Signs and Symptoms
Signs and Symptoms
Signs and Symptoms
Biology. The genes that people are More good news is that drug use and
born with account for about half of a addiction are preventable. Results
person's risk for addiction. Gender, from NIDA-funded research have shown
ethnicity, and the presence of other that prevention programs involving
mental disorders may also influence families, schools, communities, and
risk for drug use and addiction. the media are effective for preventing
or reducing drug use and addiction.
Environment. A person’s environment Although personal events and cultural
includes many different influences, factors affect drug use trends, when
from family and friends to economic young people view drug use as harmful,
status and general quality of life. they tend to decrease their drug
Factors such as peer pressure, taking. Therefore, education and
physical and sexual abuse, early outreach are key in helping people
exposure to drugs, stress, and understand the possible risks of drug
parental guidance can greatly affect a use. Teachers, parents, and health
person’s likelihood of drug use and care providers have crucial roles in
addiction. educating young people and preventing
drug use and addiction.
Development. Genetic and environmental
factors interact with
developmental stages in a person’s
Addiction vs. Abuse and
life to affect addiction risk. Tolerance
Although taking drugs at any age can
lead to addiction, the earlier that Drug abuse is when you use legal or
drug use begins, the more likely it illegal substances in ways you
will progress to addiction. This is shouldn’t. You might take more than
particularly problematic for teens. the regular dose of pills or use
Because areas in their brains that someone else’s prescription. You may
control decision-making, judgment, and abuse drugs to feel good, ease stress,
self-control are still developing, or avoid reality. But usually, you’re
teens may be especially prone to risky able to change your unhealthy habits
behaviors, including trying drugs. or stop using altogether.
Can drug addiction be cured or Addiction is when you can’t stop. Not
when it puts your health in danger.
prevented? Not when it causes financial,
emotional, and other problems for you
or your loved ones. That urge to get
and use drugs can fill up every minute
of the day, even if you want to quit.
Signs of Addiction
Decision-making You may have one or more of these
Memory warning signs:
Ability to learn
An urge to use the drug every
Together, these brain changes can day, or many times a day
drive you to seek out and take drugs Taking more drugs than you want
in ways that are beyond your control. to, and for longer than you
thought you would
Who’s Most Likely to Always having the drug with you,
and buying it even if you can’t
Become Addicted? afford it
Using drugs even if they cause
Each person’s body and brain are you trouble at work or make you
different. People also react lash out at family and friends
differently to drugs. Some love the Spending more time alone.
feeling the first time they try it and Not taking care of yourself or
want more. Others hate it and never caring how you look
try again. Stealing, lying, or doing
dangerous things, like driving
Not everyone who uses drugs becomes while high or having unsafe sex
addicted. But it can happen to anyone Spending most of your time
and at any age. Some things may raise getting, using, or recovering
your chances of addiction, including: from the effects of the drug
Feeling sick when you try to Symptoms and signs of drug abuse vary
quit depending on the specific drug, but
typically seen across all drugs is the
Symptoms of drug use can often be exclusion of activities in order to
spotted if risk factors for drug use use the drug. When the person no
have been identified. Risk factors for longer participates in anything but
drug use include: drug use, it is a clear sign of drug
abuse. Further decreased performance
Easy availability of drugs in work or school and a vast change in
Drug users in the family mood and sleep are also signs of drug
Friends who are drug users abuse.
An unhappy home life
Additional signs and symptoms of drug
A mental illness
abuse include:
If a person has these risk factors,
it's reasonable to look for symptoms Unusual, bizarre behavior
of drug use. Abnormal vital signs like
respiration, heart rate and
The first sign of drug use is often a blood pressure
change in behavior. The user may lose Confusion
interest in activities and hobbies and Chest or lung pain
spend more time with friends than at Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
home. Another symptom of drug use is stomach pain
sleeping changes and decreased Diseases such as hepatitis B or
performance at work or school. These C, or HIV from needle-sharing
symptoms of drug use may indicate Frequent hangovers
another problem; however, so it's Hiding drugs
important to talk to the individual
directly to confirm what you're really
seeing are symptoms of drug use. 1
(read about drug abuse effects)
How to Prevent Addiction to
Other signs and symptoms of Prescribed Painkillers
drug use include:
Most people who take their pain
Smell of drugs on person and medicine as directed by their doctor
clothing do not become addicted, even if they
Constant discussion of drugs take the medicine for a long time.
Pressuring others to do drugs Fears about addiction should not
Frequent washing of clothes, prevent you from using narcotics to
showering or spraying room relieve your pain.
deodorizer to remove drug smells
Presence of drug paraphernalia But if you’ve abused drugs or alcohol
like a pipe, bong or rolling in the past or have family members who
papers have, you may be at a higher risk.
Changes in mood such as anxiety
or depression To avoid pain medicine addiction:
Skin that is cool and sweaty or
hot and dry Take the drug exactly as your
doctor prescribes.
Needing more money or
unexplained expenses Tell your doctor about any
personal or family history of
drug abuse or addiction; this
Drug Abuse Symptoms will help them prescribe the
medicines that will work best
While the above are signs and symptoms for you.
of drug use, the signs and symptoms of
drug abuse tend to be more severe. Remember, it’s common for people to
Signs of drug abuse are more develop a tolerance to pain medication
pronounced as the user now has an and to need higher doses to get the
extreme urge (craving) to use the same level of pain relief. This is
drug. The user is no longer normal and is not a sign of addiction.
experimenting with the drug; they now With addiction, you may need to use
feel a need to use it. higher doses, but it’s not for pain
relief. Still, talk to your doctor if
this effect becomes troubling.