Astm D1218
Astm D1218
Astm D1218
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D02 on
Petroleum Products, Liquid Fuels, and Lubricants and is the direct responsibility of For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
Subcommittee D02.04.0D on Physical and Chemical Methods. contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
Current edition approved Oct. 1, 2016. Published November 2016. Originally Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
approved in 1952. Last previous edition approved in 2012 as D1218 – 12. DOI: the ASTM website.
10.1520/D1218-12R16. Out of print. No longer available from ASTM International Headquarters.
? ~n g ?
2 n D ! 3 104 at t 5 20 °C (2) 16.5 Light Filters—See 6.5.
where g and D signifies that the mercury g and sodium D 17. Reagents and Materials
spectral lines were used in the measurement.
17.1 See Section 7.
15. Precision and Bias
15.1 Precision—Refractive Index: 18. Sampling
15.1.1 The precision for the manual (optical-mechanical) 18.1 See Section 8.
refractive index procedure, as determined by the statistical
examination of interlaboratory test results conducted in 19964 19. Preparation of Apparatus
on eight different samples from ten laboratories, is as follows: 19.1 See Section 9. Ensure that the instrument has a solvent
15.1.2 Repeatability— The difference between successive resistant prism seal.
test results, obtained by the same operator with the same
apparatus, under constant operating conditions, and on identi- 20. Calibration of the Refractometer Using Liquid
cal test material, would, in the long run, in the normal and Reference Standards
correct operation of the test method, exceed the following
values only in one case in twenty (95 % confidence level): 20.1 Automatic digital refractometers are normally cali-
brated using liquid reference standards (see 7.4 and 7.5). They
r manual 5 0.0002 (3) may require a single, two-point, or multi-point calibration.
15.1.3 Reproducibility— The difference between two, single Follow manufacturer’s instruction in calibrating the particular
and independent results obtained by different operators work- automatic digital refractometer being used.
ing in different laboratories on identical test material would, in
the long run, in the normal and correct operation of the test 21. Procedure
method, exceed the following values only in one case in twenty 21.1 Ensure that the prism and the surrounding plate and
(95 % confidence level): dish/plate (and presser, if fitted) are thoroughly cleaned as in
R manual 5 0.0005 (4) 9.1. Ensure the prism temperature is correct and the instrument
has been properly calibrated.
15.1.4 The precision of this test method for automatic and
21.2 Introduce the test sample to the prism ensuring that the
manual refractive index was obtained in accordance with
prism is adequately covered. Do not introduce an excessive
Practice D6300 using the D02 Precision Program (D2PP)
amount because this can slow the thermal equilibration. Lower
the sample presser (if fitted).
15.2 Precision—Refractive Dispersion:
21.3 Take a succession of readings, noting values, until a
15.2.1 Repeatability = 0.00012
steady value is obtained. Record or report, or both, this value
15.2.2 Reproducibility = 0.00012
as the refractive index of the sample at the test temperature.
15.2.3 The precision for refractive dispersion was not ob-
NOTE 8—From experience using the instrument, the user will be able to
tained in accordance with Practice D6300, and was not part of judge with a safe margin the amount of time needed for a sample to
the 1996 interlaboratory study. thermally equilibrate on the prism. Based on this, it may be possible on
some models to set an automatic delay time for readings. This enables a
fixed measuring time to be written in to the experimental protocol.
PROCEDURE B—AUTOMATIC (DIGITAL) NOTE 9—When successive readings are drifting, the direction of drift
PROCEDURE will indicate what is happening to the sample. An upward drift means the
sample is cooling on the prism; a downward drift means the sample is
16. Apparatus warming up. This is particularly noticeable when samples are much hotter
or cooler than the prism.
16.1 Refractometer—Automatic digital refractometer with a
suitable measuring range of 1.3300 to 1.5000 or higher, 22. Quality Control
capable of displaying the measured refractive index automati-
22.1 See Section 13.
cally and digitally. The instrument shall incorporate a solvent-
resistant prism seal.
23. Report
16.2 Temperature Control Unit—See 6.2.
23.1 An automatic digital electronic refractometer shall
16.3 Temperature Measuring Device—A platinum resis- provide a direct and digital reading of refractive index. This
tance probe or equivalent. The accuracy and resolution of the can be manually recorded or, if the refractometer is equipped
temperature measuring device shall be 0.1 °C or better. with a computer interface, readings can be sent to a printer or
16.4 Light Source—Filtered white light such as that ob- to a computer.
tained using a tungsten-halogen lamp or a light emitting diode 23.2 Report the refractive index to four decimal places and
(LED), capable of providing the sodium D spectral line at the test temperature, for example:
589 nm. n D 5 x.xxxx at 20 °C or n 589 5 x.xxxx at 20 °C (5)
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may where D or the 589 signifies that the sodium D spectral line
be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:D02-1493. was used.
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 Temperature —Refractive index varies inversely and can utilize a white light source, but often these instruments are
non-linearly with temperature. The relative change in refrac- limited in accuracy because of the light source. High accuracy
tive index with temperature (temperature coefficient) is differ- Abbe refractometers require a pure spectral light source such as
ent for each liquid under test. Hydrocarbon liquids have a a sodium arc lamp (see 6.4).
higher temperature coefficient than water and aqueous solu- X1.2.4 Modern electronic digital refractometers function at
tions. For example, at 20 °C the temperature coefficient for a single wavelength, invariably that of sodium light (589 nm).
water is –9 × 10–5 units of refractive index per °C. For The refractive index at this wavelength is denoted as nD.
hydrocarbon liquids, the coefficient will typically be in the
range –3 × 10–4 to –5 × 10–4. X1.2.5 One of two types of light source tends to be used in
digital refractometers: (1) filtered white light source such as
X1.2 Wavelength (Light Source) that obtained using a tungsten-halogen lamp, or ( 2) light
X1.2.1 Refractive index also varies inversely and non- emitting diode (LED).
linearly with the wavelength of light. Refractive index should, X1.2.6 With both types of light source, the wavelength is
therefore, be measured using light of a single wavelength not a single value but is a narrow band spanning typically
(monochromatic light). Most measurements traditionally have 10 nm or more about the nominal value (589 nm). The degree
been made at the sodium D line (589.3 nm) because of the of impurity (band width) will cause a dispersion of the detected
purity and availability of a sodium source such as an arc lamp. light from the sample. Instrument software can be used to
Other light sources include mercury, cadmium, helium, and compensate for and thus minimize this error source but it will
hydrogen where filters are used with the refractometer to nevertheless be a factor in determining the limiting accuracy of
eliminate unwanted emission lines. the instrument. The dispersion error will however differ ac-
cording to the substance measured. This is why instrument
X1.2.2 The effect of wavelength on refractive index is
manufacturers may specify the instrument accuracy as typically
called dispersion. Different substances have varying degrees of
or better than in order to cover a broad application scope.
refractive dispersion (sometimes called dispersive power).
NOTE X1.1—Sodium actually emits a doublet of lines at 589.1 nm and
X1.2.3 Optical-mechanical refractometers (often called 589.6 nm. However, for practical purposes, because of the proximity of
Abbe refractometers or critical angle refractometers) can be the lines, it is regarded as a single wavelength source and the average
used with a variety of spectral light sources. Some instruments value of 589.3 nm is often cited.
X2.1 A refractometer must be calibrated using one or more switched on and the liquid bath circulation is started, a period
reliable calibration standards. The optical system in a refrac- of thermal adjustment is required to allow the internal
tometer is subject to microscopic movement as materials environment, and particularly the optical system, to adjust to
expand and contract with fluctuating ambient thermal condi- the new condition. Calibration should not take place until the
tions. This effect leads to calibration drift, which must be instrument is in a steady-state. Experience will demonstrate
periodically corrected to ensure measurement reliability. that this may be typically up to an hour. Similarly, if the
circulating liquid temperature is changed, a new calibration
X2.2 Calibration materials are available as two types: solids sequence will be required. In circumstances where the instru-
(test plates) and liquids. Solid plates are often preferred for ment is used continuously and in a constant thermal condition,
their stability (shelf life), but have the disadvantage of limited the need for recalibration should be minimal.
accuracy in use because of the errors associated with the
placing of the plate on the refractometer prism. Typically, a X2.5 For each calibration point, a calibration standard is
plate may not allow an accuracy better than 60.0001 units of required. Any calibration fluid could be used. However, it is
refractive index. Test plates are particularly difficult to apply to best practice to select fluids with a refractive index close to the
sapphire prisms of the type typically used in digital electronic intended measuring range or, where a pair or group of
refractometers. This is because the micro-roughness of sap- standards is needed, select liquids that adequately span the
phire is greater than that of softer (optically flatter) glasses used working range.
in optical (Abbe) refractometers. Invariably, liquid reference
standards will be preferred and will be recommended by X2.6 Whether an electronic digital instrument or an optical-
instrument manufacturers for this reason. mechanical instrument is being used, the laboratory needs to
X2.3 An optical-mechanical instrument may require cali- adopt a strict protocol for calibration frequency and procedure.
bration at only one point on the scale. Automatic digital This will entail regular checks on measurement accuracy
refractometers may require a single (zero), two-point, or (verification) using reliable standards. The calibration should
multi-point calibration. For each calibration a suitable calibra- only be reset when measured values are outside of the stated
tion standard should be used. tolerance. The protocol should also include procedures that
govern the control of calibration materials: storage (shelf-life),
X2.4 The frequency of calibration will depend upon a contamination-prevention and staff competence (approved us-
number of factors. When an electronic instrument is first ers).
X3.1 Critical angle refractometers can function by using optical-mechanical (Abbe) instruments because of the low light
light transmission through the sample (usually a thin film intensity and poor contrast.
sandwiched between two prisms) or by light reflection. A light
reflection mechanism has the advantage that effects of absorp- X3.2 Digital electronic refractometers usually work with a
tion (highly colored samples) are minimized. A disadvantage of reflected light mechanism.
reflectance is the difficulty of observing the borderline in
X4.1 The performance of the instrument or the test proce- X4.3 Prior to monitoring the measurement process, the
dure should be confirmed by analyzing a quality control (QC) average value and control limits of the QC sample need to be
sample. established (see Practice D6299 and ASTM MNL 75). When a
new QC sample material is required, control limits for the new
X4.2 It is recommended that the QC sample be representa- material should be established before the old QC sample is
tive of the material routinely analyzed. However, pure materi- exhausted.
als may be used, if so desired. An ample supply of QC sample
material should be available for the intended period of use, and
should be homogeneous and stable under the anticipated 5
ASTM MNL7, “Manual on Presentation of Data Control Chart Analysis,” 6th
storage conditions. Edition, available from ASTM International Headquarters.
ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
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