Nanomedicinal Strategies To Treat Multidrug-Resistant Tumors: Current Progress
Nanomedicinal Strategies To Treat Multidrug-Resistant Tumors: Current Progress
Nanomedicinal Strategies To Treat Multidrug-Resistant Tumors: Current Progress
KEYWORDS: Brij n drug delivery n efflux transporters n lipid formulation Xiaowei Dong1,2
n nanoparticle n P-glycoprotein n Pluronic n vitamin E TPGS & Russell J Mumper†3
Department of Pharmaceutical
Sciences, College of Pharmacy,
Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide, evade chemotherapy. For example, multidrug University of Kentucky, Lexington,
accounting for 7.9 million deaths in 2007 [201] . resistance (MDR), a term to describe the broad- KY 40536-0082, USA
Pharmaceutical & Analytical
Over 85% of human cancers are solid tumors. spectrum resistance to chemotherapy in human Department, Novartis Pharmaceutical
Surgery and radiation are the initial treatments cancer, is one of the most important problems Corporation, East Hanover,
NJ 07936-1080, USA
for most cancers. Chemotherapy with cytotoxic in chemotherapy. MDR is the phenomenon in 3
UNC Lineberger Comprehensive
agents is used as an adjuvant therapy or a single- which exposure of tumor cells to a single cyto- Cancer Center, UNC-Chapel Hill, Chapel
agent therapy especially for the management of toxic agent accounts for cross-resistance to other Hill, NC 27599-7295, USA
Author for correspondence:
recurrent disease.���������������������������
There are a number of che- structurally unrelated classes of cytotoxic agents. Division of Molecular Pharmaceutics,
motherapeutic agents with established first- ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters are Center for Nanotechnology in Drug
Delivery, UNC Eshelman School of
activity against cancer, with the anthracy- transmembrane proteins that utilize the energy Pharmacy, 1044 Genetic Medicine
clines [1] and taxanes [2] generally considered the of ATP hydrolysis to shuttle various substrates Building, CB 7362, 120 Mason Farm
most active. The relative benefits and toxicities across the cell membrane. Normally, ABC trans- Road, University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill,
of individual anticancer agents or combinations porters function as pumps that extrude toxins NC 27599-7362, USA
must be considered, as well as the treatment his- and drugs out of the cell. To date, there are Tel.: +1 919 966 1271
Fax: +1 919 843 1232
tory and clinical status of the patient. Toxicity is approximately 49 known transporters in the [email protected]
one of the most critical issues in chemotherapy ABC family that are classified into seven dif-
since most anticancer agents lack selective effi- ferent families (ABC A through ABC G) [3,4] .
cacy in cancer tissue. Another problem with However, not all have been shown to have a
conventional chemotherapy pertains to the chal- role in MDR. Table 1 provides a summary of the
lenge of delivery. The effectiveness of cancer che- most pertinent MDR-related ABC transport-
motherapy in solid tumors depends on adequate ers and their most studied drug substrates [5] .
delivery of therapeutic agents to tumor cells. P-glycoprotein (P‑gp) is one of the most well-
The biological properties of the solid tumor, described ABC transporters and is overexpressed
which limit the penetration of drugs into neo- in the plasma membrane of MDR tumor cells.
plastic cells distant from tumor vessels, include P‑gp is capable of effluxing various anticancer
abnormal and heterogeneous tumor vasculature, drugs, such as doxorubicin and paclitaxel, out of
interstitium, interstitial fluid pressure (IFP) and the cells. P‑gp inhibitors (e.g., verapamil) have
cell density. However, even if anticancer drugs been developed to overcome P‑gp-mediated
are located in the tumor interstitium, they can MDR. However, some P‑gp inhibitors do not
have limited efficacy because cancer cells are have good selectivity and also block normal cell
able to develop mechanisms of resistance. Drug function of P‑gp, for example, in the intestines or
resistance has emerged as a major obstacle limit- at the blood–brain barrier (BBB), and therefore
ing the therapeutic efficacy of chemotherapeu- increase toxicity. A refinement of this concept is
tic agents. These mechanisms allow tumors to the incorporation of both the therapeutic drug
10.2217/NNM.10.35 © 2010 Future Medicine Ltd Nanomedicine (2010) 5(4), 597–615 ISSN 1743-5889 597
Review Dong & Mumper
and the P‑gp inhibiting agent into the same drug the tumor interstitium is also characterized by
carriers (e.g., nanoparticles) for simultaneous the absence of an anatomically well-defined
delivery into the cell. functioning lymphatic network. Therefore,
Nanoparticles have been developed to the clearance of nanoparticles via lymphatics
enhance the intracellular concentration of drugs is generally seriously compromised in neoplas-
in cancer cells while avoiding toxicity in nor- tic tissues, so that an additional retention of
mal cells using both passive and active target- nanoparticles in the tumor interstitium has
ing. The nanosize particles can pass through been observed. This particular concept known
leaky and hyperpermeable tumor vasculature as the EPR effect results in intratumoral drug
and accumulate in the tumor vicinity utilizing accumulation, which is even higher than that
the enhanced permeability and retention (EPR) observed in plasma and other tissues. In addi-
effect. Moreover, vascular permeability-enhanc- tion to passive targeting by the EPR effect,
ing factors, such as bradykimin, nitric oxide active targeting may also be pursued by tar-
and VEGF, facilitate extravasation of macro- geting nanoparticles with a tumor cell-specific
molecular drugs within tumor tissues, as well ligand. More importantly, it has been suggested
as surrounding normal tissues. Furthermore, that nanoparticles may be able to circumvent
The clinical success has been limited in the the contribution of these inhibitors to reverse
attempts to overcome MDR. A large number clinical drug resistance needs to be defined in
of a new generation of drug analogs have been clinical trials.
developed as non-P‑gp substrates. However,
most taxane analogs have not demonstrated Nano-based drug delivery systems
greater therapeutic indexes in vivo, or have for cancer
shown toxicity to normal tissues, although they In the pharmaceutical field, the development of
were designed and shown not to be P‑gp sub- the first viable��������������������������������
nanocarrier dates back approxi-
strates [62] . Another means to overcome MDR is mately 40 years, when the first example of a
to develop ABC transporter inhibitors. Studies liposome was described [75] . However, the most
on compounds, including the calcium channel important scientific advancements on develop-
blocker verapamil, to reverse vincristine resis- ment of nanoscale vehicles with distinct physi-
tance in murine leukemia cells opened the door cal and biochemical properties for drug delivery
for the development of inhibitors of P‑gp to over- applications have only taken place within the last
come P‑gp-mediated drug resistance [70,71] . The two decades. The most common examples of
therapeutic results from previous clinical trials these nanoparticles include polymeric nanopar-
using first- and second-generation inhibitors of ticles, dendrimers, nanoshells, liposomes, lipid-
ABC transporters have generally been negative or based nanoparticles, magnetic nanoparticles and
only modestly positive and have not fulfilled the virus nanoparticles. One of the most appealing
promise of the preclinical data. There are several properties of nanoparticles is their size, resulting
reasons for the failure of many of these inhibitors in distinct features that are not available from
to show beneficial effects. One of the reasons individual molecules alone or equivalent materi-
for failure is that the inhibitors are weak and als at a larger scale. Nanoparticles have emerged
nonspecific. The requirement for the use of high as one approach to overcome both the lack of
inhibitor concentration (e.g., >10 µM verapamil) specificity of conventional drugs and delivery
was not achievable in clinical trials. Additional barriers in solid tumors [76–82] .
toxicities of anticancer drugs due to the inhibi- Nanoparticles have the potential to improve
tion of transporters in normal tissues remain a the therapeutic index of currently available drugs
concern for the more potent inhibitors. Another by increasing drug efficacy, lowering drug toxic-
reason for failure is the observed programmed ity and achieving steady state therapeutic lev-
pharmacokinetic drug interaction resulting from els of drugs over an extended period of time.
coadministration of inhibitors and anticancer Nanoparticles can also improve drug solubility
drugs. For example, a modest pharmacokinetic and drug stability, allowing the development
interaction between verapamil and doxoru- of potentially effective new chemical entities
bicin in humans was observed [72] . In addition, that have been stalled during the preclinical or
some second-generation inhibitors of P‑gp are clinical development owing to suboptimal phar-
substrates of cytochrome P-450. Competition macokinetic or biochemical properties. Finally,
of these P‑gp inhibitors for cytochrome P-450- the flexible surface chemistry of nanoparticles
mediated oxidative reactions may lead to also allows for possible conjugation of targeting
undesirable pharmacokinetic interactions [73] . ligands for active targeted delivery.
Increased toxicity of the anticancer drugs may A schematic representation for different
occur due to both pharmacokinetic effects and mechanisms by which nanoparticles enhance
inhibition of a protective function of P‑gp in drug delivery to solid tumors is shown in
normal tissues. To date, clinical trials with the Figure 3 [76] . The effectiveness of cancer therapy in
third generation inhibitors are ongoing, includ- solid tumors depends on adequate delivery of the
ing trials with compounds LY335979-targeted therapeutic agent to tumor cells. Many antican-
P‑gp, GF120918-targeted P‑gp and BCRP, cer drugs have a marginal selectivity for malig-
R101933-targeted P‑gp and XR9576-targeted nant cells because they target the reproductive
P‑gp and MRP1. However, toxicity issues are apparatus in cells having high proliferation rates.
still associated with this generation. For exam- However, anticancer drugs having this mecha-
ple, XR9576 demonstrated high potency in both nism of action result in high toxicities against
in vitro and in vivo studies and showed no effect rapidly dividing normal cells, such as hair fol-
on the pharmacokinetics of several anticancer licles, germ cells and hematopoietic cells. Other
drugs in a Phase I study. However, a Phase III anticancer drugs are distributed nonspecifically
study in non-small-cell lung cancer has been in the body where they affect cancer and normal
stopped due to increased toxicity [74] . Therefore, cells. Therefore, the side effects associated with
Receptor Tumor
Blood vessel
Intravenous injection
Figure 3. Enhanced drug delivery to solid tumors using nanoparticles. (A) Passive targeted
delivery. After intravenous injection, nanoparticles accumulate in tumors through leaky and
permeable tumor vasculature and impaired lymphatic system (e.g., enhanced permeability and
retention effect). (B) Active targeted delivery. Ligand-coated nanoparticles bind to a cancer cell
receptor resulting in cell-specific recognition and improved drug delivery to solid tumors.
chemotherapy limit the dose achievable to the cancers or even in genetically engineered mouse
tumor and also result in suboptimal treatment models [84,85] . If, in fact, human tumors lack the
due to excessive toxicities. Thus, the delivery of inherent leakiness required for the accumulation
drugs to solid tumors remains difficult owing of nanoparticles by the EPR effect, then this will
to the physiological barriers, as described above. have profound effects on future nanomedicinal
The role of tumor vasculature as a potential strategies for targeting solid tumors. As a con-
target for solid tumors has been elucidated since sequence, one may have to develop strategies to
the late 1970s. In terms of the EPR effect, the enhance the convection of nanoparticles from the
small physical dimensions of nanoparticles enable vasculature across the endothelial membrane to
them to partially penetrate through biological and gain access to the solid tumors. Alternatively, one
physiological barriers of tumors that are unique to may have to employ anticancer strategies target-
tumors and normally impermeable for larger par- ing the endothelium adjacent to solid tumors that
ticles. In this manner, passive targeted delivery to may lead to an anticancer effect (e.g., using nano-
tumors based on the EPR effect may be achieved particles to deliver potent antiangiogenic factors
due to the physicochemical properties of a carrier perhaps in combination with drug[s]).
and the pathophysiological condition of a target. Another important prerequisite for passive
For such a passive targeting mechanism to take targeted delivery is that the plasma concentra-
place, physiochemical parameters of nanoparti- tion of the drug must remain high and long;
cles, including particle size and surface properties, meaning that drug-coated nanoparticles must
are crucial. The desirable nanoparticles should be sustained in the bloodstream long enough to
have a certain particle size along with long blood reach or recognize solid tumors. Nanoparticles,
circulation. The pore cut-off size of extravasa- unlike microspheres (>1 µm), are small enough
tion through transvascular gaps in most experi- to be safely dosed via intravenous administra-
mental tumors is in the range of 380–780 nm tion. In the bloodstream, a major defense sys-
depending on the tumor types, whereas the tight tem of the body, the reticuloendothelial system
endothelial junctions of normal vessels typically (RES), which is also known as the mononuclear
are between 1 and 10 nm [11,83] . It was proposed phagocytes system, rapidly removes nanoparticles
that transvascular transport of the particles in from the blood and becomes a major obstacle to
the tumors resulted from interendothelial or long circulation of nanoparticles. The first step of
transendothelial open junctions rather than by clearance of nanoparticles by RES is opsonization,
endothelial phagocytosis or vesicles. To achieve in which nanoparticles are recognized as foreign
this extravasation in solid tumors, an average par- particles and are coated with opsonin proteins
ticle size of less than 300 nm was suggested to be a to make them more recognizable to phagocytic
requirement [11] . It should be noted there has been cells. Phagocytic cells mainly include Kupffer
some recent debate as to whether the EPR effect cells of the liver and fixed macrophages of the
is an artifact of mouse xenograft models, and spleen. A large number of researchers have been
whether this same type of effect exists in human motivated to develop ‘stealth’ nanoparticles to
avoid the uptake of nanoparticles by the RES. It advances of lipid-based nanoparticle systems for
has been repeatedly demonstrated that the opso- improved drug delivery offer a great potential for
nization of hydrophobic particles occur more the administration of anticancer drugs. The main
quickly than that of hydrophilic nanoparticles, advantages of these systems includes low toxic-
owing to the enhanced adsorbability of blood ity of carriers themselves, solubilization of poorly
serum proteins on hydrophobic surfaces [86,87] . water-soluble drugs, high drug loading, and pro-
Modification of the nanoparticle surface with tection of drugs against chemical and biological
chains of hydrophilic and flexible polymers can degradation related to the administration route,
shield nanoparticles from the opsonins and, there- prolonged circulation, targeting delivery and con-
fore, prevent elimination by the cells of the RES. trolled release. In addition, more than one anti-
The most commonly used polymers are PEG, cancer drug may be coencapsulated into colloidal
poly(ethylene oxide) and poly(propylene oxide), carriers for combined cancer chemotherapy [93] .
or their combinations. Such polymers can be put Lipid-based nanoparticles are generally comprised
on the nanoparticle surface by covalently grafting, of biocompatible and biodegradable lipids and,
entrapping and adsorption. However, there are no therefore, may be less toxic than many types of
absolute rules or methods available to completely polymeric nanoparticles prepared from synthetic
and effectively block the opsonization of nanopar- polymers. Once the particle size is reduced to sub-
ticles although research in this area has been ongo- micron levels, the surface area of the nanoparticles
ing for over 30 years. Modification of nanopar- increases substantially, which the saturation solu-
ticle surface is complicated and case dependent. bility also increases with the reduction of par-
The thickness of the layer is crucial but hard to ticle size, leading to an increase in the dissolution
control and will vary within different types of rate. The encapsulation of drugs into the carriers
nanoparticles and coating strategies. However, it provides protection of the drugs from the influ-
is noteworthy that the effective stealth properties ence of physiological conditions. Furthermore,
provided by these barrier layers depend largely on the carrier may have prolonged circulation; thus,
the PEG molecular weight, surface chain density the required therapeutic levels of the drugs in
and conformation [88] . In addition to clearance the blood for the extended time interval, and
of nanoparticles by phagocytosis, nanoparticles a better targeting effect, may be more readily
are also subjected to splenic filtration, a non- achieved. In addition, by choosing the excipients
phagocytic uptake process. The width of interen- and compositions of the nanoparticles, controlled
dothelial cell slits of the spleen is approximately release can be explored to further reduce acute
200–500 nm [89] . A study of the biodistribution toxicity. As described previously, nanoparticles
of polystyrene nanospheres (60–250 nm), coated may be passively targeted to solid tumors by the
or uncoated with hydrophilic polymers, was car- EPR effect or even actively targeted by placing
ried out in rats. In this study, coating of nano- the ligand on the surface of nanoparticles. Lipid-
spheres with hydrophilic polymers dramatically based nanoparticles have become an increasingly
reduced uptake of particles by liver, regardless of important field of research for delivering antican-
particle sizes. However, coated nanospheres were cer drugs in terms of these potential benefits. The
sequestered by the spleen, apparently depending primary types of lipid-based nanoparticles inves-
on the particle size. The size and deformability of tigated have been liposomes, micelles, nanoemul-
nanoparticles play critical roles in their clearance sions, nanocapsules and solid lipid nanoparticles.
by this mechanism in human spleens. For rigid These, as well as some other important systems,
nanoparticles, the size to achieve long circulation will be discussed in the following sections. All
should not exceed 200 nm. Otherwise, nanopar- are potential drug carriers administered by dif-
ticles should be deformable enough to pass splenic ferent routes, including oral [94,95] , topical [96,97]
filtration [90,91] . and parenteral [98,99] .
The innovations in combinatorial chemis-
try and high throughput screening, focused on Drug delivery systems to overcome
achieving potency and high activity of small mol- P‑gp-mediated drug resistance
ecule anticancer drugs, are leading to a shift of the & their possible mechanisms
chemical and physical properties of new chemical As mentioned previously, MDR is a major imped-
entities towards more lipophilic and poorly water- iment to the success of cancer chemotherapy. P-gp
soluble molecules. As a result, approximately 40% was the first multidrug transporter discovered,
of potential drug candidates never enter further and remains the best characterized and most
development, such as a formulation development clinically relevant to date. As such the majority of
stage, due to their poor water solubility [92] . The clinical trials have focused on P‑gp, as highlighted
sequences of P‑gp, which are rich in hydrogen layers of aqueous media separating the lipid lay-
bond donor groups. Provided that the binding ers. The particle size of small unilamellar vesicles,
affinity of surfactants is higher than that of the which are comprised of a single, lipid outer layer
drug, the surfactants may be used to inhibit P‑gp with an aqueous core, is in the range 20–80 nm.
and, therefore, enhance drug absorption. The The surface of the liposomes may be charged
inhibitory effects of surfactants on P‑gp efflux or uncharged based on the selection of differ-
are related to the structure of surfactants, such as ent phospholipids. There are many methods to
the length of the hydrophilic chain and hydro- prepare liposomes, including precipitation [112] .
philic–lipophilic balance (HLB). TPGS 1000 Liposomes may be used to load both hydrophobic
has been reported to influence drug efflux well and hydrophilic drugs. Hydrophilic drugs reside
below its reported critical micelle concentration in the aqueous core, whereas hydrophobic drugs
(CMC) of 0.02 wt% [105] . A structure–activity tend to remain in the lipid layers. Hydrophobic
relationship study was carried out to understand drugs are added during the formation of lipo-
the influence of PEG chain length on apical somes. Hydrophilic drugs may also be loaded
efflux transporters in Caco-2 cell monolayers [106] . during formation, but for charged drugs the
TPGS analogs containing different PEG chain pH-gradient method may be used wherein a pH
lengths (molecular weight from 200 to 6000 Da) gradient between the internal and external aque-
were synthesized. The results suggested that PEG ous domains drives the drug into the interior of
chain length was essential to influence rhodamine the liposomes by partitioning through the mem-
123 efflux in vitro. TPGS 1000 turned out to be brane. Liposomes have poor loading capacity for
one of the most potent analogs to inhibit P‑gp hydrophobic drugs that cannot be dissolved in
efflux. The effect of HLB values of excipients sufficient amounts in the phospholipid bilayer or
on P‑gp modulation was also evaluated for their sequestered in the liposome core. Furthermore,
effects on the uptake of epirubicin in Caco-2 after intravenous administration, such drugs
cells [107] . Surfactants with enhanced efficacy in often rapidly partition from the bilayers into cells,
this study, including Tween 20, Tween 80, Brij or bind to serum proteins, preventing accumula-
30 and Myrj 52, consisted of a polyethylene and tion at the target site. Several liposomal drugs are
intermediate hydrocarbon chain. The character- now marketed including Ambisome® (ampho-
istics of the surfactants allow them to partition tericin B), Doxil® (doxorubicin hydrochloride)
between lipid bilayers and P‑gp domains. The and Visudyne® (verteporfin) to name a few.
optimal HLB value to enhance epirubicin uptake Liposomal delivery systems have been shown
was in the range of 10 to 17. A related study on to inhibit P‑gp efflux [66,113–117] . The proposed
Pluronic block copolymers with varying length of mechanisms included bypassing P‑gp through
EO and PO segments was performed in bovine an endocytosis pathway [117] and direct interac-
brain microvessel endothelial cells [108] . The most tion with P‑gp. The interaction of liposomes
efficacious block copolymers exhibited intermedi- with P‑gp was proved by complete inhibition of
ate length of 30–60 PO blocks and a relatively photoaffinity labeling of P‑gp by azidopine [114] .
hydrophobic structure (HLB <20; e.g., Pluronic However, other studies demonstrated that lipo-
P85 with 40 PO blocks and an HLB of 16). The somes had limited effectiveness in addressing
common mechanisms of surfactants to inhibit P‑gp-mediated resistance in laboratory in vitro
P‑gp may include binding competition of drugs models of cellular resistance and in clinical stud-
with surfactants resulting from an interaction ies [118–121] . Liposome formulations containing
between surfactants and P‑gp, and membrane both an anticancer drug and a P‑gp inhibitor
fluidization leading to an indirect protein desta- have been studied recently. The results showed
bilization [108–111] . However, the latter mecha- that liposomal coencapsulated drugs had better
nism may not be the case for some surfactants. responses in both in vitro and in vivo resistant
For example, TPGS tends to make lipid bilayers models compared with a single drug [122–124] .
more, rather than less, rigid [110] . Moreover, liposomal targeting delivery sys-
tems have been investigated to overcome P‑gp-
Liposomes mediated drug resistance [123] . For example, doxo-
Liposomes have been, and continue to be, the rubicin and verapamil were coencapsulated into
most intensively researched colloidal drug deliv- liposomes with 95 and 70% loading efficiency,
ery systems even for more than four decades after respectively. To achieve active targeting, human
their discovery. Liposomes are normally com- transferrin (Tf) was conjugated to the liposomes
posed of phospholipids that spontaneously form to target Tf receptors, which are overexpressed in
multilamellar, concentric bilayer vesicles, with leukemia cells. In resistant leukemia K562 cells
the effects of paclitaxel. Similarly, paclitaxel- slowly released the drug in the cellular cytoplasm.
loaded LNCs significantly reduced tumor mass However, paclitaxel-loaded PLGA nanoparticles
in vivo, whereas Taxol did not have a significant did not show significant cytotoxicity in resistant
effect in an MDR-expressing F98 subcutaneous NCI/ADR-RES cells. It was proved that P‑gp
glioma model. The mixture of solutol HS-15 and activity did not affect the uptake and retention of
paclitaxel did not improve tumor responses in this nanoparticles themselves. Thus, the inefficiency
in vivo model. This indicated the importance of of paclitaxel-loaded PLGA nanoparticles could
the nanocarrier itself for the anticancer effect on result from the active efflux of the drug in cyto-
MDR. The study also showed that LNC internal- plasm by P‑gp. P‑gp could not only extract the
ization was not mediated by clathrin-dependent drug when the drug diffused into the cell through
endocytosis. It was assumed that LNC endocy- the lipid bilayer, but also pump out the drug
tosis involves one or both of the two known cho- present in the cytoplasm. Consequently, the effi-
lesterol-enriched membrane microdomains. The ciency of overcoming P‑gp based on endocytosis
consecutive intracellular cholesterol movements of nanoparticles may be limited.
would constitute the core of the LNC inhibitory
effects on MDR. Thus, according to these mech- Polymer–drug conjugates
anism studies, the investigators proposed that the Poly(N-[2-hydroxypropyl]methacrylamide)
inhibition of the MDR efflux pump by LNCs (polyHPMA) and HPMA copolymers have been
could result from the interaction of the released proposed by several groups as potential drug
intracellular free Solutol HS-15 with MDR efflux delivery systems. HPMA is a water-soluble, non-
pump and redistribution of intracellular choles- immunogenic synthetic polymer. HPMA copo-
terol [138] . Recently, doxorubicin and paclitaxel- lymer–doxorubicin conjugates have shown the
loaded lipid-based nanoparticles containing Brij potential to overcome drug resistance [143–145] . A
78 as a surfactant were used to overcome P‑gp- series of studies on HPMA–doxorubicin conju-
mediated drug resistance. These drug-loaded gates addressed multiple mechanisms of MDR in
nanoparticles showed six- to nine-fold lower IC50 addition to P‑gp-mediated drug resistance. After
values in P‑gp overexpressing human cancer cells the HPMA–doxorubicin conjugate was inter-
than those of free drugs [140] . Paclitaxel nanoparti- nalized by an endocytosis pathway, the spacer
cles showed marked anticancer efficacy in a nude between the polymer and the drug was cleaved by
mouse HCT-15 xenograft model via intratumoral an enzymatic hydrolysis reaction in the lysosomal
injection [141] and in a nude mouse NCI/ADR- compartment of the cells, resulting in the release
RES xenograft model after intravenous injection of the drug from the conjugate. Chronic exposure
[140] as compared to all control groups. A series of sensitive A2780 cells to HPMA–doxorubicin
of in vitro cell assays were used to understand conjugates did not induce MDR as measured by
the underlining mechanisms. Enhanced uptake quantification of MDR1 gene expression; inhi-
and prolonged retention of doxorubicin were bition of MPR gene expression and a decrease
observed with nanoparticle-based formulations in of resistance against Taxol was evident [146] . By
P‑gp-overexpressing cells. Calcein acetoxymeth- contrast, repeated exposure to free doxorubicin
ylester assays and ATP assays confirmed that led to an increased resistance to doxorubicin
Brij 78 and blank nanoparticles inhibited P‑gp and Taxol, and upregulation of the MDR1 gene.
and transiently depleted ATP. The change in the Further in vitro mechanistic studies on overcom-
mitochondrial potential and mitochondrial swell- ing MDR revealed that HPMA–doxorubicin
ing were observed to be dominant in MDR cells, conjugates inhibited: drug detoxification systems
suggesting Brij 78 and nanoparticles influence by suppressing the expression of genes encod-
the mitochondrial respiratory chain. It was con- ing glutathione and UDP; and cellular defensive
cluded that nanoparticles may be used to target mechanism by activating apoptosis signaling
both drug and biological mechanisms to over- pathways and downregulating the expression
come MDR via P‑gp inhibition and ATP deple- of the bcl-2 protein family and mechanisms of
tion [140] . It is noteworthy that the drugs delivered DNA repair, replication and synthesis leading to
into MDR cells by PLGA nanoparticles are sus- more DNA damage [147,148] . These results indi-
ceptible to efflux by P‑gp [142] . PLGA nanopar- cated that underlying mechanisms triggered by
ticles were taken up by cells via endocytosis, macromolecular carriers can modulate the bio-
resulting in an increase of cellular concentration logical response of the cell at a molecular level,
of the drug encapsulated into the nanoparticles. resulting in an overall increased cytotoxicity.
Following entry, nanoparticles were retained in The ability of HPMA–doxorubicin conjugates
the cytoplasm for a sustained period of time and to overcome MDR in vivo was demonstrated in
and resistant tumor models, including P388 and the pro-apoptotic activity of the drug and pre-
P388/ADR murine leukemia, Sp2/0 and Sp2/0- vented the activation of the antiapoptotic cellu-
Dnr murine myeloma, 3LL-M27 Lewis lung car- lar defense [162] ; decreasing glutathione (GSH)
cinoma, MCF-7 and MCF-7/ADR human breast intracellular levels and glutathione-S-transferase
carcinomas, and KBv human oral epidermoid car- (GST) activity, indicating the inhibition of the
cinoma [153,155] . However, the toxicity of SP1049C GSH–GST detoxification system [163] ; and inhib-
was similar to that of free doxorubicin. This sug- ited mitochondria respiratory chain and decreased
gested that SP1049C did not improve the toxicity oxygen consumption in MDR cells, accompanied
profile of free doxorubicin (e.g., cardiotoxicity), by a decrease in mitochondria membrane poten-
which was improved by liposomal doxorubicin. tial, production of reactive oxygen species and
However, there were no additional side effects release of cytochrome C. Eventually, this results in
reported for SP1049C. Disintegration of micelles Pluronic-enhanced drug-induced apoptosis [164] .
in biological fluids���������������������������
upon dilution to a concen-
tration below its CMC is a common concern Conclusion & future perspective
regarding using micelles for drug delivery. The The increasing importance of overcoming MDR
biodistribution and pharmacokinetics of Pluronic in tumors has become emphasized in the last few
P85 micelles suggested that the elimination of P85 decades. Great improvements in the application
was controlled by the renal elimination of P85 of nanotechnology as drug delivery systems have
unimers and not by the rate of micelle disinte- offered the possibility of more potential treat-
gration [156] . However, micelle disintegration had ments for MDR. Commonly used pharmaceuti-
been reported with other Pluronic micelles. To cal excipients have been explored for the ability to
further address the potential of micelle disintegra- inhibit P‑gp. This has, in turn, led to the develop-
tion, Pluronic L121 and Pluronic P-105 micelles ment of several nanoparticle-based drug delivery
were chemically modified to form a network or systems that have incorporated these excipients to
crosslink. Therefore, the CMC of the micelles was overcome MDR. Despite the fact that the mecha-
greatly reduced and the stability was enhanced, nisms to overcome MDR using these nanopar-
while their ability to inhibit P‑gp function still ticles are complicated and not fully understood,
remained [157,158] . improved anticancer efficacy on MDR in tumors
The complex mechanisms associated with the has been confirmed in vitro and in vivo. Moreover,
effects of Pluronic block copolymers on MDR some drug-loaded nanoparticles to treat MDR
cells have been thoroughly studied. These mech- in tumors are now in human clinical trials. It is
anisms include altering membrane microviscos- therefore anticipated that current development of
ity [159,160] . It was suggested that unimers (single nanoparticles may provide new strategies for the
block copolymer molecules) are responsible for treatment of MDR.
biological modification as the effect of Pluronic However, many challenges remain for nano-
copolymer occurred at concentrations below their medicine to overcome MDR. Drug-loaded
CMC. The hydrophobic PO chains of Pluronic nanoparticles still have the chance to distrib-
unimers insert into the hydrophilic regions of the ute within normal tissues. Most of the current
membrane, resulting in alterations of the mem- nanoparticles aimed at MDR utilize the EPR
brane structure, and decrease in its microviscosity effect to pursue passive targeted delivery to solid
(membrane fluidization); inhibiting drug efflux tumors. Therefore, more efficacious targeting
transporters, such as P‑gp and MRPs, through strategies for nanoparticles are still needed. Active
inhibition of P‑gp ATPase activity; and depleting targeted delivery could be achieved by attaching
intracellular ATP levels [159–161] . As these pumps tumor specific antibodies or other ligands on the
are energy dependent, attenuation of these pumps nanoparticle surface, or using external techniques
was related to energy deprivation and abolishment (e.g., ultrasound, to enhance drug uptake at the
of pump-associated ATPase activity. Thus, it can tumor site). There also exists the need to con-
be surmized that Pluronic-mediated direct and tinue to understand the biological mechanisms
indirect energy depletion leads to cessation of by which these nanomedicines overcome MDR.
the operation of efflux pumps, and consequently Although more research articles are published
sensitizes resistant cell lines to chemotherapeutic about the mechanisms, relatively few in vivo stud-
agents. A linear correlation between the extent ies have been performed to date. More detailed
of ATP depletion and chemosensitization elicited studies on mechanisms would help direct the
was established, further influencing cell apop- application of current delivery systems or lead
tosis signaling. Doxorubicin-loaded Pluronic to the discovery of alternative novel delivery
block copolymer P85 significantly enhanced systems. Furthermore, MDR itself is a complex
Executive summary
Barriers in chemotherapy for the treatment of solid tumors
Physiological characteristics of solid tumors present a barrier in chemotherapy as they result in poor drug delivery and
therapeutic outcomes.
Many cancer drugs will face multidrug resistance.
Strategies to overcome P-glycoprotein-mediated drug resistance
Strategies include:
- Modification of chemotherapy regimens
- Inactivation of MDR-associated genes by targeting specific mRNA for degradation
- Development of new anticancer drugs that are not substrates of P-glycoprotein (P‑gp)
- The use of inhibitors of P‑gp to reverse P‑gp-mediated drug resistance
- The use nanotechnology-based formulations and nanomedicine approaches to overcome P‑gp-mediated drug resistance
- Inhibition of P‑gp-mediated drug resistance using monoclonal antibodies or peptides
Nano-based drug delivery systems for cancer
Nanoparticles may target solid tumors based on the enhanced permeability and retention effect to enhance tumor uptake
and accumulation.
Lipid-based nanoparticles offer a great potential to formulate poorly water soluble anticancer drugs.
Drug delivery systems to overcome P‑gp-mediated drug resistance & their possible mechanisms
Pharmaceutical excipients have shown the ability to inhibit P‑gp and enhance drug uptake.
Several drug delivery systems have been investigated to overcome MDR, including surfactant-based formulations, liposomes, polymer
and lipid nanocapsules and nanoparticles, polymer–drug conjugates and micelles.
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