Detailed Estimates Panipat

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NCR Planning Board

Asian Development Bank

Capacity Development of the National

Capital Region Planning Board
(NCRPB) – Component B
(TA No. 7055-IND)
Volume I-D: Detailed Project Report for Panipat Water Supply
Detailed Estimate

July 2010

Appendix E-1 : Abstract Cost Estimate

Appendix E-2 : Basis for Cost Estimate
Appendix E-3 : Rate Analysis of Various Pipes
Appendix E-4 : Detailed Estimate of Rising Main
Appendix E-5 : Detailed Estimate of Distribution System in 18 Zones
Appendix E-1 : Details of Cost Estimate
Appendix E-1: Abstract Cost Estimate

S. No Item Cost in Rs.

1 Providing out lets in WJC Canal and Delhi Parallel Canal of 100 cusecs each and 47.88
construction of inlet channel up to RWPS site (As per estimate from Irrigation
2 Construction of Raw Water Pumping Station comprising of Sump, Pump House 5.625
building and 5nos. VT Pumping sets with required electrical switch gear (Total
KW 225)@Rs25000 per KW
3 Construction of Water Treatment Plant complete of 100 MLD including SCADA 250.00
system @ Rs.25 lac/MLD
4 Construction of Clear Water Pumping Station comprising of Sump, Pump House 28.50
building and 3 nos. Pumping sets with required electrical switch gear(Total 1140
KW)@Rs25000 per KW
5 Construction of Clear Water Reservoir near WTP of 10 ML capacity @Rs.2000 20.00
per KL

6 Providing 33 KV Electrical feeder line from 132 KV GSS to WTP site along with 21.60
construction of 33/11 KV & 33/0.4KV substation 1500KVA & 315KVA (As per
estimate of Electricity department)
7 Cost of land 4 hectares land required for construction of WTP, RWPH, CWPS, 40.00
supporting infrastructure etc.@ Rs.100 lac/Hectare
8 Cost of pumping main pipe line BWSC/MS/DI complete with valves, chambers, 256.72
rail line and NHW crossings etc. complete
9 Construction of 17 nos. OHSR with a staging of 20m and a total storage capacity 217.00
of 26.75 ML complete in all respect @Rs.8000 per KL and one GLSR of 2 ML
10 Improvement of distribution system in zones where water supply network already 251.61
exist or un-served areas by laying of new, additional or higher sized pipelines with
required appurtenances, chambers, thrust blocks etc.
11 Providing Bulk water meters (1 no EMFB type) and 33000 Domestic water meters 155.00
complete including installation and commissioning
12 Replacement of consumer service pipe lines with MDPE pipes for 33000 54.45
connections @Rs.1500 per connection
13 NRW Identification and Reduction Works lump sum 214.76
14 Centralized Training Center of PHED lump sum 50.00
Sub Total 1613.15
Physical contingencies @3% of sub total 48.39
Design Supervision and third party inspection @ 3% 48.39
Provision for Information Education and Communication @ 1% 16.13
Provision for Environmental Mitigation @ 1% 16.13
Provision for Institutional Development @ 1% 16.13
Provision for Incremental Administration @ 2% 32.263
Total 1790.60
Appendix E-2 : Rate Analysis of Various Pipes
Appendix E-2: Basis for Cost Estimates

The costing of Water Supply Project of Panipat City has been performed based on the following sources:

• Design of the Proposed Improvements.

• PWD Standard Schedule of Rates (SOR) of Haryana state.
• RUIDP Rajasthan Standard Schedule of Rates (SOR)
• Consultant’s data bank and experience on similar projects.
• Nominally applicable labor and material costs for items not present in the aforementioned SOR.

Block rates have been determined for improvement of construction of WTP, Pumping Stations etc. as these
items are proposed to be put for bidding on turn key basis on Lump sum rates. In respect of distribution
system block cost estimate has been made for the time being and detailed estimate will be incorporated at
the time of final report. For projecting the cost of each activity reference has been made to prevailing rates
for current projects like Rohatak, Jhalawar and Meerut Water supply Projects involving construction of
Water Treatment Plant with Raw and Clear Water pumping stations and also improvement of distribution

1. Canal outlet, Inlet Channel and road bridge:

This work will be executed by the Irrigation department who owns and operate the canals. An estimate
has been obtained from the Executive Engineer, Irrigation Department, Panipat and the provision of
Rs.47.88 m has been made based on the same.

2. Raw Water Pumping Station including Sump:

It is proposed to provide a raw water sump with pump house located above it. There will be 5 VT
pump sets installed in the pump house. Three of these will work at a time and remaining 2 will act as
stand bye. The cost of a pumping station including building, electro-mechanical equipment, piping and
instrumentation is normally taken as Rs.25000/- per KW of installed capacity (Rs.12000 for electro-
mechanical equipment and Rs.13000 for civil and misc. works). The total installed capacity in RWPH
is estimated at 225 KW (Five pumps of 45 KW each). This gives the estimated cost as 5.625 m.

3. Construction of Water Treatment Plant:

It is proposed to construct WTP complete with SCADA system, fully automatic operation along with
sludge disposal etc. for a total capacity of 100 MLD. Recently tenders were invited for a WTP of
100MLD for Meerut city where rate received was around Rs.250m. The same in case of a 200MLD
WTP for Ghaziabad city was around Rs.550m. In Rohatak, a WTP of 18.5 MLD has been constructed
for which work was awarded about 2 years back at Rs.35 m. Looking to these experiences, cost of
Rs.2.5m per MLD has been adopted. Thus cost of providing a WTP 100MLD is estimated at Rs.250

4. Clear Water Pumping Station:

It is proposed to provide a Clear Water Pumping Station with sump. There will be 3 pump sets
installed in the pump house. Two of these will work at a time and one will act as stand bye. The cost of
a pumping station including building, electro-mechanical equipment, piping and instrumentation is
normally taken as Rs.25000/- per KW of installed capacity (Rs.12000 for electro-mechanical
equipment and Rs.13000 for civil and The total installed capacity in CWPS is estimated
at 1140 KW (Three pumps of 380 KW each). This gives the estimated cost as Rs.28.50 m.

5. Clear Water Reservoir:

It is proposed to construct a CWR near WTP for storing treated water before pumping with a capacity
of 10ML. This capacity is based on 2 hours treatment capacity. The general market rate for
construction of CWR of such large capacities is estimated at Rs.2000 per KL. Accordingly, estimated
cost of construction of 10ML CWR will be Rs.20.00m.
6. Feeder Power Line and Electric Sub Station:
It is proposed to draw power from the 132 KV Grid Sub Station located nearly 6 km away at 33KV.
An electric sub station 33/11KV of 2000KVA shall be constructed near the CWPS and one 33/0.4 KV
sub station near RWPS for the power requirement on HT in CWPS and on LT in RWPS, WTP,
Campus and in CWPS. Haryana State Electricity board has indicated cost of providing power line and
sub stations at Rs.21.60m. Accordingly, provision is made at Rs.21.60m.

7. Land Acquisition:
PWD(WSSD) Panipat has already initiated action for acquisition of 16.5 acres of land required for
construction of WTP, RWPH, CWPS and other infrastructure near the canals. The case has been
recommended by the Senior Town Planner to the Director Town and Country Planning Department
GOH vide letter dated 13.6.2008(Annexure-8) for amendment in the development plan. The reserve
price for land prescribed by the respective revenue agency is reported to be Rs.2.5m per acre along
with an annual royalty payment of Rs.15000 per year with an increase of Rs.500 per year for 33 years.
Thus a value of Rs.3 m per acre may be adopted for acquiring this land. The estimated cost of this land
thus comes to Rs.49.5 m. The total land will have to be acquired in Phase I only.

The land required for construction of Zonal OHSRs has been identified. However, attempt has been
made to get land for this purpose in existing parks or other government land as far as possible. Land
required in sectors will be allotted by HUDA in its area free of charge as provision is kept by them in
newly developed areas for providing infrastructure facilities.

8. Pumping Main Pipe Lines:

It is proposed to provide two pumping main pipe lines after a short distance from the CWPS. These
two pipe lines will be interconnected at the tail to make a loop. Every OHSR will be connected to one
of these pipe lines. These pipe lines are proposed to be of DI. The present cost estimate is based on the
prices of DI pipes offered by M/S Electrosteels Ltd. Vide letter dated 4.2.2009 as follows:

DI pipe K7 300mm Rs. 2543.00 per meter

DI pipe K7 350mm Rs. 3197.00 per meter
DI pipe K7 400mm Rs. 3833.00 per meter
DI pipe K7 450mm Rs. 4547.00 per meter
DI pipe K7 500mm Rs. 5325.00 per meter
DI pipe K7 600mm Rs. 7015.00 per meter
DI pipe K7 700mm Rs. 9622.00 per meter
DI pipe K7 800mm Rs.12550.00 per meter
DI pipe K7 900mm Rs.15314.00 per meter

The pipes are to be laid on roads requiring road cutting. Air valves, Scour valves, sluice valves
together with chambers will have to be provided. Laying of pipe lines will require crossing of railway
line at 4 locations and National highway at two locations and canal at two locations and oil pipe line at
one place. This will require using trench less technology for pipe laying. Detailed cost estimate is
given in a separate annexure

9. Construction of 17 OHSRs and One GLSR:

It is proposed to construct 17 OHSRs for Zones with a total storage capacity of 25.75ML with a
staging of 20m in each case. The per liter rate for OHSR of such large capacities with 20m staging is
coming to Rs.8 these days in different states and accordingly adopted. The total cost of this activity is
estimated to be Rs.206 m. This cost includes all pipes, valves, plinth protection, and bulk water meters
with data transmission, level data transmission and electric connection. One GLSR will be constructed
for Zone 9 on hill top of 2 ML capacity. Estimated cost of constructing CWR at ground level is
normally taken as rs.2000/Kl but in the present case the GLSR will be constructed on hill top and the
approach is through congested area of city. Accordingly, per KL cost is estimated to be Rs.3000. The
total estimated cost of this GLSR thus comes to Rs.6.00m. Total estimated cost of this activity thus
comes to Rs.212 m. These tanks will be got constructed on Lump sum basis on design build concept.
10. Improvement of distribution system in areas already covered:
As detailed analysis of distribution network has been done for the 18 distribution zones. The design
sheets and abstract of pipes zone wise of different pipe dia is given in design annexure. In some streets
pipe will be replaced and in some new pipes will be provided. Detailed estimate of each zone is given
in estimate annexure. Rate analysis has been done for some items which is also given in estimate

11. Bulk and Domestic Water Meters:

It is proposed to provide 1 Electromagnetic full bore flow meter on pumping main immediately after
CWPS. These will be complete with control panel and data transmission system etc. The cost of one
such meter for 900mm size has been reported to be Rs.650000/- as per market enquiry.

There are in all 33000 connections in both HUDA and PHED areas. Most of these connections are
15mm size. It is proposed to use EC certified good quality water meters to last long and give trouble
free service. The meters are proposed to be with interface for remote reading and required modem for
actual data transmission. The cost one such meter has been reported to be Rs.4500 including
installation. The estimated cost of these meters comes to 148.5m.

Total estimated cost of both EMF flow meters and domestic meters comes to Rs.155 m.

12. Consumer service line replacement:

There are in all 33000 service connections in Panipat town. Consumer service pipe lines are proposed
to be replaced with MDPE pipes. The cost of replacement of existing 15mm GI pipe with MDPE pipe
for an average length of 10m per connection including ferrule, compression coupling and road cutting
etc. has been estimated at Rs.1650/- per connection. This is based on estimation done in other similar
projects like Jhalawar where it was taken as Rs.1500 per connection during 2007 and hence increase
by 10%. The total estimated cost comes to 54.45 m.

13. NRW Identification and reduction program:

The water meters both on production system and on consumer end are proposed to be provided now
under this project. As such there is no assessment of UFW or NRW. It would be desirable that leak
detection and rectification through DMA strategy suggested is undertaken for one area and results
analyzed before taking up full scale leak detection and rectification work. Accordingly for the present
a lump sum provision of Rs.198.755 million is proposed in the estimate.

14. Centralised Training Center:

A lump sum cost of Rs.50.00m is proposed for establishing a Central Training Institute for the
Department. Detailed estimate for the center may developed after identification of training needs and
its quantum for the whole state.

15. Physical & Price Contingency:

A lump sum provision of 3% of total cost has been made to take care of any unforeseen items at the
time of implementation. The period of construction has been taken as 36 months including bidding.
Additional provision of 3% has been made for Design and Supervision consultants and third party
inspection, 1% for Information education and communication, 1% for Environmental Mitigation, 1%
for Institutional Development and 2% for Incremental Administration (Expenditure of Implementing
agency for the project Implementation)
Appendix E-3 : Detailed Estimate of Pumping/Rising Main
Appendix E-3: Rate Analysis
HDPE Pipes
Supply, Laying, Jointing, Field Testing, Commissioning Rate of Pipe as Local Laying Testing Contractor Total Rate Specials Total Rate
complete at site of HDPE (PE80 Grade Coumpound) per quotation of Handling and and s Profit at 10% of including
Pipes PN-8.0 (8.0 kg/sqcm) as per IS:4984 and M/S Kriti letter & storage Jointing commissio 10% total Cot specials at 10%
specifications for water application, including all cost of dated 4-3-09 at 1% at 3% ning at 4%
material, labour required, transportation, loading,
unloading & stacking etc. complete.

110mm PN8 261.19 2.61 7.84 10.45 28.21 310.29 31.03 341.32
125mm PN8 335.93 3.36 10.08 13.44 36.28 399.08 39.91 438.99
140mm PN8 420.00 4.20 12.60 16.80 45.36 498.96 49.90 548.86
160mm PN8 547.48 5.47 16.42 21.90 59.13 650.41 65.04 715.45
180mm PN8 694.14 6.94 20.82 27.77 74.97 824.64 82.46 907.10
200mm PN8 855.38 8.55 25.66 34.22 92.38 1,016.19 101.62 1,117.81
225mm PN8 1,078.91 10.79 32.37 43.16 116.52 1,281.75 128.17 1,409.92
250mm PN8 1,334.26 13.34 40.03 53.37 144.10 1,585.10 158.51 1,743.61
280mm PN8 1,669.80 16.70 50.09 66.79 180.34 1,983.72 198.37 2,182.09
315mm PN8 2,113.74 21.14 63.41 84.55 228.28 2,511.12 251.11 2,762.24
355mm PN8 2,676.70 26.77 80.30 107.07 289.08 3,179.92 317.99 3,497.91
400mm PN8 3,475.93 34.76 104.28 139.04 375.40 4,129.40 412.94 4,542.35
450mm PN8 4,398.75 43.99 131.96 175.95 475.07 5,225.72 522.57 5,748.29
500mm PN8 5,423.37 54.23 162.70 216.93 585.72 6,442.96 644.30 7,087.26
560mm PN8 6,795.87 67.96 203.88 271.83 733.95 8,073.49 807.35 8,880.84
630mm PN8 8,547.90 85.48 256.44 341.92 923.17 10,154.91 1,015.49 11,170.40
FOR:NCR, Excise 8.24% included, CST at 2% against form C included, Inspection extra
Rate Analysis: MDPE Pipes
Service Connections: Supply, Laying, Jointing, Field Testing, Jain Transportatio Local Breakage Laying Contractors Total
Commissioning complete at site of MDPE (PE 80 Grade irrigation n and local handling and at 1% and profit at
Coumpound) Pipes PN-16 (16 kg/sqcm) as per ISO4427 and letter taxes at 10% storage at jointing at 10%
specifications for water application, including all cost of material, 1% 3%
labour required, transportation, loading, unloading & stacking
etc. complete.
16 mm Dia
20 mm Dia SDR 9 22.85 2.29 0.23 0.02 0.69 0.26 26.33
25 mm Dia SDR 11 29.10 2.91 0.29 0.03 0.87 0.33 33.54
32 mm Dia SDR 11 47.95 4.80 0.48 0.05 1.44 0.55 55.26
40 mm Dia
50 mm Dia
Inclusive of excise; CST/LST extra; rates are ex-jalgaon
Rate Analysis: uPVC Pipe Class III (6kg/sqcm)
Supply, Laying, Jointing, Field Testing & Commissioning complete at site of uPVC Pipe Class III (6kg/sqcm) as per IS 4985 : 2000, ISI marked,
suitable for elastomeric sealing rings, with Rubber Rings ISI marked EPDM as per IS 5382 : 1985, transporting to site, lowering in trenches, aligning,
laying & jointing as per L-Section and field testing the laid pipelines etc. complete work as per specifications. The bulk density of uPVC pipe shall be
1.39 to 1.44 gm/cc. The total quantity of additives like plasticizers, stabilizers, lubricants & fillers shall not exceed more than 7%. The rates includes all
cost of material, labour required, transportation, loading, unloading & stacking etc. complete and also includes the cost of EPDM 'ISI marked' rubber
110 mm 297.00
125 mm
140 mm 490.00
160 mm 632.00
180 mm 812.00
200 mm 1015.00
225 mm 1277.00
250 mm 1584.00
280 mm 1986.00
315 mm 2546.00
Rate of Kriti 10-7-09
Rate Analysis: Ductile Iron (DI) K-7 Pipes
Supply, Laying, Jointing Field Testing & Rate of Deduct Local Breakag Total Laying Contractors Total Specials at Total Rate
Commissioning complete at site as per electrosteel excise handling e @ 1% and Profit at 3% inclusive of
specifications of centrifugally cast (spun) 449/4-2-09 from and Jointing 10% specials
Ductile Iron K7 Pressure Pipes (S &S) ISI Rs per 100 mm storage of pipes
marked for water conforming to IS Meter and 150 @1% &
8329/2000 with push on type EPDM 'ISI mm hydrauli
marked' rubber gasket jointing as per IS c testing
5382 specifications. Pipe shall be outside @2.5%
Zinc coated with finishing layer of
Bitumen and have factory cement mortar
lining as per IS 8329/2000. The rates
includes all cost of material, labour
required, transportation, loading,
unloading & stacking etc. complete and
also includes the cost of EPDM 'ISI
marked' rubber gasket
100 mm 918 832 8.32 8.32 848.92 21.22 87.01 957 28.71 986
150 mm 1,395 1,265 12.65 12.65 1,290.03 32.25 132.23 1,455 43.64 1,498
200 mm 1,540 1,540 15.40 15.40 1,570.80 39.27 161.01 1,771 53.13 1,824
250 mm 2,005 2,005 20.05 20.05 2,045.10 51.13 209.62 2,306 69.18 2,375
300 mm 2,543 2,543 25.43 25.43 2,593.86 64.85 265.87 2,925 87.74 3,012
350 mm 3,197 3,197 31.97 31.97 3,260.94 81.52 334.25 3,677 110.30 3,787
400 mm 3,833 3,833 38.33 38.33 3,909.66 97.74 400.74 4,408 132.24 4,540
450 mm 4,547 4,547 45.47 45.47 4,637.94 115.95 475.39 5,229 156.88 5,386
500 mm 5,325 5,325 53.25 53.25 5,431.50 135.79 556.73 6,124 183.72 6,308
600 mm 7,015 7,015 70.15 70.15 7,155.30 178.88 733.42 8,068 242.03 8,310
700 mm 9,622 9,622 96.22 96.22 9,814.44 245.36 1,005.98 11,066 331.97 11,398
750 mm 11,135 11,135 111.35 111.35 11,357.70 283.94 1,164.16 12,806 384.17 13,190
800 mm 12,550 12,550 125.50 125.50 12,801.00 320.03 1,312.10 14,433 432.99 14,866
900 mm 15,314 15,314 153.14 153.14 15,620.28 390.51 1,601.08 17,612 528.36 18,140
1000 mm 18,354 18,354 183.54 183.54 18,721.08 468.03 1,918.91 21,108 633.24 21,741
With 10.3% excise duty in 100 mm and 150 mm, with Nill Excise duty against valid Excise Duty Exemption certificate to be provided by the buyer along with the order
/ before production Central Excise Notification No. 6/2006 as amended by Central Excise Notification No. 6/2007 dated 1st March 2007.
Inspection charges included, FOR NCR, rubber gasket included, No CST against form C.
Appendix D-4 : Detailed Estimate of Distribution System
Summary & Details of Zone-1 to Zone-18
Detailed Estimate for Distribution System - Zone 1

S No Item Quantity Unit Rate Reference for Amount Quantity Reference/Calculations


1 Excavation for pipelines running under Item 6.9 Trench Width is pipe dia plus 300
pressure in trenches and pits, in streets and Haryana PWD mm, Minimum earth cover of 1
lanes including trimming and dressing sides, & 300% above meter, average earth cover of 1.15
levelling of beds of trenches to correct grade, vide m, Average depth of excavation is
cutting joint holes, cutting trees and bushes, amendment 1.15 plus pipe dia. For 110 mm
etc. refilling consolidation and watering of dated 1.1 08 pipe excavation is
refill, in 15 cm layers and restoration of and 23.1.09 (1.15+.11)*(.3+.11) ie 0.5166*L
unmetalled or unpaved surface to its original where L is length of Pipe
condition, including the cost of dewatering
of rain water, diversion of traffic, night
signals, fixing caution boards, crossing over
trenches for access to the houses, watching,
fancing etc. and disposal of surplus soil
outside and inside the town, involving lead
upto one km in ordinary soil (for new pipe
line and replacement pipes)

A Without timbering and shoring upto 1.5 8082 100 4732 382,434
metres depth CUM
B Excavation for thrust block 98.0 100 4732 4,637
2 Supply, Laying, Jointing, Field Testing, Factor for Excavation Quantity
Commissioning complete at site of HDPE
(PE 80 Grade Coumpound) Pipes PN-8.0
(8.0 kg/sqcm) as per IS:4984 and
specifications for water application,
including all cost of material, labour
required, transportation, loading, unloading
& stacking etc. complete. (New Pipe Line)

110 mm 8200 RM 310 RA 2,544,409 0.5166

125 mm 418 RM 399 RA 166,817 0.5334
140 mm 250 RM 499 RA 124,740 0.5676
160 mm 131 RM 650 RA 84,878 0.6026
180 mm 496 RM 825 RA 409,021 0.6384
225 mm 92 RM 1282 RA 117,921 0.7314
Sub Total 9587 RM
3 Supply, Laying, Jointing, Field Testing,
Commissioning complete at site of HDPE
(PE80 Grade Coumpound) Pipes PN-8.0 (8.0
kg/sqcm) as per IS:4984 and specifications
for water application, including all cost of
material, labour required, transportation,
loading, unloading & stacking etc. complete.
(replacement of line with a new pipeline)
125 mm 1838 RM 399 RA 733,318 0.5334
140 mm 847 RM 499 RA 422,370 0.5676
160 mm 1366 RM 650 RA 888,130 0.6026
180 mm 402 RM 825 RA 331,092 0.6384
200 mm 280 RM 1016 RA 284,534 0.675
225 mm 283 RM 1282 RA 362,734 0.7314
250 mm 35 RM 1585 RA 55,479 0.77
280 mm 50 RM 1984 RA 99,186 0.8294
355 mm 15 RM 3180 RA 46,109 0.975
Sub Total 5114 RM
4 Dismantling pipeline of 5114 RM 12 LS 61,368
G.I./A.C./P.V.C./S.W./H.D.P.E. pipe
including breaking the joints, lifting the
pipes and stacking to the place as directed by
Engineer-in-charge with all leads and lifts
including cleaning the surface, etc. complete.
(In place of dismentaled pipe another pipe is
to be laid as such excavation for
dismentalling is included in excavation for
laying new pipe line)

5 Dismentaling flanged joints for cast iron

pipes, valves and specials including carriage
of bolts, nuts and washers to store,

50 to 100 mm internal diameter of pipe, 10 Per 3.50 Haryana PWD 35

valve, special Joint item 28.38
125 to 200 mm internal diameter of pipe, 6 Per 6.83 plus 250% 41
valve, special Joint vide
300 to 375 mm internal diameter of pipe, 4 Per 17.50 amendment dt 70
valve, special Joint 23-1-09
6 Providing and fixing cast iron double Quantity of valves taken roughly
flanged sluice valves PN -1.6 marked with at one per KM
IS 14846 including nuts and bolts marked
with IS 1363, rubber sheet marked with IS
638 etc carriage, loading, unloading,
stacking, handling, rehandling etc complete
in all respect to the satisfaction of engineer
in charge ( Makes AARKO, VENUS,
100 mm i/d 11 each 3698 Haryana PWD 40,678
150 mm i/d 3 each 5709 A & C slip No 17,127
200 mm i/d 1 each 9945 CZC-6 dated 3- 9,945
250 mm i/d 1 each 15589 7-09 15,589
350 mm i/d 1 each 30395 30,395
7 Providing and fixing cast iron single air Haryana PWD size of air valve taken one sixth of
valves marked with IS 14845 including A & C Slip pipe dia and nomber of air valves
carriage, loading, unloading, stacking, CZC/3-7-09 taken at one per km
handling, rehandling etc drilling, tapping,
screwing etc in valve connections complete
in all respect to the satisfaction of engineer-
40 mm i/d 15 each 1619 24,285
8 Sluice valve and air valve chamber: 32 each 5000 LS 160,000
Providing and constructing Brick masonry
valve chamber with 15 cm thick 1:3:6
proportion PCC bedding, excluding
excavation, Brick masonry in C.M. 1:5
Proportion, 20 mm thick 1:4 plaster, precast
RCC frame and cover, etc. complete as
directed by Engineer-in-charge. (Wall
thickness : 0.23 M for depth of 1.2 M and
9 Thrust Block: Providing and laying cement 98 cum 2754 Haryana PWD 269,845
concrete in RCC (M-15 , 1:2:4 ) with stone item 10.79
aggregate 20 mm nominal size for thrust plus 340%
blocks including compaction, curing, vide
finishing, excluding cost of reinforcement & amendment 23-
shuttering etc., Complete as per drawings 1-09
and specifications and as directed by
10 Thrust Block: Shuttering for precast plain 392 Sqm 40 Haryana PWD 15,861
or RC concrete wall plates, bed plates item 9.15
shelves etc plus225% vide
11 Providing TMT Steel Reinforcement as per 39 Quintal 4127 Haryana PWD 161,768
IS: 1786 for RCC work including item 18.22
straightening, cutting, bending, placing in plus 350%
position and binding etc as per drawing all vide
complete including cost of binding wire, amendment 23-
labour, wastage etc. 1-09
12 Road Work: 1,179,722
13 Mislenious Items 786,481
Total 9,831,018
Detailed Estimate for Distribution System - Zone 2

S No Item Quantity Unit Rate Reference for Amount Quantity

Rate Reference/Calculations

1 Excavation for pipelines running under Item 6.9 Trench Width is pipe dia plus
pressure in trenches and pits, in streets and Haryana PWD 300 mm, Minimum earth
lanes including trimming and dressing sides, & 300% above cover of 1 meter, average earth
levelling of beds of trenches to correct grade, vide amendment cover of 1.15 m, Average
cutting joint holes, cutting trees and bushes, dated 1.1 08 and depth of excavation is 1.15
etc. refilling consolidation and watering of 23.1.09 plus pipe dia. For 110 mm
refill, in 15 cm layers and restoration of pipe excavation is
unmetalled or unpaved surface to its original (1.15+.11)*(.3+.11) ie
condition, including the cost of dewatering 0.5166*L where L is length of
of rain water, diversion of traffic, night Pipe
signals, fixing caution boards, crossing over
trenches for access to the houses, watching,
fancing etc. and disposal of surplus soil
outside and inside the town, involving lead
upto one km in ordinary soil (for new pipe
line and replacement pipes)

A Without timbering and shoring upto 1.5 5261 100 4732 248,962
metres depth CUM
B Excavation for thrust block 63.1 100 4732 2,985
2 Supply, Laying, Jointing, Field Testing, Factor for Excavation Quantity
Commissioning complete at site of HDPE
(PE 80 Grade Coumpound) Pipes PN-8.0
(8.0 kg/sqcm) as per IS:4984 and
specifications for water application,
including all cost of material, labour
required, transportation, loading, unloading
& stacking etc. complete. (New Pipe Line)

110 mm 3755 RM 310 RA 1,165,153 0.5166

140 mm 149 RM 499 RA 74,345 0.5676
160 mm 314 RM 650 RA 203,902 0.6026
Sub Total 4218 RM
3 Supply, Laying, Jointing, Field Testing,
Commissioning complete at site of HDPE
(PE80 Grade Coumpound) Pipes PN-8.0 (8.0
kg/sqcm) as per IS:4984 and specifications
for water application, including all cost of
material, labour required, transportation,
loading, unloading & stacking etc. complete.
(replacement of line with a new pipeline)
110 mm 527 RM 310 RA 163,525 0.5166
125 mm 1522.5 RM 399 RA 607,607 0.5334
140 mm 1431.5 RM 499 RA 714,261 0.5676
160 mm 1039 RM 650 RA 675,772 0.6026
180 mm 255 RM 825 RA 210,283 0.6384
200 mm 239 RM 1016 RA 242,870 0.675
225 mm 26.5 RM 1282 RA 33,966 0.7314
280 mm 110.5 RM 1984 RA 219,201 0.8294
315 mm 33.5 RM 2511 RA 84,123 0.8906
355 mm 62 RM 3180 RA 195,565 0.975
Sub Total 5246 RM
4 Dismantling pipeline of 5246 RM 12 LS 62,952
G.I./A.C./P.V.C./S.W./H.D.P.E. pipe
including breaking the joints, lifting the
pipes and stacking to the place as directed by
Engineer-in-charge with all leads and lifts
including cleaning the surface, etc. complete.
(In place of dismentaled pipe another pipe is
to be laid as such excavation for
dismentalling is included in excavation for
laying new pipe line)

5 Dismentaling flanged joints for cast iron

pipes, valves and specials including carriage
of bolts, nuts and washers to store,

50 to 100 mm internal diameter of pipe, 10 Per 3.50 Haryana PWD 35

valve, special Joint item 28.38 plus
125 to 200 mm internal diameter of pipe, 6 Per 6.83 250% vide 41
valve, special Joint amendment dt 23-
300 to 375 mm internal diameter of pipe, 4 Per 17.50 70
valve, special Joint
6 Providing and fixing cast iron double Quantity of valves taken
flanged sluice valves PN -1.6 marked with roughly at one per KM
IS 14846 including nuts and bolts marked
with IS 1363, rubber sheet marked with IS
638 etc carriage, loading, unloading,
stacking, handling, rehandling etc complete
in all respect to the satisfaction of engineer
in charge ( Makes AARKO, VENUS,
100 mm i/d 4 each 3698 Haryana PWD 14,792
150 mm i/d 4 each 5709 A & C slip No 22,836
200 mm i/d 1 each 9945 CZC-6 dated 3-7- 9,945
250 mm i/d 1 each 15589 09 15,589
300 mm i/d 1 each 18944 18,944
7 Providing and fixing cast iron single air Haryana PWD A size of air valve taken one
valves marked with IS 14845 including & C Slip CZC/3- sixth of pipe dia and nomber
carriage, loading, unloading, stacking, 7-09 of air valves taken at one per
handling, rehandling etc drilling, tapping, km
screwing etc in valve connections complete
in all respect to the satisfaction of engineer-

40 mm i/d 10 each 1619 16,190

8 Sluice valve and air valve chamber: 21 each 5000 LS 105,000
Providing and constructing Brick masonry
valve chamber with 15 cm thick 1:3:6
proportion PCC bedding, excluding
excavation, Brick masonry in C.M. 1:5
Proportion, 20 mm thick 1:4 plaster, precast
RCC frame and cover, etc. complete as
directed by Engineer-in-charge. (Wall
thickness : 0.23 M for depth of 1.2 M and
0.35 M for balance depth exceeding 1.2 M )

9 Thrust Block: Providing and laying cement 63.09 cum 2754 Haryana PWD 173,720
concrete in RCC (M-15 , 1:2:4 ) with stone item 10.79 plus
aggregate 20 mm nominal size for thrust 340% vide
blocks including compaction, curing, amendment 23-1-
finishing, excluding cost of reinforcement & 09
shuttering etc., Complete as per drawings
and specifications and as directed by
10 Thrust Block: Shuttering for precast plain 252.36 Sqm 40 Haryana PWD 10,211
or RC concrete wall plates, bed plates item 9.15
shelves etc plus225% vide
amendment 23-1-
11 Providing TMT Steel Reinforcement as per 25 Quintal 4127 Haryana PWD 104,142
IS: 1786 for RCC work including item 18.22 plus
straightening, cutting, bending, placing in 350% vide
position and binding etc as per drawing all amendment 23-1-
complete including cost of binding wire, 09
labour, wastage etc.
12 Road Work: 809,548
13 Mislenious Items 539,699
Total 6,206,535
Detailed Estimate for Distribution System - Zone 3
Annexure E 2-3
S No Item Quantity Unit Rate Reference for Amount Quantity Reference/Calculations

1 Excavation for pipelines running under pressure Item 6.9 Haryana Trench Width is pipe dia plus 300 mm,
in trenches and pits, in streets and lanes PWD & 300% Minimum earth cover of 1 meter,
including trimming and dressing sides, levelling above vide average earth cover of 1.15 m, Average
of beds of trenches to correct grade, cutting amendment dated depth of excavation is 1.15 plus pipe
joint holes, cutting trees and bushes, etc. 1.1 08 and dia. For 110 mm pipe excavation is
refilling consolidation and watering of refill, in 23.1.09 (1.15+.11)*(.3+.11) ie 0.5166*L where
15 cm layers and restoration of unmetalled or L is length of Pipe
unpaved surface to its original condition,
including the cost of dewatering of rain water,
diversion of traffic, night signals, fixing caution
boards, crossing over trenches for access to the
houses, watching, fancing etc. and disposal of
surplus soil outside and inside the town,
involving lead upto one km in ordinary soil (for
new pipe line and replacement pipes)

A Without timbering and shoring upto 1.5 metres 9112 100 CUM 4732 431,192
B Excavation for thrust block 112 100 CUM 4732 5,285

2 Supply, Laying, Jointing, Field Testing, Factor for Excavation Quantity

Commissioning complete at site of HDPE (PE
80 Grade Coumpound) Pipes PN-8.0 (8.0
kg/sqcm) as per IS:4984 and specifications for
water application, including all cost of material,
labour required, transportation, loading,
unloading & stacking etc. complete. (New Pipe

110 mm 10287 RM 310 RA 3,191,836 0.5166

125 mm 885 RM 399 RA 353,190 0.5334
140 mm 688 RM 499 RA 343,284 0.5676
160 mm 635 RM 650 RA 412,683 0.6026
Sub Total 12494 RM
3 Supply, Laying, Jointing, Field Testing,
Commissioning complete at site of HDPE
(PE80 Grade Coumpound) Pipes PN-8.0 (8.0
kg/sqcm) as per IS:4984 and specifications for
water application, including all cost of material,
labour required, transportation, loading,
unloading & stacking etc. complete.
(replacement of line with a new pipeline)
110 mm 403 RM 310 RA 124,893 0.5166
125 mm 1712 RM 399 RA 683,233 0.5334
140 mm 391 RM 499 RA 194,844 0.5676
160 mm 314 RM 650 RA 204,228 0.6026
180 mm 613 RM 825 RA 505,503 0.6384
200 mm 158 RM 1016 RA 160,050 0.675
225 mm 176 RM 1282 RA 224,946 0.7314
250 mm 390 RM 1585 RA 618,189 0.77
315 mm 81 RM 2511 RA 203,401 0.8906
355 mm 24 RM 3180 RA 74,728 0.975
Sub Total 4260
4 Dismantling pipeline of 4260 RM 12 LS 51,114
G.I./A.C./P.V.C./S.W./H.D.P.E. pipe including
breaking the joints, lifting the pipes and
stacking to the place as directed by Engineer-in-
charge with all leads and lifts including cleaning
the surface, etc. complete. (In place of
dismentaled pipe another pipe is to be laid as
such excavation for dismentalling is included in
excavation for laying new pipe line)

80 mm. R.M. -
100 mm. R.M. -
125 mm. R.M. -
150 mm. R.M. -
200 mm. R.M. -
250 mm. R.M. -
300 mm. R.M. -
350 mm. R.M. -
400 mm. R.M. -
450 mm. R.M. -
500 mm. R.M. -
5 Dismentaling flanged joints for cast iron pipes,
valves and specials including carriage of bolts,
nuts and washers to store,
50 to 100 mm internal diameter of pipe, valve, 10 Per Joint 3.50 Haryana PWD 35
special item 28.38 plus
125 to 200 mm internal diameter of pipe, valve, 6 Per Joint 6.83 250% vide 41
special amendment dt 23-
300 to 375 mm internal diameter of pipe, valve, 4 Per Joint 17.50 1-09 70
6 Providing and fixing cast iron double flanged Quantity of valves taken roughly at one
sluice valves PN -1.6 marked with IS 14846 per KM
including nuts and bolts marked with IS 1363,
rubber sheet marked with IS 638 etc carriage,
loading, unloading, stacking, handling,
rehandling etc complete in all respect to the
satisfaction of engineer in charge ( Makes
100 mm i/d 13 each 3698 Haryana PWD A 48,074
150 mm i/d 2 each 5709 & C slip No CZC- 11,418
200 mm i/d 1 each 9945 6 dated 3-7-09 9,945
250 mm i/d 1 each 15589 15,589
300 mm i/d 1 each 18944 18,944
7 Providing and fixing cast iron single air valves Haryana PWD A size of air valve taken one sixth of pipe
marked with IS 14845 including carriage, & C Slip CZC/3-7- dia and nomber of air valves taken at
loading, unloading, stacking, handling, 09 one per km
rehandling etc drilling, tapping, screwing etc in
valve connections complete in all respect to the
satisfaction of engineer-in-charge

40 mm i/d 17 each 1619 27,523

8 Sluice valve and air valve chamber: Providing 35 each 5000 LS 175,000
and constructing Brick masonry valve chamber
with 15 cm thick 1:3:6 proportion PCC bedding,
excluding excavation, Brick masonry in C.M.
1:5 Proportion, 20 mm thick 1:4 plaster, precast
RCC frame and cover, etc. complete as directed
by Engineer-in-charge. (Wall thickness : 0.23 M
for depth of 1.2 M and 0.35 M for balance depth
exceeding 1.2 M )

9 Thrust Block: Providing and laying cement 111.69 cum 2754 Haryana PWD 307,541
concrete in RCC (M-15 , 1:2:4 ) with stone item 10.79 plus
aggregate 20 mm nominal size for thrust blocks 340% vide
including compaction, curing, finishing, amendment 23-1-
excluding cost of reinforcement & shuttering 09
etc., Complete as per drawings and
specifications and as directed by Engineer.
10 Thrust Block: Shuttering for precast plain or 446.76 Sqm 40 Haryana PWD 18,077
RC concrete wall plates, bed plates shelves etc item 9.15
plus225% vide
11 Providing TMT Steel Reinforcement as per IS: 45 Quintal 4127 Haryana PWD 184,366
1786 for RCC work including straightening, item 18.22 plus
cutting, bending, placing in position and 350% vide
binding etc as per drawing all complete amendment 23-1-
including cost of binding wire, labour, wastage 09
12 Road Work: 1,289,884
13 Mislenious Items 859,922
Total 10,749,029
Detailed Estimate for Distribution System - Zone 4

S No Item Quantity Unit Rate Reference for Rate Amount Quantity Reference/Calculations

1 Excavation for pipelines running under Item 6.9 Haryana Trench Width is pipe dia plus 300 mm,
pressure in trenches and pits, in streets and PWD & 300% above Minimum earth cover of 1 meter,
lanes including trimming and dressing sides, vide amendment dated average earth cover of 1.15 m, Average
levelling of beds of trenches to correct grade, 1.1 08 and 23.1.09 depth of excavation is 1.15 plus pipe
cutting joint holes, cutting trees and bushes, dia. For 110 mm pipe excavation is
etc. refilling consolidation and watering of (1.15+.11)*(.3+.11) ie 0.5166*L where
refill, in 15 cm layers and restoration of L is length of Pipe
unmetalled or unpaved surface to its original
condition, including the cost of dewatering
of rain water, diversion of traffic, night
signals, fixing caution boards, crossing over
trenches for access to the houses, watching,
fancing etc. and disposal of surplus soil
outside and inside the town, involving lead
upto one km in ordinary soil (for new pipe
line and replacement pipes)

A Without timbering and shoring upto 1.5 5461 100 CUM 4732 258,435
metres depth
B Excavation for thrust block 69.6 100 CUM 4732 3,291

C With timbering and shoring upto 1.5 metres 100 CUM 6300 -
D With timbering and shoring exceeding 1.5 100 CUM 6492 -
metres depth, but upto 2.25 metres depth
E With timbering and shoring exceeding 2.25 100 CUM 6992 -
metres depth, but upto 3 metres depth

2 Supply, Laying, Jointing, Field Testing, Factor for Excavation Quantity

Commissioning complete at site of HDPE
(PE 80 Grade Coumpound) Pipes PN-8.0
(8.0 kg/sqcm) as per IS:4984 and
specifications for water application,
including all cost of material, labour
required, transportation, loading, unloading
& stacking etc. complete. (New Pipe Line)

110 mm 4688 RM 310 RA 1,454,502 0.5166

125 mm 62 RM 399 RA 24,544 0.5334
140 mm 39 RM 499 RA 19,459 0.5676
160 mm RM 650 RA - 0.6026
180 mm RM 825 RA - 0.6384
200 mm RM 1016 RA - 0.675
225 mm RM 1282 RA - 0.7314
250 mm RM 1585 RA - 0.77
280 mm RM 1984 RA - 0.8294
315 mm RM 2511 RA - 0.8906
355 mm RM 3180 RA - 0.975
400 mm RM 4129 RA - 1.085
450 mm RM 5226 RA - 1.2
500 mm RM 6443 RA - 1.32
Sub Total 4788 RM
3 Supply, Laying, Jointing, Field Testing,
Commissioning complete at site of HDPE
(PE80 Grade Coumpound) Pipes PN-8.0 (8.0
kg/sqcm) as per IS:4984 and specifications
for water application, including all cost of
material, labour required, transportation,
loading, unloading & stacking etc. complete.
(replacement of line with a new pipeline)

110 mm 4052 RM 310 RA 1,257,155 0.5166

125 mm 1140 RM 399 RA 454,957 0.5334
140 mm 185 RM 499 RA 92,308 0.5676
160 mm 121 RM 650 RA 78,699 0.6026
180 mm 37 RM 825 RA 30,512 0.6384
200 mm 48 RM 1016 RA 48,269 0.675
225 mm RM 1282 RA - 0.7314
250 mm 45 RM 1585 RA 71,330 0.77
280 mm RM 1984 RA - 0.8294
315 mm 18 RM 2511 RA 43,945 0.8906
355 mm RM 3180 RA - 0.975
400 mm RM 4129 RA - 1.085
450 mm RM 5226 RA - 1.2
500 mm RM 6443 RA - 1.32
Sub Total 5645 RM
4 Dismantling pipeline of 5645 RM 12 LS 67,734
G.I./A.C./P.V.C./S.W./H.D.P.E. pipe
including breaking the joints, lifting the
pipes and stacking to the place as directed by
Engineer-in-charge with all leads and lifts
including cleaning the surface, etc. complete.
(In place of dismentaled pipe another pipe is
to be laid as such excavation for
dismentalling is included in excavation for
laying new pipe line)

80 mm. R.M. -
100 mm. R.M. -
125 mm. R.M. -
150 mm. R.M. -
200 mm. R.M. -
250 mm. R.M. -
300 mm. R.M. -
350 mm. R.M. -
400 mm. R.M. -
450 mm. R.M. -
500 mm. R.M. -
5 Dismentaling flanged joints for cast iron
pipes, valves and specials including carriage
of bolts, nuts and washers to store,

50 to 100 mm internal diameter of pipe, 10 Per Joint 3.50 Haryana PWD item 35
valve, special 28.38 plus 250% vide
125 to 200 mm internal diameter of pipe, 6 Per Joint 6.83 amendment dt 23-1-09 41
valve, special
300 to 375 mm internal diameter of pipe, 4 Per Joint 17.50 70
valve, special
400 to 450 mm internal diameter of pipe, 19.95 -
valve, special
500 to 525 mm internal diameter of pipe, 22.05 -
valve, special
6 Taking out dismentaled cast iron socketed or -
flanged pipes, valves and specials etc outside
from the trenches and stacking at a nearest
convenient place

80 mm. 10 m 18.20 Haryana PWD item -

100 mm. 10 m 22.23 28.38 plus 250% vide -
125 mm. 10 m 22.75 amendment dt 23-1-09 -
150 mm. 10 m 27.13 -
200 mm. 10 m 36.23 -
250 mm. 10 m 49.18 -
300 mm. 10 m 57.58 -
350 mm. 10 m 72.63 -
400 mm. 10 m 95.73 -
450 mm. 10 m 107.45 -
500 mm. 10 m 115.33 -
7 Providing and fixing cast iron double Quantity of valves taken roughly at one
flanged sluice valves PN -1.6 marked with per KM
IS 14846 including nuts and bolts marked
with IS 1363, rubber sheet marked with IS
638 etc carriage, loading, unloading,
stacking, handling, rehandling etc complete
in all respect to the satisfaction of engineer
in charge ( Makes AARKO, VENUS,

80 mm i/d 0 each 2573 Haryana PWD A & C -

100 mm i/d 10 each 3698 slip No CZC-6 dated 3- 36,980
150 mm i/d 1 each 5709 7-09 5,709
200 mm i/d 1 each 9945 9,945
250 mm i/d 1 each 15589 15,589
300 mm i/d 1 each 18944 18,944
350 mm i/d each 30395 -
400 mm i/d each 41120 -
450 mm i/d each 48981 -
500 mm i/d each 66911 -
600 mm i/d each 95126 -
8 Providing and fixing cast iron single air Haryana PWD A & C size of air valve taken one sixth of pipe
valves marked with IS 14845 including Slip CZC/3-7-09 dia and nomber of air valves taken at
carriage, loading, unloading, stacking, one per km
handling, rehandling etc drilling, tapping,
screwing etc in valve connections complete
in all respect to the satisfaction of engineer-
40 mm i/d 10 each 1619 16,190
50 mm i/d 0 each 1771 -
9 Providing and fixing cast iron double air
valves marked with IS 14845 including
carriage, loading, unloading, stacking,
handling, rehandling etc drilling, tapping,
screwing etc in valve connections complete
in all respect to the satisfaction of engineer-
65 mm i/d 0 each 1883 Haryana PWD A & C -
80 mm i/d 0 each 2103 Slip CZC/3-7-09 -
100 mm i/d 0 each 2491 -
10 Providing and fixing cast iron kinetic air
valves marked with IS 14845 including
carriage, loading, unloading, stacking,
handling, rehandling etc drilling, tapping,
screwing etc in valve connections complete
in all respect to the satisfaction of engineer-
80 mm i/d 0 each 2824 Haryana PWD A & C -
100 mm i/d 0 each 3098 Slip CZC/3-7-09 -
150 mm i/d 0 each 7514 -
200 mm i/d 0 each 13267 -
11 Sluice valve and air valve chamber: 24 each 5000 LS 120,000
Providing and constructing Brick masonry
valve chamber with 15 cm thick 1:3:6
proportion PCC bedding, excluding
excavation, Brick masonry in C.M. 1:5
Proportion, 20 mm thick 1:4 plaster, precast
RCC frame and cover, etc. complete as
directed by Engineer-in-charge. (Wall
thickness : 0.23 M for depth of 1.2 M and
0.35 M for balance depth exceeding 1.2 M )

12 Thrust Block: Providing and laying cement 69.55 cum 2754 Haryana PWD item 191,507
concrete in RCC (M-15 , 1:2:4 ) with stone 10.79 plus 340% vide
aggregate 20 mm nominal size for thrust amendment 23-1-09
blocks including compaction, curing,
finishing, excluding cost of reinforcement &
shuttering etc., Complete as per drawings
and specifications and as directed by

13 Thrust Block: Shuttering for precast plain 278.2 Sqm 40 Haryana PWD item 11,257
or RC concrete wall plates, bed plates 9.15 plus225% vide
shelves etc amendment 23-1-09

14 Providing TMT Steel Reinforcement as per 28 Quintal 4127 Haryana PWD item 114,805
IS: 1786 for RCC work including 18.22 plus 350% vide
straightening, cutting, bending, placing in amendment 23-1-09
position and binding etc as per drawing all
complete including cost of binding wire,
labour, wastage etc.
15 Road Work: 666,932
16 Mislenious Items 444,621
Total 5,557,763
Detailed Estimate for Distribution System - Zone 5

S No Item Quantity Unit Rate Reference for Amount Quantity Reference/Calculations

1 Excavation for pipelines running under pressure in Item 6.9 Haryana Trench Width is pipe dia plus 300 mm,
trenches and pits, in streets and lanes including trimming PWD & 300% Minimum earth cover of 1 meter,
and dressing sides, levelling of beds of trenches to above vide average earth cover of 1.15 m, Average
correct grade, cutting joint holes, cutting trees and amendment dated depth of excavation is 1.15 plus pipe dia.
bushes, etc. refilling consolidation and watering of refill, 1.1 08 and 23.1.09 For 110 mm pipe excavation is
in 15 cm layers and restoration of unmetalled or unpaved (1.15+.11)*(.3+.11) ie 0.5166*L where L
surface to its original condition, including the cost of is length of Pipe
dewatering of rain water, diversion of traffic, night
signals, fixing caution boards, crossing over trenches for
access to the houses, watching, fancing etc. and disposal
of surplus soil outside and inside the town, involving
lead upto one km in ordinary soil (for new pipe line and
replacement pipes)

A Without timbering and shoring upto 1.5 metres depth 13221 100 4732 625,640
B Excavation for thrust block 163.1 100 4732 7,716
C With timbering and shoring upto 1.5 metres depth 100 6300 -
D With timbering and shoring exceeding 1.5 metres depth, 100 6492 -
but upto 2.25 metres depth CUM
E With timbering and shoring exceeding 2.25 metres 100 6992 -
depth, but upto 3 metres depth CUM

2 Supply, Laying, Jointing, Field Testing, Commissioning Factor for Excavation Quantity
complete at site of HDPE (PE 80 Grade Coumpound)
Pipes PN-8.0 (8.0 kg/sqcm) as per IS:4984 and
specifications for water application, including all cost of
material, labour required, transportation, loading,
unloading & stacking etc. complete. (New Pipe Line)

110 mm 17494 RM 310 RA 5,428,278 0.5166

125 mm 254RM 399 RA 101,368 0.5334
140 mm 594RM 499 RA 296,382 0.5676
160 mm 125.5RM 650 RA 81,626 0.6026
180 mm 378.5RM 825 RA 312,126 0.6384
200 mm 171.5RM 1016 RA 174,277 0.675
225 mm RM 1282 RA - 0.7314
250 mm RM 1585 RA - 0.77
280 mm RM 1984 RA - 0.8294
315 mm RM 2511 RA - 0.8906
355 mm RM 3180 RA - 0.975
400 mm RM 4129 RA - 1.085
450 mm RM 5226 RA - 1.2
500 mm RM 6443 RA - 1.32
Sub Total 19018 RM
3 Supply, Laying, Jointing, Field Testing, Commissioning
complete at site of HDPE (PE80 Grade Coumpound)
Pipes PN-8.0 (8.0 kg/sqcm) as per IS:4984 and
specifications for water application, including all cost of
material, labour required, transportation, loading,
unloading & stacking etc. complete. (replacement of
line with a new pipeline)

110 mm 20RM 310 RA 6,206 0.5166

125 mm 1865 RM 399 RA 744,293 0.5334
140 mm 1288 RM 499 RA 642,660 0.5676
160 mm 839RM 650 RA 545,691 0.6026
180 mm 245.5 RM 825 RA 202,449 0.6384
200 mm 411RM 1016 RA 417,655 0.675
225 mm 19.5RM 1282 RA 24,994 0.7314
250 mm 713.5 RM 1585 RA 1,130,969 0.77
280 mm RM 1984 RA - 0.8294
315 mm 13.5 RM 2511 RA 33,900 0.8906
355 mm 27.5 RM 3180 RA 87,448 0.975
400 mm RM 4129 RA - 1.085
450 mm RM 5226 RA - 1.2
500 mm RM 6443 RA - 1.32
Sub Total 5443 RM
4 Dismantling pipeline of 5443 RM 12 LS 65,316
G.I./A.C./P.V.C./S.W./H.D.P.E. pipe including breaking
the joints, lifting the pipes and stacking to the place as
directed by Engineer-in-charge with all leads and lifts
including cleaning the surface, etc. complete. (In place
of dismentaled pipe another pipe is to be laid as such
excavation for dismentalling is included in excavation
for laying new pipe line)

80 mm. R.M. -
100 mm. R.M. -
125 mm. R.M. -
150 mm. R.M. -
200 mm. R.M. -
250 mm. R.M. -
300 mm. R.M. -
350 mm. R.M. -
400 mm. R.M. -
450 mm. R.M. -
500 mm. R.M. -
5 Dismentaling flanged joints for cast iron pipes, valves
and specials including carriage of bolts, nuts and
washers to store,

50 to 100 mm internal diameter of pipe, valve, special 10 Per 3.50 Haryana PWD item 35
Joint 28.38 plus 250%
125 to 200 mm internal diameter of pipe, valve, special 6 Per 6.83 vide amendment dt 41
Joint 23-1-09
300 to 375 mm internal diameter of pipe, valve, special 4 Per 17.50 70
400 to 450 mm internal diameter of pipe, valve, special 19.95 -

500 to 525 mm internal diameter of pipe, valve, special 22.05 -

6 Taking out dismentaled cast iron socketed or flanged -

pipes, valves and specials etc outside from the trenches
and stacking at a nearest convenient place

80 mm. 10 m 18.20 Haryana PWD item -

100 mm. 10 m 22.23 28.38 plus 250% -
125 mm. 10 m 22.75 vide amendment dt -
150 mm. 10 m 27.13 23-1-09 -
200 mm. 10 m 36.23 -
250 mm. 10 m 49.18 -
300 mm. 10 m 57.58 -
350 mm. 10 m 72.63 -
400 mm. 10 m 95.73 -
450 mm. 10 m 107.45 -
500 mm. 10 m 115.33 -
7 Providing and fixing cast iron double flanged sluice Quantity of valves taken roughly at one
valves PN -1.6 marked with IS 14846 including nuts and per KM
bolts marked with IS 1363, rubber sheet marked with IS
638 etc carriage, loading, unloading, stacking, handling,
rehandling etc complete in all respect to the satisfaction
of engineer in charge ( Makes AARKO, VENUS,

80 mm i/d 0 each 2573 Haryana PWD A -

100 mm i/d 20 each 3698 & C slip No CZC- 73,960
150 mm i/d 3 each 5709 6 dated 3-7-09 17,127
200 mm i/d 1 each 9945 9,945
250 mm i/d 1 each 15589 15,589
300 mm i/d 1 each 18944 18,944
350 mm i/d 1 each 30395 30,395
400 mm i/d each 41120 -
450 mm i/d each 48981 -
500 mm i/d each 66911 -
600 mm i/d each 95126 -
8 Providing and fixing cast iron single air valves marked Haryana PWD A & size of air valve taken one sixth of pipe
with IS 14845 including carriage, loading, unloading, C Slip CZC/3-7-09 dia and nomber of air valves taken at one
stacking, handling, rehandling etc drilling, tapping, per km
screwing etc in valve connections complete in all respect
to the satisfaction of engineer-in-charge

40 mm i/d 24 each 1619 38,856

50 mm i/d 0 each 1771 -
9 Providing and fixing cast iron double air valves marked
with IS 14845 including carriage, loading, unloading,
stacking, handling, rehandling etc drilling, tapping,
screwing etc in valve connections complete in all respect
to the satisfaction of engineer-in-charge

65 mm i/d 0 each 1883 Haryana PWD A & -

80 mm i/d 0 each 2103 C Slip CZC/3-7-09 -
100 mm i/d 0 each 2491 -
10 Providing and fixing cast iron kinetic air valves marked
with IS 14845 including carriage, loading, unloading,
stacking, handling, rehandling etc drilling, tapping,
screwing etc in valve connections complete in all respect
to the satisfaction of engineer-in-charge

80 mm i/d 0 each 2824 Haryana PWD A & -

100 mm i/d 0 each 3098 C Slip CZC/3-7-09 -
150 mm i/d 0 each 7514 -
200 mm i/d 0 each 13267 -
11 Sluice valve and air valve chamber: Providing and 51 each 5000 LS 255,000
constructing Brick masonry valve chamber with 15 cm
thick 1:3:6 proportion PCC bedding, excluding
excavation, brick masonry in C.M. 1:5 Proportion, 20
mm thick 1:4 plaster, precast RCC frame and cover, etc.
complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. (Wall
thickness : 0.23 M for depth of 1.2 M and 0.35 M for
balance depth exceeding 1.2 M )

12 Thrust Block: Providing and laying cement concrete in 163.0667 cum 2754 Haryana PWD item 449,007
RCC (M-15 , 1:2:4 ) with stone aggregate 20 mm 10.79 plus 340%
nominal size for thrust blocks including compaction, vide amendment 23-
curing, finishing, excluding cost of reinforcement & 1-09
shuttering etc., Complete as per drawings and
specifications and as directed by Engineer.

13 Thrust Block: Shuttering for precast plain or RC 652.2667 Sqm 40 Haryana PWD item 26,392
concrete wall plates, bed plates shelves etc 9.15 plus225%
vide amendment 23-

14 Providing TMT Steel Reinforcement as per IS: 1786 for 65 Quintal 4127 Haryana PWD item 269,173
RCC work including straightening, cutting, bending, 18.22 plus 350%
placing in position and binding etc as per drawing all vide amendment 23-
complete including cost of binding wire, labour, wastage 1-09

15 Road Work: 1,820,029

16 Mislenious Items 1,213,353
Total 15,166,911
Detailed Estimate for Distribution System - Zone 6

S No Item Quantity Unit Rate Reference for Amount Quantity

Rate Reference/Calculations
1 Excavation for pipelines running under Item 6.9 Trench Width is pipe dia
pressure in trenches and pits, in streets and Haryana PWD plus 300 mm, Minimum
lanes including trimming and dressing sides, & 300% above earth cover of 1 meter,
levelling of beds of trenches to correct grade, vide average earth cover of 1.15
cutting joint holes, cutting trees and bushes, amendment m, Average depth of
etc. refilling consolidation and watering of dated 1.1 08 excavation is 1.15 plus pipe
refill, in 15 cm layers and restoration of and 23.1.09 dia. For 110 mm pipe
unmetalled or unpaved surface to its original excavation is
condition, including the cost of dewatering (1.15+.11)*(.3+.11) ie
of rain water, diversion of traffic, night 0.5166*L where L is length
signals, fixing caution boards, crossing over of Pipe
trenches for access to the houses, watching,
fancing etc. and disposal of surplus soil
outside and inside the town, involving lead
upto one km in ordinary soil (for new pipe
line and replacement pipes)

A Without timbering and shoring upto 1.5 14716 100 4732 696,377
metres depth CUM
B Excavation for thrust block 184.4 100 4732 8,727
2 Supply, Laying, Jointing, Field Testing, Factor for Excavation
Commissioning complete at site of HDPE Quantity
(PE 80 Grade Coumpound) Pipes PN-8.0
(8.0 kg/sqcm) as per IS:4984 and
specifications for water application,
including all cost of material, labour
required, transportation, loading, unloading
& stacking etc. complete. (New Pipe Line)

110 mm 21766 RM 310 RA 6,753,853 0.5166

125 mm 2639 RM 399 RA 1,053,185 0.5334
140 mm 693.5 RM 499 RA 346,029 0.5676
160 mm 493.5 RM 650 RA 320,975 0.6026
180 mm 610 RM 825 RA 503,029 0.6384
200 mm 209.5 RM 1016 RA 212,892 0.675
225 mm 218.5 RM 1282 RA 280,061 0.7314
250 mm 58 RM 1585 RA 91,936 0.77
315 mm 121 RM 2511 RA 303,846 0.8906
355 mm 95 RM 3180 RA 302,092 0.975
Sub Total 26904 RM
3 Supply, Laying, Jointing, Field Testing,
Commissioning complete at site of HDPE
(PE80 Grade Coumpound) Pipes PN-8.0 (8.0
kg/sqcm) as per IS:4984 and specifications
for water application, including all cost of
material, labour required, transportation,
loading, unloading & stacking etc. complete.
(replacement of line with a new pipeline)
125 mm 264 RM 399 RA 105,358 0.5334
140 mm 41 RM 499 RA 20,457 0.5676
160 mm 454 RM 650 RA 295,284 0.6026
Sub Total 759 RM
4 Dismantling pipeline of 759 RM 12 LS 9,108
G.I./A.C./P.V.C./S.W./H.D.P.E. pipe
including breaking the joints, lifting the
pipes and stacking to the place as directed by
Engineer-in-charge with all leads and lifts
including cleaning the surface, etc. complete.
(In place of dismentaled pipe another pipe is
to be laid as such excavation for
dismentalling is included in excavation for
laying new pipe line)
S No Item Quantity Unit Rate Reference for Amount Quantity
Rate Reference/Calculations
5 Dismentaling flanged joints for cast iron
pipes, valves and specials including carriage
of bolts, nuts and washers to store,

50 to 100 mm internal diameter of pipe, 4 Per 3.50 Haryana PWD 14

valve, special Joint item 28.38
125 to 200 mm internal diameter of pipe, 2 6.83 plus 250% 14
valve, special vide
7 Providing and fixing cast iron double Quantity of valves taken
flanged sluice valves PN -1.6 marked with roughly at one per KM
IS 14846 including nuts and bolts marked
with IS 1363, rubber sheet marked with IS
638 etc carriage, loading, unloading,
stacking, handling, rehandling etc complete
in all respect to the satisfaction of engineer
in charge ( Makes AARKO, VENUS,
100 mm i/d 24 each 3698 Haryana PWD 88,752
150 mm i/d 1 each 5709 A & C slip No 5,709
200 mm i/d 1 each 9945 CZC-6 dated 3- 9,945
250 mm i/d 1 each 15589 7-09 15,589
300 mm i/d 1 each 18944 18,944
8 Providing and fixing cast iron single air Haryana PWD size of air valve taken one
valves marked with IS 14845 including A & C Slip sixth of pipe dia and nomber
carriage, loading, unloading, stacking, CZC/3-7-09 of air valves taken at one
handling, rehandling etc drilling, tapping, per km
screwing etc in valve connections complete
in all respect to the satisfaction of engineer-
40 mm i/d 28 each 1619 45,332
11 Sluice valve and air valve chamber: 56 each 5000 LS 280,000
Providing and constructing Brick masonry
valve chamber with 15 cm thick 1:3:6
proportion PCC bedding, excluding
excavation, Brick masonry in C.M. 1:5
Proportion, 20 mm thick 1:4 plaster, precast
RCC frame and cover, etc. complete as
directed by Engineer-in-charge. (Wall
thickness : 0 23 M for depth of 1 2 M and
12 Thrust Block: Providing and laying cement 184.42 cum 2754 Haryana PWD 507,804
concrete in RCC (M-15 , 1:2:4 ) with stone item 10.79
aggregate 20 mm nominal size for thrust plus 340%
blocks including compaction, curing, vide
finishing, excluding cost of reinforcement & amendment 23-
shuttering etc., Complete as per drawings 1-09
and specifications and as directed by
13 Thrust Block: Shuttering for precast plain 737.68 Sqm 40 Haryana PWD 29,848
or RC concrete wall plates, bed plates item 9.15
shelves etc plus225% vide
14 Providing TMT Steel Reinforcement as per 74 Quintal 4127 Haryana PWD 304,420
IS: 1786 for RCC work including item 18.22
straightening, cutting, bending, placing in plus 350%
position and binding etc as per drawing all vide
complete including cost of binding wire, amendment 23-
labour, wastage etc. 1-09
15 Road Work: 1,891,437
16 Mislenious Items 1,260,958
Total 15,761,978
Detailed Estimate for Distribution System - Zone 7

S No Item Quantity Unit Rate Reference for Amount Quantity

Rate Reference/Calculations

1 Excavation for pipelines running under Item 6.9 Trench Width is pipe dia plus
pressure in trenches and pits, in streets and Haryana PWD 300 mm, Minimum earth
lanes including trimming and dressing sides, & 300% above cover of 1 meter, average earth
levelling of beds of trenches to correct vide cover of 1.15 m, Average
grade, cutting joint holes, cutting trees and amendment depth of excavation is 1.15
bushes, etc. refilling consolidation and dated 1.1 08 plus pipe dia. For 110 mm
watering of refill, in 15 cm layers and and 23.1.09 pipe excavation is
restoration of unmetalled or unpaved surface (1.15+.11)*(.3+.11) ie
to its original condition, including the cost of 0.5166*L where L is length of
dewatering of rain water, diversion of traffic, Pipe
night signals, fixing caution boards, crossing
over trenches for access to the houses,
watching, fancing etc. and disposal of
surplus soil outside and inside the town,
involving lead upto one km in ordinary soil
(for new pipe line and replacement pipes)

A Without timbering and shoring upto 1.5 13458 100 CUM 4732 636,820
metres depth
B Excavation for thrust block 170.3 100 CUM 4732 8,060

D With timbering and shoring exceeding 1.5 3 100 CUM 6492 195
metres depth, but upto 2.25 metres depth
2 Supply, Laying, Jointing, Field Testing, Factor for Excavation
Commissioning complete at site of HDPE Quantity
(PE 80 Grade Coumpound) Pipes PN-8.0
(8.0 kg/sqcm) as per IS:4984 and
specifications for water application,
including all cost of material, labour
required, transportation, loading, unloading
& stacking etc. complete. (New Pipe Line)

110 mm 10255 RM 310 RA 3,182,062 0.5166

125 mm 237 RM 399 RA 94,583 0.5334
140 mm 60.5 RM 499 RA 30,187 0.5676
160 mm 124.5 RM 650 RA 80,976 0.6026
180 mm 37 RM 825 RA 30,512 0.6384
250 mm 27 RM 1585 RA 42,798 0.77
Sub Total 10741 RM
3 Supply, Laying, Jointing, Field Testing,
Commissioning complete at site of HDPE
(PE80 Grade Coumpound) Pipes PN-8.0 (8.0
kg/sqcm) as per IS:4984 and specifications
for water application, including all cost of
material, labour required, transportation,
loading, unloading & stacking etc. complete.
(replacement of line with a new pipeline)
110 mm 11909 RM 310 RA 3,695,288 0.5166
125 mm 1272RM 399 RA 507,636 0.5334
140 mm 406.5RM 499 RA 202,827 0.5676
160 mm 452.5RM 650 RA 294,309 0.6026
180 mm 268
RM 825 RA 221,003 0.6384
200 mm 163
RM 1016 RA 165,639 0.675
225 mm 184.5RM 1282 RA 236,482 0.7314
250 mm 34.5
RM 1585 RA 54,686 0.77
280 mm 105.5RM 1984 RA 209,283 0.8294
315 mm RM 2511 RA - 0.8906
355 mm RM 3180 RA - 0.975
400 mm RM 4129 RA - 1.085
450 mm 13 RM 5226 RA 67,934 1.2
500 mm RM 6443 RA - 1.32
Sub Total 14809 RM
4 Dismantling pipeline of 14809 RM 12 LS 177,708
G.I./A.C./P.V.C./S.W./H.D.P.E. pipe
including breaking the joints, lifting the
pipes and stacking to the place as directed by
Engineer-in-charge with all leads and lifts
including cleaning the surface, etc.
complete. (In place of dismentaled pipe
another pipe is to be laid as such excavation
for dismentalling is included in excavation
for laying new pipe line)

5 Dismentaling flanged joints for cast iron

pipes, valves and specials including carriage
of bolts, nuts and washers to store,

50 to 100 mm internal diameter of pipe, 30 Per Joint 3.50 Haryana PWD 105
valve, special item 28.38
125 to 200 mm internal diameter of pipe, 20 Per Joint 6.83 plus 250% 137
valve, special vide
300 to 375 mm internal diameter of pipe, 10 Per Joint 17.50 amendment dt 175
valve special 23 1 09
7 Providing and fixing cast iron double Quantity of valves taken
flanged sluice valves PN -1.6 marked with roughly at one per KM
IS 14846 including nuts and bolts marked
with IS 1363, rubber sheet marked with IS
638 etc carriage, loading, unloading,
stacking, handling, rehandling etc complete
in all respect to the satisfaction of engineer
in charge ( Makes AARKO, VENUS,
100 mm i/d 24 each 3698 Haryana PWD 88,752
150 mm i/d 1 each 5709 A & C slip No 5,709
200 mm i/d 1 each 9945 CZC-6 dated 3- 9,945
250 mm i/d 1 each 15589 7-09 15,589
300 mm i/d 1 each 18944 18,944
8 Providing and fixing cast iron single air Haryana PWD size of air valve taken one
valves marked with IS 14845 including A & C Slip sixth of pipe dia and nomber
carriage, loading, unloading, stacking, CZC/3-7-09 of air valves taken at one per
handling, rehandling etc drilling, tapping, km
screwing etc in valve connections complete
in all respect to the satisfaction of engineer-
40 mm i/d 28 each 1619 45,332
11 Sluice valve and air valve chamber: 56 each 5000 LS 280,000
Providing and constructing Brick masonry
valve chamber with 15 cm thick 1:3:6
proportion PCC bedding, excluding
excavation, Brick masonry in C.M. 1:5
Proportion, 20 mm thick 1:4 plaster, precast
RCC frame and cover, etc. complete as
directed by Engineer-in-charge. (Wall
thickness : 0.23 M for depth of 1.2 M and
0 35 M for balance depth exceeding 1 2 M )
12 Thrust Block: Providing and laying cement 170.33 cum 2754 Haryana PWD 469,007
concrete in RCC (M-15 , 1:2:4 ) with stone item 10.79
aggregate 20 mm nominal size for thrust plus 340%
blocks including compaction, curing, vide
finishing, excluding cost of reinforcement & amendment 23-
shuttering etc., Complete as per drawings 1-09
and specifications and as directed by
13 Thrust Block: Shuttering for precast plain 681.32 Sqm 40 Haryana PWD 27,568
or RC concrete wall plates, bed plates item 9.15
shelves etc plus225% vide
14 Providing TMT Steel Reinforcement as per 68 Quintal 4127 Haryana PWD 281,162
IS: 1786 for RCC work including item 18.22
straightening, cutting, bending, placing in plus 350%
position and binding etc as per drawing all vide
complete including cost of binding wire, amendment 23-
labour, wastage etc. 1-09
15 Road Work: 1,677,212
16 Mislenious Items 1,118,141
Total 13,976,764
Detailed Estimate for Distribution System - Zone 8

S No Item Quantity Unit Rate Reference for Amount Quantity Reference/Calculations

1 Excavation for pipelines running under Item 6.9 Haryana Trench Width is pipe dia plus 300
pressure in trenches and pits, in streets and PWD & 300% mm, Minimum earth cover of 1 meter,
lanes including trimming and dressing sides, above vide average earth cover of 1.15 m,
levelling of beds of trenches to correct grade, amendment dated Average depth of excavation is 1.15
cutting joint holes, cutting trees and bushes, 1.1 08 and 23.1.09 plus pipe dia. For 110 mm pipe
etc. refilling consolidation and watering of excavation is (1.15+.11)*(.3+.11) ie
refill, in 15 cm layers and restoration of 0.5166*L where L is length of Pipe
unmetalled or unpaved surface to its original
condition, including the cost of dewatering of
rain water, diversion of traffic, night signals,
fixing caution boards, crossing over trenches
for access to the houses, watching, fancing etc.
and disposal of surplus soil outside and inside
the town, involving lead upto one km in
ordinary soil (for new pipe line and
replacement pipes)

A Without timbering and shoring upto 1.5 metres 7952 100 CUM 4732 376,288
B Excavation for thrust block 95.1 100 CUM 4732 4,501

C With timbering and shoring upto 1.5 metres 100 CUM 6300 -
D With timbering and shoring exceeding 1.5 5 100 CUM 6492 325
metres depth, but upto 2.25 metres depth
E With timbering and shoring exceeding 2.25 100 CUM 6992 -
metres depth, but upto 3 metres depth

2 Supply, Laying, Jointing, Field Testing, Factor for Excavation Quantity

Commissioning complete at site of HDPE (PE
80 Grade Coumpound) Pipes PN-8.0 (8.0
kg/sqcm) as per IS:4984 and specifications for
water application, including all cost of
material, labour required, transportation,
loading, unloading & stacking etc. complete.
(New Pipe Line)

110 mm 6523 RM 310 RA 2,024,046 0.5166

125 mm 377 RM 399 RA 150,455 0.5334
140 mm 249.5 RM 499 RA 124,491 0.5676
160 mm 843.5 RM 650 RA 548,618 0.6026
180 mm RM 825 RA - 0.6384
200 mm 120.5 RM 1016 RA 122,451 0.675
225 mm RM 1282 RA - 0.7314
250 mm RM 1585 RA - 0.77
280 mm RM 1984 RA - 0.8294
315 mm RM 2511 RA - 0.8906
355 mm RM 3180 RA - 0.975
400 mm RM 4129 RA - 1.085
450 mm RM 5226 RA - 1.2
500 mm RM 6443 RA - 1.32
Sub Total 8114 RM
3 Supply, Laying, Jointing, Field Testing,
Commissioning complete at site of HDPE
(PE80 Grade Coumpound) Pipes PN-8.0 (8.0
kg/sqcm) as per IS:4984 and specifications for
water application, including all cost of
material, labour required, transportation,
loading, unloading & stacking etc. complete.
(replacement of line with a new pipeline)

110 mm 1341.5 RM 310 RA 416,259 0.5166

125 mm 1175 RM 399 RA 468,925 0.5334
140 mm 460 RM 499 RA 229,522 0.5676
160 mm 1550.5 RM 650 RA 1,008,455 0.6026
180 mm 491.5 RM 825 RA 405,310 0.6384
200 mm 685 RM 1016 RA 696,091 0.675
225 mm 233.5 RM 1282 RA 299,287 0.7314
250 mm 48 RM 1585 RA 76,085 0.77
280 mm 142 RM 1984 RA 281,689 0.8294
315 mm RM 2511 RA - 0.8906
355 mm RM 3180 RA - 0.975
400 mm RM 4129 RA - 1.085
450 mm 27.5 RM 5226 RA 143,707 1.2
500 mm RM 6443 RA - 1.32
Sub Total 6155 RM
4 Dismantling pipeline of 6155 RM 12 LS 73,860
G.I./A.C./P.V.C./S.W./H.D.P.E. pipe including
breaking the joints, lifting the pipes and
stacking to the place as directed by Engineer-
in-charge with all leads and lifts including
cleaning the surface, etc. complete. (In place
of dismentaled pipe another pipe is to be laid
as such excavation for dismentalling is
included in excavation for laying new pipe

80 mm. R.M. -
100 mm. R.M. -
125 mm. R.M. -
150 mm. R.M. -
200 mm. R.M. -
250 mm. R.M. -
300 mm. R.M. -
350 mm. R.M. -
400 mm. R.M. -
450 mm. R.M. -
500 mm. R.M. -
5 Dismentaling flanged joints for cast iron pipes,
valves and specials including carriage of bolts,
nuts and washers to store,

50 to 100 mm internal diameter of pipe, valve, 10 Per Joint 3.50 Haryana PWD 35
special item 28.38 plus
125 to 200 mm internal diameter of pipe, 6 Per Joint 6.83 250% vide 41
valve, special amendment dt 23-
300 to 375 mm internal diameter of pipe, 4 Per Joint 17.50 1-09 70
valve, special
400 to 450 mm internal diameter of pipe, 19.95 -
valve, special
500 to 525 mm internal diameter of pipe, 22.05 -
valve, special
6 Taking out dismentaled cast iron socketed or -
flanged pipes, valves and specials etc outside
from the trenches and stacking at a nearest
convenient place

80 mm. 10 m 18.20 Haryana PWD -

100 mm. 10 m 22.23 item 28.38 plus -
125 mm. 10 m 22.75 250% vide -
150 mm. 10 m 27.13 amendment dt 23- -
200 mm. 10 m 36.23 1-09 -
250 mm. 10 m 49.18 -
300 mm. 10 m 57.58 -
350 mm. 10 m 72.63 -
400 mm. 10 m 95.73 -
450 mm. 10 m 107.45 -
500 mm. 10 m 115.33 -
7 Providing and fixing cast iron double flanged Quantity of valves taken roughly at
sluice valves PN -1.6 marked with IS 14846 one per KM
including nuts and bolts marked with IS 1363,
rubber sheet marked with IS 638 etc carriage,
loading, unloading, stacking, handling,
rehandling etc complete in all respect to the
satisfaction of engineer in charge ( Makes

80 mm i/d 0 each 2573 Haryana PWD A -

100 mm i/d 9 each 3698 & C slip No CZC- 33,282
150 mm i/d 3 each 5709 6 dated 3-7-09 17,127
200 mm i/d 2 each 9945 19,890
250 mm i/d 1 each 15589 15,589
300 mm i/d 1 each 18944 18,944
350 mm i/d each 30395 -
400 mm i/d each 41120 -
450 mm i/d 1 each 48981 48,981
500 mm i/d each 66911 -
600 mm i/d each 95126 -
8 Providing and fixing cast iron single air valves Haryana PWD A size of air valve taken one sixth of
marked with IS 14845 including carriage, & C Slip CZC/3-7- pipe dia and nomber of air valves
loading, unloading, stacking, handling, 09 taken at one per km
rehandling etc drilling, tapping, screwing etc
in valve connections complete in all respect to
the satisfaction of engineer-in-charge

40 mm i/d 14 each 1619 22,666

50 mm i/d 0 each 1771 -
9 Providing and fixing cast iron double air
valves marked with IS 14845 including
carriage, loading, unloading, stacking,
handling, rehandling etc drilling, tapping,
screwing etc in valve connections complete in
all respect to the satisfaction of engineer-in-
65 mm i/d 0 each 1883 Haryana PWD A -
80 mm i/d 0 each 2103 & C Slip CZC/3-7- -
100 mm i/d 0 each 2491 09 -
10 Providing and fixing cast iron kinetic air
valves marked with IS 14845 including
carriage, loading, unloading, stacking,
handling, rehandling etc drilling, tapping,
screwing etc in valve connections complete in
all respect to the satisfaction of engineer-in-
80 mm i/d 0 each 2824 Haryana PWD A -
100 mm i/d 0 each 3098 & C Slip CZC/3-7- -
150 mm i/d 0 each 7514 09 -
200 mm i/d 0 each 13267 -
11 Sluice valve and air valve chamber: 31 each 5000 LS 155,000
Providing and constructing Brick masonry
valve chamber with 15 cm thick 1:3:6
proportion PCC bedding, excluding
excavation, Brick masonry in C.M. 1:5
Proportion, 20 mm thick 1:4 plaster, precast
RCC frame and cover, etc. complete as
directed by Engineer-in-charge. (Wall
thickness : 0.23 M for depth of 1.2 M and 0.35
M for balance depth exceeding 1.2 M )

12 Thrust Block: Providing and laying cement 95.12 cum 2754 Haryana PWD 261,915
concrete in RCC (M-15 , 1:2:4 ) with stone item 10.79 plus
aggregate 20 mm nominal size for thrust 340% vide
blocks including compaction, curing, amendment 23-1-
finishing, excluding cost of reinforcement & 09
shuttering etc., Complete as per drawings and
specifications and as directed by Engineer.

13 Thrust Block: Shuttering for precast plain or 380.48 Sqm 40 Haryana PWD 15,395
RC concrete wall plates, bed plates shelves etc item 9.15
plus225% vide
amendment 23-1-

14 Providing TMT Steel Reinforcement as per IS: 38 Quintal 4127 Haryana PWD 157,014
1786 for RCC work including straightening, item 18.22 plus
cutting, bending, placing in position and 350% vide
binding etc as per drawing all complete amendment 23-1-
including cost of binding wire, labour, wastage 09
15 Road Work: 1,232,447
16 Mislenious Items 821,631
Total 10,270,389
Detailed Estimate for Distribution System - Zone 9

S No Item Quantity Unit Rate Reference for Amount Quantity

Rate Reference/Calculations
1 Excavation for pipelines running under Item 6.9 Trench Width is pipe dia plus
pressure in trenches and pits, in streets and Haryana PWD 300 mm, Minimum earth
lanes including trimming and dressing sides, & 300% above cover of 1 meter, average earth
levelling of beds of trenches to correct grade, vide cover of 1.15 m, Average
cutting joint holes, cutting trees and bushes, amendment depth of excavation is 1.15
etc. refilling consolidation and watering of dated 1.1 08 plus pipe dia. For 110 mm
refill, in 15 cm layers and restoration of and 23.1.09 pipe excavation is
unmetalled or unpaved surface to its original (1.15+.11)*(.3+.11) ie
condition, including the cost of dewatering 0.5166*L where L is length of
of rain water, diversion of traffic, night Pipe
signals, fixing caution boards, crossing over
trenches for access to the houses, watching,
fancing etc. and disposal of surplus soil
outside and inside the town, involving lead
upto one km in ordinary soil (for new pipe
line and replacement pipes)

A Without timbering and shoring upto 1.5 13458 100 4732 636,820
metres depth CUM
B Excavation for thrust block 170.3 100 4732 8,060
C With timbering and shoring upto 1.5 metres 100 6300 -
depth CUM
D With timbering and shoring exceeding 1.5 3 100 6492 195
metres depth, but upto 2.25 metres depth CUM
E With timbering and shoring exceeding 2.25 100 6992 -
metres depth, but upto 3 metres depth CUM

2 Supply, Laying, Jointing, Field Testing, Factor for Excavation Quantity

Commissioning complete at site of HDPE
(PE 80 Grade Coumpound) Pipes PN-8.0
(8.0 kg/sqcm) as per IS:4984 and
specifications for water application,
including all cost of material, labour
required, transportation, loading, unloading
& stacking etc. complete. (New Pipe Line)

110 mm 10255 RM 310 RA 3,182,062 0.5166

125 mm 237RM 399 RA 94,583 0.5334
140 mm 60.5RM 499 RA 30,187 0.5676
160 mm 124.5RM 650 RA 80,976 0.6026
180 mm 37RM 825 RA 30,512 0.6384
200 mm RM 1016 RA - 0.675
225 mm RM 1282 RA - 0.7314
250 mm 27 RM 1585 RA 42,798 0.77
280 mm RM 1984 RA - 0.8294
315 mm RM 2511 RA - 0.8906
355 mm RM 3180 RA - 0.975
400 mm RM 4129 RA - 1.085
450 mm RM 5226 RA - 1.2
500 mm RM 6443 RA - 1.32
Sub Total 10741 RM
3 Supply, Laying, Jointing, Field Testing,
Commissioning complete at site of HDPE
(PE80 Grade Coumpound) Pipes PN-8.0 (8.0
kg/sqcm) as per IS:4984 and specifications
for water application, including all cost of
material, labour required, transportation,
loading, unloading & stacking etc. complete.
(replacement of line with a new pipeline)

110 mm 11909 RM 310 RA 3,695,288 0.5166

125 mm 1272 RM 399 RA 507,636 0.5334
140 mm 406.5 RM 499 RA 202,827 0.5676
160 mm 452.5 RM 650 RA 294,309 0.6026
180 mm 268 RM 825 RA 221,003 0.6384
200 mm 163 RM 1016 RA 165,639 0.675
225 mm 184.5 RM 1282 RA 236,482 0.7314
250 mm 34.5 RM 1585 RA 54,686 0.77
280 mm 105.5 RM 1984 RA 209,283 0.8294
315 mm RM 2511 RA - 0.8906
355 mm RM 3180 RA - 0.975
400 mm RM 4129 RA - 1.085
450 mm 13 RM 5226 RA 67,934 1.2
500 mm RM 6443 RA - 1.32
Sub Total 14809 RM
4 Dismantling pipeline of 14809 RM 12 LS 177,708
G.I./A.C./P.V.C./S.W./H.D.P.E. pipe
including breaking the joints, lifting the
pipes and stacking to the place as directed by
Engineer-in-charge with all leads and lifts
including cleaning the surface, etc. complete.
(In place of dismentaled pipe another pipe is
to be laid as such excavation for
dismentalling is included in excavation for
laying new pipe line)

80 mm. R.M. -
100 mm. R.M. -
125 mm. R.M. -
150 mm. R.M. -
200 mm. R.M. -
250 mm. R.M. -
300 mm. R.M. -
350 mm. R.M. -
400 mm. R.M. -
450 mm. R.M. -
500 mm. R.M. -
5 Dismentaling flanged joints for cast iron
pipes, valves and specials including carriage
of bolts, nuts and washers to store,

50 to 100 mm internal diameter of pipe, 30 Per 3.50 Haryana PWD 105

valve, special Joint item 28.38
125 to 200 mm internal diameter of pipe, 20 Per 6.83 plus 250% 137
valve, special Joint vide
300 to 375 mm internal diameter of pipe, 10 Per 17.50 amendment dt 175
valve, special Joint 23-1-09
400 to 450 mm internal diameter of pipe, 19.95 -
valve, special
500 to 525 mm internal diameter of pipe, 22.05 -
valve, special
6 Taking out dismentaled cast iron socketed or -
flanged pipes, valves and specials etc outside
from the trenches and stacking at a nearest
convenient place

80 mm. 10 m 18.20 Haryana PWD -

100 mm. 10 m 22.23 item 28.38 -
125 mm. 10 m 22.75 plus 250% -
150 mm. 10 m 27.13 vide -
200 mm. 10 m 36.23 amendment dt -
250 mm. 10 m 49.18 23-1-09 -
300 mm. 10 m 57.58 -
350 mm. 10 m 72.63 -
400 mm. 10 m 95.73 -
450 mm. 10 m 107.45 -
500 mm. 10 m 115.33 -
7 Providing and fixing cast iron double Quantity of valves taken
flanged sluice valves PN -1.6 marked with roughly at one per KM
IS 14846 including nuts and bolts marked
with IS 1363, rubber sheet marked with IS
638 etc carriage, loading, unloading,
stacking, handling, rehandling etc complete
in all respect to the satisfaction of engineer
in charge ( Makes AARKO, VENUS,

80 mm i/d 0 each 2573 Haryana PWD -

100 mm i/d 24 each 3698 A & C slip No 88,752
150 mm i/d 2 each 5709 CZC-6 dated 3- 11,418
200 mm i/d 1 each 9945 7-09 9,945
250 mm i/d 1 each 15589 15,589
300 mm i/d 1 each 18944 18,944
350 mm i/d each 30395 -
400 mm i/d 1 each 41120 41,120
450 mm i/d each 48981 -
500 mm i/d each 66911 -
600 mm i/d each 95126 -
8 Providing and fixing cast iron single air Haryana PWD size of air valve taken one
valves marked with IS 14845 including A & C Slip sixth of pipe dia and nomber
carriage, loading, unloading, stacking, CZC/3-7-09 of air valves taken at one per
handling, rehandling etc drilling, tapping, km
screwing etc in valve connections complete
in all respect to the satisfaction of engineer-
40 mm i/d 26 each 1619 42,094
50 mm i/d 0 each 1771 -
9 Providing and fixing cast iron double air
valves marked with IS 14845 including
carriage, loading, unloading, stacking,
handling, rehandling etc drilling, tapping,
screwing etc in valve connections complete
in all respect to the satisfaction of engineer-
65 mm i/d 0 each 1883 Haryana PWD -
80 mm i/d 0 each 2103 A & C Slip -
100 mm i/d 0 each 2491 CZC/3-7-09 -
10 Providing and fixing cast iron kinetic air
valves marked with IS 14845 including
carriage, loading, unloading, stacking,
handling, rehandling etc drilling, tapping,
screwing etc in valve connections complete
in all respect to the satisfaction of engineer-
80 mm i/d 0 each 2824 Haryana PWD -
100 mm i/d 0 each 3098 A & C Slip -
150 mm i/d 0 each 7514 CZC/3-7-09 -
200 mm i/d 0 each 13267 -
11 Sluice valve and air valve chamber: 56 each 5000 LS 280,000
Providing and constructing brick masonry
valve chamber with 15 cm thick 1:3:6
proportion PCC bedding, excluding
excavation, Brick masonry in C.M. 1:5
Proportion, 20 mm thick 1:4 plaster, precast
RCC frame and cover, etc. complete as
directed by Engineer-in-charge. (Wall
thickness : 0.23 M for depth of 1.2 M and
0.35 M for balance depth exceeding 1.2 M )
12 Thrust Block: Providing and laying cement 170.33 cum 2754 Haryana PWD 469,007
concrete in RCC (M-15 , 1:2:4 ) with stone item 10.79
aggregate 20 mm nominal size for thrust plus 340%
blocks including compaction, curing, vide
finishing, excluding cost of reinforcement & amendment 23-
shuttering etc., Complete as per drawings 1-09
and specifications and as directed by

13 Thrust Block: Shuttering for precast plain 681.32 Sqm 40 Haryana PWD 27,568
or RC concrete wall plates, bed plates item 9.15
shelves etc plus225% vide
amendment 23-

14 Providing TMT Steel Reinforcement as per 68 Quintal 4127 Haryana PWD 281,162
IS: 1786 for RCC work including item 18.22
straightening, cutting, bending, placing in plus 350%
position and binding etc as per drawing all vide
complete including cost of binding wire, amendment 23-
labour, wastage etc. 1-09
15 Road Work: 1,683,750
16 Mislenious items 1,122,500
Total 14,031,253
Detailed Estimate for Distribution System - Zone 10

S No Item Quantity Unit Rate Reference for Amount Quantity

Rate Reference/Calculations
1 Excavation for pipelines running under Item 6.9 Trench Width is pipe dia plus
pressure in trenches and pits, in streets and Haryana PWD 300 mm, Minimum earth
lanes including trimming and dressing sides, & 300% above cover of 1 meter, average earth
levelling of beds of trenches to correct grade, vide cover of 1.15 m, Average
cutting joint holes, cutting trees and bushes, amendment depth of excavation is 1.15
etc. refilling consolidation and watering of dated 1.1 08 plus pipe dia. For 110 mm
refill, in 15 cm layers and restoration of and 23.1.09 pipe excavation is
unmetalled or unpaved surface to its original (1.15+.11)*(.3+.11) ie
condition, including the cost of dewatering 0.5166*L where L is length of
of rain water, diversion of traffic, night Pipe
signals, fixing caution boards, crossing over
trenches for access to the houses, watching,
fancing etc. and disposal of surplus soil
outside and inside the town, involving lead
upto one km in ordinary soil (for new pipe
line and replacement pipes)

A Without timbering and shoring upto 1.5 13617 100 4732 644,344
metres depth CUM
B Excavation for thrust block 169.7 100 4732 8,032
C With timbering and shoring upto 1.5 metres 100 6300 -
depth CUM
D With timbering and shoring exceeding 1.5 5 100 6492 325
metres depth, but upto 2.25 metres depth CUM
E With timbering and shoring exceeding 2.25 100 6992 -
metres depth, but upto 3 metres depth CUM

2 Supply, Laying, Jointing, Field Testing, Factor for Excavation

Commissioning complete at site of HDPE Quantity
(PE 80 Grade Coumpound) Pipes PN-8.0
(8.0 kg/sqcm) as per IS:4984 and
specifications for water application,
including all cost of material, labour
required, transportation, loading, unloading
& stacking etc. complete. (New Pipe Line)

110 mm 17043 RM 310 RA 5,288,336 0.5166

125 mm 322.5 RM 399 RA 128,705 0.5334
140 mm 272.5 RM 499 RA 135,967 0.5676
160 mm 466 RM 650 RA 303,089 0.6026
180 mm 73 RM 825 RA 60,199 0.6384
200 mm 55 RM 1016 RA 55,891 0.675
225 mm RM 1282 RA - 0.7314
250 mm RM 1585 RA - 0.77
280 mm RM 1984 RA - 0.8294
315 mm RM 2511 RA - 0.8906
355 mm 93.5 RM 3180 RA 297,322 0.975
400 mm 33.5 RM 4129 RA 138,335 1.085
450 mm RM 5226 RA - 1.2
500 mm RM 6443 RA - 1.32
Sub Total 18359 RM
3 Supply, Laying, Jointing, Field Testing,
Commissioning complete at site of HDPE
(PE80 Grade Coumpound) Pipes PN-8.0 (8.0
kg/sqcm) as per IS:4984 and specifications
for water application, including all cost of
material, labour required, transportation,
loading, unloading & stacking etc. complete.
(replacement of line with a new pipeline)

110 mm 4938.5 RM 310 RA 1,532,386 0.5166

125 mm 630.5 RM 399 RA 251,623 0.5334
140 mm 277.5 RM 499 RA 138,461 0.5676
160 mm 149.5 RM 650 RA 97,236 0.6026
180 mm 306 RM 825 RA 252,339 0.6384
200 mm 51 RM 1016 RA 51,826 0.675
225 mm 98 RM 1282 RA 125,611 0.7314
250 mm 121.5 RM 1585 RA 192,590 0.77
280 mm 183.5 RM 1984 RA 364,013 0.8294
315 mm 315 RM 2511 RA 791,004 0.8906
355 mm 31.5 RM 3180 RA 100,167 0.975
400 mm RM 4129 RA - 1.085
450 mm RM 5226 RA - 1.2
500 mm RM 6443 RA - 1.32
Sub Total 7103 RM
4 Dismantling pipeline of 7103 RM 12 LS 85,236
G.I./A.C./P.V.C./S.W./H.D.P.E. pipe
including breaking the joints, lifting the
pipes and stacking to the place as directed by
Engineer-in-charge with all leads and lifts
including cleaning the surface, etc. complete.
(In place of dismentaled pipe another pipe is
to be laid as such excavation for
dismentalling is included in excavation for
laying new pipe line)

80 mm. R.M. -
100 mm. R.M. -
125 mm. R.M. -
150 mm. R.M. -
200 mm. R.M. -
250 mm. R.M. -
300 mm. R.M. -
350 mm. R.M. -
400 mm. R.M. -
450 mm. R.M. -
500 mm. R.M. -
5 Dismentaling flanged joints for cast iron
pipes, valves and specials including carriage
of bolts, nuts and washers to store,

50 to 100 mm internal diameter of pipe, 16 Per 3.50 Haryana PWD 56

valve, special Joint item 28.38
125 to 200 mm internal diameter of pipe, 8 Per 6.83 plus 250% 55
valve, special Joint vide
300 to 375 mm internal diameter of pipe, 6 Per 17.50 amendment dt 105
valve, special Joint 23-1-09
400 to 450 mm internal diameter of pipe, 19.95 -
valve, special
500 to 525 mm internal diameter of pipe, 22.05 -
valve, special
6 Taking out dismentaled cast iron socketed or -
flanged pipes, valves and specials etc outside
from the trenches and stacking at a nearest
convenient place

80 mm. 10 m 18.20 Haryana PWD -

100 mm. 10 m 22.23 item 28.38 -
125 mm. 10 m 22.75 plus 250% -
150 mm. 10 m 27.13 vide -
200 mm. 10 m 36.23 amendment dt -
250 mm. 10 m 49.18 23-1-09 -
300 mm. 10 m 57.58 -
350 mm. 10 m 72.63 -
400 mm. 10 m 95.73 -
450 mm. 10 m 107.45 -
500 mm. 10 m 115.33 -
7 Providing and fixing cast iron double Quantity of valves taken
flanged sluice valves PN -1.6 marked with roughly at one per KM
IS 14846 including nuts and bolts marked
with IS 1363, rubber sheet marked with IS
638 etc carriage, loading, unloading,
stacking, handling, rehandling etc complete
in all respect to the satisfaction of engineer
in charge ( Makes AARKO, VENUS,

80 mm i/d 0 each 2573 Haryana PWD -

100 mm i/d 23 each 3698 A & C slip No 85,054
150 mm i/d 5 each 5709 CZC-6 dated 3- 28,545
200 mm i/d 1 each 9945 7-09 9,945
250 mm i/d 2 each 15589 31,178
300 mm i/d 2 each 18944 37,888
350 mm i/d 2 each 30395 60,790
400 mm i/d each 41120 -
450 mm i/d each 48981 -
500 mm i/d each 66911 -
600 mm i/d each 95126 -
8 Providing and fixing cast iron single air size of air valve taken one
valves marked with IS 14845 including sixth of pipe dia and nomber
carriage, loading, unloading, stacking, of air valves taken at one per
handling, rehandling etc drilling, tapping, km
screwing etc in valve connections complete
in all respect to the satisfaction of engineer-
40 mm i/d 26 each 1619 Haryana PWD 42,094
50 mm i/d 0 each 1771 A & C Slip -
9 Providing and fixing cast iron double air
valves marked with IS 14845 including
carriage, loading, unloading, stacking,
handling, rehandling etc drilling, tapping,
screwing etc in valve connections complete
in all respect to the satisfaction of engineer-
65 mm i/d 0 each 1883 Haryana PWD -
80 mm i/d 0 each 2103 A & C Slip -
100 mm i/d 0 each 2491 CZC/3-7-09 -
10 Providing and fixing cast iron kinetic air
valves marked with IS 14845 including
carriage, loading, unloading, stacking,
handling, rehandling etc drilling, tapping,
screwing etc in valve connections complete
in all respect to the satisfaction of engineer-
80 mm i/d 0 each 2824 Haryana PWD -
100 mm i/d 0 each 3098 A & C Slip -
150 mm i/d 0 each 7514 CZC/3-7-09 -
200 mm i/d 0 each 13267 -
11 Sluice valve and air valve chamber: 61 each 5000 LS 305,000
Providing and constructing Brick masonry
valve chamber with 15 cm thick 1:3:6
proportion PCC bedding, excluding
excavation, Brick masonry in C.M. 1:5
Proportion, 20 mm thick 1:4 plaster, precast
RCC frame and cover, etc. complete as
directed by Engineer-in-charge. (Wall
thickness : 0.23 M for depth of 1.2 M and
0.35 M for balance depth exceeding 1.2 M )
12 Thrust Block: Providing and laying cement 169.7433333 cum 2754 Haryana PWD 467,392
concrete in RCC (M-15 , 1:2:4 ) with stone item 10.79
aggregate 20 mm nominal size for thrust plus 340%
blocks including compaction, curing, vide
finishing, excluding cost of reinforcement & amendment 23-
shuttering etc., Complete as per drawings 1-09
and specifications and as directed by

13 Thrust Block: Shuttering for precast plain 678.9733333 Sqm 40 Haryana PWD 27,473
or RC concrete wall plates, bed plates item 9.15
shelves etc plus225% vide
amendment 23-

14 Providing TMT Steel Reinforcement as per 68 Quint 4127 Haryana PWD 280,194
IS: 1786 for RCC work including al item 18.22
straightening, cutting, bending, placing in plus 350%
position and binding etc as per drawing all vide
complete including cost of binding wire, amendment 23-
labour, wastage etc. 1-09
15 Road Work: 1,862,821
16 Mislenious items 1,241,880
Total 15,523,505
Detailed Estimate for Distribution System - Zone 11

S No Item Quantity Unit Rate Reference for Amount Quantity

Rate Reference/Calculations
1 Excavation for pipelines running under Item 6.9 Trench Width is pipe dia plus
pressure in trenches and pits, in streets and Haryana PWD 300 mm, Minimum earth
lanes including trimming and dressing sides, & 300% above cover of 1 meter, average earth
levelling of beds of trenches to correct grade, vide cover of 1.15 m, Average
cutting joint holes, cutting trees and bushes, amendment depth of excavation is 1.15
etc. refilling consolidation and watering of dated 1.1 08 plus pipe dia. For 110 mm
refill, in 15 cm layers and restoration of and 23.1.09 pipe excavation is
unmetalled or unpaved surface to its original (1.15+.11)*(.3+.11) ie
condition, including the cost of dewatering of 0.5166*L where L is length of
rain water, diversion of traffic, night signals, Pipe
fixing caution boards, crossing over trenches
for access to the houses, watching, fancing
etc. and disposal of surplus soil outside and
inside the town, involving lead upto one km
in ordinary soil (for new pipe line and
replacement pipes)

A Without timbering and shoring upto 1.5 9032 100 4732 427381
metres depth CUM
B Excavation for thrust block 103.0 100 4732 4873
C With timbering and shoring upto 1.5 metres 100 6300 0
depth CUM
D With timbering and shoring exceeding 1.5 5 100 6492 325
metres depth, but upto 2.25 metres depth CUM
E With timbering and shoring exceeding 2.25 100 6992 0
metres depth, but upto 3 metres depth CUM
2 Supply, Laying, Jointing, Field Testing, Factor for Excavation Quantity
Commissioning complete at site of HDPE
(PE 80 Grade Coumpound) Pipes PN-8.0 (8.0
kg/sqcm) as per IS:4984 and specifications
for water application, including all cost of
material, labour required, transportation,
loading, unloading & stacking etc. complete.
(New Pipe Line)

110 mm 4708.5 RM 310 RA 1461017.981 0.5166

125 mm 905 RM 399 RA 361171.7802 0.5334
140 mm 1290.5 RM 499 RA 643907.88 0.5676
160 mm 1041.5 RM 650 RA 677398.099 0.6026
180 mm 1140.5 RM 825 RA 940500.004 0.6384
200 mm 435.5 RM 1016 RA 442551.3721 0.675
225 mm RM 1282 RA 0 0.7314
250 mm 9 RM 1585 RA 14265.90792 0.77
280 mm 28.5 RM 1984 RA 56536.0884 0.8294
315 mm RM 2511 RA 0 0.8906
355 mm RM 3180 RA 0 0.975
400 mm RM 4129 RA 0 1.085
450 mm RM 5226 RA 0 1.2
500 mm RM 6443 RA 0 1.32
Sub Total 9559 RM
3 Supply, Laying, Jointing, Field Testing,
Commissioning complete at site of HDPE
(PE80 Grade Coumpound) Pipes PN-8.0 (8.0
kg/sqcm) as per IS:4984 and specifications
for water application, including all cost of
material, labour required, transportation,
loading, unloading & stacking etc. complete.
(replacement of line with a new pipeline)

110 mm 1959 RM 310 RA 607865.3975 0.5166

125 mm 221.5 RM 399 RA 88397.29206 0.5334
140 mm 406.5 RM 499 RA 202827.24 0.5676
160 mm 154 RM 650 RA 100162.561 0.6026
180 mm 1035.5 RM 825 RA 853912.9804 0.6384
200 mm 517.5 RM 1016 RA 525879.0702 0.675
225 mm 540.5 RM 1282 RA 692783.2157 0.7314
250 mm 814.5 RM 1585 RA 1291064.667 0.77
280 mm 78.5 RM 1984 RA 155722.2084 0.8294
315 mm 70 RM 2511 RA 175778.6184 0.8906
355 mm 78 RM 3180 RA 248033.7288 0.975
400 mm RM 4129 RA 0 1.085
450 mm 11.5 RM 5226 RA 60095.7225 1.2
500 mm RM 6443 RA 0 1.32
Sub Total 5887 RM
4 Dismantling pipeline of 5887 RM 12 LS 70644
G.I./A.C./P.V.C./S.W./H.D.P.E. pipe
including breaking the joints, lifting the
pipes and stacking to the place as directed by
Engineer-in-charge with all leads and lifts
including cleaning the surface, etc. complete.
(In place of dismentaled pipe another pipe is
to be laid as such excavation for
dismentalling is included in excavation for
laying new pipe line)
80 mm. R.M. 0
100 mm. R.M. 0
125 mm. R.M. 0
150 mm. R.M. 0
200 mm. R.M. 0
250 mm. R.M. 0
300 mm. R.M. 0
350 mm. R.M. 0
400 mm. R.M. 0
450 mm. R.M. 0
500 mm. R.M. 0
5 Dismentaling flanged joints for cast iron
pipes, valves and specials including carriage
of bolts, nuts and washers to store,

50 to 100 mm internal diameter of pipe, 12 Per 3.50 Haryana PWD 42

valve, special Joint item 28.38
125 to 200 mm internal diameter of pipe, 8 Per 6.83 plus 250% 54.6
valve, special Joint vide
300 to 375 mm internal diameter of pipe, 4 Per 17.50 amendment dt 70
valve, special Joint 23-1-09
400 to 450 mm internal diameter of pipe, 19.95 0
valve, special
500 to 525 mm internal diameter of pipe, 22.05 0
valve, special
6 Taking out dismentaled cast iron socketed or 0
flanged pipes, valves and specials etc outside
from the trenches and stacking at a nearest
convenient place
80 mm. 10 m 18.20 Haryana PWD 0
100 mm. 10 m 22.23 item 28.38 0
125 mm. 10 m 22.75 plus 250% 0
150 mm. 10 m 27.13 vide 0
200 mm. 10 m 36.23 amendment dt 0
250 mm. 10 m 49.18 23-1-09 0
300 mm. 10 m 57.58 0
350 mm. 10 m 72.63 0
400 mm. 10 m 95.73 0
450 mm. 10 m 107.45 0
500 mm. 10 m 115.33 0
7 Providing and fixing cast iron double flanged Quantity of valves taken
sluice valves PN -1.6 marked with IS 14846 roughly at one per KM
including nuts and bolts marked with IS
1363, rubber sheet marked with IS 638 etc
carriage, loading, unloading, stacking,
handling, rehandling etc complete in all
respect to the satisfaction of engineer in
charge ( Makes AARKO, VENUS, LEADER,

80 mm i/d 0 each 2573 Haryana PWD 0

100 mm i/d 8 each 3698 A & C slip No 29584
150 mm i/d 3 each 5709 CZC-6 dated 3- 17127
200 mm i/d 3 each 9945 7-09 29835
250 mm i/d 2 each 15589 31178
300 mm i/d 2 each 18944 37888
350 mm i/d 1 each 30395 30395
400 mm i/d each 41120 0
450 mm i/d 1 each 48981 48981
500 mm i/d each 66911 0
600 mm i/d each 95126 0
8 Providing and fixing cast iron single air size of air valve taken one
valves marked with IS 14845 including sixth of pipe dia and nomber
carriage, loading, unloading, stacking, of air valves taken at one per
handling, rehandling etc drilling, tapping, km
screwing etc in valve connections complete in
all respect to the satisfaction of engineer-in-
40 mm i/d 15 each 1619 Haryana PWD 24285
50 mm i/d 0 each 1771 A & C Slip 0
9 Providing and fixing cast iron double air
valves marked with IS 14845 including
carriage, loading, unloading, stacking,
handling, rehandling etc drilling, tapping,
screwing etc in valve connections complete in
all respect to the satisfaction of engineer-in-
65 mm i/d 0 each 1883 Haryana PWD 0
80 mm i/d 0 each 2103 A & C Slip 0
100 mm i/d 0 each 2491 CZC/3-7-09 0
10 Providing and fixing cast iron kinetic air
valves marked with IS 14845 including
carriage, loading, unloading, stacking,
handling, rehandling etc drilling, tapping,
screwing etc in valve connections complete in
all respect to the satisfaction of engineer-in-
80 mm i/d 0 each 2824 Haryana PWD 0
100 mm i/d 0 each 3098 A & C Slip 0
150 mm i/d 0 each 7514 CZC/3-7-09 0
200 mm i/d 0 each 13267 0
11 Sluice valve and air valve chamber: 35 each 5000 LS 175000
Providing and constructing Brick masonry
valve chamber with 15 cm thick 1:3:6
proportion PCC bedding, excluding
excavation, Brick masonry in C.M. 1:5
Proportion, 20 mm thick 1:4 plaster, precast
RCC frame and cover, etc. complete as
directed by Engineer-in-charge. (Wall
thickness : 0.23 M for depth of 1.2 M and
0.35 M for balance depth exceeding 1.2 M )
12 Thrust Block: Providing and laying cement 102.9733 cum 2754 Haryana PWD 283539.1328
concrete in RCC (M-15 , 1:2:4 ) with stone item 10.79
aggregate 20 mm nominal size for thrust plus 340%
blocks including compaction, curing, vide
finishing, excluding cost of reinforcement & amendment 23-
shuttering etc., Complete as per drawings and 1-09
specifications and as directed by Engineer.

13 Thrust Block: Shuttering for precast plain or 411.8933 Sqm 40 Haryana PWD 16666
RC concrete wall plates, bed plates shelves item 9.15
etc plus225% vide
amendment 23-

14 Providing TMT Steel Reinforcement as per 41 Quint 4127 Haryana PWD 169977
IS: 1786 for RCC work including al item 18.22
straightening, cutting, bending, placing in plus 350%
position and binding etc as per drawing all vide
complete including cost of binding wire, amendment 23-
labour, wastage etc. 1-09
15 Road Work: 1649657.411
16 Mislenious items 1099771.607
Total 13747145
Detailed Estimate for Distribution System - Zone 12

S No Item Quantity Unit Rate Reference for Amount Quantity

Rate Reference/Calculations

1 Excavation for pipelines running under Item 6.9 Trench Width is pipe dia plus
pressure in trenches and pits, in streets and Haryana PWD 300 mm, Minimum earth
lanes including trimming and dressing sides, & 300% above cover of 1 meter, average earth
levelling of beds of trenches to correct vide cover of 1.15 m, Average
grade, cutting joint holes, cutting trees and amendment depth of excavation is 1.15
bushes, etc. refilling consolidation and dated 1.1 08 plus pipe dia. For 110 mm
watering of refill, in 15 cm layers and and 23.1.09 pipe excavation is
restoration of unmetalled or unpaved surface (1.15+.11)*(.3+.11) ie
to its original condition, including the cost of 0.5166*L where L is length of
dewatering of rain water, diversion of traffic, Pipe
night signals, fixing caution boards, crossing
over trenches for access to the houses,
watching, fancing etc. and disposal of
surplus soil outside and inside the town,
involving lead upto one km in ordinary soil
(for new pipe line and replacement pipes)

A Without timbering and shoring upto 1.5 13100 100 CUM 4732 619,913
metres depth
B Excavation for thrust block 161.3 100 CUM 4732 7,632

2 Supply, Laying, Jointing, Field Testing, Factor for Excavation

Commissioning complete at site of HDPE Quantity
(PE 80 Grade Coumpound) Pipes PN-8.0
(8.0 kg/sqcm) as per IS:4984 and
specifications for water application,
including all cost of material, labour
required, transportation, loading, unloading
& stacking etc. complete. (New Pipe Line)

110 mm 8749.5 RM 310 RA 2,714,915 0.5166

125 mm 357.5 RM 399 RA 142,673 0.5334
140 mm 465.5 RM 499 RA 232,266 0.5676
160 mm 235.5 RM 650 RA 153,171 0.6026
180 mm 161.5 RM 825 RA 133,179 0.6384
200 mm 402.5 RM 1016 RA 409,017 0.675
225 mm 86.5 RM 1282 RA 110,871 0.7314
280 mm 17 RM 1984 RA 33,723 0.8294
355 mm 54.5 RM 3180 RA 173,306 0.975
Sub Total 10530 RM
3 Supply, Laying, Jointing, Field Testing,
Commissioning complete at site of HDPE
(PE80 Grade Coumpound) Pipes PN-8.0 (8.0
kg/sqcm) as per IS:4984 and specifications
for water application, including all cost of
material, labour required, transportation,
loading, unloading & stacking etc. complete.
(replacement of line with a new pipeline)
110 mm 9213 RM 310 RA 2,858,736 0.5166
125 mm 1467.5 RM 399 RA 585,657 0.5334
140 mm 400.5 RM 499 RA 199,833 0.5676
160 mm 602.5 RM 650 RA 391,870 0.6026
200 mm 1849.5 RM 1016 RA 1,879,446 0.675
225 mm 81.5 RM 1282 RA 104,462 0.7314
250 mm 49 RM 1585 RA 77,670 0.77
Sub Total 13664 RM
4 Dismantling pipeline of 13664 RM 12 LS 163,968
G.I./A.C./P.V.C./S.W./H.D.P.E. pipe
including breaking the joints, lifting the
pipes and stacking to the place as directed by
Engineer-in-charge with all leads and lifts
including cleaning the surface, etc.
complete. (In place of dismentaled pipe
another pipe is to be laid as such excavation
for dismentalling is included in excavation
for laying new pipe line)

5 Dismentaling flanged joints for cast iron

pipes, valves and specials including carriage
of bolts, nuts and washers to store,

50 to 100 mm internal diameter of pipe, 30 Per Joint 3.50 Haryana PWD 105
valve, special item 28.38
125 to 200 mm internal diameter of pipe, 20 Per Joint 6.83 plus 250% 137
valve, special vide
300 to 375 mm internal diameter of pipe, 10 Per Joint 17.50 amendment dt 175
valve special 23 1 09
7 Providing and fixing cast iron double Quantity of valves taken
flanged sluice valves PN -1.6 marked with roughly at one per KM
IS 14846 including nuts and bolts marked
with IS 1363, rubber sheet marked with IS
638 etc carriage, loading, unloading,
stacking, handling, rehandling etc complete
in all respect to the satisfaction of engineer
in charge ( Makes AARKO, VENUS,
100 mm i/d 20 each 3698 Haryana PWD 73,960
150 mm i/d 2 each 5709 A & C slip No 11,418
200 mm i/d 3 each 9945 CZC-6 dated 3- 29,835
250 mm i/d 1 each 15589 7-09 15,589
350 mm i/d 1 each 30395 30,395
8 Providing and fixing cast iron single air Haryana PWD size of air valve taken one
valves marked with IS 14845 including A & C Slip sixth of pipe dia and nomber
carriage, loading, unloading, stacking, CZC/3-7-09 of air valves taken at one per
handling, rehandling etc drilling, tapping, km
screwing etc in valve connections complete
in all respect to the satisfaction of engineer-
40 mm i/d 24 each 1619 38,856
11 Sluice valve and air valve chamber: 51 each 5000 LS 255,000
Providing and constructing Brick masonry
valve chamber with 15 cm thick 1:3:6
proportion PCC bedding, excluding
excavation, Brick masonry in C.M. 1:5
Proportion, 20 mm thick 1:4 plaster, precast
RCC frame and cover, etc. complete as
directed by Engineer-in-charge. (Wall
thickness : 0.23 M for depth of 1.2 M and
0 35 M for balance depth exceeding 1 2 M )
12 Thrust Block: Providing and laying cement 161.29 cum 2754 Haryana PWD 444,115
concrete in RCC (M-15 , 1:2:4 ) with stone item 10.79
aggregate 20 mm nominal size for thrust plus 340%
blocks including compaction, curing, vide
finishing, excluding cost of reinforcement & amendment 23-
shuttering etc., Complete as per drawings 1-09
and specifications and as directed by
13 Thrust Block: Shuttering for precast plain 645.16 Sqm 40 Haryana PWD 26,105
or RC concrete wall plates, bed plates item 9.15
shelves etc plus225% vide
14 Providing TMT Steel Reinforcement as per 65 Quintal 4127 Haryana PWD 266,240
IS: 1786 for RCC work including item 18.22
straightening, cutting, bending, placing in plus 350%
position and binding etc as per drawing all vide
complete including cost of binding wire, amendment 23-
labour, wastage etc. 1-09
15 Road Work: 1,827,636
16 Mislenious items 1,218,424
Total 15,230,297
Detailed Estimate for Distribution System - Zone 13

S No Item Quantity Unit Rate Reference for Amount Quantity

Rate Reference/Calculations
1 Excavation for pipelines running under Item 6.9 Trench Width is pipe dia plus
pressure in trenches and pits, in streets and Haryana PWD 300 mm, Minimum earth
lanes including trimming and dressing & 300% above cover of 1 meter, average earth
sides, levelling of beds of trenches to vide cover of 1.15 m, Average
correct grade, cutting joint holes, cutting amendment depth of excavation is 1.15
trees and bushes, etc. refilling dated 1.1 08 plus pipe dia. For 110 mm
consolidation and watering of refill, in 15 and 23.1.09 pipe excavation is
cm layers and restoration of unmetalled or (1.15+.11)*(.3+.11) ie
unpaved surface to its original condition, 0.5166*L where L is length of
including the cost of dewatering of rain Pipe
water, diversion of traffic, night signals,
fixing caution boards, crossing over
trenches for access to the houses, watching,
fancing etc. and disposal of surplus soil
outside and inside the town, involving lead
upto one km in ordinary soil (for new pipe
line and replacement pipes)

A Without timbering and shoring upto 1.5 10278 100 CUM 4732 486,361
metres depth
B Excavation for thrust block 128.5 100 CUM 4732 6,081
C With timbering and shoring upto 1.5 metres 100 CUM 6300 -
D With timbering and shoring exceeding 1.5 5 100 CUM 6492 325
metres depth, but upto 2.25 metres depth

E With timbering and shoring exceeding 2.25 100 CUM 6992 -

metres depth, but upto 3 metres depth

2 Supply, Laying, Jointing, Field Testing, Factor for Excavation

Commissioning complete at site of HDPE Quantity
(PE 80 Grade Coumpound) Pipes PN-8.0
(8.0 kg/sqcm) as per IS:4984 and
specifications for water application,
including all cost of material, labour
required, transportation, loading, unloading
& stacking etc. complete. (New Pipe Line)

110 mm 10510 RM 310 RA 3,261,187 0.5166

125 mm 919.5 RM 399 RA 366,959 0.5334
140 mm 377 RM 499 RA 188,108 0.5676
160 mm 233.5 RM 650 RA 151,870 0.6026
180 mm 459.5 RM 825 RA 378,921 0.6384
200 mm RM 1016 RA - 0.675
225 mm RM 1282 RA - 0.7314
250 mm 42 RM 1585 RA 66,574 0.77
280 mm 27.5 RM 1984 RA 54,552 0.8294
315 mm RM 2511 RA - 0.8906
355 mm RM 3180 RA - 0.975
400 mm RM 4129 RA - 1.085
450 mm RM 5226 RA - 1.2
500 mm RM 6443 RA - 1.32
Sub Total 12569 RM
3 Supply, Laying, Jointing, Field Testing,
Commissioning complete at site of HDPE
(PE80 Grade Coumpound) Pipes PN-8.0
(8.0 kg/sqcm) as per IS:4984 and
specifications for water application,
including all cost of material, labour
required, transportation, loading, unloading
& stacking etc. complete. (replacement of
line with a new pipeline)

110 mm 3290 RM 310 RA 1,020,866 0.5166

125 mm 1822.5 RM 399 RA 727,332 0.5334
140 mm 736.5 RM 499 RA 367,484 0.5676
160 mm 433.5 RM 650 RA 281,951 0.6026
180 mm 234 RM 825 RA 192,965 0.6384
200 mm 70.5 RM 1016 RA 71,641 0.675
225 mm RM 1282 RA - 0.7314
250 mm RM 1585 RA - 0.77
280 mm 88.5 RM 1984 RA 175,559 0.8294
315 mm RM 2511 RA - 0.8906
355 mm RM 3180 RA - 0.975
400 mm 31 RM 4129 RA 128,012 1.085
450 mm RM 5226 RA - 1.2
500 mm RM 6443 RA - 1.32
Sub Total 6707 RM
4 Dismantling pipeline of 6707 RM 12 LS 80,484
G.I./A.C./P.V.C./S.W./H.D.P.E. pipe
including breaking the joints, lifting the
pipes and stacking to the place as directed
by Engineer-in-charge with all leads and
lifts including cleaning the surface, etc.
complete. (In place of dismentaled pipe
another pipe is to be laid as such
excavation for dismentalling is included in
excavation for laying new pipe line)

80 mm. R.M. -
100 mm. R.M. -
125 mm. R.M. -
150 mm. R.M. -
200 mm. R.M. -
250 mm. R.M. -
300 mm. R.M. -
350 mm. R.M. -
400 mm. R.M. -
450 mm. R.M. -
500 mm. R.M. -
5 Dismentaling flanged joints for cast iron
pipes, valves and specials including
carriage of bolts, nuts and washers to store,

50 to 100 mm internal diameter of pipe, 24 Per Joint 3.50 Haryana PWD 84

valve, special item 28.38
125 to 200 mm internal diameter of pipe, 16 Per Joint 6.83 plus 250% 109
valve, special vide
300 to 375 mm internal diameter of pipe, 6 Per Joint 17.50 amendment dt 105
valve, special 23-1-09
400 to 450 mm internal diameter of pipe, 19.95 -
valve, special
500 to 525 mm internal diameter of pipe, 22.05 -
valve, special
6 Taking out dismentaled cast iron socketed -
or flanged pipes, valves and specials etc
outside from the trenches and stacking at a
nearest convenient place

80 mm. 10 m 18.20 Haryana PWD -

100 mm. 10 m 22.23 item 28.38 -
125 mm. 10 m 22.75 plus 250% -
150 mm. 10 m 27.13 vide -
200 mm. 10 m 36.23 amendment dt -
250 mm. 10 m 49.18 23-1-09 -
300 mm. 10 m 57.58 -
350 mm. 10 m 72.63 -
400 mm. 10 m 95.73 -
450 mm. 10 m 107.45 -
500 mm. 10 m 115.33 -
7 Providing and fixing cast iron double Quantity of valves taken
flanged sluice valves PN -1.6 marked with roughly at one per KM
IS 14846 including nuts and bolts marked
with IS 1363, rubber sheet marked with IS
638 etc carriage, loading, unloading,
stacking, handling, rehandling etc complete
in all respect to the satisfaction of engineer
in charge ( Makes AARKO, VENUS,

80 mm i/d 0 each 2573 Haryana PWD -

100 mm i/d 17 each 3698 A & C slip No 62,866
150 mm i/d 2 each 5709 CZC-6 dated 3- 11,418
200 mm i/d 2 each 9945 7-09 19,890
250 mm i/d 1 each 15589 15,589
300 mm i/d 1 each 18944 18,944
350 mm i/d each 30395 -
400 mm i/d each 41120 -
450 mm i/d 1 each 48981 48,981
500 mm i/d each 66911 -
600 mm i/d each 95126 -
8 Providing and fixing cast iron single air Haryana PWD size of air valve taken one
valves marked with IS 14845 including A & C Slip sixth of pipe dia and nomber
carriage, loading, unloading, stacking, CZC/3-7-09 of air valves taken at one per
handling, rehandling etc drilling, tapping, km
screwing etc in valve connections complete
in all respect to the satisfaction of engineer-
40 mm i/d 19 each 1619 30,761
50 mm i/d 0 each 1771 -
9 Providing and fixing cast iron double air
valves marked with IS 14845 including
carriage, loading, unloading, stacking,
handling, rehandling etc drilling, tapping,
screwing etc in valve connections complete
in all respect to the satisfaction of engineer-
65 mm i/d 0 each 1883 Haryana PWD -
80 mm i/d 0 each 2103 A & C Slip -
100 mm i/d 0 each 2491 CZC/3-7-09 -
10 Providing and fixing cast iron kinetic air
valves marked with IS 14845 including
carriage, loading, unloading, stacking,
handling, rehandling etc drilling, tapping,
screwing etc in valve connections complete
in all respect to the satisfaction of engineer-
80 mm i/d 0 each 2824 Haryana PWD -
100 mm i/d 0 each 3098 A & C Slip -
150 mm i/d 0 each 7514 CZC/3-7-09 -
200 mm i/d 0 each 13267 -
11 Sluice valve and air valve chamber: 43 each 5000 LS 215,000
Providing and constructing Brick masonry
valve chamber with 15 cm thick 1:3:6
proportion PCC bedding, excluding
excavation, Brick masonry in C.M. 1:5
Proportion, 20 mm thick 1:4 plaster,
precast RCC frame and cover, etc.
complete as directed by Engineer-in-
charge. (Wall thickness : 0.23 M for depth
of 1.2 M and 0.35 M for balance depth
exceeding 1.2 M )
12 Thrust Block: Providing and laying 128.5033 cum 2754 Haryana PWD 353,836
cement concrete in RCC (M-15 , 1:2:4 ) item 10.79
with stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size plus 340%
for thrust blocks including compaction, vide
curing, finishing, excluding cost of amendment 23-
reinforcement & shuttering etc., Complete 1-09
as per drawings and specifications and as
directed by Engineer.

13 Thrust Block: Shuttering for precast plain 514.0133 Sqm 40 Haryana PWD 20,798
or RC concrete wall plates, bed plates item 9.15
shelves etc plus225% vide
amendment 23-

14 Providing TMT Steel Reinforcement as per 51 Quintal 4127 Haryana PWD 212,119
IS: 1786 for RCC work including item 18.22
straightening, cutting, bending, placing in plus 350%
position and binding etc as per drawing all vide
complete including cost of binding wire, amendment 23-
labour, wastage etc. 1-09
15 Road Work: 1,352,660
16 Mislenious Items 901,773
Total 11,272,167
Detailed Estimate for Distribution System - Zone 14

S No Item Quantity Unit Rate Reference for Amount Quantity Reference/Calculations

1 Excavation for pipelines running under pressure Item 6.9 Haryana Trench Width is pipe dia plus 300
in trenches and pits, in streets and lanes PWD & 300% mm, Minimum earth cover of 1
including trimming and dressing sides, levelling above vide meter, average earth cover of 1.15
of beds of trenches to correct grade, cutting amendment dated m, Average depth of excavation is
joint holes, cutting trees and bushes, etc. 1.1 08 and 23.1.09 1.15 plus pipe dia. For 110 mm pipe
refilling consolidation and watering of refill, in excavation is (1.15+.11)*(.3+.11) ie
15 cm layers and restoration of unmetalled or 0.5166*L where L is length of Pipe
unpaved surface to its original condition,
including the cost of dewatering of rain water,
diversion of traffic, night signals, fixing caution
boards, crossing over trenches for access to the
houses, watching, fancing etc. and disposal of
surplus soil outside and inside the town,
involving lead upto one km in ordinary soil (for
new pipe line and replacement pipes)

A Without timbering and shoring upto 1.5 metres 15900 100 CUM 4732 752,370
B Excavation for thrust block 185.9 100 CUM 4732 8,794

C With timbering and shoring upto 1.5 metres 100 CUM 6300 -
D With timbering and shoring exceeding 1.5 100 CUM 6492 -
metres depth, but upto 2.25 metres depth
E With timbering and shoring exceeding 2.25 100 CUM 6992 -
metres depth, but upto 3 metres depth
2 Supply, Laying, Jointing, Field Testing, Factor for Excavation Quantity
Commissioning complete at site of HDPE (PE
80 Grade Coumpound) Pipes PN-8.0 (8.0
kg/sqcm) as per IS:4984 and specifications for
water application, including all cost of material,
labour required, transportation, loading,
unloading & stacking etc. complete. (New Pipe

110 mm 13862.5 RM 310 RA 4,301,447 0.5166

125 mm 4277.5 RM 399 RA 1,707,085 0.5334
140 mm 2046 RM 499 RA 1,020,872 0.5676
160 mm 2145.5 RM 650 RA 1,395,447 0.6026
180 mm 1258.5 RM 825 RA 1,037,807 0.6384
200 mm 1749 RM 1016 RA 1,777,319 0.675
225 mm RM 1282 RA - 0.7314
250 mm 1507 RM 1585 RA 2,388,747 0.77
280 mm RM 1984 RA - 0.8294
315 mm 803 RM 2511 RA 2,016,432 0.8906
355 mm 14 RM 3180 RA 44,519 0.975
400 mm RM 4129 RA - 1.085
450 mm RM 5226 RA - 1.2
500 mm RM 6443 RA - 1.32
Sub Total 27663 RM
3 Supply, Laying, Jointing, Field Testing,
Commissioning complete at site of HDPE
(PE80 Grade Coumpound) Pipes PN-8.0 (8.0
kg/sqcm) as per IS:4984 and specifications for
water application, including all cost of material,
labour required, transportation, loading,
unloading & stacking etc. complete.
(replacement of line with a new pipeline)

110 mm RM 310 RA - 0.5166

125 mm RM 399 RA - 0.5334
140 mm RM 499 RA - 0.5676
160 mm 215 RM 650 RA 139,512 0.6026
180 mm RM 825 RA - 0.6384
200 mm RM 1016 RA - 0.675
225 mm RM 1282 RA - 0.7314
250 mm RM 1585 RA - 0.77
280 mm RM 1984 RA - 0.8294
315 mm RM 2511 RA - 0.8906
355 mm RM 3180 RA - 0.975
400 mm RM 4129 RA - 1.085
450 mm RM 5226 RA - 1.2
500 mm RM 6443 RA - 1.32
Sub Total 215 RM
4 Dismantling pipeline of 215 RM 12 LS 2,580
G.I./A.C./P.V.C./S.W./H.D.P.E. pipe including
breaking the joints, lifting the pipes and
stacking to the place as directed by Engineer-in-
charge with all leads and lifts including
cleaning the surface, etc. complete. (In place of
dismentaled pipe another pipe is to be laid as
such excavation for dismentalling is included in
excavation for laying new pipe line)

80 mm. R.M. -
100 mm. R.M. -
125 mm. R.M. -
150 mm. R.M. -
200 mm. R.M. -
250 mm. R.M. -
300 mm. R.M. -
350 mm. R.M. -
400 mm. R.M. -
450 mm. R.M. -
500 mm. R.M. -
5 Dismentaling flanged joints for cast iron pipes,
valves and specials including carriage of bolts,
nuts and washers to store,
50 to 100 mm internal diameter of pipe, valve, 3.50 Haryana PWD -
special item 28.38 plus
125 to 200 mm internal diameter of pipe, valve, 4 Per joint 6.83 250% vide 27
special amendment dt 23-
300 to 375 mm internal diameter of pipe, valve, 17.50 1-09 -
400 to 450 mm internal diameter of pipe, valve, 19.95 -
500 to 525 mm internal diameter of pipe, valve, 22.05 -
6 Taking out dismentaled cast iron socketed or -
flanged pipes, valves and specials etc outside
from the trenches and stacking at a nearest
convenient place
80 mm. 10 m 18.20 Haryana PWD -
100 mm. 10 m 22.23 item 28.38 plus -
125 mm. 10 m 22.75 250% vide -
150 mm. 10 m 27.13 amendment dt 23- -
200 mm. 10 m 36.23 1-09 -
250 mm. 10 m 49.18 -
300 mm. 10 m 57.58 -
350 mm. 10 m 72.63 -
400 mm. 10 m 95.73 -
450 mm. 10 m 107.45 -
500 mm. 10 m 115.33 -
7 Providing and fixing cast iron double flanged Quantity of valves taken roughly at
sluice valves PN -1.6 marked with IS 14846 one per KM
including nuts and bolts marked with IS 1363,
rubber sheet marked with IS 638 etc carriage,
loading, unloading, stacking, handling,
rehandling etc complete in all respect to the
satisfaction of engineer in charge ( Makes
80 mm i/d 0 each 2573 Haryana PWD A -
100 mm i/d 18 each 3698 & C slip No CZC- 66,564
150 mm i/d 4 each 5709 6 dated 3-7-09 22,836
200 mm i/d 2 each 9945 19,890
250 mm i/d 2 each 15589 31,178
300 mm i/d 1 each 18944 18,944
350 mm i/d 1 each 30395 30,395
400 mm i/d each 41120 -
450 mm i/d each 48981 -
500 mm i/d each 66911 -
600 mm i/d each 95126 -
8 Providing and fixing cast iron single air valves Haryana PWD A size of air valve taken one sixth of
marked with IS 14845 including carriage, & C Slip CZC/3-7- pipe dia and nomber of air valves
loading, unloading, stacking, handling, 09 taken at one per km
rehandling etc drilling, tapping, screwing etc in
valve connections complete in all respect to the
satisfaction of engineer-in-charge

40 mm i/d 28 each 1619 45,332

50 mm i/d 0 each 1771 -
9 Providing and fixing cast iron double air valves
marked with IS 14845 including carriage,
loading, unloading, stacking, handling,
rehandling etc drilling, tapping, screwing etc in
valve connections complete in all respect to the
satisfaction of engineer-in-charge

65 mm i/d 0 each 1883 Haryana PWD A -

80 mm i/d 0 each 2103 & C Slip CZC/3-7- -
100 mm i/d 0 each 2491 09 -
10 Providing and fixing cast iron kinetic air valves
marked with IS 14845 including carriage,
loading, unloading, stacking, handling,
rehandling etc drilling, tapping, screwing etc in
valve connections complete in all respect to the
satisfaction of engineer-in-charge

80 mm i/d 0 each 2824 Haryana PWD A -

100 mm i/d 0 each 3098 & C Slip CZC/3-7- -
150 mm i/d 0 each 7514 09 -
200 mm i/d 0 each 13267 -
11 Sluice valve and air valve chamber: 56 each 5000 LS 280,000
Providing and constructing Brick masonry
valve chamber with 15 cm thick 1:3:6
proportion PCC bedding, excluding excavation,
Brick masonry in C.M. 1:5 Proportion, 20 mm
thick 1:4 plaster, precast RCC frame and cover,
etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge.
(Wall thickness : 0.23 M for depth of 1.2 M and
0.35 M for balance depth exceeding 1.2 M )

12 Thrust Block: Providing and laying cement 185.85 cum 2754 Haryana PWD 511,742
concrete in RCC (M-15 , 1:2:4 ) with stone item 10.79 plus
aggregate 20 mm nominal size for thrust blocks 340% vide
including compaction, curing, finishing, amendment 23-1-
excluding cost of reinforcement & shuttering 09
etc., Complete as per drawings and
specifications and as directed by Engineer.

13 Thrust Block: Shuttering for precast plain or 743.4 Sqm 40 Haryana PWD 30,080
RC concrete wall plates, bed plates shelves etc item 9.15
plus225% vide
amendment 23-1-

14 Providing TMT Steel Reinforcement as per IS: 74 Quintal 4127 Haryana PWD 306,781
1786 for RCC work including straightening, item 18.22 plus
cutting, bending, placing in position and 350% vide
binding etc as per drawing all complete amendment 23-1-
including cost of binding wire, labour, wastage 09
15 Road Work: 2,693,505
16 Mislenious Items 1,795,670
Total 22,445,875
Detailed Estimate for Distribution System - Zone 15

S No Item Quantity Unit Rate Reference for Amount Quantity

Rate Reference/Calculations

1 Excavation for pipelines running under Item 6.9 Trench Width is pipe dia plus
pressure in trenches and pits, in streets and Haryana PWD 300 mm, Minimum earth
lanes including trimming and dressing sides, & 300% above cover of 1 meter, average earth
levelling of beds of trenches to correct grade, vide cover of 1.15 m, Average
cutting joint holes, cutting trees and bushes, amendment depth of excavation is 1.15
etc. refilling consolidation and watering of dated 1.1 08 plus pipe dia. For 110 mm
refill, in 15 cm layers and restoration of and 23.1.09 pipe excavation is
unmetalled or unpaved surface to its original (1.15+.11)*(.3+.11) ie
condition, including the cost of dewatering of 0.5166*L where L is length of
rain water, diversion of traffic, night signals, Pipe
fixing caution boards, crossing over trenches
for access to the houses, watching, fancing etc.
and disposal of surplus soil outside and inside
the town, involving lead upto one km in
ordinary soil (for new pipe line and
replacement pipes)

A Without timbering and shoring upto 1.5 metres 13764 100 4732 651,305
depth CUM
B Excavation for thrust block 154.7 100 4732 7,319
D With timbering and shoring exceeding 1.5 5 100 6492 325
metres depth, but upto 2.25 metres depth CUM
2 Supply, Laying, Jointing, Field Testing, Factor for Excavation Quantity
Commissioning complete at site of HDPE (PE
80 Grade Coumpound) Pipes PN-8.0 (8.0
kg/sqcm) as per IS:4984 and specifications for
water application, including all cost of
material, labour required, transportation,
loading, unloading & stacking etc. complete.
(New Pipe Line)

110 mm 8468 RM 310 RA 2,627,567 0.5166

125 mm 212 RM 399 RA 84,606 0.5334
140 mm 212.5 RM 499 RA 106,029 0.5676
160 mm 467.5 RM 650 RA 304,065 0.6026
180 mm 316 RM 825 RA 260,586 0.6384
200 mm 1332.5 RM 1016 RA 1,354,075 0.675
225 mm 107.5 RM 1282 RA 137,788 0.7314
250 mm 581.5 RM 1585 RA 921,736 0.77
315 mm 618.5 RM 2511 RA 1,553,130 0.8906
355 mm 206.5 RM 3180 RA 656,653 0.975
400 mm 232.5 RM 4129 RA 960,087 1.085
Sub Total 12755 RM
3 Supply, Laying, Jointing, Field Testing,
Commissioning complete at site of HDPE
(PE80 Grade Coumpound) Pipes PN-8.0 (8.0
kg/sqcm) as per IS:4984 and specifications for
water application, including all cost of
material, labour required, transportation,
loading, unloading & stacking etc. complete.
(replacement of line with a new pipeline)
125 mm 3837.5 RM 399 RA 1,531,488 0.5334
140 mm 2284 RM 499 RA 1,139,625 0.5676
160 mm 2465 RM 650 RA 1,603,251 0.6026
180 mm 472 RM 825 RA 389,229 0.6384
200 mm 464 RM 1016 RA 471,513 0.675
225 mm 136 RM 1282 RA 174,317 0.7314
250 mm 204.5 RM 1585 RA 324,153 0.77
280 mm 52.5 RM 1984 RA 104,145 0.8294
315 mm 283.5 RM 2511 RA 711,903 0.8906
355 mm 213 RM 3180 RA 677,323 0.975
400 mm 35 RM 4129 RA 144,529 1.085
Sub Total 10447 RM
4 Dismantling pipeline of 10447 RM 12 LS 125,364
G.I./A.C./P.V.C./S.W./H.D.P.E. pipe including
breaking the joints, lifting the pipes and
stacking to the place as directed by Engineer-in-
charge with all leads and lifts including
cleaning the surface, etc. complete. (In place of
dismentaled pipe another pipe is to be laid as
such excavation for dismentalling is included
in excavation for laying new pipe line)

5 Dismentaling flanged joints for cast iron pipes,

valves and specials including carriage of bolts,
nuts and washers to store,

50 to 100 mm internal diameter of pipe, valve, 20 Per 3.50 Haryana PWD 70

special Joint item 28.38
125 to 200 mm internal diameter of pipe, 12 Per 6.83 plus 250% 82
valve, special Joint vide
300 to 375 mm internal diameter of pipe, 8 Per 17.50 amendment dt 140
valve special Joint 23 1 09
7 Providing and fixing cast iron double flanged Quantity of valves taken
sluice valves PN -1.6 marked with IS 14846 roughly at one per KM
including nuts and bolts marked with IS 1363,
rubber sheet marked with IS 638 etc carriage,
loading, unloading, stacking, handling,
rehandling etc complete in all respect to the
satisfaction of engineer in charge ( Makes
100 mm i/d 13 each 3698 Haryana PWD 48,074
150 mm i/d 6 each 5709 A & C slip No 34,254
200 mm i/d 2 each 9945 CZC-6 dated 3- 19,890
250 mm i/d 2 each 15589 7-09 31,178
300 mm i/d 2 each 18944 37,888
350 mm i/d 1 each 30395 30,395
400 mm i/d 1 each 41120 41,120
8 Providing and fixing cast iron single air valves size of air valve taken one
marked with IS 14845 including carriage, sixth of pipe dia and nomber
loading, unloading, stacking, handling, of air valves taken at one per
rehandling etc drilling, tapping, screwing etc in km
valve connections complete in all respect to the
satisfaction of engineer-in-charge

40 mm i/d 23 each 1619 Haryana PWD 37,237

11 Sluice valve and air valve chamber: 50 each 5000 A
LS& C Sli 250,000
Providing and constructing Brick masonry
valve chamber with 15 cm thick 1:3:6
proportion PCC bedding, excluding
excavation, Brick masonry in C.M. 1:5
Proportion, 20 mm thick 1:4 plaster, precast
RCC frame and cover, etc. complete as
directed by Engineer-in-charge. (Wall
thickness : 0.23 M for depth of 1.2 M and 0.35
Mf b l d th di 1 2 M )
12 Thrust Block: Providing and laying cement 154.68 cum 2754 Haryana PWD 425,914
concrete in RCC (M-15 , 1:2:4 ) with stone item 10.79
aggregate 20 mm nominal size for thrust plus 340%
blocks including compaction, curing, finishing, vide
excluding cost of reinforcement & shuttering amendment 23-
etc., Complete as per drawings and 1-09
specifications and as directed by Engineer.
13 Thrust Block: Shuttering for precast plain or 618.72 Sqm 40 Haryana PWD 25,035
RC concrete wall plates, bed plates shelves etc item 9.15
plus225% vide
14 Providing TMT Steel Reinforcement as per IS: 62 Quinta 4127 Haryana PWD 255,329
1786 for RCC work including straightening, l item 18.22
cutting, bending, placing in position and plus 350%
binding etc as per drawing all complete vide
including cost of binding wire, labour, wastage amendment 23-
etc. 1-09
15 Road Work: 2,738,808
16 Mislenious Items 1,825,872
Total 22,823,397
Detailed Estimate for Distribution System - Zone 16

S No Item Quantity Unit Rate Reference for Rate Amount Quantity


1 Excavation for pipelines running under pressure Item 6.9 Haryana Trench Width is pipe dia plus
in trenches and pits, in streets and lanes including PWD & 300% 300 mm, Minimum earth cover
trimming and dressing sides, levelling of beds of above vide of 1 meter, average earth cover
trenches to correct grade, cutting joint holes, amendment dated 1.1 of 1.15 m, Average depth of
cutting trees and bushes, etc. refilling 08 and 23.1.09 excavation is 1.15 plus pipe dia.
consolidation and watering of refill, in 15 cm For 110 mm pipe excavation is
layers and restoration of unmetalled or unpaved (1.15+.11)*(.3+.11) ie 0.5166*L
surface to its original condition, including the cost where L is length of Pipe
of dewatering of rain water, diversion of traffic,
night signals, fixing caution boards, crossing over
trenches for access to the houses, watching,
fancing etc. and disposal of surplus soil outside
and inside the town, involving lead upto one km
in ordinary soil (for new pipe line and
replacement pipes)

A Without timbering and shoring upto 1.5 metres 23505 100 CUM 4732 1,112,243
B Excavation for thrust block 290.5 100 CUM 4732 13,745
C With timbering and shoring upto 1.5 metres depth 100 CUM 6300 -

D With timbering and shoring exceeding 1.5 metres 100 CUM 6492 -
depth, but upto 2.25 metres depth
E With timbering and shoring exceeding 2.25 100 CUM 6992 -
metres depth, but upto 3 metres depth
2 Supply, Laying, Jointing, Field Testing, Factor for Excavation Quantity
Commissioning complete at site of HDPE (PE 80
Grade Coumpound) Pipes PN-8.0 (8.0 kg/sqcm)
as per IS:4984 and specifications for water
application, including all cost of material, labour
required, transportation, loading, unloading &
stacking etc. complete. (New Pipe Line)

110 mm 24965.5RM 310 RA 7,746,638 0.5166

125 mm 2232.5RM 399 RA 890,957 0.5334
140 mm 2004.5RM 499 RA 1,000,165 0.5676
160 mm 1347 RM 650 RA 876,097 0.6026
180 mm 289 RM 825 RA 238,320 0.6384
200 mm 525 RM 1016 RA 533,501 0.675
225 mm RM 1282 RA - 0.7314
250 mm 278.5 RM 1585 RA 441,451 0.77
280 mm RM 1984 RA - 0.8294
315 mm 30.5 RM 2511 RA 76,589 0.8906
355 mm RM 3180 RA - 0.975
400 mm RM 4129 RA - 1.085
450 mm RM 5226 RA - 1.2
500 mm RM 6443 RA - 1.32
Sub Total 31673 RM
3 Supply, Laying, Jointing, Field Testing,
Commissioning complete at site of HDPE (PE80
Grade Coumpound) Pipes PN-8.0 (8.0 kg/sqcm)
as per IS:4984 and specifications for water
application, including all cost of material, labour
required, transportation, loading, unloading &
stacking etc. complete. (replacement of line with
a new pipeline)

110 mm 7497.5 RM 310 RA 2,326,427 0.5166

125 mm 1086 RM 399 RA 433,406 0.5334
140 mm 423.5 RM 499 RA 211,310 0.5676
160 mm 381 RM 650 RA 247,805 0.6026
180 mm 1045 RM 825 RA 861,747 0.6384
200 mm 658.5 RM 1016 RA 669,162 0.675
225 mm RM 1282 RA - 0.7314
250 mm 531 RM 1585 RA 841,689 0.77
280 mm 160 RM 1984 RA 317,396 0.8294
315 mm RM 2511 RA - 0.8906
355 mm 114 RM 3180 RA 362,511 0.975
400 mm RM 4129 RA - 1.085
450 mm RM 5226 RA - 1.2
500 mm RM 6443 RA - 1.32
Sub Total 11897 RM
4 Dismantling pipeline of 11897 RM 12 LS 142,764
G.I./A.C./P.V.C./S.W./H.D.P.E. pipe including
breaking the joints, lifting the pipes and stacking
to the place as directed by Engineer-in-charge
with all leads and lifts including cleaning the
surface, etc. complete. (In place of dismentaled
pipe another pipe is to be laid as such excavation
for dismentalling is included in excavation for
laying new pipe line)

80 mm. R.M. -
100 mm. R.M. -
125 mm. R.M. -
150 mm. R.M. -
200 mm. R.M. -
250 mm. R.M. -
300 mm. R.M. -
350 mm. R.M. -
400 mm. R.M. -
450 mm. R.M. -
500 mm. R.M. -
5 Dismentaling flanged joints for cast iron pipes,
valves and specials including carriage of bolts,
nuts and washers to store,

50 to 100 mm internal diameter of pipe, valve, 20 Per Joint 3.50 Haryana PWD item 70
special 28.38 plus 250%
125 to 200 mm internal diameter of pipe, valve, 16 Per Joint 6.83 vide amendment dt 109
special 23-1-09
300 to 375 mm internal diameter of pipe, valve, 6 Per Joint 17.50 105
400 to 450 mm internal diameter of pipe, valve, 19.95 -
500 to 525 mm internal diameter of pipe, valve, 22.05 -
6 Taking out dismentaled cast iron socketed or -
flanged pipes, valves and specials etc outside
from the trenches and stacking at a nearest
convenient place
80 mm. 10 m 18.20 Haryana PWD item -
100 mm. 10 m 22.23 28.38 plus 250% -
125 mm. 10 m 22.75 vide amendment dt -
150 mm. 10 m 27.13 23-1-09 -
200 mm. 10 m 36.23 -
250 mm. 10 m 49.18 -
300 mm. 10 m 57.58 -
350 mm. 10 m 72.63 -
400 mm. 10 m 95.73 -
450 mm. 10 m 107.45 -
500 mm. 10 m 115.33 -
7 Providing and fixing cast iron double flanged - Quantity of valves taken roughly
sluice valves PN -1.6 marked with IS 14846 at one per KM
including nuts and bolts marked with IS 1363,
rubber sheet marked with IS 638 etc carriage,
loading, unloading, stacking, handling, rehandling
etc complete in all respect to the satisfaction of
engineer in charge ( Makes AARKO, VENUS,

80 mm i/d 0 each 2573 Haryana PWD A & -

100 mm i/d 36 each 3698 C slip No CZC-6 133,128
150 mm i/d 5 each 5709 dated 3-7-09 28,545
200 mm i/d 2 each 9945 19,890
250 mm i/d 1 each 15589 15,589
300 mm i/d 1 each 18944 18,944
350 mm i/d 1 each 30395 30,395
400 mm i/d each 41120 -
450 mm i/d each 48981 -
500 mm i/d each 66911 -
600 mm i/d each 95126 -
8 Providing and fixing cast iron single air valves size of air valve taken one sixth
marked with IS 14845 including carriage, of pipe dia and nomber of air
loading, unloading, stacking, handling, rehandling valves taken at one per km
etc drilling, tapping, screwing etc in valve
connections complete in all respect to the
satisfaction of engineer-in-charge

40 mm i/d 44 each 1619 Haryana PWD A & 71,236

50 mm i/d 0 each 1771 C Slip CZC/3-7-09 -
9 Providing and fixing cast iron double air valves
marked with IS 14845 including carriage,
loading, unloading, stacking, handling, rehandling
etc drilling, tapping, screwing etc in valve
connections complete in all respect to the
satisfaction of engineer-in-charge

65 mm i/d 0 each 1883 Haryana PWD A & -

80 mm i/d 0 each 2103 C Slip CZC/3-7-09 -
100 mm i/d 0 each 2491 -
10 Providing and fixing cast iron kinetic air valves
marked with IS 14845 including carriage,
loading, unloading, stacking, handling, rehandling
etc drilling, tapping, screwing etc in valve
connections complete in all respect to the
satisfaction of engineer-in-charge

80 mm i/d 0 each 2824 Haryana PWD A & -

100 mm i/d 0 each 3098 C Slip CZC/3-7-09 -
150 mm i/d 0 each 7514 -
200 mm i/d 0 each 13267 -
11 Sluice valve and air valve chamber: Providing 90 each 5000 LS 450,000
and constructing Brick masonry valve chamber
with 15 cm thick 1:3:6 proportion PCC bedding,
excluding excavation, Brick masonry in C.M. 1:5
Proportion, 20 mm thick 1:4 plaster, precast RCC
frame and cover, etc. complete as directed by
Engineer-in-charge. (Wall thickness : 0.23 M for
depth of 1.2 M and 0.35 M for balance depth
exceeding 1.2 M )

12 Thrust Block: Providing and laying cement 290.46 cum 2754 Haryana PWD item 799,787
concrete in RCC (M-15 , 1:2:4 ) with stone 10.79 plus 340%
aggregate 20 mm nominal size for thrust blocks vide amendment 23-
including compaction, curing, finishing, 1-09
excluding cost of reinforcement & shuttering etc.,
Complete as per drawings and specifications and
as directed by Engineer.

13 Thrust Block: Shuttering for precast plain or RC 1161.84 Sqm 40 Haryana PWD item 47,011
concrete wall plates, bed plates shelves etc 9.15 plus225% vide
amendment 23-1-09

14 Providing TMT Steel Reinforcement as per IS: 116 Quintal 4127 Haryana PWD item 479,459
1786 for RCC work including straightening, 18.22 plus 350%
cutting, bending, placing in position and binding vide amendment 23-
etc as per drawing all complete including cost of 1-09
binding wire, labour, wastage etc.

15 Road Work: 3,215,729

16 Mislenious Items 2,143,819
Total 26,797,738
Detailed Estimate for Distribution System - Zone 17

S No Item Quantity Unit Rate Reference for Amount Quantity

Rate Reference/Calculations
1 Excavation for pipelines running under pressure in trenches and pits, Item 6.9 Trench Width is pipe dia
in streets and lanes including trimming and dressing sides, levelling Haryana PWD plus 300 mm, Minimum
of beds of trenches to correct grade, cutting joint holes, cutting trees & 300% above earth cover of 1 meter,
and bushes, etc. refilling consolidation and watering of refill, in 15 vide average earth cover of 1.15
cm layers and restoration of unmetalled or unpaved surface to its amendment m, Average depth of
original condition, including the cost of dewatering of rain water, dated 1.1 08 excavation is 1.15 plus pipe
diversion of traffic, night signals, fixing caution boards, crossing and 23.1.09 dia. For 110 mm pipe
over trenches for access to the houses, watching, fancing etc. and excavation is
disposal of surplus soil outside and inside the town, involving lead (1.15+.11)*(.3+.11) ie
upto one km in ordinary soil (for new pipe line and replacement 0.5166*L where L is length
pipes) of Pipe

A Without timbering and shoring upto 1.5 metres depth 26292 100 CUM 4732 1,244,123
B Excavation for thrust block 328.8 100 CUM 4732 15,557

D With timbering and shoring exceeding 1.5 metres depth, but upto 10 100 CUM 6492 649
2.25 metres depth
2 Supply, Laying, Jointing, Field Testing, Commissioning complete at Factor for Excavation
site of HDPE (PE 80 Grade Coumpound) Pipes PN-8.0 (8.0 Quantity
kg/sqcm) as per IS:4984 and specifications for water application,
including all cost of material, labour required, transportation,
loading, unloading & stacking etc. complete. (New Pipe Line)
110 mm 24262 RM 310 RA 7,528,346 0.5166
125 mm 3124 RM 399 RA 1,246,741 0.5334
140 mm 1915 RM 499 RA 955,508 0.5676
160 mm 735.5 RM 650 RA 478,374 0.6026
180 mm 719.5 RM 825 RA 593,327 0.6384
200 mm 1178 RM 1016 RA 1,197,074 0.675
225 mm 231.5 RM 1282 RA 296,724 0.7314
250 mm 168 RM 1585 RA 266,297 0.77
280 mm 119.5 RM 1984 RA 237,055 0.8294
315 mm 30.5 RM 2511 RA 76,589 0.8906
355 mm 82 RM 3180 RA 260,753 0.975
400 mm 102 RM 4129 RA 421,199 1.085
Sub Total 32668 RM
3 Supply, Laying, Jointing, Field Testing, Commissioning complete at
site of HDPE (PE80 Grade Coumpound) Pipes PN-8.0 (8.0
kg/sqcm) as per IS:4984 and specifications for water application,
including all cost of material, labour required, transportation,
loading, unloading & stacking etc. complete. (replacement of line
with a new pipeline)
110 mm 14270.5 RM 310 RA 4,428,047 0.5166
125 mm 1623 RM 399 RA 647,715 0.5334
140 mm 373 RM 499 RA 186,112 0.5676
160 mm 151.5 RM 650 RA 98,537 0.6026
180 mm 188.5 RM 825 RA 155,444 0.6384
200 mm 14.5 RM 1016 RA 14,735 0.675
250 mm 26.5 RM 1585 RA 42,005 0.77
Sub Total 16648 RM
Detailed Estimate for Distribution System - Zone 17

S No Item Quantity Unit Rate Reference for Amount Quantity

Rate Reference/Calculations
4 Dismantling pipeline of G.I./A.C./P.V.C./S.W./H.D.P.E. pipe 16648 RM 12 LS 199,776
including breaking the joints, lifting the pipes and stacking to the
place as directed by Engineer-in-charge with all leads and lifts
including cleaning the surface, etc. complete. (In place of
dismentaled pipe another pipe is to be laid as such excavation for
dismentalling is included in excavation for laying new pipe line)

5 Dismentaling flanged joints for cast iron pipes, valves and specials
including carriage of bolts, nuts and washers to store,
50 to 100 mm internal diameter of pipe, valve, special 30 Per Joint 3.50 Haryana PWD 105
item 28.38 plus
125 to 200 mm internal diameter of pipe, valve, special 20 Per Joint 6.83 250% vide 137
amendment dt
300 to 375 mm internal diameter of pipe, valve, special 10 Per Joint 17.50 23-1-09 175

6 Taking out dismentaled cast iron socketed or flanged pipes, valves -

and specials etc outside from the trenches and stacking at a nearest
convenient place
7 Providing and fixing cast iron double flanged sluice valves PN -1.6 Haryana PWD Quantity of valves taken
marked with IS 14846 including nuts and bolts marked with IS 1363, A & C slip No roughly at one per KM
rubber sheet marked with IS 638 etc carriage, loading, unloading, CZC-6 dated 3-
stacking, handling, rehandling etc complete in all respect to the 7-09
satisfaction of engineer in charge ( Makes AARKO, VENUS,
100 mm i/d 43 each 3698 159,014
150 mm i/d 4 each 5709 22,836
200 mm i/d 3 each 9945 29,835
250 mm i/d 2 each 15589 31,178
300 mm i/d 1 each 18944 18,944
350 mm i/d 1 each 30395 30,395
400 mm i/d 1 each 41120 41,120
8 Providing and fixing cast iron single air valves marked with IS Haryana PWD size of air valve taken one
14845 including carriage, loading, unloading, stacking, handling, A & C Slip sixth of pipe dia and nomber
rehandling etc drilling, tapping, screwing etc in valve connections CZC/3-7-09 of air valves taken at one
complete in all respect to the satisfaction of engineer-in-charge per km

40 mm i/d 49 each 1619 79,331

11 Sluice valve and air valve chamber: Providing and constructing 103 each 5000 LS 515,000
Brick masonry valve chamber with 15 cm thick 1:3:6 proportion
PCC bedding, excluding excavation, Brick masonry in C.M. 1:5
Proportion, 20 mm thick 1:4 plaster, precast RCC frame and cover,
etc. complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. (Wall thickness :
0.23 M for depth of 1.2 M and 0.35 M for balance depth exceeding
1.2 M )
12 Thrust Block: Providing and laying cement concrete in RCC (M-15 328.7667 cum 2754 Haryana PWD 905,266
, 1:2:4 ) with stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size for thrust blocks item 10.79 plus
including compaction, curing, finishing, excluding cost of 340% vide
reinforcement & shuttering etc., Complete as per drawings and amendment 23-
specifications and as directed by Engineer. 1-09

13 Thrust Block: Shuttering for precast plain or RC concrete wall 1315.067 Sqm 40 Haryana PWD 53,211
plates, bed plates shelves etc item 9.15
plus225% vide
14 Providing TMT Steel Reinforcement as per IS: 1786 for RCC work 132 Quintal 4127 Haryana PWD 542,692
including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and item 18.22 plus
binding etc as per drawing all complete including cost of binding 350% vide
wire, labour, wastage etc. amendment 23-

15 Road Work: 3452988.84

16 Mislenious items 2,301,993
Total 28,774,907
Detailed Estimate for Distribution System - Zone 18
S No Item Quantity Unit Rate Reference for Amount Quantity
Rate Reference/Calculations

1 Excavation for pipelines running under pressure in Item 6.9 Trench Width is pipe dia
trenches and pits, in streets and lanes including trimming Haryana PWD plus 300 mm, Minimum
and dressing sides, levelling of beds of trenches to correct & 300% above earth cover of 1 meter,
grade, cutting joint holes, cutting trees and bushes, etc. vide average earth cover of
refilling consolidation and watering of refill, in 15 cm amendment 1.15 m, Average depth of
layers and restoration of unmetalled or unpaved surface to dated 1.1 08 excavation is 1.15 plus
its original condition, including the cost of dewatering of and 23.1.09 pipe dia. For 110 mm pipe
rain water, diversion of traffic, night signals, fixing excavation is
caution boards, crossing over trenches for access to the (1.15+.11)*(.3+.11) ie
houses, watching, fancing etc. and disposal of surplus soil 0.5166*L where L is
outside and inside the town, involving lead upto one km length of Pipe
in ordinary soil (for new pipe line and replacement pipes)

A Without timbering and shoring upto 1.5 metres depth 3043 100 CUM 4732 144,012

B Excavation for thrust block 34.0 100 CUM 4732 1,611

C With timbering and shoring upto 1.5 metres depth 100 CUM 6300 -

D With timbering and shoring exceeding 1.5 metres depth, 100 CUM 6492 -
but upto 2.25 metres depth
E With timbering and shoring exceeding 2.25 metres depth, 100 CUM 6992 -
but upto 3 metres depth
2 Supply, Laying, Jointing, Field Testing, Commissioning Factor for Excavation
complete at site of HDPE (PE 80 Grade Coumpound) Quantity
Pipes PN-8.0 (8.0 kg/sqcm) as per IS:4984 and
specifications for water application, including all cost of
material, labour required, transportation, loading,
unloading & stacking etc. complete. (New Pipe Line)

110 mm 73 RM 310 RA 22,651 0.5166

125 mm 128.5 RM 399 RA 51,282 0.5334
140 mm 1041 RM 499 RA 519,417 0.5676
160 mm RM 650 RA - 0.6026
180 mm RM 825 RA - 0.6384
200 mm RM 1016 RA - 0.675
225 mm RM 1282 RA - 0.7314
250 mm RM 1585 RA - 0.77
280 mm 62.5 RM 1984 RA 123,983 0.8294
315 mm 164 RM 2511 RA 411,824 0.8906
355 mm RM 3180 RA - 0.975
400 mm RM 4129 RA - 1.085
450 mm RM 5226 RA - 1.2
500 mm RM 6443 RA - 1.32
Sub Total 1469 RM
3 Supply, Laying, Jointing, Field Testing, Commissioning
complete at site of HDPE (PE80 Grade Coumpound)
Pipes PN-8.0 (8.0 kg/sqcm) as per IS:4984 and
specifications for water application, including all cost of
material, labour required, transportation, loading,
unloading & stacking etc complete (replacement of line
110 mm 276.5 RM 310 RA 85,796 0.5166
125 mm 1255.5 RM 399 RA 501,051 0.5334
140 mm 679 RM 499 RA 338,794 0.5676
160 mm 559 RM 650 RA 363,577 0.6026
180 mm 284 RM 825 RA 234,197 0.6384
200 mm 263.5 RM 1016 RA 267,766 0.675
225 mm 14.5 RM 1282 RA 18,585 0.7314
250 mm 176.5 RM 1585 RA 279,770 0.77
280 mm 121.5 RM 1984 RA 241,022 0.8294
315 mm 8 RM 2511 RA 20,089 0.8906
355 mm RM 3180 RA - 0.975
400 mm RM 4129 RA - 1.085
450 mm RM 5226 RA - 1.2
500 mm RM 6443 RA - 1.32
Sub Total 3638 RM
Detailed Estimate for Distribution System - Zone 18
S No Item Quantity Unit Rate Reference for Amount Quantity
Rate Reference/Calculations

4 Dismantling pipeline of G.I./A.C./P.V.C./S.W./H.D.P.E. 3638 RM 12 LS 43,656

pipe including breaking the joints, lifting the pipes and
stacking to the place as directed by Engineer-in-charge
with all leads and lifts including cleaning the surface, etc.
complete. (In place of dismentaled pipe another pipe is to
be laid as such excavation for dismentalling is included in
excavation for laying new pipe line)

80 mm. R.M. -
100 mm. R.M. -
125 mm. R.M. -
150 mm. R.M. -
200 mm. R.M. -
250 mm. R.M. -
300 mm. R.M. -
350 mm. R.M. -
400 mm. R.M. -
450 mm. R.M. -
500 mm. R.M. -
5 Dismentaling flanged joints for cast iron pipes, valves and
specials including carriage of bolts, nuts and washers to
50 to 100 mm internal diameter of pipe, valve, special 8 Per Joint 3.50 Haryana PWD 28
125 to 200 mm internal diameter of pipe, valve, special 6 Per Joint 6.83 item 28.38 41
plus 250%
300 to 375 mm internal diameter of pipe, valve, special 6 Per Joint 17.50 vide 105
amendment dt
400 to 450 mm internal diameter of pipe, valve, special 19.95 23-1-09 -

500 to 525 mm internal diameter of pipe, valve, special 22.05 -

6 Taking out dismentaled cast iron socketed or flanged -

pipes, valves and specials etc outside from the trenches
and stacking at a nearest convenient place
80 mm. 10 m 18.20 Haryana PWD -
100 mm. 10 m 22.23 item 28.38 -
125 mm. 10 m 22.75 plus 250% -
150 mm. 10 m 27.13 vide -
200 mm. 10 m 36.23 amendment dt -
250 mm. 10 m 49.18 23-1-09 -
300 mm. 10 m 57.58 -
350 mm. 10 m 72.63 -
400 mm. 10 m 95.73 -
450 mm. 10 m 107.45 -
500 mm. 10 m 115.33 -
7 Providing and fixing cast iron double flanged sluice Quantity of valves taken
valves PN -1.6 marked with IS 14846 including nuts and roughly at one per KM
bolts marked with IS 1363, rubber sheet marked with IS
638 etc carriage, loading, unloading, stacking, handling,
rehandling etc complete in all respect to the satisfaction
of engineer in charge ( Makes AARKO, VENUS,
80 mm i/d 0 each 2573 Haryana PWD -
100 mm i/d 3 each 3698 A & C slip No 11,094
150 mm i/d 2 each 5709 CZC-6 dated 3- 11,418
200 mm i/d 1 each 9945 7-09 9,945
250 mm i/d 1 each 15589 15,589
300 mm i/d 1 each 18944 18,944
350 mm i/d each 30395 -
400 mm i/d each 41120 -
450 mm i/d each 48981 -
500 mm i/d each 66911 -
600 mm i/d each 95126 -
Detailed Estimate for Distribution System - Zone 18
S No Item Quantity Unit Rate Reference for Amount Quantity
Rate Reference/Calculations

8 Providing and fixing cast iron single air valves marked Haryana PWD size of air valve taken one
with IS 14845 including carriage, loading, unloading, A & C Slip sixth of pipe dia and
stacking, handling, rehandling etc drilling, tapping, CZC/3-7-09 nomber of air valves taken
screwing etc in valve connections complete in all respect at one per km
to the satisfaction of engineer-in-charge
40 mm i/d 5 each 1619 8,095
50 mm i/d 0 each 1771 -
9 Providing and fixing cast iron double air valves marked
with IS 14845 including carriage, loading, unloading,
stacking, handling, rehandling etc drilling, tapping,
screwing etc in valve connections complete in all respect
to the satisfaction of engineer-in-charge
65 mm i/d 0 each 1883 Haryana PWD -
80 mm i/d 0 each 2103 A & C Slip -
100 mm i/d 0 each 2491 CZC/3-7-09 -
10 Providing and fixing cast iron kinetic air valves marked
with IS 14845 including carriage, loading, unloading,
stacking, handling, rehandling etc drilling, tapping,
screwing etc in valve connections complete in all respect
to the satisfaction of engineer-in-charge
80 mm i/d 0 each 2824 Haryana PWD -
100 mm i/d 0 each 3098 A & C Slip -
150 mm i/d 0 each 7514 CZC/3-7-09 -
200 mm i/d 0 each 13267 -
11 Sluice valve and air valve chamber: Providing and 13 each 5000 LS 65,000
constructing Brick masonry valve chamber with 15 cm
thick 1:3:6 proportion PCC bedding, excluding
excavation, Brick masonry in C.M. 1:5 Proportion, 20
mm thick 1:4 plaster, precast RCC frame and cover, etc.
complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. (Wall
12 thi k 0 23 M f d th f 1 2 M d 0 35 M f 34.05 cum 2754 Haryana PWD 93,748
Thrust Block: Providing and laying cement concrete in
RCC (M-15 , 1:2:4 ) with stone aggregate 20 mm nominal item 10.79
size for thrust blocks including compaction, curing, plus 340%
finishing, excluding cost of reinforcement & shuttering vide
etc., Complete as per drawings and specifications and as amendment 23-
directed by Engineer 1 09
13 Thrust Block: Shuttering for precast plain or RC 136.19 Sqm 40 Haryana PWD 5,510
concrete wall plates, bed plates shelves etc item 9.15
plus225% vide
amendment 23-
14 Providing TMT Steel Reinforcement as per IS: 1786 for 14 Quintal 4127 Haryana PWD 56,200
RCC work including straightening, cutting, bending, item 18.22
placing in position and binding etc as per drawing all plus 350%
complete including cost of binding wire, labour, wastage vide
etc. amendment 23-
15 Road Work: 594,721
16 Mislenious Items 396,480
Total 4,956,006
Appendix E-5
Cost Summary : Remodelling & Expansion of Distribution System in Zone 1 to Zone 18
Zone No Estimated Cost (INR) Reference
1 9,831,018 Refer Zone 1 Detailed Estimate
2 6,206,535 Refer Zone 2 Detailed Estimate
3 10,749,029 Refer Zone 3 Detailed Estimate
4 5,557,763 Refer Zone 4 Detailed Estimate
5 15,166,911 Refer Zone 5 Detailed Estimate
6 15,761,978 Refer Zone 6 Detailed Estimate
7 13,976,764 Refer Zone 7 Detailed Estimate
8 10,270,389 Refer Zone 8 Detailed Estimate
9 14,031,253 Refer Zone 9 Detailed Estimate
10 15,523,505 Refer Zone 10 Detailed Estimate
11 13,747,145 Refer Zone 11 Detailed Estimate
12 15,230,297 Refer Zone 12 Detailed Estimate
13 11,272,167 Refer Zone 13 Detailed Estimate
14 22,445,875 Refer Zone 14 Detailed Estimate
15 22,823,397 Refer Zone 15 Detailed Estimate
16 26,797,738 Refer Zone 16 Detailed Estimate
17 28,774,907 Refer Zone 17 Detailed Estimate
18 4,956,006 Refer Zone 18 Detailed Estimate
Total 263,122,678

#8, Second Floor, 80 Feet Road,

RT Nagar Bangalore Karnataka - 560 032. India
w +91.80. 3918.7500 f +91.80. 2363.4097

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