Orientation On Learning Delivery Modalities Course (Ldm2) For Instructional Coaches
Orientation On Learning Delivery Modalities Course (Ldm2) For Instructional Coaches
Orientation On Learning Delivery Modalities Course (Ldm2) For Instructional Coaches
We come to the very essence of this course. The training proper. And to
start with, please direct your attention on the slide. What vehicle will
describe your expectations in this activity? Why?
Please key in your answers on the chat box……..Wow I’ve seen some of
your answers (Please read their answers) you can also have other vehicles
to describe how fast is your understanding about our course. Wow, thank
you for all your answers. For me, I have ridden all these vehicles, and di ko
pa naranasang sinakyan ay calculator.
Activity Objective
Flow of Orientation-
Next slide please. We come now to the flow of orientation. As seen on the
slide, We are done with the preliminary program. At this moment, the
Course Overview then later the Technical Assistance and Coaching in
LDM2 which will run for 45 minutes and lastly, we will agree for the next
step and activity evaluation.
Session 1.
Alright, so we are settled. Now, we are ready for Session 1. Ladies and
gentlemen, its my honor to introduce to you our facilitator onboard, the very
productive and well-developed EPS in PPRD, Maam Digna Turingan. Hello
Mam Digna.
After Session 2.
Thank you so much sir Ino for the fruitful discussion on this topic.
We are giving you a short 5- minute break to do your necessities. Miss
Vanesa do you have a music break? If not, anyone who is willing for an
intermission number? ………. After this music, we shall resume.
And we are back! We shall proceed immediately to our Third session. This
will be facilitated by none less than our two tycoon EPSs of the CLMD our
intellectual giants- Sir Roderick Guinucay and be continued by Sir Leslie
Domingo. Sirs please take it away.
Thank you so much for your time gentlemen, and now we are down to our
last session. Shall we have another 5 minute break?
Let’s resume. Lets welcome our next facilitator to run the topic
Ladies and gentelemen, I give you our very own Chief of the PPRD who
always carry his charisma and youthful look a virtual round of applause to
Dr. Francis Deo “Sir King” Ventura.
That’s our King- our ace, our spade of DepED Region 02. His highness, Sir
As we wrap up this activity, may we be guided with these 3 big words.
Grow, Empower and Transform.
Let the learnings we gain today will grow robustly and later empower us to
work even at this very intricate and complicated pandemic situation and
transform to a visionary and productive leader -leading the way for quality
and liberating education in the new normal.
On behalf of the Team 3 headed by sir King along with the QA team and
the BHROD CO TA team Mam Krishanne Soriano, I am your host, Sabina
Pagaduan saying thank you so much for sustaining your time till the end.
May we now have a short photo op session. Please open your cams.