Integrated Marketing Communication CH 1-4 Integrated Marketing Communication CH 1-4
Integrated Marketing Communication CH 1-4 Integrated Marketing Communication CH 1-4
Integrated Marketing Communication CH 1-4 Integrated Marketing Communication CH 1-4
Chapter 1
1.1 Introduction
1. An outside-in approach used to include the target audience at the initial phases of
developing communication and marketing strategy.
2. A well-established relationship between the organisation and its audiences is required
3. Communication effort directed at audiences to influence behaviour
4. Deliver a message consistently and accurately – all communication activities should be
included with the various contact points integrated into strategy
5. A competitive brand needs strong co-ordination between communication and marketing
• IMC delivers strategy and message consistency: Through IMC an organisation can achieve
strategy and message consistency, aligning its core marketing communication messages to
the strategic organisational intent to ensure that a consistent message is conveyed to all
different audiences.
Organisation character and culture: organisational character and culture can hinder
the implementation of IMC. A rigid organisational culture with common
understanding of what constitutes IMC, as well as resistance to change and fear over
who will charge, may be barriers to IMC.
Organisation structure: although there is broad agreement among marketing and
communication professionals about the general need for IMC, the very structure of
organisations might obscure it from being effectively implemented
The low standing of marketing communication in the organisation: communication
may be viewed as a luxury that can only be allowed when all else is going well.
Specialisation: Trend toward specialisation in 21st Century- many specialists work in
organisations also in marketing and communications and may want to keep
communication programmes separate from marketing campaigns however in
complex environments integration is needed.
The semantics of IMC : IMC advocates tended to over accentuate the language and
terminology used to depict IMC instead of substantiating IMC on the basis of
empirical research.
A validity problem: IMC is still too vague and ambiguous partially due to a lack of
universally agreed upon definition and incongruities of operational IMC measures
therefore a validity problem.
Financial considerations: Marketing communication departments in organisations
are in conflict regarding budget control over communication activities instead of
working together thus diluting IMC efforts in the organisation.
The strength of emerging disciplines in their own right: PR lit argued against
integration of PR and marketing in organisations. No longer regarded as a mere
function of marketing but as a separate management function as marketing is
primarily viewed as serving customers and PR directs messages to and builds
relationships with all relevant audiences.
Cultural Diversity: Apart from different terminology and semantics cultural diversity
can be a barrier to IMC and its implementation. It may enrich but also pose obstacles
to the IMC campaign/programmes. The key to any strategy is to find a way to reach
and appeal to all audiences , if diverse : MC professionals must strive to direct promo
efforts to appeal to local but also regional and global bases. It becomes complex
1.5 Business trends that shape IMC (A MASS MEDIA MESSAGE NUMBER)
2. Cost – the financial efficiency associated with the communication options and campaign
or programme
Ethics connecting marketing and communication can be categorized into individual and
social audience impacts
At individual level
Misleading or deceptive practices that may or may not deliberately seek to create false
beliefs about
a brand, goods or services. (Example: Persuasive advertising showcasing someone or a
brand more
favourably than the reality)
At social level
Marketing and communication have an impact on social, political and cultural aspects of
life. Messages must be ethically communicated. Used by corrupt business leaders or
(Example Taking advantage of fake news, propaganda and coercion)
2. Integration of organisation vision and structure will be key – the avenues for future
considerations in enhancing integration in org will be :
- A definite alignment of internal and external communication
- Moving to a more behavioural base for marketing communication outcomes.
- Reversing the flow of marketing communication programmes and campaigns.
- Making the brand the key component of the MC effort
- Developing a global but locally sensitive perspective
- Developing forward looking systems of forecasting, measurement and evaluation
- Developing new organisational structures that will equip organisations for the
move toward a more holistic, integrative communication frame of reference for
strategic org decision making.
• Advertising
is the controlled, and paid-for, non-personal communication about a product,
service, individual, organisation or idea that is directed by an identifiable
communicator via the mass communication media and is geared towards a
specific target audience.
Its aim in achieving the objectives of communication and marketing is to
inform, remind, persuade or activate the target audience in a certain way.
• Personal selling
• Sales promotion
Consists of personal and impersonal short term efforts aimed at audiences to
motivate them to buy the org products or use their services. Can’t be
classified as personal selling, advertising or publicity but complements these
elements as conveys the message to potential customers or resellers.
• Publicity
Involves influencing audiences in a non-personal way by celebrating the
actual newsworthiness of the org offering in the media thus obtaining free
and favourable news coverage on the org and its current offering.
• Sponsorship
Provision of resources directly to a sponsored property to enable the
sponsored property to pursue some activity in return for certain sponsorship
• Direct marketing
Entails the direct communication with target audiences to encourage the
latter's response by telephone, mail, electronic means or a personal visit.
Prevalent methods of direct marketing are direct mail, telemarketing.
• Digital communication
New technological developments open the door for digital comms
opportunities to reach audiences with increasing frequency and greater
• Planning involves a basic management function in which plans are formulated to achieve
one’s goal.
• Strategy refers to the framework guiding the marketer’s choices in a specific direction.
direction can only be maintained when specific actions are followed with a particular end in
• Strategic Planning A continuous process of systematic decision making. It is a disciplined
effort to produce fundamental decisions as well as actions that form what an organisation is
and guide it, what it does and why it does it, with a focus on the future.
Characteristics of successful strategic planning include the following
• It leads to action
• It builds a shared vision that is values based
• It accepts accountability to the community
• It is based on quality data
• It is a key part of effective management
Strategic marketing planning is the formulation of a marketing plan to answer these two
questions in practical and sequential manner. “what are we trying to do?” and “how are we
going to achieve it”
A marketing strategy defined as a plan, usually long term, to achieve the organisations
through the selections of target markets, the marketing mix and the marketing expenditure
Supports the strategic marketing plan assist with achieving the goals of the plan. It is the
process of
devising a strategy for the content, channel selection, frequency, reach, budget and desired
• Tactical phase includes detailed action, the operations element of the communication
and sometimes adjustments if necessary. Tactics are more short term.
• The marketing communication tactics involve the choice the marketer makes between
different media or various marketing communication techniques to achieve the strategy.
A brief summary of the entire IMC plan. It focuses the reader on the link between the
objectives and the strategic. It is crucial to understand the linkage of how the
communication is tied
to the overall goals of the brand and management would understand the strategic nature.
Briefly looks at the current position and history of the chosen organisation and examines the
internal and external factors affecting the business. It includes the current position of the
marketing mix elements:
• The marketing analysis contains a review of pricing, distribution and compares these with
competing brands in the same category.
• The brand analysis measures brand awareness, brand usage and perceptions of the brand
• The communication analysis examines the message, copy and communication channel
with competing brands in the category.
• SWOT analyse strengths and weaknesses analyse the internal aspects of the company,
while Opportunities and threats constitute an external analysis.
• Identifying internal strengths and weaknesses of the organisation this includes policies
and procedures, personnel skills managements skills.
• how the organisation is differentiated (competitive advantage, its brand(s), brand equity)
• Investigating the target market’s media usage identifying all available media touchpoints
• Investigating the target markets and key segments and obtaining consumer insight
• Identifying relationships such as trade relations, customer relations, competitor relations
and internal staff relations) and relationship issues that might arise.
• Conducting a competitor analysis to identify direct and indirect competitors and to
determine the brand’s positioning in comparison with its competitors.
• Examine the external or uncontrollable events PESTLI
- Politic and physical – refers to the issues relating to the political landscape that may affect
the brand and its marketing activities
- Economic – refers to economic variables that may ultimately affect the consumer as well
as the success of the marketing communication plan
- Legal – refer legislation that restricts the promotion of types of products or services such
as cigarettes advertising, or rules and agreements concerning sponsorship deals
- International – the internet allows competitors from beyond South Africa’s borders.
Marketers therefore need to keep abreast of international developments that may affect
their brand and marketing activities.
Marketers use the term, target market to refer to the geographic market, while target group
can define the demographic target and a target audience can mean the media target.
Segmentation is the process in which marketers identify the entire target audience and then
breaks it down into small groups of people with shared values, traits, beliefs and
consumption habits.
Target audience – is the specific audience is the specific person, people, group of people or
organisation to whom the message should be addressed.
Positioning statement frames the strategy and could be something like ‘we provide the
highest-end quality organic fabrics materials in trendy, customised fashions for the teen to
young adult market’
3. Action-based objectives involve the sale: however, they also include building
competence in areas such as database management.
Each objective should be smart
Communication strategies ask, ‘how are we going to get there?’. It is the way an
organisation chooses to communicate with their target audience.
Tactics are an operational element; the detail of the communication plan and they are short
term (example sales promotion vs advertising)
Marketing communication strategies may include sub strategies for specific marketing
communication techniques or elements (such pas public relation strategies) or they may
across disciplines, for example a media strategy or a creative strategy. E.g. sales promotion,
Before any communication strategy can be decided on, the marketer needs to establish the
• Who is the target audience and how do we communicate to them?
• How is the brand positioned, or re-positioned to?
• Which distribution channels are used?
• Who are the competition and what are their communication strengths and weaknesses?
A push strategy relies mostly on personal selling done by sales representatives and account
managers. Also known as outbound marketing as the brands are pushed int o the
channels. If a push strategy is used in a manufacturing setting, the objective is to convince a
wholesale or an intermediary to carry and sell the merchandise.
2. Pull strategies
Are those strategies that aim to influence the end user. Thus, a pull strategy targets the
consumer directly. The marketers for over the heads of distributors to stimulate demand.
The goal is that the consumers seek out the products or services.
• Patience: it is important that the supplier accepts the prospects time frame for purchase
• Flexibility: pull marketers require maximum flexibility, as prospects and current
continually search for information on various platforms and at various places
• Curiosity: the supplier should be interested in the prospects characteristics as well as
their desires, hopes, and needs.
• Service orientation those who really have the desire to serve their customers will
4. Media strategies
suggest support the marketing communication strategy. If for example the objective was to
reach 8 per cent of university students between the ages of 18 and 24 at an average of one
time per week, the media strategy could ne to achieve this by using a mix of print television,
online and social media and gaming.
The right mix of marketing communication techniques needs to be chosen to reach each
audience with the right message.
Evaluation of the marketing communications plan is focused on analysing, thereby
measuring the success of the strategy. Evaluating means interpreting and examining the
data to conclude whether the organisation achieved its strategic objectives from the
implementation phase.
Monitor the campaign during the evaluation phase and therefor contribution is necessary.
Controls ensure that there is no major deviation from the plan, and that opportunities exist
to put the campaign back on trach as soon as possible if it does deviate. Controls can be
viewed as benchmarks to assess how well the plan has achieved its goals.
Chapter 3: Advertising
When developing IMC plans for a brand marketers are faced with the decision of how to
make use of advertising as a technique to achieve the goals and objectives identified.
Generally a MC technique people are most aware of as its used by many companies through
various platforms.
Used to tell target markets about products or services and to convince them to purchase.
Can be done through various media / media categories.
Advertising defined:
1. Any form of impersonal paid communication in which the seller is clearly identified.
2. A paid form of persuasive communication that uses mass and interactive media to
reach broad audiences to connect identified sponsor with buyers and provide info
about the product.
3. A compensated type of communique that is conveyed by means of various media
from a known source about a company , product or service or idea intended to
motivate the receiver to act favourably.
Types of advertising
Type depends on objective want to achieve.
Aims to promote company as a whole and not necessarily focus on a specific product
offering. Makes sure consumers understand what company stands for and maintains
their identity. (ex. 1st for woman advert)
Aims to encourage consumers to purchase a specific product or service offered by an
org. (ex. Appletizer)
Done to communicate specific info about products and simulate traffic into local
retail stores. (ex. Game ‘Truckloads of deals’)
Direct response
Tries to inspire an instant response from the consumer, consumers may be called to
action during these campaigns. (ex. Clientele Life insurance ad)
Non-profit advertising
Used to seek donations or volunteer support normally done by NPO’s (charities,
foundations, religious institutes)
(ex. A21 anti-slavery campaign)
Public Service
Used to convey a message for good cause. Dominant during holiday seasons with
high police visibility to encourage safety.
(ex. SANRAL adverts on road safety)
Specific forms of advertising. May be medical, B2B or industrial- the key is that they
develop specialised services for certain target segments. Medical specialised due to
legislation and restrictions placed on companies that communicate medical info and
laws around how and what they communicate. ( ex. Some products may not be
advertised directly to consumer esp if scheduled.)
Brand essence is the platform that guides the creation of an org communication.
Communication mix – how best communication techniques at our disposal are
utilized in order to ensure that the customer has a good understanding of the
message. (ex. Volvo Safety brand essence – core of the Volvo brand , consumers
have come to expect this ).
Advertising takes the essence and communicates it to the market in a way that
inspires consumers to choose that product/Service over a competitor.
Consumer Behaviour
Target audience
Must be analysed
Can consist of decision making units to be informed, reminded or persuaded through
Important to determine :
- Demographics and psychographics
- Geographics
- Market size
- Purchase and usage habits
- Expectations
- Knowledge , image perception and attitudes of competitor products
- Specific needs and or problems of target audience
Hierarchy of effects (model of influence a message can have on decision making process)
Models :
AIDA (Attention, Interest , Desire, Action)
DAGMAR(Defining Advertising Goals for Measuring Advertising Results)
Lavidge and Steiner model (awareness, knowledge, liking preference, conviction,
Stimulus-response model(read, believe, remember, action)
Foote, Cone and Belding(FCB)model (Think, feel, do)
Info-processing model
The various stages differ between the models , they can be divided into 3 groups
(behavioural dimensions ) – Cognitive(awareness) , Affective(emotion) , Conative (action
tendencies) these are components of attitude.
Forms basis for all strategy and greatly affects communication and action plan.
Take consumer from the unknown and convert them to a brand advocate/ loyalist.
Process to take consumers through each vital step without loss to convert the
market to a loyal customer base.
Interest – consumers become aware of the brand, its message and the role it plays in their
Conversion – tantalise consumers to engage with the brand hoping to get them to
experience the offer.
Perceptual management
Perception gives the product/service its key differential. Might not have the best but people
can perceive that you do , Perception =reality.
Perceptual Space Management helps map the different perceptions that products or
competitors own inside consumers mind , consumers are able to map out different offerings
and determine which is right for them.
Point of parity
Requirement all brands must deliver either physical or perceptual to meet the basic needs
of the consumer. (ex. SABS- accredited)
Very few brands have a USP(unique selling proposition) hence it is the perceptual space
created that that gives product its differential. Perceptual space management gives the
foundation for the creation of the brand and its message management.
Advertising strategy
Implementation must be planned to ensure its effectiveness.
COMPAS Approach (McCann Erickson Group): describes all the elements necessary for a
successful advertising strategy/ campaign.
Course – objectives
(business, marketing and communication)
Organisational obj->market obj->MC obj->Advertising obj( inform, persuade, remind,
- Real life (why they choose the brand and its effect on their everyday lives)
- Context (the way a consumer encounters a brand determining their behaviour )
- Culture (what trends or aspects of culture are that affect the use of that affect
the use of product/service)
Product insights can help in developing creative advertising campaigns
Success- Evaluation and measurement (tracking and evaluating the effect of the
Principles for Communication tracking:
- Noting: based on awareness either spontaneous or promoted (with stimulus to
remember) awareness.
- Likeability: of the creative vs the offering.
- Recall: should remember and like ad and also recall what the offer was.
3 elements that help determine the success of the advertisement.
Introduction :
An Advertisement is created with the most effective and relevant ad media in mind
for a particular audience.
Questions in mind when developing a media plan:
- Which Target segments to reach?
- Which media vehicles to use and to what extent ?
- At which times should it be communicated ?
- At what cost ?
Marketers have a variety of media channels to choose from to use for advertising.
Broadcast media
Uses airwaves to transmit the audio for radio and visual for TV
- Free to air TV channels that citizens receive with an annual once off payment
required .( ex SABC)
- Pay TV :requires viewers to purchase the relevant hardware (satellite dish &
decoder) whilst paying a monthly fee .( ex DSTV)
- Radio stations can be free to air or require hardware (radio enabled TV), public or
private , talk, music, campus.
Print media
Books, mag, newspaper, journals, brochures,etc.
Interactive media
Each medium has its own set of advantages and disadvantages making it suitable for
a particular audience, campaign or message.
The message, org budget , target audience to be considered when choosing a
suitable medium.
- Niche media:
Media that enable a message to be transmitted to a target audience that share
the same interests and characteristics.
- Controllable media:
In which control of the message lies with the org.
- Uncontrollable media:
In which control lies with the media (or particular media house)
1. Broadcast media: TV and radio. Non repeating( fleeting message) onto the next ad.
Electronic device that provides visuals and audio. Trends in TV may impact when its
most suitable to broadcast messages.
- Digital TV (DTV): TV signals that transmit via satellite through a decoder liked to a
TV. (ex DSTV)
- Interactive TV (ITV) : digital signals that transmit a combo of images, sound ,
graphics, games and info.(ex. YouTube)
- Video on Demand (VoD): allows opportunity to watch video, film, and user
generated content immediately (‘streaming’ )or download to watch later.
- Digital video recorders (DVR)/ Personal video recorders(PVR): allow users to
record programmes to watch later also allowing to play, pause and rewind.
Advantages: Disadvantages:
Creativity and impact
enhances sales message * Costs
Coverage and cost effectiveness high production and airtime costs
large reach * Lack of selectivity
Captivity and attention * Limited viewer attention
*Distrust and negative evaluation
* Clutter
* Fleeting message
Buying TV time :
- Sponsorship: advertiser sponsors the programme being broadcasted.
- Spot advertising: more familiar form , advertiser negotiates and purchases spots
from the individual tv stations.
Measuring TV audiences
- Integral part of our lives
- Listen in the car, stores, work, home, etc.
- Immediacy trumps TV and newspaper
- Digital radio : digital audio broadcasting transmitted over any digital platform
(TV, internet, analogue)
Creative disadvantage
Fragmentation (more stations)
Chaotic buying procedures (considerable time and effort from advertiser)
Limited research data
Limited listener attention( background normally)
Clutter (lots of different ads overwhelming)
Public service stations, commercial stations, community radio. 10 million radio sets in SA.
Public service broadcaster is SABC wholly owned by the state but independently from
taxpayer money.
2. Print Media
All written material and oldest type of mass media.
The industry is seeking reinvention due to the threat of increased usage and
availability of online sources hence some have had to close.
Newspapers :
- news stories, images , puzzles, ads , cartoons.
- Released daily or weekly hence short shelf life
- Contains hard news (politics, business ) and soft news (celebs, food)
- Still valuable and main source to many people.
- More likely to access info online than in newspaper with rapid technological
- News at no extra cost online , hence newspapers soon to be replaced.
Classifications of newspapers:
Divide content into themed sections. 4 types of newspaper that advertisers can use:
Extensive penetration : high degree of market coverage to reach large number of
Flexibility: don’t require long lead times, offer advertiser creative options.
Geographic selectivity: allows advertisers to choose a paper that reaches areas with
largest sale potential.
Render involvement and acceptance: spend considerable time reading.
Services offered : can offer addition services and programmes.
Poor reproduction: low quality paper, limited colour usage , and lack of time end
result normally poor reproduction quality.
Short life span : average one day, ad is unlikely to have an impact after publication
therefore repeat closure also unlikely.
Lack of selectivity: not great selectivity i.t.o demographical and psychographical
characteristics. (mass media targeting diverse groups )
Magazines :
Controlled , editors control the inclusion of articles and content directed toward specific
target market.
Classification of magazines:
- Consumer magazines: source of info, advice, entertainment to readers normally
for leisure reading.
- Specialist interest magazines: relate to particular activities(running, environment,
- Professional publications : managerial publications aimed at business market
providing professionals with advice & news on current market position.
Gatefolds: use a 3rd page and fold out of mag for extra-large spread.
Pre-printed ads: printed on different type of paper, often higher quality to stand out.
Business reply cards: Slipped into mag , postcard sized ads either loose or bound
Pop-up ads: 3D ads that pop up when reader opens particular page.
Scent strips: perfume ads to smell actual product.
Audience selectivity : high degree as particular demographic and psychographic
characteristic. Achieved by means of interest , demographics and geography.
Reproduction quality: generally in colour and high quality paper hence excellent
Creative flexibility: advertisers have a number of creative options when choosing
magazines for ads flexibility i.t.o type, size, placement.
Permanence: longer shelf life and permanency , consumed over a longer time period
than other media.(kept for revisiting)
High costs: depends on audience size and selectivity of. Mag.
Limited reach and frequency :not as frequently released as newspapers.
Long lead time: need long to place an ad ranging from 30-60 days hence must book
space and develop ad well before publication.
Clutter and competition : More successful = more advertising space = more clutter.
Billboards Bridges and gantries
Branded cars Buses
Building wraps Dustbins
Posters Digital screens
Outdoor advertising:
Reaches consumer outside the home.
Differs from transit advertising in that is directed toward individuals who pass along
a particular road or who happens to look up whereas transit is directed toward those
making use of particular transport modes
- Billboard ads: use technology in form of digital screens instead of static large
boards, also more creative with movement and lights and effects with LED lights.
- Aerial ads: aeroplanes pulling banners or skywriting and hot air balloons.
- Mobile billboards: ads on sides of cars, buses, trucks, vans, trailers,etc
- Cost per passer-by is low
- Suitable for high frequency
- Geographically selective
- Offers support and reminds of other ads
- Large product presentation
- High impact
Disadvantages :
- Necessarily a short message
- Reaches general public
- Relatively limited space available
- High production cost
- Local restrictions
- Urban clutter
Transit advertising:
Various types:
Posters found inside the buses, taxis, trains above seats and luggage area.
Outside posters on the sides, backs or roofs of buses , taxis, trains and shopping
Outside posters as floor displays, island showcases and electronic signs can also be
found at airports and train stations.
In-Store media:
- Where instore advertising placed to reach consumers in the purchase
- Serves to inform, remind and encourage customers to make in-store purchases
- Could include commercial messages and non-commercial messages
- Incl direct advertising (samples,etc)
Benefits : low cost effective marketing through reach of low cost products, instant
brand recognition, greater exposure due to daily use and customer loyalty through
gifting to loyal customers.
Directory advertising:
Refers to display ads in directories providing valuable info about org and listing
contact details or promo info.
Ex. Yellow Pages
- Targeted ads for consumers looking for info
- Allows targeted advertising
- Exposure in target industry
- Retains more control over results
- Advertisement may become outdated
- Lack of creativity
- Long lead times
- Increased clutter
- Need for larger ads to overcome clutter
Advertising in cinemas :
Screening before a movie plays.
Targeted advertising toward particular demographic/psychographic groups.
Already captured by single large screen , forced to pay attention.
Enables ad messages to be reinforced , situated within retail malls.
Higher production potential
Captive audience
Passive resistance
Industry competitiveness
Lack of snergy
Fewer moviegoers due to online streaming
In-flight advertising
Number of forms
- Flight magazines
- In-flight entertainment
- On board branding
- Exterior branding
- On board wi-fi landing pages
Competing technology – cellphones, tablets,etc
Consumers may sleep through the flight
Limited audience (only those who fly)
Branded entertainment
Goal: engage with audience in a unique manner through an entertaining story to stablish
the brand.
Possible through collaborations with creatives, artists and professional media org to craft
custom branded entertainment
(ex. Dove ‘real beauty sketches’ advert.)
4. Interactive Media
Way in which people share info and ideas through the use of technology .
Text, graphics, audio and video can be integrated to allow users to interact with the
content and the source.
Incl. websites, app software, VR, user generated content, etc.