Lesson Plan Year 4 Writing Third Week

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Subject : English

Class :4B

Enrolment : 28 pupils

Date/Day : 19.06.2019/Wednesday

Time : 12.00-1.00 p.m.

Theme : World of Knowledge

Topic : Unit 7: Blogging

Focused Skill : Writing

Proficiency level: Low proficiency

Previous Knowledge: Pupil has learned on how to write letter before.

Content Standards: Learning Standards:

3.2 By the end of the 6 year of primary schooling, 3.2.2 Able to write with guidance:
pupils will be able to write using appropriate language (b)notices
form and style for a range of purposes.
Lesson Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

1. Arrange at least four sentences correctly into a notice based on the notice shown on
the whiteboard.
2. Write at least three simple sentences in a creative way based on the situation given
by teacher.

Language Content
Vocabulary visitors, cousin
Educational emphasis Thinking skills, multiple intelligences, constructivism
Multiple Linguistic, Visual.
Moral values 1. Please be careful with your belongings.
2. Theme work/ Cooperation
Teaching aids/ Resources: Marker pen, Example of notice, Word
Cards,Worksheet, Mahjong- paper
INDUCTION Examples of questions: 1. Teacher asks PHASE(Setting the tone of
(5 MINUTES) 1) Have you ever lost questions and tells lesson)
your valuable items? pupils that they are - To arouse pupils’
going to do some attention
2) What you will do if writing activities about - To give ideas and direct
you lost your valuable notice pupils to the topic.
Teaching aids:
3) Do you think that -
notice can do to complain
about the valuable items

Possible answers:

1) Yes/No

2) We will complain to

Presentation Let’s get to know on how to 1. Teacher pastes an Imagination Phase

( 15 MINUTES) write a notice example of notice on - To introduce importan
the whiteboard. features on how to wr
Important features to write a a notice to the pupils
notice: 2. Then, teacher leads before asking them to
pupils to say aloud write a notice.
-The word ‘Notice’ features of notice
-Date together and explains Teaching aids:
-Heading/Subjects the vocabulary. -Example of Notice
-Contents - Word Cards
-Name 3. Teacher pastes the -Marker pen
-Title word cards of the
important features
around the example of
notice on the

Practice Let’s Write 1. Teacher gives a Development Phase

(15 MINUTES) Worksheet (Refer to worksheet. (Guided practise)
Appendix 1) 2. Pupils are needed - To develop pupils skil
to paste the in writing a notice
worksheet in their - To promote pupil’s
exercise book. creative thinking
3. The teacher asks
the pupils to Assessment of learning
arrange the objective 1
sentences into a
4. Teacher Teaching aids:
facilitates the -Worksheet
pupils and guides
them to arrange
the sentences
throughout the
5. Pupils submit their
work to the teacher.
Production 1. Teacher divides Action phase
pupils into 6 groups.
(20 MINUTES) Situation (Independent practise)
Sentence strip (Refer to 2. Teacher calls the -To guide pupils in writin
appendix 2) leader of the 6 groups sentences.
to come to the front.
-To practice learning in
3. Teacher gives a the independent way
situation to each
group. The teacher
instructs them to Assessment of learning
show their situation to objective 2
their respective
Teaching aids:
4. Teacher asks pupils
- 6 sentence strips
to write three simple
sentences in a - mah-jong paper
creative way based
on the situation given
by teacher on the
mahjong paper.

5. Teacher discusses
pupils’ written work
and corrects their

Closure 1. Teacher asks several Closure phase

Prompt question: prompt questions to the (Summary a
1. What have you learned pupils. reinforcement)
2. List out the important 2. Teacher sums up the - To consolidate the lesso
features on how to lesson by highlighting - To instil moral value.
write a notice -To recap the lesson.
Expected answers:
1. Notice
2. Title, Contents

Moral Value:
Please be careful with your


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