EEC 126 Lecture Note
EEC 126 Lecture Note
EEC 126 Lecture Note
Moving element: a small piece of soft iron in the form of a vane or rod.
Coil: to produce the magnetic field due to current flowing through it and
also to magnetize the iron pieces.
Control torque is provided by spring or weight (gravity).
Damping torque is normally pneumatic, the damping device consisting of
an air chamber and a moving vane attached to the instrument spindle.
Deflecting torque produces a movement on an aluminum pointer over a
graduated scale.
One iron vane is held fixed to the coil frame and other is free to rotate, carrying
with it the pointer shaft. Two irons lie in the magnetic field produced by the coil
that consists of only few turns if the instrument is an ammeter or of many turns if
the instrument is a voltmeter.
Current in the coil induces both vanes to become magnetized and repulsion
between the similarly magnetized vanes produces a proportional rotation
The basic moving coil instrument working principle is that when a current carrying
conductor is placed in a magnetic field, a mechanical force is exerted on the
conductor i.e when a field resultant magnetic field (produced by the movable
current carrying coil) tries to come in line with the main field (produced by the
permanent magnet), a deflecting torque is developed. By the production of
deflecting torque, the pointer deflects over the scale.
Moving Coil Instrument Working.
When the moving coil instrument is connected in the circuit, the operating current
flows through the coil which is mounted on the spindle. Since the coil is placed in
the strong field of permanent magnets, a force is exerted on the current carrying
conductors of the coil which produces deflecting torque. Thus the pointer attached
to the spindle in deflected over the calibrated scale.
If the current in the coil is reversed, the direction of deflecting torque will be
reversed because of the field produced by the permanent magnets remains the
same. This will give a wrong direction of rotation thus the instrument cannot be
used on AC, permanent magnet moving coil instruments can be used for the
measurement of DC only.
The simple view of construction of moving coil instrument is shown in the figure
above. It consists of a powerful permanent shoe magnet. A light rectangular coil of
many turns of fine wire is wound on a light aluminum former. An iron core is
inserted inside the coil to reduce reluctance for the magnetic lines of force. The
coil is mounted on the spindle and acts as the moving element.
phosphor bronze spiral hairsprings are attached to the spindle. The springs provide
the controlling torque as well as act as incoming and outgoing leads for the current.
Eddy current damping is provided by the aluminum former.
An ammeter is an instrument which is used to measure the electric current in
amperes in a branch of an electric circuit. In order to measure the current it must
flow through the ammeter, so the ammeter must be placed in series with the
measured branch and it must have very low resistance so that the alteration of the
current can be avoided which is measured. Instruments which is used to measure
smaller currents are micro-ammeter. The ammeter is connected in series to the
device which is to be measured because objects in series have the same current.
Types of Ammeter
Moving iron ammeter
A moving iron, ammeter can measure the AC and DC, it has an iron piece instead
of the spring and pointer system of the galvanometer. The iron will act by the
magnetic field created in the coil.
Galvanometer was the first type of ammeter, it is used to detect and measure
electric current. It is an analog electromechanical transducer which makes a rotary
deflection in response to the electric current flowing through the coil. A
galvanometer can read direct current flow, the magnetic field created as current
flows through a coil acts on a spring, which will move the needle indicator.
A shunt can be used in ammeters to measure large currents, shunt acts as a resistor
the known quantity of resistance is used to obtain an accurate reading. Digital
ammeters use analog to digital converter to measure the current across the shunt.
Clamp meter
Clamp meters are used to measure the current flowing through a conductor, AC
clamp meters have a current transformer in it. With the help of the current
transformer the reading will be taken. There are two types of clamp meters AC
clamp meter which is used to measure the AC and the DC clamp meter which is
used to measure the DC.
The voltmeter can be considered as a kind of galvanometer, which can be used to
measure the voltage potential of an electrical circuit or the potential difference
between two points. A voltmeter can also be considered as an ammeter they also
measure the current, voltage is only measured when the current is transmitted in a
circuit through resistance. Voltmeters are capable to measure the current, voltage
and resistance. Voltmeters are also termed as high resistance ammeters they can
also measure DC and AC. A voltmeter can measure the change in voltage by two
points in an electrical circuit and they are connected in parallel with the portion of
the circuit on which the measurement is made. Voltmeters must have high
resistance so that it won’t have any effect on the current or voltage associated with
the circuit.
Types of voltmeter
Digital voltmeter
Digital voltmeters can measure the AC and DC voltages and it displays the result
in converted digital form with decimal point and polarity. It can provide accurate
details about the current draw and current continuity and this will help the users to
troubleshoot erratic loads.
An ohmmeter is an instrument that is used to measure the resistance and they can
measure the value of resistance accurately. According to their measurement and
construction, these instruments are classified into the series type and shunt type
ohmmeter. It can be used to check the continuity of the electrical circuits and
components. Series type ohmmeters are used to measure the high resistance values
while the shunt type is used to measure low resistance values.
Potentiometers are instruments that can be used to measure the unknown voltage.
The known voltage will be supplied from a standard cell or any other known
voltage reference source. Potentiometer measurement has high accuracy because
the measurement is done by the comparison method and the obtained result is not
by the deflection of the pointer. Potentiometers can be used to compare the E.M.F
of the two cells, it can be used to determine the E.M.F of a cell, it can be used to
determine the internal resistance of a cell and to calibrate the voltmeter and
Watt-meters are used to measure power, these instruments are similar in design and
construction of an ammeter. It can be used to measure the average electric power in
watts. Wattmeter has two coils they are current and pressure coil. Wattmeter can be
used to measure the gain in amplifiers, bandwidth in filters.
1. Electrostatic focusing.
2. Electromagnetic focusing.
Electrostatic Focusing
We know that the force on an electron is given by – qE, where q is the charge on
electron (q = 1.6 × 10-19 C), E is the electric field intensity and negative sign shows
that the direction of force is in opposite direction to that of electric field.
The Megger is the instrument uses for measuring the resistance of the insulation. It
works on the principle of comparison, i.e., the resistance of
the insulation is compared with the known value of resistance. If the resistance of
the insulation is high, the pointer of the moving coil deflects towards the infinity,
and if it is low, then the pointer indicates zero resistance. The accuracy of the
Megger is high as compared to other instruments.
Construction of Megger
The construction of the Megger is shown in the figure below. The Megger has one
current coil and the two voltage coils V1 and V2. The voltage coil V1 is passed over
the magnet connected to the generator. When the pointer of the PMMC
instrument deflects towards infinity, it means that the voltage coil remains in the
weak magnetic field and thus experienced the very little torque.
The torque experienced by the coil increases when it moves insides the strong
magnetic field. The coil experiences the maximum torque under the pole faces and
the pointer set at the zero end of the resistance scale.
For improving the torque, the voltage coil V2 is used. The coil V2 is so allocated
that when the pointer deflects from infinity to zero coil moves into a stronger
magnetic field.
In Megger, the combined action of both the voltage coils V1 and V2 are considered.
The coil comprises a spring of variable stiffness. It is stiff near the zero end of the
coil and becomes very weak near the infinity end of the spring.
The spring compresses the low resistance portion and opens the high resistance of
the spring, which is the great advantage of the Megger because it is used for
measuring the insulation of the resistance which is usually very high.
The instrument has voltage selector switch which is used for selecting the voltage
range of the instrument. The voltage range is controlled by selecting the varying
resistance R connected in series with the current coil. The voltage is generated by
connecting the hand driven generator.
Working of Megger
The testing voltage is usually 500, 1000 or 2500 V which is generated by the hand
driven generator. The generator has centrifugal clutch due to which the generator
supplied the constant for the insulation test. The constant voltage is used for testing
the insulation having low resistance.
The Megger has three coils two pressure coils and one current coil. The pressure
coil rotates the moving coil in the anticlockwise direction, whereas the current coil
rotates it in the clockwise direction.
When the unknown resistance is connected in the circuit, the pointer of the moving
coil becomes stable. The pressure coil and the current coil balance the pointer and
set it in the middle of the scale.
The deflection of the pointer is directly proportional to the voltage applied to the
external circuit. When the testing circuit is applied across the Megger, and if there
is no shorting throughout the insulation then the pointer deflects towards the
infinity. Which shows that the resistance has high insulation. For low resistance,
the pointer moves towards zero.
Wheatstone Bridge
When balanced, the Wheatstone bridge can be analysed simply as two series
strings in parallel. In our tutorial about Resistors in Series, we saw that each
resistor within the series chain produces an IR drop, or voltage drop across itself as
a consequence of the current flowing through it as defined by Ohms Law. Consider
the series circuit below.
As the two resistors are in series, the same current ( i ) flows through both of them.
Therefore the current flowing through these two resistors in series is given
as: V/RT.
I = V ÷ R = 12V ÷ (10Ω + 20Ω) = 0.4A
The voltage at point C, which is also the voltage drop across the lower
resistor, R2 is calculated as:
VR2 = I × R2 = 0.4A × 20Ω = 8 volts
Then we can see that the source voltage VS is divided among the two series
resistors in direct proportion to their resistances as VR1 = 4V and VR2 = 8V. This is
the principle of voltage division, producing what is commonly called a potential
divider circuit or voltage divider network.
Now if we add another series resistor circuit using the same resistor values in
parallel with the first we would have the following circuit.
As the second series circuit has the same resistive values of the first, the voltage at
point D, which is also the voltage drop across resistor, R4 will be the same at 8
volts, with respect to zero (battery negative), as the voltage is common and the two
resistive networks are the same.
But something else equally as important is that the voltage difference between
point C and point D will be zero volts as both points are at the same value of 8
volts as: C = D = 8 volts, then the voltage difference is: 0 volts
When this happens, both sides of the parallel bridge network are said to
be balanced because the voltage at point C is the same value as the voltage at
point D with their difference being zero.
Now let’s consider what would happen if we reversed the position of the two
resistors, R3 and R4 in the second parallel branch with respect to R1 and R2.
With resistors, R3 and R4 reversed, the same current flows through the series
combination and the voltage at point D, which is also the voltage drop across
resistor, R4 will be:
VR4 = 0.4A × 10Ω = 4 volts
Now with VR4 having 4 volts dropped across it, the voltage difference between
points C and D will be 4 volts as: C = 8 volts and D = 4 volts. Then the difference
this time is: 8 – 4 = 4 volts
The result of swapping the two resistors is that both sides or “arms” of the parallel
network are different as they produce different voltage drops. When this happens,
the parallel network is said to be unbalanced as the voltage at point C is at a
different value to the voltage at point D.
Then we can see that the resistance ratio of these two parallel
arms, ACB and ADB, results in a voltage difference between 0 volts (balanced)
and the maximum supply voltage (unbalanced), and this is the basic principal of
the Wheatstone Bridge Circuit.
So we can see that a Wheatstone bridge circuit can be used to compare an
unknown resistance RX with others of a known value, for example, R1 and R2, have
fixed values, and R3 could be variable. If we connected a voltmeter, ammeter or
classically a galvanometer between points C and D, and then varied
resistor, R3 until the meters read zero, would result in the two arms being balanced
and the value of RX, (substituting R4) known as shown.
Where resistors, R1 and R2 are known or preset values
We have seen above that the Wheatstone Bridge has two input terminals (A-B) and
two output terminals (C-D). When the bridge is balanced, the voltage across the
output terminals is 0 volts. When the bridge is unbalanced, however, the output
voltage may be either positive or negative depending upon the direction of
Wheatstone Bridge Light Detector
Balanced bridge circuits find many useful electronics applications such as being
used to measure changes in light intensity, pressure or strain. The types of resistive
sensors that can be used within a wheatstone bridge circuit include: photoresistive
sensors (LDR’s), positional sensors (potentiometers), piezoresistive sensors (strain
gauges) and temperature sensors (thermistor’s), etc.
There are many wheatstone bridge applications for sensing a whole range of
mechanical and electrical quantities, but one very simple wheatstone bridge
application is in the measurement of light by using a photoresistive device. One of
the resistors within the bridge network is replaced by a light dependent resistor, or
An LDR, also known as a cadmium-sulphide (Cds) photocell, is a passive resistive
sensor which converts changes in visible light levels into a change in resistance
and hence a voltage. Light dependent resistors can be used for monitoring and
measuring the level of light intensity, or whether a light source is ON or OFF.
A typical Cadmium Sulphide (CdS) cell such as the ORP12 light dependent
resistor typically has a resistance of about one Megaohm (MΩ) in dark or dim
light, about 900Ω at a light intensity of 100 Lux (typical of a well lit room), down
to about 30Ω in bright sunlight. Then as the light intensity increases the resistance
reduces. By connecting a light dependant resistor to the Wheatstone bridge circuit
above, we can monitor and measure any changes in the light levels as shown.
Two methods are used for determining the self-inductance of the circuit. They are
At balance,
The value of the R3 and the R4 resistance varies from 10 to 1000 ohms with the help of the
resistance box. Sometimes for balancing the bridge, the additional resistance is also inserted into
the circuit.
In this type of bridges, the unknown resistance is measured with the help of the
standard variable capacitance.
De Sauty Bridge
Errors in measurement
The static error of a measuring instrument is the numerical difference between the
true value of a quantity and its value as obtained by measurement. This causes the
repeated measurement of the same quantity to give different indications, and thus,
precision is an important characteristic in electronic instruments.
Following are the three main types of static errors:
Gross/ Human Errors
Systematic Errors
Random Errors
I. Gross/ Human Errors – These errors are mainly due to human mistakes in
reading or in using instruments or errors in recording observations.
II. Systematic Errors – These errors are due to shortcomings of the instrument,
such as defective or worn parts, ageing, or effects of the environment on the
The errors are sometimes referred to as bias, and they influence all
measurements of a quantity alike.
In other words, a constant uniform deviation of the operation of an
instrument is known as a systematic error.
There are basically three types of systematic errors, namely –
A. Instrumental – They are inherent in measuring instruments, because of
their mechanical structure (e.g.: irregular spring tensions or stretching of a
spring). They can be avoided by appropriate instrument selection and
B. Environmental – They are due to conditions external to the measuring
device, including conditions in the area surrounding the instrument, such as
the effects of change in temperature, humidity, barometric pressure, or of
magnetic or electrostatic fields. They can be avoided by air conditioning,
C. Observational – They are introduced by the observer. The most common
error is the parallax error (when the pointer fluctuates between different
readings, and the reading is taken arbitrarily) introduced in reading a meter
scale, and the error of estimation when obtaining a reading from a meter
These errors are caused by the habits of individual observers. For example,
an observer may always introduce an error by consistently holding his head
too far to the left while reading a needle and scale reading.
A. In general, these are also subdivided into two – static and dynamic.
B. Static errors are caused by limitations of the measuring device or the
physical laws governing its behaviour, while dynamic errors are caused by
the instrument not responding fast enough to follow the changes in a
measured variable.
III. Random Errors – These are the errors that remain after gross and systematic
errors have substantially been reduced or at least accounted for.
They are generally an accumulation of a large number of small effects and
may be of real concern only in measurements requiring high degree of
They are due to unknown causes, not determinable in the ordinary process of
making measurements.
Such errors are normally small, and follow the laws of probability. Thus,
they can be treated mathematically.
For example, suppose a voltage is being monitored by a voltmeter which is
read at 15 m minute intervals. Although the instrument operates under ideal
environmental conditions and is accurately calibrated before measurement, it
still gives readings that vary slightly over the period of observation. This
variation cannot be corrected by any method of calibration or any other
known method of control.