Quizz 3 e Commerce

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Name: Zunab Azhar

M.com sem4
Quizz 3

1. How can we get to the point where the consumer wants to

buy something from us?
You’ve been a consumer with purchasing power for much longer than
you probably realize—since the first time you were asked which cereal
or toy you wanted. Over the years, you’ve developed a systematic way
you choose among alternatives, even if you aren’t aware of it. Other
consumers follow a similar process. The first part of this chapter looks
at this process. The second part looks at the situational, psychological,
and other factors that affect what, when, and how people buy what
they do.
Keep in mind, however, that different people, no matter how similar
they are, make different purchasing decisions. You might be very
interested in purchasing a Smart Car. But your best friend might want
to buy a Ford 150 truck. Marketing professionals understand this. They
don’t have unlimited budgets that allow them to advertise in all types
of media to all types of people, so what they try to do is figure
out trends among consumers. Doing so helps them reach the people
most likely to buy their products in the most cost effective way
2. How should we make the business, so that the customer is
satisfied, and we as a supplier are satisfied as well?
So how can you improve customer satisfaction in today’s customer-
centric world? To improve customer satisfaction, follow these steps:
Collect customer feedback: To better understand your customers’
needs, you need to listen to them. And know what your customers
want. By using surveys, you can measure customer satisfaction and
discover what improvements your customers request.
Turn customer feedback into action: Now that you know what your
customers want, it’s time to turn their feedback into action. For
example, if a customer said your onboarding sessions are not helpful,
it’s worth working with your team to improve them.
Improve your product or service: You should constantly strive to
improve your product or service based on customer feedback. For
instance, if the customer requests features you can’t yet deliver, always
update them on the progress. This lets you keep customer satisfaction
levels high.
Follow up with your customers: Have you made an improvement
based on what your customer has told you? Follow up with the
customer to let them know about it. Keeping your customers in the
loop shows that your business values customer feedback.
So, improving customer satisfaction comes down to gathering customer
feedback and then acting on it. For this reason, these 8 tips will help
you improve customer satisfaction:
 Offer multi-channel support
 Make collecting feedback a company process
 Measure customer satisfaction regularly
 Ask for feedback across all touchpoints
 Actively ask customers for feedback
 Share feedback across all your teams
 Reply to all feedback
 Act on complaints and negative reviews

3. You are a producer of a specific product, which you deliver in

various packaging sizes and different trade units. What are the
consequences for the identification of the product, e.g. to
determine your sales quantities?
With the increased importance placed on self-service marketing, the
role of packaging is becoming quite significant. For example, in a typical
supermarket a shopper passes about 600 items per minute, or one item
every tenth of a second. Thus, the only way to get some consumers to
notice the product is through displays, shelf hangers, tear-off coupon
blocks, other point-of-purchase devices, and, last but not least,
effective packages. Considering the importance placed on the package,
it is not surprising that a great deal of research is spent on motivational
research, color testing, psychological manipulation, and so forth, in
order to ascertain how the majority of consumers will react to a new
package. Based on the results of this research, past experience, and the
current and anticipated decisions of competitors, the marketer will
initially determine the primary role of the package relative to the
product. Should it include quality, safety, distinction, affordability,
convenience, or aesthetic beauty.
4. Think that you run an online shop. How can you make sure
that the customer, just placing an order, is a real customer, will
accept the delivery and then pay the invoice?
1. Don't extend credit automatically to new customers/clients.
Small businesses, just like large businesses, need to have credit policies
in place that provide guidelines for determining which customers or
clients will be extended credit and on what terms.

2. Take partial payment in advance.

Worried that you won't be getting paid for that sale or service? If it's
sensible in terms of the price of the goods or services, ask for a deposit
or retainer up front. This is an increasingly common business practice
for higher-ticket items and services; no reasonable customer should be
offended by such a request.

3. Invoice promptly.

This seems like a no-brainer but I have personally dealt with businesses
that haven't bothered to bill me for months on end for products or
services rendered. Besides being annoying because I want to know
exactly what the charges are, I can't help but wonder if the rest of
their business practices are as slipshod. And with their own example,
why should I be in any hurry to pay them?

5. Reward customers for paying promptly.

Waving a carrot at customers or clients, such as offering customers a

discount for paying their invoices early, can help you get paid more
quickly too. For instance, if your usual policy is to have payments due in
30 days, offer a small discount such as two percent to customers who
pay within 14 days.

5. Think that you sell digital goods. How can you ensure that
the customer does not disclaim the delivery of a digital good?
The internet makes it easy to sell digital products to customers around
the world, but the security of your digital product delivery can be a
major concern.
If you sell digital products like ebooks, software, workout plans, or any
of the many options out there, you may (rightfully) worry about
customers sharing those products with others, or even individuals
trying to make money off of your intellectual property.
Today we’re exploring some of the best ways to keep your digital
products secure. We’ll also dig into three services that Selz provides to
help you sell digital products securely and build a thriving business.
Three Secrets to Secure Digital Product Delivery
1. Set Limits for Downloads and Streaming
2. Stamp and Watermark PDFs
3. Utilize License Keys for Software and Apps

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