stricmp() Method and Clib.strcmpi() Method” on page 186
“Clib.strncmp() Method” on page 188

Clib.strncpy() Method
This method copies a specified number of characters from one string to another.

Clib.strncpy(destString, sourceString, maxLen)

Table 138 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 138. Clib.strncpy() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

destString The string to which characters are to be added

sourceString The string from which characters are to be read

maxLen The maximum number of characters to add

The ASCII code of the first character of destString.

190 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object String Methods

This method copies characters from sourceString to destString. The number of characters copied is
the lesser of maxLen and the length of sourceString. If MaxLen is greater than the length of
sourceString, the remainder of destString is filled with null bytes. A null byte is appended to
destString if MaxLen bytes are copied. If destString is not already defined, the function defines it. It
is safe to copy from one part of a string to another part of the same string.

Related Topics
“Clib.strncat() Method” on page 187

Clib.strpbrk() Method
This method searches a string for any of several specified characters and returns the string beginning
at the first instance of one of the specified characters.

Clib.strpbrk(string, charSet)

Table 139 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 139. Clib.strpbrk() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

string A string variable or literal containing the string from which the substring is to be

charSet A string variable or literal containing a group of characters, any one of which may
be the starting character for the substring

The string beginning at the first instance of one of the specified characters in the charSet parameter;
otherwise, null, if none is found.

This method searches string for any of the characters specified in charSet.

When possible, you should use the standard JavaScript method substring(). For more information,
see “String replace() Method” on page 327.

For an example using this function, see “Clib.strcspn() Method” on page 185. To accomplish the same
result using standard JavaScript methods, see “String replace() Method” on page 327.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 19 1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object String Methods

Related Topics
“Clib.strchr() Method” on page 184
“Clib.strcspn() Method” on page 185
“String replace() Method” on page 327

Clib.strrchr() Method
This method searches a string for the last occurrence of a character in a given string.

Clib.strrchr(string, char)

Table 140 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 140. Clib.strrchr() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

string A string literal, or string variable, containing the character to be searched for

char The character to search for

This function returns the substring of string beginning at the rightmost occurrence of char and ending
with the rightmost character in string. If char is not found in string, the function returns null.

This method searches the parameter string for the character char. The search is in the reverse
direction, from the right, for char in string.

When possible, you should use the standard JavaScript method substring() (see “String replace()
Method” on page 327).

The following code fragment:

var str = "I don’t like soggy cereal."

var substr = Clib.strrchr(str, 'o');
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("str = " + str + "\nsubstr = " + substr);

results in the following output:

str = I don’t like soggy cereal.

substr = oggy cereal.

192 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object String Methods

Related Topics
“Clib.strchr() Method” on page 184
“Clib.strcspn() Method” on page 185|
“Clib.strpbrk() Method” on page 191
“String replace() Method” on page 327

Clib.strspn() Method
This method searches a string for characters that are not among a group of specified characters.

Clib.strspn(string, charSet)

Table 141 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 141. Clib.strspn() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

string A literal string, or a variable containing a string, to be searched

charSet A literal string, or a variable containing a string, which contains the set of
characters to search for

If all matching characters are found, the length of the string; otherwise, the offset of the first
character in string that is not a member of charSet.

This method searches the characters from the beginning of string, then returns the offset of the first
character that is not a member of charSet. The search is case sensitive, so you may have to include
both uppercase and lowercase instances of characters in charSet.

This method is similar to Clib.strpbrk(), except that Clib.strpbrk() returns the string beginning at the
first character found, while Clib.strspn() returns the offset number for that character.

When possible, you should use the standard JavaScript method substring() (see “String replace()
Method” on page 327).

The following fragment demonstrates Clib.strspn(). When searching string, it returns the position
of the w, counting from 0.

var string = "There is more than one way to swim.";

var rStrspn = Clib.strspn(string, " aeiouTthrsmn");
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("strspn returns an integer: " + rStrspn);

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 19 3

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object String Methods

This results in the following output:

strspn returns an integer: 23

Related Topics
“Clib.strchr() Method” on page 184
“Clib.strcspn() Method” on page 185
“Clib.strpbrk() Method” on page 191
“String replace() Method” on page 327

Clib.strstr() Method
This method searches a string for the first occurrence of a second string.

Clib.strstr(sourceString, findString)

Table 142 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 142. Clib.strstr() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

sourceString The string within which to search

findString The string to find

The string beginning at the first occurrence of findString in sourceString, continuing to the end of
sourceString; otherwise, null, if findString is not found.

This method searches sourceString, from its beginning, for the first occurrence of findString. The
search is case sensitive. If the desired result can be accomplished with the standard JavaScript
substring() method, that method is preferred.

The following code:

function Test1_Click ()
var str = "We have to go to Haverford."
var substr = Clib.strstr(str, 'H');
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("str = " + str + "\nsubstr = " +substr);

194 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object String Methods

results in the following output:

str = We have to go to Haverford

substr = Haverford

Related Topics
“Clib.strstri() Method”
“String replace() Method” on page 327

Clib.strstri() Method
This method performs a case-insensitive search in a string for the first occurrence of a specified

Clib.strstri(sourceString, findString)

Table 143 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 143. Clib.strstri() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

sourceString The string within which to search

findString The string to find

The string beginning at the first occurrence of findString in sourceString, continuing to the end of
sourceString; otherwise, null if findString is not found.

This is a case-insensitive version of the substring() method. Compare the result with that shown in
the “Clib.strstr() Method” on page 194.

The following code:

function Test_Click ()
var str = "We have to go to Haverford."
var substr = Clib.strstri(str, 'H');
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("str = " + str + "\nsubstr = " +substr);

results in the following output:

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 19 5

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Time Objects

str = We have to go to Haverford.

substr = have to go to Haverford.

Related Topics
“Clib.strstr() Method” on page 194
“String replace() Method” on page 327

Time Objects
The Clib object (like the Date object) represents time in two distinct ways: as an integral value (the
number of seconds passed since January 1, 1970) and as a Time object with properties for the day,
month, year, and so on. This Time object is distinct from the standard JavaScript Date object. You
cannot use Date object properties with a Time object or Time object properties with a Date object.

Note that the Time object differs from the Date object, although they contain similar data. The Time
object is for use with the other date and time functions in the Clib object. The Time object has the
integer properties listed in Table 144.

Table 144. Integer Properties of the Time Object

Value for timeInt Integer Property

tm_sec Second after the minute (from 0)

tm_min Minutes after the hour (from 0)

tm_hour Hour of the day (from 0)

tm_mday Day of the month (from 1)

tm_mon Month of the year (from 0)

tm_year Years since 1900 (from 0)

tm_wday Days since Sunday (from 0)

tm_yday Day of the year (from 0)

tm_isdst Daylight Savings Time flag

Clib Object Time Methods

In the methods listed in Table 145, Time represents a variable in the Time object format, while
timeInt represents an integer time value.

196 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object Time Methods

The Clib object supports the time methods shown in Table 145.

Table 145. Time Methods and the Objects They Return

Method Object Returned

Clib.asctime() Method Time

Clib.clock() Method CPU tick count

Clib.div() Method and Clib.ldiv() Method timeInt

Clib.difftime() Method timeInt

Clib.gmtime() Method timeInt

Clib.localtime() Method timeInt

Clib.mktime() Method Time

Clib.strftime() Method Time

Clib.tmpnam() Method timeInt

Clib.asctime() Method
This method returns a string representing the date and time extracted from a Time object.


Table 146 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 146. Clib.asctime() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

Time A Time object

A string representing the date and time extracted from a Time object.

For details on the Time object, see “Time Objects” on page 196. The returned string has the format
Day Mon dd hh:mm:ss yyyy; for example, Wed Aug 10 13:21:56 2005.

This script shows the difference between asctime() and mkdir() formats for time.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 19 7

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object Time Methods


var tm = Clib.localtime(Clib.time());
var tmStr = Clib.asctime(tm);
var tmVal = Clib.mktime(tm);

TheApplication().Trace("Time String : " + tmStr);

TheApplication().Trace("Time Value : " + tmVal);


The script produces trace output similar to the following.

03/05/04,12:26:30,START,7.5.3 [16157] LANG_INDEPENDENT,SADMIN,6532,6584

03/05/04,12:26:30,COMMENT,"Time String : Fri Mar 05 12:26:30 2004"
03/05/04,12:26:30,COMMENT,Time Value : 1078489590

Related Topics
“Clib.div() Method and Clib.ldiv() Method” on page 172
“Clib.gmtime() Method” on page 200
“Clib.localtime() Method” on page 201
“Clib.mktime() Method” on page 202
“getDate() Method” on page 218
“getTime() Method” on page 225
“getUTCDate() Method” on page 238

Clib.clock() Method
This method returns the current processor tick count.


The current processor tick count.

The count starts at 0 when the Siebel application starts running and is incremented the number of
times per second determined by the operating system.

198 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object Time Methods

Clib.ctime() Method
This method returns a date-time value.


Table 147 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 147. Clib.ctime() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

timeInt A date-time value as returned by the Clib.time() function

A string representing date-time value, adjusted for the local time zone.

This method returns a string representing a date-time value, adjusted for the local time zone. It is
equivalent to:


where timeInt is a date-time value as returned by the Clib.time() function.

The following line of code returns the current date and time as a string of the form Day Mon dd
hh:mm:ss yyyy:


Related Topics
“Clib.asctime() Method” on page 197
“Clib.gmtime() Method” on page 200
“Clib.localtime() Method” on page 201
“Clib.tmpnam() Method” on page 166
“toLocaleString() Method and toString() Method” on page 235

Clib.difftime() Method
This method returns the difference in seconds between two times.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 19 9

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object Time Methods

Clib.difftime(timeInt1, timeInt0)

Table 148 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 148. Clib.difftime() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

timeInt0 An integer time value as returned by the Clib.time() function

timeInt1 An integer time value as returned by the Clib.time() function

The difference in seconds between timeInt0 and timeInt1.

This example displays the difference in time, in seconds, between two times:

function difftime_Click ()
var first = Clib.time();
var second = Clib.time();
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("Elapsed time is " +
Clib.difftime(second, first) + " seconds.");

Related Topics
“Clib.tmpnam() Method” on page 166
“Date.toSystem() Method” on page 218

Clib.gmtime() Method
This method converts an integer as returned by the Clib.time() function to a Time object representing
the current date and time expressed as Greenwich mean time (GMT).


Table 149 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 149. Clib.gmtime() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

timeInt A date-time value as returned by the Clib.time() function

200 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object Time Methods

A Time object representing the current date and time expressed as Greenwich mean time.

This method converts an integer as returned by the Clib.time() function to a Time object representing
the current date and time expressed as Greenwich mean time (GMT). For details on the Time object,
see “Time Objects” on page 196.

NOTE: The line of code

var now = Clib.asctime(Clib.gmtime(Clib.time())) + "GMT";
is exactly equivalent to the standard JavaScript construction
var aDate = new Date;
var now = aDate.toGMTString()
Wherever possible, the second form should be used.

The following line of code returns the current GMT date and time as a string in the form Day Mon dd
hh:mm:ss yyyy.


Related Topics
“Clib.asctime() Method” on page 197
“Clib.div() Method and Clib.ldiv() Method” on page 172
“Clib.localtime() Method” on page 201
“Clib.mktime() Method” on page 202
“getDate() Method” on page 218
“getTime() Method” on page 225
“getUTCDate() Method” on page 238
“toGMTString() Method” on page 234

Clib.localtime() Method
This method returns a value as a Time object.


Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 20 1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object Time Methods

Table 150 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 150. Clib.localtime() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

timeInt A date-time value as returned by the Clib.time() function

The value of timeInt as a Time object, as returned by the time() function.

This method returns the value timeInt (as returned by the time() function) as a Time object. For
details on the Time object, see “Time Objects” on page 196.

The line of code

var now = Clib.asctime(Clib.localtime(Clib.time()));

is exactly equivalent to the standard JavaScript construction

var aDate = new Date;

var now = aDate.toLocaleString()

Wherever possible, use the second form.

Related Topics
“Clib.asctime() Method” on page 197
“Clib.div() Method and Clib.ldiv() Method” on page 172
“Clib.gmtime() Method” on page 200
“Clib.mktime() Method”
“getDate() Method” on page 218
“getTime() Method” on page 225
“getUTCDate() Method” on page 238
“toLocaleString() Method and toString() Method” on page 235

Clib.mktime() Method
This method converts a Time object to the time format returned by Clib.time().


202 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object Time Methods

Table 151 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 151. Clib.mktime() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

Time A Time object

An integer representation of the value stored in Time, or -1 if Time cannot be converted or

Undefined elements of Time are set to 0 before the conversion. This function is the inverse of
Clib.localtime(), which converts from a time integer to a Time object. For details on the Time object,
see “Time Objects” on page 196.

This example shows a use of Clib.mktime in order to format a time so that it can be used with

// create time object and set time to midnight:

var midnightObject = Clib.localtime(Clib.time());
midnightObject.tm_hour = 0;
midnightObject.tm_min = 0;
midnightObject.tm_sec = 0;

// use mktime to convert Time object to integer:

var midnight = Clib.mktime(midnightObject);

// difftime can now use this value:

var diff = Clib.difftime(Clib.time(), midnight);
TheApplication().Trace("Seconds since midnight: " + diff);

The script produces a trace output similar to this:

COMMENT,Seconds since midnight: 59627

See “Clib.asctime() Method” on page 197 for an example that shows the difference between asctime()
and mktime() formatting.

Related Topics
“Clib.asctime() Method” on page 197
“Clib.div() Method and Clib.ldiv() Method” on page 172
“Clib.gmtime() Method” on page 200
“Clib.localtime() Method” on page 201
“getDate() Method” on page 218

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 20 3

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object Time Methods

“getTime() Method” on page 225

“getUTCDate() Method” on page 238

Clib.strftime() Method
This method creates a string that describes the date, the time, or both, and stores it in a variable.

Clib.strftime(stringVar, formatString, Time)

Table 152 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 152. Clib.strftime() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

stringVar A variable to hold the string representation of the time

formatString A string that describes how the value stored in stringVar is formatted, using
the conversion characters listed in the Usage topic

Time A time object as returned by Clib.localtime()

A formatted string as described by formatString.

For details on the Time object, see “Time Objects” on page 196. The conversion characters in
Table 153 are used with Clib.strftime() to indicate time and date output.

Table 153. Conversion Characters Used With the Clib.strftime() Method

Character Description Example

%a Abbreviated weekday name Sun

%A Full weekday name Sunday

%b Abbreviated month name Dec

%B Full month name December

%c Date and time Dec 2 06:55:15 1979

%d Two-digit day of the month 02

%H Two-digit hour of the 24-hour day 06

%I Two-digit hour of the 12-hour day 06

204 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object Time Methods

Table 153. Conversion Characters Used With the Clib.strftime() Method

Character Description Example

%j Three-digit day of the year from 335


%m Two-digit month of the year from 12


%M Two-digit minute of the hour 55

%p AM or PM AM

%S Two-digit seconds of the minute 15

%U Two-digit week of the year where 48

Sunday is the first day of the week

%w Day of the week where Sunday is 0


%W Two-digit week of the year where 47

Monday is the first day of the week

%x The date Dec 2 1979

%X The time 06:55:15

%y Two-digit year of the century 79

%Y The year 1979

%Z The name of the time zone, if EST


%% The percent character %

The following example displays the full day name and month name of the current day:

var TimeBuf;
Clib.strftime(TimeBuf,"Today is %A, and the month is %B",

The display would be similar to:

Today is Friday, and the month is July

The following example shows the use of different conversion characters to format the value returned
by Clib.strftime.


var tm, tmStrFmt;

tm = Clib.localtime(Clib.time());

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 20 5

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object Time Methods

Clib.strftime(tmStrFmt, "%m/%d/%Y",tm);
TheApplication().Trace("Time String Format: " + tmStrFmt);

Clib.strftime(tmStrFmt, "%A %B %d, %Y",tm);

TheApplication().Trace("Time String Format: " + tmStrFmt);


The script produces trace output similar to the following.

03/05/04,12:44:01,START,7.5.3 [16157] LANG_INDEPENDENT,SADMIN,6848,6708

03/05/04,12:44:01,COMMENT,Time String Format: 03/05/2004
03/05/04,12:44:01,COMMENT,"Time String Format: Friday March 05, 2004"

Related Topics
“Clib.asctime() Method” on page 197
“Clib.localtime() Method” on page 201

Clib.time() Method
This method returns an integer representation of the current time.

Clib.time([[var] timeInt])

Table 154 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 154. Clib.time() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

timeInt A variable to hold the returned value, which must be declared if it has not
already been declared

An integer representation of the current time.

The format of the time is not specifically defined except that it represents the current time, to the
operating system's best approximation, and can be used in many other time-related functions. If
timeInt is supplied, it is set to equal the returned value.

Clib.time(timeInt) and timeInt = Clib.time() assign the current local time to timeInt.

206 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object Uncategorized Methods

For examples, see the following topics:

■ “Clib.div() Method and Clib.ldiv() Method” on page 172

■ “Clib.difftime() Method” on page 199

■ “Clib.gmtime() Method” on page 200

■ “Clib.localtime() Method” on page 201

■ “Clib.strftime() Method” on page 204

Related Topics
“getDay() Method” on page 219
“Date.toSystem() Method” on page 218
“getDate() Method” on page 218

Clib Object Uncategorized Methods

The following methods are uncategorized:

■ “Clib.bsearch() Method”

■ “Clib.getenv() Method” on page 209

■ “Clib.putenv() Method” on page 209

■ “Clib.qsort() Method” on page 210

■ “Clib.system() Method” on page 212

Clib.bsearch() Method
This method looks for an array variable that matches a specified item.

Clib.bsearch(key, arrayToSort, [elementCount,] compareFunction)

Table 155 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 155. Clib.bsearch() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

key The value to be searched

arrayToSort The name of the array to search

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 20 7

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object Uncategorized Methods

Table 155. Clib.bsearch() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

elementCount The number of array elements to search; if omitted, the entire array is

compareFunction A user-defined function that can affect the sort order

An array variable that matches key, returning the variable if found, null if not.

Clib.bsearch() searches only through array elements with a positive index; array elements with
negative indices are ignored.

The compareFunction value must receive the key variable as its first parameter and a variable from
the array as its second parameter. If elementCount is not supplied, then the function searches the
entire array.

The following example demonstrates the use of Clib.qsort() and Clib.bsearch() to locate a name and
related item in a list:

(general) (ListCompareFunction)
function ListCompareFunction(Item1, Item2)
return Clib.strcmpi(Item1[0], Item2[0]);

(general) (DoListSearch)
function DoListSearch()
// create array of names and favorite food
var list =
{“Brent”, “salad”},
{"Laura", "cheese" },
{ "Alby", "sugar" },
{ "Jonathan","pad thai" },
{ "Zaza", "grapefruit" },
{ "Jordan", "pizza" }

// sort the list

Clib.qsort(list, ListCompareFunction);
var Key = "brent";
// search for the name Brent in the list
var Found = Clib.bsearch(Key, list, ListCompareFunction);
// display name, or not found
if ( Found != null )

208 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object Uncategorized Methods

("%s's favorite food is %s\n", Found[0][0],Found[0][1]));

TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("Could not find name in list.");

Related Topics
“Clib.qsort() Method” on page 210

Clib.getenv() Method
This method returns a specified environment variable string.


Table 156 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 156. Clib.getenv() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

varName The name of an environment variable, enclosed in quotes

The value of the named environment variable.

This method returns the value of an environment variable when given its name.

The following example is used to return the value of the PATH environment variable.

TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("PATH= " + Clib.getenv("PATH"));

Related Topics
“Clib.putenv() Method” on page 209

Clib.putenv() Method
This method creates an environment variable, sets the value of an existing environment variable, or
removes an environment variable.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 20 9

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object Uncategorized Methods

Clib.putenv(varName, stringValue)

Table 157 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 157. Clib.putenv() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

varName The name of an environment variable, enclosed in quotes

stringValue The value to be assigned to the environment variable, enclosed in quotes

0 if successful; otherwise, -1.

This method sets the environment variable varName to the value of stringValue. If stringValue is null,
then varName is removed from the environment.

The environment variable change persists only while the Siebel eScript code and its child processes
are executing. After execution, a previously existing variable reverts to its pre-script value. A
variable created by Clib.putenv() is destroyed automatically.

The following script creates an environment variable and assigns it a value. It then traces the return
value to confirm that the variable was created.

var a = Clib.putenv("TEST","test value");
TheApplication().Trace("TEST : " + a);
TheApplication().Trace("TEST= " + Clib.getenv("TEST");

The script produces the following trace output.

03/05/04,16:56:28,START,7.5.3 [16157] LANG_INDEPENDENT,SADMIN,3388,7448

03/05/04,16:56:28,COMMENT,TEST : 0
03/05/04,16:56:28,COMMENT,TEST= test value

Related Topics
“Clib.getenv() Method” on page 209

Clib.qsort() Method
This method sorts elements in an array.

210 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object Uncategorized Methods

Clib.qsort(array, [elementCount, ]compareFunction)

Table 158 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 158. Clib.qsort() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

array An array to sort

elementCount The number of elements in the array, up to 65,536

compareFunction A user-defined function that can affect the sort order

This method sorts elements in an array, starting from index 0 to elementCount-1. If elementCount
is not supplied, the method sorts the entire array. This method differs from the Array.sort() method
in that it can sort dynamically created arrays, whereas Array.sort() works only with arrays explicitly
created with a new Array statement.

The following example prints a list of colors sorted in reverse alphabetical order, ignoring case:

// initialize an array of colors

var colors = { "yellow", "Blue", "GREEN", "purple", "RED",
"BLACK", "white", "orange" };
// sort the list using qsort and our ColorSorter routine
// display the sorted colors
for ( var i = 0; i <= getArrayLength(colors); i++ )

function ReverseColorSorter(color1, color2)

// do a simple case insensitive string
// comparison, and reverse the results too
var CompareResult = Clib.stricmp(color1,color2)
return( _CompareResult );

The output of the preceding code would be:


Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 21 1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Clib Object Uncategorized Methods

Related Topics
“Array sort() Method” on page 91

Clib.system() Method
This method passes a command to the command processor.


Table 159 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 159. Clib.system() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

commandString A valid operating system command

The value returned by the command processor.

This command passes a command to the operating system command processor and opens an
operating system window in which it executes. Upon completion of the command, the window closes.
An alternative that does not open a window is “SElib.dynamicLink() Method” on page 309.

The commandString value may be a formatted string followed by variables according to the rules
defined in Table 114 on page 168.

The following code displays a directory in a DOS window.

Clib.system("dir /p C:\\Backup");

212 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Date Objects

Date Objects
Siebel eScript provides two different systems for working with dates. One is the standard Date object
of JavaScript; the other is part of the Clib object, which implements powerful routines from C. Two
methods, Date.fromSystem() and Date.toSystem(), convert dates in the format of one system to the
format of the other. The standard JavaScript Date object is described in this section.

CAUTION: To prevent Y2K problems, avoid using two-digit dates in your eScript code. Siebel eScript
follows the ECMAScript standard for two-digit dates, which may be different from the conventions
used by other programs, including Siebel applications.

A specific instance of a variable followed by a period should precede the method name to call a
method. For example, if you had created the Date object aDate, the call to the getDate() method
would be aDate.getDate(). Static methods have “Date.” at their beginnings because these methods
are called with a literal call, such as Date.parse(). These methods are part of the Date object itself
instead of instances of the Date object.

In this topic, dateVar stands for the name of a variable that you create to hold a date value.

Related Topics
“The Date Constructor in Siebel eScript”
“Universal Time Methods” on page 236

The Date Constructor in Siebel eScript

The Date constructor instantiates a new Date object.

To create a Date object that is set to the current date and time, use the new operator, as you would
with any object.

Syntax A
var dateVar = new Date;

There are several ways to create a Date object that is set to a date and time. The following lines each
demonstrate ways to get and set dates and times.

Syntax B
var dateVar = new Date(milliseconds);

Syntax C
var dateVar = new Date(dateString);

Syntax D
var dateVar = new Date(year, month, day);

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 21 3

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Date Objects

Syntax E
var dateVar = new Date(year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds);

Table 160 shows the Date constructor parameter descriptions.

Table 160. Date Constructor Parameters

Parameter Description

milliseconds The number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970.

dateString A string representing a date and optional time.

year A year. If the year is between 1950 and 2050, you may supply only the final two
digits. Otherwise, four digits must be supplied. However, it is safest to always
use four digits to minimize the risk of Y2K problems.

month A month, specified as a number from 0 to 11. January is 0, and December is 11.

day A day of the month, specified as a number from 1 to 31. The first day of a month
is 1; the last is 28, 29, 30, or 31.

hours An hour, specified as a number from 0 to 23. Midnight is 0; 11 PM is 23.

minutes A minute, specified as a number from 0 to 59. The first minute of an hour is 0;
the last is 59.

seconds A second, specified as a number from 0 to 59. The first second of a minute is
0; the last is 59.

If a parameter is specified, a Date object representing the date specified by the parameter.

■ Syntax B returns a date and time represented by the number of milliseconds since midnight,
January 1, 1970. This representation by milliseconds is a standard way of representing dates and
times that makes it simple to calculate the amount of time between one date and another.
However, the recommended technique is to convert dates to milliseconds format before doing

■ Syntax C accepts a string representing a date and optional time. The format of such a string
contains one or more of the following fields, in any order:

month day, year hours:minutes:seconds

For example, the following string:

"October 13, 1995 13:13:15"

specifies the date, October 13, 1995, and the time, one thirteen and 15 seconds PM, which,
expressed in 24-hour time, is 13:13 hours and 15 seconds. The time specification is optional; if
it is included, the seconds specification is optional.

The following formats can also be used as input to new Date(dateString):

214 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Date and Time Methods

■ The result of the BusComp.GetFieldValue(datetime field) method can be passed directly to

the Date constructor. Date fields retrieved by the GetFieldValue() method are always
returned using the format MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss.

■ The time in a date string is interpreted as local time, according to the time zone setting of
the operating system. If you want the time to be interpreted as UTC (Universal Time
Coordinated) time, append GMT to the date string. For example:

"07/09/2004 14:22:00 GMT"

If a business component field contains a UTC time rather than a local time, it can be passed
directly to the Date constructor by appending " GMT". For example:

var utctime = new Date(GetFieldValue("UTC Time") + " GMT");

■ Syntax forms D and E are self-explanatory. Parameters passed to them are integers.

The following line of code:

var aDate = new Date(1802, 6, 23)

creates a Date object containing the date July 23, 1802.

Date and Time Methods

Siebel eScript provides the following date and time methods. In addition, there are special date and
time methods for working with Universal Time (UTC). For more information, see “Universal Time
Methods” on page 236.

■ “Date.fromSystem() Static Method” on page 216

■ “Date.parse() Static Method” on page 217

■ “Date.toSystem() Method” on page 218

■ “getDate() Method” on page 218

■ “getDay() Method” on page 219

■ “getFullYear() Method” on page 220

■ “getHours() Method” on page 221

■ “getMilliseconds() Method” on page 222

■ “getMinutes() Method” on page 222

■ “getMonth() Method” on page 223

■ “getSeconds() Method” on page 224

■ “getTime() Method” on page 225

■ “getTimezoneOffset() Method” on page 226

■ “getYear() Method” on page 227

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 21 5

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Date and Time Methods

■ “setDate() Method” on page 227

■ “setFullYear() Method” on page 228

■ “setHours() Method” on page 228

■ “setMilliseconds() Method” on page 229

■ “setMinutes() Method” on page 231

■ “setMonth() Method” on page 231

■ “setSeconds() Method” on page 232

■ “setTime() Method” on page 232

■ “setYear() Method” on page 234

■ “toGMTString() Method” on page 234

■ “toLocaleString() Method and toString() Method” on page 235

Date.fromSystem() Static Method

This method converts a time in the format returned by the Clib.time() method to a standard
JavaScript Date object.


Table 161 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 161. Date.fromSystem() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

time A variable holding a system date

Date.fromSystem() is a static method, invoked using the Date constructor rather than a variable.

To create a Date object from date information obtained using Clib, use code similar to:

var SysDate = Clib.time();

var ObjDate = Date.fromSystem(SysDate);

Related Topics
“Clib.tmpnam() Method” on page 166
“The Date Constructor in Siebel eScript” on page 213

216 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Date and Time Methods

“Date.toSystem() Method” on page 218

“Time Objects” on page 196

Date.parse() Static Method

This method converts a date string to a Date object.


Table 162 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 162. Date.parse() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

dateString A string of the form weekday, Month dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss

A Date object representing the date in dateString.

Date.parse() is a static method, invoked using the Date constructor rather than a variable. The string
must be in the following format:

Friday, October 31, 1998 15:30:00 -0800

where the last number is the offset from Greenwich mean time. This format is used by the
dateVar.toGMTString() method and by email and Internet applications. The day of the week, time
zone, time specification, or seconds field may be omitted. The statement:

var aDate = Date.parse(dateString);

is equivalent to:

var aDate = new Date(dateString);

The following code fragment yields the result 9098766000:

var aDate = Date.parse("Friday, October 31, 1998 15:30:00 -0220");


Related Topics
“The Date Constructor in Siebel eScript” on page 213

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 21 7

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Date and Time Methods

Date.toSystem() Method
This method converts a Date object to a system time format that is the same as that returned by the
Clib.time() method.


A date value in the time format returned by the Clib.time() method.

To create a Date object from a variable in system time format, see “getDay() Method” on page 219.

To convert a Date object to a system format that can be used by the methods of the Clib object, use
code similar to:

var SysDate = objDate.toSystem();

Related Topics
“getDay() Method” on page 219

getDate() Method
This method returns the day of the month of a Date object.


The day of the month of dateVar as an integer from 1 to 31.

This method returns the day of the month of the Date object specified by dateVar, as an integer from
1 to 31. The first day of a month is 1; the last is 28, 29, 30, or 31.

This example returns 7, the day part of the constructed Date object:

218 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Date and Time Methods

function Button2_Click ()
var MyBirthdayDay = new Date("1958", "11", "7");
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("My birthday is on day " +
MyBirthdayDay.getDate() + ".");

Related Topics
“getDay() Method”
“getFullYear() Method” on page 220
“getHours() Method” on page 221
“getMinutes() Method” on page 222
“getMonth() Method” on page 223
“getSeconds() Method” on page 224
“getTime() Method” on page 225
“getYear() Method” on page 227
“setDate() Method” on page 227

getDay() Method
This method returns the day of the week of a Date object.


The day of the week of dateVar as a number from 0 to 6.

This method returns the day of the week of dateVar. Sunday is 0, and Saturday is 6. To get the name
of the corresponding weekday, create an array holding the names of the days of the week and
compare the return value to the array index, as shown in the following example.

This example gets the day of the week on which New Year’s Day occurs and displays the result in a
message box.

function Button1_Click ()
var weekDay = new Array("Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday",
"Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday");
var NewYearsDay = new Date("2004", "1", "1");

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 21 9

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Date and Time Methods

var theYear = NewYearsDay.getFullYear()

var i = 0;
while (i < NewYearsDay.getDay())
var result = weekDay[i];
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("New Year’s Day falls on " + result + " in " +
theYear + ".");

The result displayed in the message box is:

New Year’s Day falls on Thursday in 2004.

Related Topics
“getDate() Method” on page 218
“getFullYear() Method”
“getHours() Method” on page 221
“getMinutes() Method” on page 222
“getMonth() Method” on page 223
“getSeconds() Method” on page 224
“getTime() Method” on page 225
“getYear() Method” on page 227

getFullYear() Method
This method returns the year of a Date object as a number with four digits.


The year as a four-digit number, of the Date object specified by dateVar.

For examples, see the following:

■ “getDay() Method” on page 219

■ “setMilliseconds() Method” on page 229

■ “setTime() Method” on page 232

220 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Date and Time Methods

Related Topics
“getDate() Method” on page 218
“getDay() Method” on page 219
“getHours() Method”
“getMinutes() Method” on page 222
“getMonth() Method” on page 223
“getSeconds() Method” on page 224
“getTime() Method” on page 225
“getYear() Method” on page 227
“setFullYear() Method” on page 228

getHours() Method
This method returns the hour of a Date object.


The hour portion of dateVar, as a number from 0 to 23.

This method returns the hour portion of dateVar as a number from 0 to 23. Midnight is 0, and 11 PM
is 23.

This code fragment returns the number 12, the hours portion of the specified time.

var aDate = new Date("October 31, 1986 12:13:14");


Related Topics
“getDate() Method” on page 218
“getDay() Method” on page 219
“getFullYear() Method” on page 220
“getMinutes() Method” on page 222
“getMonth() Method” on page 223
“getSeconds() Method” on page 224
“getTime() Method” on page 225

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 22 1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Date and Time Methods

“getYear() Method” on page 227

getMilliseconds() Method
This method returns the milliseconds part of a Date object.


The millisecond of dateVar as a number from 0 to 999.

This method sets the millisecond of dateVar to millisecond. When given a date in millisecond form,
this method returns the last three digits of the millisecond date; or, if negative, the result of the last
three digits subtracted from 1000.

This code fragment displays the time on the system clock. The number of milliseconds past the
beginning of the second appears at the end of the message.

var aDate = new Date;

TheApplication().RaiseErrorText( aDate.toString() + " " +
aDate.getMilliseconds() );

Related Topics
“getDate() Method” on page 218
“getDay() Method” on page 219
“getFullYear() Method” on page 220
“getHours() Method” on page 221
“getMinutes() Method”
“getMonth() Method” on page 223
“getSeconds() Method” on page 224
“getTime() Method” on page 225
“getYear() Method” on page 227

getMinutes() Method
This method returns the minutes portion of a Date object.

222 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Date and Time Methods


The minutes portion of dateVar as a number from 0 to 59.

This method returns the minutes portion of dateVar as a number from 0 to 59. The first minute of
an hour is 0, and the last is 59.

This code fragment returns the number 13, the minutes portion of the specified time.

var aDate = new Date("October 31, 1986 12:13:14");


Related Topics
“getDate() Method” on page 218
“getDay() Method” on page 219
“getFullYear() Method” on page 220
“getHours() Method” on page 221
“getMonth() Method”
“getSeconds() Method” on page 224
“getTime() Method” on page 225
“getYear() Method” on page 227

getMonth() Method
This method returns the month of a Date object.


The month portion of dateVar as a number from 0 to 11.

This method returns the month, as a number from 0 to 11, of dateVar. January is 0, and December
is 11.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 22 3

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Date and Time Methods

This code fragment returns the number 10, the result of adding 1 to the month portion of the
specified date.

var aDate = new Date("October 31, 1986 12:13:14");

TheApplication().RaiseErrorText(aDate.getMonth() + 1);

Related Topics
“getDate() Method” on page 218
“getDay() Method” on page 219
“getFullYear() Method” on page 220
“getHours() Method” on page 221
“getMinutes() Method” on page 222
“getSeconds() Method”
“getTime() Method” on page 225
“getYear() Method” on page 227

getSeconds() Method
This method returns the seconds portion of a Date object.


The seconds portion of dateVar as a number from 0 to 59.

This method returns the seconds portion of dateVar. The first second of a minute is 0, and the last
is 59.

This code fragment returns the number 14, the seconds portion of the specified date.

var aDate = new Date("October 31, 1986 12:13:14");


Related Topics
“getDate() Method” on page 218
“getDay() Method” on page 219
“getFullYear() Method” on page 220

224 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Date and Time Methods

“getHours() Method” on page 221

“getMinutes() Method” on page 222
“getMonth() Method” on page 223
“getTime() Method”
“getYear() Method” on page 227

getTime() Method
This method returns the milliseconds representation of a Date object, in the form of an integer
representing the number of seconds between midnight on January 1, 1970, GMT, and the date and
time specified by a Date object.


The milliseconds representation of dateVar.

This method returns the milliseconds representation of a Date object, in the form of an integer
representing the number of seconds between midnight on January 1, 1970, GMT, and the date and
time specified by dateVar.

This code fragment returns the value 245594000. To convert this value to something more readily
interpreted, use the toLocaleString() method or the toGMTString() method.

var aDate = new Date("January 3, 1970 12:13:14");


Related Topics
“Clib.asctime() Method” on page 197
“Clib.gmtime() Method” on page 200
“Clib.localtime() Method” on page 201
“Clib.mktime() Method” on page 202
“getDate() Method” on page 218
“getDay() Method” on page 219
“getFullYear() Method” on page 220
“getHours() Method” on page 221
“getMinutes() Method” on page 222

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 22 5

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Date and Time Methods

“getMonth() Method” on page 223

“getSeconds() Method” on page 224
“getYear() Method” on page 227

getTimezoneOffset() Method
This method returns the difference, in minutes, between Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and local


The difference, in minutes, between UTC and local time, calculated as follows:

UTC minus local-time

For example, Central European Time (CET) is UTC + 60. However, on a machine that is set to the
CET time zone, the getTimezoneOffset() Method returns a value of -60.

This example calculates the difference from UTC, in hours, of your location, based on the setting in
the Windows Control Panel.

var aDate = new Date();

var hourDifference = Math.round(aDate.getTimezoneOffset() / 60);
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("Your time zone is " +
hourDifference + " hours from GMT.");

Related Topics
“getDate() Method” on page 218
“getDay() Method” on page 219
“getFullYear() Method” on page 220
“getHours() Method” on page 221
“getMinutes() Method” on page 222
“getMonth() Method” on page 223
“getSeconds() Method” on page 224
“getTime() Method” on page 225
“getYear() Method” on page 227

226 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Date and Time Methods

getYear() Method
This method returns the year portion of a Date object as the offset from the base year 1900.


This method returns the year portion of dateVar as the offset from the base year 1900. The offset is
positive for years after 1900 and is negative for years before 1900.

This method returns the year portion of dateVar as the offset from the base year 1900. For example,
if the value of dateVar is a date in the year 2004, then dateVar.getYear() = 104.

Related Topics
“getFullYear() Method” on page 220
“getUTCFullYear() Method” on page 239
“setYear() Method” on page 234

setDate() Method
This method sets the day of a Date object to a specified day of the month.


Table 163 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 163. setDate() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

dayOfMonth The day of the month to which to set dateVar as an integer from 1 through 31

This method sets the day of dateVar to dayOfMonth as a number from 1 to 31. The first day of a
month is 1; the last is 28, 29, 30, or 31.

Related Topics
“getDate() Method” on page 218

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 22 7

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Date and Time Methods

“setUTCDate() Method” on page 243

setFullYear() Method
This method sets the year of a Date object to a specified four-digit year.

dateVar.setFullYear(year[, month[, date]])

Table 164 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 164. setFullYear() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

year The year to which to set dateVar as a four-digit integer

month The month to which to set year as an integer from 0 to 11

date The date of month to which to set dateVar as an integer from 1 to 31

This method sets the year of dateVar to year. Optionally, it can set the month of year to month, and
the date of month to date. The year must be expressed in four digits.

Related Topics
“getFullYear() Method” on page 220
“setDate() Method” on page 227
“setMonth() Method” on page 231
“setUTCFullYear() Method” on page 243
“setYear() Method” on page 234

setHours() Method
This method sets the hour of a Date object to a specific hour of a 24-hour clock.

dateVar.setHours(hour[, minute[, second[, millisecond]]])

228 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Date and Time Methods

Table 165 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 165. setHours() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

hour The hour to which to set dateVar as an integer from 0 through 23

minute The minute of hour to which to set dateVar as an integer from 0 through 59

second The second of minute to which to set dateVar as an integer from 0 through 59

millisecond The millisecond of second to which to set dateVar as an integer from 0 through 999

This method sets the hour of dateVar to hour, expressed as a number from 0 to 23. It can optionally
also set the UTC minute, second, and millisecond. Midnight is expressed as 0, and 11 PM as 23.

Related Topics
“getHours() Method” on page 221
“setMilliseconds() Method”
“setMinutes() Method” on page 231
“setSeconds() Method” on page 232
“setUTCHours() Method” on page 245

setMilliseconds() Method
This method sets the millisecond of a Date object to a date expressed in milliseconds relative to the
system time.


Table 166 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 166. setMilliseconds() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

millisecond The millisecond to which dateVar should be set as a positive or negative integer

A date

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 22 9

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Date and Time Methods

This method sets the millisecond of dateVar to millisecond. The value of dateVar becomes equivalent
to the number of milliseconds from the time on the system clock. Use a positive number for later
times, a negative number for earlier times.

This example accepts a number of milliseconds as input and converts it to the date relative to the
date and time in the computer’s clock.

function test2_Click ()
var aDate = new Date;
var milli = 7200000;
var aYear = aDate.getFullYear();
var aMonth = aDate.getMonth() + 1;
var aDay = aDate.getDate();
var anHour = aDate.getHours();

case 0:
anHour = " 12 midnight.";
case 12:
anHour = " 12 noon.";
if (anHour > 11 )
anHour = (anHour - 12 ) + " P.M.";
anHour = anHour + " A.M.";

TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("The specified date is " + aMonth + "/" + aDay +

"/" + aYear + " at " + anHour);

7200000 milliseconds is two hours, so if you run this routine on November 22, 2005 sometime
between 3 and 4 P.M., you get the following result:

The specified date is 11/22/2005 at 5 P.M.

Related Topics
“getMilliseconds() Method” on page 222
“setTime() Method” on page 232
“setUTCMilliseconds() Method” on page 246

230 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Date and Time Methods

setMinutes() Method
This method sets the minute of a Date object to a specified minute.

dateVar.setMinutes(minute[, second[, millisecond]])

Table 167 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 167. setMinutes() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

minute The minute to which to set dateVar as an integer from 0 through 59

second The second to which to set minute as an integer from 0 through 59

millisecond The millisecond to which to set second as an integer from 0 through 999

This method sets the minute of dateVar to minute and optionally sets minute to a specific second
and millisecond. The first minute of an hour is 0, and the last is 59.

Related Topics
“getMinutes() Method” on page 222
“setMilliseconds() Method” on page 229
“setSeconds() Method” on page 232
“setUTCMinutes() Method” on page 247

setMonth() Method
This method sets the month of a Date object to a specific month.

dateVar.setMonth(month[, date])

Table 168 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 168. setMonth() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

month The month to which to set dateVar as an integer from 0 to 11

date The date of month to which to set dateVar as an integer from 1 to 31

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 23 1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Date and Time Methods

This method sets the month of dateVar to month as a number from 0 to 11 and optionally sets the
day of month to date. January is represented by 0, and December by 11.

Related Topics
“getMonth() Method” on page 223
“setDate() Method” on page 227
“setUTCMonth() Method” on page 247

setSeconds() Method
This method sets the second in a Date object.

dateVar.setSeconds(second[, millisecond])

Table 169 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 169. setSeconds() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

second The minute to which to set dateVar as an integer from 0 through 59

millisecond The millisecond to which to set second as an integer from 0 through 999

This method sets the second of dateVar to second and optionally sets second to a specific
millisecond. The first second of a minute is 0, and the last is 59.

Related Topics
“getSeconds() Method” on page 224
“setMilliseconds() Method” on page 229
“setUTCSeconds() Method” on page 248

setTime() Method
This method sets a Date object to a date and time specified by the number of milliseconds before or
after January 1, 1970.

232 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Date and Time Methods


Table 170 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 170. setTime() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

milliseconds The number of milliseconds from midnight on January 1, 1970, GMT

This method sets dateVar to a date that is milliseconds milliseconds from January 1, 1970, GMT. To
set a date earlier than that date, use a negative number.

This example accepts a number of milliseconds as input and converts it to a date and hour.

function dateBtn_Click ()
var aDate = new Date;
var milli = -4000;
var aYear = aDate.getFullYear();
var aMonth = aDate.getMonth() + 1;
var aDay = aDate.getDate();
var anHour = aDate.getHours();

case 0:
anHour = " 12 midnight.";
case 12:
anHour = " 12 noon.";
if ( anHour > 11 )
anHour = (anHour - 12) + " P.M.";
anHour = anHour + " A.M.";

TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("The specified date is " +

aMonth + "/" + aDay + "/" + aYear + " at " + anHour);

Example, if you enter a value of -345650, the result is:

The specified date is 12/31/1969 at 3 P.M.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 23 3

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Date and Time Methods

Related Topics
“getTime() Method” on page 225

setYear() Method
This method sets the year of a Date object as a specified two-digit or four-digit year.


Table 171 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 171. setYear() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

year The year to which to set dateVar as a two-digit integer for twentieth-century
years, otherwise as a four-digit integer

The parameter year may be expressed with two digits for a year in the twentieth century, the 1900s.
Four digits are necessary for any other century.

Related Topics
“getFullYear() Method” on page 220
“getYear() Method” on page 227
“setFullYear() Method” on page 228
“setUTCFullYear() Method” on page 243

toGMTString() Method
This method converts a Date object to a string, based on Greenwich mean time.


The date to which dateVar is set as a string of the form Day Mon dd hh:mm:ss yyyy GMT.

234 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Date and Time Methods

This example accepts a number of milliseconds as input and converts it to the GMT time represented
by the number of milliseconds before or after the time on the computer’s clock.

function clickme_Click ()
var aDate = new Date;
var milli = 200000;

Related Topics
“Clib.asctime() Method” on page 197
“toLocaleString() Method and toString() Method”
“toUTCString() Method” on page 249

toLocaleString() Method and toString() Method

These methods return a string representing the date and time of a Date object based on the time
zone of the computer running the script.


A string representing the date and time of dateVar based on the time zone of the computer running
the script, in the form Day Mon dd hh:mm:ss yyyy.

These methods return a string representing the date and time of a Date object based on the local
time zone of the computer running the script. If the code is implemented in eScript, then the code
runs on a server. The server may or may not be in the same time zone as the user. If the code is
implemented in JavaScript, then the code runs on the user’s computer and uses that computer’s time

This example displays the local time from the computer’s clock, the Universal time (UTC), and the
Greenwich mean time (GMT).

var aDate = new Date();

var local = aDate.toLocaleString();
var universal = aDate.toUTCString();

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 23 5

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Universal Time Methods

var greenwich = aDate.toGMTString();

TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("Local date is " + local +
"\nUTC date is " + universal +
"\nGMT date is " + greenwich);

The result appears in a message box similar to the following:

Local date is Fri Aug 12 15:45:52 2005

UTC date is Fri Aug 12 23:45:52 2005 GMT
GMT date is Fri Aug 12 23:45:52 2005 GMT

Related Topics
“Clib.asctime() Method” on page 197
“Clib.gmtime() Method” on page 200
“Clib.localtime() Method” on page 201
“toGMTString() Method” on page 234
“toUTCString() Method” on page 249

Universal Time Methods

Siebel eScript has methods for both Greenwich mean time (abbreviated GMT) date and time, and for
Universal Coordinated Time (abbreviated as UTC). GMT dates and times observe daylight savings
time, whereas UTC dates and times do not. UTC nominally reflects the mean solar time along the
Earth's prime meridian (0 degrees longitude, which runs through the Greenwich Observatory outside
of London). UTC is also known as World Time and Universal Time. It is a time standard used
everywhere in the world.

Siebel eScript includes the following Date and time functions for working with UTC values.

■ “Date.UTC() Static Method” on page 237

■ “getUTCDate() Method” on page 238

■ “getUTCDay() Method” on page 239

■ “getUTCFullYear() Method” on page 239

■ “getUTCHours() Method” on page 240

■ “getUTCMilliseconds() Method” on page 241

■ “getUTCMinutes() Method” on page 241

■ “getUTCMonth() Method” on page 242

■ “getUTCSeconds() Method” on page 242

■ “setUTCDate() Method” on page 243

■ “setUTCFullYear() Method” on page 243

■ “setUTCHours() Method” on page 245

■ “setUTCMilliseconds() Method” on page 246

236 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Universal Time Methods

■ “setUTCMinutes() Method” on page 247

■ “setUTCMonth() Method” on page 247

■ “setUTCSeconds() Method” on page 248

■ “toUTCString() Method” on page 249

Date.UTC() Static Method

This method interprets its parameters as a date and returns the number of milliseconds between
midnight, January 1, 1970, and the date and time specified.

Date.UTC(year, month, day, [, hours[, minutes[, seconds]]])

Table 172 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 172. Date.UTC() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

year An integer representing the year (two digits may be used to represent years in the
twentieth century; however, use four digits to avoid Y2K problems)

month An integer from 0 through 11 representing the month

day An integer from 1 through 31 representing the day of the month

hours An integer from 0 through 23 representing the hour on a 24-hour clock

minutes An integer from 0 through 59 representing the minute of hours

seconds An integer from 0 through 59 representing the second of minutes

An integer representing the number of milliseconds before or after midnight January 1, 1970, of the
specified date and time.

Date.UTC is a static method, invoked using the Date constructor rather than a variable. The
parameters are interpreted as referring to Greenwich mean time (GMT).

This example shows the proper construction of a Date.UTC declaration and demonstrates that the
function behaves as specified.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 23 7

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Universal Time Methods

function clickme_Click ()
var aDate = new Date(Date.UTC(2005, 1, 22, 10, 11, 12));
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("The specified date is " +

A sample run of this code produced the following result.

The specified date is Sat Jan 22 10:11:12 2005 GMT

Related Topics
“The Date Constructor in Siebel eScript” on page 213

getUTCDate() Method
This method returns the UTC day of the month of a Date object.


The UTC day of the month of dateVar.

This method returns the UTC day of the month of dateVar as a number from 1 to 31. The first day
of a month is 1; the last is 28, 29, 30, or 31.

This code fragment displays 1, the hour portion of the date, followed by the GMT equivalent, which
may be the same.

var aDate = new Date("May 1, 2005 13:24:35");

TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("Local day of the month is " +
aDate.getHours() +"\nGMT day of the month is " +

Related Topics
“getDate() Method” on page 218
“setUTCDate() Method” on page 243

238 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Universal Time Methods

getUTCDay() Method
This method returns the UTC day of the week of a Date object.


The UTC day of the week of dateVar as a number from 0 to 6.

This method returns the UTC day of the week of dateVar as a number from 0 to 6. Sunday is 0, and
Saturday is 6.

This function displays the day of the week of May 1, 2005, both locally and in universal time.

function Button2_Click ()
var localDay;
var UTCDay;
var MayDay = new Date("May 1, 2005 13:30:35");
var weekDay = new Array("Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday",
"Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday");

for (var i = 0; i <= MayDay.getDay();i++)

localDay = weekDay[i];
var msgtext = "May 1, 2005, 1:30 PM falls on " + localDay;

for (var j = 0; j <= MayDay.getUTCDay(); j++)

UTCDay = weekDay[j];
msgtext = msgtext + " locally, \nand on " + UTCDay + " GMT.";


Related Topics
“getDay() Method” on page 219

getUTCFullYear() Method
This method returns the UTC year of a Date object.


Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 23 9

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Universal Time Methods

The UTC year of dateVar as a four-digit number.

This code fragment displays 2005, the year portion of the date, followed by the GMT equivalent,
which may be the same.

var aDate = new Date("January 1, 2005 13:24:35");

TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("Local year is " + aDate.getYear() +
"\nGMT year is " + aDate.getUTCFullYear());

Related Topics
“getFullYear() Method”
“setFullYear() Method” on page 228
“setUTCFullYear() Method” on page 243

getUTCHours() Method
This method returns the UTC hour of a Date object.


The UTC hour of dateVar as a number from 0 to 23.

This method returns the UTC hour of dateVar as a number from 0 through 23. Midnight is 0, and 11
PM is 23.

This code fragment displays 13, the hour portion of the date, followed by the GMT equivalent.

var aDate = new Date("May 1, 2005 13:24:35");

TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("Local hour is “ + aDate.getHours() +
"\nGMT hour is " + aDate.getUTCHours());

Related Topics
“getHours() Method” on page 221
“setUTCHours() Method” on page 245

240 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Universal Time Methods

getUTCMilliseconds() Method
This method returns the UTC millisecond of a Date object.


The UTC millisecond of dateVar as a number from 0 to 999.

This method returns the UTC millisecond of dateVar as a number from 0 through 999. The first
millisecond in a second is 0; the last is 999.

Related Topics
“getMilliseconds() Method” on page 222
“setUTCMilliseconds() Method” on page 246

getUTCMinutes() Method
This method returns the UTC minute of a Date object.


The UTC minute of dateVar as a number from 0 to 59.

This method returns the UTC minute of dateVar as a number from 0 through 59. The first minute of
an hour is 0; the last is 59.

This code fragment displays 24, the minutes portion of the date, followed by the GMT equivalent,
which is probably the same.

var aDate = new Date("May 1, 2005 13:24:35");

TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("Local minutes: " + aDate.getMinutes() +
"\nGMT minutes: " + aDate.getUTCMinutes());

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 24 1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Universal Time Methods

Related Topics
“getMinutes() Method” on page 222
“setUTCMinutes() Method” on page 247

getUTCMonth() Method
This method returns the UTC month of a Date object.


The UTC month of dateVar as a number from 0 to 11.

This method returns the UTC month of dateVar as a number from 0 through 11. January is 0, and
December is 11.

This code fragment displays 5, the month portion of the date (determined by adding 1 to the value
returned by getMonth), followed by the GMT equivalent (determined by adding 1 to the value
returned by getUTCMonth), which is probably the same.

var aDate = new Date("May 1, 2005 13:24:35");

var locMo = aDate.getMonth() + 1;
var GMTMo = aDate.getUTCMonth() + 1
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("Local month: " + locMo +"\nGMT month: "
+ GMTMo);

Related Topics
“getMonth() Method” on page 223
“setUTCMonth() Method” on page 247

getUTCSeconds() Method
This method returns the UTC second of a Date object.


242 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Universal Time Methods

The UTC second of dateVar as number from 0 to 59.

This method returns the UTC second of dateVar as a number from 0 through 59. The first second of
a minute is 0, and the last is 59.

Related Topics
“getSeconds() Method” on page 224
“setUTCSeconds() Method” on page 248

setUTCDate() Method
This method sets the UTC day of a Date object to the specified day of a UTC month.


Table 173 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 173. setUTCDate() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

dayOfMonth The day of the UTC month to which to set dateVar as an integer from 1
through 31

This method sets the UTC day of dateVar to dayOfMonth as a number from 1 to 31. The first day of
a month is 1; the last is 28, 29, 30, or 31.

Related Topics
“getUTCDate() Method” on page 238
“setDate() Method” on page 227
“Universal Time Methods” on page 236

setUTCFullYear() Method
This method sets the UTC year of a Date object to a specified four-digit year.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 24 3

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Universal Time Methods

dateVar.setUTCFullYear(year[, month[, date]])

Table 174 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 174. setUTCFullYear() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

year The UTC year to which to set dateVar as a four-digit integer

month The UTC month to which to set year as an integer from 0 to 11

date The UTC date of month to which to set dateVar as an integer from 1 to 31

This method sets the UTC year of dateVar to year. Optionally, it can set the UTC month of year to
month, and the UTC date of month to date. The year must be expressed in four digits.

The following example uses the setUTCFullYear method to assign the date of the 2000 summer
solstice and the setUTCHours method to assign its time to a Date object. Then it determines the local
date and displays it.

function dateBtn_Click ()
var Mstring = " A.M., Standard Time.";
var solstice2K = new Date;
solstice2K.setUTCFullYear(2000, 5, 21);
solstice2K.setUTCHours(01, 48);
var localDate = solstice2K.toLocaleString();
var pos = localDate.indexOf("2000")
var localDay = localDate.substring(0, pos - 10);

var localHr = solstice2K.getHours();

if (localHr > 11 )
localHr = (localHr - 12 );
Mstring = " P.M., Standard Time.";
var localMin = solstice2K.getMinutes();

var msg = "In your location, the solstice is on " + localDay +

", at " + localHr + ":" + localMin + Mstring;

A sample run of this code produced the following result:

In your location, the solstice is on Tue Jun 20, at 6:48 P.M., Standard Time.

244 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Universal Time Methods

Related Topics
“getUTCFullYear() Method” on page 239
“setFullYear() Method” on page 228
“setYear() Method” on page 234
“Universal Time Methods” on page 236

setUTCHours() Method
This method sets the UTC hour of a Date object to a specific hour of a 24-hour clock.

dateVar.setUTCHours(hour[, minute[, second[, millisecond]]])

Table 175 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 175. setUTCHours() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

hour The UTC hour to which to set dateVar as an integer from 0 through 23

minute The UTC minute of hour to which to set dateVar as an integer from 0 through 59

second The UTC second of minute to which to set dateVar as an integer from 0 through 59

millisecond The UTC millisecond of second to which to set dateVar as an integer from 0 through

This method sets the UTC hour of dateVar to hour as a number from 0 to 23. Midnight is expressed
as 0, and 11 PM as 23. It can optionally also set the UTC minute, second, and millisecond.

For an example, see “setUTCFullYear() Method” on page 243.

Related Topics
“getUTCHours() Method” on page 240
“setHours() Method” on page 228
“Universal Time Methods” on page 236

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 24 5

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Universal Time Methods

setUTCMilliseconds() Method
This method sets the UTC millisecond of a Date object to a date expressed in milliseconds relative
to the UTC equivalent of the system time.


Table 176 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 176. setUTCMilliseconds() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

millisecond The UTC millisecond to which dateVar should be set as a positive or negative

This method sets the UTC millisecond of dateVar to millisecond. The value of dateVar becomes
equivalent to the number of milliseconds from the UTC equivalent of time on the system clock. Use
a positive number for later times and a negative number for earlier times.

The following example gets a number of milliseconds as input and converts it to a UTC date and time:

function dateBtn_Click ()
var aDate = new Date;
var milli = 20000;
var aYear = aDate.getUTCFullYear();
var aMonth = aDate.getMonth() + 1;
var aDay = aDate.getUTCDate();
var anHour = aDate.getUTCHours();
var aMinute = aDate.getUTCMinutes();
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("The specified date is " +
aMonth +
"/" + aDay + "/" + aYear + " at " + anHour + ":" +
aMinute + ", UTC time.");

When run at 5:36 P.M., Pacific time, on August 22, 2005, it produced the following result:

The specified date is 8/23/2005 at 1:36 UTC time.

Related Topics
“getUTCMilliseconds() Method” on page 241
“setMilliseconds() Method” on page 229

246 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Universal Time Methods

“Universal Time Methods” on page 236

setUTCMinutes() Method
This method sets the UTC minute of a Date object to a specified minute.

dateVar.setUTCMinutes(minute[, second[, millisecond]])

Table 177 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 177. setUTCMinutes() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

minute The UTC minute to which to set dateVar as an integer from 0 through 59

second The UTC second to which to set minute as an integer from 0 through 59

millisecond The UTC millisecond to which to set second as an integer from 0 through 999

This method sets the UTC minute of dateVar to minute and optionally sets minute to a specific UTC
second and UTC millisecond. The first minute of an hour is 0, and the last is 59.

Related Topics
“getUTCMinutes() Method” on page 241
“setMinutes() Method” on page 231
“Universal Time Methods” on page 236

setUTCMonth() Method
This method sets the UTC month of a Date object to a specific month.

dateVar.setUTCMonth(month[, date])

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 24 7

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Universal Time Methods

Table 178 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 178. setUTCMonth() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

month The UTC month to which to set dateVar as an integer from 0 to 11

date The UTC date of month to which to set dateVar as an integer from 1 to 31

This method sets the UTC month of dateVar to month as a number from 0 to 11 and optionally sets
the UTC day of month to date. January is represented by 0, and December by 11.

Related Topics
“getUTCMonth() Method” on page 242
“setMonth() Method” on page 231
“Universal Time Methods” on page 236

setUTCSeconds() Method
This method sets the UTC second of the minute of a Date object to a specified second and optionally
sets the millisecond within the second.

dateVar.setUTCSeconds(second[, millisecond])

Table 179 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 179. setUTCSeconds() Method Parameters

Parameter Description
second The UTC minute to which to set dateVar as an integer from 0 through 59

millisecond The UTC millisecond to which to set second as an integer from 0 through 999

This method sets the UTC second of dateVar to second and optionally sets second to a specific UTC
millisecond. The first second of a minute is 0, and the last is 59. The first millisecond is 0, and the
last is 999.

Related Topics
“getUTCSeconds() Method” on page 242

248 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Exception Objects

“setSeconds() Method” on page 232

“Universal Time Methods” on page 236

toUTCString() Method
This method returns a string that represents the UTC date in a convenient and human-readable form.


A string that represents the UTC date of dateVar.

This method returns a string that represents the UTC date in a convenient and human-readable form.
The string takes the form Day Mon dd hh:mm:ss yyyy.

For an example, see “toLocaleString() Method and toString() Method” on page 235.

Related Topics
“Clib.asctime() Method” on page 197
“toGMTString() Method” on page 234
“toLocaleString() Method and toString() Method” on page 235

Exception Objects
The Exception object contains exceptions being thrown in the case of a failed operation.

■ errCode. This property contains the error number.

■ errText. This property contains a textual description of the error.

The following example shows the Exception object:

var oBO = TheApplication().GetService(“Incorrect name”);
catch (e)

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 24 9

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Function Objects

var sText = e.errText;

var nCode = e.errCode;

Function Objects
A Function object holds the definition of a function defined in eScript. In eScript, procedures are

Syntax A
function funcName( [arg1 [, ..., argn]] )

Syntax B
var funcName = new Function([arg1 [, ..., argn,]] body );

Table 180 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 180. Function Parameters

Parameter Description

funcName The name of the function to be created

arg1 [, …, argn] An optional list of parameters that the function accepts

body The lines of code that the function executes

Whatever its code is set up to return. For more information, see “return Statement” on page 251.

Syntax A is the standard method for defining a function. Syntax B is an alternative way to create a
function and is used to create Function objects explicitly.

Note the difference in case of the keyword Function between Syntax A and Syntax B. Function
objects created with Syntax B (that is, the Function constructor) are evaluated each time they are
used. This is less efficient than Syntax A—declaring a function and calling it within your code—
because declared functions are compiled instead of interpreted.

The following fragment of code illustrates creating a function AddTwoNumbers using a declaration:

250 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Function Objects

function AddTwoNumbers (a, b)

return (a + b);

The following fragment illustrates creating the same function using the Function constructor:

AddTwoNumbers = new Function ("a", "b", "return (a + b)");

The difference between the two is that when AddTwoNumbers is created using a declaration,
AddTwoNumbers is the name of a function, whereas when AddTwoNumbers is created using the
Function constructor, AddTwoNumbers is the name of a variable whose current value is a reference
to the function created using the Function constructor.

length Property
The length property returns the number of parameters expected by the function.


Table 181 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 181. Length Property Parameters

Parameter Description

funcName The function whose length property is to be found

The number of parameters expected by funcName.

return Statement
The return statement passes a value back to the function that called it.

return value

Table 182 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 182. Return Statement Parameters

Parameter Description

value The result produced by the function

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 25 1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Global Objects

The return statement passes a value back to the function that called it. Any code in a function
following the execution of a return statement is not executed.

NOTE: When defining a return type for a custom function, you must explicitly return a value of the
same type specified in the function header. All control paths must lead to a return statement.

This function returns a value equal to the number passed to it multiplied by 2 and divided by 5.

function DoubleAndDivideBy5(a)
return (a*2)/5

The following code fragment show an example of a script using the preceding function. This script
calculates the mathematical expression n = (10 * 2) / 5 + (20 * 2) / 5. It then displays the
value for n, which is 12.

function myFunction()
var a = DoubleAndDivideBy5(10);
var b = DoubleAndDivideBy5(20);
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText(a + b);

Global Objects
Global variables are members of the global object. To access global properties, you do not need to
use an object name. For example, to access the isNaN() method, which tests to see whether a value
is equal to the special value NaN, you can use either of the following syntax forms.

Syntax A

Syntax B

Table 183 shows the placeholder descriptions.

Table 183. Global Object Placeholders

Placeholder Description
globalMethod The method to be applied

value The value to which the method is to be applied

252 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Global Objects

Syntax A treats globalMethod as a function; Syntax B treats it as a method of the global object. You
may not use Syntax A in a function that has a local variable with the same name as a global variable.
In such a case, you must use the global keyword to reference the global variable.

Related Topics
“Conversion Methods” on page 257
“Global Functions Unique to Siebel eScript” on page 253

Global Functions Unique to Siebel eScript

The global functions described in this section are unique to the Siebel eScript implementation of
JavaScript. In other words, they are not part of the ECMAScript standard, but they are useful. Avoid
using these functions in a script that may be used with a JavaScript interpreter that does not support
these unique functions.

Like other global items, the following functions are actually methods of the global object and can be
called with either function or method syntax.

■ “COMCreateObject() Method” on page 253

■ “getArrayLength() Method” on page 254

■ “setArrayLength() Method” on page 255

■ “undefine() Method” on page 256

COMCreateObject() Method
COMCreateObject instantiates a COM object.


Table 184 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 184. COMCreateObject() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

objectName The name of the object to be created

A COM object if successful; otherwise, undefined.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 25 3

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Global Objects

You should be able to pass any type of variable to the COM object being called; however, you must
ascertain that the variable is of a valid type for the COM object. Valid types are strings, numbers,
and object pointers. This method can be executed in server script only; it does not apply to browser

NOTE: DLLs instantiated by this method must be thread-safe.

This example instantiates Microsoft Excel as a COM object and makes it visible:

var ExcelApp = COMCreateObject("Excel.Application");

// Make Excel visible through the Application object.

ExcelApp.Visible = true;

// Place some text in the first cell of the sheet

ExcelApp.ActiveSheet.Cells(1,1).Value = "Column A, Row 1";

// Save the sheet

var fileName = "C:\\demo.xls";
ExcelApp.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs (fileName);

// Close Excel with the Quit method on the Application object


// Clear the object from memory

ExcelApp = null;
return (CancelOperation);

NOTE: Applications, such as Excel, may change from version to version, requiring you to change
your code to match. This example code was tested on Excel 2002.

getArrayLength() Method
This function returns the length of a dynamically created array.

NOTE: The getArrayLength() function is unique to Siebel eScript. Before using it, confirm that the
JavaScript interpreter that will run the script supports Siebel eScript functions. Avoid using this
function in a script that may be used with a JavaScript interpreter that does not support it.

getArrayLength(array[, minIndex])

254 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Global Objects

Table 185 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 185. getArrayLength() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

array The name of the array whose length you wish to find

minIndex The index of the lowest element at which to start counting

The length of a dynamic array, which is one more than the highest index of an array.

Most commonly, the first element of an array is at index 0. If minIndex is supplied, then it is used
to set to the minimum index, which is zero or less.

This function should be used with dynamically created arrays, that is, with arrays that were not
created using the Array() constructor and the new operator. The length property is not available for
dynamically created arrays. Dynamically created arrays must use the getArrayLength() and
setArrayLength() functions when working with array lengths.

When working with arrays created using the Array() constructor and the new operator, use the length
property of the arrays.

CAUTION: The ST eScript engine does not support negative array indices. If you defined arrays with
negative indices using the T eScript engine in Siebel Business Applications releases prior to 7.8, then
you must redefine their index ranges and any references based on index values.

Related Topics
“Array Constructors in Siebel eScript” on page 87
“Array length Property” on page 89
“setArrayLength() Method”

setArrayLength() Method
This function sets the first index and length of an array.

NOTE: The setArrayLength() function is unique to Siebel eScript. Before using it, confirm that the
JavaScript interpreter that will run the script supports Siebel eScript functions. Avoid using this
function in a script that may be used with a JavaScript interpreter that does not support it.

setArrayLength(array[, minIndex], length])

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 25 5

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Global Objects

Table 186 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 186. setArrayLength() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

array The name of the array whose length you wish to find

minIndex The index of the lowest element at which to start counting; must be 0 or less.

NOTE: This parameter can be used, but is not meaningful, if you use the ST
eScript engine. When using this engine, the minimum index is restricted to zero
only, and is assigned by default.

length The length of the array

This function sets the length of array to a range bounded by minIndex and length. If three
parameters are supplied, minIndex is the minimum index of the newly sized array, and length is the
length. Any elements outside the bounds set by minIndex and length become undefined. If only two
parameters are passed to setArrayLength(), the second parameter is length and the minimum index
of the newly sized array is 0 by default.

CAUTION: The ST eScript engine does not support negative array indices. If you defined arrays with
negative indices using the T eScript engine in Siebel Business Applications releases prior to 7.8, then
you must redefine their index ranges and any references based on index values. An alternative to
using setArrayLength is to set array lengths with the length property of the Array object.

Related Topics
“getArrayLength() Method” on page 254
“Array length Property” on page 89

undefine() Method
This function undefines a variable, Object property, or value.

NOTE: The undefine() function is unique to Siebel eScript. Before using it, confirm that the
JavaScript interpreter that will run the script supports Siebel eScript functions. Avoid using this
function in a script that may be used with a JavaScript interpreter that does not support it.


256 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Conversion Methods

Table 187 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 187. undefine() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

value The variable or object property to be undefined

If a value was previously defined so that its use with the defined() method returns true, then after
using undefine() with the value, defined() returns false. Undefining a value is not the same as setting
a value to null. In the following fragment, the variable n is defined with the number value of 2, and
then undefined.

var n = 2;

In the following fragment an object o is created, and a property o.one is defined. The property is
then undefined, but the object o remains defined.

var o = new Object;

o.one = 1;

Conversion Methods
There are times when the types of variables or data should be specified and controlled. Several of
the following conversion methods have one parameter, which is a variable or data item, to be
converted to the data type specified in the name of the method. For example, the following fragment
creates two variables:

var aString = ToString(123);

var aNumber = ToNumber("123");

The first variable, aString, is created by converting the number 123 to a string. The second variable,
aNumber, is created by converting the string value "123" to a number. Because aString had already
been created with the value "123", the second line could also have been:

var aNumber = ToNumber(aString);

The remainder of the following methods are used to convert numerical values to various forms or to
interpret characters of strings in different ways.

■ “escape() Method” on page 258

■ “eval() Method” on page 259

■ “parseFloat() Method” on page 260

■ “parseInt() Method” on page 261

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 25 7

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Conversion Methods

■ “ToBoolean() Method” on page 262

■ “ToBuffer() Method” on page 263

■ “ToBytes() Method” on page 264

■ “toExponential() Method” on page 265

■ “toFixed() Method” on page 266

■ “ToInteger() Method” on page 268

■ “ToNumber() Method” on page 269

■ “ToObject() Method” on page 270

■ “toPrecision() Method” on page 271

■ “ToString() Method” on page 272

■ “ToUint16() Method” on page 273

■ “ToUint32() Method” on page 274

■ “unescape(string) Method” on page 275

escape() Method
The escape() method receives a string and replaces special characters with escape sequences.


Table 188 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 188. escape() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

string The string containing characters to be replaced

A string with special characters replaced by Unicode sequences.

The escape() method receives a string and replaces special characters with escape sequences, so
that the string may be used with a URL. The escape sequences are Unicode values. For characters in
the standard ASCII set (values 0 through 127 decimal), these are the hexadecimal ASCII codes of
the characters preceded by percent signs.

Uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and the special symbols @ * + _ . / remain in the string.
Other characters are replaced by their respective Unicode sequences.

258 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Conversion Methods

The following code provides an example of what occurs when a string is encoded. Note that the @
and * characters have not been replaced.

var str = escape("@#$*96!");

Results in the following string: "@%23%24*96%21"

var encodeStr = escape("@#$*%!");

Results in the following string: "@%23%24*%25%21"

Related Topics
“unescape(string) Method” on page 275

eval() Method
This method returns the value of its parameter, which is an expression.


Table 189 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 189. eval() Method Parameters

Parameter Description
expression The expression to be evaluated

The value of expression.

This method evaluates whatever is represented by expression. If expression is a string, the
interpreter tries to interpret the string as if it were JavaScript code. If successful, the method returns
the value of expression. If not successful, it returns the special value undefined.

If the expression is not a string, expression is returned. For example, calling eval(5) returns the
value 5.

This example shows the result of using the eval() method on several types of expressions. The string
expression in the test[0] variable is evaluated because it can be interpreted as a JavaScript
statement, but the string expressions in test[1] and test[3] are undefined.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 25 9

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Conversion Methods

function clickme_Click ()
var msgtext = "";
var a = 7;
var b = 9;
var test = new Array(4);
var test[0] = "a * b";
var test[1] = toString(a * b);
var test[2] = a + b;
var test[3] = "Strings are undefined.";
var test[4] = test[1] + test[2];

for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++)

msgtext = msgtext + i + ": " + eval(test[i]) + "\n";

Running this code produces the following result:

0: 63
1: undefined
2: 16
3: undefined
4: undefined

parseFloat() Method
This method converts an alphanumeric string to a floating-point decimal number.


Table 190 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 190. parseFloat() Method Parameters

Parameter Description
string The string to be converted

A floating-point decimal number; if string cannot be converted to a number, the special value NaN is

260 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Conversion Methods

Whitespace characters at the beginning of the string are ignored. The first nonwhite-space character
must be either a digit or a minus sign (-). Numeric characters in string are read. The first period (.)
in string is treated as a decimal point and any following digits as the fractional part of the number.
Reading stops at the first non-numeric character after the decimal point. The result is converted into
a number. Characters including and following the first non-numeric character are ignored.

The following code fragment returns the result -234.37:

var num = parseFloat(" -234.37 profit");

parseInt() Method
This method converts an alphanumeric string to an integer number.

parseInt(string [,radix])

Table 191 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 191. parseInt() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

string The string to be converted

radix The radix, or base of the number system, in which the integer return value is
expressed; for example, if radix is 8, then the return value is expressed as an
octal number.

An integer number; if string cannot be converted to a number, the special value NaN is returned. If
radix is not provided or is zero, then radix is assumed to be 10, with the following exceptions:

■ If string begins with the character pairs 0x or 0X, a radix of 16 is assumed.

■ If string begins with zero and a valid octal digit (0-7), a radix of 8 is assumed.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 26 1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Conversion Methods

White-space characters at the beginning of the string are ignored. The first nonwhite-space character
must be either a digit or a minus sign (-). Numeric characters in string are read. Reading stops at
the first non-numeric character. The result is converted into an integer number. Characters including
and following the first non-numeric character are ignored.

CAUTION: When the passed string contains a leading zero, such as in “05,” the number is
interpreted as on octal, as it is in other eScript contexts. Parameters that are interpreted as invalid
octals, such as “08” and “09,” will generate a return value of zero.

The following code fragment returns the result -234:

var num = parseInt(" -234.37 profit");

ToBoolean() Method
This method converts a value to the Boolean data type.

NOTE: The ToBoolean() function is unique to Siebel eScript. Before using it, confirm that the
JavaScript interpreter that will run the script supports Siebel eScript functions. Avoid using this
function in a script that may be used with a JavaScript interpreter that does not support it.


Table 192 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 192. ToBoolean() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

value The value to be converted to a Boolean value

A value that depends on value’s original data type, as shown in Table 193.

Table 193. Values Returned By the ToBoolean Method

Data Type Returns

Boolean value

buffer False if an empty buffer; otherwise, true

null False

number False if value is 0, +0, -0, or NaN; otherwise, true

262 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Conversion Methods

Table 193. Values Returned By the ToBoolean Method

Data Type Returns

object True

string False if an empty string, ""; otherwise, true

undefined False

This method converts value to the Boolean data type. The result depends on the original data type
of value.

Related Topics
“ToBuffer() Method”
“ToObject() Method” on page 270
“ToString() Method” on page 272

ToBuffer() Method
This function converts its parameter to a buffer.

NOTE: The ToBuffer() function is unique to Siebel eScript. Before using it, confirm that the
JavaScript interpreter that will run the script supports Siebel eScript functions. Avoid using this
function in a script that may be used with a JavaScript interpreter that does not support it.


Table 194 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 194. ToBuffer() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

value The value to be converted to a buffer

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 26 3

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Conversion Methods

A sequence of ASCII bytes that depends on value’s original data type, as shown in Table 195.

Table 195. Values Returned By the ToBuffer Method

Data Type Returns

Boolean The string "false" if value is false; otherwise, "true"

null The string "null"

number If value is NaN, "NaN". If value is +0 or -0, "0"; if value is POSITIVE_INFINITY or

NEGATIVE_INFINITY, "Infinity"; if value is a number, a string representing the

object The string "[object Object]"

string The text of the string

undefined The string "undefined"

This function converts value to a buffer; what is placed in the buffer is a character array of ASCII

Related Topics
“ToBytes() Method”
“ToString() Method” on page 272

ToBytes() Method
This function places its parameter in a buffer.

NOTE: The ToBytes() function is unique to Siebel eScript. Before using it, confirm that the JavaScript
interpreter that will run the script supports Siebel eScript functions. Avoid using this function in a
script that may be used with a JavaScript interpreter that does not support it.


Table 196 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 196. ToBytes() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

value The value to be placed in a buffer

264 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Conversion Methods

This function transfers the raw data represented by value to a buffer. The raw transfer does not
convert Unicode values to corresponding ASCII values. Thus, for example, the Unicode string Hit
would be stored as \OH\Oi\Ot, that is, as the hexadecimal sequence 00 48 00 69 00 74.

Related Topics
“ToBuffer() Method” on page 263
“ToString() Method” on page 272

toExponential() Method
This function returns a number converted to exponential notation with a specified number of decimal
places in its mantissa.


Table 197 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 197. toExponential() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

len The number of decimal places in the mantissa of the exponential notation
to which the number contained in variable numberVar is to be converted

This function returns the number contained in variable numberVar, expressed in exponential notation
to len decimal places. If len is less than the number of significant decimal places of numberVar, then
the function applies standard rounding (round up for 5 or greater, else round down). If len is greater
than the number of significant decimal places of numberVar, then the function pads the extra places
with zeroes. If len is negative, an error is thrown.

This function allows you to express numbers in exponential notation with a desired number of
decimal places. Exponential notation is generally used to express very large or very small numbers.
Because the mantissa of a number expressed in exponential notation is always exactly one digit,
controlling the number of decimal places is also a means of controlling the number of significant
digits in the number. The justified accuracy of the number may limit the number of significant digits.

The following uses of toExponential() yield the results shown.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 26 5

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Conversion Methods

var num = 1234.567

var num3 = num.toExponential(3) //returns 1.235e+3
var num2 = num.toExponential(0) //returns 1e+3
var num9 = num.toExponential(9) //returns 1.234567000e+3

var smallnum = 0.0001234

var smallnum2 = smallnum.toExponential(2) //returns 1.2e-4
var smallnumerr = smallnum.toExponential(-1) //throws error

Related Topics
“toFixed() Method” on page 266
“toPrecision() Method” on page 271

toFixed() Method
This function returns a number converted to a specified number of decimal places.


Table 198 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 198. toFixed() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

len The number of decimal places to which the number contained in variable
numberVar is to be converted

This function returns the number contained in variable numberVar, expressed to len decimal places.
If len is less than the number of significant decimal places of numberVar, then the function applies
standard rounding (round up for 5 or greater, else round down). If len is greater than the number of
significant decimal places of numberVar, then the function pads the extra places with zeroes. If len
is negative, an error is thrown.

This function allows you to express numbers with a desired number of decimal places; for example,
to express results of currency calculations with exactly two decimal places.

The following uses of toFixed() yield the results shown.

266 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Conversion Methods

var profits=2487.8235
var profits3 = profits.toFixed(3) //returns 2487.824
var profits2 = profits.toFixed(2) //returns 2487.82
var profits7 = profits.toFixed(7) //returns 2487.8235000
var profits0 = profits.toFixed(0) //returns 2488
var profitserr = profits.toFixed(-1) //throws error

Related Topics
“toExponential() Method” on page 265
“toPrecision() Method” on page 271

ToInt32() Method
This function converts its parameter to an integer in the range of -231 through 231 - 1.

NOTE: The ToInt32() function is unique to Siebel eScript. Before using it, confirm that the JavaScript
interpreter that will run the script supports Siebel eScript functions. Avoid using this function in a
script that may be used with a JavaScript interpreter that does not support it.


Table 199 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 199. ToInt32() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

value The value to be converted to an integer

If the result is NaN, +0. If the result is +0 or -0, 0. If the result is POSITIVE_INFINITY, or
NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Infinity. Otherwise, the integer part of the number, rounded toward 0.

This function converts value to an integer in the range of -231 through 231 - 1 (that is, -
2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647). To use it without error, first pass value to isNaN() or to

To use isNan(), use a statement in the following form:

if (isNaN(value))
. [error-handling statements];

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 26 7

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Conversion Methods


Because ToInt32() truncates rather than rounds the value it is given, numbers are rounded toward
0. That is, -12.88 becomes -12; 12.88 becomes 12.

Related Topics
“ToInteger() Method”
“ToNumber() Method” on page 269
“ToUint16() Method” on page 273
“ToUint32() Method” on page 274

ToInteger() Method
This function converts its parameter to an integer in the range of -215 to 215 - 1.

NOTE: The ToInteger() function is unique to Siebel eScript. Before using it, confirm that the
JavaScript interpreter that will run the script supports Siebel eScript functions. Avoid using this
function in a script that may be used with a JavaScript interpreter that does not support it.


Table 200 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 200. ToInteger() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

value The value to be converted to an integer

If the result is NaN, +0. If the result is +0, -0, POSITIVE_INFINITY, or NEGATIVE_INFINITY, the
result. Otherwise, the integer part of the number, rounded toward 0.

This function converts value to an integer in the range of -215 to 215 - 1 (that is, -32,768 to 32,767).
To use it without error, first pass value to isNaN() or to ToNumber().

To use toNumber(), use a statement of the form:

var x;
x = toNumber(value);
(if x == 'NaN')

268 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Conversion Methods

. [error -handling statements];


Because ToInteger() truncates rather than rounds the value it is given, numbers are rounded toward
0. That is, -12.88 becomes -12; 12.88 becomes 12.

Related Topics
“Math.round() Method” on page 292
“toFixed() Method” on page 266
“ToNumber() Method”
“ToString() Method” on page 272
“ToUint16() Method” on page 273
“ToUint32() Method” on page 274

ToNumber() Method
This function converts its parameter to a number.

NOTE: The ToNumber() function is unique to Siebel eScript. Before using it, confirm that the
JavaScript interpreter that will run the script supports Siebel eScript functions. Avoid using this
function in a script that may be used with a JavaScript interpreter that does not support it.


Table 201 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 201. ToNumber() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

value The value to be converted to a number

A value that depends on value’s original data type, as shown in Table 202.

Table 202. Values Returned By the ToNumber Method

Data Type Returns

Boolean +0 if value is false, 1 if value is true

buffer value if successful; otherwise, NaN

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 26 9

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Conversion Methods

Table 202. Values Returned By the ToNumber Method

Data Type Returns

null 0

number value

object NaN

string value if successful; otherwise, NaN

undefined NaN

This function converts its parameter to a number.

Related Topics
“Math.round() Method” on page 292
“toFixed() Method” on page 266
“ToInteger() Method” on page 268
“ToString() Method” on page 272
“ToUint16() Method” on page 273
“ToUint32() Method” on page 274

ToObject() Method
This function converts its parameter to an object.

NOTE: The ToObject() function is unique to Siebel eScript. Before using it, confirm that the
JavaScript interpreter that will run the script supports Siebel eScript functions. Avoid using this
function in a script that may be used with a JavaScript interpreter that does not support it.


Table 203 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 203. ToObject() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

value The value to be converted to an object

270 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Conversion Methods

A value that depends on value’s original data type, as shown in Table 204.

Table 204. Values Returned By the ToObject() Method

Data Type Returns

Boolean A new Boolean object having the value value

null Generates a run-time error

number A new Number object having the value value

object value

string A new string object having the value value

undefined Generates a run-time error

This function converts its parameter to an object.

Related Topics
“ToString() Method” on page 272

toPrecision() Method
This function returns a number converted to a specified number of significant digits.


Table 205 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 205. toPrecision() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

len The number of significant digits to which the number contained in

variable numberVar is to be converted

This function returns the number contained in variable numberVar, expressed to len significant digits.
If len is less than the number of significant digits of numberVar, then the function applies standard
rounding (round up for 5 or greater, else round down) and expression in scientific notation, if
necessary. If len is greater than the number of significant decimal places of numberVar, then the
function pads the extra digits with zeroes and adds a decimal point, if necessary.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 27 1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Conversion Methods

This function allows you to express numbers at a desired length; for example, the result of a scientific
calculation may only justify accuracy to a specific number of significant digits.

The following uses of toPrecision() yield the results shown.

var anumber = 123.45

var a6 = anumber.toPrecision(6) //returns 123.450
var a4 = anumber.toPrecision(4) //returns 123.5
var a2 = anumber.toPrecision(2) //returns 1.2e+2

Related Topics
“toExponential() Method” on page 265
“toFixed() Method” on page 266

ToString() Method
This method converts its parameter to a string.

NOTE: The ToString() function is unique to Siebel eScript. Before using it, confirm that the
JavaScript interpreter that will run the script supports Siebel eScript functions. Avoid using this
function in a script that may be used with a JavaScript interpreter that does not support it.


Table 206 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 206. ToString() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

value The value to be converted to a string

A value in the form of a Unicode string, the contents of which depend on value’s original data type,
as shown in Table 207.

Table 207. Values Returned By the ToString() Method

Data Type Returns

Boolean "false" if value is false; otherwise, "true"

null The string "null"

272 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Conversion Methods

Table 207. Values Returned By the ToString() Method

Data Type Returns

number If value is NaN, "NaN". If value is +0 or -0, "0"; if Infinity,

"Infinity"; if a number, a string representing the number

object The string "[object Object]"

string value
undefined The string "undefined"

This method converts its parameter to a Unicode string, the contents of which depend on value’s
original data type.

For an example, see “eval() Method” on page 259.

Related Topics
“ToBuffer() Method” on page 263
“ToBytes() Method” on page 264

ToUint16() Method
This function converts its parameter to an integer in the range of 0 through 216 -1.

NOTE: The ToUint16() function is unique to Siebel eScript. Before using it, confirm that the
JavaScript interpreter that will run the script supports Siebel eScript functions. Avoid using this
function in a script that may be used with a JavaScript interpreter that does not support it.


Table 208 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 208. ToUint16() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

value The value to be converted

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 27 3

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Conversion Methods

If the result is NaN, +0. If the result is +0, 0. If the result is POSITIVE_INFINITY, it returns Infinity.
Otherwise, it returns the unsigned (that is, absolute value of) integer part of the number, rounded
toward 0.

This function converts value to an integer in the range of 0 to 216 - 1 (65,535). To use it without
error, first pass value to isNaN() or to ToNumber().

To use toNumber(), use a statement in the following form:

var x;i
x = toNumber(value);
(if x == 'NaN')
. [error -handling statements];

Because ToUint16() truncates rather than rounds the value it is given, numbers are rounded toward
0. Therefore, 12.88 becomes 12.

Related Topics
“Math.round() Method” on page 292
“toFixed() Method” on page 266
“ToInteger() Method” on page 268
“ToNumber() Method” on page 269
“ToUint32() Method”

ToUint32() Method
This function converts its parameter to an integer in the range of 0 to 232 -1.

NOTE: The ToUint32() function is unique to Siebel eScript. Before using it, confirm that the
JavaScript interpreter that will run the script supports Siebel eScript functions. Avoid using this
function in a script that may be used with a JavaScript interpreter that does not support it.


274 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Conversion Methods

Table 209 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 209. ToUint32() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

value The value to be converted

If the result is NaN, +0. If the result is +0, 0. If the result is POSITIVE_INFINITY, it returns Infinity.
Otherwise, it returns the unsigned (that is, absolute value of) integer part of the number, rounded
toward 0.

This function converts value to an unsigned integer part of value in the range of 0 through 232 - 1
(4,294,967,296). To use it without error, first pass value to isNaN() or to ToNumber().

To use isNan() without error, use a statement in the following form:

if (isNaN(value))
. [error-handling statements];

Because ToUint32() truncates rather than rounds the value it is given, numbers are rounded toward
0. Therefore, 12.88 becomes 12.

Related Topics
“Math.round() Method” on page 292
“toFixed() Method” on page 266
“ToInteger() Method” on page 268
“ToNumber() Method” on page 269
“ToUint16() Method” on page 273

unescape(string) Method
The unescape() method removes escape sequences from a string and replaces them with the
relevant characters.


Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 27 5

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Data Handling Methods in Siebel eScript

Table 210 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 210. unescape() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

string A string literal or string variable from which escape sequences are to be removed

A string with Unicode sequences replaced by the equivalent ASCII characters.

The unescape() method is the reverse of the escape() method; it removes escape sequences from a
string and replaces them with the relevant characters.

The following line of code displays the string in its parameter with the escape sequence replaced by
printable characters. Note that %20 is the Unicode representation of the space character. Note also
that this example would normally appear on a single line, as strings cannot be broken by a newline.


The code produces the following result.

http://obscushop.com/texis/ showcat.html?catid=#2029

Related Topics
“escape() Method” on page 258

Data Handling Methods in Siebel eScript

Use the following eScript methods for various data handling tasks:

■ “Blob.get() Method” on page 95

■ “Blob.put() Method” on page 97

■ “Blob.size() Method” on page 99

■ “Blob.get() Method” on page 95

■ “escape() Method” on page 258

■ “isFinite() Method” on page 278

■ “isNaN() Method” on page 278

276 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Data Handling Methods in Siebel eScript

■ “ToString() Method” on page 272

■ “undefine() Method” on page 256

defined() Method
This function tests whether a variable or object property has been defined.

NOTE: The defined() function is unique to Siebel eScript. Before using it, confirm that the JavaScript
interpreter that will run the script supports Siebel eScript functions. Avoid using this function in a
script that may be used with a JavaScript interpreter that does not support it.


Table 211 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 211. defined() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

var The variable or object property you wish to query

True if the item has been defined; otherwise, false.

This function tests whether a variable or object property has been defined, returning true if it has or
false if it has not.

The following fragment illustrates two uses of the defined() method. The first use checks a variable,
t. The second use checks an object t.t.

var t = 1;
if (defined(t))
TheApplication().Trace("t is defined");
TheApplication().Trace("t is not defined");

if (!defined(t.t))
TheApplication().Trace("t.t is not defined"):
TheApplication().Trace("t.t is defined");

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 27 7

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Data Handling Methods in Siebel eScript

Related Topics
“undefine() Method” on page 256

isNaN() Method
The isNaN() method determines whether its parameter is or is not a number.


Table 212 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 212. isNaN() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

value The variable or expression to be evaluated

True if value is not a number; otherwise, false.

The isNaN() method determines whether value is or is not a number, returning true if it is not or false
if it is.

If value is an object reference, IsNan() always returns true, because object references are not

IsNaN("123abc") returns true.

IsNaN("123") returns false.

IsNaN("999888777123") returns false.

IsNaN("The answer is 42") returns true.

Related Topics
“isFinite() Method” on page 278

isFinite() Method
This method determines whether its parameter is a finite number.

278 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Math Objects


Table 213 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 213. isFinite() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

value The variable or expression to be evaluated

True if value is or can be converted to a number; false if value evaluates to NaN, POSITIVE_INFINITY,

The isFinite() method returns true if number is or can be converted to a number. If the parameter
evaluates to NaN, number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, or number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, the method returns
false. For details on the number object, see “NaN” on page 36.

Related Topics
“isNaN() Method” on page 278

Math Objects
The Math object in Siebel eScript has a full and powerful set of methods and properties for
mathematical operations. A programmer has a set of mathematical tools for the task of doing
mathematical calculations in a script.

Methods Supported by the Math Object

The Math Object supports the following methods:

■ “Math.abs() Method” on page 280

■ “Math.acos() Method” on page 281

■ “Math.asin() Method” on page 281

■ “Math.atan() Method” on page 282

■ “Math.atan2() Method” on page 284

■ “Math.ceil() Method” on page 285

■ “Math.cos() Method” on page 286

■ “Math.exp() Method” on page 287

■ “Math.floor() Method” on page 287

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 27 9

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Math Objects

■ “Math.log() Method” on page 288

■ “Math.max() Method” on page 289

■ “Math.min() Method” on page 290

■ “Math.pow() Method” on page 290

■ “Math.random() Method” on page 291

■ “Math.round() Method” on page 292

■ “Math.sin() Method” on page 294

■ “Math.sqrt() Method” on page 295

■ “Math.tan() Method” on page 295

Properties of the Math Object

The Math Object has the following properties:

■ “Math.E Property” on page 296

■ “Math.LN10 Property” on page 297

■ “Math.LN2 Property” on page 297

■ “Math.LOG10E Property” on page 298

■ “Math.LOG2E Property” on page 298

■ “Math.PI Property” on page 299

■ “Math.SQRT1_2 Property” on page 299

■ “Math.SQRT2 Property” on page 299

Math.abs() Method
This method returns the absolute value of its parameter; it returns NaN if the parameter cannot be
converted to a number.


Table 214 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 214. Math.abs() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

number A numeric literal or numeric variable

280 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Math Objects

The absolute value of number; or NaN if number cannot be converted to a number.

This method returns the absolute value of number. If number cannot be converted to a number, it
returns NaN.

Math.acos() Method
This method returns the arc cosine of its parameter, expressed in radians.


Table 215 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 215. Math.acos() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

number A numeric literal or numeric variable

The arc cosine of number, expressed in radians from 0 to pi, or NaN if number cannot be converted
to a number or is greater than 1 or less than -1.

This method returns the arc cosine of number. The return value is expressed in radians and ranges
from 0 to pi. It returns NaN if x cannot be converted to a number, is greater than 1, or is less than -1.

To convert radians to degrees, multiply by 180/Math.PI.

Related Topics
“Math.asin() Method”
“Math.atan() Method” on page 282
“Math.cos() Method” on page 286
“Math.sin() Method” on page 294

Math.asin() Method
This method returns an implementation-dependent approximation of the arcsine of its parameter.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 28 1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Math Objects


Table 216 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 216. Math.asin() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

number A numeric literal or numeric variable

An implementation-dependent approximation of the arcsine of number, expressed in radians and
ranging from - pi/2 to +pi/2.

This method returns an implementation-dependent approximation of the arcsine of number. The
return value is expressed in radians and ranges from -pi/2 to +pi/2. It returns NaN if number cannot
be converted to a number, is greater than 1, or is less than -1.

To convert radians to degrees, multiply by 180/Math.PI.

Related Topics
“Math.acos() Method” on page 281
“Math.atan() Method”
“Math.atan2() Method” on page 284
“Math.cos() Method” on page 286
“Math.sin() Method” on page 294
“Math.tan() Method” on page 295

Math.atan() Method
This method returns an implementation-dependent approximation of the arctangent of the


282 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Math Objects

Table 217 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 217. Math.atan() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

number A numeric literal or numeric variable

An implementation-dependent approximation of the arctangent of number, expressed in radians.

The Math.atan() function returns an implementation-dependent approximation of the arctangent of
the parameter. The return value is expressed in radians and ranges from -pi/2 to +pi/2.

The function assumes number is the ratio of two sides of a right triangle: the side opposite the angle
to find and the side adjacent to the angle. The function returns a value for the ratio.

To convert radians to degrees, multiply by 180/Math.PI.

This example finds the roof angle necessary for a house with an attic ceiling of 8 feet (at the roof
peak) and a 16-foot span from the outside wall to the center of the house. The Math.atan() function
returns the angle in radians; it is multiplied by 180/PI to convert it to degrees. Compare the example
in the discussion of “Math.atan2() Method” on page 284 to understand how the two arctangent
functions differ. Both examples return the same value.

function RoofBtn_Click ()
var height = 8;
var span = 16;
var angle = Math.atan(height/span)*(180/Math.PI);

TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("The angle is " +

Clib.rsprintf("%5.2f", angle) + " degrees.")

Related Topics
“Math.acos() Method” on page 281
“Math.asin() Method” on page 281
“Math.atan2() Method” on page 284
“Math.cos() Method” on page 286
“Math.sin() Method” on page 294
“Math.tan() Method” on page 295

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 28 3

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Math Objects

Math.atan2() Method
This function returns an implementation-dependent approximation to the arctangent of the quotient
of its parameters.

Math.atan2(y, x)

Table 218 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 218. Math.atan2() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

y The value on the y axis

x The value on the x axis

An implementation-dependent approximation of the arctangent of y/x, in radians.

This function returns an implementation-dependent approximation to the arctangent of the quotient,
y/x, of the parameters y and x, where the signs of the parameters are used to determine the
quadrant of the result. It is intentional and traditional for the two-parameter arctangent function that
the parameter named y be first and the parameter named x be second. The return value is expressed
in radians and ranges from -pi to +pi.

This example finds the roof angle necessary for a house with an attic ceiling of 8 feet (at the roof
peak) and a 16-foot span from the outside wall to the center of the house. The Math.atan2() function
returns the angle in radians; it is multiplied by 180/PI to convert it to degrees. Compare the example
in the discussion of “Math.atan() Method” on page 282 to understand how the two arctangent
functions differ. Both examples return the same value.

function RoofBtn2_Click ()
var height = 8;
var span = 16;
var angle = Math.atan2(span, height)*(180/Math.PI);

TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("The angle is " +

Clib.rsprintf("%5.2f", angle) + " degrees.")

Related Topics
“Math.acos() Method” on page 281

284 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Math Objects

“Math.asin() Method” on page 281

“Math.atan() Method” on page 282
“Math.cos() Method” on page 286
“Math.sin() Method” on page 294
“Math.tan() Method” on page 295

Math.ceil() Method
This method returns the smallest integer that is not less than its parameter.


Table 219 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 219. Math.ceil() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

number A numeric literal or numeric variable

The smallest integer that is not less than number; if number is an integer, number.

This method returns the smallest integer that is not less than number. If the parameter is already
an integer, the result is the parameter itself. It returns NaN if number cannot be converted to a

The following code fragment generates a random number between 0 and 100 and displays the integer
range in which the number falls. Each run of this code produces a different result.

var x = Math.random() * 100;

TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("The number is between " +
Math.floor(x) + " and " + Math.ceil(x) + ".");

Related Topics
“Math.floor() Method” on page 287

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 28 5

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Math Objects

Math.cos() Method
This method returns an implementation-dependent approximation of the cosine of the parameter.
The parameter is expressed in radians.


Table 220 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 220. Math.cos() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

number A numeric literal or numeric variable representing an angle in radians

An implementation-dependent approximation of the cosine of number.

The return value is between -1 and 1. NaN is returned if number cannot be converted to a number.

The angle can be either positive or negative. To convert degrees to radians, multiply by Math.PI/180.

This example finds the length of a roof, given its pitch and the distance of the house from its center
to the outside wall.

function RoofBtn3_Click ()
var pitch;
var width;
var roof;

pitch = 35;
pitch = Math.cos(pitch*(Math.PI/180));
width = 75;
width = width / 2;
roof = width/pitch;

TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("The length of the roof is " +

Clib.rsprintf("%5.2f", roof) + " feet.");

Related Topics
“Math.acos() Method” on page 281
“Math.asin() Method” on page 281

286 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Math Objects

“Math.atan() Method” on page 282

“Math.atan2() Method” on page 284
“Math.sin() Method” on page 294
“Math.tan() Method” on page 295

Math.exp() Method
This method returns an implementation-dependent approximation of the exponential function of its


Table 221 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 221. Math.exp() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

number The exponent value of e

The value of e raised to the power number.

This method returns an implementation-dependent approximation of the exponential function of its
parameter. The parameter, that is, returns e raised to the power of the x, where e is the base of the
natural logarithms. NaN is returned if number cannot be converted to a number. The value of e is
represented internally as approximately 2.7182818284590452354.

Related Topics
“Math.E Property” on page 296
“Math.LN10 Property” on page 297
“Math.LN2 Property” on page 297
“Math.log() Method” on page 288
“Math.LOG2E Property” on page 298
“Math.LOG10E Property” on page 298

Math.floor() Method
This method returns the greatest integer that is not greater than its parameter.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 28 7

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Math Objects


Table 222 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 222. Math.floor() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

number A numeric literal or numeric variable

The greatest integer that is not greater than number; if number is an integer, number.

This method returns the greatest integer that is not greater than number. If the parameter is already
an integer, the result is the parameter itself. It returns NaN if number cannot be converted to a

For an example, see “Math.ceil() Method” on page 285.

Related Topics
“Math.ceil() Method” on page 285

Math.log() Method
This function returns an implementation-dependent approximation of the natural logarithm of its


Table 223 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 223. Math.log() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

number A numeric literal or numeric variable

An implementation-dependent approximation of the natural logarithm of number.

288 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Math Objects

This example uses the Math.log() function to determine which number is larger: 999^1000 (999 to
the 1000th power) or 1000^999 (1000 to the 999th power). Note that if you attempt to use the
Math.pow() function instead of the Math.log() function with numbers this large, the result returned
would be Infinity.

function Test_Click ()
var x = 999;
var y = 1000;
var a = y*(Math.log(x));
var b = x*(Math.log(y))
if ( a > b )
RaiseErrorText("999^1000 is greater than 1000^999.");
RaiseErrorText("999^1000 is not greater than 1000^999.");

Related Topics
“Math.E Property” on page 296
“Math.exp() Method” on page 287
“Math.LN10 Property” on page 297
“Math.LN2 Property” on page 297
“Math.LOG2E Property” on page 298
“Math.LOG10E Property” on page 298
“Math.pow() Method” on page 290

Math.max() Method
This function returns the larger of its parameters.

Math.max(x, y)

Table 224 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 224. Math.max() Method Parameters

Parameter Description
x A numeric literal or numeric variable

y A numeric literal or numeric variable

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 28 9

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Math Objects

The larger of x and y.

This function returns the larger of x and y, or NaN if either parameter cannot be converted to a

Related Topics
“Math.min() Method”

Math.min() Method
This function returns the smaller of its parameters.

Math.min(x, y)

Table 225 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 225. Math.min() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

x A numeric literal or numeric variable

y A numeric literal or numeric variable

The smaller of x and y.

This function returns the smaller of x and y, or NaN if either parameter cannot be converted to a

Related Topics
“Math.max() Method” on page 289

Math.pow() Method
This function returns the value of its first parameter raised to the power of its second parameter.

290 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Math Objects

Math.pow(x, y)

Table 226 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 226. Math.pow() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

x The number to be raised to a power

y The power to which to raise x

The value of x to the power of y.

This function returns the value of x raised to the power of y.

This example uses the Math.pow() function to determine which number is larger: 99^100 (99 to the
100th power) or 100^99 (100 to the 99th power). Note that if you attempt to use the Math.pow()
method with numbers as large as those used in the example in “Math.log() Method” on page 288, the
result returned is Infinity.

function Test_Click ()
var a = Math.pow(99, 100);
var b = Math.pow(100, 99);
if ( a > b )
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("99^100 is greater than 100^99.");
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("99^100 is not greater than 100^99.");

Related Topics
“Math.exp() Method” on page 287
“Math.log() Method” on page 288
“Math.sqrt() Method” on page 295

Math.random() Method
This function returns a pseudo-random number between 0 and 1.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 29 1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Math Objects


A pseudo-random number between 0 and 1.

This function generates a pseudo-random number between 0 and 1. It takes no parameters. Where
possible, it should be used in place of the Clib.rand() method. The Clib.rand() method is to be
preferred only when it is necessary to use Clib.srand() to seed the Clib random number generator
with a specific value.

This example generates a random string of characters within a range. The Math.random() function
is used to set the range between lowercase a and z.

function Test_Click ()
var str1 = "";
var letter;
var randomvalue;
var upper = "z";
var lower = "a";

upper = upper.charCodeAt(0);
lower = lower.charCodeAt(0);

for (var x = 1; x < 26; x++)

randomvalue = Math.round(((upper - (lower + 1)) *
Math.random()) + lower);
letter = String.fromCharCode(randomvalue);
str1 = str1 + letter;


Related Topics
“Clib.rand() Method” on page 176
“Clib.srand() Method” on page 177

Math.round() Method
This method rounds a number to its nearest integer.

292 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Math Objects


Table 227 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 227. Math.round() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

number A numeric literal or numeric variable

The integer closest in value to number.

The number parameter is rounded up if its fractional part is equal to or greater than 0.5 and is
rounded down if less than 0.5. Both positive and negative numbers are rounded to the nearest

This code fragment yields the values 124 and -124.

var a = Math.round(123.6);
var b = Math.round(-123.6)
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText(a + "\n" + b)

NOTE: Rounding may not be precise if you multiply or divide a value and then round it. Multiplication
and division lead to precision loss.

This code fragment illustrates precision loss due to multiplication.

var n = 34.855;
n = n* 100;
var r = Math.round(n)

The value of n is 3485.499999999999995 instead of 3485.5. When rounded this results in 3485
instead of 3486.

This code fragment provides a workaround for the loss of precision due to multiplication.

var n = parseFloat(34.855);
n = parseFloat(n1b*100.0);
var r = Math.round(n);

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 29 3

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Math Objects

Related Topics
“Clib.modf() Method” on page 175
“toFixed() Method” on page 266
“ToInteger() Method” on page 268
“ToUint16() Method” on page 273
“ToUint32() Method” on page 274

Math.sin() Method
This method returns the sine of an angle expressed in radians.


Table 228 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 228. Math.sin() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

number A numeric expression containing a number representing the size of

an angle in radians

The sine of number, or NaN if number cannot be converted to a number.

The return value is between -1 and 1. The angle is specified in radians and can be either positive or

To convert degrees to radians, multiply by Math.PI/180.

Related Topics
“Math.acos() Method” on page 281
“Math.asin() Method” on page 281
“Math.atan() Method” on page 282
“Math.atan2() Method” on page 284
“Math.cos() Method” on page 286
“Math.tan() Method” on page 295

294 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Math Objects

Math.sqrt() Method
This method returns the square root of its parameter; it returns NaN if x is a negative number or is
a value that cannot be converted to a number.


Table 229 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 229. Math.sqrt() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

number A numeric literal or numeric variable

The square root of number, or NaN if number is negative or is a value that cannot be converted to a

This method returns the square root of number, or Nan if number is negative or is a value that cannot
be converted to a number.

Related Topics
“Math.exp() Method” on page 287
“Math.log() Method” on page 288
“Math.pow() Method” on page 290

Math.tan() Method
This method returns the tangent of its parameter.


Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 29 5

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Math Objects

Table 230 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 230. Math.tan() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

number A numeric expression containing the number of radians in the angle whose
tangent is to be returned

The tangent of number, or NaN if number is a value that cannot be converted to a number.

This method returns the tangent of number, expressed in radians, or NaN if number cannot be
converted to a number. To convert degrees to radians, multiply by Math.PI/180.

Related Topics
“Math.acos() Method” on page 281
“Math.asin() Method” on page 281
“Math.atan() Method” on page 282
“Math.atan2() Method” on page 284
“Math.cos() Method” on page 286
“Math.sin() Method” on page 294

Math.E Property
This property stores the number value for e, the base of natural logarithms.


The value of e is represented internally as approximately 2.7182818284590452354.

Related Topics
“Math.exp() Method” on page 287
“Math.LN10 Property” on page 297
“Math.LN2 Property” on page 297
“Math.log() Method” on page 288
“Math.LOG2E Property” on page 298

296 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Math Objects

“Math.LOG10E Property” on page 298

Math.LN10 Property
This property stores the number value for the natural logarithm of 10.


The value of the natural logarithm of 10 is represented internally as approximately

Related Topics
“Math.exp() Method” on page 287
“Math.LN2 Property”
“Math.log() Method” on page 288
“Math.LOG2E Property” on page 298
“Math.LOG10E Property” on page 298

Math.LN2 Property
This property stores the number value for the natural logarithm of 2.


The value of the natural logarithm of 2 is represented internally as approximately

Related Topics
“Math.E Property” on page 296
“Math.exp() Method” on page 287
“Math.LN10 Property”
“Math.log() Method” on page 288
“Math.LOG2E Property” on page 298
“Math.LOG10E Property” on page 298

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 29 7

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Math Objects

Math.LOG10E Property
The number value for the base 10 logarithm of e, the base of the natural logarithms.


The value of the base 10 logarithm of e is represented internally as approximately
0.4342944819032518. The value of Math.LOG10E is approximately the reciprocal of the value of

Related Topics
“Math.E Property” on page 296
“Math.exp() Method” on page 287
“Math.LN10 Property” on page 297
“Math.LN2 Property” on page 297
“Math.log() Method” on page 288
“Math.LOG2E Property”

Math.LOG2E Property
This property stores the number value for the base 2 logarithm of e, the base of the natural


The value of the base 2 logarithm of e is represented internally as approximately
1.4426950408889634. The value of Math.LOG2E is approximately the reciprocal of the value of

Related Topics
“Math.E Property” on page 296
“Math.exp() Method” on page 287
“Math.LN10 Property” on page 297
“Math.LN2 Property” on page 297
“Math.log() Method” on page 288
“Math.LOG10E Property”

298 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Math Objects

Math.PI Property
This property holds the number value for pi.


This property holds the value of pi, which is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.
This value is represented internally as approximately 3.14159265358979323846.

For examples, see:

■ “Math.atan() Method” on page 282

■ “Math.atan2() Method” on page 284

■ “Math.cos() Method” on page 286

Math.SQRT1_2 Property
This property stores the number value for the square root of ½.


This property stores the number value for the square root of ½, which is represented internally as
approximately 0.7071067811865476. The value of Math.SQRT1_2 is approximately the reciprocal of
the value of Math.SQRT2.

Related Topics
“Math.sqrt() Method” on page 295
“Math.SQRT2 Property”

Math.SQRT2 Property
This property stores the number value for the square root of 2.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 29 9

Siebel eScript Commands ■ Property Set Objects


This property stores the number value for the square root of 2, which is represented internally as
approximately 1.4142135623730951.

Related Topics
“Math.sqrt() Method” on page 295
“Math.tan() Method” on page 295

Property Set Objects

Property set objects are collections of properties that can be used for storing data. They may have
child property sets assigned to them. Property sets are used primarily for inputs and outputs to
business services. You can assign child property sets to a property set to form a hierarchical data
structure. Methods of property set objects are documented in the Siebel Object Interfaces Reference.
Table 231 describes the Property Set object methods.

Table 231. Property Set Object Methods

Method Description

AddChild() Method The AddChild() method is used to add subsidiary property sets to
a property set, in order to form tree-structured data structures.

Copy() Method Copy() returns a copy of a property set.

GetChild() Method GetChild() returns a specified child property set of a property set.

GetChildCount() Method GetChildCount() returns the number of child property sets

attached to a parent property set.

GetFirstProperty() Method GetFirstProperty() returns the name of the first property in a

property set.

GetNextProperty() Method GetNextProperty() returns the name of the next property in a

property set.

GetProperty() Method GetProperty() returns the value of a property, when given the
property name.

GetPropertyCount() Method GetPropertyCount() returns the number of properties associated

with a property set.

GetType() Method GetType() retrieves the data value stored in the type attribute of
a property set.

GetValue() Method GetValue() retrieves the data value stored in the value attribute
of a property set.

300 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ RegExp Objects

Table 231. Property Set Object Methods

Method Description

InsertChildAt() Method InsertChildAt() inserts a child property set into a parent property
set at a specific location.

PropertyExists() Method PropertyExists() returns a Boolean value indicating whether a

specified property exists in a property set.

RemoveChild() Method RemoveChild() removes a child property set from a parent

property set.

RemoveProperty() Method RemoveProperty() removes a property from a property set.

Reset() Method This method removes every property and child property set from
a property set.

SetProperty() Method SetProperty() assigns a data value to a property in a property set.

SetType() Method SetType() assigns a data value to a type member of a property


SetValue() Method SetValue() assigns a data value to a value member of a property


RegExp Objects
RegExp, or regular expression, object instances are definitions of character patterns and associated
attributes that are used to perform character pattern searches of target strings.

RegExp Object Methods

The Siebel ST eScript engine does not support the following static methods of the RegExp object:
RegExp.$n (including '$_' and '$&'), RegExp.input, RegExp.lastMatch, RegExp.lastParen,
RegExp.leftContext, and RegExp.rightContext. The Siebel T engine does support these methods.

Both the Siebel ST and T eScript engines support the following methods that are documented in this

■ “RegExp compile() Method”

■ “RegExp exec() Method” on page 302

■ “RegExp test() Method” on page 305

Throughout this section, regexp is used to represent a RegExp object instance.

RegExp compile() Method

This method changes the pattern and attributes to use with the current instance of a RegExp object.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 30 1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ RegExp Object Methods

regexp.compile(pattern[, attributes])

Table 232 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 232. regexp.compile() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

pattern A string with a new regular expression pattern to use with this RegExp object

attributes A string with the new attributes for this RegExp object. If included, this string
must contain one or more of the following characters or be an empty string "":

i - sets the ignoreCase property to true

g - sets the global property to true

m - sets the multiline property to true

This method allows use of a RegExp instance multiple times with changes to its characteristics.

Use the compile() method with a regular expression that is created with the constructor function,
not the literal notation.

var regobj = new RegExp("now");
// use this RegExp object
// use it some more
regobj.compile("t.+o", "ig");
// use it some more

Related Topics
“RegExp global Property” on page 306
“RegExp ignoreCase Property” on page 307
“RegExp multiline Property” on page 307
“RegExp source Property” on page 308

RegExp exec() Method

This method returns an array of strings that are matches of the regular expression on the target


302 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ RegExp Object Methods

Table 233 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 233. regexp.exec() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

str A string on which to perform a regular expression match

This method returns an array with various elements (the matched strings that are found), and their
property sets. The elements returned depend on the attributes of the regular expression. The method
returns null if no match is found.

Of all the RegExp and String methods, RegExp exec() is one of the most powerful because it includes
all information about each match in its returned array.

When exec() is executed without the global attribute, "g", being set on the RegExp instance, and a
match is found, then:

■ Element 0 of the returned array is the first text in the string that matches the primary RegExp

■ Element 1 is the text matched by the first subpattern (in parentheses) of the RegExp instance.

■ Element 2 is the text matched by the second subpattern of the RegExp instance, and so forth.

These elements and their numbers correspond to groups in regular expression patterns and
replacement expressions.

The returned array includes the following properties:

■ The length property is the number of text matches in the returned array.

■ The index property is the start position of the first text that matches the primary RegExp pattern.

■ The input property is the target string that was searched.

The return values, and the index and input properties are the same as those of the returned array
from the String match() Method when match() is used on a regular expression whose global attribute
is not set.

When exec() is executed with the global attribute, "g", set on the RegExp instance, and a match is
found, then:

■ The same results are returned as when the global attribute is not set, but the behavior is more
complex, which allows further operations.

NOTE: Although exec() and the String match() method provide the same return arrays when the
global attribute is not set on the regular expression, exec() and match() return different arrays
when the global attribute is set on the regular expression.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 30 3

Siebel eScript Commands ■ RegExp Object Methods

■ Searching begins at the position in the target string specified by this.lastIndex. After a match is
found, this.lastIndex is set to the position after the last character in the text matched. The
property this.lastIndex is read/write and may be set at anytime, so you can loop through a string
and find all matches of a pattern by setting this.lastIndex to the start position of the previous
match found + 1. When no match is found, this.lastIndex is reset to 0.

If you use the T eScript engine and any matches are found, appropriate RegExp object static
properties, such as RegExp.leftContext, RegExp.rightContext, RegExp.$n, and so forth are set,
providing more information about the matches.

NOTE: The ST eScript engine does not support the following static properties of the RegExp object:
RegExp.$n (including '$_' and '$&'), RegExp.input, RegExp.lastMatch, RegExp.lastParen,
RegExp.leftContext, RegExp.rightContext.

The following example calls exec() from a regular expression whose global attribute is not set. The
output is commented.

function fn ()
var myString = new String("Better internet");
var myRE = new RegExp(/(.).(.er)/i);
var results = myRE.exec(myString);
var resultmsg = "";
for(var i =0; i < results.length; i++)
resultmsg = resultmsg + "return[" + i + "] = " + results[i] + "\n";
fn ();

Output is:

return[0] = etter \\First text containing primary pattern ...er (any three
\\characters followed by "er")
return[1] = e \\First text matching the first subpattern (.) (any single
\\character) within the first text matching the primary pattern
return[2] = ter \\First text matching the second subpattern (.er) (any single
\\character followed by "er") within the first text matching
\\the primary pattern

The following example calls exec() from a regular expression whose global attribute is set. The
method returns all matches of the regular expression’s primary pattern in a string, including matches
that overlap.

function fn ()
var str = "ttttot tto";
var pat = new RegExp("t.t", "g");
var resultmsg = "";
while ((rtn = pat.exec(str)) != null)

304 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ RegExp Object Methods

resultmsg = resultmsg + "Text = " + rtn[0] + " Pos = " + rtn.index

+ " End = " + (pat.lastIndex - 1) + "\n";
pat.lastIndex = rtn.index + 1;
fn ();

Output is:

Text = ttt Pos = 0 End = 2

Text = ttt Pos = 1 End = 3
Text = tot Pos = 3 End = 5
Text = t t Pos = 5 End = 7

Related Topics
“RegExp test() Method”
“String match() Method” on page 323

RegExp test() Method

This method indicates whether a target string contains a regular expression pattern.


Table 234 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 234. regexp.test() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

str A string on which to perform a regular expression match

This method returns true if the target string contains the regular expression pattern, else it returns

This method is equivalent to regexp.exec(str)!=null.

If you use the T eScript engine and there is a match, then appropriate RegExp object static
properties, such as RegExp.leftContext, RegExp.rightContext, RegExp.$n, and so forth are set,
providing more information about the matches.

NOTE: The ST eScript engine does not support the following static properties of the RegExp object:
RegExp.$n (including '$_' and '$&'), RegExp.input, RegExp.lastMatch, RegExp.lastParen,
RegExp.leftContext, RegExp.rightContext.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 30 5

Siebel eScript Commands ■ RegExp Object Properties

Although not common, test() may be used in a special way when the global attribute, g, is set on
the RegExp instance. As with RegExp exec(), when a match is found, the lastIndex property of the
RegExp instance is set to the character position after the found text match. Thus, test() may be used
repeatedly on a string, for instance, to determine whether a string has more than one match or to
count the number of matches.

For information about using the RegExp lastIndex property repeatedly on a string, see “RegExp exec()
Method” on page 302.

var str = "one two three tio one";
var pat = /t.o/;
rtn = pat.test(str);
// Then rtn == true.

Related Topics
“RegExp exec() Method” on page 302
“String match() Method” on page 323

RegExp Object Properties

The Siebel ST and Siebel T eScript engines support the following RegExp Object properties.

Throughout this section, regexp is used to represent a RegExp object instance.

■ “RegExp global Property”

■ “RegExp ignoreCase Property” on page 307

■ “RegExp multiline Property” on page 307

■ “RegExp source Property” on page 308

RegExp global Property

This read-only property indicates the value of the global attribute of an instance of the RegExp


This property has a value of true if "g" is an attribute of the regular expression pattern being used,
else its value is false.

NOTE: The global attribute of a RegExp instance can be changed with the RegExp compile() method.

306 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ RegExp Object Properties

// Create RegExp instance with global attribute.
var pat = /^Begin/g;
var pat = new RegExp("^Begin", "g");
//Then pat.global == true.

Related Topics
“RegExp compile() Method” on page 301

RegExp ignoreCase Property

This read-only property indicates the value of the ignoreCase attribute of an instance of the RegExp


This property has a value of true if "i" is an attribute of the regular expression pattern being used,
else its value is false.

NOTE: The ignoreCase attribute of a RegExp instance can be changed with the RegExp compile()

// Create RegExp instance with ignoreCase attribute.
var pat = /^Begin/i;
var pat = new RegExp("^Begin", "i");
//Then pat.ignoreCase == true.

Related Topics
“RegExp compile() Method” on page 301

RegExp multiline Property

This read-only property indicates the value of the multiline attribute of an instance of the RegExp


Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 30 7

Siebel eScript Commands ■ SElib Objects

This property has a value of true if "m" is an attribute of the regular expression pattern being used,
else its value is false. The multiline property determines whether a pattern search is done in a
multiline mode.

NOTE: The multiline attribute of a RegExp instance can be changed with the RegExp compile()

// Create RegExp instance with multiline attribute.
var pat = /^Begin/m;
var pat = new RegExp("^Begin", "i");
//Then pat.multiline == true.

Related Topics
“RegExp compile() Method” on page 301

RegExp source Property

This read-only property stores the regular expression pattern being used to find matches in a string,
not including the attributes.


This read-only property stores the regular expression pattern being used to find matches in a string,
not including the attributes.

NOTE: The source attribute of a RegExp instance can be changed with the RegExp compile() method.

var pat = /t.o/g;
// Then pat.source == "t.o"

Related Topics
“RegExp compile() Method” on page 301

SElib Objects
In Siebel eScript, the SElib object is used to call out to external libraries and applications.

308 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ SElib Objects

SElib.dynamicLink() Method
This method calls a procedure from a dynamic link library (Windows) or shared object (UNIX).

Windows Syntax
SElib.dynamicLink(Library, Procedure, Convention[, [desc,] arg1, arg2, arg3, ..., argn])

UNIX Syntax
SElib.dynamicLink(Library, Procedure[, arg1, arg2, arg3, ...argn])

NOTE: On UNIX, the total number of parameters passed with SElib.dynamicLink() must not exceed
22. These 22 parameters include the shared library name and the procedure name, so you can pass
up to 20 additional parameters.

Table 235 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 235. SElib.dynamicLink() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

Library Under Windows, the name of the DLL containing the procedure;
under UNIX, the name of a shared object; can be specified by fully
qualified path name

Procedure The name or ordinal number of the procedure in the Library

dynamic link library

Convention The calling convention

desc Used to pass a Unicode string; for example, WCHAR

arg1, arg2, arg3, ..., argn Parameters to the procedure

The calling convention must be one of the values shown in Table 236.

Table 236. Calling Conventions

Value Description
CDECL Push right parameter first; the caller pops parameters

STDCALL Push right parameter first; the caller pops parameters (this value is
almost always the option used in Win32)

PASCAL Push left parameter first; the callee pops parameters

Values are passed as 32-bit values. If a parameter is undefined when SElib.dynamicLink() is called,
then it is assumed that the parameter is a 32-bit value to be filled in; that is, the address of a 32-
bit data element is passed to the function and that function sets the value.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 30 9

Siebel eScript Commands ■ SElib Objects

If any parameter is a structure, then it must be a structure that defines the binary data types in
memory to represent the following variable. Before calling the function, the structure is copied to a
binary buffer as described in “Blob.put() Method” on page 97 and “Clib.fwrite() Method” on page 160.

After calling the function, the binary data are converted back into the data structure according to the
rules defined in Blob.get() and Clib.fread(). Data conversion is performed according to the current
BigEndianMode setting. The function returns an integer.

The following code example shows a proxy DLL that takes denormalized input values, creates the
structure, and invokes a method in the destination DLL. The defined method score is called by SElib
dynamicLink in the subsequent example code.

#include <windows.h>
_declspec(dllexport) int __cdecl
score (
double AGE,
double *P_CHURN_SCORE,
double *R_CHURN_SCORE,
char _WARN_[5] )
strcpy(_WARN_, "SFD");

The following example shows the eScript code required to invoke a DLL. In this code, the Buffer is
used for pointers and characters:

function TestDLLCall3()
var AGE = 10;
var CHURN_SCORE = 40;
var HOMEOWNER = 60;
var P_CHURN_SCORE = Buffer(8);
var R_CHURN_SCORE = Buffer(8);
var _WARN_ = Buffer(5);

SElib.dynamicLink("jddll.dll", "score", CDECL,


310 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ SElib Objects


var r_churn_score = R_CHURN_SCORE.getValue(8, "float");

var p_churn_score = P_CHURN_SCORE.getValue(8, "float");
var nReturns = r_churn_score + p_churn_score;

The following code calls a DLL function in the default codepage:

var sHello = "Hello";

Selib.dynamicLink("MyLib.dll", "MyFunc", CDECL, sHello);

The following code calls a DLL function that passes Unicode strings.

var sHello = "Hello";

Selib.dynamicLink("MyLib.dll", "MyFunc", CDECL, WCHAR, sHello);

The following code calls a DLL function that passes both Unicode and non-Unicode strings.

var sHello = "Hello";

var sWorld = "world";
Selib.dynamicLink("MyLib.dll", "MyFunc", CDECL, WCHAR, sHello, sWorld);

The following example shows how to call an external application and pass it arguments (0, 0, and 5):

SElib.dynamicLink("shell32", "ShellExecuteA", STDCALL, 0, "open",

"c:\\Grabdata.exe", 0, 0, 5).

Related Topics
“Clib.system() Method” on page 212

SElib.peek() Method
This method reads data from a specific position in memory.

SElib.peek(address[, dataType])

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 31 1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ SElib Objects

Table 237 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 237. SElib.peek() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

address The address in memory from which to get data, that is, a pointer to the data in

dataType The type of data to get, from among the following types: UWORD8, SWORD8,
FLOAT64, FLOAT80 (not available in Win32)

For each type, the numerical suffix, for example 8 or 16, specifies the number of
bytes to get. The “S” or “U” prefix on some types designates “signed” or
“unsigned,” respectively.

The default value is UWORD8.

This method returns the data specified by dataType.

This method reads (or gets) data from the position in memory to which the address argument points.
The dataType parameter specifies how many bytes to read and how to interpret the data.

CAUTION: Routines that work with memory directly should be used with caution. To avoid
destroying or moving data unexpectedly, you should clearly understand memory and the operations
of these methods before using them.

var v = new Buffer("Now");
// Collect "Now", the original value, for display.
// Get the address of the first byte of v, "N"
var vPtr = SElib.pointer(v);
// Get the "N"
var p = SElib.peek(vPtr);
// Convert "N" to "P"
// Display "Pow"

The script produces the following trace output:


312 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ SElib Objects

Related Topics
“SElib.poke() Method” on page 314
“Blob.get() Method” on page 95
“Clib.memchr() Method” on page 121
“Clib.fread() Method” on page 152

SElib.pointer() Method
This method gets the address in memory of a Buffer variable.


Table 238 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 238. SElib.pointer() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

bufferVar The name or identifier of a Buffer variable

This method returns the address of (a pointer to) the Buffer variable identified by varName.

This method gets the address in memory of the first byte of data in a Buffer variable. For information
on the Buffer object, see “Buffer Objects in Siebel eScript” on page 100.

CAUTION: A pointer is valid only until a script modifies the variable identified by bufferVar or until
the variable goes out of scope in a script. Putting data in the memory occupied by bufferVar after
such a change is dangerous. When data is put into the memory occupied by bufferVar, be careful not
to put more data than will fit in the memory that the variable actually occupies.

var v = new Buffer("Now");
// Collect "Now", the original value, for display.
// Get the address of the first byte of v, "N"
var vPtr = SElib.pointer(v);
// Get the "N"
var p = SElib.peek(vPtr);
// Convert "N" to "P"

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 31 3

Siebel eScript Commands ■ SElib Objects

// Display "Pow"

The script produces the following trace output:


Related Topics
“SElib.peek() Method” on page 311
“SElib.poke() Method”
“BLOB Objects” on page 94
“Clib.memchr() Method” on page 121

SElib.poke() Method
This method writes data to a specific position in memory.

SElib.poke(address, data[, dataType])

Table 239 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 239. SElib.poke() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

address The address in memory to which to write data, that is, a pointer to the position
in memory in which to start writing the data.

data The data to write directly to memory. The data should match the type given by

dataType The type of data to write, from among the following types: UWORD8, SWORD8,
FLOAT64, FLOAT80 (not available in Win32)

For each type, the numerical suffix, for example 8 or 16, specifies the number
of bytes to write. The “S” or “U” prefix on some types designates “signed” or
“unsigned,” respectively.

The default value is UWORD8.

This method returns the address of the byte that follows the data that is written to memory.

314 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ String Objects

This method writes data to the position in memory to which the address argument points. The data
to be written must match the type given by the dataType argument, or its default value if not
provided. The dataType argument specifies how many bytes to write and how to interpret the data.

CAUTION: Routines that work with memory directly should be used with caution. To avoid
destroying or moving data unexpectedly, you should clearly understand memory and the operations
of these methods before using them.

var v = new Buffer("Now");
// Collect "Now", the original value, for display.
// Get the address of the first byte of v, "N"
var vPtr = SElib.pointer(v);
// Get the "N"
var p = SElib.peek(vPtr);
// Convert "N" to "P"
// Display "Pow"

The script produces the following trace output:


Related Topics
“SElib.peek() Method” on page 311
“Blob.put() Method” on page 97
“Clib.memchr() Method” on page 121
“Clib.fread() Method” on page 152

String Objects
One of the properties of the String object is its value, a sequence of text characters. Like other
objects, the String object has other properties and methods.

Throughout this section, “string” is used to represent the value of an instance of the String object,
that is, a sequence of characters. Typically, other properties of the String object are attributes that
describe the string value, and methods of the String object manipulate the string value.

To indicate that a text literal is a string, it is enclosed in quotation marks. In the following example,
the first statement puts the string "hello" into the variable word. The second sets the variable word
to have the same value as the variable hello.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 31 5

Siebel eScript Commands ■ String Objects

var word = "hello";

word = hello;

You can declare a string with single quotes instead of double quotes. There is no difference between
the two in eScript.

Related Topics
“Escape Sequences for Characters in Siebel eScript”
“String Object Methods and Properties in Siebel eScript” on page 317

Escape Sequences for Characters in Siebel eScript

Some characters, such as a quotation mark, have special meaning to the Siebel eScript interpreter
and must be indicated with special character combinations when used in strings. This indication
allows the Siebel eScript interpreter to distinguish between, for example, a quotation mark that is
part of a string and a quotation mark that indicates the end of the string. Table 240 lists the
characters indicated by escape sequences.

Table 240. Characters Indicated By Escape Sequences in Siebel eScript

Escape Sequence Description

\a Audible bell

\b Backspace

\f Form feed
\n Newline

\r Carriage return

\t Tab

\v Vertical tab
\’ Single quote

\” Double quote

\\ Backslash character

\0### Octal number (example: '\033' is the escape character)

\x## Hex number (example: '\x1B' is the escape character)

\0 Null character (example: '\0' is the null character)

\u#### Unicode number (example: '\u001B' is the escape character)

These escape sequences cannot be used within strings enclosed by back quotes, which are explained
in “Back-Quote Strings in Siebel eScript” on page 317.

316 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ String Objects

Back-Quote Strings in Siebel eScript

Siebel eScript provides the back quote "`", (also known as the back-tick or grave accent), as an
alternative quote character to indicate that escape sequences are not to be translated; that is, the
escape characters are part of a string. Special characters represented by a back slash followed by a
letter, such as \n, cannot be used in back-quote strings.

For example, the following lines show different ways to describe a single file name:

"c:\\autoexec.bat" // traditional C method

'c:\\autoexec.bat' // traditional C method
`c:\autoexec.bat' // alternative Siebel eScript method

Back-quote strings are not supported in most versions of JavaScript. Therefore, if you plan to port
your script to some other JavaScript interpreter, do not use them.

String Object Methods and Properties in Siebel eScript

The following conventions are used in the methods and properties in this topic:

■ stringVar indicates any string variable. A specific instance of a variable should precede the period
to use a property or call a method.

■ The identifier String indicates a static method of the String object. It does not apply to a specific
instance of the String object.

String charAt() Method

This method returns a character at a certain place in a string.


Table 241 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 241. string.charAt() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

position An integer indicating the position in the string of the character to be returned,
where the position of the first character in the string is 0.

A string of length 1 representing the character at position.

To get the first character in a string, use index 0, as follows:

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 31 7

Siebel eScript Commands ■ String Objects

var string1 = "a string";

var firstchar = string1.charAt(0);

To get the last character in a string, use:

var lastchar = string1.charAt(string1.length - 1);

If position does not fall between 0 and stringVar.length - 1, stringVar.charAt() returns an empty

Related Topics
“String indexOf() Method” on page 320
“String lastIndexOf() Method” on page 321
“String length Property” on page 322
“String.fromCharCode() Static Method” on page 319

String charCodeAt() Method

This method returns the Unicode value of the character at a particular position in a string.

Table 242 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 242. String charCodeAt() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

position An integer indicating the position in the string of the character whose Unicode
value is to be returned, where the position of the first character in the string
is 0.

A 16-bit integer between 0 and 65535 indicating the Unicode value of the character at position, or
NaN if there is no character at position.

The character count starts at 0. To get the code of the first character in a string, use index 0 as

var string1 = "a string";


To get the code of the last character in a string, use:

string1.charCodeAt(string1.length - 1);

318 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ String Objects

If position does not fall between 0 and stringVar.length - 1, stringVar.charCodeAt() returns NaN.

The following eScript code, if added to the Contact business component, ensures that only characters
within the Latin character set (those with a Unicode value less than 128) are accepted in the First
Name field. The charCodeAt() string method is used to evaluate the Unicode value of each character
entered in the FieldValue field.

function BusComp_PreSetFieldValue (FieldName, FieldValue)

// prevent non latin characters in First Name field
if (FieldName == "First Name")
for (var i=0;i<FieldValue.length;i++)
var co = FieldValue.charCodeAt(i);
if (co > 127)
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("Only characters from latin character
set are allowed!");

return (ContinueOperation);

Related Topics
“Clib.toascii() Method” on page 133
“String charAt() Method” on page 317
“String.fromCharCode() Static Method”

String.fromCharCode() Static Method

This method returns a string created from the character codes that are passed to it as parameters.

String.fromCharCode(code1, code2, ... coden)

Table 243 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 243. String.fromCharCode() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

code1, code2, ... coden Integers representing Unicode character codes

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 31 9

Siebel eScript Commands ■ String Objects

A new string containing the characters specified by the codes.

This static method allows you to create a string by specifying the individual Unicode values of the
characters in it. The identifier String is used with this static method, instead of a variable name as
with instance methods because it is a property of the String constructor. The parameters passed to
this method are assumed to be Unicode values. The following line:

var string1 = String.fromCharCode(0x0041,0x0042);

sets the variable string1 to "AB".

The following example uses the decimal Unicode values of the characters to create the string
"Siebel". For another example, see “offset[] Method” on page 105.

var seblStr = String.fromCharCode(83, 105, 101, 98, 101, 108);

Related Topics
“Clib.toascii() Method” on page 133

String indexOf() Method

This method returns the position of the first occurrence of a substring in a string.

stringVar.indexOf(substring [, offset])

Table 244 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 244. String indexOf() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

substring One or more characters to be searched

offset The position in the string at which to start searching, where 0 represents the
first character

The position of the first occurrence of a substring in a string variable. If substring is not found, then
the function returns a value of -1.

stringVar.indexOf() searches for the entire substring in a string variable. The substring parameter
may be a single character. If offset is not given, searching starts at position 0. If it is given, searching
starts at the specified position.

320 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ String Objects

For example:

var string = "what a string";

var firsta = string.indexOf("a")

returns the position of the first a appearing in the string, which in this example is 2. Similarly,

var magicWord = "abracadabra";

var secondA = magicWord.indexOf("a", 1);

returns 3, the index of the first a to be found in the string when starting from the second character
of the string.

NOTE: The indexOf() method is case sensitive.

Related Topics
“String charAt() Method” on page 317
“Clib.strchr() Method” on page 184
“Clib.strpbrk() Method” on page 191
“String lastIndexOf() Method”
“String replace() Method” on page 327

String lastIndexOf() Method

This method finds the position of the last occurrence of a substring in a string.

stringVar.lastIndexOf(substring [, offset])

Table 245 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 245. String lastIndexOf() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

substring One or more characters to search for

offset The rightmost position in the string at which to start searching. If offset is not
provided, the entire string is searched.

If offset is provided, the function returns the rightmost position, not greater than offset, at which
substring begins in the string contained in the variable stringVar. If offset is not provided, the
function returns the rightmost position in the entire string at which substring begins.

If substring is not found, or if offset is outside the range of valid positions in the string, then the
function returns -1.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 32 1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ String Objects

The stringVar.lastIndexOf() function is used to determine the last position within a string that a
substring occurs. By setting the offset parameter, the search can be limited to a substring of leftmost
characters of the string.

Substring is not required to occur entirely within the substring of the string bounded by offset. Its
first character is required to occur at a position no greater than offset.

For example:

var string = "what a string";


returns the position of the last a appearing in the string, which in this example is 5. Similarly,

var magicWord = "abracadabra";

var lastabr = magicWord.lastIndexOf("abr", 8);

returns 7, the position of the last “abr” beginning at a position no greater than 8.

Related Topics
“String charAt() Method” on page 317
“Clib.strchr() Method” on page 184
“Clib.strpbrk() Method” on page 191
“String indexOf() Method” on page 320
“String replace() Method” on page 327

String length Property

The length property stores an integer indicating the length of the string.


The length of a string can be obtained by using the length property. For example:

var string1 = "No, thank you.";


displays the number 14, the number of characters in the string. Note that the index of the last
character in the string is equivalent to stringVar.length -1, because the index begins at 0, not at 1.

This code fragment returns the length of a name entered by the user (including spaces).

322 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ String Objects

var userName = "Christopher J. Smith";

TheApplication().RaiseErrorText( "Your name has " +
userName.length + " characters.");

String match() Method

This method returns an array of strings that are matches within the string against a target regular


Table 246 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 246. String match() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

regexp A regular expression, provided as a literal or as a variable

This method returns an array with various elements (the matched strings that are found), and their
property sets. The elements returned depend on the attributes of the regular expression. The method
returns null if no match is found.

When match() is executed with the global attribute, "g", not set on the regular expression, then the
return array and its properties are equivalent to those returned under the same circumstances using
the RegExp exec() method. If a match is found, then:

■ Element 0 of the returned array is the first text in the string that matches the primary RegExp

■ Element 1 is the text matched by the first subpattern (in parentheses) of the RegExp instance.

■ Element 2 is the text matched by the second subpattern of the RegExp instance, and so forth.

These elements and their numbers correspond to groups in regular expression patterns and
replacement expressions.

The returned array includes the following properties:

■ The length property is the number of text matches in the returned array.

■ The index property is the start position of the first text that matches the primary RegExp pattern.

■ The input property is the target string that was searched.

The return values, and the index and input properties are the same as those of the returned array
from the RegExp exec() method when exec() is used with a regular expression whose global attribute
is not set.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 32 3

Siebel eScript Commands ■ String Objects

When match() is executed with the global attribute, "g", set on the regular expression, and a match
is found, then:

■ Element 0 of the return array is the first text in the string that matches the primary pattern of
the regular expression.

■ Each subsequent element of the return array is the next text in the string that matches the
primary pattern of the regular expression, and that starts after the last character of the previous
match. Thus matches that overlap other matches are not returned. For example, if the regular
expression’s primary pattern is a.. (“a” followed by any two characters) and the string is
“abacadda”, then the return array includes “aba” and “add”, but not “aca”.

NOTE: Although match() resembles the RegExp exec() method when the global attribute is not
set on the regular expression, match() and exec() are very different when the global attribute is
set on the regular expression.

The following example calls match() against a regular expression whose global attribute is not set.
The output is commented.

function fn ()
var myString = new String("Better internet");
var myRE = new RegExp(/(.).(.er)/i);
var results = myString.match(myRE);
var resultmsg = "";
for(var i =0; i < results.length; i++)
resultmsg = resultmsg + "return[" + i + "] = " + results[i] + "\n";
fn ();

Output is:

return[0] = etter \\First text containing primary pattern ...er (any three
\\characters followed by "er")
return[1] = e \\First text matching the first subpattern (.) (any single
\\character) within the first text matching the primary pattern
return[2] = ter \\First text matching the second subpattern (.er) (any single
\\character followed by "er") within the first text matching
\\the primary pattern

The following example calls match() against a regular expression whose global attribute is set. The
method returns matches of the regular expression’s primary pattern that do not overlap.

function fn ()
var str = "ttttot tto";
var pat = new RegExp("t.t", "g");
var rtn = str.match(pat);
var resultmsg = "";
for(var i =0; i < rtn.length; i++)

324 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ String Objects

resultmsg = resultmsg + "match [" + i + "] = " + rtn[i] + "\n";
fn ();

Output is:

match [0] = ttt

match [1] = tot

The output does not include the “ttt” instance that starts at position 1 or “t t” because these
instances start within other strings that are returned.

Related Topics
“RegExp exec() Method” on page 302

String search () Method

This method searches a specified string for a specified regular expression pattern.


Table 247 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 247. String search() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

regexp A regular expression, provided as a literal or as a variable

The index of the regular expression (regexp) inside the specified string. If the regular expression is
not found, this method returns -1.

This method can be executed in server script and browser script.

function Test(sValue)
//Validate for 5 digit numbers
var sCheck = /^\d{5}$/; //regular expression defining a 5 digit number

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 32 5

Siebel eScript Commands ■ String Objects


String split() Method

This method splits a string into an array of strings based on the delimiters in the parameter


Table 248 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 248. String split() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

delimiter The character at which the value stored in stringVar is to be split

An array of strings, creating by splitting stringVar into substrings, each of which begins at an
instance of the delimiter character.

This method splits a string into an array of substrings such that each substring begins at an instance
of delimiter. The delimiter is not included in any of the strings. If delimiter is omitted or is an empty
string (""), the method returns an array of one element, which contains the original string.

This method is the inverse of arrayVar.join().

The following example splits a typical Siebel command line into its elements by creating a separate
array element at each space character. The string has to be modified with escape characters to be
comprehensible to Siebel eScript. Also, the cmdLine variable must appear on a single line, which
space does not permit in this volume.

function Button3_Click ()
var msgText = "The following items appear in the array:\n\n";
var cmdLine = "C:\\Siebel\\bin\\siebel.exe /c
\'c:\\siebel\\bin\\siebel.cfg\' /u SADMIN /p SADMIN /d Sample"
var cmdArray = cmdLine.split(" ");

326 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ String Objects

for (var i = 0; i < cmdArray.length; i++)

msgText = msgText + cmdArray[i] + "\n";

Running this code produces the following result.

The following items appear in the array:


Related Topics
“Array join() Method” on page 88

String replace() Method

This method searches a string using the regular expression pattern defined by pattern. If a match is
found, it is replaced by the substring defined by replexp.

stringVar.replace(pattern, replexp)

Table 249 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 249. String replace() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

pattern Regular expression pattern to find or match in string.

replexp Replacement expression which may be a string, a string with

regular expression elements, or a function

The original string with replacements according to pattern and replexp.

The string is searched using the regular expression pattern defined by pattern. If a match is found,
it is replaced by the substring defined by replexp. The parameter replexp may be:

■ A simple string

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 32 7

Siebel eScript Commands ■ String Objects

■ A string containing special regular expression replacement elements

■ A function that returns a value that may be converted into a string

If you are using the T eScript engine and any replacements are made, appropriate RegExp object
static properties such as RegExp.leftContext, RegExp.rightContext, and RegExp.$n are set. These
properties provide more information about the replacements.

NOTE: The ST eScript engine does not support the following static properties of the RegExp object:
RegExp.$n (including '$_' and '$&'), RegExp.input, RegExp.lastMatch, RegExp.lastParen,
RegExp.leftContext, RegExp.rightContext.

Table 250 shows the special characters that may occur in a replacement expression.

Table 250. Special Characters in Replacement Expressions

Character Description

$1, $2 … $9 The text matched by regular expression patterns inside of parentheses. For
example, $1 puts the text matched in the first parenthesized group in a
regular expression pattern.

$+ The text matched by the last regular expression pattern inside of the last
parentheses, that is, the last group.

$& The text matched by a regular expression pattern.

$` The text to the left of the text matched by a regular expression pattern.

$' The text to the right of the text matched by a regular expression pattern.

\$ The dollar sign character.

var rtn;
var str = "one two three two one";
var pat = /(two)/g;

// rtn == "one zzz three zzz one"

rtn = str.replace(pat, "zzz");

// rtn == "one twozzz three twozzz one";

rtn = str.replace(pat, "$1zzz");

// rtn == "one 5 three 5 one"

rtn = str.replace(pat, five());

// rtn == "one twotwo three twotwo one";

rtn = str.replace(pat, "$&$&”);

function five() {
return 5;

328 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ String Objects

substring() Method
This method retrieves a section of a string.

stringVar.substring(start[, end])

Table 251 shows the parameter descriptions.

Table 251. substring() Method Parameters

Parameter Description

start An integer specifying the location of the beginning of the substring to be returned

end An integer one greater than the location of the last character of the substring to
be returned

A new string, of length end - start, containing the characters that appeared in the positions from
start to end - 1 of stringVar.

This method returns a portion of stringVar, comprising the characters in stringVar at the positions
start through end - 1. The character at the end position is not included in the returned string. If the
end parameter is not used, stringVar.substring() returns the characters from start to the end of

For an example, see “String indexOf() Method” on page 320.

Related Topics
“String charAt() Method” on page 317
“String indexOf() Method” on page 320
“String lastIndexOf() Method” on page 321

toLowerCase() Method
This method returns a copy of a string with the letters changed to lowercase.


Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 32 9

Siebel eScript Commands ■ String Objects

A copy of stringVar in lowercase characters.

This method returns a copy of stringVar with uppercase letters replaced by their lowercase

The following code fragment assigns the value "e. e. cummings" to the variable poet:

var poet = "E. E. Cummings";

poet = poet.toLowerCase();

Related Topics
“toUpperCase() Method” on page 330

toUpperCase() Method
This method returns a copy of a string with the letters changed to uppercase.


A copy of stringVar in uppercase characters.

This method returns a copy of stringVar, with lowercase letters replaced by their uppercase

The following fragment accepts a filename as input and displays it in uppercase:

var filename = "c:\\temp\\trace.txt";;

TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("The filename in uppercase is "

Related Topics
“toLowerCase() Method” on page 329

330 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ User-Defined Objects in Siebel eScript

User-Defined Objects in Siebel eScript

Variables and functions may be grouped together in one variable and referenced as a group. A
compound variable of this sort is called an object in which each individual item of the object is called
a property.

In general, it is adequate to think of object properties, which are variables or constants, and of object
methods, which are functions.

To refer to a property of an object, use both the name of the object and the name of the property,
separated by a period. Any valid variable name may be used as a property name. For example, the
code fragment that follows assigns values to the width and height properties of a rectangle object,
calculates the area of a rectangle, and displays the result:

var Rectangle;

Rectangle.height = 4;
Rectangle.width = 6;

TheApplication().RaiseErrorText(Rectangle.height * Rectangle.width);

The main advantage of objects occurs with data that naturally occurs in groups. An object forms a
template that can be used to work with data groups in a consistent way. Instead of having a single
object called Rectangle, you can have a number of Rectangle objects, each with its own values for
width and height.

Related Topics
“Assigning Functions to Objects in Siebel eScript” on page 332
“Object Prototypes in Siebel eScript” on page 333
“Predefining Objects with Constructor Functions in Siebel eScript”

Predefining Objects with Constructor Functions in

Siebel eScript
A constructor function creates an object template. For example, a constructor function to create
Rectangle objects might be defined like the following:

function Rectangle(width, height)

this.width = width;
this.height = height;

The keyword this is used to refer to the parameters passed to the constructor function and can be
conceptually thought of as "this object." To create a Rectangle object, call the constructor function
with the "new" operator:

var joe = new Rectangle(3,4)

var sally = new Rectangle(5,3);

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 33 1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ User-Defined Objects in Siebel eScript

This code fragment creates two rectangle objects: one named joe, with a width of 3 and a height of
4, and another named sally, with a width of 5 and a height of 3.

Constructor functions create objects belonging to the same class. Every object created by a
constructor function is called an instance of that class. The preceding example creates a Rectangle
class and two instances of it. Instances of a class share the same properties, although a particular
instance of the class may have additional properties unique to it. For example, if you add the
following line:

joe.motto = "Be prepared!";

you add a motto property to the rectangle joe. However, the rectangle sally has no motto property.

Assigning Functions to Objects in Siebel eScript

Objects may contain functions as well as variables. A function assigned to an object is called a
method of that object.

Like a constructor function, a method refers to its variables with the this operator. The following
fragment is an example of a method that computes the area of a rectangle:

function rectangle_area()
return this.width * this.height;

Because there are no parameters passed to it, this function is meaningless unless it is called from
an object. It needs to have an object to provide values for this.width and this.height:

A method is assigned to an object as the following line illustrates:

joe.area = rectangle_area;

The function now uses the values for height and width that were defined when you created the
rectangle object joe.

Methods may also be assigned in a constructor function, again using the this keyword. For example,
the following code:

function rectangle_area()
return this.width * this.height;

function Rectangle(width, height)

this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.area = rectangle_area;

creates an object class Rectangle with the rectangle_area method included as one of its properties.
The method is available to any instance of the class:

332 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Siebel eScript Commands ■ User-Defined Objects in Siebel eScript

var joe = Rectangle(3,4);

var sally = Rectangle(5,3);

var area1 = joe.area();

var area2 = sally.area();

This code sets the value of area1 to 12 and the value of area2 to 15.

Object Prototypes in Siebel eScript

An object prototype lets you specify a set of default values for an object. When an object property
that has not been assigned a value is accessed, the prototype is consulted. If such a property exists
in the prototype, its value is used for the object property.

Object prototypes are useful to be sure that every instance of an object use the same default values
and that these instances conserve the amount of memory needed to run a script. When the two
rectangles, joe and sally, were created in the previous section, they were each assigned an area
method. Memory was allocated for this function twice, even though the method is exactly the same
in each instance. This redundant memory can be avoided by putting the shared function or property
in an object's prototype. Then every instance of the object use the same function instead of each
using its own copy of it.

The following fragment shows how to create a Rectangle object with an area method in a prototype:

function rectangle_area()
return this.width * this.height;

function Rectangle(width, height)

this.width = width;
this.height = height;

Rectangle.prototype.area = rectangle_area;

The rectangle_area method can now be accessed as a method of any Rectangle object, as shown in
the following:

var area1 = joe.area();

var area2 = sally.area();

You can add methods and data to an object prototype at any time. The object class must be defined,
but you do not have to create an instance of the object before assigning it prototype values. If you
assign a method or data to an object prototype, every instance of that object is updated to include
the prototype.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 33 3

Siebel eScript Commands ■ User-Defined Objects in Siebel eScript

If you try to write to a property that was assigned through a prototype, a new variable is created for
the newly assigned value. This value is used for the value of this instance of the object's property.
Other instances of the object still refer to the prototype for their values. If you assume that joe is a
special rectangle, whose area is equal to three times its width plus half its height, you can modify
joe as follows:

function joe_area()
return (this.width * 3) + (this.height/2);
joe.area = joe_area;

This fragment creates a value, which in this case is a function, for joe.area that supersedes the
prototype value. The property sally.area is still the default value defined by the prototype. The
instance joe uses the new definition for its area method.

NOTE: Prototypes cannot be declared inside a function scope.

334 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

A Compilation Error Messages in
Siebel eScript

This appendix provides explanations and examples of error messages generated by Siebel eScript
when a script is compiled with the ST eScript engine. This appendix contains the following topics:

■ “Syntax Error Messages in eScript”

■ “Semantic Error Messages in eScript” on page 339

■ “Semantic Warnings in eScript” on page 344

■ “Preprocessing Error Messages in eScript” on page 346

Conventions Used in This Appendix

The following conventions are used in this appendix:

■ The error prefix is the text that appears for all of a group of errors; for example, “Syntax error
at Line line# position character#:”.

■ The message is the unique part of an error message that applies only to a single error. The
message may be text appended after an error prefix, or it may be the entire error message.

■ In each example, comment text explains the flawed script that it follows. Not all errors have
associated examples.

■ A cause is provided for some, but not all, errors. Typically, the example suffices to explain causes
of an error.

Syntax Error Messages in eScript

Table 252 on page 336 contains error messages that can result from incorrect script syntax when the
script is compiled with the ST eScript engine.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 33 5

Compilation Error Messages in Siebel eScript ■ Syntax Error Messages in eScript

Syntax error messages start with the error prefix “Syntax error at line line# position character#:”.

Table 252. Syntax Error Messages in Siebel eScript

Message Examples Cause

Expected ':' 1. A colon (:) character is required

function main () in the context but is not
{ provided. To correct the error:
var a = false;
var b = a ? 1, 2; ■ In an expression using the
//expect : after 1 conditional operator, make
} sure that a colon is placed
between the second and
2. third operands.
function main ()
{ ■ In a switch statement, a
var a = {prop1:1, prop2}; colon is required after the
//expect : after prop2 value in the case statement
} (see example 3).

function main ()
var a = 1;
var b;
switch (a)
case 1
//expect : after 1
b =a;
//expect : after default
b = 0;
Expected ';' function main () A semi-colon (;) character is
{ required in the context but is
for (i=1; i<10 i++) not provided.
//miss ; after i<10
{ A semi-colon is used to
... terminate a statement. Ensure
} that you:
■ End each statement with a

■ Include a semi-colon in the

for... loop statement

336 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Compilation Error Messages in Siebel eScript ■ Syntax Error Messages in eScript

Table 252. Syntax Error Messages in Siebel eScript

Message Examples Cause

Expected '(' function main <> ( and ) do not pair up.

//expect ( after main
Expected ')'. ( and ) do not pair up.

Expected ']'. function main () [ and ] do not pair up.

var a = new Array (10);
a[10 = 1;
//expect ] after a[10 = 1
Expected '{'. function main () { and } do not pair up.
var a = new Array (1);
//expect { before var
Expected '}'. { and } do not pair up.

Expected identifier. function () An identifier is required in the

// expect an identifier after context but is not provided. The
// function */ identifier can be a variable, a
{ property, an array, or a function
... name.

function main ()
//expect an identifier after var
Invalid token. function main () There is an invalid unicode
{ escape sequence or an invalid
var a = "\u000G"; hex escape sequence.
// '\u000G' is an invalid
// unicode escape sequence

function main ()
var a = "\u0G";
// '\u0G' is an invalid hex
// escape sequence

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 33 7

Compilation Error Messages in Siebel eScript ■ Syntax Error Messages in eScript

Table 252. Syntax Error Messages in Siebel eScript

Message Examples Cause

Expected while. function main () The do...while statement is

{ incomplete. A while function is
do required to complete the
{ statement but it is not
... provided.
//expect while on this line
throw must be followed try The throw statement must be
by an expression on the { followed by an exception
same line. var a = identifier on the same line, but
TheApplication().GetService(“In an expression of this type has
correct name”); not been provided.
catch( e )
throw ;
//The throw statement expects an
expression which is not supplied
//It should be: throw e;
Invalid continue function main () The continue statement is not
statement. { within the body of:
// continue is not within a loop ■ do...while
■ while

■ for
■ for...in

Invalid break statement. 1. The break statement is outside

function BreakError() of the body of:
break; ■ do...while
// break is not within a valid
■ while
// loop
} ■ for

■ for...in

Invalid return statement. function fn () A return statement is outside

Return statement cannot { the function body and it must
be used outside the …. be inside.
function body. }
//Return is outside the function

338 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Compilation Error Messages in Siebel eScript ■ Semantic Error Messages in eScript

Table 252. Syntax Error Messages in Siebel eScript

Message Examples Cause

Invalid left-hand side function main () The left hand side value in an
value. { assignment operation must be
new Object () = 1; compatible with the value
// new Object () is not a valid assigned.
// left value
} In the example, the new
Object() statement is an invalid
left-hand value for the equal
(=) assignment operator. The
valid left-hand value must be a

Invalid regular var oRegExp:RegExp; The regular expression is

expression. oRegExp = /[a-c*/; invalid, for example, it has a
// The regular expression is missing closing ] character.
// missing the closing ]. It
// should be [a-c]*.

Semantic Error Messages in eScript

Table 253 on page 340 contains error messages that can result from semantic errors when the script
is compiled with the ST eScript engine.

See also “Semantic Warnings in eScript” on page 344.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 33 9

Compilation Error Messages in Siebel eScript ■ Semantic Error Messages in eScript

Semantic error messages start with the error prefix “Semantic Error around line line#:”.

Table 253. Semantic Error Messages in Siebel eScript

Message Examples Cause

Argument function main () The argument passed to the

argument_label either { function is not of the data
type does not correct or fn (new Date(), new Date()); type specified in the function
is not defined. // type of the second parameter definition, or is not defined
// mismatches with function in the function definition.
// definition and cannot be
// implicitly converted to In the example, the second
// 'Number' type parameter (arg2) should be
} of type Number, as specified
in the function definition,
function fn (arg1: chars, arg2:
but the function passes new
date(), which is in string
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText format.
main ();
No such predefined function main () The property is not defined
property property_label { in the class object.
in class object_type. delete "123".prop1;
// prop1 is not a property of In the example, only String
// String object. Also, because object properties can be
// the String object is specified. Prop1 is not a
// constructed here by implicitly property of the String
// converting "123", prop1 object.
// cannot be created dynamically.
[] operator can only The script is trying to use []
apply to Object, Buffer or operator to types other than
Array class. Object, Buffer or Array

340 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Compilation Error Messages in Siebel eScript ■ Semantic Error Messages in eScript

Table 253. Semantic Error Messages in Siebel eScript

Message Examples Cause

Type mismatch: L: 1. A value which belongs to one

left_type; R: right_type. function TypeMismatch() data type is assigned to a
{ strongly typed variable of
var BC:BusComp; another data type.
var MyDate:Date = new Date();
BC =MyDate;
// MyDate is not the same data type
// as strongly typed variable BC

function fn ()
var a: String;
a = new Date ();
//Type mismatch: strongly typed
//String is assigned a Date.
Return type is wrong. function fn (): Array The actual return type is
Defined return type is { different form the defined
return_type. return new Date (); return type, and the actual
} return type cannot be
implicitly converted to the
fn ();
defined type.

No such label label switch( switch_variable ) The label referenced in a

defined. { break or goto statement has
case value1: not been defined. Check that
statement_block the label name is correct and
break labl; that the label has been
// where labl is not a valid label
defined in the code.
. In the example, if the break
. statement is to resume at
[default: the labl location, the labl
label must be defined.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 34 1

Compilation Error Messages in Siebel eScript ■ Semantic Error Messages in eScript

Table 253. Semantic Error Messages in Siebel eScript

Message Examples Cause

Continue out of loop. function ContinueOut() A continue command

{ attempts to branch to a label
var i =0 that is outside of a loop.
while (i<3)
continue Mylabel;
// Mylabel label is defined
//outside of the while loop.
var a=1;
Label redefined. function LabelError() There is already an existing
{ label with the same name.
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++)
var j = 0;
while (j!=5)
continue Inner;
Inner: //Label Inner is
var b=1;
function function_label is function fn () There is already an existing
double defined. { function with the same
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText function name.
} In the example, the function
function fn () must be defined with a name
// second declaration of function other than fn.
// fn is not allowed
("fn again");

342 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Compilation Error Messages in Siebel eScript ■ Semantic Error Messages in eScript

Table 253. Semantic Error Messages in Siebel eScript

Message Examples Cause

Calling function function main () Not all of the arguments

function_label with { required by the function are
insufficient number of fn (); supplied.
arguments. // does not provide enough
//parameters The number of arguments
} supplied must equal the
number specified in the
function fn (arg1: chars, arg2: function definition.
{ In the example, the function
... fn requires two character
} arguments.

Cannot access property function main () Properties can not be

property_name on native { assigned to primitive data
type. var a:chars = "123"; type variables, such as char,
a.m_prop = "123"; float, and bool data types.
// chars is a primitive type, so it
// has no properties In the example, because
} chars is a primitive data
main (); type, it cannot be assigned
the a.m_prop property.

Object_name is an function main () In strongly typed eScript,

invalid object type. { you must specify a valid
var a: Obj1 = "123"; data type in the variable’s
// where Obj1 is an invalid object declaration.
// type
In the example, obj1 is not a
} defined object type.
main ();
Indiscriminate usage of function main () Script uses goto to attempt
goto. { a branch into a with block
var obj = new Object(); from outside of the with
with (obj) block.
("in with");
goto labl;
main ();

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 34 3

Compilation Error Messages in Siebel eScript ■ Semantic Warnings in eScript

Semantic Warnings in eScript

Typically, semantic warnings make you aware of script that will run, but may produce unexpected
results or may be inefficient. Semantic warnings do not display during compilation. Instead, view
them in Oracle’s Siebel Tools product by choosing Debug > Check Syntax.

Table 254 contains semantic warnings in eScript when the script is compiled with the ST eScript
engine. See also “Semantic Error Messages in eScript” on page 339.

Semantic warnings start with the prefix “Semantic Warning around line line#:”.

Table 254. Semantic Warnings in Siebel eScript

Message Example Cause

Undefined identifier function main () An undeclared variable

identifier. Global object { created within a function is not
will be used to locate the obj = new Object(); locally defined. Instead, it is
identifier. // obj is created without being created as a property of the
// declared with var. Global object.
main ();
Variable variable might function main () The variable declared has not
not be initialized. { been explicitly assigned a
var a; value. It is recommended that
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText variables are initialized to a
(a); default value when they are
declared, for example:
main ();
var a="";

In the example, the variable a

must be assigned a value so it
can be displayed in the
RaiseErrorText function.

Label 'label' is unused function main () A label is defined in the

and can be removed. { function but is not used by any
var a = 1; of the following statements,
labl: and so can be removed:
// labl is unused
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText ■ continue
} ■ break
main (); ■ goto

344 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Compilation Error Messages in Siebel eScript ■ Semantic Warnings in eScript

Table 254. Semantic Warnings in Siebel eScript

Message Example Cause

Calling function function main () Not all of the arguments

function_label with { required by the function are
insufficient number of // It is a warning condition supplied.
arguments. // instead of an error if the
// missing argument is not The number of arguments
// strongly typed.*/ supplied must equal the
var c = fn (); number specified in the
} function definition.

function fn (a, b)
return a+b;
main ();
Type conversion from function main () When the data type of a
data_type1 to { variable does not match the
data_type2 may not var n: float = "123"; value assigned to the variable,
succeed. } the ST eScript engine attempts
to convert the data type. This
conversion process might not
be successful.

In the example, the string

value "123" is assigned to a
variable that is of a float data
type. The ST eScript engine
will attempt to convert the
string "123" to a float data

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 34 5

Compilation Error Messages in Siebel eScript ■ Preprocessing Error Messages in eScript

Table 254. Semantic Warnings in Siebel eScript

Message Example Cause

No such method function main () The specified method has not

method_name. { been defined or the method
fn (); name is incorrect.
main (); In the example, fn() must be

variable variable is 1. A local variable is declared

double declared. function fn () more than once.
for (var n = 0 ; n < 3 ; n++) To avoid this warning for the
{ common case in Example 1,
...; declare the counter variable
} outside of the for definition
for (var n = 0 ; n < 3 ; n++) and use the counter variable
// n is double declared within / without var in the for
/ the scope of fn. definition. For example:
...; function fn ()
} {
fn (); var n;
for (n = 0 ; n < 3 ; n++)
2. {
function main () ...
{ }
var string1 = "a string"; for (n = 0 ; n < 3 ; n++)
var string1 = “another string”; {
// string1 should not be ...
} The multiple declarations like
main (); that in Example 2 have the net
effect of all declarations after
the first declaration being
interpreted as simple
assignments, but with the
unnecessary overhead of
variable declarations. Instead,
use simple assignments after
the first declaration; for

string1 = “another string”.

Preprocessing Error Messages in eScript

Preprocessing error messages typically indicate compatibility issues when script created with the T
eScript engine is compiled with the ST eScript engine.

346 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Compilation Error Messages in Siebel eScript ■ Preprocessing Error Messages in eScript

Table 255 list the preprocessing error message generated when the script is compiled with the ST
eScript engine.

Preprocessing error messages start with the error prefix “PreProcess Error:”.

Table 255. Preprocessing Error Codes in Siebel eScript

Message Example Cause

Cannot open include file #include "mystuff.js" The path to the file in an include
file_path. //where mystuff.js does not statement is not valid.

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 34 7

Compilation Error Messages in Siebel eScript ■ Preprocessing Error Messages in eScript

348 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1


Symbols length property 89

" (double quotes) 24 methods, list 67
& (ampersand) 24 objects, described 85
; (semicolon) 25 sorting into ASCII order 91
? (question mark) 47 ASCII, seven bit representation of a
’ (single quote) 24 character 133
assignment operators 42
Associate() method 113
A associative arrays 87
absolute value of a parameter 280
ActivateField() method 113
ActivateMultipleFields() method 113 B
ActiveBusObject() method 83 back quote strings 317
ActiveMode() method 82 back slash characters 24
ActiveViewName() method 83 bigEndian byte, using 111
AddChild() method 300 bit operators 43
ampersand characters 24 BLOB objects
applet object methods 81 Blob.get() method 95
Applet_ChangeFieldValue() event 82 Blob.put method 97
Applet_ChangeRecord() event 82 Blob.size() method 99
Applet_InvokeMethod() event 82 blobDescriptor 94
Applet_Load() event 82 data to a specified location 97
Applet_PreInvokeMethod() event 82 data, reading 95
application object methods and events 83 described 94
Application_Close() event 84 block comments 24
Application_InvokeMethod() event 84 blocks 25
Application_Navigate() event 84 Boolean 262
Application_PreInvokeMethod() event 84 Boolean data types 49
Application_PreNavigate() event 84 Boolean objects 30
Application_Start() event 84 break statement 51
arc cosine values 281 buffers
arcsine values 281 bigEndian property 111
arctangent values 282, 284 buffer constructor 100
arguments[] property 49 comparing lengths and contents of two 122
array data types 30 copying bytes from one to another 123
Array join() method 88 cursor property 111
Array pop() method 90 data property 111
Array push() method 90 file, writing to disk 142
Array reverse() method 91 filling bytes with a character 123
Array sort() method 91 getString() method 104
Array splice() method 93 getValue() method 104
arrays internal data 111
associative 87 methods 103
constructor 87 methods, list 68
element order 91 offset[] method 105
elements, sorting 210 properties 110
first index and length 255 putString() method 106
length 254 putValue() method 107

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 34 9

Index ■ C

size property 112 escape 24

subBuffer() method 109 first occurrence in a buffer 121
toString() method 110 hexadecimal digit 132
unicode property 112 last occurrence 192
BusComp() method 82 lowercase alphabetic 129
BusComp_Associate() event 113 next in a file stream 142
BusComp_ChangeRecord() event 113 printable 128, 129
BusComp_CopyRecord() event 113 punctuation mark 130
BusComp_DeleteRecord() event 113 pushing back into a file 167
BusComp_InvokeMethod() event 114 seven-bit ASCII representation 133
BusComp_NewRecord() event 114 special 24
BusComp_PreAssociate() event 114 uppercase alphabetic 131
BusComp_PreCopyRecord() event 114 white-space 131
BusComp_PreDeleteRecord() event 114 writing to a specified file 151
BusComp_PreGetFieldValue() event 114 charCodeAt method 318
BusComp_PreInvokeMethod() event 114 ClearToQuery() method 115
BusComp_PreNewRecord() event 114 Clib objects
BusComp_PreQuery() event 114 character classification 124
BusComp_PreSetFieldValue() event 114 Clib compared to ECMAScript methods 179
BusComp_PreWriteRecord() event 114 data, formatting 167
BusComp_Query() event 114 error methods 133
BusComp_SetFieldValue() event 114 file I/O functions 135
BusComp_WriteRecord() event 114 format strings 168
business component object methods 113 formatting data 167
business object object methods 118 math methods 171
business service object methods 118 redundant functions 179
business services string methods 181
calling a function directly 119 time functions 196
custom methods 120 Time object 196
displaying custom methods 120 uncategorized methods 207
script libraries 119 Clib.asctime() method 197
BusObject() method 82, 115 Clib.bsearch() method 207
byte-array methods, list of 78 Clib.chdir() method 136
Clib.clearerr() method 138
C Clib.clock() method 198
case-insensitivity Clib.cosh() method 172
comparing strings 186, 189 Clib.ctime() method 199
searching strings for substrings 195 Clib.difftime() method 199
case-sensitivity Clib.div() method 172
comparing two strings 188 Clib.errno property 134
described 22 Clib.fclose() method 140
programming guidelines 21 Clib.feof() method 140
casting methods Clib.ferror() method 141
list 69 Clib.fflush() method 142
when to use 38 Clib.fgetc() method 142
characters Clib.fgetpos() method 143
alphabetic 126 Clib.fgets() method 144
alphanumeric 125 Clib.flock() method 145
ASCII 126 Clib.fopen() method 146
characters from current file cursor 144, 145 Clib.fprintf() method 149
classification methods, list 69 Clib.fputc() method 151
control 127 Clib.fputs() method 151
decimal digit 127 Clib.fread() method 152
Clib.freopen() method 154

350 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Index ■ D

Clib.frexp() method 173 Clib.strncmp() method 188

Clib.fscanf() method 155 Clib.strncmpi() method 189
Clib.fseek() method 157 Clib.strncpy() method 190
Clib.fsetpos() method 158 Clib.strnicmp() method 189
Clib.ftell() method 159 Clib.strpbrk() method 191
Clib.fwrite() method 160 Clib.strrchr() method 192
Clib.getc() method 142 Clib.strspn() method 193
Clib.getcwd() method 138 Clib.strstr() method 194
Clib.getenv() method 209 Clib.strstri() method 195
Clib.gmtime() method 200 Clib.system() method 212
Clib.Idexp() method 174 Clib.tanh() method 177
Clib.isalnum() method 125 Clib.time() method 206
Clib.isalpha() method 126 Clib.tmpfile() method 165
Clib.isascii() method 126 Clib.tmpnam() method 166
Clib.iscntrl() method 127 Clib.toascii() method 133
Clib.isdigit() method 127 Clib.ungetc() method 167
Clib.isgraph() method 128 coding, when to use 15
Clib.islower() method 129 COMCreateObject() method 253
Clib.isprint() method 129 commands, passing to the command
Clib.ispunct() method 130 processor 212
Clib.isspace() method 131 comments in eScript 24
Clib.isupper() method 131 comparing values 44
Clib.isxdigit() method 132 compilation error messages 335
Clib.ldiv() method 172 complex objects 33
Clib.localtime() method 201 conditional expressions 43, 44
Clib.memchr() method 121 conditional operator 47
Clib.memcmp() method 122 constants, numeric 36
Clib.memcpy() method 123 continue statement 52
Clib.memmove() method 123 control characters 127
Clib.memset() method 123 conversion methods
Clib.mkdir() method 161 alphanumeric string to a floating-point
Clib.mktime() method 202 decimal number 260, 261
Clib.modf() method 134, 175 exponential notation 265
Clib.putc() method 151 list 69
Clib.putenv() method 209 parameter to a buffer 263
Clib.qsort() method 210 parameter to a number 269
Clib.rand() method 176 parameter to an integer 267, 268, 273, 274
Clib.remove() method 162 parameter to an object 270
Clib.rename() method 162 parameters to a string 272
Clib.rewind() method 163 value to the Boolean data type 262
Clib.rmdir() method 164 Copy() method 300
Clib.rsprintf() method 181 copying characters between strings 190
Clib.sinh() method 176 cosine values 286
Clib.sprintf() method 182 CurrencyCode() method 84
Clib.srand() method 177 cursor. See file cursors
Clib.sscanf() method 164
Clib.strchr() method 184 D
Clib.strcmpi() method 186 data
Clib.strcspn() method 185 file, writing to disk 140
Clib.strerror() method 135 handling methods, list 70
Clib.strftime() method 204 storing in a series of parameters 155
Clib.stricmp() method 186 storing in variables 152
Clib.strlwr() method 187 writing data in a specified variable to a
Clib.strncat() method 187

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 35 1

Index ■ E

specified file 160 end-of line comments 24

data handling methods, list 276 end-of-file flag, resetting 138
data types environment variables
array 30 creating 209
Boolean, converting value to 262 strings 209
decimal floats 35 equality operator 45
described 29 error checking functions 50
floating-point numbers 35 error indicators 141
hexadecimal notation 34 error messages
implicit type conversion 37 preprocessing 346
octal notation 34 semantic 339
primitive 28, 29 semantic warnings 344
properties and methods 39 syntax 335
strongly typed 28 error messages associated with an error
typeless 28 number 134, 135
undefined 29 error status 138
data typing error-handling methods, list of 74
strongly typed variables 36 escape characters 24
typeless variables 37 escape sequences
date methods, list of 71 back quotes and 317
Date objects list 316
about 213 removing from a string 275
date and time methods 215 replacing special characters with 258
Date constructor 213 escape() method 258
universal time methods 236 eval() method 259
date values exception handling, try statement 62
extracted from a Time object 197 Exception objects 249
stored in variables 204 ExecuteQuery() method 115
Date.fromSystem() static method 213, 216 ExecuteQuery2() method 115
Date.parse() static method 217 exponential functions 287
Date.toSystem() method 213, 218 expressions in eScript 25, 40
Date.UTC() static method 237 external calls 308
date-time values 199
DeactivateFields() method 115 F
decimal digits 127 file buffer data 142
decimal floats 35 file cursors
decimal number, integer part of 175 locating 140
defined() method 277 position offset, setting 159
DeleteRecord() method 115 position, current 111
diagnostic messages 134 position, setting 157
directories setting to the beginning 163
changing current 136 file cursors.current, setting to a
creating 161 position 158
current working, path of 138 file pointers, associating with other
methods, list of 73 files 154
removing 164 file-control methods, list of 73
disk methods, list of 73 files
division operations 178 deleting a specified 162
do...while statement 53 input/output methods 74, 135
double quote marks 24 methods, list of 72
opening in a specified mode 146
E renaming 162
ECMAScript 22 temporary binary 165

352 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Index ■ G

FindActiveXControl() method 82 getSeconds() method 224

FindControl() method 82 GetService() method 84
FirstRecord() method 115 GetSharedGlobal() method 84
Fix and Go feature 16 getTIme() method 225
floating-point numbers getTimezoneOffset() method 226
converting from alphanumeric 260 GetType() method 300
described 35 GetUserProperty() method 116
hyperbolic sine 176 getUTCDate() method 238
hyperbolic tangent 177 getUTCDay() method 239
mantissa and exponent as givens 174 getUTCFullYear() method 239
for statement 54 getUTCHours() method 240
for...in statement 55, 87 getUTCMilliseconds() method 241
formatting data in eScript 167, 170 getUTCMinutes() method 241
Function objects getUTCMonth() method 242
creating 250 getUTCSeconds() method 242
length property 251 GetValue() method 300
return statement 251 GetViewMode() method 116
functions getYear() method 227
arguments[] property 49 global objects
described 47 description 252
error checking 50 functions 253
passing variables to 49 global variables 27
recursive 50 goto statement 56
scope 48 Greenwich mean time (GMT), methods
specific location within 56 for 236

get method, BLOB objects 95 hard returns 24
getArrayLength() method 254 hexadecimal digits 132
GetAssocBusComp() method 115 hexadecimal notation 34
GetBusComp() method 118 hyperbolic cosine of x values 172
GetChild() method 300 hyperbolic sine values 176
GetChildCount() method 300 hyperbolic tangent values 177
getDate() method 218
getDay() method 219 I
GetFieldValue() method 115 identifiers
GetFirstProperty() method 118, 300 prohibited 26
GetFormattedFieldValue() method 115 rules 25
getFullYear() method 220 See also variables
getHours() method 221 if statement 57
getMilliseconds() method 222 implicit data type conversion 37
getMinutes() method 222 input, formatting in eScript 170
getMonth() method 222, 223 InsertChildAt() method 301
GetMultipleFieldValues() method 115 integers
GetMVGBusComp() method 115 converting from alphanumeric 261
GetNamedSearch() method 115 converting to a Time object 200
GetNextProperty() method 118, 300 described 34
GetPicklistBusComp() method 116 division 172
GetProfileAttr() method 84 smallest 285
GetProperty() method 118, 300 InvokeMethod() method 82, 84, 116, 119
GetPropertyCount() method 300 isFinite() method 278
GetSearchExpr() method 116 isNaN() method 278
GetSearchSpec() method 116

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 35 3

Index ■ J

J Math.PI property 299

JavaScript Math.pow() method 290
common usage 22 Math.random() method 291
and eScript 15 Math.round() method 292
Math.sin() method 294
Math.sqrt() method 295
L Math.SQRT1_2 property 299
LastRecord() method 116 Math.SQRT2 property 299
length property Math.tan() method 295
Array object 89 mathematical operators
Function object 251 assignment arithmetic 42
String object 322 auto increment and decrement 42
line breaks in strings 23 basic arithmetic 41
local variables 27 MAX_VALUE constant 36
locking files for multiple processes 145 memory manipulation methods, list of 77
logarithms MIN_VALUE constant 36
base 10 of e 298
base 2 of e 298
natural 288 N
number value for e 296 Name() method 82, 116, 118, 119
of 10 297 NaN constant 36
of 2 297 NEGATIVE_INFINITY constant 36
logical operators 43, 44 NewPropertySet() method 85
LoginId() method 84 NewRecord() method 116
LoginName() method 84 NextRecord() method 116
LookupMessage() method 84 null objects 31
loops number objects 30
continue statement 52 numbers
do...while statement 53 calculating integer exponent of 2 173
for...in statement 55 constants 36
new iteration, starting 52 decimal 35
repeating 63 floating point 35
terminating 51 hexadecimal 34
integer 34
NaN 36
M octal 34
Math objects, methods and properties 279 pseudo-random 291
math properties, list of 76 random 176
Math.abs() method 280 random, generating 177
Math.acos() method 281 rounding 292
Math.asin() method 281 scientific notation 35
Math.atan() method 282 numeric methods, list of 75
Math.atan2() method 284
Math.ceil() method 285
Math.cos() method 286 O
Math.E property 296 object data types
Math.exp() method 287 array objects 30
Math.floor() method 287 Boolean objects 30
Math.LN10 property 297 description 30
Math.LN2 property 297 null objects 31
Math.log() method 288 number objects 30
Math.LOG10E property 298 performance considerations 32
Math.LOG2E property 298 prebuilt objects in eScript 32
Math.max() method 289 string objects 30
Math.min() method 290 Object objects 331

354 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Index ■ P

object properties primitive data types

testing 277 bool 29
undefining 256 chars 29
objects description 28
assigning functions 332 float 29
complex 33 undefined 29
looping through properties 55 print functions, format strings 168
prototypes 333 printing format strings 168
templates, creating 331 processor tick count, current 198
octal notation 34 program flow, directing 57, 59
operating system interaction methods, list programming guidelines 21
of 77 properties, described 331
operators property set object methods 300
assignment arithmetic 42 PropertyExists() method 119, 301
auto-decrement 42 punctuation marks 130
auto-increment 42 put method, BLOB objects 97
basic arithmetic 41
bit 43 Q
conditional 47 question marks (?) 47
conditional expressions 44 quot method 178
logical 44 quote marks
mathematical 41 double 24
order of precedence 40 single 24
string concatenation 47 quotient, finding 178
typeof 46
output, writing to a string variable 182
RaiseError() method 85
P RaiseErrorText() method 85
parameters random numbers
converting to a buffer 263 generating 176
converting to a number 269 generators 177
converting to a string 272 recursive functions 50
converting to an integer 267, 268, 273, 274 RefineQuery() method 116
converting to an object 270 RegExp compile() method 301
determining if finite numbers 278 RegExp exec() method 302
determining if numbers 278 RegExp global property 306
number expected by the function 251 RegExp ignoreCase property 307
placing in a buffer 264 RegExp multiline property 307
raising to a power 290, 299 RegExp object methods 301
value, returning 259 RegExp object properties 306
ParentBusComp() method 116 RegExp source property 308
parseFloat() method 260, 261 RegExp test() method 305
performance considerations in using rem method 178
objects 32 RemoveChild() method 301
pi, number values 299 RemoveProperty() method 119, 301
Pick() method 116 repository introspection 19
pointer, current position 143 Reset() method 301
PositionId() method 85 return statements 251
PositionName() method 85
prebuilt objects in eScript 32 S
preprocessing error messages 346 scientific notation 35
PreviousRecord() method 116 Script Assist utility
feature of ST eScript engine 16

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 35 5

Index ■ S

repository introspection 19 SetSortSpec() method 117

script libraries 119 setTime() method 232
script profiling 16, 20 SetType() Method 301
scripting engine incompatibilities SetUserProperty() method 117
accessing objects and arrays 17 setUTCDate() method 243
commands 18 setUTCFullYear() method 243
comparison operations 17 setUTCHours() method 245
description 17 setUTCMilliseconds() method 246
implicit variable type conversion 18 setUTCMinutes() method 247
methods 18 setUTCMonth() method 247
properties 18 setUTCSeconds() method 248
variable data typing 17 SetValue() Method 301
searching in arrays 207 SetViewMode() method 117
searching in strings setYear() method 234
characters not among a group 193 Siebel eScript
first occurrence of a second string 194 concepts 22
first occurrence of a specified substring 195 and JavaScript 22
group of specified characters 185 programming guidelines 21
several characters 191 this object reference 21
specified character 184 sine values 294
SEEK_CUR value 158 single quote marks 24
SEEK_END value 158 size method, BLOB objects 99
SEEK_SET value 158 special characters 24, 316, 317
SElib objects 308 square root values
SElib.dynamicLink() method 309 of 1/2 299
SElib.peek() method 311 of 2 299
SElib.pointer() method 313 parameter 295
SElib.poke() method 314 ST eScript engine 16
semantic error messages 339 statement blocks
semantic warnings in eScript 344 assigning a default object 64
semicolon characters(;) 24, 25 described 25
sequential data 86 statements
Service_InvokeMethod() event 119 described 25
Service_PreCanInvokeMethod() event 119 repeating a series 54
Service_PreInvokeMethod() event 119 string charAt() method 317
setArrayLength() method 255 string charCodeAt() method 318
setDate() method 227 string concatenation 47
SetFieldValue() method 116 string concatenation operator 47
SetFormattedFieldValue() method 117 string indexOf() method 320
setFullYear() method 228 string lastIndexOf() method 321
setHours() method 228 String match() method 323
setMilliseconds() method 229 string objects
setMinutes() method 231 description 30
setMonth() method 231 methods and properties 317
SetMultipleFieldValues() method 117 string replace() method 327
SetNamedSearch() method 117 string split() method 326
SetPositionId() method 85 String.fromcharCode() static method 319
SetPositionName() method 85 strings
SetProfileAttr() method 85 appending a specified number of
SetProperty() method 119, 301 characters 187
SetSearchExpr() method 117 back-quote 317
SetSearchSpec() method 117 from character codes 319
setSeconds() method 232 converting alphanumeric to a floating-point
SetSharedGlobal() method 85 decimal number 260, 261

356 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

Index ■ T

copying characters between 190 described 196

copying to lowercase 329 ToBoolean() method 262
copying to uppercase 330 ToBuffer() method 263
creating strings of array elements 88 ToBytes() method 264
declaring 316 ToFixed() method 266
escape sequences 316 toGMTString() method 234
formatted 181 ToIExponential() method 265
formatted, writing to a file 149 ToInt32() method 267
length property 322 ToInteger() method 268
length stored as an integer 322 toLocaleString() method 235
methods, list of 78 toLowerCase() method 329
as objects 317 ToNumber() method 269
objects 315 ToObject() method 270
searching for a group of characters 185 ToPrecision() method 271
searching for characters 184, 191, 193 ToString() method 40, 235, 272
searching for first occurrence of a second ToUint32() method 274
string 194 ToUnit16() method 273
searching for last occurrence of a toUTCString() method 249
character 192 Trace() method 85
section, retrieving 329 TraceOff() method 85
special characters 316 TraceOn() method 85
specific place in 317 trailing parentheses () 21
splitting into arrays 326 trigonometric methods, list of 76
substring, first occurrence 320 try statement
substring, last occurrence 321 catch clause 62
substrings, searching for 195 description 61
writing to a specified file 151 finally clause 62
strongly typed variables type conversion, automatic 37, 38
data typing 36 typeless variables
equality operator 45 data typing 37
implicit type conversion 38 implicit type conversion 38
ST eScript engine enhancement 16 typeof operator 46
substring() method 329
switch statements U
controlling the flow 51 uncategorized methods, list of 79
described 59 undefine() method 256
syntax error messages 335 UndoRecord() method 117
unescape() method 275
T Universal Coordinated Time (UTC), methods
T eScript engine 16 for 236
tangents 295 unlocking files for multiple processes 145
this object reference 21, 331 user-defined objects 331
throw statement 61
time V
difference between two times 199 valueOf() method 40
extracted from a Time object 197 values
integer representation 206 passing back to the function 251
methods, list 71 specifying with object prototypes 333
stored in variables 204 undefining 256
time methods 215 variables
Time methods (universal time) 236 about 27
Time objects array, matching 207
converting 202 compound 331

Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1 35 7

Index ■ W

data in, writing to a specified file 160 WebApplet_Load() event 82

declaring 21, 27 WebApplet_PreCanInvokeMethod()
passing by reference 33 event 83
passing by value 49 WebApplet_PreInvokeMethod() event 83
passing to the COM object 254 WebApplet_ShowControl() event 83
scope 27 WebApplet_ShowListColumn() event 83
Siebel eScript 27 while statement 25, 63
storing data in 164 white-space characters 23, 131
testing 277 with statement 64
undefining 256 WriteRecord() method 117

Web applet object methods 82 Y2K sensitivities 21, 213
WebApplet_InvokeMethod() event 82

358 Siebel eScript Language Reference Version 8.1

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