AI-important Questions
AI-important Questions
AI-important Questions
(a) Explain with example how does conventional computing differ from the intelligent
(b) Explain the various levels of knowledge used in natural language understanding.
(c) Give any five application areas of artificial intelligence.
(d) What is heuristic search? Differentiate between informed and uninformed search.
(e) Explain with example A* algorithm and compare it with hill climbing technique.
(f) Explain alpha-beta cut off with example.
(g) Explain solution guaranteed algorithms.
(h) Differentiate between the strong AI & Weak AI.
(a) Exlpain Shank’s Conceptual dependency theory in detail with suitable example.
(b) Explain parsing process in detail. Also prepare the parse tree for the sentence with proper
rules: “Sachin hits the ball.” Make your own assumptions.
(c) What is transition network? Also explain RTN and ATN.
(d) What is Transformation grammar? Explain Fillmore’s case grammar in detail.
(e) What is Natural Language Processing? Explain with diagram.
(f) Explain Sentence generation in detail. Also discuss various terms used in sentence generation.
(g) What are the various problems associated with sentence translation?
Unit.3-(Knowledge Representation)
(a) What is the concept of knowledge acquisitions? What are the factors which affect the
learning performance?
(b) Explain the following knowledge as semantic N/W structure with interconnected nodes and
labeled arcs:
“Sam is a vice-president in ABC Corporation. He is married to Kay and has a
male child named Joe. Joe goes to school. Sam plays golf & owns a silver
colored German made car, Mercedes Benz.”
(c) List various schemes of knowledge representation. Discuss one representation scheme in
(d) Write short notes on:
(i) Semantic nets & partition nets. (ii) Forward & backward deductions. (iii) The
Inference System, (iv) Production rules.
(e) Represent the following into FOPL (First Order Predicate Logic):
(i) Lipton is a tea.
(ii) All students hates Lata.
(iii) Ravana is not a king.
(iv) Preeti is a child who drinks tea.
(v) Every student is a person.
(vi) All students like good teachers.
(vii) All that glitters is not gold.
(f) Explain FOPL in detail with suitable examples and rules.
(g) Draw with explanation the partitioned semantic net for the sentence: “Every dog byte the
every mail-carrier.” Or “Every dog byte some mail-carrier.”
Unit.4-(Expert System)
(a) What are the salient activities required in knowledge acquisition system achieved through
interaction between domain experts? Also define the need of self-explanation system.
(b) Explain how the Meta knowledge used in expert system? Explain with example.
(c) What are the components of a typical expert system? Explain. What are the main
advantages of keeping the knowledge-base separate from control module in knowledge
based system?
(d)Describe and compare the expert systems DENDRALS & MYCIN.
(e) What kinds of knowledge would an automated travel agent need to represent? Would an
expert system be a suitable technique for implementing an automated travel agent?
(f) Write short notes on:
(i) AI shells / Expert system shells.
(ii) Expertise Transfer.
Unit.5-(Pattern Recognition)