MBA 3rd Semester Curriculum in Session 2020-21

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Department of Management Studies

Subharti Institute of Technology and

(Approved by AICTE)



(Under Choice Based Credit System)
Session 2020-21

Swami Vivekanand Subharti University,

(Established under U.P. Govt. Act no. 29 of 2008 and approved under section 2(f) of UGC Act 1956)

Subharttipuram, NH-58 Delhi-Haridwar Bypass Road, Meerut-250005 (U.P.)

Ph.:0121-2439157, Ext. 222, 2221, Fax: 0121-2439108
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MBA 3rd Semester 2nd year


Course Code: MBA 301

Course Credit: 04 Lecture: 03 Tutorial: 01
Course Type: Core Course
Lectures delivered: 40

End Semester Examination System

Maximum Marks Allotted Minimum Pass Marks Time Allowed
70 28 3 Hours

Continuous Comprehensive Assessment (CCA) Pattern

Tests Assignment/ Tutorial/ Attendance Total
15 5 10 30

Course Objective: This course aims to provide an organization perspective and integrates functional
areas. This helps in understanding how organizational strategies are formulated and implemented in
a changing global environment.

UNIT Course Content Hours

I Introduction, Strategic Management, Business Policy, Corporate Strategy, Basic 8
Concept of Strategic Management, Mission, Vision, Objectives, Impact of
globalization, Basic Model of Strategic Management, Strategic Decision Making,
Impact of Internet and E-Commerce, Role of Strategic Management in Marketing,
Finance, HR and Global Competitiveness.
II Environmental Scanning, Industry Analysis, Competitive Intelligence ETOP Study, 8
OCP, SAP Scanning, Corporate Analysis, Resource based approach, Value-Chain
Approach, Scanning Functional Resources, Strategic Budget and Audit.
III SWOT Analysis, SWOC Analysis, TOWS Matrix, Various Corporate Strategies: 6
Growth/ Expansion, Diversification, Stability, Retrenchment & Combination
IV Process of Strategic Planning, Stages of corporate development, Corporate 10
Restructuring, Mergers & Acquisitions, Strategic Alliances, Portfolio Analysis,
Corporate Parenting, Functional Strategy, BCG Model, GE 9 Cell, Porters Model: 5
Force and Porters Diamond Model, Strategic Choice.
V Strategy Implementation through structure, through Human Resource 8
Management: through values and ethics. Mc Kinsey’s 7S Model, Organization Life
Cycle, Management and Control, Activity based Costing, Strategic Information

Text and Reference Books

1. Essentials of Management: An International Perspective by Koontz & Weihrich, Tata McGraw Hill
Education Private Limited, New Delhi.
2. Management (Text and Cases) by V.S.P. Rao and V Hari Krishna, Excel Books, New Delhi.
3. Principles and Practice of Management, L. M. Prasad, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
4. Contemporary Management, Gareth R. Jones and Jennifer M. George, fifth Edition, Tata
McGraw-Hill Education Private Limited, New Delhi.
5. Management by Stephen P. Robbins, Mary Coulter and Neharika Vohra, Pearson Publication,
New Delhi.
6. Management: Principles, Processes and Practices, Anil Bhat & Arya Kumar, Oxford University
7. Management and Organizational Behaviour, Mullins, 7th edition, Pearson Publication, New
8. Organizational Theory: Structure, Design and Applications, Robbins, 13th edition, Pearson
Publication, New Delhi
MBA 3rd Semester 2nd year


Course Code: MBA 302

Course Credit: 04 Lecture: 03 Tutorial: 01
Course Type: Core Course
Lectures delivered: 40
End Semester Examination System
Maximum Marks Allotted Minimum Pass Marks Time Allowed
70 28 3 Hours

Continuous Comprehensive Assessment (CCA) Pattern

Tests Assignment/ Tutorial/ Attendance Total
15 5 10 30

Course Objective: This course is aimed at providing students with a comprehensive understanding of
the theoretical and applied aspects of retail management.

UNIT Course Content Hours

I An Overview of Strategic Retail Management: Definition, Importance, Scope and 8
Functions of Retailing; Evolution of Retail Competition,- The Wheel of Retailing, the
Accordion, the Retail Life Cycle; Service characteristics of retailing; Emerging
Trends in Retailing; Building and Sustaining Relationships in Retailing, Strategic
Planning in Retailing.
II Situation Analysis: Retail Institutions by Ownership, Retail Institutions by Store- 8
Based Strategy, Web, Nonstore-Based, and Other Forms of Nontraditional
Retailing. The Retail Scenario in India, Retail Formats in India.
Targeting Customers and Gathering Information: Identifying and Understanding
Consumers, Information Gathering and Processing in Retailing.
III Choosing a Store Location: Trading-Area Analysis, Site Selection, Store Design and 8
Layout, The Store and its Image, The External Store, Internal Store, Display, Visual
Merchandising and Atmospherics.
Managing a Retail Business: Retail Organization and Human Resource
Management, Operations Management-Financial & Operational Dimensions,
Logistics and Supply Chain Management in Traditional Retailing and Online
IV Merchandise Management and Pricing: Developing Merchandise Plans, 8
Implementing Merchandise, Financial Merchandise Management, Pricing in
Communicating with the Customer: Establishing and Maintaining a Retail Image,
Promotional Strategy, Customer Service, The GAPs Model, Customer Relationship
Management, Know Your Customer(KYC).
V Integrating and Controlling the Retail Strategy. Governments policy for single and 8
multi-brand retailing. Retail Management Information Systems; Retail Audits;
Online Retailing; Global Retailing; Legal and Ethical Issues in Retailing.
Text and Reference Books

1. Levy IM. And Weitz B.A (2004), Retailing Management, 5th ed., Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Berman B. Evans J. R. (2004), Retail Management, 9th Edition, Pearson Education.
3. Bajaj C; Tuli R., Srivanstava N.V. (2005), Retail Management, Oxford University Press, Delhi.
4. Dunne P.M, Lusch R.F. and David A. (2002), Retailing, 4th ed., South-Western, Thomson
Learning Inc.
5. Retail Marketing Management by Gilbert, David, Pearson Education
6. Retail Marketing by Pradhan, Swapna ,TMH, 3rd edition, 2010
7. Managing Retailing Sinha by Piyush Kumar, Uniyal Dwarika Prasad, Oxford Univ. Press. 2007
8. Retail Franchising by Manish Sidhpuria, McGraw Hill 2009
9. Visual Merchandising by Bhalla, S. Anurag, McGraw Hill, 2010
10. Supply Chain Management by Ray, McGraw Hill, 2010
MBA 3rd Semester 2nd year


Course Code: MBA MK1

Course Credit: 03 Lecture: 03
Course Type: Discipline Elective
Lectures delivered: 30
End Semester Examination System
Maximum Marks Allotted Minimum Pass Marks Time Allowed
70 28 3 Hours

Continuous Comprehensive Assessment (CCA) Pattern

Tests Assignment/ Tutorial/ Attendance Total
15 5 10 30

Course Objective: To introduce the students to the field of consumer behaviour and its relevant
association with marketing and allied subjects. In marketing communication section the objective of
the course is to enhance the competency of students to become effective Managers perfectly fit in
the dynamic and competitive field of advertising, public relations and media organizations.

UNIT Course Content Hours

I Introduction: Defining Consumer Behaviour, Nature, Scope & Importance of 4
Consumer Behaviour, Understanding Consumer and Market Segments, Consumer
Research: Quantitative & Qualitative.
II Individual determinants of Consumer Behaviour, Motivation, Personality and Self 8
Concept, Consumer Perception, Consumer Learning, Consumer Attitude Formation
and Change.
III Consumer Decision Process: Problem Recognition, Search and Evaluation, 6
Purchasing Processes, Post-Purchase Behaviour, Consumer Behaviour Models,
Consumerism, Organization Buying Behaviour. Environmental Influences on
Consumer Behaviour: Culture, Subcultures, Social Class, Reference Group and
Family Influences, Personal Influences and Diffusions of Innovations.
IV Marketing Communication, Objectives of Marketing Communication, Integrated 6
Marketing Communication (IMC), Factors contributing to IMC, Participants in IMC,
IMC Promotion Mix, IMC Management & Planning Model, Challenges in IMC,
Promotion Mix, Sponsorship, POP: Supportive Communication, Role of E-
Commerce in Marketing Communication.
V Advertising Management, Overview: Meaning, Nature and Scope of Advertising, 6
Advertising and Other Promotional Tools, Role of Advertising in Promotion Mix,
Process of Advertising, Customer and Competitor Analysis, STP Strategies for
Advertising. Media Planning, Testing of Advertising Effectiveness, Preparation and
Choice of Methods of Advertising Budget, Ethical and Social Issues in Advertising,
Management of Advertising Agencies.
Text and Reference Books

1. Consumer Behaviour/ Leon Schiffman & Leslie Kanuk, PHI, 10 th edition

2. Consumer Behaviour Building Marketing Strategy/by Hawkins, Coney Best Mookerjee,
TMH,11th Edition 2007
3. Consumer behaviour / by David Loudon &Albert J Della Bitta, TMH publications,4 th
4. Consumer Behaviour in Indian Perspective/ Suja Nair/
5. Consumer behaviour /by Henry Assael, Biztantra,2005
6. Shopper, Buyer and Consumer Behaviour/by Jay D Lindquist, M Joseph Sirgy, Biztantra,2nd
7. Consumer Behaviour and Branding : Concepts Readings, and Cases/Kumar, Pearsons
8. Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective, 10th Ed.
by George E. Belch, Michael A. Belch, TMH
9. Advertising Management Concepts & Cases/by Manendra Mohan, TMH
10. Advertising Management /by Batra, 5ed, Pearson
MBA 3rd Semester 2nd year


Course Code: MBA MK2

Course Credit: 03 Lecture: 03
Course Type: Discipline Elective
Lectures delivered: 30

End Semester Examination System

Maximum Marks Allotted Minimum Pass Marks Time Allowed
70 28 3 Hours

Continuous Comprehensive Assessment (CCA) Pattern

Tests Assignment/ Tutorial/ Attendance Total
15 5 10 30

Course Objective: To develop understanding and appreciation of the Sales & Distribution
processes in organizations. The course includes the familiarization of concepts, approaches and the
practical aspects of the key decision making variables in sales force and distribution channel

UNIT Course Content Hours

I Introduction: Selling as a Part of Marketing, Sales Management Process, Role of 4
Sales Manager, Concept of Personal Selling, Sales Management and Salesmanship,
The Ones of Personal Selling, Process of Personal Selling, Qualities of a Successful
Goals in Sales Management: Goal Setting Process in Sales Management, Analyzing
Market Demand and Sales Potential, Techniques of Sales Forecasting, Preparation
of Sales Budget, Formulating Selling Strategies, Designing Sales Territories and
Sales Quota.
II Sales Force Management: Organising the Sales Force, Designing the Structure and 8
Size of Sales Force, Recruitment and Selection of Sales Force, Leading and
Motivating the Sales Force, Training and Compensating the Sales Force, Sales
Contests, Evaluation and Analysis.
III Introduction to Distribution Management: Concept of Distribution Channel, 6
Importance of a Channel, Reverse Distribution, Types of Channels, Primary
Distributors, Specialized Distributors and Participants, Distributors: Policies and
IV Channel Management: Forces of Distributing Systems, Distributors Selection and 6
Appointment, Channel Conflicts and their Resolutions, Training the Distributors
Sales Team.
V Emerging of marketing channels-An overview in context of 21st Century: 6
Distribution Services for online marketing, Logistics and Supply Chain Management
for Online Retailing. Distribution in Freight, Courier and Postal services: Spoke and
Hub Distribution paradigm, Distribution in FMCG sector, Distribution in Apparel
Industry, Confectionary Distribution. Global Distribution and channel management.
Text and Reference Books

1. Marketing Channels by Louis W. Stern, Adel I. El-Ansary & Anne T. Coughlan ( to be given as
text book).
2. Marketing Channel Management by Pingali & Venugopal.
3. Sales Management by Richard R. Still, Edward W. Cundiff & Norman A.P. Govoni.
4. Sales and Distribution Management: An Indian Perspective, Pingali & Venugopal, SAGE
Publications, 2008
5. Field Sales Management –Principles & Practices by S.Ramachandran, Allied Publications
6. Marketing & Sales Management by Acharya & Govekar – HPH (1985 Edition)
7. Sales Management Decisions, Strategies and Cases, 5th edition by Still, Richard R et al.
Prentice-Hall, India
8. Sales and Distribution Management–Text & Cases by Havaldar and Cavale Tata McGraw-Hill,
9. Confectionery sales and distribution, United States. Business and Defense Services
Administration. Food Industries Division.
MBA 3rd Semester 2nd year


Course Code: MBA FM1

Course Credit: 03 Lecture: 03
Course Type: Discipline Elective
Lectures delivered: 30
End Semester Examination System
Maximum Marks Allotted Minimum Pass Marks Time Allowed
70 28 3 Hours

Continuous Comprehensive Assessment (CCA) Pattern

Tests Assignment/ Tutorial/ Attendance Total
15 5 10 30

Course Objective: Working capital is a daily necessity for businesses who require a regular amount
of cash to make routine payments, cover unexpected costs and purchase basic materials used in
production of goods. The subject aims to help students understand strategic management of
finances in business.

UNIT Course Content Hours

I Introduction to Working Capital: Nature, Scope and Definition of Working capital, 4
Working Capital Cycle, Assessment and Computation of Working Capital
Requirement, Profitability –Liquidity trade off, Working Capital Policy – Aggressive
& Defensive. Overview of Working Capital Management.
II Management of Cash and Marketable Securities: Meaning of Cash, Motives for 8
holding cash, Objectives of Cash Management, factors determining cash needs,
Cash Management Models, Cash Budget, Cash Management : basic strategies,
techniques and processes, compensating balances; Marketable Securities Concept,
types, reasons for holding marketable securities, alternative strategies, choice of
securities , cash Management Practices in India.
III Management of Receivables ; Nature & Cost of maintaining receivables , objectives 6
of receivables management, factors affecting size of receivables , policies for
managing accounts receivables, determination of potential credit policy including
credit analysis, credit standards, credit period terms etc; collection Policies; Credit
Management in India.
IV Management of Inventory: Need for monitoring and control of inventories, 6
objectives of inventory management, Benefits of holding inventory, risks and costs
associated with inventories, Inventory Management : Minimizing cost of inventory,
Techniques of Inventory Management – Classification , order quantity , order point
V Working Capital Financing: Need and Objectives of financing of working capital, 6
short term credit, mechanism of cost- benefit analysis of alternative strategies for
financing working capital: accrued wages and taxes, accounts payable , trade
credit, bank loans , overdrafts , bill discounting, commercial papers, certificates of
deposit, factoring , secured terms loans, etc; Pattern and sources of Working
Capital Financing in India, with reference to Government Policies.
Text and Reference Books

1. Rangrajan and Mishra - Working Capital Management (Excel)

2. Periasamy, P - Working Capital Management –Theory & Practice (Himalaya)
3. Pandey, I.M. - Financial Management (Vikas, )
4. V.K. Bhalla - Working Capital Management (Anmol)
5. Dheeraj Sharma - Working Capital Management (Himalaya)
6. Ravi M. Kishore - Financial Management (Taxmann)
7. Khan & Jain - Financial Management (TMH)
MBA 3rd Semester 2nd year


Course Code: MBA FM2

Course Credit: 03 Lecture: 03
Course Type: Discipline Elective
Lectures delivered: 30

End Semester Examination System

Maximum Marks Allotted Minimum Pass Marks Time Allowed
70 28 3 Hours

Continuous Comprehensive Assessment (CCA) Pattern

Tests Assignment/ Tutorial/ Attendance Total
15 5 10 30

Course Objective: This course aims at providing the students a comprehensive introduction to the
areas of security analysis and portfolio management and equipping them with advanced tools and
techniques for making profitable investment decisions.

UNIT Course Content Hours

Meaning of investment, speculation and Gambling. Investment avenues: Types of
investors, Investment objectives, The investment process, Security Analysis:
Meaning of security, Types of securities, Meaning of security analysis. Risk and
Return: Computation of return, Meaning and definition of risk, Types: (Systematic
risk- Market risk, Purchasing power risk, Interest rate risk, Unsystematic risk-
Business risk (Internal, External), Financial risk), Minimizing risk exposure. Risk
measurement, Standard deviation, Meaning of Beta, Computation and
interpretation, Use of beta in estimating returns.
Economic analysis: Factors in Domestic and International economy, Economic
forecasting and stock-investment decisions. Industry analysis: Industry
classification schemes, Key characteristics in industry analysis, Industry life cycle.
Company analysis: Sources of information for company analysis (Internal,
External), Factors in company analysis. Technical Analysis: Meaning and
Assumptions of technical analysis, Trend lines and their significance, Market
indicators, The Dow theory, Market indices, Confidence level, Price indicators,
Support and Resistance levels, Gap analysis, New high-low, The most active list,
Moving averages of stock prices, Volume indicators: Price-volume relationship,
Short selling, Breadth of market (Advance/Decline), Odd lot trading, Oscillators,
Relative Strength Index (RSI), Rate of Change (ROC)
Fixed-Income Securities: Overview of fixed-income securities. Bond analysis: Types
of bonds Bond returns, Holding period return, Concept of yield, Current yield,
Yield-to-Maturity, Price-yield relationship, Convexity, Term structure of interest
rates and yield curve, Duration, Valuation of preference shares.
Stock Return and Valuation, Anticipated returns, Present value of returns,
Constant Growth model, Two-Stage Growth model, The Three-Phase Model,
Valuation through P/E ratio.
Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH), Random Walk theory, Forms of EMH, EMH and
empirical findings, Market inefficiencies.
Portfolio Analysis, Selection and Evaluation, Meaning of portfolio, Reasons to hold
portfolio, Diversification analysis, Markowitz’s Model, Assumptions, Specific
model, Risk and return optimization, Efficient frontier, Efficient portfolios,
Leveraged portfolios, Corner portfolios, Sharpe’s Single Index model, Portfolio
evaluation measures, Sharpe’s Performance Index, Treynor’s Performance Index,
Jensen’s Performance Index.
Capital Market Theory, CAPM theory: Assumptions, CAPM Model, Capital Market
Line (CML), Security Market Line (SML), Evaluation of securities, Present validity of
CAPM, Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT), Assumptions, APT model, AP equation,
Factors affecting return, APT and CAPM.
Derivatives: Financial Derivatives, Meaning, Definition, Futures and Options, Pay-
off in future and options, Stock and Index futures and options, Trading strategies,
Commodity Derivatives, Structure of commodity exchanges, Commodity futures
and options, Hedging using commodity futures.

Text and Reference Books

1. Fischer & Jordan, Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Prentice Hall India.
2. Punithavathy Pandian, Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Vikas Publishing
House Pvt. Ltd.
3. I. M. Pandey, Financial Management, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
4. V. A. Avadhani, Investment and Securities Market in India, Himalaya Publishing House.
5. D. C. Patwari, Options and Futures: Indian Perspective, Jaico Publishing House.
6. Hull, Introduction to Futures and Options, Prentice Hall.
7. Preeti Singh, Investment Management, Himalaya Publishing.
8. Devin S., Portfolio Management, Prentice Hal
9. V. K. Bhalla, Portfolio Analysis and Management, Sultan Chand & Sons
10. Agarwal, A Guide to Indian Capital Markets, New Delhi.
MBA 3rd Semester 2nd year


Course Code: MBA HR1

Course Credit: 03 Lecture: 03
Course Type: Discipline Elective
Lectures delivered: 30

End Semester Examination System

Maximum Marks Allotted Minimum Pass Marks Time Allowed
70 28 3 Hours

Continuous Comprehensive Assessment (CCA) Pattern

Tests Assignment/ Tutorial/ Attendance Total
15 5 10 30

Course Objective: This course is an attempt to understand the conceptual and practical aspects of
employee relations at the macro and micro levels. Its intends to educate and create awareness
among the participants about various aspects of Industrial Relations and thus equip them to handle
this delicate subject with maturity, objectivity and understandings. To gain knowledge of concepts,
issues and legal framework of Industrial Relations.

UNIT Course Content Hours

I Overview of Industrial Relations : Concept of Industrial Relations; Nature of 4
Industrial Relations; Objectives of IR; Evolution of IR in India ; Role of State; Trade
Union; Employers’ Organisation; ILO in IR
II Trade Unionism : Trade Union : origin and growth, unions after independence, 8
unions in the era of liberalization; concept, objectives, functions and role of Trade
Unions in collective bargaining; problems of Trade Unions.
III Labour problems : Discipline and misconduct; Grievance Handling Procedure; 6
Labour turnover; Absenteeism; Workers’ participation in management, Industrial
Dispute Act

IV Technological Change in IR-Employment issues, Management Strategy, Trade 6

Union Response, Human Resource Management and IR- Management Approaches,
Integrative Approaches to HRM; International Dimensions of IR.

V Labour Legislations: Factories Act, Payment of Wages Act, Workmen’s 6

Compensation Act. Important Provisions of Employees’ State Insurance Act,
Payment of Gratuity Act, Employees Provident Fund Act.

Text and Reference Books

1. Beaumont, P. B. (1995). The Future of Employment Relations. London: Sage.

2. Bareja, J.K. (2000). Industrial Law. Galgotia Publishing House.
3. Monappa, Arun (2002). Industrial Relations. Tata McGraw Hill.
4. Singh B.D. - Industrial Relations & Labour Laws (Excel, 1st Ed.)
5. Kogent - Industrial Relations & Labour Laws (Wiley Dreamtech)
6. Srivastava SC - Industrial Relations and Labour Laws (Vikas, 2000, 4th Ed
7. Blyton, P. & Turnbull, P. (2004). The Dynamics of Employee Relations. Palgrave Mcmillan.
8. Ackers, P. & Wilkinson, A. (2003). Understanding Work & Employment: Industrial Relations
in Transition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
9. Mamoria CB, Mamoria, Gankar - Dynamics of Industrial Relations (Himalayan Publications,
15th Ed.)
MBA 3rd Semester 2nd year


Course Code: MBA HR2

Course Credit: 03 Lecture: 03
Course Type: Discipline Elective
Lectures delivered: 30

End Semester Examination System

Maximum Marks Allotted Minimum Pass Marks Time Allowed
70 28 3 Hours

Continuous Comprehensive Assessment (CCA) Pattern

Tests Assignment/ Tutorial/ Attendance Total
15 5 10 30

Course Objective:

1) To develop an understanding of the nature, functioning and design of organization

2) Be able to understand the theory and practice relating to the processes of organization
development and change

3) Develop insight and competence in diagnostic and intervention processes and skills for initiating
and facilitating organizational processes and change in organizations

UNIT Course Content Hours

I Organizations and Organizational Theory: Definition, Prospective Dimensions, 4
Strategy, Organization design & effectiveness
II Organizational Purpose & Structural Design: Basic challenges of organizational 8
Design - Fundamentals of Organizational structure, Internal Design Elements.
Organization size & life cycle
III Organizational Culture & Ethics : Innovation & change, Decision making processes 6
& organizational learning
IV Managing Innovation & Change: Process of OD, Individual and Interpersonal 8
Interventions, Team / Group Interventions, Intergroup Interventions, Techno
structural Interventions, Strategic Change
V Organizational Transformation - Desk Research: Students need to study 4
organizational culture & design of 2 organizations each & present a report on the

Text and Reference Books

1. Organizational Development & Transformation by French, Bell, Zawacki- TMGH

2. Organization theory & Design by Richard L. Daft, Cengage Press.
3. Organization Development & Change by Cummings & Worely Cengage Learning’s India Ltd,
4. Managing Organizational Change by Nilkant & Ramnarayan, Response Books
5. Organization Change & Development by Kavita Singh, Excel Books

The Oxford Handbook of Organizational Theory by Tsoukas & Knudsen, Oxford University Press

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