Ahmed Amer M TH 2016 PHD
Ahmed Amer M TH 2016 PHD
Ahmed Amer M TH 2016 PHD
August 2016
This dissertation is concerned with how structural and non-structural cases are assigned
in the variety of Arabic known in the literature as Standard Arabic (SA). Taking a Minimalist
perspective, this dissertation shows that the available generative accounts of case in SA are
problematic either theoretically or empirically. It is argued that these problems can be overcome
This theory makes a distinction between two types of phases. The first is the hard phase,
which disallows the materials inside from being accessed by higher phases. The second is the
soft phase, which allows the materials inside it to be accessed by higher phases.
The results of this dissertation indicate that in SA (a) the CP is a hard phase in that noun
phrases inside this phase are inaccessible to higher phases for the purpose of case assignment. In
contrast, vP is argued to be a soft phase in that the noun phrases inside this phase are still
accessible to higher phases for the purposes of case assignment (b) the DP, and the PP are also
argued to be hard phases in SA, (c) case assignment in SA follows a hierarchy such that lexical
case applies before the dependent case, the dependent case applies before the Agree-based case
assignment, the Agree-based case assignment applies before the unmarked/default case
assignment, (d) case assignment in SA is determined by a parameter, which allows the dependent
case assignment to apply to a noun phrase if it is c-commanded by another noun phrase in the
same Spell-Out domain (TP or VP), (e) the rules of dependent case assignment require that the
The major conclusion of the dissertation is that the functional head v in SA is a soft phase
head, due to its deficient ɸ-specification. That is why it is incapable of establishing an Agree
relation with the object and assigning the structural accusative case to it. The structural
accusative case on the object is, therefore, always the result of the dependent case mechanism.
There are a number of people who contributed in one way or another to this thesis. First, I would
like to thank my thesis supervisor, Dr. Gabriela Alboiu of York University for reading previous
versions of this manuscript and providing feedback. Her contribution to the ideas expressed in
this thesis is much appreciated.
Second, I would like to thank Dr. Ruth King of York University for her input on a
previous version of this manuscript. I would also like to thank Dr. Philipp Angermeyer and Dr.
Amila Buturovic of York University for their feedback on an earlier version of this thesis.
Third, a very special thank you should go to Dr. Arsalan Kahnemuyipour of the
University of Toronto for his meticulous comments on earlier versions of this thesis. His
insightful comments have greatly helped improve the quality of this thesis.
Fourth, a very big thank you is due to Dr. Youssef Haddad of the University of Florida
for agreeing to be the external examiner of my PhD thesis committee and for his insightful
comments on an earlier version of this thesis.
Fifth, Dr. Usama Soltan of Middlebury College was always there when I had questions
about his PhD work on Standard Arabic syntax. Never once did he fail to respond to my
questions. He is by all standards a role model for all scholars in the field of academia.
Sixth, Dr. Dinha Tobiya Gorgis of the Defence Language Institue has always been there
fore me both when I needed answers to some of my questions about Standard Arabic and when I
needed emotional support. He was the first person who started me thinking about linguistic
issues. He is truly a Godfather, a dedicated defender of science, an excellent educator and teacher
and a great moral figure in my life.
Seventh, Dr. Rashid Al-Balushi of Sultan Qabuus University kindly responded to my
questions about his PhD work on the syntax of case in Standard Arabic. Another thank you for
Dr. Fassi Fehri of Mohammed V University for kindly responding to one of my e-mails.
Eighth, a word of thanks should also go to Dr. Elizabeth Ritter of the University of
Calgary, Dr. Elizabeth Cowper and Dr. Diane Massam of the University of Toronto and Dr.
Martha McGinnes of the University of Victoria, Matthew A. Tucker of NYU Abu Dhabi
University, and Dr. Tue Trinh of the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee for their valuable input
on some of the ideas expressed in this thesis, which were presented in a number of linguistic
conferences both in Canada and in the States.
I would like to end with a very big thank you to Noam Chomsky. It was through some of
his words about science that I started seriously entertaining the idea of doing a PhD in theoretical
Linguistics. His words, “Science is tentative, explorative, questioning, and largely learned by
doing.” (Chomsky Rationality/science: 91), have an everlasting impact on me.
Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... ii
Acknowledgment .......................................................................................................................... iv
Table of contents ..............................................................................................................................v
List of Tables ............................................................................................................................... viii
Abbreviations used in glosses ....................................................................................................... ix
Chapter 1: Introduction ...................................................................................................................1
Chapter 4: Alternate accounts of case with a focus on Baker’s dependent case theory and
relavant theoretical assumptions…………………………………………………………………89
4.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………..89
4.2 Alternative accounts of case: The Case Tier theory…………………………………………89
4.2.1 Problems with the Case Tier theory………………………………………………………100
4.3 The proposed account of case for SA………………………………………………………105
4.3.1 The original version of dependent case (Marantz 1991)…………………………………105 Problems with the original version of dependent case theory………………………….114
4.3.2 The updated version of dependent case (Baker 2015)……………………………………116
4.3.3 Theoretical assumptions…………………………………………………………………..131
4.3.4 The rules of dependent case assignment………………………………………………….135
4.3.5 The preverbal position is a subject position………………………………………………138
4.3.6 Nominative is the unmarked/default case in SA………………………………………….145
4.4 Summary…………………………………………………………………………………....146
Chapter 5: Case assignment of core arguments in Standard Arabic…………………………… 147
ABS Absolutive
ACC Accusative
DU Dual
COMP complementizer
CAUS Causative
CONJ conjunction
DAT dative
DEF Definite
EMPH Emphatic
ERG Ergative
F feminine
GEN genitive
IMP imperative
IMPF Imperfective
INDEF indefinite
INDIC Indicative
INF Infinitive
INSTR instrumental
JUSS Jussive
M masculine
NEG negative particle
NEUT Neutral
NOM nominative
PART Partitive
PASS Passive
PL plural
PRT particle
PTPL participle
Q question particle
SG singular
SUBJ subjunctive
Case theory in Standard Arabic: A dependent case approach
In this thesis, I address the issue of syntactic (structural and non-structural) as well as non-
syntactic (default and semantic) case in a variant usually known in the literature on Arabic as
and the subject of intransitives pattern together in contrast to the object. This alignment contrasts,
with other languages, ergative-absolutive languages, where the object of transitives and the
language used exclusively as the medium of writing and orally in all forms of mass media in the
Arab World although it is mire coomon nowaydays to use a form of educated Spoken Arabic in
some programs (e.g. political shows or programs discussing social issues). Strictly speaking,
there are no native speakers of SA, as this is not the language that children in the Arab World
acquire from birth, but everyone is exposed to it from a very young age. However, Fassi Fehri
(1999: 21) argues that while SA is not a first language for the speakers of the modern variants of
Arabic, it is not a second language either, since the competence that speakers of the modern
variants of Arabic have of their particular variant of Arabic actually forms part of the
competence they develop later in SA. That is why, Fassi Fehri claims that SA is, for the speakers
of the modern varaints of Arabic, neither a first language nor a second language, but somewhere
in between. The main reason for choosing this dialect of Arabic instead of others is because this
variety of Arabic is the only one with morphological case. Throughout the thesis, I use my own
grammaticality judgments as an educated speaker of SA, as well as other sentences taken from
Througout the thesis, I use the lower case term case to cover both kinds of cases, syntactic and non-syntactic.
different written resources. A number of examples offered in the thesis are also taken from what
is sometimes known as Classical Arabic (CA) or Quranic Arabic, i.e. the Arabic variety that was
used between the 7th century and the 9th century, the time that spans the Ummayad and Abbasid
caliphates. This variety of Arabic was used by Medieval Arab tribes. These examples are also
documented in books that were written between the 8th century and the 13th century. I use these
examples because the syntactic structures they exhibit are still part of the syntax of SA.
According to Bateson (1967, as cited in Bin Muqbil 2006: 15), “M[odern]SA is a descendant of
CA and retains the basic syntactic, morphological, and phonological systems.” In terms of the
differences between the two, Bateson (1967, as cited in Bin Muqbil 2006: 15), states that “MSA
only uses a subset of the possible syntactic structures available in CA as well as a substantially
reduced lexicon.”
This thesis is written in the framework of the Minimalist Program (Chomsky 1995 and
subsequent work) as well as the dependent case theory of Baker (2015). The thesis addresses the
issue of case assignment in SA. In particular, the thesis attempts to answer the following
questions: (a) How are structural and non-structural cases assigned in this language? (b) What
theory can best account for the facts of case assignment in this language? (c) Do the available
Agree-based accounts of case actually explain the case facts of SA properly? Do accounts such
as that of Fassi Fehri (1993), which is grounded in the case tier theory of Yip, Maling and
Jackendoff (1987) fare better in explaining all the case facts of SA?
The major contribution of this thesis is to show that all the available accounts of case in
SA are problematic either theoretically or empirically. Specifically, the thesis shows the
following: (a) the available Agree-based accounts of case are problematic because they make the
wrong predictions when it comes to case assignment in DPs, where the head D is occupied by a
process nominal.2 In these strcutures, the theme object would be predicted to always bear the
structural accusative case, contrary to the facts, (b) Fassi Fehri (1993) offers a much better
account of case than the Agree-based account of case. However, his account can hardly be
incorporated into the case tier theory, despite his attempt to do so, (c) Fassi Fehri’s (1993) insight
can best be accommodated in the dependent case theory of Baker (2015), (d) contrary to the
claims of all the available literature on SA, v in SA is incapable of assigning the structural
accusative case because it is impoverished for its ɸ-features being specificed for a gender feature
only, (e) structural accusative case in SA is the result of the dependent case assignment rather
than the result of an Agree relation between v and the object, (f) case-assigning Agree does take
place but only when the dependent case fails to apply, (g) there is a hierarchy of case assignment
in SA such that the lexical case applies before everything else, the dependent case applies when
no lexical case does, the Agree-based case applies when the dependent case fails to apply, and
the unmarked/default case applies when nothing else applies, (g) case assignment in SA is
determined by one of the parameters proposed in Baker (2015). The parameter states that XP is
TP or VP, (h) vP is a soft phase in the sense of Baker (2015: 149) such that “the contents of its
VP complement undergo Spell-Out (i.e. they may get their case features fixed) but they remain
active in the derivation”, (i) aside from vP, all other phases, namely CP, DP, and PP are shown to
be hard phases in the sense of Baker (2015) such that case assignment is determined inside these
phases alone, and the NPs inside these phases are inaccessible to subsequent syntactic
Throughout the thesis, I use the terms NP and DP interchangeably to refer to the noun phrase. This choice is
motivated by the fact that there is inconsistency in the laiterature as to the lables, and using both would allow us to
maintain the original.
The thesis cosists of eight chapters. This chapter (i.e. chapter one) is an introduction.
Chapter two traces the development of case in Chomsky’s thinking from the early days of the
Government and Binding theory to the recent theoretical positions taken in what has come to be
known as the Minimalist Program. This chapter also covers two important contributions to the
generative understanding of case. The first such contribution is that of Woolford (2006), where
the argument is made that there are two types of non-structural cases. These are lexical case,
which is purely idiosyncratic case assigned by certain verbs and prepositions, and it is assigned
strictly inside VP, and inherent case, which is thematically linked, and it is assigned strictly
outside VP but inside vP. Another major contribution to the generative understanding of case is
that of Schütze (2001), who argues that UG (=universal grammar) must allow for a case, which is
provided when all other means of case assignment fail or are simply unavailable. Chapter three
provides an overview of SA. It also discusses the previous generative accounts of case in SA and
the problems that they face. Chapter four introduces alternative accounts of case, specifically the
case tier theory of Yip, Maling and jackendoff (1987), and the original version of the dependent
case theory as developed in Marantz (1991). The chapter discusses the problems that these two
accounts face. The chapter then introduces the updated version of the dependent case theory, as
developed in Baker (2015), which forms the theoretical framework adopted in this thesis. The
chapter also spells out other theoretical assumptions that are adopted in this thesis. Chapter five
is a full exposition of how the dependent case theory of Baker (2015) can account for the cases
of the core arguments in various structures of SA. Chapter six is an anaylsis of case assignment
in structures with non-arguments (i.e. adverbial NPs and NPs in the left-periphery of the clause).
Chapter seven shows how case assignment in the DP domain can be accounted for using Baker’s
dependent case theory. This chapter also demonstrates how the adopted theoretical framework
fares better than the Agree-based theory of case (Chomsky 2000, 2001) and the case tier theory
(Yip, Maling and Jackendoff 1987) in this respect. Chapter eight is a conclusion and discussion
Chapter Two
2.1 Introduction
In this chapter, the history of case theory in the generative literature is discussed. In
section 2.2, the first formulation of case theory, which is developed in Chomsky (1980) is
discussed. In section 2.3, the Government and Binding approach to case developed in Chomsky
(1986) is introduced. In section 2.4, the early Minimalist approach to case developed in
Chomsky and Lasnik (1993) and Chomsky (1995) is discussed. In section 2.5, the later
Minimalist approach to case as developed in Chomsky (2000, 2001, 2005, 2007, 2008) is
introduced. Section 2.6 discusses other Minimalist approaches to case. In section 2.6.1,
Woolford’s (2006) account of two types of nonstructural case is introduced. In section 2.6.2
The first formulation of case theory appears in Chomsky (1980). It is an attempt to revise
a former filter suggested in Chomsky and Lasnik (1977). The filter is stated in (1) below:
(1) “*[α NP to VP], unless α is adjacent to and in the domain of Verb or for ([-N])” (Chomsky
1980: 19).
The filter in (1) is meant to capture the ungrammaticality of (2a-b) and the condition in
(2) a. *[John to come] is nice.
In a letter addressed to Chomsky and Lasnik, Vergnaud (1977) offers the formulation of
(3) “English has three cases: Subject Case, Genitive Case, “Governed Case” (“the case of
(4) “The restrictions on subjects of infinitvals can follow from a general filter limiting the
distribution of NPs in the canonical Case.” (Vergnaud 1977, as cited in Lasnik 2008: 18).
Using Vergnaud’s insight, Chomsky (1980: 24) formulates his theory of case as follows:
property that rarely has phonetic effects in English but must be assigned to every lexical NP”. He
c. NP is nominative when governed by Tense.” (Chomsky 1980: 25). Given that the
above principles make reference to the structural relation of government, the latter is defined as
Given that all lexical NPs must have case, Chomsky offers the following filter:
Given the principles in (5) and the filter in (7), Chomsky can now account for the
examples in (2). The examples in (2a-b) are ill-formed because the lexical NP, John does not get
case. In (2a), the NP does not get case because it is the subject of an infinitival clause, and the
latter does not assign case because it is Tenseless. In (2b), the NP does not get case in its
infinitval clause, nor does it get case from the adjectival predicate, given that adjectives are not
case assigners. In contrast, the sentences in (2c-e) are well-formed. In (2c-d), the NP gets
The account can also easily handle cases of control, as shown in (8)
The sentences in (8) are well-formed because the NP, PRO is not subject to the Case Filter in (7).
In other words, PRO is not assigned case because it is a null rather than a lexical NP.
Chomsky (1980: 24) states that case assignment is clause-bound. Given this, he handles
cases of non-control verbs like believe as being marked in the sense of having a [+F] feature,
which enables them to assign objective case across a clausal boundary. This way, the examples
The NP, John in (9a) is assigned objective case from the verb believe across a clausal boundary
because the verb is marked for a [+F] feature. In (9b), the NP is not assigned case in the
infinitival position and cannot get objective case from the verb, believe, given that the verb is
passivized, hence loses its ability to assign case. Therefore, the NP raises to receive nominative
case from the finite/Tensed clause. In (9c), the NP, who is assigned objective case in the
infinitival position from the verb, believe before it raises to the finite clause for focus purposes.
As for why structures such as (10) are grammatical, Chomsky claims that the
complementizer for may or may not be assigned the feature [+P(reposition)]. If it is assigned this
feature, it assigns an oblique case and is undeletable. If it is not assigned a [+P] feature it does
b. I want [S’ COMP (for[+P]) [S John to do well on the exam].
In the example in (10a), the complementizer, for is assigned a [+P] feature; therefore, it assigns
an oblique case to the NP, John. In (10b), the complementizer is assigned a [+P] feature;
therefore, it assigns an oblique case to the NP, John. In this case, the complementizer is
undeletable. If the complementizer is not assigned a [+P] feature, it does not assign case, and is
deletable, and the NP receives objective case from the non-control verb, the latter has a [+F]
In the Government and Binding (GB) approach, Chomsky (1981: 175-176, citing Freidin
and Lasnik (1979b) notes that not only lexical NPs seem to require case, but even variables. This
is illustrated in (11):
b. *the man [S’ that [S I wonder [S’ what [S t to see]]]] (Chomsky 1981, ex. 19: 176)
Based on examples such as those in (11), Chomsky argues that the Case Filter cannot be a PF
filter. For Chomsky, a PF case filter will not rule out the examples in (11) on the grounds that
the traces are not phonologically overt, and therefore, they do not need to acquire case. However,
the examples in (11) are ungrammatical, and the only reason to rule them out, according to
At the same time, Chomsky notes that other structures show that the Case Filter cannot be
(12) *John tried [everyone to leave] (Chomsky 1981, ex. 20: 176)
(13) John tried, for all x, x to leave (Chomsky 1981, ex. 21: 176).
Given that (12) does not get case in the surface structure, it should be saved if the Case Filter
applied at LF, as shown in (13). However, (12) is clearly not saved at LF, given that the sentence
is ungrammatical. It follows, Chomsky argues, that the Case Filter does not apply at LF.
To solve these problems, Chomsky (1981: 176) links case assignment with theta-role
assignment in the following manner: “Let us assume that elements of the form [α β] are
“invisible” to rules of the LF-component unless β contains some [case] feature. Thus, PRO is
visible as is Case-marked trace, but [NP e] is invisible when it contains no Case”. He then points
to the fact that each NP has a grammatical function, GF1 at the surface structure as well as a
function chain (GF1, …GFn), which represents the NP’s derivational history. He also uses the
distinction between A-positions (argument positions) and A’-positions (non-argument positions)
(14) “Suppose that α has the A-function chain (GF1, …GFn). Then the chain is assigned a θ-role
only if α has [case] features” (Chomsky 1981, ex. 33: 179). To illustrate how the condition
He points out that in (15), which has case features, but it is in an A’-position. But, the trace tj is
an element of an A-function, and that it is this that enables the assignment of θ-role to the A-
function chain <which, tj> via the tail of the chain tj. The example in (15) contrasts with the
example in (16):
(16) *Johni found a book [whichj he wanted it to seem [tj to please Mary]]]]
The example in (16), Chomsky argues, is ungrammatical because the trace tj is an element of an
A-function; yet, it does not receive case because neither the tail tj nor the head which of the chain
In Chomsky (1986a: 193), case theory is revised so that all lexical categories (V, N, A, P)
are case assigners. A distinction is then drawn between structural case, which is assigned by V
and INFL/AGR to an argument they govern and is assigned independently of theta-marking, and
inherent case, which is assigned by prepositions (oblique cases), nouns and adjectives (genitive
case) to their arguments only if the head also θ-mark their arguments, given that inherent case
applies at D-structure.
In this revised model, therefore, “a noun phrase can receive a θ-role only if it is in a
position to which case is assigned or is linked to such a position” (Chomsky 1986a: 94). The ‘or
clause’ in the quotation covers cases of expletive-argument pair, where the expletive is in a case
In Chomsky (1986a: 135), the proposal is made that θ-roles and case are properties of
chains. Based on this, Chomsky (1986a: 135) reformulates the definitions for case and the theta
(19) “A CHAIN has at most one θ-position; a θ-position is visible in its maximal CHAIN.”
Given the formulation of case and the theta criterion in (18) and (19), Chomsky (1986a: 136)
points out that a chain must have exactly one θ-position and exactly one Case-position. Based on
(20) “ If C = (α1, …, αn) is a maximal CHAIN, then αn occupies the unique θ-position and α1 its
To solve the problem of the visibility of PRO for the LF component, Chomsky and
Lasnik (1993: 561) argue that PRO does have Case, which is null and which is licensed by
nonfinite INFL.
Another proposal of the early stages of Minimalism (Chomsky 1993, Chomsky and
Lasnik 1993, as cited in Chomsky 1995) is that all lexical items enter the derivation for syntactic
computation fully specified for their features (phonological, morpho-syntactic and semantic).
This is held to be the case for both lexical as well as functional categories. In this model, features
of lexical items are of two types, [+Interpretable] and [-Interpretable]. Syntactic derivation is
therefore driven by the need for lexical items with [-Interpretable] features to check their features
against lexical items with matching but [+Interpretable] features. For example, the categorial
feature N and the ɸ-features are [+Interpretable] on nouns, but [-Interpretable] on V and T.
Therefore, V and T have to probe for nouns in order to check their [-Interpretable] N and ɸ-
features. The syntactic relation that allows such probing is understood to be c-command.
Specifically, the probe must c-command the goal in order for checking to take place. In contrast,
nouns have a [-Interpretable] case feature that requires checking against a V and T with the
instructions [assign ACC] and [assign NOM] respectively. Note especially that unlike ɸ-features,
case is a special feature in that it is [-Interpretable] on both the probe and the goal. Thus, even
though V has the instruction [assign ACC] and T has the instruction [assign NOM], neither of
them has a positive value for case. It follows that in this model, case has a unique status. Thus,
Chomsky (1995: 278-279) describes this state of affairs by stating that “[c]ase differs from ɸ-
features in that it is always –Interpretable, for both terms of the checking relation. Case is
therefore the formal feature par excellence…” In this model, [-Interpretable] features have to
delete and become invisible for further interface LF operations once checked. They, however,
remain visible for the PF interface level since they have PF effects (Chomsky 1995: 279).
In sum, the early Minimalist model assumes that what enters the syntactic derivation are
full-fledged lexical items.The architecture of this model can be schematized as in (21) below:
The architecture in (21) shows that lexical items come from the lexicon, which feeds the
syntactic derivation. The syntactic component diverges at the point of Spell-Out and provides
input to two interface levels, the PF (informally the phonological interface level) and LF
(informally the semantic interface level). Crucially, in this model, NPs enter the derivation fully
specified for their case features (nominative, accusative), and all that they need is to check these
cases against matching case features on functional heads, particulary T for nominative case and
checked and valued only against a probe (v or T). The case feature of the goal will be given a
value depending on the probe, nominative if the probe is finite T, accusative if the probe is v, and
null if the probe is control infinitival (Chomsky 2000: 122-126). This is illustrated in the
following examples:
(22) [TP John T[+FINITE, uCase: NOM] [vP <John[uCase:__]> v[uCase: ACC] likes Mary[uCase:___]]].
(23) John tried to [CP PRO[uCase:___] T[-FINITE, uCase: NULL] to [vP <PRO> win the game]]
In (22), the subject DP John has an uninterpretable and unvalued case feature. This feature is
checked and valued against the uniniterpretable but valued nominative case feature of finite T.
Similarly, the object Mary has uninterpetable and unvalued case feature. This feature is checked
and valued against the uninterpretable but valued accusative case feature of the functional head
v*. In (23), the subject of the embedded CP is PRO, which has an uninterpteable case feature.
This feature is checked and valued against the uninterpretable but valued null case feature of the
non-finite T.
The uninterpretable case feature of the goal will only be checked and valued against a probe with
the full complement of ɸ-features. Thus, if the probe is v, v is defective lacking the feature
[person], as in participial and adjectival probes, and the goal will delete the ɸ-features of the
probe, but the probe will not be able to delete the uninterpretable case feature of the goal. In this
scenario, the goal remains active and is accessed by higher probes. The goal will have to move
towards the higher probe in order to check its uninterpretable case feature. Similarly, if the probe
is a defective T, as in control infinitivals, the probe is defective in that it has only a [person]
feature. The result of Agree is that the goal will delete the uninterpretable [person] feature of the
probe, but the probe will not be able to delete the uninterpretable case feature of the goal.
Therefore, the goal remains active and is accessed by higher probes. The goal will have to move
to the higher probe in order to have its uninterpretable case feature deleted. In the case of a weak
expletive, its ɸ-feature is uninterpretable. This renders this feature unnecessary for the expletive;
therefore, a case feature is also rendered unnecessary for the expletive (Chomsky 2000: 122-
Thus, case in this model is an off-shoot of ɸ-feature checking and valuation. If a probe v
has the full-set of ɸ-features, it can agree with a goal (i.e. object DP) in ɸ-features, and the result
is that the goal has interpretable ɸ-features, which check and value the uninterpretable ɸ-features
of the head v. In return, the probe v can check and value the uninterpretable case feature of the
goal, object DP. All core functional categories in this model (C, T and v) may have ɸ-features.
These features are obligatory for v and T but not so for C (Chomsky 2000: 102). Chomsky
(2000: 121), posits that the uninterpretable features of functional heads are the sole driving force
of movement in natural language grammar. This is in contrast to the GB model, where case is
In Chomsky (2001), the idea that v*P (i.e. a vP, which c-selects an external argument)
and CP are strong phases is introduced. Crucially, phasal v* assigns accusative case. These are
distinguished from TP and vP (i.e a vP which lacks an external argument as in passives and
unaccusatives, and which does not assign accusative case). , which are weak phases.
(a) The head of a lexical item is the only element capapble of acting as a probe, as it is the only
(b) There are probably three phases, CP, vP with the full argument structure, and DP (Chomsky
2005: 17-18).
(a) C and v* are phasal heads which bear inherent uninterpretable functional features which they
transfer to their labels (i.e. immediately selected heads). The label of C is T, and the label of v*
is V. The labels probe for a matching goal. For V, the matching goal is the uninterpretable case
feature of the object DP; for T, the matching goal is either the subject DP of v*P or the object of
V if V is passive or unaccusative. The uninterpretable features of the label receive the values of
the goal and the uninterpretable feature of the goal is assigned based on the properties of the
phase head, nominative if the label is T and the phasal head is C and accusative if the label is V
and the phasal head is v*. In case there are several goals, they all receive the same values in the
(b) Unlike A-movement, A’-movement is successive-cyclic phase by phase (Chomsky 2007: 24-
(b) Only phasal heads trigger operations (such as IM), and even raising to Spec, TP is thus
possible because the latter inherits features from the phasal head, C (Chomsky 2008: 144).
(1993), Chomsky (1995, 2000, 2001, 2005, 2007, 2008), the theory of case has been refined in
two other works. In the next two subsections, I discuss these two refinements.
In Chomsky (1981, 1986), the only division is between structural cases (those that are
assigned in certain structural configurations) and nonstructural cases (those that are related to
certain thematic roles). Woolford (2006) argues that nonstructural cases are of two types, namely
lexical case and inherent case. For Woolford, lexical case is a purely idiosyncratic case that has
(a) It is strictly assigned inside the VP domain by particular lexical heads such as certain Vs and
certain Ps.
As examples of purely idiosyncratic cases on internal arguments that are grammatical subjects,
Woolford provides the following examples (Woolford 2006, exs. 7a-c: 114) from Icelandic:
boat-DAT capsized
The examples in (25) show that none of the grammatical subjects receive a structural case,
namely the nominative case based on their grammatical position. Instead, these subjects receive a
purely idiosyncratic lexical case assigned to them by the particular verbs given inside the VP
domain before they raise to the TP domain. Semantically, the common feature that these subjects
(a) It is strictly assigned outside the VP domain but inside the vP phase.3
(b) It is only assigned to external arguments (e.g. goals, agents, cause, etc.). This case is licensed
As examples of nonstructural inherent case, Woolford offers the following pairs (examples 16-17
Woolfrod assumes that goal arguments are assigned the inherent case by a functional head v, which intermediates
VP and a higher v, which is the head of the phase vP.
‘The book was given to Mary.’ (Icelandic)
he-DAT is helped
The examples in (27) and (28) are cases of inherent case given that they are preserved under A-
movement. Woolford (2006) shows that unlike lexical cases, which are purely idiosyncratic and
unpredictable, inherent cases are regular and predictable. Thus, all external arguments in
Icelandic receive the dative case when they do not receive the structural nominative case.
Woolford (2006) provides some diagnostic tests that can be used to separate structural
from nonstructural cases, and argues that once certain interfering factors are controlled for, one
can see that although inherent cases are thematically connected, inherent case is always
associated with external arguments as broadly construed rather than with the specific thematic
role of agents. For example, one of the most widely used diagnostic tests to distinguish syntactic
structural cases from syntactic non-structural cases is case preservation under A-movement.
However, Woolford argues that this diagnostic test might give misleading results when there are
some interfering factors. One such factor that Woolford mentions is the fact that in langugaes
such as Japanese, dative cases are prohibited in intransitive constructions. According to
Woolford, if one were to apply the test of case preservation under A-movement to the Japanese
pair in (29), one might falsely conclude that datives are structural cases in Japanese:
For Woolford, the reason why the dative in the monotransitive sentence in (29a) switches to
nominative in (29b) is simply the result of the fact that Japanese prohibits dative cases in
intransitive constructions. Once one controls for this factor, Woolford argues, as in the
diatransitive sentence in (30a), one can see that dative cases are non-structural cases given that
John-NOM Mary-DAT that book-ACC send-PAST
To conclude, Woolford (2006) splits nonstructural cases into two types, the purely
idiosyncratic lexical case, which is assigned by V to its internal arguments inside VP, and the
inherent case, which is assigned by v to its external arguments outside of VP and inside vP.
Schütze (2001) argues that Universal Grammar (UG) must have in its inventory a form of
case, which is spelled out when all other ways of assigning case in the syntax proper fail. This
type of case is what Schütze (2001) calls default case. Schütze (2001: 206) defines this case as in
(31) “The default case forms of a language are those that are used to spell out nominal
expressions (e.g. DPs) that are not associated with any case feature assigned or otherwise
This situation, according to Schütze (2001), describes cases where DPs enter the synactic
derivation without any case features. Therefore, they survive to the PF and LF interface levels
without causing the derivation to crash. In the morphophonological component of the grammar,
which Schütze (2001) assumes, the caseless DP would receive a morphological case realization,
which varies from one language to another. Crucailly for Schütze (2001), default case is not
assigned by anything to anything. This means that an argument NP cannot receive default case.
Therefore, it cannot save a derivation from crashing; if it did, this would render the Case Filter
(i.e. the requirement that NPs in certain surface positions get case) vacuous. This is shown by the
fact that the accusative case, which is argued by Schütze (2001) to be the default case of English,
Schütze (2001: 209-210) further defines default case by what it is not. He points out four other
possible ways of assigning case, all take place in the syntax although he believes that nothing
would change if some or all of these four ways of case assignment turn out to be taking place in
the morphology before default case is supplied. The first way of assigning case is that which is
assigned by a syntactic head (e.g. a verb or Infl). Schütze (2001) points out that this is not the
same as syntactic licensing of arguments (i.e. abstract case, which is concerned with the
Icelandic, which may structurally license a dative subject, while at the same time assigning
nominative case to the object or other cases, where the verb (or AgrO) would structurally license
a nominative object and fail to assign its accusative case at all. The second type of case
assignment is that of a semantically related constituent such as a left-dislocated NP, which might
get a case, which matches that of its syntactically related argumental NP. The third type of case
is that of the case, which is assigned to the D head of a DP, and is then percolated to all other
material inside the DP in what is known as concordial case. The fourth type of case is what is
called semantic or adverbial case. This is the case of bare NPs that serve an adverbial function,
and their particular meaning is dependent on the particular case they receive such as the dative of
duration and the ablative of instrumental. Default case, argues Schütze (2001), is the case
2.7 Summary
This chapter traces the developments of case in Chomsky’s thinking from the early days
of the Government and Binding theory (Chomsky 1980) to the recent depevelopments (Chomsky
2008). It is shown that in the early days of the Government and Binding theory, case is perceived
by Chomsky as a PF requirement on all lexical (phonetically realized) NPs. In the later days of
the Government and Binding (Chomsky 1986), case is now perceived as an LF requirement on
arguments so that they can be readable by the LF component of the grammar. In early
Minimalism, goals (i.e. NPs) enter the derivation fully specified for their case features, but they
require checking against matching case features of the probes (i.e. T or v). In later Minimalism,
goals enter the derivation without a case value, and they only acquire valuation through an Agree
relation with a probe that must be ɸ-complete. Thus, ɸ-defective probes cannot assign case in
this model. In derivations by phase (Chomsky 2001), goals of a lower strong phase are still
accessible even if their features are deleted; they only freeze (cease to be accessible) when a
higher strong phase is introduced. In three factors in language design (Chomsky 2005), only the
head of the phase is accessible for further syntactic computations. In uproaching UG from below
(Chomsky 2007), C and v* have uninterpretable functional features, which they transfer to their
labels (i.e. immediately selected heads). Thus, the lable of C is T, and the label of v* is V. In this
model and in on phases (Chomsky 2008), CP, v*P and DP are phases.
Two other refinements to case theory are also introducd. Woolford (2006) splits non-
structural cases into two. The first is the purely idiosyncratic lexical case which is assigned by
certain verbs and prepositions to their complements. This case is assigned strictly inside VP. The
second non-structural case is the inherent case which is linked to thematic roles and is assigned
outside VP but inside vP exclusively to external arguments. Schütze (2001) further refines case
theory by claiming that there is another case which is assigned whenever all other case
assignment mechanisms fail. He calls this case the default case which is assigned at PF.
Chapter Three
3.1 Introduction
This chapter introduces some aspects of SA that are relavant for this thesis. The chapter
also gives an overview of how medieval Arab grammarians accounted for the case alternations
on nouns. Then, the previous generative accounts of case in SA are introduced and critically
Below I introduce some of the relavant structures of SA. These particular syntactic
structures are the ones that will be discussed when the case assignment facts of SA are addressed
in chapter five. Introducing these particular structures will thus set the stage for the analysis of
(a) There are two major orders in SA. These are VSO and SVO. All of the other possible
orders are also instantiated in the language with various pragmatic effects (e.g. Focus and Topic).
The examples in (1a-b) show the VSO and SVO orders. The example in (1c) shows the order
when the object is focalized, and the example in (1e) shows when the preverbial DP is a base-
generated topic. The example in (1f) is an example where the object is shifted to a position
preceding the postverbal subject for reasons of topcalization or focalization. The example in (1g)
is an example, where the object ʔal-masʔalat ‘the problem’ is not one of the arguments of the
(1) a. VSO ḥall-a l-ṭaalib-u l-masʔalat-a.
‘The problem, the student, he solved it.’
(b) There is an agreement asymmetry in SA so that the number feature is realized on the verb
only in the SVO order but not in the VSO order. The verb in (2a) is singular even though the
subject is plural. This contrasts with the example in (2b), where the plural feature on the verb
matches that of the subject. This contrasts with the the gender feature, which is manifest on the
(c) SA has two major types of sentences. The first is the verbal sentence (3a), and the second
is the ‘verbless sentence’ (i.e. clauses lacking any verbal predicates) (3b).4
The term ‘verbless sentences’ is used to describe snetences that lack a verbal predicate (cf. Benmamoun 2008 and
Hazout 2010).
‘The students solved the problem.’ (Verbal sentence)
b. l-ṭullaab-u mujtahid-uun.
(d) In addition to verbal and verbless sentences, SA has complex tense structures (i.e.,
(e) SA has structures with encliticized backgrounding topics. This is shown in (5), where the
encliticized backgrounding topic–hu ‘it’ is used. This particular structure is interesting because
the status of the clitic –hu is not agreed upon. It is a backgrounding topic for Fassi Fehri (2012),
but a preverbal expletive clitic for Mohammad (2000: 108) and Aoun et. al. (2010: 17). This
makes this structure interesting from a case-theoretic perspective. Mohammad (2000) and Aoun
et.al. (2010) argue that that there are two structural cases here, the accusative case is assigned to
the preverbal expletive clitic -hu ‘it’ by the complementizer and the nominative case is assigned
(5) qul-tu ʔinna-*(hu) waṣal-a l-musaafir-uun.5
(f) SA has structures with there-type expletives, as in (6). The important question that these
structures raise is the following: what is the status of hunaaka ‘there’, and does it receive case?
(g) SA has exceptional case marking (ECM) structures. In (7), the embedded DP subject,
ʔal-musaafir-iina ‘the passengers’ does not receive the nominative case; rather, it is marked for
morphological accusative case. The SA embedded clause of ECM constructions is finite both
morphologically (having ɸ-features) and semantically (having a distinct tense specification from
that of the matrix clause). The question here is what sort of case the subject of the embedded
The counterpart of (5) without a backgrounding topic is as shown in (i)
(7) ḏanan-tu l-musaafir-iina waṣal-uu.
(h) SA instantiates double-object constructions. The DPs ʔibnat-a-haa ‘her daughter’ and
laban ‘yogurt’ are both objects of the complex verb ʔa-ṭʕam ‘cause to eat/feed’ in (8), and both
objects receive the accusative case. The question is why both objects receive the accusative case
(i) SA instantiates two aspectual forms of the verb, the imperfective and the perfective. The
imperfective form of the verb is characterized by encoding mood markers, as in (9a-c). Three
major types of mood are encoded, and these are the indicative, as in (9a), the subjunctive, as in
(9b), and the jussive, as in (9c).7 The perfective form of the verb in SA bears no morphological
marking of mood, as in (9d). In this form of the verb, all the phi-features are realized as a suffix.
The imperfective verbs in (9a-c) are marked for mood as a suffix, and the phi-features appear as
According to Wright (1967, as cited in Al-Balushi 2011: 61), there are other moods in SA, and these are the
imperative and the energetic (or emphatic).
both prefixes and suffixes. In contrast, the perfective verb in (9d) is not marked morphologically
(i) SA instantiates pronominal copulas. These are pronouns that can be used as pronominal
linking verbs by linking the subject and the predicate in a clause. Their use in these structures is
one of disambiguation, as it is through them that clauses are distinguished from noun phrases.8 In
the examples in (10a-e), the third person pronoun is used as a linking verb, and it always agrees
with the preverbal subject in number and gender, but not person.
‘I am the teacher.’
For example, names can only be modified inside the NP by a postnominal definite NP modifier. Thus, the
expressions zayd-un l-muhandis-u ‘zayd, the engineer’ and zayd-un l-muḥaasib-u ‘zayd, the accountant’ are both
definite NPs with postnominal modifiers which agree with the head noun in definiteness. They both lack the
pronominal copula in (i); therefore, they can only be understood to be NPs with postnominal definite NP modifiers.
The use of the copula in (ii), however, makes the only reading available that of the clause. In (iii), the only available
reading of the example is that of a clause, given that the postnominal predicate is indefinite, hence, does not agree
with the head noun in definiteness, and no NPs need to be disambiguated from clauses. Therefore, no pronominal
copula is needed in (iii):
(i) zayd-un l-muhandis-u waṣal-a, ʔamma zayd-un l-muḥaasib-u
Zayd-NOM the-engineer-NOM arrived-3MSG as.for Zayd-NOM the-accountant-NOM
fa-lammaa y-aṣil-Ø-Ø baʕdu.
FA-NEG 3-arrive-MSG-JUSS yet
‘Zayd, the engineer arrived. As for Zayd, the accountant, he has not arrived yet.’
(ii) zayd-un huwa l-muhandis-u.
Zayd-NOM be.3MSG the-engineer-NOM
‘Zayd is the engineer.’
(iii) zayd-un muhandis-u-n.
Zayd-NOM engineer-NOM-INDEF
Zayd is an enginner.’
On the use of the pronominal copular verbs as a means of disambiguating NPs from clauses in SA, the reader is
referred to Al-Naḥas (1995: 13-34) and Eid (1983).
c. ʔanta huwa l-muʕallim-u.
‘You are her.’ (i.e., you are playing her in a play, etc.)
(j) There are two major complementizers in SA. The first is the indicative complementizer.
This has two forms. The first of these forms is the emphatic (or assertive) form, ʔinna. This form
is characterized by being able to introduce root clauses (11a), matrix or embedded verbless
clauses (11b-c), and tensed embedded clauses (11d), and it typically follows verbs of saying in
embedded contexts. This complementizer assigns the accusative case to its adjacent NP.
b. ʔinna ʔal-ṭaqs-a ḥaar-un l-yawm-a.
The second form of the indicative complementizer is the neutral form, ʔanna, which can
introduce only embedded tensed clauses (12a) and embedded verbless sentences (12b).9This
Traditional Arab grammarians treat the complementizer ʔanna as an emphatic (assertive) particle on a par with
ʔinna. However, Muṣṭafa (1957: 5) and Al-Maxzuumy (1986) argue that ʔanna does not bear any emphatic or
assertive force. Al-Maxzuumy (1986: 316-317), in particular, shows that ʔanna cannot possibly emphasize that the
eventuality expressed in its clause actually took place because this particle can introduce embedded sentences that
express the meaning of doubt, as in (i):
(i) ʔ-ašukk-u ʔanna-ka muṣiib-un.
1SG-doubt-INDIC that-you.MSG right-NOM
‘I doubt that you are right (Al-Maxzuumy 1986: 317)
I follow Muṣṭafa (1957) and Al-Maxzuumy (1986) on this issue. Note further that ʔanna, but not ʔinna can be found
in conditional clauses, which encode hypothetical situations, as in (ii):
(ii) law ʔanna /*ʔinna zayd-an saʔal-a-n-ii, la-ʔajab-tu-hu.
(12) a. ʕalim-tu ʔanna l-ʔamṭaar-a ʔa-ġraq-at
which obligatorily introduces embedded clauses in the subjunctive form, as in (13) below:10
(l) SA has structures equivalent to obligatory control structures in other languages, where
the subject of the null category in the embedded clause is controlled by the referent in the matrix
clause, as in (14):
This type of sentences is important, as the status of the subject of the embedded clauses (pro,
Medieval Arab grammarians of the 8th centrury and their followers had their account of
case alterations on nouns in SA. The major contribution of the Medieval Arab grammarians of
the 8th century is the discovery that certain lexical items can influence the case of the nouns.
Thus, case endings on nouns (rafʕ ‘nominative case’, naṣb ‘accusative case’, and jarr ‘genitive
case’) can be determined by the presence or lack thereof of certain lexical items that precede
them, which the Medieval Arab grammarians called operants (see Baalabaki 2008: 32-33). The
following is just a quick overview of the basic ideas expressed in this rich tradition:
(a) The subject is obligatorily postverbal (this is the view of the predominant Baṣrah
grammarians of the 8th century, specifically Sibawayhi and his followers). The subject in this
view is assigned the nominative case by the operant, the verb, as can be seen in the following
came.3MSG Zayd-NOM
(b) When the NP appears before the verb, the NP is not a subject but a preverbal topic phrase,
and the subject is a covert pronoun (this is also the predominant view of the Baṣrah grammarians
of the 8th century, specifically Sibawayhi and his followers) (cf. Ibn ʕaqiil 13th c./1980, Vol.2:
In (16), the Baṣrah grammarians of the 8th century propose that the preverbal NP Zayd ‘Zayd’ is
a topic phrase (called a mubtadaʔ in their terminology), and the true subject of the sentence is the
obligatorily covert (phonetically unpronounced pronominal subject huwa ‘he’). In this view, the
preverbal NP Zayd ‘Zayd’ receives its nominative case as a reflex of the fact that it introduces
the sentence and nothing else precedes it. Since no overt operant seems to influence the
nominative case of the topic phrase, Medieval Arab grammarians propose that there is a covert
operant which determines the nominative case on the topic phrase, and they term this covert
operant ʔal-ʔibtidaaʔ ‘being the first lexical item that introduces the sentence and no overt
operants precede it’. As for why nominative case should mark topic phrases, they propose that
nominative case is the first state of the nouns (i.e. the origin), and any other cases including
nominative cases on NPs other than preverbal topics are to be explained by the influence of
(c) The subject of verbless (or nominal sentences in Medieval Arabic grammar) is also a topic
phrase (termed ʔal-mubtadaʔ) rather than a subject. The NP predicate is termed ʔal-xabar ‘the
Zayd-NOM scientist-NOM
‘Zayd is a scientist.’
In this tradition, the NP Zayd ‘Zayd’ is a topic phrase and the NP predicate ʕaalim ‘scientist’ is a
comment. The nominative case on the topic phrase is assigned by the covert operant ‘ʔal-
ʔibtidaaʔ (i.e. being the first lexical item that introduces the sentence and is not preceded by any
overt operants), and the nominative case on the NP predicate is assigned by the topic phrase
(d) The subject of passive sentences is assigned the nominative case by the verb (cf. Ibn ʕaqiil
(18) qutil-a Zayd-un
killed-3MSG Zayd-NOM
(e) The active transitive verb can assign the accusative case to one object, two objects or three
bought-1SG wheat-ACC
‘I bought wheat.’
‘I showed the experts that the ruins were treasures.’ (Hasan 1962: 58)
In (19a), traditional Arab grammarians hold that the object NP qamḥ ‘wheat’ is assigned the
accusative case by the verb. In (19b), they hold that the NPs l-biyuut ‘the houses’ and ʔakwaax
‘the cottages’ are both objects of the matrix verb ḏann ‘to believe’, and that the verb assigns
accusative case to both objects. In (19c), traditional Arab grammarains hold the view that the
NPs l-xubaraaʔ ‘the experts’, l-ʔaaṯaar ‘the ruins’, kunuuz ‘treasures’ are all objects of the
matrix verb raʔara ‘to show/to cause to see’, and that the matrix verb assigns accusative cases to
(f) The auxiliary verb ‘k-w-n’ can be added to verbless (i.e. nominal sentences in Medieval Arbic
grammar), and it assigns the nominative case to the topic phrase and the accusative case to the
NP predicate (or adjectival predicate). Other verbs which belong to the same class are the verbs
ḏalla, baata, ʔaḍḥaa, ʔaṣbaḥa ‘to change from one state to another’,zaala, baraḥa, fatiʔa,
ʔinfakka, and all have the meaning of ‘to continue’. To illustrate, consider the following example
Tradional Arab grammarians hold the view that the auxiliary verb assigns nominative case to the
first NP Zayd ‘Zayd’, and accusative case to the predicate nominal ʕaalim ‘scinetist’ (cf. Ibn
(g) Grammarians of the Baṣrah school of grammar hold the view that the particles ʔinna ‘that of
emphasis’, ʔanna ‘that’, laakinna ‘but’, and the verbs layta ‘wish’, laʕalla ‘beseach’ can all be
added to verbless sentences, and they have the opposite effect to that of the auxiliary ‘k-w-n’ and
the other verbs in its class in that they assign the accusative case to the topic phrase and the
nominative case to the predicate nominal (cf. Ibn ʕaqiil 13th c./1980, Vol. 1: 345). This is shown
(21) ʔinna Zayd-an ʕaalim-un
In contrast to the view of the Baṣrah grammarians, grammarians of the Kuufa school of grammar
hold the view that the nominative case of nominal predicate in examples such as (21) is not
assigned; instead, this case for them is the result of the absence of any overt operants that assign
case to the predicate nominal (cf. Ibn ʕaqiil 13th c./1980, Vol. 1: 348).
(h) To account for those cases where the topic phrase receives the accusative case instead of the
predicted nominative case assigned by the covert operant ‘ʔal-ʔibtidaaʔ (i.e. being the first
lexical item that introduces the sentence and is not preceded by any overt operants), traditional
Arab grammarians claim that the topic phrase in such constructions is assigned accusative case
by a covert verb, which is identical to the overt verb that preceded the overt postverbal subject.
Thus, they propose that the sentence in (22a) is covertly understood as (22b):
Zayd-ACC hit-1SG-him
‘I hit Zayd, I hit him.’ (Ibn ʕaqiil 13th c./1980, Vol. 2: 156)
(22a) is the actual sentence where the preverbal NP Zayd ‘Zayd’ receives the accusative case
instead of the nominative case that topic phrases should receive according to the theory put
forward by traditional Arab grammarians. To account for this deviation, traditional Arab
grammarians (cf. Ibn ʕaqiil 13th c./1980, Vol. 2: 150) claim that verb ḍarab ‘to hit’ assigns the
accusative case to the bound pronominal object -hu ‘him’. As for the preverbal topic phrase, it is
assigned the accusative case by an elided token of the overt verb ḍarab ‘to hit’. Thus, the setnece
in (22b) is ungrammatical when the initial token of ḍarab ‘to hit’ is overt.
(i) The accusative case borne by the cognate object (called absolute object in traditional Arabic
grammar) is assigned to it by either the nominlized verb (23a), the verb (23b) or the participle
‘I was shocked by your brutal hitting of Zayd.’ (Ibn ʕaqiil 13th c./1980, Vol. 2:
c. ʔanaa ḍaarib-un Zayd-an ḍarb-an
‘I am hitting Zayd brutally/I will be brutally hitting Zayd.’(Ibn ʕaqiil 13th c./1980,
Vol. 2: 150)
In (23a), traditional Arab grammarians hold that the absolute object (=cognate object) ḍarb
‘hitting’ is assigned the accusative case by the nominalized verb ḍarb-i-ka ‘your hitting’. In
(23b), they hold the view that the absolute object is assigned the accusative case by the verb, and
in (23c), it is assigned the accusative case by the present participle ḍaarib ‘hitting’.
(j) The object of reason or purpose is assigned the accusative case by the preceding verb (24a):
be.generous-2MSG-JUSS gratefulness-ACC
‘Be generous as a gesture of gratefulness.’ (Ibn ʕaqiil 13th c./1980, Vol. 2: 192)
(k) The object of accompaniment (i.e. comitative object) is assigned the accusative case either by
‘Walk along the road.’ (Ibn ʕaqiil 13th c./1980, Vol. 2: 202)
(l) Adverbial NPs are assigned the accusative case either by the verb (26a) or by the nominalized
yawm-a l-jumuʕat-i
day-ACC the-Friday-GEN
‘I was shocked by your hitting of Zayd on Friday.’ (Ibn ʕaqiil 13th c./1980, Vol. 2:
Various treatments of case in SA have been offered in Agree based accounts of case, as
in Raḥḥali (2003), Ouhalla (2005), Soltan (2007), Al-Balushi (2011, 2012), and Leung (2011).
Another account is that of Fassi Fehri (1993), which is the only work in the literature on SA
where a hierarchical case account is proposed. The following subsections address these accounts
3.4.1 Agree-based account of case in SA
Raḥḥali (2003: 147) proposes that in SA, structural nominative case is licensed by T, and
he proposes that case on an NP is checked in one of two ways.11 Assuming Chomsky (1998,
Raḥḥali (2003: 147) proposes that in the VSO order, the subject does not raise to Spec,
TP. Instead, it is in Spec, vP, and nominative case is checked via an Agree relation between the
functional head T and the subject in Spec, vP. This is illustared by (28):
slept-3MSG the-boys-NOM
There is controversy in the literature on whether the SA verbal inflection shows a tense distinction (traditional
Arab grammarians) or an aspectual distinction (Caspari 1859, as cited in Fassi Fehri 1993: 141). Following Fassi
Fehri (1993, chapter 4: 141-212), I assume that the verbal inflection in SA shows tense, aspect and mood features.
The author claims that the subject DP l-ʔawlaad ‘the boys’ checks its [uCase: NOM] feature
against the [uCase: NOM] feature of the functional head T via the relation Agree.
For Raḥḥali (2003), another way of checking the structural nominative feature of the
subject DP is via incorporating the subject into the functional head T, and this will yield the null
subject cases (i.e. cases with no overt lexical subject postverbally). This is illustrated in (29):
Following Fassi Fehri (1990, 1993), Raḥḥali (2003) assumes that pronominal subjects
incorporate into the functional head T, which hosts the lexical verb, the latter raises to T from v-
V. The pronominal subject in (29) is in Spec, vP, and it raises to incorporate to T in order to
check its [uCase: NOM] feature against the matching [uCase: NOM] feature of the functional
head T. As for the SVO order, Raḥḥali (2003) treats the preverbal lexical DP as a topic in a left-
peripheral position.
The major problem with Tense as the locus of case licensing is that it is not tenable cross-
linguistically. A number of linguists argue that DPs bear nominative case even when the
the availability of tense and agreement). For example, McFadden and Sunderasen (2011) provide
‘Raman bought flour for Vasu to fry pooris’ (McFadden and Sunderasen (2011,
ex. 7a: 5)
‘Raman bought flour for me to fry pooris’ (McFadden and Sunderasen (2011, ex.
7b: 5)
The authors point out that in (30a), the DP Vasu gets nominative case even though it cannot be
said to have agreed with the embedded verb, since the latter is clearly an infinitive, heading a
tenseless clause. The example in (30b) shows that even agreement with the matrix verb is ruled
out, since the pronoun naan ‘I’ and the agreement markers on the matrix verb are not the same.
In addition, the embedded clause in the examples above is an adjunct clause, therefore, any
argument that the DP in the embedded clause gets its nominative case via Agree with the matrix
McFadden and Sunderasen (2011: 6) provide the examples in (31) from Icelandic, which
líka hestarnir.
like horses.NOM.M.PL
‘John seems to be believed to like horses.’ (McFadden and Sunderasen (2011, ex.
10a: 6)
‘It seems to me that John likes horses.’ (McFadden and Sunderasen (2011, ex.
10b: 6)
In (31a), the object DP hestarnir ‘horses’ is unambiguously in a nonfinite clause. The subject DP
Jóni starts in the embedded clause and gets a dative case before raising to the matrix clause,
since the matrix predicate is clearly a raising verb that does not assign a theta role. According to
the authors, one can clearly claim that the subject DP fails to trigger agreement, being dative. In
this case, the object DP establishes an Agree relation with the matrix clause, triggers agreement
and gets nominative case as a result. However, (31b) shows that the object DP is still nominative
even when there is a dative subject intervening between the object DP and the matrix verb. In
other words, the object DP still gets the nominative case even when agreement is blocked by the
intervening dative subject Jóni ‘John’. That agreement is blocked is obvious from the fact that
the matrix verb gets default agreement. Crucial to this example is the fact that the object DP does
not lose its morphological nominative case when blocking takes place and no agreement is
Another argument against the view that Tense is the locus of structural nominative case
The problem can be stated as follows. Fassi Fehri (1993: 181-184) and Al-Balushi (2011: 262-
264) offer convincing evidence that sentences with participials lack a tense specification in SA.
Al-Balushi derives this conclusion from the fact that participials do not encode the [± Past]
?? ‘the female teachers will know the news tomorrow’ (Al-Balushi 2011, ex. 140:
‘the king will be firing his son tomorrow’ (Al-Balushi 2011, ex. 141: 263)
Given examples such as (33), Al-Balushi establishes that participials lack the
interpretable feature [Precedence], which, according to Cowper (2005), T must have. Assuming
this analysis to be on the right track, we can proceed by raising the following question: If
sentences with participials such as those in (33) lack a tense specification (or a tense projection
in the case of Al-Balushi 2011), how is the nominative case of the subject of those sentences
licensed? In other words, if sentences with participials lack a tense specification, how can this be
reconciled with the claim that Tense is the locus of structural case? Clearly, the subject of the
sentences in the examples above receives nominative case despite the fact that the sentences do
not encode a tense specification. If this the case, then examples such as these run counter to the
predictions of the proposal that tense is the locus of case licensing in SA. Note that T in SA may
encode the features of T(tense and ɸ), Mood, and Aspect (cf. Fassi Fehri 1993: 151-152). In
principle, each of these features can license the nominative case of the subject. I take this as
evidence that the nominative case in (33a-b) is not default case, since default case is the case
mechanism that is bled by Agree-based case rather than vice versa (more on this in chapter 4).
The same arguments laid out against Raḥḥali (2003) also carry over to Benmamoun
(1999), where structural nominative case is also the result of an agreement relation between T
The second Agree-based account of case is that of Ouhalla (2005). In a novel attempt to
derive categorial features from independently needed features, and specifically from agreement
features, Ouhalla (2005) makes two major claims: (a) he uses data essentially from Berber to
advance the proposal that feature matching and deletion is categorization by computation. In
other words, following Chomsky’s (2001) claim that categorial features such as [N] and [V] have
no theoretical status, Ouhalla (2005) argues that categories such as [N] and [V] are not
primitives, which are transferred from the lexicon to the synatactic component; rather, these
labels are determined in the syntactic component of the grammar during the syntactic processes
of matching and deletion. This way, categories such as [N] and [V] are the result of checking
abstract features in the syntax. Subject-verb agreement, according to this view, reduces to the
process of matching and deleting the abstract agreement features of the verb and its related
functional heads against those features of the subject. Ouhalla provides arguments to claim that
the nominal category can be reduced to the feature [CLASS] and the verbal category, to the
feature [PERSON], and (b) the agreement properties normally associated with T in some
languages (e.g. English) is associated with an intermediate functional head, which Ouhalla calls
agreement relation between a subject with the features [CLASS, PERSON, NUMBER] and a
functional head Pred/T with the features [PERSON, CLASS]. In the process of agreement, the
[PERSON] feature of the subject matches with the [PERSON] feature of the Pred/T. The result
of matching is that the [PERSON] feature must survive in the feature content of the Pred/T;
otherwise, Pred/T would fail to be categorized as a verbal category. By the same token, the
feature [PERSON] must be deleted from the feature content of the subject; otherwise, the subject
would fail to be categorized as a nominal category. Similarly, the feature [CLASS], which can
have different values in different languages (e.g. GENDER), must survive in the feature content
of the subject; otherwise, the subject would fail to be categorized as a nominal category, and the
feature [CLASS] must be deleted from the feature content of Pred/T; otherwise they would fail
to be categorized as verbal categories. In other words, both Pred/T and the subject have
conflicting categorial features, [CLASS], which is a nominal feature, and [PERSON], which is a
verbal feature. The only way to resolve the categorial conflict and be categorized as a verbal or a
nominal category is for the subject to delete its verbal [PERSON] feature and retain its nominal
[CLASS] feature, and for Pred/T to eliminate their nominal [CLASS] features and retain their
verbal [PERSON] features. Ouhalla (2005: 672) argues that the difference in subject-verb
(34) a. Pred [Person, Class] (LP)
According to Ouhalla (2005: 672), the distribution of agreement features in (34a) describes
languages such as Berber and SA, where the subject does not raise to Spec, TP, and instead
remains in the lower phase (LP). By contrast, the distribution in (34b) describes languages such
as English, French and German, where the subject raises to Spec, TP, and agreement takes place
between T and the subject; therefore, agreement takes place in the upper phase (UP).
Ouhalla (2005: 681) argues that the feature [CASE] is likely to match with the verbal
feature [±Past] of T and the aspectual feature [±perfective] of Aspect. This means, Ouhalla
argues, that [CASE] is a verbal feature on nouns, and must therefore be deleted so that nouns can
Ouhalla (2005: 682) further claims that the feature [CASE] is available for nouns, but not
for pronouns, which only need [PERSON]. He states that “[t]here is a straightforward sense in
which [PERSON] plays a role in the interpretation/reference of personal pronouns, and there is
an equally straightforward sense in which the interpretation/reference of nouns does not depend
on [PERSON].” This, according to Ouhalla, is what justifies the existence of the verbal feature
[PERSON] alongside the verbal feature [CASE]. Ouhalla (2005: 682), moreover, claims that the
conclusion that pronouns are unspecified for [CASE] does not necessarily mean that the
distinction in the forms of the grammatical functions between the subject and the object cannot
be maintained. This distinction, Ouhalla argues, can still be maintained in terms of the feature
with which [PERSON] is matched. He writes that “[t]he subject form [of pronouns] is the result
of matching [PERSON] with the tense feature of T and the object form the result of matching
This account also faces problems. Consider first the following problem with Ouhalla’s
(2005) account of case. Assume that pronouns are unspecified for [CASE], and that they have a
[PERSON] feature instead. Assume further that the subject and object forms of the grammatical
functions of pronouns can still be maintained in terms of the feature with which [PERSON] is
matched. Let us also assume with Ouhalla (2005: 682) that that “[t]he subject form [of pronouns]
is the result of matching [PERSON] with the tense feature of T and the object form the result of
Given the above set of assumptions, the null subject of imperative sentences which lack a
tense specification would end up not being categorized according to the following reasoning: the
grammatical function of subject in this account can only determined by checking the [PERSON]
feature of the null subject pronoun against the tense feature of T. However, since T in imperative
sentences lack a tense feature, it follows that the null subject pronoun of imperatives would not
be determined. It is worth noting here that imperative sentences also cause a problem for the
claim that it is the tense feature of T that checks the nominative case on the subject (see Raḥḥali
2003 above), since these sentences lack a tense specification, and have instead a mood
Let us consider a second problem for Ouhalla’s (2005) account. Ouhalla (2005: 681)
claims that there is “[e]vidence that noun phrases seek out the category with a verbal feature
nearest to them […]” He uses the data in (35) from SA to illustrate his point:
(35) a. Kaanat Zaynab-u mudarrisat-an.
b. Zaynab-u mudarrisat-un.
Zaynab-NOM teacher-F.NOM
Ouhalla (2005: 681) claims that the nominal predicate in (35a) appears with the accusative case
because the [CASE] feature of the nominal predicate is matched with the aspectual feature of the
verb ‘be’, given that this verbal feature is the structurally closest one to the predicate nominal.
He also claims that in (35b), the predicate nominal appears with the nominative case because
there is no verb in the sentence; therefore, the [CASE] features of the predicate nominal and the
subject are both matched with the tense feature of T. He claims that the verbal tense feature of T
can be targeted twice in (35b) given that it is a verbal feature on T, which needs not be deleted,
as T is a verbal category.
Keeping Ouhalla’s claims in mind, let us now consider sentences with psychological
predicates, where both the subject and the object are assumed to be base-generated in the lexical
On standard accounts (see Chomsky 1986, Baker 1997), the predicate in (36) is unaccusative, the
position. Ouhalla’s (2005) account would predict that the [CASE] feature of the subject of (36)
would appear as accusative, given that the aspectual feature of Asp would be structurally closer
to both the subject and the object than the tense feature of T. However, this is not borne out by
the facts, as the subject appears with nominative case rather than with accusative case. Notice
that Ouhalla (2005) might object by claiming that the unaccusative-unergative distinction does
not hold in SA. While this might turn out to be true, abandening the idea that psychological verbs
are internal to VP would also mean abandoning the The Universal Theta Role Assignment
The third Agree-based account of case is that of Soltan (2007), who makes the following
(a) Phi-feature/CLASS agreement is the locus of case licensing. In Soltan (2007: 16-17), case is
(b) There is no evidence of any type of A-movement in SA. Particularly, SA does not show any
evidence for A-movement in typical A-movement structures such as passives and raising
(c) An Agree-based syntax properly tackles the facts of SA. Agree can establish a relation
between a probe and a goal, the only constraint being minimality considerations such as closet c-
command. This way, agreement and case in SA can be established without either of these being
driven by A-movement.
(d) T in SA has the following inventory of uninterpretable features: (i) ɸ features for person and
number, which may also be realized as default; (ii) the peripheral P-feature (i.e. the EPP feature),
(iii) CLASS feature, which surfaces as a gender feature in many languages. Following Ouhalla
(2003, 2005, as cited in Soltan 2007), Soltan (2007: 69) points out that gender may be able to
(e) The well-established asymmetry in agreement between the SV and VS orders are the result of
two distinct syntactic derivations. The example in (37) (based on Soltan 2007:70-71) illustrates
that T in the SV order agrees with a null subject, pro, hence the full agreement on T, and the
preverbal DP is a topic phrase, situated in Spec, TP. The example in (38), on the other hand,
illustrates that T agrees with a phonetically realized DP, and agreement in person and number on
T is therefore default, but Agree does take place between T and the postverbal lexical subject in
Unfortunately, Soltan (2007) does not address structures with first and second person subjects.
However, given his system, these would fall into the SV order in (37), as agreement in person
and number is realized in these structures. The fact that the EPP feature is available in the SVO
order but not the VSO order seems to indicate that T in Soltan’s system can be lexically specified
(d) Following Uriagereka (2006, as cited in Soltan 2007), Soltan (2007:76) maintains that the left
periphery is a zone rather than a position. Based on this conjecture, Soltan argues that the left
periphery in SA is any position higher than v*P. He therefore maintains that the Spec positions
of the functional projections, TP, NegP, Mod(ality)P, AspP are all left peripheral positions. This
assumption will become relavant when we address some of the problems with this account of
Soltan’s account (2007, 2011) also faces some problems. This account considers that
the preverbal DP is a topic situated in Spec, TP (or Spec, TopicP in Soltan 2011), which, for
Soltan (2007), is an A’-position. Consider first the following problem: Soltan (2007) does not
address what happens when the subject of the sentence happens to be a first or second person.
However, given his system, this type of structures will presumably have a postverbal null subject
pro, which is identified by agreement in ɸ, which is person and number as well as CLASS, i.e.
GENDER which probes separately from ɸ in this system. To conform with the representation
proposed for the SV order, the structure will also have a preverbal null pro, which is a topic in
Spec, TP. This is illustrated by the following examples of structures with first and second person
(39) a. proi katab-naa/*katab-a/*katab-at proi l-risaalat-a.
wrote-1PLM/*wrote-3MSG/*wrote-3FSG the-letter-ACC
wrote-2FPL/wrote-3FSG the-letter-ACC
Note that sentences such as (39) cannot have a postverbal lexical subject. When this happens (as
in 40), the sentences are ill-formed; they are only well-formed on a reading where the postverbal
‘You (F.PL) wrote the letter.’ (on a neutral reading of ʔantuna ‘you’)
This means that these structures will have the representation given in (37) and repeated below as
These examples are perfectly grammatical on a focalized reading of the pronouns.
(41) SV order: [CP C [TP proi T EPP/ɸ/CLASS [v*P proi v* [VP V…]]]]
Notice, however, that this creates the following problem for Soltan (2007, 2011). What we have
now are structures with a null preverbal topical pro coindexed with the postverbal null subject.
This raises the following question: what exactly is the discourse function of a null topic? Why
the frame of reference for the discourse or to make an entity or an individual salient in the
Second, topics are, by definition, optional elements. This makes the following prediction:
if Soltan (2007, 2011) is right in claiming that preverbal DPs are topical elements, then in the
context of ECM strcutures and structures with both lexical and auxiliary verbs, the sentences in
both (a) and (b) should be grammatical, contrary to the fact, as is illustrated in (42) and (43),
(43) a. kaan-at l-banaat-ui y-alʕab-na proi
was-3FSG 3-play-FPL
Sentences such as (42) and (43) raise the following question: if the DP l-ʔawlaad ‘the boys’ in
(42a) and l-banaat ‘the girls’ in (43a) are topical elements, then why are they obligatory?
Third, one of Soltan’s (2007) major arguments is that structural case is licensed via a
long-distance Agree between a probe and a goal in its c-command domain. Soltan (2007: 70)
claims that “[b]y assumption, then, T can appear with ɸ, CLASS [which, for Soltan 2007, can
probe separately from ɸ, and is realized in many languages as Gender], EPP, or any
combinations of these three, subject to lexical parametrization.” Soltan (2007: 70-71) then claims
that “agreement with a pro subject is only compatible with a full T, necessarily required so pro
can be identified and the derivation converges at the interface.” Keeping these theoretical
assumptions in mind, we can now consider how Soltan (2007) treats the case facts of verbless
sentences. To illustrate this, we can consider the example in (44) (adapted from Soltan 2007, ex.
24a: 55):
Zayd-NOM in-the-house-GEN
Soltan (2007: 54) treats the DP Zayd ‘Zayd’ as a topic, which receives default nominative case.
Given Soltan’s theoretical assumptions, the subject of (44) must then be a null pro in the Spec,
position of some functional head. This assumption is necessary; without it, the sentence would
end up without a subject. The question that we should ask now is the following: how is the
structural case of the null subject pro licensed? Clearly, the structural case of the null subject is
licensed because the derivation does not crash, and the sentence is fully grammatical. Let us note
that this question is crucial given Soltan’s assumption that agreement with a pro subject is only
compatible with a full T. This means, on Soltan’s assumptions, that T in (44) must have EPP, ɸ
and CLASS features. For Soltan, the topic phrase Zayd ‘Zayd’ in Spec, TP is licensed by the EPP
feature on T. This leaves us with uninterpretable ɸ and CLASS features that have to be checked,
valued and deleted in order for the derivation to converge at LF. Now, the pressing question is
the following: how is pro in (44) licensed given that there is no morphological evidence that T
has checked, valued and deleted its ɸ and CLASS features? To put it differently, what evidence
do we have that T in (44) checked, valued and deleted its uniterpretable ɸ and CLASS features?
The answer is clearly none given that T in (44) does not host any lexical element that can bear ɸ
It is crucial to note that the claim that structural case is inherently linked with agreement
(i.e. ɸ-feature checking and valuation) has already been challenged in the literature (see Carstons
The fourth Agree-based account of case is that of Al-Balushi (2011), who argues against
Soltan’s (2007) account that ɸ/CLASS-feature agreement is the locus of case licensing in SA and
against the view that considers Tense to be the locus of case assignment in SA (as has been
(a) Structural case licensing in SA is the result of an unvalued verbal case [VC] feature on both
heads, I and v*, which probe for a Goal, and they both receive valuation from a matching but
valued [VC] feature on the head of finiteness, Fin, located in the C domain. As a result of this
checking and valuation, a subject DP in Spec, v*P with a [uCase] feature searches upwards for
the probe I, which has now a valued [VC] feature and checks and values its [uCase] feature as
structural NOM. Similarly, the object DP with a [uCase] feature searches upwards for the probe,
v*, which has now a valued [VC] feature. As a result, the object DP in the complement of V
checks and values its [uCase] feature as structural ACC. In such a system, either element (Probe
(b) In disagreement with Chomsky (2001), where only a probe with the full set of ɸ-features can
license the [Case] feature on the Goal, Al-Balushi (2011: 36-37) argues that the [Case] features
of subjects and objects in SA are licensed even in the presence of a defective Probe (i.e. a Probe
which does not have the full set of ɸ-features) in the VS order, which is the unmarked order in
the language. The author takes this as evidence against the hypothesis that structural case
licensing is a reflex of ɸ-agreement, contra Schütze (1997), Chomsky (2001 and subsequent
The crucial argument of Al-Balushi (2011, 2012) is that argumental lexical DPs can only
be case-licensed as a result of verbal licensing. Thus, for arguments to be licensed for case, both
T and v must have a [V] feature, which needs to be valued before the latter can license case on
argumental DPs. For that to happen, the head, Fin0 must c-select “an XP that has both a
categorial [V] feature and at least one I-finiteness ([T], or [Mood], or [ɸ]” (Al-Balushi 2012: 10).
Given this account, the categorial [V] features of T and v* can only be valued against a valued
[V] feature of Fin0. It is only after such valuation takes place that the functional heads, T and v*
can case-license their respective arguments, namely the subject DP and the object DP
There are a number of problems that can be pointed out here. First, Al-Balushi (2011,
2012) uses the idea that argumental DPs can only be case-licensed when verbs are case-licensed
to argue that argumental subject pros in verbless sentences in SA need not be case-licensed. In
other words, given that such sentences lack verbs, it follows, Al-Balushi argues, that the
argumental subject pro in this type of sentences does not need to be case-licensed. Thus, Al-
Balushi argues that the null subject, pro in the example in (45) is licensed and made visible at LF
not by case, but rather by coindexation with the topic phrase, ʔar-rajul ‘the man’.
the-man-NOM sick-NOM
The problem with this argument can be stated as follows: Al-Balushi (2012: 1) states that
he “assumes the Visibility Condition, under which structural Case is necessary to make
verbless sentences, he argues that the argumental pro does not need to receive case. In other
words, if arguments need case to be visible at LF, and if pro is an argument, then surely pro must
Second, in his discussion of verbless sentences, which are c-selected by the emphatic
comlplementizer, ʔinna, Al-Balushi (2012) offers the examples in (46) and states that “[t]hese
sentences show that ʔinna assigns ACC to a following noun, which always has the status of
As a matter of fact, there are contexts such as the example with the expletive in (47) in
which the noun bearing ACC and following ʔinna can only be interpreted as an argumental
Crucially, the subject in Spec, PP (or Spec, PredP on Al-Balushi’s account), namely, rajul ‘man’
still gets ACC from the complementizer, the latter assigning lexical accusative case to the DP on
Al-Balushi’s account. Notice, though, that such sentences pose a problem for Al-Balushi for the
following reasons. First, the DP, rajul ‘a man’ cannot be treated as a topic, because it has one
reading in which it is non-specific indefinite. Second, the existential expletive, hunaaka ‘there’
cannot be a topic given that it lacks meaning. Given the above reasoning, the only option left on
Al-Balushi’s account is to argue that the DP, rajul ‘a man’ is a subject in Spec, PP, and it
receives lexical ACC from the complementizer. As for the existential locative pro-form, the only
option left on Al-Balushi’s account is to argue that it occupies the Spec, TP position. If such is
the case, the question immediately arises as to how the nonmodified indefinite subject, namely,
rajul ‘a man’ in the Spec, PP position is licensed. Notice that this question is crucial, given that
there are no verbs in the structure to license the subject in Spec, PP; yet, the sentence is
grammatical. On Al-Balushi’s account, the mechanism available for licensing the subject in
Spec, PP has to be coindexation. Notice, however, that this is not possible here given the absence
of a topic phrase that can license the subject via coindexation. On standard accounts (Chomsky
1991: 442-443), the existential expletive in such constructions is an LF affix, and the associate
NP raises at LF to adjoin to the affix, and both form one NP. The only reasonable analysis of
such sentences on Al-Balushi’s account is to assume that the pleonastic expression is a topic
phrase licensed at LF via the abstract feature [Topic] and coindexation is therefore possible
between the pleonastic expression and the lexical DP in Spec, PP. However, pleonastic
(48) fii l-daar-i rajul-un.
in the-house-GEN man-NOM
‘In the house is a man.’ (adapted from Fassi Fehri 1986, ex. 38: 113)
Fassi Fehri (1986: 113) treats the DP rajul ‘man’ in (48) as the subject of the sentence, and the
PP fii l-daar ‘in the house’ as a topic phrase or a focus phrase. Assuming this analysis to be on
the right track, this presents the following problem for Al-Balushi. The DP rajul ‘man’ is
licensed for case without there being a coindexing topic that licenses it at LF. Also, the sentence
lacks a verb with a [VC] feature that can license the subject. In other words, here we have a
sentence in which the subject’s case is liecensed neither by a [VC] feature nor by coindexation,
contrary to Al-Balushi’s (2011) predictions. Notice especially that Al-Balushi (2011, 2012)
might claim that both the PP fii l-daar ‘in the house’ and the DP rajul ‘man’ are topics in his
account, and the subject is thus a null pro coindexed with the topic phrase rajul ‘man’ in (48).
However, such a claim would create the following problem: the PP would have to be base-
generated within the TP domain; otherwise, we end up with a sentence with no predicate. Givn
this scenario, the PP must have moved to its surface position in Spec, TopP from its base-
position within TP. However, such a movement entails that the PP moved across another topic
phrase, namely the DP rajul ‘man’, a movement which is barred on standard accounts.
The fifth Agree-based account of case is that of Leung (2011), who puts forward the
hypothesis that Mood in the C domain is the locus of structural case assignment in SA. The
author notices that there is a correlation in SA between the grammatical mood of the embedded
clause and the choice of the embedded complementizer such that embedded clauses with the
indicative mood are associated with the embedded indicative complementizer ʔinna and its
variant ʔanna. He also notices that embedded clauses with the subjunctive mood are associated
with the subjunctive complementizer ʔan. The correlation can be shown by the pair of examples
y-uriid-Ø-u/*y-uriid-Ø-a l-safar-a
3-want-MSG-INDIC/*3-want-MSG-SUBJ the-traveling-ACC
y-aktub-Ø-a/*y-aktub-Ø-u risaalat-an
3-write-MSG-SUBJ/*3-write-MSG-INDIC letter-ACC
Leung (2011: 137-138) interprets this correlation as evidence that there is C-T agreement
between the embedded T and the embedded complementizer in the feature [Mood], which, he
and valuation in Mood, argues Leung (2011), is, therefore, the locus of structural case in SA.
Adopting Chomsky (2000), Leung (2011) argues that C has a set of formal features, which are
transferred from C to T. Mood is one of those features, and structural case is a reflex of C-T
agreement in Mood. This model can be schematized as in (51) (from Leung 2011: 137):
(51) Stage one:
Stage two:
Stage three
In Leung (2011), the value of the mood feature on T 2 in Stage 3 is 0. I assume that this is a typo. This assumption
is confirmed by the fact that on the next page (Leung 2011: 138), the author claims that the complete set of valued
formal features on C is transferred to T in Stage 3.
[β phi] [β phi] [χ phi] [χ phi] [χ phi]
In (51), Leung (2011: 137-138) claims that the valued mood and ɸ-features of the matrix T are
inaccessible for further computation, as indicated by the strikethrough notation. He claims that
the embdded C has an interpretable mood feature, but uninterpretable ɸ and tense features in
Stage one. He also claims that in Stage two, the uninterpretable ɸ feature on the embedded C is
valued via agreement with the interpretable ɸ feature of the embedded DP, the uninterpretable
tense feature of the embedded C is valued via agreement with the interpretable tense feature of
T2. In Stage 3, Leung claims that the complete valued features of mood and phi are transferred to
To show the close relationship between mood on C and accusative vs. nominative
subjects, Leung (2011: 141) provides the schematic structures in (52) and (53):
The example in (52) represents embedded sentences that are introduced by the indicative
interpretable mood feature with the value [+ indic]. This feature c-commands the embedded
subject in Spec, TP and assigns to it structural accusative case. The valued mood feature of C is
also transferred to the embedded T via feature inheritance. As for (53), Leung claims that the
embedded subjunctive complementizer has an interpretable mood feature with the value [+ subj],
that it assigns the nominative case feature to the embedded subject under c-command. The
valued mood feature is also transferred to the embedded T via feature inheritance.
Having discussed Leung’s (2011) conjecture, there are a number of problems that face
this account.
First, to provide evidence for his account, Leung (2011: 143) offers (74)
‘I heard that the girl will travel tomorrow.’ (adapted from Leung 2011, ex. 40c: 143)
Leung (2011: 143) claims that (54) provides evidence for his account that C and T have the same
set of formal features. He claims that the indicative complementizer ʔanna in (54) has a strong
and uninterpretable [+D] feature, which attracts the pronominal clitic -hu to it for valuation. In
his characterization of the pronominal clitic-hu, Leung (2011, fn. 18: 143) cites Ryding (2005) as
claiming that “[t]he pronoun clitic -hu is argued to function as a generic buffer pronoun that is
independent of the subject of the embedded clause[…]. This is analogous to English ‘that’ which
incorporates a [+D] feature (i.e. it refers to the embedded clause).” Leung does not clarify how
case assignment works in (54). Assuming Leung’s account, we can claim that the indicative
complementizer ʔanna has an interpretable mood feature with the value [+ indic]. This means
that the complementizer assigns the structural accusative to “the generic buffer pronoun that is
independent of the subject of the embedded clause.” This account faces the following problem:
on the assumption that the indicative complementizer has a [+ indic] feature, and the assumption
that T inherits the valued mood feature from C, how do we explain the nominative case on the
the subject l-bint ‘the girl’ in (54)? In other words, given that C in (54) has a [+ indic] mood
feature, this feature is transferred to T. T now has a valued [+ indic] mood feature. T agrees with
the subject l-bint (or with C); yet, instead of the predicted structural accusative case, we have the
Second, Leung’s (2011) account implies that the subject of root sentences should receive
the structrual accusative case, contrary to fact. To illustrate, let us consider (55):
In (55), T, which hosts the verb, bears the indicative mood marker -u. Adopting Leung’s (2011)
analysis, this should mean that T inherited its mood feature value [+ indic] from the null
counterpart of the overt indicative complementizer ʔinna, which bears the interpretable
counterpart of the mood feature. This in turn would predict, on Leung’s (2011) account, that the
subject zayd ‘Zayd’ should receive the structural accusative case, contrary to fact.
Having discussed the major problems with the Agree-based accounts of case, there are
some other problems that can be laid out against more than one of these accounts. First, the view
that the tense feature of T is responsible for nominative case on the subject (Raḥḥali 2003) and
the view that case is a verbal feature on nouns (Ouhalla 2005) both face problems with case in
imperative sentences. Al-Balushi (2011: 46-50) provides convincing evidence that imperative
sentences lack a TP specification in SA. Among the arguments that he uses is the fact that
imperative verb forms do not realize the [±Past] distinction, and this distinction is not observed
semantically given that the only temporal interpretation of imperatives is that of future
orientation. Assuming that this claim is on the right track, the view that Tense is the locus of
structural nominative case is difficult to maintain if imperatives whose null subjects are licensed
for case lack a Tense specification. Note that the null subject of imperative sentences has to be
marked for nominative case rather than accusative case because in SA the subject, in the absence
of an accusative case assigner such as the indicative compelmentizer ʔinna and its variant ʔanna
or the matrix verbal predicate of an ECM construction, always surfaces with the nominative case.
Similarly, the null subject pronoun of imperative sentences would fail to be categorized as a
subject in Ouhalla’s (2005) account if imperative sentences lack a tense specification, the feature
Second, accounting for case assignment in ECM constructions would be difficult for the
view that tense feature is the locus of nominative case in SA (Raḥḥali 2003), the view that case is
a verbal feature (Ouhalla 2005) and the view that Agree in GENDER or ɸ-features (Soltan 2007,
2011) is the locus of case checking in SA. This is because the embedded clause in these
sentences is finite both morphologically (having ɸ-fetures) and semantically (the ability to have
distinct tense specification) (more on this in chapter 5). This means that the embedded T should
be able to assign it nominative case rather than the obligatory accusative case it surfaces with,
contrary to the predictions of Raḥḥali (2003), Ouhalla (2005) and Soltan (2007, 2011). Note that
this problem can be overcome if multiple case checking is allowed. However, none of these
authors, as far as I can tell, allows multiple case checking in their accounts.
Third, structures with event-denoting nominals provide evidence against all Agree-based
account of case. In these structures, the lexical root starts the derivation as a verb before being
nominalized later in the derivation. These structures project a vP, witnesses the fact that they can
bind an anphor, as in (56b), as well as the fact that the structures can be modified by agentive
adverbials, as in (56a-b). However, instead of the predicted structural accusative case, the theme
‘He wants to criticize the man with violence.’ (adapted from Fassi Fehri 1993, ex.
65a: 242)
‘He wants to criticize himself with violence.’ (adapted from Fassi Fehri 1993, ex.
65a: 242)
If structural accusative case is the result of an Agree relation between the probe v* and the goal,
the object DP l-rajul ‘the man’ in (56a), then an Agree-based account of case cannot explain why
the theme object surfaces with an obligatory genitive case instead of the predicted structural
accusative case. Note especially that the accusative case is realized on the theme object inside the
DP when the subject in the structure is a lexical DP l-rajul ‘the man’ rather than PRO. This is
illustrated in (57):
‘The man criticizing the project annoyed me.’ (Fassi Fehri 1993, ex. 46: 234)
Having discussed the Agree-based accounts of case in SA, I conlude that these accounts
3.4.2 A mixed approach to case (Fassi Fehri 1993)
Fassi Fehri’s (1993) account of case is the only account of case in SA which incorporates
a case hierarchy where accusative case is dependent on another higher case (specifically
nominative case in the CP domain and genitive case in the DP domain). Fassi Fehri’s (1993)
account is in some respects similar to the account that will be adopted in this dissertation. Below,
(a) To account for the agreement asymmetry between the VSO order and the SVO order in SA,
Fassi Fehri (1993) advances the functional ambiguity hypothesis, according to which all subject
agreement affixes in SA are functionally ambiguous in that they can be either be pronouns
incorporated into the verb or they can be agreement affixes. To illustrate, let us consider the
examples in (58):
came-3MSG the-boys-NOM
b. l-ʔawlaad-u jaaʔ-uu
the-boys-NOM came-3MPL
‘The boys came./The boys, they came.’ (adapted from Fassi Fehri 1993, ex. 29:
According to Fassi Fehri (1993), the verbal affix in (58a) can only be treated as an agreement
affix; it cannot be treated as a subject incorporated pronoun; otherwise, the sentence ends up
having two subjects, which is impossible. As for (58b), Fassi Fehri (1993: 28) holds that the
sentence has two interpretations, as is indicated by the English translations. In one reading, the
topic phrase), and the verbal affix is thus a subject pronoun incorporated into the verb. In another
reading, the preverbal DP is interpreted as the real subject of the sentence. In this case, the verbal
affix can only be treated as an agreement affix. When the subject is postverbal, as in (58a), Fassi
Fehri argues that the nominative case of the subject is assigned by a governing T. In the second
reading of (58b), where the preverbal DP is a subject, Fassi Fehri (1993: 33, 45) argues that the
case of the preverbal DP is default. For Fassi Fehri (1993), the nominative case of the preverbal
(b) According to Fassi Fehri (1993), the accusative case on the object DP is assigned by V under
government. However, there are cases where the accusative case fails to be assigned to the DP
object, as can be seen in structures with process (= event-denoting) nominals when they are c-
‘The man’s criticizing the project annoyed me.’ (adapted from Fassi Fehri 1993,
Arsalan Kahnemuyipour asks the following question: what accounts for the difference in agreement between the
second reading of (58b) and the VS order in (58a)? According to Fassi Fehri (1993: 34), this is accounted for by his
AGR Criterion, which is stated as follows: “Rich AGR is licensed by an argument NP in its Spec, and an argumental
NP in Spec AGR is licensed by rich AGR”
‘He wants to criticize the man with violence.’ (adapted from Fassi Fehri 1993, ex.
65a: 242)
Fassi Fehri (1993) shows that process nominals in SA are internally verbal but externally
nominal, and that the categorial conversion takes place at some point in the syntactic derivation.
Some of the arguments that Fassi Fehri uses to show that process nominals are internally verbal
include the fact that they have the same argument structure of verbs, and their thematic objects
are assigned the accusative case, as can be seen in (59a). Another argument for the internally
categorial status of process nominals is that they can be modified by adverbial phrases, as is
shown in (59b). To account for why the thematic object of the control clause fails to be assigned
the accusative case in (77b), Fassi Fehri (1993: 242) proposes that PRO is caseless, and that
objects can only be assigned the accusative case when their subjects are assigned case. This is
(60) “Object Case is discharged only if subject Case is discharged” (Fassi Fehri 1993: 243).
(c) The nominative case assigned to subjects of verbless sentences and subjects of sentences of
the SVO order in SA is a default case, according to Fassi Fehri (1993). In his account, the default
case of the subject of these types of sentences surfaces unless there are external case assigners
such as the the complementizer ʔinna/ʔanna ‘that’, the matrix verb in ECM structures, or D
inside DPs. This is illustrated by the contrasting examples in (61) and (62):
(61) a. zayd-un mariiḍ-un
Zayd-NOM sick-NOM
‘Zayd is sick.’
the-boys-NOM came-3MPL
This contrasts with sentences of the VSO order, where only the nominative case is allowed, as
came-3MSG the-boys-NOM/*ACC
To account for the obligatory nominative case in the VSO order and the availability of non-
nominative case in the nominal sentences and sentences of the SVO order, Fassi Fehri (1993: 50)
(64) I is ± nominal
Fassi Ferhi (1993: 50) claims that the nominality parameter can be translated as follows: I
includes T, which is verbal and AGR, which can or cannot be nominalized, and either one or the
other will be favored as the dominant category, which imposes its nature on I. According to this
parameter, AGR in the VSO order is strong in that it is verbal and cannot be nominalized.
Therefore, the nominative case of the postverbal subject is assigned under government by I,
which hosts AGR and T. In other words, I in the VSO order is verbal; therefore, it is a case
assigner, which assigns its case to the postverbal subject under government. In contrast to this,
AGR in the SVO order is weak; therefore, it can be nominalized by an external case assigner
(such as the indicative complementizer ʔinna or the ECM predicate or D), which assigns its case
to AGR. In other words, I in the SVO order is nominal; therefore, it can receive case from
external case assigners. According to Fassi Fehri (1993: 50). AGR can discharge the case of the
Although the account proposed in Fassi Fehri (1993) captures all of the case facts in SA,
there are some theoretical problems that can be pointed out. First, this account rests on
parameterizing I in one and the same language, namely SA, and while parameterizing I might be
one were to choose between this account, and one that does away with this complication, then
the second account would be preferred for simplicity reasons, if for nothing else. To put it
differently, in the spirit of the Minimalist Program (Chomsky 1995), any account that requires
fewer assumptions should, by hypothesis, be favored over another that requires more
Second, Fassi Fehri (1993) claims that the accusative case of the object is only
discharged when the case of the subject is discharged. This is regulated by his proposed
(65) “Object Case is discharged only if subject Case is discharged” (Fassi Fehri 1993: 243).
The question now arises as to what the status of the condition in (65) is? Specifically, can
the condition in (65) be derived from any theories of case? Fassi Fehri (1993, fn. 31: 278) claims
that the condition in (65) is analogous to the case tier approach of Yip, Maling and Jackendoff
(1987). However, in Yip et al.’s (1987) theory, (i) cases in a case tier (NOM, ACC) are mapped
onto grammatical functions (GFs=subject, object) in a separate tier by principles of association,
(ii) the notion of domain of case assignment is central, (iii) PRO receives case, and (iv) sentences
(S), but not v*Ps, supply a case tier. On the other hand, in Fassi Fehri’s (1993) account, (i)
condition (65) neither maps cases onto GFs nor refers to domains of case assignment, (ii) PRO
doesn’t receive case, and (iii) the account implies that the case hierarchy applies at VP (v*P in
Third, in Fassi Fehri’s (1993) account, the AGR feature in T is responsible for assigning
the structural nominative case to the postverbal subject in the VSO order, and V (v in current
theory) assigns accusative to the object. However, in the context of process nominals in control
structures, the assignment of the accusative case to the object is dependent on the assignment of
case to the subject, as is regulated by Fassi Fehri’s (1993) condition on case discharge. It is
worth pointing out that the account does not offer any explanation as to why the accusative case,
which is the result of the syntactic relationship of government between V (= v) and the object
should in any way be dependent on a hierarchy of cases between the subject and the object, a
hierarchy that has nothing to do with the syntactic relation of government. To state the problem
differently, the account derives the state of inactivity that V (= v) experiences in these structures
from a hierarchy of cases rather than from a reassessment of the nature of V(= v) itself.
(66) a. The postverbal subject receives a structural obligatory nominative case via agreement
with AGR in T.
b. The preverbal subject and the subject of verbless sentences receive an unmarked
default nominative case unless there are external case assigners such as the indicative
c. The object receives a structural accusative case from V (v in current theory) as long as
While the above claims capture the empirical facts properly, they are not explanatory
adequate. I take these arguments as evidence that Fassi Fehri’s (1993) account needs to be
To address the above problems with the previous analyses of case facts in SA, I adopt a
new analysis, which is based on the updated version of the dependent case theory (Baker 2015).
This analysis has the merit of incorporating both Agree-based accounts of case and the
dependent case theory in one theoretical model. The major claim of this analysis is the
hypothesis that Agree-based case is bled by dependent case assignment, when the latter is
applicable in a language. For the analysis to work, there have to be at least two NPs in the spell
out domain of a phase (Baker 2015). Thus, syntactic structural accusative case in this theory is a
dependent case, which is assigned when the NP is c-commanded by another NP in either the
same phasal domain or in a higher phasal domain depending on whether the lower phase is a soft
phase or a hard phase. Broadly speaking, there are two major phases in the updated version of
the dependent case theory (Baker 2015). The first such phase is vP. When the head of this phase
is merged into the structure, its spell out domain, namely VP is sent to Spell-Out. The second
major phase is CP. When the head of this phase C is merged into structure, its spell out domain
TP is sent to Spell-Out. According to this theory, if the lower phase is a soft phase, then the NPs
inside this phase are still accessible to the higher phase. If, on the other hand, the lower phase is a
hard phase, then the NPs inside this phase are inaccessible to the higher phase. Suppose, for
case (Chomsky 2000 and subsequent work). Suppose further that there are two NPs inside the
VP, which is the spell out domain of this phase. If vP in such a language is a hard phase, then the
case of these NPs have to be both calculated inside this domain. In such a language, the higher
NP inside the VP domain c-commands the lower NP inside the same domain; therefore, the
lower NP receives the dependent accusative case, and the higher NP receives its case through the
case-assigning Agree relation with the higher functional head. The other case, which competes
with the dependent case would thus be nominative case in a nominative-accusative language.
This would be the result of the middle NP Agreeing with T. In an ergative-absolutive case
system, the dependent case would be the higher ergative case, and the other case would be the
absolutive case, which would be the result of Agreeing with the functional head v.15 Suppose
now that in a nominative-accusative language, vP is a soft phase. Suppose further that there are
two NPs inside the phasal domain of v, which is VP. In such a language, there is one of two
options. In one option, the language exhibits a “strict cycle” effect such that the dependent case
cannot be assigned in the VP domain. This is the case in languages such as Japanese and Korean,
as will be shown later in the thesis. In such a language, the lower NP cannot be assigned the
dependent case even though it is c-commanded by another NP in the same Spell out domain. In
these languages, the assignment of dependent case can only happen at the Spell Out of TP, which
is the Spell out domain of the phasal head C. This means that when TP is sent to Spell-Out in
This is the type of languages, where the subject of intransitves and the object of transitives would pattern together.
This contrasts with the nominative-accusative case system, where the subject of transitives and the subject of
intransitives would pattern together.
these languages, only the higher NP in the matrix clause will get the Agree-based case, but all
other NPs in the structure will get the dependent accusative case. The other option that languages
of the nominative-accusative type have when vP is a soft phase is when the language does not
exhibit a “strict cycle” effect such that the dependent case is assigned to the lower of two NPs in
any phasal domain be it VP or TP. This is the case in Amharic, as is argued in Baker (2015), and
this is also the case with SA, as will be argued throughout this thesis. A full exposition of the
3.6 Summary
This chapter reviews the previous generative accounts of case. The chapter discusses
Agree-based accounts of case in SA, and Fassi Fehri’s mixed account (1993), where a mixed
approach is developed. The chapter argues that all of the above accounts of case are problematic
either theoretically or empirically. The chapter sketches out an alternative account, namely the
Chapter Four
Alternate accounts to case with a focus on Baker’s dependent case and relavant theoretical
4. 1 Introduction
reviewed previously are introduced. The case tier theory of Yip, Maling and Jackendoff (1987)
and the original version of the dependent case (Marantz 1991) are discussed together with the
problems that they face. This is then followed by the updated version of the dependent case
Yip, Maling and Jackendoff (1987) propose a theory of case assignment in syntax which
is analogous to the autosegmenatal theory in phonology and morphology. They further propose
that NPs form an NP tier and cases form a distinct case tier, and each case is associated with an
NP via association lines. They propose that the unmarked association is from left (L) to right (R).
This is the case of nominative-accusative languages. They argue that some languages are marked
in that the association takes place from R to L. These are the ergative-absolutive languages. In
this theory, crossing association lines is not allowed. To illustrate how this theory works, let us
NOM ACC (the case tier) (adapted from Yip et. al. 1987, ex. 1: 219)
In (1), the NPs form an NP tier and the cases form a case tier, and the cases are mapped onto the
NOM ACC (adapted from Yip et. al. 1987, ex. 2: 219)
The NP John in (2) is associated with the nominative case, and the accusative case remains
unassociated, as there is no NP to associate with. As a result, the accusative case is not realized.
Yip et. al. (1987: 221) argue that in double object constructions, some languages have a
rule of spreading case across two sister complements. This is the case, they argue, in Swedish, as
is illustrated by (3):
‘The king gave her to him as a wife.’ (adapted from Yip et. al. 1987, ex.3: 221)
The example in (3) shows, the authors argue, that Swedish has a spreading rule, which spreads
the accusative case on the goal object to its sister complement theme object. The authors point
out that the case on the second object cannot be a default case, as nominative but not accusative
In structures with lexical case, the authors argue that this case is a special case lexically
assigned by some verbs to one of their arguments. This is illustrated with the following example
from Icelandic:
‘Siggi concealed the truth from the woman.’ (adapted from Yip et. al. 1987, ex. 8a: 223)
In (4), the theme object receives a lexical dative case from the verb, which is annotated as a case
above the NP rather than below it. The syntactic accusative caseis associated with konuna ‘the
woman’, and the nominative case is associated with Siggi. Let us consider the following
example, where the goal object receives a lexical dative case from the verb:
‘Siggi told the child the story.’ (adapted from Yip et. al. 1987, ex. 8b: 223)
In (5), the syntactic nominative case is associated with the subject, and the syntactic accusative
case is associated with the theme object. As for the goal object, it receives a lexical case from the
verb. Similar to objects, the authors argue that subjects in Icelandic may also receive lexical case,
as is illustrated by (6):
In (6), the subject is assigned a lexical dative case by the verb, and the syntactic nominative case
is assigned to the object. As for the syntactic accusative case, it remains unassociated, and is
Yip et. al. (1987) also propose that not only sentences provide a case tier but NPs do too.
In their discussion of Icelandic, they propose that it has one case to be associated with a bare NP
modifier, namely the syntactic genitive case. This case is assigned to the first bare NP
complement; all other bare NP complements inside the NP domain must therefore get their case
from prepositions; otherwise, the structure is ill-formed. The authors argue that the gentive case
inside the NP is assigned regardless of what thematic roles the gentive NP gets. The following
are some illustrative examples adapted from Yip et. al. (1987, ex. 15: 234):
b. NP with prenominal genitive:
J. translation of the.book
Case tier in NP
translation J. of the.book
d. NP with postnominal genitive ‘object’:
þýðing bókarinnar
translation the.book
Case tier in NP
Discussing the data in (7), the authors show the following: in (7a), there is an active sentence
with two NPs in the NP tier and two syntactic cases in the case tier, and each case is associated
with one NP in a one-to-one L-to-R association. This is an example of case assignment in the S
domain. All other examples in (7) are examples of case assignment in the NP domain. In (7b),
the head of the NP is the deverbal noun of the transitive verb for translate, namely þýðing
‘translation’. Here, the genitive case assigned in the NP domain goes to the first NP complement
of the head, namely the prenominal possessor Jóns ‘John’. In (7c), the genitive case is assigned
to the first NP complement, anmely the subject Jóns ‘John’. The other NP complement receives
its case from the preposition. In (7d), the genitive case is assigned to the first NP complement,
namely the object bókarinnar ‘the book’. In (7e), all the examples are ill-formed because they
To handle sentences with PRO subjects, Yip et. al. (1987: 239) propose that case
assignment applies strictly to items in a domain, where the domain is either an S or an NP. They
X, and there is no node Z such that X dominate Z and Y is in the case domain of
Given the definition of domain in (8), a syntactic case in a matrix clause (S2) cannot be
associated with an NP in the embedded clause (S1), as case assignment is strictly domain-
specific. Similarly, a syntactic case in S2 cannot be associated with any NP arguments inside an
NP, as NPs are themselves case domains. Having identified case domains, the authors offer their
proposal for how case assignment works in sentences with PRO subjects. This is illustrated in (9)
(9) a. [S2 Bill tried [S1 PRO to help me]].
According to the authors, the sentence in (9) can be analyzed as follows: In the S1 tier, there are
two NPs, PRO and the object NP, and two syntactic cases. Each syntactic case is assigned to
each NP in the NP tier in a one-to-one L-to-R association. In the S2 tier, there is one NP in the
NP tier but two syntactic cases in the case tier. The first syntactic case NOM is associated with
the only NP in the NP tier. As for the second syntactic ACC case, it remains unassociated, as
there is no other NP in the S tier to associate with. Crucially for the authors, the syntactic
accusative case in the S2 tier does not associate with any NP in the S1 tier, as case assignment is
strictly domain-specific. The same reasoning, the authors argue, applies to sentences where PRO
is controlled by the object of the matrix clause, as in (9b) adapated from Yip et. al. (1987, ex. 21:
Note that it is crucial for the authors to claim that PRO receives case. On the assumption that
PRO does not get case, their theory would make the wrong predictions, as is illustrated by the
example in (10) adapted from Yip et. al. (1987, ex. 20: 238):
In (10), PRO of S1 does not receive a syntactic case; therefore, the syntactic case NOM is
associated with the object, and the syntactic case ACC of S1 remains unassociated; the result is
ungrammatical. Therefore, PRO must receive a syntactic case for the theory to make the right
GB literature as exceptional case marking (ECM) structures, Yip et. el. consider two
possibilities. According to the first possibility, the embedded subject of believe-type predicates
raises to the matrix object position. In this scenario, the authors offer the following analysis:
(11) a. Bill believes [she/her to like me]
In (11), Yip et.al. (1987: 241) argue that the subject of the embedded clause is associated with
the nominative case in the complement cycle (i.e. the embedded clause). Upon raising to the
matrix object position, the subject of the embedded clause is now in the case domain of the
matrix cycle (i.e. the matrix clause) where the previously assigned nominative case is now
overlaid with the accusative case which is associated with the object in the matrix cycle.
The second possibility that the authors consider is one where the subject of the embedded
clause does not raise to the matrix clause. They offer the following example from Icelandic as in
In (12), Yip et.al. (1987: 241-242) assume that the subject of the embedded clause does not raise
to the matrix object position. In this scenario, the embedded subject is associated with the
nominative case in the complement cycle. Due to the mechanism of S’-deletion, the subject of
the complement cycle is now in the case domain of the matrix cycle. The nominative case of the
embedded cycle is now overlaid with the accusative case of the matrix cycle.
To summarize, the Case Tier theory posits the hypothesis that the syntactic cases, NOM
and ACC, which are often called structural cases, are assigned neither to certain syntactic
configurations, nor to certain grammatical functions. Instead, they are assigned along a hierarchy
of grammatical functions, where NOM is higher on the hierarchy than ACC (Maling 2009: 87).
b. Only one XP can get assigned NOM; any remaining NPs get ACC via case-spreading.
As discussed in the previous section, there are two case domains in the Case Tier theory,
S and NP. Given this theoretical assumption, there are structures in SA that pose a problem for
the Case Tier theory. One such structure includes sentences with process nominals, as can be
‘The man’s criticizing the project bitterly annoyed me.’ (adapted from Fassi Fehri, ex.
60a: 239)
In (14), the lexical root starts the derivation as a verb and is then nominalized later on in the
derivation. According to the Case Tier theory, this would mean that there are two NPs in the NP
tier and two cases in the S case tier. This in turn means that the underlying structure of the
In (15), there are two NPs in the NP tier and two syntactic cases in the case tier, and each case is
associated with each NP one-to-one in a L-to-R fashion. Assuming that the object pronominal
DP (n)ii ‘me’ is cliticized onto the verb, and that the verb then raises from v to T, as is standardly
assumed for SA, would account for the surface structure shown in (14) above. So far, the Case
Tier theory can account for the case facts of SA. The problem starts when we want to explain the
accusative case marking on the thematic object l-mašruuʔ ‘the project’ inside the first NP. From
the perspective of the Case Tier theory, the NP is also a case domain. The only case available
inside the NP domain in this theory is the genitive case. Suppose that the genitive case is indeed
available and that it is associated with the first bare NP complement of the nominalized V, as is
shown in (16):
If we now assume that the language-specific case spreading rule, proposed for some languages in
Yip et. al. (1987) is operative in SA, we end up making the wrong predictions, as is shown in
The DP in (17) is ungrammatical because the NP l-mašruuʔ ‘the project’ obligatorily surfaces
with the accusative case rather than the genitive case. One might want to argue that the syntactic
genitive case is associated in (17) with the first bare NP complement l-rajul ‘the man’, and that
the second NP l-mašruuʔ ‘the project’ receives its accusative case as a default/unmarked case.
However, this argument is untenable; given that the default/unmarked case in SA is standardly
taken to be the nominative case. Also, if accusative case were the default case inside the NP
domain, one would expect the phrase in (18) to be grammatical, contrary to the facts:
The only way for (18) to be grammatical is when the second NP inside the DP domain is
Notice further that the Case Tier theory cannot explain why the theme object inside the
nominalized DP of (14) may surfaces with the accusative case simply because there is only a vP
inside the DP domain, and vPs do not supply a case tier in Yip et. al.’s (1987) theory. Thus, the
Case Tier theory can not account for the accusative case of the theme object inside the DP, when
Let us now consider a similar problem for the Case Tier theory. This has to do with
‘He wants to bitterly criticize the man.’ (adapted from Fassi Fehri 1993, ex. 65a: 242)
The example in (20) is problematic for the Case Tier theory in the following manner: In this
theory, PRO must receive a syntactic case. Suppose that PRO in (20) does receive the only
syntactic case available inside the NP domain, namely the genitive case, as proposed in the Case
Tier theory. If this is the case, then case assignment inside the DP in (20) would be as shown in
criticizing-ACC the-man-GEN/the-man-ACC
In (21), we have two bare NP complements inside the DP domain, but one syntactic case. The
problem that (21) poses for the Case Tier theory can be stated as follows: if the only syntactic
case inside the DP domain is associated with the first NP complement, namely PRO, how does
the second NP l-rajul ‘the man’ inside the DP domain receive its genitive case, especially given
Given the above problems with the Case Tier theory, I conclude that this theory does not
In this thesis, I develop an account of case in SA based on the dependent case approach
Marantz’ (1991) original theory of dependent case. I begin by introducing the original version of
dependent case theory as first proposed in Marantz (1991). I point out some of the problems that
face this version of the theory. I follow that by introducing Baker’s (2015) developed version of
the dependent case theory, the version that forms the theoretical framework of the proposed
account of case in SA. Following that, I lay out the technical details and theoretical assumptions
that form the basis of the analysis to be developed in chapter 5. I conclude this chapter with a
work), Marantz (1991) claims that NP licensing is distinct from the morphological assignment of
case on NPs. In this work, Marantz uses the examples in (22) from Icelandic to show that NPs
can get morphological case without being licensed by abstract case. Recall that this distinction is
the same distinction discussed earlier between syntactic structural cases and syntactic but non-
structural cases.
Marantz (1991) reasons as follows: in (22a) both objects receive a quirky morphological case
(i.e. a case lexically specified by certain verbs), which is not the expected structural accusative
case for objects; yet, the NPs are not licensed as objects because they get these cases. This is
because these cases are not structural cases (i.e. cases determined by the structural relationship
holding between a V or v and the object in the complement position of the verb). When the verb
is passivized, as in (22b), the object has to raise to the subject position, but its case does not
change. On the face of it, this means that the object is not licensed for structural case in the
object position. Moreover, (22c) makes it clear that the movement of the object in (22b) is driven
by the need to check the Extended Projection Principle (EPP) feature rather than to get licensed
by case. (22c) shows that when the subject position is occupied by a dative NP, the genitive
object is now licensed as an object even though it is not licensed by structural accusative case. If
one wants to claim that the genitive object in (22b) has to move because it lacks structural case
as the object of a passive verb, then one has to explain how the object in (22c) is licensed in the
base position of a passive sentence even though it does not receive the structural accusative case.
Marantz (1991) also gives the Icelandic example in (23) to show that NPs can be licensed
For the example in (23), Marantz (1991) provides the following account: the embedded sentence
in (23) has a non-structural dative subject and a structural nominative object in the complement
clause of believe. T cannot possibly license the object with structural nominative case, as the
complement clause is non-finite lacking the feature [Tense]. The object is however licensed in
the object position even though it does not have a structural accusative case.
As an alternative to abstract structural case theory, Marantz (1991: 20-21) offers the
principle in (24):
morphological properties.”
Marantz (1991) acknowledges the fact that the principle in (24) does not cover the
distribution of PRO. He also notes that the principle in (24) does not apply to the distribution of
pro, given that the latter is licensed by the morphological properties of agreement systems. To
account for the distribution of PRO, Marantz (1991) offers the residue of case theory in (25):
(25) “RES(Case Theory): an NP is PRO iff not governed at S-structure by a lexical item or
[+tense] INFL[ection]”.
Marantz (1991: 19) assumes a model of grammar without case theory. The model is
represented in (26):
(26) Projection
MS = “Morphological Structure”
Given this model of the grammar, Marantz (1991: 23-25) explains how case is realized in the
following manner: case realization takes place in the MS component, which maps SS (i.e.
Surface Structure) to PF (i.e. Phonological/Phonetic Form). At MS, the case affix in languages
that have morphological cases, is attached to the noun affix. Which case feature the case affix
requires (e.g. nominative, accusative, genitive, dative, etc.) depends on the syntactic properties of
the element, which governs the maximal projection of the noun to which the case affix
attaches.16 The relevant objects at MS are not NPs per se but rather chains, in particular A-chains
(argument chains), which include the traces of NP-movement. Marantz (1991: 23) states that
“the case features on the case affix may depend on what governs any link in the chain of the NP
(27) “CASE features are assigned/realized based on what governs the chain of the NP headed by
To illustrate how case is assigned, Marantz (1991: 23) offers the representation in (28),
where the subject and object NPs are links in the same chain:
(28) IP
NPi I’
5 3
3 3
tj ti
Marantz then explains how the case of the case affix is determined in the following manner:
there are three case candidates for the NP in the structure of (28), and these are lexical (e.g.
dative), nominative or accusative. If the verb requires lexical dative on the object NP, then that
NP will preserve this case no matter where it ends up at SS, MS or PF. The case preservation is
explained in this theory by the fact that the object NP and the subject NP are both members of
the same chain in (28). The case affix may receive accusative feature in the object position. This
is explained in this theory on the grounds that the NP is governed by the trace of V in (28). The
Crucially, note that the case feature that the case affix acquires depends, in the theory of Marantz (1991), on the
syntactic properties of the element that governs the maximal projection of the noun to which the affix is attached.
This casts doubt on the assumption that case assignment is a PF phenomenon, as argued in Marantz (1991). I thank
Gabriela Alboiu for pointing out this to me.
NP in the subject position may receive nominative case. This is explained by the fact that this
position is governed by the complex head V+I in (28). Case realization obeys a disjunctive
hierarchy typical of morphological Spell-Out. In this hierarchy, the more specific case feature
wins out over the less specific case feature. The hierarchy is disjunctive in that going down the
list, as soon as the case affix finds a case feature it qualifies for, it picks up that feature and
leaves the hierarchy. Marantz (1991: 24) offers the disjunctive hierarchy in (29):
- default case
“Lexically determined case takes precedence over everything else, explaining the
preservation of quirky case when an NP moves from a position governed by a quirky case
verb to a position of NOM or ECM ACC case realization; […] Unmarked case may be
sensitive to the syntactic environment; for example, in a language GEN may be the
unmarked case for NPs inside NPs (or DPs) while NOM may be the unmarked case
inside IPs. Finally, there is a general default case in the language when no other case
According to this hierarchy, if a verb requires a lexical dative case on the object NP, then this is
the case the NP will have at any position, as lexical case ranks higher than any other case feature
in the hierarchy. If lexical case is unavailable, the object NP will receive a dependent case if
certain syntactic conditions are met, as will be explained below. If dependent case is
inapplicable, an NP will receive an unmarked case. For example, a language may have the
genitive case as the unmarked case in the NP domain, but nominative case as the unmarked case
in the TP domain. If no other case realization principles are applicable, a default case is supplied.
Notice that the difference between unmarked case and default case in Marantz’ (1991) theory
Marantz (1991: 25) spells out what dependent case is in the following manner: accusative
is a dependent case assigned downward to an NP when the subject NP, which is governed by
V+I has certain syntactic properties. Ergative case is a dependent case assigned upward to a
subject NP when V+I governs downward another NP with certain syntactic properties. These
(30) Dependent case is assigned by V+I to a position governed by V+I when a distinct
The syntactic properties listed in (30) explain why the subject NP in the representation in (28)
above can never be assigned the accusative case. The idea is that the subject and the object NPs
in the representation are both members of the same chain governed by V+I. In other words, there
are no distinct positions governed by V+I. To illustrate how the subject and the object receive
their cases in Marantz’ (1991) theory, we can consider the following example of a transitive
Updating Marantz’ (1991) theory, the sentence in (31) presumably has the following syntactic
(32) IP
John 3
I vP
NP v’
v VP
3 3
V v V NP
likes <likes> Mary
In (32), the NP John in Spec, TP is governed by the the functional head I. The subject is not
marked for lexical case, as there is no lexical case assigner. The subject and the object are not
members of the same chain. Therefore, the object qualifies for the dependent accusative case. As
for the subject, it receives unmarked nominative case in the IP domain. Let us now discuss how
an intransitive sentence can be accounted for in Marantz’ (1991) theory by considering the
following example:
(34) IP
Maryi 3
I vP
v VP
3 3
V v V NP
arrived <arrived> < Maryi>
In (34), the NP Mary is not lexically marked, as there is no lexical case assigner. The subject
does not qualify for the dependent accusative case because the subject is a member of the A-
chain <Mary, Mary> whose head is in the subject position in Spec, TP and whose tail is in the
object position in VP. Therefore, the subject receives the unmarked nominative case in the TP
As is pointed out by a number of authors (e.g. Legate 2008, Marantz’ 1991) PF version of
dependent case assignment faces problems in light of the fact that some syntactic phenomena
(e.g. A-bar movement) occur after dependent case assignment. For example, if an object
receives dependent case in its base-position, and then moves to the Spec, TopP position or Spec,
FocP position for topicalization or focalization purposes, then Marantz’ (1991) theory faces the
following problem: On the assumption that case assignment takes place at PF after syntax, and
the fact that A-bar movement takes place in syntax before PF, the object will be higher than the
subject at PF. This would then change the case assignment pattern such that the object receives
the unmarked nominative case and the subject receives the dependent accusative case, contrary
the observational fact that objects retain their accusative case after movement to the A-bar
position. Baker’s (2015) updated version tries to salvage the dependent case assignment by
updating it and moving it back to syntax. The next section discusses this updated approach. Problems with the original version of the dependent case theory
As has been discussed in the previous section, the gist of Marantz’ (1991) account is that
realization. For Marantz, the licensing of arguments in certain syntactic configurations (e.g.
Spec, TP for the subject or the compelement of V for the object) takes place in syntax proper. As
for case realization, Marantz argues that it is strictly postsyntactic; it takes place in the
Morphological Structure of the grammar, the point in the derivation where the surface structure
The view that case realization is postsyntactic is also defendend in Bobaljik (2008). As is
argued in Baker (2015), case assignment cannot be a purely PF phenomenon. One piece of
evidence against this view comes from the fact that the dependent case assigned to NPs in their
base-position is retained after movement of these NPs to the left periphery. On the standard
assumption that movement to the left-periphery takes place in the syntax proper, this runs
counter to the Marantzian (1991) claim that case assignment is a PF phenomenon. To illustrate
Here the NP risaalat ‘a letter’ receives the dependent accusative case at the Spell Out of TP.
According to the Marantzian (1991) theory, the prediction would be that the calculation of case
assignment would change when the object NP risaalat ‘a letter’ raises to the left periphery for
the purpose of focalization, for instance.17 More specifically, the prediction would be that the
subject NP zayd ‘Zayd’ would receive the dependent accusative case, and the object NP risaalat
‘a letter’ would receive the unmarked nominative case (or through the case-assigning Agree
given the theoretical framework we will adopt in this thesis), when the object NP risaalat ‘a
letter’ is raised to the left periphery. This prediction is based on the standard assumption that
movement to the left periphery is a syntactic rather than a PF phenomenon. However, such a
On the assumption that case assignment is a purely PF phenomenon, the object NP risaalat ‘a
letter’ c-commands the subject NP zayd ‘Zayd’ at PF, as shown in the ungrammatical example
(36a). Therefore, it follows, according to Marantz (1991), that the subject NP zayd Zayd’ in
Note that this prediction does not run counter to Marantz’ (1991) claim that case is assigned to chains because
Marantz’ (1991) claim only includes A-chains and does not extend to A’-chains.
(36a) should be assigned the dependent accusative case, and the object NP risaalat ‘a letter’
should receive the unmarked nominative case, contrary to fact. The grammatical example in
(36b) shows that the dependent case assigned to the object in its base-position is retained when
the object moves to the left periphery. This casts doubts on Marantz (1991) proposal that case
I therefore conclude that the original version of the dependent case theory of Marantz
Baker (2015: 48) updates Marantz’s (1991) dependent case theory by proposing the rule
(37) “If there are two distinct NPs in the same spell-out domain such that NP1 c-commands NP2,
then value the case feature of NP2 as accusative unless NP1 has already been marked for case”.
Given that c-command relationship is essential in the updated version of dependent case,
(38) “X c-commands Y if X does not contain Y and the first node that properly contains X
contains Y.”.
To flesh out the mechanics of dependent case, Baker (2014a: 355, 2015: 233) makes the
assumptions in (39):
complement do remain visible in the next stage of derivation, but only new c-
Baker (2015: 234) explains the assumptions in (39) as follows: (39a, b, d) are standard
assumptions in phase theory (Chomsky 2000 and subsequent work). The difference between
(39d) and (39e) captures the fact that some languages have differential case marking while others
do not. Baker (2015: 146) proposes to consider vP as either a soft phase or a hard phase. Baker
(2015, ex. 59: 149) explains the distinction between the two phases, as shown in (40):
(40) “a. If v is a hard phase head, then the contents of its VP complement are invisible for the
b. If v is a soft phase head, then the contents of its VP complement undergo spell out (e.g.
they may get their case features fixed) but they remain active in the derivation.”
To illustrate the concept of vP being a hard phase, we can consider the examples in (41)
from Sakha:
(41) a. Masha salamaat-y sie-te.
Baker (2015: 125) explains the difference between the examples in (41) in the following
manner: the object in (41a) receives a specific or definite interpretation, and is assigned the
dependent accusative case. In contrast, the object in (41b) receives an indefinite or non-specific
interpretation, and is assigned an unmarked nominative case. If we assume that v is a hard phase
head, we can account for the differential object marking in the language. We can assume that
when the object is specific or definite, it shifts out of VP into vP. When the complement of v,
namely VP is sent to Spell-Out, there are no NPs available; therefore no dependent case is
applicable. Given that the object is now in the Spec of vP, it is now part of the domain of the
higher phasal head, namely C. Thus, when the complement of C is sent to Spell-Out, the object is
subject to the dependent case, and it receives the dependent accusative case. In contrast, the
object in (41b) does not receive a specific or definite interpretation. Therefore, we can assume
that the object in this structure remains in situ next to the verb. When the complement of the
phasal head v is sent to Spell-Out, the object is not subject to dependent case because it is the
only NP in this domain. Therefore, the object receives an unmarked bare nominative case. To
further strengthen the argument that this analysis is correct, Baker shows that the neutral word
order for specific or definite objects is before VP adverbs, whereas the indefinite or non-specific
Baker shows that the same facts are found in ergative languages. He illustrates with data
from Eastern Ostyak, a Finno-Ugric language spoken in Siberia. When the object in this
language is indefinite, it does not shift out of VP, and thus the subject is not marked ergative, as
in (43a). In contrast, when the object is definite, it shifts over a PP, and the subject is marked
ergative, as in (43b):
We put them (pots of berries) beside a big tree.’ (Baker 2015, ex. 26: 128).
In addition to languages where the unmarked case for an NP at the spell-out of VP and
TP is the same, as is the case in Sakha, Baker shows that the unmarked case needs not be the
same in these two spell-out domains. Baker illustrates this with the examples in (44) from
Finnish, where the unmarked case at the spell-out of VP is partitive case, whereas the unmarked
bring-1sS bear-ACC/bear-PL.ACC
b. Tuo-n karhu-j-a.
bring-1sS bear-PL-PART
According to Baker, the examples in (44) can be accounted for as follows: in (44a), the object
refers to a fixed quantity; therefore, the object shifts out of VP. At the Spell-Out of VP, the
object is not inside VP; therefore, the object does not receive the unmarked case. Instead, the
object, being out of VP is inside the Spell-Out of C, namely TP; therefore, the object is subject to
dependent case, and receives the structural dependent accusative case. In (40b), the object does
not refer to a fixed quantity; therefore, it remains in situ at the Spell-Out of VP. This way, the
object receives the unmarked case in the VP domain, namely the partitive case.
Baker (2015: 141) shows that accusative is clearly a dependent case in Finnish in that it
only shows up when a certain kind of subject is available. Thus, Baker (2015: 141) notes that
when the subject is the featureless subject of an imperative, as in (45), the definite object shows
up with nominative rather than accusative case. Baker accounts for this on the grounds that the
object being of a fixed quantity shifts out of VP; therefore, at the spell-out of VP, the object is
not available. At the Spell Out of TP, the definite object is inside the domain of TP, but given
that subject is featureless, the object is not subject to the dependent case, and instead, it receives
the unmarked case. However, given that the object is inside the TP domain, it does not receive
the unmarked case for the VP domain, namely the partitive case. Instead, the object receives the
‘Bring the (a) bear!’ (Kiparsky 2001, as cited in Baker 2015, ex. 46: 141).
Baker shows that partitive is not a dependent case. Thus, when a bare-plural object with an
bring.IMPER bear-PL-PART
‘Bring bears!’ (Kiparsky 2001, as cited in Baker 2015, ex. 47: 141).
Baker accounts for the example in (46) as follows: the object is indefinite; therefore, it does not
shift out of VP, and remains inside VP. Given that VP is a hard phase in Finnish, the object is the
only available NP at the Spell-Out of VP, and it receives the unmarked case in the VP domain,
head such as Sakha, Eastern Ostyak, and Finnish (also known as differential object/subject
marking languages), Baker (2015) shows that there are other accusative and ergative languages,
where the VP is clearly a soft phase, and v a soft phase head. As an example of an accusative
language, where VP is a soft phasal domain, Baker illustrates with Cuzco Quechua. In this
language, Baker (2015) shows that the indefinite objects, which do not shift out of VP, still
‘Juan gives candy to the children.’ (Baker 2015, ex. 54: 146).
According to Baker (2015: 149), examples such as (47) receive an explanation if we assume that
the VP domain is a soft phasal domain, and the contents of VP remain visible to the CP spell out
domain. In other words, the indefinite object in (47) remains inside VP. At the Spell Out of VP,
the case of the object is considered, but is not valued yet. Instead, the object receives its case
value at the spell-out domain of CP. In this domain, both the object and the subject are
considered for case purposes; therefore, the object is subject to the dependent case, and it
receives the structural dependent accusative case. Thus, Cuzco Quechua contrasts with Finnish
or Sahka, where the object receives the dependent accusative case if and only if the object is
Baker shows that the same pattern is observed in ergative languages. He illustrates with
‘The boy took a feather out of his pocket.’ (Haspelmath 1993, as cited in Baker 2015, ex.
55: 146).
Baker shows that the subject in Lezgian, as in (48), uniformly receives ergative case regardless
of the position or the specificity of the object. Thus, in (48), the object is indefinite; therefore, it
does not shift out of VP; yet, the subject still receives the dependent ergative case. Thus, Lezgian
contrasts with Eastern Ostyak, where the subject receives a dependent ergative case if and only if
In addition to languages having special structural cases inside the TP cycle (special
structural dependent accusative in the accusative languages and special structural dependent
ergative in ergative languages), which is the most common type of languages, Baker shows that
there is analogue to that in that there are languages, where the higher of the two NPs inside the
VP cycle receives a special structural dependent case, namely dative. In other words, dative case
is the VP-internal analogue of ergative case inside the TP cycle. Baker (2015: 131-134) shows
that this is the case in Sakha. Baker illustrates with an example of ditransitive verbs in Sakha
(49), where the goal argument, which is generally higher than the theme argument inside the VP
In order to confirm the claim that dative in Sakha is structural rather than lexical inherent case,
Baker provides the example in (50b), where the dative is clearly assigned to an NP if the root
verb of a morphological causative is transitive. Baker (2015) shows that the higher NP in the VP
domain has the agent thematic role rather than the goal role, which is normally associated with
‘Misha made Masha eat the soup.’ (Baker, ex. 31b: 132)
Baker further shows that the dative case on the higher NP of the VP cycle cannot be
thematically related, as is shown by the fact that the same NP receives accusative case rather
than dative case if the root verb of the morphological causative is intransitive, as shown in (50a).
Baker (2015: 131), therefore, claims that Sakha has a rule, which can be stated as in (51):
(51) “If XP c-commands ZP in VP, then assign Case U (dative) to XP” (Baker 2015, ex. 29a:
Just as dative case is the VP-internal analogue of ergative case inside the TP, Baker
(2015: 137-138) shows that there are languages, where the lower NP inside the VP cycle receives
a special structural dependent case, namely structural oblique. In other words, this is the VP-
internal analogue of accusative case inside the TP cycle. Baker argues that Chamorro is a
language, which shows structural oblique case on the lower of two NPs inside the VP cycle. To
substantiate his claim, Baker (2015: 137-138) provides three arguments: First, oblique is used to
mark the theme but not the goal argument of dyadic verbs, as shown by the example in (52):
‘He gave his mother the bottle of soy sauce.’ (Baker 2015, ex. 39: 137)
Second, oblique is used in morphological causatives when the base verb is transitive, as
shown in (53b), but not when it is intransitive, as shown in (53a). In this case, oblique marks the
‘The teacher made us read this book.’ (Baker 2015, ex. 40: 138)
Third, oblique is used to mark the theme argument of dyadic verbs that have experiencer
(54) Maleffa yu’ ni lebblok-ku
Baker, therefore, claims that Chamorro has a rule, which can be stated as in (55):
(55) “If XP is c-commanded by ZP in VP, then assign Case V (oblique) to XP” (Baker 2015,
Another pattern of case assignment that Baker describes is one, where the language has a
single rule, which assigns a particular dependent case to the higher of two NPs in the same spell-
out domain regardless of whether the spell-out domain is TP or VP. Baker claims that this is the
case in Ika, where the suffix seʔ is used to mark the agent of a transitive verb (56a) and the goal
Baker (2015: 136) claims that the example in (56c) shows clearly that the higher argument
receives a structural dative(ergative) rather than lexical inherent dative given that the higher
argument in (56c) has the thematic role SOURCE. According to Baker (2015: 136); therefore,
Ika has a single rule of case assignment, which can be stated as in (57):
(57) “If NP1 c-commands NP2, and both are in the same spell-out domain (VP or TP), assign
According to Baker (2015: 136) X is covered in Ika by ergative and structural dative case.
Similar to the syncretism between ergative and dative case on the higher of two NPs in the same
spell-out domain (VP or TP), Baker (2015: 139) claims that there are also languages, where there
is a syncretism between structural accusative and structural oblique case on the lower of two NPs
in the same spell-out domain (VP or TP). Baker claims that this is the case in Amharic, where the
dependent accusative case is marked on the two internal arguments of ditransitive verbs as well
as on the causee and the lower object of a morphological causative. This is shown by the
examples in (58):
c. Ləmma Aster-in səa-u-n as-k’orrət-at
‘Lemma made Aster cut the meat.’ (Baker 2015, ex. 43: 139)
Baker (2015: 139) claims that the same case should also be found on the theme/stimulus
verb. Baker (2015: 139), therefore, claims that languages such as Amharic have a single rule,
(59) “If NP1 is c-commanded by NP2, and both are in the same domain (TP or VP), assign
For languages such as Amharic, Y would cover both structural dependent cases, the accusative
Returning to the assumptions made in Baker (2015) in (39) above, (39c) includes the
novelty that when c-command pairs are considered for the purposes of determining linear order,
case assignment is also determined. Thus, both linear order and case assignment happen at Spell-
Out, the point in the derivation when syntax interfaces with PF. (39e) also includes another
novelty, namely the idea that NPs in the VP domain are still accessible for case assignment in the
CP cycle, but only if they are part of new c-command pairs at the larger spell-out domain TP.
Having discussed Baker’s (2015) updated version of the Marantzian dependent case
theory of (1991), it is important to note that the major distinction between this theory of case and
the Agree-based theory of case (Chomsky 2000, 2001) lies in the fact that in Baker (2015), case
is a relationship between two NPs in a local domain (VP of the phasal head v or TP of the phasal
head C). In other words, the structural dependent accusative/ergative case is only assigned in the
presence of another NP in the same local domain (VP or TP). Otherwise, dependent case is not
assigned, and the only NP in the structure receives an unmarked case (e.g. nominative if the
spell-out domain is TP, genitive inside the NP domain, or partitive in the VP domain). This
approach to case contrasts with an Agree-based approach to case (Chomsky 2000, 2001), where
case is the result of an Agree relation between an NP and a functional head (e.g. structural NOM
is the result of an Agree relation between a finite T and an NP subject in the c-command domain
of T, and structural ACC is the result of an Agree relation between the strong phasal head v* and
To summarize, in the updated version of the dependent case theory, Baker (2015)
(the unmarked case in the VP and TP domains is the nominative case = Sakha)
(the unmarked case in the VP domain is partitive; the unmarked case in the TP domain is
nominative = Finish)
(61) a. If XP is c-commanded by ZP in TP, the spell-out domain of CP, assign ZP the
dependent ergative case (vP is a soft phase, the subject receives the unmarked nominative
dependent accusative case (vP is a soft phase, and the language exhibits a “strict cycle”
effect such that the dependent accusative case is assigned only at the TP cycle, Cuzco
dependent ergative case (vP is a soft phase, and the language exhibits a “strict cycle”
effect such that the dependent ergative case is assigned only at the TP cycle, Lezgian)
(62) a. If XP c-commands ZP in VP, the spell out domain of vP, assign the dependent (dative)
case to XP (Sakha)
b. If XP is c-commanded by ZP in VP, the spell out domain of vP, assign the dependent
(63) a. If XP c-commands ZP in the same spell out domain (VP or TP), assign XP the
b. If XP is c-commanded by ZP in the same spell out domain (VP or TP), assign XP the
In this thesis, the updated version of the dependent case, as developed in Baker (2015)
In what follows, I lay out the theoretical assumptions that form the basis for the analysis
(a) Following Baker (2014a: 355, 2015: 233), I adopt the theoretical assumptions in (64):
complement do remain visible in the next stage of derivation, but only new c-
f. Following Baker (2015: 294-295) I will assume the following hierarchy of case
assignement in SA:
The dependent case of Baker (2015) has recently been criticized by Omer Preminger and Ted Levin (2015) on the
grounds that two modalities of case assignment, the dependent case and the Agree-based case are undermotivated.
They argue that the Agree-based case assignment can be dispensed with when accounting for case assignment in
languages such as Sakha. At this point, I am unable to evaluate this critique. I thank Arsalan Kahnemuyipour for
directing my attention to this work.
(65) lexical case < dependent case < Agree-based case < unmarked/default case
Lexical case = I will argue that this case is assigned by two lexical items in SA.
The first lexical case assigner in SA is the indicative complementizer ʔinna and its
variant ʔanna. I claim that the second lexical case assigner in SA is the copular
Agree-based case = This case is assigned as the result of an Agree relation (in
tense, mood, aspect) between a functional head T and the subject in SA. This case
is phase-bound in the sense that it must be assigned inside the CP phase, and
cannot be determined by higher phases. I claim that v does not engage in an Agree
relation with the object in SA. Accusative case in this thesis is always the result of
However, I claim in this thesis that this case is needed to mark adverbial NPs as
Given the hierarchy in (61), it will be shown that the unmarked/default case in the
CP domain is nominative case, but the unmarked case in the PP domain is the
accusative case. The claim that the accusative case is the unmarked case inside the
PP domain is also taken from Baker (2015: 296), who claims that “[s]ome
the Hindi sense), which may or may not be the same as nominative-absolutive
and/or genitive.” I therefore claim that the unmarked case in the PP domain is not
the same as the unmarked case in the CP domain. Thus, the unmarked case in the
g. Following Soltan (2007) and Al-Balushi (2011, 2012), I will assume that SA
includes lexical case in addition to structural case. I will assume that the
case to its linearly adjacent NP. Following Fassi Fehri (1993: 88) and Al-Balushi
(2011), I will also assume that the copular verb in SA assigns a purely
h. Following Rizzi (1997), I will assume the split CP analysis of the left-periphery,
where the CP domain splits into a number of projections, which are shown by the
(66) ForceP > TopP > FocP > TopP > FinP
The hierarchy in (66) shows that a focus phrase (FocP) can be sandwiched by two
topic phrases (TopP). In the case of SA, I follow (Shlonsky 2000) and Aoun et. al.
(2010), where the claim is made that clitic left-dislocated elements are always
base-generated, and they occupy the higher TopP position (or they are adjoined to
projections in the left periphery of the clause, as I will argue in this thesis). I will
also assume with Shlonsky (2000) that the reason why SA does not exhibit a
lower TopP projection is because the FocP has an adjacency requirement for the
(b) Based on Baker (2015), I will argue that the case assignment facts of SA will be shown to be
determined by one of the rules proposed in Baker, a rule offered in Baker to account for case
(67) If XP is c-commanded by ZP in the same spell out domain (VP or TP), assign XP the
(c) I will claim that vP in SA is a soft phase in the sense of Baker (2015).
(d) One of the major claims of this thesis is that even in those structures where the dependent
case fails to apply, v does not engage in an Agree relation with the object, and does not assign
the structural accusative case as a result. This, I argue, follows naturally from the hypothesis that
v is a soft phase in SA. Thus, Fassi Fehri’s (1993) condition on case discharge, where the
accusative case is assigned only when the subject receives case is now interpreted as a reflex of v
being inactive rather than as a reflex of the subject not receiving case in certain structures.
(e) Following Fassi Fehri (1993), I claim that T can host features of tense, mood or aspect.
Therefore, I claim that any of these features in T can establish an Agree relation with the subject
(f) I will claim that DP and PP in SA are hard phases in the sense of Baker (2015).
(g) Following Baker (2015), multiple case assignment is allowed across the Spell Out of the
phasal head v*, as this is the only soft phasal head in SA.19 I claim that multiple case assignment
does not apply across the phasal heads C, D, or P, as these are claimed in this thesis to be hard
(h) I will claim that the null subject pro does compete for case, wheras tha null subject PRO does
In addition to the above theoretical assumptions, I will take two further theoretical
positions, one regading the status of the preverbal DPs in the SVO order, and another regarding
the nature of the default/unmarked case in SA. These two theoretical positions will be discussed
later in this chapter. Before that, the rules of dependent case assignment have to be spelled out.
Following Baker (2015: 174-175), I make the following two theoretical assumptions
(a) If X has a referential index and X is c-commanded by Y such that Y has a distinct index in
Earlier in this thesis, I argued against some of the Agree-based accounts of case (e.g. Raḥḥali 2003, Soltan 2007,
2011) on the grounds that their accounts face problems with ECM constructions. As far as I am concerned, there is
evidence that multiple case checking should be allowed (cf. Bejar and Massam 1999, and more recently Alboiu and
Hill 2016).
What (a) means is that for the dependent case to apply, the following two conditions must be
met: both the case competitor (i.e. the higher NP in the spell out domain) and the case undergoer
(i.e. the lower NP in the same spell out domain) have to have (a) referential indices, and (b) the
referential index of the case competitor has to be distinct from the referential index of the case
undergoer (cf. Marantz’s (1991) claim that the NPs engaged in dependent case assignment must
be distinct). In the theory of lexical categories laid out in Baker (2003: 104), only nouns and their
projections have a referential index, which is conceived of as having an ordered pair of intigers
in the syntactic representation of nouns such that nouns have syntactic representations of the
form X[j,k].20 The first integer introduces a new referent to the syntactic representation, and the
second intiger must be shared with something else in the structure, and the two integers are equal
by virtue of the fact that they are in the same index. The syntactic representation X[j,k] is read as j
is the same X as k. Having two intigers in the syntactic representation of nouns is, according to
Baker (2003: 101-109), dictated by the fact that nouns, but not verbs or adjectives, have a
criterion of identity. In other words, only nouns can fill the blank in the frame “X is the same ___
d. The French want to have the same liberty as the Americans have. (Baker 2003, ex. 14:
It is true that in Baker’s (2003) theory of lexical categories only nouns and their projections have a referential
index. I take this to mean that null categories such as pro and PRO also have a referential index, since these are NPs
as well.
b. #She is the same intelligent as he is.
d. #I watched Nicholas the same perform a stunt as Kate performed. (Baker 2003, ex. 15:
Baker (2003: 101-102) points out that the reason why the examples in (69) are ill-formed cannot
be attributed solely to syntactic reasons on the grounds that only nouns can follow determiners
such as the and adjectives such as same. Rather, the examples are ill-formed because they are
both ungrammatical syntactically and uninterpretable semantically. Thus, they are different from
ungrammatical examples such as Chomsky’s (1957, as cited in Baker 2003: 102) example given
in (70):
As pointed out in Baker (2003: 102), the example in (70) is ill-formed for purely syntactic
One of the axioms that Baker (2003: 104) adopts for common nouns is the mathematical
(71) N{i, k} and N{k, n} → N {i, n} (transitivity: if i is the same N as k and k is the same N as n,
Given the property of transitivity offered in (71), Baker offers the following example to illustrate
his system:
(72) I bought a pot[i,k] and a basket[l,m]. The pot[n,i] is heavy (Baker 2003, ex. 19c: 105)
In (72), the second token of pot has the index [n, i]. There is a new integer in the index, namely
n, and n is equal to the second integer i because they are in the same index. Since n is equal to i
in the index of the second token of pot and since i of the index of the first token of pot is equal to
k of the first token of pot, it follows by transitivity that k of the first token of pot is equal to n of
Thus, to engage in dependent case calculation, the two NPs involved in a spell out
The first thing to notice about SA is the fact that the VSO order is the unmarked order of
the language. However, the SVO order is also used. This can be illustrated with the examples in
As can be seen in (73a), the postverbal DP is unambiguously a subject. The status of the
preverbal DP has been a subject of ongoing debate between those who consider them to be
subjects (see Benmamoun 1999, 2000), and others who consider them to be topics (see for
example Soltan 2007, Al-Balushi 2011). Fassi Fehri (1993) argues that the status of the preverbal
DP is ambiguous, as it can have a subject reading or a topical reading, as is shown in the English
translation in (73b). Following Benmamoun (1999, 2000, Mohammed 1990, 2000), I will take
the position that the preverbal DP is indeed a subject. There are a number of arguments in
support of this position. First, if we assume that the preverbal DP is a topic rather than a true
subject, then we have to explain why the the verb bears rich agreement (i.e. agreement in number
and gender) in this position only but not in the postverbal position. Fassi Fehri (1993) accounts
for the agreement asymmetry in the two orders by arguing that rich agreement can be an
incorporated pronoun linked anaphorically to the preverbal DP, when the latter is interpreted as a
topic. However, as noted in Aoun et. al. (2010: 79), the incorporation account is problematic
given that the ɸ-features are realized as both prefixes as well as suffixes in the
imperfective/present form of the verb. A proponent of the incorporation analysis would have to
assume that the pronoun has somehow split such that part of it appears on the prefix and part of it
appears as a suffix. Clearly, any analysis along these lines is problematic, given that pronouns
are always realized as one phonological unit. Soltan (2011) also argues that the preverbal DP is a
topic rather than a true subject. To account for the agreement asymmetry, Soltan (2011) argues
that the verb in the SV order agrees with a postverbal null subject, pro and rich agreement on the
verb is therefore necessary in order to identify the null subject. This position is also problematic
for a number of reasons. First, Fassi Fehri (1993) shows that agreement with pronouns is not
different from agreement with lexical DPs, as the agreement asymmetry obtains regardless of
whether the verb agrees with a pronoun or a lexical DP. This is illustrated by the contrast in (74)
and (75) (the examples are taken from Fassi Fehri 1993):
(74) a. l-nisaaʔ-u nabiil-aat-un/* nabiil-at-un.
the-women-NOM noble-FPL-nom/*noble-FSG-NOM
b. ʔa-nabiil-at-un l-nisaaʔ-u?
Q-noble-FSG-NOM the-women-NOM
you.FPL.NOM noble-FPL-NOM
b. ʔa-nabiil-at-un ʔantunna?
Q-noble-FSG-NOM you.FPL.NOM
The examples in (74) show that there is a plural agreement in the DP + adjective order, but plural
agreement is lacking in the adjective + DP order. This is the case when the DP is a lexical DP.
The examples in (75) show that the same agreement asymmetry is observed when the DP is a
pronominal DP. Based on examples like these, Fassi Fehri (1990) concludes that there is no
distinction between agreeing with lexical DPs and agreeing with pronominal DPs since in both
cases, the same asymmetry is observed. Other examples to show the same asymmetry are (76)
and (77) (the examples in (76b) and 77b) are from Al-Astrabaaði13th c./1996: 127):
(76) a. humaa qaaʔim-aan/*qaaʔim-un.
they.MDU.NOM standing.up-MDU.NOM/*standing.up-MSG.NOM
b. ʔa-qaaʔim-un humaa
Q-standing.up-MSG.NOM they.MDU
you.MDU.NOM standing.up-MDU.NOM/standing.up-MSG.NOM
In addition to the fact the agreement asymmetry is the same regardless of whether the
subject is a pronoun or a lexical DP, the complex tense constructions provide another context,
where the preverbal DP can only be interpreted as a subject. This is illustrated in (78a):
In (78), the DP l-banaat ‘the girls’ is preverbal, as it triggers rich agreement on the lexical verb.
Here, no argument can be made that the preverbal DP is a topic, since the sentence does not have
the illicit interpretation ‘as for the the girls were, they were writing a letter’. The only reading the
preverbal DP has is that of the subject. Furthermore, on the assumption that the DP l-banaat ‘the
girls’ is a topic, the subject must be a null pro following the lexical verb, as shown in (78b):
Following Soltan (2007, 2011), one would have to assume that the auxiliary verb k-w-n ‘be’ and
the lexical verb both establish an Agree relation with the null subject pro. The DP l-banaat ‘the
girls’ should not act as an intervener, as it is in a left-peripheral A-bar position. The auxiliary
verb would have to Agree in GENDER with the null subject, and the lexical verb would have to
establish an Agree relation with the postverbal subject in GENDER, EPP and ɸ. The problem
that this analysis creates is the following: the auxiliary verb shows agreement of the VS order on
Soltan’s (2007, 2011) account despite the fact that it is in an Agree relation with a null subject
pro, an Agree relation which should exhibit full egreement, contrary to Soltan’s (2007, 2011)
predictions. Notice that (78b) contrasts with (78c) which is in line with Soltan’s (2007, 2011)
predictions, as both the auxiliary verb and the lexical verb show full agreement when they Agree
To account for the agreement asymmetry, I follow Wurmbrand and Haddad (2016: 23-
24), who claim that v is specified for a gender feature only, wheras T is fully specified for the
features of person, number and gender.21 Wurmbrand and Haddad (2016) argue that there are
two ways of satisfying the EPP feature of T. This can be achieved directly by raising the subject
from Spec, vP to Spec, TP, or indirectly by raising v to T. They argue that v has a gender feature
only, which is valued against that of the subject, when the latter is merged in Spec, vP. In the
SVO order, T (with the features of person, number and gender) agrees with the subject, and the
subject is raised to Spec, TP. The result of this movement is that T values its person, number and
gender features. They further argue that another way of satisfying the EPP feature of T is by
rasing v to T. The functional head v is specified for a gender feature only, which is valued
against that of the subject in Spec, vP. When v raises to T to satisfy the latter’s EPP feature, v
agrees with T and values the latter’s gender feature. As for the person and number features of T,
they receive a default value [3 SG]. Wurmbrand and Haddad’s (2016) model for agreement in
the SVO order and the VSO order can be schematized, as in (79) and (80) (from Wurmbrand and
(79) Agreement in the SVO order when the preverbal DP is specified as [3.PL.F]22
Note that the claim that T is fully specified in the syntax for the features of person, number and gender does not
mean that all these features should be realized morphophonologically. As I argued in Ahmed (2015), the
morphophonological realization of T in the SVO order includes only number and gender, but not person. In other
words, only a subset of the full ɸ-set of T is realized morphophonologically in the SVO order of SA.
Although the structure in (78) does not show it, the assumption is is that v-V always moves to T in SA.
iɸ:3.F.PL 3
T vP
uɸ:3.F.PL 3
DP v’
iɸ:3.F.PL 3
V+v …
uɸ: F
(80) Agreement in the VSO order when the postverbal DP is specified as [3.PL.F]
T vP
3 3
V+v T DP v’
uɸ: F uG:F iɸ:3.F.PL 3
u#: V+v …
That the lexical verb in SA raises to T is confirmed by the fact that the verb may precede
‘Zayd ate apples abundantly.’ (Raḥḥali and Souâli 1997, ex. 8a: 321)
‘Hind always cooks fish.’ (Raḥḥali and Souâli 1997, ex. 8b: 321)
(82) a. Zayd-un ʔakal-a kaṯiir-an l-tuffaḥ-a
To summarize, the position taken in this thesis is that the subject may appear either
preverbally to satisfy the EPP feature of T directly or postverbally, in which case the EPP feature
of T is satisfied by raising v to T.
In this thesis, I will follow the modern generative literature on SA, where the claim is that
nominative case is the default case in SA. This is the claim made in Fassi Fehri (1993), Ouhalla
(1994), Mohammed (1990, 2000), Raḥḥali (2003), Soltan (2007) and Al-Balushi (2011). One
piece of evidence that this is true is that nominative case can surface on the clitic left-dislocated
NP, as in (83):
the-guests-NOM received-1SG-them
According to Raḥḥali and Souâli (1997, fn. 12: 321), the adverb kaṯiir-an ‘abundantly’ is a restrictiver modifier
of the verb; therefore it can only be conceived as a vP adverb and not as a TP adverb.
4.4 Summary
In this chapter, alternative generative accounts of case to the Chomskian accounts are
discussed. One such account is that of Yip et al. (1987). Another account is that of the original
version of the dependent case theory, as developed in Marantz (1991). The chapter discusses the
problems that both of these accounts face. The chapter introduces the theoretical framework of
this thesis, namely the updated version of dependent case theory, as developed in Baker (2015).
Crucially, vP in SA is claimed to be incapable of assigning the accusative case to the object NP,
as it is a soft phase in the sense of Baker (2015). In addition, the preverbal NP is considered to be
a subject, and the nominative case is assumed to be the unmarked/default case in SA.
Another crucial claim of this chapter is that dependent case applies only when the NPs
Chapter Five
5.1 Introduction
In this chapter, I develop a dependent case analysis (Baker 2015) of the case assignment
facts in Standard Arabic (SA). This chapter will focus on the case assignment facts of the core
One of the major theoretical arguments of this thesis is that the lower phase vP is a soft
phase in SA in the sense of Baker (2015). It is worth recalling that a soft phase in Baker’s (2015)
theory is a phase whose NPs are still accessible to a higher phase even though case assignment
may be determined in this phase. This is in contrast to a hard phase, whose complement NPs are
inaccessible to a higher phase. There are four pieces of evidence to support the claim that vP is a
soft phase in SA. The first piece of evidence is theory-internal. In double object constructions,
the middle argument, (be it goal or source) still receives the dependent accusative case rather
than the structural nominative case assigned via Agree with T, as is shown in (1):
This indicates that the middle argument, which is in Spec, VP is still accessible to the higher
phase, CP at the point in the derivation when case assignment is calculated. The subject is
assumed to be in Spec, vP and the theme object is assumed to be in the complement of VP (more
The second piece of evidence comes from passive sentences of double object
constructions. Here, the theme argument still receives an accusative case despite the standard
assumption in Agree-based accounts of case that passive verbs lose their ability to assign
From the perspective of dependent case theory, this is also an indication that the vP in SA is a
soft phase rather than a hard phase. If we assume that vP is a soft phase, the facts follow
straightforwardly; the middle argument c-commands the theme argument in vP, and the theme
argument receives the dependent accusative case at the Spell Out of vP. However, if we assume
that vP is a hard phase, the facts do not follow; as the c-command relationship between the
middle argument and the theme argument is old information at the TP cycle; therefore, the
prediction is that no dependent case on the theme argument is possible, contrary to fact.
The third clue that vP is a soft phase in SA comes from the feature specification of the phasal
specified only for a gender feature. This is in contrast to T, which, according to Wurmbrand and
Haddad, is fully specified for the person, number and gender features. Assuming that v is
deficient in its ɸ-specification would then explain why vP is a soft phase in SA. This is
Assuming that this analysis is on the right track, this explains why vP but not CP is a soft phase
in SA. In other words, vP is a soft phase because the lower phasal head v is impoverished; the
higher phase CP is a hard phase because the functional head T, which inherits its features from C
(see Chomsky 2000, 2001), is not impoverished, as it is specified for the features of person,
The fourth piece of evidence, which indicates that v is a soft phase in SA comes from a
reassessment of the nature of v itself. In the context of process nominals in control structures, v
Haddad 2016) in that even in those cases where the dependent case fails to apply, v does not
establish an Agree relation with the object, and therefore, does not assign the structural
(4) y-uriid-Ø-u [DP ʔintiqaad-a [vP PRO
3-want-MSG-INDIC criticizing-ACC
the-project-GEN/*the-project-ACC with-intention-GEN
In chapter 7, I show that the structural accusative case on the object is the result of the object
receiving the dependent accusative case rather than the result of the object agreeing with v.
The derivation of the simple transitive sentence (5) proceeds along the lines of the theoretical
In (6), NP2 is merged into the structure as the complement of the lexical head V, and VP is
projected. The light verb v is then merged into the structure with the external argument NP1
merged in the specifier position of vP. Given that vP is a phase, its domain VP is spelled out. The
only argument in this domain is NP2; therefore, the dependent case does not apply. The
functional head T is now merged into the structure and the verb raises to it. The phasal head C is
now merged, and its TP domain is spelled out at this point. In this domain, NP1 now
c-commands NP2; therefore, NP1 linearly precedes NP2 in accordance with Kayne’s (1994)
Linear Correspondence Axiom. NP2 receives the dependent accusative case given that NP2 is
part of a soft phase whose contents are visible to C. As for NP1, it receives the structural
The example in (7) is a simple intransitive sentence, where the verb is unergative with
one NP, which is the external argument of the verb, and there are no internal arguments.
stopped.talking-3FSG Zaynab-NOM
‘Zaynab stopped talking.’
(8) a. [VP V]
Spell out C’s complement: NP1 = structural NOM via Agree with T
In (8), the external argument is located in Spec, vP on standard accounts, and it is the only NP in
the sentence; therefore, the subject NP is not assigned the dependent case, and it is instead
assigned the structural NOM case via Agree with T. Crucially, note that even though dependent
case is ranked higher in the adopted theoretical model than Agree-based case, the former can
only apply when there are at least two NPs competing for case in the same phasal domain;
dependent case does not apply when there is only one NP at the Spell-Out of a phase.
Another example of a simple intransitive sentence is the type of sentence known as the
‘The passengers arrived.’24
Spell out C’s complement: NP1 = structural NOM via Agree with T
In (10), the internal argument is base-generated in the complement of VP and it does not raise to
Spec, vP, as the latter is not projected in these structures on standard accounts. There is only one
NP at the Spell-Out of TP; therefore, the dependent accusative case cannot be assigned and the
NP is assigned the structural NOM case via Agree with T. Note that the theme object does not
agree with v, for the latter is, I claim, incapable of establishing an Agree relation with the object
and assigning structural accusative to it. This is in addition to the fact that unaccusative verbs
I assume that unaccusatives project a vP but they doe not project an external argument.
5.5 Case assignment in sentences with double object constructions
The example in (11) is a double object construction (or ditransitive), where the verb has
(11) [CP C [TP ʔaʕṭ-at [vP zaynab-u[NP1] [VP zayd-an[NP2] <V> risaalat-an[NP3]]]]].
It is worthwhile to note at this point that the higher object (i.e. the goal argument) and the
lower object (i.e. the theme argument) in (11) receive the structural dependent case. That this is
the case is confirmed by the fact that both objects alternate their accusative case with nominative
The reason why the agent is demoted to an adjunct position has to do with the fact in SA, there is a hierarchy of
thematic roles such that the theme cannot be projected higher than the goal in the presence of the latter (cf. Fassi
Fehri 1999 on this issue).
That the middle argument in double object constructions receives a structual accusative case is
also confirmed by the fact that this argument receives this case regardless of its thematic role in
As can be observed, the middle argument in (13) receives the same case even though it has
distinct thematic roles in the sentence. Thus, it is a goal in (13a), and a source in (13b). This
strongly indicates that the middle argument receives a structural accusative case rather than an
Following the standard assumption in the generative literature (see Baker 2015, Woolford
2006), the goal argument zayd ‘Zayd’ in (11) is projected either in the Spec, VP position or in the
Spec, vGP between VP and the higher vP that projects an external argument. For the purposes of
this dissertation, I assume that the goal argument is projected in the Spec, VP position.
The derivation of the active double object construction in (11) proceeds as in (14):
→ Case NP2 = 0
In (14), there are two NPs in the spell-out domain of the lower phase vP. In the VP spell-out
domain, NP2 c-commands NP3; therefore, NP2 linearly precedes NP3. As a result of the c-
command relationship, NP3 is assigned the dependent accusative case inside the VP domain. As
for NP2, it does not get a case value yet. Given that the lower phase is a soft phase and it is part
of another phase, NP2 does not get a case value yet. T is merged into the structure, the verb
raises to it. C is merged into the structure, and the domain TP is spelled-out. In this domain, NP1
c-commands NP2, which does not have a case value yet. The result is that NP1 linearly precedes
NP2. As a result of this relationship, NP2 is assigned the dependent accusative case. In this
domain, NP1 also c-commands NP3. The result is that NP1 linearly precedes NP3, and NP3 is
redundantly assigned the dependent accusative case. Note that NP3 receives the dependent case
twice, the first time at the Spell-Out of vP, and the second time at the Spell-Out of CP. Assuming
that NP3 receives the dependent case at the Spell-Out of CP is in accordance with Baker’s (2015)
theory of case given that the c-command relationship between NP1 and NP3 is a new one rather
than an old one; therefore, case assignment is available. As for the linear relationship between
NP2 and NP3, it has already been considered in the lower phase vP such that NP2 linearly
precedes NP3. The subject NP1 ends up with the structural nominative case via Agree with T. It
is important to recall here that the case assignment in active double object constructions provides
a strong argument for the claim made in this thesis that vP is a soft phase in SA. The goal
argument NP2 and the theme argument NP3 are still accessible in the TP cycle given that vP is a
soft phase. Therefore, the c-command relationship in the TP cycle between NP1 and NP2 and
that between NP1 and NP3 are both new c-command relationships; as a result, the dependent
case applies for the first time to the goal argument and applies for the second time to the theme
The example in (15b) is accepted by some traditional Arab grammarians, but rejected as
ungrammatical by others (see Hasan 1962, fn. 1: 112). Among modern linguists, Fassi Fehri
(1999: 51) treats it as ungrammatical and Moutaoukil (1987: 23) considers it to be highly
marginal. For Moutaoukil (1987: 23), sentences such as (15b) become more acceptable only if
the theme argument risaalat ‘a letter’ is referential (i.e. definite or specific indefinite). The
reason why (15b) might be judged as grammatical can be explained as follows: on the
assumption that the goal argument (PP or NP) is merged in Spec, VP and the theme argument in
the complement of VP, both are in the same Minimal domain of the head V; therefore, both are
equidistant from the target position, Spec, vP (or any other position for that matter). According to
Hornstein et al. (2005: 19) whose definition is based on Chomsky (1993), Minimal Domain is
defined as in (16):
(18) “Equidistance (final version): If two positions α and β are in the same MinD, they are
In (11), both internal arguments are equidistant from the position Spec, vP. In its original
position, the MinD(V) comprises the set [goal, theme]. The goal is in MinD(V) because a
projection of the head V, namely VP immediately contains and immediately dominates the goal
argument in Spec, VP. The theme argument is in MinD(V) because the projection V’
immediately contains and immediately dominates the theme argument in the complement of V.
Given the standard assumption that the lexical verb in SA moves to adjoin to v and then to T,
MinD(V) now includes Spec, TP as well as vP. It follows, therefore, that the Spec, vP position is
equidistant from both the goal argument and the theme argument and either one of the internal
Having established that both internal arguments are equidistant from the Spec, vP
position, let us consider for the purpose of illustration, the derivation of (15a).
(19) [CP C [TP ʔuʕṭiy-at [vP [VP risaalat-un[NP1] <V>] [PP li-zayd-in[NP2] ]]]].
→ Case NP1 = 0
case assignment
When the vP is projected in (15), its domain VP is spelled-out. In this domain, only NP1 is
available, as NP2, the subject of VP, is demoted to an adjunct PP position, where case is
assigned by the preposition. The reason why NP2 is demoted to an adjunct position has to do
with the fact that there is a hierarchy of thematic roles such that the theme cannot be projected
higher than the goal in the presence of the latter. In other words, when the goal is higher than the
the theme in the structure, the goal is an argument, and therefore it is not preceded by a
preposition. Conversely, when the theme is projected higher in the structure, the goal has to be
demoted to an adjunct position, which is embedded in a PP (cf. Fassi Fehri 1999 on the hirerchy
of thematic roles in SA).26 NP1 is not considered for case in this domain, as it is not engaged in a
c-command relation with any other NP for the purpose of case assignment. On standard
accounts, NP1 does not raise to Spec, vP in passive sentences, as Spec, vP is not projected in
these strcutures, on standard accounts. The functional head T is merged into the structure and the
verb raises to it. C is merged into the structure, and its domain TP is spelled-out. NP1 is assigned
the the structural nominative case via Agree with T. Note that v does not Agree with the internal
argument, as the verb is passive, which is incapable of assigning an accusative case to its object
on standard accounts. In passive sentences, I assume that the lexical head V is always c-selected
by the functional head v although v in this type of sentences does not have an external argument.
When the goal argument in (11) is passivized, we get the sentence in (21):
Later in this chapter, I claim that PP is a strong phase in SA, and that the genitive case assigned by the preposition
is structural rather than inherent or lexical.
The derivation of (21) proceeds as in (22):
Spell out v’s complement: NP1 c-c’ NP2→ (NP1 < NP2)
→ Case NP1 = 0
case assignment
At the merger of vP in (22), its domain VP is spelled-out. On standard accounts, the goal
argument is base-generated in Spec, VP, and the theme argument is base-generated in the
complement of VP. In the VP cycle, NP1 c-commands NP2. As a result, NP1 linearly precedes
NP2, and NP2 is assigned the structural dependent accusative case inside the VP cycle. At the
merger of CP, its domain TP is spelled-out. In this domain, there are no new c-command
relationships. NP1 receives the structural nominative case via Agree with T. The derivation in
(22) shows clearly that SA is similar to Amharic in that the dependent accusative case is assigned
on the VP cycle. This contrasts with languages such as Korean, where the dependent case is
assigned only on the TP cycle and cannot be assigned based on c-command relationships that
hold only in the VP domain (see Baker 2015: 236-237). In other words, SA and Amharic do not
show a “strict cycle” effect, where the VP cycle inhibits the assignment of dependent case in this
cycle. Had SA been a language with a “strict cycle” effect, the prediction would be that the
dependent case is assigned only at the TP cycle. This means that in the context of double object
structures in the passive form, the prediction would be that both internal arguments would
receive the structural nominative case via Agree with T. This is because the c-command
relationship between the goal argument and the theme argument would be old c-command
relationships at the TP cycle, and old information is not considered in case assignment, according
to the adopted model. This would prevent the application of the dependent case. In the absence
of the dependent case, Agree would take over. However, v is not a case assigner, as I claim in
this thesis, being a defective probe in the sense of Chomsky (2000, 2001). In this scenario, the
prediction would be for T to agree with both internal arguments and assign the structural
nominative case to both via multiple Agree. However, this prediction is not borne out by the
facts, which suggests that SA is unlike Korean in that it does not show a “strict cycle” effect.
The example in (23) is a complex sentence, where the embedded clause is introduced by
katab-a risaalat-an[NP2].
wrote-3MSG letter-ACC
Before attempting to show the derivation for (23), we need to address the status of the accusative
case assigned by the complementizer ʔinna ‘that’. Specifically, is this a structural case or
lexical/inherent case?
Fassi Fehri (1993: 32-33, 2012) suggests that the complementizer assigns a structural
accusative to the NP in its TP complement. This claim is supported by the fact that the
complementizer seems to be able to assign this case both when the NP is linearly adjacent to it
‘Indeed, a man is in the house.’ (adapted from Fassi Fehri 1993, ex. 95a: 46)
‘There is indeed a man in the house.’ (adapted from Fassi Fehri 1993, ex. 95b: 46)
The subject in (24a) is base-generated in Spec, PP before it raises to Spec, TP. To account for
how rajul ‘ a man’ receives its case in (24b), Fassi Fehri claims that the NP is extraposed from
the specifier position of the PP fii l-daar ‘in the house’ to the Spec,TP position, where it can
Similar to Fassi Fehri (1993), Aoun et. al. (2010, fn. 8: 17) claim that the accusative case
assigned by the complementizer is structural rather than inherent. For them, the complementizer
cannot be assigning an inherent case to the NP in its TP complement because the NP does not
In contrast to Fassi Fehri (1993, 2012) and Aoun et. al. (2010), Shlonsky (2000: 332-
333), Soltan (2007) and Al-Balushi (2011, 2012) claim that the accusative case assigned by the
complementizer is not syntactic structural. Shlonsky (2000: 232-233), for example, takes the
which happens to have the same phonetic realization as accusative Case.” He continues to add
that “[t]his feature is not a structural Case feature [emphasis in the original]”. In fact, the
accusative case assigned by the indicative complementizer (ʔinna or ʔanna) cannot be structural.
If it were, the derivation of sentences such as (25), where the accusative case is not assigned after
To account for sentences such as (25), Shlonsky (2000, fn. 9: 333) assumes that “under certain
circumstances and perhaps only marginally, locative PPs can qualify as [+F] bearers ([+F]
remaining phonetically unexpressed) and can thus satisfy ʔanna.” To account for why the
postverbal subject l-ʔittifaaq ‘the agreement’ receives nominative case rather than the purely
idiosyncratic lexical accusative case assigned by the complementizer ʔinna, I claim that this is
due to the fact that the postverbal subject is an internal argument of the verb, which is located in
the complement of VP. In order for the purely idiosyncratic lexical accusative case assigned by
the complementizer to be assigned to the subject l-ʔittifaaq ‘the agreement’, the latter needs to be
linearly adjacent to the former (i.e. in the CP domain or in Spec, TP). However, this is not the
case; therefore the lexical case assigned by the complementizer ends up not being assigned, and
the Agree-based case mechanism applies such that the postverbal subject receives its nominative
case via Agree with T. Note especially that the locative PP in (25) is not a subject that qualifies
for structural case; rather, it is a focalized PP. The facts are the same regardless of word order, as
In (25b), the the subject satisfies the (+F) feature of the the complementizer ʔinna. Note,
however, that Shlonksy (2000) claims that the case assigned by the complementizer is not even a
case feature. I suggest that this claim is unwarranted, as it makes the following wrong prediction:
if the (+F) feature of the complementizer can be satisfied by the PP, then the prediction is that in
those sentences where the subject DP follows the PP, the subject should surface with the
nominative case rather than the accusative case, contrary to the facts, as is illustrated by the
following example:
y-afʕal-Ø-u haaðaa
3-do-MSG-INDIC this
On the assumption that the locative PP is focalized in (25a), it is not possible to test what happens when the
postverbal subject is placed before the verb following the focalized locative PP, since focalization in SA induces
subject-verb inversion (cf. Shlonsky 2000).
‘It is in Iraq that someone does this.’
The fact that the (+F) feature in (26) cannot be satisfied by the PP but only by the subject
indicates that the (+F) feature of the complementizer is a case feature, contrary to Shlonsky
(2000). In (26), I assume that the purely idiosyncratic lexical accusative case is assigned by the
complentizer to the preverbal subject because the latter is linearly adjacent to the
idiosyncratic lexical case feature rather than a structural case feature. One piece of evidence to
support this claim is that the same case obligatorily surfaces even on clitic left-dislocated NPs
(see also Shlonsky 2000: 233 for a similar claim), as is shown in (27):
Fassi Fehri (1986) and Aoun et.al. (2010) show clearly that resumptive pronouns such as
hum‘them.F.PL.ACC’ in (27) void islands; therefore, clitic left-dislocated NPs such as l-banaat
‘the boys’ must be base-generated in a left peripheral position. If this is the case, then the
complementizer must be assigning a lexical accusative case to the clitic dislocated left-peripheral
Having established that the complementizer ʔinna (and its variant ʔanna) assigns a purely
idiosyncratic lexical accusative case to the NP in its complement, we can proceed to show how
the sentence in (23) is derived. I assume that (23) has the structural representation in (28):
(28) qaal-at zaynab-u [CP ʔinna [TP zayd-an[NP1]
wrote-3MSG letter-ACC
→ Case NP2 = NA
At the merger of v of the embedded clause in (29), its domain VP is spelled-out. Given that there
is only one NP, namely NP2 in this spell-out domain, no c-command relationship is considered,
and hence no case assignment is considered. At the merger of the embedded C, its domain TP is
spelled-out. In this domain, NP1 in Spec, TP is in a new c-command relationship with NP2. As a
result of this relationship, NP2 is assigned the dependent accusative case. As for the embedded
agent argument zayd ‘Zayd’, it is assigned the purely idiosyncratic lexical case assigned by C.
5.7 Case assignment in sentences with backgrounding encliticized topics
The example in (30) is a complex sentence, where the embedded clause is introduced by
arrived-3MSG the-passenger-MPL.NOM
I follow Fassi Fehri (2012: 279) who claims that the clitic pronoun –hu ‘it’ in (30) is a
backgrounding topic. If this analysis is correct, then clearly the complementizer ʔinna ‘that’ to
which the clitic pronoun is encliticized must be base-generated higher than a topic phrase,
presumably in the head of the highest functional projection ForceP of the cartographic structure
of Rizzi (1997). This claim is supported by the fact that nothing can precede the emphatic
complementizer, and the fact that the complentizer also clause-types the sentence as an assertion.
→ Case NP2 = NA
In (31), the NP of the embedded clause, NP2 cannot receive the dependent accusative case. On
the standard assumption that NP2 starts the derivation in the object position of the embedded
clause, being the argument of an unaccusative predicate, the embedded NP cannot be assigned a
dependent case given that it is the only NP in the VP and TP domains. The internal argument
does not raise to Spec, vP on standard accounts. Therefore, the embedded subject receives the
structural nominative case via Agree with T. Notice that the embedded subject cannot agree with
the embedded v, given that v in SA is incapable of establishing an Agree relation with its object.
The backgrounding topic, -hu ‘it’ is base-generated in the Spec, TopP position in the embedded
clause, and it is encliticized onto the indicative complementizer, which assigns a purely
idiosyncratic lexical accuasative case to it. In the matrix clause, the dependent case is
unavailable, as there is one NP available, namely the null subject pro, which gets the structural
(32) kaan-a hunaaka[NP1] rajul-un[NP2] fii l-daar-i[NP3]
Fassi Fehri (1993: 156-159) claims that structures with auxiliary verbs in SA are naturally
analyzed as bi-inflectional in the sense that thay have two Ts rather than one. Among the pieces
of evidence that he brings to support this hypothesis is the fact that in these structures, both the
auxiliary verb and the lexical verb are inflected for their ɸ-features, as well as the fact that
negative markers can negate either the auxiliary verb or the lexical verb, as shown in (33):
‘The girls may have eaten.’ (adapted from Fassi Fehri 1993, ex. 37: 157)
‘The girl had not eaten.’ (adapted from Fassi Fehri 1993, ex. 38: 157)
‘The soldiers were not eating.’ (adapted from Fassi Fehri 1993, ex. 39: 157)
‘The man had not already come.’ (adapted from Fassi Fehri 1993, ex. 40: 157)
While it is true that the structure in (33) shows neither of the properties associated with complex
tense structures (i.e. both the auxiliary verb and the lexical verb are inflected for their ɸ-features,
as well as the fact that negative markers can negate either the auxiliary verb or the lexical verb), I
still claim that it has two instances of T rather than one. There are three reasons for this claim.
First, the structure projects an existential NP, namely hunaaka ‘there’. On standard accounts, the
expletive there must be base-generated in Spec, TP given that it lacks a thematic role, being
meaningless. It follows, therefore, that the existential NP must be in Spec, TP in (32). Second,
the existential NP is obligatory; and is therefore needed for structural reasons. The sentence in
(32) has one reading in which the NP rajul ‘a man’ is non-specific indefinite, and the sentence is
Intended to mean,‘There was a man in the house.’ (on the reading where rajul ‘a man’ is
non-specific indefinite)
The fact that (34) is ungrammatical suggests that the existential NP must be base-generated in a
functional head higher than vP. I take that head to be T following standard accounts of the
expletive in other languages. Third, no plausible argument can be made that the copular verb in
(32) is in a position higher than T, as the sentence lacks neither a topic nor a focus reading, and
the copular verb is not stressed. It is worth noting that it is not possible to claim that the
expletive in (32) is base-generated in Spec, vP, where it does not receive a theta role.28 If it did,
then the DP rajul ‘a man’ must be generated in the complement of VP, a position, in which it
would qualify for the purely idiosyncratic lexical accusative case assigned by the copular verb.
The prediction would then be that the DP rajul ‘a man’ would surface with the purely
Fassi Fehri (2012, fn. 24: 280-281) claims that the locative hunaaka ‘there’ is not an
expletive but a true locative adjunct. However, there are some good reasons to believe that there
are contexts in which hunaaka ‘there’can be used as a true expletive and not as a pure locative
adjunct, contra Fassi Fehri (2012). First, unlike true locative adjuncts, the locative expletive
B: *hunaaka
This possibility was suggested to me by Gabriela Alboiu.
Notice that the locative hunaaka ‘there’ cannot co-occur with the question word ʔayna ‘where’, as shown by the
ungrammatical example in (i):
(i) *ʔayna kaan-a hunaaka l-kaṯiir-u min l-rijaal-i?
Where was-3MSG there the-many-NOM of the-men-GEN
‘*Where were there many of the men.’
The example in (i) is as ungrammatical as the English counterpart with the expletive there is, as shown by the
ungrammatical English translation.
The example in (35b) contrasts with the example in (35c), where the locative hunaaka is a true
A: Hunaaka
Second, unlike true locative adjuncts, hunaaka ‘there’ cannot be focused, as shown by the
ungrammaticality in (36a), and the expletive hunaaka can also co-occur with the locative adjunct
Intended to mean ‘There is a man in the house.’ (on the reading where where rajul
c. hunaaka rajul-un hunaaka
Third, in declarative sentences, the locative hunaaka ‘there’, unlike true locative adjuncts, cannot
be omitted, as illustrated in (36b). The proposal that the locative pronoun hunaaka and its variant
Given the above arguments, I take sentences such as (32) to be projecting two instances
of T, where the lower T has the existential NP in its specifier position, and the higher T hosts the
copular verb. I therefore assume that (32) has the structural representation in (37):
(37) [TP kaan-a [TP hunaaka[NP1] [vP rajul-un[NP2] [vP [PP fii l-daar-i[NP3]]]]]]
Spell out C’s complement: NP1 c-c’s NP2 → (NP1 < NP2)
I thank Youssef Haddad for drawing my attention to examples such as (36c).
→ Case NP2 = structural NOM via Agree with T
→ Case NP1 = No case is assigned, as NP1 has a referential index which is not
In (38), v is merged into the structure, and its complement VP is sent to Spell-Out. In this
domain, there is only one NP, namely NP3, which is assigned the genitive case by the
preposition. At the merger of C, its complement TP is sent to Spell-Out. In this domain, NP1 c-
commands NP2. As a result of this relationship, NP1 linearly precedes NP2. However, NP1 is an
expletive, which is not a case competitor, as it has a referential index which is not distinct from
its associate rajul ‘man’. The proposal that the expletive has a referential index which is not
distinct from that of the associate can be exaplained as follows using the adopted theoretical
model. Suppose that the expletive hunaaka ‘there’ has the referential index [k, i] and its associate
rajul ‘man’ has the referential index [n, i]. The intigers k and i of the expletive are equal because
they are in the same index. Similarly, the intigers n and i of the associate are equal because they
are in the same index. By transitivity, the intiger n of the associate is equal to the intiger k of the
expletive. It follows therefore that the referential index of the expletive and that of the associate
are not distinct, and the dependent case does not apply to the associate. Given this state of affairs,
NP2 is assigned the structural nominative case via Agree with T. NP1, being an expletive that
does not trigger the assignment of dependent case, does not receive any case. One piece of
evidence that NP1 does not receive any case comes from the fact that when NP1 is embedded in
Chomsky (2000: 122-126) argues that the expletive there has an uninterpretable ɸ-feature, which renders the case
feature for the expletive unnecessary.
idiosyncratic lexical accusative case, NP1 does not receive the lexical accusative case. Instead, it
is NP2 that receives the accusative case assigned by the complementizer, as is shown in (39):
In (39), it is the NP2 rajul ‘a man’ rather than the NP1 hunnaka ‘there’, which bears the purely
The example in (40) is a sentence where the embedded clause is the complement of
In the literature on believe-type predicates, these verbs are argued to c-select a TP rather
than a CP (see Johnson, 1991, Koizumi 1993, 1995, Runner 1995, 1998, Lasnik 1999, 2001,
Chomsky 2000). Thus, while CPs can be pseudo-clefted, TPs cannot. This explains the contrast
found with examples such as (41) (the examples are from Adger 2003: 313)
(41) a. What Medeea arranged was [CP for her children to be poisoned].
The examples in (41) show that only CPs but not TPs can be pseudo-clefted. The prediction then
pseudo-clefted if they were TPs. This is borne out, as can be shown by the contrast between CPs
introduced by overt complementizers and sentences with believe-type predicates in (42) and (43)
that.SUBJ 3-lock-3MSG.SUBJ the-doors-ACC
y-uriid-Ø-u l-safar-a.
3-want-MSG-INDIC the-traveling-ACC
The examples in (42) and (43) might suggest that the embedded clausal complements of believe-
type predicates are actually TPs, not CPs. However, Fassi Fehri (2012) shows that these
embedded clauses can still support an independent temporal modifier, as is shown in (44):
Pseudo-clefted sentences in SA are discussed in Moutaoukil (1985: 27-30).
‘Yesterday, I believed that the man would write the letter tomorrow.’ (adapted from Fassi
Following Fassi Fehri (2012: 249), I therefore assume that the believe-type constructions
start the derivation with two CPs, one of which is later truncated.33
Having established that the embedded clause of the believe-predicate in (40) is a CP,
which is truncated at TP, we now need to consider the position of the embedded subject of the
complement clause of the believe-type predicates. Specifically, does the subject of the embedded
clause remain in the Spec, TP of the embedded clause or does it raise to the object position of the
matrix clause? Fassi Fehri (2012: 249) claims that the subject of the embedded clause raises to
the object position of the matrix clause. In contrast to this position, Soltan (2007: 155-157) and
Al-Balushi (2011: 219-222) both claim that the subject of the embedded clause is in a left-
peripheral position of the embedded clause and does not raise to the matrix clause. For Soltan
(2007), the embedded subject is located in the Spec, TP of the embedded clause, which is a left-
peripheral position for him; For Al-Balushi (2011), the embedded subject is in the Spec, TopP
position of the embedded clause. The claim that the embedded subject in these constructions is in
a left-peripheral position seems, for both of these authors, to be dictated by their other claim that
there is no A-to-A movement in SA. As far as case assignment is concerned, Soltan (2007)
claims that the embedded subject, which is in a left-peripheral position, can still receive a
structural accusative case via an Agree relation with the matrix functional head v*. For
Alternatively, it could be the case that the lower CP of an ECM construction is defective in some way. I do not
adopt this option in this thesis.
Al-Balushi (2011), on the other hand, the case assigned to the embedded NP in the Spec, TopP
position is lexical rather than structural. The position that I take in this thesis is that of Fassi
Fehri (2012), namely that the embedded subject of these constructions raises to the object
position of the matrix clause. There are three pieces of evidence for this claim. First, the
embedded subject of these constructions is clearly in the matrix clause when the subject is a
pronominal clitic, as the clitic is encliticized to the matrix predicate. This is illustrated in (45):
‘I believed he entered the hall.’ (adapted from Fassi Fehri 2012, ex. 57: 249)
Second, the embedded subject can clearly be passivized, as is shown by the pairs in (46) through
‘Zayd was believed to be your brother.’ (Al-Waraaq 10th c./1999: 285)
Third, Fassi Fehri (1986: 232) shows that the topic hypothesis of the embedded subject of ECM
example in (49) shows that movement of the wh-word across the embedded preverbal NP does
not induce ungrammaticality, which suggests that the embedded NP is a subject rather than a
topicalized NP.
predicates raises to the object position of the matrix clause in SA, we can now proceed to show
how the sentence in (40) is derived. I assume that (40) has the structural representation in (50):
believed-1SG Zayd.ACC
3-want-MSG-INDIC the-traveling-ACC
→ Case NP3 = NA
c. [VP V [TP NP2 T [vP <NP2> v [VP V NP3]]
d. [vP NP1 v [VP V NP2 [TP <NP2> T [vP <NP2> v [VP V NP3]]]]], matrix v a phase head
Spell out matrix v’ complement: NP2 c-c’s NP3 → (NP2 < NP3)
→ Case NP2 = 0
e. [CP C [TP NP1 T [vP <NP1> v [VP V NP2 [TP <NP2> T [vP<NP2> v [VP V NP3]]]]]],
Spell out C’s complement: NP1 c-c’s NP2 → (NP1 < NP2)
In (51), the embedded v is merged into the structure, and the complement domain VP is spelled-
out. In this domain, there is only one NP, namely NP3. No c-command relationships are
considered, hence no case assignment is considered either. The embedded TP is now the
complement of the matrix V, as the CP projection is deleted. At the merger of the matrix v, the
complement matrix VP, which includes in it the embedded TP is now sent to Spell-Out. In this
domain, NP2 c-commands NP3. Therefore, NP2 linearly precedes NP3; the dependent case of
NP3 is also considered, and NP3 is assigned the dependent accusative case. At the merger of the
matrix C, the complement TP is sent to Spell-Out. In this domain, NP1 c-commands NP2, and at
the same time NP1 also c-commands NP3 in this domain, given that the embedded vP is a soft
phase in SA and the fact that both of these c-command relations are new rather than old. The
result of the new c-command relationships is that NP2 is assigned the dependent accusative case,
and NP3 is redundantly assigned the dependent accusative case, whereas the matrix NP1 is
assigned the structural nominative case via Agree with T. Note that case assignment in these
structures in the theory of dependent case (Marantz 1991, Baker 2015) differs from how case in
these structures is assigned in theories that depend on a case hierarchy such as that of Yip,
Maling and Jackendoff (1987). Thus, unlike in Yip et al. (1987), where the assignment of
accusative case to the embedded object depends crucially on the embedded subject being
assigned nominative case in the complement cycle, no such assumptions are required in the
dependent case theory. To illustrate this point, let us consider the following example of an ECM
Recall that in Yip et. al.’s (1987) theory of case tiers, there is a dependency in case assignment
such that the accusative case can only be assigned if nominative case is assigned first. For this
account to work, Yip et. al (1987) assume that the embedded subject Him in (52) receives a
nominative case in the embedded cycle (i.e the embedded clause). It is this case that allows the
accusative case to be associated with the embedded object her. To account for why the
embedded subject of an ECM construction surfaces with an accusative case, Yip et al. (1987)
claim that the embedded clause is defective in some way (specifically S’-deletion) such that the
embedded domain can still be accessed by the matrix cycle (i.e the matrix clause). In this cycle,
the accusative case in the matrix cycle is associated with the embedded subject, and the
nominative case of the embedded subject is therefore overlaid by the accusative case of the
matrix cycle.
In contrast to the Case Tier theory, the adopted theoretical framework does not need to
5.10 Case assignment in sentences with control structures
The issue of control sentences in SA is much more complicated than the way it is
presented here, and semantics seems to be involved; therefore the discussion here is not
exhaustive.34 Let us consider the example in (53), which is an instance of obligatory control in
y-ahrab-uu-Ø ei/*j.
The question that needs to be answered first is whether the null category of the embedded
clause is the null category PRO, the null category pro, or a lower copy of the matrix subject NP.
This question is important because the verb in SA control constructions is unlike its equivalent in
English control constructions, where the verb is non-finite. As is clear from the example in (53),
For example with verbs such as qarrara ‘to decide’ control is not obligatory, as shown by the following examples
(the examples are from Youssef Haddad):
(i) qarrar-a [ʔan t-usaafir-Ø-a bnat-a-hu]
decided-3MSG that.SUBJ F-travel-SG-SUBJ daughter-ACC-his
‘He decided that his daughter should travel.’
(ii) *staṭaaʕ-a [ʔan t-usaafir-Ø-a bnat-a-hu]
managed-3MSG that.SUBJ F-travel-SG-SUBJ daughter-ACC-his
Recall that in these structures, the subject NP of the embedded clause is coindexed with an argument of the matrix
The SV order of (53) is possible in which case the subject surfaces with nominative case as well, as showon in (i):
(i) l-luṣuuṣ-u ḥaawal-uu ʔan y-ahrab-uu-Ø
the-thieves-NOM tried-3MPL that.SUBJ 3-escape-MPL-SUBJ
‘The thieves tried to escape.’
the embedded verb bears ɸ-features [3MPL] as well as mood features [subjunctive]. However,
Landau (2004) shows that control is independent of finiteness. Thus, Landau (2004) argues that
the Balkan languages (Greek, Romanian, Bulgarian, Albanian) show instances of what Landau
calls ‘finite control’ in the sense that an NP of the matrix clause controls into a finite clause. To
illustrate, let us consider the examples in (54) from Landau (2004, ex. 16: 826-827):
‘I urged him to ride his bike to school from tomorrow on’ (Romanian)
The examples in (54) show clearly that the null subject PRO is controlled by an NP in the matrix
clause even though the verb of the embedded clause is finite bearing ɸ-features [3 SG] and mood
features [subjunctive]. In other words, finite control in (54) parallels finite control in SA, where
the embedded verb is also marked for ɸ-features and mood [subjunctive] features.
This parallelism might at first sight suggest that SA control structures are indeed
equivalent to their Balkan counterparts. However, a closer look seems to indicate that the null
category in these structures is actually the null pronoun pro rather than the null pronoun PRO.
More specifically, there are other interpretative diagnostics, which show that in SA, the
embedded subjunctive clauses of control verbs include the null category pro. For example,
Landau (2004: 823) states that only PRO supports a sloppy reading under ellipsis. This is not
Sloppy reading or strict reading ‘Qays also promised Saalim that he (Qays/Zayd)
behave himself’
The subjunctive complementizer in examples such as (55) is obligatory. This example shows
clearly that the null category can have either a sloppy reading or a strict reading under ellipsis.
This indicates that the null category in these constructions must be pro and not PRO. The same
y-usaaʕid-Ø-a-huj/*i ei/*j]
Sloppy reading or strict reading ‘Zaynab also asked Qays to help her/Zayd)’
Having said that, there are clear cases where the subject of the embedded clause is
obligatorily controlled by the subject of the matrix clause. This is illustrated in (57) through (60):
ei/*j l-ʔixtibaar-a
3-write-MPL-SUBJ essay-ACC
The subject of the embedded clauses in (57) through (60) cannot be controlled by anything other
than the subject or object of the matrix clause. However, given the interpretive diagnostics
offered in Landau (2004: 823), I claim that the embedded subject in the examples in (57) through
(60) is also pro rather than PRO. The third logical possibility that needs to be considered is
whether the embedded subject of control sentences is actually a lower copy of the matrix subject,
as proposed in Hornstein (1999 and subsequent work). This claim, however, necessitates that the
subjunctive complementizer of the control strcutures of SA cannot be a phasal head, since case
assignment in the adopted model is determined in the CP domain, if C is phasal. To test whether
the subjunctive complementizer ʔan is a phasal head or not, we use the following test: if the CP
headed by the subjeunctive complementizer can be clefted or moved, it is phasal; if not, then it is
non-phasal.37 Using this diagnostic, we have to conclude that the subjunctive complementizer is
y-usaafir-Ø-a zayd-un]
3-travel-MSG-SUBJ Zayd-NOM
I thank Gabriela Alboiu for suggesting this test to me.
Using the same diagnostic, one can also show that the indicative complementizer ʔanna is also phasal, as can be
verified by the fact that the whole CP introduced by it can be pseudoclefted:
(i) saʔal-tu zayd-an
asked-1SG Zayd-ACC
‘I asked Zayd.’
(ii) ʔinna aqṣaa maa faʕal-tu huwa [CP ʔanna-nii saʔal-tu zayd-an]
that.EMPH most.ACC what did-1SG be.3MSG that-me asked-1SG Zayd-ACC
‘Indeed, what I mostly did was ask Zayd.’
ʔakṯar-u maa tamanny-tu
The example in (61) is the unmarked example. The example in (62a) shows that bracketed CP
introduced by the subjunctive complementizer can be pseudoclefted, and the example in (62b)
shows that the CP can be moved to the beginning of the sentence. I take this as evidence that the
subjunctive complementizer ʔan is a phasal head. Given that the subjunctive complementizer ʔan
is a phasal head, I conclude that the subject of the embedded clauses in the control sentences of
SA cannot be a lower copy of the matrix subject, and must therefore be the null subject pro.
Aside from the structures discussed above where the subject of the embedded clause is
pro, Fassi Fehri (1993: 242) claims that SA exhibits cases of control in structures where the
complement of control verbs includes a process (or event-denoting) nominal, as in (63) and (64):
‘He wants to criticize the man.’ (adapted from Fassi Fehri 1993, ex. 65a: 242)
‘He wants to criticize himself.’ (adapted from Fassi Fehri 1993, ex. 65a: 242)
I follow Fassi Fehri (1993) on this issue. The question of why the complement of the process
nominal receives a genitive case rather than the predicted accusative case is taken up later when
Having established that the embedded subject of control structures is a lower copy of the
matrix subject , we can now consider how the derivation of both the embedded CP and the
matrix CP in (53) above proceeds. I assume that (53) has the structural representation shown in
(66) a. [VP2 V]
c. [FinP [TP <NP1> T [vP <NP1> v [VP V]]]], embedded Fin not a phase head
d. [vP1 NP1 v[VP1 V] [FinP [TP <NP1> T [vP <NP1> v [VP V]]]], matrix v a phase head
Case NP1 → NA
e. [CP1 C [TP NP1 T [vP1 <NP1> v[VP1 V]]], matrix C a phase head
In (66), the embedded clause has only one lexical NP, namely the lower copy of the subject ; l-
luṣuuṣ ‘the thieves’, therefore, the dependent case does not apply, and the NP is not assigned the
structural dependent case. The embedded subject raises to the matrix clause; where it does not
receive the dependent case, as it is the only NP in this clause. The subject ends up receiving the
adjectival/nominal predicate:
Zayd-NOM happy-NOM/engineer-NOM
structural dependent case. Baker (2015: 221-222), based on robust cross-linguistic evidence,
argues that predicate nominals neither undergo nor trigger the structural dependent case. I follow
Baker on this. Baker (2015, fn. 29: 222) acknowledges that the only empirical exception he finds
is Classical Arabic, where the predicate nominal does receive the accusative case but only when
there is a copular verb in the sentence. To account for this fact, Baker claims that Classical
Arabic should be analyzed as a language with no dependent case on predicate nominals, and that
the accusative case assigned to the predicate nominal when there is a copular verb in the sentence
is explained if we consider that “the overt copula (or some functional head associated with it)
In the generative literature on SA, there are a number of accounts for the case patterns of
adjectival/nominal predicates. Benmamoun (2000: 43) claims that the copular verb assigns the
accusative case to its adjectival/nominal predicate, but does not spell out whether this case is
structural or lexical/inherent. Fassi Fehri (1993: 88) seems to leave it open as to whether this
case is structural or lexical. Fassi Fehri (1993: 88) discusses sentences such as (68):
The negative particle in (68) has been argued by traditional Arabic grammarians and by Ouhalla
(1994) to be a complex of the archaic copular be and the negative particle. Therefore, this
negative particle patterns with copular verbs in that it assigns the accusative case to the adjectival
predicate in (68). In his treatment of this case, Fassi Fehri (1993) seems to be ambivalent. Thus,
he writes that “laysa assigns a (morphological) accusative case to the adjective. He goes on to
say that “[t]his case is presumably assigned (under adjacency) by the negative”. On the other
hand, Ouhalla (2005: 681) holds the view that this case is structural rather than lexical. In his
treatment of sentences similar to (68) above, he argues that the adjectival/nominal predicate
receives structural case, “the result of matching [CASE] with the aspectual feature of the
[copular] verb”. Baker (2015: 222) claims that the copular verb in SA assigns structural case to
the predicate via Agree. Al-Balushi (2011), on the other hand, argues that the accusative case
assigned by the copular verb is lexical rather than structural. There are reasons to believe that the
accusative case assigned by the copular verb in SA is a syntactic but purely idiosyncratic lexical
case rather than structural case.39 The first piece of evidence comes from the fact that
adjectival/nominal predicates, on standard accounts, are not arguments; therefore, they do not
receive a form of structural case. The second piece of evidence that the accusative case assigned
the copular verb is the fact that in the absence of the copular verb, the adjectival/nominal
predicate receives nominative case rather than accusative case, as is illustrated in (69):
Zayd-NOM sick-NOM/engineer-NOM/*sick-ACC/*engineer-ACC
The third piece of evidence in support of the claim that the copular verb assigns a purely
idiosyncratic lexical case comes from the fact that in equative sentences, where the pronominal
copula rather than the copular verb is obligataroy, no accusative case is assigned to the second
Recall that non-structural cases are assigned in the syntax but they are not assigned based on a structural relation
between a functional head and an NP. In woolford’s (2006) terms, these are either internal arguments that receive
purely idiosyncratic case from certin Vs or prepositions, or else they are external arguments that receive therir case
based on their particulat thematic role. It is this reasoning that justifies the term “syntactic but not structural.”
‘Zayd is Zaynab (in the context of play)
At this point, the following question might be raised. Since the second NP zaynab ‘Zaynab’ in
the equative sentence of (70) is an argument rather than a predicate, why can’t it receive the
dependent case? The answer to this question can be found in Baker (2015: 174) who states that
“a noun is by definition a lexical category that bears a referential index.” Baker then adds that “it
becomes easy and natural to say that two nominals that interact case-theoretically must not only
have indices, but must have distinct indices.” To account for why the second argument in an
equative sentence does not receive the dependent case, we can follow Baker (2015: 175) who
(71) Suppose that X bears a referential index [i], no other phrase Z properly contains X and also
bears [i], and there is a term Y that bears a distinct index [k] in the same spell out domain as X.
With these theoretical assumptions in mind, we can account for (70) as follows: Baker (2015:
225) proposes that predicate nominals are embedded in a projection which he calls EP (i.e.
equative phrase). Suppose that this is correct. Suppose further that the pronminal copula in SA is
a lexicalization of T, specifically the ɸ-features of T. If this is correct, then the sentence in (70)
(72) [CP [TP zayd-un[k] *(huwa) [PredPi [EPi [DPi [NPi zaynab-u]]]]]]
In (72), the predicate nominal zaynab ‘Zaynab’ has a referential index [i], and it is properly
contained within EP and PredP both of which also bear the referential index [i]; therefore, the
dependent case does not apply by (71) even though the predicate nominal is c-commanded by the
Having established that the accusative case assigned by the copular verb in SA is lexical
rather than structural, we can proceed to account for the case patterns with adjectival/nominal
predicates. Given that the dependent case does not apply in these structures and the fact that they
are not arguments that should agree with T for case-assigning purposes, the prediction is that
these predicates would receive a form of unmarked case, namely nominative in the CP domain. It
turns out that this mechanism does indeed account for the case patterns of adjectival/nominal
predicates in SA. To illustrate, let us consider first, case assignment in nominal sentences
Zayd-NOM happy-NOM/*happy-ACC
‘Zayd is happy.’
In (73), there is only one argument in the structure, namely zayd ‘Zayd’; therefore, the predicate
When there is an overt copular verb in the structure, this verb assigns a purely
idiosyncratic lexical accusative to the predicate, as is shown by the example in (74a) and its
b. [CP [TP kaana T [TP Zayd-un <kaana> [vP <Zayd> <kaana> v saʕiid-an]
In (74), the representation includes two instances of T, as it has a copular verb, and this kind of
structures has been argued in this thesis to have two projections of TP. Note especially that the
sentence does not include an expletive. This has to do with the fact that unlike with indefinite
subjects with the copular verb, where an expletive is obligatory, no expletive is needed when the
subject is definite, as is the case with (74). SA is a language, where non-specific indefinite
subjects are not allowed to occupy the Spec, TP position (see Fassi Fehri 1993: 28 on this).
When the sentence includes the indicative complementizer, the subject receives a purely
idiosyncratic lexical case from C, and the predicate realizes the unmarked nominative case in the
When there is an indicative complementizer as well as a copular verb, the subject receives an
idiosyncratic lexical case from the complementizer and the adjectival predicate receives an
predicates obligatorily surface with an accusative case. To account for this case pattern, I claim
that the adjectival/nominal predicate is assigned a purely idiosyncratic lexical accusative case by
the covert analogue of the copular verb. This is illustrated by (77a) and its structural
representation in (77b):
c. …[vP v Zayd-ACC] [TP <Zayd> <kaana> [TP <Zayd> <kaana> [vP <kaana>
saʕiid-an / muhandis-an-ACC]]]
The question that might now be raised is the following: why should the copular verb be
covert only in embedded contexts?40 To answer this question, I tentatively assume that this is so
because the overt copular verb encodes tense, and in the context of the ECM constructions, the
tense of the embedded clause can but need not be encoded by the matrix predicate; therefore, the
use of of the overt copular verb to encode tense in the embedded clause becomes redundant.41
To summarize, the adjectival and nominal predicates do not undergo the dependent case
assignment. Instead, they surface with the unmarked nominative case unless there is an overt or
covert copular verb, which assigns a purely idiosyncratic lexical accusative to the predicate.
I thank Arsalan Kahnemuyipour for raising this question. I realize that redundancy does not entail impossibility,
and the sentence with an overt copula is highly improbable if not ungrammatical in SA. The only instance of the
copular verb preceding a belief-type predicate that I managed to find is the following verse from (Ibn ʕaqiil 13th
c./1980, Vol. 2, ex.123: 35):
(i) ʔin t-azʕum-ii-ni kun-tu ʔajhal-Ø-u…
if F-believed-FSG-me was-1SG lack.knowledge-MSG-INDIC
‘If you believed that I lacked knowledge…’
Ouhalla (1994) attempts to account for the accusative case on the adjectival/nominal predicate in the context of
ECM constructions by claiming that the embedded clause forms a small clause, which raises to the matrix clause,
and the whole clause receives an accusative case from the matrix predicate. This analysis begs the question of why
should small clauses, which are predicates, need case. Fassi Fehri (1993, fn. 24: 92) accounts for the accusative case
on the adjectival predicate in the context of ECM constructions by using the notion of spreading, i.e. the accusative
case assigmed to the subject of the embedded clause spreads to the adjectival predicate (cf. Yip et. al. 1987). Al-
Balushi (2016: 26) claims that the embedded adjectival/nominal predicate in an ECM construction is assigned
lexical accusative case by the matrix ECM predicate.
‘Zayd wrote a letter.’
b. kutib-at risaalat-un/*risaalat-an
wrote.PASS-3FSG letter-NOM/letter-ACC
The example in (78a) is in the active form, and the theme object receives a structural dependent
accusative case. When the theme object is passivized, as in (78b), it surfaces as the subject of the
sentence with nominative case. The facts of (78b) can be accounted for using the dependent case
theory of Baker (2015) as follows: at the insertion of the soft phasal head v, its complement VP
is sent to Spell-Out. In this domain, there is only one NP, namely the theme object; therefore, no
case assignment is calculated. At the insertion of the strong phasal head C, its complement TP is
sent to Spell Out. In this domain, there is only NP, namely the theme object; therefore, the
depdendent case does not apply, and the theme object surfaces with the structural nominative
case via Agree with T. Note crucially that at the Spell Out of vP, no case applies if there is only
one NP in the spell out domain. At the Spell out of CP, case has to aply even there is only one
NP in the spell out domain. This is accounted for on the grounds in the adopted theoretical model
on the grounds that vP is a soft phase; therefore, there is still a chance for the case to compete for
other NPs for case; at the CP level, however, case has to apply even if there is one NP, as this is
a hard phase, and all case decions have to be made in this phase.
write.IMP-MSG-JUSS letter-ACC/letter-NOM
‘Write a letter!’
In (80), the theme object obligatorily surfaces with the accusative case. Following Benmamoun
(2000) and Al-Balushi (2011), I assume that imperative sentences in SA do not have a Tense
(81) [CP [TP pro ktub [vP <pro> v [VP <V> risaalat-an]]]
Following Benmamoun (2000), I assume that T in imperative sentences does not have a Tense
specification, but is rather specified for an [IMP(erative)] feature. The fact that the theme object
in (80) obligatorily surfaces with the accusative case indicates that the null subject pro of
imperative sentences is a case competitor in that it triggers the structural dependent accusative
case on the theme object. Recall that I have agued that a pro subject always triggers the
dependent accusative case on the object in SA. The example in (80) can be accounted for using
the dependent case theory of Baker (2015) as follows: at the insertion of the soft phasal head v,
its complement VP is sent to Spell-Out. Howerver, there is only one NP in this domain, namely
the theme object; therefore no case assignment is calculated. At the Spell-Out of the strong
phasal head C, its complement TP (which includes a mood feature but no tense feature) is sent to
Spell-Out. In this domain, there are two NPs available, the theme object and the null subject pro.
As a result, the theme object is assigned the dependent accusative case, and the null subject is
assigned the structural nominative case via Agree with T. Crucially, note that T engages with the
NP in an Agree relation and the null subject pro does receive its nominative case even though T
is not specified for Tense here. This is accounted in the adopted theoretical framework on the
grounds that any feature in T, be it tense, mood or aspect can check the nominative case on the
subject (see point (e) in section 3.4.3 on the theoretical assumptions adopted in this thesis).
According to Hasan (1963: 238-245), present participles in SA are derived from verbs
and obligatorily encode the non-past (i.e. either deictic present or future) temporal specification.
SA do not bear a Tense specification. In terms of their aspectual properties, Fassi Fehri (1993:
178-181) shows that participles are similar to adjectives in some respects, but similar to verbs in
other respects. Thus, similar to adjectives, participles encode states. However, the states that
participles encode are not the same as those that adjectives encode. Specifically, adjectives
encode non-contingent states, whereas participles encode contingent states. Thus, adjectives such
as ġariiq ‘drowned’ is not the same as the active participle ġaariq ‘drowning’. The adjective
ġariiq ‘drowned’ describes someone who is in the state of drowning, and there is no attention
paid to how the event is unfolding in time. In contrast to this, the participle ġaariq ‘drowning’
means that someone is drowning now but may not be after a while, or that someone has entered
the state of drowning (i.e. inceptive aspect). Similarly, participles can even be derived from
purely stative lexical roots, such as faahim ‘understanding’ from fahima ‘to understand’, ʕaalim
‘knowing’ from ʕalima ‘to know’. However, even here, the participles faahim ‘understanding’
rather than a permanent state. In addition to their ability to express states, participles also show
other properties that are characteristic of adjectives. For example, they bear case, as shown in
(85b) above. They also agree in gender and number with the subjects. This is illustrated by the
(86) a. l-ʔawlaad-u muhaððab-uun.
the-boys-M.PL.NOM well-mannered-MPL.NOM
b. l-banaat-u muhaððab-aat-un.
the-girls.FPL-NOM well-mannered-FPL-NOM
Moreover, Fassi Fehri (1993: 187) shows that similar to adjectives, participles occur in positions
‘Zayd entered the house riding a horse.’
‘Zayd entered the house mounting a horse.’ (Fassi Fehri 1993, ex. 132: 187)
The example in (88a) shows that an adjective modifies the subject of the sentence. The examples
in (88b-c) show that this position can also be occupied by the active and passive participles
On the other hand, participles show other properties which are similar to those of verbs.
Thus, similar to fully inflected verbs, participles have an argument structure, which parallels that
of their corresponding verbs, and their complements are marked with the accusative case. This is
(90) a. salab-a zayd-un l-rajul-a maal-a-hu
The example in (89b) shows that a participle may have a theme object as its complement in the
same way that a monotransitive verb can in (89a). Similarly, the theme object of the participle in
(89b) is also marked in the accusative case in the same way that the theme object of the verb in
(89a) is. The example in (90b) shows that a participle may have two objects as complements in
the same way that its corresponding verb can in (90a). Also, the objects of the participle are both
marked in the accusative case in the same way that the objects of a ditransitve verb are.
Moreover, as pointed out in Fassi Fehri (1993: 186-187), participles have the same selectional
properties that their corresponding verbs have. This is illustrated by the comparison in (91):
The examples in (91) show that the participle in (91b) c-selects the same PP complement that its
Similar to Fassi Fehri (1993), Al-Balushi (2011: 262-267), also argues that participle
sentences lack a tense specification, and the proposal is made that such sentences project an
Given the above hybrid categorial properties of participles, Fassi Fehri (1993: 187-190)
proposes that participles are internally verbal but externally adjectival. He further proposes that
the categorial conversion takes place in syntax. I adopt this proposal, together with the claim that
T in these structures encodes aspect but not tense. I therefore propose the structure in (92) for
(92): CP
A vP
<DP> v’
v VP
<V> …
The structure in (92) shows that the participle starts the derivation as a verb, before it is
converted to an adjective later on in the derivation. The participle head-moves from V to v and
then to A. The subject DP of the participle moves from its base-generation position in Spec, vP
before moving moving to Spec, TP. Based on Fassi Fehri (1993) T may bear mood, aspect or
tense features. Thus, T in the structure in (92) has aspect features but no tense features. What the
structure in (92) shows is that sentences with participles are actually verbless sentences in that
the predicate is not externally a verbal one but rather an adjectival one.
Having established the temporal, aspectual and categorial properties of participles, let us
consider how sentences with particples can be accounted for in the dependent case theory of
Zayd-NOM reading.PTPL-3MSG.NOM
→ Case NP2 = NA
b. [CP [TP NP1 T [AP [vP <NP1> v [VP V NP2]]]]], C a phase head
In (94), vP is projected, and its complement VP is sent to Spell-Out. In this spelled out domain,
there is only one NP, namely NP2, which is not considered for case assignment, as it is the only
NP in this domain. At the spell out of C, its complement TP is sent to Spell-Out. In this spelled
out domain, NP1 c-commands NP2. As a result of this relationship, NP1 linearly precedes NP2,
and NP2 is assigned the structural dependent accusative case. NP1 receives the structural
nominative case via Agree with T. Given that the participle is externally an adjectival predicate,
it follows that the participle receives the unmarked nominative case in the CP domain. The fact
that the participle receives the unmarked case even though it is externally an adjectival predicate
can be attributed to a PF requirement of SA, which requires that adjectival predicates bear a
Let us consider next how the sentence with auxiliaries such as (95) can be accounted for
in this theory.
cleaning.PTPL-FSG-ACC the-trees-ACC
‘The rains were washing the trees yesterday.’ (Hasan 1963: 248)
Here, I assume that T has a tense specification given that the copular verb bears tense
information. I also assume that there are two instances of T given the presence of the copular
(96) a. [vP <NP1> v [VP V NP2]], v a phase head
→ Case NP2 = NA
b. [CP C [TP kaanat T [TP NP1 <kaanat> T [AP V-v-A [vP <NP1> v [VP V NP2]]]]]], C a
phase head
In (96), vP is projected and its complement VP is sent to Spell-Out. In this domain, there is only
one NP, namely NP2, which is not considered for case assignment, as it is the only NP in this
domain. At the Spell Out of the phasal head C, its complement TP is sent to Spell-Out. In this
domain, NP1 c-commands NP2. As a result of this relationship, NP1 linearly precedes NP2 and
NP2 is assigned the structural dependent case. The participial is assigned the purely idiosyncratic
lexical accusative case assigned by the copular verb. As for NP1, it receives the structural
In SA, NPs embedded in the prepositional phrases (PPs) receive structural genitive case
(97) a. saafar-at zaynab-u ʔilaa l-ʕiraaq-i
‘Zaynab spoke with the teacher.’
There is, however, a class of nouns known in the literature on SA as diptotes, which can
only surface with a morphologically accusative case following a preposition. Diptotes are a class
(98) a. They are declined with the accusative case when they are indefinite and when
b. They lack the indefinite marker –n when they are used as indefinite.42
There are a number of factors which determine when a noun is a diptote. The following are some
of these factors. According to Ibn Al-Saraaj (10th c./1996: 80-92), a noun is considered to be a
diptote whenever two of any of the following factors are available, or whenever one factor is
The status of the final -n, called the tanwiin or nunation in traditional grammars is not resolved. Kouloughli
(2007) defends the thesis that it is an indefinite marker. Fassi Fehri (2012, fn 2: 294), however, argues that “it is the
head of Poss(essive) phrase, which marks the absence of the possessor constituent, or absence of individuation.” For
the purpose of this study, I treat it as an indefinite morpheme.
(99) a. The noun is of the template ʔafʕal, as in the proper name ʔaḥmad.
it is made up of more than three radicals (i.e. consonants), the second of which is
Zaynab or Suʕaad.
f. The noun is plural, which is derived from another plural noun, such that no other
To illustrate, the proper name ʔaḥmad qualifies as a diptote because it is of the templatic form
ʔafʕal and it is definite. Similarly, the proper name ḥamdat is a diptote because it is
morphologcially feminine bearing the feminine suffix -at and it is definite. The proper name
ʕuṯmaan is a diptote because it ends in -an and it is definite The noun maṯnaa ‘two two in a raw’
is a diptote because it is derived from the noun ʔiṯnayn ‘two’ thus changing its templatic form,
and the derived noun maṯnaa also changes the meaning ʔiṯnayn ‘two’ into ‘two two in a raw’.
Thus, with maṯnaa ‘two two in a row’, the same factor, change, is repeated twice. The noun
ʔakluban ‘dogs’ is the plural form of kalb ‘dog’, and the noun ʔakaalib is a diptote because it is
the plural form of ʔakluban, the latter itself is the plural form of kalb ‘dog’. Here also, the same
factor, pluralization, is repeated twice.The fact that no other plural can be formed out of ʔakaalib
makes it qualify to be a diptote. The nouns ʔibraahiim ‘Ibraham’, ʔisḥaaq ‘Isac’, yaʕquub
‘Jacob’ are diptotes because they are foreign names and they are definite. The proper nouns
ḥaḍramawta and baʕlabakka are diptotes because both are compounds, one is derived from
ḥaḍram ‘Hadoram’ and mawta ‘land’, and the other is derived from baʕl ‘owner’ and baq
came-3FSG Zaynab-NOM-INDEF
‘Zaynab came.’
b. raʔay-tu zaynab-a-Ø
saw-1SG Zaynab-ACC-INDEF
‘I saw Zaynab.’
c. marar-tu bi-zaynab-a-Ø
passed-1SG by-Zaynab-ACC-INDEF
‘I passed by Zaynab.’
The examples in (100) show that the proper noun Zaynab ‘Zaynab’, a member of the minority
class of nouns known as diptotes in SA, declines in the following manner: the proper noun is
assigned morphological nominative case when it functions as the subject of the sentence, as in
(100a); it is assigned a morphological accusative case when it functions as the object of the
There is no agreement on the original meaning of ḥaḍramawta. The meaning I ascribe to it here is based on just
one of the possible original meanings ascribed to it.
addition to the case endings, the diptote Zaynab ‘Zaynab’ lacks the indefinite marker -n, which is
normally attached to proper nouns in SA (for a discussion of diptotes in SA, see Al-Hawary
2011: 343-348).
Diptotes are to be distinguished from another declensional class of nouns, which make up
the majority of nouns in SA, namely triptotes. Triptotes have distinct case markings in the
nominative, accusative and genitive, and they bear the indefinite maker –n when used as
indefinite. The examples in (101) contrast with the diptotes shown in (100):
came-3MSG Zayd-NOM-INDEF
‘Zayd came.’
b. raʔay-tu zayd-a-n
saw-1SG Zayd-ACC-INDEF
‘I saw Zayd.’
c. marar-tu bi-zayd-i-n
passed-1SG by-Zayd-GEN-INDEF
‘I passed by Zayd.’
The examples in (101) show that the proper noun, zayd ‘Zayd’, a member of the majority
morphological nominative case when it functions as the subject of the sentence, as in (101a); it is
assigned a morphological accusative case when it has the function of the object, as in (101b), and
it is assigned a morphological genitive case when it functions as the object of a preposition, as in
Having described the declensional properties of triptotes and diptotes in SA, I now
address the question of case marking on the complements of prepositions. Specifically, is the
case? I claim that the genitive case assigned by the prepositions in SA is a structural case. This
claim is supported by two arguments against the view that this case is lexical/inherent. The first
argument against the view that the genitive case assigned by prepositions is an inherent case is
that objects of prepositions all receive a genitive case regardless of their thematic role in the
sentence. This is shown by the examples (97) above and further in (102):
Zaynab-NOM in the-morocco-GEN
complements is not thematically linked. Thus, the NP l-ʕiraaq ‘Iraq’ in (102a) receives the
genitive case from the preposition ʔilaa ‘from’, and the NP has the thematic role GOAL.
Similarly, the NP l-maġrib ‘Morocco’ in (102b) receives the genitive case from the preposition
min ‘from’, and the NP has the thematic role SOURCE. In (102c), the NP Zayd ‘Zayd’ receives
the genitive case from the preposition li ‘to’, and the NP has the thematic role BENEFICIARY.
In (102d), the NP zaynab ‘Zaynab’ receives the genitive case from the preposition fii ‘in’, and
genitive case to their complements rather than a purely idiosyncratic lexical case in the sense of
Woolford (2006) is that the assignment of genitive case is a property that applies to all
prepositions in SA, not just to particular ones, as shown by the examples in (97) and (102) above,
the only apparent exception noted is the case of the minority class of declensional nouns known
as diptotes, as discussed. To account for the morphological accusative case marking on diptotes
following a preposition, I follow Embick and Noyer’s (2005) analysis of diptotes in SA. In their
Distributed Morphological (DM) analysis of diptotes in SA, Embick and Noyer (2005: 17-20)
Oblique - - +
Superior + - -
Given the case features in (103), Embick and Noyer assume that the Vocabulary Items in
(104) -u ↔ [+superior]
-i ↔ [+oblique]
-a ↔ elsewhere
For the indefinite morpheme, Embick and Noyer assume that the Vocabulary Items in
(105) -n ↔ [-definite]
-Ø ↔ elsewhere
To account for the indefinite and case declensional patterns of diptotes in SA shown in
(100) above, namely the syncretism of genitive and accusative into the accusative form -a, and
the lack of the indefinite marker –n, Embick and Noyer claim that the Impoverishment rules in
(106), which precede the process of Vocabulary Insertion in the Morphophonological Structure
of DM, are responsible for the surface realization of these morphemes on diptotes in SA:
According to Embick and Noyer, the Impoverishement rule in (106a) prevents the insertion of
the genitive morpheme –i on diptotes in SA, and the Impoverishement rule in (106b) prevents the
Given Embick and Noyer’s (2005) analysis of the case and indefinite patterns of the
declensional class of diptotes in SA, it follows that prepositions always assign a structural
genitive case to their complements in the syntax. In the case of the accusative case on diptotes
component, which maps the syntactic component to the PF interface level. I take the fact that
accusative case rather than nominative case is assigned to diptotes in the PP domain as an
indication that accusative case is the unmarked case in this domain in SA. The proposal that
accusative case is the unmarked case in the PP domain is supported by Baker’s (2015: 296)
conjecture that
(oblique in the Hindi sense), which may or may not be the same as nominative-
One piece of evidence that the case assigned by prepositions to diptotes is syntactically genitive
but morphophonologically accusative can be gleaned from the agreement that takes place
between NPs and their modifying adjectives, which is morphologically overt in SA. It is a fact of
SA that adjectives agree with their head nouns in number, gender and case. The example in (107)
clearly shows that when an NP with a modifying adjective and a head noun, which is a diptote, is
assigned a structural genitive case by the preposition, the modifying adjective, which is not a
diptote in this case, surfaces with a genitive case and an indefinite morpheme even though the
The example in (107) shows unambiguously that the object of the preposition bears a structural
genitive case but a morphological accusative case, given that adjectives lack inherent ɸ-features
The question that remains to be answered is why the NP inside the PP domain is immune
to the assignment of structural dependent accusative case. I claim that this is due to the fact that
PPs in SA are hard phases in the sense of Baker (2015 and references therein) (on the view that
PPs can be phases in some languages, see Baker 2015: 81). One piece of evidence that PPs in SA
are hard phases comes from extraction structures. In SA, the NP complements cannot be
extracted out of the PP domain. In cases of extraction, the extracted element has to pied-pipe the
There are other adjectives, which are also diptotes. An example is the plural feminine adjective ʔuxar ‘other’ (Al-
The examples in (108) show that only when the whole PP is fronted is the sentence grammatical,
as is shown in (108b). When the NP inside the PP is extracted out of the PP, the sentence is
ungrammatical, as is shown in (108c). This, in addition to the fact that the NPs inside the PP
domain are not subject to the structural dependent case, might be taken as evidence that PPs in
5.16 Summary
In this chapter, I have shown that the case assignment facts of the core arguments in SA
can be properly accounted for using the dependent case theory of Baker (2015). The crucial
claim has been that v in SA is a soft phase in the sense of Baker (2015). The phasal head v has
been shown to be incapable of assigning a structural accusative case to the object. This has been
attributed to v’s being impoverished having only a gender feature. The structural accusative case
on the object has been argued to be the result of the dependent case assignment. The chapter has
also shown that the subject (i.e. the highest argument in Spec, vP or Spec, TP) receives its
structural nominative case via Agree with T. This mechanism of case assignment has been
argued to be available when it is not bled by dependent case assignment. This chapter has also
shown that purely idiosyncratic lexical case does apply in SA, and that that there are two lexical
case assigners. The first lexical case assigner in SA is the indicative complementizer. The second
lexical case assigner is the copular verb. These lexical case assigners have been shown to assign
a purely idiosyncratic lexical accusative case to NPs in their complements. The chapter has
moreover shown that NPs inside the PP domain receive a form of structural genitive case
assigned by P. Crucially, the chapter also shows that for NPs to compete for the dependent case,
Based on the results of the analysis conducted, I have shown that the following properties are
characteristic of SA:
(a) The CP and PP are hard phases, but the vP is a soft phase.
(b) The null category pro is a case competitor in SA in that it triggers the assignment of
(c) NOM can be the result of an Agree relation with T, or it can be the result of the assignment
complement in the DP domain, and ACC is the unmarked case in the PP domain.
The goal of this chapter has been to show that in order for the structural dependent case to
apply in a spell out domain, the NPs involved must have distinct referential index. Thus, a there-
type expletive is not capable of triggering the structural dependent case on an NP because its
referential index is not distinct from that of its associate. Similarly, the lower argument in an
equative sentence does not get the dependent case. Thus, although it has a referential index, it is
Chapter Six
6.1 Introduction
In this chapter, I will discuss the case assignment of adverbial NPs and NPs in the left
periphery of the clause. I will claim that all non-arguments receive a form of non-structural non-
syntactic case referred to as semantic case (see Maling 2009, Schütze 2001, Fassi Fehri 1986),
Other cases of case syncretism in SA include those cases where the class of nouns known in traditional Arabic
grammar as sound feminine plural nouns (i.e. nouns that pluralize thorugh suffixation rather than through a change
of the root/stem) realize their syntactic structural or syntactic non-structural (i.e. purely idiosyncratic lexical)
accusative case as morphologically genitive, as can be seen by the following examples:
(i) qaabal-a zayd-un l-ṭaalibaat-i/*l- ṭaalibaat-a
met-3MSG Zayd-NOM the-students.F-GEN/*the-students-ACC
‘Zayd met the students.’ (syntactic structural ACC on the theme object but morphologically GEN)
(ii) ʔinna l-ṭaalibaat-i/*l-ṭaalibaat-a fii l-ṣaff-i
that.EMPH the-students.F-GEN/*the-students.F-ACC in the-class-GEN
‘Indeed, the students are in the class.’ (syntactic purely idiosyncratic lexical ACC on the theme object but
morphologically GEN)
b. waḍaʕ-a zayd-un l-ʕalaamat-a yamiin-a l-ṭariiq-i
In (1a-c), the adverbial NPs receive a morphological accusative case. There are two questions
that need to be answered. First, are these NPs true arguments of the verb, or are they adverbial
NPs? The second question is whether the accusative case borne by these adverbial NPs is a
There are arguments against the claim that adverbials in SA are actually true arguments
of the verb. For instance, unlike true objects, adverbial NPs cannot be passivized, as is shown by
Having established that adverbial NPs are not true arguments of the verb, it is crucial to
point out that place and time NPs as well as amount NPs can still be passivized on the condition
that they lose their adverbial function, and assume instead the function of subjects or the function
of objects of prepositions. This can be illustrated by the contrasts in (3) through ( 6):
b. ṣiim-a yawm-u l-jumuʕat-i.
‘?*The front of the river was stood at.’ (adapted from Al-Ašram 2003: 348)46
This example might sound degraded to many Modern speakers of SA. However, Al-Ašram 2003: 348) takes these
examples from traditional Arab grammarians who were native speakers of SA.
(6) a. raʔay-tu-haa fii yawm-i l-jumuʕat-i
lot-GEN of the-times-GEN
I take the fact that the NPs in (3) through (6) can be passivized and bear nominative case, and
their ability to function as objects of prepositions and bear genitive case as evidence that these
NPs are no longer adverbial NPs, but assume other grammatical functions. This is also the
position taken by traditional Arab grammarians (see, for example Al-Warraaq 10th c./1999: 281).
In other words, these NPs take whatever structural cases regular NPs take when they function as
Baker (2015: 215-2016) argues, based on cross-linguistic evidence, that adverbial NPs
can still receive the structural dependent case in some languages such as Cuzco Quechua,
Finnish and Korean. Baker (2105: 217) shows that in Finnish, certain adverbs receive structural
case because they show case alternation. For example, the duration adverb is accusative in (7a)
but bare-nominative in (7b), an impersonal passive where the covert agent is not a case
study-PAST-1sS year-ACC
b. Opiskel-tiin vuosi
study-PAST.PASS year.NOM
To see whether this is actually the case in SA, we can employ the same diagnostics used
For example, adverbials bear the accusative case in active sentences in SA, as can be
illustrated in (8):
studied-1SG morning-ACC/*morning-NOM
If the accusative case borne by the adverbials is structural, then the prediction would be that in
the context of impersonal passives, the adverbial NP would show case alteration by bearing the
nominative case. This prediction is not borne out by the facts, as is shown in (9):
In (9), the NP zayd ‘Zayd’ is part of a PP, and the the adverbial NP obligatorily surfaces with the
accusative case. The fact the advberial in (9) does not show case alteration in active and passive
sentences suggests strongly that the accusative case borne by the adverbial is not syntactic
structural. It is also crucial to point out the accusative case borne by averbials cannot be some
kind of case concord. This is because the accusative case realized on the adverbial in (9) without
The other question that needs to be answered is the following: why can’t we assume that
adverbial NPs receive an unmarked/default case? This possibility is also ruled out given that the
unmarked/default case in SA is the nominative case rather than the accusative case in the CP
Another question that might be raised is why we cannot assume that the accusative case
borne by adverbial NPs is a form of lexical/inherent case. This possibility is also ruled out when
we consider the fact that in the sense of Woolford (2006), lexical case is only assigned to internal
arguments, whereas inherent case is only assigned to external arguments. Since the adverbial
NPs in SA are neither internal nor external arguments, it follows that the accusative case borne
by these NPs is neither lexical nor inherent. Furthermore, assuming that adverbial NPs receive a
form of purely idiosyncratic lexical case entails that there be lexical case assigners, something,
which is not available in the case at hand. The argument that adverbial NPs receive a form of
inherent case is also ruled out, as these NPs are not arguments of the verb to begin with.
We are thus left with one possibility to consider, which is that the accusative case borne
by adverbial NPs in SA is a form of semantic/adverbial case. One piece of evidence that the
accusative case borne by adverbial NPs in SA are probably a form of semantic/adverbial case
comes from Schütze (2001: 209) who states that “[…] in rich case-marking languages,
specifically bare DPs can serve various adverbial functions, with their particular meaning
dependent on the choice of case (e.g. dative of duration, ablative of instrument)[…]” Given that
the case system of SA is not as rich as that of other languages, with only three morphological
cases, it should not be surprising that adverbial NPs bear one of these cases, namely the
accusative form in order to mark them as having adverbial functions. Other linguists (see Fassi
Fehri 1986: 186) also claim that adverbial NPs in SA bear a form of semantic case rather than
structural case.
6.3 Accusative case assignment of some other case-marked NPs
In this section, I discuss the case facts of some accusative-marked NPs in SA such as the
absolute objects (= cognate objects), the circumstances, objects of reason/purpose, and objects of
accompaniment (comitative objects). I show that these NPs function as adverbial NPs rather than
true objects. I also show that the accusative case borne by these NPs is a form of semantic case
traditional Arabic grammar. These NPs are cognate objects, objects of reason, and comitative
The examples below are respectively called the absolute objects (10), the objects of
purpose (11), and the comitative objects (12) in traditional Arabic grammar:
However, there are reasons to believe that these NPs are not true objects. Instead, I argue that
they are adverbial NPs. Semantically, traditional Arab grammarians (see Ibn ʕaqiil (13th c./1980:
169, 186) hold the view that absolute objects encode the meaning of corroboration, and that
objects of purpose, encode the meaning of reason or purpose. This indicates that their function in
the sentence is one of modification. Syntactically, there are other reasons to believe that these
objects are adverbial NPs rather than true objects. First, unlike true objects, which can be
passivized, these objects cannot, as can be seen by the contrasting pairs in (13) through (15):
On the ungrammaticality of such examples of absolute objects in passives, see (Hasan 1962: 115).
recited.PASS-3MSG honor.M-NOM for-the-scientist-GEN
b. *siir-a ` wa l-niil-u.
Second, unlike true objects, which are obligatory, these objects are optional, as can be
On the impossibility of passivizing the objects of reason/purpose and comitative objects, see Hasan (1962: 122).
(17) a. ʔalqaa zayd-un qaṣiidat-an takriim-an li-l-ʕaalim-i
b. sir-tu
‘I walked.’
Having established that absolute objects are not true objects but are rather adverbial NPs,
it is worth pointing out that there are other cases, where absolute objects do behave like true
objects. This is exclusively the case with absolute objects that are quantified, as can be seen in
The quantified absolute object in (19) can be passivized, just like true objects, as can be seen in
Quantified objects such as those in (20) are therefore true objects that receive the structural
Other linguists (e.g. Pereltsvaig 1999, de Hoop and Zwarts 2009: 174, Maling 2009: 75-
76) also treat cognate objects in other languages as adverbs of manner rather than as true objects.
Having established that the absolute objects, objects of reason/purpose, and the
comitative objects are not true objects but are instead adverbial NPs, the question remains
whether the accusative case that these adverbial NPs bear is a structural dependent case or not.
There is reason to believe that the accusative case borne by these adverbial NPs is a form of
semantic/adverbial case rather than structural case. We have established earlier that PPs are not
case competitors in SA in that they do not trigger the dependent case on another NP in the same
spell-out domain. If this is correct, then there are two predictions that can be made in order to test
whether or not the accusative case borne by these NPs is structural dependent case or not. If
these objects bear the dependent case, then the prediction would be that in the context of
passives, which do not project an external argument, they should surface with the nominative
(21) a. ʔiḥtufiy-a [PP bi-zayd-in] ʔiḥtifaaʔ-an/
*takriim-un li-juhuud-i-hi
rewarding-NOM for-efforts-GEN-his
The examples in (21) show that absolute objects, objects of purpose and comitative objects all
obligatorily surface with the accusative case. This shows that the accusative case borne by these
NPs is not the structural dependent case. Given that the accusative case borne by these NPs is not
structural, together with the claim that these NPs have an adverbial function, it follows that these
NPs bear a form of semantic/adverbial case rather than structural case. Here also, the possibility
that the accusative case borne by these NPs is default/unmarked is ruled out, as it is the
nominative case rather than the accusative case that is the default case in the CP domain of SA.
which are treated as objects in traditional Arabic grammar. Using a number of diagnostics, I have
demonstrated that these NPs are not actually objects, but are better treated as adverbial NPs. I
have also shown that the accusative case borne by these NPs is a form of semantic/adverbial case
In this section, I discuss the case facts of NPs in the left periphery of the clause, i.e. the
the-book-NOM read-1SG-it
First, we need to address the status of resumptive pronouns in SA. I consider resumptive
heads in the structure. This claim is supported by Fassi Fehri’s (1986) observation and Aoun et.
al.’s (2010) observation that resumptive pronouns void islands in SA, as can be shown by the
following examples:
who visited-3MSG-him
‘The sick person, I heard that Zayd knows who visited him.’
The examples in (23-25) show clearly that the complex NP island (23), the adjunct CP island
(24), and the wh-island (25) can all be voided using the resumptive pronoun. I take this as
evidence that the resumptive pronouns are true arguments of the verb and that the NP ʔal-mariiḍ
‘the sick.person’ is base-generated in the left-periphery rather than moved from within the
Let us consider next the contrasting pair in (26a-b) below, which show that the sentence
is rendered ill-formed if the focalized NP Hind ‘Hind’ is followed by the SV order . However,
(26) a. *HIND-AN Zayd-un raʔaa-haa
To account for these sentences, I follow Shlonsky’s (2000: 330) claim that focalization in SA
induces subject-verb inversion. Thus, the sentence in (26a) is ill-formed because the focalized
NP Hind ‘Hind’ is followed by the subject Zayd ‘Zayd’ rather than by the verb. This is in
contrast with the grammatical example in (26b), where the focalized NP Hind ‘Hind’ is followed
by the verb.
In the cartographic theory of Rizzi (1997), it is argued that question words universally
occupy the Spec, FocP position and that question particles universally occupy the head position
of FocP. In addition, Chomsky (1986), Marantz (1991) and Baker (2015) argue that case is
assigned to chains. Assuming that these two claims are correct, we can now address the
following questions: what makes the left peripheral DP in (27-31) ungrammatical when the left
peripheral DP is marked with the accusative or nominative cases and the sentence has a gap? (b)
why are the sentences in (27-31) grammatical when the left-peripheral DP surfaces with the
(27) a. hal ḍarab-ta Zayd-an
Q hit-2MSG Zayd-ACC
Zayd-ACC Q hit-2MSG
Zayd-NOM Q hit-2MSG
Zayd-NOM Q hit-2MSG-him
Q-hit-2MSG Zayd-ACC
Zayd-ACC Q-hit-2MSG
c. *Zayd-un ʔa- ḍarab-ta _____
Zayd-NOM Q-hit-2MSG
Zayd-NOM Q-hit-MSG-him
(30) a. kam ḍarab-ta Zayd-an
c. *Zayd-un hallaa ʔakram-ta _____
Let us assume (following Chomsky 1977, Fassi Fehri 1986, Aoun et. al. 2010) that the presence
of gaps indicates movement, and the presence of resumptive pronouns indicates the absence of
movement, given that resumptive pronouns void islands. The examples in (27-31) all show the
topicalized as the result of movement, as in (27c-31c), the result is ungrammatical; when the left-
31d) and the resumptive strategy is used, the result is grammatical. These examples can all be
accounted for if we assume the cartographic approach of Rizzi (1997). To account for the
ungrammatical examples in (27b-31b), we can proceed along the following manner: suppose that
the question words and particles ʔa-, hal, man, kam, hallaa all project a FocP. Suppose further
that a gap indicates movement, and the resumptive pronoun indicates lack of movement, given
that resumptive pronouns void islands in SA. If this is the case, then the examples in (27b-31b)
are all barred because the NP Zayd ‘Zayd’ is raised from its base position in the complement of
VP, where it receives a dependent accusative case to the Spec, FocP position or the Spec, TopP
position in the sentence. This movement induces ungrammaticality for one of two reasons: (a)
the DP Zayd ‘Zayd’ is raised to the Spec, FocP position, and the ungrammaticality is due to the
fact that it is impossible to have two projections of FocP in the architecture of the sentence, à la
Rizzi (1997). In other words, the underlying representation of the sentences in (27b-31b) can be
(b) the DP Zayd ‘Zayd’ is raised to the Spec, TopP position, and the ungrammaticality is due to
the fact that the DP Zayd ‘Zayd’ moved across the question words, which occupy the FocP
projection, and movement across elements in the C domain is banned on standard accounts. In
other words, the underlying derivation of the sentences in (27b-31b) can be represented as
To account for why the examples in (27c-31c) are ungrammatical, we can proceed along the
following manner: these examples are all ungrammatical due to one of two reasons (a) the
pronounced copy of the NP Zayd ‘Zayd’is raised to the Spec, FocP position; therefore, this
structure incurs two violations, namely the structure projects two instances of FocP projections,
thus violating the universal ban on having two FocP projections in the structure, and the fact that
the two links in the chain <Zayd, Zayd> end up receiving two distinct cases, thus violating the
condition that stipulates that cases are assigned to chains (cf. Chomsky 1986, Marantz 1991,
Baker 2015) (b) the pronounced copy of the NP Zayd ‘Zayd’is raised to the Spec, TopP position;
therefore, the structure incurs two violations. The first violation has to do with the fact that the
two links in the chain <Zayd, Zayd> end up receiving two distinct cases, accusative case in the
base position and nominative case in the landing position, thus violating the condition stipulated
in Chomsky (1986), Marantz (1991) and Baker (2015) that case is assigned to chains. The
second violation has to do with the fact the DP Zayd ‘Zayd’ moved across an element in the C
To account for the grammatical examples in (27d-31d), we can assume that the lack of a gap in
the structure and the presence of a resumptive pronoun indicate lack of movement. Thus, the NP
Zayd ‘Zayd’ in these sentences must be one of two things: (a) a higher topic phrase base-
generated in its surface position, and it therefore surfaces with the unmarked/default case in the
CP domain, namely the nominative case. Therefore, nothing is violated, and the sentences are
Alternatively, the NP Zayd ‘Zayd’ is adjoined to FocP, and it receives the unmarked/default
nominative case in SA. The underlying structure of the sentences in (27d-31d) must, according to
If the above analysis is correct and if question particles occupy the head Foc of the FocP
projections, the question now arises as to how to account for the following sentence:
Q-Zayd-ACC hit-2MSG
In (37), there is a gap, which indicates that the NP Zayd ‘Zayd’ is moved from its base position
as the object of the verb to the CP domain for focalization purposes. If focalization can be
encoded by question particles and if the NP Zayd ‘Zayd’ is also focalized (or topicalized), as
seems to be the case, the question is how to account for the surface order of the question particle
and the focalized NP. This sentence is accounted for once we consider the fact that it is a yes/no
question, and in the cartographic system of Rizzi (1997), question particles of the yes/no type
occupy the highest position in the clause, namely ForceP. Therefore, I suggest that the bound
question particle is located in the highest position of the clause, and the DP Zayd ‘Zayd’ is the
Now we can consider the sentences in (38-41) and ask the following questions: what
makes the left peripheral DP in (38-41) ungrammatical when the left peripheral DP is marked
with the accusative or nominative cases and the sentence has a gap? (b) why are the sentences in
(38-41) grammatical when the left-peripheral DP surfaces with the nominative case and the
Zayd-ACC if met-2MSG
I thank Gabriela Alboiu for suggesting this analysis to me.
d. Zayd-un ʔin laqii-ta-hu fa-ʔakrim-Ø-hu
‘Had Hind met Zayd, she would have been generous with him.’
Zayd-ACC if 2-meet-MSG-JUSS
‘Zayd, had Hind met him, she would have been generous with him.’
b. *Zayd-an ʔinn-ii ḍarab-tu _____
To account for the ungrammatical examples in (38b-41b), I argue that the particles law and ʔin of
conditions, la of initiation and swearing/promising, and ʔinna of assertion and corroboration are
all base-generated in the highest position of the architecture of the CP domain, namely the head
Force. This claim is supported by the fact that nothing in SA (aside from adjuncts) can ever
precede these particles. This is in addition to the fact these particles clause-type the sentence.
Thus, law and ʔin clause-type the sentence as a condition, la- clause-types the sentence as a
promise, and ʔinna clause-types the sentence as an assertion. If this claim is on the right track,
then the facts follow straightforwardly. The examples in (38b-41b) are all ungrammatical
because the NP Zayd ‘Zayd’ is raised to a position higher than ForceP, thus violating the
universal architecture of the clause. The underlying representation of (38b-41b) can therefore be
shown as in (42):
(42) *[FocP/TopP Zayd-an [ForceP law, ʔin, la, ʔinna…<Zayd-an>]
Notice crucially that the NP Zayd ‘Zayd’ cannot be argued to be adjoined to ForceP, as there is a
gap in these sentences, which indicates movement from within the TP domain to the CP domain.
A similar explanation can account for the ungrammatical sentences in (38c-41c) in addition to
the fact that the sentences incur another violation, namely the two links in the chain receive
distinct cases. As for the examples in (38d-41d), they are grammatical because no violations are
incurred. The NP Zayd ‘Zayd’ is base-generated as an adjunct, which adjoins to ForceP, and it
receives the unmarked/default nominative case in the CP domain. The underlying representation
The claim that law, ʔin, la, and ʔinna occupy the highest projection in the structure of the clause,
namely ForceP makes the following prediction: the accusative-marked NP Zayd-an in (43)
should be fine below these heads, on the assumption that Zaydan can be occupying the Spec,
TopP position or Spec, FocP position.50 In principle, the prediction should be borne out.
However, there are other interfering factors that make it difficult to test this prediction at least
with some of these heads. For example, law and ʔin of conditions seem to force the VSO order
I thank Arsalan Kahnemuyipour for raising this issue.
suggesting that they induce subject-verb inversion, as can be seen by the following contrasts in
However, with the heads la and ʔinna, placing the NP Zayd ‘Zayd’ below them is fine, as can be
PRT.verily-Zayd-ACC I 1SG-love-INDIC
This example is grammatical on the reading whereby the DP ʔannaa ‘I’ is interpreted as a preverbal subject rather
than as a topic. It is ungrammatical on the reading whereby the DP is interpreted as a topic. This explains its
marginal acceptability.
‘Verily, Zayd, I love.’
Assuming this analysis to be correct, the obligatory case on the left-peripheral NPs follows
straightforwardly. Thus, the left-peripheral NP receives its dependent case before it raises to the
To summarize, I have argued in this section that the different patterns of case in the left-
periphery can be accounted for using the cartographic approach/mapping of Rizzi (1997)
together with the assumption made in Chomsky (1977), Fassi Fehri (1986) and Aoun et. al.
2010) that resumptive pronouns indicate lack of movement, wheras gaps indicate the presence of
6.5 Summary
In this chapter, I have shown that adverbial NPs in SA receive a form of dverbial/semantic
case rather than structural dependent case or default case. By considering the case assignment
facts of the left-peripheral NPs, I have also shown how case is assigned to chains in that two
Chapter Seven
7.1 Introduction
This chapter looks at case assignment in the DP domain of SA. In SA, there are two types
of DPs, simple DPs and derived DPs. Simple DPs are those DPs, where the lexical root starts the
derivation as a noun and ends the derivation as a noun. By contrast, derived DPs are those, where
the lexical root is a V, which is then categorially converted into a noun at a later point in the
derivation. Following Baker’s (2015) conjecture that DPs are universally hard phases, I assume
that the DP is a hard phase in SA. This decision is based on the fact that cases assigned outside
the DP do not affect the cases of the complements of D in SA. I begin by discussing simple DPs,
Let us consider the DP in (1) and its structural representation in (2). The internal structure
(2) [DP xams-u [QP <xams-u> [nP ṣuwar-i-n [NP <ṣuwar-i-n> jamiil-at-i-n]]]]
‘five beautiful pictures’ (in a nominative environment, where the DP occupies the
The structure of (1) can be represented in a tree-diagram, as in (3):
xams [NOM] 3
five <Q> nP
n NP
Spell-Out of pictures AdjP NP
D’s complement 5
jamiilat[GEN] <N>
In (3), the lexical head noun ṣuwar ‘pictures’ is merged into the structure, and the AP is left-
made in Distrubuted Morphology (see among others, Embick and Noyer 2005). The nP is c-
selected by the functional head Q(= quantifier), and QP is now projected. The functional
projection QP is c-selected by the functional head D and the DP is now projected. At the merger
the head noun, namely ṣuwar ‘pictures’ is assigned genitive case by D, following Fassi Fehri’s
(1993) proposal that D assigns a structural genitive case to the first of its NP complements. The
Following the category theory of Baker (2003), I assume that nouns cannot license a specifier given that they have
a referential index. Therefore, the AP is an adjunct rather than a specifier of N in (1). Assuming that nouns can have
a referential index and license a specifier entails a violation of Bakers’ (2003) Reference Predication Constraint.
AP, which is adjoined to NP then copies the case features of the head noun and thus is marked
for genitive as a result of case concord. As for the quantifier head xams ‘five’, which is moved to
D, it receives the structural nominative via Agree with T, assuming that the DP is the subject of
the sentence in which it is used. Note crucially that only D, which hosts the quantifier, ends up
realizing the structural nominative case, whereas all the complements of D do not. This is
expected if DP, as is claimed in this thesis, is a hard phase. In other words, the complements of D
do not realize the nominative case, simply because these complements are not visible to the
domains outside the DP. As for D itself, it is still visible to the higher domains because it is the
head of the phase, and it is standardly assumed in Phase Theory (Chomsky 2000, 2001 and
onwords) that heads of phases and their specifiers are visible to the immediately higher phasal
In (1), I have claimed that D in SA assigns the structural genitive case to its complement.
But is there any evidence that this is actually the case? Why can’t we, for example, claim that
genitive is the unmarked case inside NPs, a possibility, which is suggested in Marantz (1991: 24)
as being available in some languages? There isreason to believe that this cannot be true of SA.
Instead, the evidence weighs in favor of the proposal first made in Fassi Fehri (1993) that D in
SA assigns structural genitive to its complement. Baker (2015: 164) mentions Japanese and
Tamil as some of the languages, where the genitive case seems to be the unmarked case inside
Note that when the DP lacks the quantifier xams ‘five’, it is the head noun, which raises to D that will end up
receiving the nominative case assigned via Agree with T, when the former functions as the subject tof the sentence,
as in (i)
(i) ṣuwar-un jamiilat-un ʔiltuqiṭ-at yawm-a ʔams-i
pictures.F-NOM beautiful-NOM took.PASS-3FSG day-ACC yesterday-GEN
‘Beautiful picutres were taken yesterday.’
the NP, as more than one nominal inside the larger nominal can be assigned the genitive case, as
In (4), both John and Mary receive the genitive case, thus indicating that the genitive case is the
unmarked case in Tamil. If genitive case were not the unmarked case in Tamil, the prediction in
the theoretical framework adopted is to see the theme object Mary ‘Mary’ realizing the
dependent accusative case, as there are two NPs in the DP domain, and the agent NP John
‘John’c-commands the theme object Mary ‘Mary’. However, this prediction is not borne out by
the facts. In SA, the equivalent of (4) is ruled out, as shown in (5), thus suggesting that genitive
SA behaves like English in that (5) can only be ruled in when the prepositional strategy is used,
as shown in (6):54
The examples in (5) and (6) indicate that the genitive case is not the unmarked case inside the
NP. Had it been the unmarked case, (5) should have been grammatical, as nothing, in principle,
should prevent the unmarked case from being assigned more than once in the same spell-out
Ali-GEN pencil-3sP
Note that in NPs such as (i), the two NPs um ‘mother’ and Zayd ‘Zayd’ do get the genitive case:
(i) sayyaarat-u umm-i Zayd-in
car-NOM mother-GEN Zayd-GEN
‘Zayd’s mother’s car.’
However, this does not provide evidence that GEN is the unmarked case in SA. The NP ummi Zayd-in ‘Zayd’s
mother’ is a construct state in SA. Therefore, the underlying representation of (i) is as shown in (ii):
(ii) [DP sayyaarat-u [PossP umm-i Zayd-in]]
In (ii), D, to which N raises in a head-to-head movement, assigns the genitive case to the construct state (i.e. the
PossP as a whole), which then percolates down to its constituent NPs.
In (7), the possessum agrees with the possessor, as shown by the morphology on the possessum,
and the possessor receives the genitive case as a result. Is there any evidence in SA that the
possessum agrees with the possessor? As a matter of fact, there is evidence in SA that D agrees
with its complement although the evidence is not quite as obvious as it is in Turkish. For
example, Fassi Fehri (1993) shows that D in SA inherits definiteness from the possessor, as is
shown when the head noun is modified by an adjective or a relative clause. This is illustrated in
book-NOM-INDEF precious-NOM-INDEF/*the-precious-NOM
‘a precious book’
‘a book, which I read.’
The example in (8a) shows that a definite DP is grammatical only when the modifying AP is
definite. By contrast, the example in (8b) shows that an indefinite DP is grammatical only when
the modifying AP is indefinite. Likewise, the example in (9a) shows that the definite DP is ruled
in only when the modifying relative clause is headed by the definite complementizer. This
contrasts with (9b), where the posessum is indefinite; therefore, no definite complementizer is
allowed in the modifying relative clause. These examples show clearly that D in SA, where the
possessum moves to, agrees with the possessor in definiteness. Thus, the possessum in SA agrees
with the possessor although in a more subtle manner than that shown in Turkish. If this is the
case, then SA belongs to those languages, where D assigns the genitive case to its complement,
Having established that genitive case is a structural case assigned by D in the DP domain,
books.F-NOM Zayd-GEN-INDEF
D PossP
kutub[NOM] 3
books zayd[GEN] Poss’
<Poss> nP
<n> NP
→Spell-Out AP <N>
D’s 5
Complement l-ṯamiin-at[NOM]
In (12), the lexical head noun kutub ‘books’ is merged into the structure and the AP l-ṯamiin-at
‘the precious’ is left-adjoined to NP. The NP is c-selected by the functional head n, and N is
raised to n for categorization. The nP is c-selected by the functional head Poss(essive). The
possessor Zayd ‘Zayd’ is merged into the structure in the Spec, PossP position. The functional
head D is merged into the structure, and the complex head N+n+Poss is raised to it in order to
check the latter’s [uN] feature. D is a phasal head. This means that the complement PossP is sent
to Spell-Out at the merger of D into the structure. In the spell-out domain of D, the possessor
Zayd ‘Zayd’ in the Spec, PossP position is assigned the structural genitive case by D in the DP
domain. The AP copies the [NOM] feature of the head N given that N is a member of the chain
whose head is now in D. The head D, which hosts the head N, is now visible to the higher phasal
domains of which DP is the subject. Therefore, D receives the structural nominative case via
Agree with T.
Let us consider next the DP in (13) and its structural representation in (14):
‘the precious book of the son of the uncle of Zayd/The precious book of Zayd’s cousin.’
D PossP
kitaab 3
[NOM] PossP Poss’
3 3
DP Poss’ <N+n+ Poss > nP
ʔibn 3 3
[GEN] Poss PossP <n> NP
3 3
DP Poss’ AP <N>
ʕam 3 l-ṯamiin
[GEN] Poss PossP the-precious
3 [NOM]
DP Poss’
Zayd 3
[GEN] Poss
In (15), the lexical head noun kitaab ‘book’ is merged into the structure, and the AP is left-
adjoined to NP. The NP is c-selected by the functional categorizing head n, and N is raised to n
for categorization. The functional head Poss is merged into the structure, and the possessor ʔibn
ʕam Zayd ‘the son of the uncle of Zayd’ is merged in the Spec, PossP position. The complex
head N+n+Poss is raised to D to check the [uN] feature of D. At the merger of D, its complement
PossP is sent to Spell-Out. In this spelled-out domain, the DP in PossP is assigned the structural
genitive case assigned by D in the DP domain, which is then percolated down to all the elements
inside the PossP.55 The head D, which hosts the head N, is now visible to the higher phasal
That the case feature of the whole nominal is percolated down to all the members of the nominal is confirmed in
Baker (2015: 175) who states that “[t]here are, of course, also languages in which every element inside the nominal
domains of which DP is the subject. Therefore, D receives the structural nominative case via
Agree with T. The AP later copies the [NOM] case feature of the head noun in D given that N
Process (or event) nominals are particularly interesting from the perspective of case
theory in that the lexical root starts the derivation as a verb but ends up becoming a noun later in
the derivation. This hybrid categorial nature of process nominals has effects on the way NPs
inside the larger DP are assigned case. To illustrate, let us consider (16) and (17) from Fassi
Fehri (1993):
‘The man criticizing the project annoyed me.’ (Fassi Fehri 1993, ex. 46: 234)
‘The man’s criticizing of the project annoyed me.’ (Fassi Fehri 1993, ex. 47: 234)
(more or less) is marked for case, as in IE languages with case concord; these would be the result of the case feature
distributing from the nominal as a whole to all the words inside the nominal, perhaps at PF.”
Fassi Fehri (1993: 234) shows that the process nominals in (16) and (17) are both internally
verbal but externally nominal. Thus, process nominals in (16) and (17) take whatever arguments
that their inflected verbs take, and they both can be modified by manner adverbs, as in (18):
The NP šiddat ‘violence’ in the adverbial PP receives its genitive case from the preposition bi- ‘with.’
To derive the different cases assigned to the theme arguments in (16) and (17), Fassi
Fehri (1993) argues that the categorial conversion takes place at different stages in the
derivation. To derive the case facts of (16), Fassi Fehri (1993: 240) provides the structure in (19):
(19) DP
Affix 3
l-rajul 3
the-man V DP
ntqd l-mašruuʔ
In (19), the verb is nominalized after VP is projected. This allows the verb to assign the
accusative case to the theme object. By contrast, the case facts of (17), can, according to Fassi
(20) DP
l-rajul 3
the-man N KP
3 3
V Affix li-l-mašruuʔ
Ntqd of-the-project
In (20), the abstract nominal affix is adjoined to V early on in the derivation; therefore, the theme
argument cannot be assigned the accusative case by the verb, and instead the genitive case is
Given that the theory adopted in this dissertation is different from that adopted by Fassi
Fehri (1993), how can the case facts of the theme object in (16) and (17) be derived using a
dependent case approach? Let us consider (16) repeated here as (21) for convenience:
‘The man criticizing the project annoyed me.’ (Fassi Fehri 1993, ex. 46: 234)
Following Fassi Fehri (1993), I assume that (21) has the structure shown in (22):
(22) DP
ntiqaad-u 3
criticizing-NOM <N> vP
3 3
V Affix DP v’
l-rajul 3
the man <v> VP
<V> DP
Spell-Out of Spell-Out ntqd l-mašruuʔ
DP of vP criticize the-project
In (22), the lexical root starts the derivation as a verb, which moves to v, and is then nominalized
by adjoining to an abstract nominal affix. N is then moved to D. At the Spell-Out of the soft
phasal head v, its complement is sent to Spell-Out. However, no case assignment takes place, as
there is only one NP in the domain, namely l-mašruuʔ ‘the project’. At the Spell-Out of the hard
phasal head D, its complement NP is sent to Spell-Out. In this domain, there are two NPs. The
agent argument l-rajul ‘the man’ c-commands the theme argument l-mašruuʔ ‘the project’. As a
result, the theme argument is assigned the dependent accusative case. As for the agent argument
(the possessor), it is assigned the structural genitive case assigned by D. The theme argument is
accessible at the Spell-Out of D, as the former is part of a soft phase vP. The DP as a whole will
receive the structural nominative case via th case-assigning Agree with T. However, the
complements of D are at this point in the derivation inaccessible to T, given that DP is a hard
phase. D, on the other hand, is accessible to T, given that D is the head of the phase DP;
therefore, it is accessible to T, and thus realizes the nominative case assigned to the DP as a
Let us now consider (17) repeated here as (23) for convenience:
‘The man’s criticizing of the project annoyed me.’ (Fassi Fehri 1993, ex. 47: 234)
To account for the genitive case of the theme argument, I follow Fassi Fehri (1993) by assuming
that the theme argument is assigned the gentive case via the prepositional strategy because V (or
v in current minimalist theory) adjoins to the nominal affix early on in the derivation. The same
analysis adopted for (16) applies here with the exception that the theme argument is assigned the
gentive case by the preposition rather than the dependent accusative case.
More complicated and interesting are cases where the complement of an event-denoting
bi- šiddat-in
‘He wants to criticize the man with violence.’ (adapted from Fassi Fefri 1993, ex.
65a: 242)
b. y-uriid-Ø-u ntiqaad-a nafs-i-hi/*nafs-a-hu
bi- šiddat-in
‘He wants to criticize himself with violence.’ (adapted from Fassi Fehri 1993, ex.
65b: 242)
To account for the puzzling genitive case on the complement of the event-denoting nominals in
(24), Fassi Fehri (1993: 242-243) proposes the following solution: the event-denoting nominal in
ntiqaad-a 3
criticizing-ACC N VP
ntqd nafsi-hi
criticize himself [GEN]
In this account, V raises to N before raising further to D. To account for the genitive case on the
complement of the event-denoting nominal, Fassi Fehri (1993: 242-243) claims that the genitive
case is checked only at LF, and that the null subject PRO inside the structure of the event-
denoting nominal is caseless. Fassi Fehri claims that the thematic object (i.e. the reflexive) in
(24b) must raise to the Spec, DP position at LF to discharge the genitive case assigned to it by D.
To account for why the reflexive in (24b) cannot receive the accusative case, Fassi Fehri (1993:
Fassi Fehri claims that the transitive verb ntqd ‘to criticize’ in (24b) cannot assign the accusative
case to the reflexive pronoun because the subject PRO in its Spec does not discharge its case, as
the latter is caseless, being PRO. This, together with the fact that PRO cannot absorb the genitive
case assigned by D, explains, according to Fassi Fehri, why the reflexive pronoun cannot receive
the accusative case and surfaces instead with the genitive case assigned to it by D.
Let us point out that Fassi Fehri’s (1993) solution to the puzzling genitive case in (26) is
not available to us for the following reasons. First, in current case theory, it is no longer possible
to claim that the assignment of case takes place at LF. Resort to case assignment at LF has been
abandoned ever since the operation Agree was introduced into the Minimalist program, as a
syntactic operation. In other words, in current generative accounts of case, case checked at LF
has been reformulated as case checked in the syntax via a long-distance Agree. Second, given the
theoretical framework adopted in this work, structural case is assigned at Spell-Out, the point
where syntax interfaces with PF. Therefore, any resort to case assignment at LF is not possible.
This means that a different account is needed to explain the puzzle. I assume along with Fassi
Fassi Fehri (1993) acknowledges that the condition in (26) is analogous to the case tier approach (Yip et al. 1987),
where there is a hierarchy of case assignment such that the accusative case can only be assigned when the
nominative case is assigned. Fassi Fehri (1993, fn. 31: 278) claims, analogous to Yip et al. (1987), that case
assignment follows a hierarchy in which nominative case is the highest.
Fehri (1993) that the internal structure of the event-denoting nominal of (24b) is that in (25).
Specifically, I assume that the internal structure of the event-denoting nominal in (24b) includes
the null subject PRO in the Spec, vP position. However, I take the morphological fact that the
theme object can only receive the genitive case but not the accusative case as an indication that
the null subject category PRO is not a case competitor in SA.58’59 Once this assumption is made,
the facts follow straightforwardly. Thus, I argue that the structural representation of (24b) is as in
3-want-MSG-INDIC criticizing-ACC
self-GEN-his with-violence-GEN
‘He wants to criticize himself with violence.’ (adapted from Fassi Fehri 1993, ex. 65b:
The claim that PRO is not a case competitor in SA might be a language-specific option, as it has been argued that
PRO receives case in many languages.
Youssef Haddad raises the following question: could it be that PRO is actually a case competitor but that GEN is
the dependent case while ACC is the unmarked case inside DP? I believe that this suggestion faces the following
problem: It makes the wrong prediction that the dependent case is always GEN inside the DP, as the accusative case
obligatorily surfaces on the theme object when the subject (i.e. the possessor/agent) inside process-nominals is a
lexical NP rather than PRO. Even if we make the suggestion that GEN is a higher dependent case in the DP of SA,
we face the following two problems: first, SA would be a language where the dependent case is the lower case
inside the CP domain, but it is the higher case inside the DP domain. Second, when the agent/possessor is PRO, both
the agent/possessor and the theme would surface with GEN and there will be no case competition, contrary to the
observational fact that GEN surfaces on the higher of the two NPs and ACC surfaces on the lower of the two NPs in
process nominals where the higher NP is a lexical NP rather than PRO..
The derivation of (24b) proceeds as in (28):
→ Case NP[reflexive] → NA
b. [DP N-D [NP <v-N> [vP PRO <v> [VP V NP[reflexive]]]]], D a phase head
The derivation in (28) shows that the theme object, namely the reflexive NP, is not assigned the
dependent case at the Spell-Out of the phasal head v, as there is only one NP in this domain.
Therefore, no case calculation is considered. At the merger of the hard phasal head D, its
complement is sent to Spell-Out. In this domain, the reflexive NP inside the vP domain is
accessible to case calculation, as v is a soft phase. Crucially, the NP reflexive does not receive
the dependent accusative case even though it is c-commanded by another NP, namely PRO at the
Spell-Out of D. This is because PRO is not a case competitor in SA. Therefore, the reflexive
object is assigned genitive case by D. The reflexive is accessible to D because it is part of a soft
phase, namely vP. Thus, unlike pro, which has been argued in this dissertation to be a case
competitor, PRO is not. To explain why certain null categories can in some languages be case
competitors but not others, Baker (2015: 201) proposes the hierarchy of case competitors in (29):
(29) Overt NPs and clitics > pro > controlled PRO > arbitrary PRO > implicit agent of
Baker (2015: 201) states that “categories to the right on the scale have a subset of nominal
features that categories to the left on the scale have. Languages then vary as to which of these
features are minimally necessary in order to participate in dependent case assignment.” Baker
then continues to state that “some [languages] rule out any covert NPs from being case
competitors, some allow pro to be a case competitor but not PRO, some allow PRO but not the
implicit agent in a passive, and so on[emphasis added].”60 I take the facts of genitive case
proposed hierarchy. Specifically, the facts from SA show that pro is a case competitor but PRO
is not. This means that PRO in SA must lack some nominal feature, which is minimally required
7.4 Testing Baker’s dependent case theory against the Case Tier theory and the Agree-
The fact that PRO is caseless is surprising in the adopted theoretical feramework. In the present thesis, to
participate in case assignment, the two NPs involved must have distinct referential indices. PRO is an NP; therefore,
it must have a referential index, following Baker’s (2003) theory of lexical categories which we adopt. In structures
with event-denoting nominals; the prediction would then be that PRO should be a case competitor given that it has a
referential index which is distinct from that of the theme object in these structures; yet, it does not. At this point in
time I have no explanation as to why this is the case, and the proposal that PRO in SA does not participate in
dependent case assignment remains a stipulation dictated by Baker’s (2015) hierarchy of dependent case triggers
which is itself a stipulation.
bi- šiddat-in
‘He wants to criticize the man with violence.’ (adapted from Fassi Fefri 1993, ex.
65a: 242)
bi- šiddat-in
‘He wants to criticize himself with violence.’ (adapted from Fassi Fehri 1993, ex.
65b: 242)
It is crucial at this juncture to point out that the obligatory genitive case of the thematic
complement of process nominals offers a testing ground for a comparison between the updated
version of dependent case (Baker 2015) on the one hand, and the Case Tier approach of Yip et al.
(1987) and the agreement-based approaches to case (Chomsky 2000, 2001) on the other.
Specifically, this is a case, where only the updated version of dependent case (Baker 2015)
makes the right predictions, and where the Case Tier approach (Yip et. al.) and the agreement-
based approach (Chomsky 2000, 2001) make the wrong predictions. Thus, in the approach
adopted in this dissertation, the genitive case on the thematic object of the process nominal is
predicted on the grounds that PRO in SA is not a case competitor in the sense of Baker (2015)
together with the assumption that vP is a soft phase in SA, which makes it accessible to the
genitive-assigning head, D via Agree. However, in the Case Tier approach, the genitive case of
the thematic object complement of the process nominal can only be explained on the grounds
that both PRO and the thematic object complement are in the same case domain, namely DP
(termed NP in Yip et al. 1987), and the DP in this approach supplies a case tier with one case
namely genitive case (see specifically Yip et al. 1987: 233), which is spread from PRO to the
theme object. Note, however, that this solution faces the problem of undergeneralization, since
this approach would predict that the theme argument can never be realized with the accusative
case, contrary to the facts, as shown in (21) above, which is repeated as (31) below:
‘The man criticizing the project annoyed me.’ (Fassi Fehri 1993, ex. 46: 234)
Similarly, it is hard to see how an agreement-based account of case can explain the
obligatory genitive case on the thematic object complement of the process nominal. This is
because the verb in these structures starts the derivation as a transitive verb. This means that an
agreement-based account would predict that the thematic object of the process nominal would
always receive the structural accusative case via an Agree relation with the functional head v*,
contrary to the facts. If, however, v in SA is not capable of establishing an Agree relation with
the object and assigning the accusative case to it, as I claim in this thesis, then the facts follow. In
the absence of the dependent case mechanism, the Agree-based case assigning mechanism takes
over. In the structure of (30), there are two potential case assigners, D, and v. However, v does
not assign case in SA; therefore, D is the only functional head capable of establishing an Agree
relation with the theme object and assigning the structural genitive case to it.
To summarize, structures with event-denoting nominals provide evidence for the
dependent case approach and against the Agree-based approach and the Case Tier approach.
Let us consider the following pair of examples with process nominals and pronominal
‘His ciriticism of Zayd annoyed me.’ (Fassi Fehri 1993, ex. 73: 245)
Intended to mean ‘Zayd’s criticism of him annoyed me.’ (Fassi Fehri 1993, exs.
74a-b: 245)
Non-nominative pronouns in SA are syncretic in accusative and genitive environments. In the examples under
discussion, the non-nominative pronominal clitic hu- can be an accusative form translating into English as ‘him’ and
it can also be a genitive form translating into English as ‘his’.
The question of interest is how to account for the grammaticality judgments in (32a-b) using the
dependent case theory of Baker (2015). The example in (32a) can be easily accounted for as
follows: D is a hard phasal head in SA. At the insertion of D, its complement is sent to Spell-Out.
In this domain, two NPs are available, namely the agent pronominal clitic hu- ‘his’ and the theme
object Zayd ‘Zayd’; therefore, the theme object zayd ‘Zayd’ receives the dependent accusative
case, and the agent pronominal clitic is assigned the genitive case by D. To account for the
judgment in (32b), we have to ask the following question: What makes the following analysis
wrong: the theme pronominal clitic is assigned the dependent accusative case and the agent NP
zayd ‘Zayd’ is assigned the genitive case by D. We can rule out (32b) by claiming that ntiqaadu
zaydin ‘Zayd’s criticism’ is a construct state, which forms one phonological unit such that
nothing can linearly intervene between the nominalized verb in D and the possosser/agent Zayd
‘Zayd’.62 The only way for (32b) to be grammatical is when the clitic is hosted by a preposition,
as in (32c).
Let us consider another more interesting example of process nominals that are derived
(33) [DP salb-u [NP [vP Zayd-in [VP l-rajul-a maal-a-hu ]]]]
‘Zayd’s depriving the man of his money’ (Fassi Fehri 1993, ex. 78a: 247)
I thank Youssef Haddad for suggesting this analysis to me.
The example in (33) can be easily accounted for using the dependent case theory as follows: At
the insertion of the soft phasal head v, its complement VP is sent to Spell-Out. In this domain,
there are two NPs available, the source argument and the theme object. As a result, the theme
object is assigned the dependent accusative case, and the source argument remains without a case
value. At the insertion of the hard phasal head D, its complement NP is sent to Spell-Out. In this
domain, three NPs are available, the agent NP, the source NP and the theme NP. The agent NP c-
commands both the source NP and the theme NP. As a result, the source NP is assigned the
dependent accusative case, and the theme NP is redundantly assigned the dependent accusative
case. The theme NP is available at the Spell-Out of D because it is part of a soft phase vP. As for
the agent NP, it is assigned the genitive case by D. If this DP is in the subject position of the
clause, as is hypothesized here, it receives the structural nominative case via Agree with T.
However, aside from D, the complements of D are no longer accessible at the point in the
derivation when T agrees with the DP, given that DP is a hard phase. D, on the other hand, is still
accessible to T, as it is the head of the phase DP. There, the D head of DP realizes the structural
7.6 Summary
Following Baker (2015), I have assumed that the DP is a hard phase in SA. I have
demonstrated that the complement of D is assigned the structural genitive case by D. I have also
shown that structures with event-denoting nominals can be properly accounted for using the
updated version of dependent case (Baker 2015) as a theoretical framework. I have further
shown that structures with event-denoting nominals provide a testing ground for the dependent
case theory against the Case Tier approach and the Agree-based approach. Using these
strucutures, I have provided evidence that only the dependent case theory makes the right
Chapter Eight
8.1 Conclusions
In this thesis, I have argued that agreement-based theories of case assignment in SA (e.g.
Raḥḥali 2003, Soltan 2007, 2011, Al-Balushi 2011, 2012) face problems. I have also argued that
the updated dependent case theory (Baker 2015) can better account for the case facts of SA and
that such a theory overcomes the problems that other theories face. The major argument of this
thesis is that case-assigning Agree does apply but only in those cases when it is not bled by the
dependent case. Adopting the updated dependent case theory of Baker (2015), I have shown that
(1) a. CPs, PPs and DPs are hard phases, but vPs are soft phases. T assigns the structural
nominative case to the subject in the CP domain; P assigns the structural gentive
case inside the phasal PP domain, whereas D assigns the structural genitive case
NP2 in VP, which is the spell out domain of the phasal head v, NP1 is assigned
NP2 in TP, which is the spell out domain of the phasal head C, NP1 is assigned
the dependent accusative case in TP. This assumption has been crucial in
analyzing cases of double object constructions as well cases of ECM
constructions in SA.
c. v is a soft head in SA, which is not even capable of establishing an Agree relation
with the object in the absence of the dependent case mechanism. This is due to its
feature. This contrasts with T, which has the full complement of ɸ-features, and is
d. In order to take part in dependent case, the NPs contained in a spell out domain
e. The genitive case assigned to the NPs inside PPs is structural rather than purely
lexical or inherent.
f. NPs in the left periphery of the clause may appear with either a nominative case,
or with an accusative case. If the NP in the left periphery appears with the
nominative case, this is the unmarked case. If, on the other hand, the NP in the left
periphery appears with the accusative case, this case is the dependent case
assigned to a lower link in a chain whose head is the NP in the left periphery.
which case these predicates receive a purely idiosyncratic lexical case from the
copular verb.
i. The indicative complementizer and the copular verb in SA assign a purely
j. The null category pro is a case competitor which triggers the dependent
accusative case on the lower NP in its spell out domain. This contrasts with the
null category PRO which is not a case competitor in that it does not trigger the
At this point, one might raise the following question: If v is incapable of establishing
Agree and assigning accusative case to the object because v’s ɸ-specification is impoverished,
being specified only for a gender feature, what enables v in Indo-European languages to establish
Agree and assign the accusative case to the object, despite the fact that v in these languages is
also impoverished?63 To answer that, I tentatively suggest that it could be the case that lacking
person and number features together, as is the case of v in SA might be the reason why v in SA is
weaker than other Indo-Eurpoean languages (where v might not be specified for a person feature
I conclude therefore that the updated version of the dependent case theory (Baker 2015)
Let us now consider the categories that participate in dependent case assignment in SA.
Table 1 shows the categories observed in this study and their participation or lack thereof in case
I thank Gabriela Alboiu for raising this question.
Table1. The categories of case triggers in SA.
The important question to answer with reference to Table 1 is what makes some of these
categories trigger the dependent case on another NP in the same spell-out domain, and what
makes others incapable of acting as triggers for dependent case. In this thesis, I suggest,
following Baker (2003, 2015) that it is the distinct referential indices of the NPs contained in a
spell out domain that makes some NPs receive the dependent accusative case and others do not.
In Baker’s (2015: 174) words, “a noun is by definition a lexical category that bears a referential
index.” Baker then adds that “it becomes easy and natural to say that two nominals that interact
case-theoretically must not only have indices, but must have distinct indices.” One way of trying
to explain the facts of SA summarized in Table 1 might be as follows: overt referential NPs
trigger the assignment of dependnt case on other NPs in the same spell-out domain because they
(a) have referential indices and (b) they bear distinct referential indices from those of the NPs,
which bear the dependent case. That is why members of the same chain do not receive distinct
How can we explain the fact that although both pro and PRO bear referential indices and
both bear distinct referential indices from the other NPs in their spell-out domains, only pros
trigger the dependent case on another NP in the same spell-out domain? At this point in time, this
claim is a stipulation dictated by Baker’s (2015) hierarchy of the triggers of dependent case.
The next question is this: why can’t existential expletives act as triggers of case
assignment in SA? I believe that this can be attributed to the idea that the referential indices
Lastly, one might raise the following question: Why can’t the dependent case mechanism
apply to adjectival and nominal predicates? In this thesis, I suggest, following Baker (2015), that
the referential index borne by predicate nominals is also borne by other projections which
contain the predicate nominal, specifically EP and PredP. Therefore, the predicate nominal
cannot be assigned the dependent case since it is not a maximal projection with a referential
index. As for why adjectival predicates do not receive the dependent case, this is quite predicted
in the theoretical framework adopted, as adjectives and verbs do not, according to the theory of
One final question to be addressed before this thesis is concluded is the following: I have
argued, following Baker (2015), that there are two mechanisms of case assignment that can
account for the case alteration of what is called structural or abstract cases in the Minmalist
literature. These two mechanisms are the dependent case of Baker (2015) and the Agree-based
case of Chomsky (2000, 2001). Following Baker (2015), I have also posited a hierarchy of case
mechanisms such that dependent case, when it applies, bleeds Agree-based case. The question
that might now be asked is the following: are we not losing the explanatory adequacy that Agree-
based accounts of case afford us when opting for a dependent case account which is rule-based
rather than parameter-based?64 In other words, are we not risking the loss of explanatory
I thank Youssef Haddad, Arsalan Kahnemuyipour, Ruth King and Gabriela Alboiu for rasing this question.
adequacy when we opt for the descriptive adequacy that can be achieved by taking into account a
dependent case approach to case? I believe that there are two reasons why a dependent case
account should be seriously entertained. The first reason is that the Agree-based account of case
is now controversial and has been criticized by a number of linguists (see for example, Marantz
1991, McFadden 2004, Diercks 2012). The second reason is that there does not seem to be
conclusive evidence that a parameter theory of language variation is in any way superior to a
rule-based theory of language variation. As pointed out in Newmeyer (2004: 189), “[…] in all
cases, a rule-based account is either more adequate than a parameter-based one or that, when the
To conclude, this thesis advances the following hypothesis: some linguists (see Al-
Balushi: 2011, 2012) argue against Chomsky’s (2000, 2001) hypothesis that only a probe with
the full complement of ɸ-features can assign case on the grounds that SA is a language, where T
is a defective probe (lacking the feature number in the VSO order); yet, it can still assign the
structural nominative case to the subject. In contrast to this hypothesis, I argue in this thesis that
(a) T is a probe with the full set of ɸ-features; therefore, it can assign the structural nominative
(b) v is a defective probe (following Wumbrand and Haddad 2016); therefore, it cannot assign
(c) the structural accusative case assigned to the object in SA is not the result of v agreeing with
the object, as v is incapable of assigning case to the object; rather, this case is the result of the
To conclude, the case facts of SA can be best be accounted for using the dependent case
theory of Baker (2015). This theory overcomes the problems that other accounts of case face
One of the issues that I have not addressed in this thesis is the issue of case alternation in
vocative constructions in SA. In these constructions, the DP might surface with either the
O man-ACC 2-speak-MSG-JUSS
O the-sleeper-NOM wake.up-MSG-JUSS
. The question that immediately arises is why. I leave this issue for future research.
Another very important question which is not answered here is why pro but PRO
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