Building Automation Interactive
Building Automation Interactive
Building Automation Interactive
As BAS works with mechanical systems, BAS can also At the same time, because some people work late or
be integrated with electrical systems such as lighting. possibly the cleaning staff, you want the lights to work.
In a typical campus environment or office buildings, Therefore, overrides for the lighting system are pro-
there are typical times of high occupancy. During these grammed so when someone turns on the switch the
times you want the lighting systems to work normally. lights come on. However, when the system is on an
After hours, when everyone has gone home, you want override, a timer begins once the light has been turned
the lights to be off. Some people forget or haphazardly on. So after a few hours, the light goes out. Motion
leave lights on. When a BAS system is integrated into sensors can also be utilized to let the system know to
the lighting system, time can be programmed into the turn the lights on when someone enters the room. Af-
system to turn the lights off for most of the building. ter they depart the and the motion sensor senses no
motion, the lights extinguish. This also functions well
with parking lot lighting based on sunrise and sunset
Flexibility and ease of change