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The Open Anesthesia Journal

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The Feasibility and Applications of Non-invasive Cardiac Monitoring in Obese

Patients Undergoing Day-case Surgery: Results of a Prospective Observational
P. Sansone1, L.G. Giaccari1, U. Colella2, F. Coppolino1, M.C. Pace1, M.B. Passavanti, V. Pota1 and C. Aurilio1,*
Department of Women, Children and General and Specialist Surgery, University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” – Naples, Italy
Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, AORN “Azienda Ospedaliera dei Colli” – Naples, Italy

This prospective observational study evaluates the utility of non-invasive cardiac monitoring in obese patients in the day-surgery case, considering
factors, such as Body Mass Index (BMI) and anaesthesia technique.

Obese patients are more likely to be admitted to hospital or to get hospitalized because they are more prone to concomitant diseases and obesity
itself is not a contraindication to day surgery. Obese patients are a high-risk patient population that may particularly benefit from monitoring
perioperative haemodynamic variations.

In this observational study, we compared haemodynamic variations between overweight or obese and normal weight patients undergoing day-case
surgery. We adopted NICOM® as a non-invasive cardiac output monitoring.

The aim of the current study was to investigate the haemodynamic impact of BMI and anaesthesia technique during day-case surgery procedures.
The other goal was to evaluate the feasibility and applications of non-invasive cardiac output monitoring among the obese population in day-

74 patients were included in the study. 34 were overweight or obese (weight 84 ± 10 kg, height 160 ± 10 cm, BMI ≈ 30 kg/m2), 40 were normal
weight (weight 63 ± 15 kg, height 160 ± 10 cm, BMI ≈ 22 kg/m2). Compared to normal-weight patients, obese patients show an increase in blood
pressure with a return to baseline values at the end of surgery (p < 0.05). The Cardiac Output (CO) shows a similar trend, whereas the heart rate is
normal. A decrease in the Cardiac Index (CI) during the operation was noticed in both groups, the one in obese patients (p = 0.24) being greater. In
the same way, the Stroke Volume Index (SVI) was lower in obese patients during surgery (p < 0.05). In spinal anaesthesia, the Total Peripheral
Resistance Index (TPRI) was not statistically different between the groups of study. As for the TPRI in obese patients, we reported values similar
to the ones in non-obese patients in spinal anaesthesia. In local anesthesia, TPRI was higher in obese patients than in non-obese.

Cardiovascular alterations in relation to obesity include an increase in blood pressure, CO and SV. An inadequate monitoring of haemodynamic
parameters is a risk factor for perioperative complications. NICOM® provides a continuous, non-invasive haemodynamic measurement.

Keywords: Obese, Day-case surgery, NICOM®, Non-invasive cardiac monitoring, Cardiac output (CO), Cardiac index (CI), Stroke volume index
(SVI), Total peripheral resistance index (TPRI).

Article History Received: March 5, 2020 Revised: May 7, 2020 Accepted: June 1, 2020

DOI: 10.2174/2589645802014010080, 2020, 14, 80-89

The Feasibility and Applications of Non-invasive Cardiac The Open Anesthesia Journal, 2020, Volume 14 81

1. INTRODUCTION dynamic impact of Body Mass Index (BMI) and anesthesia

technique during day-case surgery procedures. The other
1.1. Rationale endpoint was to evaluate the feasibility and applications of
Obesity is a medical problem. Currently, in the United non-invasive cardiac output monitoring among obese
States, the prevalence of obesity is 39.8% and affects about population in day-surgery.
93.3 million adults [1].
Obese patients are more likely to get to the hospital
The current study was approved by the local Institutional
because they are more prone to concomitant diseases [2].
Review Board and it was in accordance with the Declaration of
Obesity itself is not a contraindication to day surgery [3] and
Helsinki. Written informed consent was obtained from all
obese patients benefit from short-duration anaesthetic
patients before inclusion in this study.
techniques and early mobilisation associated with outpatient
surgery [2, 4]. We identified patients who underwent day-case surgery
over the period from September 1th, 2018 to August 31th, 2019
Obese patients are a high-risk patient population that may
in the “Day Surgery Unit” of our hospital (University of
particularly benefit from monitoring perioperative cardiac Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” – Naples, Italy).
output due to their increased risk of cardiac and non-cardiac
morbidity and mortality in the case of surgery [4]. No prior sample size calculation was performed; however,
all eligible patients were considered.
In the perioperative medicine, haemodynamic management
aims to optimize perfusion pressure and oxygen delivery to The inclusion criteria were as follows:
maintain adequate cellular metabolism [5]. To optimize 1. Day-case surgery procedures.
cardiopulmonary function, haemodynamic management aims at
the administration of fluids and vasoactive agents based on the 2. American Society of Anaesthesiology (ASA) ≤ 3.
predefined target values of haemodynamic variables. This is 3. 20 ≤ BMI ≤ 35.
the so-called “goal direct therapy”, that has been shown to
improve the patient’s outcome [6 - 10]. 4. Age of patient ≥ 18 years.

Cardiovascular alterations related to obesity include an The exclusion criteria were as follows:
increase in the total blood volume, Cardiac Output (CO) and 1. Severe cardiovascular diseases, including aortic
Stroke Volume (SV), that grows linearly with body weight insufficiency and thoracic aortic aneurysm.
2. External pacemakers.
In the past, the measurement of advanced haemodynamic
variables required invasive haemodynamic monitoring. 3. Severe respiratory diseases.
Recently, different non-invasive haemodynamic monitoring 4. Pregnancy.
technologies have been proposed [12]. In general, they permit
the estimation of CO and other haemodynamic variables 5. Mental disability or other psychiatric disorder.
without needing arterial or central venous cannulation. In 6. Incapacity to provide written informed consent.
addition, their use in clinical practice is relatively easy and
does not require extensive training. On the other hand, all the The flow chart (Fig. 1) shows in detail the procedure of
available technologies still have technical limitations with patient selection. 238 patients were consecutively evaluated
regard to their clinical applicability [12]. during the preoperative examination. In our practice, it is
performed about 7 days before surgery. Eighty-two patients did
Among these, Non-Invasive Cardiac Output Monitor
not meet the required inclusion criteria. From the remaining
(NICOM®, Cheetah Medical Inc., Portland, OR, USA) is a
156 patients, 104 patients agreed to participate but thirty of
bioreactance-based technology [13, 14]. The bioreactance
them did not come to the scheduled appointment. Seventy-four
signal is determined by measuring blood flow-dependent
patients were evaluated, and all of them were finally included
changes in the phase shifts between an oscillating electrical
in the present study.
current applied across the thorax and the resulting voltage
signal. This signal has been shown to be directly proportional According to the obesity criteria issued by a panel of
to aortic blood flow [13]. Importantly, this technology is experts from the World Health Organization, patients with a
independent of patient physical characteristics. Indeed, body BMI < 25.0 kg/m2 were assigned to the non-obese group (NO
mass does not impact the haemodynamic monitoring systems' group), and those with a BMI ≥ 25.0 kg/m2 were assigned to
results. Although obese patients now make up a significant part the obese group (O group).
of the anaesthesia population, studies on the applicability of
this non-invasive cardiac output measurement device in this We obtained demographic (age, sex, race) and clinical
specific population remain limited. (height, weight, BMI, BSA) data. The BMI was calculated as
weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters.
1.2. Objectives The Body Surface Area (BSA) was calculated using DuBois
The aim of the current study was to investigate the haemo- and DuBois formula based on height and weight [15, 16].
All patients underwent standard blood exams including
* Address correspondence to this author at the Department of Women, Children,
General and Specialistic Surgery. University of Campania “L. Vanvitelli”, Piazza Arterial-Blood Gas (ABG) test, Chest X-ray (CXR),
Miraglia 2 80138 – Napoli, Italy; E-mail: [email protected] electrocardiogram (ECG) and spirometry.
82 The Open Anesthesia Journal, 2020, Volume 14 Sansone et al.

238 consecutive patients

EXCLUDED (n= 82)

subjects with severe cardiovascular disease
subjects with pacemaker
subjects with severe respiratory distress

DROP OUT (n= 52)

subjects had not interest in the study

104 patients scheduled for

evaluation and records

DROP OUT(n= 30)

subjects did not show up

74 subjects evaluated


74 subjects included

Fig. (1). Flow chart of the study participants.

All procedures were classified according to the type of (DBP), mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR) were
anesthesia (spinal vs. locoregional anaesthesia). Patients were monitored using Draeger® Infinity Delta monitor. Cardiac
premedicated with intravenous 50 mg ranitidine and 2 mg Output (CO), Cardiac Index (CI), Stroke Volume Index (SVI)
midazolam. Subarachnoid block was obtained with the patient and Total Peripheral Resistance Index (TPRI) were monitored
in the sitting position using a 25 G pencil point spinal needle at using NICOM®. Four non-invasive sensor pads were applied
the L2–3 vertebral inter space. After aspirating cerebrospinal to the thorax as per device instructions-for-use and, after
fluid, patients received 8 mg hyperbaric 0.5% bupivacaine. calibration, all haemodynamic data were recorded and analysed
Local anaesthesia was performed injecting lidocaine and offline.
ropivacaine mixture into the surgical area intradermally and/or Data were continuously recorded during the perioperative
subcutaneously. Spinal anesthesia was administered by the period. For our analysis, we collected data: 1) before surgical
resident doctor; in case of failure, the procedure was normally treatment (T0); 2) after skin incision (T1); 3) 10 minutes after
repeated by the attending doctor. Local anesthesia was the beginning of surgery (T2); 4) after the end of surgery (T3).
generally administered by the surgeon.
2.1. Statistical Analyses
NICOM® device was installed as soon as the patient
arrived in the operating room, at the same time when the Patients are classified into six categories of BMI according
conventional vital sign monitoring equipment was applied. to the National Institutes of Health guidelines: below normal
Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP), Diastolic Blood Pressure (18.5 kg/m2), normal (18.5–24.9 kg/m2), overweight (25–29.9
The Feasibility and Applications of Non-invasive Cardiac The Open Anesthesia Journal, 2020, Volume 14 83

2 2
kg/m ), obese class 1 (30–34.9 kg/m ), obese class 2 (35–39.9 BMI ≈ 30 kg/m2), 40 were normal weight (weight 63 ± 15 kg,
2 2
kg/m ), and obese class 3 (≥ 40 kg/m ) [16]. In our study, height 160 ± 10 cm, BMI ≈ 22 kg/m2). The age of the patients
patients were considered as non-obese with a BMI < 25 kg/m ; was 52.75 ± 10 years in the NO group, and 55.76 ± 10 years in
the remaining were considered overweight/obese with a BMI ≥ the O group. The patients’ clinical and demographics
25 kg/m .
characteristics are presented in Table 1. There were no
significant demographic differences between the groups,
Data analyses were conducted using Statistical Analysis
except for weight, BSA and BMI. The distribution of patients
Software (SAS) and a standard computer program (Excel,
based on BMI is shown in Fig. (2).
2016). Results were reported as mean ± Standard Deviation
(SD). Statistical analyses were performed using Student t-test The surgical procedures performed in day surgery were:
and repeated measures ANOVA. The level of statistical skin lesion removal (13.5%), breast-conserving surgery
significance was p < 0.05. (lumpectomy) (15%), varicocelectomy (13.5%), phimosis
surgical treatment (circumcision) (11%), trans urethral removal
This observational study is in accordance with the of bladder tumour (TURBT) (12%), carpal tunnel surgery
STROBE statement [17]. (12%), inguinal hernia surgery (9.5%), and lipofilling in breast
cancer patients (13.5%). All these procedures were performed
in locoregional (76%) or spinal anaesthesia (24%). Table 2
Seventy-four patients were included in the study. 34 were shows the patients’ distribution in the various interventions and
overweight or obese (weight 84 ± 10 kg, height 160 ± 10 cm, the types of anesthesia used.

Table 1. Patients’ clinical and demographics characteristics.

Surgical Procedures Size Sex Age Weight Height BSA BMI

(n) (M/F) (years) (kg) (cm) (m2) (kg/m2)
NO Group 40 12/28 52.75 62.75 164.8 1.69 22.84
O Group 34 24/10 55.76 84.05 165.5 2.06 30.5
– p = 0.8 p = 0.69 p < 0.05 p = 0.91 p < 0.05 p < 0.05

18.5 - 24.9 25 - 29.9 30 - 34.9 35 - 39.9


Fig. (2). Body Mass Index (BMI) distribution.

Table 2. Surgical procedures and anesthesia distribution (spinal anaesthesia).

NO Group O Group Total

Skin lesion removal 6 (0) 4 (0) 10 (0)
Lumpectomy 8 (0) 3 (0) 11(0)
Lipofilling 6 (0) 4 (0) 10 (0)
84 The Open Anesthesia Journal, 2020, Volume 14 Sansone et al.

(Table ) contd.....
NO Group O Group Total
Varicocelectomy 4 (2) 6 (4) 10 (6)
Circumcision 3 (0) 5 (0) 8 (0)
TURBT 6 (4) 3 (3) 9 (7)
Carpal tunnel 4 (0) 5 (0) 9 (0)
Inguinal hernia 3 (2) 4 (3) 7 (5)
Total 40 (8) 34 (10) 74 (18)

In the control group, eight procedures (20%) were to baseline at the end of surgery.
performed under spinal anaesthesia; in the obese group spinal The CI measured by NICOM® in the NO group was 3.49
anaesthesia was performed ten times (29.5%). Other ± 0.81 l/min at T0, 3.34 ± 0.72 l/min at T1, 3.27 ± 0.77 l/min at
procedures were carried out under locoregional anaesthesia. T2, 3.06 ± 0.76 l/min at T4. In the O group was 3.19 ± 0.47
General anesthesia was not administered, being normally not l/min at T0, 3.00 ± 0.84 l/min at T1, 2.81 ± 1.13 l/min at T2,
provided at our institution in day-case surgery. No failure was 2.94 ± 0.82 l/min at T3. Data analysis shows a statistically
reported in the administration of the anesthesia techniques; in significant change (p = 0.047) in CI over time during the
the cases in which spinal anesthesia was used, five procedures operation (Fig. 3), (p < 0.05). This variation is greater in the O
(1 in the control group and 4 in the obese group) were group than in the NO one, although this difference is not
performed on the second attempt by the attending doctor. statistically significant (p = 0.24).
NICOM® electrodes were placed on the intended anatomic In the same way, the difference in the cumulative averages
location in every case. In three cases, we observed of SVI was 0.048 (Fig. 4), (p < 0.05). The SVI measured by
displacement of the electrodes due to sweat, chest hair, or NICOM® in normal weight group was 45.7 ± 9.8 ml/m2/beat at
manipulation of the electrodes by a patient. In addition, a T0, 43.6 ± 11.8 ml/m2/beat at T1, 42.1 ± 9.6 ml/m2/beat at T2,
temporary signal loss occurred for unknown reasons in a case. 42.3 ± 12.1 ml/m2/beat at T3. In the obese group it was 40.3 ±
Except for these incidents, the device recorded all parameters 4.5 ml/m2/beat at T0, 38.8 ± 8.7 ml/m2/beat at T1, 37.4 ± 11.7
continuously. ml/m2/beat at T2, 37.7 ± 12.1 ml/m2/beat at T3.
We recorded a variation in SBP, DBP, MAP and CO Otherwise, HR data do not show statistical significance
during surgery in the obese group (p < 0.05). This data returned (Fig. 5), (p > 0.05).



CI (I/min/m2)




T0 T1 T2 T3 MEAN


Fig. (3). Cardiac Index (CI) distribution.

The Feasibility and Applications of Non-invasive Cardiac The Open Anesthesia Journal, 2020, Volume 14 85



SVI (ml/m2/beat)





T0 T1 T2 T3 MEAN


Fig. (4). Stroke Volume Index (SVI) distribution.


hR (beat/minute)



T0 T1 T2 T3 MEAN


Fig. (5). Heart Rate (HR) distribution.

Concerning TPRI, the averages between the obese and under spinal anesthesia. When local anesthesia was performed,
normal weight groups do not show a significant change during we recorded an important difference in T0 (p = 0.0076), T1 (p
operation under spinal anaesthesia (Fig. 6), (p > 0.05). Among = 0.0019) and T2 (p = 0.045); no significant difference was
the obese patients, TPRI is similar to the one in the NO group recorded in T3 (p = 0.10) (Fig. 7).
86 The Open Anesthesia Journal, 2020, Volume 14 Sansone et al.



TPRI (dynes x sec/m2)






T0 T1 T2 T3


Fig. (6). Total Peripheral Resistance Index (TPRI) distribution during Spinal Anesthesia.




TPRI (dynes x sec/m2)







T0 T1 T2 T3


Fig. (7). Total Peripheral Resistance Index (TPRI) distribution during Local Anesthesia.

4. DISCUSSION Furthermore, obesity produces a variety of haemodynamic

alterations including elevated CO, low peripheral vascular
The goal of this observational study was to assess the
resistance, and increased left ventricular end-diastolic pressure
impact of the BMI and anaesthesia technique during day-case
[18]. HR is normal or mildly elevated in obesity [18].
surgery, as well as to evaluate the feasibility of using the non-
invasive cardiac output monitoring NICOM® for the In our study, the obese show an increase in SBP, DBP and
evaluation of haemodynamics in obese patients during these MAP with a return to baseline values at the end of surgery.
procedures. These results are in accordance with those of preceding studies,
which demonstrate that obesity is closely related to blood
Intraoperative haemodynamic perturbations are determined
pressure [19].
by the effects of anaesthetic agents and techniques, surgical
manipulations, and the patient's medical comorbidities. CO shows a similar trend, whereas HR is normal. Indeed,
The Feasibility and Applications of Non-invasive Cardiac The Open Anesthesia Journal, 2020, Volume 14 87

the CO raise in obesity is due mainly to the augmentation of NICOM® provides a continuous, non-invasive haemodynamic
left ventricular stroke volume [18]. measurement. This device does not bring inconvenience to
patients making it clinically suitable for monitoring awake
To attenuate the effects of BMI, we indexed
patients having loco-regional anesthesia.
haemodynamic measurements to BSA. A reduction in CI
during operation was noticed in both groups, the one in obese
4.1. Limitations
patients being greater. In the same way, SVI was lower in the
obese during surgery. Indexing haemodynamic data to BSA The study has some potential limitations. Although, as far
helps to remove any uncertainty regarding the interpretation of as we know, our study was the first evaluating non-invasive
CO and SV at the extremes of body size [20]. cardiac monitoring in day-case surgery, it would have been
stronger if it had been conducted as a randomized prospective
We also evaluated the haemodynamic status after spinal
clinical trial with a larger sample size.
and loco-regional anesthesia in the obese patients. In spinal
anesthesia, TPRI was not statistically different between the Another possible limitation is that there was no formal
groups of study. As for the TPRI in obese patients, we reported sample size calculation performed and enrolment was based on
values similar to non-obese patients in spinal anesthesia. In the feasibility of performing an exploratory analysis. Overall,
local anesthesia, TPRI was higher in obese patients than in the sample size was also small. Despite some compelling
non-obese ones. findings, it is possible that the study is underpowered. If so, the
results may be exaggerated and there is a higher likelihood that
Spinal anesthesia induces sympathetic blockade with
the effect found may not represent a true effect.
subsequent reduction in myocardial contractility, heart rate,
and change in cardiac loading conditions [21]. It leads to a Finally, multiple types of surgeries and different types of
decrease in venous return due to increased compliance of the anesthesia were included in our analysis. However, this study
venous system, vasodilatation and, finally, decreased blood was designed to provide first insights into the use of non-
pressure [21]. Concerning local anesthesia, it may cause stress invasive cardiac monitoring in day-case surgery in settings and
leading to blood pressure change, haemodynamic and procedures that have not been evaluated routinely in controlled
cardiovascular reactions [23]. Pain causes an alarm reaction clinical trials.
with an increase in systemic arterial pressure and pulse rate due
However, taking into account the results of this study, non-
to the release of endogenous catecholamine [22].
invasive cardiac monitoring in obese patients in day-case
NICOM® was easy to use: installation, operation, and surgery seems to be a promising technique and should be
monitoring could be performed by one person. Problems with investigated in a larger clinical study.
the device were the detachment of the electrodes and the
temporary loss of the signal due to the displacement of the
electrode or unknown reasons. This device did not affect the
standard of care in the operating room, including anesthesia
Obesity produces a variety of haemodynamic alterations
and all surgery procedures.
with greater risk of morbidity and perioperative mortality.
NICOM® is deployable in a wide variety of clinical Cardiovascular alterations related to obesity include an
settings, and has demonstrated clinical utility with diverse increase in blood pressure, CO and SV. Among the risk factors
patient populations, and for a wide range of clinical conditions. for perioperative complications there is the inadequate and
Common clinical sites for non-invasive cardiac monitoring are insufficient monitoring of haemodynamic parameters.
the operating room and the Critical Care, such as the Intensive Especially in day-case surgery invasive monitoring is difficult
Care Unit (ICU) and the Emergency Department (ED). to apply. NICOM® is often presented as a monitoring system
Critical care patient populations are often that is easy to use, non-invasive, able to better evaluate and
haemodynamically unstable and only 50% of these patients guide the correct anaesthetic plan for this type of patients.
respond to fluid administration by increasing CO and Further research is needed to confirm the clinical value of
perfusion. NICOM® provides the ability to rapidly and NICOM® monitoring and how this technology might help to
noninvasively test fluid responsiveness, allowing critical care further reduce postoperative morbidity and mortality in obese
clinicians to make more informed decisions, guiding effective patients scheduled for day-case surgery.
fluids, vasopressors and inotropes administration [24 - 26].
According to Enhanced Recovery after Surgery (ERAS), PARTICIPATE
an accurately administration of fluids and vasoactive agents
throughout the entire perioperative period has been shown to This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the
improve patient outcome [27]. ERAS protocols have resulted University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli", Italy, with the
in a length of hospital stay 30% to 50% shorter and similar approval no. 0003208/2016.
reductions in complications, while readmissions and costs are
reduced. This is particularly important in day-case surgery, HUMAN AND ANIMAL RIGHTS
where patients are admitted to hospital, have the operation or
treatment and go home the same day. Until recently, No Animals were used in this research. All human research
haemodynamic evaluation required invasive monitoring, which procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical
was unsuitable in awake patients for day-case surgery. standards of the committee responsible for human
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