Histopathology Exam Questions & Answers (Extended MCQ)
Histopathology Exam Questions & Answers (Extended MCQ)
Histopathology Exam Questions & Answers (Extended MCQ)
Slide A
Answer 1:
The blue arrows describe the doubling of the intestine.
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The Black arrow displays the bowel normally.
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The differential diagnostic method is based upon the finding of as many candidate illnesses or
conditions as possible that may cause the signs or symptoms, followed by an elimination process
or at least the more or less likely making the entries by further medical tests and further
treatment, so as to make only one disease or condition as likely as possible. The final outcome
can also proceed with an order of likelihood or severity list of potential conditions. Sometimes,
computer-aided diagnostic systems produce such a list.
This method can more or less be considered a diagnosis of exclusion in the resulting diagnostic
opinion. Every life-threatening condition can be at least excluded even if it doesn't result in a
single probable illness or condition.
Slide B:
Ans: 1
The red arrows show a double mediastinal density.
Before connection to cecum, the black arrow points to the ileum terminal.
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Most LBVs are the result of a blocking of the loop around a point of reference. The genesis of an
LBV involves the twist of a mobile loop around a centre of gravity, usually if a mobile Loop
exists with an elongated mesokolon and a tight foundation. The sigmoid transverse colon and
even caecum, mobile for 11-25% of the total population, are mobile segments. It displays the
principal forms of LBVs as schemes.
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Reen arrow in the upper left pulmonary lobe pointing to a 1.1 cm nodule.
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The black arrows indicate parietal acidophilic cells.
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Diagnosing Lung Cancer Testing Your doctor can order multiple tests to check for cancer cells
and to delete other conditions if there's reason to think you might have lung cancer. Imaging tests
can include: An X-ray picture may display an irregular mass or nodule of your lungs.
Slide B
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Blue air arrow in a left atrium and right pulmonary venas (solid white arrow).
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The red arrows point to the black air (gas) density of the lungs and the green arrow displays the
heart muscle water density.
You and your doctor select a cancer therapy plan that takes into account a variety of factors, such
as fitness, cancer type, level, and choice. You may prefer not to be treated in some situations.
You may assume, for example, that treatment's side effects outweigh the possible benefits. If so,
your doctor may advise comfort treatments so that only symptoms such as pain and shortness of
breath are treated by cancer.
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Green arrow points to the tumour of the Phyllodes intra parenchymal.
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An inflammation that has turned yellow usually signals your body's trauma-healing.
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Ultrasound uses sound waves to create structural images deep within the body. Ultrasound may
be used for the determination of a mass or fluid-filled cyst for the new breast lump. Test a
sample of the breast cells (biopsy). The only definite way to diagnose breast cancer is through a
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As the blue arrow shows, force fluid out of the jam to the armpit from the engorgement, since it
is difficult in just one section of the breast.
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a rare entity with the right axilla with a slightly asymmetrical focal density (black arrow pointing
to the ectopic breast tissue).
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Mammogram diagnosis is similar to mammography screening, except that more breast photos
are taken. It is usually used when a woman has signs, such as a new lump or nib. Mammography
diagnostic can also be used if a mammogram detects something unusual. An ultrasound allows
an image of the breast tissue using sound waves. An ultrasound can tell between a cancer-
causing solid mass and a cyst filled with fluid that is normally not cancer.
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The red arrow is pointing to anatomical structure.
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Yellow arrow demonstrates Sox17 in gall bladder speech.
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For the diagnosis of hepatic disorder a group of blood tests called liver function tests can be
used. Relevant liver disorders or genetic abnormalities can be tested by other blood tests. Tests
of image. A liver damage can result with an ultrosound, CT scan and MRI.
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The third lobe, much shorter, is located on the right side of the medium and contains the green
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A kupffer cell is labelled with blue arrow and a neutrophil with red arrow.
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Often, to make a conclusive diagnosis of liver cancer, a fragment of tissue needs to be removed
for laboratory examination. Your doctor inserts the skin and liver with a fine needle to obtain a
sample of the tissue during a liver biopse. In the laboratory, doctors search for cancer cells in the
tissue under a microscope. The risk of bleeding, bruising and infection is liver biopsy.
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Teratoma in situ on the hind limb of the rodent, the skin and the keratin epithelium (yellow
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The blue arrow is pointing to a sebaceous gland.
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By looking at the skin doctors can easily distinguish many skin disorders. A complete skin test
includes a scalp, nail and mucous membranes test. Often the physician uses a hand lens or a
dermatoscope that requires a lens enhancement and an integrated light to see the areas of concern
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The green arrows indicate the follicle.
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The black arrow points to horny cells, the red box shows granular cells of the granulosum
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They are a reliable source of knowledge for the general health and condition of the nerve. Blood
vessels, these structures hold the cells that form the layers of the skin with essential nutrients and
oxygen-rich blood and then transport waste.