DMR2 Creature Catalog

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D&D–DMR2 Creature Catalog TSR 9434

Creature Catalog
Revision and Development: John Nephew
Editing: Julia Martin
Monsters Created By: Aaron Allston, Dave Alexander, Jim Bambra, Mike Brunton, William Carlson, Zeb Cook,
Michael Gray, Ed Greenwood, Phil Gallagher, Jeff Grubb, Gary Gygax, Bruce Heard, Tom Kirby, Ann Gray McCready,
Michael Malone, Frank Mentzer, Tom Moldvay, Graeme Morris, John Nephew, Bruce Nesmith, Doug Niles, Merle
Rasmussen, Garry Spiegle, Jean Wells, and Skip Williams.
Original Creature Catalog Compiled By: Graeme Morris, Phil Gallagher and Jim Bambra.
Cover Art: Jeff Easley
Interior Art: Jeff Anderson, Helen Bedford, Gary Harrod, Tim Sell, Brian Williams, Geoff Wingate, Pete Young, and
Product Manager: Bruce Heard
Typesetting: Angelika Lokotz

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Creature Catalog Page 2

Contents................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
Introduction.......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Monster Format................................................................................................................................................................5
Statistics........................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Getting More From Your Monsters...............................................................................................................................6
Monster Names.............................................................................................................................................................6
Terrain Modifications....................................................................................................................................................6
Special Twists................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Unique Monsters...........................................................................................................................................................7
Different Interpretations...............................................................................................................................................7
Recommended Reading....................................................................................................................................................7
Monster Descriptions............................................................................................................................................................8
A............................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Amber Lotus Flower..........................................................................................................................................................8
Terrain........................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Amoeba, Giant.................................................................................................................................................................. 9
Animal, Prehistoric............................................................................................................................................................9
Elk, Giant.......................................................................................................................................................................9
Annelid, Great................................................................................................................................................................. 11
Aranea............................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Archer Bush..................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Ash Crawler..................................................................................................................................................................... 14
B.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Baldandar........................................................................................................................................................................ 15
Banshee, Lesser*.............................................................................................................................................................16
Bargda............................................................................................................................................................................. 17
Beetle, Earthquake..........................................................................................................................................................18
Beholder, Aquatic............................................................................................................................................................19
Bhut*............................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Brain Collector (neh-thalggu)..........................................................................................................................................20
Brownie........................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Cat, Great........................................................................................................................................................................ 23
Bekkah......................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Cheetah....................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Jaguar.......................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Lynx............................................................................................................................................................................. 24
Spotted Lion................................................................................................................................................................ 24
Wildcat........................................................................................................................................................................ 24
Cay-men.......................................................................................................................................................................... 25
Chameleon Men..............................................................................................................................................................26
Chevall*........................................................................................................................................................................... 27
Choker............................................................................................................................................................................. 28
Coltpixy........................................................................................................................................................................... 29
Crone of Chaos................................................................................................................................................................30
Cryion.............................................................................................................................................................................. 31
D.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 32
Dark Wing........................................................................................................................................................................ 32
Darkhood (Rorphyr)*......................................................................................................................................................33
Death Fiend (Ostego)......................................................................................................................................................34
Decapus (Land and Marine)............................................................................................................................................35
Deep Glaurant................................................................................................................................................................. 36
Desert Ghost................................................................................................................................................................... 37
Dinosaur.......................................................................................................................................................................... 38
Allosanrus.................................................................................................................................................................... 38
Archelon...................................................................................................................................................................... 38
Dimetrodon................................................................................................................................................................. 38
Trachodon................................................................................................................................................................... 38
Tylosaurus................................................................................................................................................................... 38
Dog.................................................................................................................................................................................. 40
Normal........................................................................................................................................................................ 40
Elven............................................................................................................................................................................ 40
War.............................................................................................................................................................................. 40
Dragon, Pocket................................................................................................................................................................41
Dragon, Sea..................................................................................................................................................................... 42
Dragon, Undead..............................................................................................................................................................43
Dragonfly......................................................................................................................................................................... 44
White........................................................................................................................................................................... 44
Black............................................................................................................................................................................ 44
Green........................................................................................................................................................................... 44
Blue............................................................................................................................................................................. 44
Red.............................................................................................................................................................................. 44
Dragonne......................................................................................................................................................................... 45
Dusanu*.......................................................................................................................................................................... 46
E.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 46
Eagle................................................................................................................................................................................ 47
Normal........................................................................................................................................................................ 47
Great........................................................................................................................................................................... 47
Eel................................................................................................................................................................................... 48
Electric......................................................................................................................................................................... 48
Giant............................................................................................................................................................................ 48
Weed........................................................................................................................................................................... 48
Elf.................................................................................................................................................................................... 49
Aquatic Elf................................................................................................................................................................... 49
Shadow Elf................................................................................................................................................................... 49
F.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 50
Faedorne......................................................................................................................................................................... 50
Feywing........................................................................................................................................................................... 51
Terrain: Cavern, Mountain, Ruins....................................................................................................................................52
Fish. Giant....................................................................................................................................................................... 52
Giant Catfish................................................................................................................................................................52
Carp (Gargantua).........................................................................................................................................................52
Fish, Piranha (Cold-Water)..............................................................................................................................................53
Piranha........................................................................................................................................................................ 53
Giant Piranha...............................................................................................................................................................53
Flitterling......................................................................................................................................................................... 54
Frog, Giant Poisonous.....................................................................................................................................................55
Fundamental*................................................................................................................................................................. 56
Fungoid........................................................................................................................................................................... 57
Fyrsnaca.......................................................................................................................................................................... 58
G.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 58
Gakarak (Forest Brooder)................................................................................................................................................59
Gargoyle, Iron*................................................................................................................................................................60
Garl.................................................................................................................................................................................. 61
Gator Man....................................................................................................................................................................... 62
Geonid............................................................................................................................................................................. 63
Ghoul, Elder..................................................................................................................................................................... 64
Ghostly Horde................................................................................................................................................................. 64
Golem*............................................................................................................................................................................ 65
Gray Philosopher*...........................................................................................................................................................66
Guardian Warrior & Horse..............................................................................................................................................67
Gyerian............................................................................................................................................................................ 68
H.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 69
Haunt, Lesser................................................................................................................................................................... 69
Hawk............................................................................................................................................................................... 70
Hephaeston*................................................................................................................................................................... 71
Herex............................................................................................................................................................................... 71
Larva............................................................................................................................................................................ 72
Adult............................................................................................................................................................................ 72
Hivebrood........................................................................................................................................................................ 73
Homunculus*.................................................................................................................................................................. 75
Hook Beast...................................................................................................................................................................... 77
Hutaakan......................................................................................................................................................................... 78
Hypnosnake..................................................................................................................................................................... 79
I........................................................................................................................................................................................... 80
Ice Wolf........................................................................................................................................................................... 80
J........................................................................................................................................................................................... 80
Jellyfish, Giant................................................................................................................................................................. 81
Juggernaut....................................................................................................................................................................... 82
K.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 83
Kai-Muru * (Shipbane)....................................................................................................................................................83
Kara-Kara......................................................................................................................................................................... 84
Killer Tree........................................................................................................................................................................ 85
Kna.................................................................................................................................................................................. 86
Kopru............................................................................................................................................................................... 87
Kraken............................................................................................................................................................................. 88
L........................................................................................................................................................................................... 89
Lamara*........................................................................................................................................................................... 89
Lava Lizard..................................................................................................................................................................... 90
Leviathan......................................................................................................................................................................... 91
Living Statue.................................................................................................................................................................... 92
Lizard, Giant Foot-Pad.....................................................................................................................................................93
Lizard. Rockhome............................................................................................................................................................94
Lupin................................................................................................................................................................................ 95
Lycanthrope, Werejaguar*..............................................................................................................................................96
M......................................................................................................................................................................................... 96
Magen............................................................................................................................................................................. 97
Magpie............................................................................................................................................................................ 98
Man, Isolated.................................................................................................................................................................. 99
Cynidiceans................................................................................................................................................................. 99
Qauriks...................................................................................................................................................................... 100
Traldar....................................................................................................................................................................... 101
Man, Primitive (Barbarian, Native, Wild Man)..............................................................................................................102
Masher.......................................................................................................................................................................... 103
Mesmer*....................................................................................................................................................................... 104
Nagpa............................................................................................................................................................................ 105
Nightmare..................................................................................................................................................................... 106
N........................................................................................................................................................................................ 107
O........................................................................................................................................................................................ 107
Octopus, Giant..............................................................................................................................................................107
Owl, Giant..................................................................................................................................................................... 108
Oyster, Giant................................................................................................................................................................. 108
P........................................................................................................................................................................................ 109
Pegataur........................................................................................................................................................................ 110
Phanaton....................................................................................................................................................................... 111
Phantom, Lesser*..........................................................................................................................................................112
Piranha Bird................................................................................................................................................................... 113
Polymar......................................................................................................................................................................... 114
Porcupine, Giant............................................................................................................................................................115
Q........................................................................................................................................................................................ 115
R........................................................................................................................................................................................ 115
Rakasta.......................................................................................................................................................................... 116
Randara*....................................................................................................................................................................... 117
Raven & Crow................................................................................................................................................................118
Red Worm..................................................................................................................................................................... 119
Rhinoceros.................................................................................................................................................................... 119
Rock Man...................................................................................................................................................................... 120
Roper*........................................................................................................................................................................... 121
S........................................................................................................................................................................................ 122
Saberclaw...................................................................................................................................................................... 122
Scamille......................................................................................................................................................................... 123
Scorpion, Normal...........................................................................................................................................................124
Sea Horse...................................................................................................................................................................... 125
Sea Serpent................................................................................................................................................................... 125
Serpentweed, Giant......................................................................................................................................................126
Shargugh....................................................................................................................................................................... 127
Shark, Vamora...............................................................................................................................................................128
Shark-Kin....................................................................................................................................................................... 129
Silver Warrior................................................................................................................................................................ 130
Sirenflower.................................................................................................................................................................... 130
Sis’thik (Desert Scourge)................................................................................................................................................131
Skunk............................................................................................................................................................................. 133
Slime Worm................................................................................................................................................................... 134
Snake, Rock Rattler........................................................................................................................................................134
Snappers........................................................................................................................................................................ 135
Sollux (Sun Brother)......................................................................................................................................................136
Soul Eater*.................................................................................................................................................................... 137
Spider, Giant..................................................................................................................................................................138
Spider, Huge Wood.......................................................................................................................................................139
Squid, Giant................................................................................................................................................................... 140
Steam weevils............................................................................................................................................................... 141
Strangle Vine................................................................................................................................................................. 142
Strangleweed................................................................................................................................................................ 143
Surtaki........................................................................................................................................................................... 144
T........................................................................................................................................................................................ 144
Tabi................................................................................................................................................................................ 144
Topi............................................................................................................................................................................... 146
Tortle............................................................................................................................................................................. 147
Triton............................................................................................................................................................................. 148
U........................................................................................................................................................................................ 149
V........................................................................................................................................................................................ 149
Vampire, Nosferatu*.....................................................................................................................................................149
Vampire Rose................................................................................................................................................................ 150
Velya*............................................................................................................................................................................ 150
W....................................................................................................................................................................................... 152
Water Weird..................................................................................................................................................................152
Whipweed..................................................................................................................................................................... 153
White-Fang.................................................................................................................................................................... 154
Winged Warrior.............................................................................................................................................................155
Wood Imp..................................................................................................................................................................... 156
Wychglow*.................................................................................................................................................................... 157
Wychlamp..................................................................................................................................................................... 158
Wyrd*............................................................................................................................................................................ 159
X........................................................................................................................................................................................ 160
Xytar.............................................................................................................................................................................. 160
Y........................................................................................................................................................................................ 161
Yowler*......................................................................................................................................................................... 161
Z........................................................................................................................................................................................ 162
Wilderness Encounter Tables............................................................................................................................................163
D&D® Game Creature Index..........................................................................................................................................167
Creature Catalog Page 3-4 Monster Format
This is a brief summary of how to read the monster
format used in this book. For complete information, see
Introduction the D&D Rules Cyclopedia (pages 52-56).
This revised Creature Catalog returns to print a major Name
expansion to the range of DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® If the name of a monster is followed by an asterisk (*),
role-playing game creatures. It includes most of the then a special magical weapon is required to hit that
creatures from the original Creature Catalog, plus monster, as explained in the text that follows. Be careful
several new monsters from more recently published with these monsters, especially for low-level characters.
adventures and supplements. It also includes an index of Statistics
D&D® creatures in the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS Just as player characters have abilities and scores to
Rules Cyclopedia, this volume, and the adventures, describe them in the game, so do monsters have
supplements, and boxed sets. statistics. Here are explanations of the standard monster
Whether your player characters are 1st, 21st, or 31st statistics:
level, this tome contains many fantastic creatures with Armor Class: This works just like a character’s
which to challenge them. Armed with the Creature Armor Class. The lower the number, the harder it is to
Catalog you will be able to find the right creature for any hit the creature.
situation. Hit Dice: This gives the number of eight-sided dice
In order to use this book, it is necessary to own the (d8) used to find the monster’s hit points.
D&D Rules Cyclopedia. Move: The monster’s movement rate. Some monsters
have a second movement rate for special motion—such
as swimming, flying or climbing.
Attacks: This gives the number and type of attacks the In the real world, however, many animals and plants
monster can make in one round. go by different names in different areas, even when
Damage: This describes the damage inflicted if the those areas speak the same language. In one place a
monster’s attacks succeed. If the monster has more than flower might be called hawkweed, and the same flower
one attack, the attacks’ damage is presented in the same might be known as Indian paintbrush in another.
order as the attacks were. Sometimes the name isn’t even accurate.
No. Appearing: The number of monsters that may be This simple twist of names can enhance your fantasy
encountered. The first number shows the number found game. As DM, you should keep track of monsters by
in a dungeon room; the second, in parentheses, is the their standard names (as listed in the rules). But from
number for wilderness encounters. one place to the next, the same monster may be known
Save As: The character class and level at which the by different names. Different monsters might even be
monster makes saving throws. labeled with the same name.
Morale: Morale is an optional rule. It measures the In the monster entries in this book, numerous creatures
monster’s courage in combat. are given alternate names. The brain collector, for
Treasure Type: For the key to treasure type letters, example, is also known as the neh-thalggu. Brain
see Chapter 6 of the Rules Cyclopedia. Normally a collector would be the sort of name used by common
monster’s treasure is found in its lair. If a treasure type is people of the Prime Plane—it describes the monster
in parentheses, then it is treasure carried by the monster. from a human perspective, in which the monster’s
Intelligence: This ability score is important for spells unsavory gathering of brains is the biggest consideration.
such as charm or maze, whose results depend on the Characters (and sentient beings) who have traveled the
target’s intelligence. planes, however, might call the monsters neh-thalggu,
Alignment: Lawful, Neutral or Chaotic. which is what they are in their own language.
XP Value: Experience points to be awarded for the Or, imagine the village which calls the local wyvern a
defeat of one of this type of monster. "dragon." The villagers have probably never seen a real
dragon, but they’ve heard of them—and in their eyes the
Descriptions descriptions of dragons match this winged reptile that
The monster descriptions include monster type (the steals their livestock. If the villagers persuade the player
general category into which the creature falls) and characters to rid them of their dragon, how will the
terrain (the monster’s habitat or where player characters expectation of a real dragon affect events? Will the
might encounter it). Some monsters, which might be players attempt to parley with a stupid beast interested
used as mounts or beasts of burden, also have load and only in sheep for dinner each day? Will they expect a
barding multipliers mentioned at the end of their great hoard of treasure?
descriptions. If your players don’t know exactly what to expect, the
game will be filled with more suspense. Players who are
familiar with the rules and monster descriptions will
Getting More From Your Monsters
have to be a lot more careful, too.
Do you worry about not having enough monsters to keep
Another colorful way to use names and monsters is to
your players on your toes? Consider this: Most
give individual monsters proper names and reputations.
action/adventure writers have only one species of
There may be Arkathog the Hungry, an ogre whose
monster to pit against their protagonists—other human
name torments local peasant children who would rather
beings. But even without 5 zillion varieties of dragons,
not eat their vegetables. A monster with its own name,
writers of novels and screenplays find plenty ways to
and even a reputation, is much more interesting to
entertain their audiences. By the same principle, it is
possible in the D&D game to get quite a lot of adventure
out of even just a few monsters. When you add more
monsters, such as the ones we offer here in this Creature Terrain Modifications
Catalog, you can get more mileage out of them as well. Monster descriptions include a note about preferred
This little essay means to show you how. terrain, but you can get more mileage out of the
monsters by adjusting them for different terrains. Some
monsters in this book are examples of creatures that
Monster Names
Creature Catalog Page 6
The D&D rules use standard names for monsters. Much
have been modified for a different terrain type: The
like scientific names in the real world, they define quite
velya is an aquatic version of the vampire. Since
precisely what sort of creature one is talking about: a
vampires can’t cross running water, a new description
green dragon, for example, has specific statistics,
was warranted to include appropriate modifications!
abilities, and ecology.
Other monsters include variants for different terrains.
Creature Catalog Page 5
The marine decapus is able to fight differently than the decay and fall of the centuries-gone theocracy he once
land decapus because all of its arms are free. ailed..."
Just because variants have not been provided for The latter choice seems much more colorful, correct?
different terrains doesn’t mean you can’t do them Creature Catalog Page 6
yourself. In fact, you should. Take a monster and give Note that it also makes use of naming, a tactic
it white fur and other minor changes and you have an discussed previously. (Combining these different ideas is
arctic version. Take a surface animal or fish and give it often a
pale skin and blind eyes, and you have a deep cavern good plan.)
version. Give a land monster gills and fins, and you can
create an aquatic variant. Different Interpretations
In many cases the changes will be just cosmetic: Many D&D® game monsters were derived from myth,
coloration, fur, gills. Sometimes—like the decapus and legend, and folklore. These sources are not in agreement
velya—more substantial changes are required in order to about their monsters. Just because the D&D game takes
account for the strategies and special strengths and one interpretation of a mythical monster doesn’t mean
weaknesses of the creature. In your notes for play, be you can’t try others.
certain to record such things. Substantial changes in A good example is the banshee from Celtic folklore. In
special attacks, defenses, strengths and vulnerabilities the Rules Cyclopedia, the banshee description follows
may also affect the experience point values of a monster. the etymology that suggests the creature is the spirit of
an evil fairy or elf. This is a valid interpretation from
Special Twists some folklore sources. The Creature Catalog entry,
Spice up existing monsters with special twists, so that however (which is called a lesser banshee to distinguish
they are not what they seem. This will keep jaded it), interprets a different aspect of the tradition. It
players alert. You can give monsters magic use (for presents the banshee as a mourner for the dead of a
example, humanoid spellcasters), disguises, unusual particular family. Both are perfectly acceptable versions
appearances, special abilities, tools, or weapons. of a banshee, and having both available will enrich your
Look at the Elder Ghoul entry here in the Creature campaign and keep your players guessing about a
Catalog. It is an example of a monster—the ordinary creature’s capabilities and intents.
ghoul—given special twists. When you read books and see different ideas about
monsters named in D&D, go ahead and design your
Unique Monsters own variants if you like.
In myth and legend, monsters are often unique.
Medusa and Pegasus were individuals in Greek myth, Recommended Reading
not For the D&D monster fan, several supplements
categories. Following mythic precedent, you can make published for the game are invaluable: AC10 Bestiary of
up unique monsters of your own, or decide that certain Dragons and Giants, GAZ10 The Ores of Thar, and the
published monsters are unique. One monster in this Creature Crucible series (PCI, PC2, etc.). These
Creature Catalog that might, for instance, be unique in sourcebooks all contain great ideas for using monsters.
your game world is the gray philosopher. Consider the In the cases of GAZ10 and the PC line, rules are given
situations: for player creatures who may gain experience and levels
Option One, not unique: "Oh, here’s a gray just like player characters. You can use those same rules
philosopher! We pull out our swords +2 and attack." to generate higher-level monsters that will challenge any
Option Two, unique: "By the Roots of the Great World level of player character!
Tree! There sits Telarxes the Wicked, pondering the Creature Catalog Page 7

Monster Descriptions

Amber Lotus Flower

Armor Class: 9
Hit Dice: ½ (1-4 hit points)
Move: 0
THAC0 19
Attacks: 1 spray
Damage: Special
No. Appearing: 0 (3d6)
Save As: Normal Man
Death Ray/Poison 14
Magic Wands 15
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 16
Breath Attack 17
Rod/Staff/Spell 17
Morale: 2
Treasure Type: Nil
Intelligence: 0
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 6

Monster Type: Lowlife (Rare).

Amber lotus flowers look like golden water lilies the size of sunflowers. They are deceptively soothing to the eye. When
a creature approaches to within 0 feet, the blossoms open and spray a 40-foot by 40-foot cloud of pollen. Any individual
within the affected area must make a successful saving throw vs. spells or fall fast asleep for 4d4 turns. The flowers can
spray a fresh burst of pollen every 3d4 rounds.
Amber lotus flowers are often found acting in concert with other deadly plants, such as vampire roses and killer trees.
They have a symbiotic relationship: The amber lotus flower incapacitates a victim, the other plant kills it, and both benefit
by fertilization from the remains.
Some humans and other intelligent creatures may cultivate this plant for use as protection around homes, forbidden
places, and so forth.
Terrain: Open, Woods, Jungle, Swamp.

Amoeba, Giant

Armor Class: 9
Hit Dice: 10-15 (L)
Move: 30’ (10’)
THAC0 10,9,8
Attacks: 1 acidic touch
Damage: 2d6
No. Appearing: 1 (1)
Save As: Fighter: 7
Death Ray/Poison 8
Magic Wands 9
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 10
Breath Attack 11
Rod/Staff/Spell 12
Morale: 10
Treasure Type: Nil
Intelligence: 0
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 1,000-1,650

Monster Type: Lowlife (Very Rare).

Giant amoebas are 30-foot-wide single-celled animals. Except for the 1-foot-wide gray nucleus, an amoeba is
translucent. If the nucleus is hidden or disguised, the amoeba will be practically invisible and able to attack with surprise.
Giant amoebae attack first by enveloping victims, then secreting an acid to digest them.
Terrain: Cavern, Ruins, Swamp.

Creature Catalog Page 8

Animal, Prehistoric

Baluchitherium Elk, Giant Grangeri Hyenodon

Armor Class: 5 6 5 7
Hit Dice: 10 (L) 8 (L) 13 (L) 5 (L)
Move: 120’ (40’) 120’ (40’) 120’ (40’) 20’ (40’)
THAC0 10 11 9 15
1 bite or
Attacks: 1 trample 1 butt 1 bite
Damage: 3d6 1d12 2d6 or 3d6 3d4
No. Appearing: 0 (1d4) 0 (1d6) 0 (1d6) 0 (2d4)
Save As: Fighter: 5 Fighter: 4 Fighter: 7 Fighter: 3
Death Ray/Poison 10 10 8 12
Magic Wands 11 11 9 13
Paralysis/Turn to
12 12 10 14
Breath Attack 13 13 11 15
Rod/Staff/Spell 14 14 12 16
Morale: 6 7 7 7
Treasure Type: Nil Nil Nil Nil
Intelligence: 2 2 2 3
Alignment: Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
XP Value: 900 650 1,350 175

Megatherium Phorusrhacos Titanothere

Armor Class: 6 6 5
Hit Dice: 11 (L) 3 (L) 12 (L)
Move: 90’ (30’) 50’ (50’) 20’ (400)
THAC0 10 17 9
1 butt or
Attacks: 2 claws 1 bite
Damage: 2d6/2d6 1d8 2d6 or 3d8
No. Appearing: 0 (1d6) 0 (1d8) 0 (1d6)
Save As: Fighter: 6 Fighter: 2 Fighter: 6
Death Ray/Poison 10 12 10
Magic Wands 11 13 11
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 12 14 12
Breath Attack 13 15 13
Rod/Staff/Spell 14 16 14
Morale: 7 8 7
Treasure Type: Nil U Nil
Intelligence: 1 2 1
Alignment: Neutral Neutral Neutral
XP Value: 1,100 35 1,250

Monster Type: Prehistoric Animal (Rare).

Baluchitherlum: This is a huge, primitive ancestor of the rhinoceros. It stands as much as 20 feet in height, and grazes
the vast grasslands of lost world areas.
Giant Elk: Giant elk inhabit hills and plains. They are 0-2 feet long, weigh nearly a ton, and their antlers span 0 feet or
more. Giant elk eat shrubs and grasses. They are preyed upon by dire wolves and saber-toothed tigers.
Grangeri: The grangeri looks like a cross between a giraffe and a hornless rhinoceros. Its long neck allows it to reach
for and eat the leaves from the tops of trees. A grangeri is about 30 feet long and stands 20 feet tall. It is found in
grasslands and lightly forested areas.
Hyenodon: These giant, prehistoric canines resemble hyenas with tawny gold fur that is similar to a lion’s. They travel
in packs, surrounding and pulling down prey with their powerful, vise-like jaws. Due to their numbers and large size (they
average about eight feet from head to rump), they are able to take on large prey, like the baluchitherium, as well as smaller
creatures (including humans). They are also voracious eaters of carrion. They are found roaming lost world hills and
plains in temperate to tropical climes.
Megatherium: A megatherium is a giant ground sloth that eats leaves, roots, and shrubs. It stands 24 feet tall and can
walk erect on its hind legs, although it usually prefers to travel on all fours. It is slow, stupid, and peaceful unless
provoked, as befits its herbivorous nature. However, it will defend its young at all costs—fighting to the death if need be
(Morale: 2). It is found in woodlands.
Phorusrhacos: A phororhacos, or sword beak, is a six-foot-tall, flightless bird with small, useless wings and large hind
legs. This carnivorous bird runs down its prey, often reaching great speeds across flat ground. A phororhacos has a large
curved beak that snaps at prey with the force of a sword. It favors open terrain. Phorusrhacos plumage is white, brown and

Titanothere: This herbivorous quadruped resembles a huge, blunt-horned rhino, and stands 2 feet tall at the shoulder.
Titanotheres are generally peaceful if left alone, preferring to graze grass and eat leaves off trees and shrubs. They will not
hesitate to defend themselves, however, if frightened or injured. In combat, they butt or trample their opponents. Small
herds of these creatures are found roaming the grasslands of lost world areas. For other examples of prehistoric creatures
in this volume, see: Dinosaurs, Great Cats (Spotted Lion), Rhinoceros (Wooly Rhino).

Terrain: See descriptions above (prehistoric or Lost World settings).

Creature Catalog Page 9

Annelid, Great

Armor Class: 7
Hit Dice: 25-50 (L)
Move: 240’ (80’)
THAC0 2-1
Attacks: 1 bite
Damage: 3d8 or swallow whole
No. Appearing: 1 (1)
Save As: Fighter: 10
Death Ray/Poison 6
Magic Wands 7
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 8
Breath Attack 9
Rod/Staff/Spell 10
Morale: 5
Treasure Type: Nil
Intelligence: 0
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: Varies
Monster Type: Monster (Very Rare). Full-grown annelids measure about 1,000 feet long and 25 feet in diameter. The
largest annelids reach 40 feet in diameter and some 2,000 feet in length. Their bodies, grayish-brown in color (the color of
rock), are segmented like earthworms. The longer the annelid, the more segments it has, up to perhaps 600 in the longest.
Biologically, an annelid is a long tube inside a larger tube. The annelid’s mouth is a circular, funnel-like opening lined
with three rows of sharp, conical teeth. The inner digestive tract, including pharynx, esophagus, crop, and gizzard, runs
from head to tail. A long nerve cord connects head and tail as well. Otherwise, each segment can live virtually on its own,
for each has two hearts around the central tube, shaped like halftoruses (half-doughnuts).
Hairlike sensory fibers called setae grow on the posterior edge of each segment except the first. These can grow to an
inch in diameter and a few feet long. The annelid has no other sensory equipment except light and heat-sensitive patches
at its front end.
Annelids outstrip virtually all other creatures in their ability to tunnel. An annelid tunnels almost as fast as it can crawl,
grinding and swallowing solid rock without effort.
Mature annelids also have the ability to attract and paralyze earth elementals. Though this power is poorly understood, it
apparently involves a false signal, propagated through the earth, that replicates the signal of something desirable to
elementals—a rich lode of ore, perhaps, or a beautiful cavern. Whatever its nature, this power allows the annelids to lay
their eggs in the elementals, Annelids are hermaphroditic, but only those of huge size ever reproduce. The annelid lures
several earth elementals, paralyzes them, and lays eggs within the rocks they animate. After some unknown period
(probably several weeks), the eggs hatch, and the annelid grubs dine on the elementals’ magical life force. Thus fed, the
young grubs grow to several feet in diameter and begin to tunnel. They soon reach a length of 5 feet, but they grow more
slowly thereafter. There is no known limit on an annelid’s life span.
Annelids subsist on the rock they eat. They have no other known diet. Annelids can live anywhere underground, even in
lava pools. They are immune to heat and pressure damage. Exposure to light does not damage them, but they dislike it.
Terrain: Cavern.
Creature Catalog Page 10

Armor Class: 7
Hit Dice: 3** (L)
Move: 180’ (60’)
In web: 120’ (40’)
THAC0 17
Attacks: 1 bite
Damage: 1d6 +poison
No. Appearing: 1d3 (1d6)
Save As: Magic-User: 3
Death Ray/Poison 13
Magic Wands 14
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 13
Breath Attack 16
Rod/Staff/Spell 15
Morale: 7
Treasure Type: D
Intelligence: 14
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 65

Monster Type: Monster (Rare).

Aranea are an intelligent giant spider race. They are as large as a small pony, and are greenish-brown in color. An
aranea can be distinguished from other giant spiders by the massive, oddly shaped lump on its back that houses its large
brain. Aranea are web spinners, and their bite is poisonous.
The front limbs of an aranea are divided into flexible digits. The aranea use these to grasp prey and manipulate simple
tools. In addition, the aranea can cast spells as a 3rd-level magic-user. They spend most of their time in magical research.
Terrain: Ruins, Woods, Jungle.
Archer Bush

Armor Class: 7
Hit Dice: 2(S)
Move: 3’ (1’)
THAC0 18
Attacks: 1 thorn spray
Damage: 1d4
No. Appearing: 0 (1d20)
Save As: Fighter: 1
Death Ray/Poison 12
Magic Wands 13
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 14
Breath Attack 15
Rod/Staff/Spell 16
Morale: 12
Treasure Type: V
Intelligence: 0
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 20

Monster Type: Lowlife (Rare).

Archer bushes have sickly looking green leaves, stunted trunks and thorny brown branches. They do not grow
underground (except, perhaps, in well-lit caverns or near cave mouths), but may be found in woodland, areas of scrub and
occasionally in mountainous regions. These bushes are carnivorous, and attack prey by shooting a spray of several small
thorns at their victims (for 1d4 points of damage per spray). The range of one of these sprays is 20 feet, and each bush can
fire up to three such sprays per day. In order to eat, an archer bush can uproot itself to move toward its prey. The trunk of
an archer bush looks like a three-foot-high mound of leaves, but these leaves conceal a huge mouth filled with extra-hard
thorns. These thorns are used like teeth to devour prey once it is dead.
Terrain: Mountain, Open, Woods, Jungle.
Creature Catalog Page 11
Ash Crawler

Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: 3+1 (S)
Move: 60’ (20’)
THAC0 16
Attacks: bite +special
Damage: 2d4
No. Appearing: 1d6 (1d2)
Save As: Fighter: 1
Death Ray/Poison 12
Magic Wands 13
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 14
Breath Attack 15
Rod/Staff/Spell 16
Morale: 10
Treasure Type: V
Intelligence: 2
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 50
Monster Type: Monster (Rare).
Ash crawlers are large, hog-nosed, rat-like creatures. They are about two feet long with a four-foot-long, naked tail.
Their grayish skin is flaky and sheds in ash like sheets. They can naturally resist fire (as the spell), and prefer to inhabit
warm areas with their own source of fire. They always protect the source of fire and attack any invaders. Ash crawlers’
lairs are carpeted with two to four feet of fine ash and shedding through which the creatures burrow.

Ash crawlers feed most commonly on rodents, birds, and other small creatures which pass near or fall into the ash.
Often the lair smells of seared flesh and wood smoke, and the air is hot and difficult to breathe, preventing any swift
actions. Ash crawlers are drawn to movement in the ash and by displays of bright colors. They dislike water and will curl
over their fire source to prevent it from being extinguished.

Ash crawlers attack by biting and then locking their jaws. Any successful bite means the creature has attached itself to
its victim. Each subsequent round, the bite automatically causes point of damage, while its two claws automatically hit for
an additional d4 points of damage each. The creature continues to attack until it takes 5 points of damage, at which point it
falls off and must then attack again normally.

Ash crawlers gain a +4 bonus to their Armor Class when hidden beneath the ash, but lose this when they are exposed
(such as if they are lifted out after latching their jaws onto a foot). Because of the ash’s depth, an attack will often not
expose the ash crawler attacking unless the victim makes a special effort. This +4 bonus also applies to the ash crawler’s
saving throws.

The ash crawler’s long tail is prehensile, and may be used to snare opponents and drag them beneath the ash. The tail
may not be used while the crawler is attached to a character. To use its tail, the crawler must make a successful attack roll,
and then the victim must roll less than his or her Dexterity on 1d20 or fall. Those who fall into the ash have a -4 penalty to
their Armor Class (for example, AC 4 becomes AC 8) and attack at -4.

Terrain: Cavern, Desert, Mountain, Ruins—all provided there is fire.

Creature Catalog Page 2

Armor Class: 3
Hit Dice: 6**** (M)
Move: 150’ (50’)
THAC0 14
Attacks: 2 claws/1 bite +special
Damage: 1d8/1d8/1d4 +poison
No. Appearing: 1 (1)
Save As: Fighter: 12
Death Ray/Poison 6
Magic Wands 7
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 8
Breath Attack 9
Rod/Staff/Spell 10
Morale: 9
Treasure Type: B
Intelligence: 16
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 1,175

Monster Type: Humanoid (Very Rare).

These evil creatures are masters of illusion and deception. Baldandars are tall, thin humanoids with large heads and
glowing yellow saucer-eyes. However, this true form is rarely seen since they hide themselves with illusions almost
constantly. They may project illusions at will in up to a 240-foot range (240 yards outdoors), affecting all senses (vision,
hearing, smell, touch, and taste). Furthermore, the illusions will remain real and react as if real for a turn even after the
creator stops concentrating.
A baldandar usually appears either as a high-level human magic-user (using spell-like illusions) or as a large dragon
(using breath weapon illusions). Each victim of the illusory "spell" or "breath" will be affected by the attack as if it were
real, unless a saving throw vs. spells is made with a -4 penalty to the roll. If successful, the illusion is recognized as such,
having no effect.
If cornered, a baldandar attacks with claw and poisonous bite. The victim of a bite attack must make a saving throw vs.
poison with a -4 penalty to the roll or fall asleep for 1 d4 turns.
At will, a baldandar may become invisible and fly. Once per day, it can cast the following spells: polymorph self, poly
morph other, magic jar, and confusion.
Baldandars desire and collect valuables and magic.
Terrain: Any.
Banshee, Lesser*

Armor Class: 3
Hit Dice: 5*(M)
Move: 150’ (50’)
THAC0 15
Attacks: Special wail
Damage: 1d4 per round
No. Appearing: 1 (1)
Save As: Fighter: 5
Death Ray/Poison 10
Magic Wands 11
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 12
Breath Attack 13
Rod/Staff/Spell 14
Morale: 12
Treasure Type: C
Intelligence: 8
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 300

Monster Type: Monster (Very Rare).

Banshees are pale, ghost-like figures. Their shape is roughly humanoid, but taller and thinner than most humans. They
have glowing red eyes and a large, dark mouth. Banshees are supernatural creatures that haunt certain families, usually
warning the family that one of its members is about to die. They may also mourn for a person after his or her death. Thus
they may be found guarding graves, catacombs, and tombs. Sometimes they take the form of a deceased person from the
family that they are associated with, and so are mistaken for ghosts. However, this does not mean that the banshee is the
ghost of the person whose form it assumes, nor does it mean that that person does not rest peacefully. Needless to say, this
habit can cause great confusion.
Disturbed banshees attack with a special wail. All those within 30 feet of the wailing banshee take 1d4 points of damage
each round automatically. Doors or walls will block the sound. A banshee will attack any living creature it sees. It will
continue to wail until it is destroyed or until the intruders have run away.
Banshees can only be harmed by magic or magical weapons. They are immune to sleep, charm, and hold spells. They
are not undead and cannot be turned.
Terrain: Ruins, Settled.

Creature Catalog Page 3


Armor Class: 4
Hit Dice: 12** (L)
Move: 120’ (90’)
Attacks: 1 club/1 bite +special
Damage: 4d6/1d10 +disease
No. Appearing: 1d4 (1d4)
Save As: Fighter: 12
Death Ray/Poison 6
Magic Wands 7
Paralysis/Turn to 8
Breath Attack 9
Rod/Staff/Spell 10
Morale: 8
Treasure Type: D+5000 gp
Intelligence: 10
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 3,000

Monster Type: Monster (Rare).

Bargda live in dark, dismal caves and caverns, only emerging from them to raid isolated settlements. Their bent and
twisted bodies are nine feet tall, and they have distorted ram’s heads with sickly green eyes. The bargda are so hideous in
appearance that humans and demihumans viewing them must make a saving throw vs. spells or suffer a -2 penalty to both
hit and damage rolls.

A bargda attacks with a large, iron-shod wooden club and with its vicious bite. As well as suffering 1d0 points of
damage, any creature bitten by a bargda must make a saving throw vs. poison or be stricken with a debilitating disease.
The disease acts on the victim’s reflexes, slowing them down and causing the victim to lose initiative automatically in
every combat until the disease is cured. In addition, the disease results in the loss of point of Dexterity per hour, although
the disease will never reduce a victim’s Dexterity below 3. A cure disease spell negates the effects of the disease, with
lost Dexterity points returning at the rate of point per day.

Bargda hate all kinds of living creatures except for ogres, trolls and hill giants, whom they dominate and force to do
their bidding. Often, bargda will lead these creatures on raids against human and demihuman settlements.

Terrain: Any except aquatic types or Lost World (especially Cavern); Settled on raids only.
Beetle, Earthquake

Armor Class: -6
Hit Dice: 40** (L)
Move: 180’ (60’)
Burrowing: 90’ (30’)
Attacks: 4 legs/1 bite
Damage: 4d10 (x4)/6d6
No. Appearing: 1 (1)
Save As: Fighter: 36
Death Ray/Poison 2
Magic Wands 2
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 2
Breath Attack 2
Rod/Staff/Spell 2
Morale: 9
Treasure Type: A
Intelligence: 2
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 18,750

Monster Type: Monster (Very Rare).

This 00-foot-long creature is an orange-red beetle with 0 black-furred spider legs and the head and neck of a black
dragon. The monster spends most of its time burrowing in dark, forgotten places, far beneath the earth, but occasionally
comes to the surface in search of prey. It attacks with blows from four of its legs (damage 4d10 each) and with its
powerful bite (6d6 points).
The earthquake beetle gets its name from the great tremors produced by its movement. As the beetle approaches the
surface, the nonmagical tremors have the same effect as an earthquake spell cast by a 25th level cleric.

If the monster has been reduced to half its original hit points, the dragon head can, once per week, breathe a cone of acid
60 feet long and 30 feet wide (handled in the same way as dragon breath). The beetle regenerates 3 hit points per day.

Since the earthquake beetle spends most of its time burrowing underground, it occasionally devours deposits of precious
metal, uncut gems, and even parts of dungeons. Thus, considerable amounts of undigested treasure can often be found
inside the creature’s cavernous stomach.
Terrain: Any.

Creature Catalog Page 4

Beholder, Aquatic

Armor Class: 5
Hit Dice: 13** (hit points special) (M)
Move (swimming): 150’ (50’)
Attacks: 2 claws/1 bite +special
Damage: 2d4/2d4/2d10 +special
No. Appearing: 0 (1)
Save As: Fighter: 13
Death Ray/Poison 6
Magic Wands 6
Paralysis/Turn to 7
Breath Attack 8
Rod/Staff/Spell 9
Morale: 10
Treasure Type: C
Intelligence: 13
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 5,150

Monster Type: Monster (Very Rare).

The aquatic beholder looks similar to its land-dwelling cousin, but has only two eyestalks. The one large front eye is the
same as the land beholder’s, as is the cavernous mouth beneath it. However, the aquatic beholder also has two clawed
arms, similar to a lobster’s. It is found only in the great (and often murky) depths of the ocean.
The front eye can produce a blinding flash once every 3 rounds. Any victim within 60 feet must make a saving throw
vs. death ray or be paralyzed for 1d10 rounds. One of the small eyes can create a charm person spell effect and the other a
hold monster, or, by working together instead of separately, the two can produce a full illusion affecting all the senses.
The monster is very intelligent, and its illusions are very convincing.
The front eye has 20 hit points; each eyestalk has 2. As with the land-dwelling beholder, eye and eyestalk damage is not
included in the total needed to kill the creature, and damaged or destroyed eyes will grow back in 1d4 days.
Terrain: Ocean.

Armor Class: 4
Hit Dice: 7+2** (M)
Move: 20’ (40’)
THAC0 12
Attacks: 2 claws/1 bite
Damage: 1d4/1d4/1d6
No. Appearing: 2d4 (2d4)
Save As: Fighter: 10
Death Ray/Poison 6
Magic Wands 7
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 8
Breath Attack 9
Rod/Staff/Spell 10
Morale: 10
Treasure Type: A
Intelligence: 12
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 1,500

Monster Type: Humanoid (Very Rare).

Bhuts are similar in many ways to lycanthropes and undead. During the daytime, bhuts appear to be normal humans. At
night, their skin becomes scaly, their hair becomes wild, their hands turn into claws, and their teeth become fangs. While
in this form, they hunt humans and demihumans for food. They are extremely cunning and often use deception and
trickery to obtain their meals.
In combat, bhuts attack with their claws and bite. Their bite is freezing to the touch. Besides receiving normal damage,
any creature bitten by a bhut must make a saving throw vs. paralysis or be numbed. Numbed creatures always lose their
initiative, and all attack rolls are at -2. The numbness lasts for 1d4 rounds.
Bhuts have all the immunities of undead creatures (sleep, charm, hold, poison, and gases). They are very stealthy and
difficult to hear. They cannot be turned. They save at three levels higher than their Hit Dice. Bhuts cannot be hit by
nonmagical weapons, but a single hit from a blessed weapon will kill one instantly. In addition, bhuts radiate a powerful
aura, preventing detect evil and know alignment spells from working on them. Know alignment is distorted by the aura
and will seem to reveal a Lawful alignment.
Bhuts prefer to live near human settlements, preying on those living there. Often they will work together. Normally they
will assume some innocent cover (monks, traveling gypsies, a family on the edge of town, etc.) to prevent suspicion.
Terrain: Settled.

Creature Catalog Page 15

Brain Collector (neh-thalggu)

Armor Class: 2
Hit Dice: 10* (L)
Move: 180’ (60)
THAC0 10
Attacks: 1 bite+spells
Damage: 1d10 +spells
No. Appearing: 1(1)
Save As: Fighter: 10
Death Ray/Poison 6
Magic Wands 7
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 8
Breath Attack 9
Rod/Staff/Spell 10
Morale: 10
Treasure Type: C
Intelligence: 11
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 1,750

Monster Type: Planar Monster (Very Rare).

Brain collectors, or neh-thalggu in their own language, are a race of other-dimensional creatures who are only
occasionally able to cross the barriers separating their universe from this one. Only near sources of great magical energy,
where the fabric of time and space is twisted, can they find small gateways. They do not think like any known creature,
but seem, for some purpose, to be driven to collect brains.
A brain collector is truly hideous, with a bloated, yellow-orange, oily, amorphous body from which sprout dozens of
short, writhing tentacles. It scurries about rather swiftly on six crab-like legs. Four large, yellow, bulging eyes and a tooth-
filled maw are set in its bulbous head.
When these creatures slay humans and humanoids, they carefully cut away the top of the head with surgical tools to
expose the brain and then swallow it. The brain then moves into one of several pockets within the brain collector’s own
head, forming a distinctive lump in the head of the monster. For each brain collected, the creature gains the ability to use
one magic-user spell of 1st to 3rd level once per day, determined randomly. Once a brain collector reaches this universe, it
begins to work hard to acquire as many brains in as short a time as possible. A brain collector can collect up to 2 brains at
any one time.
Terrain: Cavern, Ruins, Other Plane.

Creature Catalog Page 6


Brownie Redcap
Armor Class: 7 7
Hit Dice: 2*(S) 2*(S)
Move: 20’ (40’) 20’ (40’)
THAC0 18 18
Attacks: 1 weapon 1 weapon or 2 scratches/1 bite
Damage: 1d6 or by weapon type 1d6 or by weapon type or 1d2/1d2/1
No. Appearing: 0(1) 0(1)
Save As: Halfling: 2 Halfling: 2
Death Ray/Poison 8 8
Magic Wands 9 9
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 10 10
Breath Attack 13 13
Rod/Staff/Spell 12 12
Morale: 8 8
Treasure Type: Nil D
Intelligence: 12 12
Alignment: Lawful Chaotic
XP Value: 25 25

Monster Type: Humanoid (Rare).

The brownie, a homely being of about two and a half feet in height, is a humanoid that usually lives in the homes of
humans. It has the ability to be invisible at will.
Brownies attach themselves to specific households, usually ones in or near woodlands. These households are almost
never in a town or city. The brownies help the occupants by doing household chores, such as sweeping, cleaning,
churning, and threshing, late at night. They ask nothing in return; indeed, to be offered any sort of wages for their work
would be insulting to these earnest wee folk.
It is acceptable, however, to leave small treats as gifts for the little helpers. Each brownie has its own favorite tidbits,
but the best known in folktales are the bowl of fine cream and special little cakes, made of freshly ground meal, which are
toasted on the embers of the hearth and spread with honey.
To keep a brownie happy, one need only leave him these gifts and offer praise for his kind work every once in a while.
But if the work is criticized at all, or if low quality gifts (stale cakes, sour or skim milk, etc.) are left out, the brownie will
take offense and become troublesome. Help will become hindrance as every night he curdles the milk, lets farm animals
and pets out, dirties the house, and rearranges the furniture so that people trip in the dark. The brownie will never cease to
torment his scornful hosts; indeed, he has been known to follow them to new houses. But even an angered brownie is not
normally directly violent, nor will he arrange items or events so as to cause dire physical injuries or death. Rather, his ire
will be shown through tricks made to cause his hosts more work or to embarrass them.
The only way to get rid of a brownie, whether you intend to or not, is to leave clothing out for him. Even a troublesome
brownie will depart immediately if left so much as a tiny cap.
Not all brownies serve as household guardians, but this is their best-known role. They are also known as the guardians
of treasure. People sometimes say a little incantation and leave a little gift when they bury treasure, hoping some nearby
brownie will hear them and take the treasure under his protection. Some restless brownies wander and work mischief,
however, much like human adventurers.
All known brownies are male. It may be that there are female brownies, but they must be quite rare, or their behavior
and appearance must be nearly identical to that of the males.
Redcap: The redcap is an evil brownie. While most brownies are helpful to humankind, redcaps are hurtful. They hate all
mortals—humans, demihumans, and humanoids alike—and sometimes even animals receive their hostility. The only
companions a redcap might have are the fey dogs, the coin-smith.
Redcaps appear as thickset, gnarled old brownies. Their teeth are long and protruding, and their scrawny fingers are
tipped with long, claw-like nails. Peering out from behind their long, tangled, gray hair are bloodshot eyes filled with
malice and anger. They often wear sturdy iron boots, carry a pikestaff, and always, but always, have atop their skulls the
trademark red cap.
While good brownies are attracted to living households, the redcap haunts ruins, especially castles and the sites of
former tyranny. There he flings stones at travelers seeking shelter in his haunt. If given the chance, he will murder them
outright and catch their blood in his cap to maintain its carmine hue.
A redcap normally fights with his pikestaff (damage 66) or knife (damage 64), and always prefers to attack helpless
(preferably sleeping) victims, since he is cowardly at heart. Awake travelers will be harassed, but not usually attacked.
The redcap may become invisible at will. Like pixies, the redcap can remain invisible even while attacking. Attacks
made back at a redcap while it is invisible are at -4 to hit.
Holy symbols prominently displayed will often ward off a redcap, for it has a great fear of the Immortals. Similarly, a
character chanting prayers aloud might be subject to harassment but will not likely be attacked. Holy water is extremely
repulsive to redcaps (2d4+l points of damage from being struck with a vialful).
If somehow disarmed, a redcap can fight with his claw-like nails and a bite (damage 62/62/), but in such an instance
flight would be preferred.
When killed, the redcap vanishes in a sudden burst of flame. The only trace left behind is a single, large tooth. Peasant
lore states that this relic is of value for spells and potions of a Chaotic nature, but most people prudently leave it
untouched, unless they have the means to safely hide or destroy it.
Redcaps are of Chaotic alignment. They often guard ancient treasure in their deserted homes. Such a treasure is always
cleverly hidden and protected by lethal traps.
Terrain: Brownie: Settled, Woods; Redcap: Ruins.
Creature Catalog Page 7

Cat, Great

Bekkah Cheetah Jaguar

Armor Class: 4 5 6
Hit Dice: 12* (L) 3*(M) 4+2 (M)
Move: 150’ (50’) 180’ (60’) or 300’ (100’) 180’ (60)
THAC0 9 17 15
Attacks: 2 claws/1 bite+special 2 claws/1 bite 2 claws/1 bite
Damage: 1d10/1d10/3d8 1d2/1d2/1d6 1d3/1d3/1d8+1d4+1/1d4+1
No. Appearing: 1 (1d2) 0 (1d6) 1 (1d3)
Save As: Fighter: 6 Fighter: 2 Fighter: 2
Death Ray/Poison 10 12 12
Magic Wands 11 13 13
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 12 14 14
Breath Attack 13 15 15
Rod/Staff/Spell 14 16 16
Morale: 10 9 11
Treasure Type: Nil Nil Nil
Intelligence: 4 2 2
Alignment: Neutral Neutral Neutral
XP Value: 1,250 50 125
Lynx Wildcat
Armor Class: 5 6 5
Hit Dice: 2+2 (M) 6+2 (L) 1 (S)
Move: 50’ (50’) 50’ (50’) 50’ (50’)
THAC0 17 13 15
Attacks: 2 claws/ bite 2 claws/ bite 2 claws/ bite
Damage: 1d2/1d2/1d4 1d4/1d4/1d10 l/l/1d3
No. Appearing: 1d2 (1d4) 1d3 (1d6+4) 1d2 (1d2)
Save As: Fighter: 1 Fighter: 3 Normal Man
Death Ray/Poison 12 12 14
Magic Wands 13 13 15
Paralysis/Turn to
14 14 16
Breath Attack 15 15 17
Rod/Staff/Spell 16 16 17
Morale: 9 9 7
Treasure Type: Nil Nil Nil
Intelligence: 2 2 2
Alignment: Neutral Neutral Neutral
XP Value: 25 350 10

Creature Catalog Page 8

Monster Type: Normal Animal (Common).

Like the other great cats, these generally avoid combat except when hunting for food or in self-defense. They do not
normally wander underground, but may make their homes in caves or old excavations. There is a 25% chance that any
cat’s lair will contain 1d4 cubs. Great cats will fiercely defend their lairs (+2 to morale) or young (+4 to morale) against
Although great cats do not collect treasure for its own sake, their lairs may contain money, gems, jewelry and even
small magical items carried into them (the lairs) along with the bodies of their victims.
Bekkah: This is a variety of unusually large black panther which inhabits dense tropical jungles and warm forests. They
are awesome killers, and those who encounter a bekkah seldom live to tell the tale. This is not unconnected to the fact that
anyone hearing the beast’s terrifying roar must make a successful saving throw vs. spells or stand rooted to the spot for
2d4 rounds. Characters rooted to the spot may still fight the beast, but suffer a penalty of -2 to their attack and damage
rolls (a minimum of point of damage).
Although few have ever escaped from a bekkah, the disappearance of victims and the beasts’ massive pawprints are
ample evidence of the creatures’ existence for those who live in or near their jungle homes. For jungled-dwellers the
mystery surrounding bekkah and their seeming invulnerability often leads to the cats being afforded the status of gods. A
tribe which shares a jungle with one or more bekkah may attempt to placate the beast with sacrifices of animals (or even
people) left bound and helpless at traditional locations where the cats know to look.
Cheetah: These great cats are among the fastest of all land animals, and take advantage of their speed when hunting
prey on the warm, tropical plains and grasslands where they live. Their normal prey are large herbivores such as antelopes
or zebra, but cheetah will often attack characters or their horses. They are territorial, but do not have permanent lairs. The
normal movement rate of cheetahs is 80’ (60’), but they are able to sprint at 300’ (00’) for up to 6 rounds. After sprinting,
their movement rate drops to 20’ (40’) for turn. Some humanoids (for example, primitive humans and rakasta) have been
known to capture and train cheetahs for use in the hunt or in warfare.
Jaguar: These great cats inhabit tropical jungles and warmer temperate forests. They are particularly aggressive, and
will viciously attack any creature which they feel threatened by. If both of a jaguar’s front claws strike an opponent in the
same round, the cat can also rake the victim with its two rear claws (+2 to hit; Damage 1d4+ each). Jaguars are very good
climbers, and can attack by leaping down from the branches of a tree (+1 to hit, surprise on -3 on 1d6).
Lynx: This is a variety of great cat found most often in cold regions, particularly forested areas. They can leap, climb,
and swim well, and their natural camouflage means that they surprise victims on a roll of -4 on 1d6. Their prey is
generally small, and they are unlikely to attack characters for food. They will, however, fight large opponents if they feel
Spotted Lion: These animals are similar in form and behavior to normal lions except for their larger size (about 30%
bigger) and speckled coloration. They roam the plains and hills of lost world areas.
Wildcat: Wildcats are closely related to domestic cats which they resemble, apart from their size—wildcats are as large
as a normal dog. They are tree-dwellers and can be found in almost any wilderness environment, with the exception of
deserts and arctic regions. They hunt mainly small game and avoid people if possible. However, like cheetahs, wildcats
are sometimes trained for use as hunting animals by humanoid groups.
Terrain: See individual cat descriptions, above.

Creature Catalog Page 9


Armor Class: 7
Hit Dice: 2 (S)
Move: 90’ (30’)
THAC0 18
Attacks: 1 bite or weapon
Damage: 1d4 or by weapon
No. Appearing: 0 (10d6)
Save As: Fighter: 1
Death Ray/Poison 12
Magic Wands 13
Paralysis/Turn to
Breath Attack 15
Rod/Staff/Spell 16
Morale: 8(9)
Treasure Type: K
Intelligence: 9
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 20

Monster Type: Humanoid (Common).

Cay-men are small, intelligent, reptilian humanoids. They are related to lizard men, although they are much smaller
(standing no more than one foot high) and are more intelligent. Cay-men fashion weapons from bones, and some wear
bone-and-feather headdresses. They can speak the Common tongue, their own language, and sometimes the languages of
other creatures of the area.
They are not warlike, usually fighting only in defense of their homes or for some necessary gain (territory or food
sources). In combat a cay-man normally uses a small javelin or large dagger (almost a short sword in size). Both weapons
inflict 1d6 points of damage. However, cay-men know that they are not suited to fighting. They prefer to make quick
attacks and get to cover before the enemy can respond.
Cay-men build underground villages with tunnels and chambers one to two feet high. These villages are often protected
by palisades of packed dirt and woven reeds, and have numerous entrances to them. Villages are led by a shaman (AC 6;
HD 5-7) who can cast spells as a cleric of the same level. These shamans live longer than normal cay-men, and when a
shaman is present, the morale of all cay-men is increased by 1.
Terrain: Open, River/Lake, Swamp, Woods.

Chameleon Men

Armor Class: 9
Hit Dice: 2*(M)
Move: 120’ (40’)
THAC0 18
Attacks: 1 weapon
Damage: By weapon
No. Appearing: 2d4 (5d4)
Save As: Fighter: 2
Death Ray/Poison 12
Magic Wands 13
Paralysis/Turn to 14
Breath Attack 15
Rod/Staff/Spell 16
Morale: 7
Treasure Type: (Q+S) E
Intelligence: 10
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 25

Monster Type: Humanoid (Rare).

Chameleon men usually live in deep caverns or in dense forests far from civilization. They are seven feet tall and quite
thin, with spindly arms and legs. They move with a gangling, awkward stride. They have multicolored skin with tiger-like
stripes of red, blue, green, yellow, brown, orange, black, and white.
Each round a chameleon man can vanish and reappear in another place up to 20 feet away from the spot where he
vanished. This vanishing move is instantaneous. The control of this ability is so precise that chameleon men never
reappear in midair or inside solid objects. However, since the ability is instantaneous, a where someone else is standing
when the chameleon man vanishes. If several chameleon men use this ability in the same area, they all reappear without
bumping into each other.
A chameleon man cannot attack in the same round that he uses this ability, because of the amount of mental
concentration required by him to vanish. A group of chameleon men will usually work in concert, using their vanishing
ability to surround their unsuspecting opponents.
The warriors of this race are usually armed with daggers, spears or clubs. They never wear armor, however, since they
cannot carry much weight when vanishing. Chameleon men leaders, known as lords of shade and hue, have 4 Hit Dice
and have 1d20+10 bodyguards who always accompany them (HD 2). Both leaders and bodyguards have a morale of 9.
Terrain: Cavern, Woods.
Creature Catalog Page 20

Horse Form Centaur Form

Armor Class: 2 5
Hit Dice: 7*(L) 7*(L)
Move: 270’ (90’) 800’ (60’)
THAC0 13 13
Attacks: 2 hooves/1 bite 2 hooves/1 weapon
Damage: 1d6/1d6/1d8 1d6/1d6/by weapon
No. Appearing: 0 (1d3) 0 (1d3)
Save As: Fighter: 7 Fighter: 7
Death Ray/Poison 8 8
Magic Wands 9 9
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 10 10
Breath Attack 11 11
Rod/Staff/Spell 12 12
Morale: 11 9
Treasure Type: C C
Intelligence: 12 12
Alignment: Neutral Neutral
XP Value: 850 850

Armor Class: 4(9)

Hit Dice: 3*(S)
Move: 10’ (3’)
Through rock 1’ (⅓’)
THAC0 17
Attacks: 1 strangulation or ripping
Damage: 1d8 (strangle) or 1d4 (ripping)
No. Appearing: 1d6 (1d6)
Save As: Fighter: 3
Death Ray/Poison 12
Magic Wands 13
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 14
Breath Attack 15
Rod/Staff/Spell 16
Morale: 4
Treasure Type: Nil
Intelligence: 3
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 50

Monster Type: Humanoid (Rare).

The choker is a creature found in caves and caverns. It is more or less humanoid, having two arms, two legs, a torso and
a head. But though their torsos and heads are small and compact, the size of a baby human’s, their arms and legs—and
fingers—are incredibly spindly and long, so that an adult choker, stretched to its full length, would stand nearly six feet
Chokers’ limbs are like tentacles, having cartilage but no actual bones. The choker lives by crawling along the
crevasses, dry underground riverbeds, and air shafts that accompany dwarven or other subterranean building sites. Finding
an opening into an area where dwarves, humans, or humanoids pass, it lies in wait. When a lone creature passes, the
choker reaches out and begins to strangle it.
If the attack succeeds, the creature uses cutting cartilage on its fingers to carve its victim into readily transportable
pieces, and then it carts the pieces away. If the victim puts up too much resistance, however, the choker quickly turns and
flees the area. Chokers don’t care for resistance. Most of them will leave the area if they have not dispatched their
intended victim within 2 to 6 rounds.
Chokers tend to be stony brown in color. They are vaguely intelligent and have a primitive language, but do not make or
use tools.
Terrain: Cavern.
Creature Catalog Page 21


Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: 3** (S to L)
Move: 900’ (300’)
THAC0 17
Attacks: 2 hooves
Damage: 2d4/2d4
No. Appearing: 0 (1)
Save As: Elf: 3
Death Ray/Poison 12
Magic Wands 13
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 13
Breath Attack 15
Rod/Staff/Spell 15
Morale: 10
Treasure Type: Nil
Intelligence: 7
Alignment: Lawful (see below)
XP Value: 50

Monster Type: Enchanted Animal (Very Rare).

The coltpixy is an enchanted pony or horse, distantly related to unicorns, that is encountered chiefly in the service of
important fairies (brownies, leprechauns, pixies, sprites, and other wee folk). Wild coltpixies, of Chaotic alignment,
delight in leading normal horses astray, to the bedevilment of their mortal riders; but the creatures are otherwise shy,
gentle, and loyal beasts. If explicitly commanded by its fey master to do so, a coltpixy will carry normal humans or
demihumans, but never for a very long period of time.
Coltpixies are able to alter their size, from that of the largest horses to a single hand high, to accommodate the sizes of
their riders. They are also able to change their coloration, often appearing with gaudy manes and tails to complement their
riders’ attire.
Whatever their size, coltpixies travel with equal haste, and they are not hindered in their movement by rough terrain,
bogs, or even water. Like their fairy masters, coltpixies can make themselves invisible to mortals.
Terrain: Any.
Load: 3,000 en at full speed or 6,000 en at half speed.
Barding Multiplier: xl. Note, however, that magical barding is required if the coltpixy is to be able to change shape
(and the barding with it).

Creature Catalog Page 22

Crone of Chaos

Armor Class: 7
Hit Dice: 6*(M)
Move: 120’ (40’)
THAC0 14
Attacks: 2
Damage: 1d6/1d6
No. Appearing: 1 (1)
Save As: Fighter: 6
Death Ray/Poison 10
Magic Wands 11
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 12
Breath Attack 13
Rod/Staff/Spell 14
Morale: 10
Treasure Type: S+U
Intelligence: 14
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 500

Monster Type: Humanoid (Very Rare).

A crone of chaos is a very intelligent, evil-natured creature who uses deception to cause pain and suffering. In its true
form, a crone has wrinkled, leathery skin, sparse hair, long and crooked arms, fangs, and large hands with claw-like
fingers. It normally lives alone in evil forests or desolate wildernesses, often in a cave. A crone has unusually keen
hearing and eyesight, and is surprised only on a roll of 1 on 1d6.
The creature has several magical attacks which are natural powers, not spells (although they can be revealed by a detect
magic and dispelled by dispel magic). The most important of these powers is an illusion power that allows it to look like a
human or demihuman character. It usually disguises itself as a beautiful young woman. In this form it uses animal control
and daggers of sorcery to attack. It can only make one magical attack per round and both attacks have a range of 240 feet
(yards outdoors). A crone can still maintain its illusion power while employing its other magical attacks, and fights in its
true form only if surprised or if the other attacks have failed to defeat its victims.
Animal Control: The crone can control 1d6 normal or giant animals automatically (no saving throw).
Daggers of Sorcery: This attack creates1 d6 ghostly white daggers, which appear in midair and attack. Each dagger
attacks a different target and fights until either the dagger is destroyed or the victim is killed. The crone controls the
movement of the daggers. She will direct each dagger to follow its target as the target moves. The daggers can be attacked
as if they were living creatures (AC 2, HD 1, hp 1, #AT 1, Damage 1d4, Save as Fighter: 1). Any hit on a dagger destroys
it. As each dagger is destroyed, all characters who fought that dagger must make a saving throw vs. spells. Those failing
their saving throws become dizzy and weak for 6 rounds (-2 to attack rolls and saving throw), while those who make
successful saving throws are unaffected.
Terrain: Any except Settled and aquatic types.


Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: 2+1* (M)
Move: 60’ (20’)
On ice: 180’ (60’)
THAC0 17
Attacks: 1 weapon
Damage: By weapon
No. Appearing: 0 (10d4),
1d4x50 +
(see below)
Save As: Fighter: 2
Death Ray/Poison 12
Magic Wands 13
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 14
Breath Attack 15
Rod/Staff/Spell 16
Morale: 9
Treasure Type: A
Intelligence: 35
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 35

Monster Types: Humanoid (Rare).

Cryions live in cold and icy climates. They are covered with white fur and resemble large, bipedal bats. Their large foot
claws curve to form skates beneath their feet. These skates are used for traveling across icy wastes. The wings of a cryion
are not used for flying, but as sails to propel the cryion across the ice. Cryions have large ears which give them excellent
hearing (hear noise on -4 on 1d6). Their eyesight is also good. Cryions are only surprised on a roll of 1 on 1d6.
Cryions live in groups of 0-40 (10d4), called mnelds, and are nomadic. They travel over vast areas of ice, propelled by
the wind in their wings. They live in buildings made from animal skins and hides. When groups of cryion move to new
hunting grounds, they transport their homes in sail-propelled sleighs.
Once every three years, cryion groups congregate in vast hordes at the edge of the ice to trade, marry, fish, and
otherwise enjoy themselves. The location of this meeting varies, but it is always held in a place sacred to the cryions.
During the celebration groups are generally far larger than the normal ones—usually 50-200 (5d4xl0) members. Some
groups have as many as 500 members.
These large groups follow charismatic leaders on winter expeditions into more temperate areas. The cryions use frozen
waterways to sweep down on isolated settlements to gain treasure and metal goods. How they gain these matters little;
sometimes they trade furs with one settlement, but at another similar settlement they will attack for no apparent reason.
What is certain is that they have no understanding of any folk but themselves. Before the ice melts, the cryions return
home and break up into smaller groups, spending the next three years in new mnelds before again meeting together.
Cryions use large harpoons which inflict 1d8 points of damage. If these harpoons are used by a fast-moving (or
charging) cryion, they inflict double damage. They otherwise use whatever weapons they have gained from their
excursions into the temperate lands.
Cryion leaders can have as many as 8 Hit Dice, but mneld leaders generally have between 4 and 7 Hit Dice. Shamans
are not unknown among the cryions, but are rare. Most mnelds do not have one, but those that do (1 in 6 chance per
group) have shamans of 1st—5th level. Cryions are resistant to cold and suffer only minimum damage from cold attacks.
Terrain: Cold/Arctic.

Creature Catalog Page 23

Dark Wing

Armor Class: 5
Hit Dice: 3* (M)
Move: 60’ (20’)
Flying: 80’ (60’)
THAC0 17
Attacks: 2 claws, 1 bite
Damage: 1d4/1d4/1d6
No. Appearing: 1d3x10 (1d3x10)
Save As: Fighter: 3
Death Ray/Poison 12
Magic Wands 13
Paralysis/Turn to 14
Breath Attack 15
Rod/Staff/Spell 16
Morale: 9
Treasure Type: B
Intelligence: 7
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 50

Monster Type: Humanoid (Very Rare).

Dark wings inhabit high rocky crags and mountains. They have green, scaly bodies and black, leathery wings. The
creatures are nocturnal and never come out of their dark, eerie caves during the day. At night they flock forth to the
lowlands to hunt.
Dark wings dislike bright lights and never leave their caves on the nights of the full moon. A light spell causes them to
fight with a penalty of - to attack and damage rolls, and also to make morale checks at -. A continual light spell causes
them to fight at -2 to hit and damage, and immediately to make a morale check or flee to their lair. These effects are not
cumulative, so dark wings subject to both light and continual light spells are at -2 to hit and damage, not -3. Dark wings
that make successful morale checks fight to the death, but still suffer the penalties incurred by bright lights.
Because of their dark coloration and ability to glide, dark wings surprise opponents on a roll of l-4 on d6. Two dark
wings acting in unison can swoop down and carry off a human-sized creature if both make a attack roll of 8 or more.
Larger creatures such as horses or cattle are killed and dismembered before being taken to the lair.
A dark wing lair is a foul and unsettling place, covered in the creatures’ filth and the bones of their victims. There will
always be 2d6 young roosting on ledges around the caves. These young dark wings will fight if threatened or attacked
(AC 8; HD 1-1; #AT 1 bite; Damage 1d3).
Terrain: Cavern, Mountain, Hills, Open (night only).

Creature Catalog Page 24

Darkhood (Rorphyr)*

Armor Class: -2
Hit Dice: 13* (M)
Move: 240’ (80’) (see below)
Attacks: 1 touch +special
Damage: 1d4 +fear
No. Appearing: 1d2 (0)
Save As: Magic-User:
Death Ray/Poison 9
Magic Wands 10
Paralysis/Turn to 9
Breath Attack 12
Rod/Staff/Spell 9
Morale: 9
Treasure Type: V
Intelligence: 14
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 2,300

Monster Type: Undead (Very Rare).

The hideous undead creature known as a darkhood (or rorphyr) thrives on the emanations of fear which it creates in its
fleeing victims. Although the creature seldom does much physical harm to its victims, it will often leave a party scattered,
weakened, and vulnerable to attacks by other creatures.
The darkhood appears as a gray, translucent, robed figure whose cowled face is completely hidden in shadow. Each
darkhood has a particular territory (typically a few hundreds of feet in diameter) in a crypt, old dungeon, or abandoned
village or town. The darkhood is unable to leave its territory. Within it, however, the darkhood has complete freedom of
movement, being unimpaired even by solid objects. For example, it will often appear unexpectedly by emerging from a
wall, floor, or ceiling.
A darkhood can only be hit by magical weapons of +2 or better, and is immune to spells such as sleep, charm, hold, and
so on. The creature can be turned as a haunt, and like it is only destroyed on a "D" result if it fails a saving throw vs. spell.
The darkhood can draw visions from the dark and hidden depths of its victims’ imaginations. Those who are the most
intelligent have the most fertile minds and so are the most susceptible to this form of attack. Because of this, anyone
seeing the darkhood must make a reversed ability check by rolling higher than his or her Intelligence on 1d20. The DM
may choose to make characters who have recently undergone particularly harrowing experiences more susceptible to the
darkhood’s visions by subtracting between and 3 from the die roll.
To those who roll greater than their Intelligence on ld20, the shadowy void beneath the creature’s cowl remains empty.
To those who roll less than or the same as their Intelligence, the cowl becomes filled by hideous visions from the depths
of their imaginations. Those who experience such a vision flee in terror from the darkhood, running maniacally at 30 feet
more than their usual movement rate for 1d4+2 rounds, and changing route at random.
Running from a darkhood is very exhausting, and fleeing characters must make a saving throw vs. spells each round or
temporarily lose 1d3 points of Constitution (plus any hit points that may result from this reduction). Characters whose
Constitution drops below 3 will fall unconscious until their Constitution rises to 3 or more. Lost Constitution is regained
at a rate of point per turn.
Once a victim has experienced the fear of a particular darkhood and has recovered from it, she or he is immune to
further fear attacks from that creature for the next 24 hours.
In melee, the darkhood attacks with a chilling touch which causes -4 points of lingering cold damage. The touch also
fills the victim with an overwhelming terror which has the same effect as an imaginary vision seen in its cowl.
It is from terrified and fleeing characters (affected by touch or vision) that the darkhood draws its sustenance. It will
pursue them until they drop, often overtaking them by moving unseen through the walls so as to suddenly appear in front
of them. In this way, the darkhood will keep fleeing victims herded within its territory.
The darkhood ignores unconscious victims and gives up its "attacks" once all of its victims have collapsed, recovered
from their fear, or have left its territory. The creature, sated from the hunt, will then return to its lair.
Terrain: Cavern, Ruins.

Creature Catalog Page 25

Death Fiend (Ostego)

Armor Class: 4
Hit Dice: 7** (L)
Move: 90’ (30’)
Flying: 80’ (60’)
THAC0 13
Attacks: 2 claws/1 bite
Damage: 1d4/1d4/2d4
No. Appearing: 1d4 (1d4)
Save As: Fighter: 7
Death Ray/Poison 8
Magic Wands 9
Paralysis/Turn to
Breath Attack 11
Rod/Staff/Spell 12
Morale: 10
Treasure Type: E
Intelligence: 8
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 1,250
Decapus (Land and Marine)

Armor Class: 5
Hit Dice: 4 (M)
Move: 90’ (30’)
On ground/hunting: 3’ (1’)
THAC0 15
Attacks: 9 tentacles or 10 tentacles
Damage: 1d6 each
No. Appearing: 0 (1)
Save As: Fighter: 2
Death Ray/Poison 12
Magic Wands 13
Paralysis/Turn to 14
Breath Attack 15
Rod/Staff/Spell 16
Morale: 9
Treasure Type: C
Intelligence: 11
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 75

Monster Type: Monster (Rare).

Land Decapus: These foul creatures are usually found in forests. They look like bloated, four-foot-wide, hairy globes
from which sprout 0 long tentacles. The hair is usually brown, sometimes black, and the body is often green, although
purple or yellow examples have been found. In the center of the decapus’s body is its mouth, which is terrible to behold. It
is extremely wide and has long, yellow teeth and horribly foul breath.
Decapuses usually live alone, preferring to hunt by themselves. When hunting, they swing through the trees, scooping
up any prey they encounter in their tentacles. These tentacles are 0 feet long, and they extend from all parts of a decapus’s
body. They are covered with suckers which the decapus can use not only to grasp its prey, but also to climb walls and
ceilings. In combat, the decapus most frequently hangs from the ceiling or trees with one of its tentacles and attacks its
unfortunate victim with the other nine.
On the ground, the decapus is much more helpless. Its tentacles are not strong enough to support its weight upright for
long periods of time. On the ground, the decapus can only manage six attacks, and these only do half damage. When
swinging from tree limbs, the decapus’s movement rate is 90’ (30’). On the ground, the decapus can only move 3’ (I).
Marine Decapus: Apart from its coloration (which is mostly greens and blues), the marine decapus is identical
in appearance to the land-based creature. It hunts by drifting slowly through the water (during which time its movement
slows to 3’ (I)) with its tentacles spread out around it in all directions. Since its weight is supported by the water and it has
no need to anchor itself, the creature is able to attack with all 0 tentacles at once.
Terrain: Land: Ruins, Swamp, Woods; Marine: River/Lake, Ocean.

Creature Catalog Page 25

Deep Glaurant

Armor Class: 4
Hit Dice: 7* (L)
Move: 90’ (30’)
Gliding: 20’ (40’)
Swimming: 90’ (30’)
THAC0 13
Attacks: 4 claws/1 bite
Damage: 2d4/ 2d4/ 2d4/
2d4/ 1d4
No. Appearing: 1d2 (1d2)
Save As: Fighter: 8
Death Ray/Poison 8
Magic Wands 9
Paralysis/Turn to
Breath Attack 11
Rod/Staff/Spell 12
Morale: 10
Treasure Type: N, O, magic
Intelligence: 7
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 850

Monster Type: Monster (Very Rare).

This rare race of evil predators inhabits caverns deep beneath the world’s surface. A glaurant hunts anything and
everything it sees move for food. It will fight until seriously wounded or threatened with death, or until its opponent is
slain (whereupon it will immediately feed).
Deep glaurants are named for their strange gulping call, which they make deep in their throats when excited. When
creeping up on prey or when encountered alone, they will be eerily silent.
Deep glaurants can cause magical darkness about themselves once every third round (such darkness lasting for the
entire round) if they so desire, merely by silent effort of will. Glaurants are intelligent enough to arrange rockfall traps and
deadly ambushes, and will use magic gained from caches, tombs, and victims as weapons against foes or to trade when
caught at disadvantage. A favorite attack of a glaurant is to dive onto prey in silence and darkness from a high perch.
Glaurants are massively muscled, scaled, and ochre to stony-gray in hue. Humanoid in form, they stand eight feet tall.
Their four limbs end in iron-strong, sharp-nailed claws which enable them to rend flesh and climb over stone with equal
ease. They are capable diggers and have little wings—like broad, webbed claws—protruding from their shoulders. These
wings can be folded flat or sculled with dextrous skill, and are used as aids in swimming, climbing, and turning falls into
Glaurant can see up to 90 feet with infravision and are not bothered by normal or bright light. They have horns on their
heads which curl over their ears. These horns and their ability to create darkness sometimes lead to their being confused
with Death Fiends.
Deep glaurants are rumored to have cities and a civilization far underground.
Terrain: Cavern.

Creature Catalog Page 27

Desert Ghost

Immature Mature
Armor Class: Not applicable 3
Hit Dice: 4* (M) 5**-8** (L)
Move: 30’ (0’) 20’ (40’)
THAC0 16 14,13,12
Attacks: By contact 1 touch
Damage: 1d6 1d8 per HD
No. Appearing: (0) 3d4 (0) 2d4
Save As: Fighter: 4 Fighter: 5 6-8
Death Ray/Poison 10 10 8
Magic Wands 11 11 9
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 12 12 10
Breath Attack 13 13 11
Rod/Staff/Spell 14 14 12
Morale: 10 10
Treasure Type: Nil See below
Intelligence: 3 5-8
Alignment: Neutral Neutral
XP Value: 25 425, 725, 1,250 or 1,750

Monster Type: Planar Monster (Very Rare).

Despite their name, desert ghosts are not undead. In fact, they are elemental creatures composed of sand and dust,
deriving their being from the Plane of Earth. They are unaffected by mind-affecting spells such as sleep, hold and charm
Desert ghosts enter the Prime Plane through wormholes during violent or magical sandstorms and, in their immature
form, appear as patches of slightly sparkling sand, drifting across the desert dunes as though being blown by a gentle
breeze. In this form they can travel great distances, feeding on the tiny charges of static electricity that accumulate in the
sand and dust.
Immature desert ghosts are not aggressive, but if they come into contact with any metal object larger than a dagger (for
example, metal armor, a sword, etc.) they involuntarily release their electrical charge through it. This kills the desert
ghost, but causes 1d6 points of damage to anyone in contact with the object. Since death can come to them so easily in
this way, desert ghosts have an instinctive hatred of metal and metal users.
During sandstorms, desert ghosts gather in large numbers, although whether they simply sense storms or actually cause
them is not known. During a storm, a desert ghost can travel great distances on the wind and may also develop into its
mature form—a sparkling, vaguely human-shaped "ghost" of sand and dust which can stride across the desert.
In this form, desert ghosts are truly dangerous, for they are more intelligent and purposeful in their actions and have
been known to carry out deliberate attacks against metal-bearing creatures. A mature sand ghost attacks by touch, causing
1d8 points of electrical damage (halved by a successful saving throw vs. spells) per contact, but losing 1d4 (1d2 if the
victim makes the saving throw) of its own hit points in the process. Additionally, on an attack roll of 9 or 20, some of the
dust and sand that makes up the creature gets into the victim’s eyes, causing blindness (-4 to hit, +4 to be hit) until the
sand and dust are washed out. A successful saving throw vs. dragon breath means that the victim has avoided the blinding
Mature desert ghosts are unaffected by nonmetal weapons. Any melee attack with a metal weapon causes normal
damage to the mature desert ghost, but the attacker also suffers 1d3 points of electrical damage. Metal or metal-tipped
missile weapons cause only half normal damage, but the user is not affected by any electrical discharge. Electrical attacks,
such as lightning bolts, actually increase a desert ghost’s hit points by the same number that they would normally reduce
Desert ghosts are immune to normal fire and take minimum damage from magical fire, but water causes the same
damage to them as burning oil (1d8). Desert ghosts are hostile toward creatures from the Plane of Water.
Desert ghosts never have any metallic treasure, although small areas of the desert where they congregate may (30%) be
scattered with 2-20 small gems worth 0-50 gp each. Very rarely (1%), a scroll of some type, picked up and carried for
miles by a desert ghost, will also be found in their possession.
Terrain: Desert, Elemental Plane of Earth.

Creature Catalog Page 28


Allosanrus Ankylasaurus Archelon Brontosaurus Dimetrodon Trachodon Tylosaurus

Armor Class: 5 0 4 5 5 5 -2
Hit Dice: 13 (L) 7 (L) 6 (L) 26 (L) 7 (L) 14 (L) 21 (L)
Move: 50’ (50’) 60’ (20’) 30’ (10’) 60’ (20’) 20’ (40’) 20’ (20’) 90’ (30’)
Swimming: 50’ (50’) 360’ (20’)
THAC0 9 13 14 2 13 8 5
Attacks: 1 bite 1 tail 1 bite 1 bite/1 tail 1 bite 1 tail 1 bite
Damage: 4d6 2d6 2d6 2d6/3d6 7d12 2d6 7d12
0 (1d4) 0 (1d8) 0 (1d4) 0 (1d3) 0 (1d3) 0 (1d6) 0 (1d3)
Save As: Fighter: 7 Fighter: 4 Fighter: 3 Fighter: 3 Fighter: 2 Fighter: 7 Fighter: 2
8 10 12 12 12 8 12
Magic Wands 9 11 13 13 13 9 13
10 12 14 14 14 10 14
to Stone
Breath Attack 11 13 15 15 15 11 15
Rod/Staff/Spell 12 14 16 16 16 12 16
Morale: 9 10 5 8 8 6 0
V Nil Nil Nil V Nil Nil
Intelligence: 2 2 2 2 1 1 1
Alignment: Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
XP Value: 1,350 450 275 3,570 450 1,500 2,500

Monster Type: Prehistoric Animal (Rare).

All dinosaurs are very stupid (Intelligence 0-3), and can easily be fooled. Their prime motivation is hunger, and little
else can penetrate their dim brains! Carnivores are usually ferocious and voracious. They will pursue anything that looks
or smells edible. Herbivores, however, tend to ignore all nonedible things which do not appear to threaten them and flee in
panic from anything which they view as dangerous, although certain types (for example, ankylosauruses) can be very
aggressive if cornered.
For other lost world setting animals, see Animal, Prehistoric.
Allosaurus: This creature is a huge carnivorous dinosaur that runs upright on its large hind legs. It stands almost 5 feet
tall and weighs several tons. The allosaurus attacks by biting with its large jaws, which are lined with dagger-like teeth.
The allosaurus is usually found in lowland hills and plains.
Ankylosaurus: The body of an ankylosaurus is covered with thick, bony armor and ends in a massive club-like tail.
This dinosaur walks on four legs and eats plants. Average specimens are 5 feet long, four feet tall and weigh four to five
tons—most of this weight being in the armor plating and tail. If attacked (or threatened) an ankylosaurus will lash out with
its tail, delivering blows of considerable force. The preferred habitat of an ankylosaurus is jungles and hills.
Archelon: The archelon is a prehistoric reptile, the ancestor of modern sea turtles. Its 2-foot-diameter shell is not hard
and calceous, but rather thick and leathery, like the soft-shelled tortoise.
The archelon prefers salt water and feeds on fish. It usually crawls onto land only for the purpose of breeding, for which
it requires sandy beaches. Humans who live near archelons may hunt them for food and hides (the thick back skin is
excellent material for armor and shields), and seek their eggs for food.
Brontosaurus: This is one of the largest of all dinosaurs. It has a strong, tapering tail and a massive body that supports
a long neck with a relatively small head. Although a herbivore, the creature is 65-75 feet long and weighs more than 30
tons, which means that it needs to eat almost continuously.
A brontosaurus is so heavy that it needs to spend most of its time in water to help to support its weight.
If only its neck is showing above the water, the brontosaurus may be mistaken for a plesiosaurus or sea serpent. The
brontosaurus can only be found on the edge of marshes or lakes, and it will move into deep water to avoid carnivores.
Dimetrodon: A dimetrodon is a sail-backed, meat-eating dinosaur. The sail is a comb of long, bony spines connected
with a skin webbing. The dimetrodon is about 0 feet long and weighs nearly a ton. Dimetrodons most often hunt their prey
in hills and in the drier areas of swamps.
Trachodon: A trachodon is a duck-billed dinosaur that stands 5-8 feet tall. This beast runs erect on its hind legs. The
dinosaur eats only plants, but can be dangerous if enraged.
Tylosaurus: This creature is a huge, aquatic, carnivorous dinosaur. Its body is 90 feet long, and its head is capped by a
high dorsal crest. Tylosauruses can swim very swiftly, propelled by their four broad fins. When a tylosaurus’s bite hits, it
holds on doggedly, inflicting automatic bite damage each round thereafter. The victim may attack the creature while being
bitten, but with a -4 penalty to attack rolls.
Terrain: See individual descriptions, above; Lost World (prehistoric).

Creature Catalog Page 29


Normal Elven War

Armor Class: 7 3 7
Hit Dice: 2 (S) 2+3* (M) 2+2 (M)
Move: 180’ (60’) 180’ (60’) 120’ (40’)
THAC0 18 17 17
Attacks: 1 bite 1 bite 1 bite
Damage: 1d6 2d6 2d4
No. Appearing: 2d6 (3d6) 1d3 (1d6) Varies
Save As: Fighter: 1 Elf: 3 Fighter: 1
Death Ray/Poison 12 12 12
Magic Wands 13 13 13
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 14 13 14
Breath Attack 15 15 15
Rod/Staff/Spell 16 15 16
Morale: 8 or 6 8 11
Treasure Type: Nil Nil Nil
Intelligence: 3 3 3
Alignment: Neutral Neutral Neutral
XP Value: 20 35 25

Monster Type: Normal Animal (Common); Elven Dogs; Monster (Rare).

Normal Dogs: These carnivores hunt in packs, and can be quite aggressive and persistant, especially if they are feral
(pets gone wild) and have no natural fear of humankind. Although they prefer wilderness, they may occasionally be found
in caves. If three or fewer dogs are encountered, or if the pack is reduced to less than 50% of its original numbers, their
morale is 6 rather than 8. These average-sized dogs run from one to two and a half feet high at the shoulder and from one
and half feet to three feet long, not counting their tails. For packs of larger dogs, use the statistics for war dogs or wolves.
Elven Dogs: Elven dogs, often called coin-sith or fey hounds, are trained and used by fairy folk (such as brownies,
pixies, and sprites) as companions and watchdogs. They have the ability to become invisible to mortals (which is just like
invisibility, except that fairy creatures can still perceive the coin-sith). When visible, they appear as large, black-and-green
dogs. Their eyes sometimes glow with a disturbing, flickering verdance, and their tongues may have a similarly
fluctuating green radiance. These unusual characteristics are often described inaccurately as fire, and so coin-sith are
sometimes mistaken for hellhounds. Some do speculate that there is some relation between the fairy dogs and those
infernal canines. Like normal dogs, coin-sith are intelligent and fiercely loyal to their masters.
War Dogs: Selected for their size and ferocity and trained for combat, they are loyal to their master/trainer and will
attack on command. They are typically protected by light leather armor and a spiked collar. The number appearing
depends on the owner.
Terrain: Normal: All terrain except Ocean or River/Lake; Elven Dogs: Open, Ruins, Settled, Woods; War Dogs:

Creature Catalog Page 30

Dragon, Pocket

Armor Class: 8
Hit Dice: 3*(S)
Move: 90’ (30’)
Flying: 20’ (40’)
THAC0 17
Attacks: 1 bite
Damage: 1d3 +venom
No. Appearing: 1d6 (2d6)
Save As: Magic-User: 3
Death Ray/Poison 12
Magic Wands 13
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 13
Breath Attack 15
Rod/Staff/Spell 15
Morale: 8
Treasure Type: K, L
Intelligence: 4
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 50

Monster Type: Dragon-Kin (Rare).

The pocket dragon is a three-foot-long lizard that resembles a small green dragon. It is usually found resting on a small
pile of treasure and other shiny objects. It is lazy and peaceful by nature, feeding on insects and plants and rarely attacking larger
creatures unless it is angered.
It has no breath weapon, but its bite carries a venom that lowers both saving throws and attack rolls by 2 unless the victim makes a
successful saving throw vs. poison. A cure disease spell cures this effect.
The creature shares with dragons a love of hoarding treasure, but its sense of value is not as fine as its larger cousin. Its treasure
often consists of broken glass and other shiny trinkets.
Terrain: Cavern, Ruins, Woods.

Dragon, Sea

Armor Class: 8
Hit Dice: 8** (L)
Move (swimming or 80’ (60’)
THAC0 12
Attacks: 1 bite or 1 spit
Damage: 3d8
No. Appearing: 0 (1d4)
Save As: Fighter: 8 (see below)
Death Ray/Poison 8
Magic Wands 9
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 10
Breath Attack 11
Rod/Staff/Spell 12
Morale: 9
Treasure Type: H
Intelligence: 8
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 1,750
Monster Type: Dragon (Rare).
Sea dragons are usually green in color with a bright yellow-green crest. They are intelligent and have a 20% chance of
talking and being spellcasters, with three 1st-level and three 2nd-level spells. Their breath weapon is a 0-foot-diameter
globe of poison that they can spit up to 00 feet, up to three times per day (50% chance to use). Those struck must make a
saving throw vs. dragon breath or die. (This poison loses its effectiveness after round). The bite of a sea dragon is not
The statistics given are for an average-sized sea dragon. Younger dragons are smaller and have acquired less treasure;
older sea dragons are larger and have acquired more. Dragons generally range in size from 3 Hit Dice smaller to 3 Hit
Dice larger than average.
Sea dragons have fin-like wings which enable them to glide above the water for up to 6 rounds (like flying fish). They
live in caves or sunken ships at the bottom of the ocean, and may attack passing ships for food and treasure.
Terrain: Ocean.
Load & Barding Multiplier: As per dragons.

Creature Catalog Page 31

Dragon, Undead

Armor Class: 5
Hit Dice: Varies (see below) (L)
Move (swimming or flying): 90’ (30’)
THAC0 Varies
Attacks: 2 claws/1 bite +special
Damage: 1d8/1d8/1d4+4 +special
No. Appearing: 1d3 (1d3)
Save As: Fighter: HD+2
Death Ray/Poison Varies
Magic Wands Varies
Paralysis/Turn to Stone Varies
Breath Attack Varies
Rod/Staff/Spell Varies
Morale: 12
Treasure Type: B
Intelligence: 5
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: By Hit Dice

Monster Type: Dragon, Undead (Very Rare).

An undead dragon is the body of a dead dragon animated by an undead spirit. The spirit can make the dragon walk and
attack, but it cannot make it talk or fly. The dragon corpse may be of any color and retains any resistances it had in life, so
that an undead red dragon is immune to normal fire and always makes its saving throw against fireball spells. In addition,
all undead dragons, irrespective of color, are immune to cold.
From a distance of 90 feet or more an undead dragon is indistinguishable from a live dragon, but closer inspection
reveals rotting dragon hide, sightless eyes and possibly many gashes incurred when the dragon was killed. An undead
dragon has half as many Hit Dice as it possessed in life.
Undead dragons are totally unaffected by sleep, charm and hold spells. They are also immune to poison or paralysis.
They are turned by clerics as haunts, and like haunts they are only destroyed by a "D" result if they fail a saving throw vs.
spell. They save as fighters of a level equal to their Hit Dice divided by 2.
The breath weapon of an undead dragon is a noxious cloud of fetid gas which billows forth from the creature’s mouth to
form a cloud 20 feet high, 40 feet wide, and 40 feet long. All characters caught in the cloud must make a saving throw vs.
dragon breath or take damage equal to the dragon’s current hit points and become afflicted by a foul rotting disease (see
below). Characters who successfully make their saving throw take only half damage and are unaffected by the rotting
disease. The disease causes the victim’s skin to rot slowly, while the body gradually deteriorates. After six hours, afflicted
characters’ will notice their skin starting to decay and will lose point from each of their Strength, Dexterity and
constitution. For each additional day that passes, afflicted characters lose 1d4 points from each of these ability scores. The
disease can be cured by the casting of a cure disease spell by a cleric of level 2 or higher. Once the spell has been cast, lost
Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution points are recovered at the rate of point per day per attribute.
Characters within 20 feet of an undead dragon must make a saving throw vs. poison or become overwhelmed by the
stench of decay that emanates from it. Characters who fail their saving throws become nauseous and make all attack and
damage rolls at -3 They remain nauseated for 1d4+4 rounds after leaving the vicinity of the dragon.
The physical attacks of an undead dragon are greatly to be feared. Its bite and claws cause paralysis for 3d4 aims unless
a successful saving throw vs. paralysis is made.
Undead dragon lairs contain hoards of treasure. Some scholars believe that particular dragons return to unlife after they
are killed and go about recollecting their living hoards. Others feel that the hoard is a treasure that the undead dragon has
been reanimated to guard.
Terrain: Any.
Load & Barding Multiplier: As per dragons.

Creature Catalog Page 32


White Black Green Blue Red

Armor Class: 2 1 0 -1 -2
Hit Dice: 3(S) 3+2 (S) 4(S) 4+2 (S) 5(S)
Move: 60’ (20’) 60’ (20’) 60’ (20’) 60’ (20’) 60’ (20’)
Flying: 240’ Flying: 240’ (80’) Flying: 240’ (80’) Flying: 240’ Flying: 240’
(80’) (80’) (80’)
THAC0 17 16 16 15 15
Attacks: 1 bite/1 breath 1 bite/1 breath 1 bite/1 breath 1 bite/1 breath 1 bite/1 breath
Damage: 1d6-3 1d6+3 1d6+4 1d6+4 1d6+5
No. Appearing: 1d4 (3d6) 1d4 (3d6) 1d4 (3d6) 1d4 (3d6) 1d4 (3d6)
Save As: Fighter: 3 Fighter: 3 Fighter: 4 Fighter: 4 Fighter: 5
Death Ray/Poison 12 12 10 10 10
Magic Wands 13 13 11 11 11
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 14 14 12 12 12
Breath Attack 15 15 13 13 13
Rod/Staff/Spell 16 16 14 14 14
Morale: 8 8 8 9 9
Treasure Type: Any Any Any Any Any
Intelligence: 2 2 2 2 2
Alignment: Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
XP Value: 35 50 75 125 175

Monster Type: Dragon-Kin (Very Rare).

A dragonfly is a magical crossbreed between the insect form of the creature (one to four inches long) and normal
dragons of all types. A monster dragonfly appears similar to a normal dragonfly, but it is three to four feet long. There are
five different colors of giant dragonfly, each having a breath weapon that corresponds to the larger dragon version (red
dragonflies breathe fire, blue ones lightning, etc).
Unlike full-sized dragons, the breath weapon of a dragonfly inflicts only point of damage per Hit Dice of the monster,
and each breath is only 3 feet long. Each breath normally affects only one creature. A saving throw vs. dragon breath is
only allowed if the victim is not fighting the monster in melee. Those in hand-to-hand combat have no saving throw
against the breath. Characters who successfully make their saving throw take only half damage from the breath weapon.
Each dragonfly can breathe and bite during each round of combat, and there is no limit to the number of times a dragonfly
may breathe.
Dragonflies dart around very quickly and are hard to hit. They have only animal intelligence and never talk or use
spells. They may be found nearly anywhere except mountains. They prefer warm climates that have plenty of water.
Terrain: Any except Mountain.

Creature Catalog Page 33-34


Armor Class: 3
Hit Dice: 8*(L)
Move: 150’ (50’)
THAC0 12
Attacks: 2 claws/1 bite or roar
Damage: 1d6/1d6/4d6 or roar
No. Appearing: 1 (1d4)
Save As: Fighter: 8
Death Ray/Poison 8
Magic Wands 9
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 10
Breath Attack 11
Rod/Staff/Spell 12
Morale: 8
Treasure Type: E
Intelligence: 4
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 1,200
Monster Type: Dragon-Kin (Very Rare).
The dragonne has the head of a lion and the body of a small gold dragon. It fights with its claws and bite, but its greatest
weapon is its fearsome roar.
Any character within 120 feet of a dragonne when it roars must make a saving throw vs. dragon breath or flee in fear for
2 rounds. The dragonne’s roar deafens any creatures within 30 feet. Deafened creatures suffer a -2 penalty to their attack
rolls for 2d6 rounds. Dragonnes can roar once every 3 rounds. Creatures or people who stay within 30 feet of a dragonne
after it roars a second time do not suffer any additional penalty to their attack roll, but they may suffer the original penalty
for up to 12 rounds. The dragonne cannot bite in the same round it roars.
Dragonnes are solitary hunters, mating once a year and producing litters of one to three cubs. The females raise their
cubs alone. Cubs remain with their mother for two years.
Terrain: Any except aquatic types and Settled.
Load & Barding Multiplier: As per small dragons.

Armor Class: 4
Hit Dice: 9+2** (M)
Move: 120’ (40’)
THAC0 10
Attacks: 1d3 +1 (0)
Damage: 1d8/1d8
No. Appearing: 1d3 +1 (0)
Save As: Fighter: 9
Death Ray/Poison 6
Magic Wands 7
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 8
Breath Attack 9
Rod/Staff/Spell 10
Morale: 10
Treasure Type: B
Intelligence: 10
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 2,500

Monster Type: Monster (Very Rare).

The dusanu, or rot fiend, looks like a mold-encrusted skeleton dressed in a tattered cloak. Its eyes shine with a flickering
blue light. The air near a dusanu is tinged with the spores of its dry rot.
Dusanu are intelligent and very cunning. In combat, they attack with their mold-covered claws. At the same time they
release spores that fill a 5-foot radius circle. Any human, demihuman or humanoid in this circle must make a saving throw
vs. poison. Those who fail, suffer 1d8 points of damage and become infected.
Those infected do not show any outward signs of infection for 1d3+1 days. However, during that time, any cure wounds
spells have no effect. At the end of this time, mold erupts from the victim’s skin. Each day the victim must make a saving
throw vs. death ray. If the victim fails to save, the mold covers his or her entire body rapidly, resulting in death.
Anyone killed by dusanu spores rises from the dead after 1d3 days as a dusanu. All memories and abilities are lost, and
the victim becomes an NPC monster. A cure disease spell kills the spores.
A dusanu is protected by its soft, spongy bones and so only takes half damage from blunt weapons (maces, hammers,
etc). Other nonmagical weapons cause only one point of damage. However, magical edged weapons inflict full damage on
a dusanu. Dusanu are immune to electrical attacks.
Terrain: Cavern, Ruins, Swamp, Woods.

Creature Catalog Page 35


Normal Great
Armor Class: 1 5
Hit Dice: 1 (S) 4+2 (M)
Move: 450’ (150’) 390’ (130’)
THAC0 19 15
Attacks: 2 claws/1 bite 2 claws/1 bite
Damage: 1d2/1d2/1d4 1d6/1d6/1d10
No. Appearing: 0 (1d8) 0 (1d20)
Save As: Normal Man Fighter: 4
Death Ray/Poison 14 10
Magic Wands 15 11
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 16 12
Breath Attack 17 13
Rod/Staff/Spell 17 14
Morale: 8 9
Treasure Type: Nil U
Intelligence: 2 10
Alignment: Neutral Neutral
XP Value: 10 125

Monster Type: Normal: Normal Animal (Common); Great: Giant Animal (Very Rare).
Both kinds of eagle are excellent fliers, soaring distances (often very high up in the air) on their broad wings. Their
vision is excellent, enabling them to spot prey or danger at great distances. As a result, eagles are surprised only in
exceptional circumstances.
When in flight, eagles can make their first attack by swooping down onto victims, gaining +2 to hit with their claws and
inflicting double damage on a successful hit with them (the beak attack is unaffected).
Normal Eagles: Normally only a single individual or mated pair (50% chance of 1d4 eggs or chicks) will be
encountered, but where hunting is good, several eagles may congregate together. They prefer to nest on high cliff ledges
or in the upper branches of tall trees. Like hawks, eagles are sometimes trained by humanoids for the purposes of hunting
or war. In such cases, ownership of eagles is often restricted to leaders or nobles.
Great Eagles: Not only much larger than their normal cousins, great eagles are also much more intelligent. They have
their own rudimentary language, and live in simple tribal groups led by one or more elders (HD 5). These groups make
their homes on high mountain crags or cliff ledges, normally as far from civilization as possible. If some means is found
of communicating with them, great eagles can sometimes be persuaded to help characters (especially dwarves or
halflings) if this will serve a common interest. A great eagle can carry a load up to 1000 en at normal speed or up to 2000
en at half speed.
Terrain: Normal: Desert, Mountain, Open, River/Lake, Settled, Woods; Great: Mountain.

Electric Giant Weed

Armor Class: 9 6 8
Hit Dice: 2* (S) 6* (M) 1 (S)
Move: 120’ (40’) 240’ (80’) 150’ (50’)
THAC0 18 14 19
Attacks: 1 bite+shock 1 bite+shock Entanglement
Damage: 1d4+shock 3d4+shock Nil
No. Appearing: 0 (1d3) 0 (1d4) 0 (10d6)
Save As: Fighter: 1 Fighter: 3 Fighter: 1
Death Ray/Poison 12 12 12
Magic Wands 13 13 13
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 14 14 14
Breath Attack 15 15 15
Rod/Staff/Spell 16 16 16
Morale: 7 9 7
Treasure Type: Nil Nil J+K+L
Intelligence: 2 2 2
Alignment: Neutral Neutral Neutral
XP Value: 25 500 10

Monster Type: Electric: Normal Animal (Common); Giant: Giant Animal (Rare); Weed: Normal Animal (Common).
Electric Eels: These creatures are nine feet long and can give off an electric shock in a radius of 60 feet. There is no
saving throw against the shock, but the damage is based on distance: 0-20 feet=3d8; 21-40 feet=2d8; 41-60 feet=1d8. The
electric eel can shock once every turn. It is immune to all forms of electrical attacks.
Giant Electric Eel: Giant electric eels can be up to 20 feet long. Although their shocks have the same ranges as normal
electric eels, all damages are doubled. They are vicious and will attack anything that threatens them.
Weed Eels: Weed eels grow up to six feet long. They are found only in large groups which resemble tangled
masses of seaweed. The creatures wrap themselves around victims, dragging them beneath the surface, pinning arms
and legs and preventing swimming. Each round, constricted victims can only break free if they roll less than their Strength
on 3d8. After 3 rounds under water victims must make an ability check each round against their Constitution. Victims
who fail this ability check have drowned unless they have a means to let them breathe water in effect. Weed eels do not
collect treasure, but the goods of previous victims often remain near the creatures’ lair.
Terrain: Ocean, River/Lake.

Creature Catalog Page 36


Aquatic Elf Shadow Elf

Armor Class: 5 3
Hit Dice: 1* or more (M) 1+ (varies)* (M)
Move: 120’ (40’) 120’ (40’)
Swimming: 240’ (60’)
THAC0 Elf of same level Elf of same level
Attacks: 1 hand or 1 weapon 1 weapon
Damage: 1d4 or by weapon By weapon
No. Appearing: 1d6 (4d6) 1d8 (2d20)
Elf of same level Elf of same level
Save As:
1-3 4-6 7-9 10+ 1-3 4-6 7-9 10+
Death Ray/Poison 12 8 4 2 12 8 4 2
Magic Wands 13 10 7 4 13 10 7 4
Paralysis/Turn to
13 10 7 4 13 10 7 4
Breath Attack 15 11 7 3 15 11 7 3
Rod/Staff/Spell 15 11 7 3 15 11 7 3
Morale: 10 6-8
Treasure Type: (S+T) E (V) H
Intelligence: 13 Varies
Alignment: Neutral Chaotic
XP Value: 13 and up 13 and up

Monster Type: Demihuman (Aquatic: Common; Shadow: Very Rare).

Aquatic Elves: Aquatic elves live in the vast oceans of the world, making their homes in great caverns in lagoon
bottoms and reefs. They resemble land elves in their facial features, but the gill slits in their necks and their green or blue
hair set them apart from other elves. Like normal elves they can all use magical spells.
Their culture is similar to that of their air-breathing counterparts. Each settlement has a large seaweed frond (equivalent
to a Tree of Life) which is nurtured and cared for by the frond keeper, a 10th-level aquatic elf. Their spacious homes are
always aesthetically pleasing. Different types of seaweed and coral are planted and cultivated to create beautiful undersea
groves and forests. Aquatic elves use the same spell lists as normal elves.
Aquatic elves can hide so well in weeds and reefs that they are effectively invisible (only a 5% chance of being seen) as
long as they remain motionless.
Although they can breathe both water and air, aquatic elves rarely leave the safety of the seas; however, they have been
known to trade with land elves, exchanging pearls and potions of water breathing for metal goods. They are the mortal
enemies of sharks and shark-kin, and dislike fishermen, especially those who (often unknowingly) bother them by fishing
near their lairs. They are quite friendly with dolphins.
Shadow Elves: Long ago, when a terrible cataclysm was unleashed upon the world, a band of elves forsook their
ancestral forests and sought shelter beneath the surface. There they live to this day—some peacefully, others plotting to
return to the land of daylight and wrest the forests from their surface elf kin.
Shadow elves appear much like elves, except for their nearly albino complexion and unusually large ears. Both of these
physical characteristics are adaptations from these creatures’ many generations spent living deep underground. Living
underground also has provided shadow elves with infravision to a range of 90 feet. However, they suffer a -1 penalty to
hit in bright light (such as sunlight or a continual light spell), which hurts their sensitive eyes.
Terrain: Aquatic Elf: Ocean; Shadow Elf: Cavern.
Creature Catalog Page 37


Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: 9** (M)
Move: 120’ (40’)
THAC0 11
Attacks: 2 daggers
Damage: 1d4/1d4
No. Appearing: 0(1)
Save As: Elf: 10
Death Ray/Poison 2
Magic Wands 4
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 4
Breath Attack 3
Rod/Staff/Spell 3
Morale: 12(8)
Treasure Type: G
Intelligence: 19
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 2,300

Monster Type: Enchanted Humanoid (Very Rare).

Faedornae are female creatures of great beauty. These rare, eldritch creatures live on strange timeless islands which
float high above the world. These islands are only visible at night and are indistinguishable from other points of light (or
stars) in the night skies. To the few creatures who have traveled there and returned, these "stars" are known as Shining
Isles. On their Shining Isles, faedornae gather all manner of neutrally aligned creatures around them, particularly ones
who have shown great courage.
Faedornae are mistresses of illusion, able to create illusions equivalent to a phantasmal force spell at will, even when
performing other actions. Any illusion created by a faedorne on a Shining Isle is very difficult to disbelieve, and all
attempts to do so are made with a -5 penalty to the saving throw vs. spells. Three times a day, a faedorne is able to use a
clairvoyance spell to view the land below her Shining Isle. In addition, a faedorne has the spellcasting abilities of a 12th
level magic-user, as well as being able to summon 1d6 Silver Warriors (page 94) at will.
Faedornae embody many elvish ideals, but rarely make their presence known, even to elves. They prefer to guide subtly
rather than to interfere directly in elven affairs. However, they have been known to favor certain elves and provide them
with aid in times of danger. To those they aid, they will usually send 1d6 silver warriors for the duration of one battle or
one quest. When it does not seem appropriate to send silver warriors, faedornae may create the illusion of a vision
containing some clue or piece of advice in a mirror or pool of clear water, or they may call in favors from other
acquaintances and friends who could provide aid to a favored elf.
Faedornae are reluctant to leave their Shining Isles and would only do so in the direst emergency. A faedorne’s morale
drops to 8 when not on her Shining Isle.
Terrain: Aerial, Other Plane.

Creature Catalog Page 38


Armor Class: 4
Hit Dice: 7+1 (L)
Move: 60’ (20’)
Flying: 180’ (60’)
THAC0 12
Attacks: 3 bites or 3 horn gores or a combination
Damage: 2d4 (bites) or 1d10 (horns)
No. Appearing: 1d2 (1d2)
Save As: Fighter: 7
Death Ray/Poison 8
Magic Wands 9
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 10
Breath Attack 11
Rod/Staff/Spell 12
Morale: 9
Treasure Type: 4
Intelligence: B
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 450

Monster Type: Dragon-Kin (Very Rare).

Feywings are weird-looking reptilian creatures that have been hunted almost to extinction by protective livestock
farmers and acquisitive sorcerers. A feywing is scaled, dark red to blue-black in color, and has a bulbous, elastic body
which is little more than a stomach. It sports weak, soft claws and a feeble prehensile tail, and has three long necks ending
in many-toothed heads with horned snouts.
Its teeth and horns are razor-sharp, and its necks are terrifically strong. Feywings are often mistaken for dragons from
afar due to their size, bulk, and great, arching, batlike wings. They are vicious predators, but unlike dragons, they have
only physical means of attack.
They are intelligent enough to gather treasure as a lure and for bargaining if enemies prove too strong. They lair in ruins
and dungeons, as well as natural caverns and high, isolated valleys.
Feywings like to swoop down, impale cattle on their horns, and fly off, although they will take smaller prey (such as
halflings) if there is no livestock to be had. Their eyes are hooded with horny membranes that deflect arrows and daggers
40% of the time, and they have no fear of combat, trusting to their scaly hide and lack of clearly vulnerable spots to
protect them until they can slay or devour foes.
Feywings are eagerly sought after by certain wizards for experimentation and for use as guardian creatures, once they
have been enchanted and trained.
Terrain: Cavern, Mountain, Ruins.
Creature Catalog Page 39
Fish. Giant

Giant Catfish Carp (Gargantua)

Armor Class: 4 4
Hit Dice: 8+3* (M) 15* (L)
Move: 90’ (30’) 90’ (30’)
THAC0 11 8
Attacks: 1 bite/4 feelers 1 tail/1 bite or breath
Damage: 2d8/1d4 (x4) 2d10/3d6 or see below
No. Appearing: 0 (1d2) 0 (1)
Save As: Fighter: 4 Fighter: 7
Death Ray/Poison 10 8
Magic Wands 11 9
Paralysis/Turn to
12 10
Breath Attack 13 11
Rod/Staff/Spell 14 12
Morale: 8 11
Treasure Type: Nil A
Intelligence: 2 2
Alignment: Neutral Neutral
XP Value: 1,400 2,700

Monster Type: Giant Animal (Rare).

Giant Catfish: This chalky-white fish is about 15 feet long. It has two long feelers that sprout from each side of its
mouth. A giant catfish’s feelers are not primarily used for attacking, but provide additional sensory input in the murk of its
chosen habitat. Giant catfish lurk in the cool muck of rivers and lake bottoms.
Giant catfish are scavenger feeders, and will consume bottom-growing plants, garbage dumped accidentally (as in a
shipwreck) or intentionally from civilized areas, and slow-moving water creatures unfortunate enough to come within
their grasp. Although catfish have a reputation for being lazy and slow-moving, in actuality they are efficient and speedy
feeders. Their feelers allow them to sense movement, prey, and changes in the contour of their river- and lake-bottom
Giant Carp (Gargantua): The gargantua is a gigantic fish of the carp family. It is 50 feet long with a large tail and a
sucker mouth lined with many sharp teeth. It prowls the ocean floor scavenging for its meals, and often devours the
contents of sunken ships. Any treasure it might have will be found in its belly.
On an unmodified attack roll of 20, it will swallow any opponent of less than giant size. The gargantua’s digestive
juices do 2d6 points of damage each round. Each round it can strike with its tail and either bite or use its breath weapon
(25% chance). The breath is a 30-footwide and 60-foot-long blast of water which knocks down opponents and hurls them
100 feet away. It is negated by a successful saving throw vs. dragon breath. The water blast does no damage, but the
landing might, depending on the terrain.
Terrain: Catfish: River/Lake; Gargantua: Ocean.

Fish, Piranha (Cold-Water)

Piranha Giant
Armor Class: 1 6
Hit Dice: ⅛ (1 hp) (S) 3+3 (M)
Move: 90’ (30’) 150’ (50”)
THAC0 19 16
Attacks: 1 bite per shoal 1 bite
Damage: 1d4 or 3d4 1d8
No. Appearing: 0(5d10) 0(2d4)
Save As: Normal Man Fighter: 2
Death Ray/Poison 14 12
Magic Wands 15 13
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 16 14
Breath Attack 17 15
Rod/Staff/Spell 17 16
Morale: 11 7
Treasure Type: Nil Nil
Intelligence: 1 2
Alignment: Neutral Neutral
XP Value: 5 50

Monster Type: Normal Animal (Common).

The dreaded piranha are small, black fish (up to one foot in length) with bulging eyes and large mouths filled with
vicious teeth. They inhabit rivers and lakes and prey on any creatures entering the water.
Piranha attack in shoals of 5-10 creatures, inflicting 1d4 points of damage per shoal. Once a victim’s blood has been
spilled, the attacking shoal and nearby piranha shoals within 100 feet downstream and 10 feet upstream go into a killing
frenzy for ld6+9 rounds. While frenzied, the fish make the water churn with their thrashing and attack at +3 to their attack
roll for 3d4 points of damage per shoal per round. Some tropical waters may harbor larger piranha (2 hp each).
Giant Piranha: These deadly fish are five feet long and have green and black scales. They will attack and eat anything
that disturbs the water near them. Up to eight giant piranha can attack the same target. Once they draw blood, piranha go
into a feeding frenzy (no morale checks). Giant piranha inhabit warm fresh waters and prefer rivers to lakes.
Terrain: River/Lake.

Creature Catalog Page 40


Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: ⅛* (1 hp each) (S)
Move: 30’ (10’)
Flying: 60’ (20’)
THAC0 19
Attacks: 1 small sword or song
Damage: 1 or 2 and see below
No. Appearing: 0(5d6xl0)
Save As: Elf: 1
Death Ray/Poison 12
Magic Wands 13
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 13
Breath Attack 15
Rod/Staff/Spell 15
Morale: 8
Treasure Type: Nil
Intelligence: 12
Alignment: Lawful
XP Value: 6

Monster Type: Humanoid (Rare).

Flitterlings are small, silver-colored humanoids about one-quarter of an inch tall. They are of delicate appearance and
look like small pixies armed with slender silver swords.
Flitterlings attack only in self-defense, and their preferred means of doing so is by singing. A group of 50 flitterlings can
create a song that works like a charm monster spell on one opponent. Additional groups of flitterlings can attempt to
charm other creatures, but two groups cannot attempt to charm the same one. Flitterling groups are also able to create a
song which has the same effect as a cause fear spell. Both songs have a range of 60 feet. Flitterlings are able to use each
song once per day.
Flitterlings are not aggressive, but if forced, they will attack in groups of five, using their small swords. Roll once per
round for each group of five. Armored victims (and monsters of AC 5 or better) suffer 1 point of damage for each
successful attack. Unarmored victims (and monsters of AC 6 or less) suffer 2 points. Attacks on flitterlings will kill a
number equal to the damage rolled, but never more than five from one attack.
Flitterlings live in old hollow tree trunks or in specially hollowed-out mushrooms. Flitterlings are so closely linked with
their homes that they will die in 1d6 days if any irreparable damage is done to them. Their homes are always surrounded
by rings of magical mushrooms of various colors which the flitterlings tend. Eating a mushroom has a magical effect
according to its color. The numbers of mushrooms in a typical ring and the effects of each color are listed below:

Number Color Effects

5-8 Blue Acts as a neutralize poison spell
5-8 Red Acts as a haste spell for 1 turn
3-6 Yellow Acts as a clairvoyance spell for 1 turn
7-12 Green Acts as a cure light wounds spell
40-60 Orange Acts as a nourishing meal; three will provide sustenance for one character for
one day

The rings are vital to the flitterlings’ existence. Picking more than half of any particular kind of mushroom kills the ring
and causes the flitterlings to sicken and die in 1d6 days. Any character who befriends a group of flitterlings will be
allowed to pick some of the mushrooms, but on no account will the flitterlings allow more than half of one color of
mushroom to be picked. The flitterlings always fight to the death to defend their mushroom rings.
Terrain: Woods.

Creature Catalog Page 41

Frog, Giant Poisonous

Armor Class: 7
Hit Dice: 2** (S)
Move: 90’ (30’) or leap (see below)
THAC0 18
Attacks: 1 tongue or 1 bite
Damage: Special or 1d4
No. Appearing: 1d6 (1d6)
Save As: Fighter: 1
Death Ray/Poison 12
Magic Wands 13
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 14
Breath Attack 15
Rod/Staff/Spell 16
Morale: 9
Treasure Type: Nil
Intelligence: 2
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 30

Monster Type: Giant Animal (Rare).

This variety of giant frog is slightly smaller than its
relative the giant toad and, unlike the toad, is far from being camouflaged. It has slimy-looking, moist skin which is
bright yellow on its belly and lurid green elsewhere. Like the toad, the giant poisonous frog has a long tongue which it can
wrap around victims up to 15 feet away (normal chance to hit). Trapped victims of dwarf size or smaller can then be
dragged to the frog’s mouth at a rate of five feet per round, and the creature then has a +2 bonus to its attack rolls against
them. For purposes of attacks, the tongue has AC 8, and the frog will release its victim following any successful attack
that damages its tongue. The tongue will be severed if it takes 6 or more points of damage from an attack with an edged
weapon. The frog does not swallow victims whole.
The skin of these frogs secretes a poison, and their saliva is also poisonous. Anyone touching (or bitten by) one of them
must make a saving throw vs. poison or suffer 2d8 points of damage from the effects of the poison. The frog’s tongue is
not poisonous.
Giant frogs inhabit marshes and swamps in tropical and temperate areas, as well as damp underground caverns. They
often lurk underwater with only their eyes above the surface.
Terrain: Cavern, River/Lake, Swamp, Jungle.


Air Earth Fire Water

Armor Class: 6 3 5 4
Hit Dice: 1+1 (S) 1+1 (S) 1+1 (S) 1 + 1 (S)
Move: 240’ (80’) 90’ (30’) 180’ (60’) 120’ (40’)
THAC0 18 18 18 18
Attacks: 1 swoop 1 swoop 1 swoop 1 swoop
Damage: 1d6 1d6 1d6 1d6
No. Appearing: 1d10 (2d10) 1d10 (2d10) 1d10 (2d10) 1d10 (2d10)
Save As: Fighter: 2 Fighter: 2 Fighter: 2 Fighter: 2
Death Ray/Poison 12 12 12 12
Magic Wands 13 13 13 13
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 14 14 14 14
Breath Attack 15 15 15 15
Rod/Staff/Spell 16 16 16 16
Morale: 10 10 10 10
Treasure Type: Nil Nil Nil Nil
Intelligence: 3 3 3 3
Alignment: Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
XP Value: 15 15 15 15

Monster Type: Enchanted, Planar Monster.

Fundamentals are among the least powerful creatures inhabiting the elemental planes of existence. All fundamentals
look like a pair of bat wings without a body. They fly constantly, and attack by colliding with their victims. Earth
fundamentals are dull and solid-looking, air fundamentals are almost transparent, fire fundamentals are shrouded in flame,
and water fundamentals are wet and glistening. They can only be harmed by magic or magical weapons, but are immune
to mind-affecting spells such as sleep and charm. They are treated as enchanted creatures for the purposes of spells such
as protection from evil. Fire fundamentals are immune to fire.
Fundamentals usually appear on the Prime Plane at places where the appropriate forces of nature are strongest and never
wander far from them. For example, earth fundamentals may be found in the deepest of natural caverns, air fundamentals
near windswept peaks, fire fundamentals in volcanoes, and water fundamentals over great oceans. They may also
accompany more powerful elemental creatures to the Prime Plane.
Terrain: See above.

Creature Catalog Page 42


Armor Class: 8
Hit Dice: 10* (L)
Move: 60’ (20’)
THAC0 10
Attacks: 2
Damage: 2d10 +special
No. Appearing: 1d3 (1d2)
Save As: Dwarf: 10
Death Ray/Poison 2
Magic Wands 3
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 4
Breath Attack 4
Rod/Staff/Spell 3
Morale: 12
Treasure Type: Nil
Intelligence: 1
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 2,500

Monster Type: Monster (Rare).

The fungoid is an ogre-sized humanoid fungus creature with soft, puffy white skin and vaguely human facial features.
According to folklore, these creatures grow near the sites of unavenged murders or great battles. They are actually barely
intelligent fungi which are able to move and sense their surroundings. They are normally found just under the surface of a
patch or ring of mushrooms and may be connected to these in some way.
Although large and powerful, a fungoid is quite slow, always losing the initiative in any combat. It attacks with its
flabby fists, hitting with tremendous force. However, its fungus flesh gives easily, with the result that its fists only cause
2-20 points of damage, although characters hit must make a saving throw vs. dragon breath or be knocked off their feet.
Characters who are knocked off their feet take 1 round to regain their footing. During this time they cannot attack, but
may defend normally.
Being nearly mindless, a fungoid never fails a morale check and is immune to mind-affecting spells such as hold, charm
and all illusion spells. However, the creature is not a plant either, and so cannot be effected by growth of plants or charm
plant spells. Fire-based attacks cause double damage. Cold-based attacks do no damage but stun the creature for 1d6
Terrain: Cavern, Ruins, Woods.

Armor Class: 5
Hit Dice: 10* (L)
Move: 60’ (20’)
THAC0 10
1 bite or 1
Damage: 1d8 or 2d6
No. Appearing: 1 (1d2)
Save As: Fighter: 8
Death Ray/Poison 8
Magic Wands 9
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 10
Breath Attack 11
Rod/Staff/Spell 12
Morale: 9 or 12
Treasure Type: M
Intelligence: 5
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 1,750

Monster Type: Monster (Very Rare).

Although not quite as large as their cousins the purple worms, these fiery snakes reach lengths of 70 feet and diameters
of 10 feet. They burrow through the earth eating rich ores and minerals. They are not carnivorous but are quick to anger.
They breathe a line of fire (50 feet long by 5 feet wide) and can use it repeatedly during combat. Roll 1d6 each round; a
result of 1 or 2 indicates that the worm will breathe.
Although fyrsnaca are normally solitary, they occasionally enter a breeding cycle. During this time, their interior fires
burn much hotter. This high heat causes no extra damage but results in the spawning of 2d6 immature versions of the
fyrsnaca called red worms {see. page 87), which are ejected through the fyrsnaca’s mouth. Immediately after spawning,
the fyrsnaca must submerge in a large body of water or be consumed by its own heat. The fyrsnaca will then remain
dormant for 50 years while it cools unless disturbed. If disturbed, it will rise in fury, fighting with high morale, for it
knows that it cannot leave the water without perishing. The fyrsnaca is intelligent and can be bargained with to perform
Terrain: Cavern, River/Lake (underground only).
Creature Catalog Page 43

Gakarak (Forest Brooder)

Armor Class: 0
Hit Dice: 16 **** (L)
Move: 180’ (60’)
Attacks: 4 darts or 1 club+special
Damage: 1d8 (x4) or 4d6+special
No. Appearing: 0 (1d3)
Save As: Fighter: 16
Death Ray/Poison 5
Magic Wands 6
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 6
Breath Attack 7
Rod/Staff/Spell 8
Morale: 10
Treasure Type: L, N+O
Intelligence: 13
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 6,250

Monster Type: Monster (Very Rare).

A gakarak is a large, 18-foot-tall bipedal creature, which may easily be mistaken for a treant, although it is much darker
in color and usually shrouded by ancient, blackening mosses and lichens.
Gakaraks are some of the oldest creatures on the Prime Plane. They dwell in the hearts of ancient forests, where they
brood on their hatred of humans and demihumans, all of whom are considered hateful tree-slayers. They resent incursions
into their forests and will do their utmost to deter any from entering. Those foolish enough to penetrate deep into a
gakarak’s forest rarely return.
The long-nurtured anger of a gakarak will pervade the entire forest with an atmosphere of impending doom. Any
persons (other than druids) who enter a gakarak’s forest feel very uncomfortable, as though an unseen, hostile intelligence
is watching their every move. Gakaraks can speak to and exercise limited control over plant life in a 360-yard-radius area,
causing it to grow rapidly and even move. Gakaraks use this ability to cause animal trails to become overgrown and
tangled, making progress difficult for any intruders.
Over smaller areas (90 feet), a gakarak can also animate trees and bushes to attack intruders. It does so in the same
manner as treants. A gakarak can animate 6 trees or bushes at one time. Animated trees are AC 2; HD 1d8+4; MV 60’
(20’); #AT 2 branches; Damage 2d12/2d12; Save Fighter: 3-Fighter: 6; ML 12; XP by Hit Dice. Bushes are AC 5; HD
2d4; MV 60’ (20’); #AT 1 branch; Damage 1d8; Save Fighter: 2-Fighter: 3; ML 12; XP by Hit Dice.
Within its own forest a gakarak can teleport (no chance of error) through vegetation at will and is unaffected by attacks
from plants or animals. Gakaraks cannot be harmed by wooden weapons and are immune to electrical attacks. Blunt
weapons do only 1 point of damage plus any magical or Strength bonuses. While they remain in contact with plant life,
gakaraks regenerate 3 hit points per round. Each round they are able to fire four darts of wood from their hands (range
50/100/150) which inflict 1d8 points of damage each.
A gakarak can also attack with its magical club for 4d6 points of damage. Creatures struck by the club must make a
saving throw vs. spells or be entangled by writhing vegetation for 6 turns. Entangled creatures cannot move or attack
unless freed by another character.
Terrain: Woods.

Gargoyle, Iron*

Armor Class: -1
Hit Dice: 16 **** (L)
Move: 30’ (10’)
Flying: 90’ (30’)
Attacks: 2 claws/1 bite/1 horn/1 tail +special
Damage: 1d8/1d8/2d8/1d12/1d10 +special
No. Appearing: 1d2(1)
Save As: Fighter: 8
Death Ray/Poison 8
Magic Wands 9
Paralysis/Turn to
Breath Attack 11
Rod/Staff/Spell 12
Morale: 12
Treasure Type: Nil
Intelligence: 5
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 7,350

Monster Type: Construct (Very Rare).

An iron gargoyle is a greater construct created by a high level magic-user. Its creation requires materials from the
Elemental Planes of Earth and Fire, consequently it is very difficult and expensive to manufacture, making it extremely
Iron gargoyles obey their master’s instructions precisely. They are usually used in pairs to guard special items and areas,
but occasionally they may be encountered as guards for wilderness areas, in which case they are always encountered
This construct is able to detect invisible (as the spell) within 60 feet. It is immune to charm, hold, sleep and all other
mind-affecting spells, and is unaffected by all forms of fire and any type of gas. It is also immune to all spells of 3rd level
or below, to normal and silver weapons, and magical weapons of +2 or lesser enchantment. However, any cold-based
attack inflicts double damage on an iron gargoyle.
Every 3 rounds an iron gargoyle can breathe fire in a cone 30 feet long and 10 feet wide, inflicting 3d10 points of
damage (halved by a successful saving throw vs. dragon breath).
Although capable of flight, an iron gargoyle does not fight well while airborne. When possible it attempts to crush an
opponent by landing on it. A crush attack is made normally, but the target creature is allowed a saving throw vs. death ray
to avoid the attack—failure results in the victim receiving 3d10 points of damage, becoming stunned, and being unable to
act for 1d3 rounds. If forced to fight an airborne opponent, the iron gargoyle uses its breath weapon and tail—any creature
hit by the tail must make a saving throw vs. paralysis or be stunned for 1d3 rounds.
Except in size (it is 12 feet tall) an iron gargoyle resembles a normal gargoyle covered with iron scales and with
numerous spikes protruding from its body. Its eyes gleam with a malignant red glow, and in dim lighting conditions,
flames are visible licking around the edges of its mouth. When viewed with infravision, an iron gargoyle glows brightly
from the heat contained in its body.
Terrain: Settled, Ruins.
Creature Catalog Page 44

Armor Class: 7
Hit Dice: 6 (L)
Move: 120’ (40’)
THAC0 14
Attacks: 1 weapon
Damage: By weapon+4
No. Appearing: 10d4 (10d6)
Save As: Fighter: 6
Death Ray/Poison 10
Magic Wands 11
Paralysis/Turn to 12
Breath Attack 13
Rod/Staff/Spell 14
Morale: 12
Treasure Type: Nil
Intelligence: 5
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 275

Monster Type: Humanoid (Rare).

Garls are very primitive humans, more primitive even than the neanderthals. They are 10 feet tall, stupid, and
aggressive. They have only a crude language.
In their natural state, garls do not know how to use fire or how to make tools or weapons. Instead, they pick up and use
any rocks, bones or branches which come to hand (treat these as clubs). Under instruction from more advanced creatures,
however, garls can learn to use fire and to make and use weapons such as large spears and bows. Because of their great
Strength, garls inflict an extra 4 points of damage from a successful hit with any weapon.
Garl treasure will usually be in its natural state (for example, nuggets of precious metals and uncut gems).
Terrain: Any except aquatic types and Settled, especially Lost World.

Creature Catalog Page 45-46

Gator Man

Armor Class: 3
Hit Dice: 7 (L)
Move: 120’ (40’)
Swimming: 180’ (60’)
THAC0 13
Attacks: 1 bite/1 weapon
Damage: 3d6/by weapon+3
No. Appearing: ld6 (10d120)
Save As: Fighter: 7
Death Ray/Poison 8
Magic Wands 9
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 10
Breath Attack 11
Rod/Staff/Spell 12
Morale: 10
Treasure Type: M
Intelligence: 7
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 450

Monster Type: Humanoid (Rare).

Gator men stand seven to eight feet tall and have alligator heads on top of their scaly human bodies. Originally the
result of an evil wizard’s experiments, the gator men escaped and fled into the swamps. During the following centuries
their numbers have grown dramatically, and many of their primitive villages can now be found in the midst of deep, dank
Gator men are the mortal enemies of lizard men. They attack them on sight and do all in their power to drive the lizard
men out of the swamps. To supplement their swampy diet, gator men often leave their homes and prowl the nearby
countryside for fresh meat, preying on animals and isolated homesteaders.
Gator men are very strong (18 Strength), and a bite from a gator man’s teeth inflicts 3d6 points of damage. Many also
carry large, crude swords which they wield with a +3 bonus on attack and damage rolls. Gator men are often led by a huge
chief (9 HD) whose bite does 4d6 points of damage and who wields a weapon with +4 to attack and damage rolls.
Few dare enter the territory of the greatly feared gator men, and fewer return. Those that do tell of the horrific rites
carried out by the gator men shamans in secret places deep within the swamps. Of the shamans little is known, as none
have yet been seen outside of the swamps, but some have been reported as having at least 7th-level clerical abilities.
Terrain: Swamp.

Armor Class: -2
Hit Dice: 2 (S)
Move: 60’ (20’)
THAC0 18
Attacks: 1 fist or 1 weapon
Damage: 1d8 or by weapon
No. Appearing: 2d6 (0)
Save As: Fighter: 2
Death Ray/Poison 12
Magic Wands 13
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 14
Breath Attack 15
Rod/Staff/Spell 16
Morale: 8
Treasure Type: C
Intelligence: 10
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 20

Monster Type: Monster (Rare).

A geonid is a small, intelligent cave-dweller. It has two legs and arms, and a shell that gives it the appearance of a small
boulder. The arms and legs come out of a small opening in the bottom of the shell. A geonid is able to draw its arms and
legs into its shell and close the opening. When it does so, the geonid cannot be distinguished from a small boulder.
Because of this, it commonly surprises those it attacks on a 1d4. In combat, a geonid attacks either with one of its stony
fists or with a weapon. Weapons normally carried are stone clubs or axes.
Geonids live underground in tunnel complexes and in natural caves. Their lairs are normally filled with rocks,
stalactites, and stalagmites. The lair also contains a shrine decitated to the geonid deity made of large and oddly shaped
boulders. In a typical lair, there are from 30-80 (ld6x10+20) geonids, who are led by a geonid priest. This priest has no
clerical powers, but has 4 Hit Dice and does 2d6 points of damage with its fist or +2 points of damage with a weapon.
Terrain: Cavern.
Creature Catalog Page 47
Ghoul, Elder

Armor Class: 5
Hit Dice: 5** (M)
Move: 90’ (30’)
THAC0 14
Attacks: 2 claws/1 bite+special
Damage: 1d4/1d4/1d6+special
No. Appearing: 1d4 (2d6)
Save As: Fighter: 4
Death Ray/Poison 10
Magic Wands 11
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 12
Breath Attack 13
Rod/Staff/Spell 14
Morale: 11
Treasure Type: B, Q, R, S
Intelligence: 12
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 175

Monster Type: Undead (Very Rare).

Elder ghouls are a more powerful form of ghoul. When first encountered, an elder ghoul looks exactly like a normal
ghoul. When it is attacked, a sphere of eerie green light forms around its head. This sphere expands at a rate of 5 feet (in
radius) per round up to a maximum radius of 25 feet. Anyone entering or touching the ball of light must make a saving
throw vs. spells or suffer a chilling weakness and a -2 penalty on their attack and damage rolls.
Elder ghouls have the same physical attacks as normal ghouls and, like them, can paralyze any creatures (except elves)
of ogre-size or smaller for 2d4 turns on touch (a successful saving throw vs. paralysis prevents this). They are unaffected
by spells such as sleep, charm and hold, and may be turned by clerics as wraiths.
Terrain: Cavern, Ruins.

Ghostly Horde

Armor Class: 4
Hit Dice: 3 (M)
Move: 120’ (40’)
THAC0 17
Attacks: 1 weapon
Damage: By weapon
No. Appearing: Special
Save As: Fighter: 3
Death Ray/Poison 12
Magic Wands 13
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 14
Breath Attack 15
Rod/Staff/Spell 16
Morale: 12
Treasure Type: Nil
Intelligence: Not Applicable
Alignment: Not Applicable
XP Value: None

Monster Type: Enchanted (Very Rare).

A ghostly horde can exist only on deserted battlefields or in cities and towns where an army met a sudden and
catastrophic defeat, usually by magic. The horde is created by the losers’ desire for revenge, and given form by fear. Each
character who enters a battlefield where a ghostly horde could exist must make three saving throws vs. magic wands. If
the first is a failure, the character sees the horde appear. If the second is a failure, the character sees the horde prepare to
charge. If the third is a failure, the character has succumbed to fear, and the horde attacks. If the first saving throw
succeeds, the character does not see the horde, if the second or third succeeds, the horde fades away.
The horde is an illusion created by the character’s panicked mind. It takes the form of the soldiers who lost the battle.
The soldiers of the horde can be infantry or cavalry. Although the horde may number hundreds or thousands, each
panicked character will only be attacked by one soldier. A character struck by a ghostly soldier must make a saving throw
vs. magic wands; failure means that the character falls unconscious, "slain" by the soldier. A "slain" character revives in
1d4 turns. A character attacks a ghostly warrior as if it were a real opponent. A character who "slays" the soldier will not
see the horde again on that battlefield.
Terrain: Ruins, Settled.

Creature Catalog Page 48


Rock Golem* Silver Golem*

Armor Class: -2 0
Hit Dice: 16*** (L) 12*** (L)
Move: 60’ (20’) 300’ (100’)
THAC0 7 9
Attacks: 2 fists 2 fists+2 fists
Damage: 2d10/2d10 1d8/1d8+1d8/1d8
No. Appearing: 1d2 (1d2) 1d3 (1d3)
Save As: Fighter: 8 Fighter: 6
Death Ray/Poison 8 10
Magic Wands 9 11
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 10 12
Breath Attack 11 13
Rod/Staff/Spell 12 14
Morale: 12 12
Treasure Type: Nil Nil
Intelligence: 4 4
Alignment: Neutral Neutral
XP Value: 5,150 3,875

Monster Type: Construct (Very Rare).

Rock Golems: These constructs are normally used to guard important areas such as temples or a wizard’s citadel. Until
activated, they usually resemble irregular rock formations, but rock golems in the form of large human statues and
caryatids (columns carved as human figures) are also known. Although slow, rock golems are fearsome foes in combat,
each of their fists doing 2d10 points of damage.
Although a rock golem cannot be affected by normal weapons, any which strike it are automatically broken-swords
bend or snap, mace or axe heads shatter, etc. Even weapons of +1 enchantment must make a roll of 11+ on 1d20 or break.
Weapons of +2 enchantment save successfully on a throw of 6+, and weapons of +3 or higher break only on a roll of 1.
Rock golems are immune to electrical, fire and cold attacks. They are only hit by magical weapons and are immune to
sleep, charm, and hold spells, as well as all gases.
Silver Golem: These magical creatures are made from silver and filled with quicksilver. They resemble tall, athletic
humans and are very quick. They always gain initiative and attack twice with each of their two arms. They are immune to
stow spells and any form of electrical attack. Fire-based attacks cause them to grow 1 Hit Dice for each level of the spell
used against them, and cold-based attacks cause them to shrink in a similar fashion. The silver remaining after the golem
is defeated is worth 1000 gp.
Silver golems are only hit by magical weapons and are immune to sleep, charm, and hold spells, as well as all gases.
Terrain: Cavern, Ruins, Settled.

Gray Philosopher*

Philosopher* Malice*
Armor Class: 4 1
Hit Dice: 9 (M) 1* (S)
Move: Nil 150’ (500
THAC0 11 19
Attacks: Nil 1 touch
Damage: Nil 1d6, 1d8 or 1d10 (see below)
No. Appearing: 1 (1) Special
Save As: Cleric: 9 Cleric: 6
Death Ray/Poison 7 9
Magic Wands 8 10
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 10 12
Breath Attack 12 14
Rod/Staff/Spell 11 13
Morale: 12 12
Treasure Type: 0 Nil
Intelligence: 13 Not applicable
Alignment: Chaotic Chaotic
XP Value: 450 13

Monster Type: Undead (Very Rare).

A gray philosopher is the undead spirit of a chaotic cleric who died with some important philosophical deliberations
unresolved in his or her mind. In its undead state, the philosopher does nothing but ponder these weighty matters.
However it seems always unable to reach a conclusion. Over the centuries, the evil notions of the philosopher take on
substance and gain a will of their own. These animated thoughts, known as malices, appear as small, luminous, translucent
wisps with vaguely human faces, gaping maws, and spindly, clawed hands. They fly through the air, constantly searching
for victims on which to vent their petty, but eternal, spite. Malices do not stray more than 100 feet from their philosopher,
but are able to squeeze through the narrowest of gaps in their wanderings. A gray philosopher typically creates 2d4
malices for each century of its deliberations. Clerics turn malices as spectres.
Malices have the same attack rolls as a 9 Hit Dice creature, and the amount of damage done depends on the alignment
of the victim: 1d6 points of damage for chaotic characters, 1d8 for neutral characters and 1 d 10 for lawful characters.
The philosopher itself appears as a seated, gray, insubstantial, robed figure who is deep in thought. It cannot be turned
by a cleric, has no attack of its own, and will not defend itself. Until it is actually destroyed, its will not be broken even if it
is attacked. When its moment of destruction comes, however, it will look up with an expression of malicious enlightenment
on its face and then vanish with a lingering scream of evil delight. All malices vanish instantly when the philosopher is
Both the philosopher and the malices are immune to mind-affecting magic (charm, phantasmal force, etc.) and to attacks
from nonmagical weapons.
Terrain: Ruins.

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Guardian Warrior & Horse

Warrior Horse
Armor Class: 4 4
Hit Dice: 5** (M) 5** (L)
Move: 90’ (30’) 150’ (50’)
THAC0 14 14
Attacks: 1 weapon 1 bite/2 hooves
Damage: 1d12 1d4/1d6/1d6
No. Appearing: 3d10 (0) 1d10 (0)
Save As: Fighter: 5 Fighter: 5
Death Ray/Poison 10 10
Magic Wands 11 11
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 12 12
Breath Attack 13 13
Rod/Staff/Spell 14 14
Morale: 12 12
Treasure Type: See below Nil
Intelligence: 4 2
Alignment: See below See below
XP Value: 425 425

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Monster Type: Construct (Very Rare).

In their original form, guardian warriors and their steeds are simply ceramic figures sometimes used as symbolic guards
of tombs or religious sites. They are often dull red in color, with their equipment reflecting the fashions of a previous age
and their eyes and faces curiously expressionless.
Such ceramic figures may be animated by those who know the correct formula, the secret of which can sometimes be
found described on a scroll or on a set of jade tablets (value 1000 gp). The process involves pouring a liquid over the
lifeless statue, and the kind of liquid used determines the alignment of the animated creature: salt water for Lawful, pure
water for Neutral, and acid for Chaotic.
If a guardian warrior (or horse) has the same alignment as its animator, it will diligently follow any instructions which
she or he gives it. If the alignments differ by one step (in other words, Neutral/Chaotic or Neutral/Lawful), the creature
ignores instructions, and if they are opposite (Lawful/Chaotic), it will attack the animator as soon as the process is
Guardian warriors and horses are immune to fire-based attacks, to mind-affecting spells and, since they have no eyes as
such, to spells affecting vision (light, darkness, etc.). Attacks from edged and piercing weapons inflict only 1 point of
damage, although they seem, to the attacker, to be causing full damage. Blunt weapons inflict full damage. All attacks by
guardian warriors inflict 1d12 points of damage regardless of weapon.
Guardian horses normally serve as steeds to guardian warriors, but may be commanded by their animators to allow
other creatures to ride them.
Terrain: Settled, Ruins.


Armor Class: 3
Hit Dice: 3 (S to M)
Move: 150’ (50’)
THAC0 17
Attacks: 2 claws/1 peck
Damage: 1d4/1d4/2d4
No. Appearing: 1d4 (10d4)
Save As: Fighter: 3
Death Ray/Poison 12
Magic Wands 13
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 14
Breath Attack 15
Rod/Staff/Spell 16
Morale: 8
Treasure Type: K, O
Intelligence: 8
Alignment: Lawful
XP Value: 35

Monster Type: Monster (Rare).

These bird-like creatures are usually three to four feet tall, but may be as tall as six feet. Their bodies are covered with
fine, pale feathers, and their arms have longer feathers that give them a wing-like appearance. However, gyerians cannot
fly. They possess thin, graceful hands.
Gyerians are very excitable, extremely nervous, and impatient. They do not care for humans, but get along with elves.
They grow and eat nuts, berries, roots, insects, fish, and snails. They are also known for their fascination with bright,
shiny objects, and treasure gems and baubles for their appearance rather than their value.
Gyerians live in small settlements built on plains or in wild woods. Their villages are always named Gyer, and are
composed of nesting huts woven from straw and branches, daubed with mud. These villages are at best only temporary
domiciles, for they migrate east to west every spring, returning in the fall.
Gyerians attack by kicking with their three-toed feet and jabbing with their hooked, beak-like nose. How-

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ever, most gyerians are cowards and will either babble, flee, or cry. The very nervous ones have been known to sneeze
—and little can stand up to the sneeze of a gyerian. If a gyerian sneezes, anyone in front of it must roll less than his or her
Dexterity on ld20 or be bowled over for 1d4 points of damage. She or he must spend one round standing up again.
For every 10 gyerians in a flock, there is also one cockrobin (AC 2; HD 5; Damage 1d6/1d6/2d6). A flock is led by one
rooster (AC 1; HD 7; Damage 1d8/1d8/2-16).
Terrain: Open, Woods.

Haunt, Lesser

Armor Class: Not applicable

Hit Dice: Not applicable
Move: Nil
THAC0 Not applicable
Attacks: Fear
Damage: Nil
No. Appearing: 1d2 (1d2)
Save As: Special
Morale: Not applicable
Treasure Type: Nil
Intelligence: 10
Alignment: Any
XP Value: 100 (see below)

Monster Type: Undead (Rare).

Like the greater haunts (banshees, ghosts and poltergeist, described under Haunt in the D&D® Rules Cyclopedia), the
lesser haunt is the ghost-like spirit of some dead character or creature which is unable to rest for some reason (the need to
pass on some message or to fulfill a broken oath, for example), and is bound to a particular location. This is often the
place where its mortal body perished—often a gloomy bog, tangled forest, or abandoned dungeon.
Unlike the greater haunts, the lesser haunt cannot be destroyed, only laid to rest by some special means decided by the
DM. For example, the haunt might require mortal aid (from the PCs) to enable it to complete its task, and they may only
receive the haunt’s XP value once it has attained peace.
Conversely, lesser haunts are much less dangerous than greater haunts. They cannot attack or cause damage, although
an encounter with certain haunts may require characters to make a saving throw vs. spell or run away in fear. Characters
who happen to fail their saving throws will not willingly go into that haunted area again.
Terrain: Any (see above).

Normal Giant
Armor Class: 8 6
Hit Dice: ½ (1d4 hp) (S) 3+3 (M)
Move: 480’ (160’) 450’ (150’)
THAC0 19 16
Attacks: 1 1
Damage: 1d2 1d6
No. Appearing: 0 (1d6) 0 (1d3)
Save As: Normal Man Fighter: 2
Death Ray/Poison 14 12
Magic Wands 15 13
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 16 14
Breath Attack 17 15
Rod/Staff/Spell 17 16
Morale: 7 8
Treasure Type: Nil Nil
Intelligence: 2 3
Alignment: Neutral Neutral
XP Value: 5 50

Monster Type: Normal Animal (Common); Giant Animal (Rare).

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Hawks are hunting birds that glide on the updrafts of the wind, watching the ground for prey. If a hawk surprises its
victim, it will do double damage on its first attack. Both types of hawks discussed below may be trained as pets or guards
by an animal trainer.
Normal Hawks: Normal hawks will not attack human- sized or larger creatures unless they appear unable to defend
themselves (wounded, bound, etc). Normal hawks are often trained by the nobility to hunt for small game and birds. The
noble will ride out to hunt (often in a party with other nobles and attendants) with a special saddle featuring a perch for the
hawk, which is kept hooded and tied to the perch until it is to be released to attack.
Giant Hawks: These birds are the size of a very large dog or small pony. Giant hawks are very strong and will attack
human-sized creatures if hungry. They can carry off halfling-sized prey. They prefer nesting in tall, rocky crags, but some
varieties will also nest in very tall trees.
Terrain: Mountain, Open, Settled, Woods.

Armor Class: -2
Hit Dice: 25**** (L)
Move: 120’ (40’)
Attacks: 1 weapon/1 hand or 1 weapon+special
(see below)
Damage: 4d10/3d10 or 4d10+special (see below)
No. Appearing: 1 (1)
Save As: Fighter: 25
Death Ray/Poison 4
Magic Wands 4
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 5
Breath Attack 4
Rod/Staff/Spell 5
Morale: 11
Treasure Type: F
Intelligence: 14
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 15,500

Monster Type: Giant Humanoid (Very Rare).

A hephaeston is a giant-sized humanoid creature (18-25 feet tall) with a skin of flexible iron, which gives it an Armor
Class of-2, and immunity to blows from weapons of less than +2 enchantment. These creatures are immune to any spells
or magic affecting the mind and to all 1 stand 2nd-level spells. They are also immune to all forms of fire. Hephaestons are
solitary creatures who spend most of their time forging weapons.
A hephaeston will normally wield a huge iron weapon (usually a sword or an axe) and attacks with it once per round. In
addition, the creature can either attack with its fist or use one of its special abilities (see below). If the fist hits with a roll
of 18-20, the hephaeston has grabbed its opponent (3d10 points of damage) and will throw the victim to the ground (5d6
points of additional damage-halved by a successful saving throw vs. death ray) at the end of the round.
A hephaeston’s special abilities are as follows:
• Levitate iron or steel objects (as the 2nd-level magic-user spell, but double speed and no need to concentrate;
range—120 feet);
• Heat one iron or steel object up to 700 cn weight within 100 feet to red heat for 1d4+1 rounds. Contact with such
an object will inflict 2d6 points of damage per round (halved by a successful saving throw vs. spell);
• Create a wall of Iron once per day (as the 6th-level magic-user spell, but only lasts 3 turns).
Terrain: Cavern, Mountain.


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Larva Adult
Armor Class: 3 2
Hit Dice: 6*-12* (L) 13** (L)
Move: 120’ (40’) 120’ (40’)
Flying: 150’ (50’)
THAC0 Varies 14-9 8
Attacks: 1 bite+acid 1 bite+acid/1 sting
Damage: 2d8+special 1d10+special/1d6+paralysis
No. Appearing: 1d6 (0) 0 (1d3)
Save As: Fighter: 3 Fighter: 4-6 Fighter: 7
Death Ray/Poison 12 10 8
Magic Wands 13 11 9
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 14 12 10
Breath Attack 15 13 11
Rod/Staff/Spell 16 14 12
Morale: 12 12
Treasure Type: U Nil
Intelligence: 0 0
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 500, 850, 1200, 1,600, 1,750, 1,900, or 3,250

Monster Type: Lowlife (Rare).

A herex is a giant insect-like creature which, depending on the circumstances, may be encountered at any of the three
stages in its life cycle:
Egg: Herex eggs are spherical and about three feet in diameter, with a hard, opaque white shell. They are found only
underground (in dungeons, caverns and so on), where they are laid by the adults in clutches of 1d6. The eggs remain
dormant for many years, hatching only if disturbed by some unwary creature. In this way, the emerging ravenous larva is
assured of having the opportunity to gain its first meal as soon as it hatches!
Larva: The larva of the herex resembles a flattened, wingless beetle with an elongated, flexible abdomen, a large head,
and powerful mandibles. Its sole purpose in life is to eat and grow, shedding its outer carapace several times as it does so.
When it first emerges from its egg, the larva is about 10 feet long and has 6 Hit Dice. Over five to 10 months, however, it
grows to about 20 feet in length, by which time it has 12 Hit Dice. During this time, the larva lives completely
underground, wandering the tunnels and/or caverns of its birthplace in search of prey.
The larva’s main attack is its bite. In addition to suffering normal damage, any creature bitten by a herex larva will be
affected by its acid saliva. If the victim is wearing armor, the acid permanently reduces its effectiveness by 2 in the case of
normal armor (for example, plate mail becomes AC 5 rather than 3) or 1 in the case of magical armor. Each successive
bite has the same effect, and if the armor is reduced to AC 9 or worse, it disintegrates completely. Magical protection
devices (for example, rings of protection and cloaks of displacement) are not affected. If the victim is not wearing armor
(or if the armor has been destroyed) she or he suffers 1d10 additional points of acid damage from a bite.
Adult: Just before it completes its growth, a herex larva abandons its underground home and makes its way to the
surface, digging through solid rock if necessary using its mandibles and saliva. Once it reaches the outside world, it goes
through a final shedding of its carapace and emerges in its adult form with 13 Hit Dice.
The body of the adult is similar to that of the larva, but the creature now has a smaller head and mandibles, four wings
(like those of a dragonfly), and a sting at the end of its abdomen. The main aim of the adult herex is to find a mate. Since
this can take some time, the creatures have to hunt for prey in order to survive. Once she has mated, the final action of a
female herex is to burrow underground for the last time in order to lay her eggs.
Although the bite of the adult herex is less damaging than that of the larva, its acid saliva has exactly the same effect.
The adult can also attack with its tail sting. This inflicts 1d6 points of damage and injects a poison which paralyzes
victims for 4d8 rounds unless they make a successful saving throw vs. poison.
Terrain: Egg/Larva: Cavern; Adult: Any except Cold/Arctic, Ocean, River/Lake, and Settled.


Broodling Hivebrood Hiveleader

Armor Class: 6 3 2
Hit Dice: As host+ld4 hp* or 2+1*, 3+1" (M) 5+1" (M)
whichever greater
Move: 120’ (40’) 120’ (40’) 120’ (40’)
THAC0 17 16 14
Attacks: 1 bite/2 claws or 1 bite/1 weapon
Damage: 1d6/1d4/1d4 or 1d6 by 1d8+paralysis/1d4/1d4 or 1d10+paralysis/1d6/1d6
weapon 1d8+paralysis/by weapon or 1d10 paralysis/by weapon
No. Appearing: 1d100 (1d100) 1d100 (1d100) 2d4 (2d4)
Save As: Fighter: 3 Fighter: 4 Fighter: 7
Death Ray/Poison 12 10 8
Magic Wands 13 11 9
Paralysis/Turn to 14 12
Breath Attack 15 13 11
Rod/Staff/Spell 16 14 12
Morale: 12 12 12
Treasure Type: N, O, U+V
Intelligence: 4 7 10
Alignment: Neutral Neutral Neutral
XP Value: 35 or by host 100 400

Broodmother Hivemind
Armor Class: 8 6
Hit Dice: 12+2* (L) 6+6**** (M)
Move: 10’ (3’) 30’ (10’)
THAC0 9 13
Attacks: 1x30’ rad. gas cloud 2 claws/1 bite
Damage: 3d6 per round 1d4/1d4/1d6+paralysis
No. Appearing: 1(1) 1d4 (1d4)
Save As: Fighter: 12 Fighter: 12 or better
Death Ray/Poison 6 6
Magic Wands 7 7
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 8 8
Breath Attack 9 9
Rod/Staff/Spell 10 10
Morale: 12 12
Treasure Type: N, O, U+V
Intelligence: 0 16
Alignment: Neutral Neutral
XP Value: 1,900 1,175

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Monster Type: Monster (Rare).

Hivebrood are a type of insect that live in communities somewhat similar to ants’ nests. Unlike ants, however,
hivebrood are large parasitic creatures which live by infesting other beings, controlling and eventually destroying them—
as individuals—in the process. For hivebrood individuals have no meaning or worth-only the interests of the hive are
The broodmother is the most important member of the hivebrood, living at the center of all the hive’s activities and
protected with fanatical devotion by her children. This large creature—one per hive—is barely capable of independent
movement and exists solely to produce broodlings.
So specialized is the broodmother that she has none of the normal abilities of hivebrood and can only defend herself by
emitting a 30-foot-radius cloud of poisonous chemicals and scents. This ability can be used up to 3 times per day. Those
caught within the cloud must make a saving throw vs. poison at -1 or suffer 3d6 points of damage per round until they do
make a successful saving throw.
Once born, the broodlings are not kept in nurseries to grow, but are placed on paralyzed victims, who act as hosts for the
parasitic young. A broodling does not kill its host, but adapts and modifies itself to the host, so much so that the host and
broodling are, to all intents and purposes, a single creature.
This process takes a whole day, during which time various changes take place in the metabolism of the host and the
broodling. The most obvious changes are that the host creature—usually a humanoid of some type—develops a chitinous
outer layer to its skin, and its eyes film over. The host also becomes stiffer and more insect-like in its movements. After
this change is complete the new broodling goes to join its fellow hive members at work until the next stage of its
development takes place. Broodlings attack with their hardened claws, teeth, or weapons of some type, and can use
abilities transmitted to them by the hiveminds (see below).
Casting a cure disease spell or a cureall spell on a victim will kill the parasitic broodling, but the host creature will be
badly affected. She or he will suffer a permanent loss of 1d6 points from Intelligence, Wisdom, Dexterity, and Charisma
from the broodling’s metabolic tamperings. However, the host will benefit through a +1 to Armor Class due to the
chitinous nature of his or her new skin.
After a period of several days, the broodling becomes dormant for ld4+4 hours. During this time it sheds its outer skin
and becomes a full hivebrood. This new form keeps the overall shape of the original host but is more insectoid in
appearance, with antennae, compound eyes and a tough, chitinous exoskeleton. In this form the hivebrood acts as a
worker and soldier on behalf of the hive, forgets any of the host creature’s previous abilities, and normally (but not
always) loses any special physical characteristics of the host. It can use abilities emitted by chemical scent from
hiveminds and hiveleaders (see below).
Hivebrood are very simple-minded and are unable to deal with complex problems. As a result, they are controlled by a
complex series of chemical scents that govern their behavior. If all else fails, they resort to instinctive responses and
A hivebrood can attack using all the methods available to a broodling, but in addition, its powerful, sticky
Creature Catalog Page 55
saliva causes paralysis (unless a successful saving throw vs. poison is made) for 2d8 turns or until a neutralize poison,
cure serious wounds or haste spell is cast on the victim. This saliva can be collected, and is prized by alchemists for its
usefulness in preparing magical potions.
All types of hivebrood have infravision and fight as well in total darkness as in daylight, sensing the position of
opponents by feel and smell. They are thus immune to the effects of spells such as darkness and continual darkness,
although these cast in concert with a silence spell will "blind" them. Hivebrood are, however, very vulnerable to the
effects of fire and heat. All fire-based attacks cause double damage to them.
The broodmother also emits a foul-smelling jelly which is sometimes fed to the newborn broodlings before they are
placed on hosts. If this is done, the hivebrood becomes a hiveleader, capable of giving orders to other members of the hive
through emitted scents if they are within a 30-foot radius. Hiveleaders can also "store" up to five abilities which they
receive through the hivemind scents (see below) and pass these on to hivebrood under their command.
If feeding on the jelly continues, the hiveleader undergoes a second period of dormancy and emerges as a hivemind. A
hivemind is another barely mobile type; it is entirely devoted to controlling the activities of the hive. It is the hiveminds
that decide when it is time for the broodmother to lay another broodmother egg-and where and when this egg should be
sent with a retinue of hivebrood to start another nest.
Hiveminds have one very powerful ability that makes them creatures truly to be feared. If a hivemind eats a creature, it
gains all of that creature’s abilities (including its saving throws if these are better than it already has). These abilities can
be passed on to any members of its hive through its windborne chemical emissions. If, for example, a hivemind has dined
on a 3rd-level thief and a 6th-level magic-user, it can send out chemical signals to all the hivebrood so that they can hide
in shadows as though they were 3rd-level thieves or cast any of the spells that the 6th-level magic-user had memorized at
the time she or he was eaten. Thus, it is possible for all the members of a hive to cast fireball spells if a hivemind has
eaten a magic-user who knew and had memorized the spell!
There are limits to this chemical skill transfer. The chemicals only spread at a rate of 60 feet per round and dissipate
completely after three rounds. If the abilities are not used within a further three rounds, the hivebrood and broodlings
involved cannot use them at all (hiveleaders are an exception). Furthermore, only one chemical scent per hivemind may
be active at any one time in a single hive. If a second scent is emitted by the same hivemind before the first has vanished,
the receiving hivebrood become confused and unable to attack, although they will still defend themselves. Where two or
more scents are received from different hiveminds, they can all be used, although only one at a time.
Once an ability has been emitted as a chemical scent, it is lost and "forgotten" by the hivemind, although it may have an
unlimited number of abilities in its mind at any one time. This can include duplicated abilities and spells if the hivemind
has eaten several individuals with similar abilities.
An "ability" is defined as one spell (of any level and type), a skill such as a thief’s special ability, a level of weapon
mastery, an attack rank, or a fighter’s combat option, such as multiple attacks, smash, parry, or disarm. If a hivebrood of
any type casts a spell of any sort, it loses 1 hit point in the process. A hivebrood will cast a spell and lose a hit point even
if this leads to death, for the hive is far more important than the individual.
Finally, treasure, although it is found in hivebrood nests, is simply an irrelevance to hivebrood. If a treasure is magical,
usable (scrolls, for example, can be read by a hivemind if it has eaten someone who can read) and recognized as such, it
will be used by a hivemind. Otherwise, small items of treasure can be found scattered around a hivebrood lair.
Terrain: Any (except Cold/Arctic).

Creature Catalog Page 56


Fylgar* Gretch* Ulzaq*

Armor Class: 0 0 0
Hit Dice: 3**** (S) 3**** (S) 3***** (S)
Move: 60’ (20’) 150’ (50’) 60’ (20’)
Flying: 240’ (80’) 180’ (60’)
THAC0 17 17 17
Attacks: 1 bite or 1 tail 1 tail or 1 bite 2 claws/1 bite or 1 bite
Damage: 1d4 or 1d3 1d4+special or 1d4 1d2/1d2/1d4+special or 1d4+special
No. Appearing: 1(0) 1(0) 1(0)
Save As: Magic-User: 21 Magic-User: 21 Magic-User: 21
Death Ray/Poison 5 5 5
Magic Wands 6 6 6
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 5 5 5
Breath Attack 8 8 8
Rod/Staff/Spell 4 4 4
Morale: 9 8 8
Treasure Type: L L L
Intelligence: 11 12 6
Alignment: Lawful Neutral Chaotic
XP Value: 95 95 110

Monster Type: Planar Monster (Very Rare).

Although a homunculus appears to be simply a two-foot-tall humanoid creature, it is actually the special form taken on
the Prime Plane by an Immortal sent there on a special mission or as a penance. As a homunculus, the Immortal serves a
mortal master, who may be a cleric or magic-user. Homunculi generally serve their masters out of choice or duty and,
although high-level characters occasionally bind homunculi to their service, this is a very risky business involving long,
dangerous, and costly magical operations.
There are three types of homunculi (one for each alignment), and although superficially similar, each type has its own
strengths and weaknesses.
All homunculi are immune to nonmagical weapons, as well as all cold- and fire-based attacks. They can become
invisible and may detect evil and detect magic at will. They all regenerate damage at the rate of 1 hit point per round, and
this ability is passed on to their master, as long as the character is within 10 feet. Homonculi use their magical abilities as
if 21st level and make saving throws as if they were magic-users of 21st level.
As long as it is a willing servant, a homunculus can communicate telepathically with its master up to a distance of one
mile. The master is able to use all the senses (including infravision) of the homunculus as long as it stays within a mile of
him or her. If the character is in actual physical contact with the homunculus, she or he gains a bonus of +3 to all saving
Once per week, a homunculus may use its own special knowledge and insight to help its master make some important
decisions. The assistance it gives is equivalent to a commune spell.
If a homunculus is ever reduced to 0 hit points, its body on the Prime Plane is destroyed, and its life-force will return to
the plane it originally came from. The character w h o m the homunculus served will not be granted a replacement for at
least o n e year and will suffer the permanent loss of a 1d4+1 hit points.
Fylgar: These are the most attractive of the homunculi, with childlike features, no horns, and brightly colored wings.
Fylgar may polymorph themselves into either black cats or hawks. They have extremely quick reactions (gaining +1 to
initiative rolls), and w h e n using their long, whip-like tails (natural form only) attack with a bonus of +4.
All fylgar have the innate ability to detect invisible. Three times per day they can use a protection from evil 10’ radius
Gretch: This winged homunculus looks very similar to an ulzaq in its natural form, and may polymorph itself (at will)
into a raven or giant rat. If not polymorphed, the creature attacks with its tail, which has a cruel and poisonous barb on the
end. Victims hit by the tail who fail a saving throw vs. poison suffer the loss of 1 point of Dexterity per hit. This drain
lasts for 2d4 turns, and anyone whose Dexterity is reduced to 3 or less will fall unconscious.
Gretch are also immune to mind-affecting spells. Once per day a gretch can slow opponents (as the spell).
Ulzaq: These are by far the ugliest of the homunculi, with hideous, misshaped features, scaly skin, and gnarled horns
sprouting from their small heads. Unlike the other homunculi, ulzaq cannot fly in their natural form, but have the ability to
polymorph themselves (at will) into normal bats or frogs, in which case they move and attack as those creatures. In their
normal form, ulzaq attack by means of their filthy talons and vicious fangs. Whatever form the creature assumes, the
wounds caused by its bite will drain the victim’s Strength at the rate of 1 point per hit (negated by a successful saving
throw vs. poison). Strength loss remains for 2d4 turns, and anyone whose Strength is reduced to 3 or less will fall
In addition to the immunities common to all homunculi, ulzaq are immune to electrical attacks. Once per day, an ulzaq
can cause confusion (as the spell).
Terrain: As master.

Creature Catalog Page 57

Hook Beast

Hook Horror Hulker

Armor Class: 2 2
Hit Dice: 5 (L) 10 (L)
Move: 90’ (30’) 60’ (20’)
THAC0 14 10
Attacks: 2 claws/1 bite 2 claws/1 bite
Damage: 1d8/1d8/3d6 2d6/2d6/2d8
No. Appearing: 2d6 (0) 1d4 (0)
Save As: Fighter: 5 Fighter: 10
Death Ray/Poison 10 6
Magic Wands 11 7
Paralysis/Turn to 12 8
Breath Attack 13 9
Rod/Staff/Spell 14 10
Morale: 8 10
Treasure Type: K G
Intelligence: 4 6
Alignment: Chaotic Chaotic
XP Value: 175 1,000

Monster Type: Monster (Very Rare).

The name hook beasts is used to refer to two closely related species of aggressive bipedal monsters—the hook horror
and the hulker—which are often encountered together underground in dungeons and caverns. Although the two species
can communicate with each other using a crude language of clicks made with their talons, they are not intelligent enough
to use tools or weapons or to form proper societies or tribes. Even so, hunting bands of hook horrors are often led by the
more powerful hulkers in search of prey. Both monsters particularly relish humanoid flesh, and so they will attack
humanoids on sight to obtain this delicacy.
Hook Horror: These seven-foot-tall, powerful creatures have vulture-like heads and thick, rhinoceros-like skin. Each
arm ends in one sharp, hooked talon with which it slashes while rending with its huge beak. The hook horror’s vision is
poor, but its hearing is extremely good. It has only a 1 in 10 chance of being surprised.
Hulker: Hulkers are taller than hook horrors (nine feet) and have several hooked talons on each paw. Their mouths
have mandibles and do not inflict as much damage as the hook horrors’ beaks. Unlike hook horrors, hulkers have
excellent vision and infravision (120-foot range), which is conveyed by their many eyes. The smaller eyes are sensitive to
heat, providing the infravision capabilities, and the widely spaced larger eyes provide binocular vision as good or better
than that of most cats in low light situations.
Terrain: Caverns.

Priest Warrior Other

Armor Class: 6 5 8
Hit Dice: 2* (M) 1 (M) 1-1 (M)
Move: 90’ (30’) 90’ (30’) 90’ (30’)
THAC0 18 19 18
Attacks: 1 weapon or 1 spell 1 weapon 1 weapon
Damage: By weapon By weapon By weapon
No. Appearing: 1d4+1 (5d10) 1d4+4 (9d10) 0(20d10)
Save As: Cleric: 2 Fighter: 11 Normal Man
Death Ray/Poison 11 6 14
Magic Wands 12 7 15
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 14 8 16
Breath Attack 16 9 17
Rod/Staff/Spell 15 10 17
Morale: 8 9 6
Treasure Type: S S S
Intelligence: 11 10 9
Alignment: Neutral Neutral Neutral
XP Value: 25 10 5

Monster Type: Humanoid (Very Rare).

The race of Hutaakans are tall, slender, humanoid creatures with jackal-like heads. Their bodies are exactly like those of
humans except that their hands and feet are narrow with claw-like nails. All Hutaakans have infravision (60-foot range)
and have the same chance of moving silently as a thief of the equivalent level as their Hit Dice.
In the Known World, the Hutaakan empire once covered much of what is now the Duchy of Karameikos. They now live
in isolated communities in the mountains north of Karameikos. In other game worlds the Hutaakans should be similarly
isolated, although they may in the past have ailed a grand nation.
Although there are many craftsmen and artists among the the Hutaakans, all Hutaakans wear long, somber-colored robes
with the occasional simple item of jewelry.
Priests: The life of the Hutaakans revolves around their ancient religion. Many clerics among their number are needed
to carry out the numerous daily rituals. Most Hutaakan clerics have 2 Hit Dice and one spell, but some are of higher levels
(maximum 11th) with corresponding Hit Dice and spells. The higher level clerics are the Hutaakans’ leaders. All are
usually armed with maces.
Warriors: Since the Hutaakans have never adapted well to the arts of war, they have few warriors. Those that do exist
usually wear leather armor, carry shields, and wield short swords, spears, or slings.
Others: The remaining Hutaakans include not only the old, young, and sick, but also those craftsmen and artisans who
have no skill with arms. These Hutaakans will only fight in self-defense, using clubs or daggers, but without the benefit of
The Hutaakans are a haughty, callous race, dominated by their priests. However, they see themselves as a sensitive,
civilized, intellectual people, suffering as a result of their cultured nature. They are not boldly aggressive, but fight
without mercy when forced. They prefer to ambush enemies and attack with missile weapons if possible.
Terrain: Mountain, Ruins, Lost World, or other isolated locales.
Creature Catalog Page 58

Armor Class: 4
Hit Dice: 8* (S to M)
Move: 90’ (30’)
THAC0 12
Attacks: 1 bite or gaze/1 tail
Damage: 1d8 or sleep/1d10
No. Appearing: 1(1)
Save As: Magic-User: 5
Death Ray/Poison 13
Magic Wands 14
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 13
Breath Attack 16
Rod/Staff/Spell 15
Morale: 9
Treasure Type: D
Intelligence: 3
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 1,200

Monster Type: Monster (Very Rare).

The hypnosnake is a semi-intelligent reptile that attempts to hypnotize its prey before devouring it. This hideous serpent
is a red-and-green-striped reptile that may grow up to 20 feet in length. Its eyes are a whirling blend of all the colors of the
rainbow. To hypnotize its prey, the hypnosnake stares into the eyes of a potential victim while swaying in a rhythmical
fashion. The victim must make a saving throw vs. paralysis or fall instantly asleep. The next round, the hypnosnake may
seek out another victim and attempt to hypnotize him or her.
A character who is surprised by a hypnosnake automatically meets its gaze. Characters who are in hand-to-hand combat
with it will meet its gaze unless they state that they are looking away. In the latter case, the character attacks at -4, and the
hypnosnake attacks at +2 on all rolls to attack. If the hypnosnake watches itself in a mirror for a full round it must make a
saving throw vs. paralysis or fall asleep itself.
The hypnosnake can also lash out with its barbed tail for 1d10 points of damage or bite for 1d8 points. Note that if it
chooses to bite, it cannot attempt to hypnotize at the same time.
Terrain: Cavern, Desert, Open, Ruins, Swamp, Woods.
Creature Catalog Page 59
Ice Wolf

Armor Class: 4
Hit Dice: 3+1**, 4+1** or
5+1** (L)
Move: 150’ (50’)
THAC0 16,15,13
Attacks: 1 bite or 1 breath
Damage: 1d10 or special
No. Appearing: 0 (1d8)
Save As: Fighter: 4, 5, or 6
Death Ray/Poison 10
Magic Wands 11
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 12
Breath Attack 13
Rod/Staff/Spell 14
Morale: 10
Treasure Type: C
Intelligence: 2
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 100, 275 or 575

Monster Type: Monster (Rare).

Ice wolves are huge hounds (as big as a pony) with snow-white fur and icy blue eyes. They live mostly on high
mountains and in arctic regions, but often venture onto the lowlands during winter or in search of food when game is
scarce. Ice wolves are sometimes trained and used as mounts by creatures such as hobgoblins and Qauriks (page 75).
Each round during combat, ice wolves normally (1-4 on 1d6) attack with a bite. Alternatively (5-6 on 1d6), they attack
by breathing out an icy blast of air at a single victim within 15 feet. The blast automatically hits, inflicting 1d4 points of
damage for each full hit die of the creature (for example, the breath of an ice wolf with 3+1 hit points will inflict 3d4
points of damage). The victim is allowed a saving throw vs. dragon breath and, if successful, takes only half damage.
Ice wolves are immune to normal cold and take only half damage from magical cold attacks. If normal or magical fire is
used, however, one extra point is added to each die of damage inflicted (in other words, a torch does 1d4+1 points of
damage to an ice wolf).
Terrain: Cold/Arctic, Mountain.

Jellyfish, Giant

Marauder Man-O-War
Armor Class: 9 6
Hit Dice: 4** (L) 9** (L)
Move: 15’ (5’) 30’ (10’)
THAC0 16 11
Attacks: Tentacles Tentacles
Damage: 1d10 each+paralysis 1d10 each+paralysis
No. Appearing: 0(1d10) 0 (1d4)
Save As: Fighter: 2 Fighter: 5
Death Ray/Poison 12 10
Magic Wands 13 11
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 14 12
Breath Attack 15 13
Rod/Staff/Spell 16 14
Morale: 8 9
Treasure Type: Nil U
Intelligence: 0 0
Alignment: Neutral Neutral
XP Value: 175 2,300

Monster Type: Lowlife (Rare).

These huge, translucent creatures have stinging tentacles up to 100 feet long. The tentacles look like innocuous weeds
hanging down into the water. However, the giant jellyfish is able to manipulate these appendages to slash and paralyze its
unfortunate victims. Giant jellyfish stay afloat by retaining air in a large bladder which forms the majority of their bodies.
They will always be found floating near the surface of the sea.
Maurader: The marauder is 10 feet across and has 40 tentacles. It can only use 1d4 of them against each opponent,
however, Each hit inflicts 1d10 points of damage and the victim must make a saving throw vs. paralysis or be paralyzed
for 1d10 rounds. The monster gains a +4 bonus on all attack rolls against paralyzed opponents.
Man-O-War: The man-o-war is a larger form of the marauder. It is 20 feet across, with 80 tentacles. The man-o-war
can attack a single opponent with 1d10 of its tentacles each round. The same attack roll bonuses apply against opponents
who fail their saving throws as with marauders.
Terrain: Ocean.

Creature Catalog Page 60-61


Stone* Wood
Armor Class: 0 6
Hit Dice: 30** (L) 25** (L)
Move: 90’ (30’) 120’ (40’)
THAC0 2 3
Attacks: 1 crush 1 crush
Damage: 10d10 8d10
No. Appearing: 0(1) 0(1)
Save As: Special Special
Death Ray/Poison
Magic Wands
Paralysis/Turn to Stone
Breath Attack
Morale: 12 12
Treasure Type: M+N G
Intelligence: 3 3
Alignment: Neutral Neutral
XP Value: 11,250 7,500

Monster Type: Construct (Very Rare).

Juggernauts are huge magical machines. They may be encountered in a variety of shapes and sizes: Some look like
houses, pyramids, or even statues mounted on great rollers. They are magically animated and have some awareness of
their surroundings, allowing them to hunt and kill. They are made of wood or stone.
Juggernauts are very maneuverable. They can stop, reverse, or turn around in just 1 round, allowing them to attack
creatures behind, beside, or in front of them from one round to the next. They attack by rolling over victims with their
huge wheels. These are 30 feet wide, making it possible for juggernauts to attack more than one target in their path. If
there is only one target in their path, the attack is made normally. If there are two or more targets in the path then each is
allowed to make a saving throw vs. dragon breath. Targets that make their saving throw have managed to get out of the
path of the juggernaut. Those that fail to save will be hit if the juggernaut makes a successful attack roll against them. A
separate roll is made for each target.
All juggernauts have the following immunities in common: all nonmagical missile fire; sleep, charm, and hold spells;
and poison.
Stone Juggernaut: Stone juggernauts appear as small pyramids or huge statues on rollers. They stand 40 feet to 50 feet
high. They may only be damaged by magical weapons or spells. Stone juggernauts make all their saving throws on a roll
of 4 or better. Stone juggernauts can easily crush small buildings, even those made of stone.
Wood Juggernaut: This type of juggernaut normally appears as a large wooden building on rollers. It is 20 feet to 30
feet high. Its saving throw vs. everything (except magical fire) is 5 or better. A wooden juggernaut automatically fails its
saving throw against any type of magical fire attack.
A juggernaut carries its treasure inside itself. This treasure may only be found after the monster is destroyed.
Terrain: Ruins, Settled.

Kai-Muru * (Shipbane)

Armor Class: 4
Hit Dice: 2*(M)
Move: 120’ (40’)
THAC0 18
Attacks: 2 claws/1 bite+special
Damage: 1d3/1d3/1d6
No. Appearing: 0 (10d6)
Save As: Fighter: 4
Death Ray/Poison 10
Magic Wands 11
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 12
Breath Attack 13
Rod/Staff/Spell 14
Morale: 9
Treasure Type: Nil
Intelligence: 6
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 25

Monster Type: Planar Monster (Very Rare).

These vicious, man-sized creatures from the Elemental Plane of Air are normally encountered flying over

Creature Catalog Page 62

windswept oceans in wandering groups of 10 or more. These groups are able to completely enshroud themselves in a
cloud of magical, fog-like vapor which reduces visibility to 3 feet within its area of effect. The cloud is 20 feet deep and
has a diameter of 10 feet per kal-muai present. The fog is unaffected by the wind, and can move at the same speed as the
flying kal-murus. It will vanish if the number of kal-murus is reduced to less than 10.
Any creature caught in the fog is subject to confusion (as the spell), but creatures having 5 or more Hit Dice save at +4,
and those with 8 or more Hit Dice are unaffected. Kal-murus can change their shape (but not their size or attacks) at will,
which adds to the confusion and terror of their victims.
Kal-murus attack with two claws and a bite. They are immune to mind-affecting spells such as sleep or charm, and can
only be hit by silver or magical weapons.
Sailors know and fear the unnatural fog created by kal-murus, since ships engulfed by it usually vanish or are found
adrift with the entire crew mysteriously and viciously slain. Mariners have given the kal-muru fog the name shipbane, and
the mere mention of it is enough to strike terror in the heart of the most hardened seafarer.
Terrain: Ocean.


Armor Class: 9 (see below)

Hit Dice: 1+1 or 1+4 (see below) (M)
Move: 120’ (40’)
THAC0 18
Attacks: 1 weapon
Damage: By weapon
No. Appearing: 2d4 (10d6)
Save As: Fighter: 1 or Fighter: 2 (see below)
Death Ray/Poison 12
Magic Wands 13
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 14
Breath Attack 15
Rod/Staff/Spell 16
Morale: 9 or 11 (see below)
Treasure Type: R (G) (see below)
Intelligence: 7
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 15

Monster Type: Humanoid (Rare).

Kara-kara inhabit tropical islands, but may occasionally be encountered at sea in their large outrigger canoes or while
raiding the coasts of civilized lands.
They are tribal humanoids distantly related to ores. Kara-kara are slightly shorter than humans and have olive-green
skin; tangled, curly, dark green hair; and muzzle-like mouths with curved, yellowing fangs. Most wear only loincloths,
lurid body paint and primitive jewelry. They speak only their own language, which can be understood by creatures who
know the orcish tongue.
In a tribe there are as many adult females as males and 1d2 young for every pair of adults. The young do not fight, but
the females are armed with stone daggers and fight in self-defense. For every 10 warriors, there will be a leader with 9 hit
points (12 when chanting-see below).
Kara-kara do not know how to work metals, and so nearly all of their weapons are made of stone, wood, and teeth.
Warriors and leaders will each have a large
Creature Catalog Page 63

decorated wooden shield and one or two spears. In addition they will have a stone-headed mace, a wooden pick, or a
wooden short sword edged with shark’s teeth. Females usually have stone daggers. Stone daggers inflict 1d4 points of
damage; all of the other weapons inflict 1d6 points.
Tribes of kara-kara are usually ruled by councils of manwu-papas, or witch doctors. Most manwu-papas are 4th-level
clerics and have the following spells: cause fear, hold person and cause light wounds.
Some manwu-papas are 6th-level clerics and normally have the spells listed above plus silence 15’ radius and curse.
Manwu-papas normally have metal weapons gained through trade or war with outsiders. They often wear armor made
from thin plates of tough wood. This armor has the same Armor Class as leather armor.
The kara-kara are a singing people. In battle the males set up rhythmic chant which raises their morale to 11. It also
increases the hit points of warriors and leaders by 3 and makes them the equivalent of 2 Hit Dice creatures for the
purposes of determining the effects of spells such as sleep. The chant takes effect in the round after it is started. It requires
at least five kara-kara to maintain it and can be negated by, for example, a silence 15’ radius spell. Dispel magic or similar
spells have no effect.
Because they have little understanding of metals, kara-kara value them only for their useful qualities. Precious metals
(for example, gold and silver) are considered worthless since they are too soft to hold a shape, and the kara-kara do not
hoard them. The treasure types given above for the kara-kara should only be used to calculate the value of their treasure,
which will consist almost entirely of jewelry. Kara-kara jewelry is made from jade, pig tusks, pearls, mother-of-pearl,
bones, teeth, and other gems (occasionally).
The kara-kara are followers of a pig cult, and regard pigs and boars as semi-sacred animals. A kara-kara island will
always be inhabited by large numbers of foraging pigs (the equivalent of boars).
Terrain: Ocean, Open, Jungle (on or near tropical islands only).

Killer Tree

Armor Class: 5
Hit Dice: 6 (L)
Move: 0’
THAC0 14
Attacks: 4 limbs/1 mouth
Damage: 0 each/3d6
No. Appearing: 0 (2d6)
Save As: Fighter: 3
Death Ray/Poison 12
Magic Wands 13
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 14
Breath Attack 15
Rod/Staff/Spell 16
Morale: 12
Treasure Type: Nil
Intelligence: 1
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 275

Monster Type: Lowlife (Rare).

Killer trees look like large trees and can resemble any tree species, so that it is very hard to distinguish one from the
normal trees around it. Killer trees are unable to move since their roots are set into the earth like those of a normal tree.
Killer trees are part animal and part vegetable, needing both sunlight and the concentrated nourishment found in meat to
survive. Because of their need for meat, killer trees are often found by the sides of animal trails or along forest paths.
Some of the branches of a killer tree are actually tentacles with which the tree can reach out up to 20 feet to grab victims
and then drag them to its mouth (which is disguised as a large tree-bole). Each branch has 1 Hit Die, and a successful
attack on it which inflicts 5 or more points of damage will sever it. One attack can only sever one limb, regardless of the
number of points of damage done in an attack. If victims do not cut their way free, they will be dragged to the mouth on
the round after a limb hits and will take an automatic 3d6 points of damage per round thereafter from the mouth’s bite.
The strong crushing action of the mouth and the powerful sap of the digestive chamber leave nothing left of victims, and
thus killer tress do not have even incidental treasure.
Terrain: Swamp, Woods.

Creature Catalog Page 64


Armor Class: 5
Hit Dice: 7 (L)
Move (swimming): 150’ (50’)
THAC0 13
Attacks: 1 weapon
Damage: By weapon+5
No. Appearing: 0 (2d10)
Save As: Fighter: 7
Death Ray/Poison 8
Magic Wands 9
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 10
Breath Attack 11
Rod/Staff/Spell 12
Morale: 10
Treasure Type: (V)A
Intelligence: 11
Alignment: Neutral or Chaotic
XP Value: 450

Monster Type: Humanoid (Common).

Kna are tall (10 to 12 feet), strong, aquatic humanoids. They have orange, scaly skin, bulgy eyes, and large fins along
their backs and heads. They generally arm themselves with short thrusting spears and with crossbows specially made for
underwater use.
Kna capture and train mashers (see page 78) for use as beasts of burden. They remove the stingers from the huge, slow
creatures and harness them to tow trains of as many as 10 large (up to 30-foot-long), semi-buoyant barge-like platforms
which float 20 to 30 feet above the sea bed. These platforms are made from the light internal shells of giant squid and are
gaily decorated with shells and colored stones.
Each family group within a tribe has its own masher and makes its home in shelters built on one or more of the
platforms the masher pulls. The other platforms are used for freight, since the kna make their living as merchants and/or
haulers, dealing both with undersea and terrestrial races. The kna are experts at packing goods so as to protect them from
the effects of seawater.
Unfortunately not all kna are peaceful traders. Some tribes whose livings have been badly affected by the competition of
surface ships have abandoned trading and have taken to piracy. Kna cannot breathe air, so their favorite tactic is to wreck
ships, overcome the crew when they are in the water, and then collect the cargo when the vessel sinks. To sink a boat the
kna harness a team of mashers to the vessel with chains. The mashers then tow the ship onto a reef or rocks where it is
soon wrecked.
Terrain: Ocean.

Creature Catalog Page 65


Armor Class: 3
Hit Dice: 8+4* (M)
Move: 30’ (10’)
Swimming: 150’ (50’)
THAC0 11
Attacks: 1 bite/1 tail or charm
Damage: 1d4/3d6
No. Appearing: 1d3 (1d3)
Save As: Fighter: 9
Death Ray/Poison 8
Magic Wands 9
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 10
Breath Attack 11
Rod/Staff/Spell 12
Morale: 9
Treasure Type: I+N
Intelligence: 10
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 1,400

Monster Type: Monster (Rare).

The kopru are a race of heat-loving amphibians of great intelligence and power. Each has a smooth head, large eyes, and
a tentacled, sphinctered mouth. Kopru have humanoid torsoes and two arms ending in webbed, clawed hands. From the
waist down, their bodies consist of three fluke-like tails, each ending in a sharp ripping claw. Kopru have a +2 bonus on
their saving throws against magical attacks.
While they do not truly hate all people, kopru view humans as nothing but brutes to be used, played with, and
controlled. Their expansion was severely limited by their need for very hot, wet environments, such as hot springs and
tropical swamps. Their civilization has been in decline for many years.
In combat, a kopru bites while coiling all three of its tails around a single victim in a powerful crushing attack. The
kopru’s most deadly weapon, however, is its special charm power. Instead of attacking normally, the kopru may use this
power on any individual within 30 feet for 1 round. If the victim fails to make a saving throw vs. death ray, the character
becomes totally obedient to the mental commands of the kopru. If the saving throw is successful, no other kopru from the
same group may attempt to charm that character again.
The special charm of the kopru is different from the charm person spell in that the person acts normally (including the
use of spells and magic items), but is totally committed to the interests of the kopru. A kopru knows the thoughts and
memories of any character it has charmed. A character may only be controlled by one kopru at a time, but there is no limit
to the distance at which a character may be controlled. The charm can be broken by a dispel magic spell, a wish spell, or
by the death of the controlling kopru. In addition, the controlled character gets a new saving throw at the beginning of
each game month. If successful, the character breaks free of the charm.
Terrain: Cavern, Ocean, Swamp (tropical).


Armor Class: 0
Hit Dice: 64* (plus tentacles) (L)
Move (swimming): 240’ (80’)
Attacks: 1-10 tentacles/1 bite
Damage: 7d6 per tentacle/8d10
No. Appearing: 0(1)
Save As: Fighter: 36
Death Ray/Poison 2
Magic Wands 2
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 2
Breath Attack 2
Rod/Staff/Spell 2
Morale: 10
Treasure Type: G+H
Intelligence: 5
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 26,000
Monster Type: Monster (Very Rare).
The kraken is one of the largest of all creatures. The body is over 150 feet long, and each of its 10 huge tentacles can
reach up to 750 feet. It usually remains deep under the sea, reaching up from the depths to attack large prey, passing ships,
and even low-flying creatures. It is greenish-blue, and when it floats on the surface (a rare occasion), it appears identical
to a mass of kelp.
When a kraken attacks a ship, it wraps six of its tentacles around the craft and attacks crew members with the remaining
four. Each tentacle inflicts 7-42 points of damage. The six tentacles hold on to the ship, automatically inflicting 7d6 points
of constriction damage each round (half damage, in hull points, to the vessel). Once the boat has been crushed, the kraken
attack the survivors with all tentacles. The victims are drawn to the monster’s cavernous mouth in 2d4 rounds. Any victim
caught has a - 4 penalty to all attack rolls, but may attack the tentacle holding him or her (60 hit points each, in addition to
the body’s 64 Hit Dice) to attempt to escape.
If the kraken loses five or more tentacles, it releases all its victims and flees, releasing a 1000 foot by 1000 foot cloud of
ink for obscurement. This cloud blinds all creatures for as long as they remain within it.
Terrain: Ocean.
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Armor Class: 4
Hit Dice: 8*(L)
Move: 120’ (40’)
THAC0 12
Attacks: 1 tail/illusion
Damage: 3d8 special
No. Appearing: 1(1)
Save As: Magic-User: 8
Death Ray/Poison 11
Magic Wands 12
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 11
Breath Attack 14
Rod/Staff/Spell 12
Morale: 9
Treasure Type: C
Intelligence: 14
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 1,200

Monster Type: Monster (Very Rare).

The lamara is a solitary, evil desert creature with the head and torso of a human and the lower body of a snake. It cannot
speak, but understands all languages. It is immune to normal weapons and to charm and hold spells.
The lamara finds victims through trickery and deceit. It produces illusions at will, and usually appears as a normal
human (either male or female). This illusion can charm those of the opposite sex. Each potential victim seeing the illusion
must make a saving throw vs. spell (at -2) or be charmed. This effect is more powerful than normal, and those succumbing
to the effect will defend the lamara to the death, even against the attacks of other friends. When a lamara is alone with a
victim, it creates an illusory enemy, and the victim is always slain in the ensuing battle (killed by the lamara). A lamara
prefers to let its charmed victims fight for it, but can attack with its long serpent tail by constriction (holding on for
automatic damage in subsequent rounds after a successful attack, if desired).
Terrain: Desert.
Creature Catalog Page 67
Lava Lizard

Armor Class: 3
Hit Dice: 4*(M)
Move: 90’ (30’)
THAC0 16
Attacks: 1 bite+special
Damage: 1d6 +1d6
No. Appearing: 1(1)
Save As: Fighter: 4
Death Ray/Poison 10
Magic Wands 11
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 12
Breath Attack 13
Rod/Staff/Spell 14
Morale: 12
Treasure Type: Nil
Intelligence: 2
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 125

Monster Type: Monster (Very Rare).

The lava lizard is a bizarre reptile that dwells in subterranean caverns among pools of bubbling lava. The creature has a
rock-like outer shell that helps to maintain the high body temperature a lava lizard must have to survive.
The lava lizard fights by trying to bite a creature with its quick but, relatively weak, jaws. A bitten creature takes 1d6
points of damage from the lizard’s bite and must make a saving throw vs. dragon breath. If the saving throw is
unsuccessful, the creature is gripped momentarily by the lava lizard’s jaws and takes an additional 1d6 points of damage
from heat. For magical types of fire resistance, such as rings and spells, treat the heat damage as red dragon breath in
terms of saving throws and reduction of damage.
The lava lizard also has a special defense. Whenever the creature is struck by a nonmagical metal weapon (such as a
sword or dagger), the owning character must make a saving throw vs. wands or the weapon melts from the intense heat of
the creature’s interior. Note that a melted weapon still inflicts damage on that round, but is unable to do so thereafter.
Although these creatures dwell in hot subterranean caverns, they have been known to travel several miles from the lava
they need to survive. As they feel their body temperature cooling, they will attempt to return to the nourishing fires. There
are a few unconfirmed reports of lava lizards being found in statue-like immobility, presumably having been caught too
far from their source of heat.
Terrain: Cavern.
Creature Catalog Page 68

Desert Marine
Armor Class: 2 4
Hit Dice: 60** (L) 70*** (L)
Move: 240’ (80’) 300’ (100’)
THAC0 1 1
Attacks: 1 bite 1 bite
Damage: 3d12 (see below) 4d10 (see below)
No. Appearing: 0(1) 0(1)
Save As: Fighter: 36 Fighter: 36
Death Ray/Poison 2 2
Magic Wands 2 2
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 2 2
Breath Attack 2 2
Rod/Staff/Spell 2 2
Morale: 11 10
Treasure Type: Nil (see below) Nil (see below)
Intelligence: 0 0
Alignment: Neutral Neutral
XP Value: 35,750 57,500

Monster Type: Lowlife (Very Rare).

The dreaded desert and marine leviathans are huge worm-like creatures with massive, gaping maws. They are among
the mightiest of creatures currently living on the Prime Plane. The largest known desert leviathans have been reported at
500 feet long and 40 feet wide, and the greatest marine specimens reach 650 feet long and 30 feet wide.
Despite their size, however, the vastness of the deserts and the fathomless depth of the oceans where the two varieties
live mean that these monstrous creatures are rarely seen by civilized beings. Those travelers who encounter a leviathan
seldom survive to tell the tale. Nevertheless, the often distorted tales of them which have reached the outside world have
been enough to breed legends of awesome power and destruction vast enough to rival even the creatures themselves.
Both varieties of leviathan attack by swallowing everything in a large volume of sand or water (30 feet long by 30 feet
wide by 30 feet tall or 50 feet long by 50 feet wide by 50 feet tall, respectively). Each victim within that area must make a
saving throw vs. dragon breath with a -4 penalty to the roll or be swallowed.
Each victim swallowed takes 3-36 (3d12) points of damage from the bite, plus 4-48 (4d12) points of automatic digestive
damage each round thereafter. Victims may, however, attack the soft inside of the creature (AC 5) while alive. A leviathan
cannot digest magical items. If an object or creature has not been totally dissolved within 1 turn, the monster ejects it
before returning to the depths.
Leviathans are immune to poison, take half damage from all weapons and spells, and are completely immune to spells
which do not inflict points of damage (including charm, disintegrate, hold and so on).
Desert Leviathan: This creature dwells in the depths of the desert sand, and its tough hide is a dull, pale brown to
match its environment. It is blind, but is attracted by vibrations caused by its prey’s movement. When closing for the kill,
it moves just below the surface, creating a ripple in the shifting sand like a huge ocean wave.
Marine Leviathan: The marine leviathan lives only in the deepest parts of the widest oceans and is a dark gray-green
color. It is longer and sleeker than its desert dwelling relative and has large eyes adapted for the gloom of the depths. As
well as swallowing prey whole, the marine leviathan can swim around and around to create a whirlpool which can sink a
ship with up to 80+1d100 hull points.
Terrain: Desert Leviathan: Desert; Marine Leviathan: Ocean.

Creature Catalog Page 69

Living Statue

Jade* Rock/Ooze Silver* Steel*

Armor Class: 4 4 4 1
Hit Dice: 3+1** (M) 5** (M) 1+1* (M) 5** (M)
Move: 60’ (20’) 60’ (20’) 120’ (40’) 30’ (10’)
THAC0 16 15 18 15
Attacks: 2 hands 2 squirts of gray ooze 1 bite 2 fists
Damage: 1d6/1d6 See below 2d4 1d8/1d8
No. Appearing: 1d6 (1d6) 1d3 (1d3) 2d6 (2d6) 1d4 (1d4)
Save As: Fighter: 10 Dwarf: 5 Fighter: 2 Fighter: 5
Death Ray/Poison 6 6 12 10
Magic Wands 7 7 13 11
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 8 8 14 12
Breath Attack 9 10 15 13
Rod/Staff/Spell 10 9 16 14
Morale: 12 11 12 12
Treasure Type: Nil Nil Nil Nil
Intelligence: 7 7 7 7
Alignment: Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
XP Value: 100 425 19 425

Monster Type: Construct (Very Rare).

Besides the more common types of living statue, numerous other types are known to exist, including silver, rock/ooze,
jade, and steel. Like normal rock living statues, these are all immune to sleep, charm, and hold spells, but each has its own
special attributes.
Jade: These normal-sized statues are highly magic resistant and make saving throws as a 10th-level fighter. They are
immune to nonmagical weapons and even magical weapons confer no bonuses to attack or damage rolls when used
against them. When destroyed, they crumble to worthless powder.
Rock/Ooze: These resemble normal rock living statues, but they have the ability to conceal themselves by merging into
the surface of a rock wall, floor, or ceiling. They are resistant to magic, and so make all saving throws as 5th-level
dwarves. In place of hot magma, rock/ooze statues are filled with gray ooze, and can squirt two blobs of ooze per round
from their fingertips (AC 8; HD ½ (4 hp); Damage 2d4/round (automatic)+dissolve metal; Save Fighter: 1; ML 12; xp
Silver: These are much smaller than normal living statues (about one foot high) and have a thick skin of pure silver
(value 50 gp when the statue is killed). They are not harmed by nonmetal, nonmagical weapons or nonmagical fire, and
take only half damage from edged weapons. Steel: These statues are immune to nonmagical iron or steel weapons. Any
iron or steel weapon striking a steel statue automatically becomes stuck in it. On the following round the weapon is
absorbed by the statue, which gains 1d4+1 hit points (up to a maximum of 40). Magical weapons are unaffected by the
statue’s absorption power and so do standard damage.
Terrain: Cavern, Ruins, Settled.
Lizard, Giant Foot-Pad

Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: 2+1 (L)
Move: 120’ (40’)
Climbing: 60’ (20’)
THAC0 17
Attacks: 1 bite
Damage: 1d6
No. Appearing: 1d3 (1d4+1)
Save As: Fighter: 2
Death Ray/Poison 12
Magic Wands 13
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 14
Breath Attack 15
Rod/Staff/Spell 16
Morale: 7
Treasure Type: Nil (see below)
Intelligence: 2
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 25

Monster Type: Monster (Rare).

These slender giant lizards have long, spindly legs with toes which are flattened out to form round, sticky pads. These
pads, allied with the creatures’ agility and low body weight, make foot-pad lizards excellent climbers. They can cope with
any but the smoothest of surfaces, at any angle up to the vertical. Provided they are captured young and properly trained,
lizards can be used as mounts or pack animals. However, they cannot climb slopes steeper than 60 degrees when
Terrain: Cavern, Mountain, Woods.
Load: 2,500 en at normal speed; 4,000 en at half speed.
Creature Catalog Page 70
Lizard. Rockhome

Armor Class: 5
Hit Dice: 3 (L)
Move: 120’ (40’)
THAC0 17
Attacks: 1 bite
Damage: 1d6
No. Appearing: 2d4 (2d4)
Save As: Fighter: 3
Death Ray/Poison 12
Magic Wands 13
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 14
Breath Attack 15
Rod/Staff/Spell 16
Morale: 9
Treasure Type: Nil
Intelligence: 2
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 35
Monster Type: Monster (Common).
If the dog is man’s best friend, then the Rockhome lizard is the best friend of many a subterranean dwarf. This lizard,
possibly an ancestor of the lizard man, stands on two legs, averaging about five feet high (about nine feet from head to
tail) and is roughly as intelligent as the domesticated dog. It has weak but long forelimbs which it uses to catch at prey. It
possesses strong jaws, runs very fast, and varies in color from pure white to whitish hues of green and blue. The creature
is completely nocturnal.
It lives in caves and can only emerge at night, and seldom chooses to do so then. In the wild, the Rockhome lizard lives
in large cave complexes and feeds on rats and the occasional choker. If subterranean food is rare, the lizards emerge at
night to feed on small forest animals and, sometimes, wolves or lone travelers.
However, the lizard thrives in captivity and can be trained to perform simple tasks. They are commonly used to
continually run in large wheels to provide power to machines, catch rats and chokers, carry dwarves, or haul wagons,
chariots, or heavy blocks of stone (when yoked together in groups).
Unfortunately, Rockhome lizards die when exposed to sunlight and don’t get along too well with horses, or else they’d
be the dwarves’ draft animal of choice. Rockhome lizards suffer 1d6 points damage for each hour they are in sunlight due
to sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.
Terrain: Cavern.
Load: 4,500 en at normal speed; 9,000 en at half speed.
Barding Multiplier: x2.
Creature Catalog Page 71

Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: 2 (M)
Move: 120’ (40’)
THAC0 18
Attacks: 1 weapon
Damage: 1d8
No. Appearing: 2d6 (5d8)
Save As: Fighter: 2
Death Ray/Poison 12
Magic Wands 13
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 14
Breath Attack 15
Rod/Staff/Spell 16
Morale: 8
Treasure Type: C
Intelligence: 10
Alignment: Lawful
XP Value: 20

Monster Type: Humanoid (Rare).

In many ways lupins resemble werewolves. They are bipedal, dog-like creatures with canine heads. But despite their
appearance, lupins are Lawful and will not normally attack unless threatened or alarmed. They are often found in alliance
with humans. They hate werewolves and will attack them on sight (recognizing a werewolf even in its human form). In
battle, lupins sometimes ride trained dire wolves and attack with a mounted lance charge. When fighting werewolves,
lupins employ silver weapons—lances with silver heads, silver swords, and silver-tipped arrows being their favored
Lupins have a tribal society whose members are formed into packs of 2d6 lupins, each with its own elder who has 3-4
Hit Dice. Each tribe is formed from an alliance of several packs. The tribes are held together by mutual trust, with each
elder having an equal say in the running of the tribe.
Lupins are nomadic. Where they do make settlements, these consist of a number of lodges made of tree-bark fastened
onto a wooden frame. These lodges are often arranged around a central fire which serves as a meeting place for the tribe.
Each lodge normally houses a single pack, but some large lodges are home to as many as four packs.
Terrain: Open, Woods.

Lycanthrope, Werejaguar*

Armor Class: 4
Hit Dice: 5+2* (M)
Move: 180’ (60’)
THAC0 14
Attacks: 2 claws/1 bite
Damage: 1d4/1d4/1d8+1d6/1d6
No. Appearing: 1(1)
Save As: Fighter: 6
Death Ray/Poison 10
Magic Wands 11
Paralysis/Turn to 12
Breath Attack 13
Rod/Staff/Spell 14
Morale: 10
Treasure Type: V
Intelligence: Varies
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 400

Monster Type: Monster, Enchanted (Very Rare).

The werejaguar prowls the tropical rain forest. In jaguar shape this creature cannot speak, but it retains its human
intelligence. In combat, the werejaguar can automatically rake a victim with its two rear claws (for 1d6 points of damage
apiece) if both front claws strike in the same round. Make separate damage rolls for both raking attacks. A werejaguar can
also summon 1d2 normal jaguars, which will arrive in 1d4 rounds. A silver or magical weapon must be used to hit a
In jaguar shape these beasts are excellent climbers. Because of their feline stealth and their natural camouflage in rain
forests, they gain surprise on 1-3 on 1d6. They also have +1 on attack rolls when leaping down from above.
Among some tribes of the rain forests, werejaguars are feared and revered as minions of evil Immortals. Rumors are
whispered of savage cleric werejaguars in villages of the deep rain forest who, in unspeakable rituals, sacrifice to the
darkest Immortals by devouring living victims.
Terrain: Jungle.
Creature Catalog Page 72


Caldron Demos Galvan Hypnos

Armor Class: 5 7 or armor type 3 7
Hit Dice: 4*(M) 3+2 (M) 5*(M) 2* (M)
Move: 120’ (40’) 120’ (40’) 120’ (40’) 120’ (40’)
THAC0 16 16 15 18
Attacks: Special 1 weapon 1 weapon or lightning bolt Special
Damage: 1d10 or 3d6 1d8 or by weapon By weapon Charm
No. Appearing: 1d4 (0) 2d6 (0) 1d3 (0) 1(0)
Save As: Fighter: 4 Fighter: 4 Fighter: 5 Magic-User: 2
Death Ray/Poison 10 10 10 10
Magic Wands 11 11 11 11
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 12 12 12 12
Breath Attack 13 13 13 13
Rod/Staff/Spell 14 14 14 14
Morale: 12 12 12 12
Treasure Type: V C C U
Intelligence: 9 9 9 9
Alignment: Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
XP Value: 125 50 300 25
Monster Type: Construct (Very Rare).
Magen (Gens magica or "magical people") are beings created by high-level magic-users by means of complex
conjurations and strict and obscure alchemical formulae. They will follow the commands of their creator to the death.
Although magen resemble perfectly formed humans, they are not actually living beings at all. They exist purely through
magic and do not need air, water, food, or sleep. They do not even age. When killed, their bodies dissolve suddenly in an
acrid burst of multicolored flame and smoke.
The procedure for creating a magen varies according to the type required, and the special properties of some magen
require extra work on the part of the magic-user. In general a large expenditure of time and money (for the costly and/or
magical ingredients) is necessary to create even one or two of these magical people. Moreover, many high-level spells,
scrolls, and wish spells must be used during the elaborate preparations. Even so, there is always a good chance that the
incantations involved will fail, sometimes with dramatic and dangerous consequences.
There are four basic types of magen given here, although the DM may wish to design more. There are no outwardly
visible differences in the four types until they reveal their special powers.
Caldron: These magen have the ability to stretch their arms and legs up to 20 feet. They attempt to wrap their limbs
around a victim and, if successful, secrete an acid which does 1d10 points of damage per round until the victim is freed.
Victims may break free by succeeding at a Strength ability check with a -2 penalty. The caldron’s death also releases a
held victim.
Demos: These magen have no special powers and fight with weapons. If they wear armor, they will have the Armor
Class of that armor; otherwise, their Armor Class is 7.
Galvan: These magen have the ability to store static electricity, which they discharge as lightning bolts doing 3d6
points of damage. The lightning bolt is 60 feet long and 5 feet wide. A successful saving throw vs. dragon breath reduces
the damage by half. Galvan can discharge up to 3 lightning bolts per day and may also use weapons.
Hypnos: These magen are telepathic and have been given a permanent charm person ability by their creator. They can
attempt to charm one victim per round. If the victim fails a saving throw vs. spell, she or he will obey the magen’s
telepathic commands. The victim will not obey suicidal commands. Once an individual has successfully saved, she or he
is immune to the charm person power of that particular magen.
Terrain: Ruins, Settled.

Creature Catalog Page 73


Normal Giant
Armor Class: 7' 6
Hit Dice: ½ (1 hit point) (S) 1+1 (M)
Move: 360' (120') 330' (110')
THAC0 19 18
Attacks: 360' (120') 330' (110')
Damage: Nil 1 bite
No. Appearing: Nil 1d4
Save As: 0 (1d4) 0 (1d3)
Death Ray/Poison 14 12
Magic Wands 15 13
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 16 14
Breath Attack 17 15
Rod/Staff/Spell 17 16
Morale: 2 5
Treasure Type: See below See below
Intelligence: 3 3
Alignment: Neutral Neutral
XP Value: 2 15

Monster Type: Normal Animal (Common), Giant Animal (Rare).

Magpies have a well-deserved reputation as thieves, and may attempt to steal any unsecured, shiny, or brightly colored
objects which they see. A normal magpie can steal objects up to 2 en in weight (for example, a coin, gem or ring), while
the giant magpie can manage objects up to 15 en (for example, a piece of jewelry, a dagger, a wand, or a potion bottle).
If people are nearby, a magpie will normally swoop down to take an object without landing, and has a 30% chance of
picking it up cleanly and making off without dropping it. If the bird has the opportunity to land unseen, however, its
overall chance of success is 60%.
Stolen objects are taken to the bird's nest. Finding the nest in order to retrieve a lost item may be an arduous task—
perhaps even a perilous one if the search takes the victims through the territories of dangerous creatures. It may also be a
rewarding task, however, since the nest might also contain 1d6 coins (30%), 1d2 small gems (3%), a piece of jewelry (3%
—giant magpies only), or even a magical item (1%—giant magpies only).
Normal magpies will not fight, even if their nests are threatened, and giant ones will fight only if severely provoked.
Both kinds of bird prefer to live in cool or temperate lands, making their homes in woodlands, agricultural land, and even
Terrain: Open, Settled, Woods.

Creature Catalog Page 74

Man, Isolated

Over the ages many human civilizations have developed. Although some still thrive, many have fallen and vanished,
and the remnants of others remain in isolated, hidden communities. These are collectively known as lost cities, although
their inhabitants could well live underground or in a lost hidden valley.
Members of isolated human communities are mostly
either normal men or 1st-level fighters, although there may be leaders or specialists of higher levels and/or other classes.
These people will not necessarily be aggressive toward outsiders but, although human, they will almost always seem
strange. This strangeness may take one or more of the following forms:
• Physical Appearance: Inbreeding within a limited community and living for a long period in a particular
environment often give lost city dwellers physical peculiarities, such as unusual stature (very tall or very short), a strange
color of skin, eyes or hair, or unusual numbers of fingers or toes.
• Unusual Abilities: Just as isolation can change the appearance of isolated humans, it can also affect their abilities.
They could, for example, have infravision, telepathy, an acute sense of smell, a highly developed (or retarded) intellect,
great physical strength (or weakness), extremely long life spans, or even poisonous fingernails!
• Artifacts, Clothes and Weapons-. Cut off from the outside world, the innovation and taste of isolated humans may
have strayed far from "normal." As a result, the objects and weapons they use and the clothes they wear may be arcane,
highly sophisticated, or simply bizarre.
• Behavior. To outsiders, the actions, responses and attitudes of isolated humans may seem irrational, outrageous,
insane or just extreme. To the isloated humans, of course, these will seem perfectly right and proper. They will often
follow odd religions or philosophies and may have a very distorted idea of history and/or the outside world. Some lost
cultures may have a subject race (slaves) to serve them. These slaves may be very different in appearance from their
Examples of isolated human groups follow. DMs can use these or be inspired by them to create fantastic humans of
their own making.

Armor Class: 9
Hit Dice: 1 (M)
Move: 120' (40')
THAC0 19
Attacks: 1 weapon
Damage: By weapon+Str. bonus
No. Appearing: 1d8 (1d8)
Save As: Fighter: 1
Death Ray/Poison 12
Magic Wands 13
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 14
Breath Attack 15
Rod/Staff/Spell 16
Morale: Special
Treasure Type: A
Intelligence: Varies
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 10

Monster Type: Human (Very Rare).

The Cynidiceans live in an underground lost city in the desert. They have pale skin, bone-white hair, large eyes, and
infravision. They wear colorful masks in the form of birds or animals, bright clothing, and carry short swords, but wear no
armor. Some even paint their bodies with bright colors. The Cynidiceans have lived underground for so long that their
attack rolls are at -1 when attacking in full sunlight (like goblins).
The Cynidiceans are a dying race; each new generation is smaller than the last. They spend most of their time living in
exotic wine- or fungi-induced dream worlds, and their unusual dress and masks serve to strengthen their trances. Most
Cynidiceans have forgotten that the outside world exists—the times when they seem normal are becoming fewer and
fewer as their dream worlds gradually replace reality.
Most Cynidiceans are normal men, but some are clerics (lst-5th level) or magic-users (lst-3rd level).
When encountered, Cynidiceans can be as weird as the DM desires—they could ignore the party, pretend that they are
song birds, see the party as great gods or even terrible fiends, or they could shower wealth on the party. The possibilities
are vast and should be as varied as possible, with no two groups of Cynidiceans acting the same.
Terrain: Cavern.

Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: 2(M)
Move: 90' (30’)
THAC0 18
Attacks: 1 weapon
Damage: By weapon
No. Appearing: 0 (5d6; 2d10x10 in their city)
Save As: Fighter: 2
Death Ray/Poison 12
Magic Wands 13
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 14
Breath Attack 15
Rod/Staff/Spell 16
Morale: 10
Treasure Type: F
Intelligence: 7
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 20

Monster Type: Human (Very Rare).

The Qauriks live in a domed crystal city within the polar regions. They are a hardy race who take great pride in their
culture and achievements. The Qaurik city lies in the midst of an icy valley. The city was cut off many millennia ago by
huge avalanches which blocked the mountain passes and have since frozen solid.
They are led by a group of eight magic-users (8th-15th level) known as the Firelords. The Firelords control all the
aspects of the city and ensure that its inhabitants survive the harsh conditions of the region. The Firelords live in a
majestic palace in the heart of the crystal city, from where they control the powerful fire elementals which provide heating
for the city.
The folk of Qaurik are kept in awe of the Firelords by their use of phantasmal force spells to appear as mighty
supernatural beings. The Qauriks willingly die for their leaders, believing that in so doing they become supernatural
beings. The Firelords exploit their subjects' fanaticism by actively preying on them. It is considered a great honor to be
called to the Firelords’ palace, where it is believed the person dwells in ecstasy forever. What the Qauriks do not realize is
that those entering the palace fall prey to the unspeakable rites and appetites of the Firelords.

Creature Catalog Page 75

No Qaurik can be made to doubt the wisdom of their leaders, and they are fond of pointing to the warmth and majesty
of their city as proof of the Firelords' power and beneficence. They see themselves as a people blessed, for their gods live
among them. Any evidence to the contrary will be dismissed—it is not their place in life to doubt the actions of the gods.
Qauriks are of above normal height and are very strong. Strength scores of 15-18 are quite common for them. They have
death-white skins and pale blue eyes and hair. At the corners of their mouths are two protruding fangs. Their feet are
hairy, and feature sharp, downward-curving claws which are used to grip the ice. They wear heavy furs and ride ice
wolves outside the city. Inside, they favor red-and-orange garb. Qauriks wield two-handed swords, large battle axes, and
lances. They do not use shields.
The Firelords have an unimposing appearance. They are short and thin, with straggly gray hair and small, sharp needle-
like teeth. None of the Quariks are aware of the Firelords' true appearance.
Terrain: Cold/Arctic.

Warrior Vocal Other
Armor Class: 6 9 9
Hit Dice: 1+1 (M) 1'(M) 1-1 (M)
Move: 120' (40’) 120’ (40') 120' (40')
THAC0 18 19 19
Attacks: 1 weapon 1 shout or 1 weapon 1 weapon
Damage: By weapon+1 By weapon or see By weapon
No. Appearing: See below See below See below
Save As: Fighter: 1 Fighter: 1 Normal Man
Death Ray/Poison 12 12 14
Magic Wands 13 13 15
Paralysis/Turn to
14 14 16
Breath Attack 15 15 17
Rod/Staff/Spell 16 16 17
Morale: 10 9 7
Treasure Type: R R R
Intelligence: 8 9 8
Alignment: Neutral Neutral Neutral
XP Value: 15 15 5

Monster Type: Human (Very Rare).

The Traldar are found in the Lost Valley of Hutaaka, which is nestled in the mountains. They suffered a period of
slavery at the hands of the jackal-headed Hutaakans, but are now free of those humanoids' domination and have reverted
to a barbaric lifestyle. Most Traldar are short and muscular, and have no hair on their heads or bodies, except on the backs
of their large, strong hands. The Traldar are a cruel and embittered people, and in battle they are aggressive and
bloodthirsty. They have a great fear of the dark, however, and always barricade themselves indoors at night.
Warriors: The strongest members of a Traldan tribe are trained as warriors, and it is from these that the tribal leaders
are drawn. Ordinary warriors have a morale of 10, and attack as 1+1 HD monsters. They usually wear leather armor, carry
wooden shields, and wield spears or hand axes. The crudeness of the warriors' weapons is made up for by their Strength—
ordinary warriors have +1 to hit and damage, and leaders have a Strength bonus of +1 to +3.
Vocals: Some members of Traldan tribes are selected for special training as vocals. A fully trained vocal has an
abnormally large chest and neck, but is otherwise less muscular than other Traldar. The training gives vocals the ability to
shout incredibly loud, projecting most of the sound forward within a 45-degree cone. The original task of vocals was
communication. Their voices can be clearly heard up to 5 miles away in the direction of the shout, although the sound
carries no further than a normal human shout in any other direction. This special ability can also be used to attack,
however, and any character caught within the cone of a vocal's shout at close range may suffer the following mental and
physical effects:
• Range 20-30 Feet: Make a saving throw vs. magic wands with a bonus of +2 to the roll, or suffer a -2 penalty on
attack rolls and damage rolls, and Armor Class for 1 round.
• Range 10-20 Feet: As above, but there is no bonus to the saving throw.
• Range 0-10 Feet: Victims suffer 1d2 points of damage from the force of the sound and have a -2 penalty on
attacks and Armor Class for 1d3 rounds. Both effects are automatic (no saving throw).
Terrain: Mountain.

Creature Catalog Page 76

Man, Primitive (Barbarian, Native, Wild Man)

Armor Class: Varies

Hit Dice: 1 (M)
Move: 120' (40’)
THAC0 19
Attacks: 1 weapon
Damage: By weapon
No. Appearing: 0(3d10)
Save As: Varies
Death Ray/Poison Varies
Magic Wands Varies
Paralysis/Turn to Stone Varies
Breath Attack Varies
Rod/Staff/Spell Varies
Morale: 7-10
Treasure Type: A
Intelligence: Varies
Alignment: Any
XP Value: Varies

Monster Type: Human (Common).

Primitive peoples are similar to lost city dwellers in that they are humans who live beyond the bounds of normal
civilization. They differ, however, in that they never developed civilization—or, if they did, it collapsed long ago.
Most primitive peoples are tribal and nomadic, making only small, temporary settlements, often in remote places. Their
technology is usually poorly developed (stone age or bronze age), and they may rely on the outside world for more
advanced technology, such as iron weapons. These are often be gained by trade or war.
Since primitive peoples live close to nature, their societies and cultures reflect the limitations imposed on them by their
environment and way of life.
Barbarian: Barbarians are primitive, nomadic peoples who inhabit cold northern plains and tundra where they live by
hunting. Most are 1st-level fighters, although their leaders can be of much higher level. Some barbarians are thieves or
clerics, and druids are not unknown. They generally wear thick clothing of skins and furs (AC 7) and arm themselves with
bows, spears, swords and so on. Some leader types have metal armor, obtained, like their metal weapons, by trading or
warfare with civilized peoples.
So long as they are allowed to lead their lives and roam where they will, barbarians would rather hunt than wage war.
They have a strong sense of honor, however, and fight fiercely if they are offended. They are fond of wrestling, and will
form strong allegiances with those who prove their might and worth either in a wrestling match or otherwise.
For most of the year, barbarians live in scattered groups and tribes. At the time of the summer solstice, however, these
groups gather for a short time into massive hordes for religious worship and games of skill for honor and status. These
groups can be a considerable threat to any outsiders who happen to stumble on
Native: The term native may be applied to those who live in jungles or on islands in tropical areas. The warriors of the
more warlike tribes are all 1st-level fighters, but the natives of more peaceful tribes are mostly normal humans who have a
few higher level leaders.
Most natives wear scant clothes and no armor (AC 9), but some wear the equivalent of leather armor (AC 7), and the
tribal chiefs may wear special armor of hardened bone or lacquered wood (AC 5 or 6). Their most common weapons are
spears, daggers, knives, axes, or javelins, although some may use nets, tridents, bolas, and/or blowguns. Natives may also
carry shields. Natives are usually encountered in groups of 10-30, although their villages may contain up to 300. Leaders
can range from 4th level (war leader) to 9th level (great chieftain). A tribe may also have a shaman who is a magic-user or
cleric of at least 5th level.
Some natives are farmers or animal herders, but most live by hunting, gathering, and/or fishing. Some live by preying
on other tribes. Their dwellings are simple wooden huts or tents often protected (in the case of settled groups) by a
wooden stockade.
Wild Men: In uncivilized, temperate areas (forests, moorlands, etc.), tribes of primitive humans may exist, hiding from
their more advanced neighbors. Groups of wild men are generally small (10-20 individuals). They are nomadic and live
by hunting and gathering, leaving only scant traces of their temporary camps. Some wild men (including pagans—see
below) use portable tents of animal skins. Their encounters with outsiders (who call them wild men, men of the woods,
etc.), are brief-whether for trade (often in skins) or combat.
Most wild men are 1st-level fighters. Although some fighters rise to 2nd-4th level, few groups have a leader as such.
They prefer to organize themselves on a day-to-day basis.
Wild men generally wear clothes of skins or coarse cloth and rarely, use armor or shields. Their weapons include bows,
slings, spears, daggers, knives, and small axes. Some groups ride horses and are expert riders.
The name pagan is given to those wild men who worship certain Immortals of nature. Their clerics (1st-6th level)
practice seasonal sacrifices which they believe help maintain the cycles of the year. Pagan ceremonies are held in isolated
forest glades and grottoes and attended by large gatherings of pagans. They often include sacrifices of animals and
captured bounty, ranging from produce to defeated opponents' weapons.
Terrain: Any (see above).

Creature Catalog Page 77


Armor Class: 7
Hit Dice: 20* (L)
Move: 90' (30')
Attacks: 1 bite/1 sting
Damage: 3d8/2d8+poison
No. Appearing: 0(1)
Save As: Fighter: 4
Death Ray/Poison 10
Magic Wands 11
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 12
Breath Attack 13
Rod/Staff/Spell 14
Morale: 9
Treasure Type: Nil
Intelligence: 0
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 4,175

Monster Type: Lowlife (Rare).

Mashers are segmented sea worms, averaging 100 feet in length and resembling millipedes in form. They are black and
crawl about the ocean floor eating coral and any other scraps of food. These worms are blind, but can sense the presence
of other creatures by detecting scents and vibrations in the water.
Although a masher has a ferocious bite, its poisonous tail sting is its most feared weapon. Any victim hit must make a
saving throw vs. poison or die. Most of the time, mashers are solitary and nonaggressive unless frightened or surprised,
and will only attack in self-defense. During the mashers' breeding season, however, things are very different. The
creatures become aggressive, their color changes to a dull red and they congregate together (guided by scents carried on
the ocean currents) to temporarily form huge, fearsome, writhing masses.
Mashers are tamed and used as beasts of burden by kna, who remove their stingers to make them less dangerous.
Terrain: Ocean.


Armor Class: 3
Hit Dice: 7*** (M)
Move: 180' (60')
THAC0 13
Attacks: 1 bite+spedal
Damage: 1d10+special
No. Appearing: 0(1)
Save As: Fighter: 7, plus immune to spells
Death Ray/Poison 8
Magic Wands 9
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 10
Breath Attack 11
Rod/Staff/Spell 12
Morale: 12
Treasure Type: G
Intelligence: 17
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 1,650

Monster Type: Undead (Very Rare).

This undead wraith-like creature lives on the ocean floor in a series of spiraling tunnels, which are constructed as a
magically hypnotic pattern. This pattern affects all creatures viewing it (from above) within 240 feet. Creatures viewing
the pattern will be irresistibly drawn into the monster's lair (no saving throw). The lair can only be approached safely by
way of the ocean floor.
The insatiably hungry mesmer waits at the center of the pattern, dining on its victims. It can cast 2 powerful charm
monster spells per round (60-foot range). A victim may make a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the effect, but with a - 6
penalty to the roll. Characters attacked by the mesmer are no longer affected by the hypnotic pattern of the creature's lair.
Any spell cast at a mesmer is completely reflected back on the caster and expanded, affecting the caster and all other
creatures within 10 feet. A mesmer can be turned by a cleric as a "special" creature. It can only be harmed by magical
Terrain: Ocean.

Creature Catalog Page 78


Armor Class: 3
Hit Dice: 9** (M)
Move: 120' (40')
THAC0 11
Attacks: 1 bite or spells
Damage: 1d8 or special
No. Appearing: 1 (1)
Save As: Magic-User: 9
Death Ray/Poison 11
Magic Wands 12
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 11
Breath Attack 14
Rod/Staff/Spell 12
Morale: 9
Treasure Type: 1
Intelligence: 12
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 2,300

Monster Type: Monster (Rare).

Nagpa look like dried, withered humans with the heads of vultures. They are intelligent and are highly magical in
nature. They may use the following powers up to three times each day: create flames (cause an inflammable object within
60 feet to burst into flames for Id3 rounds, inflicting 2d6 points of damage per round, halved by a successful saving throw
vs. spell), paralysis (all Lawful characters within 10 feet must make a saving throw vs. spell or be paralyzed for 1d4
rounds), corruption (causes a nonliving object within 60 feet to decay or rot into an unusable condition-magical items are
allowed a saving throw vs. spell at the level of the character using the item), darkness, and phantasmal force. In combat, a
nagpa will try to avoid melee if possible and use its spells.
Nagpa are rarely encountered. They do not travel about and prefer to stay in deserted ruins or wastes. They speak their
own tongue, their alignment language, and the common language.
Terrain: Desert, Mountain, Open, Ruins.


Armor Class: -4
Hit Dice: 7*** (M)
Move: 180' (60')
fly 360' (120’)
THAC0 13
Attacks: 3
Damage: 1d12/2d6/2d6
No. Appearing: 1 (1)
Save As: Fighter: 7
Death Ray/Poison 8
Magic Wands 9
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 10
Breath Attack 11
Rod/Staff/Spell 12
Morale: 12
Treasure Type: Nil
Intelligence: 13
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 1,650

Monster Type: Planar Monster (Very Rare).

A nightmare, or hell horse, is a gaunt, skeletal creature with glowing red eyes, terrible fangs and a hideous appearance.
Nightmares are creatures from the Sphere of Death. The most powerful sort (maximum hit points) are often used as steeds
by that sphere's servitors, as well as by undead creatures such as specters, vampires and liches. Their very presence will
instantly kill small animals (1 hp or less—for example, mice and insects) up to 30 feet away and cause paralysis in
creatures of 3 Hit Dice or less in the same area. Paralyzed creatures may make a saving throw vs. paralysis each round.
Once a successful roll is made, they are no longer affected. Even the places where a nightmare has touched the ground
become blighted and barren.
Nightmares attack with their fangs and burning hooves. They also breathe out a cloud of smoking, noxious vapors
during combat. Those caught in the cloud, which measures 20 feet long by 20 feet wide, must make a successful saving
throw vs. dragon breath or suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls, damage rolls, Armor Class, and saving throws.
Nightmares can fly and become invisible (along with their riders, otherwise as the spell) at will, up to three times per
Terrain: Any.
Load: 4,500 en at normal speed, or 9,000 at half speed.
Barding Multiplier: xl.

Creature Catalog Page 79

Octopus, Giant

Armor Class: 7
Hit Dice: 8 (L)
Move: 90' (30’)
THAC0 12
Attacks: 8 tentacles/1 bite
Damage: 1d3 (x8)/1d6
No. Appearing: 0 (1d2)
Save As: Fighter: 4
Death Ray/Poison 10
Magic Wands 11
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 12
Breath Attack 13
Rod/Staff/Spell 14
Morale: 7
Treasure Type: Nil
Intelligence: 2
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 650
Monster Type: Giant Animal (Rare).
In combat, a giant octopus will squeeze a creature with its tentacles and stab or bite the creature with its fearsome beak.
Once its tentacles hit, they will constrict and automatically do 1d3 points of damage each round. Each tentacle that hits
also reduces its victim's chance to hit by 1. A character severs a tentacle when any single hit with an edged weapon does 6
or more points of damage. If combat is going against the giant octopus, it will flee, jetting away at triple speed and trailing
a large, black cloud of ink (40-foot radius).
Terrain: Ocean.

Owl, Giant

Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: 4 (M)
Move: 300' (100’)
THAC0 16
Attacks: 2 claws/1 bite
Damage: 1d8/1d8/1d6
No. Appearing: 0 (1d3)
Save As: Fighter: 2
Death Ray/Poison 12
Magic Wands 13
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 14
Breath Attack 15
Rod/Staff/Spell 16
Morale: 8
Treasure Type: V (no coins)
Intelligence: 4
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 75

Monster Type: Giant Animal (Rare).

Giant owls can be found in any temperate or cold (not arctic) region, but are rarely encountered. Like normal owls, they
are primarily nocturnal hunters with excellent night vision and the ability to fly almost silently (surprise on 1-5 on 1d6).
A giant owl's main weapons of attack are its fearsome claws, with which it can carry off prey weighing up to 1500 en.
Although owls have a reputation for wisdom and intelligence, they are neither more nor less friendly toward people than
most animals.
Terrain: Mountain, Open, Woods.

Creature Catalog Page 80

Oyster, Giant

Armor Class: 5 (-2)

Hit Dice: 10 (M)
Move: 10
Attacks: 1
Damage: 4d6
No. Appearing: 0 (1d4)
Save As: Fighter: 5
Death Ray/Poison 10
Magic Wands 11
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 12
Breath Attack 13
Rod/Staff/Spell 14
Morale: None
Treasure Type: E
Intelligence: 0
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 1,090

Monster Type: Giant Animal (Rare).

Giant oysters look just like ordinary ones, except that they are six feet in diameter and stand four feet high. They may be
found in nearly any type of watery environment, although they are most often found in cold, shallow water. When open,
the Armor Class of a giant oyster is 5, and -2 when closed. When attacked from a distance, a giant oyster closes its shell
and does not open for at least 1 turn.
Terrain: River/Lake, Ocean.

Armor Class: 3
Hit Dice: 7 (L)
Move: 90' (300’)
THAC0 13
Attacks: 2 swords/1 mace
Damage: 1d10+3/1d10+3/1d12+6
No. Appearing: 1d3 (2d10)
Save As: Fighter: 7
Death Ray/Poison 8
Magic Wands 9
Paralysis/Turn to 10
Breath Attack 11
Rod/Staff/Spell 12
Morale: 9
Treasure Type: A
Intelligence: 14+
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 450

Monster Type: Humanoid (Very Rare).

Pachydermions are very intelligent, elephant-like humanoids sometimes found in temperate regions, tropical jungles,
and savannah. They stand at least nine feet tall and have elephant heads surmounting their gray, leathery bodies.
Pachydermions live in cities of carved stone. They have a great knowledge of history and other lore. This knowledge is
never written down and is passed down verbally from generation to generation. It is a well-known fact that pachydermions
never forget any knowledge or experience, and these creatures are occasionally sought out and consulted for information
—but they invariably require payments of at least 2,000 gp.
Although not normally aggressive, pachydermions will defend themselves. They occasionally raid enemy villages and
towns. In battle a pachydermion wears ornate armor, uses two swords (one in each hand), and wields a great mace in its
prehensile trunk. Because of the creatures' strength and the size and weight of these weapons, the damage for each of
these weapons is much greater than usual. For every 20 pachydermions, one is a leader with 8 Hit Dice. There are a very
few (1 in 100) spellcasters (both magic-users and clerics) who may attain a maximum of 12th level.
Terrain: Jungle, Open, Settled (by pachydermions).
Creature Catalog Page 81

Armor Class: 5 or better

Hit Dice: 5*-14*** (L)
Move: 180’ (60’)
Flying: 360' (120’)
Attacks: 2 hooves/1 weapon or 1 spell
Damage: 1d6/1d6/by weapon or spell
No. Appearing: 0 (2d10)
Save As: Elf: 1-10 or Fighter: 5-14
Death Ray/Poison
Magic Wands
Paralysis/Turn to Stone
Breath Attack
Morale: 8
Treasure Type: E
Intelligence: 10
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 300-4,500

Monster Type: Monster (Very Rare).

Pegataurs are seldom-encountered, winged centaurs with elvish upper bodies. They have an affinity for pegasi and are
able to converse with them. Any group of fewer than five pegataurs may be accompanied by at least twice that number of
pegasi 40% of the time.
Although pegataurs are generally aloof-especially toward nonflyers-their Neutral alignment makes them approachable.
If treated with respect and paid well, they can be hired by anyone as troops for garrisons or armies, or to perform special
services. Individual pegataurs do not join adventuring parties.
Most pegataurs (in other words, those with 5 Hit Dice) should be treated as 1st-level elves for die purposes of
spellcasting and so on. Thirty percent of the race, however, are of higher level, up to the elvish maximum of 10th level (14
Hit Dice). When attacking in melee or making saving throws, a pegataur is treated as either a monster of its total hit dice
or as an elf, whichever is better. Twenty percent of 10th-level pegataurs have earned enough experience to gain attack
ranks and some or all of the special elf attacks and defenses.
All adult pegataurs have basic weapon mastery in longbow, lance, two-handed sword, and mace. There is a 20% chance
that a randomly encountered 1st-level pegataur will have one additional level of weapon mastery. Higher level pegataurs
have an additional 20% chance of gaining another level of mastery at each alternate level attained (for example, a 3rd-
level pegataur rolls twice in all, and a 9th-level pegataur rolls 5 times.) If a pegataur is 10th level, treat each increase in
attack rank as a level. All pegataurs work on mastery in only one weapon at a time, until the pegataur becomes a Grand
Master. Additional levels apply to a different weapon. An unarmored pegataur has an Armor Class of 5. The table shows
the Armor Classes of armored pegataurs and the chances of randomly meeting pegataurs wearing these types of armor.
Nonrandomly encountered pegataurs can have better armor.
Armor Chance AC
Joust 0% -1
Field 0% 0
Plate 10% 1
Banded 10% 2
Chain 50% 3
Scale 15% 4
Leather 15% 5

A shield gives a -1 adjustment to Armor Class to the creature's humanoid foreparts. No randomly encountered pegataurs
carry shields.
Terrain: Mountain, Open.
Load & Barding Multiplier: As per pegasus.

Creature Catalog Page 81


Armor Class: 7
Hit Dice: 1-1 (S)
Move: 90' (30')
Glide: 150' (50’)
THAC0 19
Attacks: 1 weapon
Damage: 1d6 or by weapon
No. Appearing: 0 (3d6; village 3d10x10)
Save As: Fighter: 1
Death Ray/Poison 12
Magic Wands 13
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 14
Breath Attack 15
Rod/Staff/Spell 16
Morale: 7
Treasure Type: Nil
Intelligence: 8
Alignment: Lawful
XP Value: 5
Monster Type: Monster (Rare).
Phanatons look like a cross between raccoons and monkeys. They are roughly the size of halflings and have four-foot-
long tails that can grasp objects and even clumsily manipulate them. For example, when fighting in the trees, a phanaton
often wraps its tail around a branch for support.
In addition, phanaton have membranes of skin stretching from arm to leg, which can be spread to allow them to glide
from branch to branch. They have a +2 bonus on all saving throws due to their small size and superior agility.
Phanatons are omnivores. They prefer to eat fruit and vegetables, although they may eat meat. They find spiders
particularly delicious. They live in treetop villages built on platforms of wood and woven vines connected by rope
bridges. Each village houses a
distinct clan of 30-300 phanatons.
For every 30 phanatons there is a clan warchief who has 3 Hit Dice and at least 15 hit points. The warchief also has a
bodyguard of 26.6 phanaton warriors who fight as 2 Hit Dice monsters, and have ld6+4 Hit Dice, 30 hit points, and a +1
bonus to all damage rolls.
If 300 phanatons are encountered, they are led by a tribal king who has 8 Hit Dice, 50 hit points, and a +2 bonus to all
damage rolls. The king has four phanaton warriors who act as his loyal bodyguards. Each bodyguard phanaton has 6 Hit
Dice, 30 hit points, and a +1 bonus to all damage rolls.
Phanatons are the allies of treants and dryads, and are usually quite friendly with elves. They are the traditional and
instinctive enemies of araneas, the spiderfolk, and attack them on sight.
Terrain: Jungle.
Phantom, Lesser*

Armor Class: 9
Hit Dice: 6** (S)
Move: 120' (40')
Flying: 240' (80')
THAC0 14
Attacks: 1 blow+special
Damage: 1d4
No. Appearing: 1d3 (1d4)
Save As: Fighter: 6
Death Ray/Poison 10
Magic Wands 11
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 12
Breath Attack 13
Rod/Staff/Spell 14
Morale: 6
Treasure Type: C
Intelligence: 10
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 725
Monster Type: Enchanted (Very Rare).
Phantoms are magical beings. They appear to be solid, but their bodies are made of mist which they can form into any
shape of human size or smaller. They use this ability to lure creatures to their doom by leading them into dangerous areas,
then feeding off the fear their victims emit when they realize they have been tricked. They can appear as a fellow
adventurer, a limping dog, or whatever the DM considers appropriate. Phantoms fly, and because they are made of mist,
they can walk on water or quicksand as if it were solid ground. A favorite phantom tactic is to to take an innocuous form
and call for aid. Any character who tries to aid the phantom discovers that the seemingly solid ground it stands on is
actually quicksand.
Magical attacks upon a phantom will do full damage, while other attacks will do only half damage. Phantoms can
become invisible at will and can cast the following spells once per day: confusion, hallucinatory terrain, and phantasmal
force. These creatures are cowardly, and if their deception is discovered, they will become invisible and attempt to flee. If
forced to fight, they will attack, causing 1d4 points of damage with each blow.
Terrain: Any.
Creature Catalog Page 83
Piranha Bird

Lesser Greater
Armor Class: 6 7
Hit Dice: ½ (1d4 hit points) (S) 2 (M)

Move: 30' (10’) 30' (10’)

Flying: 180' (60’) 120' (40’)
THAC0 19 18
Attacks: 1 flock 1 bite
Damage: 1d4 1d6
No. Appearing: 4d6 (4d6) 2d6 (2d6)
Save As: Normal Man Fighter: 1
Death Ray/Poison 14 12
Magic Wands 15 13
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 16 14
Breath Attack 17 15
Rod/Staff/Spell 17 16
Morale: 9 11
Treasure Type: Nil Nil
Intelligence: 2 2
Alignment: Neutral Neutral
XP Value: 5 20
Monster Type: Monster (Lesser: Rare; Greater: Very Rare).
Both varieties of piranha bird are garishly colored creatures, always hungry for fresh meat. Individual birds may have
green, blue, red, brown, black, or even purple feathers—the entire variety of colors is displayed in a single flock. Their
beaks are sharp and pointed and have razor-like edges so that the bird can stick its beak into the flesh of a creature, bite,
and fly away with a snack.
Piranha birds can fly with hummingbird-like maneuverability. They can make sudden changes in direction or even
hover in the air. When one bird catches sight of a potential meal, it utters a high-pitched whistle, alerting the whole flock.
These birds always attack warm-blooded creatures and do not need to check their morale until half of the flock has been
Piranha birds do not like bright sunlight, but may be found in all climates except the very coldest or those barren of any
shade. They prefer to live in regions of dense forest or underground caverns and have developed limited infravision—up
to 30 feet.
Lesser Piranha Birds: These birds grow up to one foot long. A victim may be attacked by a flock of ld4+2 individuals,
which has the equivalent of a single attack causing Id4 points of damage if successful.
Greater Piranha Birds: These birds are about two feet long. Their individual attacks are resolved separately. The
whistles of greater piranha birds are lower and more melodic than those of lesser piranha birds.
Terrain: Caverns, Jungle, Woods.

Armor Class: 9
Hit Dice: 10* (S to L)
Move: 60' (200
THAC0 10
Attacks: 3 blows
Damage: 1d6/1d6/1d6
No. Appearing: 1d2 (1d3)
Save As: Fighter: 5
Death Ray/Poison 10
Magic Wands 11
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 12
Breath Attack 13
Rod/Staff/Spell 14
Morale: 20
Treasure Type: B
Intelligence: 5
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 1,750
Monster Type: Monster (Rare).
The polymar is an intelligent creature that can change its shape. It can look like any creature with 10 or fewer Hit Dice,
or any object no larger than 100 cubic feet (10 feet long by 10 feet wide by one foot deep, for example). The polymar
gains no special abilities when it changes.
This change ability is physical, not magical. Thus, a detect magic spell will not detect the polymar. The change,
however, is not perfect. Characters, including NPCs, have the same chance to detect the polymar as they do to find secret
doors. Thus elves are more likely to notice polymars than other character classes. If the polymar is not detected before it
attacks, it will attack with surprise.
Terrain: Any.
Creature Catalog Page 84
Porcupine, Giant

Armor Class: 4
Hit Dice: 5* (M)
Move: 90' (30’)
THAC0 15
Attacks: 1 bite +1d6 quills
Damage: 1d10 +1d4 each
No. Appearing: 0 (1d4)
Save As: Fighter: 3
Death Ray/Poison 12
Magic Wands 13
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 14
Breath Attack 15
Rod/Staff/Spell 16
Morale: 8
Treasure Type: Nil
Intelligence: 2
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 300

Monster Type: Giant Animal (Rare).

These slow-moving and dull-witted woodland herbivores are not aggressive, but they are well able to defend themselves
against those who attack or who seem threatening to them. Not only can a giant porcupine attack with a vicious bite, it can
also fling volleys of 1d8 quills from its back at attackers (range 30 feet). The quills may be directed at one or two targets
(normal chance to hit), and each inflicts 1d4 points of damage. A porcupine can fire up to six volleys.
Terrain: Open, Woods.


Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: 2+1 (M)
Move: 90' (30')
THAC0 17
Attacks: 2 claws/1 bite
Damage: 1d4 each
No. Appearing: 0 (3d10+1d8 saber-toothed tigers)
Save As: Fighter: 2
Death Ray/Poison 12
Magic Wands 13
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 14
Breath Attack 15
Rod/Staff/Spell 16
Morale: 9
Treasure Type: M (special)
Intelligence: 12
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 25

Monster Type: Humanoid (Rare).

The rakasta are a race of intelligent, nomadic, catlike humanoids. They walk upright, much like humans, but are covered
with soft, tawny fur and have feline heads.
The rakasta are a proud and barbaric race. They are fierce fighters who employ special metal war claws fitted over their
natural ones (without these rakasta inflict only 1d2 points of damage with each claw). The rakasta can use normal
weapons, such as swords, but generally disdain them, preferring instead to use their war claws.
Certain rakasta ride saber-toothed tigers. These tiger riders are considered to be the bravest and strongest of the
rakasta warriors, and only they can hold the respect of the saber-toothed tigers. The tiger riders hold places of great
honor within the rakasta culture. The sabertoothed tigers are controlled with knee pressure and heavy riding crops, and
are fitted with special saddles that do not hinder their fighting abilities. These saddles also allow the rakasta to leap up
to 20 feet from their mounts and attack in the same round. The "tame" sabretooths are much too ferocious to be ridden
by any creature other than a rakasta warrior.
Rakasta settlements average 3d10 rakasta and 1d8 saber-toothed tigers, and are made up of many colorful tents and
pavilions. Although they have treasure type M, the rakasta have bright rugs and silk tapestries of fine workmanship,
artfully crafted bowls and drinking cups, and other items of value, rather than gems and jewels.
Terrain: Desert, Jungle, Open.

Creature Catalog Page 85


Armor Class: 0
Hit Dice: 14***** (M)
Move: 180' (60')
Attacks: 2 claws/1 bite
Damage: 2d6/2d6/3d6
No. Appearing: 1 (1d2)
Save As: Cleric: 11
Death Ray/Poison 7
Magic Wands 8
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 10
Breath Attack 12
Rod/Staff/Spell 11
Morale: 9
Treasure Type: F(x3)
Intelligence: 13
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 6,500

Monster Type: Monster (Very Rare).

The dreaded randara is an evil being of legendary power. Its true appearance is unknown, for it is a natural
shapechanger, with the nonmagical ability to polymorph itself into any creature. A randara casts spells as an 11th-level
cleric, and once per day it can cast a charm person spell. It can use ESP at will. A randara is immune to 1st-3rd level
spells, and takes only half damage from magical weapons (normal weapons do not affect it). It speaks all languages and
often takes the form of a friendly human or small animal to deceive and surprise its victims.
A randara is very fond of human flesh and will go to great lengths to ensure itself a ready supply. Usually a randara
seeks out a human settlement and enters it disguised as a human or small animal. It then seeks out a respected person,
often a merchant or tradesman, and observes its victim with ESP. When it has discovered all it wishes to know, it murders
its prey and takes it place using its polymorph ability. Now established within the community, the randara uses its new
position to lure and slay more prey, always striving to divert suspicion from itself, and taking on new identities to avoid
discovery if necessary. Should it come close to being detected, a randara will depart for a new settlement.
Terrain: Any.

Raven & Crow

Normal Large
Armor Class: 8 1
Hit Dice: ¼ (1d2 hit points) (S) 1+1 (M)
Move: 330' (110') 300' (100')
THAC0 19 18
Attacks: 1 bite per flock 1 bite
Damage: 1d6 1d6
No. Appearing: 0 (3d10) 0 (2d8)
Save As: Normal Man Fighter: 1
Death Ray/Poison 14 12
Magic Wands 15 13
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 16 14
Breath Attack 17 15
Rod/Staff/Spell 17 16
Morale: 5 7
Treasure Type: Nil Nil
Intelligence: 2 2
Alignment: Neutral Neutral
XP Value: 50 per flock 15

Monster Type: Normal Animal (Common), Giant Animal (Rare).

These two closely related species of birds inhabit a wide range of environments from cool to tropical. So long as they
have somewhere to nest (high trees, rock
ledges, ruined buildings, etc.), they can be found anywhere from mountains and hills to woodlands and plains.
The scavenging ways, harsh cries, and stark appearance of crows and ravens, combined with their habit of inhabiting
wild and desolate places mean that they are often regarded as creatures of ill omen by superstitious folk. In some areas,
the appearance of a flock of these birds will make the locals extremely uneasy.
These birds are not particularly aggressive, but will defend their nests and territories vigorously. When intruders come
in sight of a flock's nesting place, the birds will merely attempt to frighten them off with loud warning cries. If they come
close enough to be a real threat to the nests, however, the intruders will be attacked.
When attacking, small ravens and crows do so in small groups of 3-6 individuals, each of which can attack only one
victim. Each victim can only be beset by a single flock, and suffers the equivalent of one attack each round. The giant
birds are large enough to attack individually.
Terrain: Any except Cold/Arctic and Ocean.

Creature Catalog Page 86

Red Worm

Armor Class: 7
Hit Dice: 2+2- (M to L)
Move: 90' (30’)
THAC0 17
Attacks: 1 bite
Damage: 1d4 +poison
No. Appearing: 2d6 (2d6)
Save As: Fighter: 3
Death Ray/Poison 9
Magic Wands 12
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 13
Breath Attack 14
Rod/Staff/Spell 15
Morale: 9
Treasure Type: L
Intelligence: 1
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 35

Monster Type: Lowlife (Rare).

These grotesque, red, fleshy worms reach lengths of 10 feet and diameters of two feet. They are the immature spawn of
the fyrsnaca (see page 43), and are normally encountered as a brood group. If a brood of red worms is encountered, a
dormant fyrsnaca will be cooling in a body of water nearby. Red worms mature into fyrsnaca after 50 years, by which
time the brood will normally have been reduced to a single individual.
Unlike fyrsnaca, red worms cannot breathe fire, but their bite is mildly venomous. Those failing a saving throw vs.
poison receive double damage from any bite. They can burrow through rock and surprise their victims 50% of the time.
Terrain: Cavern.

Normal Woolly
Armor Class: 5 4
Hit Dice: 6 (L) 8 (L)
Move: 120' (40') 120' (40’)
THAC0 14 12
Attacks: 1 butt or trample 1 butt or trample
Damage: 2d4 or 2d8 2d6 or 2d12
No. Appearing: 0 (1d12) 0 (1d8)
Save As: Fighter: 3 Fighter: 4
Death Ray/Poison 12 10
Magic Wands 13 11
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 14 12
Breath Attack 15 13
Rod/Staff/Spell 16 14
Morale: 6 6
Treasure Type: Nil Nil
Intelligence: 2 2
Alignment: Neutral Neutral
XP Value: 275 650

Monster Type: Normal: Normal Animal (Common).

Woolly: Prehistoric Animal (Common).
These large, thick-skinned creatures are found roaming the plains and savannahs of tropical lands. Although

Creature Catalog Page 87

they are unintelligent plant eaters, rhinoceroses can be very dangerous. If threatened, surprised, or charged, they will
stampede in a random direction, goring all in their path for double damage on the first attack. Roll Id8 for the direction:
1=north; 2=northeast; 3=east; 4=southeast; 5=south; 6-southwest; 7=west; 8=northwest.
Woolly Rhinos: These large rhinoceroses are covered with long, white hair. Woolly rhinos travel in small herds across
the tundra and plains, usually in lost world areas.
Terrain: Normal: Open (tropical); Woolly: Lost World, Cold/Arctic, Open (prehistoric).
Rock Man

Armor Class: 2
Hit Dice: 3 (M)
Move: 60' (20’)
THAC0 17
Attacks: 1 fist
Damage: 1d8
No. Appearing: 0 (1d6)
Save As: Dwarf: 3
Death Ray/Poison 8
Magic Wands 9
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 10
Breath Attack 13
Rod/Staff/Spell 12
Morale: 7
Treasure Type: (see below) I
1Intelligence: 9
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 35

Monster Type: Humanoid (Very Rare).

A rock man is a strange creature whose skin has the appearance of granite. Rock men have arms and legs, but their
bodies are roughly cone-shaped, so that they look like a stalagmites or rock spires when standing still. This serves as
camouflage in the rock men's natural habitat of broken or mountainous terrain. When in their natural habitat, rock men
surprise opponents on a roll of 1-4 on Id6. If the opponent is keeping careful watch, the rock men surprise on a roll of 1-3.
Dwarves can more easily recognize a rock man, and they are only surprised on a roll of 1-2 on 1d6.
Rock men have neither clothes nor weapons. They do not build villages, but live in caves and mountain gullies. They
exact a toll (typically 500 gp) for passage on any road near their mountain homes. They have a love for gems and jewelry
of any value, and will accept a smaller toll if it is paid in this form.
Rock men always lose initiative on the first round of combat, and subtract 2 from all following initiative rolls. They are
immune to all types of fire attacks. When killed, a rock man crumbles and becomes rocky debris in which a heart-shaped
ruby can be found. The ruby's value varies from 10-100 gp.
Terrain: Cavern, Mountain.

Armor Class: 0
Hit Dice: 12***
Move: 30' (10')
Attacks: 1 bite/6 strands
Damage: 5d6/weakness
No. Appearing: 1d3 (1d4+1)
Save As: Fighter: 10
Death Ray/Poison 6
Magic Wands 7
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 8
Breath Attack 9
Rod/Staff/Spell 10
Morale: 10
Treasure Type: L(x5)
Intelligence: 4
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 3,875

Monster Type: Monster (Very Rare).

A roper is a long (or tall) blob-like creature that has one eye with a mouth beneath it and six long tentacles along its
body. Ropers usually live in rocky caverns where they can take the shape of tall rocks or stalagmites, but they may
occasionally be found in woods, imitating trees. Ropers eat anything that moves, but they prefer humans and
Each of a roper's six tentacles can shoot out 60 feet to grab prey. The touch of a roper's tentacle causes weakness,
reducing the victim's Strength by half for 3 turns (no saving throw). At tentacle which attacks successfully wraps tightly
around the roper's prey, pulling the victim toward the roper's mouth, but only the roper's bite causes damage. Characters
can cut a tentacle only if a single blow from an edged, magical weapon inflicts 5 or more points of damage. Such a blow
makes that tentacle useless, but the damage does not count against the monster's hit points. Damaged tentacles grow back
in 24 hours.
Ropers are immune to all first, second, and third level spells. They take no damage from cold or lightning, and are
unaffected by normal and silver weapons. Characters may occasionally find treasure in ropers' stomachs.
Terrain: Cavern, Jungle, Swamp, Woods.

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Armor Class: 2
Hit Dice: 5** (M)
Move: 120' (40')
Flying: 360' (120)
THAC0 15
Attacks: 1 claw
Damage: 1d12
No. Appearing: 1d100 (1d100); no
more than 20 per wing
Save As: Varies, see below
Death Ray/Poison Varies
Magic Wands Varies
Paralysis/Turn to Stone Varies
Breath Attack Varies
Rod/Staff/Spell Varies
Morale: 10
Treasure Type: D
Intelligence: 2
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 425

Monster Type: Enchanted Monster (Very Rare).

Saberclaws are large, hairy, flying creatures magically created from befouled waters by a series of high-level magic-user
and clerical spells. Their fur is a slick, greasy black, and their wings are hairless and leathery, like a bat's. Their eyes glow
feverishly red. The right arm of a saberclaw ends in a large bone extension that resembles a sword.
Saberclaws are created in wings of 1d20 individuals. For attack rolls, each individual functions as a 5 Hit Dice monster.
Each individual adds 25 points to the total hit points of the wing. None of the members of the wing can be slain until the
entire wing is killed. Thus, a wing of 11 saberclaws has 275 hit points. The entire wing dies when damage equal to 275
points has been inflicted on its members.
Because of their origin, these creatures are hard to affect with magic. They are completely immune to 1st-3rd level
spells from both clerics and magic-users. Their saving throws against higher-level spells are determined by the total
number of hit dice in the wing. Thus, an individual from a wing of five saberclaws saves as a 25th-level fighter. Also,
because of their origin, saberclaws are immune to all types of normal and magical poisons.
The creatures possess a limited telepathic ability, allowing them to slightly anticipate the actions of a foe. This accounts
for their relatively low Armor Class and +4 bonus to all attack rolls. Saberclaws can see invisible, ethereal and hidden
creatures and objects as though they had a truesight spell cast upon them.
Terrain: River/Lake, Ruins.

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Armor Class: 5
Hit Dice: 10* (M to L)
Move: 30' (10')
THAC0 11
Attacks: 6 pseudopods+special
Damage: 3d6 each+special
No. Appearing: 1d4 (0)
Save As: Fighter: 7
Death Ray/Poison 8
Magic Wands 9
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 10
Breath Attack 11
Rod/Staff/Spell 12
Morale: 8
Treasure Type: Nil
Intelligence: 1-9
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 1,750

Monster Type: Monster (Very Rare).

A scamille dwells in dark places and rarely appears aboveground, even at night. In its natural form, it appears similar to
a giant amoeba. When it rests, it usually takes the form of some object (never that of a creature). Typical forms include a
rock, door, wall, table, chair, or treasure chest. Scamilles like to learn secrets, and because of their camouflage ability,
they are in an ideal position to eavesdrop on other underground dwellers. Some scamilles are friendly, some not; some are
stupid, and some smart.
When found in a good mood, a scamille may offer information in exchange for food. If hostile, a Scamille
may attack with a sticky, blob-like arm (a pseudopod). If hit is scored, the victim is stuck fast. Stuck victims can only
attack with any weapon that was in hand, and have - 4 to their attack roll. The victim must have giant Strength to pull free.
The scamille then makes more (dry) pseudopods to attack the victim. It may produce up to 6 pseudopods at once, but only
one will be sticky. Each hit, including the first, does 3-18 points of damage.
Terrain: Cavern.

Scorpion, Normal
Armor Class: 8
Hit Dice: ⅛ (hit point) (S)
Move: 6’ (2’)
THAC0 19
Attacks: 1 sting
Damage: Poison (see below)
No. Appearing: 1d6 (1d6)
Save As: Normal Man
Death Ray/Poison 14
Magic Wands 15
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 16
Breath Attack 17
Rod/Staff/Spell 17
Morale: 10
Treasure Type: Nil
Intelligence: 0
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 6

Monster Type: Lowlife (Common).

As well as lurking underground, normal scorpions inhabit hot, dry parts of the world, preferring those places where they
can hide easily (for example, under stones, in rocky clefts, or amid undergrowth). They attack only if disturbed or
threatened, but a character could easily do this inadvertently while, for example, negotiating a confined passage, searching
through debris or rubble, or even seeking for a secret door. Scorpions are sometimes put inside chests, boxes, jars, and so
on, to act as a form of trap for those attempting to steal the contents.
If a scorpion gains surprise, it has a +2 bonus to hit for its first attack with its venomous sting. Different types of
scorpion have poisons of differing potency. The least dangerous will inflict 2 points of damage, while the most deadly
inflict 2d6. This damage is halved by a successful saving throw vs. poison.
Terrain: Cavern, Desert, Open, Mountain, Ruins, Settled.

Creature Catalog Page 90

Sea Horse

Armor Class: 7
Hit Dice: 2, 3 or 4 (L)
Move (swimming): 210' (70')
Mounted: 180' (60')
THAC0 18/17/16
Attacks: 1 head butt
Damage: 1d8
No. Appearing: 0 (1d20)
Save As: Fighter: 2
Death Ray/Poison 12
Magic Wands 13
Paralysis/Turn to 14
Breath Attack 15
Rod/Staff/Spell 16
Morale: 5 (8 as a mount)
Treasure Type: Nil
Intelligence: 2
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 20, 35 or 75

Monster Type: Monster (Common).

A sea horse is 15 feet long and has the head of a horse. These creatures are the favorite steeds of mermen and tritons. In
their native state they have a morale of 5. Wild sea horses are shy creatures and will not attack unless provoked. They are
capable of moving at double speed for up to 10 rounds before tiring.
Sea horses are known to come in a variety of colorations. Mermen tend to prefer the sea horses with colorations
comparable to land horses, while tritons like ocean-colored varieties in greens, blues, and purples.
Terrain: Ocean.
Load: 1,750 en at normal speed; 3,500 en at half speed.
Barding: x3.

Sea Serpent

Lesser Greater
Armor Class: 5 3
Hit Dice: 6 (L) 12-15 (L)
Move: 150’ (50) 240' (80')
THAC0 14 9-8
Attacks: 1 bite or 1 squeeze 1 bite or 1 squeeze
Damage: 2d6 (or 1d10) 3d6 (or 2d10)
No. Appearing: 0 (2d6) 0 (1d4)
Save As: Fighter: 3 Fighter: 6
Death Ray/Poison 12 10
Magic Wands 13 11
Paralysis/Turn to 14 12
Breath Attack 15 13
Rod/Staff/Spell 16 14
Morale: 8 9
Treasure Type: Nil Nil
Intelligence: 1 1
Alignment: Neutral Neutral
XP Value: 275 1,250-1,650

Monster Type: Monster (Rare).

A sea serpent resembles a long (20-30 feet for lesser serpents, 60-80 feet for greater serpents) giant snake with many
fins. A sea serpent may attack a sea craft (25% chance) its own size or smaller by looping around the boat and squeezing
—causing 1d10 (lesser serpents) or 2d10 (greater serpents) points of hull damage per round. Its normal attack is a bite. It
can lunge out of the water (up to 20 feet for lesser serpents, 40 feet for greater ones) when biting creatures on the surface.
Terrain: Ocean.

Serpentweed, Giant

Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: 9 per stalk (L)
Move: 0’
THAC0 11
Attacks: 1 bite per stalk
Damage: 2d6
No. Appearing: 0(1)
Save As: Fighter: 9
Death Ray/Poison 8
Magic Wands 9
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 10
Breath Attack 11
Rod/Staff/Spell 12
Morale: 12
Treasure Type: D
Intelligence: 0
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 900 per stalk

Monster Type: Lowlife (Rare).

The giant serpentweed is a flesh-eating plant found in bogs and areas of standing water. Much of the plant lives under
water, rooted to the bog bottom, but it has 1d6 stalks that reach above the surface. These thick, scaly stalks each end in a
digestive sac that resembles a toothed mouth. From a distance, the stalks look like giant snakes.
The stalks normally lie in wait just under the surface of the water. From there, they detect the vibrations of passing
creatures, which they then attack aggressively. The stalks can attack anything within a 20-foot radius of the plant. When a
stalk loses all of its hit points, it is severed. When all the stalks are severed, the plant can no longer attack, but the plant
itself is not dead. The only way to kill a serpentweed permanently is to burn the underwater roots. A severed stalk will
grow back within six months.
Terrain: River/Lake (shallow), Swamp.

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Armor Class: 7
Hit Dice: 3*(S)
Move: 150' (50’)
THAC0 17
Attacks: 1 bite or weapon
Damage: 1d4 or by weapon
No. Appearing: 0 (1d3)
Save As: Elf: 6
Death Ray/Poison 8
Magic Wands 10
Paralysis/Turn to 10
Breath Attack 11
Rod/Staff/Spell 11
Morale: 7
Treasure Type: Nil
Intelligence: 10
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 50

Monster Type: Humanoid (Very Rare).

Shargugh are three-foot-tall humanoids with wild, matted, brown hair and long, tangled, brown beards. Shargugh wear
ragged, brown-and-green clothing and are sometimes armed with silver daggers. Each individual or group has a woodland
territory roughly 24 miles in diameter. (It is exactly equal to a 24-mile-wide wilderness hexagon, if these are being used.)
A shargugh is tied to its territory, which nurtures its life force. In a sort of symbiosis, the woodland territory also takes
strength from the shargugh, as well as being protected actively by the woodland folk. A shargugh will never voluntarily
leave its territory, and if forced to do so, will sicken and die in one to two days unless returned before that time.
Any section of woodland whose shargugh is killed will become cursed and infertile for seven years. During that time,
no new plants or trees will grow. Existing plants and trees will continue to grow, but will not bear any fruit or flowers. A
druid who casts a remove curse spell can restore fertility to the land at any time.
A shargugh has the ability to transport itself instantaneously through trees for up to 600 yards. It does this by passing
into one tree and emerging from another in its destination area. A shargugh can use this ability 5 times per day.
Shargugh are mischievous and are likely to steal valuable objects from any creature encountering them. They are able to
pick pockets with an 85% chance of success and move silently 85% of the time. To dissuade shargugh from stealing,
woodland folk often leave offerings of food and drink for the creatures. In return for this, shargugh have been known to
carry out small but useful tasks. They are also able to hide in woods in the same way as halflings, with a 90% chance of
Terrain: Woods.

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Shark, Vamora

Armor Class: 4
Hit Dice: 6*(S)
Move: 180' (60’)
THAC0 14
Attacks: 1 bite
Damage: 1d10
No. Appearing: 0 (1d2)
Save As: Fighter: 5
Death Ray/Poison 10
Magic Wands 11
Paralysis/Turn to 12
Breath Attack 13
Rod/Staff/Spell 14
Morale: 9
Treasure Type: Nil
Intelligence: 2
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 500

Monster Type: Normal Animal (Common).

The vamora shark is small (three feet long) but tough and mottled gray in color. It holds on to its victim after a bite
attack hits, lashing around in the water and shaking its prey like a terrier does. This automatically inflicts a further 1d8
points of damage per round and impedes the victim's attacks (-4 to hit). It may, however, let go and flee if it fails a morale
Like other sharks, the vamora are often curious and attracted to movement. Blood in the water within 300 feet attracts
these sharks and drives them into a feeding frenzy (no morale checks).
Terrain: Ocean.


Armor Class: 5
Hit Dice: 2 or 3 (M)
Move: 240' (80’)
Walking: 120' (40’)
THAC0 17
Attacks: 1 bite/2 claws or +1 weapon
Damage: 1d6/1d3/1d3 or by weapon+1
No. Appearing: 0 (2d4x10; or 1d10+10 on land)
Save As: Fighter: 2 or 3
Death Ray/Poison 12
Magic Wands 13
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 14
Breath Attack 15
Rod/Staff/Spell 16
Morale: 9
Treasure Type: (T) I, K, L
Intelligence: 10
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 20 or 35

Monster Type: Humanoid (Common).

The shark-kin are a race of aquatic humanoids with fish eyes, fin-crested heads, and scaly skin. They have webbed
hands and feet which end in sharp claws. Shark-kin have only vestigial lower limbs (they once lived on land) and swim by
means of their powerful, alligator-like tails. During certain times (see below) these legs grow, enabling the creatures to
stand and walk upright.
As their name suggests, shark-kin have a close affinity with sharks of all kinds and can communicate with them
empathically on a very basic level. Each group of shark-kin has its own pack of tame sharks, numbering one for every two
or three adult shark-kin.
Shark-kin are nomadic hunters of the ocean depths, and use only simple tools and weapons, including tridents, spears,
javelins and nets. Their sharks play an important part in their hunting lifestyle, the larger ones serving as mounts and the
smaller serving them much like hunting dogs.
Shark-kin live in tribal groups led by an elder (HD 3). When a group's elder dies, the other members undergo a strange
change. Over a period of a few weeks, their legs grow to human-like proportions, and their gills change to allow them to
breathe both air and water. This change (which is a throwback to their ancient terrestrial origins) enables the shark-kin to
come up onto land and head for a traditional site (usually a hilltop or mountain) where they conduct an age-old ceremony
to initiate a new elder. Once this is done, they return to the sea and revert to normal. While on land, shark-kin are
particularly nervous and aggressive, regarding every creature they meet as a threat and
attacking without warning.
Terrain: Ocean.

Creature Catalog Page 93

Silver Warrior

Armor Class: 2 (-2)

Hit Dice: 7*(M)
Move: 120' (40')
THAC0 13
Attacks: 1 sword +1
Damage: 1d8+ 1
No. Appearing: 0 (1d6)
Save As: Fighter: 7
Death Ray/Poison 8
Magic Wands 9
Paralysis/Turn to 10
Breath Attack 11
Rod/Staff/Spell 12
Morale: 12
Treasure Type: Nil
Intelligence: 9
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 850

Munster Type: Enchanted Humanoid (Very Rare).

Silver warriors exist only on the Shining Isle of the faedornae (see page 38), except when sent to aiel a favored elf by a
faedorne. They are the guardians of the isles and will fight to the death to defend them. They are always dressed in silver
plate mail armor and carry magical silver swords +1. They appear ve1y similar to elves; they are the same size as elves
and wearing skillfully crafted armor of elfin design.
In combat, silver warriors are able to become invisible and can remain invisible even when attacking. They are known
to be silver only through the repo1ts of those elves lucky enough to own items allowing them to see the invisible. Unless
detected by magical means, they always gain initiative on the first round of combat. On successive rounds, initiative is
determined normally. All attack rolls against an unseen silver warrior are at -4 penally. A silver warrior slain in combat
will dissolve into the substance of a Shining Isle, as will its weapon and armor.
Terrain: Aerial, Other Plane.


Armor Class: 9
Hit Dice: 5 (L)
Move: 0'
THAC0 15
Attacks: Special
Damage: Special
No. Appearing: 1d2 (1d6)
Save As: Fighter: 5
Death Ray/Poison 10
Magic Wands 11
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 12
Breath Attack 13
Rod/Staff/Spell 14
Morale: 12
Treasure Type: v
Intelligence: 0
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 175

Monster Type: Lowlife (Rare).

The sirenflower is a large, carnivorous fungus that has developed the disguise of looking like a normal plant It captures
prey by luring the prey toward its center, using scent and lights. The scents are similar to those near the plant, particularly
fragrant flowers or rotting meats. The light is a pale glow, no brighter than a candle at best.
Once a creature reaches the center of the plant, a web of branching arms doses in, trapping the creature and slowly
crushing it. These branches squeeze with great force, automatically causing ld4 points of damage per round until all the
branches have been chopped away (see below). In addition, the branches ooze an enzyme that dissolves f1esh. This
enzyme is very slow-acting and only does 1d10 points of damage each turn (not round). Creatures trapped by the
sirenflower can still fight, bur have a -4 penalty on all attack rolls.
When the sirenflower reaches 0 hit points, it is nor dead, hut all the entrapping branches have been chopped away. The
only way to kill a sirenflower totally is to dig up and burn its main root. Otherwise, the creature grows back to full
function in a week or two.
Terrain: Open, Woods, Swamp, Jungle.
Creature Catalog Page 94

Sis’thik (Desert Scourge)

Armor Class: 5 or 4
Hit Dice: 3+3 (M)
Move: 90' (40')
THAC0 16
Attacks: 2 claws/1 bite
or 1 weapon
Damage: 1d6/1d6/1d3 or
by weapon+2
No. Appearing: 2d6 (3d6x10)
Save As: Fighter: 2
Death Ray/Poison 12
Magic Wands 13
Paralysis/Turn to 14
Breath Attack 15
Rod/Staff/Spell 16
Morale: 10
Treasure Type: A
Intelligence: 8
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 50

Monster Type: Humanoid (Rare).

The sis'thiks (or desert scourges) are nomadic lizard like humanoids who live in burning deserts. They have self-sealing
nostrils and transparent, membranous eye screens which allow them to function in the fiercest of sandstorms. Their skin is
thick and leathery, giving them Armor Class 5 without a shield (AC 4 with a shield). This leathery skin helps sis'thiks to
conserve water in the scorching heat of the desert, allowing them to go long periods of time without drinking, because
they do not lose fluids to perspiration in the heat. A sis'thik can travel long distances and even fight in the midday sun
with a daily water intake of less than one quarter of the amount a human would need.
The female sis'thiks control the tribe and do all the
fighting. The males, who tend to be slow and stupid, atch the tribe's animals (see below) and, when they are not
working, spend their time basking in the sun.
Sis'thiks are a proud warrior race who fear no one and nothing. They consider the desert to be their property, and all
who cross it or live in it do so only by the sis'thiks' goodwill. Caravans are allowed to cross the desert safely only if they
do not violate the sis'thiks' sacred customs. In practical terms, this means that caravan leaders must debase themselves
before the sis'thiks while heaping presents upon the creatures. Metal goods, gems, and fine wines are most favored by the
sis'thiks, and it is a wise caravaneer who lays in ample supplies of these items before crossing any sis'thik lands.
The sis'thiks have domesticated the fierce desert dwelling xytars (see page 116), which they breed as mounts. Two
sis'thik warriors are closely attached to each xytar and are responsible for its well-being and training. Both sis'thiks ride
the creature. One sis'thik steers the xytar and attacks with a long spear, while the other attacks with either a short bow or a
long spear. When ridden by sis'thiks, a xytar's morale increases to 10. The sis'thiks are unable to make the xytar use its
breath weapon at will, so there is only a 33% chance (1-2 on ld6) that it will breathe.
Occasionally sis'thik tribes work in conjunction with blue dragons to attack settlements near their deserts. Sis'thiks
riding the dragons sweep over the walls of the settlement as xytar-mounted sis'thiks arrack and storm the gates.
Fortunately these alliances are very rare and last only long enough to satisfy both the dragons' greed for treasure, and the
sis'thiks' love of battle.
Female sis'thiks are very strong and inflict an extra 2 points of damage with any weapon they use. When not mounted,
they use scimitars (long, curved swords that do ld8 points of damage on a successful attack) and bite their opponents.
They are led by a queen with 8 Hit Dice who does +3 damage and who has 2d4 bodyguards with 4 Hit Dice with her at all
times. Each tribe also has ld4 shamans of 1st-8th level who care for the spiritual needs of the tribe.
Sis'thiks are unaffected by normal fires and take only minimum damage from magical fires.
Terrain: Desert.

Creature Catalog Page 95


Normal Giant
Armor Class: 7 6
Hit Dice: 1-1* (S) 3* (M)
Move: 150' (50') 120' (40')
THAC0 19 17
Attacks: 1 bite+squi1t 1 bite+squirt
Damage: 1+special 1d4+special
No. Appearing: 1d2 (1d4) 1 (1d3)
Save As: Normal Man Fighter: 2
Death Ray/Poison 14 12
Magic Wands 15 13
Paralysis/Turn to 16 14
Breath Attack 17 15
Rod/Staff/Spell 17 16
Morale: 6 7
Treasure Type: Nil Nil
Intelligence: 2 2
Alignment: Neutral Neutral
XP Value: 6 50

Monster Type: Normal Animal (Common); Giant Animal (Rare).

Skunks are scavenging omnivores which live in woodlands. These creatures are poor at fighting, but have a particularly
effective defense which deters all bur the most determined of attackers. If threatened, the skunk ostentatiously turns its
back on its adversary and, if the other does not back away, squirts a cloud of foul-smelling musk toward its victims. The
musk spray of a normal skunk covers an area 5 feet wide, 5 feet high, and 15 feet long. Any creature caught within it must
make a saving throw vs. poison or be helpless with nausea for 2d6+6 rounds. Even those who save are only able to move,
attack, cast spells, and so on at half the normal rate for this period of time.
The giant skunk's spray is 15 feet wide, 15 feet high, and 50 feet long. Its immediate effects are similar, but last for
2d10+10 rounds.
In addition to the short-term effects described above, the smell from a coating of musk from either kind of skunk
reduces the victims' chance of surprising opponents by 2. It also makes characters so repellent to others that they have an
effective Charisma of 3 until they and their clothes are thoroughly washed. Even after that, the characters' Charismas are
halved for 1d4 days until the smell finally dissipates. Simply changing clothes does not help matters, as the smell will
cling to characters' skin and hair.
Terrain: Woods.

Slime Worm

Armor Class: 5
Hit Dice: 10 (1)
Move: 60' (20')
THAC0 10
Attacks: 1 bite
Damage: 2d6
No. Appearing: 1 (0)
Save As: Fighter: 5
Death Ray/Poison 10
Magic Wands 11
Paralysis/Turn to 12
Breath Attack 13
Rod/Staff/Spell 14
Morale: 9
Treasure Type: D
Intelligence: 0
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 1,000

Monster Type: Lowlife (Very Rare).

These giant worms secrete a sticky substance that coats their backs. They roll in treasure hoards so that their backs are
covered with coins, jewels, weapons and armor, and there is a chance (1-5 on a d6) that a slime worm will be
indistinguishable from a large pile of treasure.
Slime worms attack with surprise whenever possible. They swallow their prey whole on an unmodified successful
attack roll of 18 or more (or on a 20 even if this would not normally succeed). Swallowed victims suffer 2d6 points of
damage per round until they are dead or cut their way free. The slime does not affect attacks on the worm.
Terrain: Cavern, Ruins.

Creature Catalog Page 96

Snake, Rock Rattler

Normal Giant
Armor Class: 7 6
Hit Dice: 1* (S) 8**(M)
Move: 90' (30') 90' (30')
THAC0 19 12
Attacks: 1 bite 1 bite+special
Damage: 1 +poison 1d8+poison
No. Appearing: 1d6 (1d4+1) 1d3 (1d3)
Save As: Fighter: 1 Fighter: 4
Death Ray/Poison 12 10
Magic Wands 13 11
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 14 12
Breath Attack 15 13
Rod/Staff/Spell 16 14
Morale: 7 9
Treasure Type: Nil U
Intelligence: 1 2
Alignment: Neutral Neutral
XP Value: 13 1,750

Monster Type: Normal Animal (Common), Giant Animal(Rare).

Normal Rock Rattler: This is a two-foot-long gray rattlesnake which is found only in mountains. Its bite causes only 1
point of damage, but its sharp fangs inject poison at the same time. Anyone bitten by the snake must make a saving throw
vs. poison or take an additional ld4+ 1 points of damage.
Giant Rock Rattler: This large, 30-foot-long snake, is gray with a red-and-black diamond pattern running along its
back. Its tail is tipped with a large scaly rattle, the sound of which is so unnerving that all hearing it (within 50 feet) must
make a saving throw vs. paralysis or flee in terror for 2d4 rounds.
This snake is not normally aggressive, preferring to scare foes away with its rattle. However, the bite of a giant rock
rattler inflicts 1d8 points of damage and anyone bitten must make a saving throw vs. poison (with a penalty of -2) or die.
Terrain: Mountain.


Armor Class: 5
Hit Dice: 3 (M)
Move: 30' (10')
Swimming: 180' (60')
THAC0 17
Attacks: 2 claws/1 beak or 1 weapon
Damage: 1d6/1d6/2d4 or by weapon
No. Appearing: 0 (1d20)
Save As: Fighter: 3
Death Ray/Poison 12
Magic Wands 13
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 14
Breath Attack 15
Rod/Staff/Spell 16
Morale: 9
Treasure Type: T
Intelligence: 8
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 35

Monster Type: Humanoid (Rare).

Snappers are humanoid, reptilian salt-water dwellers whose backs are protected by shells like those of turtles. Adult
snappers stand six feet tall and weigh in at a solid 1000 pounds. Using their webbed hands and feet, snappers are able
swimmers and, although they breathe air, they can hold their breath under water for up to 10 turns.
Snappers wear no armor or clothes and use only straps and belts to hold their weapons and other personal possessions.
Unlike tortles, they cannot retreat into their shells.
Snappers are bad-tempered and will attack other ocean creatures at the least provocation, using their claws and beak. If
drawn into combat on land, however, they attempt to avoid melee, preferring to attack their foes with arrows fired from
their long bows.
Snappers do not form closely knit tribes, have no recognized leaders, and do not build permanent settlements. Instead,
they roam across the oceans, traveling in small groups from one hunting ground to another.
When the time comes for them to mate, snappers may travel hundreds of miles to congregate at special egg-laying
grounds. These grounds often take the form of rock-walled, roofless labyrinths just above the hightide line. The routes to
and location of these egg-laying grounds are passed down through ritual. The snappers defend these places fiercely,
attacking all who venture near them.
Terrain: Ocean.

Creature Catalog Page 97

Sollux (Sun Brother)

Armor Class: 0
Hit Dice: 10*-14* (L)
Move: 120' (40')
THAC0 10,9,8
Attacks: 1 weapon
Damage: 1d8+3
No. Appearing: 1 (1)
Save As: F:10- F:13-
12 14
Death Ray/Poison 6 6
Magic Wands 7 6
Paralysis/Turn to 8 7
Breath Attack 9 8
Rod/Staff/Spell 10 9
Morale: 9 (12)
Treasure Type: Nil
Intelligence: 14
Alignment: Lawful
XP Value: 1,750-2,500

Monster Type: Humanoid (Very Rare).

Sollux are a race of seven-foot-tall humanoids with crimson skin and bright yellow hair. They are solitary creatures who
prefer to make their homes in areas of great heat such as near volcanoes and in deserts. Although they are denizens of the
Prime Plane, sollux are related to both helions and efreet but, unlike efreet, they are Lawful in nature.
Sollux warriors constantly watch out for efreet, which they attempt to drive from the Prime Plane. Those sollux who
successfully defeat an efreeti become Sun Brothers.
Sun Brothers are members of the Brotherhood of the Sun and are mortal enemies of efreet. The Brotherhood of the Sun
is the supreme order of sollux warriors, and its members are distinguished by wearing reel-gold armor and carrying
blazing sun shields (treat as a light spell). Only those sollux who have proved themselves to be mighty warriors are
allowed to enter the Brotherhood of the Sun. Individual Sun Brothers travel the world searching for efreet and visiting
other sollux. In times of great need, Sun Brothers band together to battle the efreet.
Sun Brothers vary in Hit Dice from 10-14. The mighty leader of the Brotherhood is rumored to have 16 Hit Dice, an
Armor Class of -3, and to wield a glorious sword of efreeti slaying Sun Brothers normally have a morale of 9, but when
fighting an efreeti this increases to 12.
All sollux are immune to illusions and are able to detect invisibility at will. They are not affected by normal fire, and
magical attacks against them suffer a -1 to attack and damage rolls.
Terrain: Cavern, Desert, Mountain.
Creature Catalog Page 98
Soul Eater*

Armor Class: 0
Hit Dice: 10* (M)
Move: 180' (60')
THAC0 10
Attacks: 2 claws
Damage: 1d10 each+special
No. Appearing: 1 (1)
Save As: Cleric: 10
Death Ray/Poison 7
Magic Wands 8
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 10
Breath Attack 12
Rod/Staff/Spell 11
Morale: 12
Treasure Type: Nil
Intelligence: 9
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 1,750

Monster Type: Planar Monster (Very Rare).

A soul eater is a being from another dimension summoned by a high-level cleric (or granted by an Immortal to one). It
is used to slay beings as ordered by the cleric who summoned or received it. A soul eater appears as a cloud of glowing
and roiling darkness and can assume any shape desired. Once assigned a victim, it will not stop until either the victim or
itself is defeated. A soul eater is intelligent and will accomplish its mission by any means it can.
In combat, the creature will attack with two ghostly claws each round. In addition, each time it hits it will drain one
point of Wisdom unless the victim makes a successful saving throw vs. death ray. This saving throw must be made each
time the character is hit.
A soul eater may only be struck by magical weapons and spells. Silver and normal weapons have no effect. If a victim
is slain by the soul eater, or has his or her Wisdom reduced to 0, the victim is dead. The soul eater will then return to its
own dimension. Characters killed by a soul eater cannot be raised or reincarnated. It is possible that they could be returned
to life by a wish, at the OM's discretion.
If the soul eater is destroyed before it kills its target, the target character regains Wisdom at the rate of 1 point per day.
When the soul eater's hit points are reduced to 0, it will dissolve into a formless cloud and drift away. It will not return.
If the soul eater's victim is slain by another, or if the soul eater is defeated but not destroyed, it will return to the cleric
who summoned it and attack him or her in a blind fury. Because of its rage, it will have 20 Hit Dice and will do 3d6 points
of damage when it attacks. If defeated a second time it will disappear forever.
Terrain: Any.
Spider, Giant

Hunting Sand Shroud

Armor Class: 8 6 4
Hit Dice: 2 (M) 2+1* (M) 5*** (M)
Move: 120' (40') 120' (40') 120' (40')
THAC0 18 17 15
Attacks: 1 bite 1 bite 1 bite or 1 web squirt
Damage: 1d6 1d6+poison 1d10+paralysis or paralyzing web
No. Appearing: 1d4 (1d12) 1d4 (1d4) 1d2 (1d3)
Save As: Fighter: 2 Fighter: 1 Fighter: 5
Death Ray/Poison 12 12 10
Magic Wands 13 13 11
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 14 14 12
Breath Attack 15 15 13
Rod/Staff/Spell 16 16 14
Morale: 7 (wild), 8 (tamed) 7 9
Treasure Type: Up U C
Intelligence: 0 0 4
Alignment: Neutral Neutral Chaotic
XP Value: 20 35 550
Monster Type: Lowlife (Hunting: Common; Sand: Rare; Shroud: Very Rare).
Giant Hunting Spider: Hunting spiders are fur covered spiders the size of dogs and are used as watch animals and
hunters in several primitive societies. They may be found in any terrain, arctic to tropical, and the fur of any individual
will match its normal surroundings. In the wild, hunting spiders run in packs to bring down their prey. They do not build
webs, but stalk their prey over almost any terrain, and attack with large but nonpoisonous jaws.
Giant Sand Spider: Sand spiders are carnivorous creatures six feet long. They are beige with an orange and black
blotch on their stomachs. They inhabit desert or barren regions, living in underground burrows, usually near rocky
structures or stones. Pyramids, large statues, rocky crags, and paved roads offer the best sites.
Sand spiders do not build webs to trap prey. Instead, they burrow just below the surface of the ground, then burst out to
attack as the prey passes overhead. This gives them the benefit of surprise on a roll of 1d4 on 1d6. The bite of a sand
spider causes 1d6 points of damage, and in addition, the victim must make a saving throw vs. poison or be paralyzed for
1d4 +4 hours.
Giant Shroud Spider: Shroud spiders are six feet long and black all over except for their eyes, which glow with a very
faint blue light (visible up to 50 feet away in the dark). These magical creatures are intelligent and very evil. They can
only be hit by magical or silver weapons. The spider's vicious bite is poisonous. Any character bitten must make a saving
throw vs. poison or be paralyzed for 2d4 turns. The spider uses this attack to take live victims for its food store.
The web of the shroud spider is as strong as the webs of other giant spiders but is not very sticky. Instead, anyone
touching a fresh web (less than 24 hours old) must make a saving throw vs. paralysis at + 2 or be paralyzed. Victims
remain paralyzed for as long as they are in contact with the web and for 2 rounds thereafter.
Shroud spiders do not usually make large webs, but they can shoot a strand of web at a single opponent up to 30 feet
away. Any creature hit by the strand must make a saving throw vs. paralysis at + 1 or be paralyzed. The spiders also use
their web strands to trap victims in a paralyzing shroud before placing them in their food store. They also sometimes lay
simple traps of web which they renew each day. Characters placed in the food store remain in a state of suspended
animation until the webbing is removed. A shroud spider normally eats the prey in its food store in three days to a month.
Terrain: Hunting: Any nonaquatic; Sand: Cavern, Desert, Ruins; Shroud: Cavern, Ruins, Woods.
Creature Catalog Page 99-100

Spider, Huge Wood

Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: 1 +3* (S)
Move: 120' (40')
THAC0 18
Attacks: 1 bite
Damage: 1d6+poison
No. Appearing: 1d4 (4d4)
Save As: Fighter: 1
Death Ray/Poison 12
Magic Wands 13
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 14
Breath Attack 15
Rod/Staff/Spell 16
Morale: 8
Treasure Type: U
Intelligence: 2
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 19

Monster Type: Lowlife (Common).

Huge wood spiders live in areas of dark, tangled woodlands. These spiders are three feet long, have long legs, and are
green with irregular brown stripes. These allow them to blend in with the surrounding foliage, gaining surprise on a roll of
1-4 on d6. They have sticky pads on their feet which they use to cling to the sides of trees and even the undersides of
While searching for prey, huge wood spiders lurk in the branches of trees, waiting to leap down on any passing creature.
Their bite delivers a mild poison which inflicts an additional 1d8 points of damage and makes the victim sluggish for
2d4+ 2 rounds (both effects negated by a successful saving throw vs. poison at +2). Sluggish creatures roll for initiative
with a penalty of -2 and move at half speed until the effects wear off.
Wood imps (page 112) use these spiders as mounts and extract their poison to envenom weapons. Only wood imps can
control the spiders enough to get them to secrete their venom. Venom cannot be extracted from a dead spider.
Terrain: Woods.

Creature Catalog Page 101

Squid, Giant

Armor Class: 7
Hit Dice: 6 (L)
Move: 120' (40')
THAC0 14
Attacks: 10 tentacles/1 bite
Damage: 1d4 (x10)/1d10
No. Appearing: 0 (1d4)
Save As: Fighter: 3
Death Ray/Poison 12
Magic Wands 13
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 14
Breath Attack 15
Rod/Staff/Spell 16
Morale: 7
Treasure Type: V
Intelligence: 2
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 275

Monster Type: Giant Animal (Rare).

The giant squid lives in deep ocean waters, rising to the surface only to hunt. It rarely (25%) attacks ships, preferring to
pick off individual sailors. Against individuals, it attacks with all tentacles for automatic constriction damage after each
hit. Any of the eight lesser tentacles can be severed with a single blow that does 6 or more points of damage, while the
two greater tentacles can only be severed by a blow of 10 points of damage or greater. Against a ship, a giant squid does
1d10 points of hull damage with its two greater tentacles and then attacks with its beak for 2 points per round. If its
morale fails, the squid flees at triple speed, leaving great clouds of ink (30-foot radius, 2 times per day) to confuse
The battles between legendarily massive giant squids and other massive denizens of the deep are part of the lore of the
oceans. Sailors have reported titanic struggles between giant squids and huge whales, ocean leviathans, and mashers.
Terrain: Ocean.

Steam weevils

Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: ½ (1d4 hit points) (S)
Move: 30' (10')
Flying: 180' (60')
THAC0 19
Attacks: 1 area effect per swam
Damage: 4 points per round
No. Appearing: 1d6 swarms of 4d6 (1d2 swarms of 4d6)
Save As: Normal Man
Death Ray/Poison 14
Magic Wands 15
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 16
Breath Attack 17
Rod/Staff/Spell 17
Morale: 11
Treasure Type: Nil
Intelligence: 0
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 5 per weevil

Monster Type: Lowlife (Very Rare).

Steam weevils are tiny flying insects that thrive on the intense heat and pressure in subterranean areas of geothermal
activity. they have developed a way to turn the heat of a lava pool directly into usable energy, and many generations of
steam weevils live their lives out without ever leaving the deep caverns that are their preferred home. Steam weevils glow
in darkness or dim lighting, because of the intense heat of their bodies.
Occasionally, because of volcanic or other seismic activity, a swarm of steam weevils may be carried to they outside
world in a blast of steam or lava. They cannot live long in the relatively cold atmosphere, but they can be a dangerous
enemy to any nearby creatures in the 1-4 hours before they die.
A person caught in the midst of a steam weevil swarm suffers 4 points of damage per round from burns if the swam is at
full strength. A swarm takes up an area roughly 5 feet wide by 5 feet long by 5 feet high. Note that a swarm can only
attack one creature or character at a time. Smoke and fire do not bother steam weevils, but water damages them if it is
splashed on the swarm (roll to hit AC 7). Characters may scoop water from a puddle or a stream with their hands, or they
may uncover a water container and attempt to douse the bugs that way.
For each splash on the swam, the damage that the steam weevils can inflict is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 1).
Therefore, if two splashes have hit the swarm, the swarm does only 2 points of damage.
Terrain: Cavern, Mountain (volcanic area). a swarm can only attack one creature or character at a time. Smoke and fire
do not bother steam weevils, but water damages them if it is splashed on the swarm (roll to hit AC 7). Characters may
scoop water from a puddle or a stream with their hands, or they may uncover a water container and attempt to douse the
bugs that way.
For each splash on the swam1, the damage that the steam weevils can inflict is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 1).
Therefore, if two splashes have hit the swarm, the swarm does only 2 points of damage.
Terrain: Cavern, Mountain (volcanic area).
Creature Catalog Page 102
Strangle Vine

Armor Class: 9
Hit Dice: 8 hp per 1' square (S to L)
Move: 0'
THAC0 19
Attacks: 1
Damage: Special
No. Appearing: See below
Save As: Normal Man
Death Ray/Poison 14
Magic Wands 15
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 16
Breath Attack 17
Rod/Staff/Spell 17
Morale: 12
Treasure Type: U
Intelligence: 0
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 10 per 1' square

Monster Type: Lowlife (Rare).

A strangle vine looks like 1d10 ordinary creepers (up to 20 feet long) dangling from the branches of a tree. It is touch-
sensitive and attempts to entangle any individual moving into or through it. Creatures moving through the vines must
make a saving throw vs. paralysis or become entangled. Entangled victims suffer 1d4 points of strangulation damage per
round and, since the vine is firmly anchored to its tree, can even be pulled off their feet.
A character with a Strength of 6 or more has a 5% chance of breaking free of the vine by tugging at it, but the more a
victim struggles, the tighter the vine clings. Weaker characters have a greater chance of escaping than strong ones. For
each point of Strength under 6, the chance increases by 5% (for example, 20% for Strength 3).
An alternative means of breaking free is to cut away a sufficient area of vines (8 hp per square foot) with an edged
weapon. Characters caught in the vine may attack it with a penalty of -4 to attack rolls. An area equal to the height of the
character being attacked needs to be cleared to break free. Alternatively, if the the entire area taken up by the plant is
cleared, the victim will be released.
Terrain: Woods, Jungle, Swamp.

Fighter: 6

Armor Class: 1
Hit Dice: 12* (L)
Move: 0'
Attacks: Special
Damage: Special
No. Appearing: 0 (1d3+1)
Save As: Fighter: 6
Death Ray/Poison 10
Magic Wands 11
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 12
Breath Attack 13
Rod/Staff/Spell 14
Morale: 12
Treasure Type: J-N, L +2 magical items
Intelligence: 0
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 2,225

Monster Type: Lowlife (Rare).

Strangleweed looks like normal seaweed, but if any creature comes within 10 feet of this carnivorous plant, it will reach
out to grab it. Strangleweed attacks are handled in a special way. The player and the DM each roll 4d6 and add 4
(characters also add any Strength bonuses/ penalties). If the victim's (player's) total is twice that of the weed (the DM), the
victim has escaped. If the victim's roll is less than twice the weed's but still exceeds it, no damage is done but the victim is
held tight. If the weed beats the victim's roll, the difference is the damage done to the victim in hit points. Furthermore, all
damage inflicted is subtracted from the victim's subsequent rolls, but the maximum damage the strangleweed can inflict
on its opponent is the total of its roll plus 4. Other characters cannot pull a victim free, but may attack the weed; if they
do, each hit may (25% chance) hit the victim also. In this case, the damage is divided equally between the two.
Strangleweed consumes its victims by digesting them through its leaves. Its treasure is found on the seabed beneath it,
buried amid the remains of previous meals.
Terrain: Ocean.
Creature Catalog Page 103

Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: 6* (L)
Move: 120' (40')
THAC0 14
Attacks: 2 hooves/1 bite
Damage: 1d10/1d10/1d6
No. Appearing: 0 (1d3)
Save As: Fighter: 9
Death Ray/Poison 8
Magic Wands 9
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 10
Breath Attack 11
Rod/Staff/Spell 12
Morale: 8
Treasure Type: Nil
Intelligence: 3
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 500
Monster Type: Monster (Very Rare).
The surtaki is a ravenous man-eater that inhabits hilly lowlands and mountain foothills. The creature is the size of a
large bull, with a giant serpent's head, tortoise feet, thick green fur, and a horse's tail. Poison quills, similar to a
porcupine's, lie beneath its shaggy fur. In melee each attacker must make a saving throw vs. magic wands to avoid the
quills; if this is failed, a saving throw vs. poison must be made. If the saving throw vs. poison is successful, the quills
inflict ld6 points of damage; if failed, the attacker also contracts a rotting disease. This causes 1 point of damage per
round thereafter, prevents the curing of any wounds, and can only be stopped by a cure disease spell. Any victim slain by
the disease can only be recovered by a raise dead fully or a wish.
Terrain: Mountain, Open, Hills.


Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: 5* (S)
Move: 60' (20')
THAC0 240' (80')
Attacks: 15
Damage: 2 claws
No. Appearing: 1d4/1d4+special
Save As: 1d4 (1d4)
Death Ray/Poison Magic-User: 5
Magic Wands 13
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 14
Breath Attack 13
Rod/Staff/Spell 16
Morale: 6 (12)
Treasure Type: Nil
Intelligence: 8
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 300

Monster Type: Monster (Very Rare).

The tabi are small, winged, ape-like creatures about the size of a large housecat. Their bodies are covered with long,
golden fur while their wings are leathery membranes. They give off a stench of rot that can be smelled at up to 100 feet.
They are intelligent and clever.
In combat, tabi fight with their sharp claws which drip a crystal blue venom. Anyone hit by a tabi must make a saving
throw vs. paralysis. A character who fails to save will be deluded, attacking any adjacent creature or character. A deluded
character may only fight withweapons or bare hands, but will do so to the best of his or her ability. The delusion will last
for 2d6 turns or until a neutralize poison spell is cast on the victim. Tabi also have a 40% chance to pick pockets, move
silently, and hide in shadows. Tabi prefer to ambush characters and then hide while the deluded victims attack others.
Tabi have very long life spans, during which they gather much infom1ation about ancient legends and forgotten lore.
They are intelligent and speak their own tongue. High-level magic-users can research a spell that will bind a tabi to their
service. If the spell is researched and worded properly, the tabi will remain in service to the magic-user until one or the
other dies. While enspelled it will be absolutely loyal to the character commanding it. In such cases, the parenthesized
morale should be used. An enspelled tabi will also assist its master by telling him or her any information that it knows.
Terrain: Cavern, Ruins, Settled.
Creature Catalog Page 104

Armor Class: 0
Hit Dice: 16** (or 8**-see below) (L)
Move: 30' (10')
Flying: 180' (60')
THAC0 7 (12)
Attacks: 2 claws/1 lightning bolt
Damage: 2d6/2d6/5d6
No. Appearing: 0 (1d3)
Save As: Fighter: 16 Fighter: 8
Death Ray/Poison 5 8
Magic Wands 6 9
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 6 10
Breath Attack 7 11
Rod/Staff/Spell 8 12
Morale: 9
Treasure Type: Nil
Intelligence: 5
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 4,050 or 1,750

Monster Type: Dragon-Kin (Ve1y Rare).

A thunderhead is a black, reptilian creature with an elongated body and head, a pointed snout, and slit-like, glowing
blue eyes. It has long, swept-back, bat-like wings, and two spindly rear legs which terminate in vicious claws.
Thunderheads live high up in the clouds where they hunt other flying creatures. During thunderstorms they become very
excited and sweep down to the ground, attacking anything that moves with a lightning bolt from their pointed snouts.
After using their lightning attack they attempt to snatch creatures in their sharp claws. An attack roll of 16 or better
indicates that the thunderhead has grabbed hold of its victim. Thunderheads can carry creatures as large as a war horse
with ease. Any caught creature will be taken up into the storm where it will be eaten by the thunderhead. If a thunderhead
fails to snatch a victim, it will either fire another lightning bolt Cl-2 on 1d6) or else attempt another grab (3-6 on ld6).
Thunderheads encountered outside of thunderstorms have only 8 Hit Dice and save as 8th-level fighters.
Terrain: Aerial.
Load & Barding Multiplier: As per small dragons.

Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: 3* (S)
Move: 20' (40’)
THAC0 17
Attacks: 2 claws
Damage: 1d6/1d6+special
No. Appearing: 2d4 (5d6)
Save As: Fighter: 2
Death Ray/Poison 12
Magic Wands 13
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 14
Breath Attack 15
Rod/Staff/Spell 16
Morale: 12
Treasure Type: Nil
Intelligence: 2
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 50

Monster Type: Undead (Very Rare).

Tapis are undead human or humanoid creatures similar to zombies. Before these creatures are animated, however, the
corpses are shrunk until they are only two feet tall, giving them dark, wrinkled, leathery skin. This process is long and
complex, and is known only to certain primitive tribes.
Tapis are more agile than normal zombies. They roll for initiative as usual, and can leap up to six feet (vertically or
horizontally) when attacking. Any creature struck by a topi's claw must make a saving throw vs. poison or fall victim to a
venom which acts like a slow spell and lasts for 1-2 rounds.
Nonedged weapons inflict only half damage on tapis, although a successful hit with such a weapon will knock a topi off
balance, making it unable to attack in the next round. Topis are immune to mind-affecting spells such as sleep, charm and
bold spells. Clerics have the same chance of turning topis as of turning wights.
Terrain: Cavern, Ruins, Jungle.
Creature Catalog Page 105

Armor Class: 3
Hit Dice: 4 (M)
Move: 30' (10')
THAC0 16
Attacks: 2 claws/1 beak or 1 weapon
Damage: 1d4/1d4/1d6 or by weapon
No. Appearing: 0 (1d6)
Save As: Fighter: 4
Death Ray/Poison 10
Magic Wands 11
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 12
Breath Attack 13
Rod/Staff/Spell 14
Morale: 11
Treasure Type: V
Intelligence: 8
Alignment: Lawful
XP Value: 75

Monster Type: Humanoid (Rare).

Tortles are turtle-like humanoid land-dwellers. Adult tortles stand six feet tall and weigh 500 pounds. Although they are
not swimmers, tortles float and can hold their breath for up to 10 turns under water. On land they are fond of using
wagons drawn by draft horses for rapid travel.
Tortles wear no clothes or armor, but can withdraw into their shells for protection. They are not aggressive, but when
forced into combat they prefer to use light crossbows.
Tortles live alone for most of their 40-50 year lives, and only lay eggs toward the end of their lives. Half a year prior to
egg-laying, however, they gather at the sites of traditional, stone-walled compounds. The creatures place their eggs in the
compounds, barricade the entrances and then die. An armorer can fashion a suit of lightweight plate mail armor (AC 1)
from 25 fresh tortle's egg shells.
Terrain: Open, Swamp, Woods.


Armor Class: 6, 5, or 4 (see below)

Hit Dice: 5***, 6*** or 7**** (see below) (M)
Move: 150' (50')
THAC0 15/14/13
Attacks: 1 weapon
Damage: By weapon
No. Appearing: 0 (10d6)
Save As: Dwarf: 11
Death Ray/Poison 2
Magic Wands 3
Paralysis/Turn to 4
Breath Attack 4
Rod/Staff/Spell 3
Morale: 9
Treasure Type: F, G, or H
Intelligence: 11
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 550, 950, or 2,050

Monster Type: Humanoid (Rare).

Tritons look very much like mermen, having human torsoes and fish-like tails. The only differences are cultural (the
braiding of their hair and their use of shells to adorn themselves, etc.) and their innate ability to cast spells.
Tritons usually ride giant sea horses and carry tridents or spears. Like some of the other civilized sea races, they live in
large cities on the ocean floor. Triton cities are works of art, built in picturesque undersea locations which enhance the
beauty of the city. Often these cities are built from coral which has been carried many miles by the tritons.
Tritons have variable Hit Dice and abilities. A triton can cast clerical or magic-user spells (50% chance of either, but not

Hit Dice Armor Class Spell Casting

5 6 5th level
6 5 6th level
7 4 7th level

A 5 HD triton, therefore, casts spells either as a 5th-level cleric, or as a 5th-level magic-user. Spell-casting tritons rarely
learn fire-based spells such as fireball or wall of fire.
Terrain: Ocean.
Creature Catalog Page 106

Vampire, Nosferatu*

Armor Class: 2
Hit Dice: 7-9** (M)
Move: 120' (40')
Flying: 180' (60')
THAC0 13-11
Attacks: 1 bite, weapon or special
Damage: 1d4 (bite), by weapon type, or by magic type
No. Appearing: 1d4 (1d4)
Save As: Former character class at equivalent level
Death Ray/Poison Varies
Magic Wands Varies
Paralysis/Turn to Stone Varies
Breath Attack Varies
Rod/Staff/Spell Varies
Morale: 11
Treasure Type: F
Intelligence: As former character
Alignment: Any
XP Value: 1,250 (7 l-ID), 1,750 (8 HD), 2,300 (9 HD) if fighter or thief;
1,650, 2,300, 3,000 if magic-user or cleric

Monster Type: Undead (Very Rare).

The nosferatu is a special vampire. It has all the powers and weaknesses of vampires except as noted below. Nosferatu
are turned as vampires.
The nosferatu does not drain energy levels. It drinks blood. It only regenerates 1 hit point of damage per round. The
nosferaru's victims return from the dead three days later only if the nosferatu intended for them to do so.
The nosferatu retains its character class, skills, powers, and restrictions in its undead form-at the level it had attained
when it died, or at the level of its new hit dice, whichever is greater. This makes the nosferatu very unpredictable- it could
have the spells of a 9th level cleric in addition to its undead abilities, for instance. DMs should design each nosferatu
separately, giving each distinct skills or spells. These undead can be of any alignment.
Fighter and cleric nosferatu can wear armor (though it does no good unless it provides an AC better than 2). Cleric
nosferatu can only command undead, never turn them. Very old nosferatu can operate in sunlight.
Terrain: Cavern, Ruins, Settled.

Creature Catalog Page 107

Vampire Rose

Armor Class: 7
Hit Dice: 4• (S)
Move: 30' (20')
THAC0 18
Attacks: 1 thorn+blood drain
Damage: 1d8
No. Appearing: 0 (1d8)
Save As: Fighter: 2
Death Ray/Poison 12
Magic Wands 13
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 14
Breath Attack 15
Rod/Staff/Spell 16
Morale: 12
Treasure Type: Nil
Intelligence: 0
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 125

Monster Type: Lowlife (Rare).

Vampire roses look like normal white rose bushes, with each 4 Hit Dice 's worth of vampire rose representing a single
bush. Despite their appearance, vampire roses can uproot themselves and move about slowly in search of prey. Their
thorny stalks whip around victims, inflicting 1d8 points of damage. The thorns are hollow, and once the stalk has struck
the vampire rose will automatically drain 1d8 points of blood per round. The plant also injects a hypnotic anaesthetic into
a victim's bloodstream. Victims must make a saving throw vs. spells or lose all willpower, allowing the plant to continue
draining blood until they die. After a vampire rose has completely drained a victim, its blooms will be colored red instead
of white.
Terrain: Open, Ruins, Woods, Jungle, Swamp.


Armor Class: 3
Hit Dice: 7** (M)
Move: 180' (60')
THAC0 13
Attacks: 1 touch or special
Damage: 1d8+energy drain or special
No. Appearing: 0 (1)
Save As: Fighter: 9
Death Ray/Poison 8
Magic Wands 9
Paralysis/Turn to 10
Breath Attack 11
Rod/Staff/Spell 12
Morale: 11
Treasure Type: F
Intelligence: 10
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 1,250

Monster Type: Undead (Very Rare).

Velya are a weak form of underwater vampire. Some were once surface dwellers, and these may be found inhabiting
ancient cities which have now sunk beneath the waves. However, they are extremely rare, and only a few have ever been
discovered. A velya can take the form of a blue-skinned human with gills, a great white shark, a manta ray, or a water
current at will. Each change takes one round.
Whatever its form, a velya regenerates 2 hit points per round (except for fire or acid damage) as soon as it is damaged.
However, if a velya is reduced to zero hit points, it does not regenerate, but becomes a water current and flees to its crypt
where it must rest for a whole day. Fire and acid damage is not regenerated until the velya reaches and rests in its crypt.
In shark or manta ray form, the velya's movement, attacks, and damage are those of that animal. The velya's Armor
Class, Hit Dice, morale and saving throws remain unchanged. ln water form, a velya cannot attack, but can swim at 180'
per turn and is immune to all weapon attacks. Some spells may affect it but none inflict any damage on it.
In human form, a velya may attack by song or touch, or may summon other creatures. The touch of a velya inflicts an
energy drain (removing one level of experience) in addition to 1d8 points of damage. The creature's song can charm (as
the charm person spell). Any victim hearing the song must make a saving throw vs. spells or be charmed. The song can be
heard up to a mile away, but it can only charm characters within 200 feet of the velya.
Once a successful saving throw is made, that character is immune to the velya's song for 24 hours. If the charm is
dispelled, the character is still susceptible to the velya's song until she or he makes a successful saving throw.
Velya are normally accompanied by 1d6 wights, and can summon 3d6 mako sharks from up to one mile away. The
sharks arrive in 1d4 rounds if they are close by.
Any character slain by a velya will return from death in three days as a wight under the control of the velya. A creature
can only become a velya through an ancient and forgotten curse.
Weaknesses of Veiya: A velya is unable to approach to within 10 feet of a strongly presented holy symbol, although it
may move to attack from another direction. Velya cannot enter the open air, or they will instantly disintegrate. Because
they are undead, velya are unaffected by mind-affecting spells such as sleep, charm and hold. They can only be hit by
magical weapons.
During the day the velya must rest in a crypt. If the crypt is blessed (with the clerical spell) the velya can get no rest
there. Failure to rest results in 2d8 points of damage per day. These points are not regenerated until the velya rests in its
crypt for a full day. Velya have no reflection and cast no shadow.
A velya can be destroyed by exposing it to air, by driving a wooden stake through its heart while it lies in its crypt, or by
being turned by a cleric of level 13 or higher. In the latter case, however, the die roll for the number of Hit Dice of undead
destroyed must equal or exceed the Hit Dice of the velya.
Swamp Velya: This cousin of the normal (ocean) velya is found in the waters of marshes, fens, bogs, and swamps.
Swamp velyas can take the form of a blueskinned human with gills, an albino crocodile, a white eel, or a water current at
will. The swamp velya can summon 3d6 crocodiles if they are within one mile; the crocodiles arrive in ld4 rounds if they
are close by. Swamp velya cannot come fully into the open air, or they instantly disintegrate. As long as one part of their
body is in the swamp, they remain intact. In all other respects (including statistics) the swamp velya is identical to its
ocean cousin.
Terrain: Velya: Ocean; Swamp Velya: Swamp.

Creature Catalog Page 108

Water Weird

Armor Class: 5
Hit Dice: 3* (S)
Move: 60’ (20') in water only
THAC0 17
Attacks: 1
Damage: 1+drowning
No. Appearing: 1d2 (1d2)
Save As: Fighter: 6
Death Ray/Poison 10
Magic Wands 11
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 12
Breath Attack 13
Rod/Staff/Spell 14
Morale: 12
Treasure Type: 1
Intelligence: 2
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 50

Monster Type: Enchanted (Very Rare).

A water weird is a magical creature made of water which lives in a pool or another body of water. It attacks all living
things that disturb it, feeding on the life forces of its victims in some unknown way. Water weirds may appear in nearly
any shape, although the form of a giant snake is most common. Those that live in large bodies of water will retreat to the
bottom or a corner of their home if hard pressed.
In combat, weirds attack single enemies within 10 feet of their pool. The weird forms from the water in 2 melee rounds.
Instead of suffering a normal attack, victims must make a saving throw vs. paralyzation (Dexterity bonuses apply).
Victims who fail their saving throw take 1 point of damage and are seized and dragged into the water.
Once a victim is trapped and pulled under water, the weird ignores other opponents until the trapped victim is dead.
Trapped characters can attack the weird with a -4 penalty on their attack rolls. Once in the water, victims take 1 point of
damage and must make a saving throw vs. death ray each round or become unconscious. Unconscious victims die after 3
rounds unless rescued.
Sharp weapons cause only 1 point of damage per hit on a water weirds; blunt weapons cause normal damage. All
Strength and magical bonuses apply. Damage equal to a weird's total hit points disrupts it, but it reforms in 2 melee
rounds. Cold attacks slow water weirds (half movement and only attacks every second round), but fire-based spells do
only half or none of their normal damage (a successful saving throw results in no damage). A purify food and water spell
kills water weirds immediately. All other attacks do not harm them.
Larger water weirds are possible. For every additional 3 Hit Dice, the weird's Armor Class is improved by 2, damage is
increased by 1, attack range is increased by 5 feet, and victim's saving throws and attacks are made with additional
penalties of -2.
Terrain: Cavern (in water), River/ Lake, Ocean.
Creature Catalog Page 109


Armor Class: Stalks 5; base 3

Hit Dice: Stalks 3+ 1*; base 2 (M)
Move: 3' (1')
THAC0 16
Attacks: 2 stalks
Damage: 1d8/1d8 (+see below)
No. Appearing: 1d3 (1d3)
Save As: Fighter: 4
Death Ray/Poison 10
Magic Wands 11
Paralysis/Turn to 12
Breath Attack 13
Rod/Staff/Spell 14
Morale: 8
Treasure Type: U
Intelligence: 1
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 170
Monster Type: Lowlife (Rare).
This strange plant has two thin, whip-like stalks growing from a roughly spherical, gourd-like base. The stalks are light
green in color, with thin yellowish stripes running up their centers. The base is a nondescript brown with faint tan and
cream-colored veinings. In fully grown specimens, the stalks measure up to 15 feet long, and the base is about three feet
in diameter, with many short, tough roots sprouting from underneath. In fact, the whipweed is able to control these roots
and may withdraw them from the earth in order to move around, albeit very slowly.
The plant will attack anything that moves within the
range of its stalks, each one striking as a 3 Hit Dice monster and attacking different targets if two or more creatures are
within range. Once hit, the victim suffers 1d8 points of damage from the highly acidic sap secreted by the stalks and must
also make a saving throw vs. death ray or be entangled (unable to attack, cast spells, or move until a successful saving
throw is made). Entangled victims continue to automatically suffer ld8 points of damage each round until released by the
destruction of the stalk or by breaking free. They may make a saving throw vs. death ray every round they are entangled
to try and break free.
If one or both of the stalks is destroyed, the base is not affected, and will regrow damaged stalks in ld4+1 days. If the
base is destroyed, the whipweed dies, but the stalks will go into a mad frenzy for one melee round before wilting. During
this round, each stalk will make three whiplash attacks, inflicting 1d6 points of damage for each successful attack (but no
chance to entangle, and no acid damage).
Terrain: Cavern, Open, Ruins, Woods, Jungle, Swamp.

Creature Catalog Page 110


Armor Class: 4
Hit Dice: 6** (L)
Move (surface): 180' (60')
Swimming: 120' (40')
Burrowing (snow): 90' (30')
Burrowing (ice): 45' (15')
THAC0 14
Attacks: 1 bite/1 tail lash
Damage: 2d6+poison/2d6
No. Appearing: 1d3 (1d3)
Save As: Fighter: 6
Death Ray/Poison 10
Magic Wands 11
Paralysis/Turn to 12
Breath Attack 13
Rod/Staff/Spell 14
Morale: 10
Treasure Type: Self
Intelligence: 3
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 725

Monster Type: Monster (Rare).

White-fangs are snake-like creatures between 15 and 20 feet long, distantly related to white dragons. They are covered
all over in soft, pure white fur except for their heads which are encased in scale-like plates of white ivory. They are
equally at home in the depths of icy caverns, in the freezing waters of arctic seas, or in windswept, snowbound
White-fangs are capable of keeping the temperature of their skin the same as their surroundings, thus making them 80%
undetectable by infravision. This, and their coloration, gives them excellent camouflage in their native environments.
White fangs surprise opponents on a roll of 1-4 on d6.
Although they can move swiftly over open ground, white-fangs prefer to move unseen and attack from concealment.
They can swim well, burrow through snow and ice with ease, and also have very sensitive infravision which enables them
to detect warm creatures through 30 feet of snow, ice, or water, or up to 120 feet away in the open.
The creature's main attack is a bite by a pair of needle-sharp fangs. In addition to causing damage, these fangs inject a
magical venom. For those poisoned victims who fail a saving throw vs. poison, the venom has the effect of literally
freezing the blood. The unfortunate characters are paralyzed and, while their skin steadily turns blue, suffer 1d8 points of
damage per round until either the poison is neutralized or they die. Although a neutralize poison spell removes the
paralysis, restores the victim's color, and halts the damage being caused by the poison, it does not restore hit points
already lost. Those who make a successful saving throw merely feel chilled and numb, and suffer a penalty of -2 on
Strength and Dexterity for 2d6 rounds. Further bites only extend the duration (by 2d6 rounds), rather than increasing the
effects. The creature's second attack is a vicious tail lash which does 2d6 points of damage.
White-fangs do not normally have any treasure. If a buyer can be found, however, a white-fang pelt may fetch as much
as 500 gp and its ivory head-plates up to 100 gp in total.
Terrain: Cold/ Arctic.

Creature Catalog Page 111

Winged Warrior

Armor Class: 5
Hit Dice: 2* (M)
Move: 60' (20')
Flying: 180' (60')
THAC0 18
Attacks: 2 wings
Damage: 1d6/1d6
No. Appearing: 1d6 (1d6)
Save As: Fighter: 2
Death Ray/Poison 12
Magic Wands 13
Paralysis/Turn to 14
Breath Attack 15
Rod/Staff/Spell 16
Morale: 11
Treasure Type: Nil
Intelligence: 3
Alignment: Lawful
XP Value: 25

Monster Type: Construct (Very Rare).

A winged warrior is a specifically modified form of crystal living statue, enabled to fly because of a permanent. fly spell
cast on it by the wizard who created it. The flying ability of a winged warrior enables it to protect large open areas.
Although the body of a winged warrior is made of crystal, its wings are usually made of a polished, silvery metal. These
are attached along its arms from wrist to armpit and extend down the sides of its body to its waist, so that the winged
warrior flies with its arms extended. The wings of this construct are often engraved and decorated to look like a real bird's
A winged warrior must land to fight. It cannot fight in midair because its weapons are the razor-sharp edges of its metal
wings. A winged warrior usually swings its arm backhanded, causing a powerful slashing blow. The monster can attack
with both wings in a single round. A winged warrior never carries weapons of any type, using only its wings.
A winged warrior is immune to the effects of mind affecting spells such as sleep, charm and hold.
The creature is basically nonintelligent, although it can follow simple instructions given to it by its creator. It continues
to follow those instructions until it receives new ones.
The most common duty for a winged warrior is to patrol large areas. Usually they are instructed to attack all creatures of
a specific type entering the area. Sometimes a winged warrior is instructed to recognize a password which allows others to
enter the area it guards. In this case the warrior must be created with the ability to speak.
Terrain: Open, Settled.

Wood Imp

Armor Class: 6
Hit Dice: ¾ (1d6 hp)* (S)
Move: 90' (30')
THAC0 19
Attacks: 1 bite or 1 weapon
Damage: 1d3 or by weapon
No. Appearing: 1d6 (8d10)
Save As: Normal Man
Death Ray/Poison 14
Magic Wands 15
Paralysis/Turn to 16
Breath Attack 17
Rod/Staff/Spell 17
Morale: 7 or 9
Treasure Type: S (C+N)
Intelligence: 10
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 6
Monster Type: Humanoid (Rare).
Wood imps are small, evil humanoids who live in dark woods. Their skin is green, and they stand one and a half to two
feet tall. Their wild and tangled hair is wood brown and usually has numerous twigs and leaves stuck in it. Their faces are
round. They have a gaping slit of a mouth filled with sharp, needle-shaped teeth. A wood imp bite causes 1d3 points of
damage, but this attack is rarely used. Wood imps prefer to lay traps and ambushes for their victims. Often these rake the
form of concealed pits or snares, set to catch the unwary. Victims caught in the traps are either captured or slain by
poisoned wood imp arrows (see below).
As well as laying traps, wood imps also hunt anyone foolish enough to enter their territory. Instead of attacking directly,
they attempt to drive or lure their victims into their traps. When bunting, they ride huge wood spiders (see page 101).
They strap themselves into special saddles which allow them to stay mounted even when the spiders are clinging to the
undersides of tree branches. Because of their coloration, wood imps surprise opponents on a roll of 1-3 on 1d6.
Wood imps prefer to use short bows (which they can fire even when upside down). Arrows fired from these bows inflict
1d4 points of damage and are fired every round. By spending one round, wood imps can coat their arrow heads in venom
from their huge wood spider mounts. Saving throws vs. poison are made at +2, and characters failing their saving throw
take an additional ld8 points of damage and become sluggish for 2d4+2 rounds. Sluggish creatures roll for initiative with a
penalty of -2 and move at half speed until the effects wear off. The effects are not cumulative. Poisoned arrows must be
fired the round after they are envenomed or else the poison evaporates. Huge wood spider venom can only be successfully
extracted by a wood imp. No other creature can exercise enough control over the spiders to get them to secrete their
venom. Venom cannot be extracted from a dead spider; chemicals given off in their death throes render it inert.
If forced to, wood imps melee by dropping out of the trees riding their spider, and attack with their small two-handed
swords (damage 1d6) while the spiders attack with their bites.
For every 10 wood imps there is a leader with J-1 HD, and a tribe is Jed by a chief with 1 HD. If these leaders are slain,
wood imp morale drops to 7. A wood imp tribe abo has 1d4 shamans (clerics of 1st-4th level).
A wood imp lair consists of an area of old and rotted trees. Here the wood imps keep their prisoners and s supplies of
fresh food. The prisoners are composed of 2d6 creatures who vary from evil humanoids and humans to small forest
Terrain: Woods.

Creature Catalog Page 112


Armor Class: 0
Hit Dice: 6** (S)
Move: 180' (60')
THAC0 14
Attacks: lightning boll
Damage: 1d10
No. Appearing: 1d3 (1d6)
Save As: Fighter: 6
Death Ray/Poison 10
Magic Wands 11
Paralysis/Turn to 12
Breath Attack 13
Rod/Staff/Spell 14
Morale: 11
Treasure Type: G
Intelligence: 15
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 725
Monster Type: Monster (Very Rare).
Wychglows are balls of eerie light (one to three feet in diameter) that appear only at night or in dark underground
caverns. They are attracted to metallic objects, and will attack creatures in order to obtain them. The bigger a metal object
is, the more attracted a wychglow is to it. Plate armor, metal shields, and metal swords are natural focusses for its
attention. A wychglow craves metals since it feeds on electrochemical energy which it can drain from them. This feeding
process can take hours or even days and reduces the metal to a fine, chalky dust.
Each round a wychglow can fire a bolt of electricity at any creature within its range. The bolt is 2 feet wide and 30 feet
long. It will hit the target automatically and inflict 1d10 points of damage unless the victim makes a successful saving
throw vs. magic wands. Characters wearing metal armor take half damage if they make a successful saving throw, while
those wearing leather armor or normal clothing take no damage with a successful saving throw and are allowed a bonus of
+5 to their saving throw
Wychglows are immune to electrical attacks and take minimum damage from magical fire attacks. They can only be
struck weapons of+ l or greater enchantment.
Terrain: Cavern, or any (at night only).

Creature Catalog Page 113


Armor Class: 2 or 0 (see below)

Hit Dice: 3+3•• (S)
Move (levitating): 210' (70')
THAC0 16
Attacks: 1 discharge
Damage: 1d4+1
No. Appearing: 1d3 (1d8)
Save As: Magic-User: 3
Death Ray/Poison 12
Magic Wands 13
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 13
Breath Attack 15
Rod/Staff/Spell 15
Morale: 12
Treasure Type: Nil
Intelligence: 0
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 100

Monster Type: Planar Monster (Very Rare).

A Wychlamp is a small (up to nine inches across) ball of glowing light. Wychlamps are composed largely of energy,
although they have wispy, spiderweb-like skeletons of geometrical symmetry and translucent-to-invisible aspect. These
strange creatures wander aimlessly, drifting by natural levitation, and seem attracted to any use of magic within 70 feet.
They are silent and seemingly unintelligent and come from planes dominated by the Sphere of Energy.
Much sought after by those who would slay mages, Wychlamps have the unusual property of causing any
magic within 20 feet of them to go awry:
• Aimed spells (for example, magic missile) are 77% likely to be deflected in a random direction, as are similar
spell-like powers and magical item effects.
• Area-effect magics (for example, Fireball) are altered as follows: Roll 1d6. On a 1 or 2, they are doubled in area
and halved in damage. On a 3 or 4, they are halved in area and doubled in damage. On a 5, they are completely nullified,
and on a 6, they are unaffected.
• Spells cast and magical item attacks launched within 20 feet of a Wychlamp are altered as follows: Roll 1d6. On a
1 or 2, they are directed back on the caster for full effect. On a 3 or 4, the target and/ or area of effect are altered at
random. On a 5, their intensity (duration or damage) is halved, and on a 6, they are unaffected.
Interpret any impossible results as complete nullification of the magic.
Magic directed at a Wychlamp, if it reaches the Wychlamp (for example, by touch), will be reflected back 100% upon
the caster or wielder of the magic. A Wychlamp is never affected by magic.
Wychlamps may be slain by physical attacks, although they will bob and weave to avoid being struck after they are hit
once (increasing their effective Armor Class from 2 to 0). They cannot pass through a gap of less than 6 inches in width
and height. They can thus be netted. A ring of captive Wychlamps around a fighter is an effective defense against mages.
Wychlamps can discharge their energies upon physical contact with a living creature in a lightning-like arc that does
1d4+1 points of damage and slows a victim to half speed during the following round. They do this only 40% of the times
they come into contact with a creature, seemingly at random rather than as an aggressive weapon.
Wychlamps take no damage from fire, heat, cold, or lightning attacks. The latter sort (only) will restore lost hit points to
a Wychlamp. Treat each hit point of damage from lightning or electricity as a hit point of healing (up to the creature's
original hit points).
Any undead energy drain attack (but not similar spells, which go awry) will destroy a Wychlamp.

Creature Catalog Page 114


Normal Greater
Armor Class: 4 0
Hit Dice: 4* (M) 8*** (M)
Move: 120' (40') 120' (40')
Flying: 240' (80')
THAC0 16 12
Attacks: 2 glowing spheres 2 spheres+special
Damage: 1d6/ 1d6 1d10/1d10+ paralysis
No. Appearing: 1d6 (1d6) 1d2 (1d2)
Save As: Elf: 4 Elf: 8
Death Ray/Poison 12 4
Magic Wands 13 7
Paralysis/Turn to 14 7
Breath Attack 15 7
Rod/Staff/Spell 16 7
Morale: 12 12
Treasure Type: B B
Intelligence: 6 9
Alignment: Chaotic Chaotic
XP Value: 125 2,300
Monster Type: Undead (Normal: Rare; Greater: Very Rare).
Both normal and greater wyrds can only be hit by magical or silver weapons. They are immune to sleep, charm, and
hold spells.
Normal Wyrd: A wyrd (pronounced weerd) is an undead spirit inhabiting the body of an elf. It appears as a dark, robed
figure holding a small, diffuse, glowing red sphere in each hand. In combat, the wyrd can either strike with two hands
using the spheres as melee weapons, fling the two spheres as missiles (range 30/60/90), or use one sphere in melee and
one as a missile.
If a sphere hits its target (normal roll to hit), it explodes, inflicting 1d6 points of damage against most opponents, but
1d6+3 against elves. As each sphere explodes, a replacement instantly appears in the wyrd's hand, but it can only make
two attacks per round. Clerics have the same chance tum wyrds as wraiths.
Greater Wyrd: This is a more hideous variety of the
normal wyrd. It is the result of a powerful undead spirit entering the body of a high-level elf. This undead being is
greatly feared, for its appearance causes all who view it to make a saving throw vs. spell or attack with a -3 penalty to
both attack and damage rolls. A minimum of 1 point of damage, however, will always be scored by anyone hitting the
A greater wyrd can create two glowing green spheres each round, using them either in melee or as missiles.
Anyone struck by a sphere suffers 1d10 points of damage and must make a successful saving throw vs. paralysis or be
paralyzed for 2d4 turns. Elves suffer 1d10 +5 points of damage and are immune to the spheres' paralyzing effect. Clerics
tum greater wyrds as phantoms.
Terrain: Cavern, Ruins, Woods.
Creature Catalog Page 115

Armor Class: 3
Hit Dice: 5+1* (L)
Move: 120' (40')
THAC0 14
Attacks: 1 bite or breath
Damage: 1d10 or 3d6
No. Appearing: 1d6 (1d12)
Save As: Fighter: 2
Death Ray/Poison 12
Magic Wands 13
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 14
Breath Attack 15
Rod/Staff/Spell 16
Morale: 8
Treasure Type: Nil
Intelligence: 4
Alignment: Neutral
XP Value: 400

Monster Type: Dragon-Kin (Rare).

A xytar is a large, eight-foot-long, lizard-like creature. Its hide is predominantly yellow, with red-and-orange
mottling along its back. Xytars have six legs and long, tooth-filled jaws. They live in hot desert areas and can survive for weeks
without water.
Xytars are carnivorous creatures that normally hunt in packs. Human or other settlements on the fringes of deserts are often attacked
by hunting xytars, as are any caravans unlucky enough to run into them. There are usually no survivors from xytar attacks.
Xytars attack with either their strong jaws or their breath weapon. They can breathe forth a cone of fire 30 feet long and 10 feet wide
at its widest point. They always attack by breathing fire first and then closing to use their jaws in melee. Once in melee there is a 1-2
chance on 1d6 that a xytar will breathe instead of biting its opponent.
Terrain: Desert.
Creature Catalog Page 116


Armor Class: 0
Hit Dice: 3+3** (M)
Move: 150' (30')
Flying: 270' (90')
THAC0 16
Attacks: 1 bite
Damage: 2d4
No. Appearing: 2d4 (4d4)
Save As: Magic-user: 11
Death Ray/Poison 9
Magic Wands 10
Paralysis/Turn to Stone 9
Breath Attack 12
Rod/Staff/Spell 9
Morale: 10
Treasure Type: Nil
Intelligence: 4
Alignment: Chaotic
XP Value: 100

Monster Type: Monster (Very Rare).

Yowlers look like huge, well-muscled dogs with short, dull, black hair. Their heads and faces, however, have an almost human
appearance, and their ears could easily be mistaken for small horns. The eyes of a yowler glow with an infernal red light, and their
teeth are well designed for tearing the flesh from unfortunate victims. These hideous creatures are found only in the most desolate of
wilderness areas, and they often lair in gloomy caverns where they rest by day, corning out to hunt when night falls. They will attack
almost any warm-blooded creature that is foolish enough to enter their territory, but their preferred meat is that of demihumans.
Yowlers have the ability to fly magically.
The baying of a yowler pack is most horrible and can be heard up to a mile away. Anyone within 90 feet must make a saving throw
vs. spell each round or flee in panic until the saving throw is successful. If the pack consists of more than five yowlers, the saving
throw is made at a penalty of -1 for each additional yowler beyond the fifth, up to a maximum of -10. Once characters have
successfully saved, they are immune to the baying of this particular pack as long as they remain within its immediate vicinity.
Yowlers can only be struck by silvered or magical weapons, and even then only suffer damage equal to the weapon's magical plus
(i.e. a sword+ 1 inflicts 1 point of damage, a dagger +2 inflicts two points, etc.). Silvered weapons inflict 1 point of damage.
Terrain: Cavern, Mountain, Open, Ruins, Woods.

Wilderness Encounter Tables
90-93 Stirge 3d12
Wilderness Encounter Tables 94-95 Storm Giant 1d3
D100 Numb 96 Thunderhead 1d3
Monster 97-98 Werebat 1d8
Roll er
01-02 Aerial Servant 1d4 99-100 Wyvem 1d6
03-04 Airdrake 1d4
05-08 Air Elemental 1 Wilderness Encounter Tables
09-12 Bat, Giant d100 D100 Numb
13-16 Bat, Giant 1d10 Monster
Roll er
17 Blackball 1 01 Ape, White 2d4
18-19 Cloud Giant 1d3 02 Ash Crawler 1d6
20 Dark Wing 1d3x10 03 Bargda 1d4
21 Djinni, Greater 1 04 Basilisk 1d6
22-23 Djinni, Lesser 1 05-06 Bat, Giant 1d10
24-25 Dragon, Black 1d4 07 Beetle, Earthquake 11
26-27 Dragon, Blue 1d4 08 Beholder 1d4
28-29 Dragon, Gold 1d4 09 Black Pudding 1d3
30-31 Dragon, Green 1d4 10 Blast Spore 2d8
32-33 Dragon, Red 1d4 11-12 Bugbear 1d3
34-35 Dragon, White 1d4 13 Caecilia 1d4
36 Dragonfly, Black 3d6 14 Carrion Crawler 1d4
37 Dragonfly, Blue 3d6 15 Cave Toad 2d4
38 Dragonfly, Green 3d6 16-18 Centipede, Giant 2d4
39 Dragonfly, Red 3d6 19 Chameleon Man 1d6
40 Dragonfly, White 3d6 20 Choker 1d4
41-43 Eagle 1d8 21 Cockatrice 1d4
44 Eagle, Great 1d20 22 Colddrake 1d4
45 faedome 1 23-24 Crab Spider, Giant 1d2
5d8+2 25 Darkhood 1d4
46-47 Faerie
0 26 Death Fiend 1d2
48 Feywing 1d2 27 Deep Glaurdnt 1d6
49 Fundamental, Air 2d10 28 Doppleganger 1d3+1
50-51 Griffon 2d8 29 Dusanu 1
52-53 Hawk 2d4 30 Earth Elemental 1d10
54-55 Hawk Giant 1d3 31 Earth Fundamental 1d4
56 Herex (Adult) 1d3 32 Earthdrake 1d8
57-58 Hippogriff 2d8 33 Elf, Shadow 1d8
59-60 Invisible Stalker 1 34 Ferret, Giant 1d2
61 Kai-Maru 10d6 35 Feywing 1d8
62-63 Magpie, Giant 1d3 36-37 Fire Beetle, Giant 1d3
64-65 Manticore 1d4 38 Fungoid 1
66-67 Metamorph 1d20 39 Fyrsnaca 1d6
68-69 Nagpa 1 40 Gargoyle 1
70 Nightwing 1 41 Gelatinous Cube 2d6
71-72 Owl, Giant 1d3 42 Geonid 1d3
73-74 Pegasus 1d12 Giant Foot-Pad
75 Pegaraur 2d10 43 1d3
Piranha Bird, 44-45 Gnome 2d8
76 2d6
Greater 46-47 Goblin 1d4
Piranha Bird, 48 Gray Ooze 1
77-78 4d6
Lesser 49 Green Slime 1d6
79 Randara 1d2 50 Gremlin 2d4
Raven/Crow, 51 Hellhound 1
80-81 2d8
Giant 52 Hephaeston 1d6
82-83 Robber Fly 2d6 53 Herex Larva 1d6
84 Roc, Giant 1 54-55 Hobgoblin 2d6
85-86 Roc, Large 1d8 56 Hook Horror 1d3
87-88 Roc, Small 1d12 Homed
89 Silver Warrior 1d6 57 1d4
Chameleon, Giant
58 Hulker 4d4 70-74 Nomad 3d10 98 Undead Dragon 1d3
59-60 Kobold 1 75-78 Orc 1d6x10 99-100 Xytar 1d13
61 Lava Lizard 2dl0 79-83 Polar Bear 1d2
62 Locust, Giant 1d3 84 Qaurik 5d6   Hills  
63 Medusa 1d6 85-86 Sasquatch 11d10 D100 Numb
64 Minotaur 1d6 87-92 Tiger 1d3 Monster
Roll er
65 Neanderthal 1d10 93-94 Troll 1d8 01-02 Ant, Giant 4d6
66 Ochre lellv 1 95-97 White-Fang 1d3 03-04 Ape, White 2d4
67-68 Ogre 1d6 Woolly 05 Archon 1d2
98-100 1d8
69-70 Oil Beetle, Giant 1d8 Rhinoceros
06-07 Athach 1d6
71 Owl Bear 1d4
72 Pocket Dragon 1d6
08-10 Bandit 3d10
73 Purple Worm 1d2 11-12 Bargda 1d4
D100 Numbe
74-75 Rat, Giant 3d6 Roll
13-14 Bee, Giant 5d6
76 Red Worm 2d6 01-02 Ant, Giant 4d6 15 Beetle, Earthquake 3d10
77 Rhagodessa 1d4 03 Archon 1d2 16-17 Berserker 1d4
78 Rock Man 1d6 04-07 Bandit 3d10 18-20 Black Bear 1
79 Rockhome Lizard 2d4 Beetle, 21-24 Brigand 3d10
80 Rust Monster 1d4 08 1
Earthquake 25-27 Bugbear 5d4
81-82 Shrieker 1d8 09-12 Blink Dog 1d6+3 28-29 Caecilia 1d3
83 Slime Worm 1 13-14 Caecilia 2d4 30 Chimera 1d4
84 Slug, Giant 1 15-18 Camel 1 31 Cyclops 2d4
85 Sporacle 1d4 19 Crone of Chaos 1d4
86-87 Sprite 1d10 32-33 Cockatrice 1d4
20 Death Fiend 3d10
88 Stone Giant 1d2 34 Dark Wing 1d3x1
21-24 Deivish 3d4
89+ Thoul 1d6 25 Desert Ghost 1 0
90 Tiger Beetle, Giant 1d6 26 Desert Leviathan 1 35-36 Displacer Beast 1d4
91-92 Troglodyte 1d8 27 Djinni, Greater 1 37 Dragon, Gold 1d4
93 Troll 1d8 28-29 Djinni , Lesser 1d4 38-39 Dragon, Red 1d4
94 Tuatara, Giant 1d2 30-31 Dragon, Blue. 1d4 40-41 Dragon Ruby 1d4
95 Weasel, Giant 1d4 32 Dragon, Gold 3d6 42 Dragon, Red 3d6
96 Werebat 2d6 33 Dragonfly, Blue 3d6 43 Dragonne 1d4
97-98 Wererat 1d8 34 Dragonfly, Red 3d6 44-47 Dwarf 5d8
99 Wychglow 1d3 35 Dragonne 1d4
100 Yellow Mold 1d8
48-50 Eagle 1d8
36 Druj 1
51 Feywing 1d2
37-40 Eagle 1d20
Cold/Arctic 41 Efreeti, Lesser 1
52-55 Gnoll 3d6
D100 Numbe 42-43 Efreeti, Greater 1 56-58 Goblin 1d4
Monster 59 Gorgon 1d4
Roll r 44 Fire Fundamental 2d10
01-04 Ape, Snow 2d10 45-46 Firedrake 1d4 60-62 Grizzly Bear 5d8
05 Archon 1d2 47 Flame Salamander 2d4 63-66 Halfling 2d4
06-15 Barbarian 3d10 48 Lamara 1 67-68 Harpy 1d44d
16-18 Berserker 3d10 49-52 Lion 1d8 6
19-24 Bugbear 5d4 53-54 Manscorpion 2d10 69-71 Hill Giant 1d12
25 Crone of Chaos 1 55-56 Mountain Lion 1d4 72-74 Hobgoblin 1d6x1
26-28 Cryion 10d4 57-58 Mummy 1d12 0
29-32 Dire Wolf 2d4 59-60 Mystic 6d8
75-78 Hunting Spider, 1d4x1
33-36 Dog 4d4 61-65 Nomad 3d10
37-38 Dragon, Crystal 1d4 66-69 Ogre 2d6 Giant 0
39 Dragon, Gold 1d4 70-73 Orc 1d6x10 79-81 Kobold 1d6x1
40 Dragon, Undead 1d3 74 Phoenix, Lesser 1d2 0
41-43 Dragon, White 1d4 75-76 Rakasta 3d10 82-83 Neanderthal 1d4x1
Dragonfly, 77-91 Rattlesnake, Giant 1d4 0
44 3d6
White 82 Revenant 1 84 Randara 1d2
45-47 Frost Giant 1d4 Sand Spider, 85-86 Rhagodessa 1d6
83-84 1d4
Frost Giant 87-89 Rock Baboon 5d6
48-49 1d3
Salamander 85-86 Scorpion, Giant 1d6 90-92 Rock Rattler 1d4+1
50-52 Garl 10d6 87-90 Scorpion, Normal 1d6
93 Surtaki 1d3
53-56 Ice Wolf 1d8 91-92 Sis’thik 3d6x10
57-62 Lynx 1d4 93-94 Sphinx 1d4
94-97 Wild Man 3d10
63-65 Metamorph 1d20 95 Thoul 1d10 98 Wychglow 1d6
66-69 Neanderthal 1d4x10 96-97 Troll 1d8 99 Wychlamp 1d8
100 Yowler 4d4 D100 Numbe 04-06 Bull Shark 3d6
Roll r 07-08 Carp, Giant 1
  Jungle   01-02 Ape, Snow 2d10 09-10 Crab, Giant 1d6
D100 Numb 03-04 Ape, Snow 2d4 ld6x2
Monster 11-12 Devilfish
Roll er 05-06 Athach 1d6 0
01-02 Amber Lotus Flower 3d6 07-08 Bandit 3d10 13-15 Dolphin ld20
03-04 Ant, Giant 4d6 09-10 Berserker 3d10 16-18 Eel, Electric 1d3
05 Aranea 1d6 11-13 Black Bear 1d4 19-20 Eel, Giant 1d4
06-07 Archer Bush 1d20 14 Chimera 1d4 21-23 Eel, Weed 10d6
08 Archon 1d20 15 Cockatrice 2d4 24-26 Elf, Aquatic 4d6
09-11 Bekkah 1d20 16 Cyclops 1d4 27 Great Whale 1d3
12 Caecilia 1d3 17 Dark Wing 1d3x10 28-29 Great White Shark 1d6
13-15 Centipede, Giant 1d8 18 Death Fiend 1d4 30 Kal-Maru 10d6
16-17 Chameleon Man 5d4 19 Dragon, Gold 1d4 31-33 Killer Whale 1d6
18 Cockatrice 2d4 20-21 Dragon, Red 1d4 34-36 Kna 2d6
19 Decapus 1 22 Dragonne 1d4 37 Kopru 1d3
20-21 Devil Swine 1d4 23-25 Dwarf 5d8 38 Kraken 1
22 Displacer Beast 1d4 26-28 Eagle 1d8 39-41 Mako Shark 2d6
23 Dragon, Gold 1d4 29-30 Eagle, Great 1d20 42-43 Man-O-War, Giant 1d4
24 Dragon, Green 1d4 31 Earthdrake 1d4 44-45 Manta Ray, Giant 1
25 Dragonfly, Green 3d6 32 Feywing 1d20 Marauder Jellyfish,
46 1d10
26-27 Dryad 1d6 33-34 Gnoll 3d6 Giant
28-29 Elephant 1d20 35-37 Goblin 6d10 47 Marine Decapus 1
30-32 Gecko, Giant 1d10 38-39 Griffon 2d8 48 Marine Leviathan 1
33-36 Grab Grass n/a 40-42 Grizzly Bear 1d4 49-50 Masher 1
37-38 Gyerian 10d4 43-44 Harpy 2d4 51-53 Merman 1d20
Homed Chameleon, 45-47 Hawk 1d6 54 Mesmer 1
39-41 1d6 48-49 Hawk, Giant 1d3x10 55-56 Narwhal 1d4
42-45 Jaguar 1d3 50-51 Hellhound 2d4 57-58 Octopus, Giant 1d2
46-47 Kara-Kara 10d6 52 Hephaeston 1 59-450 Oyster, Giant 1d4
48-49 Killer Tree 2d6 53-54 Hippogriff 2d8 61-63 Salt Water Termite 1d6+1
1d6x1 55-57 Hobgoblin 4d6 64 Sea Dragon 1d4
50-52 Kobold 58-59 Ice Wolf 1d8 65 Sea Giant 1d2
53-56 Native 3d10 60-62 Kobold 1d6x10 66 Sea Hag 1
57 Odic 1 63 Manscorpion 2d10 67-68 Sea Horse 1d20
58-59 Ogre 2d6 64-65 Manticore 1d4 69-70 Sea Serpent 1d8
1d6x1 66-67 Mountain Giant 1d20 2d4x1
60-62 Ore 71-73 Shark-Kin
0 68-70 Mountain Lion 1d4 0
63 Pachydermion 2d10 71-72 Neanderthal 1d4x10 74-75 Snapper 1d20
64-67 Panther 1d6 73-75 Ogre 2d6 Spiny Rockfish, 2d4x1
68-69 Phanaton 3d6 76-78 Ore 1d6x10 Giant 0
70 Piranha Bird, Greater 2d6 79-80 Owl, Giant 1d3x10 79-80 Squid, Giant 1d4
71-72 Piranha Bird, Lesser 4d6 81-82 Pegasus 1d12 81-32 Strangleweed 1d3+1
73-74 Rakasta 3d10 83 Pegataur 2d10 83-85 Sturgeon, Giant 2d10
75 Sirenflower 1d6 84-35 Roc 1d6 86-87 Triton 10d6
76-77 Snail, Giant 1 86-88 Rock Baboon 5d6 88-90 Vamora Shark 1d2
78-30 Spitting Cobra 1d6 89 Rock Man 1d6 91 Velya 1
81-82 Strangle Vine Special Rock Rattler, 92-93 Water Elemental 1
90-91 1d3x10
83 Tarantella 1d3 Giant 94 Water Weird 1d2
84 Topi 5d6 92-93 Sasquatch 1d10 95-96 Waterdrake 1d4
85-88 Trader 1d20 94 Storm Giant 1d3x10 97-98 Wereseal 2d10
89-90 Treant 1d8 95 Surtaki 1d6 99-100 Wereshark 2d6
91-92 Troll 1d8 96-97 Troll 1d8
93 Vampire Rose 1d8 98-99 Wyvern 1d6   Open  
94-96 Wereboar 2d4 100 Yowler 4d4 D100 Numb
97 Werejaguar 1 Roll er
98-99 Whipweed 1d3   Ocean   Amber Lotus
01-02 3d6
100 Wooddrake 1d4 D100 Numb Flower
Roll er 03-05 Animal Herd 3d10
  Mountain   01 Beholder, Aquatic 1 06-07 Ant, Giant 4d6
Specia 08 Archer Bush 1d20
02-03 Buccaneer/Pirate
l 09-10 Bandit 3d10
11-12 Bat, Giant 5d6 Freshwater 51-52 Mummy 1d4
37-43 1d3
Beetle, Termite 53 Nightmare 1
13 1
Earthquake 44-50 Giant Bass 2d4 54 Nosferatu 1d4
14 Berserker 3d10 Giant Poisonous 55-56 Ochre Jelly 1
51-54 1d6
15-17 Blink Dog 1d6+3 Frog 57-58 Oil Beetle, Giant 1d8
18 Caecilia 1d3 55-61 Lizard Man 6d6 59 Poltergeist 1d4
19-20 Centaur 2d10 62-65 Nixie 2d20 60-62 Rat, Giant 3d6
21-23 Cheetah 1d6+3 66-68 Nuckalavee 1 63-64 Redcap 1
24 Chevall 1d4 69-75 Piranha 5d10 65 Revenant 1
25 Cockatrice 2d4 76-79 Piranha, Giant 2d4 66 Revener 1d3
26-27 Dragon, Blue 1d4 80 Saberclaw 1d100 67-68 Robber Fly 1d6
28 Dragon, Gold 1d4 81-83 Sea Hydra 1 69 Rock Golem 1d2
29 Dragonfly, Blue 3d6 Serpentweed, 70-71 Rust Monster 1d4
84-87 1
30 Dragonfly, Red 3d6 Giant 72 Scorpion, Giant 1d6
31 Dragonne 1d4 88-94 Trader 1d20 73 Shade 1
32 Eagle, Great 1d20 95 Water Elemental 1 74 Silver Golem 1d3
33-34 Elephant 1d20 Water 75 Slime Worm 1
96-97 2d10
35-37 Fire Beetle, Giant 2d6 Fundamental 76-77 Slug. Giant 1
38-39 Giant Racer 1d6+3 98 Water Weird 1d2 78 Spectre 1d4
40-41 Gnome 5d8 99-100 Waterdrake 1d4 Stone
79 1
42 Gorgon 1d4 Juggernaut
43-44 Gyerian 10d4   Ruins   80 Tabi 1d4
45-46 Halfling ; 5d8 D100 Numbe Tiger Beetle,
Monster 81-82 1d6
47-48 Hawk, Giant 1d3 Roll r Giant
49 Hypnosnake 1 01 Amoeba, Giant 1 83-84 Troglodyte 1d8
50 Insect Swarm 1d3 02 Apparition 1 Undead
85 1
51-53 Lion 1d8 03-04 Aranea 1d6 Beholder
54-55 Lupin 5d8 05 Banshee 1 86 Undead Dragon 1d6
56-57 Noble 2d6 06 Banshee, lesser 1 87 Vampire 1d4
58-60 Nomad 1d4x10 07-08 Bat, Giant 1d10 88 Vision 1
61-63 Oil Beetle, Giant 2d6 09 Beholder 1 89-90 Whipweed 1d3
64 Pachydermion 2d10 10-11 Black Pudding 1 Wood
91 1
65-67 Panther 1d6+3 12 Blast Spore 1d3 Juggernaut
68 Pegataur 2d10 13 Brain Collector 1d3 92 Wraith 1d4
69-71 Pit Viper 1d8 14-15 Carrion Crawler 1d4 93 Wychlamp 1d3
72-73 Rakasta 3d10 16-17 Centipede, Giant 2d4 94 Wyrd 1d6
74-76 Rhinoceros 1d12 18 Chimera 1d2 95 Wyrd, Greater 1d2
77-78 Robber Fly 2d6 19 Cockatrice 1d4 96-97 Yellow Mold 1d8
79-80 Rock Baboon 5d6 Crab Spider, 98-100 Zombie 2d4
81-82 Rock Python 1d3 20-21 1d4
Tiger Beetle, 22 Crone of Chaos 1   Settled  
83-85 2d4
Giant 23 Darkhood 1d2 D100
86-87 Tortle 1d6+3 Monster Number
24 Death Fiend 1d4 Roll
88-90 Trader 1d20 25 Decapus 1 01 Adaptor 1d12
91-92 Vampire Rose 1d8 26 Doppleganger 1d6 02 Archon 1d2
93 Werewolf 2d6 27 Dusanu 1d3+1 Banshee,
94 Whipweed 1d3 03 1
28 Elder Ghoul 1d4 lesser
1d10x1 29 Feywing 1d2 04-06 Berserker 3d10
95-97 Wild Horse
0 Fire Beetle, 07 Bhut 2d4
98-99 Wildcat 1d20 30-31 1d8
Giant 08-10 Brownie 1
100 Yowler 4d4 32-33 Gargoyle 2d4 11-13 Chevall 1d3
34-35 Gelatinous Cube 1 14 Devil Swine 1d3
  River/Lake   36 Ghost 1 15-19 Dog 1d6
D100 Numb 37 Ghostly Horde Special 20-22 Doppleganger 1d6
Roll er 38-40 Ghoul 1d6 23 Dragon, Gold 1d4
01-04 Catfish, Giant 1d2 41-42 Gray Ooze 1d4 24-26 Dwarf 1d6
05-11 Cay-Man 10d6 Gray 27-29 Elf 1d4
43 1
12-16 Crab, Giant 1d6 Philosopher 30-32 Gnome 1d8
17-23 Crocodile 1d8 44-45 Green Slime 1 33 Gremlin 1d6
24-26 Decapus 1 46 Iron Gargoyle 1d2 34-36 Halfling 3d6
27-30 Eel, Giant 1d4 47 Lich 1 37 Haunt, Lesser 1d2
31-36 Eel, Weed 10d6 48-50 Minotaur 1d6 38-40 Hawk 1d6
41-43 Mandrake 1d4 67 Nekrozon 1d3 41 Flitterling 5d6x10
44-46 Metamorph 1d20 68 Purple Worm 1d4 42 Gakarak 1d3
47 Mujina 1d4 69 Roper 1d4+1 43 Gecko, Giant 1d10
48-50 Mystic 6d8 Serpentweed, 44 Grizzly Bear 1d20
70-72 1
51-56 Noble 2d6 Giant 45 Gyerian 10d4
Normal 73-75 Sirenflower 1d6 46 Hobgoblin 4d6
57-62 3d20
Human 76-81 Snake, Giant 1d8 47 Hsiao 1d20
63 Nosferatu 1d4 82 Swamp Velya 1 Huge Wood
48 4d4
64-69 NPC Party 1d4+4 Swamp Water Spider
83-S8 1d4
70 Polymar 1d3 Termite Hunting Spider,
49 1d12
71 Randara 1d2 89-91 Tortle 1d6 Giant
72-74 Thug 2d12 92 Undead Dragon 1d3 50 Insect Swarm 1d3
75-79 Trader 1d20 Water 51 Killer Tree 2d6
* 93 2d10
80 Werebat 1d6 Fundamental 52-53 Kobold 1d6x10
81-82 Werebear 1d4 94 Water Weird 1d2 54 Lupin 5d8
83-84 Wereboar 1d4 95-96 Waterdrake 1d4 55 Lynx 1d4
85 Werefox 1d6 97-99 Whipweed 1d3 56-57 Mountain Lion 1d4
86 Werejaguar 1 100 Wychlamp 1d8 58 Oil Beetle, Giant 2d6
87-89 Wererat 1d8 59-60 Ore 1d6x10
90-91 Weretiger 1d4   Woods   61 Owl Bear 1d4
92-94 Werewolf 1d6 D100 62 Owl, Giant 1d3
95-100 Wildcat 1d2 Monster Number 63-64 Panther 1d6
01 Actaeon 1 65-66 Pixie 1d4x10
  Swamp   02-03 Animal Herd 3d10 67 Pocket Dragon 2d6
D100 Numb 04 Aranea 1d6 68 Robber Fly 2d6
Monster 69 Sasquatch 1d10
Roll er 05 Archer Bush 1d20
Amber Lotus 06-07 Bandit 3d10 70 Shargugh 1d3
01-02 3d6 Shroud Spider,
Flower 08 Basilisk 1d6 71 1d3
03 Amoeba, Giant 1 09 Bee, Giant 5d6 Giant
04 Archon 1d2 10 Black Bear 1d4 72 Sirenflower 1d6
05 Baldandar 1 Black Widow 73-74 Spitting Cobra 1d6
11 1d3 75 Sprite 5d8
06-11 Bandit 3d10 Spider,Giant
12 Blackball 1 12 Blink Dog 1d6+3 76 Stirge 3d12
13-17 Cay-Man 10d6 13-14 Boar 1d6 77 Strangle Vine Special
18-23 Crocodile 1d8 15-16 Brigand 1d4+10 78 Tarantella 1d3
24 Crone of Chaos 1 17 Brownie 1 79 Tiger 1d3
25-27 Decapus 1 18 CayMan 10d6 Tiger Beetle,
80 2d4
28 Dragon, Black 1d4 19-20 Centaur 2d10 Giant
29 Dragon, Gold 1d4 21 Chameleon Man 5d4 81 Toad, Giant 1d6
30 Dragon, Onyx 1d4 22 Cockatrice 2d4 82 Treant 1d8
31 Dusanu 1d3+1 23 Crone of Chaos 1 83 Troll 1d8
Frog, Giant 24 Decapus 1 84 Unicorn 1d8
32-34 1d6 85 Vampire Rose 1d8
Poisonous 25 Devil Swine 1d4
35-37 Gator Man 10d20 26-27 Dire Wolf 2d4 86-87 Werebear 1d4
38-40 Hydra 1 28 Displacer Beast 1d4 88 Wereboar 2d4
Hydra, Draco Lizard, 89 Werefox 2d6
41 1 29-30 1d8 90 Weretiger 1d4
Regenerating Giant
42 Hypnosnake 1 31 Dragon , Gold 1d4 91-92 Werewolf 2d6
43-44 Insect Swarm 1d3 32 Dragon, Green 1d4 93 Whipweed 1d3
45-47 Killer Tree 2d6 33-34 Dryad 1d6 94-95 Wild Man 3d10
48-53 Leech, Giant 1d4 35-36 Eagle 1d8 96-97 Wolf 3d6
54-59 Lizard Man 6d6 37-38 Elf 2d12 98 Wood Imp 8d10
60 Metamorph 1d20 39 Elven Dog 1d6 99 Wooddrake 1d4
61-66 Native 3d10 40 Fire Beetle, Giant 2d6 100 Wyvern 1d6
D&D® Game Creature Index

This index is a handy reference guide to creatures that have been published for the D&D game. Monsters that are in plain
type are described in the Rules Cyclopedia. Monsters in bold type are described in this volume. Other abbreviations are:
AC9: The original Creature Catalogue
B2: Queens Harvest
CMl: Test of the Warlords
CM8: The Endless Stair
CM9: Legacy of Blood
DE: Dawn of the Emperors Boxed Set
GAZ3: The Principalities of Glantri
GAZS: The Elves of Alfheim
GAZ6: The Dwarves of Rockhome
GAZ8: The Five Shires
GAZ2: The Ethengar Khanates
HWA: Nightrage HWR: Sons of Azca
PC: Tall Tales of the Wee Folk
PC3: The Sea People
WI: Wrath of the Immortals Boxed Set
Actaeon .................................... 56 Bandit ....................................... 58 Broodmother ........................... 5
Adaptor .................................... 57 Banshee .................................... 82 Brownie ....................7
Aerial Servant ...........................57 Banshee, lesser ....................... 3 Buccaneer ............................... 93
Agarat ...................................... AC9 Barbarian.................................. 76 Bugbear .................................... 62
Air Elemental ........................... 75 Bargda ....................................... Bull Shark ................................. 23
Air Fundamental ..................... 2 Basilisk ..................................... 59 Caecilia ..................................... 62
Allosaurus ................................ 29 Bass, Giant ............................... 77 Caldron Magen ........................ 73
Amber Dragon ......................... 7 Bat ......................................... 59 Camel ....................................... 63
Amber Golem .......................... 8 Bear ....................................... 59 Canle ........................................ 57
Amber Lotus Flower ................. 8 Bee, Giant ................................ 6 Caribou ..................................... 57
Amir ..........................................7 Beetle, Earthquake .................. Carp, Gargantua ...................... 39
Amoeba, Giant ...........................8 Beetle, Giant ............................ 6 Carrion Crawler, Gargantuan .. 77
Animal Herd ............................. 57 Beholder ................................... 6 Carrion Crawler........................ 63
Animal Spirits ..................... GAZ2 Beholder, Aquatic ................... 5 Cat, Great ................................. 63
Ankylosaurus ........................... 29 Beholder, Undead ................... 6 Cat, Great .................................. 8
Anlmal, Prehistoric .................. 9 Bekkah ...................................... l8 Catfish, Giant ........................... 39
Annelid, Great ......................... Berserker .................................. 6 Cave Bear ................................ HW
Ant, Giant ................................. 57 Bhut ........................................... 5 Cave Bear ................................. 59
Antelope ................................... 57 Bird, Piranha ........................... 8 Cave Toad ................................ 29
Ape, Snow ............................... 57 Bison, Giant ............................. HW Caveman .................................. 96
Ape, White ............................... 58 Black Bear ................................ 59 Cay-Man .................................... 20
Apparition ................................ 99 Black Dragon ........................... 68 Centam ..................................... 63
Aquatic Elf ................................ 37 Black Hag ................................. 82 Centipede, Giant ...................... 63
Aranea ....................................... Black Pudding .......................... 6 Chameleon Man ..__ .......... _....... 2
Archaeopteryx ......................... HW Black Widow Spider, Giant ..... 26 Cheetah ..................................... 8
Archelon .................................. 29 Blackball ................................... 62 Chevall ...................................... 2
Archer Bush ............................ Blast Spore ............................... 62 Chimera .................................... 6
Archon ......................................58 Blink Dog ................................. 62 Choker ...................................... 2
Ash Crawler ............................. 2 Blue Dragon ............................. 68 Cloud Giant.............................. l79
Athach ...................................... 58 Boar .......................................... 62 Cockatrice ................................ 6
Auratus ...................................... M Bone Golem ............................. 8 Coin-Sith..............._._................. 3
Aurochs .................................... HW Brain Collector ........................ 6 Colddrake ................................. 73
Automatons of the Blackmore Brigand ..................................... 93 Coltpixy -·-· ·-··· ····-·· ····-··-··· 22
Baboon, Rock .......................... 58 Brontosaurus ........................... 29 Crab Spider, Giant ...................26
Baldandar ................................ 2 Bronze Golem .......................... 8 Crab, Giant ............................... 6
Baluchitherium ......................... 9 Broodling ................................. 5 Crocodile ................................ 6
Crone of Chaos .......................23 Dragon, Undead ...................... 32 Frost Giant ............................... 79
Crow ..........................................86 Dragon, White ......................... 68 Frost Salamander ..................... 22
Cryion -·-·-· ········ ·····-··-·-·-···· 23 Dragonfly ................................. 3 Fundamental ............................ 2
Crystal DrJ.gon .........................7 Dragonne ................................. 35 Fungoid ..................................... 3
Cyclops ..................................... 6 Drake ........................................ 73 Fylgar ........................................ 57
Cynidiceans ............................. 75 Drolem ..................................... 73 Fyrsnaca ................................... 3
Dark Wing ................................2 Druj ........................................... 27 Gakarak (Forest Brooder) .....
Darkhood ................................. 25 Dryad ........................................ 7 Galvan Magen .......................... 73
Deadly Sphere ......................62 Dusanu ...................................... 35 Gargantua (Fish, Giant) ......... 39
Death Fiend.............................. 26 Dwarf ........................................ 7 Gargantua ................................. 77
Death Leech ........................... CM Eagle .......................................... 36 Gargoyle ................................... 78
Decapus .................................... 26 Earth Elemental ........................ 75 Gargoyle, Gargantuan ............. 77
Deep Glaurant ......................... 27 Earth Fundamental ................. 2 Gargoyle, Iron .........................
Deer .......................................... 57 Earthquake Beetle ................... Garl ............................................ 6
Demos Magen .......................... 73 Eater-of-Magic ........................ CM8 Gator Man ................................. 7
Dervish ..................................... 93 Eel .............................................. 36 Gecko, Giant ............................ 89
Desert Ghost ............................ 28 Efreeti, Greater ......................... 7 Gelatinous Cube ...................... 78
Desert Leviathan ..................... 69 Efreeti, Lesser ........................... 7 Geonid ...................................... 7
Desert Scourge ........................ 95 Elder Ghoul.............................. 8 Ghost ........................................ 82
Devil Swine .............................. 9 Eel, Electric............................... 36 Ghostly Horde .........................8
Devilfish ................................... 65 Elemental ................................. 75 Ghoul ....................................... 78
Devilfish Warriors ................... PC3 Elemental Drake ...................... 73 Ghoul, Elder .............................8
Diamond Dragon ..................... 72 Elemental Ruler ........................ 76 Giant ......................................... 79
Dimetrodon ............................. 29 Elephant ................................... 76 Giant Catfish ............................39
Dinosaur ................................... 65 Elf ............................................. 77 Giant Eagle (Hiak) .................. HW
Dire Wolf.................................. 22 Elf, Aquatic ............................... 37 Giant Eel ................................... 36
Displacer Beast ........................ 66 Elf, Shadow .............................. 37 Giant Foot-Pad Uzard ............. 7
Djinni, Greater ......................... 67 Elk ............................................ 57 Giant Freshwater Slug ............ CM9
Djinni, Lesser ........................... 66 Elk Centaur .............................. 56 Giant Hawk .............................. 52
Dog ............................................ 3 Elk, Giant .................................... 9 Giant Hunting Spider ...........
Dog, Elven ................................ 3 Elven Dog ................................. 3 Giant Magpie ............................ 7
Dog, War ................................... 3 Elven War Horse .................. GAZ5 Giant Octopus..........................8
Dolphin .................................... 67 Evil Spirits ........................... GAZ2 Giant Owl ................................. 8
Doppleganger .......................... 67 Faedorne...................................38 Giant Porcupine ......................85
Draco Lizard, Giant ................. 89 Faenare .................................... PC2 Giant Racer .............................. 2
Draft Horse .............................. 85 Faerie ........................................ 77 Giant Rattler ............................. 2
Dragon , Amber ........................ 7 Faun ......................................... PC Giant Rock Rattler Snake ...... 97
Dragon ..................................... 68 Feathered Serpent ............... HWA Giant Sand Spider .................
Dragon Turtle .......................... 73 Ferret, Giant ............................. 77 Giant Serpentweed ................. 9
Dragon, Black .......................... 68 Fey Hound ................................3 Giant Shroud Spider.............
Dragon, Blue ............................ 68 Feywing ....................................39 Giant Skunk ............................. 96
Dragon, Crystal ........................ 7 Fire Beetle, Giant ..................... 6 Giant Swamp
Dragon, Diamond .................... 72 Fire Elemental .......................... 75 Giant Swamp Eel.................... CM9
Dragon, Gemstone .................. 7 Fire Fundamental ................... 2 Giant, Elk ..................................... 9
Dragon, Gold ........................... 68 Fire Giant ................................. 79 Gnoll ......................................... 8
Dragon, Green ......................... 68 Fish, Giant ................................ 39 Gnome ..................................... 8
Dragon, Jade ............................ 7 Fish, Giant ................................ 77 Goats ........................................ 57
Dragon, Onyx .......................... 7 Fish, Piranha (Cold-Water) ... Goblin ...................................... 8
Dragon, Opal ........................... 72 Flame Salamander ................... 22 Gold Dragon ............................ 68
Dragon, Pearl ........................... 72 Flapsails ................................... HW Golem ....................................... 8
Dragon, Pocket........................ 3 Flitterling.................................. Golem ........................................ 9
Dragon, Red ............................. 68 Flying Hydra ............................ 86 Golem, Rock ............................ 9
Dragon, Ruby ........................... 7 Foot-Pad Uzard, Giant ........... 7 Golem, Silver ........................... 9
Dragon, Sapphire ..................... 7 Forest Brooder ........................ Gorgon ..................................... 8
Dragon, Sea .............................. 3 Fresh Water Termite ................ 29 Grab Grass ............................... 8
Dragon, The Great One .......... 72 Frog, Giant Poisonous ........... Grangeri ..................................... 9
Gray Ooze ................................ 8 Imp ....................................... GAZ3 Man, Primitive ......................... 76
Gray Philosopher ................... 9 Imp, Wood.............................. 2 Man, Wild ................................. 76
Great Boar ................................ 62 Insect Swarm ............................ 87 Mandrake ................................. 73
Eagle, Great ............................... 36 Invisible Stalker ....................... 87 Manikin ................................. GAZ3
Great Whale ............................. 22 Jade living Statue ................... 7 Manscorpion ............................ 9
Great White Shark ................... 23 Jade Dragon ............................. 7 Manta Ray ................................ 92
Green Dragon .......................... 68 Jaguar ........................................ 8 Manticore ................................. 92
Green Slime ............................. 8 Jellyfish, Giant......................... 6 Man-War ............................... 6
Gremlin .................................... 8 Juggernaut ................................ 62 Marauder .................................. 6
Gretch ....................................... 57 Kal-Muru ................................... 62 Marine Decapus ...................... 26
Griffon ...................................... 8 Kara-Kara ................................. 63 Marine Leviathan .................... 69
Grizzly Bear ............................. 59 Killer Tree ................................ 6 Masher ...................................... 78
Guard ian Owl .......................... 86 Killer Whale .............................2 2 Mastodon .................................. 76
Guardia n Horse ....................... 5 Kna ............................................ 65 Medusa ..................................... 92
Guardian Hand .......................CM8 Kobold ...................................... 87 Megatherium ............................. 9
Guardian Warrior & Horse ...5 Kopru ........................................ 66 Mek ........................................... 92
Gyerian ..................................... 5 Krake n ...................................... 66 Men ........................................... 93
Hag ........................................... 82 Kryst ......................................... 87 Merman .................................... 9
Halfling ..................................... 82 Lake K.lintest Monster .......... GAZ6 Mesmer ..................................... 78
Haoou ....................................... 57 Lamara ......................................67 Metamorph ............................... 9
Harpy ........................................ 82 Land Decapus .......................... 26 Minotaur ................................... 95
Haunt, Greater ......................... 82 Lava Ooze ................................ 88 Moan Bird ............................ HWR
Haunt, Lesser ........................... 52 Lava Uzard ............................... 68 Moose ....................................... 57
Hawk ......................................... 52 Leech, Giant ............................. 88 Mountain Giant ........................ 79
He phaesto n ..............................52 Leprechaun .............................. PC Mountain Lion .......................... 63
Headsman ................................ 8 Lesser Haunt ............................ 52 Mu jina ....................................... 95
Helion ....................................... 8 Lesser Phantom .......................83 Mud Golem .............................. 8
Hellhound ................................ 8 Leveller .................................... AC9 Mule .......................................... 95
Herex ........................................ 53 Leviathan .................................. 69 Mummy .................................... 95
Hill Giant .................................. 79 Lich ........................................... 88 Mystic ....................................... 95
Hippogriff ................................. 8 Lion ......................................... 63 Nagpa ........................................ 79
Hive brood ................................ 5 Living Crystal Statue ................ 28 Narwhal .................................... 22
Hive leader ................................ 5 Living Iron Statue ..................... 28 Native ........................................ 76
Hivemind .................................. 5 Living Rock Statue ................... 28 Nature Spirits ...................... GAZ2
Hobgoblin ................................ 85 Lizard , Giant ............................. 89 Neanderthal .............................. 96
Homunculus ............................ 56 Lizard Man ............................... 89 Neh-Thalggu ............................. l6
Hook Beast ............................... 58 Lizard, Gi ant Foot-Pad ........... 7 Nekrozon ................................. 96
Hook Horror ............................ 58 Lizard, Rockhome ................... 7 Nightcrawler ............................. 96
Horde ....................................... 85 Lizard, Thumper ...................... HW Nightgleet ............................. GAZ8
Horned Chameleon, Giant ...... 89 Locust, Giant ............................ 89 Nightmare ................................ 79
Horse ........................................ 85 Lupin ......................................... 72 Nightshade ............................... 96
Horse, Wild .............................. 57 Lycanthrope ............................. 9 Nightwalker .............................. 96
Hsiao ........................................ 86 Lycanthrope, Werejaguar ...... 72 Nightwing ................................. 96
Huge Wood Spider ................ Lynx .......................................... 8 Nixie ......................................... 97
Hulker ....................................... 58 Magen ........................................73 Noble ........................................ 93
Human, Normal ....................... 97 Magen, Caldron ....................... 73 Nomad ...................................... 93
Hunting Spider, Giant .......... Magen, Demos ......................... 73 Normal Human ........................ 97
Huptzeen ................................. AC9 Magen, Galvan ......................... 73 Nosferatu ................................ 7
Hutaakan .................................. 58 Magen, Hypnos ....................... 73 Nothosaurus ........................ HWRl
Hyenodon .................................. 9 Magpie ....................................... 7 NPC Party ................................. 98
Hydra ........................................ 86 Magpie, Giant........................... 7 Nuckalavee ............................... 98
Hydrax ...................................... 87 Mako Shark .............................. 23 O wl Bear .................................. 99
Hypnos Magen ........................ 73 Malfera ...................................... 9 Oard ........................................ AC9
Hypnosnake ............................. 59 Malice ........................................ 9 Obsidian Golem ....................... 8
Ice Wolf..................................... 6 Mammoth , Woolly .................. HW Ochre Jelly ............................... 98
Ichthyosaurus .......................... HW Man, Isolated ........................... 7 Octopus, Giant ......................... 8
Odic .......................................... 27 Raven ........................................ 86 Shark-Kin ................................. 93
Ogre ......................................... 98 Red Dragon .............................. 68 Shipbane................................... 62
Oil Beetle, Giant ...................... 6 Red Worm ................................ 87 Shrew, Giant ............................ 23
Onyx Dragon ........................... 7 Redcap ...................................... 7 Shrieker .................................... 23
Opal Dragon ............................ 72 Reflecter .................................. AC9 Shroud Spider, Giant............
Orc ............................................ 99 Regenerating Hydra ................. 86 Sidhe ........................................ PCl
Ostego ....................................... 26 Reindeer, Giant .......................HW Silk-Spider ................................. DE
Owl, Giant ................................ 8 Revenant .................................. 27 Silver Golem ............................ 9
Owl, Guardian ......................... 86 Revener .................................... 22 Silver living Statue ................. 7
Oxen ......................................... 57 Rhagodessa .............................. 22 Silver Wa.trlor .......................... 9
Oyster, Giant ............................ 8 Rhinoceros ............................... 87 Sirenflower ..............................9
Pachycephalosaurus ................ HW Rhinoceros, Woolly ................ 87 Sis’thik ......................................95
Pachydermion ......................... 8 Riding Horse ............................ 85 Skeleton .................................... 2
Panther ..................................... 63 Robber Fly ................................ 22 Skull wraith ..............................CM8
Pasha ........................................ 67 Roc ............................................ 22 Skunk......................................... 96
Pearl Dragon ............................ 72 Rock Baboon ........................... 58 Slime Worm ............................. 96
Pegasus ..................................... 99 Rock Golem.............................. 9 Slug, Giant ................................ 2
Pegataur .................................... 82 Rock Python ............................. 2 Small Riding Animals .............. HW
Phanaton .................................. 82 Rock Rattler ............................. 97 Snake ........................................ 2
Phantom ................................... 99 Rock Toad ................................ 29 Snake, Giant Rock Rattler ….... 97
Phantom, Lesser ..................... 83 Rock/Ooze living Statue ....... 7 Snake, Rock Rattler ................ 97
Phase Stinger ........................... B2 Rockfang ............................... GAZ8 Snapper .................................... 97
Phobosuchus ........................... HW Rockfish, Giant ........................ 77 Snapping Turtle .................. CM9
Phoenix .................................... 2 Rockhome Lizard .................... 7 Snow Ape ................................. 57
Phororhacos .............................. 9 RockMan.................................. 88 Sollux ........................................ 98
Phygorax ................................. AC9 Roper.........................................88 Somnastis Plant ....................... HW
Piranha Bird ............................ 8 Rorphyr .................................... 25 Soul Eater ................................. 98
Piranha, Cold-Water ............... Ruby Dragon ............................ 7 Spectral Hound ........................ 25
Piranha, Giant ......................... Ruler of Dragonkind ................ 72 Spectre ...................................... 25
Pirate ........................................ 93 Rust Monster ............................ 22 Sphinx ...................................... 25
Pisanosa urus ............................ HW Saberclaw ................................. 89 Spider, Giant ..........................
Pit Viper ................................... 2 Sabre-Tooth Tiger .................... 63 Spider, Giant ............................ 26
Pixie .......................................... 2 Sacrol ....................................... AC9 Spider, Huge Wood ...............
Plasm ........................................ 2 Salamander ............................... 22 Spider, Planar ........................... 26
Plesiosaurus ............................. 2 Salt Water Termite ................... 29 Spirit ......................................... 27
Plesiosaurus ............................. HW Sand Spider, Giant ................ Spirit Lord ........................... GAZ2
Pocket Dragon ......................... 3 Sapphire Dragon ...................... 7 Spitting Cobra .......................... 2
Polar Bear ................................ 59 Sasquatch ................................. 23 Sporacle .................................... 28
Poltergeist ................................. 82 Scamille .................................... 89 Spotted Uon ............................. 8
Polymar .................................... 8 Scorpion, Giant ........................ 23 Sprite ........................................ 28
Pony ......................................... 85 Scorpion, Normal ................... 9 Squid, Giant............................ 2
Pony, Krugel ............................ HW Sea Dragon ............................... 3 Sshai ......................................... 87
Pooka ....................................... PC Sea Giant .................................. 79 Stalwart .................................... AC9
Porcupine, Giant ..................... 85 Sea Hag .................................... 82 Statue, Living ............................ 28
Possession ...............................AC9 Sea Horse..................................9 Steam WeevU ..........................2
Prying Eyes ............................. CM8 Sea Hydra ................................. 86 Steel Uving Statue ................... 7
Pteranodon ............................... 2 Sea Serpent .............................. 9 Stegosaurus .............................. HW
Pteranodon, Giant ................... HW Sea Snake ................................. 2 Stirge ......................................... 28
Pterodactyl ............................... 2 Seergar .................................. GAZ8 Stone Giant .............................. 79
Pterosaur .................................. 2 Serpentweed, Giant ................ 9 StoneJuggernaut .................... 62
Pterosaur .................................. HW Shade ........................................ 99 Storm Giant .............................. 79
Purple Worm ............................ 2 Shadow ..................................... 23 Strangle Vine ......................... 3
Qaurlks .....................................75 shadow Elf ............................... 37 Strangleweed ......................... 3
Rakasta ................................. 85 Shargugh .................................. 92 Sturgeon, Giant ........................ 77
Randara .................................... 86 Shark ........................................ 23 Sun Brother.............................. 98
Rat ............................................. 2 Vamora Shark......................... 92 Surtaki .....................................
Swamp Velya .......................... 8 Undine ...................................... 2 Wh ite Dragon .......................... 68
Swamp Water Termite ............. 29 Unicorn .................................... 2 Whales ...................................... 22
Tabi .......................................... l Uon, Spotted ............................ 8 Whipweed ..............................
Tanystropheus ..................... HWR Uving Statue ............................ 69 White Ape ................................ 58
Tarantella ................................. 26 Uzaq .......................................... 57 White-Fang .............................
Tepictoton ........................... HWR Valley ................................... HW Wight ........................................ 22
Termite, Water ......................... 29 Vamora Shark.......................... 92 Wild Horse ............................... 57
Thoul ........................................ 29 Vampire .................................... 2 Wild Man .................................. 76
Thug ......................................... 8 Vampire Rose ........................ 8 Wildcat ...................................... 8
Thunderhead ......................... 5 Vampire, Nosferatu .............. 7 Winged Warrior .................... 2
Tiger ......................................... 63 Vapor Ghoul ........................... AC9 Wolf .......................................... 22
Tiger Beetle, Giant ................... l 6 Velya ........................................ 8 Wolf, Arctic .............................. HW
Titanothere ................................ 9 Velya, Swamp ........................ 8 Wolf, Ice .................................... 6
Toad, Giant .............................. 29 Viper, Flying ............................ HW Wood drake .............................. 73
Topi ......................................... 5 Vision ....................................... 99 Wood Golem ........................... 8
Tortle ....................................... 6 War Horse ................................ 85 Wood Juggernaut ....................62
Trachodon ................................ 29 WarDog .................................... 3 Wood lmp ............................... 2
Trader ....................................... 93 Warrior, Winged ................... 2 Wood Spider, Huge ...............
Traldar ...................................... 76 Water Elemental....................... 75 Woolly Rhinoceros ................. 87
Treant ....................................... 29 Water Fundamental ................ 2 Worm, Red ............................... 87
Tree, Killer ............................... 6 Water Weird ........................... 9 Wraith ....................................... 22
Triceratops ............................... 29 Weasel, Giant ........................... 22 Wychglow ............................... 3
Triceratops ............................... HW WeedEel ................................... 36 Wychlamp ..............................
Triton ...................................... 6 Werebat .................................... 9 Wyrd ........................................ 5
Troglodyte ................................ 2 Werebear .................................. 9 Wyvern ..................................... 23
Troll .......................................... 2 Wereboar .................................. 9 Xytar ........................................ 6
Troll, Gargantuan ..................... 77 Werefox .................................... 9 Yellow Mold ............................ 23
Tuatara, Giant .......................... 89 Werejaguar .............................. 72 Yowler ..................................... 7
Tylosaurus ................................ 29 Wererat ..................................... 9 Zebra ........................................ 57
Tyrannosaurus Rex ................. HW Wereseal ................................... 9 Zombie ..................................... 23
Tyrannosaurus Rex .................. 2 Wereshark ................................ 9 Zzonga-Bush ............................. DE
Tzitzimitl .............................. HWR Weretiger .................................. 9
Undead Dragon ....................... 32 Werewolf .................................. 9

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