Assesing Speaking 2nd Group-2 Fiks
Assesing Speaking 2nd Group-2 Fiks
Assesing Speaking 2nd Group-2 Fiks
Lecturer :
Pryla Rochmawati, M.Pd
Compiled by:
Iis Rulianawati (204180036)
Khuriyatul Mala (204180044)
Mumtazza Nur Aini .R. (204180053)
5. Extensive (monologue)
Extensive oral production tasks include speeches, oral presentations,
and story-telling, during which the opportunity for oral interaction from
listeners is either highly limited (perhaps to nonverbal responses) or ruled
out all together.1
H. Douglas Brown, Language Assessment: Principle and Classroom Practice, (San
Francisco, California: Longman, 2003), 141-142.
Ibid., 142.
level to sentence level, usually with each item focusing on. a specific
phonological criterion. In a simple repetition task, test-takers repeat the
stimulus, whether it is a pair ofwords, a sentence, or perhaps a question (to test
for intonation production).
D. Phone Pass
PhonePass widely used, commercially available speaking test in many
countries. Among a number of speaking tasks on the test, repetition of
sentences (of 8 to 12 words) occupies a prominent role. The Phone Pass test
elicits computer-assisted oral production over a telephone. Test-takers read
aloud, repeat sentences, say words, and answer questions. With a
downloadable test sheet as a reference, test-takers are directed to telephone a
designated number and listen for directions. The test has five sections:
1. Part A:
Test-takers read aloud selected sentences from among those printed on the
test sheet. Examples: a) Traffic is a huge problem in Southern California,
b) The endless city has no coherent mass transit system. c) Sharing rides
was going to be the solution to rush-hour traffict, d) Most people still want
to drive their own cars, though.
2. Part B:
Test-takers repeat sentences dictated over the phone. Examples: "Leave
town on the next train."
3. Part C:
Test-takers answer questions with a single word or a short phrase of two or
three words. Example: "Would you get water from a bottle or a
4. Part D:
Test-taker hear three word groups in random order and must link them in a
correctly ordered sentence. Example: was reading/my mother/a magazine.
5. Part E:
Test-takers have 30 seconds to talk about their opinion about some topic
that is dictated over the phone. Topics center on family, preferences, and
Ibid., 147-159.
4. Picture-Cued Tasks
One of the more popular ways to elicit oral language performance at
both intensive and extensive levels is a pictl1re-cued stimulus that requires
a description from the testtaker. Pictures may be very simple, designed to
elicit a word or a phrase; somewhat more elaborate and "busy"; or
composed of a series that tells a story or incident.
5. Translation (of Limited Stretches of Discourse)
Translation methods of teaching are certainly passe in an era of direct
approaches to creating communicative classrooms. But we should
remember that in countries where English is not the native or prevailing
language, translation is a meaningful communicative device in contexts
where the English user is. called on to be an interpreter. Also, translation is
a well-proven communication strategy for learners of a second language.4
Ibid., 14
c) Why did you choose your academic major?
d) What kind of strategies have you used to help you learn English?
Oral interaction with a test administrator often involves the latter
forming all the questions. The flip side of this usual concept of question-
and-answer tasks is to elicit questions from the test-taker. To assess the
test-taker's ability to produce questions.5
2. Giving Instructions and Directions
We are all called on in our daily routines to read instructions on
how to operate an appliance, how to put a bookshelf together, or how to
create a delicious clam chowder. Somewhat less frequent is the mandate to
provide such instructions orally, but this speech act is still relatively
common. Using such a stimulus in an assessment context provides an
opportunity for the test-taker to engage in a relatively
extended stretch of discourse, to be very clear and specific, and to use
appropriate discourse markers and connectors. The technique is Simple:
the administrator poses the problem, and the test-taker responds. Scoring is
based primarily on comprehensibility and s~condari1y on other specified
grammatical or discourse categories. Here are some possibilities.
a) Describe how to make a typical dish from your country.
b) What's a good recipe for making ___?
c) How do you access email on a ·PC computer?6
3. Paraphrasing
Another type of assessment task that can be categorized as
responsive asks the test-taker to read or hear a limited number of sentences
(perhaps two to five) and-produce a paraphrase of the sentence. A more
authentic context for paraphrase is aurally receiving and orally relaying a
message. The advantages of such tasks are that they elicit short stretches of
output and perhaps tap into test-takers' ability to practice the
conversational art of conciseness by reducing the output/input ratio. Yet
you have to question the criterion being assessed. Is it a listening task
more than production? Does it test short-term memory rather than
Ibid., 160
Ibid., 161
linguistic ability? And how does the teacher determine scoring of
responses? If you use short paraphrasing tasks as an assessment procedure,
it's important to pinpoint the objective of the task clearly. In this case, the
integration of listening and speaking is probably more at stake than simple
oral production alone.7
The final two categories of oral production assessment (interactive and
extensive speaking) include tasks that involve relatively long stretches of
interactive discourse (interviews, role plays, discussions, games) and tasks. of
equally long duration but that involve less interaction (speeches, telling longer
stories, and extended explanations and translations).The obvious difference
between the two sets of tasks is the degree of interaction with an interlocutor.
Also, interactive tasks are what some would describe as interpersonal, while
the final category includes more transactional speech events.
1. Interview
Oral interview is a test administrator and a test-taker sit down, In a
direct face-to-face exchange and proceed through a protocol of questions
and directives. The interview, which may be tape-recorded for re-listening,
is then scored on one or more parameters such as accuracy in
pronunciation and/or grammar, vocabulary usage, fluency,
sociolinguistic/pragmatic appropriateness, task accomplishment, and even
Every effective interview contains a number of mandatory stages.
Two decades ago, Michael Canale (1984) proposed a framework for oral
proficiency testing that has withstood the test of time. He suggested that
test-takers will perform at their best if they are led through four stages:
a) Warm-up
In a minute or so of preliminary small talk, the interviewer directs
mutual introductions, helps the test-taker become comfortable with the
situation, apprises the test-taker of the format, and allays anxieties. No
scoring of this phase takes place.
b) Level check.
Through a series of preplanned questions, the interviewer stimulates
the test-taker to respond using -expected or predicted forms and
c) Probe.
Probe questions and prompts challenge test-takers to go to the heights
of their ability, to extend beyond the limits of the interviewer's
expectation through increasingly difficult questions.
d) Wind-down.
Ibid., 167
and responsive levels to a level of creativity and complexity that
approaches real-world pragmatics.10
3. Discussions and Conversations
As formal assessment devices, discussions and conversations with
and among students are difficult to specify and even more difficult to
score. But as informal techniques to assess learners, they offer a level of
authenticity and spontaneity that other assessment techniques may not
provide. discussion is an integrative task, and so it is also advisable to give
some cognizance to comprehension performance in evaluating learners.11
4. Games
Among informal assessment devices are a variety of games that
directly involve language production. Consider the following types:
"Tinkertoy" game, Crossword puzzles, City maps are distributed to class
members and etc. As assessments, the key is to specify a set of criteria and
a reasonably practical and reliable scoring method. The-benefit -ofsuclIan
informal assessment may not be as much in a summative evaluation as in
its formative nature, with cashback for the students.12
Ibid., 174
Ibid., 175
Ibid., 176
workshops are available, at costs of around $700 for ACTFL members,
through ACTFL at selected sites and conferences throughout the year.
Specifications for the OPI approximate those delineated above under the
discussion of oral interviews in general In a series of structured tasks, the OPI
is carefully designed to elicit pronunciation, fluency and integrative ability,
sociolinguistic and cultural knowledge, grammar, and vocabulary.
Performance is judged by the examiner to be at one of ten possible levels on
the ACTFL-designated proficiency guidelines for speaking: Superior;
Advanced-high, mid, low; Intermediate-high, mid, low; Novice-high, mid,
OPI relies on an administrative network that mandates certified examiners,
who pay a significant fee to achieve examiner status. This systemic control of
the OPI adds test reliability to the procedure and assures test-takers that
examiners are specialists who have gone through a rigorous training course.
All these safeguards discourage the appearance of" outlaw" examiners who
might render unreliable scores. On the other hand, the whole idea of an oral
,interview up-der the control oral interviewer has come under harsh criticism
from a number of language-testing specialists.13
Ibid., 177
b) Set appropriate tasks
c) Elicit optimal output
d) Establish practical, reliable scoring procedures.
And once again scoring is the key assessment challenge. " For oral
presentations, a checklist or grid is a common means of scoring.or evalu-
ation. Holistic scores are tempting to use for their apparent practica:lity,
but they may obscure the variability of performance across several
subcategories, especially the two major components of content and
delivery. Following is an example of a checklist for a prepared oral
presentation at the intermediate or advanced level of English.14
2. Picture-Cued Story-Telling
One of the most common techniques for eliciting oral production is
through visual pictures, photographs, diagrams, and charts. We have
already looked at this' elicitation device for intensive tasks, but at this level
we consider a picture or a series of pictures as a stimulus for a longer story
or description.15 For the example (with a little humor added!), are you
testing for oral vocabulary (girl, alarm, coffee, telephone, wet, cat, etc.),
for time relatives (before, after, when), for sentence connectors (then, and
then, so), for past tense of irregular verbs (woke, drank, rang), and/or for
fluency in general? Ifyou are eliCiting specific grammatical or discourse
features, you might add to the directions something like "Tell the story that
these pictures describe. Use the past tense of verbs." Your criteria for
scoring need to be clear about what it is you are hoping to assess. Refer
back to some of the guidelines suggested under the section on oral
interviews, above, or to the OPI for some general suggestions on scoring
such a narrative.16
3. Retelling a Story, News Event
In this type of task, test-takers hear or read a story or news event that
they are asked to retell. This differs from the paraphrasing task discussed
it is a longer stretch of discourse and a different genre. The objectives in
Ibid., 179
Ibid., 180
Ibid., 181
assigning such.a task vary from listening comprehension of the original to
production of a number of oral discourse features (communicating
sequences and relationships 01 events, stress and emphasis patterns, .
"expression" in the case of a dramatic story), fluency, and interaction with
the hearer. Scoring should of course meet the intended criteria.
4. Translation (of Extended Prose)
Translation of words, phrases, or short sentences was mentioned
under the category of-intensive speaking. Here, longer texts are presented
for the test-taker to read in the native language and then translate into
English.Those texts could come in many forms: dialogue, directions for
assembly of a product, a synopsis of a story or play or movie, directions on
how to find something on a map, and other genres. The advantage of
translation is in the control of the content, vocabulary, and, to some extent,
the grammatical and discourse features. The disadvantage is that
translation of longer texts is a highly specialized skill for which some
individuals obtain post-baccalaureate degrees! To judge a nonspecialist's
oral language ability on such a skill may be completely invalid, especially
if the test-taker has not engaged in translation at this level. Criteria for
scoring should therefore take into account not only the purpose in
stimulating a translation but the possibility of errors that are unrelated to
oral production ability.
One consequence of our being articulate mammals is an
extraordinarily complex system of vocal communication that has evolved
over the millennia of human existence. This chapter has offered a
relatively sweeping overview of some of the ways we have learned to
assess our wonderful ability to produce sounds, words, and sentences, and
to string them together to make meaningful texts. This chapter's limited
number of assessment techniques may encourage your imagination to
explore a potentially limitless number of possibilities for assessing oral
Ibid., 182