The Rhind Papyrus
The Rhind Papyrus
The Rhind Papyrus
In this article, we introduce the ancient Rhind papyrus. The Rhind papyrus serves as the foundation of math-
ematics today as it includes various mathematical techniques such as proportions, algebra, volume, and
geometry. While many mathematical strategies are written on the Rhind papyrus, this article explores the
ancient Egyptians approach to finding the area of a circle. Mirroring the Egyptians’ approach to comparing
shapes to find information, this article explores a middle school activity that can be used in a similar way.
Historians have been able to date the keeping track of trade. Additionally, the
Papyrus with such precision because the ancient Egyptians had to find a reliable way
author of the papyrus, a scribe by the name to tax land, and therefore had to discover a
of Ahmose, states that he was writing in the way to measure the area of agricultural fields
“fourth month of the flood season of the and other lands (Shutler, 2009). The Rhind
thirty-third year of the reign of Pharaoh papyrus also features a method for finding
Auserre” (Cooke 1997, p. 27). From this the volume of a pyramid which was used
information, historians were able to pinpoint to construct and build the famous Egyptian
the date to 1650 BCE; however, Ahmose also pyramids. In addition to the volume of a
states that he is only copying information pyramid, the Egyptians also were interested
down from the Pharaoh Nymaatre, which in finding the volume of barrels that carried
would leave the mathematical information liquid goods for trading purposes. From these
contained in the Rhind Papyrus to be almost needs, they developed a set of mathematical
four thousand years old. concepts.
square into 9 equal sections, and then cut off sections of the circle outside the square. Thus,
the four corners leaving an octagon with an they assumed the circle and square are equal in
area of 63 square units. They switched the area. They said the diameter of the circle is the
area of the octagon to 64 square units since same as connecting 2 opposite intersections
64 is a perfect square. This would simplify of the circle and square. If measured, this
their future computations (Cooke, 1997, p. length is about 9 units, or more exactly the
28). They assumed the octagon was a close square root of 80. Their inspiration for this
approximation to the circle, and treated it as method originated from pouring the contents
a circle. of a barrel with a diameter of 9 units into a
The Egyptians approximated that the 8×8 box. The barrel and box had the same
area of a circle would be (D − (1/9)D)2 height, and the contents appeared to fit
where D stood for diameter (Shutler, 2009). exactly (Shutler, 2009). Thus, the bases had
They did not have this exact equation in the the same area, giving reason for them to
papyrus, but this is a representation of their assume the area of the circle and square in
process. Notice that the value π is absent. Figure 3 were equal.
They did not have any knowledge of the
value π and therefore did not use it in the In the Classroom
computation of a circle. They assume the area The Egyptian method for finding the
of a circle is the area of a square whose side area of a circle can be adapted to use in a Students
is formed by removing the ninth part of the middle school classroom. Ancient Egyptians can learn to
diameter, as shown in Figure 3. relied more on visual observation and approximate
estimation in order to find the area of a
the area of
circle. By doing so, they were still able to
find a close approximation of the area. Their circular
approximation, in fact, is nearly equal to the objects
answer achieved by a modern equation using until they
π . Area approximation and estimation can
are able to
be used in middle school classrooms to help
introduce geometric ideas to students who understand
do not fully understand the concept of π . By the meaning
using a technique similar to that of the ancient of π.
Egyptians, students can learn to approximate
the area of circular objects until they are able
to understand the meaning of π . In doing so,
Fig 3 Approximation of the area of a circle they can discover the importance of π .
The Egyptians related the area of a circle
Notice the parts of the circle protruding to that of a square in order to calculate its
from the square in Figure 3. These are the approximate area. Similarly, Pattern Blocks
parts the Egyptians cut off to make an (shown in Figure 4) could be used in a middle
octagon as shown in Figure 2. They reached school classroom to explore how the areas of
this conclusion on the area by starting with different shapes relate to one another.
a square with side lengths of 8. Next, they Using the blocks, students could explore
drew a circle over the square in which the questions such as the following: 1) “What
two shapes intersected 2 units away from is the area of the blue rhombus in terms
each corner of the square, as shown in Figure of green triangles?” 2) “How many blue
3. They estimated that the 4 corners of the rhombuses fit inside the yellow hexagon?”
square outside the circle are equal to the 4
3) “Form two congruent shapes, one that is was used to find that of another. This parallels
composed of two white rhombuses and one how they computed the area of a circle by
green triangle, and the other that is composed relating it to a similarly sized square with a
of one orange square and one green triangle.” known area.
This is illustrated below in Figure 5.
Concluding Remarks
Many modern mathematicians are quick
to judge the Rhind papyrus on its correctness
by holding it to modern standards. However,
it’s quite admirable that even without
modern tools or values such as π , they were
able to form equations that were relatively
precise. It’s important to recognize the
context in which they were working, and
accept their roundabout methods. Likewise,
middle school students can use ways other
This than equations to gain understanding and
hands- clarity on mathematical concepts. The Rhind
papyrus undoubtedly laid a strong foundation
on pattern for the math we use today, so it is important
block Fig 4 Pattern blocks and beneficial to incorporate their ideas into
activity the classroom.
Works Cited
how the Calinger, R. (1995). Classics of mathematics.
ancient Englewood Cliffs, N.J: Prentice Hall.
Egyptians Cooke, R. (1997). The history of mathematics:
computed Fig 4 Congruent Pattern Block pentagons A brief course. New York: Wiley.
Shutler, Paul M. E. (2009). “The problem of
areas the pyramid or Egyptian mathematics from
Building off question three, students
could compare the areas of the two white a postmodern perspective.” International
rhombuses to that of the orange square. Journal of Mathematical Education in
Students could conclude that the area of Science & Technology 40(3), 341-352.
two white rhombuses is the same as the area Williams, K. and Scott, P. (2003). “Egyptian
of one square because the arrangements are Mathematics.” Australian Mathematics
congruent and the only other shape in both Teacher 59(4), 38-40.
figures is one green triangle. Going a step
further, students will connect that when
one green triangle is removed from both
arrangements, the remaining shapes are equal.
These are just a few of the questions that can
be posed to a middle school classroom.
This hands-on pattern block activity
replicates how the ancient Egyptians
computed areas since the area of one shape
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