REVIEWER-IN-Life and Works of Rizal
REVIEWER-IN-Life and Works of Rizal
REVIEWER-IN-Life and Works of Rizal
RIZAL AND HIS THOUGHTS ON EDUCATION Significant mandates under the Educational Decree of December
20, 1863
Education is an important value that we Filipinos have. - Establishment of one primary school in every town for boys and
Filipinos at the time of Rizal did not have the same educational girls
system that we have now. - Teachers were trained at a normal school for men (starting 1865;
Our system today, respects academic freedom, allows free this made training available for aspiring secondary school teacher)
intellectual growth and coupled with good facilities. - Government finally supervised public schools;
All Filipinos, rich and poor alike, have opportunities to go to Friars were assigned to implement the educational reforms,
school. however they did not agree with the teaching of the Spanish
language; they thought that Filipinos would oppose Spain after
SPANISH PERIOD - They tried to keep the Filipinos in “darkness”; and controlled the
flow of ideas of freedom and independence
What was the condition of education during the 19th century - Books to be read by Filipinos had to be checked (censored) by
Philippines under Spain? government and church authorities
- There was inadequate educational system. SIGNIFICANT MANDATES UNDER THE MORET DECREE OF 1870
- The poor system caused intellectual decadence.
- There was no uniform education curricula; schools impose their 1. Reforms intended: secularization of education in the
own curricula; or the curricula were limited. Philippines, government control over education
- Religion was over-emphasized.
- There was inadequate facilities: No classrooms, No books and 2. The decree was not implemented
- School use obsolete teaching methods.
- There was no government supervision of school. Background: Rizal was deported to Dapitan after he was implicated
- Students did not enjoy academic freedom. in the activities of the rebellion. While in exile in Dapitan, he
- Friars control schools. established a clinic, and a farm to produce abaca and other crop
- Teachers were not qualified. products. He also established a school for boys.
- Overemphasis on religion and obedience to the friars promoted
a society where Filipinos are inferior to the Spaniards. WHAT RIZAL TAUGHT TO HIS STUDENTS IN DAPITAN:
- Training to memorize and do rote memory exercises and - practical skills of self-sufficiency and resourcefulness among
limiting success to memorizing hampered intellectual progress. young men
- Filipinos suffered from discrimination in education because the - languages: Spanish and English
friars thought that Filipinos were not educable. There were - reading, writing, geography, history, arithmetic, mathematics,
industrial arts, natural science, values and gymnastics
limited number of schools:
- University of Sto. Tomas (college)
JOSE ASENIERO - One notable student of Rizal who become
- Colegio de San Juan de Letran (the only official secondary Governor of Zamboanga
school) Ateneo de Manila - Another way of educating the people was by establishing
Other schools: Santa Isabel industry as his business and organizing the farmers into a
- La Concordia cooperative.
- Santa Rosa
- Santa Catalina AS A
- Seminaries in Manila, Cebu, Jaro, Nueva Caceres, Nueva Segovia REFORMIST & REVOLUTIONARY
maintained by religious orders
- There were also: Latin schools, schools for boys and schools for - Rizal's Liga and its patriotic ideals in cooperation with the
nationalistic courage of Bonifacio's Katipunan were the
essential ingredients that ignited the flame of the revolution.
- There were trainings for Filipinos to become diocesan priests
- Rizal and Bonifacio were the main masterminds of the revolt
(non-members of the religious orders)
and it wouldn't have come to be that way if not for their
Did Spain try to improve the condition of educational system in hardwork and determination.
the Philippines?
Yes. Spain’s efforts to reform the educational system consisted of
these: Civil and Political rights - class of rights that protect individuals'
freedom from infringement by governments, social organizations
- Two important decrees on education: and private individuals, and which ensure one's ability to
- Education Decree of 1861 participate in the civil and political life of the society and state
- Moret Decree of 1870 without discrimination or repression.
Political – independence or separation of the Philippines from - In fact, this problem is very much simplified precisely because
Spain documentary materials are available, of the kind that makes it
entirely possible for the students of history, working strictly in
Moral – good manners, hygiene, good morals, and rejection of
accordance with established rules and principles of historical
religious fanaticism and weakness of character criticism and in true scientific spirit and attitude to arrive at a
Civic – self-help and the defense of the poor and the oppressed. more or less definite conclusion.
PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT OF INFANTS AND TODDLERS Sucking Reflex (The sucking reflexes is initiated when something
touches the roof of an infant’s mouth. Infants have a strong
INFANTS sucking reflex which helps to ensure they can latch unto bottle or
Baby = a very young child that can neither walk nor talk breast. The sucking reflex is very strong in some infants and they
may need to suck on a pacifier for comfort).
In an early stage of development= just the beginning
Rooting Reflex (The roofing reflex is most evident when an
infant’s cheek is stroked. The baby responds by turning his or her
Young child: a young child who is learning to walk
head in the direction of the touch and opening their mouth for
Gripping Reflex (Babies will grasp anything that is placed in their
The postnatal growth from conception to 5 months when the
palm. The strength of this grip is strong, and most babies can
head grows more than the body.
support their entire weight in their grip).
The greatest growth always occurs at the top –the head.
Curling Reflex (When the inner sole of a baby’s foot is stroked the
The infants learns to use their ‘’UPPER LIMBS ‘’before their infant respond by curling his or her toes. When the outer sole of a
‘’LOWER LIMBS ‘’. baby’s foot is stroked, the infant will respond by spreading out
The same pattern occurs in the head area. their toes).
The top parts of the head; the eyes and the brain - grow faster Startle/Moro Reflex (Infants will respond to sudden sounds or
than the lower parts such as the jaw. movements by throwing their arms and legs out, and throwing
their heads back. Most infants will usually cry when startled and
PROXIMODISTAL proceed to pull their limbs back into their bodies).
The pre-natal growth from 5 months to birth when the fetus Galant Reflex (The gallant reflex is shown when an infant’s middle
grows from the inside of the body outwards. or lower back is stroked next to the spinal cord. The baby will
The muscular control of the trunk and the arms comes earlier as respond by curving his or her body toward the side which is being
compared to the hands and fingers. stroked).
Tonic Neck Reflex (The tonic neck reflex is demonstrated in
Motor Development infants who are placed on their abdomens. Whenever side the
Refers to the development of motor skills from the center of child’s head is facing, the limbs on that side will straighten, while
the body outward. the opposite limbs will curl).
DOMAIN: Physical Health, Well-Being and Motor Development The child shows control and coordination hand and finger
PHYSICAL HEALTH 0 - 6 months
Standard 1: The child demonstrates adequate growth (weight,
height, head circumference) Hands open most of the time
Standard 2: The child has adequate sensory system to participate Brings both hands together towards dangling object/toy
in daily activities. Uses either hand interchangeably to grasp objects
Uses all 5fingers in a raking motion to get food/toys placed on a
0 - 6 months flat surface
Colors with strokes going out of the lines Cognitive development in infancy refers to development in the
way a baby thinks. This include his/her language, communication
and exploration skills.
Standard 1: The child participates in basic personal care routines. FOUR STAGES OF COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT ACCORDING TO
0 - 6 months
MEMORY (MEMORY FOR CONCEPT-BASED KNOWLEDGE: Preschooler Years - a time to instill habits of good dental hygiene
19-24 months Gross Development - It refers to acquiring skills that involve the
Hums a recognizable tune large muscles
Memorizes some gestures of action songs
A Glimpse of Preschoolers