No.21642, July 30, 1966) EXCEPTION: The Estate May Basically
No.21642, July 30, 1966) EXCEPTION: The Estate May Basically
No.21642, July 30, 1966) EXCEPTION: The Estate May Basically
Legal Basis: R.A. 1161, R.A. 8282, R.A. 11199 or the provide social security to the workingman. The
“Social Security Act of 2018” benefits are specifically declared not
transferable and exempt from tax, legal
RATIONALE BEHIND THE ENACTMENT OF THE SOCIAL processes and liens. (SSS vs. Davac, et. al., G.R.
SECURITY LAW No.21642, July 30, 1966)
EXCEPTION: The estate may basically
Section 2. Declaration of Policy. - It is the policy of the
become the “beneficiary” when:
State to establish, develop, promote and perfect a
sound and viable tax-exempt social security system
suitable to the needs of the people throughout the o The beneficiary is the estate itself;
Philippines which shall promote social justice through o No beneficiary was expressly
savings, and ensure meaningful social security designated; or
protection to members and their beneficiaries against o If the designation of the beneficiary is
the hazards of disability, sickness, maternity, old age, void.
death, and other contingencies resulting in loss of
income or financial burden. Towards this end, the State - Tax exempt. Its purpose is not for raising
shall endeavor to extend social security protection to
revenues. (Cons Estate vs. SSS)
Filipino workers, local or overseas, and their
- The funds contributed to the System belong to the
In the pursuit of this policy, a social security program members who will receive benefits, as a matter
shall be developed emphasizing the value of "work, of right, whenever the hazards provided by the
save, invest and prosper". The maximum profitability of law occur.
investible funds and resources of the program shall be
ensured through a culture of excellence in management - Funds herein are private funds which belongs to
grounded upon sound and efficient policies employing the members and are merely held in trust by the
internationally recognized best practices. government. (Roman Catholic Archbishop of
Manila vs. SSC)
(d) Professional
trainers and
jockeys; and
(e) Individual
farmers and
Covered OFWs shall enjoy all the benefits under the law.
CRIMINAL LIABILITY OF MANNING AGENCIES OF SEA What happens if the member is re-employed with the
BASED OFW private sector?
The member can stop paying as a voluntary member
The persons having direct control, management or and resume payment of contributions as an employee
direction of the manning agencies shall be held of his new employer.
criminally liable for any act or omission penalized under
this Act notwithstanding Section 28(f) hereof. What if the member is re-employed with the
(Sec.9-B) government (where he will be covered by another
system: GSIS)?
LAND-BASED OFW The member is given an option to continue paying
Treated in the same manner as “self-employed persons”. contributions to the SSS as a voluntary member so that
Exception: Bilateral social security and labor agreements he may enjoy social security benefits under BOTH
by the Philippine government with their host countries systems.
ensuring payment of SSS contributions.
The sickness benefit is a daily cash allowance paid for Retirement of Underground
the number of days a member is unable to work due
to sickness or injury. Mineworkers Entitled to retirement benefits
if he has:
Eligibility 1. Reached the age of 60 yrs old whether
In 1987, Antonio married Cirila de los Santos. On her Editha is disqualified, that even if she was the legal
part, Gloria married Larry Thomas Constant, an wife, she was not qualified to the death benefits
American citizen, in the US. In 1999, Antonio died of since she herself admitted that she was not
respiratory failure. Cirila applied for and began dependent on her deceased husband for support
receiving his SSS pension benefit. On December 21, inasmuch as she was cohabiting with another man.
1999, Gloria filed a claim for Antonio’s death benefits
with the SSS. Her claim was denied on the ground Gina is disqualified, being a common-law wife. Since
that she was not a qualified beneficiary of Antonio. the wives are disqualified and because the deceased
She contended that her marriage to Larry Constant has no legitimate child, it follows that the
was not the subsequent marriage contemplated dependent illegitimate minor children of the
under SSS Law that would disqualify her as a deceased shall be entitled to the death benefits as
beneficiary; that the decree of divorce issued by a primary beneficiaries. The SSS Law is clear that for a
foreign state involving Filipino citizens has no validity minor child to qualify as a “dependent,” the only
and effect under Philippine law. Is Gloria still requirements are that he/she must be below 21
qualified as a primary beneficiary of Antonio under years of age, not married nor gainfully employed
the SSS Law? Yolanda’s children are disqualified for being over 21
years old.
A: NO. It is true that the divorce obtained by Gloria
against the deceased Antonio was not binding in this In this case, the minor illegitimate children of Gina
jurisdiction. Under Philippine law, only aliens may are the only qualified beneficiaries of Rodolfo
obtain divorces abroad, provided they are valid (Signey vs. SSS, G.R. No. 173582, 28 January 2008).
according to their national law. The divorce was
obtained by Gloria while she was still a Filipino citizen OTHER PRINCIPLES TO REMEMBER
and thus covered by the policy against absolute
RULE ON CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE SELF-EMPLOYED received by the SSS in connection with the aforesaid
MEMBER insurance operations shall be placed in the Mortgagors’
Insurance Account. (Sec. 26-B)
A self-employed member is obliged to declare his
monthly earnings at the time of his registration with the PENAL PROVISIONS OF R.A. 11199
SSS. This will become the basis of the computation of his
contributions unless later on he decides to declare (a) Whoever, for the purpose of causing any payment to
another amount of monthly earnings. be made under this Act. or under an agreement
thereunder, where none is authorized to be paid, shall
As a self-employed member, he is bound to pay both make or cause to be made false statement or
the “employer” and the “employee” contributions. (Sec. representation as to any compensation paid or received
19- A) or whoever makes or causes to be made any false
EFFECT OF REFUSAL OR NEGLECT OF EMPLOYER TO statement of a material fact in any claim for any benefit
REMIT CONTRIBUTIONS payable under this Act, or application for loan with the
SSS. or whoever makes or causes to be made any false
The contributions shall be collected by the SSS in the statement, representation, affidavit or document in
same manner as taxes are made collectible under the connection with such claim or loan, shall suffer the
National Internal Revenue Code, as amended. penalties provided for in Article One hundred seventy
two of the Revised Penal Code. (Falsification of private
The employer may also be held criminally liable for individuals and use of falsified documents)
swindling or estafa.
(b) Whoever shall obtain or receive any money or check
Q: Can the member-employee still avail of the benefits under this Act or any agreement thereunder, without
under SSS law despite the failure of the employer to being entitled thereto with intent to defraud any
remit contributions? member, employer or the SSS, shall be fined not less
than Five thousand pesos (₱5,000.00) nor more than
Twenty thousand pesos (₱20,000.00) and imprisoned
A: Yes. Failure or refusal of the employer to pay or remit
for not less than six (6) years and one (1) day nor more
the contributions herein prescribed shall not prejudice
than twelve (12) years.
the right of the covered employee to the benefits of the
coverage. (Sec. 22b)
(c) Whoever buys, sells, offers for sale, uses, transfers or
takes or gives in exchange, or pledges or gives in pledge,
INVESTMENT RESERVE FUND (Sec. 26) except as authorized in this Act or in regulations made
pursuant thereto, any stamp, coupon, ticket, book or
All revenues of the SSS that are not needed to meet the other device, prescribed pursuant to Section Twenty
current administrative and operational expenses three hereof by the Commission for the collection or
incidental to the carrying out of this Act shall be payment of contributions required herein, shall be fined
accumulated in a fund to be known as the "Reserve not less than Five thousand pesos (₱5,000.00) nor more
Fund". than Twenty thousand pesos (₱20,000.00), or
imprisoned for not less than six (6) years and one (1) day
Such portions of the Reserve Fund as are not needed to nor more than twelve (12) years, or both, at the
meet the current benefit obligations thereof shall be discretion of the court.
known as the "Investment Reserve Fund" which the
Commission shall manage and invest with the skill, care, (d) Whoever, with intent to defraud, alters, forges,
prudence and diligence necessary to earn an annual makes or counterfeits any stamp, coupon, ticket, book
income not less than the average rates of treasury bills or other device prescribed by the Commission for the
or any other acceptable market yield indicator in any or collection or payment of any contribution required
in all of the undertakings mentioned in Sec. 26. herein, or uses, sells, lends, or has in his possession any
such altered, forged or counterfeited materials, or
SSS AS INSURER makes, uses, sells or has in his possession any such
altered, forged, material in imitation of the material
As part of its investment operations, the SSS shall act as used in the manufacture of such stamp, coupon, ticket,
insurer of all or part of its interest on SSS properties book or other device, shall be fined not less than Five
mortgaged to the SSS, or lives of mortgagors whose thousand pesos (₱5,000.00) nor more than Twenty
properties are mortgaged to the SSS. For this purpose, thousand pesos (₱20,000.00) or imprisoned for not less
the SSS shall establish a separate account to be known than six (6) years and one (1) day nor more than twelve
as the "Mortgagors’ Insurance Account". All amounts (12) years, or both, at the discretion of the court.
(e) Whoever fails or refuses to comply with the CRIMINAL LIABILITY UNDER SEC. 22 VIS-À-VIS SEC. 28
provisions of this Act or with the rules and regulations
promulgated by the Commission, shall be punished by a
fine of not less than Five thousand pesos (₱5,000.00) Kua vs. Sacupayo (G.R. No. 191237, September 24,
nor more than Twenty thousand pesos (₱20,000.00), or 2014)
imprisonment for not less than six (6) years and one (1)
day nor more than twelve (12) years, or both, at the Q: Will belated remittance of contributions by
discretion of the court: Provided, That where the employers cure the defect and spare them from
violation consists in failure or refusal to register criminal liability?
employees or himself, in case of the covered self
employed or to deduct contributions from the A: No. The elements of criminal liability under Section
employees’ compensation and remit the same to the
22 (a) are:
SSS, the penalty shall be a fine of not less than Five
thousand pesos (₱5,000.00) nor more than Twenty 1. The employer fails to register its employees
thousand pesos (₱20,000.00) and imprisonment for not with the SSS;
less than six (6) years and one (1) day nor more than
twelve (12) years. 2. The employer fails to deduct monthly
contributions from the salaries and/or
(f) If the act or omission penalized by this Act be wages of its employees; and
committed by an association, partnership, corporation
or any other institution, its managing head, directors or 3. Having deducted the SSS contributions
partners shall be liable for the penalties provided in this and/or loan payments to SSS, the employer
Act for the offense. fails to remit these to the SSS.
(g) Any employee of the SSS who receives or keeps Petitioners defense: In this case, petitioners split hairs
funds or property belonging, payable or deliverable to that they "did not fail to remit the SSS contributions of
the SSS and who shall appropriate the same, or shall respondents;" they "fully paid the same, albeit
take or misappropriate, or shall consent, or through belatedly."
abandonment or negligence, shall permit any other
person to take such property or funds, wholly or
partially, or shall otherwise be guilty of Ruling: We affirm the finding of a prima facie case of
petitioners’ failure to remit the SSS contributions and
misappropriation of such funds or property, shall suffer
loan amortization of respondents for a period of
the penalties provided in Article Two hundred
approximately two (2) years, in 2003 and 2004. In
seventeen of the Revised Penal Code. (malversation of
October 2004, after respondents were successively
public funds or property)
dismissed from employment by Vicmar in August 2004,
they separately filed for SSS benefits, relating to sickness
(h) Any employer who, after deducting the monthly and procurement of a loan, which were both denied
contributions or loan amortizations from his employee’s outright for lack of contributions or payments twelve
compensation, fails to remit the said deduction to the months (12) prior to the semester of confinement and
SSS within thirty (30) days from the date they became failure to pay a prior loan. After respondents filed
due, shall be presumed to have misappropriated such criminal complaints against petitioners, the latter then
contributions or loan amortizations and shall suffer the remitted their SSS wage deductions and loan payments
penalties provided in Article Three hundred fifteen of to the SSS.
the Revised Penal Code. (swindling or estafa)
The factual milieu obtaining herein does not denote a
(i) Criminal action arising from a violation of the simple delay in payment. Again, petitioners initially
provisions of this Act may be commenced by the SSS or failed to remit the SSS contributions and payments of
the employee concerned either under this Act or in respondents such thatrespondents were denied benefits
appropriate cases under the Revised Penal Code: under the SS Law which they wanted to avail of. It was
Provided, That such criminal action may be filed by the only under threat of criminal liability that petitioners
SSS in the city or municipality where the SSS office is subsequently remitted what they had long deducted
located, if the violation was committed within its from the wages of respondents.
territorial jurisdiction or in Metro Manila, at the option
of the SSS.
Ambassador Hotel vs. SSS (G.R. No. 194137)