Teacher's No Es: Reinforcement Worksheet 1 Extension Worksheet 2

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4 Teacher’s no es

Reinforcement worksheet 1 Extension worksheet 2

● Pupils use the co-ordinate key to work out the ● Pupils listen to the story (Track 10) and follow on
verbs. They transfer them to the correct column of the worksheet. They then follow the instructions to
the table and complete the missing forms. write the sentences from the story. They can write
Key: b play – 2 played, 3 help – c helped, in their notebooks or on the back of the worksheet,
4 carry – d carried, e stop – 5 stopped, as you prefer.
f dance – 6 danced, 7 hop – g hopped. Key: See Pupil’s Book, page 41.
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils make a new ● Optional follow-up activity: In groups of four,
co-ordinate key with all the letters of the alphabet each pupil cuts out the six frames. The dealer
to write a secret message for a friend. shuffles them and deals them all out. Pupil A puts
one of the frames face up on the table and the
Reinforcement worksheet 2 others race to put down the next frame. The first to
● Pupils decide which verb goes with each picture. do so keeps the cards and play passes to Pupil B, and
They use the information to complete the text. They so on. The game continues until one pupil has won
write questions and answers about Jane’s week. all the cards. Tell the pupils that, in this game, frame
Key: c second, d danced, e third, f hopped, g fourth, 1 follows on from frame 6.
h carried, i fifth, j helped, k sixth, l stopped,
Song worksheet
m seventh, n laughed.
● Pupils first negotiate with the group whether they
● Optional follow-up activity: In groups of seven, can complete the gaps in any order or whether
each pupil has a sheet of paper and writes at the top everyone must work through from first to twelfth.
of the page, On the first day I … and continues the They then throw one dice until they have thrown
sentence. They then fold over the paper so that the 1–6 and then two together to enable them to throw
sentence is hidden and pass the paper to the pupil on 7–12. They complete the song with ordinal numbers
their left. Each pupil then writes, beneath the fold, as they throw the corresponding number on the
On the second day, I … This continues until each pupil dice. They keep a record of how many throws they
has written one sentence on each sheet of paper. need to complete it.
Pupils take it in turns to unfold the paper and read
● When everyone is ready, they listen to the song
about a complete week. They decide which week is
(Track 11) to check their answers.
the most exciting, amusing, etc.
Key: second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth,
Extension worksheet 1 ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth.
● Pupils complete the table, dividing the past ● Optional follow-up activity: In groups, pupils
verb forms into three groups according to their adapt the lyrics to another activity, e.g. playing
final sound: /t/, /d/ or /ɪd/. They then follow the football instead of dancing. They take it in turns to
instructions to write sentences using certain verbs sing and mime the actions.
from the table.
Key: /t/– danced, stopped, helped, /d/– climbed, played, Topic worksheet
lived, loved, /ɪd/– shouted, started, painted, invited. ● Pupils make a mini book in class by folding along the
Pupils’ own sentences with: (climbed), painted, helped, solid lines (first fold 1, after which they cut along
played. the dotted lines, then fold 2 and the remaining two
● Optional follow-up activity: In groups, pupils read lines). When all the folds have been made, they open
out their sentences and decide which one they like the sheet up again and fold along fold 2 again. They
best. They then illustrate the chosen sentence as a then join point a to point b, point c to point d and,
pronunciation reminder. Display the pictures in three finally, point e to point f. Once they have made the
groups according to the final sound. book, they write their own mini story and decide on
a title for it.
● Optional follow-up activity: Pupils take it in turns
to read their stories aloud.


4 Reinforcemen workshee 1

  Think and write.

6 r l e s r a
5 t y o d u h
4 e g d h a p
3 p l p p e n
2 c d e l h a
1 c o y d a p

  Use the code to find the verbs. Complete the table.

1 B6–F6–E5–B4–D4 Infinitive Past

1 laugh a laughed
2 C3–B3–F2–C1–A4–D1
b 2
3 E2–C6–D2–F4 3 c
4 d
4 A1–E4–A6–E6–B5
e 5
5 D6–A5–B1–C3–F1–E3–B2 f 6
7 g
6 C4–E1–F3–A2–C2–D5

7 F5–C5–A3

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4 Reinforcemen workshee 2

  Match the pictures with the verbs.

helped   laughed   played   danced   stopped   hopped   carried
1 2 3 4 5 6 7


  Use the information to complete the text.

1st day 2nd day 3rd day 4th day 5th day 6th day 7th day
Picture 7 Picture 3 Picture 4 Picture 2 Picture 5 Picture 1 Picture 6

Jane was on holiday. She had an exciting week.

On the (a) first day, she (b) played tennis with her friends.
On the (c) day, she (d) . On the
(e) day, she (f) in the park. On the
(g) day, she (h) her baby cousin. On the
(i) day, she (j) a woman to cross the
road. On the (k) day, she (l) her little
brother from crossing the road. Her mum was happy. She gave Jane a ticket
for the circus so on the (m) day, she went to the circus
where she (n) a lot.

  Ask Jane questions about her week. Write her answers.

Did you carry your cousin on the first day? No, I didn’t.

38 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

4 Ex ension workshee 1

 Say the verbs. Think about the final sound.

Complete the table.
laughed   climbed   played   shouted   danced   stopped
lived   started   helped   painted   loved   invited

Pat /t/ Tod /d/ David /ɪd/


  Follow the instructions. Write sentences.

1 Use the first verb from the second column.
I climbed a tree.
2 Use the third verb from the third column.

3 Use the fourth verb from the first column.

4 Use the second verb from the second column.

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4 Ex ension workshee 2

 Read the clues. Write the sentences from the story.

Hello, Peter. I’ve got two tickets
for my school show Yes please, Peter.
What are you Which show are
doing here? on Wednesday. Would
you like to come? you doing?

We’re doing Peter

Pan. Pupils and
parents are in it.

We’re over there in the fifth

row. These are our chairs.
Can you go and get us This is great!
some drinks, Key?

No problem, Lock!
Two lemonades.
Look at him, Key!
I crossed the It’s Nick Motors!
sea and sailed to
Neverland to catch I know Dad, this is Mr Lock. Er,
you, Peter Pan! who you Mr Lock, this is my dad.
are! Oops!

Ow, my
Come down here! You, beard. That
you, you … pirate! hurts!

1 Lock asks Key this when they are 4 Peter’s dad says this when he is on
going to their chairs. the floor.
2 The man with the beard and the hat 5 Peter asks this when he is walking
says this when he is standing up. through the door.
3 Key says this when he is drinking 6 Key asks this when Peter is giving
the lemonade. him the tickets.

40 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

4 Song workshee

  Throw the dice and write the correct ordinal numbers.

Dancing is good, dancing is fine,
Dancing is great!
Come on, children! Dance in line!
First , ,
Dance, dance across the floor.
, ,
Jump, kick, don’t come in late.
, ,
Dancing is good for your health.
Dancing’s good, dancing’s fine,
Come on, children! Dance in line!
Number five’s first,
And number ten’s last.
He can’t hop and skip,
He can’t get past.
Dancing is good, dancing is fine,
Dancing is great!
Come on, children! Dance in line.

 How many times did you throw the dice?

and check. Sing.

PHOTOCOPIABLE     © Cambridge University Press 2017 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 41

4 Topic workshee

  Make and write a book.


fold 2
One day, he / she

and he / she

Then, he / she

He / She was


fold 1
In the end, he / she

Then, he / she

He / She lived in
Once upon a time

there was a

42 Kid’s Box BE Updated 2nd Ed. TRB 4 © Cambridge University Press 2017     PHOTOCOPIABLE

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