HP Village Photographer Program Updated
HP Village Photographer Program Updated
HP Village Photographer Program Updated
The Village photographer program was a flagship initiative of the erstwhile Emerging Market
Solutions (EMS) group of HP, a group chartered to create self –sustaining solutions which are
scalable, that provide local communities with economic growth and HP with new opportunities
and business model innovation for these markets.
The Village photographer program matched HP’s existing capability in low cost photo printing,
with a requirement in rural areas i.e. a need for a low cost solution that delivers photographs in a
timely manner.
Need analysis
The current available solution for photography the “mini lab” is a capital intensive equipment costs
over 20 Lakh Rupees and is available only in cities , both of which imposes several limitations on
rural consumers. Firstly it takes both time and effort for the prints to reach a consumer in the
village and also requires the entire film roll of 36 exposures to be used up before it can be given
for processing, an issue for the rural consumer as he may require only 1 or 2 photographs and
not a whole roll. Because of these reasons only need based photographs like passports and very
important occasions like marriages are captured on film and a large no. of other photo occasions
in villages are largely ignored.
HP Digital photography solution
HP has introduced photography in Rural India in two formats
a) The Village Women photographers - This solution has
been piloted in the Kuppam HP i-community. Here the HP
Digital photography solution consists of a HP Digital camera,
a portable photo-printer and a solar power-pack, each
component of the solution leading to an economical portable
photography solution for villages and small towns of India
and other similar emerging market countries.
The HP 145 photosmart printer that is used in Kuppam has
the advantage of printing directly from a camera and
removes the need to invest in an expensive computer for
interfacing with the printer. The options in the printer allow it
to print sizes ranging from
passport size to 4” X 6”
maxi size pictures. The
quality of pictures printed
on the HP 145 compares
favourably with pictures
printed in “photo labs” that
are 100 times more expensive.