The Secret Language of Money Summary
The Secret Language of Money Summary
The Secret Language of Money Summary
The Secret Language of Money
by David Krueger
our money story isn’t only about money: it’s about everything. complex soup of thoughts and emotions, including childhood,
Day by day, thought by thought, dollar by dollar, our money herd mentality and a host of others. and underlying it all is a
story becomes our life story. brain that has evolved to be at times anything but logical.
as intelligent, educated and sophisticated though we may in fact, advances in neuroscience have revealed this strange
be, we keep our own stories hidden from ourselves. We do truth: Under certain conditions—especially in emotionally
this through denial, categorization, rationalization, avoidance, charged situations—we humans are hardwired to make
bargaining, disloyalty to self and defiance. downright poor financial decisions.
There are four distinct layers to a money story, each quite as the stock market came crashing down in the fall of 2008,
different from the others. the U.S. government rushed to pump $700 billion into the
1. Feelings: our gut reactions connected with the strivings, nation’s credit system. Why? as frightening as the looming
emotional attributions, beliefs about and representations of economic crisis was, the majority of americans still had their
money in our lives and the world around us jobs, their homes and food on the table.
2. Behaviors: the things we do for and with money The $700 billion bailout’s principal goal was to restore
3. Thoughts: how and what we think about money and public confidence, quite a price tag for a Pr campaign aimed
its symbolism at changing an emotion, but that only underscores the truth
4. Experiences: our overall reactions and responses to about money and the human brain: it is a fragile combination.
money, its significance and symptoms of our lives Physiologically speaking, the $700 billion package was really a
as you review your own story, both past and present, here are massive public-works program designed to shift the population’s
three steps that can be helpful in directing your inquiry: focus the 2-inch distance from midbrain to forebrain.
1. What are the beliefs that form the premise of your Further study reveals that during moments of especially
money story? strong emotional stimulation, even those of us who have absolutely
2. Can you track when in time you made the original no history of trauma make this same shift to emotional right-brain
decision that led to each view or belief? processing, effectively shutting off access to the logic and reason
3. Look for the connection between the original of the left brain.
decision and the view or perspective you now hold. This is why, when we are faced with very good or very bad
How well you understand yourself and what you do with news, we may suddenly abandon our best strategies and most
that understanding determine the success of your money story. carefully thought-out game plans. in extreme situations, such
money will not buy happiness, but how you create and live as when the stock market is robustly rallying or precipitously
your money story determines a good deal about what your life falling, it is most difficult to stay with investment strategies
experience will be. and planned principles. Greed or fear shifts us to right-brain
Every important relationship has its own history, develops its predominance. Thus, in times of very good news (a large and
own story, and evolves its own language. The longest-running unexpected bonus check) or very bad news (a stock market
relationship in our life is our relationship with money. crash), we may suddenly abandon our best-laid financial plans.
and here is the real power of your money story: because it We are wired for instant gratification, the compelling urge to
infiltrates and penetrates so many aspects of your life story, it spend what we don’t have to get what we can’t wait for.
is a fantastic access point. if you can change your money story, mastering your money requires having principles, consistency
then you will create powerful changes in your life story. and a game plan. it also requires that you are in an optimum
state of mind when you make your money decisions. The
majority of money lost in investing is the result of emotional
Plot twists decisions that trump otherwise good information, advice and
We may think we’re logical consumers who look rationally at strategy. mastering your state by learning how to ground
our purchases and investments to get the greatest benefit. The yourself will help you gain access to your full range of brain
truth is far less rational. our buying decisions are based on a capacity, including both rational and intuitive, big-picture
“I’ll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today,” so said the Writing a neW money story
character named Wimpy in the Max Fleischer Popeye cartoons of addiction is often seen as a condition or disease—
the 1930s. It is that perennial hope that we can have it now and something we “have.” But addiction is really a process, a quest
pay for it later—“later” being a euphemism for “never”—that for something tangible that can regulate our mood and
feeds the Ponzi scheme. It fits perfectly within the essential self-esteem, at least temporarily.
modern american assumption that things will be better for our There is something unique about work that makes it unique
children’s generation than ours—and better for us next week than among all addictive behaviors. rather than frowning on it,
today. Why should I worry about paying for that hamburger next society condones and even admires it. of all the things to
Tuesday? Surely I’ll be worth more then…. Won’t I? which one may become addicted, money and work carry the
The unsettling truth about scams is that, unlike crimes most social approval.
such as assault, robbery or homicide, they work only with our Neither money, the things it buys, nor the work that
willing participation. These investment offerings all share two generates it, can be expected to fill emotional needs, resolve
features in common: (1) they are all pure fiction: none of them long-running conflicts or bestow fulfillment.
exists or ever has; however, (2) there were at one point a lot of Six Guidelines for a Healthy Relationship
reasonable and wealthy investors who believed they did. with Work:
How do you create such a cultlike following? You offer an 1. Get clear on the purpose of your work.
evocative promise that touches people’s vague, hazy dreams and 2. Create clear boundaries.
makes them appear vividly within reach. You paint a picture that 3. Leave your work at work.
enables people to see what they want to see. People project their 4. Focus each day’s work on productivity goals
own desires onto a promising story that crystallizes a fantasy of rather than work ethic goals.
magical wealth. In a very real sense, it is not the scam artist who 5. Create clear financial goals.
scams us, but it is we who allow ourselves to be taken in, fueled 6. Accept the fact that you have a life.
by a variation of that same let’s play pretend impulse that lets us Six Guidelines for Finding Your Passion:
spend money we don’t have to buy things we can’t afford. 1. Get curious.
Cons work because they tell us what we want 2. Engage.
to hear: 3. Get out of the details.
• Our vulnerable brains 4. Think back to when you were a kid.
• The need to believe 5. Recruit help.
• The need to prove our worth 6. Move on.
• The need to be special Four Guidelines for Living Your Ideals:
• The need to belong 1. See how they apply.
• The need to be taken care of 2. Honor your order of priorities.
• Susceptibility to impulse 3. Appreciate the price.
• The desire to put one over 4. Live your ideals.
Seven Guidelines for Staying Unscammed: a vision crystallizes possibility into a fundamental,
1. Work with professionals. articulated idea. a vision gives hope a shape and form,
2. Know when to hang up the phone. allowing you to program your future while rehearsing it:
3. Watch your credit cards. • Thoughts and visualization bring about actual
4. Take the time to look twice. physical changes in the brain.
5. Notice when you are vulnerable. • When you repeatedly hold a vision of successfully
6. Be wary of hearing what you want to hear. attaining a goal, the act of visualization etches
7. If it seems too good to be true, it’s probably too the experience more strongly into the neural
good to be true. networks and neuronal pathways.
What is money? psychoanalysis for more than 25 years before becoming CEO of
The answer to that question turns out to be, money is simply MentorPath, an executive coaching service for corporate leaders
money—nothing more and nothing less. When you let go of and medical professionals. His clients have included the CEOs
whatever layers of meaning, drama, emotion and complexity of multinational businesses, professional athletes, best-selling
you may have draped around money, it loses its mysterious
writers and business owners. A resident of Houston, he serves
power to control you, and instead becomes what it was
meant to be: a powerful force you can use to shape the life as a mentor coach and dean of curriculum for the Coach Training
you envision. Alliance. Krueger has published 15 books on the psychology of
success and fulfillment.
John David Mann has more than 20 years of experience as
an author on business, leadership and success. He is author of
Recommended Reading the best-seller The Go-Giver and A Deadly Misunderstanding.
If you enjoyed this summary of The Secret Language Mann built a multimillion-dollar network marketing organization
of Money, check out: of more than 100,000 distributors in the 1990s, and edited and
Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That produced the best-selling The Greatest Networker in the World
Shape Our Decisions by Dan Ariely
by John Milton Fogg. Mann resides in Massachusetts.
Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health,
Wealth and Happiness by Richard H. Thaler and Summarized by permission of the publisher, McGraw-Hill, Two Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10121-
Cass R. Sunstein 2298. The Secret Language of Money by David Krueger, M.D., with John David Mann. © 2009 by
David Krueger.
Sway: The Irresistible Pull of Irrational Behavior © 2010 SUCCESS Media. All rights reserved. Materials may not be reproduced in whole or in part
by Rom Brafman and Ori Brafman in any form without prior written permission. Published by SUCCESS Media, 200 Swisher Rd.,
Lake Dallas, TX 75065, USA.