Module 12 - Audit Reporting

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The auditor’s report serves to communicate to users, three specific things with respect to financial statements, the
conduct of the audit and the company in general:

1. The auditor’s report indicates whether the financial statements are presented in conformity with applicable
reporting framework.
a. Accounting standards generally accepted in the Philippines.
b. International accounting standards.
c. Another authoritative and comprehensive financial reporting framework which has been designed for use
in financial reporting framework and is identified in the financial statements.
2. Auditors use this report to highlight any unusual aspects of the audit examination.
3. The auditor can use the report to communicate useful information to decision makers that may
not appear on the face of the financial statements.

Audit Reporting Requirements

The requirements for issuing audit reports are set out in PSA 200(Revised and Redrafted) “Overall Objective of
the Independent Auditor and the Conduct of an Audit in Accordance with Philippine Standards on Auditing” and
PSA 700(Redrafted)”Forming an Opinion and Reporting on Financial Statements”:

1. When the auditor is expressing an unqualified opinion on a complete set of general purpose
financial statements prepared in accordance with a financial reporting framework that is designed to achieve
fair presentation, the auditor refers to PSA 700(Redrafted), “Forming an Opinion and Reporting on Financial

2. The auditor also refers to PSA 705 and 706 (Revised and Redrafted) when expressing a modified
audit opinion, including emphasis of matter, other matter paragraph, a qualified opinion, a disclaimer of
opinion or an adverse opinion.

3. The auditor refers to PSA 800, 805 and 810 (Revised and Redrafted) when expressing an
opinion on:
a. A complete set of financial statements prepared in accordance with a special-purpose framework;
b. A component of a complete set of general purpose or special purpose financial statements, such as a
single financial statement, specified accounts, elements of accounts, or items in a financial statement;
c. Summary financial statements

Standard Unqualified Auditor’s Report

The standard unqualified report is issued when

1) The auditors have performed their examination in accordance with generally accepted auditing
standards in the Philippines, the PSAs and PAPs;
2) The financial statements, which are complete and general-purpose in nature, are prepared in
accordance with a financial reporting framework that is designed to achieve fair presentation; and
3) There are no circumstances requiring modification.

The auditor’s report should be in writing.

A written report encompasses both reports issued in hard copy format and those using an electronic medium.

Basic elements of the auditor’s unqualified report

Each part of the audit report is significant in terms of the information conveyed to the users and the responsibility
assumed by the auditor. PSA 700 sets out the following requirements relating to the elements of the standard
unqualified report:
MODULE 12: “ Forming an Opinion and Reporting on Financial Statements” Page 2

1. Title - “ Independent Auditor’s Report”

The appropriate title of the report should clearly indicate that it is the report of an independent auditor. This
is done in order to:
 To emphasize the independence of the auditor with respect to the client under audit; and
 To distinguish the auditor’s report from the reports that might be issued by others, such as by officers
of the entity, the board of directors , or from the reports of other auditors who may not have to abide by the
same ethical requirements as the independent auditor.

2. Addressee

The auditor’s report on general-purpose financial statements is addressed to those for whom the report is
prepared, often either to the shareholders or those charged with governance of the entity for whose
financial statements are being audited.

3. Introductory Paragraph/Report on the Financial Statements

The introductory paragraph in the auditor’s report should identify the entity whose financial statements have
been audited and should state that the financial statements have been audited. The introductory paragraph
should also
 Identify the title of each of the financial statements that comprise the complete set of financial
statements (statement of financial position, statement of comprehensive income, statement of changes in
equity, statement of cash flow and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory
 Refer to the summary of significant accounting policies and explanatory notes
 Specify the date and period covered by financial statements.

4. Management’s responsibility for the Financial Statements

The report should state that the management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of
the financial statements in accordance with applicable financial reporting framework and that such
responsibility includes:
 Designing, implementing and maintaining internal control relevant to the fair presentation of the
financial statements that are free from material misstatements, whether due to fraud or error;
 Selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies; and
 Making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances

Financial statements are the representations of management. Management is responsible for the preparation
and fair presentation of the financial statements in accordance with the applicable reporting framework.

5. Auditor’s responsibility

The auditor’s report should

 State that the responsibility of the auditor is to express an opinion on the financial statements
based on the audit
 State that the audit was conducted in accordance with Philippine Standards on Auditing (PSAs)
and that those standards require the auditor to comply with ethical requirements and to plan and perform
the audit to obtain reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatement
 Give a general description of an audit conducted
 State that the auditor believes that the audit evidence obtained is sufficient and appropriate to
provide a basis for the auditor’s opinion
MODULE 12: “ Forming an Opinion and Reporting on Financial Statements” Page 3

6. Auditor’s opinion

The auditor’s opinion states that the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the
information that the financial statements are designed to convey (which is determined by the financial
reporting framework).

7. Other Reporting Responsibilities/Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements

The auditor may have additional responsibilities to report on other matters that are supplementary to the
auditor’s responsibility to express an opinion on the financial statements.

8. Auditor’s signature

The auditor’s report should be signed.

The auditor’s signature is either in the name of the audit firm, the personal name of the auditor or both, as
appropriate. In addition to the auditor’s signature, the auditor may be required to declare the auditor’s
professional accountancy designation or the fact that the auditor or firm, as appropriate, has been recognized
by the appropriate licensing authority.

9. Date of the Auditor’s Report

The auditor should date the report on the financial statements no earlier than the date on which the auditor
has obtained sufficient appropriate audit evidence on which to base the opinion on the financial statements.
Sufficient appropriate audit evidence should include evidence that the entity’s financial complete set of
financial statements has been prepared and that those with the recognized authority have asserted that they
have taken responsibility for them.

The date of the auditor’s report informs the reader that the auditor has considered the effect of events and
transactions of which the auditor became aware and that occurred up to that date. The auditor’s
responsibility for events and transactions after the date of the auditor’s report is addressed in PSA 560,
“Subsequent Events.”

10. Auditor’s Address

The report should name the location in the country where the auditor practices.


[Appropriate Addressee]

Report on the Financial Statements

We have audited the accompanying financial statements of ABC Company, which comprise the balance sheet as
at December 31, 2011, and the income statement, statement of changes in equity and cash flow statement for
the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes.

Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements

Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance
with Philippine Financial Reporting Standards. This responsibility includes: designing, implementing and
MODULE 12: “ Forming an Opinion and Reporting on Financial Statements” Page 4

maintaining internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free
from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies;
and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances.

Auditor’s Responsibility

Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our
audit in accordance with Philippine Standards on Auditing. These standards require that we comply with ethical
requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are
free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the
amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment,
including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud
or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s
preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are
appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the
entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the
reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management as well as evaluating the overall presentation of
the financial statements.

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit


In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of ABC
Company as of December 31, 2011 and of its financial performance and its cash flows for the year then ended in
accordance with Philippine Financial Reporting Standards.

Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements

[Form and content of this section of the auditor’s report will vary depending on the nature of the auditor’s other
reporting responsibilities]

[Auditor’s signature]

[Date of the Auditor’s Report]

[Auditor’s address]
MODULE 12: “ Forming an Opinion and Reporting on Financial Statements” Page 5


PSA 705 (Revised and Redrafted), “Modifications to the Opinion in the Independent Auditor’s Report,” deals with
the auditor’s responsibility to issue an appropriate report in circumstances when in forming an opinion in
accordance with PSA 700 (Redrafted), “Forming an Opinion and Reporting on Financial Statements,” the auditor
concludes that a modification to the auditor’s opinion on the financial statements is necessary.

Types of Modified Opinions

The three types of modified opinions are

(a) a qualified opinion

(b) an adverse opinion
(c) a disclaimer

The decision regarding which type of modified opinion is appropriate depends upon:

(a) The nature of the matter giving rise to the modification, that is, whether the financial statements are
materially misstated or, in the case of an inability to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence, may be
materially misstated; and
(b) The auditor’s judgment about the pervasiveness of the effects or possible effects of the matter on the
financial statements.

Circumstances When a Modification to the Auditor’s Opinion is Required

The auditor shall express clearly an appropriately modified opinion on the financial statements that is necessary
(a) The auditor concludes that, based on the audit evidence obtained, the financial statements as a whole are
not free from material misstatement; or
(b) The auditor is unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence to conclude that the financial
statements as a whole are free from material misstatement.

Determining the Type of Modification to the Auditor’s Opinion

Qualified Opinion

The auditor shall express a qualified opinion when:

(a) The auditor, having obtained sufficient appropriate audit evidence, concludes that misstatements, individually
or in the aggregate, are material, but not pervasive, to the financial statements; or
(b) The auditor is unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence on which to base the opinion, but the
auditor concludes that the possible effects on the financial statements of undetected misstatements, if any,
could be material but not pervasive.

Adverse Opinion

The auditor shall express an adverse opinion when the auditor, having obtained sufficient appropriate audit
evidence, concludes that misstatements, individually or in the aggregate, are both material and pervasive to the
financial statements.

Disclaimer of Opinion
MODULE 12: “ Forming an Opinion and Reporting on Financial Statements” Page 6

The auditor shall disclaim an opinion when the auditor is unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence on
which to base the opinion, and the auditor concludes that the possible effects on the financial statements of
undetected misstatements, if any, could be both material and pervasive.

The auditor shall disclaim an opinion when, in extremely rare circumstances involving multiple uncertainties, the
auditor concludes that, notwithstanding having obtained sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding each of the
individual uncertainties, it is not possible to form an opinion on the financial statements due to the potential
interaction of the uncertainties and their possible cumulative effect on the financial statements.

The table below illustrates how the auditor’s judgment about the nature of the matter giving rise to the modification,
and the pervasiveness of its effects or possible effects on the financial statements, affects the type of opinion to be

Nature of Matter Giving Rise Auditor’s Judgment about the Pervasiveness of the Effects or
to the Modification Possible Effects on the Financial Statements
Material but not Pervasive Material and Pervasive
Financial statements are Qualified Adverse opinion
materially misstated
Inability to obtain sufficient Qualified Disclaimer of opinion
appropriate audit evidence

Consequence of an Inability to Obtain Sufficient Appropriate Audit Evidence Due to a Management-

Imposed Limitation after the Auditor Has Accepted the Engagement

If, after accepting the engagement, the auditor becomes aware that management has imposed a limitation on the
scope of the audit that the auditor considers likely to result in the need to express a qualified opinion or to disclaim
an opinion on the financial statements, the auditor shall request that management remove the limitation.

If management refuses to remove the limitation, the auditor shall communicate the matter to those charged with
governance, and determine whether it is possible to perform alternative procedures to obtain sufficient appropriate
audit evidence.

If the auditor is unable to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence, the auditor shall determine the implications
as follows:

(a) If the auditor concludes that the possible effects on the financial statements of undetected misstatements, if
any, could be material but not pervasive , the auditor shall qualify the opinion; or
(b) If the auditor concludes that the possible effects on the financial statements of undetected misstatements, if
any, could be both material and pervasive so that a qualification of the opinion would be inadequate to
communicate the gravity of the situation, the auditor shall:
(i) Resign from the audit, where practicable and not prohibited by law or regulation; or
(ii) If resignation from the audit before issuing the auditor’s report is not practicable or possible, disclaim an
opinion on the financial statements.

If the auditor resigns as contemplated by (b)(i), before resigning, the auditor shall communicate to those charged
with governance any matters regarding misstatements identified during the audit that would have given rise to a
modification of the opinion.

Other Considerations Relating to an Adverse Opinion or Disclaimer of Opinion

When the auditor considers it necessary to express an adverse opinion or disclaim an opinion on the financial
statements, as a whole, the auditor’s report shall not also include an unmodified opinion with respect to the same
financial reporting framework on a single financial statement or one or more specific elements, accounts or items
MODULE 12: “ Forming an Opinion and Reporting on Financial Statements” Page 7

of a financial statement. To include such an unmodified opinion in the same report in these circumstances would
contradict the auditor’s adverse opinion or disclaimer of opinion on the financial statements as a whole.

Form and Content of the Auditor’s Report When the Opinion Is Modified

Basis for Modification Paragraph

When the auditor modifies the opinion on the financial statements, the auditor shall, in addition to the specific
elements required by PSA 700 (Redrafted), include a paragraph in the auditor’s report that provides a description
of the matter giving rise to the modification. The auditor shall place this paragraph immediately before the opinion
paragraph in the auditor’s report and use the heading “Basis for Qualified Opinion,” “Basis for Adverse Opinion,” or
“Basis for Disclaimer of Opinion,” as appropriate.

If there is a material misstatement of the financial statements that relates to specific amounts in the financial
statements (including quantitative disclosures), the auditor shall include in the basis for modification paragraph a
description and quantification of the financial effects of the misstatement, unless impracticable. If it is not
practicable to quantify the financial effects, the auditor shall so state in the basis for modification paragraph.

If there is a material misstatement of the financial statements that relates to narrative disclosures, the auditor shall
include in the basis for modification paragraph an explanation of how the disclosures are misstated.

If there is a material misstatement of the financial statements that relates to the non-disclosure of information
required to be disclosed, the auditor shall:

(a) Discuss the non-disclosure with those charged with governance;

(b) Describe in the basis for modification paragraph the nature of the omitted information; and
(c) Unless prohibited by law or regulation, include the omitted disclosures, provided it is practicable to do so and
the auditor has obtained sufficient appropriate audit evidence about the omitted information.

If the modification results from an inability to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence, the auditor shall include
in the basis for modification paragraph the reasons for that inability.

Even if the auditor has expressed an adverse opinion or disclaimed an opinion on the financial statements, the
auditor shall describe in the basis for modification paragraph the reasons for any other matters of which the auditor
is aware that would have required a modification to the opinion, and the effects thereof.

Opinion Paragraph

When the auditor modifies the audit opinion, the auditor shall use the heading “Qualified Opinion,” “Adverse
Opinion,” or “Disclaimer of Opinion,” as appropriate, for the opinion paragraph.

When the auditor expresses a qualified opinion due to a material misstatement in the financial statements, the
auditor shall state in the opinion paragraph that, in the auditor’s opinion, except for the effects of the matter(s)
described in the Basis for Qualified Opinion paragraph:

(a) The financial statements present fairly, in all material respects in accordance with the applicable financial
reporting framework when reporting in accordance with a fair presentation framework; or
(b) The financial statements have been prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the applicable
financial framework when reporting in accordance with a compliance framework.

When the modification arises from an inability to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence, the auditor shall use
the corresponding phrase “except for the possible effects of the matter(s)….” for the modified opinion.
MODULE 12: “ Forming an Opinion and Reporting on Financial Statements” Page 8

When the auditor expresses an adverse opinion, the auditor shall state in the opinion paragraph that, in the
auditor’s opinion, because of the significance of the matter(s) described in the Basis for Adverse Opinion

(a) The financial statements do not present fairly in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework
when reporting in accordance with a fair presentation framework; or
(b) The financial statements have not been prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with applicable
financial reporting framework when reporting in accordance with a compliance framework.

When the auditor disclaims an opinion due to an inability to obtain sufficient audit evidence, the auditor shall state
in the opinion paragraph that:

(a) because of the significance of the matter(s) described in the Basis for Disclaimer of Opinion paragraph, the
auditor has not been able to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence to provide a basis for an audit
opinion; and, accordingly.
(b) the auditor does not express an opinion on the financial statements.

Description of Auditor’s Responsibility When the Auditor Expresses a Qualified or Adverse Opinion

When the auditor expresses a qualified or adverse opinion, the auditor shall amend the description of the auditor’s
responsibility to state that the auditor believes that the audit evidence the auditor has obtained is sufficient and
appropriate to provide a basis for the auditor’s modified audit opinion.

Description of Auditor’s Responsibility When the Auditor Disclaims an Opinion

When the auditor disclaims an opinion due to an inability to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence, the auditor
shall amend the introductory paragraph of the auditor’s report to state that the auditor was engaged to audit the
financial statements. The auditor shall also amend the description of the auditor’s responsibility and the
description of the scope of the audit to state only the following: “Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the
financial statements based on conducting the audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing.
Because of the matter(s) described in the Basis for Disclaimer of Opinion paragraph, however, we were not able to
obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence to provide a basis for an audit opinion.”

Communication with Those Charged with Governance

When the auditor expects to modify the opinion in the auditor’s report, the auditor shall communicate with those
charged with governance the circumstances that led to the expected modification and the proposed wording of the

Emphasis of Matter Paragraph and Other Paragraphs in the Independent Auditor’s Report

PSA 706 (Revised and Redrafted) deals with additional communication in the auditors report when the auditor
considers it necessary to:

(a) Draw users’ attention to a matter or matters presented or disclosed in the financial statements that are of
such importance that they are fundamental to users’ understanding of the financial statements; or
(b) Draw users’ attention to any matter or matters other than those presented or disclosed in the financial
statements that are relevant to users’ understanding of the audit, the auditor’s responsibilities or the
auditor’s report.

The objective of the auditor, having formed an opinion on the financial statements, is to draw users’ attention,
when in the auditor’s judgment, it is necessary to do so, by way of clear additional communication in the auditor’s
report, to:
MODULE 12: “ Forming an Opinion and Reporting on Financial Statements” Page 9

(a) A matter, although appropriately presented or disclosed in the financial statements, that is of such
importance that it is fundamental to users’ understanding of the financial statements; or
(b) As appropriate, any other matter that is relevant to users’ understanding of the audit, the auditor’s
responsibilities or the auditor’s report

Emphasis of Matter Paragraphs in the Auditor’s Report

If the auditor considers it necessary to draw users’ attention to a matter presented or disclosed in the financial
statements that, in the auditor’s judgment is of such importance that it is fundamental to users’ understanding of
the financial statements, the auditor shall include an Emphasis of Matter paragraph in the auditor’s report provided
the auditor has obtained sufficient appropriate audit evidence that the matter is not materially misstated in the
financial statements. Such a paragraph shall refer only to information presented or disclosed in the financial

Examples of circumstances where the auditor may consider it necessary to include an Emphasis of Matter
paragraph are:

 An uncertainty relating to the future outcome of exceptional litigation or regulatory action.

 Early application (where permitted) of a new accounting standard (for example, a new Philippine Financial
Reporting Standard) that has a pervasive effect on the financial statements in advance of its effective
 A major catastrophe that has had, or continues to have, a significant effect on the entity’s financial

When the auditor includes an Emphasis of Matter paragraph in the auditor’s report, the auditor shall:
(a) Include it immediately after the Opinion Paragraph in the auditor’s report;
(b) Use the heading “Emphasis of Matter,” or other appropriate heading;
(c) Include in the paragraph a clear reference to the matter being emphasized and to where relevant
disclosures that fully describe the matter can be found in the financial statements; and
(d) Indicate that the auditor’s opinion is not modified in respect of the matter emphasized.

The inclusion of an Emphasis of Matter paragraph in the auditor’s report does not affect the auditor’s opinion. An
Emphasis of Matter paragraph is not a substitute for either:
(a) The auditor expressing a qualified opinion or an adverse opinion, or disclaiming an opinion, when required
by the circumstances of a specific audit engagement (see PSA 705(Revised and Redrafted)); or
(b) Disclosures in the financial statements that the applicable financial reporting framework requires
management to make.

Other Matter Paragraphs in the Auditor’s Report

If the auditor considers it necessary to communicate a matter other than those that are presented or disclosed in
the financial statements that, in the auditor’s judgment, is relevant to users’ understanding of the audit, the
auditor’s responsibilities or the auditor’s report and this is not prohibited by law or regulation, the auditor shall do
so in a paragraph in the auditor’s report, with the heading “Other Matter,” or other appropriate heading. The
auditor shall include this paragraph immediately after the Opinion paragraph and any Emphasis of Matter
Paragraph, or elsewhere in the auditor’s report if the content of the Other Matter paragraph is relevant to the Other
Reporting Responsibilities section.

Communication with Those Charged with Governance

If the auditor expects to include an Emphasis of Matter or an Other Matter paragraph in the auditor’s report, the
auditor shall communicate with those charged with governance regarding this expectation and the proposed
wording of this paragraph.
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