Architecture Portfolio

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The document discusses the educational and professional background of an architect. It includes details about various projects they have worked on ranging from undergraduate thesis to internships.

Some of the projects mentioned include Humanizing Prison (undergraduate thesis), SJK Architects (internship), Studio 9, Studio 6, Hands-on workshop and unpacking architecture (models and sketches).

During the Hands-on workshop in Himachal Pradesh, some of the techniques used for construction focused on sustainability and using local materials like mud and stone. Mixed mud was put into moulds to make bricks and the soil was mixed with husk, pine needle and water for construction.


2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 0
I am a Graduate from IDEA Indus
University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat.

Learning about the conceptu-

al aspect which encircles with
the design process and to ex-
pand philosophically knowl-
edge and discover the abstrac-
tion and reality of architecture.

I want to go beyond the epitome A r y a m a n P. J a i n

of sympathetic knowledge and
explore the limits of the phantasm.
ar [email protected]
Memories, experiences, plac-
es, people, culture, and religion
played a vital role in the pro-
cess of my development and
taught greater facets of life.

IDEA Indus University

Humanizing prison
T h e s i s - 2 0 2 0

upside down
S t u d i o 9 - 2 0 1 9

S J K A r c h i t e c t s - 2 0 1 8

people and places
S t u d i o 6 - 2 0 1 8

learning by making
H a n d s - o n W o r k s h o p - 2 0 1 7

unpacking architecture
2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 0

selected work
2 0 1 5 - 2 0 2 0
Rehabilitation and reformation of prisoners
and civilizing them through architecture

Undergraduate Thesis
Mankhurd, Maharashtra
Prisons are intriguing institu-
tions in our society. Prisons
have become a dichotomy of
captivating and equivocation.
So as to design for reforma-
tion, the design must begin
by bringing back the essential
human needs of the inmates
The overall design producing
a high level of containment re-
mains and exists because of the
element of punishment through
the loss of private freedoms.

Spaces of solitary and isolation

are the foremost detrimental to
the psychological state of any
patient. To influence a posi-
tive psychological state, spaces
must promote human interac-
tion with the motive of instilling
a sense of community and to-
getherness within the inmates.
Typical design of prisons Evolved design and Implementation

Inside out connection

Importance of landscape

Circulation patterns

Staff and Inmate relation

Cell organization
Single cell occupancy
(Maximum security)

Manglore Roof tiles

254mm x 406mm

Plan of cell

Aluminium Battens
100mm x 100mm

I-Section Steel Beam

250mm x 450mm

Section of cell

Autoclaved Aerat-
ed Concrete(AAC)
250mm x 600mm

Masonry Texture
coating Semi-
smooth 10mm thk

Structural Concrete
Shear Columns
250mm x 1000mm

Cement tiles
300mm x 300mm

Isometric view of cell

To explore the potential of sensitizing the built environment of
prison in creating more humane spaces that can catalyze posi-
tive changes inside a prisoner.

Farmers market and
Nathi Ghat

Studio - 9
Udaipur, Rajasthan
Food defines who we are and
where we come from. Historical-
ly, the development of cities has
been inextricably connected to
its production, supply and distri-
bution. But with the migration of
rural communities to urban cities,
the human population has be-
come increasingly removed from
sites of agricultural production
and less aware of how their food
is made.

The diversity of program reflects

the full food chain, as well as a
new foodscape of public spaces
and plazas where producers and
consumers meet.

The Market acts as a catalyst to

activate the surrounding neigh-
borhoods, exemplifying one of
the complex urban relationships
between architecture and food .
Food Markets and Restaurant have the potential to alleviate this
bottleneck of inefficiency by consolidating supplies into shared
facilities for local farmers and locating them strategically within
cities. It defines a new model for how the relationship between
consumer and producer can be defined and addresses uncap-
tured market demand.

rural community
Internship(SJK Architects Mumbai)
Alibaug, Maharashtra
A 117 bedded multi-specialty
hospital is the haven for the peo-
ple of dolvi village, is built over a
phase of 5acre land.

It perfectly fits the context with

large overhangs and sloping roof
battling the intense monsoon
rains and winds, where the out-
side spaces like courtyards and
balconies are extensively used in
this sea-side climate.

The Dolvi Hospital is nestled

amid trees and greenery, shad-
ed by balconies and terraces,
which merges with the surround-
ings creating spaces for people
to recover and heal them phys-
ically and, mentally.*

*SJK Architects
Internship(SJK Architects Mumbai)
Alibaug, Maharashtra
Amidst streams flowing down
from the gentle hills of Alibaug,
lies a multi-family weekend home
in an 8 acre lush mango orchard.

The structures or pods treads

very lightly on the grounds seems
like hovering over the surface to
least disturb the existing flora
and fauna; with plantations be-
ing grown carefully to allow the
indigenous species to co-exist.
Each home nestles within the
branches of the trees, enclos-
es a stretched waterbody and
is connected through pathways
and plinths guided by the man-
go orchirds.

The structures or pods are inter-

spersed with semi-open spaces
such as staircases washed with
skylight, and courtyards scatter-
ing the light from between man-
go trees.*

* SJK Architects
people and
Studio - 6
Maheshwar, Madhya Pradesh
The studio focused on the un-
derstanding of the people and
their culture and its vast net-
work of components. Our site
was situated near the Ghats of
Maheshwar where we perceived
about the place and the com-
munity of the people.

The site was in juxtaposition

with the temples and the chowk
which leads towards the Ghats
of river Narmada. The program
was to build an institution for
weavers community creating a
working space and an exhibition
space for their work.

So the idea was to connect the

cluster with the existing nature
and bringing in the cultural hab-
itat of the place by creating lin-
earity in the space and connect-
ing it with the surroundings.

Maheshwar town site model
1 :500
learning by
Hands - on Workshop
Dharmalaya, Himachal Pradesh
An architecture that is closer
to the people, the environment
and, the resources of a place
and the one that works with nat-
ural building materials and tech-
niques which are found locally
to the site is eco-friendly and
meaningful to the nature of that
place. These methods of con-
struction are sustainable and
they are more relevant for the

So to reflect on these ideas, the

purpose here is to map down
the traditional and vernacu-
lar practices for which Himach-
al as a case study is in the ac-
count. The inclination is to study
the Kangra region and find the
ways of making built forms and
to gain hands-on experience in
on-site construction techniques
with mud and stone as princi-
pal materials. The idea of ecof-
riendly construction which is very
rarely seen nowadays is one of
the most significant aspects of
today’s time.
Digging turf with layers of organic soil

Mixing the soil with husk, pine needle and water

Mixed mud is put into mould to make bricks

Door frame tied to an anchor to align with the wall Ground floor plan of Dharmalaya Institute
Cross Section of Dharmalaya Institute

Long section of Dharmalaya Institute

Models and Charcoal Sketches

IDEA Indus University, Ahmedabad
Material study through models
IDEA Indus University
Charcoal sketches
Stepwell Adalaj
th e fadi ng

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