Bossy R Lesson Plan

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Title of lesson Bossy “R” Grade Cycle 1 / Grade 1

Subject ELA Topic R controlled Vowels
Relevance Decoding and language comprehension are skills for young readers to develop their reading
skills. Teaching students to identify and recognize R-controlled vowels is necessary, as
students will explore various letter-sound relationships in both reading and writing. This
lesson will help students develop their literacy ability.
Resources Required - SMART board
- Bossy “R” Board game
- Dice
- Counters
QEP Subject Area Competency 1: To read and listen to literary, popular and information-based texts.
Competencies - Students will read information written on the SMART board.
- Students will read the R-controlled vowel words.
Competency 4: To use language to communicate and learn.
- Students will be able to express their ideas and share ideas during discussion time.
Learning Objectives - By the end lesson, the student will successfully identify R-controlled vowels of each
vowels (OR, AR, IR, ER, UR).
- By the end lesson, the student will successfully pronounce the R-controlled vowels
(OR, AR, IR, ER, UR).
- By the end lesson, the student will successfully fill in the missing R-controlled vowels
through the Bossy R interactive quiz.
- By the end lesson, the student will successfully read R-controlled vowel words with a
partner during the Bossy R board game.
Essential Question(s) - What is Bossy R?
- How do we pronounce R controlled Vowels?
Lesson Introduction (hook): Student will know:
Timing Timing: 10 minutes
- Students will know R controlled
*Second lesson of Bossy R; students are familiar with the vowels (OR, AR, IR, ER, UR).
concept of Bossy R.

- Invite students in front of the SMART board for an

interactive lesson of the Bossy R.
- Ask students to remind the class what Bossy R is.
- Ask students what the different types of Bossy R.
- Record students’ answers on the white board.

Questions to ask (Check for understanding):

- What is Bossy R?
- How many types of “Bossy R” are there?
- What are the types of “Bossy R”?
- How does it sound like?

*Reinforcement of the sound R-controlled vowels.

Based on a simplified version of Understanding by Design (UBD) and the IB Middle Year Program Planner
Development (Learning activities – step by step sequential Students will understand:
procedure): - Students will understand how each
bossy R sounds like.
- Students will understand the
pronunciation of different types of
bossy R.

Timing: 15 minutes Students will do:

Bossy R Interactive Quiz activity (Appendix B) - Students will individually have a
- Explain to students about the interactive quiz chance to do an interactive bossy r
activity. quiz on the SMART board.
- Students will figure out the word based on two hints, - Students will play a Bossy R
and if the student has correctly answered the quiz, boardgame with a partner.
then the image will appear along with the letters.
- Using the picture, students have to say which type of Cross Curricular Competencies:
bossy R goes into the missing space. Competency 6: To use information and
- Say: “Today, you will help me find out the words communications technologies (ICT).
based on the given hints. There are two hints in total, - Students will use information and
and based on these sentences, you have to figure out communications technologies to
what it is. Then, if you are correct, the picture will carry out a task; they will be doing
show up, and you have to help me find out which an interactive bossy R quiz using
type of bossy R this word belongs to and help me fill the SMART board.
in the missing Bossy R.”
Broad Areas of Learning:
Timing: 20 minutes Career Planning and Entrepreneurship
Bossy R Board game (Appendix A) - Learning about the R controlled
- Students will play a Bossy R board game with their vowels can help students in both
desk partner. reading and writing. It will enhance
- Students will start the game with ten counters. students’ literacy skills,
- Students will take turns rolling the dice and move strengthening their self-knowledge
ahead of that number of spaces. and preparing them to become
- If they land on a word, they will read it, and if it is a successful readers.
bossy r-word, they lose a counter. Universal Design for Learning/
- If they land on a picture, they will name it, and if it is Differentiation:
a bossy r-word, they will lose a counter. - For students struggling with reading
- If they land on a number, they take that number of the words, I will guide them by
counters. focusing on the sounds in words.
- Students will play until everyone has reached the - For early finishers, I will give them
finish, and whoever has the most counters win. an additional “fill in the blank”
Bossy R worksheet.
Closure (transition): FORMATIVE - Assessment FOR
Timing: 5 minutes learning:
I will informally assess the students during
- Remind students about the Bossy R booklet that we the Bossy R interactive quiz activity. I will
made few days ago. observe if they understood the concept of
- Instruct students to finish their unfinished Bossy R bossy R by:
booklet at home and encourage them to decorate and - If they showed engagement during
colour it. the interactive quiz.
- Encourage students to practice the letter sounds of - If they correctly matched the bossy
Bossy R. r into the missing alphabet.
- Give students time to clear out their desk and get - If they are correctly pronouncing

ready for recess. the bossy r words.

FORMATIVE - Assessment AS learning:

I will informally see if they are on task:

- Making sure that they are working

- Circling around when they are working
on their activity.

SUMMATIVE - Assessment OF learning:

Bossy R Test will be held on the third

Further considerations (follow up activities)

Early finishers will be provided with an additional worksheet (Appendix C)
- Students will look at each picture and fill out the missing Bossy R.

This will be done after the lesson.

Professional Competencies:
1. To act as a professional inheritor, critic and interpreter of knowledge or culture when teaching students.

I will transform the classroom into an inclusive space, where students can openly share their opinions and express their

3. To develop teaching/learning situations that are appropriate to the students concerned and the subject content with a
view to developing the competencies targeted in the programs of study.

I will select subject-specific knowledge (ELA) to aim to achieve the competencies to enhance the development of

6. To plan, organize and supervise a class in such a way as to promote students' learning and social development.

I will maintain a class where there is clear structure and a great discipline system. I will remind them the expectation of
the class.

8. To integrate information and communications technologies (ICT) in the preparation and delivery of teaching/learning
activities and for instructional management and professional development purposes.

I will integrate ICT by using the SMART board to create an interactive activity.

11. To engage in professional development individually and with others.

I will identify my strengths and weaknesses in teaching by asking for feedbacks from my CT. I will also ask where I
can identify available resources to enhance my teaching skill.


Appendix a: Bossy R Board game

Appendix b: Interactive Bossy R Quiz

Appendix c:

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