Final Task Writing
Final Task Writing
Final Task Writing
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2019/2020 M
A Study Of Teacher Talk In Classroom Interaction At An Islamic Senior High
The language used by the teacher or teacher talk has important role that influences the
success of English learning process. Teacher talk is used to guide the learning activity of the
students in constructing a joint and share the educational knowledge with the students. In
attempting to guide learning, the teacher uses talk to do three things: (1) Elicit relevant
knowledge from students, so that they can see what students already know and understand; (2)
Respond to things that students say,; (3) Describe the classroom experiences that they share with
students in such a way that the educational significance of those joint experiences is revealed and
According to Krashen‟s input hypothesis, teacher talk for the learner is generally
recognized as a potentially valuable source of comprehensible input which is viewed as an
essential for language acquisition.2 For this reason, it is important to the teachers should realize
how much they themselves talk, and what kind of talk should be performed. Interaction in the
classroom is considered as an activity that provides opportunities for the teacher and students
talking with each other in the process of teaching and learning. Therefore, interaction is one of
important elements to the teaching process. As Clipperton in Takahasi et. al noted teaching has
to be purposeful, interactive and creative. While the key to interactive teaching as Brown stated
is to strive toward the upper, non-directive end of the continuum, gradually enabling the students
to move from their roles of total dependence to relatively total independent.
A descriptive qualitative method is employed in this study which tries to describe all
phenomena that occurred in the classroom. Cullen argued that there is a need to analyze
teacher‟s use of language from a qualitative rather than quantitative perspective. This study
involved an English teacher as research subject in his class.
A. Subject Of Study
The subject of this study has implemented English talk as a means of communication in learning
process of his classroom. The subject here is a male teacher who has been teaching English for
twenty one years and graduated from the Flinders University of South Australia. This study was
conducted in MAN Insan Cendikia located in Jambi city. This school belongs to a national
standardized State Islamic Senior High School. In particular, this study was done in twelfth
grade. This class consists of 24 students with 11 are males and 13 are females.
The data was collected by using:
C. Data analysis
The main data was taken through observation technique. The data was collected by using
audio-video recording and field notes. Interview was the further technique used to find the
essence of what could not be found through observation. Data analysis was done by using
Interactive Model taken from Miles et al.
Allwright, Dick, and Hanks, Judith. The Developing Language Learner: An Introduction
to Exploratory Practice. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.
Ellis, Rod. The Study of Second Language Acquisition (Oxford Applied Linguistics). New
York: Oxford University Press, 1994.
Mercer, Neil. The Guided Construction of Knowledge: Talk Amongst Teachers and
Learners. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, 1995.
Miles, Matthew B., Huberman, A. Michael, and Saldana, Johnny. Qualitative Data
Analysis (3rd ed.). London: SAGE Publications Inc, 2014.
Takahashi, Etsuko, Austin, Theresa, and Marimoto, Yoko. Social Interaction and
Language Development in a FLES Classroom. In J. K. Hall & L. S. Verplaetse (Eds.), Second
and Foreign Language Learning Through Classroom Interaction. London: Lawrence Erlbaum
Associates, Inc, 2000.
Yanfen, Liu, and Yuqin, Zhao. A Study of Teacher Talk in Interactions in English
Classes. Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics (Bimonthly), 2010. Vol. 33 No. 2, 76-86..