So You Want To Be An Astronaut Alyssa Carson 2018
So You Want To Be An Astronaut Alyssa Carson 2018
So You Want To Be An Astronaut Alyssa Carson 2018
Author’s Note
The Journey That Led Me to Becoming the Youngest Astronaut in Training
The First Space Camp
The Beginning of My Accomplishments
And it continued
My Struggles
How My Dad Accepted My Daring Choice of A Career
Why I Want to Be the First Astronaut to go to Mars?
The First Step to Becoming an Astronaut: Use the Interweb
• NASA, ESA, and Russian Federal Space Agency’s Projects for the
• Read Cosmological Articles
• YouTube Channels
• Look at the Sky and Know your Stars
• Movies and Documentaries
• Space Websites
• Listen to the Astronauts Talk
The Second Step to Becoming an Astronaut: Take a Look Around you
• Space Museums
• Space Camps
• People
• Your School
• Get in Shape
The Third Step to Becoming an Astronaut: Listen to People Who Are
Already Living Your Dream
• Books
• Set up a Meeting with an Astronaut
The Fourth Step to Becoming an Astronaut: Talk about Your Dreams Often,
you never know Who’s listening
The Fifth Step to Becoming an Astronaut: Train Yourself
• Team Player
• Resourcefulness
• Reasoning
• Communication
• Public Speaking
• Judgment
• Adaptability
• Mental Endurance
The Sixth Step to Becoming an Astronaut: Help Yourself Stand Out
• Diverse Educational Background
• Personality
• Emotional Intelligence
• Get as Much Training as You Can
The Seventh Step to Becoming an Astronaut: Forget About Becoming an
Astronaut and Find a Passion That Will Last
The Eighth Step to Becoming an Astronaut: Never Give Up
Author’s Note
The one question that I get asked a lot is how to become an astronaut, and it
made me realize that it is a popular aspiration among the youth.
All that eagerness and passion to know the answer to this question has led
me to write this book.
When so many people came up to me, and told me that they want to
become an astronaut, it made me wonder if people really understand the
brunt of that decision. Do they truly understand what it means to be an
Being an astronaut is not just about flying in space in a spacesuit. It is lot
more than that. An astronaut is a certain kind of person who is brave
beyond comprehension. They are courageous and strong and they know
how to keep their wits about them, in the face of danger.
Whenever astronauts set out for an expedition, they know they are risking
their lives. They are never 100% safe, and when they return back to Earth,
they’d be willing to do it again. Then, there’s trust. When they are out in
space, with only a handful of other humans, they learn to trust them with
their lives. The astronauts are also risk takers. When they have limited
options, and slim chances, they take risks, despite knowing that it can
backfire badly and even cost them their lives.
It is an extraordinary profession to be an astronaut, and it requires
extraordinary courage to become one.
This is the reason why, wanting to become an astronaut is not as common as
most other vocations are. When someone wishes to take up this career, it’s
hard for them to know where to start. Additionally, being an astronaut is
what comes second. Before that, you must establish a STEM career, and
prove your skills in many others. Hence, most of the aspiring astronauts
want to know the exact steps they’ll need to take to become one.
To be upfront, there are endless things one has to do if they want to stay
committed to their goal. There’s no end to it and that’s the fun part. You
never stop learning when you are trying to be an astronaut .
But let’s not go there right now. Before we move on to all the initial steps
you need to take, in order to reach your goal, there’s something else you’ll
have to do first.
I want you to sit down and have a very meaningful conversation with
yourself. And in this conversation, you’ll need to ask yourself how serious
you are. Are you really determined to go to space and face all the dangers
that come with it? Or are you just fascinated with space and astronautics, or
do you want it as a means of becoming famous?
Perhaps you just want to follow the crowd?
Going to space is not an easy job, it involves dangers and risks and
unknown threats. From the moment you leave this planet, you never know
what is going to happen. You lose the luxury of predictability.
The point is that you’re never entirely safe when you are out there in the
space. Hence, if you want to become an astronaut, you must be willing to
face all those dangers. You must be willing to put yourself at risk there, and
you must be willing to sacrifice a lot of things.
You only get this kind of fearlessness and courage when you have passion,
commitment and dedication for the kind of goal you’re trying to achieve.
So let me ask you again, do you really want to become an astronaut?
If your answer is a definite and resounding yes then carry on for I have
written this book specifically for you.
My best of wishes to all the future space kids!
It’s strange how some of the biggest things in this world are set in motion
by some of the most random occurrences.
I knew in my heart that I was born to do great things in this world, and for
this world. But how did it all start?
With a cartoon!
A three-years-old me was watching a show called The Backyardiagans. The
episode I saw that fateful day was titled, “Mission to Mars”
I went running to my dad, all excited, and asked him about Mars and about
the people who live there.
I was young, and perhaps my dad wasn’t exactly sure how to explain space
to me, as no one in my family had any background in it. Yet he did his best
to enlighten me. He told my three-year-old self about the big world out
there, and he told me about the Moon and Mars.
He told me how people have gone to the Moon. But it would be people
from my generation who’d grow up and go to Mars.
He thought this was just one of those toddler conversations and would
never be revisited.
But he was wrong!
Two weeks later, I very proudly announced my future plans. I still
remember my exact words, “Daddy, I want to be an astronaut, and be one
of the people that go to Mars.”
And like the dad of any toddler around the world, he said okay, because he
didn’t believe it for a second. How could he? I was 3 years old.
For all he knew, my choice of career would change to becoming a princess
the next day, or perhaps a cute animal.
He couldn’t have been more wrong. The next day passed, and the next week
passed and many more weeks and months passed. Years down the road, I
still wanted to be an astronaut when I grew up .
My interest never wavered, if anything it only grew stronger and stronger
with time. However, the day my dad finally registered the reality of the
situation was when he walked into my room and saw me studying a map of
When he asked me what I was doing, I began to explain to him about how
“we would go to Mars”
I said it like I meant it. I was thinking of everyone, of the human
civilization. And my dad noticed it right away.
I told him about all the planning I did using that map, and dad found the
explanation very detailed. From getting ready, to landing there, I had
thought of everything. And later, he told me that it was that ultimate light
bulb moment for him.
That was the moment when he realized that his young daughter was serious,
dead serious. And being a father, he took it as his duty to respect my
wishes, support me, and even toughen up a bit for a daughter who wants to
travel outside the planet for a greater good.
Among many other things, I’m grateful to have a father who didn’t let his
concerns, clip my wings. If anything he helped me to train myself to soar
even higher.
That said, it wasn’t all of a sudden, and it took some time for my dad to
come to terms with it–which is understandable.
If you are someone who wants to be an astronaut, or someone who is
aspiring to be, I want you to know this.
Be patient, be understanding and communicate. As a parent, you might lose
some sleep over your child’s choice of career, but you will understand once
you talk to them.
And children, who are having a hard time convincing their parents, try to be
more understanding and give them some time to come around to it. Things
will become so much easier, when you work together as a team. My dad
and I talked about it. We looked at every scenario and all the dangers
involved in it and I gave my dad reasons to support me in my dreams.
That is how it worked for my dad and me. Today, I couldn’t be happier to
see my father be proud of me. Not because I chose to become an astronaut,
but because I was able to achieve my dreams and my dad was supportive of
me and found happiness in my happiness.
I wish the same for all other aspiring astronauts out there. I hope and pray
that all of you find the will and strength and support you deserve to achieve
your dreams. That is why, I’m penning down this book which will serve as
your guide to becoming an astronaut .
A Beautiful Planet
The Farthest Voyager in Space
The Mars Generation
Mission Control: The Unsung Heroes of Apollo
I Want To Be An Astronaut
• Space Websites
"Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking,
and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you”
Matthew 7:7
This can simply not be denied. You’ll find everything you want if you
search for it. Do not think your doors are closed if you are stuck at home.
There are numbers of educational astronomy websites that can help you get
closer to your goal.
There are number of websites dedicated to night sky viewing. There are
those with forums and news regarding events all across the globe. Even
better, there are websites called Space Programs that will help you develop
a program and help you explore stars. These websites will also teach you all
there’s to know about orbital physics and spacecraft components.
You can also subscribe to a monthly magazine that will bring you a fresh
bout of information every month. There are also many bona fide websites
that come up with various thought provoking stories every month.
And the list just goes on and on. You’ll be surprised by how much you can
educate yourself with just using the internet. These information and
knowledge will never go to waste. The more you know about space, and
astronomy, the better.
Oh, and all of these information are absolutely free of cost.
• Listen to the Astronauts Talk
All the conversations that take place between mission control on the ground
and the astronauts who are aboard the International Space Station are
actually made available to public by NASA. The European Space Agency
doesn’t hold back either and every now and then releases videos where their
astronauts talk and share some of the most mind-boggling details regarding
their space researches. The Russian Federal Space Agency is also very open
about their space programs and their astronauts do not shy away from
sharing some fascinating space stories, or from speaking to aspiring
Any of us can hear the NASA astronauts talk live on any day of the week
and any hour of the day–and all from the comfort of your home. In case you
don’t understand what’s going on, NASA also provides a commentary of
the station missions.
You learn a lot, when you listen to astronauts talk about real-time issues.
You might be wondering how all this information can make you an
astronaut, well it won’t. But it will make you the best candidate for it. Even
with all the training and education, there are chances for you to get rejected
on your first try, and even second and third. One retired astronaut, Clay
Anderson got rejected 14 times, until he was accepted at his 15th try. And
according to him, it was all academic.
Just like the NASA administrator, Charles Bolden explained that when
students ask him what they should study, to become an astronaut, he’d say,
“Most definitely math and science but study everything. You need to be
able to converse intelligently; you need to be able to express yourself well
such that you can sell yourself to somebody else.”
And that’s all it is. Honing your skills, building yourself up, and attaining
experiences and training that will help you stand out. Also, if you are young
and have yet to graduate high school, this is the only thing you can do at the
moment. Well this and the rest of the things mentioned in the second step .
The Second Step to Becoming an Astronaut: Take
a Look Around you
As I mentioned earlier that becoming an astronaut is a second job, the first
one should be a career in STEM.
According to NASA, there are exactly three things you need in order
become an astronaut: