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Effectiveness of Google Classroom As A Digital Tool in Teaching and Learning: Students' Perceptions

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Re Gine
This document summarizes a research study that evaluated students' perceptions of the effectiveness of Google Classroom as a digital learning tool. The study used a survey research design to investigate students' perceptions at Kebbi State University of Science and Technology in Nigeria. The results indicated that Google Classroom is effective in improving student access and engagement in learning. It allows students to gain knowledge and skills in an active way and provides meaningful feedback. However, poor internet access hindered some students from effectively using Google Classroom and submitting assignments on time. The researchers concluded that integrating Google Classroom with conventional teaching could improve student performance.


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525 views4 pages

Effectiveness of Google Classroom As A Digital Tool in Teaching and Learning: Students' Perceptions

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Re Gine
This document summarizes a research study that evaluated students' perceptions of the effectiveness of Google Classroom as a digital learning tool. The study used a survey research design to investigate students' perceptions at Kebbi State University of Science and Technology in Nigeria. The results indicated that Google Classroom is effective in improving student access and engagement in learning. It allows students to gain knowledge and skills in an active way and provides meaningful feedback. However, poor internet access hindered some students from effectively using Google Classroom and submitting assignments on time. The researchers concluded that integrating Google Classroom with conventional teaching could improve student performance.


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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume IV, Issue IV, April 2020|ISSN 2454-6186

Effectiveness of Google Classroom as a Digital Tool

in Teaching and Learning: Students’ Perceptions
Iliyasu Hussaini1*, Sawida Ibrahim2, Bashir Wali3, Ibrahim Libata4, Usman Musa5
Universal Basic Education Commission, Abuja, Nigeria
Faculty of Education, Kebbi State University of Science and Technology, Aliero
*Corresponding author

Abstract: - The aim of this study is to evaluate Students’ which include desktop computers, notebook computers, tablet
perceptions on the effectiveness of Google Classroom as a Digital computers, and smart phones(Keane, 2012). These tools
tool in Teaching and Learning. The study was conducted through allows learning to take place without teachers and students
a Survey Research Design to investigate the Students’ meeting face to face.
Perceptions. The population of study consists of all UG II
Undergraduate Students, Faculty of Education, Kebbi State 1.1 Benefits of Google Classroom
University of Science and Technology Aliero (KSUSTA). Data
analysis was conducted using Descriptive Statistics. The results of i. Allows teachers post lecture notes, create
the study indicated that Google Classroom is effective in assignments, make announcements, set due dates for
improving Students access and attentiveness towards learning, assignments
knowledge and skills gained through Google Classroom makes ii. Teachers can create different groups in one
Students to be active learners, as a Digital Tool, it provides classroom, then give each group a different
meaningful feedback to both Students and Parents. However, assignment, thus making the class to be active and
Poor network hinders students from effective utilization of
Google Classroom; thus, submitting their work late. Therefore,
teachers should integrate the conventional teaching with Google
iii. Teachers can easily identify students that miss class
Classroom to improve Students’ Performance. Google Classroom assignments and students that submit their
should also be a form of assessing Students’ Assessment through assignments late
online Assignments and Quizzes; hence making Students to iv. It is flexible, enabling teachers to extend due dates so
participate actively in Educational Technology Classes. The that all students can submit their assignments,
University should also provide a standard network to enable similarly it allows teachers to update or review
Students join Google Classroom and submit their assignments on students’ grades
time. v. Previous posts made by teachers can be reused and
Keywords: Students’ Perceptions, Digital Tool &Google then posted to the same group or to a different group
classroom vi. Teachers can also be added in the classroom, they
can as well grade students’ assignments
1.2 Objectives of the Study
G oogle Classroom Google Classroom is a free application
designed to assist students and teachers connect, work
together, organize and create assignments, it enables learning
The following are the objectives of this study:
1. To examine how effective is Google Classroom in
to be paperless. As a Digital Tool, Google Classroom is Teaching and Learning
accessible only to users with Google Apps for Education 2. To examine the effectiveness of knowledge and skills
(GAFE). This is a free collaborative set of tools, these tools gained through Google Classroom.
includes web tools like Google Docs, Google Drive, Gmail, 3. To identify how Google classroom provide
and more. All users will GAFE account, have access to these meaningful feedback to both Students and Parents.
web tools. Google Classroom can be used at any grade (basic, 4. To ascertain the students’ limitation towards using
post basic and tertiary) levels, but this depends on the Google classroom
teachers’ and students’ competence (Bell, 2015). Therefore,
Google Classroom can be defined as a Digital Tool that enable 1.3 Research Questions
students to attend classes online. Teachers work together with
1. Is Google classroom effective in improving students’
their students without meeting face to face. Teachers can post
access and attentiveness towards learning?
materials for their students through this medium, they can also
2. How effective is knowledge and skills gained
make announcements and create assignments and quizzes for
through Google Classroom?
students to complete, submit and save online either in a web
3. Does Google Classroom provide meaningful
browser or on Google Classroom App. Digital Tools stresses
feedback to both Students and Parents?
on learners continuing learning activities through digital tools,

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume IV, Issue IV, April 2020|ISSN 2454-6186

4. Does Google Classroom make communication with University of Science and Technology Aliero (KSUSTA). A
both Students/Parents easy to accomplish? total population sampling is the type of sampling technique
5. What are the Students limitations towards using used in the study. All the students were expose to the
Google Classroom? integration of technology in teaching and learning using
Google Classroom, thus, it is necessary to take the whole
population as the sample of the study. Self-designed
According to teachers participating in Salavati's (2013) study, questionnaire is the main research instrument used in the
digital technologies supporting teachers and students to study.
engage actively in leaning, hence making it to become more
real. Digital technologies also allow students to explore
extensively about what they are learning by taking the Five research questions were generated in this research study.
learning and teaching outside the classroom walls. Teachers’ Thus, the findings will be discussed according to the research
application of digital technologies in their teaching depends questions.
upon the teaching objectives and nature of subject
4.1 RQ1: Is Google Classroom effective in improving Students
matter(Geertsema, 2014). Therefore, for teachers to use digital
access and attentiveness towards learning?
tolls effectively, they must consider the size of the class they
are teaching, availability of the equipment’s to be used and A total of 198 students of UGII Kebbi State University of
they should have the skills required in applying the tools. Science and Technology Aliero were involved in the study. To
determine their opinion relating to the effectiveness of Google
In a study conducted by Salavati, (2016) on the use of digital
classroom in improving students access and attentiveness
technologies in education, he stated that digital technologies
towards learning. Their responses are presented in Table 1:
are applied to complement the traditional approach of
teaching. Supplying these tools in schools cannot solve all the Table 1; Mean and standard deviation on the students’ opinion on the effect of
problems associated with learning, he further mentioned that Google classroom in improving students’ access and attentiveness towards
the outcome of the licentiate research has shown that there
must be a deeper understanding of the different worldviews Items Mean Std. Dev
recognized, particularly teachers and their attitudes with I have adequate training on how to operate Google
regards to teaching and learning, it is also required to have a 4.59 .669
deeper knowledge of existing pedagogical models and Google Classroom enhances my critical thinking
4.59 .637
potential new models and strategies that are beneficial to ability
teachers’ daily work.
Google Classroom improved my attention towards
Several studies (Mafa, 2018; Nizal, Shaharanee, Jamil, class attendance
4.59 .653
Syamimi, & Rodzi, 2016)found out that Google classroom is I have easy access to class notes when shared in
4.55 .716
fascinating in educating and learning, students’ taught Google classroom
indicated satisfaction towards the learning activities in Google
classroom. Furthermore, Fahrurrozi, U. Hasanah, R S. Dewi,
(2019) conducted a study to determine the requirements for The results regarding participants’ perceived attentiveness and
the development of learning that is exciting, active, access to learning ability through Google Classrooms are
autonomous and effective. The results of the study show that presented in the Table 1. Most of the participants reported
integrated learning design based on Google classroom is having “easy” or “very easy” access and attentiveness towards
needed to improve student digital literacy. learning through Google classroom. Thus, Google Classroom
All the reviewed literatures indicated that Google classroom is is an effective tool that enhances students’ thoughtfulness and
an effective tool in improving teaching and learning. easy access to lecture materials.
However, no empirical study was conducted in Kebbi State to 4.2RQ2: How effective is knowledge and skills gained through
explore how Google classroom can be applied at tertiary level. Google Classroom?
Considering Educational Technology as a compulsory course
for all the UG II students at the Faculty of Education in Kebbi A total of 198 students of UGII Kebbi State University of
State University of Science and Technology Aliero Science and Technology Aliero were involved in the study. To
(KSUSTA), this research was conducted to utilize the determine perception on how effective knowledge and skills
activities and benefits of Google classroom, hence to find out gained through Google classroom. Their responses are
how efficient will teaching and learning be with Google presented in Table 2.
The population of study consists of all year two
Undergraduate Students, Faculty of Education, Kebbi State

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume IV, Issue IV, April 2020|ISSN 2454-6186

Table 2: Mean and standard deviation on the students’ perception on how 4.4RQ4: Does Google Classroom make communication with
effective is knowledge and skills gained through Google classroom
both students/parents easy to accomplish?
Items Mean Std. Dev A total of 198 students of UGII Kebbi State University of
Classwork/assignment is easily viewed and Science And Technology Aliero, were involved in the study.
can be conducted 4.62 .678
In Google classroom
To determine studentviews on whether Google classroom
Google Classroom makes learning to be 4.64 .644 make communication easy to accomplish or not.
Table 4 mean and standard deviation of students view on how Google
As a digital tool, it is innovative and very Classroom makes communication easy
4.60 .644
It helps me to become an independent Items Mean Std. Dev
4.58 .669
Information regarding the class is always
passed online, therefore, students are 4.57 .715
always up to date
Table 2 shows that out of the respondents on their perception
I score higher marks when tests are
on how effective knowledge and skill is gained through conducted through Google classroom than 4.55 .744
Google classroom, some participant in the study are of the in a normal classroom
opinion that Google classroom enhance student’s interest With Google classroom, learning can take
4.70 .587
towards learning, while student’s level of participation in the place everywhere and anytime (24/7)
class activities is also believed to be improved by this
approach. Also the Participants are of the opinion that Google The findings in the students view on how Google classroom
classroom should be applied in teaching and learning. This provide meaningful feedback, participants indicated that,
will help towards improving students’ academic achievement. Google Classroom make communication with both
Therefore, Google Classroom has a positive effect on students/parents easy to accomplish.
students’ knowledge and skills.
4.5RQ5: What are the Students limitations towards using
4.3RQ3: Does Google Classroom provide meaningful Google Classroom?
feedback to both students/parents?
A total of 198 students of UGII Kebbi State University of
A total of 198 students of UGII Kebbi State University of Science and Technology Aliero were involved in the study. To
Science and Technology Aliero were involved in the study. To determine student perspective on the limitation towards using
determine their views regarding how Google classroom Google.
provide meaningful feedback to both Students and Parents.
Table 5 mean and standard deviation on Student limitation towards using
Table 3 mean and standard deviation on students view regarding how GC Google classroom
provides meaningful feedback to both student and teachers
Items Mean Std.Dev
Mean Std.Dev Poor network hinders students from
Teachers can add guardians to track their submitting their work on 4.61 .709
children's performance, thus students are 4.51 .779 time
always serious Lack of money to buy data affects my active
Easy and effective record keeping since all the participation in the class activities and no 4.28 .982
2.54 .847
records are online free functional Wi-Fi in the school
Due dates in Google classroom helps to identify
4.64 .637
students that submits their work late I don’t have Personal Computer or a Smart
3.09 1.254
Students can view their score online 4.71 .592 Phone to use and join the Google classroom
Students can track their progress
4.56 .743
Editing and Resubmitting assignment after
submitting helps students to make necessary 4.44 .858 Students indicated that there is poor network in the University,
changes thus, they find it difficult submitting their assignments on
time. No free functional Wi-Fi in the school and due to their
economic status, most of the Students cannot afford to
Table 3 shows the view of students regarding how GC subscribe to any data bundle, this affects their participation in
provides meaningful feedback to both student and teachers. the class. Some students challenge is due to lack Personal
From the table, it could be observed that average number of Computer or a Smart Phone to use and join the Google
students believes that with GC student can view their score classroom. They depend on their friends. All these factors
online. The general indication here is that, most of the defy Students to effectively and conveniently use Google
students have positive impact views about GC in providing Classroom as a digital tool.
meaningful feedback to both Students and their Parents.

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume IV, Issue IV, April 2020|ISSN 2454-6186

V. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS deeper understanding of the topic discussed in the class.
Google classroom easily track students that miss assessments
The findings of this study proved that Google Classroom
or students that submit their assessments late, so teachers can
enhances the teaching and learning process. It is also reliable,
explore using Google classroom as an additional means of
effective and efficient in improving students’ access and
communicating with their students to complement the face to
attentiveness towards learning, activities conducted in Google
face teaching and learning. With regards to bad network
classroom changes students from passive to active learners.
hindering students’ participation, the University should ensure
Students can easily track their progress with online
the network is upgraded to cater for all the students across the
assessments in Google classroom, parents can check and
monitor the performances and progress of their children easily
and at their convenient time. This result corroborate with the REFERENCES
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