Unit 16. Assignment 01 - Brief
Unit 16. Assignment 01 - Brief
Unit 16. Assignment 01 - Brief
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Grading grid
P1 P2 P3 P4 M1 M2 D1
❒ Summative Feedback: ❒ Resubmission Feedback:
Page 2
Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing
Submission Format:
Format: The submission is in the form of 1 document
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follows Harvard referencing system.
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LO1 Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamentals of Cloud Computing and its architectures.
LO2 Evaluate the deployment models, service models and technological drivers of Cloud Computing and
validate their use.
Assignment Brief and Guidance:
ATN is a Vietnamese company which is selling toys to teenagers in many provinces all over Vietnam. The
company has the revenue over 500.000 dollars/year. Currently each shop has its own database to store
transactions for that shop only. Each shop has to send the sale data to the board director monthly and
the board director need lots of time to summarize the data collected from all the shops. Besides the
board can’t see the stock information update in real time.
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The table of contents in your technical report should be as follows:
1. Explain to the board director the fundamentals of cloud computing and how it is popular
nowadays(500 words)
2. Persuade the board director to use Cloud Computing in ATN(300 words)
3. Proposed solution (higher level solution description – around 200 words).
4. Explain the appropriateness of the solution for the scenario (350 words with images and
5. Architectural design (architectural diagram and description).
6. Detailed design:
a. Deployment model (discussion on why that model was chosen).
b. Service model (discussion on why that model was chosen).
c. Programming language/ webserver/database server chosen.
7. Summary.
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Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria
P2 Design an appropriate
architectural Cloud Computing
framework for a given scenario.
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Table of Contents
P1 Analyze the evolution and fundamental concepts of Cloud Computing..................................................................8
What is Cloud Computing...........................................................................................................................................8
Cloud Ecosystem.........................................................................................................................................................9
Cloud Computing Models.........................................................................................................................................11
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)..........................................................................................................................12
Platform as a Service (PaaS)..................................................................................................................................12
Software as a Service (SaaS).................................................................................................................................12
Cloud Computing Deployment Models.....................................................................................................................13
Cloud..................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Hybrid.................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Benefits of Cloud Computing....................................................................................................................................14
Less Is More...........................................................................................................................................................14
Flexibility in Costing..............................................................................................................................................14
Fast Performance..................................................................................................................................................14
Increased Security.................................................................................................................................................15
Environmentally Friendly......................................................................................................................................15
Mobility................................................................................................................................................................. 15
Better Collaboration..............................................................................................................................................15
P2 Design an appropriate architectural Cloud Computing framework for a given scenario.......................................16
Cloud computing architectural.................................................................................................................................16
Cloud Architecture....................................................................................................................................................17
P3 Define an appropriate deployment model for a given scenario.............................................................................19
Public cloud...............................................................................................................................................................19
Community Cloud.....................................................................................................................................................19
Private Cloud.............................................................................................................................................................20
Hybrid Cloud..............................................................................................................................................................21
P4 Compare the service models for choosing an adequate model for a given scenario.............................................23
Compare the service models....................................................................................................................................23
SaaS: Software as a service...................................................................................................................................23
SaaS delivery:........................................................................................................................................................23
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Advantages of SaaS:..............................................................................................................................................23
SaaS characteristics:..............................................................................................................................................23
PaaS: Platform as a service...................................................................................................................................24
PaaS delivery:........................................................................................................................................................24
Advantages of PaaS:..............................................................................................................................................24
PaaS characteristics:..............................................................................................................................................24
When to use PaaS:................................................................................................................................................24
IaaS: Infrastructure as a service............................................................................................................................24
IaaS delivery:.........................................................................................................................................................25
Advantages of IaaS:...............................................................................................................................................25
IaaS characteristics:...............................................................................................................................................25
The suitable model for ATN Company......................................................................................................................26
Choose service models for ATN............................................................................................................................27
Programing language................................................................................................................................................27
Web Server............................................................................................................................................................27
Database Server....................................................................................................................................................28
Choose tools to implement.......................................................................................................................................28
GIT......................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Heroku................................................................................................................................................................... 29
Reference:..................................................................................................................................................................... 30
Page 7
P1 Analyze the evolution and fundamental concepts of Cloud Computing.
What is Cloud Computing
_Loud computing is a technology that puts your entire computing infrastructure in both hardware and
software applications online. It uses the internet, remote central servers to maintain data & applications.
Gmail, Yahoo mail, Facebook, Hotmail, Orkut, etc are all the most basic and widely used examples of cloud
computing. One does not need his own PC or laptop to check some stored mail/data/photos in the mailbox
but any computer with an internet connection since the data is stored with the mail service provider on a
remote cloud. The technology, in essence, is a geographical shift in the location of our data from personal
computers to a centralized server or ‘cloud’. Typically, cloud services charge its customers on a usage basis.
Hence it is also called Software as a Service (SaaS). It aims to provide infrastructure and resources online in
order to serve its clients; Dynamism, Abstraction and Resource Sharing.
_For a variety of reasons, including cost savings, increased productivity, speed and efficiency, performance,
and security, cloud storage is a common choice for people and businesses.
_Connection to applications, repositories and other resources is through the Internet. Products are
distributed and used over the Internet and, where appropriate or charged for each use, users in the cloud
pay according to the business model.
_Cloud computing is named as such because the information accessed in the cloud or a virtual space is
located remotely. Cloud service companies allow users to store files and apps on remote servers and then
access all data via the Internet.
_Proponents of cloud computing point to it being a modern trend in the production of software, where
smaller businesses have access to processing resources, storage and business processes that were
previously only open to large corporations.
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Cloud Ecosystem
_The cloud ecosystem is a very complex system made up of several components that are interdependent,
all of which work together to enable cloud services.
_By nature, “the cloud” is an intangible, inanimate array of products and services.it is pertinent for
consumers on every part of the ladder to acknowledge and familiarize themselves with the different
elements of the cloud ecosystem.
_Here’s a breakdown of the cloud marketplace:
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_As you can see, there are 3 major types of cloud services. Each have their own intended customer types,
from end-user to developers and system admins. But it’s important to note that while customers may
overlap between services, the service types don’t really overlap between customers.
_Some companies forgo in-house server rooms and opt instead to run their hardware in commercial data
centers while others jump right into the cloud; most of them, however, adopt a gradual approach when
embarking on their journey into the cloud. This decision hinges in part on a company’s resources,
regulatory requirements and the system landscape. With this in mind, we have created a cloud ecosystem
that reflects these milestones and offers greater efficiency during every phase. Find out more about the
Green Cloud Ecosystem.
_Here is an instance of the Green Cloud Ecosystem cloud ecosystem:
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Cloud Computing Models.
_There are three main models for cloud computing. Each model represents a different part of the cloud
computing stack.
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Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
_Infrastructure as a Service, sometimes abbreviated as IaaS, contains the basic building blocks for cloud IT
and typically provide access to networking features, computers (virtual or on dedicated hardware), and
data storage space. Infrastructure as a Service provides you with the highest level of flexibility and
management control over your IT resources and is most similar to existing IT resources that many IT
departments and developers are familiar with today.
Platform as a Service (PaaS)
_Platforms as a service remove the need for organizations to manage the underlying infrastructure (usually
hardware and operating systems) and allow you to focus on the deployment and management of your
applications. This helps you be more efficient as you don’t need to worry about resource procurement,
capacity planning, software maintenance, patching, or any of the other undifferentiated heavy lifting
involved in running your application.
Software as a Service (SaaS)
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_Software as a Service provides you with a completed product that is run and managed by the service
provider. In most cases, people referring to Software as a Service are referring to end-user applications.
With a SaaS offering you do not have to think about how the service is maintained or how the underlying
infrastructure is managed; you only need to think about how you will use that particular piece of software.
A common example of a SaaS application is web-based email where you can send and receive email
without having to manage feature additions to the email product or maintaining the servers and operating
systems that the email program is running on.
_A cloud-based application is fully deployed in the cloud and all parts of the application run in the cloud.
Applications in the cloud have either been created in the cloud or have been migrated from an existing
infrastructure to take advantage of the benefits of cloud computing. Cloud-based applications can be built
on low-level infrastructure pieces or can use higher level services that provide abstraction from the
management, architecting, and scaling requirements of core infrastructure.
_A hybrid deployment is a way to connect infrastructure and applications between cloud-based resources
and existing resources that are not located in the cloud. The most common method of hybrid deployment
is between the cloud and existing on-premises infrastructure to extend, and grow, an organization's
infrastructure into the cloud while connecting cloud resources to internal system. For more information on
how AWS can help you with your hybrid deployment, please visit our hybrid page.
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_Deploying resources on-premises, using virtualization and resource management tools, is sometimes
called “private cloud”. On-premises deployment does not provide many of the benefits of cloud computing
but is sometimes sought for its ability to provide dedicated resources. In most cases this deployment model
is the same as legacy IT infrastructure while using application management and virtualization technologies
to try and increase resource utilization.
Benefits of Cloud Computing
_Now that we have a general understanding of cloud computing for businesses, we can now dig deeper.
Here are seven advantages of cloud computing that may make you consider shifting to the cloud:
Less Is More
_One of the benefits of cloud computing for business is that businesses can save on their physical data
center sizes or completely do away with them. Having a cloud server will reduce the number of servers, the
cost of software and number of staffs which greatly reduces IT costs without affecting the businesses
output or capabilities.
_Businesses are heavily dependent on applications to run. In the event of a server failure that causes
downtime, the entire company goes on a complete standstill as they wait to go back online after a long and
gruesome process.
_The benefits of using cloud computing in your businesses are that the possibility of server failure is
removed and critical application will always be available. The efficiency is brought about because of the
virtual machines that host clients. If an issue occurs, they can swiftly be migrated between the servers.
Flexibility in Costing
_Cloud computing is much more flexible than the traditional method. A company only needs to pay for
what it needs in terms of server and infrastructure capacity. When a higher capacity is required, then the
company will pay for it, but when it is no longer required, the costs reduce.
Fast Performance
_There are a host of cloud service providers in the market. This means that there is a lot of competition for
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_These providers are continuously updating their tech in order to meet their customers’ demands. This
results in high-performance servers with high technology such as extremely fast SSD drives and powerful
CPUs for fast performance and the best results. Most of the cloud-based applications can be used instantly
upon sign up thereby reducing execution time.
Increased Security
_With cloud hosting, your business is protected from hacking, corruption by malware and internal data
theft. All cloud providers have to comply with a series of strict security regulations so that they can protect
their customers’ data.
_They have state-of-the-art firewall technology that has systems put in place to prevent intrusion and
provide virus protection. This technology can dictate and isolate threats long before they reach a
customer’s server.
Environmentally Friendly
_Owning a data center increases your carbon footprint. Moving your data center to the cloud decreases
this footprint significantly because you don’t need to physically power the servers or keep them cool. Cloud
computing, therefore, is a sustainable solution to your computing needs.
_It doesn’t matter where your employees are in the world. They can easily access shared data and
applications, as long as they have access to a computer, smartphone or tablet. Flexibility in mobility
enables businesses to offer their employees more flexible working conditions which are better for the
company because the employee office space reduces.
_Many companies have adopted the work-from-home system which in turn reduces expenditure and gives
the employee a chance to work in an environment of their choosing.
Better Collaboration
_Businesses that have adopted the cloud system have improved in collaboration and teamwork efforts
because groups of people can meet virtually, share data, edit files and work concurrently on a single
document in real time via the cloud. This improves product development and takes customer service to a
whole new level of efficiency.
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P2 Design an appropriate architectural Cloud Computing framework for a given scenario.
_There are so many small aspects of cloud computing that are really significant that it allows one to
consider much of the tiny elements in them when we want to understand and apply them. Such an aspect
is architecture; a technology is characterized by a decentralized perspective.
_Components inherited from previous technologies and technology-dependent components are included.
Surgery is another significant feature connected to architecture.
_Cloud management is important because it explains how to handle a cloud application and infrastructure
and the cloud-related quality of service (QoS) would form the basis for computing. Cloud and other, it-
based applications.
_Furthermore, transferring apps to the cloud plays a very important role because it is not possible to
deploy all apps directly to the cloud because the framework must be compatible and compliant. The
attributes of the cloud correlate.
Cloud computing architectural
_Cloud computing architecture refers to the components and subcomponents required for cloud
computing. These components typically consist of a front-end platform (fat client, thin client, mobile), back
end platforms (servers, storage), a cloud-based delivery, and a network (Internet, Intranet, Intercloud).
Combined, these components make up cloud computing architecture.
_Cloud computing architectures consist of front-end platforms called clients or cloud clients. These clients
are servers, fat (or thick) clients, thin clients, zero clients, tablets and mobile devices that users directly
interact with. These client platforms interact with the cloud data storage via an application (middle ware),
via a web browser, or through a virtual session. Virtual sessions in particular require secure encryption
algorithm frame working which spans the entire interface.
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Cloud Architecture
_Any technology model will need to have a solid foundation and have a good architecture to be able to
describe how the model works so that it can be clearly seen. Descriptive hierarchy of technology.
_Cloud architecture is divided into four layers based on user access:
Layer 1 (Client / User)
_The lowest layer: here all users or customers will appear, where the client / user starts connecting to the
cloud. The client can be any device that supports basic functions to access the web application. These
devices must be able to do independent work. A cloud application can be accessed in the same basic way
as a web application.
Layer 2 (Network)
_At this layer users can connect to the cloud. The entire cloud infrastructure depends on this connection,
the services provided to customers will appear here. The public cloud will exist at a location and it can be
accessed worldwide. However, for private cloud cases, the connection will be provided by the local area
network (LAN). However, the cloud will still completely depend on the network being used. When
accessing the public or private cloud, users must have a minimum amount of bandwidth to use.
Layer 3 (Cloud Management)
_Here the software used in cloud management will appear. These are cloud operating system (OS)
software, software that acts as the interface between the data center (the actual resource) and the user or
management software that allows resource management. It will often enable resource management and
internal cloud administration. This class will be within the scope of the SLA, the activities taking place will
affect the SLA, any delays in processing may be a violation in the SLA.
Layer 4 (Hardware Resource)
_At this layer it will include the rules for actual hardware resources. In such cases as the public cloud, a
data center is used on the back. In a private cloud, too, whether it is a data center or a large collection of
interconnected hardware resources available at a specific location, a highly configurable system will appear
in the range of SLA. It is the most important class because it will dominate SLA and affect SLAs the most in
the case of data centers. Anytime users access the cloud will be available to users as quickly as possible and
must be within the period defined by the SLA. If there is any difference in providing resources or
applications, the service provider must pay a fine. Data center requirements include high-speed network
connection and highly efficient algorithm to transfer data from the data correctly.
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P3 Define an appropriate deployment model for a given scenario.
Public cloud
_A cloud deployment model would be a reflection of a particular type of cloud environment that,
depending on size and access, can be primarily differentiated by owner permissions. There are currently 4
common models of cloud deployment: Public cloud deployment:
_This is a type of cloud storage that allows us to easily access customers or users of their systems &
services. IBM, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, etc., for instance. It will be open to use these cloud services.
Cloud computing of this type is a true prototype of cloud storage systems where many different users are
provided with systems by service providers. It almost makes no difference to private clouds from a
technological point of view, because it has almost the same structural architecture. The difference is that it
will be based on the service provider and the type of cloud client used at the security level.
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Private Cloud
_Private clouds or internal clouds, allowing you to control systems and resources within a single entity or
within a boundary. It is deployed under the oversight of IT departments belonging to a single company in a
cloud-based security environment secured by advanced firewalls. Only approved users would be enabled
by private clouds, allowing organizations power over data for better security purposes.
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Hybrid Cloud
_Hybrid Cloud can be interconnected and can be a mix of two or more cloud servers that are combined
into an architecture, such as private, public or community, but they are still separate entities. Its strength is
that it is possible to perform unnecessary tasks such as creation and testing workloads using the public
cloud, while critical tasks such as organizational data processing can be performed. Using a private cloud is
the solution. In hybrid cloud computing, the advantages are feasible.
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Cloud deployment model proposed for the ATN
_If we are optimistic about the future growth and long-term success of ATN, we will create and show the
implementation of private clouds. Private cloud deployment meets the specifications and only internal
access to the servers is given, and with regard to data protection, the high security of private cloud
deployment will give the organization peace of mind. If you want to use a private cloud system, possibly
the first thing to remember is that, compared to most cloud implementations, the cost of engaging in the
program would be comparatively high.
_There is also another alternative which is successful, with lower investment costs than utilizing public
cloud implementations. The application management also focus on the provider and when the public cloud
is used, as a result of the fact that many network salespeople in datacenters store and operate Private
Cloud for the company. ATN can substantially reduce network security and maintenance. Nevertheless, the
ATN will have no influence over the cloud with Public Cloud, but it is appropriate to use it for ATN
management and extension.
_We can see that the public club is the perfect place to apply the ATN management model at the moment.
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P4 Compare the service models for choosing an adequate model for a given scenario.
Compare the service models
SaaS: Software as a service.
_This software is set up as a Service, also known as a cloud application service, which will represent the
most used option for businesses currently in the cloud market. SaaS is required to use the internet to
provide applications and it will be managed by third party vendors only for users.
SaaS delivery:
_With its features SaaS will eliminate the need for IT staff to download and install applications on each
individual computer. At the same time, vendors manage all potential technical issues, such as data,
middleware, servers, and storage, leading to maintenance and ongoing support.
Advantages of SaaS:
_SaaS has many advantages for employees and companies through solutions that significantly reduce the
time and money for tedious tasks such as installing, managing and upgrading software.
_It helps to free up more time for technical staff to deal with more important issues and issues.
SaaS characteristics:
_Management from a location.
_Host on a remote server.
_Access via internet.
_When to use SaaS:
+Small companies want to get into e-commerce quickly and don't have the time.
+Short-term projects but need professionalism.
+Applications do not need too often
_SaaS limitations and concerns:
+Interactivity is not rich.
+Lacks integrated application support.
+Data security is the problem.
+Not much customization.
+Lack of control.
_Example: Google Apps, Salesforce, Cisco WebEx, Concur, GoToMeeting.
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PaaS: Platform as a service
_This is a cloud-based service that provides cloud components for certain software while being used
primarily for applications and it will provide a framework for developers. Developers that they can build
and use to create custom applications. All can be managed by the enterprise or a third-party provider.
PaaS delivery:
_Like SaaS, the difference is that instead of distributing software over the internet, PaaS will provide a
platform to make the software. This is distributed over the web, giving developers the freedom to focus on
building software without having to worry about operating systems, software updates and storage issues. It
allows businesses to design and create applications that are integrated into PaaS with special software
Advantages of PaaS:
_Can customize applications without the need for software maintenance.
_Reduce the amount of coding needed.
_Automate policies.
_Can switch to hybrid model.
PaaS characteristics:
_Resources can easily increase or decrease.
_Provide many services to support development.
_Support access for many users.
When to use PaaS:
_PaaS is very convenient in streamlining workflows when multiple developers are working on the same
development project. If there is any change, it can provide high speed and flexibility for the whole process.
If you need to create custom applications, then PaaS is a great choice.
_PaaS limitations and concerns:
+Key provider.
+Runtime problems because they are not optimized for the language and framework you choose.
+Activity limit.
+AWS Elastic Beanstalk, OpenShift, Windows Azure, Heroku, Force.com, Google App Engine.
IaaS: Infrastructure as a service
_These are cloud services, which are made of highly scalable and automated computing resources. It is fully
self-service to access and monitor computers, network connections, storage and other services and will
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allow businesses to purchase resources on demand and when needed instead of having to completely
purchase hardware.
IaaS delivery:
_Provides cloud computing infrastructure, including servers, networks, operating systems and storage,
through virtualization technology. Servers will be provided to the organization via control panel or API,
giving IaaS customers full control of the entire infrastructure and providing the same technologies and
capabilities as a data center. traditional without maintenance.
_IaaS will be responsible for managing such aspects as application, runtime, operating system, middleware
and data. More services beyond the virtualization layer, such as databases or message queues.
Advantages of IaaS:
+Flexible model.
+Easy automation.
+Optimize hardware costs.
+The customer retains full control.
IaaS characteristics:
+Resources are available as a service
+Flexible cost changes.
+Service is scalable.
_Example: Digital Ocean, Google Compute Engine (GCE), Linode, Rackspace, Amazon Web Services (AWS),
Cisco Metapod.
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The suitable model for ATN Company.
_For ATN company, the most suitable Cloud platform is IaaS for the following reasons:
_IaaS is possibly the simplest type of cloud computing, with ATN only leasing IT resources and systems from
cloud service providers, such as storage, servers and networks. It is possible to rent services of this kind as
a cloud server, or as a private cloud system. It helps save initial costs for the ATN group.
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_Depending on their needs and skills, IaaS helps ATN companies increase or decrease their size. It also
helps minimize the cost of investing in hardware, as well as the cost of purchasing and using storage, which
is very suitable for ATN.
_Companies like ATN can also benefit from IaaS without much resources. ATN would make it easier to save
on operational and maintenance expenses without having to invest in hardware. And more precisely, you
will be able to handle components such as files, apps, runtime, operating systems, other remaining jobs
such as servers, storage, networking for IaaS that you won't need to mind.
Choose service models for ATN
_By comparing features between service models. In this scenario, we will choose the SaaS service model
because the applications and services available are developed by developers and SaaS reduces download
or installation time on the client (store) side. And finally, applications with technical issues with data,
servers, storage, cloud support centers will streamline their maintenance and support.
Programing language
_In the scenario we chose the PHP language as the dominant programming language because PHP is an
open source scripting language used to develop server writing applications. PHP files contain text, HTML,
CSS, JavaScript and PHP scripts. PHP is increasingly used widely and popularly
_Points indicate the appropriateness of PHP:
+PHP is an open source programming language; you can develop all versions of PHP but you do not have to
pay any cost. o PHP is extendible. o Good with servers like IIS and APACHE.
+PHP easily integrates with some popular databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Sybase, Informix
and Microsoft SQL Server.
+PHP has the database maintained
Web Server
_In the scenario we use XAMPP as a web server. XAMPP software is a fairly common software application
and is often used by developers to build and develop PHP based website projects. XAMPP is often used to
create web server (web server) with built-in Apache, PHP, MySQL, FTP Server, Mail Server and tools like
phpMyAdmin. In particular, Xampp has a fairly convenient management interface, allowing users to
actively enable or disable server services at any time. This software is also set up and developed based on
open source code.
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+You can start and stop the whole (webserver)+(database) stack with one command.
+XAMPP is portable so you can carry it around on a thumb drive.
+The security settings are strict by default, nobody but you will be able to access the web server.
+Php error reporting is enabled by default, which helps when debugging scripts.
Database Server
_We use PostgreSQL as the system 's database in this case. PostgreSQL, the most advanced open source
database technology available today, is a general-purpose object-relational database management system.
PostgreSQL is software that is free and open source. The source code for the software is distributed under
a free and open source license, the PostgreSQL license. You would then be free to access, update and
distribute PostgreSQL in any form. The aim of PostgreSQL is to run on similar UNIX platforms. However, to
be able to run on different platforms such as Mac OS X, Solaris and Windows, PostgreSQL was later flexibly
_Benefit of using PostgreSQL:
+Easy to use.
+Has user-defined data type.
+Open source.
+A lot of community support.
+Make use of Stored procedures.
+It supports ACID i.e. Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability.
Choose tools to implement
_Git is a version control software application created by Linus Torvalds (the creator of Linux) with the
collaboration of many other developers.
_A version control application keeps track of all the changes that you do in the files of your project. Every
time you make changes to files of a project, you can push those changes to a repository. Other developers
can pull your changes from the repository and continue to work with the improvements that you added to
the project files.
_There are many version control applications. This article focuses on the benefits of using Git.
+Working offline
+Fast to Work With
+Repositories Are Smaller
+Moving or Adding files
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+Ignore Certain File
_Heroku is known for running apps in dynos – which are really just virtual computers that can be powered
up or down based on how big your application is. Think of dynos as malleable building blocks for running
your app.
+Easy setup - as a PaaS you don't need to know how to install and configure Apache, MySQL, Postgres, …
+Easier to scale initially - spin up more dynos, size up DBs, …
+Great plugin support for third party apps.
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