MCQ Unit 2 Centroid and Friction: Que.N o
MCQ Unit 2 Centroid and Friction: Que.N o
1 The C.G. of a plane lamina will not be Circle Equilateral Rectangle Right d 1
at its geometrical centre if it is a Triangle angled
2 A square hole is punched out of 0 r/4 r/2 -r/4 a 2
circular lamina of radius 'r' in such a
way that centre of square is on Y axis
and its base coincides with horizontal
diameter of circle. If the side of square
is 'r/2'. The X centroidal distance is
3 Centroidal distance of an equilateral 0.866 a 0.471 a 0.288 a 0.235 a c 2
triangle with side 'a' from any of the
three sides is
4 The C.G. of a body is the point through Earth attracts resultant of both (a) and (b) none of a 1
which, external forces above
5 A letter 'B' is made up of wire 3.055 cm 5 cm 0 cm 1.945 cm d 2
bends.The length of vertical wire is
20cm and the two semicircular arc
with diameter of 10 cm. The X-
centroidal distance from the vertical
wire is
6 A wire bend forming an arc of circle (0, rsinα/α) (rsinα/α, 0) (rsinα/α, rsinα/α) (0,0) b 2
with the subtended angle equal to 2α
and is symmetrical about x axis. Locate
the C.G.
7 The C.G. of a wire bend forming a (2r/π,2r/π) (4r/3π,4r/3π) (3r/4π,3r/4π) (0,0) a 2
quarter circular arc is
8 The C.G. of a circular stor lamina with (2r sinα/3α, 0) (rsinα/α, 0) (2r sinα/3α, 2r (0,0) a 2
the subtended angle equal to 2α and sinα/3α)
is symmetrical about x axis is
9 The C.G. of a quarter circular area is (2r/π,2r/π) (4r/3π,4r/3π) (3r/4π,3r/4π) (0,0) b 2
10 A trapezoid having two parallel sides 0.5h(b+2a)/(b+a) 0.5h(b-2a)/(b+a) h(b+2a)/3(b+a) h(b- c 2
'a' and 'b' and height 'h'. The Y 2a)/3(b+a
centroidal distance from bottom side )
'b' is
11 A symmetrical 'T' shaped lamina is 9.5 cm 8.75 cm 6.25 5 cm b 2
made from two rectangles 10cm X
5cm , so that total height is 15cm. The
centroidal distance from bottom is
12 The Y centroidal distance of equal I 15 cm 20 cm 17.5 cm 12.5 cm d 2
stion from its bottom each having
flange of size 10cm x 5 cm and web of
size 5cm x 15 cm deep is
13 The Y centroidal distance of frustum of 0.5d 0.44d d 0.8d b 2
cone from base of diameter 'd', top
diameter 'd/2' and height 'd' is
14 A square hole is punched out of 0 8.50 cm 4.32 cm 19.56 cm c 2
circular lamina of radius 'r = 20cm' in
such a way centre of square is on Y
axis and that base coincides with
horizontal diameter of circle. If the
side of square is 'r/2'. The Y centroidal
distance is
15 The Y centroidal distance of an 8.66 cm 4.71 cm 2.88 cm 2.35 cm c 2
equilateral triangle with each side
equal to 10cm from any of the three
sides is
16 The C.G. of an isosceles triangle with 6.455 cm 0 cm 5 cm 7 cm a 2
base 10cm and sides 20cm is
________ from its base
17 Wire bend forming an arc of circle (0, 9.88 cm) (9.88 cm, 0) (9.88 cm, 9.88 cm) (0,0) b 2
with the subtended angle 30°, radius
10cm is symmetrical about x axis.
Locate C.G.
18 The C.G. of a wire bend forming a (6.366 cm, 6.366 (4.244 cm, 4.244 (2.387 cm, 2.387 cm) (0,0) a 2
quarter circular arc with radius 10cm cm) cm)
19 The C.G. of a circular stor lamina with (6.59 cm , 0) (9.88 cm, 0) (6.59 cm , 6.59 cm) (0,0) a 2
the subtended angle 30°, radius 10cm
is symmetrical about x axis is
20 The C.G. of a quarter circular area with (6.366 cm, 6.366 (4.244 cm, 4.244 (2.387 cm, 2.387 cm) (0,0) b 2
radius 10cm is cm) cm)
21 The Y centroidal distance of frustum of 5 cm 4.4 cm 10 cm 8 cm b 2
cone from base with base diameter
10cm, top diameter 5cm and height
10cm is
22 The angle made by side of square 45° 90° 0° All of a 2
lamina with horizontal if suspended above
freely from the corner is
23 The centre of gravity G is a point area volume resultant weight none c 1
which locates the ……………. of a
system of particles.
24 For a system of n particles, the non-parallel parallel forces both A and B none b 1
weights of particles comprise of a forces
system of
25 The location of centre of gravity coincides with is different than is away none a 1
……………….. that of the center of
26 The centroid C is a point which defines area volume geometric centre all of the c 1
the ………………… of an object. above
27 The centroid coincides with centre of uniform homogeneous both A and B none c 2
mass or centre of gravity only if
material composing the body is
28 For a triangle, the centroid is located one third height two third height one half height none a 1
at ………………. from the base.
29 For a triangle, the centroid is located one third height two third height one half height none b 1
at ………………. from the apex.
30 For a triangle, the centroid is located one third, one one third, two one half, one half none b 2
at ………. from the base and …….. from fifth third
31 If an area or a line possesses an axis of outside the axis on that axis above the axis below the b 2
symmetry, its centroid C is located axis
32 If a circular stor is symmetric about x- 2rsinθ/3θ zero 4rsinθ/3θ 4rsinθ/3 a 2
axis, the centroidal x co-ordinate is
33 If an arc of a circle is symmetric about 4r/(3x3.14) zero 2r/3.15 3r/(3.14) b 2
x-axis, the centroidal y co-ordinate is
34 If a semicircular arc is symmetric 4r/(3x3.14) zero 2r/3.14 from both 3r/3.14 b 2
about y-axis, the centroid along x-axis axes
35 For a quarter-circular arc lying in first 2r/3.14 and 3r/3.14 and 2r/3.14 from both none c 2
quadrant, centroidal X and Y co- 3r/3.14 2r/3.14 axes
ordinates respectively are
36 For a semicircular arc symmetric about 2r/3.14 3r/3.14 r/3.14 none a 2
x-axis, centroidal x co-ordinate is
37 For a quarter-circular area lying in first 2r/3.14 and 3r/3.14 and (4r/3x3.14) from none c 2
qudrant, centroidal X and Y 3r/3.14 2r/3.14 both axes
coordinates are
38 If a semicircular area is symmetric 4r/(3x3.14) 2r/(3x3.14) 4r/(3.14) 2r/(3.14) a 2
about y-axis, the centroidal y co-
ordinate is
39 For a quarter-elliptical area of radii a 4a/3x3.14 and 3r/3.14 and (4a/3x3.14) along none a 2
and b lying in first qudrant, centroidal 4b/3x3.14 2r/3.14 both axes
X and Y co-ordinates respectively are
40 If a semielliptical area of radii a and b 4a/(3x3.14) 3r/3.14 4b/(3x3.14) none c 2
is symmetric about y-axis, the
centroidal y co-ordinate is
41 If a parabolic area is symmetric about 3h/10 zero 3h/5 7h/10 c 2
y-axis, the centroid along y-axis from
its base is
42 For a line of length 'a' passing through (a/2) cos(θ) (a/2) sin(θ) a a/2 a 2
origin and inclination θ with x-axis,
centroid along x is given by
43 For a line of length 'a' passing through (a/2) cos(θ) (a/2) sin(θ) a a/2 b 2
origin and inclination theta with x-axis,
centroid along y is
44 For a line of length 3 m passing 1.149 2 1.5 1 a 2
through origin and inclination 40 with
x-axis, centroid along x is
45 For a line of length 2.5 m passing 0.883 2.056 1.25 1 a 2
through origin and inclination 45 with
x-axis, centroid along y is
46 The center of mass will coincide with non-uniform uniform varying none b 2
the centroid provided the density of
material is
47 A triangle of base b and height h has Isosceles traingle Right angled Equilateral triangle Any shape d 1
its centroid (h/3) from its base. It is triangle of traingle
valid for
48 For a line of length 2.5 m passing 0.625 0.5 2.5 1 a 2
through origin and inclination 60 with
x-axis, centroid along x is
49 For a line of length 2.5 m passing 1.083 1.75 2.5 1 a 2
through origin and inclination 60 with
x-axis, centroid along y is
50 The particle acted upon by two forces same direction & opposite same direction & opposite b 1
will be in equilibrium if two forces collinear direction but collinear direction
have equal magnitude and are having collinear but non-
51 Moment of Inertia is the integration True False a 1
of the square of the distance of the
centroid and the del area along the
whole area of the structure.
2 3 4 5
52 If the area of a section is in mm2 and mm mm mm mm c 1
the distance of the centre of area from
a lines is in mm, then units of the
moment of inertia of the section
about the line is expressed in
3 4 44 4
53 Moment of inertia of a squares of side b /4 b /12 b /3 b /8 b 1
b about an axis through its centre of
gravity, is
54 Polar moment of inertia is Same as moment Applicable to The moment of The c 1
of inertia masses whereas inertia for an area moment
moment of relative to a linear or of inertia
inertia is axis perpendicular to for an
applicable to the plane of the area area
area only relative to
a line or
parallel to
2 3 4
55 The unit of radius of gyration is mm mm mm mm a 1
75 The body will move only when Force of friction = Force of friction Force of friction > All of the b 1
applied force < applied force applied force above
76 The value of Normal reaction (R) for W – PSinθ W + PSinθ P – WSinθ P + WSinθ a 2
the following figure is
77 The force of friction is maximum when Is on the point of Is at rest Is moving The a 1
the surface motion friction
same at
all points
78 Kinetic friction is Maximum value Friction Friction force acting Friction a 1
of frictional force between two when the body is in force
when a body is well lubricated motion which
about to move bodies keeps a
body in
79 Friction between The value of Friction between Friction d 1
electrically friction force solids and liquids between
charged bodies which cannot dry
Coulomb friction is
exit under a surfaces
80 The limiting force of friction is The value of The value of The friction force The c 1
friction force friction force acting on the body is friction
which stops the which cannot just about to move force
movement of the exit under a acting on
body situation a body
when it is
in motion
81 If the angle of friction is zero a body Infinite friction Zero friction The force of friction The force b 1
will experience will act normal to the of friction
plane will act in
of motion
82 For equilibrium the normal forces acts Vertically Upward Vertically Horizontally Right Horizontal a 1
in which direction in the free body Downward ly Left
83 A ladder resting on vertical and Along positive X Along negative X Along positive X and Along b 2
horizontal surface in first quadrant and Y axis and positive Y positive Y axis positive X
slides down under its own weight, axis and
frictional force at the ends will have positive Y
following directions axis
84 The force required to pull the body of µ=0.3 µ=0.314 µ=0.25 None of a 2
weight 50N on a rough horizontal these.
plane is 15N. Determine the
coefficient if the force is applied at the
angle of 15 with the horizontal.
85 A body of weight 70N is placed on a µ=0.3 µ=0.2 µ=0.244 None c 2
rough horizontal plane to just move of these.
the body on the horizontal plane. A
push of 20N inclined at 20 to the
horizontal plane is required. Find the
coefficient of friction if normal
reaction is 76.84N.
2 2
86 Frictional force has the following F= µN F=µ N F=µ/N F=µN a 2
relation with the normal reaction
between two contact surfaces.
87 The angle of repose (α) holds the α =Ф α =2Ф α =Ф/2 α =Ф a 2
following relation with the angle of
friction (Ф) in the condition of limiting
88 A block of 100N resting on rough 0.25 0.5 0.52 0.75 b 2
horizontal plane applied with
horizontal force 50N towards right,
the coefficient of static friction is
89 A block of 200N resting on rough 494.87N 200N 487.94N 487.94N a 2
horizontal surface is pulled by force
100N, 30 to the horizontal. If
µ=0.175, frictional force is
90 The end rope is fastened to the bucket Bucket side is Effort side id Both sides are None of b 2
is used to lift the water from well tight and effort tight and bucket tight. the
using rope and pulley arrangement. side is slack. side is slack. above.
When water is lifted upwards, then
91 If a block is placed on a inclined plane Up the plane Down the plane upward and None of b 2
in impending motion condition, is downward both these
pulled and moving by a force opposite
to the impending motion. The
frictional force will act along
92 A block of 200N resting on rough 150N 200N 60N -200N a 2
horizontal surface is pulled by a force
100N, 30 to the horizontal. If µ=0.175,
normal reaction is
93 Find the maximum force ‘P’ required 100N 200N 400N 300N c 2
to move a block of mass 800N resting
on a floor having µ=0.50
94 A body of weight 500N is pulled up on µ=0.3 µ=0.2 µ=0.244 µ=0.23 d 2
an inclined plane, by a force of 350N.
The inclination of the plane is 30 to
the horizontal and the force is applied
parallel to the plane. Coefficient of
friction is
95 A 50N weight is lifted up by a force π π/2 2π π/4 a 2
of 240. 52N applied to the belt
wrapped around a pulley. If coefficient
of friction is 0.5, lap angle should be
96 A body of weight 90N is placed on a 1.42 0.35 0.7 0.07 c 2
rough horizontal plane. Determine the
coefficient of friction if a horizontal
force of 63N just causes the body to
slide over the horizontal plane.
97 In the relation T2/T1 = e , where β is Degrees Radians May be in degrees or None of b 2
measured in radians the above
123 If the number of turns of the rope or 1 Turn = p radian 1 Turn = 2p 1 Turn = p/2 radians 1 Turn = b 2
belt are given around the pulley, the radians 3p radians
value of β in radians can be obtained
124 For a moving body the kinetic Increase with Decrease with Remains None of c 2
frictional force getting developed increase in increase in approximately above
between to surfaces in contact velocity of body velocity of body constant
o o o
125 A flat belt & a pulley system of 107 120 159 None of c 2
machinery is rotating in a clockwise the above
direction. A braking torque is applied
to stop the working of the machinery.
The maximum & minimum tension in
the two sides of the belt are 150 kN &
75 kN µs = 0.30 & µk = 0.25 find the
angle with which the belt in contacts
with the pulley
o o o
126 A flat belt is moving over a pulley such 100 239 175 None of b 2
that the maximum tension is 3.5 times the above
the minimum tension in the belt µs =
0.4 & µk = 0.3 between the belt & the
pulley for maintaining the equilibrium
in the system the lap angle required is
o o o o
127 A flat belt & a pulley system of 188 180 185 190 a 2
machinery is rotating in a clockwise
direction. A braking torque is applied
to stop the working of the machinery.
The maximum & minimum tension in
the two sides of the belt are 80 kN &
30 kN µs = 0.35 & µk = 0.30 find the
angle with which the belt in contacts
with the pulley
o o o o
128 A flat belt & a pulley system of 135 140 137 136 b 2
machinery is rotating in a clockwise
direction. A braking torque is applied
to stop the working of the machinery.
The maximum & minimum tension in
the two sides of the belt are 125 kN &
60 kN µs = 0.35 & µk = 0.30 find the
angle with which the belt in contacts
with the pulley
o o o o
129 A flat belt is moving over a pulley such 287 250 266 135 a 2
that the maximum tension is 4.5 times
the minimum tension in the belt µs =
0.35 & µk = 0.3 between the belt &
the pulley for maintaining the
equilibrium in the system the lap angle
required is
130 In an open belt arrangement angle of 160 192 175 Any one c 2
lap of bigger pulley is 185 , what is a of these
angle of lap on smaller pulley dependin
g upon
the centre
131 If T2 = 2100 N, β= 4π/3, µ = 0.125 then 3100 3230 3610 3545 d 2
T1 = ? Assume T1 = Tight side, T2 =
slack side
132 Which of the following statement is Static friction = Static friction > Static friction < None of b 2
true in belt friction kinetic friction kinetic friction kinetic friction the above
133 If the belt is sliding on the drum then Angle of lap Kinetic friction Both a & b None of c 2
the ratio T1/T2 ( tight side / slack ) these
depends on following factors
134 When sliding of the belt on the drum Static friction & Static friction & Angle of contact & Tight side c 2
is depending the ratio of tight / slack kinetic friction angle of wrap kinetic friction & slack
(T1/T2) is depend as which factors side
135 The moment of inertia of a circle with d 1
D as its diameter about a centroidal 𝜋𝐷2 𝜋𝐷2 𝜋𝐷4 𝜋𝐷4
axis in its plane is 32 64
32 64
136 The moment of inertia of a triangular non of the b 2
section about base having base b and 𝑏ℎ3 𝑏ℎ3 𝑏ℎ3 above
height h is 36 12 64
137 The moment of inertia of a triangular non of the a 1
section about base having base b and 𝑏ℎ3 𝑏ℎ3 𝑏ℎ3 above
height h is 36 12 64
138 The moment of inertia about b 1
𝑥2 dA 𝑦2 dA 𝑥 dA 𝑦 dA
centroidal X-axis is given by IXX=
139 The moment of inertia about a 1
centroidal X-axis is given by IYY= 𝑥2 dA 𝑦2 dA 𝑥 dA 𝑦 dA
MCQ Unit 1 Resolution and Composition of Forces
29 Coplanar concurrent forces meet at one do not meet at meet at one do not c 1
are those forces which point, but do one point and point and meet at
not lie in the do not lie in also lie in the one point,
same plane the same same plane but lie in
plane the same
30 Determine the inclination of 36.3° 63.435° 56.7° 186.3° b 2
resultant of force 100N at 0°
and 200N at 90°.
31 A block of mass 9 Kg rests on a 86.5N 84.86 N 24.34N 24.8N b 2
plane making an angle of 160
with horizontal. Determine
the component of the weight
normal to the plane.
32 Two forces act an angle of 20 N 25 N 30N 35N b 2
120°. If the greater force is 50
N and their resultant is
perpendicular to the smaller
force, the smaller force is
33 Four concurrent forces1kN, 7.35 4.35 3.35 2.25 a 2
2kN, 3kN and 4kN acting at an
angle of 20°, 63°, 95°,150°
from positive x axis.
Determine their resultant in
34 Effect of a force on a body direction magnitude position all of these d 1
depends upon its
35 Two equal forces of 45° 56.3° 26.56° 0° a 2
magnitude 'P' represents the
components of resultant.The
angle made by the resultant
with vertical is
36 forces 138.5N horizontal and 47.04° 34.04° 37.04° 44.04° c 2
183.5N vertical represents
components of resultant then
the angle made by the
resultant with vertical is
37 Determine the inclination of 36.3° 63.435° 56.7° 186.3° b 2
resultant of forces 10N at 0°
and 20N at 90°.
38 A man of weight 60 kg is 558.37N,168.1 -558.37N,- 186.37N,558. - b 2
standing on a ladder of slope 8N 186.18N 18N 558.37N,18
1H: 3V, then the components 6.18N
of weight along the ladder and
normal to ladder are
39 Determine the inclination of 45° 26.56° 20.56° 63.435° b 2
resultant of forces 40N at 0°
and 20N at 90°.
40 A block of mass 19 Kg rests on 51.37N 179.16N 197.16N 15.37N b 2
a plane making an angle of 160
with horizontal. Determine
the component of the weight
normal to the plane.
41 A block of mass 23 Kg rests on 222.20N 39.18N 22.22 N 93.18 N a 2
a plane making an angle of 100
with horizontal. Determine
the component of the weight
normal to the plane.
42 Two forces act an angle of 70 N 75 N 30N 35N b 2
120°. If the greater force is
150 N and their resultant is
perpendicular to the smaller
force, the smaller force is
43 Two forces act an angle of 50 N 75 N 30N 35N a 2
120°. If the greater force is
100 N and their resultant is
perpendicular to the smaller
force, the smaller force is
44 Three concurrent forces 23.45 N 32.45 N 45.45 N 40 N a 2
Q=10N, P=15N, F=15N act at
point O. Q is along +ve x axis,
P is acting at an angle 45° in
forth quadrant and F is acting
in third quadrant at an angle
45°. Then their resultant is
45 Three concurrent forces 65.01 N 56 .01 N 86 N 103 N a 2
Q=23N, P=43N, F=43N act at
point O. Q is along +ve x axis,
P is acting at an angle 45° in
forth quadrant and F is acting
in third quadrant at an angle
45°. Then their resultant is
46 A boat is being towed through 19.7 N 3.47 N 34. 7 N 1.97 N a 2
a canal by a cable which
makes an angle of 100 with the
shore. If the pull in the cable
is 20N, find the force tending
to move the boat along the
47 A boat is being towed through 69.45 N 393.92 N 6.94 N 93.3 N b 2
a canal by a cable which
makes an angle of 100 with the
shore. If the pull in the cable
is 400N, find the force tending
to move the boat along the
48 Forces 160.5N horizontal and 42.77° 45° 47.22° 4.77° a 2
173.5N vertical represents
components of resultant then
the angle made by the
resultant with vertical is
49 Forces 90 N horizontal and 51.14° 38.85° 15.14° 83.14° a 2
72.5 N vertical represents
components of resultant then
the angle made by the
resultant with vertical is
50 A man of weight 60 kg is 57.01 N & 571.01 N & 571.01 N & 57.01 N & b 2
standing on a ladder of slope 142.79 N 142.79 N 42.79 N 42.79 N
1H: 4V, then the components
of weight along the ladder and
normal to ladder are
51 If the resultant is equal to 0.6 145 135 120 100 a 2
times the magnitude of two
equal forces, then the angle
between the forces is nearer
52 If two equal forces are acting (15)½ (5)½ (25)½ (20)½ d 2
at a right angle,having
resultant force of (80)½ ,then
find out magnitude of each
53 When two equal forces are 10 25 20 15 a 2
acting at 60° produce a
resultant equal to 10(3)½, then
find out magnitude of each
54 Two forces 5N and 7N act at a (74)½ (60)½ 70½ 84½ a 2
point on a body.The resultant
when they act at right angle is
55 Two forces 5N and 6N act at a 10.17 11 15 13 a 2
point on a body.The resultant
when they act at 45° is
56 If two forces of magnitude 25kN 15kN 10kN 20kN b 1
5kN and 10kN act on a body ,
then their maximum resultant
57 Two equal forces act on a 120° 90° 60° 30° c 2
body.The square of the
resultant is three times the
product of the forces. Then
the angle between them is
58 If two forces of magnitude 20kN 10kN 30kN 5kN b 1
10kN and 20kN act on a body ,
then their minimum resultant
59 Two forces of magnitude P 41.4° 51.4° 45.4° 50.4° a 1
and 2P act at a point on a
body.The square of the
resultant is four times the
product of the forces. Then
the angle between them is
60 If two forces of magnitude 2P 4P 6P 3P 8P b 1
and 4P act at a point on a
body , then their maximum
resultant is
61 A like parallel force system 0.4 m 0.6 m 0.2 m 0.1 m a 2
consists of four forces of
magnitude 10N, 20N, 30N, and
40N acting at 0.2m apart from
each other respectively. The
position of the resultant from
the first force 10N is
62 A door of width 1m can rotate 8.66 N 10 N 5N None of b 2
if a moment of of 10 Nm is the above
applied. The minimum force
that can be applied to open it
63 A force of 200N acts 40° to the 50 N m 38 Nm 32 Nm 30 Nm c 2
spoke of a cycle wheel 250
mm in radius. The moment
about the center of the wheel
will be nearer to
64 The moment of the 30 N force 60 Nm 100 Nm 72 Nm 45 Nm c 2
passing through the
coordinates (4, 0) and (0, 3)
about the origin
65 A force of 100N makes an 306 Nm 466 Nm 446 Nm 606 Nm c 2
angle of 600 anticlockwise with
the horizontal. It passes
through the point having
coordinates (4, 5). The
moment of this force about
origin is nearer to
66 A plate ABCD is of breadth 193 Nmm 133 Nmm 143 Nmm 93 Nmm a 2
AB=40mm and depth AD=20
mm. A force of 10 N at angle
2850 is applied at D. The
magnitude of the moment of
the force about point A is
nearer to
67 Three like horizontal forces of 40 N, 800 0 N, 400 Nmm 20 N, 200 None of a 2
10N, 20N, and 10N act on a Nmm Nmm these
vertical rod at A, B, C. If AB =
BC = 20 mm. The resultant
force couple system at A is
68 Two like parallel forces of 60N 100 mm 60 mm 80 mm 90 mm d 2
and 180 N act 120 mm apart
from each other. The position
of the resultant from 60N
force will be
69 A force of 100 N acting 20 N m 25 N m 30 N m 35 N m b 2
tangential to a drum of radius
0.25 m, must be transferred
parallel to itself to its center
O. The moment which should
accompany it for equivalent
effect is
70 Force of 60N acts at horizontal 20.5 Nm 30.5 Nm 96.42Nm 16.67Nm a 2
distance of 1m from origin,
angle made by force with
horizontal is 20º. The moment
of force about origin is
47 Indeterminate structures have number of equal to less than more than none of the c 2
unknown quantities _________ available above
conditions of equilibrium.
48 If two forces each equal to P in 2P P/2 1.42P P/1.42 c 2
magnitude act at right angles, their effect
may be neutralised by a third force acting
along their bisector in opposite direction
whose magnitude is equal to
49 In a simply supported beam carrying True FALSE b 2
triangular load, the reactions can not be
50 An overchanging beam with downward can can not a 2
loads............have one of its reaction
upward and the other downward.
51 The reaction at the roller supported end vertical horizontal none of the c 2
of a beam is always above
52 If the reaction of a beam, at one of its simply roller hinged end none of the c 2
supports is the resultant of horizontal supported end supported above
and vertical forces, then it is a end
53 A couple acting at the mid-point of a Agree Disagree. b 2
simply supported beam has some
horizontal and vertical components.
54 23.6N 55N 89N none of the a 2
Find the tension in the cable AC. above
55 When the net effect of given forces static motion non- dynamic a 2
acting on a particle at rest is zero, the equilibrium equilibrium equilibrium
particle is said to be in
56 The particle acted upon by two forces same direction opposite same opposite b 2
will be in equilibrium if two forces have & collinear direction but direction & direction
equal magnitude and are having collinear collinear but non-
57 If the resultant of forces acting on a in motion at rest in circular General b 2
particle originally at rest is in equilibrium motion plane
then it will remain motion
58 One component of resultant of forces First Quadrant second Third Fourth b 2
acting on a particle is along positive side Quadrant Quadrant Quadrant
of x-axis and another along negative side
of y-axis ,then the equilibrant will lie in
59 The force which when applied on a Resultant Inertia Force Equilibrant Gravity c 2
particle subjected to various forces Force
makes the resultant force zero is known
60 The force triangle of the forces acting on Open Triangle Closed Straight Line Closed d 2
a particle in equilibrium, when drawn in Rectangle Triangle
tip to tail fashion, shall form
61 For the particle in equilibrium, the ∑ Fx = ∑ Fy ∑ Fx = 0, ∑ ∑ Fx = 0, ∑ Fy ∑ Mx = 0, ∑ b 2
conditions of equilibrium for coplanar Fy = 0 = 0, ∑ M= 0 My = 0
concurrent forces are
62 The pendulum having mass of the bob T = m kg T= mg N ( T= mg N T= mg N c 2
‘m’ kg is at rest in vertical position. The downward) (upwards)
tension ‘T’ in the string acting on the bob
then must be
63 The free body diagram of coplanar and Internal Forces External Internal and Internal and d 2
concurrent forces shows Forces External external
Forces forces with
64 The free body diagram of a particle particle and particle and particle and None of c 2
subjected to forces represents magnitudes of direction of magnitude these
forces forces with
direction of
65 The Principle of Transmissibility states Same same Same same d 2
that the condition of equilibrium of a magnitude only direction magnitude magnitude,
rigid body will remain unchanged if a only and direction direction
force ‘F’ is replaced by equivalent force and same
‘P’ acting at other point if they have line of
66 For the Equilibrant of co-planer non Equal Equal Equal Equal d 2
concurrent force system, the necessary magnitude & magnitude magnitude & magnitude
and sufficient conditions are same direction and opposite same and
of Resultant direction of direction and opposite
Resultant same point of direction
application of and same
resultant point of
of resultant
67 The conditions of equilibrium for ∑ Fx = ∑ Fy ∑ Fx = 0, ∑ ∑ Fx = 0, ∑ Fy ∑ Mx = 0, ∑ c 2
coplanar but non concurrent forces are Fy = 0 = 0, ∑ M= 0 My = 0
68 The reaction exerted by fixed support on a force with a force of a force and a none of c 2
two dimensional structures is known line of unknown moment these
action direction
69 The reaction exerted by hinged support a force with a force of a force and a none of b 2
on two dimensional structure is known line of unknown moment these
action direction
70 The reaction exerted by Roller support a force with a force and a a force of none of a 2
on two dimensional structures is known line of moment unknown these
action direction and
71 The reaction exerted by rough surface on a force with a force and a none of these a force of d 2
two dimensional structures is known line of moment unknown
action direction
72 The reaction exerted by smooth surface a force with a force and a a force of none of a 2
on two dimensional structures is known line of moment unknown these
action direction and
73 The reaction exerted by short cable on a force with a force and a a force of none of a 2
two dimensional structures is known line of moment unknown these
action direction and
74 The reaction at an end supported by a a force with a force and a a force of none of a 2
link for two dimensional structures is known line of moment unknown these
action direction and
75 If a rigid body in 2D system, subjected to Parallel Forces Concurrent Concurrent Non- c 2
three forces, is in equilibrium, then the Forces or Parallel Concurrent
forces must be Forces Forces
76 A simply supported beam is subjected to vertical vertical horizontal to horizontal b 2
a clockwise moment at center of the upwards downwards the left to the right
span then the reaction at left support is
directed –
77 A simply supported beam is subjected to vertical vertical horizontal to horizontal a 2
a anticlockwise moment at center of the upwards downwards the left to the right
span then the reaction at left support is
directed –
78 A simply supported beam is subjected to vertical vertical horizontal to horizontal a 2
a clockwise moment at center of the upwards downwards the left to the right
span then the reaction at right support is
79 A simply supported beam is subjected to vertical vertical horizontal to horizontal b 2
an anti-clockwise moment at center of upwards downwards the left to the right
the span then the reaction at right
support is directed
80 A simply supported beam is subjected to vertical vertical horizontal to horizontal b 2
an anti-clockwise moment at L/3 from upwards downwards the left to the right
left end of the span then the reaction at
right support is directed
81 A flag pole can be considered as a one end fixed one end both ends one end a 2
member with – another free hinged fixed fixed
another free another
82 A body in rotation in clockwise direction a clockwise anticlockwis a clockwise anticlockwis b 2
due to application of a couple of forces moment of e moment of moment of e moment
can be brought in static equilibrium couple of equal couple of couple of of couple of
position by applying – magnitude equal unequal unequal
magnitude magnitude magnitude
83 A roller support can exert a reaction – parallel to in horizontal in vertical perpendicul d 2
plane of rollers direction direction ar to plane
of rollers
84 The reacting moment at a hinged support zero equal to equal and none of a 2
is – applied opposite to these
moment applied
85 The reaction offered by a smooth surface parallel to the perpendicula horizontal vertical b 2
is – surface r to the
86 A ladder is resting at its ends against the coplanar coplanar non coplanar non a 2
smooth surfaces. The equilibrium of the concurrent non concurrent coplanar
ladder is possible if and only if the forces concurrent non
acting on ladder are – concurrent
87 A beam AB of span ‘L’ m, hinged at ‘A’ (wL/2) N ( (wL) N ( (wL/6) N (2wL/3) N c 2
and simply supported at ‘B’ is loaded upwards) upwards) (upwards) (upwards)
with u.v.l. of zero intensity at end ‘A’ and
‘w ‘N/m at end ‘B’. The reaction at end
‘A’ are
88 The weight of block resting on inclined perpendicular parallel to verticaly verticaly d 2
plane will act- to plane plane upwards downwards
89 The weight of 100 N is hung with a spring 5 mm 15 mm 20 mm 10 mm a 2
constant 20 N/mm. The static deflection
of the spring is –
90 If the cantilever beam of span L is loaded (w L) N (wL/2 ) N wxL N (wL/2) N d 2
with u.d.l. of w N/m intensity for half of (upwards) (downwards (downwards) (upwords)
the span from free end ,then the vertical )
reaction at fixed end will be –
91 If the cantilever beam of span L is loaded w x L² /2 Nm w x L² /4 w x L² /8 Nm 3w x L² /8 d 2
with u.d.l. of w N/m intensity for half of Nm Nm
the span from free end ,then the reacting
moment at fixed end will be –
92 If the self weight of the member of span wN wL N 2w/L N wL/2 N b 2
‘L’, hinged at one end and the other free,
is ‘w’ N/m then the minimum vertical
force required at other end to keep the
member horizontal will be –
93 If a cantilever beam is subjected to a P P.sin(a) P cos(a) P/2 c 2
force ‘P’ inclined at an angle ‘a’ to axis of
the beam then the horizontal component
of the reaction at fixed end will be –
94 Select the correct relation between both Ra = Rb Ra is not Ra>Rb Ra<Rb a 2
reactions of simply supported beam AB equal to Rb
subjected to point load at the center
95 Select the correct relation between both Ra = Rb Ra is not Ra>Rb Ra<Rb a 2
reactions of simply supported beam AB equal to Rb
subjected to uniformly distributed load
of intensity ‘w’ N/m -
96 Select the correct relation between both Ra = Rb Ra<Rb Ra>Rb None of b 2
reactions of simply supported beam these
subjected to uniformly varying load with
intensity at end ‘A’ zero and ‘w’ N/m at
end ‘B’
97 Select the correct relation between both Ra = Rb Ra is not Ra>Rb Ra<Rb a 2
reactions of simply supported beam equal to Rb
subjected to uniformly varying load with
intensity zero at both ends and ‘w’ N/m
at the center of the beam
98 Select the correct relation between both Ra = Rb Ra<Rb Ra>Rb None of c 2
reactions of simply supported beam these
subjected to uniformly varying load with
intensity at end ‘B’ zero and ‘w’ N/m at
end ‘A’
99 For a simply supported beam loaded with 2W W/2 W None of c 2
two equal point loads ‘W’ N at quarter these
span, the reactions at both ends will be -
124 The three forces, 120N at 60 ° with +ve x- 120cos60+100c 120cos60- 120cos60+10 120cos60- b 2
axis acting away from origin, 100 N at 45° os45+Pcosα=0 100cos45- 0cos45- 100cos45+P
with negative Y- axis acting away from Pcosα=0 Pcosα=0 cosα=0
origin and ‘P’ N at 'α' with –ve x-axis
acting away from origin are in
equilibrium. Select the correct equation
of equilibrium in X-direction.-
125 The three forces, 120N at 60 ° with +ve x- 120sin60+100si 120sin60- 120sin60+10 120sin60- d 2
axis in 1st quadrant acting away from n45+Psinα=0 100sin45- 0sin45- 100sin45+Ps
origin, 100 N at 45° with negative Y- axis Psinα=0 Psinα=0 inα=0
acting in 3rd quadrant away from origin
and ‘P’ N at 'α' with –ve x-axis acting in
2nd quadrant away from origin are in
equilibrium. Select the correct equation
of equilibrium in Y-direction.-
126 Two cables AB and AC inclined at α with Fab.cosβ - Fac Fab.cos α- Fab.cos α- Fab.cos α- b 2
+ve x-axis (lying in 1st quadrant) and β cosα=0 Fac cosβ=0 Fac cosβ+ W Fac cosβ - W
with -ve x-axis (lying in 2nd quadrant) =0 =0
are supporting a weight ‘W’ N.Select the
correct equation of equilibrium in X-
127 Two cables AB and AC inclined at α with Fab.sinβ - Fac Fab.cos α- Fab.cos α- Fab.cos α + d 2
+ve x-axis (lying in 1st quadrant) and β cosα=0 Fac cosβ=0 Fac cosβ+ W Fac cosβ - W
with -ve x-axis (lying in 2nd quadrant) =0 =0
are supporting a weight ‘W’ N.Select the
correct equation of equilibrium in Y-
128 A rod AB inclined at α with +ve x-axis Fab.cosβ - Fac Fab.cos α- (-Fab.cos α- (Fab.cos α- c 2
(lying in 1st quadrant) and another rod cosα=0 Fac cosβ=0 Fac cosβ+ P) Fac cosβ - P)
AC inclined at β with -ve y-axis ( lying in =0 =0
4th quadrant ) are connected at point
‘A’ and supporting a force ‘P’ N acting
horizontally rightward at joint ‘A’. Select
the correct equation of equilibrium in X-
129 A rod AB inclined at α with +ve x-axis Fab.cosβ - Fac Fab.cos α- (-Fab.cos α- (Fab.cos α- b 2
(lying in 1st quadrant) and another rod cosα=0 Fac cosβ=0 Fac cosβ+ P) Fac cosβ - P)
AC inclined at β with -ve y-axis ( lying in =0 =0
4th quadrant ) are connected at point
‘A’ and supporting a force ‘P’ N acting
horizontally rightward at joint ‘A’. Select
the correct equation of equilibrium in Y -
130 The force ‘F’ acting on a rigid body at rest Newton’s First Varignon’s Principle of Newton’s c 2
at point A if now applied at point B on its Law of motion Principle Transmissibili Third Law of
line of action, the body will continue its ty motion
state of equilibrium as per -
131 The force ‘F’ acting at a point ‘A’ on a change the maintain the change the none of b 2
block in equilibrium, if when applied at position of equilibrium magnitude of these
point ‘C’ on theblock on its line of action block frictional
will - resistance
132 The forces acting at a joint are, 100 N 100-P cos45 + F 100 + P Q – P sin45 - -Q + P b 2
along +ve X-direction acting away from cos45 = 0 cos45 – F F cos45 = 0 cos45+Fcos
origin, ‘Q’ N along +ve Y-direction acting cos45=0 45=0
away from origin, ‘P’ N making 45° with
x-axis acting away from origin in fourth
quadrant and ‘F’ N making 45° with x-
axis acting away from origin in third
quadrant. Select the correct equation of
equilibrium of forces in X-direction-
133 The forces acting at a joint are, 100 N 100-P cos45 + F 100 + P Q – P sin45 - -Q + P c 2
along +ve X-direction acting away from cos45 = 0 cos45 – F F sin45 = 0 cos45+Fcos
origin, ‘Q’ N along +ve Y-direction acting cos45=0 45=0
away from origin, ‘P’ N making 45° with
x-axis acting away from origin in fourth
quadrant and ‘F’ N making 45° with x-
axis acting away from origin in third
quadrant. Select the correct equation of
equilibrium of forces in Y-direction-
134 If three forces acting at a point are 10 N (-10+Pcos30) 10-Pcos30 F - Psin30 -F+Psin30 a 2
along +ve x-axis acting away from origin,
‘F’ N along +ve y-axis acting away from
origin and ‘P’ N at 210° with x-axis
acting away from origin in 3rd quadrant .
Select the correct equation for
component of equilibrant of forces in X-
135 If three forces acting at a point are 10 N (-10+Pcos30) 10-Pcos30 F - Psin30 -F+Psin30 d 2
along +ve x-axis acting away from origin,
‘F’ N along +ve y-axis acting away from
origin and ‘P’ N at 210° with x-axis
acting away from origin in 3rd quadrant .
Select the correct equation for
component of equilibrant of forces in Y-
136 If three forces acting at a point are 10 N (-10-Pcos30) (-10-Pcos30) F - Psin30 ( -F - Psin30) a 2
along +ve x-axis acting away from origin,
‘F’ N along +ve y-axis acting away from
origin and ‘P’ N at 210° with x-axis
acting towards origin in 3rd quadrant .
Select the correct equation for
component of equilibrant of forces in X-
137 If three forces acting at a point are 10 N (-10-Pcos30) 10-Pcos30 F - Psin30 (- F - d 2
along +ve x-axis acting away from origin, Psin30)
‘F’ N along +ve y-axis acting away from
origin and ‘P’ N at 210° with x-axis
acting towards origin in 3rd quadrant.
Select the correct equation for
component of equilibrant of forces in Y-
138 If a block of weight ‘W’ placed on (W.cosθ) N (W. sinθ) N (W.cosθ) N (-W. sinθ) N b 2
frictionless surface inclined at an angle'θ'
in anticlockwisedirection with +ve x-axis
and is held with a string parallel to
inclined surface, then assuming up the
plane forces positive, the tension in the
string holding the block is –
139 A concrete pipe of weight ‘W’ is resting W N( W/2 N ( W N( Zero d 2
against horizontal and vertical smooth upwards) rightwards) leftwards)
surfaces. The reaction offered by vertical
surface on the pipe is -
140 A concrete pipe of weight ‘W’ is resting W N( W/2 N ( W N( Zero a 2
against horizontal and vertical smooth upwards) rightwards) downwards)
surfaces. The reaction offered by
horizontal surface on the pipe is -
141 If a rod of weight ‘W’ is resting against coplanar-non coplanar- non non b 2
the walls of V shaped trough, then the concurrent concurrent coplanar-non coplanar-
forces acting on the rod should be concurrent concurrent
142 If a rod of weight ‘W’ is resting against 4 2 1 3 d 2
the walls of V shaped trough, then the
number of forces acting on the rod are-
143 “ If the three non parallel forces are in Lami’s Three Force Varignon’s None of the b 2
equilibrium then they must be Theorem Principle Theorem above.
concurrent “ is known as
144 Number of conditions of equilibrium for 4 2 3 1 b 2
coplanar concurrent force system is –
145 Number of conditions of equilibrium for 4 2 1 3 d 2
coplanar non- concurrent force system is
146 Number of conditions of equilibrium for 3 1 2 4 a 2
non-coplanar but concurrent force
system is –
147 Number of conditions of equilibrium for 6 2 4 3 a 2
non coplanar and non concurrent force
system is –
148 A two force member AB is a straight a force ‘F’ a force ‘- F’ a force ‘F/2’ a force ‘- b 2
member and subjected to an axial F/2’
compressive force ‘F’ If the member is
cut in between at point ‘C’ then the
internal force at the cut for the
equilibrium is equivalent to –
149 A simply supported beam is subjected to both vertical both vertical both one vertical d 2
a cncentrated moment applied at center upwards downwards horizontal upward and
of the span then the reactions at both another
supports are directed – vertical
150 A beam AB of span 1 m, hinged at ‘A’ and 6.66 N 8.33 N 10 N 20 N a 2
simply supported at ‘B’ is loaded with (upwards) (upwards) (upwards) (upwards)
u.v.l. of 10 N/m intensity at end ‘A’ and
20 N/m at end ‘B’. The reaction at end ‘A’
are –
151 A beam AB of span 1 m, hinged at ‘A’ and 6.66 N 8.33 N 10 N 20 N b 2
simply supported at ‘B’ is loaded with (upwards) (upwards) (upwards) (upwards)
u.v.l. of 10 N/m intensity at end ‘A’ and
20 N/m at end ‘B’. The reaction at end ‘B’
are –
152 A beam AB of span ‘L’ m, hinged at ‘A’ (wL/2) N ( (wL) N ( (wL/3) N (2wL/3) N c 2
and simply supported at ‘B’ is loaded upwards) upwards) (upwards) (upwards)
with u.v.l. of zero intensity at end ‘A’ and
‘w ‘N/m at end ‘B’. The reaction at end
‘B’ are –
153 If the cantilever beam of span L is loaded (wL²/2) N-m (3 wL²/4) N- (wL²/8) N-m (3wL²/8) N- d 2
with u.d.l. of w N/m intensity for half of m m
the span from free end ,then the reacting
moment at fixed end will be –
154 If the cantilever beams of span 1 m is 5 N-m 2.5 N-m 1.25 N-m 3.75 N-m d 2
loaded with u.d.l. of 10 N/m intensity for
half of the span from free end then the
reacting moment at fixed end will be –
155 If the cantilever beam of span 1 m is 5 N-m 2.5 N-m 1.25 N-m 3.75 N-m c 2
loaded with u.d.l. of 10 N/m intensity for
half of the span from fixed end then the
reacting moment at fixed end will be –
156 A concentrated anticlockwise moment of M/L 2M/L MxL M/L d 2
magnitude ‘M’ N-m is acting at 1/3rd of (downwards) (downwards (upwards) (upwards)
span from left end support of simply )
supported beam of span ‘L’ m. The
reaction at left end will be –
157 A concentrated anticlockwise moment of M/L 2M/L MxL M/L a 2
magnitude ‘M’ N-m is acting at 1/3rd of (downwards) (downwards (upwards) (upwards)
span from left end support of simply )
supported beam of span ‘L’ m. The
reaction at right end will be –
158 If a block of weight ‘W’ placed on W.cosθ (-W cos θ ) W sin θ (-W sin θ) a 2
frictionless surface inclined at an angle θ
in anticlockwise direction with +ve x-axis
and is at rest, then assuming up the
plane forces positive, the reaction
offered by surface on the block is –
159 If a block of weight ‘W=100 N ’ placed on 86.6 N – 86.6 N 50 N - 50 N c 2
rough surface inclined at an angle θ= 60°
in anticlockwise direction with +ve x-axis
and is at rest, then assuming up the
plane forces positive, the reaction
offered by surface on the block is –
160 The force acting away from origin and Fx i +Fy j + Fz k Fx i -Fy j + Fz Fx i +Fy j - Fz -Fx i -Fy j - a 2
lying in space defined by positive X axis, k k Fz k
positive Y axis & positive Z axis can be
expressed as –
161 The force acting away from origin and Fx i +Fy j + Fz k Fx i -Fy j + Fz Fx i +Fy j - Fz -Fx i -Fy j - c 2
lying in space defined by positive X axis, k k Fz k
positive Y axis & negative Z axis can be
expressed as –
162 The force acting away from origin and Fx i +Fy j + Fz k Fx i -Fy j + Fz Fx i +Fy j - Fz -Fx i -Fy j - b 2
lying in space defined by positive X axis, k k Fz k
negative Y axis & positive Z axis can be
expressed as –
163 The force acting away from origin and ( Fx i +Fy j + Fz (Fx i -Fy j + (Fx i +Fy j - Fz (-Fx i -Fy j - d 2
lying in space defined by negative X axis, k) Fz k) k) Fz k)
negative Y axis & negative Z axis can be
expressed as –
164 The force acting away from origin and ( - Fx i +Fy j - Fz (Fx i -Fy j + (Fx i +Fy j - Fz (-Fx i -Fy j - a 2
lying in space defined by negative X axis, k) Fz k) k) Fz k)
positive Y axis & negative Z axis can be
expressed as –
165 The force acting away from origin and ( - Fx i +Fy j - Fz (Fx i -Fy j + (Fx i +Fy j - Fz (-Fx i -Fy j + d 2
lying in space defined by negative X axis, k) Fz k) k) Fz k)
negative Y axis & positive Z axis can be
expressed as –
166 If the space force acting at origin has 5N 2N 3N 7N d 2
components Fx= 2N, Fy = - 3N, Fz= 6N,
then the magnitude of force is –
167 If the space force acting at origin has 5N 2N 7N 3N c 2
components Fx= -2N, Fy = - 3N, Fz= -6N,
then the magnitude of force is –
168 If the space force F of total magnitude 7N 3N (-6N) 2N 5N a 2
is acting in the space defined by positive
X axis, positive Y axis and positive Z axis is
having components Fx= 2N, Fy = 3N ,
then component Fz =?
169 If the space force F of total magnitude 7N 6N (-3N) 3N 2N b 2
is acting in the space defined by positive
X axis, positive Y axis and negative Z axis,
is having components Fx= 2N, Fz = -6N ,
then component Fy =?
170 If the space force F of total magnitude 7N 2N (-2 N) 6N 3N a 2
is acting in the space defined by positive
X axis, positive Y axis and positive Z axis is
having components Fy= 3N, Fz = 6N ,
then component Fx =?
171 If the space force of total magnitude 7N 2N (-6N) 5N 3N b 2
is acting in the space defined by positive
X axis, positive Y axis and negative Z axis
is having components Fx= 2N, Fy = 3N ,
then component Fz =?
172 If the space force of total magnitude 7N 6N (-2 N) 3N 5N b 2
is acting in the space defined by negative
X axis, positive Y axis and positive Z axis is
having components Fy= 3N, Fz = 6N ,
then component Fx =?
MCQ Unit 4 Analysis of Structures
9 To design the trusses which of the following rules is All the The loads All the The b 1
followed? loads are are loads are loads are
applied applied not not
by the at the applied applied
use of joints at the at all to
cables joints the
10 Which of the following is correct? To know The The The a 1
the direction direction direction
direction of the of the of the
of the unknown unknown unknow
unknow force is can’t be n is of no
n force known to determin use, it is
we take us ed not
the already founded
on of it
11 A force in a member of a truss can be a Moment Tension Shear Twisting b 1
12 For the analysis of a pin-jointed truss the method of Two One One Only two d 1
joints is suitable if moment moment moment forces
s and and two and one are
two forces force are unknow
forces are unknown n
are unknown
13 A truss has ……… only only two two at least b 1
multiforc force force one
e members members multiforc
member and e
s multiforc member
14 We use the method of joints when the members on TRUE FALSE a 1
which the force to be found are few in number.
15 The method of section cuts the whole structure of TRUE FALSE a 1
trusses into section and then uses the cut out portion
for the calculations.
16 The method of joints helps us to find out the unknown The first The first The first The first c 1
force in the trusses joint. And the method of section part of part of part of part of
helps us to make the calculation of the direction of the the the the the
zero members. stateme statemen statemen stateme
nt is t is false t is true nt is true
false and and and and
other other other other
part is part is part is part is
true false too false true too
17 Method of section cuts the whole structure of trusses The first The first The first The first c 1
into a section and then uses the cut out portion for the part of part of part of part of
calculations of the unknown forces. For this method, at the the the the
most two forces must be collinear. stateme statemen statemen stateme
nt is t is false t is true nt is true
false and and and and
other other other other
part is part is part is part is
true false too false true too
18 The determination of the truss’s support reaction is The first The first The first The first c 2
done first and then the section is isolated for the step is step is step is step is
method of the section. right but wrong right and wrong
the and the the but the
second second second second
one is one is one is one is
wrong wrong right too right
19 Why the determination of the support reaction needs This This This This a 2
to be done before isolating the section? reduces makes results in procedur
the the reductio e is not
calculati isolated n on the done at
on and section formulas all, it of
also the more used no need
labour complica
20 The free diagram of the section of the truss is made for The first The first The first The first d 2
the section having the least number of the forces. This part of part of part of part of
is done as to make the calculations easy. the the the the
stateme statemen statemen stateme
nt is t is false t is true nt is true
false and and and and
other other other other
part is part is part is part is
true false too false true too
21 The free body diagram of which part of the section of Joints Truss The Any d 1
the truss is made to make use of the method of whole section
sections? structure can be
22 The assumptions for the calculations are done for the Non- Flexible Static c 1
cables. In that one of the assumption is that the cable is Extensibl flexible
___________ e
23 The assumptions for the calculations are done for the Non- Inextensi Static c 1
cables. In that one of the assumption is that the cable is Extensibl flexible ble
flexible and the other is that the cable is ___________ e
24 Due to which property the cable, it offers no resistance Extensibl Non- Flexibility Static c 1
to bending? e flexible property property
property property
25 Being inextensible the cable has ___________ length. Infinite Zero Average Constant d 1
to zero
26 Frames are structural figures which are often composed Multi- Multi- Multi- Multi- a 1
of pin connected ___________ member. force couple moment valued
27 The forces acting on the joints and on the members are TRUE FALSE s 1
determined by the simple equilibrium equations, which
are used in the usual beams and trusses.
38 Find the force in the member RQ of the Truss shown 707.1N 500N 505N 784N a 2
39 To design the trusses which of the following rules is All the b) The c) All the d) The b 1
followed? loads are loads are loads are loads are
applied applied not not
by the at the applied applied
use of joints at the at all to
cables joints the
40 566N 400N 773N 1090N a 2
Find the force in the member QS of the truss shown
41 13.6KN 12.6KN 3.6KN 11.6KN a 2
Determine the force in section PQ as shown in the
42 A member which is subjected to two equal ,opposite Two Three Multi non of a 1
and collinear forces acting along axis of the member is force force force the
called as member member member above
43 Two force members are Equal Opposite collinear All of d 1
44 Frames are used to support or lift heavy loads TRUE FALSE a 1
45 A member with two or more forces and one or more Two Three Multi non of c 1
couples acting on it is called as force force force the
member member member above
46 Frames and machines are different as compared to Only Only At least At least c 1
trusses since they have ___________. two- multiforc one one two-
force e multiforc force
member members e member
s member
47 Forces common to any two contacting members act Equal Equal Different Different a 1
with _______ magnitu magnitud magnitu magnitu
on the other member. des but es and des and des and
opposite the same the the
sense sense opposite same
sense sense
48 6 5 4 3 a 1
When determining the reactions at joints A, B and C,
what is the total number of unknowns in solving this
49 For the above problem, imagine that you have drawn a ∑MC = 0 ∑ MB = 0 ∑ MA = 0 ∑ FY = 0 a 2
FBD of member BC. What will be the easiest way to
write an equation involving unknowns at B?
50 As the loading is acting in the two dimensions, that is in a) True b) False a 1
a single plane. Thus the calculations involved in the
trusses are in 2D.