Problem 10-20
Problem 10-20
2 in,
mean coil diameter of 2 in, a total of 12 coils, a free length of 5 in, with squared ends.
10–6 A helical compression spring is to be made of oil-tempered wire of 4-mm diameter with a
spring index of C = 10. The spring is to operate inside a hole, so buckling is not a problem
and the ends can be left plain. The free length of the spring should be 80 mm. A force of 50 N
should deflect the spring 15 mm.
(a) Determine the spring rate.
(b) Determine the minimum hole diameter for the spring to operate in.
(c) Determine the total number of coils needed.
(d) Determine the solid length.
(e) Determine a static factor of safety based on the yielding of the spring if it is compressed
to its solid length.
4 4 in
Problem 10–20
2 in
0.135 in
10–26 A compression spring is needed to fit over a 0.5-in diameter rod. To allow for some clearance,
the inside diameter of the spring is to be 0.6 in. To ensure a reasonable coil, use a spring index of
10. The spring is to be used in a machine by compressing it from a free length of 5 in through a
stroke of 3 in to its solid length. The spring should have squared and ground ends, unpeened, and
is to be made from cold-drawn wire.
(a) Determine a suitable wire diamete .
(b) Determine a suitable total number of coils.
(c) Determine the spring constant
(d) Determine the static factor of safety when compressed to solid length.
(e) Determine the fatigue factor of safety when repeatedly cycled from free length to solid