Republic of The Philippines Department of Education Schools Division of Palawan
Republic of The Philippines Department of Education Schools Division of Palawan
Republic of The Philippines Department of Education Schools Division of Palawan
Department of Education
) Action Research ) Inclusive Education
( ) Basic Research
12/02/1987 F TEACHER I
I hereby endorse the attached research proposal. I certify that the proponent/s
has/have the capacity to implement a research study without compromising his/her
office functions.
2. I/We hereby declare that we do not have any personal conflict of interest that may
arise from our application and submission of our research proposal. We understand
that our research proposal may be returned to us if found out that there is conflict of
interest during the initial screening as per (insert RMG provision).
3. Further, in case in any form of conflict of interest (possible or actual) which may
inadvertently emerge during the conduct our research, we will duly report it to the
research committee for immediate action.
SIGNATURE: __________
DATE: 02/23/2021
1. I/We, GENELYN P. SAMACO, understand that plagiarism is the act of taking and
using another’s ideas and works and passing them off as one’s of. These includes
explicitly copying the whole work of another person and/or using some parts of their
work without proper acknowledge and referencing.
2. I/We hereby attest to the originality of this research proposal and has cited properly
all the references used. We further commit that all deliverables and the final research
study emanating from this proposal shall be of original content. We shall use
appropriate citations in referencing other works from various sources.
3. I/We understand that violations form this declarations and commitment shall be
subject to consequences and shall be dealt with accordingly by the Department of
Education and (insert grant mechanism).
SIGNATURE: __________
DATE: 02/23/2021
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Palawan
Busuanga District
Salvacion National High School
Genelyn P. Samaco
Teacher 1
Salvacion National High School
Junior High School Department
December, 2020
of needs and learning styles. According to Swanson, 1999, “Often teachers do not feel the
time to do something about it or are not sure of what to do.”, this shows that a particularly
powerful instruction must be designed where the educators could give time to monitor the
progress of the students. In today’s generation, learners frequently use the advent of
technology to create their own version of almost everything allowing them to create
something new. Teachers need to be more aware that some students need more time to
learn and practice new concept in a way that they can express their own ideas in a given
task. Thus, as mentioned by King – Sears, 2007 “Educators must be organized and focused
to implement Activity centers” Nowadays, one of the challenges being encountered by math
teachers is the ability of the learners to relate mathematical concepts to real – life
applications. We are very much aware that practical application in real life situation is vital in
teaching mathematics. A learner who has difficulties in analyzing, planning and organizing
mathematical concept may use other way of solving a math problem. There are lots of
strategies to be used to help them relate the problem to their learning styles. The
researcher will conduct the study in Salvacion National High School, Salvacion Busuanga
Palawan. This study will focus to grade 11 senior high school students who are subjected to
activity center instruction. The data gathering will start from the 2nd Quarter up to the 4 th
Further, well – designed activity centers can provide students with diverse learning
needs and opportunities to be more actively engage in learning, practice new skills,
increase proficiency in skills required and apply knowledge or skills to new scenarios or
search done by the researcher. This will also present the synthesis of the theoretical and
conceptual framework to fully understand the research to be done and lastly the
As the saying goes “Every flower is unique” students are unique as well. Educators
are hopeful to provide instruction for diverse learners. Students differ in their learning
learning style preferences to enhance the education and training of allied health
professionals. It was also recommended for teachers to pay more attention in student’s
learning style and use appropriate teaching methods. In 21 st century teachers are
facilitators in the classroom to make the learning experience more relatable to individual
(King- Sears 2007) Learning centers is an organizational method that can be used to
provide students with small-group instruction, practice and review activities, and
increased active engagement in learning. A learning center is a space set aside in the
classroom that allows easy access to a variety of learning materials in an interesting and
productive manner. Centers are designed to enhance the learning of concepts, skills,
themes, or topics. This learning can take place after a topic is presented to students,
material in the text. Student empowerment has become a new concern in school
have the motivation and skills necessary to perform their responsibilities a sense of
achievement in the performed tasks in school. This can be learned and put to practice by
the student through competencies incorporated in the integrated course that will enable
the student to find answers to challenges in performing the tasks required by the subject.
Effective teaching is a highly complex process that involves the ability to skillfully
perform numerous tasks simultaneously. This study merely serves to guide teachers
teaching strategies for effective instruction for diverse learners; and developing a
quality work, and high expectations for everyone’s participation, performance, and
learning. According to Gallimore and Tharp (1992), the most effective learning results
(b) instructional activities are meaningfully connected to students’ prior experience and
knowledge; and (c) instruction is conversational and occurs within the learner’s zone of
development defined by Vygotsky (1978, p. 86) as “...the difference between the actual
collaboration with more capable peers. Based on these ideas, Tharp et al., (2000) this
DIVERSITY & EXCELLENCE (CREDE) “Designing Effective Activity Centers for Diverse
Learners”. This is a guide for teachers at all grade levels and for all subject areas.
Designing and delivering activity centers may also be accomplished based on these five
(2000). The first standard, Joint Productive Activity (JPA), is collaboration on a shared
product or goal. Collaboration between the teacher and a small group of students, or
between peers, encourages active participation, interaction, the exchange of information,
and sharing of views, problem solving and thinking strategies. More important, joint
productive activities allow the teacher, other adult, or more capable peers to provide
sufficient assistance and support to ensure the success of all participants, while
encouraging active participation by students with varying levels of skill and knowledge.
The second standard, Language and Literacy Development (LLD), is a primary objective
of activity centers and can best be accomplished by providing activities that are rich in
concepts and instruction to students’ prior knowledge or experience from home, school,
school to real life contexts. The fourth standard, Challenging Activities (CA), promotes
complex instructional tasks to teach course content and higher order thinking skills. It is
extremely important to note, however, that all activity center tasks are designed to
ensure student success – challenge refers to the level of cognitive complexity required to
perform the task. The fifth standard, Instructional Conversation (IC), provides the context
for teachers and students to work closely together in a small group discussion that has a
clear academic goal. In an IC, the teacher listens carefully to assess students’ levels of
about views, judgments, rationales or experience; and weaves instructional content with
students’ prior knowledge. This result was conducted by one of CREDE’S research and
routine for developing, modeling, and practicing the community values necessary for
activity center instruction. The goals of opening and closures are to facilitate cooperative
phases; Phase I: During Phase I, instruction occurs in a whole-class setting following the
opening. During the instructional activities, between the opening and closure, the
teacher floats to assist while students work individually, with partners, or in small groups.
Phase II: Students work on two to five different activities (as opposed to ‘activity centers’
that are semi-permanent stations) that occur simultaneously. Phase III: In addition to
having students work on different tasks occurring simultaneously, some with the
teachers assistance and some independent of teacher assistance, the teacher routes
students through the activities in various patterns so that each student has the
opportunity to work with every other student in the classroom. Phase IV: Initially, one
location and all necessary resources. Phase V: While students continue working in a
variety of groupings at the independent activity centers, the teacher engages students in
primary vehicle for teaching. The important outcome of activity centers is the
(Jackman, Beaver & Wyatt, 2014;Metin, 2017) and an instructional method used to
promote the social and academic development of children (McCarthy, 1977as cited in
and activities that allow children to work and learn at their own pace while, at the
This figure shows that the use of design and delivery of Activity Centers which is the
independent variable will affect to the performance of the learners in Statistics and
The conduct of this study aims to determine the effects of Designing and
and Probability.
1. What is the result of the Pre-Test conducted to the Grade 11 Senior High
School Students?
2. What is the result of the Post Test conducted to the Grade 11 SHS students?
3. Is there any significant difference between the result of Pre Test and the Post
4. What is the effect of activity center design and delivery to the Grade 11 Senior
Research Hypotheses:
H0: There is no significant effect between the use of activity centers and academic
Ha: There is a significant effect between the use of activity centers and academic
The researcher proposed intervention to lessen the students who have problems in
mathematical skills. It aims to provide variety of delivery to cater the students’ learning
style. The teacher will use the activity center design as basis of day to day instructions.
This design will be conducted through phase 1 to phase 4 following the competency of
each session. The fifth phase will be conducted on Thursday. This program will be
conducted to selected grade 11 students from every block. The instruction and planned
activities will be designed by the teacher. The controlled and uncontrolled groups will
study the same competency. Teacher will deliver the instruction several times of the
said program. There will be a summative test to measure if the program affects the
performance of participants in Statistics and Probability. The scores in the pre- test and
Definition of Terms
teaching strategy
student’s performance
Probability subject.
After delivering the design for activity center for several times, the researcher
This research is a quantitative research after the data was gathered, The
researcher will analyze using the different statistical tools: the mean of the Pre
Test and at the same time the mean of the Post Test. The mean of the Pre Test
will be compared to the Post Test, if there is a difference between the mean of
Pre Test and Post Test, frequency counts, standard deviation, and t – test.
The mean and standard deviation will be used to describe the performance
of the respondent’s result in the pre-test and post – tense. T- test will determine
whether there is a significant effect in the use of Activity Centers to the academic
Pre Implementation W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
a. Preparation of
the research
b. Preparation and
conduct of the
a. Innovation,
Intervention and
Post Implementation
a. Preparation and
conduct of Post
b. Data Analysis
c. Preparation of
the Research
d. Dissemination
of Findings
Results of this study will give significance to different groups of people who are
involved in the teaching-learning process of the K-12 program. The results of this
research will be disseminated in Salvacion National High School and Busuanga District
will give idea for designing intervention program or teaching and learning process with
Freeman, S., Eddy, S.L., McDonough, M., Smith, M.K., Okoroafor, N., Jordt, H., &
(23) 8410-8415.
Prince, M. (2004) Does active learning work? A review of the research. Journal of
Hilberg, R. et al. (2003). Designing Effective Activity Centers for Diverse Learners.
Online Materials
LA 2.4 Designing Activity Center 1-- the Teacher Center - Integrating Content and
5 Types of Learning Stations You Might Want in Your Classroom | Education World
LiteracyLrngCentrs_DiverseStudents_Vol2_eBook.pdf (
Classroom on JSTOR