Facilitating Learner Centered Teaching O PDF
Facilitating Learner Centered Teaching O PDF
Facilitating Learner Centered Teaching O PDF
Professor : Dr Frederick W Gomez
College : Education
Department : Social Studies
School Year/Semester : 2019 – 2020 / 1st Sem
Lecture Hall/Rm Nos : 11B/T2
LET Number : 1100345
Cell Phone No : 09266584071
E-mail Add : [email protected]
Consultancy Hours : MW8-10/TTH8-10/1-4/F8-12/1-5
Publication : http://www.google.com.ph/Scrib (PoS, Res, Philo, Hist, Educ)
Tutorial/Personal Hours : by appointment
Tutorial/ Virtual Hours : Yahoo-messenger/Skype
VISION: A premier community-based institution forming holistic individuals.
MISSION: Tagoloan Community College provides quality instruction, research and extension for a competitive and contended global workforce preferably as entrepreneurs with passion and commitment to serve.
PHILOSOPHY: Tagoloan Community College upholds the premise that education is a success if and when the people live a decent and prosperous life through adherence to standards of morality, employment in enterprise and competent
practice of entrepreneurial skills
CORE VALUES : Tranformational, Community – based Competence (Integrity, Accountability, Discipline, Entrepreneurialship & Professionalism)
VISION: A premier community-based institution forming holistic individuals.
MISSION: Tagoloan Community College provides quality instruction, research and extension for a competitive and contended global workforce preferably as entrepreneurs with passion and commitment to serve.
PHILOSOPHY: Tagoloan Community College upholds the premise that education is a success if and when the people live a decent and prosperous life through adherence to standards of morality, employment in enterprise and competent
practice of entrepreneurial skills
CORE VALUES : Tranformational, Community – based Competence (Integrity, Accountability, Discipline, Entrepreneurialship & Professionalism)
Desired Learning Course Content/ Textbooks/ Teaching and Learning Activities (TLAs) Assessment Task Resource Time
Outcomes (DLO) Subject Matter References (ATs) Materials Table
Describe and point-out the Introducing Chalk Talk Activity. Computer Aided Instruction. Let the teacher Computer/printer Week 1
attributes and characteristics of a https://www.deped.gov. facilitate within 10 minutes. Allow the student to revisit the RRLS in the Submit Output /internet
learner-centered teaching learning facilitating Learner- ph/wp-content/ multimedia infrastructure being the netizen of the world and point-out connection/
using the different views of the centered teaching uploads/2017/08/DO attributes and characteristics that will help student to understand about hard copy
educational psychologist and through their _s2017_042-1.pdf being learner-centered teaching curriculum, student and teacher by
philosophers (ancient, medieval & CHED Memorandum relating their personal vision and mission. Let the student discover and tell Mindterm and Final Exams
contempory). personal vision & Order No. 52, s. 2007 the class what is learner-centered for him/her. Let them ponder. Who is
mission and DepED Order No. 32, the learner – centered? Is it the teacher? Or the Student? Whom do you
s. 2009 think is the learner-centered? the subject? the curriculum? the student or
the teacher? What elements of the learning environment constituted
https://www.norwoodschool. “essential” and “greatest” in the making of the “learner-centered” critical
org/child-centered-education and reflective teaching – learning environment? Tell, the individual student
to make their own personal vision and mission & relate them being “lerner-
centered.” Do this by writing (cursive) in a short size bondpaper.
Explore the fundamental Teaching Learning Collaborative and cooperative activity. Computer Aided Let the student observe and Computer/printer Week 2
principle, processes and practices https://www.education. Instruction. Let the teacher facilitate within 10 minutes. Allow the process their observation by allowing /internet
about the teaching learning facilities ie/en/Publications/.../Action- student to conduct researches regarding the essential elements of them to submit a “think piece” paper connection/
delivery modes by revisiting the Plan-for-Education-2017.pdf teaching and learning and let the team of seven (7) member discover that according to the IGNATIAN hard copy
physical facilities and other support teaching and learning are supported by experience and are authentic PEDAGOGY paradigm.
services. learning. Let them share/ discuss what delivery modes the team may
prefer and why?. Write this in a cursive “form” in a short size bond paper Mindterm and Final Exams
by using the the IGNATIAN PEDAGOGY in a CERAE “think piece.”
Familiarizing and be oriented Mandates/legal https://www.sun.ac.za/.../ Buzzing activity. Computer Aided Instruction. Let the teacher Let the team share/exchange of Computer/printer Week 3
on the legal bases learning-teaching/.../A%20 facilitate within 10 minutes. Let the team familiarize the provisions and ideas and opinion and process their /internet
bases Handbook%20for%20 other relative legal bases using the SCRA, Phil Rep, Official Gazette, critical analyses by allowing them to connection/
Teaching%20... CMOs, RA, PD, EO, GO, LOI, etc…on having a learner-centered submit a “think piece” paper according hard copy
CHED Memorandum Order No. teaching… and allow them to process their team output using the to the IGNATIAN PEDAGOGY
52, s. 2007 and DepED Order No. IGNATIAN PEDAGOGY. Can this be of great help? Why? How this beng paradigm in a short size bondpaper.
32, s. 2009 implemented and truly be the act of social and economic legislation?
Mindterm and Final Exams
Revisit through researches and Fundamental eLibrary and Research Reinventiveness. Computer Aided Let the student select the most Computer/printer Week 4
VISION: A premier community-based institution forming holistic individuals.
MISSION: Tagoloan Community College provides quality instruction, research and extension for a competitive and contended global workforce preferably as entrepreneurs with passion and commitment to serve.
PHILOSOPHY: Tagoloan Community College upholds the premise that education is a success if and when the people live a decent and prosperous life through adherence to standards of morality, employment in enterprise and competent
practice of entrepreneurial skills
CORE VALUES : Tranformational, Community – based Competence (Integrity, Accountability, Discipline, Entrepreneurialship & Professionalism)
classifying them according to their principles in https://faculty.londondeanery.ac. Instruction. Let the teacher facilitate within 10 minutes. Let the student preferred fundamental principle of /internet
relevance and applicability uk/...learning/...teaching/ discover regarding the fundamental principles about the facilitating teaching-learning so as to prepare / connection/
regarding the fundamental facilitating Learner- Facilitating_learning_teachi... learner-centered through RRLS and evaluate them according to their make/ create a “think piece” paper hard copy
principle on the facilitating learner- Centered Teaching preciseness and applicability of the adopted principles. If possible the tittle by the team in a short size
centered, curriculum, teacher and team may be able to “lift” and “craft” their potential “researchable” “title” bondpaper.
students. https://www.scribd.com › and research “problem.” Research ethics and Intellectual Property Rights
Documents › Personal Growth (IPR) are always emphasize for the purpose of “learned” behavior and Use this paradigm to guide the team
“authenticity” of the “craft.” The “team “ are required to submit ten (10) preferred researchable title.
barrowed statement from different IPR in support to the potential
researchable title submitted. Do this in a short size bondpaper. Mindterm and Final Exams
Enumerate, classify, and Educational eLibrary and Computer Aided Instruction activity . Let the teacher Computer/printer Week5
identify educational psychologists https://www.very wellmind.com facilitate within 10 minutes. Allow the team to read and review on Let the team be inform regarding /internet
advocacy according to their genra psychologist of /freuds-stages-of-psychosexual- educational psychologist, philosophers and experts on the field RRLS by the rubric and how they were connection/
and theme. learner-centered development-2795962 writing and listing down their theme and chronological perspective utilize/use as a tool for evaluation. hard copy
teaching and its according to curriculum – teacher – student centered teaching learning And, the following criteria to be
Select only one educational https://www.simply pedagogy. Let the team be aware that the “citation” on the barrowed rubricated are:
psychologist which you think and contribution psychology.org/pavlov.html statement be always on the priority (e.g. Gomez, Frederick W. (2019). 1. No. of RRLS;
believed that his/her teaching ABC on the Methdods of Research. https://www.scribd.com/.../Dr- Alphabetically arranged
advocacy is relevant to time, space https://info.psu.edu.sa/.../ Frederick-W-Gomez-the-ABC-on-the-Methods-of- according to year of
and circumstances to the learner, Erikson's%20Theory%20 Educ./accessed/8/12/2019. publication (SY2015 up);
teacher and school. of%20Psychosocial% The team are expected to write RRLS on the curriculum, teacher and 2. Arranged them according
20Developme student using the IGNATIAN PEDAGOGY. to theme:
2.1. Curriculum
https://www.researchgate. 2.2. Teacher
net/./265916960_the_piaget 2.3. Students
Read, review and summarize Learner-centered Forum: Computer Aided Instruction activity. Let the teacher Mindterm and Final Exams Computer/printer Week 6
the advocacies on learner- https://www.newfoundations.com facilitate within 10 minutes. Organize the student into Team of seven (7) /internet
centered curriculum, school and advocates and /gallery/quintilian.html member and allow them to discuss the pros and cons on the trend and connection/
teacher. advocacies issues brougth by the advocates and advocacies on “learner-centered Submit output in a short size hard copy
https://www.iep.utm.edu/sophists/ learning.” Contextualize the preferred barrowed ideas into IGNATIAN bondpaper.
PEDAGOGY using the CERAE “think piece.”
https://www.iep.utm.edu/dewey/ It is expected that the team chosen their repertoire (spoke person) in
Make / construct a delivery Various teaching- https://www.simplypsychology.org every presented “think piece” for the “dialogue.” Computer/printer Week 7
modes on various teaching- /learning-kolb.html /internet
learning model that will help learning delivery connection/
learner not “left behind.” modes hard copy
Adopt a feasible and viable Collaborative and cooperative activity. Computer Aided Submit output in an IGNATIAN IMs Week 8
model on various teaching learning https://www.simplypsychology.org Instruction. Let the teacher facilitate within 10 minutes. After the team of PEDAGOGY using the CERAE “think Power Point
VISION: A premier community-based institution forming holistic individuals.
MISSION: Tagoloan Community College provides quality instruction, research and extension for a competitive and contended global workforce preferably as entrepreneurs with passion and commitment to serve.
PHILOSOPHY: Tagoloan Community College upholds the premise that education is a success if and when the people live a decent and prosperous life through adherence to standards of morality, employment in enterprise and competent
practice of entrepreneurial skills
CORE VALUES : Tranformational, Community – based Competence (Integrity, Accountability, Discipline, Entrepreneurialship & Professionalism)
delivery modes Models /learning-kolb.html seven (7) member explore, collect and gather available RRLS they were piece” It should be done in a short LED/ LCD
able to conceptual mapping the most preferred and applicable model for size bondpaper. Computer/Internet
the child-centered teaching presentation. Allow the team to select the best Connection
model chosen for their presentation. Format their “report” into the Mindterm and Final Exams
IGNATIAN PEDAGOGY using the CERAE “think piece.”
Presentation of the https://www.newfoundations.com IMs Week 9
/gallery/quintilian.html Mindterm and Final Exams Power Point
model (learner- LED/ LCD
https://www.deped.gov. Dialectic. Computer Aided Instruction. Let the teacher facilitate Submit output in the form of the IMs Week
ph/wp-content/ within 10 minutes. Let the team process the advocate and advocacies IGNATIAN PEDAGOGY using the Power Point
Steps, processes uploads/2017/08/DO into practice regarding the RRLS on the previous “topics” and allow them CERAE “think piece.” It should be LED/ LCD 10
and practices _s2017_042-1.pdf to come-up their own generalization. What best practices the team can done in a short size bondpaper.
https://www.norwoodschool. recommend? Why this practice “must” be done? And, how we are going to
org/child-centered-education implement? Mindterm and Final Exams
Review of the related Educational Psychology Research Exploration. Let the teacher facilitate within 10 Computer/printer/ Week
Teaching of the Great Philosopher minutes. Let the team do the surfing and utilize the intellectual Submit output Internet
literature and migration using the multimedia infrastructure. And, allow them to Connection 11
studies (RRLS) surf relevant RRLS that has significant bearing on the IMs
about the learner- “Child/Leaarner-centered teaching.” Let them take note “potential Mindterm and Final Exams Power Point
researchable title and RRLS” for future study to be made by the LED/ LCD
centered team. The team is required to submit five (5) potential title in a
short size bondpaper.
Preparation on the https://www.scribd.com/ Computer/printer/ Weeks
document/347586950/Teachers- Research. Let the teacher facilitate within 10 minutes. Allow the Internet
Publishable Paper and-Principals-Clinical- team member to be cooperative and collaborative within their own Submit output Connection 12-17
1. Introduction Instruction-Supervision-in-the- team and the teacher is open to consulation, coaching, mentoring IMs
2. Methods Classroom and allied technique or strategy that the teacher can help the team. Power Point
Final Exam LED/ LCD
3. Results and The team are expected to submit their ouput on a ring bounded
discussion reseach paper, one (1) week before the final exam (5 – 15 or up to
4. References 25 pages approved for ring bounding).
Black, P. (2013). Formative and summative aspects of assessment: Theoretical and research foundations in the context of pedagogy. In McMillan, J.H. (Ed.), Sage handbook of research on classroom
VISION: A premier community-based institution forming holistic individuals.
MISSION: Tagoloan Community College provides quality instruction, research and extension for a competitive and contended global workforce preferably as entrepreneurs with passion and commitment to serve.
PHILOSOPHY: Tagoloan Community College upholds the premise that education is a success if and when the people live a decent and prosperous life through adherence to standards of morality, employment in enterprise and competent
practice of entrepreneurial skills
CORE VALUES : Tranformational, Community – based Competence (Integrity, Accountability, Discipline, Entrepreneurialship & Professionalism)
assessment, p. 167‒178. Los Angeles, CA: Sage.
Black Girls Code: Imagine, Build, Create. (2013). Programs/events. Retrieved from http://www.blackgirlscode. com/program sevents.html.
Campos-Castillo, C., & Ewoodzie, K. (2014). Relational trustworthiness: How status affects intra-organizational inequality in job autonomy. Social Science Research, 44, 60-74.
Carver, John. (2015). 2020 Howard-Winn Admin Update. Retrieved from http://2020hwinnadminupdates. blogspot.com/2015/10/jcc-october-16-2015.html?_ sm_au_= iVVZSvStrsDP4TqR.
Ching, D., Santo, R., Hoadley, C., & Peppler, K. (2015). On-ramps, lane changes, detours and destinations: Building connected learning pathways in Hive NYC through brokering future learning
opportunities. New York, NY: Hive Research Lab.
Consortium for School Networking. CoSN’s 2015 annual E-rate and infrastructure survey. (2015). Retrieved from http://cosn.org/sites/default/files/pdf/CoSN_3rd_Annual_Survey_Oct15_FINALV2.pdf.
Culatta, R. (2015). Using Technology to Close Equity Gaps. YouTube. Retrieved September 21, 2015, from http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=6m-eMFz0iZI. The term “blended learning” has the
meaning given the term in Section 4102(1) of the ESEA, as amended by ESSA
Darling-Hammond, L., Wilhoit, G., & Pittenger, L. (2014). Accountability for college and career readiness: Developing a new paradigm. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 22(86), 1
Dahlberg, N. (2016). Black Girls Code relaunching Saturday with gaming workshop. Retrieved from http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/miami-dade/article85500752.html.
Erickson, L. (2013). Concept-based curriculum and instruction: Engaging the child’s mind. [Presentation at the ninth Annual Education Conference at the International School of Geneva, 2014.]
Garcia, Antero, ed., 2014. Teaching in the Connected Learning Classroom. Irvine, CA: Digital Media and Learning Research Hub.
Herrington, J., Reeves, T. C., & Oliver, R. (2014). Authentic learning environments. In J. M. Spector, M. D. Merrill, J. Elen, & M. J. Bishop (Eds.), Handbook of research on educational communications
and technology (pp. 401–412). New York, NY: Springer
Hirsh-Pasek, K., Zosh, J.M., Golinkoff, R.M., Gray, J.H., Robb, M.B., and Kaufman, J. (2015). Putting education in “educational” apps: Lessons from the science of learning. Psychological Science in the
Public Interest, 16, 3-34.
IAEB―International Education Advisory Board. (2013). Learning in the 21st century: Teaching today’s students on their terms.
Ito, M., Gutiérrez, K., Livingstone, S., Penuel, B., Rhodes, J., Salen, K.…Watkins, C. S. (2013). Connected learning: An agenda for research and design. Irvine, CA: Digital Media and Learning Research
Johnson, L., Adams Becker, S., Estrada, V., & Freeman, A. (2014). NMC horizon report: 2014 K-12 edition. Austin, TX: The New Media Consortium.
VISION: A premier community-based institution forming holistic individuals.
MISSION: Tagoloan Community College provides quality instruction, research and extension for a competitive and contended global workforce preferably as entrepreneurs with passion and commitment to serve.
PHILOSOPHY: Tagoloan Community College upholds the premise that education is a success if and when the people live a decent and prosperous life through adherence to standards of morality, employment in enterprise and competent
practice of entrepreneurial skills
CORE VALUES : Tranformational, Community – based Competence (Integrity, Accountability, Discipline, Entrepreneurialship & Professionalism)
Kellman, P. J., & Massey, C. M. (2013) Perceptual learning, cognition, and expertise. In B. H. Ross (Ed.), The psychology of learning and motivation (Vol. 58, pp. 117-165). Amsterdam: Elsevier Inc.
Meyer, A., Rose, D. H., & Gordon, D. (2014). Universal design for learning: Theory and practice. Wakefield, MA: CAST Professional Publishing.
Molnar, M., Culatta, Richard (2014). Five Ways Technology Can Close Equity Gaps. Education Week. Retrieved September 21, 2015, from
http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/marketplacek12/2014/11/richard_culatta_five_ways_ technology_can_ close_equity_ gaps.html
Office of Educational Technology. (2015). Ed tech developer’s guide. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education. Retrieved from https://tech.ed.gov/developers-guide/.
Partnership for 21st Century Learning. (2013). Framework for 21st century learning. Retrieved from http://www.p21.org/our-work/p21-framework.
PBS LearningMedia. (2013). Teacher technology usage. Arlington, VA: PBS LearningMedia. Retrieved from http://www.edweek.org/media/teachertechusagesurveyresults.pdf
Pritchard, Allan (2017). Ways of Learning. Learning Theories for the Classroom. London: Routledge. .. focus on the learning style and its eflects changes in government policy and is closely related to new
developments in practice.
Purcell, K., Heaps, A., Buchanan, J., & Friedrich, L. (2013). How teachers are using technology at home and in their classrooms. Washington, DC: Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life
Reardon, C. (2015). More than toys—Gamer affirmative therapy. Social Work Today, 15(3), 10. Retrieved from http://www.socialworktoday.com/archive/051815p10.shtml.
Ribble, M. & Bailey, G.D. (2015). Digital Citizenship in Schools (3rd ed.). Eugene, Or.:International Society for Technology in Education.
Sheninger, E. (2014). Digital leadership: Changing paradigms for changing times. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
Singh M. & Qi J. (2013). 21st century international mindedness: An exploratory study of its conceptualisation and assessment. Sydney, Australia: Centre for Educational Research School of Education,
University of Western Sydney. <ibo.org/research/programmedevelopment/ programmedevstudies/literature/documents/SinghQiIBreport27JulyFINALVERSION.pdf>
The Joan Ganz Cooney Center. (2014). Family time with apps: A guide to using apps with your kids. Retrieved from http://www. joanganzcooney center.org/publication/family-time-with-apps/.
The Center for Innovative Research in Cyber Learning. (2014). NSF cyberlearning program. Retrieved from http://circlcenter.org/projects/nsf-cyber-projects/.
UNESCO―United Nations, Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. (2013). UNESCO principles on education for development beyond 2015. [Adapted from UNESCO Education Sector
contribution to the Quadrennial Programme Priorities for 2014‒2017 (37 C/5) – unpublished.]
U.S. Department of Education (2016). Non-Regulatory Guidance: Using Evidence to Strengthen Education Investments. https://www2.ed.gov/policy/elsec/leg/essa/ guidanceuseseinvestment.pdf. U.S
Department of Education, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (2016). Non-Regulatory Guidance: Student Support and Academic Enrichment Grants. https://www2.ed.gov/
VISION: A premier community-based institution forming holistic individuals.
MISSION: Tagoloan Community College provides quality instruction, research and extension for a competitive and contended global workforce preferably as entrepreneurs with passion and commitment to serve.
PHILOSOPHY: Tagoloan Community College upholds the premise that education is a success if and when the people live a decent and prosperous life through adherence to standards of morality, employment in enterprise and competent
practice of entrepreneurial skills
CORE VALUES : Tranformational, Community – based Competence (Integrity, Accountability, Discipline, Entrepreneurialship & Professionalism)
G. Course Requirements
Publishable Paper
H. Grading System
1. Community involvement activity:
◘ Individual visit on the Barangay Disaster Reduction Group (BDRG) and assess or evaluate their preparedness;
◘ Document domestically geographic incidence and recommend solution (pictorial / qualitative or quantitative research)
2. Course requirements:
◘ One Reaction Paper (CERAE) in every major exam (Prelim, Midterm & Semi-final) APA format; font size & style (TNR 12)
◘ One Journal Notes/option (Community Involvement) Major exam (Prelim, Midterm & Semi-Final) APA format; font size & style (TNR 12)
◘ Research Paper (to be submitted one week before the final exam.APA format…font size & style TNR 12)
◘ Assignments -2%
◘ Attendance - 3%
◘ Projects (individual and Group Paper) - 5%
◘ Recitation (Asking & Answer Questions) -10%
◘ Quizzes (long & short) -40%
◘ Major Exams (periodical; P/M/SF/F) -40%
3. Formula of the Grading system:
Each total raw score must be converted into equivalent percentage by using the following formula:
Period Exam = 1/3 of the grades
Class Standing (CS) = 2/3 of the grades
4. Formula:
Prelim Grade = CS X 2 + Prelim Exam
Midterm Grade = CS X 2 + Midterm Exam + Prelim Grade
Semi Final Grade = CS X 2 + Semi final Exam + Midterm Grade
Final Grade = CS X 2 + Final Exam + Semi final Grade
Rubric Measurement Guide on the IGNATIAN PEDAGOGY
1. General Rating on the submitted CERAE paper
1. Content 20pts
2. Experience 20pts
VISION: A premier community-based institution forming holistic individuals.
MISSION: Tagoloan Community College provides quality instruction, research and extension for a competitive and contended global workforce preferably as entrepreneurs with passion and commitment to serve.
PHILOSOPHY: Tagoloan Community College upholds the premise that education is a success if and when the people live a decent and prosperous life through adherence to standards of morality, employment in enterprise and competent
practice of entrepreneurial skills
CORE VALUES : Tranformational, Community – based Competence (Integrity, Accountability, Discipline, Entrepreneurialship & Professionalism)
3. Reflection 20pts
4. Application 20pts
5. Evaluation 20pts
TOTAL…………………. 100
2. General Rating on the submitted COLLAGE paper
1. Abstract 20pts
2. Theme (pics) 20pts
3. Neatness 20pts
4. Organize 20pts
5. Visualization 20pts
TOTAL…………………. 100
3. General Rating on the INDIVIDUAL & GROUP presentation
1. Punctuality 20pts
2. Content 20pts
3. Trend 20pts
4. Presentation 20pts
5. Activities/interaction 20pts
TOTAL…………………. 100
4. General Rating on the submitted drawing/demo paper
1. Manila paper size 20pts
2. 1 ½ to 2 inches letter size 20pts
3. Replica (image) to reality 20pts
4. Modulated voice 20pts
5. Preparedness & mastery 20pts
TOTAL………………………….. 100
General Rating on the submitted Publishable Research Paper
A. Overall Quality of the paper Covers 40%
1. Clarity of objectives/problems 5%
2. Soundness of the theoretical/conceptual framework 13%
3. Appropriateness of Research Design/ Statistical Tool 12%
4. Coherence of findings, Conclusions and Recommendations 10%
B. Relevance and Significance of the Study 25%
C. Organization of the paper 20%
D. Novelty and Originality 15%
5. Grading standards:
Class Standing (CS):
◘ Assignments -2%
◘ Attendance - 3%
VISION: A premier community-based institution forming holistic individuals.
MISSION: Tagoloan Community College provides quality instruction, research and extension for a competitive and contended global workforce preferably as entrepreneurs with passion and commitment to serve.
PHILOSOPHY: Tagoloan Community College upholds the premise that education is a success if and when the people live a decent and prosperous life through adherence to standards of morality, employment in enterprise and competent
practice of entrepreneurial skills
CORE VALUES : Tranformational, Community – based Competence (Integrity, Accountability, Discipline, Entrepreneurialship & Professionalism)
◘ Projects (individual and Group Paper) - 5%
◘ Recitation (Asking & Answer Questions) -10%
◘ Quizzes (long & short) -40%
◘ Major Exams (periodical; P/M/SF/F) -40%
6. Formula of the Grading system:
Each total raw score must be converted into equivalent percentage by using the following formula:
Period Exam = 1/3 of the grades
Class Standing (CS) = 2/3 of the grades
7. Formula:
Prelim Grade = CS X 2 + Prelim Exam
Midterm Grade = CS X 2 + Midterm Exam + Prelim Grade
Semi Final Grade = CS X 2 + Semi final Exam + Midterm Grade
Final Grade = CS X 2 + Final Exam + Semi final Grade
Rubric Measurement Guideline
1. General Rating on the submitted CERAE paper
1. Content 20pts
2. Experience 20pts
3. Reflection 20pts
4. Application 20pts
5. Evaluation 20pts
TOTAL…………………. 100
2. General Rating on the submitted COLLAGE paper
1. Abstract 20pts
2. Theme (pics) 20pts
3. Neatness 20pts
4. Organize 20pts
5. Visualization 20pts
TOTAL…………………. 100
3. General Rating on the INDIVIDUAL & GROUP presentation
1. Punctuality 20pts
VISION: A premier community-based institution forming holistic individuals.
MISSION: Tagoloan Community College provides quality instruction, research and extension for a competitive and contended global workforce preferably as entrepreneurs with passion and commitment to serve.
PHILOSOPHY: Tagoloan Community College upholds the premise that education is a success if and when the people live a decent and prosperous life through adherence to standards of morality, employment in enterprise and competent
practice of entrepreneurial skills
CORE VALUES : Tranformational, Community – based Competence (Integrity, Accountability, Discipline, Entrepreneurialship & Professionalism)
2. Content 20pts
3. Trend 20pts
4. Presentation 20pts
5. Activities/interaction 20pts
TOTAL…………………. 100
4. General Rating on the submitted drawing/demo paper
1. Manila paper size 20pts
2. 1 ½ to 2 inches letter size 20pts
3. Replica (image) to reality 20pts
4. Modulated voice 20pts
5. Preparedness & mastery 20pts
TOTAL………………………….. 100
VISION: A premier community-based institution forming holistic individuals.
MISSION: Tagoloan Community College provides quality instruction, research and extension for a competitive and contended global workforce preferably as entrepreneurs with passion and commitment to serve.
PHILOSOPHY: Tagoloan Community College upholds the premise that education is a success if and when the people live a decent and prosperous life through adherence to standards of morality, employment in enterprise and competent
practice of entrepreneurial skills
CORE VALUES : Tranformational, Community – based Competence (Integrity, Accountability, Discipline, Entrepreneurialship & Professionalism)
I. Classroom Policies
Attendance policy:
◘ For the MWF classes allowable absences is only up to 10 absences
◘ For the TTH classes allowable absences is only up to 7 absences
◘ Class Hours Lost by Late registration are considered as absences
VISION: A premier community-based institution forming holistic individuals.
MISSION: Tagoloan Community College provides quality instruction, research and extension for a competitive and contended global workforce preferably as entrepreneurs with passion and commitment to serve.
PHILOSOPHY: Tagoloan Community College upholds the premise that education is a success if and when the people live a decent and prosperous life through adherence to standards of morality, employment in enterprise and competent
practice of entrepreneurial skills
CORE VALUES : Tranformational, Community – based Competence (Integrity, Accountability, Discipline, Entrepreneurialship & Professionalism)
VISION: A premier community-based institution forming holistic individuals.
MISSION: Tagoloan Community College provides quality instruction, research and extension for a competitive and contended global workforce preferably as entrepreneurs with passion and commitment to serve.
PHILOSOPHY: Tagoloan Community College upholds the premise that education is a success if and when the people live a decent and prosperous life through adherence to standards of morality, employment in enterprise and competent
practice of entrepreneurial skills
CORE VALUES : Tranformational, Community – based Competence (Integrity, Accountability, Discipline, Entrepreneurialship & Professionalism)