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Clinical Implantology

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Clinical Implantology


bds, pg Cert Dental Implant, dicoi
Founder and Director
International Implant Training Centre
Agra, India

A division of
Reed Elsevier India Private Limited
Clinical Implantology

A division of
Reed Elsevier India Private Limited

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ISBN: 978-81-312-3324-5

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Dedicated to my parents, lovely wife Sunita and my
wonderful son Palin whose continued love and support
made possible to write this book
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Founder and Director
International Implant Training Centre Assistant Clinical Professor
Agra, India Department of Oral and �Maxillofacial Surgery
UOP (Pacific)
ANGELO TROEDHAN, MD, DMD, PhD School of Dentistry, San Francisco, CA (USA)
Visiting Professor, Health Science University Founder and Director “The Implant Team”
Faculty of �Dentistry, Vientiane advanced implant
Center for Facial Esthetics, Vienna seminars in San Francisco
Health Science University, Faculty of Dentistry, Vientiane
Brauhausgasse 12-14 FRÉDÉRIC JOACHIM, DDS, MSc
1050 Vienna, Austria Private practice, Lille, France


Professor, Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Private practice, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
Department of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Sciences
Meikai University School of Dentistry, Japan JACQUES CHARON, DDS, MSc
Private practice, Lille, France
International Implant Foundation PETER RANDELZHOFER, DDS
Munich Head, Dental Implant Faculty Private practice, Weinstr, Munchen
Leopoldstr. 116 Germany
DE-80802 Munich, Germany
Private practice, Tel Aviv, Israel
Private practice, Osishkin Street SUNITA SINGH, BDS, MIAO
Ramat Hasharon, Israel
Private practice, Agra
TETSU TAKAHASHI, DDS, PhD Director, International Implant Training Centre
Dr Ajay Dental Clinic and Research Centre
Professor and Head Agra, India
Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Department of Oral Medicine and Surgery TERRY D WHITTEN, DDS
Tohoku University Graduate School of Dentistry
4-1, Seiryo-machi, Aoba-ku, Sendai Private practice, Sabetha
Miyagi, Japan Northeast Kansas (USA)



Chief Operations Officer Advanced Prosthodontics
Global Implant Solutions, Bedford Institute for Clinical Dental Research
Massachusetts (USA) Graduate School of Clinical Dentistry
Korea University
Assistant Professor of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Department of Head and Neck Surgical Oncology ANTONINA IHDE, DDS
and �Reconstructive Surgery Private practice, Lindenstr. 68
The Cancer Institute, School of Medicine CH-8738 Uetliburg, Switzerland
Tehran University of Medical Sciences
The Cancer Institute, Imam Hospital Complex, Keshavarz Private practice, Jaipur, India
Blvd., Tehran, Iran
Private practice, Tehran, Iran
Private practice, Casablanca, Morocco Former Assistant Professor
Zahedan University, Zahedan
Well Dental Clinic, Seoul, Korea

Since Prof PI Branemark described the concept of osseointegration, step-by-step procedures but most of these books present only few
the dental implantology has evolved tremendously over the past 35 implant techniques such as bone augmentation, all-on-four proce-
years. Thanks to all the past and current researchers and clinicians dures, etc.
in the field of implantology whose continued efforts have brought The purpose of this book is to diagrammatically present all the
this science to a great level of success. Today, the implant is sought basic to advance level implant procedures along with basic science
to be the most successful and reliable option for the missing tooth and diagnosis and treatment planning. The author and the con-
replacement and also to retain the loose dentures. tributors have tried to describe all the implant procedures which
In the last 35 years, the various modifications in the implant are currently being practised worldwide along with the recent
designs and surface have been made to improvise the pace and qual- advances. The initial chapters of this book describe basic science,
ity of osseointegration. After practising the conventional implant implant dentistry tools, diagnosis and treatment planning, and
treatment protocol for several years, the implant researchers and step-by-step basic implant surgical and prosthetic procedures. The
clinicians have successfully developed several modifications such as rest of the chapters describe all the advanced bone and soft tissue
immediate implant, immediate restoration, etc. to provide a desired augmentation procedures such as sinus grafting, nasal floor graft-
level of implant treatment to the patients. Further, development of ing, ridge splitting, block grafting and soft tissue grafting along with
bone augmentation procedures made the high level of possibilities graft less immediate loading all-on-four/all-on-six techniques. This
with a greater success to provide implant therapy in the patients book can be seen as a complete implant dentistry book covering all
with ridge deficiencies and bone defects. the basic as well as advanced level of clinical implantology. All the
Several textbooks have been published so far presenting detailed procedures have been described with important and very concise
description of the literatures and studies on the implants. These text with step-by-step diagrammatic presentation making it easy to
books have definitely been providing detailed knowledge of the lit- understand for the clinicians and undergraduate and postgraduate
erature in the field of implantology and have been playing a very dental students. Several clinical cases are presented with high reso-
important role in the success of any implant dentist including the lution pictures in various chapters of this book. The author has first
author of this book, but many dentists especially clinicians feel dif- tried to describe the techniques using high resolution and beauti-
ficult to go through all that time-consuming literatures. Moreover, fully drawn diagrams followed by presentation of same technique
most of the textbooks on implantology do not adequately describe with step-by-step clinical pictures. More than 3,000 high resolution
diagrammatically all the clinical implant procedures but give most coloured clinical pictures and diagrams are published in this book
of the description in the text supported with only a few diagrams not which are definitely going to help the novice as well as experienced
showing all steps of the procedure. Thus, the clinicians find it dif- implant dentists to comprehend easily basic to advanced level
ficult to understand the way with which they can correctly perform implantology.
any particular procedure. Keeping this in mind, few clinical books
have been recently published which have beautifully presented the Ajay Vikram Singh

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At the outset I would like to express sincere gratitude to my parents Amron and Adin for contributing the illustrations of their implants,
for their unconditional love and support throughout my life. inventories and armamentaria which tremendously helped me in
Further, I would like to thank my lifelong companion and lovely presenting the component science and methodology of the basic as
wife Sunita and my son Palin for their unconditional love, support well as advanced implantology.
and immense contribution to this book by sacrificing their precious I would like to thank the entire editorial and marketing team of
time during preparation of this manuscript for which I worked all Elsevier India especially Mr Anand K Jha, Ms Ritu Sharma, Ms Nimi-
day and night on my implant patients and then on computer for sha Goswami and Mr Karthikeyan Murthy for their extraordinary
approximately 3 years. approach and hard work to publish this book.
In addition, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all Last but not the least, I would like to thank the entire team of
my teachers and mentors for providing me up-to-date knowledge. my centre, Dr Ajay Dental Clinic and Research Centre, Agra for
Without their continuous and unselfish guidance, inspiration and assisting me in performing and documenting several implant cases
education, this book would not have been possible. presented in this book. I would also like to thank all my implant
I would also like to thank all my friends around the globe for patients for their cooperation during the documentation of the
their precious contribution in the book. The implant cases as well as procedures.
the literature they contributed have tremendously helped in making At the end, I would like to thank all my students at International
this a complete implant book. Implant Training Centre (IITC), Agra. It is always a pleasure and
Further, I would also like to thank various companies in the field an honour to share my knowledge and implant expertise in dental
of implantology including Nobel Biocare, Alpha Bio, Osseolink, Sal- implantology. I have always enjoyed spreading my implant expertise
vin Dental Specialties, bredent, BOI, Dentium, Straumann, Setlec, to the dentists who come to receive training at my centre.

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Dedication������������������������������������������������������������������������������� v Chapter 8
Contributors������������������������������������������������������������������������� vii Step by step procedure of implant
Preface������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ix treatment������������������������������������������������������� 111
Acknowledgements���������������������������������������������������������� xi Ajay Vikram Singh╅ Amir Gazmawe

Chapter 1 Chapter 9
Introduction and fundamental science�������������1 Immediate implant in extraction socket������ 165
Ajay Vikram Singh Ajay Vikram Singhâ•… Amir Gazmaweâ•…
Peter Randelzhofer
Chapter 2
Dental implant designs and surfaces����������������7 Chapter 10
Implant overdentures������������������������������������ 229
Ajay Vikram Singh
Ajay Vikram Singhâ•… Saâd Zemmouri
Chapter 3
Implant inventories and armamentarium������17 Chapter 11
Implant impressions and prosthetics����������� 241
Ajay Vikram Singh
Ajay Vikram Singh
Chapter 4
Prosthetic options on implants�����������������������35 Chapter 12
Dental implants for periodontally
Ajay Vikram Singh
compromised patients���������������������������������� 265
Chapter 5 Frédéric Joachimâ•… Issam Joachim-Samaha
Bone density for dental implants��������������������41 Jacques Charon
Ajay Vikram Singh
Chapter 13
Chapter 6 Basics of bone grafting and graft
Role of available bone in dental materials�������������������������������������������������������� 283
implants������������������������������������������������������������53 Ajay Vikram Singh╅ Sunita Singh
Ajay Vikram Singh
Chapter 14
Chapter 7 Bone grafting simultaneous with implant
Patient evaluation and treatment planning����63 placement������������������������������������������������������ 317
Ajay Vikram Singh Ajay Vikram Singhâ•… Peter Randelzhofer

Chapter 15 Chapter 20
Block grafting for dental implants��������������� 349 Immediate loading using basal implants���� 543
Ajay Vikram Singhâ•… Jun Shimada Stefan KA Ihdeâ•… Antonina Ihde

Chapter 16 Chapter 21
Ridge splitting for implant Full-arch fixed prosthesis:
placement������������������������������������������������������ 381 conventional approach��������������������������������� 557
Ajay Vikram Singhâ•… Angelo Troedhan Ajay Vikram Singhâ•… Amir Gazmawe

Chapter 17 Chapter 22
Distraction osteogenesis in Full-arch fixed prosthesis:
implantology������������������������������������������������� 431 ‘All-on-4™’/‘All-on-6’ approach�������������������� 575
Tetsu Takahashi Ajay Vikram Singhâ•… Sunita Singh

Chapter 18 Chapter 23
Sinus grafting for dental Soft tissue grafting in implantology������������� 613
implants��������������������������������������������������������� 445 Ajay Vikram Singh
Ajay Vikram Singhâ•… Angelo Troedhan
Chapter 24
Chapter 19 Complications and management����������������� 643
Nasal floor elevation Ajay Vikram Singhâ•… Sunita Singh
and grafting��������������������������������������������������� 517
Ajay Vikram Singh Index�������������������������������������������������������������� 667

Introduction and fundamental science
Ajay Vikram Singh 1
CHAPTER CONTENTS HD failing or missing tooth. The replacement of lost teeth
with dental implants has been in use for more than 50
Introduction 1 years and is recognized as an effective treatment choice.
Definition of dental implant 1 Many studies and clinical trials worldwide have shown
Implant success rate 1 that the dental implant is considered more predictable
Benefits of dental implants 2 than conventional bridgework, resin-bonded bridges
and endodontic therapy. Often, the patient faces a dif-
History of dental implants 2
ficult decision in choosing to insert dental implants to
Fundamental science 3 replace one or more missing teeth. However, clinical
Definition of osseointegration 3 studies have shown a very high success rate for �dental
Phases of implant osseointegration 3 implants of around 90–95%, on average. These Â�figures
Clinical evidence of successful osseointegration 3
do vary according to the part of the mouth that is
being treated. Because of reasons like lower bone den-
Enhancement of rate and degree of osseointegration 3 sity, facial cantilevering, and sinus pneumatization, the
Contact and distant osteogenesis 4 upper jaw has been and continues to be, more difficult
Osseointegration versus osseocoalescence 4 to treat than the lower jaw and this is reflected in the
Primary and secondary implant stability 4 success rates.
Soft tissue integration 4
Comparative anatomy of the natural tooth and the
osseointegrated implant 5 Definition of dental implant
Summary 6 “Dental implant is an alloplastic and biocompatible
material placed into (endosseous) or onto (subperios-
teal) the jawbone to support a fixed prosthesis, or to sta-
bilize removable prosthesis.”

Introduction Implant success rate

Teeth are designed for the lifetime but often patients lose Backed by worldwide studies, research, clinical trials
teeth partially or completely because of causes such as and documentation, over more than 50 years, the den-
dental caries, periodontal problems, accidental trauma, tal implant has been established as a full-fledged tooth
etc. Replacing missing teeth is important to the patient’s replacement option. The success rate of the implant varies
general health as well as to the health of his/her other from case to case, depending on several factors like bone
teeth. Not only does the patient lose chewing ability when volume, bone density, soft tissues, force factors, treatment
a tooth is lost, but if it is not replaced, it can cause other planning and the skill of the implant surgeon and restor-
teeth to be lost, tipped or crowded and create subsequent ing dentist. Generally, implant therapy is a little more
problems. Moreover, there are the obvious problems of successful in the mandible than in the maxilla. The lower
poor appearance and loss of self-esteem caused by one or success of the implant in the maxilla compared to the
more missing teeth. mandible, is because the maxilla shows poor bone den-
With advancement in dental science and public aware- sity to stabilize the implant, lower bone volume because of
ness of better dental treatment options, the dental implant vertical as well as lateral bone resorption and sinus pneu-
should always be considered as an option to replace a matization and facial cantilevering. Approximate success
1 Clinical Implantology

rate of the implant in the four regions of jaws – anterior History of dental implants
maxilla: Â�90–95%; anterior mandible: 95–98%; posterior
mandible: 85–95%; posterior maxilla: 85–90%. The history of dental implants is believed to have begun
as far back as in the seventh century. In the 1930s, den-
Benefits of dental implants tal implants (in their original form, made of seashells)
were found in Mayan burial archeological sites, placed in
Dental implants offer several benefits over conventional a young woman’s jawbone.
tooth replacement options like the dental bridge and Modern implants had their origin in the discovery by
removable partial to complete dentures. a Swedish professor of Orthopaedics named Branemark,
â•…â•… who found that titanium (a very strong and noncorrosive
. It
1 prevents bone loss because the implant anchors metal) attached itself to a bone when it was implanted
(osseointegrates) the jawbone and thus prevents fur- into it. During one of his experiments, he embedded
ther bone loss (Fig 1.1). titanium devices into rabbit’s leg bones to study bone
. It restores the function and aesthetics of the overall
2 healing. After a few months, he tried to remove these
maxillofacial prosthesis. expensive devices and when he could not, he noticed
. It offers best and most preferred option for stabilizing
3 that the bone had attached itself to the metal. He even-
loose dentures (Fig 1.2). tually decided that the mouth was far more practical
. It is thought to be the only option to deliver the fixed
4 than the leg for his experiments, as it was easier to watch
prosthesis where the conventional bridge is not pos- the progress and there were more toothless people than
sible (Fig 1.3). people with serious joint problems. He called the attach-
. It is the strongest and long-lasting treatment for the
5 ment of the titanium to the bone ‘osseointegration’ and
replacement of missing teeth. in 1965 he used the first titanium dental implant in a
. The deep flanges and palatal extension of complete
6 human volunteer.
dentures, which cause substantial discomfort to Over the next few years, he published a lot of research
patients, can be avoided once the denture is retained on the use of titanium dental implants, and in 1978 he
over the implants. commercialized the development and marketing of his
titanium dental implants. Over 7 million implants under
his brand name have been placed. Needless to say, there
are other dental implant companies that have used his
Looking at the technology involved and the high suc-
cess rates of dental implants, it is hard to believe that the
history of dental implants goes back only 40 years.
It did not take long to realize the enormous potential of
this technique. Dr Branemark began focussing on how he
could use osseointegration, to help humans. During his
studies, he found that titanium screws could serve as bone
anchors for teeth.
Titanium, researchers came to realize, was the only con-
sistently successful material for dental implants. Before
Dr Branemark’s work, other doctors had been toying with
the idea of dental implants for years. A most of other met-
Fig 1.1╇ Two implants inserted 20 years back in the anterior mandible als, including silver and gold, had failed. Even human
have maintained the bone volume and prevented the further bone loss teeth (from donors) were tried.
in the region while in the other part of the jaw, the patient has lost most Dr Branemark continued his studies for nearly three
of the bony ridge. decades. His fellow scientists were sceptical, so he


Fig 1.2╇ (A and B) Dental implants are the most successful and preferred option to retain the loose dentures.
Introduction and fundamental science 1
conducted numerous tests, including some on humans, Phases of implant osseointegration
before he published his findings in 1981.
After scientific scrutiny of Dr Branemark’s paper, medi- Immediately after the implant is inserted into the jaw-
cal confidence in the procedure grew. Guidelines for bone, the peri-implant bone passes step by step, through
implantology were set during the Toronto Conference �different phases of histological change, to reach the final
in Clinical Dentistry in 1982. The standardization of the stage of osseointegration of the implant with the sur-
process during the conference proved to be the jump- rounding bone (Fig 1.4). In the author’s experience, the
start that the dental implant needed. The public began to clinician should be aware of these histological changes,
accept that dental implants were safe. as all these can be deciding factors in the modification
Commercial oral implantology grew during the 1980s. of the conventional two-stage implant treatment pro-
Osseointegration was being used to permanently fix tocol to one-stage, immediate or early loading of the
an individual tooth into the patient’s mouth. Implants implant.
proved to be successful in over 90% of cases. The modern
dental implant had arrived!
Over the next two decades, technology continued to Clinical evidence of successful osseointegration
improve the process. For instance, slight modifications to • Implant is not mobile when tested clinically
the titanium used decreased healing time. As time goes • Implant is asymptomatic – absence of persistent signs
by and as the practice of dentistry advances, patients will and symptoms, such as pain, infections, etc.
continue to see dental implants becoming quicker, easier, • Stable crestal bone levels – annual rate of bone loss
and less painful. should be less than 0.2â•›mm after the first year in
• Increasing mineralization of the newly-formed bone
Fundamental science at the implant surface
Definition of osseointegration • Healthy soft tissues
• Absence of peri-implant radiolucency.
PI Branemark and associates in 1986 defined the osseo-
integration of the implant as “direct structural and func-
tional connection between ordered, living bone and the Enhancement of rate and degree of osseointegration
surface of a load-carrying implant.” Several research studies have been performed to find an
SG Steinemann and associates in 1986 simplified the optimal surface treatment to increase mechanical stability
definition of osseointegration as “direct contact between and to improve the contact between bone and implant.
bone and an implant surface.” Many studies provide conclusive scientific evidence that



Fig 1.3╇ (A–C) In cases where no teeth or no firm teeth are available to be used as the abutments to support the conventional fixed bridge, the implant
is the only option to deliver a fixed prosthesis. (D) Even in the cases where the dental bridge is possible, the implant prosthesis should be preferred
as it does not need to cut down adjacent healthy teeth and also prevents further ridge loss.
1 Clinical Implantology

Blood clot formation at the implant–bone interface

(Immediately after implant insertion) Implant

Infiltration of neutrophils, and osteogenesis
Inflammatory phase
Macrophages on the 3–5 days

Local hypoxia osteogenesis

Release of cytokines Proliferative phase

Fig 1.5╇ Diagrammatic presentation of contact and distant osteogenesis
at the implant surface–host bone interface.

Cellular differentiation
fixation of an implant in the bone. With purely physi-
cal interaction, the interface would be able to withstand
Matrix synthesis shear forces; however, the interface would not be able to
withstand even moderate tensile forces. The term ‘osseo-
Osteogenesis Maturation phase coalescence’ refers specifically to the chemical integration
of implants in bone tissue. The term applies to surface-
Woven bone formation reactive materials, such as calcium phosphates and bioac-
tive glasses, which undergo reactions that lead to chemical
Lamellar bone formation
bonding between bone and biomaterial. With these mate-
rials, the tissues effectively coalesce with the implant. An
Fig 1.4╇ Flowchart showing the sequential phases of osseointegration. example of qualitative evidence of chemical bonding is
that fracture lines propagate through either the implant
or the tissue but not along the interface. Osseocoalesced
a roughened titanium implant surface improves bone implants exhibit resistance to both shear and tensile
anchoring compared to conventionally machined tita- loads. Unfortunately, the term has not found widespread
nium surfaces. The rough surface facilitates migration of use and osseointegration still is often used when describ-
osteogenic cells to the implant surface for de novo bone ing interactions between bioactive materials and bone.
formation (contact osteogenesis). The local mechani- Mechanical integration (i.e. osseointegration) of an
cal environment provided by the rough-surface implant implant in bone provides good resistance to shear forces
also influences cellular differentiation and tissue synthe- but poor resistance to tension. Chemical integration (i.e.
sis (distance osteogenesis). The rough-surface implants osseocoalescence) however provides good resistance to
show increased removal forces, greater and earlier bone both shear and tensile forces.
implant contact (BIC) percentage, and improved ultimate
osseointegration. Primary and secondary implant stability
Osseointegration requires bone apposition on the
Contact and distant osteogenesis implant surface without any micromovement. During
After implant insertion, new bone formation begins implant insertion, the stability that the implant achieves
simultaneously at the prepared osteotomy wall and the is completely mechanical and is called primary stability
implant surface. The new bone synthesis (osteogenesis) of the implant. During the healing period, however, the
which begins at the implant surface is called ‘contact biological processes of osseointegration change this to a
osteogenesis’ and other synthesis which simultaneously mixture of mechanical and biological stability (second-
begins at the osteotomy wall is called ‘distant osteogenesis’. ary stability) (Fig 1.6). Further, during the biological pro-
Completion of both osteogenesis processes results in cesses of osseointegration of the implant, the surrounding
complete new bone synthesis at the implant – host–bone bone physiologically changes during the multiple phases
interface which is finally called ‘implant osseointegration’ of bone resorption and new bone apposition over the
with the jawbone (Fig 1.5). implant surface. Any micromovement of the implant dur-
ing this phase may lead to the failure of implant osseo-
integration with the bone. The primary or mechanical
Osseointegration versus osseocoalescence stability changes to secondary or biological stability, once
The term ‘osseointegration’ is commonly used in con- the osseointegration of the implant is completed. Accord-
junction with dental implants. Osseointegration means ing to different studies, this process may take 4–6 months.
that there is no relative movement between the implant
and the surrounding bone. Although some investigators Soft tissue integration
believe that there is a chemical integration between bone
and the surface of titanium implants, osseointegration Soft tissue integration around implant superstructures
largely refers to the physical integration or mechanical like transmucosal healing abutment, final abutment,
Introduction and fundamental science 1
Primary stability Secondary stability Primary stability Secondary stability
(old bone) (new bone) (old bone) (new bone)

100 100

75 75
Stability (%)

Stability (%)
50 50

25 25

0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A Time (wks) B Time (wks)

Fig 1.6╇ (A and B) Primary and secondary stability curves of an implant during the transition period when the implant remains at higher risk of micro-
movement and fails to osseointegrate (Courtesy: Raghavendra et€al. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants. 2000;20:425-431).

etc. can be defined as “biologic processes that occur dur-

ing the formation and maturation of the structural rela-
tionship between the soft tissues and the transmucosal
implant superstructures.”
“The establishment of an adequate zone of attached and
keratinized soft tissue with intimate adaptation to trans-
mucosal implant superstructures is critical for long-term
success of the restored implants.” The epithelial and con-
nective tissue elements are organized to form a protec-
tive soft tissue seal around the implant superstructures,
which serves to resist bacterial and mechanical challenges
encountered in the oral cavity. “The functional soft tissue –
implant interface is equally as important as osseointegration
for the long-term success of implant-supported Â�prosthesis.”
Thus, a careful manipulation and preservation of existing
soft tissue is paramount for long-term implant success.
If the area is devoid of attached and keratinized soft �tissue, Fig 1.7╇ The establishment of an adequate zone of attached and keratin-
soft tissue grafting procedures should be performed to ized soft tissue with intimate adaptation to transmucosal implant super-
regenerate a healthy, thick, attached, and keratinized zone structures is critical for long-term success of restored implants.
of marginal soft tissue (minimum of 3â•›mm), around the
implant superstructures (Fig 1.7).

Comparative anatomy of the natural tooth

and the osseointegrated implant
Although the dental implant clinically looks like the nat-
ural tooth after restoration, the bone and soft tissue inte-
gration to the implant surface and to its superstructures
shows several biological differences compared to the nat-
ural tooth (Fig 1.8). The doctor and the patient should be
aware of these differences to achieve a predictable implant
therapy and long-term maintenance practices (Table 1.1).
The natural tooth possesses periodontal ligament space
which not only provides additional nutrient supply to the
periodontal hard and soft tissues for their maintenance
and long-term survival, but also acts as the shock absorber
against undue forces over the tooth. The implant which
gets directly osseointegrated with the bone and shows no
structure like the periodontal ligament, only possesses
limited sources of nutrient supply to the peri-implant tis-
sue and also transverses all the occlusal forces directly to Fig 1.8╇ Diagrammatic presentation of comparative anatomy of peri-
the bone. This often can be the cause of bone resorption odontal and peri-implant bone and soft tissue.
1 Clinical Implantology

(bone as well as soft tissue) receive blood supply from

Table 1.1╇Comparative anatomic features of periodontal
only two sources – from the periosteum and from the
and peri-implant bone and soft tissue
basal bone. They do not have the third source of blood
supply like the natural tooth, which receives blood supply
from the periodontal ligament also; thus, the peri-implant
tissue with limited thickness may find it difficult to sur-
Periodontal ligaments Present Not present vive and may get resorbed.

Sulcular epithelium Present Present

Junctional epithelium Present Present Summary

Basal lamina Present Present The dental implant definitely offers several advantages
over the conventional dental bridge and partial or com-
Hemidesmosomes Present Present plete dentures for patients with partial to complete eden-
tulism; but before he/she starts offering the implant to
Glycoprotein adhesion Present Present his/her patients, the clinician should know basic implant
Connective tissue Present Not present science and how the implant is different from the natu-
attachment ral tooth. The phases of implant osseointegration and the
factors affecting the osseointegration are very important.
Soft tissue circulation Three sources Two sources Protocols like immediate implantation in an extraction
socket with open healing, immediate to early loading, etc.
Surrounding connective Vascular and cellular Hypovascular and
are solely dependent on the primary stability and the force
tissue zone hypocellular
factors on the implant during the phase of osseointegra-
Sulcular probing Indicated Not indicated tion. Thus the surgeon should know the primary and sec-
ondary stability of the implant to successfully introduce
modifications in conventional techniques. The type of soft
tissue and bone volume and quality are key features for
around the implant. Another difference which the doctor long-term implant success. Patients deficient in bone vol-
should know is that the peri-implant soft tissue does not ume and healthy keratinized marginal soft tissue should
show any connective tissue attachments to the implant be encouraged to undertake bone and soft tissue augmen-
collar and its superstructures like the natural tooth, and tation procedures before or at the time of implant place-
thus any physical or chemical injury to the soft tissue sul- ment. As described in this chapter, the osseointegrated
cus may directly affect the peri-implant crestal bone and implant does not have any periodontal ligament-like
may cause crestal bone resorption. For this reason, delib- structure or connective tissue attachment to the implant
erate sulcular probing around the implant is not recom- collar and its superstructure. Thus the dentist should be
mended. One point the author would like to emphasize aware of how force factors and mechanical to chemical
here is that as described earlier, the peri-implant tissues injuries affect the long-term survival of the implant.

Further Reading
Four Linkow textbooks online. Binon PP. Treatment planning complica- Gerds TA, Vogeler M. Endpoints and survival
Natali Arturo N, editor. Dental biomechan- tions and surgical miscues. J Oral Max- analysis for successful osseointegration of
ics. London/New York: Taylor & Francis; illofac Surg July 2007;65(7 Suppl. 1): dental implants. Stat Methods Med Res
2003, ISBN 9-780-415-30666-9, pp. 69–87. 73–92. December 2005;14(6):579–90.
p. 273. Sclar AG. Soft tissue and esthetic consider- Albrektsson T, Zarb GA. Current interpreta-
Zard, et€ al. Osseointegration. Quintessence; ations in implant therapy. Quintessence; tions of the osseointegrated response:
2009. 2003. clinical significance. Int J Prosthodont
Palmer R. Ti-unite dental implant surface may Becker W, Goldstein M, Becker BE, et al. Mini- 1993;6(2):95–105.
be superior to machined surface in replace- mally invasive flapless implant placement: Kapur SP, Russell TE. Sharpey fiber bone devel-
ment of failed implants. J Evid Based Dent follow-up results from a multicenter study. opment in surgically implanted dog man-
Pract March 2007;7(1):8–9. J Periodontol 2009;80(2):347–52. dible. Acta Anat 1978;102:260.

Dental implant designs and surfaces
Ajay Vikram Singh 2
CHAPTER CONTENTS HD Root form implants classified on the basis
of the crestal polished collar 12
Introduction 7 Subgingival (two-stage) implants 12
Subperiosteal implants 8 Transgingival (one-stage) implants 12
Endosseous implants 9 Root form implants classified on the basis
Blade implants 9 of implant pieces 12
Endosseous root form implants 9 Two-piece implants 12
Transosteal implants 9 One-piece implant 12
Basal osseointegrated implants (BOI) 9 Implant surfaces 13
Classification of endosseous root form implants 10 Machined/smooth/turned implant surface 13
Root form implants classified on the basis of surface Modified implant surface 13
design 10 Sandblasted surface 13
Non-threaded implants 10 Titanium plasma sprayed (TPS) surface 13
Threaded implants 10 Acid-etched surface 13
Root form implants classified on the basis Sandblasted and acid-etched surface 13
of body design 11
Anodized surface 14
Parallel body implants 11
Hydroxyapatite (HA) coated surface 14
Tapered body implants 11
Summary 14
Root form implants classified on the basis
of implant connection 11
External connection (external hex) 11
Internal connection (internal hex) 11
Root form implants classified on the basis Introduction
of connection design 11
Based on research and clinical trials, several dental
Triangular design 11
implant designs have been developed and widely used to
Hexagonal design 11 provide optimal implant therapy to patients. Researchers
Octagonal design 12 in the field of implantology have developed a variety of
Smooth surface/ non-hex (cold-weld) design 12 implant designs and surfaces to achieve optimal osseo-
Morse taper connection 12 integration with the bone, ease of placement, immediate
placement into extraction sockets, adequate primary sta-
Root form implants classified on the basis bility of the implant, immediate to early loading proto-
of implant material 12
cols, and to provide a wide range of prosthetic options.
Titanium alloy implants 12 There are several features in implant design and modi-
Zirconium implants 12 fied implant surfaces that are very important for a clini-
Root form implants classified on the basis cian to know, in order to choose the correct implant, to
of thread design 12 learn its placement and restoration protocols, and to pro-
Square/U-shaped (non-cutting) thread implants 12
vide maintenance for long-term aesthetics and function.
Although several implant designs have been developed,
Sharp/V-shaped (cutting) thread (self-tapping) implants 12
implant design continues to be one of the key fields for
Variable thread (corticocancellous) design implants 12 research oriented towards improving the acceptability
and success of the implant.
2 Clinical Implantology

Soft tissue covering the implant


Implant super structure emerging out of

the soft tissue to hold the removable or
fixed prosthesis

Subperiosteal implant framework fixed

onto the bony ridge using fixation screws

Fig 2.1╇ Diagrammatic presentation of subperiosteal implant.



Fig 2.2╇ (A) Subperiosteal implant (B) placed in the patient’s mouth (C) supporting mandibular denture (D) post loading X-ray (Courtesy:
Terry D Whitten, DDS).

Subperiosteal implants beyond the sulcular depth and an accurate impression

of the bony ridge is made, using a hydrophilic impres-
The “implants which are placed under the periosteum sion material (e.g. polyether). The flap is sutured back,
and fixed over the jaw bone are called subperiosteal the impression is poured with dental stone, and a tita-
implants.” These implants are placed under the perios- nium framework is fabricated over the replica, which
teum on the bony ridge that holds the removable or fixed has vertical extensions (abutments) emerging out of the
type of prostheses (Fig 2.1). These implants are preferred soft tissue to hold the prosthesis. After the soft tissue
in cases of severely resorbed mandibles where endosse- has healed, the full thickness flap is elevated again to
ous implants are difficult to place, because of the compro- the same extent, the titanium framework is placed over
mised dimensions of the bone and the close proximity the bony ridge and immobilized using fixation screws,
of the mandibular canal to the crest of the ridge. The and the flap is sutured back with the vertical extensions
success of the subperiosteal implant in treating partial emerging out of the soft tissue. After a healing period
to completely edentulous patients has been validated by of approximately one-and-half months, the periosteum
several publications. The first subperiosteal implant was gets attached to the underlying bone firmly anchoring
placed in 1949 by Gustav Dahl and has been constantly the framework. An impression of the vertical extensions
improved in design since then. (abutments) is made and a fixed or removal type of
Fabrication. After treatment planning, the buccal prosthesis is fabricated, and fixed or stabilized over the
and lingual full-thickness flaps are elevated to extend implant (Fig 2.2).
Dental implant designs and surfaces 2

Abutment post

Neck Alveolar


Fig 2.3╇ (A) Blade and root form implants in the facial view of the alveolar ridge. (B) Blade implant in the cross-section view of the ridge.


Fig 2.4╇ (A) To place a blade implant, flap is elevated to expose the ridge crest and (B) a deep mid-crestal horizontal osteotomy is prepared using
piezo saw/rotary bur/disc etc. (C) The blade implant with correct dimensions is inserted and tapped to fit into the prepared osteotomy. (D) The flap is
sutured back and (E) implant is loaded, once it gets osseointegrated with the bone.

Endosseous implants the most widely used implants. The root form implant
usually has two parts – one part, which is inserted in the
The “implants which are placed within the jaw bone are bone in the form root, is called the fixture and the other
called endosseous implants,” e.g. blade implants, root part, which is called the abutment, is immediately or later
form endosseous implants. fixed to the fixture and emerges out of the soft tissue to
hold the prosthesis (Fig 2.3).
Blade implants
Transosteal implants
Blade implants, which are very useful for narrow ridge
cases, are available prefabricated in the shape of blades These implants are usually inserted in severely resorbed
with an integrated abutment, which emerges out of the mandibles where placing the endosseous implant may
soft tissue to support the prosthesis (Fig 2.3). The end- lead to mandible fracture. They are mostly used to sta-
osteal blade implant, was introduced independently in bilize loose dentures. The posts are inserted through the
1967 by Leonard Linkow. mandibular basal bone and stabilized with a submandib-
Placement. To place the blade implant, a full thick- ular metal plate (Fig 2.5). This metal plate also prevents
ness flap is elevated to expose the bony ridge and a thin the mandible from getting fractured. These implants are
sharp diamond bur/disc/piezo saw is used to prepare a rarely used, as their insertion requires major surgical
horizontal osteotomy conforming to the size of selected intervention under general anaesthesia.
implant. The implant is tapped into the prepared hori-
zontal slot and the flap is sutured back, leaving the abut- Basal osseointegrated implants (BOI)
ment emerging out of the soft tissue to hold the future
removable or fixed type prosthesis. The blade implants These implants are integrated to the high-density basal
are restored 2 to 3 months after placement (Fig 2.4). bone or their basal discs are engaged bicortically, to
avoid any movement during function. To insert these
implants, a lateral bone cutter is used to prepare a lat-
Endosseous root form implants eral slot through the facial cortical plate and an implant
The two-stage, threaded, titanium root form implant was of exact size and shape is tapped from the lateral access
first invented by Dr Branemark in 1978. These are now into the prepared slot. The flap is sutured around the
2 Clinical Implantology

Abutment posts for holding the


Implants pass through the

mandibular bone

Metal plate with fixation screws

holding the implants

Fig 2.5╇ Diagrammatic presentation of transosteal implant.


Fig 2.6╇ (A) Basal osseointegration implant (B) being placed in the posterior mandible (Courtesy: Prof Dr Stefan KA Ihde, Munich, �Germany).

implant abutment, which emerges out of the soft tissue. Root form implants classified on the basis
These implants usually achieve high initial stability and of surface design
thus can be restored immediately or soon after implanta-
tion. These implants, because they have the advantages Non-threaded implants
of minimum inventories and immediate loading, have These implants do not have any threads along their
gained high popularity and are being widly used by many body, and thus are tapped into the prepared osteotomy
implant surgeons. These implants are very useful for cases slot. The non-threaded implant offers the advantages
with compromised bone volume, limited bone height of more surface area and more bone implant–surface
above the mandibular canal, sinus pneumatization, etc. contact percentage (e.g. the Endopore implant) (Fig
The only disadvantage with these implants is that their 2.7A). The limitations of these implants are that they
placement needs the lateral approach (Fig 2.6). require technique-sensitive placement and only a con-
ventional two-stage protocol can be practised with
these implants.
Classification of endosseous root
form implants Threaded implants
As described earlier in this chapter, endosseous root form These implants are the most widely used and contain
implants are the most widely used implants. Several research threads along the implant body. These implants are
projects and clinical trials have been done and continue to screwed into the prepared osteotomy site. (e.g. Biohori-
be done, to develop an optimal implant design. There are zons implants, Nobel Biocare implants, etc.) (Fig 2.7B).
many parameters which differentiate one root form implant Threaded implants offer several advantages over the non-
from another, and dentists practising or willing to practise threaded implants including ease of placement, more ini-
clinical implantology should know these features and their tial stability even in low-density bone, and the facility to
benefits to successfully choose the correct implant design. practise non-submerged and immediate to early loading
Root form implants can be classified as follows: protocols.

Dental implant designs and surfaces 2

Parallel body implants

The bodies of these implants remain almost parallel,
without any taper. These implants offer the advantage
of more surface area compared to tapered implants of
the same diameter. The only disadvantage with these
implants is their technique-sensitive placement – if oste-
otomy for this implant slightly gets widen with the final
drill, the primary stability of this implant gets reduced or
lost. Further, even in the medium density bone, more no.
of drills need to be used for osteotomy preparation when
compared to the tapered body implant (Fig 2.7C).

Tapered body implants
The body of this implant tapers as it progresses from the
implant platform to the apex. These implants require
minimal drilling and achieve high primary stability even
in low-density bone. The only disadvantage of these
implants is their smaller surface area compared to paral-
lel body implants of similar diameter (Fig 2.7D).

Root form implants classified on the basis

of implant connection
Implants can be classified as implants with the external
connection and implants with internal connection.
External connection (external hex)
In these implants, the implant connection emerges above
the implant platform and acts as the male part, because all
the implant components like abutment, healing screw etc.
get engaged over and around this connection and are fixed
using a connection screw, which is engaged in the prepared
threads through the implant connection into the implant
body. Conventionally most root form implants carry external
connections, and it is claimed that these implants can better
withstand the forces and do not get fractured (Fig 2.7B).

Internal connection (internal hex)

These implants show the connection which remains inside
Fig 2.7╇ Various endosseous root form implants commonly used in the implant body and acts as the female part, because the
practise. (A) Non-threaded implant of Endopore system with hexago- part of all the implant components goes into the implant
nal internal connection. (B) Threaded implant in Maestro, Biohorizons connection and get engaged, further the components are
with square threads and hexagonal external connection. (C) Parallel fixed using the connection screw (Fig 2.7A).
body design of ATID implant with self-tapping thread design from Alpha
Bio. (D) Tapered body SPI implant from Alpha Bio with variable thread Root form implants classified on the basis
design. (E) Tapered implant from Nobel Biocare with triangular internal of connection design
connection. (F) Bicon’s locking (cold welded) tapered internal connection
implant. (G) WP implant from Adin with Morse taper internal connection. The design of the implant connection can vary from sys-
(H) Soft tissue level single-stage implant from Straumann. (I) White sky tem to system.
zirconium implant from Bredent, Germany. (J) ARRP one-piece implant
from Alpha Bio, Israel. Triangular design
It has three faces, thus the abutment can be fixed at any of
the three oriental positions (Fig 2.7E).
Root form implants classified on the basis
of body design Hexagonal design
Depending on the body taper, root form implants can be It has six faces, thus the abutment can be fixed at any of
parallel or tapered body implants. the six oriental positions (Fig 2.7A).

2 Clinical Implantology

Octagonal design Variable thread (corticocancellous)

It has eight faces, thus the abutment can be fixed at any of design implants
the eight oriental positions. These implants contain sharp, self tapping, deep threads
with high pitch value (more space between two threads)
at the apical third of the implant to tap into the prepared
Smooth surface/ non-hex (cold-weld) design osteotomy and to achieve high primary stability in the
This does not have any faces but is a smooth-surface, cancellous bone. Further, these implants have shallow
tube-in-tube connection. It does not need any connec- square threads in the central third of the implant body,
tion screw but the abutment gets firmly engaged and which are easily incorporated in the already prepared
cold-welded into the implant connection (Fig 2.7F). It threads in the bone by the apical deep implant threads.
is claimed that this connection forms a tight seal at the These square threads laterally condense the trabecular
implant abutment–connection interface and prevents bone and enhance the primary stability of the implant.
microbial growth in the connection. The crestal part of these implants has only very shallow
micro-rings, which get easily seated in the osteotomy and
do not exert much pressure on the high-density and low-
Morse taper connection vascular crestal bone. This prevents pressure necrosis of
This is a combination of both hexed and non-hexed (cold- the bone (Fig 2.7D).
welded, tube-in-tube) connections. It has the hex in the
deepest half of the internal connection as the anti rota-
tional feature, where as the smooth non-hexed surface in Root form implants classified on the basis
the crestal half of the connection makes a tight seal to pre- of the crestal polished collar
vent bacterial growth (Fig 2.7G).
Subgingival (two-stage) implants
These are widely used implants and their all part of the
Root form implants classified on the basis fixture is placed within the bony envelop of the ridge
of implant material with their platform is placed at the level of ridge crest
(Fig 2.7A–G).
Titanium alloy implants
Most of the root form implants being currently used are
made of pure titanium or titanium alloys (Fig 2.7A–H). Transgingival (one-stage) implants
These implants have a long polished collar and their plat-
form is placed at the level or above the level of soft tissue
Zirconium implants (transgingival placement) (Fig 2.7H).
Zirconium also osseointegrates with bone like titanium.
It offers additional advantages, such as high aesthetics,
and can be used in patients with titanium allergy. The Root form implants classified on the basis
only disadvantage with the zirconium implant is that it of implant pieces
is made in a single body, because zirconium components
which can be screwed to the zirconium body have not yet Two-piece implants
been developed (Fig 2.7I). Most implants come in two pieces – the fixture is one part
and the other part is the abutment, which is screwed over
Root form implants classified on the basis the fixture to support the prosthesis (Fig 2.7A–H).
of thread design
Implants with various thread designs are available in the One-piece implant
market and each design offers some advantages. This implant comes with the abutment as an integral
part of the fixture (all in one piece). All called single
body implants. These implants are used for immediate
Square/U-shaped (non-cutting) thread implants functional or non-functional restoration after implant
These threads increase the surface area as well the pri- placement. The fabrication of the connection in the
mary stability of the implant. The only disadvantage of implants (with narrow diameters below 3.3 mm) is
these implants is that a special thread former (bone tap) difficult and can weaken the implant body. Initially a
is used to make threads in the finally prepared osteot- few companies started manufacturing these implants
omy to incorporate the implant threads into it, especially in the narrow diameters from 2.5–3 mm for use in
when the implant is being inserted in high-density bone tight spaces (e.g. the mandibular incisors and maxil-
(Fig 2.7B). lary laterals), and to retain dentures in geriatric patients
with narrow edentulous ridges. These implants were
Sharp/V-shaped (cutting) thread (self-tapping) also termed ‘mini implants’ because of their small
size. Later, these single-piece implants were manufac-
implants tured in the regular to wider diameters, for use in cases
These sharp threads are self-tapping and do not require where adequate bone volume and density was avail-
any additional tool to prepare threads in the bone, because able to place and immediately restore these implants
being sharp, they get easily engaged in the bone (Fig 2.7C). (Fig 2.7I and J).
Dental implant designs and surfaces 2

Implant surfaces improved stabilization and larger surface area obtained in

roughened surface implants.
Dental implants with different surface treatments are
available in the market, and their manufacturers claim Modified implant surface
that they are superior to the conventional machined sur-
face titanium implants for predictable quality of osseoin- Conventional machine implant surfaces can be modified
tegration. As a general rule, roughened surfaces increase with either ‘additive methods’ (e.g. hydroxyapatite coat-
the bone–implant contact (BIC) percentage during the ing, plasma spraying, etc.) or ‘subtractive methods’ (e.g.
initial bone healing process. acid-etching, sandblasting, etc.), to improve the implant
Several research studies have been performed to find an surface and its characteristics, to achieve optimal implant
optimal surface treatment to increase mechanical stability osseointegration with the jawbone.
and improve the contact between bone and implant. Many
research projects have provided conclusive scientific evi-
dence that a roughened titanium implant surface improves Sandblasted surface
bone anchoring compared to conventionally machined Titanium metal implants are sandblasted, using agents
titanium surfaces. The rough surface facilitates migration such as aluminium oxide/alumina (Al2O3), titanium
of osteogenic cells to the implant surface for de novo bone dioxide (TiO2), and calcium phosphate to increase sur-
formation (contact osteogenesis). The local mechanical face roughness. The sandblasting not only improves BIC
environment provided by the rough surface implant also percentage, but also improves contact osteogenesis by
influences cellular differentiation and tissue synthesis (dis- allowing the addition, proliferation, and differentiation
tance osteogenesis). The local mechanical environment of the osteoblasts over the implant surface. The few dis-
provided by the rough surface implant shows increased advantages of the sandblasting procedure are the pres-
removal forces, greater BIC percentage, earlier bone– ence of sandblasting material residues on the implant
implant contact , and improved ultimate osseointegration. surface, non-uniform surface treatment, and loss of
The ‘osseointegration’ phenomenon was first described metallic substance from the implant body. A specific
by Branemark and associates and was defined as the direct method to produce calcium phosphate-blasted implants
contact between living bone and a functionally-loaded is also used. The titanium base is submitted to blast-
implant surface without interposed soft tissue at the light ing with calcium phosphate, a resorbable blast material
microscope level. (RBM), followed by a passivity procedure to remove the
Titanium is the metal widely used for dental implant residual calcium phosphate (CaPO4) and it is finally,
manufacturing, either in the commercially pure titanium cleaned. The blast medium is resorbed during these pro-
form (cpTi) or as an alloy, because it shows a variety of cesses, and a surface of pure TiO2 is produced that is free
favourable features like high strength, low weight, high cor- of contaminants (e.g. PTS™/ OsseoFix™ surface of Adin
rosion resistance, low modulus of elasticity, and easy shap- implants).
ing and finishing capability. The titanium alloy (titanium-6
aluminium-4 vanadium [Ti6AI4V]) most frequently used
for implant manufacturing is composed of 90% titanium, Titanium plasma sprayed (TPS) surface
6% aluminium (decreases the specific weight and improves These implants are prepared by spraying molten metal
the elastic modulus) and 4% vanadium (decreases thermal on the titanium base, which results in a surface with
conductivity and increases hardness). irregularly sized and shaped valleys, pores, and crevices,
An implant made of pure titanium or titanium alloy, increasing the microscopic surface area by approximately
when exposed to the air, immediately forms an ‘oxide 10 times. One disadvantage of using these implants is the
layer’ (titanium dioxide [TiO2]) over its surface. This possibility of detachment of titanium after implant inser-
layer comes in contact with the bony tissue and plays an tion (e.g. TPS surface of Friadent implants).
important role in corrosion resistance, biocompatibility
and osseointegration.
The chemical composition of the implant surface can Acid-etched surface
differ markedly from its bulk composition due to man- Acid-etching of titanium implants is performed using
ufacturing processes, such as machining, thermal treat- baths of hydrochloric acid (HCL), nitric acid (HNO3),
ment, blasting, etching, coatings, and even sterilization and sulphuric acid (H2SO4) in specific combinations.
procedures. Surface contamination introduced by these A dual acid-etched technique is also being used by a few
procedures (e.g. traces of metals, ions, lubricants, and manufacturers to produce a microtextured implant sur-
detergents), may alter surface biocompatibility for bet- face which improves the BIC percentage as well as the
ter or worse, even when it is present in small quantities. reverse torque value of the implant. (e.g. Osseotite surface
Based on these considerations, careful control of the com- of 3i implants.)
position of the implant surface becomes a relevant proce-
dure to produce high quality implants.
The following are a few of the most commonly used Sandblasted and acid-etched surface
implant surfaces: A few implant manufacturers have started creating this
surface by first sandblasting to produce macrotexture,
Machined/smooth/turned implant surface followed by acid-etching to produced a final microtex-
tured surface. This surface shows promising results, as
It was the most commonly used surface in the past; these implants have shown high BIC percentage as well as
however, it is not now very commonly used, because of reverse torque value. Other advantages of this surface are
2 Clinical Implantology

higher rate and degree of osseointegration, better osteo- shown higher success rates for HA coated implants used
conductive properties, and higher capability to induce in low-density (D4) bone.
cell proliferation. Many studies and clinical trials have
claimed that these implants, if inserted in bone with ade-
quate volume and density, can be restored after 6 weeks. Summary
In a few clinical situations, after consideration of other
parameters, these implants can immediately be loaded An understanding of the various kinds of implant designs
(e.g. SLA surface of Straumann implants, FRIADENT® and surfaces described in this chapter can be very helpful
plus surface of ANKYLOS® implants, SLA surface of Alpha to the clinician to evaluate the various implants available
Bio implants, etc.) in the market. Though subperiosteal implants are not
now being widely used, they can be very useful for the ver-
tically resorbed mandible, where inadequate bone is left
Anodized surface above the mandibular canal to insert root form implant.
This surface is prepared by applying voltage on titanium Blade implants are also not much in use but can be used
implants immersed in an electrolyte, which results in a in cases with the narrow mandibular ridge, where these
surface with variable diameter micropores. The advan- implants can easily be placed by making a narrow hori-
tages of this surface are improved cell proliferation and zontal slot through the ridge crest. The disadvantage of
attachment, lack of cytotoxicity, and more removal torque blade implants is that these implants need greater mesio-
value in the implant (e.g. TiUnite surface of Nobel Bio- distal ridge dimensions to be placed, compared with the
care implants). root form implants. As described earlier in the chapter
transosteal implants have very limited use and need major
surgical intervention to be correctly placed. Implants with
Hydroxyapatite (HA) coated surface internal connections offer more ease in practise than
Hydroxyapatite coated implants have shown roughness those with external connection. For this reason, more
and functional surface area similar to TPS implants. This manufacturers are switching to the internal connection.
surface shows accelerated interfacial bone formation The Morse taper connection appears good as it has the
and maturation; hence, the direct bonding between the anti-rotational feature and also achieves a tight antibac-
HA coating and the bone is found to be far superior to terial seal in the connection. Implants with the square
the bond between titanium and bone or TPS and bone. thread design achieve more BIC percentage and more
An initial implant-to-bone interface contact is essential promising results; but a special thread former is needed to
for a predictable interface to form. The space or gap seal these implants, especially in high-�density bone. The
between the implant and bone may affect the BIC per- implants with variable thread design and tapered body
centage after healing. Gap healing can be enhanced by offer the advantages of ease of placement and high pri-
the HA coating. The HA coating also reduces the corro- mary stability. The single-stage transgingival implants are
sion rate of the metal (e.g. the HA coated surface of Bio- good for one-stage implant placement but these implants
horizons D4 implants). Some advantages of HA coated should be used only in areas where adequate primary sta-
implants are increased roughness and surface area, bility of the implant can be achieved. Several studies have
enhanced initial implant stability, increased gap healing suggested that the sandblasted plus acid-etched surface
between bone and HA coating, less corrosion of metal, implant and the anodized surface implant achieve faster
faster healing at the bone interface, and stronger bone– osseointegration and thus can be restored immediately or
implant interface. The disadvantages of HA coating are early in some cases. While the implant with HA surface
flaking, cracking or scaling of the coating at implant achieves better and early osseointegration, it should be
insertion (especially in high-density bone), increased used only in low-density bone, and thus can be a better
plaque retention when left exposed to the oral environ- option for the low-density posterior maxilla. The single-
ment or resulted after the crestal bone resorption and piece mini implants can be the preferred option to sup-
marginal soft tissue recession. Coating also increases the port the fixed prosthesis in tight spaces or narrow ridge
cost of the implant. Many studies and clinical trials have and also to retain the overdentures in narrow ridge cases.

Further Reading
Weiss CM, Judy K, Chiarenza A. Precompacted, Steflik DE, et€ al. Osteogenesis at the dental James RA. Tissue behavior in the environment
coined titanium endosteal blade implants. implant interface: high-voltage electron produced by permucosal devices. The den-
J Oral Implantol 1973;3:4. microscopic and conventional transmis- tal implant. Littleton, Mass: PSG Publish-
Deporter DA, Watson PA, Booker D. Simplify- sion electron microscopic observations. ing; 1985.
ing the treatment of edentulism: a new type J Biomed Mater Res 1993;27:791. Russell TE, Kapur SP. Bone surfaces adjacent
of implant. J Am Dent Assoc 1996;127:1343. Roberts HD, Roberts RA. The ramus endosse- to a subperiosteal implant: a SEM study.
Adell R, Lekholm U, Rockler B. A 15-year study ous implant. J Calif Dent Assoc 1970;38:57. J Oral Implantol 1977;8:3.
of osseointegrated implants in the treat- Small IA. The mandibular staple bone plate: Weiss CM, Judy K. Intramucosal inserts: con-
ment of the edentulous jaw. Int J Oral Surg its use and advantages in reconstructive serve edentulous ridges and increase reten-
1981;10:387. surgery. Dent Clin North Am 1986;30:175. tion and stability of removable maxillary
Cox JF, Zarb GA. The longitudinal clinical effi- Weiss CM, Judy K. Modern surgical and design prostheses. Oral Health 1973;63:11.
cacy of osseointegrated dental implants: a considerations and clinical indications for
3-year report. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants subperiosteal implants. Implantologist
1987;2:91. 1978;1:3.
Dental implant designs and surfaces 2
Castilho Guilherme AA, Martins Maximil- Buser D, Nydegger T, Hirt HP, et€al. Removal Piattelli M, Scarano A, Paoloantonio M, et€al.
iano D, Macedo Waldemar AA. Surface torque values of titanium implants in the Bone response to machined and resorbable
characterization of titanium based dental maxillae of miniature pigs. Int J Oral Maxil- blast material titanium implants: an experi-
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interactions with titanium: modulation of implants with a sandblasted and acid-etched Marginal bone loss pattern around hydroxy-
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materials 2001;22:2671–82. mandible. J Biomed Mater Res 1998;40:1–1. titanium implants after up to 12 years of
Ogawa T, Nishimura I. Different bone inte- Hayakawa T, Kiba H, Yasuda S, et€al. A histo- follow – up. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants
gration profiles of turned and acid-etched logic and histomorphometric evaluation 2005;20:238–44.
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2005;76:364–72. clinical trials on ITI SLA implants. Clin Oral
Implants Res 2002;13:144–53.

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Implant inventories and armamentarium
Ajay Vikram Singh 3
CHAPTER CONTENTS HD beside the implant inventories, they need system-specific
surgical kits to place particular implants. In addition,
Introduction 17 implant motor, which is not system-specific, is required
Implant components 17 for osteotomy preparation and other associated implant
Platform switching or the common platform and bone grafting procedures. The author has tried to
concept 23 describe in this chapter, the different kinds of inventories
Armamentarium for the practise and the armamentarium required for basic implant prac-
of implantology 23 tise in a step by step simplified manner, but there may
Inventories used to practise basic implant
be a few variations in specific systems. Thus the author
procedures 27 advises implant surgeons to attend the mentoring pro-
grammes and read the catalogues of particular systems, to
Additional Inventories used to practise advanced brush up complete knowledge of a particular system and
implant procedures 30 its inventories.
Summary 34

Implant components
Introduction As described earlier, a range of implant components are
required to practise implantology and these components
Various kinds of implant inventories and armamentaria are described here in the order in which they are used.
are required to practise basic to advanced implant proce-
. Implant fixture
dures. The novice implant doctor should know that many
2. Implant mount
implant inventories are used to successfully perform the
3. Cover screw
surgical and prosthetic phases of implantation and these
4. Gingival former/healing
screw/healing abutment/per-
inventories may vary in number, size, and shape, depend-
mucosal extension
ing on the implant design and manufacturer. Although
5. Impression post/impression transfer abutment
most implant systems present approximately similar sur-
6. Implant analogue
gical and prosthetic components, most of them remain
7. Abutment
system specific. This means that the surgical or prosthetic
8. Fixation screw
components belonging to one particular implant sys-
tem, usually, cannot be accurately used in any other sys- 1. Implant fixture. The term fixture is used synony-
tem; and often components from one group of implants mously for the implant itself which is inserted and
cannot be used in a different group of implants from gets osseointegrated with the bone (Fig 3.1). It works
the same manufacturer. In various implant systems the as the tooth root, and various kinds of components
prosthetic inventories are implant diameter specific, so are used to cover it, make its impression, and retain
that the implant inventories of the implant with 4€ mm or fix the prosthesis on top of it. The implant fixture
diameter cannot be used for another implant of smaller comes in a sterile vial which remains covered further
or larger diameter. To overcome these problems some in a non-sterile packaging that shows all the details of
implant systems come with a common platform, so that the implant such as its manufacturer, diameter, length,
common prosthetic inventories can be fitted to implants batch no., expiry details, etc. (Fig 3.2). The inner ster-
of any diameter (mix and match prosthetic inventories) ile vial usually contains the implant fixture, its mount,
in the range. Dental practitioners should know that and a cover screw (Fig 3.3).
3 Clinical Implantology

Fast Implant Delivery
(implant mount)



Cover screw
Cover screw holder

Fig 3.1╇ Implant fixture. Fig 3.3╇ Figure showing the implant and its components which the
implant packet usually contains.

be removed and the implant can be further screwed

in using a long implant driver (Fig 3.4A–H). In few
implant systems, the implant fixture does not carry any
mount in its vial, but the implant driver (connected
to the hand ratchet or hand piece), which remains
available in the implant surgical kit indirectly fitted to
implant connection, is used to carry the implant from
its vial to the osteotomy site (Fig 3.5).
3. Cover screw. This is the component that is used to cover
the implant connection during the submerged healing
of the implant (Fig 3.6). It preserves the patency of
the connection by preventing any soft tissue ingrowth
in the connection (Fig 3.7). This component usually
comes with the implant fixture in its sterile vial.
4. Gingival former/healing screw/healing abutment.
This is used to form a healthy, aesthetic emergence
profile of the soft tissue around the implant prosthe-
sis. When the implant is re-exposed after it is osseo-
integrated with the bone, the cover screw is removed
and replaced with a long gingival former and the site
is left to heal for 2 to 3 weeks. After the soft tissue
A B has healed, the removal of the gingival former shows
the healed entry to the implant connection through
Fig 3.2╇ (A) The implant fixture comes in a sterile vial which is covered fur- the soft tissue. Gingival formers are available in differ-
ther in a non-sterile packaging which shows all the details of the implant ent heights and shapes and a specific gingival former
like its make, diameter, length, batch no, expiry, company name, etc. is selected according to the thickness and emergence
(B) The inner sterile vial contains implant fixture, its mount, and cover profile (straight or divergent) of the soft tissue needed
screw. for the future prosthesis (Figs 3.8 and 3.9). In the one-
stage (non-submerged) implant healing protocol; the
gingival former is inserted over the implant immedi-
. Implant
2 mount. The implant mount is a component ately after implant insertion (Fig 3.10).
which usually comes connected with the implant in 5. Impression post/impression transfer abutment. The
its vial and it is used to carry the implant from its impression post is the component that is used to trans-
vial/packaging to the prepared osteotomy site either fer the implant Hex position and orientation from the
by hand or with a ratchet/hand piece adaptor. The mouth to the working cast. Once the soft tissue around
implant fixture surface being highly sterile should not the gingival former has healed, the gingival former
be touched by the gloved hand or any instrument, to is removed and impression post is inserted over the
avoid surface contamination. Thus an implant mount implant. An impression is made in silicon impression
is used to carry the implant from its vial to the prepared material (polyether or additional silicon). The post is
osteotomy. This mount can be fitted to the ratchet and then removed from the implant, assembled with the
used to screw the implant in. Once the implant gets implant analogue, and transferred to the impression
adequately engaged in the osteotomy, the mount can with the same orientation (Fig 3.11).
Implant inventories and armamentarium 3

Implant – fixture

Implant mount





Fig 3.4╇ (A–H) Implant fixture surface being highly sterile should not be touched with gloved hand or any instrument, to avoid surface contamination.
Thus an implant mount is used to carry the implant from its vial to the prepared osteotomy. This mount can be fitted to the ratchet and used to place
the implant into the prepared osteotomy. Once the implant gets adequately engaged in the osteotomy, the mount can be removed and the implant
can be further screwed in, using a long implant driver.
3 Clinical Implantology

Fig 3.5╇ A few manufacturers do not provide the implant mount with the
implant, but an implant driver from the surgical kit, connected to hand
piece, is used to carry the implant from its sterile vial to the prepared Fig 3.6╇ The cover screw usually comes with the implant fixture in its
osteotomy (Courtesy: Dentium implants, Seoul, Korea). sterile vial, and is used to cover the implant connection during its
submerged healing period.



Fig 3.7╇ (A–D) Once the implant is completely seated in the prepared osteotomy, its connection is covered with the cover screw to prevent any soft
tissue ingression in the connection. The cover screw is used in the submerged healing protocol, and therefore the flap is sutured back to cover it.
Implant inventories and armamentarium 3
Types of impression posts 2. Open tray impression post poses deep retention
1. Closed tray impression post poses shallow reten- grooves along its body and a long connection
tion grooves along its body and a short connec- screw. This post is used in the open tray impres-
tion screw. It is used in the closed tray impression sion transfer technique. A part of its long screw
transfer technique. The complete post remains emerges out of the impression tray, and should
under the impression and no part of it emerges be unscrewed before removing the impression
out of the tray. After making the impression, this from the mouth. This post comes out embedded
post is removed from the implant, assembled to in the impression. The analogue is assembled
the analogue, and inserted to the impression with with this post on the inner side of the impres-
the same orientation (Fig 3.12). sion, and impression is poured in dia stone (Figs
3.12 and 3.13).
6. Implant analogue is a component which has a differ-
ent body but its platform and connection are exactly
similar to the implant. The analogue is used to repli-
cate the implant platform and connection in the labo-
ratory mode. The impression post is removed from the
mouth after the impression is made, and it is assem-
bled with the implant analogue that has its platform
and connection design exactly similar to the implant
in the mouth. This impression post with analogue is
transferred to the impression at the same position and
orientation and the impression is poured with dental
stone plaster (Figs 3.14 and 3.15).
7. Abutments are, expressed simply, the components
that are finally screwed to implants to hold the final
prosthesis. Once the dentist has transferred the
implant connection position and orientation, using
the impression post and analogue, from the patient’s
mouth to the working cast, an appropriate final abut-
ment is screwed onto the analogue and milled to the
required shape and angulation. The prosthesis is fab-
Fig 3.8╇ The cover screw is replaced with long healing abutment/gingi- ricated over this abutment in the prosthetic laboratory
val former to form a healthy entry to the implant through the soft tissue and sent back to the clinician. The clinician transfers
(Courtesy: Alpha-Bio Implant Systems, Israel). this abutment to the implant in the patient’s mouth



Fig 3.9╇ (A–H) In the two-stage (submerged healing) implant healing protocol, the implant is uncovered with incision or using a soft tissue punch, after
it get osseointegrated with the bone and the cover screw is replaced with a gingival former. The gingival former is left in place for a minimum for 2 to
3 weeks to achieve a healed soft tissue around the implant platform.
3 Clinical Implantology


Fig 3.10╇ (A–C) In the one-stage (non-submerged) implant healing protocol; the gingival former is inserted over the implant immediately after implant

c. Anatomical/aesthetic abutments. These abut-

ments have an anatomical finish line to obtain
a better aesthetics at the cervical region of
the implant prosthesis in the aesthetic region
(Fig 3.19F).
d. Zirconium abutments. Used under metal-free
zirconium prostheses. They avoid the display
of the metal abutment collar through thin mar-
ginal soft tissue (Fig 3.19K).
e. Temporary abutments. Used chairside to make a
provisional prosthesis over the implant (Fig 3.19J).
3. Plastic/castable abutments for screw-retained fixed
prosthesis: These abutments are used to fabricate
screw-retained prostheses as they can be cast to
make a metal framework that can directly be fixed
to the implant. Plastic abutments can be available
with or without titanium base. These can be avail-
able as straight plastic abutments or angled plastic
Fig 3.11╇ Once soft tissue gets healed, the gingival former is removed abutments (Fig 3.19H and I) (Also see Chapter 11).
and an impression abutment is inserted to make the impression. 4. Abutments for abutment level screw-retained
fixed prosthesis or bar retained overdentures:
These titanium abutments, also called ‘abutment
for screw’ are first screwed onto the implants and
used to fabricate screw-retained detachable hybrid
with same orientation as on the model, and the pros- prostheses and to fabricate the bar framework for
thesis is fixed onto this abutment (Fig 3.16A–F). the bar-retained dentures (Fig 3.19L) (Also see
â•…â•… Chapter 11 and Chapter 22).
Types of Abutments 5. Engaging and non-engaging abutments:
Various types of abutments are used in implantology a. Engaging abutments have the triangular/hex/
depending on the kind of prosthesis, the dentist has octave connection and so can be fixed to implants
planned to deliver to the patient (Fig 3.17). only at few particular oriental positions. It is the
In a simplified manner, abutments can be classified antirotational feature and should be used in
according to their use. most prosthetic situations (Fig 3.19A).
â•…â•… b. Non-engaging abutments do not have any tri-
1. Abutments for ball retained overdentures: used angular/hex/octave connection and so can be
to retain ball retained overdentures (Figs 3.18 fixed to the implant at any orientation. These
and 3.19). abutments can be used in cases of a joint pros-
2. Abutments for cement-retained fixed prosthesis: thesis fixed over multiple implants (Fig 3.19O).
a. Straight abutments. Available in different 6. UCLA abutment: The UCLA abutment is a cast-
diameters, lengths and soft tissue collar height able abutment. It is offered with a machined
(Fig 3.19A–D). gold alloy base or in a fully castable version.
b. Angled abutments. Available with 5°, 15°, 25°, It may be used for single- or multiunit screw or
and 30° angulations. Used for prosthetic angu- cement-retained restorations. It may correct angles
lation correction of an implant that is placed at up to 30° when cast as a customized abutment
an angle to the prosthetic axis (Fig 3.19 E–G). (Fig 3.19P).
Implant inventories and armamentarium 3

Closed tray post Open tray post


Fig 3.12╇ (A and B) Closed tray impression posts (left) with shallow retention grooves and short connection screw and open tray impression posts
(right) with deep retention grooves and long fixation screws. (C) Closed tray posts connected to implants in the mouth before making impression.

Connection screw. This screw is used to connect any the inventories for implants of varying diameters that
abutment or screw-retained prosthesis to the implant fix- he/she has used, at every step of the surgical and prosthetic
ture. It comes with all kinds of abutments in the same phases. The components for a particular implant that
packaging (Fig 3.19Q). he/she has in stock are not going to fit an implant of a dif-
â•…â•… ferent diameter. To overcome this problem, a few manu-
7. Multiunit abutment: This special abutment is used facturers started making implants with a similar platform
to correct extreme angulation. It is first connected so that any of the components could be fitted to any
to the implant with the help of a connection screw implant in a particular system, irrespective of diameter.
and then other prosthetic components of choice When the smaller diameter abutment is used over the
can be screwed on top of it. It is available in regular to wider diameter implant, it forms an implant–
17° and 30° angulations. This abutment is widely abutment junction narrower than the diameter of the
being used in ‘All on 4’ and ‘All on 6’ techniques implant, apical to and diameter of abutment occlusal to
(Fig 3.20A–C). this junction. When such implants were used, clinicians
found that this narrow implant–abutment junction pro-
vided stress-free space for the formation of thick bone
Platform switching or the common and soft tissue in the crestal region. Several studies have
platform concept been done on this platform switching concept and it has
been concluded that platform switching may reduce the
As described earlier, in many systems implant com- crestal bone resorption around the loaded implant by as
ponents are implant-diameter specific and the abut- much as 70% (Fig 3.21A and B).
ment, impression abutment, gingival former, etc. of
an implant with a specific diameter cannot be fitted to
another implant of a different diameter, even within the Armamentarium for the practise
same system. These divergent component platforms for of implantology
implants of different diameters force the clinician to keep
stock of several inventories for use in particular diameter Besides the general dental setup, the dental surgeon needs
implants. The clinician must also keep patient records of to have several specific tools to practise basic to advanced
all implants inserted, so that he/she can be ready with all dental implant procedures. There are a few basic tools which
3 Clinical Implantology



Fig 3.13╇ (A) Open tray posts inserted to the implants, (B and C) the long connection screws of the posts are emerging out of the impression tray.
(D) The connection screws should be unscrewed before removing impression from the implant so that the post comes out embedded in the impression.


Fig 3.14╇ (A and B) Impression post is removed from the mouth and assembled with the implant analogue which has different body; but the connec-
tion is exactly similar to the implant.

are mandatory for the implant dentist to practise implant A. Inventories used to practise basic implant procedures
procedures and others can be added later depending on 1. Dental implant surgical kit
the kind of advanced implant procedures the implant sur- 2. Implant motor (physiodispensor)
geon wishes to perform. These tools are described accord- 3. Rotary reduction hand pieces
ing to their use in particular implant techniques. 4. Basic oral surgery instruments
Implant inventories and armamentarium 3




Fig 3.15╇ (A–G) The post is assembled with the implant analogue and seated into the impression with the same orientation as in the mouth. The
impression is first poured with soft tissue replicating material (Gi-Mask) followed by dental stone. The impression post removed from the cast and
final abutment of choice is inserted.

5. Surgical draping fresh extraction socket, guided bone regenera-

6. Cleaning and sterilization equipment tion, the sub-antral and lateral approach of sinus
B. Additional inventories for the practise of advanced grafting, ridge splitting techniques, block grafting
implant procedures techniques, nerve transposition techniques, dis-
Inventories required to perform the specific implant traction osteogenesis, soft tissue grafting, etc. are
procedures like immediate implantation in the mentioned in related chapters.
3 Clinical Implantology



Fig 3.16╇ (A and B) An appropriate final abutment in inserted to the analogue at the working cast and the prosthesis is fabricated onto it. (C–E) The
gingival former is removed from the implant and the final abutment is transferred from the cast to the implant, with the same orientation. (F) The
prosthesis is fixed onto it.

Fig 3.17╇ Various types of abutments used in implantology for different kinds of implant prostheses (Courtesy: Alpha-Bio implant system, Israel).


Fig 3.18╇ (A) Ball abutments are screwed over the implants in the patient’s mouth. (B) Metal housings (caps) in the denture. When the overdenture is
seated in the mouth, these metal housings get locked over the ball abutments and thus provide adequate retention of the denture.
Implant inventories and armamentarium 3
system specific (e.g. for the placement of Biohorizons
implants, one cannot use the surgical kit of the Nobel
Biocare implant system and vice versa), but in addition,
a particular system may also have different kits for dif-
ferent series of implants (e.g. different surgical kits are
required to place the Maestro [external hex], tapered,
internal, or one-piece implants in the Biohorizons
implant system) (Fig 3.22A and B).
A B C D E F Tools in the implant surgical kit. The implant surgical
kits of most systems are well designed to make it easy for
the dental surgeon to understand and use them during
implant placement surgery. The implant kits may contain
variable numbers and types of components depending on
the particular system, but usually almost all the systems
contain the following common inventories:
1. Drills. All implant surgical kits contain a set of surgical
drills which are sequentially used for preparation of
G H I J K osteotomies for different diameter implants of a par-
ticular system (Fig 3.23). These drills can be of the fol-
lowing types:
a. Large round carbide bur: specially used to remove
bony irregularities and fibrous tissues, and to flat-
ten the sharp and irregular ridge crest before oste-
otomy preparation for the implant (Fig 3.24A).
b. Small round carbide bur: Used to mark the implant
site and to make an entry through the hard cortical
bone at the ridge crest (Fig 3.24B).
L M N O c. Pilot drill: This is the first drill which is used to
make an entry to the complete depth. For example,
if the length of the planned implant is 13€mm, this
drill should be used until 13€mm depth from the
ridge crest is achieved. Most systems have a 2€mm
diameter pilot drill (Fig 3.24C).
d. Width-increasing/widening drills: This is a set of
the drills sequentially increasing in diameter, used
after the pilot drill to widen the osteotomy to the
P Q same depth. All the drills (pilot and widening
drills) have definitive markings along the length
Fig 3.19╇ Different kinds of abutments and connection screw. (A) Straight of the drills, representing the lengths of different
abutment with short gingival collar. (B) Straight abutment with long gin- implants available in a particular system. These
gival collar for deep seated implants. (C) Straight abutment with long markings guide the surgeon during drilling, to drill
gold-hued gingival collar to avoid see-through of the black metal collar up to a particular depth marking (Fig 3.24D–H).
through thin marginal soft tissues. (D) Long straight abutment for long 2. Parallel guide/depth guide/force direction indicators:
crown height. (E) Angled abutment to correct angulation problem of the The surgical kit may contain multiple numbers of par-
implant prosthesis. (F) Anatomical (aesthetic collar) abutment for maxil- allel guides (Figs 3.25 and 3.26A). These guides are
lary anterior implant. (G) Angled abutment with gold-hued aesthetic collar. used for:
(H and I) Plastic (castable) abutments (straight and angled) for screw- a. accurate measurement of depth in radiographs
retained prosthesis. (J) Temporary abutment to immediately temporize taken after pilot drilling (called the depth guide).
the implant. (K) Zirconium abutment for the metal free zirconium prosthe- b. to visualize the 3-dimensional parallelism during drill-
sis. (L) TCT abutment for abutment level, screw-retained, fixed prosthesis ing for multiple implants (called the parallel guide).
or bar-retained dentures. (M) Ball abutment for ball retained overdenture c. to visualize the direction of the occlusal force
(metal cap – above). (N) Angled ball abutment for overdenture to correct on the future implant (called the force direction
angulation problem. (O) Non-engaging abutment. (P) UCLA abutment. indicator).
(Q) Connection screw (Courtesy: Alpha-Bio implant system, �Israel). ╅╅
Parallel and spacing guide: This special guide can be
used for precise spacing and parallel placement of mul-
tiple implants (Fig 3.26B and C). After the pilot drilling
Inventories used to practise basic for one implant site, this tool is inserted. The pilot drilling
implant procedures of the next implant is done through the hole in this guide,
as shown in the figure.
1. Dental implant surgical kit â•…â•…
The dental implant surgical kit contains several surgical 3. Drill stoppers: These stoppers can be fitted to drills
tools for implant placement. All dental implant kits are with different diameters to prevent over–drilling,
3 Clinical Implantology


Fig 3.20╇ (A) Multiunit abutment connected to the implant fixture. (B) TCT abutment is fixed over the multiunit abutment. (C) To deliver a screw-
retained prosthesis (all on 4) to the patient (Courtesy: Alpha-Bio implant system, Israel).


Fig 3.21╇ (A) Implant without the platform switching feature at implant abutment junction. (B) Implant with the platform switching feature at implant
abutment junction.

specially in the area of vital structures like the man- preparation and sinus membrane. Any perforation that
dibular canal and the sinus floor (Fig 3.27A and B). may have occurred during osteotomy preparation can
╇ 4. Bone tap/thread former: These are the special drills used also be checked by gently moving its tip along the pre-
at very slow speed (20–40€ rpm) before implant inser- pared osteotomy walls (Fig 3.31A and B).
tion, to make threads in the bone along the prepared ╇ 8. Implant insertion tool/implant driver: This tool is
osteotomy walls. These bone taps are implant-design used to drive the implant during its insertion in the
specific and are used when an implant with non-cutting/ prepared osteotomy. This can be rotary hand piece
non self-tapping threads (e.g. Maestro implant from Bio- driven or hand ratchet driven (Fig 3.32A and B).
horizons), is inserted in a high-density bone to reduce ╇ 9. Ratchet: Ratchets are used to insert implants with the
the chances of pressure necrosis of the bone (Fig 3.28). help of the implant driver connected to it. Ratchets can
╇ 5. Crestal bone drill/countersink drill: These are the be of two types:
special drills used at high speed (1500–2000€ rpm), a. Ratchet wrench: simple ratchet without any torque
before implant insertion limited to the crestal part of measurement (Fig 3.33A).
the bone to submerge/countersink the wider platform b. Torque ratchet: allows the clinician to accurately
of the implant into the high-density cortical part of the apply the recommended pre-load torque for surgery
ridge crest (e.g. Maestro implant from Biohorizons) and prosthetics. The torque level can be adjusted
(Fig 3.29). from 0 to 45€Ncm to check the primary stability of
╇ 6. Drill extender: Can be fitted to any drill to extend the inserted implant and to tighten the connection
its length for easy drilling access in narrow spaces screw before final prosthetic loading of the implant
between adjacent teeth (Fig 3.30). (Fig 3.33B).
╇ 7. Implant depth probe: It has definitive markings along 10. Screwdriver/Hex driver: This tool is used to drive the
its length for depth evaluation of a prepared osteot- connection screw/cover screw/gingival former, etc. It
omy. Its gently rounded apex simplifies depth measure- can be hand driven or rotary hand piece driven (Fig
ments and provides easy, tactile examination of bone 3.34A and B).
Implant inventories and armamentarium 3
2. Implant motor (physiodispensor) bone and during implant insertion with hand piece
This is the surgical motor specially used for the implant at slow speed.
insertion (Fig 3.35). The physiodispensor is mandatory b. Speed control. It must be 20€rpm (speed required
for dentists to insert dental implants. It should have the for implant insertion) to 2500€rpm (speed required
following special features: for drilling in hard bone) when using a 20:1 speed
â•…â•… reduction hand piece.
a. Torquecontrol. The implant motor should have c. Saline irrigation control. It should have a con-
torque control from 0 to 50€Ncm, so that the hand trolled saline flow during osteotomy preparation to
piece does not stop rotating during drilling in hard reduce the overheating of bone during drilling.
d. Hand piece selection. It should offer the option of
a range of hand pieces to be connected to it – at least
a 1:1 hand piece for osteoplasty, bone harvesting,
sinus window preparation, etc. and a 20:1 reduc-
tion hand piece for implant osteotomy preparation.
e. Programmes. It should have different programmes
that can be set for a particular implant procedure to
make the surgery easy and comfortable.
f. Forward and reverse function. This feature helps
in taking the drill/implant out, if it stops in the
bone. It is also very useful for removing the cover
screw and gingival former from the implant.
g. Foot control. The motor should have a foot control
with speed, forward, and reverse functions.
A h. Autoclavable implant motor cord. This is required
to maintain the surgical asepsis.

3. Rotary hand pieces

The following hand pieces can be used in implantology
a. 1:1 Straight or contra angle hand piece can be
used for osteoplasty, autogenous bone harvesting,
sinus window preparation, etc. (Fig 3.36B and C).
b. 20:1 Speed reduction hand piece is a standard one,
which is used to prepare osteotomy, bone tapping,
and implant insertion (Fig 3.36A). Other reduction
hand pieces which can also be optionally used for
implant osteotomy preparation are 16:1 and 30:1
B reduction hand pieces.
c. Newer generation fibre optic hand pieces are also
Fig 3.22╇ (A) Surgical kit of the Osstem implant system. (B) Surgical kit of available for better visibility during implant inser-
the Zimmer Dental implant system. tion procedures (Fig 3.36D).â•…â•…

2.0 mm widening/ width increasing drills

diameter 2.8 mm 3.2 mm 3.65 mm 4.3 mm 5.2 mm
Pilot diameter diameter diameter diameter diameter
drill drill drill drill drill drill

3.3 mm 3.75 mm 4.2 mm 5.0 mm 6.0 mm


13 mm

Fig 3.23╇ Drill sequence for different diameter implants (Courtesy: Alpha-Bio implant system, Israel).
3 Clinical Implantology


Fig 3.24╇ (A) Large round carbide bur. (B) Small round carbide bur. (C) Pilot/depth drill. (D–H) Width-increasing/osteotomy-widening drills.

a. Lips and cheek retractors for better visibility during

b. A good set of diagnostic instruments.
c. Bone-measuring calliper, to measure the bone
width after raising flap.
d. Bone rongeur, to remove any sharp or irregular bone
from the ridge crest. It can also be used to harvest
soft cancellous bone from the maxillary tuberosity.
e. Different kinds of periosteal elevators.
f. B.P. handles.
g. A set of good quality needle holders, scissors, artery
forceps, etc.

A 5. Cleaning and sterilization equipment

Implant surgery procedures must be done with high ste-
rility and asepsis to reduce post implantation infections.
a. Ultra sonic cleaner All implant drills, drivers, keys,
instruments, and other inventories must be cleaned
in a good quality ultrasonic cleaner to remove all
the blood clots/debris etc. before placing the instru-
ments in the autoclave (Fig 3.38A). The author rec-
ommends the ultrasonic cleaning of all instruments
every time, before and after implant surgery.
b. Fumigator The implant surgery operation theatre/
chamber must be fumigated with formalin fumiga-
tor to kill all the microorganisms (Fig 3.38B).
B c. Autoclave/steriliser the author recommends a
good quality sterilizer with automatic dry cycles to
Fig 3.25╇ (A) Parallel guide pins are used to check for adequate paral- sterilize all the implant kit and instruments before
lelism between future implants as well as to check (B) the direction of using them in implant surgery (Fig 3.38C).
occlusal force from the opposing teeth.

Additional Inventories used

4. Basic oral surgery instruments
to practise advanced implant
The dentist needs to have at least the basic oral surgery
instruments to perform implant procedures. All of these There are many additional inventories that the implant sur-
instruments must be autoclavable. The following instru- geon should have to practise advanced implant procedures.
ments are the basic requirement for the implant clinician All the procedure- and technique-specific inventories are
(Fig 3.37).â•…â•… described in subsequent related chapters of this book.
Implant inventories and armamentarium 3


Fig 3.26╇ (A) Depth guide/parallel pin. (B and C) Spacing guide from the Alpha-Bio implant system, Israel.

Fig 3.30╇ Implant drill extender.


Fig 3.27╇ (A) Drill stopper fitted to the drill (B) which prevents overdrilling
(Courtesy: Alpha-Bio implant system, Israel).

Fig 3.28╇ Bone tape/thread former for 4€mm diameter (Biohorizons Mae-
stro implant).

Fig 3.31╇ (A) IDG Implant depth probe (Courtesy: Alpha-Bio implant sys-
tems, Israel) is a very useful tool to check any inadvertent perforation (B)
Fig 3.29╇ Crestal bone drill (CBD) for Biohorizons Maestro implant. that has occurred during osteotomy preparation.
3 Clinical Implantology


B Fig 3.34╇ (A) A screwdriver being used to drive in the implant cover screw
and (B) connection screw of the abutment.
Fig 3.32╇ (A) Rotary hand piece driven implant driver (Courtesy: Dentium
Co Ltd, Seoul, Korea). (B) Hand ratchet-driven implant driver of Alpha-
Bio implant system.


Fig 3.33╇ (A) Ratchet wrench (Courtesy: Tatum Surgicals). (B) Torque ratchet (Courtesy: Ankylos system).

Implant inventories and armamentarium 3



Fig 3.35╇ Implant motors (Courtesy: Bein Air).


Fig 3.37╇ (A) Orringer retractor. (B) Columbia lip retractor. (C) Vestibular
retractor. (D) Cawood Minnesota retractor. (E) Micro elevator. (F) Buser
periosteal elevator. (G) Needle holder. (H) Scissor. (I) Tissue holding for-
ceps. (J) Scalpel handle. (K) Ridge mapping calliper. (L) Autoclavable
stainless steel suction tip. (M) Bone rongeur (Courtesy: Salvin Dental
Specialties Inc., 3450 Latrobe Drive, Charlotte, NC 28211, U.S.A.
and Amron Instruments, Sark Health Care, India).


Fig 3.36╇ (A) 20:1 speed reduction hand piece for implant osteotomy
preparation. (B and C) 1:1 straight and contra angle hand pieces for
bone modification and harvesting procedures. (D) Newer generation fibre
optic 20:1 contra angle hand piece can also be used for better con-
trol and visibility during implant osteotomy preparation (Courtesy: W&H
Dental, India).


Fig 3.38╇ (A) Ultrasonic cleaner from Coltene Whaledent. (B) Fumigator. (C) Front loading autoclave with automatic dry cycle.
3 Clinical Implantology

Summary or the open tray impression using open tray posts. After
making the indirect impression, the laboratory uses the
The dental implant now has been established as one of implant analogue and assembles it with the post before
the most preferred options for missing tooth replacement pouring the impression. After the final working cast has
and many dentists are already practising this procedure or been removed from the impression, the impression post
are willing to incorporate implants in their practise. Fur- is replaced with an appropriate final abutment and the
ther, there are now several implant systems in the market prosthesis is fabricated onto it. In cases where the dentist
with different implant designs and their specific compo- has instructed the lab to fabricate the screw retained pros-
nents. This range and variety may often make it difficult thesis, the laboratory uses the plastic/castable/burn out
for the novice dentist to understand and use implants abutment and fabricates the screw-retained prosthesis.
and their components. To overcome this problem, a The mechanical torque ratchet is used to evaluate initial
generic terminology has been developed to facilitate implant stability and also to finally tighten the connec-
easy communication between implant team members tion screw at 35€ Ncm, before fixing the final prosthesis.
and the prosthetic laboratory. Regardless of the implant The implant inventories described in this chapter may
system used, the generic terms describe the function of vary in number, shape, and size in various implant sys-
the component. During the surgical phase of implant tems. Therefore, the author strongly suggests that dentists
treatment, the fixture or implant is inserted in the bone thoroughly read the catalogue of a particular implant sys-
and covered with the cover screw. Once the implant has tem or attend the manufacturer’s mentoring programs to
osseointegrated with the bone, the implant is uncovered completely understand the selected system before using it
and the cover screw is removed and replaced with a gin- on patients. This can minimize the chances of errors dur-
gival former. The restorative dentist removes the gingival ing and after the implant insertion. The author has com-
former and places the abutment or makes the implant piled and described inventories mostly on the basis of his
body impression, using the impression abutment. The clinical experience with the various implant systems, but
implant fixture impression may use the direct or indirect there can be few special inventories in any specific system
technique. Further, in the indirect technique, the dentist that readers can only learn of from the particular system’s
may use the closed tray impression using closed tray posts catalogue.

Further Reading
Maestro and Prodigy surgical and prosthetic Screw- vent and advent surgical and prosthetic Vela-Nebot X, et€ al. Benefits of an implant
manuals. Birmingham, AL: Biohorizons manuals. Carlsbad, CA: Zimmer Dental; platform modification technique to reduce
Implant Systems; 2005. 2005. crestal bone resorption. Implant Dent
Glossary of prosthodontic terms. J Prosthet Cranin AN. Glossary of implant terms. J oral 2006;15:313–20.
Dent 1999;81:39–110. Implant 1990;16:57–63. English CE. Externally hexed implants, abut-
Nobel perfect implant placement/ restorative Surgical manual screw internal hex implant ments, and transfer devices: a comprehen-
manual. Gteburg, Sweden: Nobelbiocare system, Alpha-Bio Tec, Israel. sive overview. Implant Den 1992;1:273–83.
AB; 2005. Implants, prosthetics and surgical instrumen- Boggan RS, Strong JT, Misch CE, et€al. Influence
Canullo L, et€al. Platform switching and mar- tations, manual of Alpha-Bio Implants of hex geometry and prosthetic table width
ginal bone-level alterations: the results of 2011, Israel on static and fatigue strength of dental
a randomized-controlled trial. Clin Oral Atieh MA, et€ al. Platform switching for mar- implants. J Prosthet Dent 1999;82:436–40.
Implants Res 2010;21:115–21. ginal bone preservation around dental Soblonsky S, editor: Illustrated dictionary of
Straumann dental implants product catalog, implants: a systematic review and meta- dentistry. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 182.
Andover, MA, 2005. analysis. J Perio 2010;81:1350–66. Niznick GA. The implant abutment connec-
Baumgarten H, et€al. A new implant design for Sutter F, Weber IIP, Sorenson J, et€al. The new tion: the key to prosthetic success. Com-
crestal bone preservation: initial observa- restorative concept of the ITI dental implant pend Contin Educ Dent 1991;12:932–7.
tions and case report. Pract Proceed Aesthet system: design and engineering. Int J Peri- Jalbout Z, Tbourina G. International congress
Dent 2005;17:735–40. odontics Restorative Dent 1993;13:409–31. of oral implantologists: glossary of implant
Misch CE, Misch CM. Generic terminology Rodríguez-Ciurana X, et€ al. The effect of term. Upper Montclair, NJ: ICOI/NYU;
for endosseous implant prosthodontics. interimplant distance on the height of the 2003.
J Prosthet Dent 1992;68:809–12. interimplant bone crest when using plat- Adin dental implants - catalog. Israel: Adin
Lazzara RJ, et€ al. Platform switching: a new form-switched implants. Int J Perio Rest Dental Implants System; 2011.
concept in implant dentistry for controlling Dent 2009;29:141–51.
postoperative crestal bone levels. Int J Perio Tarnow DP, et€ al. The effect of inter-implant
Rest Dent 2006;26:9–17. distance on the height of the inter-implant
bone crest. J Perio 2000;71:546–9.

Prosthetic options on implants
Ajay Vikram Singh 4
CHAPTER CONTENTS HD also be preferred in cases with limited crown height space,
to avoid repeated dislodgement of the implant prosthesis.
Introduction 35 â•…â•…
Implant prosthetic options for partially 1. Single tooth replacement
edentulous patients 35 a. Cement-retained ceramic prosthesis. A metal
Implant prosthetic options for completely or ceramic abutment is finally screwed over the
edentulous patients 36 implant and a metal or ceramic crown is fixed
Metal-free zirconium prosthesis 38 onto it using appropriate luting cement (Fig 4.1A
Summary 40
and B). The cement-retained ceramic prosthesis is
preferred in most single-tooth implant situations,
anterior as well as posterior.
b. Screw-retained ceramic prosthesis. A metal or
ceramic crown is fabricated in the laboratory using
Introduction a castable burnout abutment. The screw-retained
crown is directly screwed to the implant using a
With advances in implant design and implant compo- connection screw and the screw hole is sealed,
nent technology, many prosthetic options are available first using the gutta-percha, followed by a tooth-
in implantology, which the dentist can offer to his/her coloured composite material over it (Fig 4.2A–C).
patients, according to their aesthetic and functional needs 2. Multiple tooth replacement. Depending on the
and expectations. There can be several factors, like the bone density and bone volume available to insert the
age of the patient, bone density and bone availability at implant, either an individual implant is inserted for
the implant site, the nature of soft tissue, force factors, each unit of a prosthesis or a joint prosthesis is given
the aesthetic and functional demands of the patient, the in bridge form over a small number of implants. If
socioeconomic status of the patient, and the time span adequate amount of bone is available to insert long
available to complete the treatment, that affect the choice and wide implants, if bone density at the site is suffi-
of prosthesis. The choice of the implant prosthesis should cient (e.g. anterior and posterior mandible) or if force
be made along with diagnosis and treatment planning factors are minimum (e.g. anterior maxilla and ante-
and there should be a thorough discussion with the rior mandible) fewer implants can be inserted to sup-
patient, well before implant insertion surgery. Here are port a multiunit bridge (Fig 4.3). In situations where
a few implant prosthetic options that can be offered to bone dimensions and bone density are compromised
patients in different clinical situations. (e.g. posterior maxilla), an implant is inserted to sup-
port each individual unit of the prosthesis.
a. Individual implant for each tooth (cement- or
Implant prosthetic options for screw-retained). If bone dimensions and bone
partially edentulous patients density are compromised and force factors are on
the higher side (e.g. posterior maxilla) a minimum
The partially edentulous patient can be successfully treated of one implant should be inserted to support each
with cement- or screw-retained fixed implant prosthesis. prosthesis (Fig 4.4A and B).
The cement-retained prosthesis is preferred in such cases b. Implant bridge (cement- or screw-retained). If
but the screw-retained prosthesis can be used if there are bone density is higher and force factors are low,
multiple implants and the exposed screw hole is detrimen- the multiunit prosthesis can be supported by fewer
tal in the aesthetic view. The screw-retained prosthesis can implants (Fig 4.5A and B).
4 Clinical Implantology


Fig 4.1╇ (A) Final abutment inserted on implant and (B) ceramic crown fixed over it, using luting cement.


Fig 4.2╇ (A) Implant before prosthetic loading (mirror image); (B) screw-retained ceramic crown fixed over the implant; (C) screw hole closed using
tooth-coloured composite.

Implant prosthetic options for

completely edentulous patients
For completely edentulous patients, the dental implant
is the only option to support a full-arch, fixed prosthe-
sis or to retain loose dentures. Beside the conventional,
full-arch, implant-supported prosthesis, advancement in
implant component engineering has brought multiple
graft-less options (‘all on 4’/‘all on 6’ techniques) for
edentulous patients, to deliver fast and fixed prostheses
or implants retained overdentures.
1. Implant-supported removable prosthesis (implant
overdenture). Depending on the dentist’s preference
Fig 4.3╇ If available bone volume and density allow placing longer and and various clinical parameters, usually two types of
adequate diameter implants with adequate amount of primary stability and ‘implant overdentures’ are delivered to patients.
bone implant contact percentage, a multiple unit bridge can be delivered a. Ball-retained overdentures. Two to four implants
over a few implants (Courtesy: Nobel Biocare). are inserted in the anterior mandible while 4–6
Prosthetic options on implants 4


Fig 4.4╇ (A and B) Four implants are inserted in the posterior maxilla to support a four-unit ceramic prosthesis.


Fig 4.5╇ (A) Only two implants are inserted to support a four-unit ceramic bridge, (B) in lower anterior region.


Fig 4.6╇ (A) Three implants with ball abutments in the anterior mandible, (B) ‘O’ rings over the ball abutments, (C) ‘O’ rings transferred to the

implants are inserted in the anterior maxilla; ball provides adequate retention and stability to the
abutments or ‘locator abutments’ are inserted over denture (Fig 4.7A–C).
the implants. The ‘O’ rings or metal housings are 2. Implant-supported fixed prosthesis. There are mul-
fitted into the tissue surface of the denture and they tiple options for the implant-supported fixed prosthe-
get locked over the ball abutments or locator abut- sis. Usually a number of implants are inserted in the
ments, when the dentures are seated in the mouth. jawbone and the multiple unit ceramic or hybrid pros-
These implants provide adequate retention to the thesis is fixed over these implants. The following are
dentures (Fig 4.6A–C). different options for the full-arch implant-supported
b. Bar-retained overdentures. A metal bar is fabri- fixed prosthesis:
cated in the laboratory and fixed over the implants. a. Screw or cement-retained ceramic prosthesis.
Special header clips are fixed into the tissue sur- After thorough diagnosis and treatment planning,
face of the denture, which gets locked over the bar, several implants (with the best possible dimensions
when the denture is seated in the mouth. The bar for each implant) are inserted and placed at the best
4 Clinical Implantology


Fig 4.7╇ (A) A metal bar is fixed over the implants, (B) denture with the header clips fitted into the tissue surface. (C) Overdenture seated over the


Fig 4.8╇ (A and B) Full-arch cement-retained ceramic prosthesis is fixed on several implants.


Fig 4.9╇ (A and B) Screw-retained ceramic prosthesis fixed on four implants.

possible positions in the jawbone, after consider- prefabricated resin teeth and the prosthesis is acryl-
ation of prosthetic biomechanics and force factors. ized using heat-cured resin. The resulting prosthe-
The full-arch screw or cement-retained prosthesis is sis is fixed on the implants using fixation screws
fixed over these implants (Figs 4.8 and 4.9). (Figs 4.10 and 4.11).
b. Screw or cement-hybrid prosthesis. Several
implants are inserted at the best possible positions
in the jawbone. The impression of these implants Metal-free zirconium prosthesis
is made with the indirect technique and a metal
framework is fabricated in the dental laboratory, The metal-free zirconium prosthesis can be preferred
and passively seated over these implants. The over the porcelain fused to metal prosthesis, to achieve
tooth setting is done over this framework using desired aesthetic results (Figs 4.12 and 4.13).
Prosthetic options on implants 4

Fig 4.10╇ Screw-retained hybrid prosthesis can be fixed on multiple implants inserted in the jawbone. The connection screws pass through the
prosthesis and fix the prosthesis to the implants. The screw holes of the prosthesis are sealed using either gutta-percha or aesthetic composite
(Courtesy: Nobel Biocare).



Fig 4.11╇ (A) Occlusal view of screw-retained hybrid prosthesis on model, (B) frontal view of prosthesis on model, (C) implants in mouth before
fixing the screw-retained hybrid prosthesis, (D) prosthesis fixed over the implants. The screw holes can be closed either with gutta-percha or
4 Clinical Implantology


Fig 4.12╇ (A) Single body implant (B) unaesthetic porcelain fused to metal crown replaced with (C) aesthetic zirconium (Procera) crown.


Fig 4.13╇ (A and B) Zirconium abutments inserted over implants and (C) zirconium prosthesis fixed over the abutments to achieve good aesthetics.

Summary well as for the full-arch option, because this prosthesis can
With advances in implant placement techniques, bone be retrieved for cleaning or repair purposes. The implants
grafting procedures and the availability of several pros- retained overdentures should be preferred over the full-
thetic components in many of implant systems, there arch, fixed prosthesis for geriatric patients and medically
are several implant prosthetic options for the partially to compromised patients, as the placing of several implants
completely edentulous patients. For single and multiple for the fixed prosthesis may need long implant surgical
unit implant prostheses, anterior or posterior, the cement- sittings and often, bone grafting procedures. The newer
retained fixed prosthesis should be the preferred option. ‘all on 4’ and ‘all on 6’ implant techniques/tilted implant
The metal-free zirconium prosthesis should be preferred concepts have gained better acceptance with patients in
over the porcelain fused to metal prosthesis at least for recent years. They not only save time, and avoid invasive
aesthetic reasons, to achieve the desired cosmetic out- and expensive bone grafting procedures, but also in most
come. The screw-retained prosthesis should be preferred cases, a provisional fixed prosthesis can be fixed immedi-
in cases where the crown height space is less than 8€mm as ately after implant placement.

Further Reading
Naert I, Quirynen M, van Steenverghe D, et€al. Van stenverghe D, Lekholm U, Bolender C, Mericske- Stern R. Clinical evaluation of
A six year prosthodontic study of 509 con- et€ al. The applicability of osseointregated overdenture restorations supported by
secutively inserted implants for the treat- oral implants in the rehabilitation of par- osseointegrated titanium implants: a ret-
ment of partial edentulism. J Prosthet Dent tial edentulism: a prospective multicenter rospective study. Int J Oral Maxillofac
1992;67:236–45. study on 558 fixtures. Int J Maxillofac Implants 1990;5:375–83.
Misch CE. Maxillary anterior single tooth Implants 1990;5:272–81. Preiskel HW. Overdentures made easy: a guide
implant esthetic health compromise. Int J Anderson B, Odman P, Lidvall AM, et€al. Sin- to implant and root supported prosthesis.
Symp 1995;3:4–9. gle tooth restorations supported by osseo- Chicago: Quintessence; 1996.
Jemt T. Failures and complications in 391 integrated implants. Int J Oral Maxillofac Misch CE. Treatment options for mandibular
consecutively inserted fixed prosthesis sup- Implants 1995;10:702–11. full-arch implant-supported fixed prosthe-
ported by Branemark implants in edentu- Misch CE. Treatment options for mandibu- ses. Dent Today 2001;20:68–73.
lous jaws: a study of treatment from the lar implant overdenture: an organised Parel SM, Sullivan D. Full-arch edentulous
time of prosthesis placement to the first approach. In: Contemporary implant den- ceramometal restoration. Esthetics and
annual checkup. Int J Oral Maxillofac tistry. St Luice: Mosby; 1993. osseointegration. OSI; 1989.
Implants 1991;6:270–6. Batenburg RH, Meijer HH, Raghoebar GM, Linkow LI. Maxillary pterygoid extension
Smedberg JI, Lothigius E, Bodin I, et€ al. et€ al. Treatment concept for mandibular implants: the state of art. Dent Clin North
A clinical and radiological two-year fol- overdentures supported by endosseous Am 1980;24:535–51.
low up study of maxillary overdentures implants: a literature review. Int J Oral Max- Misch CE. Maxillary denture opposing an
on osseointegrated implants. Clin Oral illofac Implants 1998;13:539–45. implant prosthesis. In: Misch CE, editor.
Implants 1995;10:303–11. Contemporary implant dentistry. St Luis:
Mosby; 1999.

Bone density for dental implants
Ajay Vikram Singh 5
CHAPTER CONTENTS HD success rates of implants placed in bone with different
densities, following standard surgical and prosthetic
Introduction 41 protocols. Jaffin and Berman reported the excessive
Factors related to bone density 42 loss (44%) of Branemark implant fixtures in the poor
Lekhom and Zarb classification for jawbone density bone of the maxilla, mostly at the stage of
qualities 42 implant uncovery. Usually, the jawbone shows dif-
Misch bone density classification 42 ferent bone densities in different jaw locations – it is
highest in the mandibular anterior region and poorest
Determination of bone density 42
in the posterior maxilla. The other two regions show
D1/Type 1 bone (dense cortical bone) 43 moderate bone densities. Several studies have shown
Advantages 43 variable success rates of implants placed in different
Disadvantages 43 locations in the jaw. Adell et€ al reported 10% greater
D2/Type 2 bone 43 success of implants in the anterior mandible, compared
to implants in the anterior maxilla. Schnitmann et€ al.
Advantages 44 reported better success rate of implants in the anterior
Disadvantages 44 mandible compared with those in the posterior man-
D3/Type 3 bone (porous cortical [thin] and fine dible. The survival rate of implants varies with the loca-
trabecular) 44 tion but it is directly related to the bone density at the
Advantages 44 particular location of the jaw. The bone density usu-
Disadvantages 44
ally found at different locations of both jaws has been
described in this chapter but these densities vary and
D4/Type 4 bone (fine trabecular) 44 largely depend on various factors like age of the patient,
Advantages 44 his/her gender, the presence of local and systemic diseases,
Disadvantages 45 hormonal imbalance, whether the patient is on systemic
Features increasing the success rate of implants medicines, etc. (e.g. post-menopausal female patients
in D4 bone 45 often suffer with osteoporosis and may present with
poor density even in the mandible, where the density
Summary 51
is usually found at a higher level). Thus the author rec-
ommends the evaluation of other relevant parameters
besides jaw location at the time of treatment planning,
Introduction to finally decide the bone density present at the edentu-
lous site and finalize the protocol for implant therapy
Bone density or quality is the “internal architecture or that achieves a successful outcome. The dental CT scan
structure of the bone present at the edentulous site.” It is a reliable tool for evaluating bone density before per-
is assessed for implant placement through qualitative forming implant surgery. This chapter provides a scien-
analysis of the bone present at the edentulous site. It tific rationale for the modification of treatment plans,
has a major role in the overall success of any implant appropriate implant selection, modifications in surgi-
treatment. Bone density at the edentulous site is one cal protocols, implant-healing and loading protocols,
of the main determining factors in treatment planning, etc. according to the bone density type at the edentu-
implant design, surgical approach for implant place- lous site. Following these modifications, the clinician
ment, and loading protocol during prosthetic recon- can achieve approximately similar success in implants
struction. Several studies have presented the variable inserted in sites with different bone densities.
5 Clinical Implantology

Factors related to bone density Misch bone density classification

The following procedures, which can be affected by bone Carl E Misch defined four bone density types found in
density, should be modified according to bone density all regions of the jaw. The trabecular and cortical parts
at the edentulous site. Bone density has a major influ- of these bone types differ at the macroscopic level (Table
ence on: 5.1). He classified the jawbone regions into four types
â•…â•… (Figs 5.2 and 5.3).
1. Treatment planning â•…â•…
2. Drilling speed during osteotomy preparation 1. The anterior maxilla region (second premolar to sec-
3. Saline irrigation flow during osteotomy preparation ond premolar), usually has D3 bone, but in few cases
4. Implant design with predictable success rate it may have D2 bone quality.
5. Implant surface for predictable osseointegration 2. The posterior maxilla region (molar region) usually
6. Surgical approach for implant insertion has D4 bone but in cases of sinus grafting it may have
7. Healing protocol (submerged or open) D3 bone 6 months after grafting.
8. Healing (osseointegration) period for the implant 3. The anterior mandible region (first premolar to first
9. The number of implants required to support multiple premolar) usually has D2 bone, but the resorbed ante-
unit prostheses rior mandible may have D1 bone quality in approxi-
0. Primary stability of the implant
1 mately 25% of cases, more commonly in males.
1. Loading protocol – immediate/early/delayed/progres-
1 4. The posterior mandible region (second premolar and
sive bone loading. molars) usually has D3 bone, but in some cases it can
have D2 bone quality.

Lekhom and Zarb classification

for jawbone qualities Determination of bone density
Lekhom and Zarb described four kinds of bone qualities 1. Computed tomography (CT) scan. Radiographs give
found in the anteriors of the jawbone (Fig 5.1A–D): a very limited idea of bone density, but with the help
â•…â•… of the dental CT scan (DentaScan), the surgeon can
Quality 1 - Homogenous compact bone ascertain bone density at the edentulous site before
Quality 2 - Thick layer of compact bone surrounding a placing the implant. The dental CT scan is frequently
core of dense trabecular bone used by the implant surgeon in treatment planning,
Quality 3 - A thin layer of cortical bone surrounding a as it gives all the details like three-dimensional bone
dense trabecular bone of favourable strength volume, bone density, any defect present at the site,
Quality 4 - A thin layer of cortical bone surrounding a accurate implant simulation for the best possible
core of low-density trabecular bone. prosthesis, etc. well before the actual implant surgery.


Fig 5.1╇ Lekhom and Zarb classification of jawbone qualities – (A) quality 1 bone, (B) quality 2 bone, (C) quality 3 bone and (D) quality 4 bone.

Table 5.1╇Misch bone density classification



D1 Dense cortical Oak/maple Anterior mandible >1250

D2 Porous cortical & coarse White pine/spruce Anterior and posterior 850–1250
trabecular mandible, anterior maxilla

D3 Porous cortical (thin) & Balsa wood Posterior mandible, anterior 350–850
fine trabecular and posterior maxilla

D4 Fine trabecular Styrofoam Posterior maxilla 150–350

Bone density for dental implants 5
Bone density is measured in the CT scan in Hounsfield higher speed and using a new drill, under maximum flow
unit (HU), i.e., denser bones have more Hounsfield of chilled saline irrigation to reduce heat generation and
units (Table 5.1). bone necrosis. This bone type is most commonly found
2. Tactile determination during bone drilling. As bone in the mandibular anterior region (Fig 5.4A and B).
density is directly related to bone strength, bone den-
sity at the site for implant insertion can be determined Advantages
by the tactile sensation felt by an experienced implant
surgeon during pilot drilling in the bone at the time of . Strongest bone in the mouth
osteotomy preparation. Higher speed and more pres- 2. Implant achieves highest primary stability
sure are needed to do pilot drilling in bone with high 3. Implant achieves higher bone–implant surface contact
density. Osteotomy-widening drilling does not give as (BIC) percentage
good an idea of bone density as pilot drilling at the 4. Fewer implants can be inserted to support a multiple
time of osteotomy preparation, because less rigorous unit prosthesis
drilling is required to widen the osteotomy already 5. Requires only 3 – 4 months for primary healing of
prepared by the initial pilot drill. implants (osseointegration)
6. One-stage non-submerged surgical protocol can be
practised in most cases
D1/Type 1 bone (dense cortical 7. Immediate loading protocol can be practised in selec-
bone) tive cases
8. Progressive bone loading is not required.
This homogenous compact bone contains almost no tra-
becular bone. Being dense cortical, it is the hardest bone in Disadvantages
the jaw showing the least amount of vascularity. Because
of limited blood supply, this bone shows very poor bone . Least amount of vascularity
regeneration capacity. Osteotomy should be prepared at 2. Slow lamellar bone formation
3. Chances of bone overheating during osteotomy prepa-
ration are very high and may lead to osteonecrosis
. Highest rate of failure in implant surgery
D3, D4 Maxilla 5. Longest time taken for implant placement
6. Requires drilling at high speed (2500€rpm)using new
D2, D3 drills
7. Requires tapping (thread forming) for implants with
non-cutting threads
8. May require crestal bone modification/drilling for the
implant with broader platform than the implant body,
to reduce incidence of mechanical overload during its
insertion at crest.

D2, D3 D1, D2
D2/Type 2 bone
(Porous thick cortical and coarse trabecular) – This bone
shows a thick layer of compact bone surrounding a core
Fig 5.2╇ Diagrammatic presentation of the jaw sites for possible different of dense trabecular bone (Fig 5.5A and B). This bone
bone density types. shows excellent vascularity and osseous healing capacity.


Fig 5.3╇ Diagrammatic presentation of the four bone density types described by Carl E Misch. (A) D1 bone is dense cortical bone and is the highest
in the density, (B) D2 bone is coarse trabecular bone surrounded by thick porous cortical bone, (C) D3 bone is fine trabecular bone surrounded by
thin porous cortical bone, and (D) D4 bone is fine trabecular bone with almost no cortical bone.
5 Clinical Implantology

Fig 5.6╇ Porous cortical (thin) and fine trabecular D3 bone, (A) dia-
Fig 5.4╇ Dense cortical or homogenous compact D1 bone, (A) diagram- grammatic presentation and as seen in (B) CT scan cross section of a
matic presentation and as seen in (B) 3D cross-section of a dental CT. patient’s bone.

D3/Type 3 bone (porous cortical

[thin] and fine trabecular)
This bone quality shows a thin layer of cortical bone sur-
rounding a dense trabecular bone of favourable strength
(Figs 5.6A and B). This bone shows excellent vascularity
and osseous healing capacity. This bone is most com-
monly found in the maxillary anterior region but can be
present in the mandibular and maxillary posterior regions.

. Faster osteotomy preparation at slower speed
B 2. Bone tapping is optional
3. Crestal bone drilling is optional
4. Excellent vascularity
Fig 5.5╇ Porous cortical and course trabecular D2 bone, (A) diagram-
5. Chances of bone overheating are small.
matic presentation and as seen in (B) cross-section of CT scan of a
patient’s bone.
This bone is most commonly found in the mandibular . Healing period of 6–8 months
anterior and posterior regions but may also be present in 2. Implant may achieve inadequate primary stability
the maxillary anterior region. 3. More implants are required to be inserted to support
multiunit prosthesis
4. Immediate/early bone loading protocol should be
Advantages avoided
. Strong bone with good regeneration capacity
1 5. Longer progressive loading period is required to
. Implant achieves adequate primary stability
2 improve bone quality.
. Excellent vascularity and osseous healing
. One-stage non-submerged surgical protocol
4 can be
followed D4/Type 4 bone (fine trabecular)
. Requires 4–6 months of healing period
. Progressive bone loading strengthens the peri-implant
6 This bone shows a very thin layer of cortical bone surround-
bone ing a core of low-density, fine trabecular bone of unfavour-
. Fewer implants are needed to support a multiunit
7 able strength (Fig 5.7A–C). This bone has excellent vascularity
prosthesis. and osseous healing capacity but because it is much compro-
mised in density, it is a challenge to achieve adequate primary
Disadvantages stability and favourable osseointegration in the implant. This
bone usually shows the highest rate of prosthetic failure. It is
. May
1 require tapping for implants with non-cutting/ most commonly found in the posterior maxilla.
non-cutting threads implants
. May require crestal bone modification/drilling for the
implant with broader platform than the implant body
to reduce incidence of mechanical overload during its 1. Only initial or no drilling is done but only osteotomes
insertion at the crest. can be used for osteotomy preparation
Bone density for dental implants 5


Fig 5.7╇ Fine trabecular D4 bone, (A) diagrammatic presentation and as seen in (B) CT scan cross-section and (C) 3D view of a patient’s bone.

. No tapping is done

2 4. Surface textures that increase initial BIC percent-
3. No crestal bone preparation is done age should be used (e.g. HA surface implants [D4
4. Least chances of surgical implant failure. implants] from Biohorizons).
5. Osteotomy site should be prepared using an osteotome
Disadvantages for lateral bone condensation. It improves bone density
in the peri-implant trabecular bone and the BIC per-
1. Often difficult to achieve adequate primary stability centage. Thus, the inserted implant achieves adequate
for the implant primary stability for predictable osseointegration.
2. Long healing period (8 – 10 months) for implants 6. Bicortical engagement of the implant – the implant
3. More implants need to be inserted to support a collar can be engaged in the relatively high density
�multiunit prosthesis crestal bone and its apex in the hard sinus floor, by
4. Long period of progressive loading is required fracturing or grinding up the sinus floor after final oste-
5. Highest rate of prosthetic implant failure. otomy preparation. For engaging the implant in the
â•…â•… sinus floor, a longer 2–3€mm implant, with adequate
Comparative features and clinical differences in four primary stability, can be inserted (Figs 5.8 and 5.9).
types of bone are given in Table 5.2. 7. The implant should be submerged 0.5–1.0€mm. sub-
crestal, to prevent micromovement during the healing
Features increasing the success rate period (Fig 5.10A and B).
8. Loading of implants in poor density bone like the poste-
of implants in D4 bone
rior maxilla shows less (BIC) percentage, even after suc-
Carl E Misch suggested few key guidelines to enhance the cessful osseointegration. Often, poor osseointegration
success of implants in poor density (D4) bone. of the loaded implant with the trabecular bone leads to
â•…â•… prosthetic failure. However, if the implant in poor den-
1. Wider diameter implants should be used to enhance sity bone is loaded progressively, it shows progressive
bone–implant contact surface strengthening of the peri-implant trabecular bone and
2. Implants with more threads should be used a higher BIC percentage, and it successfully withstands
3. Implants with deeper threads should be used occlusal forces without failure after loading (Fig 5.11).

5 Clinical Implantology

Table 5.2╇Comparative features and clinical differences in different types of bone densities


1. Bone density Very high High Low Very low

2. Bone strength Very high High Low Very low

3. Vascularity and osseous healing Poorest Medium Good Highest

4. Heat generation/bone over heating Very high High Low Very low
during drilling

5. Recommended drilling speed 2000–2500€rpm 1500–2000€rpm 1200–1500€rpm 800–1200€rpm

6. Recommended saline/coolant flow Maximum Medium Medium Minimum

during drilling

7. Chances of pressure necrosis of bone Maximum Medium Low Minimum

8. Bone tapping Required Required Optional Not required

9. Recommended implant thread design Implant with shallow Any thread design Any thread design Deeper threads with
threads high pitch value

10. Healing period for implant 2–3 months 3–4 months 4–6 months 6–8 months

11. Implant platform positioning At crestal level At crestal level At crestal level Submerged 0.5–1€mm
apical to ridge crest

12. Lateral bone condensation using Not done Not required Optional Mandatory

13. Non-submerged implant placement Can be done Can be done Should be avoided Contraindicated

14. Primary stability of implant Highest Medium Low Lowest

15. Immediate/early loading of implant Can be done Can be done Should be avoided Contraindicated

16. Progressive bone loading Not required Optional Optional Indicated

17. No. of implants required for multiple Minimum no. Medium no. More no. of implants Maximum no. of
unit prosthesis of implants of implants implants

18. Cantilevered prosthesis Can be given Can be given Should be avoided Contraindicated

19. Implant failure Highest surgical failure Low Low Highest prosthetic

Bone density for dental implants 5



Fig 5.8╇ Stabilizing implant apex in the high-density sinus floor. (A and B) The implant osteotomy is prepared approximately 1€mm short of the sinus
floor, followed by elevating the thin subantral bone using Summer’s osteotome or grinding it using a coarse diamond bur (DASK from Dentium, Korea).
(C and D) The implant apex is engaged in the hard sinus floor. It results in adequate primary stability of the implant in low-density bone and also allows
the placing of a longer 2- to 3-mm implant (Courtesy: Dentium Implant Co., Seoul, Korea).

5 Clinical Implantology




Fig 5.9╇ (A) Root stumps of left bicuspids planned to be extracted, with immediate implant placement. (B) Dental radiograph showing limited bone
height apical to the root stumps (especially in second bicuspid) to adequately engage the immediately inserted implant apex. (C) The root stumps
are atraumatically extracted using periotomes, a 4.2-mm-diameter osteotome is inserted into the posterior extraction socket and gently tapped
to fracture the hard sinus floor. (D) The implant osteotomy is prepared through the anterior socket only 2€mm short of the sinus floor. (E) Further, a
final drill diameter osteotome is used in similar fashion to fracture the sinus floor. (F) Both the osteotomes can be seen in the radiograph reaching
beyond the sinus floor with fractured sinus floor bony pieces (red arrows), tenting up the elevated sinus membrane. (G) Both implants are inserted
to engage their apex in the hard sinus floor as well as the ridge crest (bicortical engagement) to achieve high initial implant stability (30–35€Ncm)
which is quite important for optimal implant success in the low-density posterior maxilla. (H) Successfully osseointegrated implants uncovered after
4 months for prosthetic loading.
Bone density for dental implants 5


Fig 5.10╇ (A) The implant can be placed with its platform at the level of the crest with submerged healing, or can be left for non-submerged healing
with the immediate insertion of trans gingival abutment in D1 or D2 bone. (B) The implant inserted with its platform submerged 1–2€mm apical to the
ridge crest and left to heal with the submerged technique in D4 bone. Submerging the implant apical to the ridge crest prevents any premature load-
ing of the implant during its healing period. The surrounding bone should also be condensed to improve bone density around the implant to achieve
adequate primary stability and predictable osseointegration.

5 Clinical Implantology




Fig 5.11╇ (A and B) When placing implant in poor-density bone like the posterior maxilla, the ideal is to submerge the implant 1€mm apical to the ridge
crest to avoid premature loading and micromovement during the healing phase. The osseointegrated implant in such bone shows poor amount of tra-
becular bone attachment to the implant surface (low BIC percentage) which may not provide adequate strength to withstand occlusal forces and often
results in implant failure. Thus to strengthen the trabecular bone around the osseointegrated implant, the latter should be progressively loaded. (C)
The osseointegrated implant is uncovered and a low profile gingival former is inserted. (D) This gingival former is replaced with a provisional prosthesis
which is kept 3–4€mm out of occlusion and the patient is instructed not to chew anything very hard. (E) Further, the material is added to the occlusal
surface of the provisional prosthesis at two to three week intervals. The provisional prosthesis should preferably be fabricated with resilient self-cure
acrylic. It acts as a shock absorber and, unlike the ceramic prosthesis, it does not immediately transfer occlusal forces to the implant. (F) After the
patient has been chewing with the provisional prosthesis for a month, the latter can be replaced with the long-term ceramic prosthesis. Progressive
loading results in strengthening of the trabecular bone and increased bone density around the implant.
Bone density for dental implants 5

Summary placement of the widest and longest possible implants,

lateral bone condensation using osteotomes, submerg-
Bone density at the edentulous site is the key determinant ing of the implant 1€mm subcrestal, and progressive bone
for endosteal implant success. Bone strength is directly loading are the key features that should be implemented
related to bone density. The implant dentist should care- in cases of poor-density bone. The bone densities at dif-
fully evaluate bone density at the site, to avoid failures. ferent jaw locations defined by Carl E Misch, can be very
Treatment planning should be modified, based on bone helpful to the dentist to predict possible bone density at
density at the implant site. The high-density bone should the edentulous site. The dental CT scan is a very helpful
be drilled at higher speed, using new drills, under copious tool for accurately evaluating bone density at the edentu-
amounts of chilled saline to reduce bone overheating. The lous site.

Further Reading
Adel R, Lekholm U, Rockler B, et€al. A 15-year Carter DR, Hayes WC. Bone compressive Misch CE. Progressive bone loading. Dent
study of osseointegrated implants in the strength: the influence of density and strain Today 1995;12(1):80–3.
treatment of the edentulous jaw. Int J Oral rate. Science 1976;194:1174. Misch CE, Poitras Y, Dietsh-Misch F. Endos-
Sung 1981;6:387–416. Misch CE. Density of bone: effect on treat- teal implants in the edentulous posterior
Jaffin RA, Berman CL. The excessive loss ment plans, surgical approach, healing, and maxilla: rationale and clinical results. Oral
of Branemark fixtures in the type IV progressive loading. Int J Oral Implantol Health 2000;90(8):7–16.
bone: a 5-year analysis. J Periodontol 1990;6:23–31. Esposito M, Hirsch JM, Lekholm U, et€ al.
1991;62(1):2–4. Misch CE, Qu Z, Bidez MW. Mechanical prop- Biological factors contributing to fail-
Schnitman PA, Rubenstein JE, Whorle PS, erties of trabecular bone in the human ures of osseointegrated oral implants.
et€ al. Implants for partial edentulism. mandible: implications for dental implant (II) Etiopathogenesis. Eur J Oral Sci
J Dent Educ 1988;52:725–36. treatment planning and surgical placement. 1998;106:721–64.
Minsk L, Polson A, Weisgold A, et€ al. Out- J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1999;57:700–6. Morris HF, Ochi S, Crum P, et€ al. AICRG,
come failures of endosseous implants from Friberg B, Jemt T, Lekholm U. Early failures in part I: a 6-year multicentred, multidisci-
a clinical training center. Compendium 4641 consecutively placed Branemark den- plinary clinical study of a new and inno-
1996;17(9):848–59. tal implants: a study from stage I surgery to vative implant design. J Oral Implantol
Misch CE, Kircos LT. Diagnostic imaging and the connection of completed prosthesis. Int 2004;30:125–33.
techniques. In: Misch CE, editor. Contem- J Oral Maxillofac Implants 1988;3:129–34. Herrmann I, Lekholm U, Holm S, et€al. Evalu-
porary implant dentistry. 2nd ed. St Luis: Misch CE, Hoar J, Beck G, et€al. A bone qual- ation of patient and implant character-
Mosby; 1999. pp. 73–87. ity based implant system: preliminary istics as potential prognostic factors for
Orenstein IH, Synan WJ, Truhlar RS, et€ al. report of stage I and stage II. Implant Dent oral implant failures. Int J Oral Maxillofac
Bone quality in patients receiving endosse- 1998;7:35–42. Implants 2005;20:220–30.
ous dental implants, DICRG interim report Lavelle CLB. Biomechanical consider-
no. 1. Implant Dent 1994;3(2):90–4. ations of prosthodontic therapy: the
Higuchi KW, Folmer T, Kultje C. Implant sur- urgency of research into alveolar bone
vival rates in partially edentulouos patients: responses. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants
a 3-year prospective multicenter study. 1993;8(2):179–84.
J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1995;53:264–8.

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Role of available bone
in dental implants
Ajay Vikram Singh

CHAPTER CONTENTS HD faciolingually thinnest at the crestal region, which may

often make it difficult to place even the narrowest diam-
Introduction 53 eter implant without ridge modification. The bone at
Misch and Judy classification of bone availability 53 any edentulous site is considered to be adequate when
Division A (abundant bone) 53 the implant with adequate dimensions can be placed
Prosthetic options for Division A bone 53 in such a way that it leaves minimum of 1.5–2€mm of
three-dimensional bone all around the implant body
Division B (barely adequate) bone 54
and platform (facially, lingually, and apically from
Prosthetic options for Division B bone 54 vital structures like the sinus floor, mandibular canal,
Division C (compromised bone) 55 etc.) (Fig 6.1A–D).
Treatment options 56
Prosthetic options for Division C bone 56
Misch and Judy classification
Division D bone (deficient bone) 56
Treatment options for the deficient ridge 56
of bone availability
Prosthetic options for Division D bone 57 In 1985, Misch and Judy presented a classification of
Summary 61 available bone for dental implant insertion, which is
similar in both arches (Fig 6.2A–D). Bone modification
procedures, grafting methods, and prosthodontic-related
treatments were suggested for each category.
Division A (abundant bone)
Available bone is a quantitative assessment of the bone
suitable for implant placement, which is available at an Division A bone is three-dimensionally abundant for the
edentulous site. Bone availability describes “the exter- ideal implant insertion (Fig 6.3A and B). According to
nal architecture and volume of bone in the edentulous Misch, bone in this category should be:
area considered for ideal implant placement.” It is mea- â•…â•…
sured three-dimensionally in buccolingual width, vertical a. 5€mm or more in width
height, mesiodistal dimension of edentulous space, bone b. 12€mm or more in height
angulation, and crown height space for the future pros- c. 7€mm or more in length
thesis. If the bone available is inadequate for prostheti- d. Less than 30° in angulation
cally ideal implant insertion, the implant surgeon can e. 15€mm or less in crown height.
perform bone grafting procedures to regenerate lost bone
As described in previous chapters, implants are avail- Prosthetic options for Division A bone
able in different diameters and lengths. The design of The Division A bone:
a root form implant may vary from one manufacturer â•…â•…
to another. The crest module or implant platform of a. is the best bone for any prosthetic option (Fig 6.4A–I).
some implants may be wider than the body diameter. b. may need osteoplasty for implant overdentures, to
For example, the 3.3€mm diameter Adin implant has a achieve more vertical height space and accommo-
3.75€ mm platform. The dentist should be aware that date the implant suprastructures (ball/bar) under the
in most clinical situations, the ridge is found to be denture.
6 Clinical Implantology


Fig 6.1╇ (A) Panoramic view of the edentulous mandibular molar site showing adequate bone length availability (15€mm) to place widest implant of any
system (B) but the cross-sectional view of the same edentulous region shows inadequate bone availability at the ridge crest (5€mm), which cannot
allow placement of even the narrowest implant of any system. The height of the bone above the mandibular canal is adequate (16.83€mm) to place
an adequately long implant (14–15€mm long). (C) The implant with 4€mm€x€15€mm dimensions can be placed with its platform at the crest level with
simultaneous lateral bone augmentation to cover the facially exposed implant threads near the crest. (D) The shorter length (4€mm€x€12€mm) implant
is placed after 3€mm of osteoplasty, so that the implant platform can be placed at the level of wider subcrestal ridge.

A B B-w C-w C-h D

Fig 6.2╇ Misch and Judy classification of bone availability (Divisions A, B, C and D): Division A (abundant bone), Division B (barely sufficient bone),
Division C (compromised bone), Division D (deficient bone), w (width), h (height).

d. Less than 20° in angulation

Division B (barely adequate) bone
e. 15€mm or less in crown height.
Bone in this category should be:
a. 2.5–5€mm in width (B+: 4–5€mm; B−: 2.5–4€mm)
Prosthetic options for Division B bone
b. 12€mm or more in height The bony ridge with Division B bone may be modified
c. 6€mm or more in length to division A bone by osteoplasty to achieve the wide
Role of available bone in dental implants 6


Fig 6.3╇ (A and B) Abundant bone in the maxilla and mandible suitable for inserting an implant with ideal dimensions.



Fig 6.4╇ (A) Panoramic radiograph and (B–I) CT scan showing cross-sectional views of the maxilla and the mandible, showing the Division A bone
(adequate bone) for implant placement without any ridge modification or grafting. (J) The implant-supported, full mouth fixed prosthesis can be seen
in the radiograph.

Division C (compromised bone)

ridge crest required to insert a regular diameter implant
(Fig 6.5A–C). Lateral bone augmentation can also be Bone in Division C category should be:
performed before or with implant placement, espe- â•…â•…
cially in aesthetic areas where osteoplasty can elon- a. 0–2.5€mm in width (C-w bone)
gate the clinical crown height (Fig 6.6A–C). This bone b. Less than 12€mm in height (C-h bone)
may be adequate for any prosthetic option in implant c. More than 30° in angulation (C-a bone)
therapy. d. More than 15€mm in crown height.
6 Clinical Implantology


Fig 6.5╇ (A) Either a narrow diameter implant is inserted or (B) a Division B ridge is converted to Division A bone by vertical ridge osteoplasty
or (C) lateral bone augmentation to achieve a wide ridge crest for placement of regular-diameter implant.


Fig 6.6╇ (A) Implant placed in the Division B bone, showing implant threads exposed in the crestal region at the facial aspect of ridge. (B and C) Simul-
taneous lateral bone augmentation is performed to cover the exposed implant threads and also to improve the aesthetic ridge profile.

Treatment options b. Lateralbone augmentation for C-w bone and verti-

Osteoplasty can be done in C-w bone to achieve a wider cal bone augmentation for C-h bone are required to
platform to insert the implant, but the preferred option deliver fixed, implant- supported prostheses.
for the C-w bone is lateral bone augmentation before
or at the time of implant insertion (Figs 6.7 and 6.8). Division D bone (deficient bone)
Either short length root form implants or subperiosteal
implants are used in C-h bone. Vertical bone augmenta- This is the bone with severe atrophy, and it represents as
tion (Fig 6.9A–C) or inferior alveolar nerve lateralization basal bone loss, flat maxilla, and pencil-thin mandible,
for posterior mandible and sinus elevation and grafting with more than 20€mm crown height.
for posterior maxilla, may be the other options to achieve
adequate ridge height for the insertion of long implants
(Fig 6.10A–I). Treatment options for the deficient ridge
Bone augmentation like vertical bone block grafting or nerve
transpositioning, can be performed to insert adequately
Prosthetic options for Division C bone long implants in the mandible (Fig 6.11A and B). Vertical
a. Implant overdenture. bone block grafting and/or sinus/nasal floor elevation and
Role of available bone in dental implants 6



Fig 6.7╇ (A) Bony ridge in Division C-w bone category needs a large amount of vertical bone reduction to achieve an adequate ridge width for the
placement of a narrow-to-regular diameter implant. (B) Osteoplasty not only increases the crown height but also results in increased thick, soft tissue
height which may, over time, develop a deep soft tissue pocket that may harbour pathogens and lead to recurrent peri-implantitis. (C) The better
option for the Division C-w bone is lateral bone augmentation either at the time of implant insertion or (D) before implant insertion (block grafting) to
achieve the wide ridge crest for regular-diameter implant placement (E) for a prosthesis with an (F) ideal crown height. (G) For the Division C-h bone,
either the short length implant is inserted or (H) vertical bone augmentation is performed to achieve adequate ridge height for the insertion of an
(I) adequately long implant, which further reduces the crown: (J) implant height ratio.

grafting is performed to insert implants in the maxilla, espe- implant-supported, fixed prosthesis may need mul-
cially if a fixed, implant-supported prosthesis is planned. tiple invasive bone grafting procedures like sinus
grafting, block grafting, nerve transpositioning, etc.
(Fig 6.13A and B). Subperiosteal implants are preferred
Prosthetic options for Division D bone over endosseous root form implants to avoid prob-
Implant overdentures should be the treatment of lems, such as mandibular fracture in Division D ridge
choice for the deficient ridge (Fig 6.12A–D), because (Fig 6.14A–D).
6 Clinical Implantology



Fig 6.8╇ (A) Ridge with the C-w type of bone (compromised in width). (B) The lateral bone augmentation is performed using autogenous
bone block. (C) Regeneration of new bone dimensions after the site is uncovered after 4 months. (D) Implants are inserted in the bone.
(Courtesy: Jun Shimada, Japan).


Fig 6.9╇ (A) Division C-h bone above the mandibular canal, insufficient for placement of adequately long implant, (B) vertical bone augmentation is
performed and (C) an adequately long implant is placed in the regenerated bone.

Role of available bone in dental implants 6





Fig 6.10╇ (A) Posterior edentulous maxilla with C-h bone (compromised in height). (B and C) The sinus elevation procedure is performed. (D–G)
The sinus is grafted with simultaneous implant insertion. (H and I) The implants are uncovered and restored after 6 months (Courtesy: �Dentium
Co., Korea).
6 Clinical Implantology


Fig 6.11╇ (A) With advancements in implant therapy, deficient (Division D) bone has been successfully used for implant placement with multiple
approaches like nerve lateralization, sinus grafting, nasal floor grafting, etc. for implant placement; (B) but vertical bone augmentation not only
facilitates the placement of adequately long implants but also reduces the long crown height.


Fig 6.12╇ Deficient (Division D) mandibular bone with the only basal bone left. (A–D) Four short length implants are placed and an implant overdenture
is delivered with ball abutment ‘O’ ring attachments (Courtesy: Saad Zemmouri).


Fig 6.13╇ (A) Deficient (Division-D) bone in the posterior maxilla caused by vertical ridge resorption and maxillary sinus pneumatization, (B) The sinus
elevation and grafting is performed for the insertion of adequately long implants.

Role of available bone in dental implants 6


Fig 6.14╇ The subperiosteal implant can be preferred over the endosseous root form implant to avoid problems such as mandibular fracture in
the Division D ridge. (A) Subperiosteal implant (B) placed on the deficient mandibular ridge (C) to support denture. (D) Post-loading radiograph
(Courtesy: Terry D Whitten, DDS).

Summary prosthesis. The Division B ridge can be changed to the

Division A ridge type with either vertical osteoplasty or
In implant dentistry, the prosthesis is planned before lateral bone augmentation to make it adequate in width
implant insertion and the dimensions, positions, and for regular diameter implant placement. The lateral bone
angulations of implants are decided according to the augmentation should be preferred over osteoplasty in the
requirements of the future prosthesis. Considering the anterior maxilla to deliver aesthetic results. Osteoplasty
various parameters like stress factors, cantilevers etc., can be preferred in the anterior mandible as adequate
and the bone available for the implant insertion plays a bone height is available to insert long implants and there
key role in the overall implant treatment success. Three- is not much aesthetic concern. The Division B posterior
dimensional bone volumes, external architecture, and mandible also usually shows adequate bone height and
angulation in relation to the ideal implant axis, are the high density to stabilize short length implants, and thus,
major factors which should be considered during treat- osteoplasty can be done in the posterior mandible with
ment planning. Division B ridge. Because of poor bone density and higher
The edentulous jawbone available for implant place- stress factors, bone augmentation is preferred over osteo-
ment has been divided in four types by Carl E Misch, to plasty in the posterior maxilla.
make it easy to assess patient requirements, plan implant Regardless of the location, the Division C-w ridge (ridge
placement, and choose the best prosthesis for long-term compromised in width) should be managed with lateral
success. The Division A type ridge offers adequate bone bone augmentation. While short length implants can be
for the ideal implant insertion to support a prosthesis, inserted into the Division C-h ridge (ridge compromised
with appearance and function approximately similar to in height), vertical bone augmentation is performed to
the natural tooth. The fixed implant prosthesis is usually place implants with adequate length.
preferred for the Division A ridge. Deficient bone (Division D) in the mandible can be
The Division B ridge may provide adequate bone width used to insert multiple short length implants to retain the
for narrow diameter implants, but additional implants overdenture, but vertical bone augmentation is required
should be inserted for the multiple unit or full-arch fixed in the deficient maxilla.
6 Clinical Implantology

Further Reading
Gruber H, Solar P, Ulm C. Maxillomandibular Misch CM. Ridge augmentation using man- Misch CE, Judy KWM. Classification of par-
anatomy and pattern of resorption during dibular ramus bone graft for the placement tially edentulous arches for implant den-
atrophy. In: Watzek G, editor. Endosseous of dental implants: presentation of a tech- tistry. Int J Oral Implants 1987;4:7–12.
implants: scientific and clinical aspects. nique. Pract Perio Aesth Dent 1996:127–35. Misch CE. Classification and treatment options
Chicago: Quintessence; 1996. Scortecci GM. Immediate function of corti- of the completely edentulous arches in
Tatum HO. Maxillary and sinus implant cally anchored disk design implants with- implant dentistry. Dent Today October
reconstructions. Dent Clin North Am out bone augmentation in moderately to 1990:26–30.
1980;30:207–29. severely resorbed completely edentulous Weiss CM, Judy KWM. Severe mandibu-
Mason ME, Triplett RG, Van Sickels JE, et€ al. maxillae. J Oral Implant 1999;25:70–9. lar atrophy: biological considerations of
Mandibular fractures through endosse- Judy KW, Misch CE. Evolution of the man- routine treatments with complete sub-
ous cylinder implants: report of cases dibular subperiosteal implant. N Y Dent J periosteal implants. Int J Oral Implants
and review. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1983;53:9–11. 1974;4:431–69.
1990;48:311–7. Razavi R, Zena RV, Khan Z, et€ al. Anatomic Misch CE. Available bone influences prosth-
Misch CE. Short dental implants: a literature site evaluation of edentulous maxillae for odontic treatment. Dent Today February
review and rationale for use. Dent Today dental implant placement. J Prosthet Dent 1988:44–75.
2005;24:64–8. 1995;4:90–4. Karagaclioglu L, Ozkan P. Changes in mandib-
Jemt T, Lekholm U. Implant treatment in eden- Lam RV. Contour changes of the alveolar pro- ular ridge height in relation to aging and
tulous maxillae: a 5-year follow-up report cess following extraction. J Prosthet Dent length of edentulism period. Int J Prostho-
on patients with different degrees of jaw 1960;10:25–32. dont 1994;7:368–71.
resorption. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants Tallgren A. The continuing reduction of Misch CE. Bone classification, training keys
1995;10:303–11. the residual alveolar ridges in complete to implant success. Dent Today May
Curtis TA, Ware WH, Beirne OR, et€al. Autog- denture wearers. A mixed longitudinal 1989:39–44.
enous bone grafts for atrophic edentulous study covering 25 years. J Prosthet Dent
mandibles: a final report. J Prosthet Dent 1972;27:120–32.
1987;57:73–8. Misch CE. Divisions of available bone in
Misch CE, Wang HL. The procedures, limita- implant dentistry. Int J Oral Implants
tions and indications for small diameter 1990;7:9–17.
implants and a case report. Oral Health
August 2004;94:16–26.

Patient evaluation and
treatment planning
Ajay Vikram Singh

CHAPTER CONTENTS HD Implant diameter selection 79

Introduction 64 Implant length selection 83
Patient evaluation and treatment planning 64 Implant design selection 83
General and medical evaluation 64 Available bone width and height 83
Age 64 Bone angulation 83
Medical problems 64 Distance between two adjacent implants 83
Oral examination 69 Distance between implant and adjacent tooth 83
Arch form 69 Root inclinations of adjacent teeth 85
Ridge morphology of edentulous region 69 Connecting implant prosthesis with adjacent
tooth/teeth 86
Soft tissue biotype 69
Minimum bone buccal or lingual to the
Width of keratinized soft tissue 69
inserted implant 87
Papilla at the implant site (intact or flattened) 70
Implant distance from the mandibular canal 87
Periodontal health of adjacent teeth 70
Mental foramina position 87
Opposing and adjacent teeth at occlusal position 71
Implant distance from mental foramina
Oral hygiene of the patient 72 (anterior loop) 87
Tobacco chewing 72 Incisive foramen 88
Bruxism 72 Thin mandibular lingual cortical plate with
History of diseased or lost teeth 72 severe undercut (haemorrhage from the lingual
Mouth opening 72 and facial arteries) 88
Diagnostic (IOPA/OPG) radiographs 73 Implant distance from sinus floor 88
Impressions and diagnostic cast preparation 75 Implant distance from nasal floor 88
Clinical pictures of the edentulous area 75 Mesiodistal dimension of the edentulous molar site 90
Bone mapping 75 Implant prosthesis occlusion
(occlusal dimensions and cuspal inclinations) 90
Radiographic template fabrication 75
Ridge morphology of anterior
Template for radiograph 76 mandible at different stages of resorption 90
Template for dental CT 76 Ridge morphology of posterior
Radiographic implant template from the implant system 76 mandible (submandibular fossa) 90
CT planning 76 Ridge morphology of premaxilla 90
Surgical guide fabrication 76 Ridge morphology of posterior maxilla 94
Manual surgical guide 77 Lip lines 94
Computer-assisted surgical guide 77 Low lip line 94
Key points of treatment planning Medium lip line (average/ideal) 95
for successful implant therapy 79 High lip line (gummy) 95

7 Clinical Implantology

prosthesis placement, and the total time and expenditure

Crown height space 95
required to complete the therapy. The step by step evalua-
Excessive crown height space 95 tion and treatment planning of the implant, with the key
Reduced crown height space 95 points related to various clinical and radiographic situa-
Cantilevering of implant prosthesis (AP spread) 96 tions described in this chapter, can be very helpful to the
Maxillomandibular arch relationship 99 dentist.
The patient’s existing occlusion 99
Facial cantilever 99 Patient evaluation
Direction of force 99 and treatment planning
Replacement of missing maxillary canine 99
Treatment planning for implant therapy is known to be
Mandibular flexure 99
the backbone of successful outcome. The author recom-
Ideal implant numbers and positions to restore mends step by step treatment planning even in cases that
edentulous premaxilla with fixed prosthesis 100 seem easy and simple, to avoid any post-implantation
Number and positions of implants to restore complications. Special attention is needed during implant
edentulous maxilla with fixed prosthesis 100 insertion, to the mental foramina and mandibular canal
Number and positions of implants to restore the in the posterior mandible, and the maxillary sinus in the
edentulous mandible, with fixed prosthesis 101 posterior maxilla. The implant dentist should systemati-
Numbers and positions of implants to restore cally plan the implant treatment for a patient as follows.
the edentulous maxilla, with removable prosthesis
(implant overdenture) 101 General and medical evaluation
Numbers and positions of implants to restore
edentulous mandible with removal prosthesis It is paramount to evaluate whether the patient is medi-
(implant overdenture) 101 cally fit for the implant surgical procedure. The following
points should be discussed with the patient and evaluated
Progressive bone loading 101
with investigations as needed, to finally decide the fitness
Fixed orthodontics for ideal implant placement 101 of the patient for the implant surgery.
Osseous defects 102
Three-dimensional implant positioning in Age
aesthetic region 102
Immediate implant in fresh extraction socket Usually a patient above the age of 18 years is considered
of multi-rooted tooth 102 to be fit for implant therapy. If the implant is inserted
into the adolescent’s jawbone, which is still in the grow-
Financial evaluation and management of
ing stage, it may lead to hindered growth on the side and
implant cases 103
jaw disfigurement. The age of jaw growth completion and
Summary 109 hence the minimum age for implant placement, differs in
males and females. The minimum age for implant place-
ment in girls is considered to be 16–17 years, whereas in
boys it is 17–18 years. Besides minimum age, the patient’s
Introduction age has to be considered key in deciding the type of pros-
thetic option to be used, e.g. for a young edentulous
Patient evaluation and treatment planning are crucial patient a fixed implant-supported prosthesis is the pre-
steps in implant treatment and affect the overall suc- ferred option but for an older patient the choice should
cess of implant therapy. On the patient’s first visit, the be an implant overdenture, which needs minimal surgical
implant dentist should carefully evaluate general con- intervention and is easy to maintain and repair.
dition, medical problems, financial situation, intraoral
problems, chief complaints and the patient’s expectations
from the future prosthesis, before committing to implant Medical problems
therapy. Further, the dentist should evaluate ridge type, Diabetes mellitus, hypertension, thyroid disorders, bone
bone quality and bone availability with the help of dental diseases, cardiovascular diseases, liver disorders, preg-
radiographs and dental CT scans, as well as the soft tis- nancy, etc. should be discussed in detail and evaluated
sue situation at the implant site and force factors on the with investigations as needed. Usually the patient fit for a
future implant prosthesis. After clinical and radiographic surgical extraction is considered to be fit for basic implant
evaluation, the dentist should prepare diagnostic models surgery. The following medical problems of the patient
to evaluate the arch form, ridge topography, and fabricate should be evaluated before commencing implant surgery.
the radiographic template. After clinical evaluation of the
patient, and radiographic and model analysis, the dentist Diabetes mellitus
must decide what type of implant-supported prosthesis Diabetes mellitus is one of the diseases which should
can be provided to the patient. The patient should be merely be evaluated and investigated. Diabetes is not
recalled and all the possible implant treatment options an absolute contraindication for implant insertion, and
should be discussed, such as the required number and as scientific studies and clinical trials suggest, implant
positions of implants for a particular prosthesis, the surgi- therapy can very successfully be given to the controlled
cal and prosthetic steps of the treatment and provisional diabetic patient. The patient should be monitored for
Patient evaluation and treatment planning 7
controlled blood sugar levels for a minimum of 3 weeks tion and avoidance of smoking should also be considered
before implant insertion and should continue with the (Implant Dent 1999;8:355–359).
same for 4–6 weeks after implant insertion, till the sur- Although the results of this study indicate that excel-
rounding soft tissues get healed and the implant has lent results can be obtained when Branemark implants
achieved initial osseointegration with the bone. Once the are placed in diabetic patients, certain precautionary
implant gets osseointegrated, increased blood sugar levels measures can increase the likelihood of a successful
affect the peri-implant tissues similar to the periodontal outcome.
tissues in uncontrolled diabetic patients. Thus, a continu- â•…â•…
ous monitoring of such patients is required to maintain 1. Adequate screening is essential. A comprehensive
the peri-implant tissues in normal health. Oral hygiene health history should be obtained from every can-
maintenance and the earliest treatment of any peri- didate for implant therapy, with attention given to
implant soft tissue infection is paramount for the long- fundamental systemic problems. If the patient has a
term survival of implants in diabetic patients. history of diabetes, additional information should be
gathered about his/her current treatment.
Literature review 2. If the diabetic patient’s metabolic control seems to be
Literature 1 – In the past, implant placement was con- clinically inadequate, it is best to delay implant ther-
traindicated in diabetic patients because of increased apy until better control is achieved.
risk of implant failure and infection. Publications 3. The doctor should stress to the patient the importance
in recent years have shown success rates for dental of taking all diabetic medications on the days of sur-
implants in diabetic patients, resembling those of the gery and maintaining an acceptable level of metabolic
general population. Other studies of diabetic patients control throughout the healing period.
as well as animal models, have shown an increased risk 4. A 10-day regimen of broad-spectrum antibiotics
for implant failure. These results raise the question of should be started on the day of surgery to reduce the
whether diabetic patients are suitable for dental implant risk of infection.
rehabilitation.1 â•…â•…
Although a direct relationship with periodontal dis- Conclusion: Dental implants offer significant benefits
ease has already been shown, little is known about the that require that they be considered for the treatment of a
results of dental implants in diabetics. The present paper wide spectrum of patients, including the growing number
reviews the bibliography linking the effect of diabetes on of individuals with diabetes mellitus. Although uncon-
the osseointegration of implants and the healing of soft trolled diabetes has been shown to interfere with various
tissue. In experimental models of diabetes, a reduced level aspects of the healing process, the results of this retro-
of bone implant contact (BIC) has been shown, and this spective study indicate that a high success rate is achiev-
can be reversed by means of treatment with insulin. Com- able when dental implants are placed in diabetic patients
pared with the general population, a higher failure rate is whose disease is under control.
seen in diabetic patients. Most of these occur during the Literature 2 – Implants in patients with diabetes
first year of functional loading, seemingly pointing to the mellitus.4
microvascular complications of this condition as a pos- Diabetes is currently classified as a relative contraindi-
sible causal factor. These complications also compromise cation for implant treatment. Compared with the general
the healing of soft tissues. It is necessary to take certain population, a higher failure rate has been seen in dia-
special considerations into account for the placement of betic patients with adequate metabolic control. In pub-
implants in diabetic patients. A good control of plasma lished literature, the survival rate for implants in diabetic
glycaemia, together with other measures, has been shown patients ranges between 88.8% and 97.3%, 1 year after
to improve the percentages of implant survival in these placement, and 85.6–94.6% in functional terms, 1 year
patients.2 after the prosthesis was inserted. In a retrospective study
It has become increasingly common for controlled with 215 implants placed in 40 diabetic patients, 31 failed
diabetic patients to be considered as candidates for den- implants were recorded, 24 of which (11.2%) occurred in
tal implants.3 This study reports the results of placing the first year of functional loading. This analysis showed
implants in 34 patients with diabetes who were treated an implant survival rate of 85.6% after 6.5 years of func-
with 227 Branemark implants. At the time of second- tional use. The results obtained show a higher index of fail-
stage surgery, 214 of the implants had osseointegrated, ures during the first year after placement of the prosthesis.
a survival rate of 94.3%. Only one failure was identified Another study carried out with 227 implants placed in 34
among the 177 implants followed through to final res- patients shows a success rate of 94.3% at the time of the
toration, a clinical survival rate of 99.9%. Screening for second surgery, prior to the insertion of the prosthesis. In
diabetes and efforts to ensure that implant candidates are a meta-analysis with two implant systems placed in eden-
in metabolic control are recommended to increase the tulous jaws, failure rates of 3.2% were obtained in the ini-
chances of successful osseointegration. Antibiotic protec- tial stages, whereas in the later stages (from 45 months
to 9 years), this figure increased to 5.4%. A prospective
study with 89 well-controlled type 2 diabetics in whom
E, Weinberg I, Nahlieli O. Dental implants in the diabetic patient: sys-
temic and rehabilitative considerations. Quintessence Int 2009 Sep;40[8]:639–45.
a total of 178 implants had been placed, revealed early
Review. PubMed PMID: 19639088. failure rates of 2.2% (four failures) increasing to 7.3%
2Mellado-Valero A, Ferrer García JC, Herrera-Ballester A, Labaig-Rueda C. Effects

of diabetes on the osseointegration of dental implants. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir 4Mellado-Valero A, Ferrer García JC, Herrera-Ballester A, Labaig-Rueda C. Effects

Bucal 2007 Jan 1;12[1]:E38–43. Review. PubMed PMID: 17195826. of diabetes on the osseointegration of dental implants. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir
3Thomas J. Balshi, DDS, FACP,* Glenn J. Wolfinger, DMD, FACP*. Dental implants Bucal 2007;12:E38–43.© Medicina Oral S. L. C.I.F. B 96689336 - ISSN 1698-
in the diabetic patient: a retrospective study. 6946.

7 Clinical Implantology

(nine further failures) 1 year after placement, indicating Perioperative measures: In view of the studies revised,
a survival rate of 92.7% within the first year of functional high levels of glucose in plasma have a negative influence
loading. The 5-year survival rate was 90%. The fact that on healing and bone remodelling processes. In order to
most failures occur after the second-phase surgery and ensure osseointegration of the implants (understood as
during the first year of functional loading might indicate the direct bond of the bone with the surface of the implant
micro-vascular involvement as one of the factors impli- subjected to functional loading) and to avoid delays in
cated in implant failures in diabetic patients (Fig 7.1). the healing of gum tissue, it is necessary to maintain good
Most of the articles concluded that, despite the higher glycaemic control before and after surgery. To measure the
risk of failure in diabetic patients, maintaining adequate status of blood-glucose levels in the previous 6–8 weeks,
blood-glucose levels along with other measures, improves the HbA1c values have to be known (Table 7.1). A figure
the implant survival rates in these patients. of less than 7% for HbA1c is considered a good level of
glycaemic control (the normal value for healthy individu-
als is 3.5–5.5% depending on the laboratory) (Table 7.2).
Special considerations for implant
therapy in diabetic patients
Healing and risk of postoperative infection: The reper- Table 7.1╇Showing the relation of glycosylated Hb%
cussions of diabetes on the healing of soft tissue depend with diabetes
on the degree of glycaemic control in the perioperative
period and the existence of chronic vascular complica- GLYCOSYLATED DIABETIC IMPLANT
tions. Patients with poor metabolic control have their Hb% SITUATION SURGERY
immune defences impaired: granulocytes have altered
functionality with modifications in their movement <6% Non-diabetic Can be done
towards the infection site and deterioration in their
6–7% Excellent control Can be done
microbicide activity, with greater predisposition to infec-
tion of the wound. In addition, the high concentration 7–8% Good control Can be done with regu-
of blood-glucose in body fluids encourages the growth lar postoperative blood
of mycotic pathogens such as candida. The microangi- sugar monitoring
opathy arising as a complication of diabetes may com-
promise the vascularization of the flap, thus delaying 8–10% Average control Should be avoided
healing, and also acting as a gateway for the infection of >10% Poor control Contraindicated
soft tissue.

Surgery for placement of

the implant (osteotomy)

Clot formation Alteration in protein synthesis

Bone resorption Osteoclasts

Formation of bone matrix Formation of collagen

Bone apposition Osteoblasts

Mineralization Alkaline phosphatases

Maintenance of
Bone remodelling

Bone metabolism alterations

Changes in diabetic status

Fig 7.1╇ Flowchart showing possible alterations in bone healing in diabetic patients.
Patient evaluation and treatment planning 7
Although there is some controversy over the use of anti- of the blood pressure is also mandatory during surgical
biotics in healthy patients, these are recommended for procedures in implantology.
diabetic patients about to be subjected to implant sur-
gery. The antibiotic of choice is amoxicillin (2€ g per os Thyroid disorders
1€ h previously), as the pathogens most frequently caus- Implant therapy can successfully be given to patients with
ing postoperative complications following the placement hypothyroidism but hyperthyroidism is a medical prob-
of implants, are streptococci, Gram-positive anaerobes lem which requires attention, as excessive production of
and Gram-negative anaerobes. Clindamycin may also the thyroxin hormone results in symptoms like increased
be used (600€ mg per os 1€ h previously), azithromycin pulse rate, nervousness, intolerance to heat, excessive sweat-
or clarithromycin (500€ mg per os 1€ h previously), and ing, atrial fibrillation, and congestive heart failure. Patients
first-generation cephalosporins (cephalexin or cefadroxil: with hyperthyroidism are also sensitive to catecholamines
2€g per os 1€h previously) only if the patient has not had such as epinephrine in local anaesthesia. When such
any anaphylactic allergic reaction to penicillin. In addi- patients are exposed to catecholamines, coupled with the
tion to antibiotic prophylaxis, the use of 0.12% chlorhexi- stress often related to implant surgery, an exacerbation of
dine mouthwash has shown a clear benefit by reducing the symptoms of hyperthyroidism may occur during sur-
the failure rates from 13.5% to 4.4% in type 2 diabetics, gery, resulting in thyrotoxicosis or “thyroid storm”, which
during a follow-up period of 36 months. This same study is often life-threatening to the patient. The physician’s
observed a reduction of 10.5% in the failure rate when opinion and the normal range of thyroxin investigation,
antibiotics were administered preoperatively. i.e. the patient who reports normal thyroid function and
has had no symptoms of the disease during the preced-
Conclusion ing 6–8 months, is at low risk and can successfully get
There is evidence that hyperglycaemia has a negative the implant surgery done. Patients with hyperthyroidism
influence on bone formation and remodelling and should receive the implant surgery in a very calm and com-
reduces osseointegration of implants. Soft tissue is also fortable operatory environment and if local anaesthesia is
affected by the microvascular complications deriving used, it should be devoid of adrenalin. Anti-anxiety/seda-
from hyperglycaemia – vascularization of the tissue is tive drugs should also be avoided in such patients.
compromised, healing is delayed and wounds are more
predisposed to infection. This entails an increase in the Bone disorders
percentage of failures in implant treatment of diabetic Patients with bone disorders like osteoporosis, which is
patients. The bibliography reviewed recommends good usually age-related, present with decrease in bone mass,
glycaemic control in the perioperative period, in order increased micro-architectural deterioration, and suscepti-
to improve the survival rates for implants in diabetics. bility to bone fractures. This mostly occurs in the patients
HbA1c figures of less than 7% indicate appropriate gly- after the age of 60 but is very common even at an earlier age
caemia levels in the preceding 6–8 weeks. Preoperative in postmenopausal women or women who have the his-
antibiotic therapy and the use of 0.12% chlorhexidine tory of ovariectomy, because the lack of oestrogen increases
mouthwash are recommended, as both measures have the chances of osteoporosis. A recommended dose of cal-
been shown to reduce the percentage of failures. Although cium, which can be range from 800 to 1500€mg/day and
there is a higher risk of failure in diabetic patients, exper- regular exercise is helpful to maintain the bone mass and
imental studies have shown that the optimization of increase bone strength. Such patients should thoroughly
glycaemic control improves the degree of osseointegra- be investigated and treated before implant therapy.
tion in implants. Nonetheless, it is necessary to extend
the number of prospective studies in humans, in order Patients on bisphosphonates
to clarify the true impact of diabetes on the prognosis for Bisphosphonates are a group of drugs used to treat
osseointegration. pathologies, including Paget’s disease, osteoporosis, mul-
tiple myeloma and metastases associated with breast
Hypertension or prostate cancer. Bisphosphonates act on osteoclasts,
Hypertensive patients often have the tendency to bleed inhibiting their chemotaxis and lifespan and hence, they
more than the normal because of high vascular pressure; inhibit bone resorption and induce osteonecrosis. There
hence, they should be only operated under controlled are important differences between bisphosphonates
blood pressure conditions. A continuous monitoring administered intravenously or taken orally. Oral admin-
istration of bisphosphonates to postmenopausal women
to treat osteoporosis is fairly common. Hence, this group
of patients should be investigated for bisphosphonate
Table 7.2╇Recommendations to reduce the risk of implant
therapy. The American Association of Oral and Maxillo-
failure in diabetic patients facial Surgeons does not contraindicate dental implant
placement in patients who have been taking bisphospho-
1. Good glycaemic control: nates orally for under 3 years prior to surgery, but the drug
HbA1c€<€7% should be stopped for a minimum of 3 months before
Baseline and preprandial glycaemia (mg/dl): 80–110 carrying out implant surgery and should be restarted only
Maximum postprandial level of glycaemia (mg/dl): <180 after at least 3 months following implant surgery (Table
7.3). Marx et€al A blood test, and the serum C-terminal
2. Preoperative antibiotic therapy telopeptide (CTX) test on an empty stomach, are recom-
3. 0.12% Chlorhexidine mouthwash
mended to evaluate the risk of osteonecrosis in patients
on bisphosphonate therapy for more than 3 years. If
7 Clinical Implantology

Table 7.3╇Types of oral and intravenous bisphosphonates and their uses


Oral Alendronate, Rise- Fosamax®, Fosa- Osteoporosis, Less common Can be

dronate, Etidronate, vance®, Actonel®, Paget’s Â�disease, successfully
Tiludronate, Iban- Osteum®, Difosfen®, Osteogenesis done
dronate, Clodro- Acrel®, Skelid®, Bon- imperfecta etc.
nate, etc. dronat®, Bonefos®, etc.

Intravenous Zoledronate, Clo- Zometa®, Aclasta®, To reduce bone More common Should be
dronate, Ibandro- Bondronat®, Bonefos®, pain, malignant avoided
nate, Pamidronate, Aredia®, Linoten®, hypercalcaemia,
etc. Pamifos®, Xinsidona®, skeletal compli-
etc. cations suffered
by patients with
Paget’s disease
or myeloma, bone
metastasis of vari-
ous cancers, etc.

values obtained are greater than 150€pg/ml, the implant normal liver function test (SMA, CBC, PTT, and PT) val-
surgery can be performed with minimum risk and with- ues are at low risk and can be treated as normal patients
out suspension of medication. When values are lower with basic implant procedures. The physician’s opinion is
than 150€ pg/ml, medication should be stopped for a highly recommended for these patients before perform-
period between 4 and 6 months or an alternative treat- ing the implant surgical procedures.
ment option involving other types of prosthesis should
be sought. More scientific evidence is required in order to Angina pectoris
validate CTX testing as the technique for the evaluation It is a form of coronary heart disease, which causes chest
of osteonecrosis in these patients. Different studies and pain or cramp of the cardiac muscles because of tem-
clinical trials of implant therapy in patients on bisphos- porary myocardial ischaemia (low oxygen supply to the
phonate therapy, have found that patients who had taken cardiac muscles). Atherosclerosis of the coronary ves-
oral bisphosphonates could successfully be treated with sels is the most common cause of angina pectoris. When
implants. Oral bisphosphonates are stopped 3 months treating such patients, the physician’s opinion should be
before implant insertion and restarted only after the taken before performing implant surgery and nitroglyc-
implant has osseointegrated (3–4 months). As the erin (0.4€mg) tablets should be kept ready in the dental
patients on intravenous bisphosphonates are at high risk emergency kit. The dental procedure should be done in a
of osteonecrosis after implant surgery, other non-surgical stress-free environment and divided into multiple short
prosthetic options should be preferred for such patients. duration procedures. If the patient complains of chest
pain, the procedure should be stopped immediately and
Oral malignancy and osteoradionecrosis the nitroglycerin tablets should be administered sub-
Any benign or malignant oral lesion should be diagnosed lingually. Local anaesthetics devoid of vasoconstrictors
and treated before implant insertion. Patients who are (adrenalin) like xylocard should be used in such patients.
given postsurgical radiotherapy for oral malignant lesions Anti-anxiety drugs and prophylactic administration of
often show degeneration of the osteovascular tissues nitroglycerin tablets are also helpful to reduce the onset
(osteoradionecrosis); hence the regeneration capacity of of angina in such patients during implant surgery.
the bone is hindered for a minimum of 6 months after
radiotherapy is completed. Thus, the implant surgeon Myocardial infarction
should wait for a minimum of 6 months after radio- Myocardial infarction (MI) is a prolonged ischaemia (lack
therapy is completed, to place the implant. Six months of oxygen supply) that causes injury to the heart. Such
after completion of radiotherapy treatment, new vascular patients complain of severe chest pain in the left precor-
tissue starts regenerating inside the bone, which is para- dial area during the MI episode, which radiates to the left
mount for predictable quality implant osseointegration arm or mandible. The pain is similar to angina pectoris,
with the surrounding bone. but more severe and presents symptoms like cyanosis,
cold sweat, weakness, nausea or vomiting, and irregu-
Liver cirrhosis lar and increased pulse rate, etc. Being a life-threatening
The major cause for liver cirrhosis is alcohol consumption. medical problem, the implant surgeon besides taking all
The liver synthesizes clotting factors and detoxifies drugs, the precautions as for angina, should take the opinion of
hence patients with liver disease show reduced synthesis a cardiologist before treating such patients. These patients
of the clotting factor (thrombocytopaenia) and prolonged should preferably be treated in hospital where all the
bleeding time during implant surgery. The patients with emergency management facilities are available.
Patient evaluation and treatment planning 7
Square arch: shows minimum facial cantilevered
Table 7.4╇Dose regimen of prophylactic antibiotics
forces; thus minimum number of implants are required
administered before dental surgery to patients
to support a full-arch fixed or completely implant-
with history of subacute bacterial endocarditis
supported removable prosthesis. Only two implants
PROPHYLACTIC ANTIBIOTICS FOR BACTERIAL are required at the canine positions to restore the ante-
ENDOCARDITIS PATIENTS rior maxillary or mandibular region. Placement of any
implant anterior to the canine region is usually not
Standard antibiotic Amoxicillin 2€g 1€h before surgical required to restore the full-arch. The full-arch, fixed,
procedure implant-supported restoration (12–14 units) can be
Patients allergic to Clindamycin 600€mg 1€h before surgical
made possible by placing only six implants (two at
penicillin procedure
canine, two at second premolar, and two at first molar
positions) (Fig 7.2A).
Ovoid: shows more facial cantilevered forces on the
prosthesis compared to the square arch form, thus one
Subacute bacterial endocarditis (SABE) more implant should be added anterior to canines
It is an infection of the heart valves or the endothelial �positions (at one of the central incisor positions) to
surfaces of the heart. The microorganisms mainly asso- reduce the cantilevered forces on the rest of the implants
ciated with endocarditis following dental treatment, (Fig 7.2B).
are streptococci and staphylococci, and less frequently, Tapering: has the maximum facial cantilevered forces,
anaerobes. The risk of bacterial endocarditis increases thus two more implants should be added anterior to
with the amount of intraoral soft tissue trauma. Improve- canine positions (one at each central incisor position) to
ment of oral hygiene with scaling and root planing, and reduce the cantilevered forces on the rest of the implants
the administration of prophylactic antibiotics before per- (Fig 7.2C).
forming any implant surgical procedure, reduce the onset
of subacute bacterial endocarditis after dental surgery, to
a large extent (Table 7.4). Ridge morphology of edentulous region
Ridge morphology of the edentulous region gives an
Pregnancy approximate idea about underlying bone dimensions,
Being an elective procedure, implant surgery should be positions, and angulations required for implant place-
avoided during pregnancy as the radiographs and medi- ment, and also reveals the presence of any severe under-
cations for the implant procedures may adversely affect cut in ridge morphology, etc.
the growth of the fetus. Moreover, periodontal diseases
are often exacerbated during pregnancy.
Soft tissue biotype
Smoking A thick biotype that contains a thick connective tissue
The lower success rate of endosteal implants in smok- layer under the keratinized attached epithelium is con-
ers is well documented in literature.1 Tobacco smoking sidered to be favourable for implants. The thick biotype
decreases polymorphonuclear leukocyte activity, result- makes a tight seal around the implant prosthesis and is
ing in a lower rate of chemotactic migration and reduced more resistant to the recession and peri-implant infections
phagocytic activity, which contribute to decreased resis- (Fig 7.3A and B). The thick biotype is also helpful in the
tance to inflammation and infection and impaired aesthetic regions to achieve an aesthetic emergence profile
wound-healing potential. Smoking also causes decreased and soft tissue drape around the implant prosthesis. It is
calcium absorption, which weakens bone strength. easy for the implant surgeon to craft the thick soft tissue
Slower soft tissue healing, bone graft contamination, etc. biotype as required, to achieve optimal aesthetic outcome
are common problems in smokers. The patient should be in the implant prosthesis in the cervical region. If a thin
encouraged to avoid smoking at least for a period of 2–3 biotype is found at the edentulous region, the implant
weeks postimplant surgery till the soft tissue gets healed. surgeon should plan for a connective tissue grafting pro-
cedure during the implant insertion, or later at the time
Oral examination of implant uncovery, to convert the thin biotype to the
thick biotype.
Detailed oral examination of the patient is paramount for
diagnosis and treatment planning for successful implant
therapy. The following clinical findings should be exam- Width of keratinized soft tissue
ined in detail. A thick band of keratinized soft tissue is paramount
around the future implant prosthesis to make it resis-
tant to peri-implant infections. The clinician should
Arch form evaluate and plan to achieve at least 3€mm of attached
The arch form influences the number and positions of keratinized thick marginal soft tissue collar around
the implants required in fixed implant prosthesis for the the implant prosthesis. If a non-keratinized thin and
edentulous maxilla and mandible. Three types of dental mobile soft tissue is found at the implant site, he/she
arch forms are found in patients. should plan for soft tissue grafting procedure at the
time of implant uncovery, to generate new thick and
1Bain CA, Moy PK. The association between the failure of dental implants and keratinized soft tissue around the implant prosthesis
cigarette smoking. Int J Oral Maxillofac Imp 1993;8:609–615. (Fig 7.4A and B).
7 Clinical Implantology

Cantilever Cantilever

Anteroposterior Anteroposterior
distance distance




Fig 7.2╇ The arch form should be evaluated during treatment planning for multiple or full-arch implants. (A) The square arch form shows the least
facial cantilever, hence requires least number of implants to restore the maxilla or mandible and no implant is usually required anterior to the canine
positions. (B) The oval arch form has more facial cantilevering; hence at least one implant should be added anterior to the canine position to restore
such arch. (C) The tapering arch form has the maximum facial cantilevering hence requires two additional implants anterior to the canine positions. If
14-unit fixed prosthesis is planned, two more implants should be added at the second molar positions.


Fig 7.3╇ (A) Thin biotype, more prone to recession and muscle pull, (B) thick biotype, more resistant to recession.

Papilla at the implant site (intact or flattened) Periodontal health of adjacent teeth
The careful evaluation of the presence or absence of The teeth adjacent to the edentulous region should be
papilla should be made during treatment planning for checked for any deep soft tissue pocket, or any periodon-
the implant in the aesthetic region. If the papillae are tal defect with active purulent discharge. Often infection
intact, the papilla preservation incision is preferred for in the adjacent teeth can infect the inserted implant;
the implant placement (Fig 7.5A–D). therefore, all the periodontal problems of the adjacent
Patient evaluation and treatment planning 7


Fig 7.4╇ (A and B) A thick band of keratinized soft tissue regenerated with soft tissue grafting during implant uncovery to minimize the chances of soft
tissue recession and peri-implantitis.



Fig 7.5╇ Care should be taken to preserve intact papilla in the regions of high aesthetics. (A and B) Papilla preservation incision should be planned in
such cases to maintain the papillae for future implant prosthesis. (C and D) Flattened papilla.

teeth should thoroughly be diagnosed and treated before mesial drifting, etc. for prosthetically guided implant inser-
implant insertion (Fig 7.6A–C). tion (Fig 7.7A–C). Prosthetic planning before implant inser-
tion avoids future problems like unaesthetic prosthesis,
recurrent dislodgement of prosthesis, implant component
Opposing and adjacent teeth at occlusal position fractures, fractured prosthesis, loosening of the connec-
The teeth adjacent to and opposing the edentulous site tion screw, implant body fracture, crestal bone resorption,
should be examined for any supra eruption inclinations, implant failure, etc. after implant is loaded/in function.
7 Clinical Implantology


Fig 7.6╇ (A) Tooth adjacent to the future implant site showing deep periodontal pocket with purulent discharge through a sinus. The infected pocket
is treated first with scaling, curettage and antibiotics until it healed and showed no active infection. (B and C) The healed periodontal osseous defect
is exposed, cleaned, irrigated with antibiotics and grafted simultaneous to implant placement at the adjacent site.


Fig 7.7╇ (A) Supra-erupted opposing tooth not only result in reduced inter-arch space but also cause undue forces over the implant prosthesis during
lateral excursive movements. (B and C) The drifting of adjacent teeth results in reduced mesiodistal dimensions for the implant prosthesis.

These problems usually arise because of offset occlusal Bruxism

forces and extreme angulation of the implant prosthesis The problem of bruxism should be treated before plac-
with the implant axis. ing implants, to avoid post loading problems, such as the
early wearing of the prosthesis, ceramic fractures, compo-
nent fractures, crestal bone resorption, etc. (Fig 7.9A–D).
Oral hygiene of the patient
Oral hygiene maintenance is mandatory to avoid any
infection to the inserted implants and also for their long- History of diseased or lost teeth
term survival. Advanced periodontitis should be treated The history of tooth loss can be very informative to evalu-
before implant therapy. Scaling and root planing should ate the bony tissue present at the planned implant site. The
always be done before implant insertion. Preoperative traumatic loss of a tooth often leads to the fracture of the
oral rinses with a 0.12% chlorhexidine digluconate solu- thin facial cortical plate. Either reduced buccolingual bone
tion has been shown to significantly lower the incidence dimensions or a large osseous defect can be found in such
of postimplantation infectious complications. A preoper- cases, when the bony ridge is exposed for implant insertion
ative 30-s rinse is recommended, followed by twice daily (Fig 7.10A–D). The patient, while giving the history of tooth
rinses for 2 weeks following surgery. loss because of periodontal infections, usually also presents
the osseous defects which need to be grafted before or at the
time of implant insertion (Fig 7.11A and B). Teeth with peri-
Tobacco chewing apical radiolucency or history of apicoectomy often show a
Tobacco chewing is often associated with poor oral medium to large osseous defect at the periapical region dur-
hygiene and periodontal problems in the remaining ing the implant placement (Fig 7.12A and B). For such cases
teeth. Oral prophylaxis should be done before perform- the dentist should plan for bone augmentation procedures
ing implant therapy and the patient should be encour- during or before the implant placement.
aged to avoid tobacco chewing and adopt oral hygiene
maintenance before placement of implants. Tobacco
chewing also causes peri-implantitis in the restored Mouth opening
implants; hence the patient should be instructed to avoid This is one of the most neglected points when the implant
tobacco chewing for long-term survival of the implants surgeon plans for the implant therapy in the posterior
(Fig 7.8A and B). region of the mouth. Often, patients with submucous
Patient evaluation and treatment planning 7


Fig 7.8╇ (A) Implants if inserted in the patient with the tobacco chewing habit result in (B) recurrent soft tissue infections under the implant prosthesis.



Fig 7.9╇ (A to D) Full mouth rehabilitation using multiple implants done for a patient who has worn out all the teeth; if proper measures are not taken
to treat the bruxism, it may result in wearing out or fracture of the implant prosthesis or its components.

fibrosis or TMJ problems, show limited mouth opening, ideas about any root remnant, mesiodistal dimensions
which can cause problems with osteotomy preparation or of the edentulous space, bone height available to insert
other adjuvant procedures like sinus grafting. implant, any root curvature of adjacent teeth, any bone
defect, any periodontal or periapical lesion with the adja-
Diagnostic (panoramic/periapical) radiographs cent teeth and the position and route of vital structures in
the area, like mental foramina, mandibular canal, maxil-
Panoramic and periapical radiographs are very useful lary sinus floor, nasal floor, etc. However, when the dentist
diagnostic tools to evaluate the edentulous bony ridge is planning implant therapy, he/she should always keep in
and its surrounding structures. These radiographs give mind that the panoramic radiograph may show 10–30%
7 Clinical Implantology



Fig 7.10╇ (A and B) The traumatic loss of teeth often results in loss of thin facial cortical plate. (C and D) The area should be grafted using bone
regeneration material and implant inserted in the new bone dimensions after 4 months.


Fig 7.11╇ (A and B) A large osseous defect can be seen after the extraction of a periodontally compromised tooth.

magnification of hard tissue structures. Whereas, depend- shows 20€mm bone height above the mandibular canal,
ing on the cone angulation of the radiographic machine, it should be reduced by 25% (maximum possible mag-
the periapical radiographs show variable amounts of nification percentage); thus the actual bone height may
magnification. When planning with these radiographs, a be 15€mm. Further, leaving 3€mm bone above the canal
radiographic template with the small metal balls placed as a safety guard to avoid nerve injury, the dentist should
above the ridge crest, should be used to calibrate image place only 12€ mm long implants. For tight edentulous
magnification. If the panoramic radiograph of the patient spaces and limited bone height the bone dimensions can
shows bone dimensions that are more than required, the be exactly calibrated using the small metal balls in the
implant surgeon, to be on the safer side, may plan for the radiographic template (e.g. if the metal ball with actual
ideal implant size by reducing the radiographic dimen- diameter 3€mm is used and shows 4€mm diameter in the
sions by 25%. For example, if the panoramic radiograph radiograph, that means the radiograph is showing 25%
Patient evaluation and treatment planning 7


Fig 7.12╇ (A and B) Teeth with periapical radiolucency or history of apicoectomy often show a medium to large osseous defect during implant placement.
For such cases, the dentist should plan bone augmentation during or before implant placement.

magnification). Other disadvantages of these radiographs CT scan, with the type and amount of soft tissue recorded
are that they do not give any idea about bone width and with the clinical pictures.
bone density.
Bone mapping
Impressions and diagnostic cast preparation
Bone mapping is done to evaluate the buccolingual bone
Impression of both the arches should be made using algi- dimensions at the edentulous site, which cannot be recorded
nate impression material and bite registration should be with the radiograph. There are different ways of doing
recorded using an appropriate bite material. Upper and bone mapping but the easiest way is using a bone calliper.
lower diagnostic casts must be articulated in occlusion (for A surface anaesthetic or a small amount of local infiltration
partially edentulous patients) or in centric relation (for com- is given at the implant site and the bone calliper tips are
pletely edentulous patients). These diagnostic casts are used: pierced through the buccal and lingual soft tissue to reach
â•…â•… the underlying bone. The bone calliper shows the reading
a. To evaluate the patient’s opposing tooth/teeth, their on its scale. This procedure can be repeated at 2 to 3 points
overeruption, buccal or lingual inclinations, the drift- along the ridge height to evaluate the bone width at differ-
ing of adjacent teeth, ridge form, etc. ent points along the bony ridge (Fig 7.13A and B). One can
b. To fabricate a radiographic template (using radiograph record the bone width dimensions and plan the approxi-
or CT scan), which is used for accurate planning of the mate diameter of the implant which can be used at the
implant particular site. Bone mapping may not give accurate bone
c. To fabricate the surgical stent for accurate implant dimensions, hence the flaps should be elevated to expose
placement the bony ridge for direct visualization and accurate implant
d. For the fabrication of an interim prosthesis after placement. CT planning is considered to be more accurate
implant insertion. and the dentist can bypass bone mapping procedure if
he/she is doing CT planning for the implant treatment.
Clinical pictures of the edentulous area
Radiographic template fabrication
These are used to record:
â•…â•… An ideal provisional prosthesis is fabricated for the eden-
a. The pre-clinical situation of the case tulous site by setting the teeth in position and in correct
b. Ridge morphology occlusion with the opposing dentition or prosthesis.
c. The width of keratinized soft tissue collar at the Either radiopaque teeth are used in the template or a
implant site radiopaque material like gutta-percha or self-cure resin
d. The periodontal health of the adjacent teeth mixed with radiopaque barium sulphate is filled in the
e. Patient’s occlusion template at the prosthetically accurate, desired implant
f. Patient’s smile line sites. This template is accurately seated in the patient’s
g. Pretreatment maxillofacial prosthesis mouth and the patient is sent for the dental radiographs
h. Any soft tissue lesion. and/or dental CT scan. The radiopaque teeth or the radi-
â•…â•… opaque material filled at the implant site is clearly visible
All these features, which are recorded along with clini- in the dental radiograph or dental CT scan. With refer-
cal pictures, can be very helpful for treatment planning, ence to these radiopaque sites, which represent the ideal
as the implant dentist can correlate the hard tissue (bone) implant positions and three-dimensional orientations
situations, which are recorded with the radiographs and for the accurate future prosthesis, the implants with ideal
7 Clinical Implantology


Fig 7.13╇ (A) Bone mapping calliper (Salvin Dental Specialities, USA). (B) Surface anaesthetic is applied at the site and the buccolingual bone dimen-
sions at different points along the ridge height is measured using the bone calliper. Its sharp and pointed pins punch through the soft tissue to reach
the underlying bone and its scale shows the ridge width present at the particular edentulous ridge site.

CT planning
dimensions, positions, and angulations are planned,
executed, and placed accurately for the future prosthesis With advancements in diagnostic tools, many implant
(‘prosthetically guided implant insertion’). dentists now prefer to evaluate bone quality and measure
three-dimensional ridge dimensions accurately with the
help of the dental CT scan (Dentascan). Some implant
Template for radiograph simulation softwares (Nobel Guide, Implant 3D, etc.) are
As described earlier in this chapter, radiographs show some also available in the market, which can create beautiful
degree of magnification; thus the template with calibrated axial, panoramic, cross-sections and three-dimensional
metal balls should be used in radiographic planning of views of the jawbone using the raw dental CT files (Fig
the implant case, to exactly calculate the percentage of 7.18A–E). They have features for accurate simulation of
magnification in the radiographic image (Fig 7.14A–E). the implant, graft, and prosthesis. The dental CT scan
gives an idea about:
Template for dental CT a. Accurate three-dimensional measurement of available
Using the metal ball in the CT scan template results in bone (buccolingual, mesiodistal, and bone height)
the scattering of CT images. Moreover, the dental CT b. Bone density at the implant site
scan does not show any magnification, so ball calibra- c. Bony ridge morphology
tion is also not required; hence any non–metallic, radi- d. Bone angulation
opaque material like gutta-percha or self-cure acrylic e. Any osseous defect, if present
mixed with barium sulphate can be used in the template f. Three-dimensional view of the complete jawbone
to evaluate and plan the desired edentulous ridge sites g. Three-dimensional paths and architecture of vital
for three-dimensionally accurate implant placements structures like the mandibular canal, nasal cavity and
(Figs 7.15 and 7.16). its floor, sinus cavity and its floor, etc.
h. Implant simulation for accurate implant selection and
Radiographic implant template its three-dimensional placement orientation for the
best possible future prosthesis
from the implant system i. Volume of the graft required, if any grafting proce-
A few implant systems provide a radiographic template dure like sinus grafting, block grafting, etc. needs to be
in the form of a transparent sheet showing the actual size performed.
images (100%) of all their implants as well as magnified
implant images (125%). In planning with the patient’s Surgical guide fabrication
radiograph, the magnified implant image of the template
is used to make ideal implant selections for a particular As previously mentioned, implant insertion should be
site. However, if the implant surgeon is planning with the guided by the planned future prosthesis. Thus the use
dental CT scan which shows no magnification, he/she of the surgical guide is paramount for the ideal implant
should use the actual size implant image of the radio- insertion. Depending on the technique, there are different
graphic template for the planning (Fig 7.17A–C). ways to fabricate the surgical guide.
Patient evaluation and treatment planning 7



Fig 7.14╇ (A) Clinical view of missing mandibular second molar. An impression is made and a diagnostic cast is prepared. (B) A metal ball is fixed at
the planned implant site on the diagnostic cast, using a glue and (C) a vacuum form tray is adapted over the same. (D) The vacuum form tray
carrying the metal ball is seated in the patient’s mouth and (E) a radiograph is taken which shows the metal ball as the round white image. Now the
diameter of real ball and its white image in radiograph is measured and calibrated to calculate the exact magnification that the radiograph shows. For
example, if the diameter of the real ball is 3€mm and its radiographic image shows 4€mm, there is 25% magnification in the radiograph. Thus if the
radiograph is showing 16€mm available bone height from crest to mandibular canal for the implant placement, the actual bone height could be only
12€mm (25% less than the radiographic bone height); therefore, the maximum length of the implant that can be inserted is 10€mm (leaving 2€mm as
the safety margin from the mandibular canal).

Manual surgical guide be used only to place the implants at the specific positions
A removable provisional prosthesis is fabricated for the and angulations with the open surgical technique. The
edentulous ridge area and holes are prepared through the flapless implant placement technique using this guide,
teeth of the prosthesis at the desired implant sites. These should be avoided especially in cases with limited bone
holes are filled using radiopaque material like heated dimensions, as there can be the chances of bone dehis-
gutta-percha or self-cure acrylic mixed with radiopaque cence or perforation during drilling through the guide.
barium sulphate. The patient is sent for radiography and/
or dental CT scan with this template worn in the mouth.
The radiographs and different views of the dental CT scan Computer-assisted surgical guide
show the radiopaque barium sulphate representing the With advancement in modern implant dentistry, com-
ideal teeth positions, which are used as the reference for puter-guided implant placement is one of the preferred
three-dimensionally ideal implant planning. After using methods to obtain the ideal implant insertion with mini-
this prosthesis as the radiographic template, the barium mum trauma to hard and soft tissue. A radiographic tem-
sulphate is removed from the implant sites and holes are plate is fabricated and the dental CT scan of the patient
drilled through the same radiographic template. Now wearing the radiographic template as well as another
before elevating the mucoperiosteal flap, the same radio- scan of the template alone (outside the mouth) are done
graphic template is seated in the patient’s mouth and a (‘dual scan technique’). The implant planning is done
small-diameter drill is used to drill the sites through its using implant simulation software; with reference to both
holes to the partial depth. Bleeding points are noticed at the scans a surgical guide is fabricated using prototyping
the implant sites after the surgical guide is removed from or CAD/CAM technology. This computer-assisted surgical
the mouth. Now the flap is elevated and the osteotomy is guide can be soft tissue supported (seated over the soft tis-
prepared for the implants at the same sites with the same sue ridge, with implants inserted with flapless technique)
directions. The implants are placed at the ideal positions or hard tissue/bone supported (the mucoperiosteal flap
(Fig 7.19A–L). The manual guide is less accurate and can is elevated and the guide is seated onto the underlying
7 Clinical Implantology



Implant (5x10)



Opposing Radiographic
maxillary tooth template

Ridge crest
Radiographic cortical plate Implant (5x10)
template simulation

Implant (5x10) Mandibular Lingual

Buccal simulation nerve cortical plate
cortical plate

Mandibular canal Lingual

cortical plate


Fig 7.15╇ (A) The vacuum form tray is fabricated over the gutta-percha placed on the top of the ridge of the diagnostic cast. (B) The patient is sent
for the dental CT scan with the vacuum form tray seated in the mouth. (C–F) The gutta-percha balls can be seen in the CT images as a white opaque
image, and they are used as the reference point to plan the dimensions and angulation of the implant for the prosthesis.
Patient evaluation and treatment planning 7



Fig 7.16╇ (A) Patient’s denture teeth are drilled at the ideal implant sites and holes filled with the heated gutta-percha. The patient is sent for radiograph
and dental CT scan with the denture in the mouth. (B) The panoramic radiograph, and (C and D) 3D and cross-sectional views of the dental CT scan
show the radiopaque GP points. (E) The implants are inserted at the desired site which shows the adequate bone dimensions and are also ideal for
the implant prosthesis.

bony ridge for the ideal implant insertion). After seating should also have additional length to achieve similar
the guide accurately in the mouth, it is immobilized using amount of bone implant contact. An implant with ideal
fixation screws; and implant osteotomies are prepared diameter should be inserted even in cases where a large
through the guide using drill sleeves (Fig 7.20A–H). amount of bone volume is available to insert a bigger
diameter implant, because the wider diameter implants
have shown many disadvantages with fewer prosthetic
Key points of treatment planning advantages.
Advantages of wide diameter implants:
for successful implant therapy â•…â•…
a. Increases bone implant surface contact area.
Implant diameter selection
b. Minimizes the cantilevered offset forces.
An implant with a particular diameter has been conven- c. Decreases screw loosening.
tionally selected according to the bone dimensions avail- d. Minimizes implant component fracture.
able at the edentulous site; but keeping biomechanical e. Compensates for poor bone density.
parameters in mind, the ideal implant diameter should f. Improved emergence profile.
be chosen to bear occlusal and transverse forces, achieve g. Facilitates the oral hygiene maintenance.
an aesthetic emergence profile, avoid screw loosening and â•…â•…
implant component or body fracture, and facilitate oral Disadvantages of wide diameter implant:
hygiene. Thus, when planning placement with radiogra- â•…â•…
phy, an ideal range of implant diameters for a particular a. Decreased amount of surrounding bone thickness
tooth replacement should be kept in mind and corre- may not survive and leads to resorption.
lated with the bone dimensions available. If inadequate b. More drilling for implant placement causes bone
bone dimensions are available, either the site should trauma.
be grafted to regenerate new bone dimensions for the c. More chances of bone dehiscence during drilling.
placement of an ideal diameter implant or more num- d. Possibility of encroachment to the periodontal liga-
ber of narrow diameter implants should be inserted and ment of the adjacent teeth.
splinted together to distribute the forces when replacing e. The wider implant does not transfer the sufficient
multiple number of teeth or a multi-rooted single molar. stress to the surrounding bone, which results in disuse
If an implant has a diameter that is less than ideal, it atrophy of the bone (similar to the condition when
7 Clinical Implantology

Fig 7.17╇ (A) The radiographic template sheath of the SPI implant showing actual sizes (100%) of the implants (black images) as well as magnified
images (125%) of the same implants (green images).

Patient evaluation and treatment planning 7


Fig 7.17, con’d╇ (B) When planning with the panoramic radiograph the green coloured magnified image is used for the planning (C) but if planning
with the CT scan the black coloured actual size implant image is used for the same.


Fig 7.18╇ (A) CT images created with 3D implant planning software showing panoramic view, (B) axial view, (C and D) cross-sectional views and (E) 3D
view with implant simulation, traced nerves, osseous defects and radiographic template.

no strain is transferred to the bone after tooth loss). a. Minimal drilling for implant placement causes lesser
The bone gets resorbed because of disuse atrophy, if bone trauma.
no implant is inserted. b. Better and longer survival of surrounding thicker
â•…â•… bone.
Advantages of narrow diameter implant:â•…â•… c. Less bone modification and grafting are required.
7 Clinical Implantology






Patient evaluation and treatment planning 7
Fig 7.19╇ (A and B) A removable provisional prosthesis is fabricated for the edentulous area. (C) The teeth are drilled at the ideal implant sites and
holes are filled using self-cure acrylic mixed with radiopaque barium sulphate. Patient is sent for the dental CT with the template worn in the mouth.
(D) The 3D view of the dental CT is showing the radiopaque barium sulphate representing the ideal teeth positions which are used for implant planning
with the planning software by placing the simulated implants in dental CT. The barium sulphate is removed from the implant sites and the holes are
drilled through the same radiographic template. (E) Now the radiographic template is seated in the patient’s mouth and used as the surgical guide for
pilot drilling to partial depth. (F) The bleeding points can be noticed at the implant sites after the surgical guide is removed from the mouth. (G) Now
the flap is elevated and the osteotomy is prepared for implants at the same sites with the same directions. (H–J) The implants are placed at the ideal
positions to support (K and L) a fixed ceramic prosthesis which is ideal in the form and occlusion.

d. Less chances of bone dehiscence during drilling. implants in all-on-4 technique). Implants with deeper
e. In selective cases, can be inserted with flapless or mini- threads are preferred in low-density bone to achieve
mal incision technique. adequate primary stability. The implants with shallow
â•…â•… threads should be preferred in high-density bone to avoid
Disadvantages of narrow diameter implant: the deeper threads causing pressure necrosis of the bone.
â•…â•… The implant with deeper threads should be chosen for
a. Screw loosening. immediate implantation in the extraction socket, because
b. Implant body fracture. its apex can be adequately secured in the limited bone
c. Component fracture. apical to the socket (Fig 7.23A–D).
d. Inadequate emergence profile.
e. More offset forces when placed for bigger size single
Available bone width and height
tooth prosthesis.
f. Decreased bone implant surface contact area. The available bone width and height should accurately
g. Problematic for maintenance of oral hygiene. be measured using radiographs and dental CT scan, to
â•…â•… select and place the implant with appropriate dimen-
Usually the diameter of an implant is chosen so that sions. As previously described, implant diameter is
the placement of an implant with selected diameter selected at least 3€ mm smaller than the available bone
should leave a minimum 1.5€mm of bone on the facial width, to leave minimum 1.5€mm bone, lingual as well
and lingual sides as well as between the implant and the as facial to the implant. Available bone height is calcu-
adjacent tooth, whereas it should be 3.0€ mm between lated after deducting the safety distance (2€mm) for the
two implants (Fig 7.21A and B). But the dentist should vital structures. If measured with radiograph, the amount
keep in mind a minimum and maximum diameter of magnification should be deducted from the total bone
for the implant to replace a particular tooth, to avoid height to get the actual bone height. Further, the safety
the post-restoration complications described earlier distance should also be deducted from the actual bone
(Fig 7.22A and B). height (Fig 7.24).

Implant length selection Bone angulation

An adequately long implant utilizing the maximum Bone angulation should be correlated with the direction
amount of available bone, should be inserted to sup- of the future implant prosthesis. The implant should be
port prosthesis. Using a longer implant increases initial inserted which is more accurate for the prosthesis in spite
stability and bone implant interface. This may be more of placing implant according to the bony ridge angulation
advantageous when placing an implant in a fresh extrac- (Fig 7.25).
tion socket, followed by an immediate loading proto-
col. The implant length may also be correlated with the Distance between two adjacent implants
bone density in the area, as weaker bone requires longer
implants to achieve adequate primary stability. The lon- Implants should be inserted so that a minimum 3€mm of
gest possible implant should be used in cases where the bone is left between two adjacent implants. Because the
bone is inadequate in width to insert an adequately wide bone between two implants receives blood supply only
implant. The compensating length of the implant results from the basal bone, it is prone to get vertically resorbed
in approximately the same amount of bone implant sur- if there is less than 3€ mm of bone between adjacent
face contact, despite the inadequate width of bone and implants (Fig 7.26A).
Distance between implant and adjacent tooth
Implant design selection
The minimum bone between the implant surface and the
The internal connection implant is preferred over the root of the adjacent tooth must be 1.5€mm for long-term
external connection implant, except when the large can- survival. The bone between the tooth root and implant
tilevered bar or fixed prosthesis is placed. The narrow surface receives blood supply from the basal bone as well
diameter internal connection implant is more prone as from the periodontal ligaments of the adjacent root
to fracture under cantilevered forces (e.g. distal-tilted (Fig 7.26B).
7 Clinical Implantology





Fig 7.20╇ (A) Edentulous maxillary ridge. (B) Implant planning using implant simulation software. (C) A surgical guide simulation is done using software.
(D) The finally planned CT images are exported to the CAD/CAM system, which fabricates an accurate soft tissue supported surgical guide. (E) Surgical
guide is seated over the edentulous ridge and immobilized using fixation screws. (F) The special drill guide sleeves are used to prepare the implant
osteotomies through the surgical guide. (G) Clinical and (H) radiographic views immediately after implant insertion.

Patient evaluation and treatment planning 7

Root inclinations of adjacent teeth

The root inclinations of any adjacent tooth must be
closely evaluated with the help of radiograph and dental
CT scan when placing an implant closer to the tooth root
or in tight spaces. The most important areas of concern
are the maxillary and mandibular canine regions. The
maxillary canine often shows the distal inclination of its
root while the mandibular canine shows the mesial incli-
nation of its root. Hence, when placing implant for the
maxillary first premolar, the implant apex is often angled
distally to remain parallel to the maxillary canine root.
A tapered implant is more appropriate for such a situation.
While placing an implant for the mandibular lateral inci-
sor, the implant apex is often angled medially to remain
parallel to the mandibular canine roots (Fig 7.27A–G).
A B The pilot drilling should be done to a partial depth and
a periapical radiograph should be taken from two direc-
Fig 7.21╇ (A and B) Placement of an implant with selected diameter should tions (canine as well as premolar) with the drill in place,
leave minimum 1.5€mm of bone (marked with red lines) on the facial and to evaluate the direction of drilling in respect of canine
lingual site as well as between the implant and adjacent tooth, whereas it root angulation. Further correction in the direction can
should be 3€mm (marked with yellow line) between two implants. be done, if required, using a side cutting Lindemann drill.

4.0-5.0 3.0-3.5 4.0-5.0 4.0-4.5 4.0-4.5 4.5-6.0 4.5-6.0

3.0-3.5 3.0-3.5 3.5-4.5 3.5-4.5 3.5-4.5 4.0-5.5 4.0-5.0

Fig 7.22╇ (A) The figures show the ideal range of implant diameters which should be selected for replacing any maxillary or (B) mandibular tooth. 85
7 Clinical Implantology



Fig 7.23╇ (A) The implant with deeper and high pitch (more distance between two threads) threads should be preferred in low density maxillary bone to
engage more amount of bone to achieve adequate primary stability for the implant. (B) The implant with shallow and low pitch (less distance between two
threads) threads should be preferred in high density mandibular bone to avoid the chances of bone necrosis with deeper threads. (C and D) The implant
with shallow and low pitch threads comparatively achieves less primary stability; thus the implant with deeper and high pitch threads can be preferred in
immediate implant in extraction socket cases or cases with large osseous defect, to achieve adequate primary stability with low BIC percentage.

Often the adjacent tooth with extreme angulation that

does not allow implant placement, needs to be extracted
and replaced with the implant (Fig 7.28A–B).

Connecting implant prosthesis with adjacent

The dentist should know the basic anatomy of the peri-
odontal and peri-implant hard tissue when connecting
implant to any adjacent tooth. As the natural tooth has
periodontal ligaments, it shows more degree of move-
ment within the bone in comparison to the osseointe-
grated implant which is directly osseointegrated with
the bone. Hence, connecting an implant with the natural
tooth results in micromovement of the implant during
function as well as crestal bone resorption, which com-
promises the long-term survival of the implant.
Carl E Misch advised a basic protocol based on bio-
Fig 7.24╇ Implant diameter is selected at least 3€mm less than the avail- mechanical considerations. Ideally, whenever possible,
able bone width, to leave minimum 1.5€mm bone, lingual as well as facial, the implant should not be connected to the adjacent
to the implant. Available bone height is calculated after deducting the tooth but if unavoidable (e.g. if bone is not available to
safety distance (2–3€mm) for the vital structures. place another implant between the tooth and distal-most
Patient evaluation and treatment planning 7
injury of the inferior alveolar nerve, which runs through
the canal, during osteotomy preparation may cause
long-term paraesthesia or dysaesthesia to the patient.
The implant surgeon should accurately trace the path
of the mandibular canal in radiographs and dental CT
scans and should plan to place the implant at least
2€mm short of the mandibular canal. One should keep
in mind the magnification shown in the panoramic and
dental radiographs, when selecting an implant of the
correct length. One should also keep in mind the fact
that the drills of few implant systems are 1€mm longer
than their marked length. The author recommends use
of the CT scan in planning accurate placement of the
implant in the mandibular posterior region, especially
if bone height above the mandibular canal is limited.
The author also recommends pilot drilling to a par-
tial depth and radiographic evaluation, with the drill
inserted in the osteotomy, of the bone height available
for the further depth-drilling above the mandibular
canal (Fig 7.31A and B).

Mental foramina position

The position of mental foramina should be evaluated
Fig 7.25╇ Often the bone angulation differs from the ideal tooth position with the radiograph or dental CT scan as it is a very
in the prosthesis. Efforts should be made to maximally place the implant important landmark in placing an implant in the region
along the axis of the prosthesis which often needs ridge modification or between the mandibular canine and the first molar. As
guided bone regeneration procedures. mental foramina is mostly found more coronal to the
mandibular canal, the placement of any implant in the
implant site or in the case of a geriatric patient where the mandibular premolar region with the reference of the
least invasive treatment is preferred over the long survival mandibular canal, can encroach on the mental �foramina.
of the implant), one can connect the implant with the One should also evaluate the path of the canal with the
adjacent firm immobile tooth. The implant should only help of radiographs and dental CT scans, as in many
be connected with immobile teeth and whenever possi- cases it runs 3–4€mm anterior, superior, and posterior to
ble, more firm teeth should be included to minimize the make an anterior loop before emerging from the mental
micromovement of the implant during function. If the foramina.
tooth adjacent to the implant is mobile, the fixed pros-
thesis should include the firm teeth anterior to the mobile Implant distance from mental foramina
tooth. The implant if placed between two adjacent teeth (anterior loop)
which need to be crowned, should never be connected
with these teeth, as the implant acts as the pier abutment When placing implant in the mandibular premolar
and leads to crestal bone resorption hence, the implant region, the implant apex should end at least 2€mm supe-
and teeth should be preferred to restore individually. rior to the mental foramina. If the implant is placed lat-
In the situation where a tooth is present between two eral (anterior or posterior) to the mental foramina, the
implants, either it should be restored separately or it can osteotomy is prepared such that the final implant body
be used as a pier abutment, as a living pontic between two position remains a minimum of 2€mm away from the
or more number of implants (Fig 7.29A–F). mental foramina. While placing implants in the man-
dibular anterior region (anterior to the mental foram-
Minimum bone buccal or lingual ina), the implant body should remain 2€ mm anterior
to the mental foramina or to the anterior loop, if pres-
to the inserted implant ent. A common mistake which may happen during
As described earlier, a minimum 1.5€ mm of bone should osteotomy preparation, occurs when the implant sur-
left buccal as well as lingual to the inserted implant. Leav- geon starts the pilot drills 2€mm anterior to the mental
ing less than 1.5€mm of bone, compromises its blood sup- foramina; when he/she further widens the osteotomy
ply and makes it prone to get resorbed when the implant site and places the implant, it may encroach laterally
is restored to function. Either a smaller diameter implant on to the mental nerve. Hence, the protocol is that if no
should be placed or the bone which is inadequate in width anterior loop is present, the pilot drilling should begin
should be grafted before or during the implant insertion at the point that is 2€ mm plus half of the dimension
(Fig 7.30A and B). of the implant diameter; for example, if an implant of
4€mm diameter is planned, drilling should start 4€mm
Implant distance from the mandibular canal (2.0€mm safety distance€+€2€mm cross-section diameter
of the implant) anterior to the mental foramina. If the
In implant therapy, the mandibular canal is considered anterior loop is present, an additional 3€mm is added
to be the most limiting and sensitive structure because to the safety margin. Hence, to insert a 4€mm diameter
7 Clinical Implantology

≥3mm <3mm
≥1.5mm ≥3mm ≥1.5mm ≥3mm
≥1.5mm ≥1.5mm


Fig 7.26╇ (A) Ideally 3€mm or more bone is required between two adjacent implants whereas 1.5€mm or more is required between implant and (B)
adjacent tooth root for long-term survival leaving smaller margins may lead to vertical bone resorption.

implant, one should start pilot drilling at 7€mm (2€mm traumatize the two major arteries, the lingual artery
safety distance€ +€ 2€ mm cross-section diameter of the (supplying blood to the tongue) and its terminal
implant€+€3€mm for anterior loop) anterior to the men- branches called sublingual arteries (supplying the lin-
tal foramina (Fig 7.32A–D). The anterior loop can nor- gual gingiva and lingual aspects of the anterior corti-
mally be visualized in the radiograph (panoramic) but cal plate of the mandible), as well as the facial artery
often it is not so clearly recorded in the radiograph. For (which runs under the bottom of the mandible in the
such cases, the implant surgeon after elevating the flap, second molar region). Significant internal bleeding
may insert a blunt probe into the mental foramina to from these arteries in the floor of mouth may result in a
evaluate the path of the canal. life-threatening haemorrhage which causes swelling of
the floor of mouth and tongue, and respiratory obstruc-
Incisive foramen tion. When such haemorrhage is noticed, the dental
surgeon should pull out the tongue and place pres-
The incisive foramen, which is found between and pala- sure along the inner and inferior aspects of the body
tal to the two maxillary central incisors, contains terminal of the mandible. He/she should also compress the site
branches of the nasopalatine nerve, the greater palatine with one finger intraorally over the site and other extra-
artery and a short mucosal canal (Stensen’s organ). A ver- orally, compressing the two fingers together. A haemo-
tical projection is found above the incisive canal along static agent should be placed in the osteotomy and the
the nasal floor and is called the premaxillary wing. The patient should immediately be transported to the hos-
reflection of the palatal flap rarely results in any bleeding pital, where the team of surgeons can ligate the injured
or noticeable postsurgical paraesthesia. Based on find- vessels, give an endotracheal intubation or perform an
ings from different clinical trials, the incisive foramen emergency tracheotomy.
has also been used as a site for the implant placement
in conjunction with placing more number of implants Implant distance from sinus floor
in the posterior region to restore a severely resorbed
premaxilla.1 After reflecting the palatal flap, all the soft The sinus floor can be clearly visualized in dental radio-
tissue is carefully curetted from the metal foramina and graphs and dental CT scans. The implant surgeon usually
implant osteotomy is prepared to insert a wide diameter should place the implant, a minimum of 2€mm short of
(5–6€mm) and short length (6–9€mm) implant. the sinus floor (Fig 7.33A). If inadequate bone height
is present under the sinus floor, he/she should perform
sinus elevation and grafting procedure to insert an ade-
Thin mandibular lingual cortical plate quately long implant (see Chapter 18).
with severe undercut (haemorrhage from
the lingual and facial arteries) Implant distance from nasal floor
Though very rare, a life-threatening haemorrhage can The nasal floor can also be clearly visualized in dental
happen with the perforation of lingual cortical plate radiographs and dental CT scans. The implant surgeon
during drilling for mandibular implants, which may usually should place the implant minimum 2€mm short
of the nasal floor (Fig 7.33B). If inadequate bone height
1Scher ELC. Use of the incisive canal as a recipient site for root form implants: is present under the nasal floor, vertical bone augmen-
preliminary clinical reports, Implant Dent 1994;3:38–41. tation or nasal floor elevation and grafting procedure
Patient evaluation and treatment planning 7




Fig 7.27╇ When planning for implant placement adjacent to the natural tooth, the implant dentist should always look at the inclination of the root of the
adjacent tooth. The maxillary canine often shows distally inclined roots, whereas the mandibular canine often shows mesial root inclinations; hence,
placing implants for the maxillary first premolar parallel to the second premolar, may perforate the maxillary canine root apex or encroach the peri-
odontal ligaments of the canine root. (A–C) The same may happen if someone is placing implant at the mandibular lateral incisor position. (D and E)
Radiographs showing the mesial inclination of the mandibular canine root, which has resulted in the perforation of the root during drilling and implant
placement. (F) For such cases, either the implant should be inclined little away from the root inclination or (G) a short length implant should be inserted
to avoid the perforation through the inclined root apex of the adjacent tooth.
7 Clinical Implantology

1.5 m”m
3 m”m
1.5 m”m

3 m”m

5 m”m


Fig 7.28╇ (A) Mesial inclination of lateral incisor root causes hindrance to correct osteotomy preparation for implant at central incisor position.
(B) Decision is taken to extract the lateral incisor and replace it with an implant.

should be performed, to insert an adequately long crest during lateral excursive movements of the jaw
implant (see Chapter 19). (Fig 7.35B).

Mesiodistal dimension of the edentulous Ridge morphology of anterior

molar site mandible at different stages of resorption
Carl E Misch advised a protocol for the replacement of a The anterior mandible is the area where the bony ridge
molar which is as follows: maximally changes its axial direction at different stages of
â•…â•… resorption. The dental surgeon should carefully evaluate
a. If the mesiodistal dimension of a missing molar space bony ridge topography to avoid any dehiscence through
is less than 11€mm, a regular diameter implant (4€mm) the facial or lingual cortical plate during osteotomy prep-
can be inserted at the mesiodistal midpoint. aration (Fig 7.36A–I). The author recommends CT plan-
b. If the same dimension is between 11 and 13€ mm, ning or at least intraoral palpation with finger along the
either a wide diameter implant (5–6€mm) is placed lingual part of the edentulous ridge, to evaluate the ridge
at mesiodistal midpoint or a narrow diameter topography and avoid any lingual perforation, as it may
implant (3.5€ mm) should be placed to replace a result in (though very rarely), the laceration of the sublin-
molar. gual artery and produce profuse life-threatening bleeding
c. If this dimension is more than 13€ mm, two regular in the sublingual region.
diameter implants (4€ mm) should be inserted to
replace a molar (Fig 7.34A–D). Ridge morphology of posterior
â•…â•… mandible (submandibular fossa)
Whenever two implants are inserted to replace a molar,
if bone dimension allows, they should be placed diago- Care must be taken to avoid the penetration of the sub-
nally so that one implant is slightly lingual and the other mandibular fossa, which is located below the mylohy-
slightly buccal. oid line, usually posterior to the first molar. Inadvertent
penetration of the lingual plate may be avoided by
Implant prosthesis occlusion (occlusal appropriately directing the pilot drill towards the buc-
dimensions and cuspal inclinations) cal cavity and monitoring the area with digital contact
while drilling (Fig 7.37A–D).
The implant prosthesis for premolars and molars
should be fabricated with narrow buccolingual occlu- Ridge morphology of premaxilla
sal table to centralize most of the occlusal forces axial
to the implant body and to minimize the offset occlu- The topography of the premaxilla largely depends on the
sal forces on the prosthesis that may cause crestal inclination of the maxillary anteriors and the amount of
bone resorption (Fig 7.35A). The implant prosthe- vertical and horizontal bone resorption in the premaxilla.
sis also should have low cuspal height (minimum The resorption of the thin facial cortical plate after the loss
cuspal angle) to avoid the tensile forces on the ridge of the maxillary anteriors results in deficient buccolingual
Patient evaluation and treatment planning 7




Fig 7.29╇ Implant if connected with the adjacent tooth may result in crestal bone resorption around the implant and its subsequent loss in future.
The tooth has periodontal ligaments and hence shows movement during occlusal and lateral excursive forces, whereas the implant does not have
any ligament and is osseointegrated with the bone, and shows very limited or no movement under the compressive forces. (A) Hence, connecting
the implant with the adjacent tooth may compromise the implant’s life. (B) To avoid such a complication, another implant should be inserted and the
prosthesis should be supported only by the implants. (C) Whenever required, anterior cantilevering of the prosthesis is preferred if unavoidable, (D)
the implant should be connected with two non-mobile firm teeth to reduce the movement of the implant prosthesis. (E) Using the implant as the pier
abutment may also lead to the micromovement of the implant under the prosthesis and subsequently lead to its loss but the (F) natural tooth can be
used as a living pontic between two or more implants.
7 Clinical Implantology


Fig 7.30╇ (A) Minimum 1.5€mm bone should be present facial or lingual to the finally placed implant. (B) The bone, which is less than 1.5€mm, either
leads to dehiscence during implant insertion or resorbs later due to lack of nutrition.


Fig 7.31╇ (A and B) Author recommends pilot drilling to partial depth and radiographic evaluation (with the drill inserted in the osteotomy), for the bone
height available for the further depth drilling above the mandibular canal.

bone dimensions for placement of appropriate diameter thin facial bone resorption, which leads to a noticeable
implants. The presence of a thick amount of palatal soft amount of facial concavities along the bony ridge. Dur-
tissue often makes it challenging for the implant surgeon ing osteotomy preparation, care must be taken to avoid
to evaluate the topography and dimensions of the buc- bone dehiscence through the facial cortical plate in areas
colingual bony ridge with only clinical evaluation of the of facial concavity. Lateral bone augmentation or ridge
edentulous ridge. The dental CT scan is a valuable tool splitting procedures often need to be performed for the
to accurately measure bone dimensions and the topogra- placement of an implant with an appropriate diameter
phy of the underlying bony ridge. The patient with long and at ideal angulation to achieve an aesthetic outcome
time edentulism may be found with a large amount of in premaxillary region (Fig 7.38A–D).
Patient evaluation and treatment planning 7



Fig 7.32╇ (A) Implant apex should end 2€mm short of the mandibular canal. If placed near to the mental foramina it should end 2€mm away (anterior,
posterior or superior) to the mental foramina. (B) The anterior loop should closely be evaluated with radiograph, dental CT scan and/or clinical evalu-
ation and if present, the implant apex should be placed minimum 2€mm superior and/or anterior to the loop. (C and D) The panoramic radiograph
showing anterior loop of the canal.


Fig 7.33╇ (A) On the safer side, the implant should be inserted 2€mm short of vital structures like sinus floor or (B) nasal floor.
7 Clinical Implantology

>13 mm

>13 mm


Fig 7.34╇ (A and B) If mesiodistal dimensions of missing maxillary or mandibular molar is more than 13€mm, it may result in crestal bone loss because
of offset forces on the prosthesis supported over a regular size implant. (C and D) Two regular or narrow diameter implants should be inserted to
support such prosthesis to overcome the cantilevering offset forces over the implant.

Ridge morphology of posterior maxilla and to achieve an aesthetic soft tissue emergence (Figs
7.39 and 7.40).
The bony ridge in the edentulous posterior maxilla
resorbs medially and vertically but in most of the cases the Lip lines
implant surgeon gets adequate bone dimensions to insert
an appropriate diameter implant. The posterior maxilla The lip positions should be evaluated, with lip at rest as
does not usually show any facial or palatal concavity but well as during the smiling, when the implant therapy is
the ridge widens facio-palatally as moves apically. If the given in the aesthetic region as well as for the full mouth
available bone dimensions allow it, the dentist can insert fixed as well as removable implant prosthesis. The max-
an implant with minimum exposure of the bony ridge. illary lip lines, when the patient smiles, are of three
As mentioned earlier, the posterior maxilla resorbs medi- categories.
ally and hence, the implant surgeon should evaluate the
relation of mandibular teeth or prosthesis with the pres-
ent bony ridge of the posterior maxilla. Often, a lateral Low lip line
hard and soft tissue augmentation is required to insert the It shows no interdental papillae during smiling (Fig
implant at the prosthetically correct facio-palatal position 7.41A). These patients are easy to treat as far as dealing
Patient evaluation and treatment planning 7
ideal soft tissue profile of the patient. For those patients,
who have either lost the same or show any defect, hard
and the soft tissue grafting procedures become manda-
tory to achieve adequate aesthetics. If patients of this cat-
egory are in the need of full maxillary arch replacement,
a considerable amount of vertical ridge reduction during
the implant insertion surgery and restoration with either
the ceramic prosthesis with a gingival coloured cervical
ceramic or a hybrid acrylic prosthesis, is the treatment of
choice. Ridge reduction is done to such extent, that the
cervical margin of the prosthesis can be placed apical to
the smile line to avoid the display of prosthetic base when
the patient smiles.
For all three categories, if the patient is completely
edentulous, the removable prosthesis over the implant is
the treatment of choice to achieve high aesthetic results.
A B The use of pre-fabricated teeth and denture flanges for
lip support give a satisfactory maxillofacial aesthetic
Fig 7.35╇ (A) The occlusal table of the implant prosthesis should be nar- outcome.
rowed buccolingually to avoid distant offset forces over the implant but
centralized later along the axis of the implant. (B) The implant prosthe- Crown height space
sis also should have low cuspal height (minimum cuspal angle) to avoid
tensile forces on the bone crest during lateral excursive movements of The crown height space is measured from the occlusal
the jaw. plane to the bone level. The crown height space should
be closely evaluated to select an implant with appropriate
dimensions and implant components, the type of pros-
thesis, etc. A minimum 8€ mm of crown height space is
with their aesthetic demands is concerned. As they do not required for a single unit cement-retained ceramic pros-
expose the complete crown height and soft tissue, any thesis. If the crown height space is less than 8€ mm, the
prosthesis which looks ideal in the incisor half may sat- screw-retained prosthesis should be preferred over the
isfy their aesthetic demands. Other procedures, like hard cement-retained one, to avoid the recurrent dislodgement
and soft tissue grafting procedures to generate the ideal of the prosthesis in the future (Fig 7.42A–F).
soft tissue drape around the implant prosthesis, are not
usually required in such patients.
Excessive crown height space
Excessive crown height space may result in various long-
Medium lip line (average/ideal) term problems like stress on the implant, heavy weight in
This type of smile exposes the clinical crown as well as the the prosthesis, more chances of screw loosening, implant
interdental papillae (Fig 7.41B). As they expose the com- component or body fracture, etc.
plete crown as well as the part of the cervical soft tissue, Management
providing aesthetic implant therapy in such patients is a â•…â•…
great challenge. All efforts should be made to preserve any i. Longer implants should be used to minimize the
existing interdental papillae; if lost, it should be regener- crown-implant height ratio.
ated with the soft tissue manipulation and grafting tech- ii. More number of implants should be placed.
niques. Hard and soft tissue regeneration becomes often iii. Regular or wide diameter implants should be used.
mandatory in such patients, to achieve an ideal aesthetic iv. Implants with more surface area should be used
soft tissue drape around the implant prosthesis. For the (parallel-walled implants should be preferred over
multiple unit prosthesis in the aesthetic region or for the the tapered implants).
full-arch implant prosthesis, the dentist may also choose v. Light-weight removable or hybrid prosthesis should
a ceramic prosthesis with gingival coloured ceramic to be preferred over the fixed ceramic prosthesis for
mimic soft tissue. When replacing the full-arch, the ver- multiple implants or full-arch cases.
tical ridge reduction during the implant placement, and vi. Cantilevers should be avoided or shortened to mini-
restoration with hybrid prosthesis is also the treatment of mize stress on the implant body.
choice to achieve aesthetic results in such patients, as it vii. Multiple implants should be splinted together.
avoids the display of the transition line between the pros- viii. Vertical bone augmentation should be done to
thesis and soft tissue. increase bone height.

High lip line (gummy) Reduced crown height space

This type of smile exposes the entire clinical crown, the Reduced crown height space causes problems like com-
interdental papillae, and the full gingival margin above the promised retention of the cement-retained fixed prosthe-
teeth (Fig 7.41C). These patients are difficult to treat when sis, inadequate space for occlusal ceramic layer build-up,
they are partially edentulous in the aesthetic region, and prosthesis fracture, dislodgement, unaesthetic prosthesis
all the care should be taken to preserve the entire existing with structural integrity problems in restoration, etc.
7 Clinical Implantology



Fig 7.36╇ The anterior part of the mandible changes its buccolingual bone angulation at the different stages of its resorption. (A) The coronal part of
the mandible often shows facial inclination and it changes to lingual inclination as it vertically resorbs towards the basal bone. (B) If a long implant is
inserted with the correct prosthetic direction in a non-resorbed anterior mandible, it may result in lingual cortical plate perforation at the lingual undercut
area placing a shorter implant (C) however, can avoid this complication. (D) In cases where the coronal one-third of the anterior mandible has verti-
cally resorbed and if the implant is placed with the correct prosthetic inclination, it may result in a large perforation through the lingual cortical plate.
(E) Often placing prosthetically correct implant and avoiding this perforation result in dehiscence at the facial cortical plate. (F) The implant should be
inserted with little lingual inclination and an angulated abutment used to place the prosthesis with correct axis. (G) Placing the long implant with correct
prosthetic axis in a severely resorbed anterior mandible may result in lingual perforation through the basal bone either (H) a short length implant with
the correct prosthetic direction or (I) a long implant with little lingual inclination should be placed to avoid such perforation.

Management x. The prosthesis with minimum cuspal inclination

â•…â•… should be used.
i. Osteoplasty during implant insertion to increase the
crown height space. Cantilevering of implant prosthesis
ii. Least possible taper in the abutment.
(AP spread)
iii. Wider abutment should be used.
iv. Retention- and anti-rotation groove should be given The human bone is strong under compressive load but
over the abutment. shows lesser strength and gets resorbed under axial load.
v. The restoration should have a high precision fit. As the implant does not have any periodontal ligament
vi. Minimize offset forces on the prosthesis. like the natural tooth, it immediately transfers all the
vii. High-strength luting cement should be used. forces to the peri-implant bone. If occlusal forces are more
viii. The screw-retained prosthesis should be preferred centralized along the body of the implant, the implant
over the cement-retained prosthesis. transfers these forces to the strong basal bone, but if axial
xi. Multiple implants should be splinted together to or offset forces are exerted on the implant, it transfers
achieve the adequate retention for the prosthesis. these forces to the ridge crest which may get resorbed
Patient evaluation and treatment planning 7


Fig 7.37╇ (A) Care must be taken to avoid the penetration of the submandibular fossa which is located below the mylohyoid line posterior to the man-
dibular first molar. Penetration of the lingual plate may be avoided by appropriately directing the pilot drill towards the buccal area and monitoring the
area with digital contact while drilling. (B–D) Author recommends CT planning, digital palpation for the location of the lingual undercut, use of short
length tapered implant, and tilting of the implant apex a little towards the facial cortical plate to avoid this complication.


Fig 7.38╇ (A) Author’s classification for the edentulous ridge morphology of anterior maxilla. Adequate facio-palatal ridge width for the insertion of an
implant with ideal diameter, without any bone augmentation. (B) Bony ridge deficient at the crestal region requires lateral bone augmentation with or
prior to implant placement. (C) Bony ridge with facial concavity at the middle third requires lateral bone augmentation with or prior to implant inser-
tion. (D) Bony ridge with combination of crestal bone deficiency as well as facial concavity needs lateral bone augmentation with or prior to implant


Fig 7.39╇ (A–C) Implant placement in the laterally resorbed posterior maxilla often leads to large amount of facial cantilevering forces on the implants,
which in turn may result in loss of implant, component fracture, crestal bone resorption, etc.
7 Clinical Implantology


Fig 7.40╇ (A–C) The long time edentulous posterior maxilla often leads to maxillary sinus pneumatization and lateral ridge resorption towards the pal-
ate. Implant placement with only sinus augmentation does not solve problems like facial cantilevering and unaesthetic emergence profile facial to the
prosthesis. Lateral bone and soft tissue augmentation procedures should be performed to place the implant at the correct prosthetic position and
promote aesthetic soft tissue development facial to the implant prosthesis.


Fig 7.41╇ (A) Low lip line, (B) medium lip line, (C) high lip line.



Fig 7.42╇ (A) Limited crown height space needed reduction of the excessive height of abutments for cement-retained (B) ceramic prosthesis. (C)
Because of poor retention, the prosthesis repeatedly gets dislodged in very short spans of time. (D–F) The cement-retained prosthesis is replaced
with a screw-retained metal prosthesis to prevent dislodgement and ceramic fracture.
Patient evaluation and treatment planning 7

Cantilever Facial cantilever

As mentioned before, the maxilla resorbs towards the
palate and hence reduces in size, in relation to the man-
distance dible which enlarges outward as it resorbs. This leads to
facial cantilevering on the maxillary implants. Even the
normal premaxilla shows facial inclination and hence,
when restored with the implant prosthesis it always
leads to some amount of facial cantilevering over the
implants (Fig 7.47A–C). This cantilevering however,
may vary with the maxillary arch form as the squar-
ish maxilla delivers the least and the tapered one the
maximum facial cantilevering. The numbers, positions,
Fig 7.43╇ The amount of facial cantilevering of full-arch maxillary pros- and angulation of the implants should be planned
thesis depends on anteroposterior distance between the centres of according to the amount of facial cantilevering. Often,
posterior-most and anterior margin of anterior-most implant. If the facial the severely resorbed maxilla needs to be grafted for
cantilevering distance is on the higher side either an additional implant implant placement at the ideal position to minimize
should be added on the anterior position or distal to the most posterior the facial cantilever.
implants (shown in green colour). As the maxilla resorbs towards the palate, the placement
of the implant in the severely resorbed posterior max-
illa often leads to facial cantilevering over the implant
under axial load. Hence whenever possible, cantilevered/ prosthesis. Which further get enhanced if such implant
axial/offset forces should be avoided or minimized on the restored against the implant prosthesis of resorbed poste-
implant prosthesis. The cantilevering of any prosthesis to rior mandible which resorbs facially (Fig 7.48A–D).
a limited extent depends on many factors, but the most
important are the anteroposterior (AP) distance between Direction of force
the most anterior and the most posterior implant, the
dimensions of the implant and bone density. As previously mentioned, the jawbone is weaker
Based on implant biomechanics, Dr Carl E Misch sug- under axial forces, hence all effort should be made
gested that the extent of facial or distal cantilevering of to keep the occlusal forces centralized to the body of
a full-arch implant supported maxillary or mandibular the implant. One should evaluate the direction of the
prosthesis is directly proportional to the anteroposterior occlusal forces if these forces are vertically along the
distance in the implant region (Figs 7.43 and 7.44). axis of the implant body, less than 15° to the long axis
Whenever required, the cantilever should extend mesi- of the implant or more than 15° to the long axis of the
ally rather than distally, to reduce the amount of occlusal implant. With the advancement in implant inventories,
force on the lever (Fig 7.45A and B). (English CE: Bio- the implant which is placed off axis can be restored
mechanical concerns with fixed partial dentures involving using different kinds of angled abutments, but this
implants, Implant Dent 1993;2:221–242.) does not avoid the axial forces on the implant body;
hence all efforts should be made to place the implant
Maxillomandibular arch relationship with the correct axis.

The maxillomandibular arch relationship in the centric

occlusion or centric relation position, should be evalu- Replacement of missing maxillary canine
ated in both partially as well as completely edentulous The replacement of missing maxillary canines with a
patients to avoid or minimize any cantilevered forces fixed bridge results in extreme cantilevered forces over
over the implant prosthesis. The maxilla is resorbed the canine pontic during lateral excursive movement of
towards the palate and the mandible widens vertically it the jaw, specially in patients with canine-guided occlu-
gets resorbed, hence inserting implants without evaluat- sion; thus whenever the maxillary canine is missing, it
ing the arch relationship may result in either cross-bite should be replaced with implant prostheses. When the
or facial cantilevering on the maxillary implants. For the teeth adjacent to the missing canine also need replace-
partially edentulous patients, any improper skeletal posi- ment, the canine position should always be used as the
tion should be corrected orthodontically before implant primary site for implant placement. Whenever canti-
insertion. levering a multiunit prosthesis in the canine region, it
is always prefered to give the cantilever anterior to the
The patient’s existing occlusion canine position, as it offers lower magnitude of occlusal
forces (Fig 7.49A–H).
The patient’s existing occlusal in maximal intercuspa-
tion should be closely evaluated for occlusion abnor- Mandibular flexure
malities like supra-eruption of opposing tooth, drifting
of adjacent teeth, axis inclinations of opposing or adja- The human mandible distal to the mental foramina
cent teeth, occlusal forces, and various stress factors flexes towards the midline during opening or protrusive
(Fig 7.46). Any occlusal discrepancy should ideally be movements, due to internal pterygoid muscle attach-
corrected before inserting the implant to achieve the ment on the ramus. The mandible between the men-
optimal results. tal foramens is stable, hence whenever possible; the
7 Clinical Implantology







Fig 7.44╇ (A) If the bone dimensions posterior to the second premolar are inadequate to place an implant, a 12-unit fixed mandibular prosthesis can be
given over six implants placed at the canine and premolar positions with the first molars given as the distal cantilever. (B and C) Two to four additional
implants should be inserted anterior to the canine positions depending on the dimensions of all the implants used, if a 14-unit fixed prosthesis is planned.

implants placed anterior and posterior to the mental support missing maxillary anteriors and this depends on
foramina should be restored separately to allow man- the number of missing teeth, arch form, force factors, etc.
dibular flexure (Fig 7.50). (Fig 7.51A–H).

Ideal implant numbers and positions to restore Number and positions of implants to restore
edentulous premaxilla with fixed prosthesis edentulous maxilla with fixed prosthesis
The premaxilla is a common site for the implant prosthe- The number, sizes and positions of the implants to sup-
sis and this region is considered to be the most difficult to port a full-arch fixed maxillary prosthesis is critical and
treat in implantology because of high aesthetic demands, largely depend on various factors like arch form, force fac-
compromised bone dimensions, facial cantilevering, etc. tors, number of unit prosthesis, facial cantilevering, etc.
Thus using the correct number of implants and placing when the cantilever forces and force factors are minimum,
them at the most appropriate positions is paramount Dr Misch suggested only six implants of ideal sizes placed
for long-term success and aesthetics. There can be differ- at the appropriate positions (marked with blue in Fig 7.52),
ent numbers of implants placed at various positions to to support a 12-unit maxillary fixed prosthesis. When force
Patient evaluation and treatment planning 7


Fig 7.45╇ (A and B) The cantilever, when needed, should extend mesially rather than distally, to reduce the amount of occlusal force on the lever.

adequate sizes placed anterior to the maxillary sinuses are

enough to retain a maxillary denture (Fig 7.56A and B).

Numbers and positions of implants to restore

edentulous mandible with removal prosthesis
(implant overdenture)
Usually the mandible shows high bone density and has
no limiting structures in the anterior mandible to pre-
vent placement of long implants. Thus if the ridge form
of edentulous mandible is good to excellent, just two
implants can give adequate retention to the mandibu-
Fig 7.46╇ Evaluation of patient’s existing occlusion is one of the key lar overdenture. One should keep in mind, that placing
points to plan the number of implants, their positions and orientations two implants far posterior to the midline may result in
and the kind of future prosthesis. forward rocking of the overdenture hence if only two
implants are planned, they should be inserted closer to
the midline to prevent the forward rocking of the den-
factors and/or cantilevered forces are moderate to maximum, ture. If the ridge form is poor and the patient demands
one or two additional implants are added at the central inci- high retention, three to four implants should be inserted
sor positions (marked with green in Fig 7.52). Two additional (two implants 4€mm anterior to the mental foramina, and
implants should be inserted at the second molar positions, one or two implants closer to the midline) to support the
when a 14-unit fixed prosthesis is planned (Fig 7.52). mandibular overdenture (Fig 7.57A–D).

Number and positions of implants to restore Progressive bone loading

the edentulous mandible, with fixed prosthesis
When the dentist is planning to insert implants in pos-
The number and positions of the implants to support a terior maxilla, he/she should keep in mind the limiting
fixed, implant-supported full-arch mandibular prosthesis factors in this region such as poor bone density, higher
depends on various factors like bone availability in pos- force factors, pneumatization of sinus, facial cantilever-
terior mandible, arch form, force factors, number of units ing, etc. Thus various guidelines such as using largest size
in the prosthesis, etc. (Figs 7.53–7.55). implant with deeper threads, submerging implant 1€mm
apical to the ridge crest, longer time of submerged healing
than usual, progressive bone loading, etc. should be fol-
Numbers and positions of implants to restore lowed in this region to deliver an implant prosthesis with
the edentulous maxilla, with removable long-term success (Fig 7.58A–F).
prosthesis (implant overdenture)
Fixed orthodontics for ideal implant placement
Fewer implants are required to support a removable pros-
thesis compared to the fixed prosthesis. The placement of Any orthodontic treatment required to correct any occlusal
these implants also, does not need to be as specific as in discrepancy, create space, distalize the molars, etc. should
the case of the fixed prosthesis. Usually four implants of be completed before implant placement (Fig 7.59A–D).
7 Clinical Implantology


Fig 7.47╇ (A) The facial cantilevered forces are maximum on the maxillary anteriors, and get further enhanced in patients with bimaxillary protrusion.
Whereas the teeth have periodontal ligaments which act as the shock absorber against transverse forces, (B) the implant does not have any such
ligament and hence, transfers all such forces to the crestal bone ridge which may lead to the resorption of the thin facial cortical plate. (C) These
forces further get enhanced when the premaxilla has resorbed vertically and palatally, and resulted in a long prosthesis with large facial cantilever-
ing, to support the patient’s lip from underneath. One should clearly evaluate the faciolingual relation of mandibular anterior teeth to the edentulous
premaxilla, to plan for lateral bone augmentation, if required, and placement of implant with the ideal position and angulation to minimize facial can-
tilevering forces over the thin facial cortical plate.


Fig 7.48╇ (A–C), Placement of the implant in the severely resorbed posterior maxilla often leads to facial cantilevering over the implant prosthesis, as
the maxilla resorbs towards the palate which is further enhanced if such an implant is restored against the implant prosthesis of the resorbed posterior
mandible, (D) which resorb facially.

Osseous defects emergence profile through the soft tissue. The implant
surgeon should also remember that if there is soft tissue
Any present osseous defect should be evaluated and recession and root exposure of the adjacent teeth, the
grafted before or at the time of implant placement (Fig implant platform should be placed 2–3€mm above the
7.60A and B). gingival zenith of adjacent teeth. The implant platform
should also be placed 1–1.5€ mm palatal to the imagi-
Three-dimensional implant positioning nary line connecting the CEJ of two adjacent teeth (Figs
in aesthetic region 7.61 and 7.62).

Implant positioning should be three-dimensionally Immediate implant in fresh extraction

accurate in the aesthetic region to achieve optimal hard
and soft tissue aesthetics. When the adjacent teeth are
socket of multi-rooted tooth
present with the free gingival collar at the correct posi- When planning to place implant in a fresh extraction
tion, the implant should be placed in such a way that socket of a multi-rooted molar, one should place the
its platform is finally positioned 2–3€mm apical to the implant at the ideal position, as placing implant in one of
imaginary line connecting the cemento-enamel junc- the root socket may result in off axis implant placement
tion (CEJ) of two adjacent teeth to achieve the adequate and offset forces on the future prosthesis (Fig 7.63A–D).
Patient evaluation and treatment planning 7




Fig 7.49╇ (A) The replacement of missing maxillary canine with a fixed bridge results in extreme cantilevered forces over the canine pontic during
lateral excursive movement of the jaw, specially in patients with canine-guided occlusion, hence whenever the maxillary canine is missing, should be
replaced with (B) implant prosthesis. (C–F) When the teeth adjacent to the missing canine also need replacement, the canine position should not be
used for the pontic but the implant should always be placed at the canine position. (G and H) Whenever cantilevering is required in this region, it is
preferable to give the cantilever anterior to the canine (less occlusal forces).

Financial evaluation and management

of implant cases
The financial management of implant patients is of great
importance for clinicians practicing in countries where
patients are not insured for implant treatment. The finan-
cial evaluation of the patient seeking the prosthesis is very
important and is part of treatment planning. All prosthetic
options should always be discussed with patients, with the
benefits and drawbacks of the prosthesis in a particular
case clearly explained. Considering the high success rate of
implant treatment based on literature, documentation and
clinical trials of more than 40 years, implants should be
the first option given to the patient, if the patient is medi-
cally fit for the same. A major disadvantage of the implant
is that it needs surgical intervention and is expensive when
compared to other prosthetic options. To make the implant
treatment affordable and within the reach of the maximum
Fig 7.50╇ The mandible distal to the mental foramina flexes towards the number of patients, the dentist can offer different implant
midline during opening or protrusive movements due to internal ptery- systems with a range of costings. Besides, as the treatment
goid muscle attachment on the ramus. The mandible between the men- is completed in few months, the dentist may also offer an
tal foramina is stable; hence whenever possible, the implants placed easy instalment payment option to the patient. The differ-
anterior and posterior to the mental foramina should be restored sepa- ent qualities and costs of implants and prostheses should
rately to allow mandibular flexure. be discussed separately to the patient, to choose an appro-
priate option for a particular case. As many implant com-
panies offer warranties on implants and their components,
the practicing dentist should also forward these warranties
to patients to reduce worries about the success rate and long
life of implants. For the denture wearers, the affordable mini
implants are the better option to stabilize loose dentures. 103
7 Clinical Implantology





Fig 7.51╇ (A) When the arch form is squarish and the force factors are minimum, all the maxillary anteriors can be replaced by placing two implants at
the canine positions. But if the patient has the oval arch form and the force factors are medium, an additional implant can be inserted at the central
incisor position. (B) If the arch form is tapering and subject to maximum force factors, two additional implants should be inserted at the two central
incisor positions or (C) at the lateral positions. (D) To replace only missing central and lateral incisors, the two implants should preferably be inserted at
the two lateral positions but if the implant placement is not possible at the lateral position because of any bone defect, (E and F) the two implants can
be inserted at any central or lateral positions to give the cantilevered prosthesis. (G) If only two central incisors are missing, a cantilevered prosthesis
over one implant should be avoided but (H) two implants should be inserted to replace both the incisors.

Patient evaluation and treatment planning 7



Fig 7.52╇ When the cantilever forces and force factors are minimum,
Dr Misch suggests only six implants of ideal sizes placed at the appropriate Fig 7.53╇ When force factors are minimum to moderate, six implants
positions (marked with blue) to support a 12-unit maxillary fixed prosthesis. can be placed at the appropriate positions (marked in blue) to support
When force factors and/or cantilevered forces are moderate to maximum, a 12-unit fixed prosthesis. The additional implants should be added at
one or two additional implants are added at the central incisor positions the second molar positions (marked in green) if a 14-unit prosthesis is
(marked with green). Two additional implants should be inserted at the sec- planned.
ond molar positions, when a 14-unit fixed prosthesis is planned.



Fig 7.54╇ (A) If the implant placement at first molar sites is not possible due to insufficient bone dimensions and if the force factors are minimum, a
cantilevered prosthesis can be given on six implants for a 12-unit fixed prosthesis. (B) If the force factors are moderate to maximum, and the arch form
is square shaped, either two additional implants should be inserted at the molar positions or if not possible, (C and D) one or two implants should be
added anterior to the canine positions.

Fig 7.55╇ If the placement at the second premolar and molar positions is not possible due to inadequate bone volume, a 12-unit cantilevered prosthe-
sis can be given over six to eight implants as shown in the figure.
7 Clinical Implantology


Fig 7.56╇ Maxillary ridge resorption and pneumatization of the maxillary sinuses often limits the placement of the implants anterior to the anterior wall
of the sinus; hence if adequate bone dimensions are available in maxillary anterior region four implants can usually give the adequate retention to a
maxillary overdenture. (A) As the maxilla has the medium to low density bone, placement of at least four implants is paramount to retain the maxillary
overdenture but if the bone density and the dimensions are not favourable to place regular diameter implants or if the force factors are maximum,
(B) two additional implants should be inserted.



Fig 7.57╇ Usually the mandible shows high bone density and no limiting structures in the anterior mandible, to place long implants. Thus if the ridge
form of edentulous mandible is good to excellent, only two implants can give the adequate retention to the mandibular overdenture. (A) One should
keep in mind, placing two implants far posterior to the midline may result in forward rocking of the overdenture hence if only (B) two implants are
planned, should be inserted closer to the midline to prevent the forward rocking of the denture if the ridge form is poor and patient is asking for high
retention, (C and D) three to four implants should be inserted (two implants 4€mm anterior to the mental foramina, and one or two implants closer to
the midline) to support the mandibular overdenture.

Patient evaluation and treatment planning 7



Fig 7.58╇ (A and B) When implant is inserted into a low density bone (e.g. posterior maxilla), one should plan to submerge the implant 1€mm apical
to the ridge crest to avoid premature loading and micromovements during the healing phase. The osseointegrated implant in such bone shows poor
amount of trabecular bone attachment to the implant surface (lesser bone implant contact percentage) which does not provide adequate strength to
bear the heavy occlusal forces and often result in implant failure after loading. Hence to strengthen the trabecular bone around the osseointegrated
implant; the later should progressively be loaded. (C) The osseointegrated implant is uncovered and low profile gingival former is inserted. (D) This
gingival former is replaced by a provisional prosthesis which is kept 3–4€mm out of occlusion and patients instructed for not to chew anything very hard.
(E) Further, the material is added to the occlusal surface of the provisional prosthesis at two to three weeks intervals. The provisional prosthesis
should preferably be fabricated with resilient self-cure acrylic as it acts as the shock absorber and does not immediately transfer the occlusal
forces to the implant like the ceramic prosthesis. (F) After the patient has been chewing with the provisional prosthesis for a month, it can be
later replaced with the long-term ceramic prosthesis. Progressive loading results in strengthening of the trabecular bone and increased bone
density around the implant.


Fig 7.59╇ (A–D) All the necessary orthodontic treatments should be done, to regain the spaces for implant placement or correct different malposition-
ing problems, before implant insertion at the appropriate position.

7 Clinical Implantology


Fig 7.60╇ Any present osseous defect should be properly evaluated for size and topography with the help of radiograph and dental CT scan. (A) If
any defect is present it should be grafted before implant placement or (B) simultaneously with implant placement. Leaving any defect, however small,
uncorrected may compromise the life of the implant.



Fig 7.61╇ (A) When placing an implant in a region with high aesthetics, any irregular bony crest should be ground to create a ‘C’ shaped osseous topog-
raphy and (B) the implant is placed 2–3€mm apical to an imaginary line between the CEJ of two adjacent teeth. The implant surgeon should remember,
if there is soft tissue recession and root exposure of adjacent teeth, then the implant platform should be placed 2–3€mm above the gingival zenith of
adjacent teeth. (C) The incorrectly placed implant. (D) Implants placed correctly 2–3€mm apical to the CEJ of the adjacent teeth.

Patient evaluation and treatment planning 7


Fig 7.62╇ (A) The implant should also be placed 1–1.5€mm palatal to the imaginary line between the CEJ of two adjacent teeth. (B) Incorrectly placed
implant. (C) Correctly placed implant.


Fig 7.63╇ (A and B) In the case of immediate implantation in the fresh extraction socket of a molar, if the implant is inserted in any one root socket it
may result in a prosthesis with cantilevering effect. (C and D) The implant should be inserted into the inter-radicular region and the peri-implant extrac-
tion socket spaces should be grafted using bone substitute (See Chapter 9).

Summary The author suggests fabricating and using a radiographic

template for radiographs or dental CT scan of the patient,
Patient evaluation and treatment planning play a major role to closely assess bone density and three-dimensional bone
in the success of implant therapy. On first consultation, med- volumes at specific implant sites. Using a surgical guide for
ical problems such as diabetes, thyroid disorders, hyperten- implant placement definitely improves accuracy in implant
sion, bone disorders, etc. should be openly discussed with positioning at the correct site and with correct angulation
the patient and evaluated to see if the patient is fit for the in respect to the future prosthesis. Implant numbers and
implant surgery. Thorough clinical examination of the oral positions should be thoroughly planned for the full-arch
cavity and the edentulous ridge site gives an idea about ridge implant-supported prosthesis. The key positions for implant
morphology, the soft tissue situation, health of adjacent placement, force factors, cantilevers, and ideal implant
teeth, force factors, etc. Dental and panoramic radiographs dimensions for a particular site, vital structures such as man-
give an idea of the two-dimensional bone available to insert dibular canal, its anterior loop, sinus floor, nasal floor, ridge
implants, location and path of vital structures such as sinus morphology, any present undercut along the ridge topogra-
floor, mandibular canal, etc. The dental CT scan can be very phy, bone density and dimensions, bone angulations, any
helpful in evaluating bone width, bone density, and accu- present osseous defect, the position and angulation of future
rate three-dimensional bone availability to insert implants prosthesis are the factors that the dentist should keep in
of adequate sizes for the best possible future prosthesis. mind at the time of treatment planning.
7 Clinical Implantology

Further Reading
Montoya-Carralero JM, Parra-Mino P, Ramírez- Chestnut CH. Osteoporosis an undiagnosed Ruggiero SL, Mehrotra B, Rosenberg TJ,
Fernández P, et€ al. Dental implants in disease. JAMA 2001;286:2865–6. et€ al. Osteonecrosis of the jaws associ-
patients treated with oral bisphosphonates: Balshi TJ, Wolfinger GJ. Dental implants in ated with the use of bisphosphonates: a
a bibliographic review. Med Oral Patol Oral the diabetic patient: a retrospective study. review of 63 cases. J Oral Maxillo Fac Surg
Cir Bucal 2010 Jan 1;15(1):e65–9. Implant Dent 1999;8:355–9. 2004;62:527–34.
McDonald AR, Pogrel A, Sharma A. Effects Marder MZ. Medical conditions affecting the Sager RD, Thesis RM. Dental implants placed
of chemotherapy on osseointegration success of dental implants. Compend Con- in a patient with multiple myeloma. Report
of implant: a case report. J Oral Implant tin Educ Dent 2004;25:739–64. of case. J Am Dent Assoc 1990;121:699–701.
1998;24:11–3. Peled M, Ardekian L, Tagger-Green N, et€ al. Fugazzotto PA, Lightfoot WS, Jaffin R, et al.
Marx RE, Cillo JE Jr, Ulloa JJ. Oral Dental implants in patients with type 2 Implant placement with or without simul-
�bisphosphonate-induced osteonecrosis: diabetes mellitus: a clinical study. Implant taneous tooth extraction in patients taking
risk factors, prediction of risk using serum Dent 2003;12:116–22. oral bisphosphonates: postoperative healing,
CTX testing, prevention, and treatment. Kearns G, Sharma A, Perrott D, et€ al. Place- early follow-up, and the incidence of compli-
J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2007;65:2397–410. ment of endosseous implants in children cations in two private practices. J Periodontol
Attard NJ, Zarb GA. A study of dental implants and adolescents with hereditary ectodermal 2007;78:1664–9.
in medically treated hypothyroid patients. dysplasia. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Taylor TD, Worthingtom P. Osseointegrated
Clin Implant Dent Relat Res 2002;4:220–31. Oral Radiol Endod 1999;88:5–10. implants rehabilitation of the previously
Misch CE. Analysis of medical history pin- Blanchaert RH. Implants in the medically chal- irradiated mandible: results of a lim-
points conditions that contraindicate lenged patient. Dent Clin N Am 1998;42:1. ited trial at 3 to 7 years. J Prosthet Dent
implants. Dentist 1989;67:23–4. Gómez Font R, Martínez García ML, Olmos 1993;69:60–9.
Wang HL, Weber D, McCauley LK. Effect of Martínez JM. Osteochemonecrosis of the Misch CE. Medical evaluation of the implant
long-term oral bisphosphonates on implant jaws due to bisphosphonate treatments. candidate. Part I: vital signs and urinalysis.
wound healing: literature review and a case Update. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal J Oral Implant 1981;9:556–70.
report. J Periodontol 2007;78:584–94. 2008;13:E318–24. Misch CE. Medical evaluation of the implant
American Dental Association Council on Nevins MI, Karimbux NY, Weber HP, et€ al. candidate. Part II: complete blood count
Scientific Affairs. Dental management of Wound healing around endosseous and bleeding disorders. Int J Oral Implant
patients receiving oral bisphosphonate implants in experimental diabetes. Int 1982;10:363–70.
therapy: expert panel recommendations. J Oral Maxillofac Implants 1998;13:620–9. Misch CE. Medical evaluation of the implant
J Am Dent Assoc 2006;137:1144–50. Misch CE. Dental implant prosthetics/Carl E. candidate. Part III: SMA 12/60. J Oral
Shernoff AF, Colwell JA, Bingham SF. Implants Misch, p.:cm. Includes bibliographical ref- Implant 1981;9:556–70.
for type 2 diabetic patients: VA implants erences and index ISBN 0-323-01955-2. Serra MP, Llorca CS, Donat FJ. Oral implants
in diabetes study group. Implant Dent Lambert PM, Morris HF, Ochi S. The influence in patients receiving bisphosphonates: a
1994;3:183–5. of smoking on a 3-year clinical success of review and update. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir
Misch E. Contemporary implant dentistry. 3rd osseointegrated dental implants. Ann Peri- Bucal 2008;13:E755–60.
ed. Mosby, Inc, an affiliate of Elsevier Inc; odontol 2000;5:79–89. Chanabaz M. Patient screening and medical
2008, ISBN: 978-81-312-1510-4. Sugerman PB, Barber MT. Patient selection for evaluation for implant and preprosthetic
Friberg B, Ekestubbe A, Mellstrom E, et€ al. endosseous dental implants: oral and sys- surgery. J Oral Implatol 1998;24:222–9.
Branemark implant and osteoporosis: a temic considerations. Int J Oral Maxillofac Steiner M, Windchy A, Gould AR. Effects of
clinical exploratory study. Clin Impl Dent Implants 2002;17:191–201. chemotherapy in patients with dental
Relat Res 2001;3:50–6. Dempster DW. Bone remodeling. In: Coe FL, implants. J Oral Implantol 1995;21:142–7.
Misch CE. Density of bone: effect on treatment Favis MJ, editors. Disorders of bone and Darnell JA, Saunders MJ. Oral manifesta-
plans, surgical approach, healing and pro- mineral metabolism. New York: Raven tions of the diabetic patient. Tex Dent J
gressive bone loading. Int J Oral Implant Press; 1992. 1990;107:23–7.
1990;6:23–31. Sabes WR, Green S, Craine C. Value of medi- Jeffcoat M. The association between osteo-
Corman L, Bolt RJ, editors. Medical evalua- cal diagnostic screening test for dental porosis and oral bone loss. J Periodontal
tion of the pre-operative patient, Med Clin patients. J Am Dent Assoc 1970;80:133–6. 2005;76(Suppl. 11):2125–32.
North Am 63:6, 1979. Schenkein HA, Gunsolley JC, Koertg TE, Statz TA, Guthmiller JM, Humbert LA,
Raposo V. Simple diagnosis and treatment et€ al. Smoking and its effects on early- et al. Intravenous bisphosphonate-
planning of the implant patient. J Colo onset periodontitis. J Am Dent Assoc associated osteonecrosis of the jaw.
Dent Assoc 2001;80:16–7. 1995;126:1107–13. J Periodontol 2007;78:2203–8.
Minsk L, Poloson AM. Dental implants out- McCracken M, Lemons JE, Rahemtulla F, et€al. Bain CA, Moy PK. The association between
comes in postmenopausal women under- Bone response to titanium alloy implants the failure of dental implants and ciga-
going hormone replacement. Compend placed in diabetic rats. Int J Oral Maxillofac rette smoking. Int J Oral Maxillofac Impl
Contin Educ Dent 1998;19:859–66. Implant 2000;15:345–54. 1993;8:609–15.
Buser Daniel. Surgical manual of implant Baim CA. Smoking and implant failure – ben- Granstrom G. Placement of dental implants
dentistry: step by step procedures/Dan- efits of a smoking cessation protocol. Int J in irradiated bone: the case of using
iel Buser, Jun Y, Cho, Alvin Yeo, p.;cm. Oral Maxillofac Implant 1996;11:1667–74. hyperbaric oxygen. J Oral Maxillofac Surg
ISBN-13:978-0-86715-379-8. Marder MZ. Medical conditions affecting the 2006;64:812–8.
Misch CE, Moore P. Steroids and reduction of success of dental implants. Compendium
pain, edema, and dysfunction in implant 2004;25:739–64.
dentistry. Int J Oral Implant 1989;6:27–31. Visch LL, Van Wass MAJ, Schmitz PIM, et€ al.
Misch CE. Medical evaluation. In: Misch CE, A clinical evaluation of implants in irra-
editor. Contemporary implant dentistry. diated oral cancer patients. J Dent Res
St Louis: Mosby; 1993. 2002;81:856–9.

Step by step procedure
of implant treatment
Ajay Vikram Singhâ•… Amir Gazmawe

CHAPTER CONTENTS HD Setting up the operatory for

Introduction 111 implant surgery
Setting up the operatory for implant 1. Cleaning, dusting, and mopping of the operatory
surgery 111 unit using antimicrobial cleaning agents.
Pre-medication 111 2. The operation theatre should be fumigated using for-
Anaesthesia 112 malin fumigator and the theatre is closed with for-
Step by step presentation of the single tooth
malin fumes for 8–12€h (overnight) before implant
implant 112 surgery (Fig 8.1A).
3. Cold sterilize inventories that cannot be autoclaved,
Summary 163 e.g. surgical guide (should be dipped into 2% glutar-
aldehyde for 24€h before implant surgery).
4. The drills and other inventories of the implant sur-
gical kits should be cleaned in an ultrasonic cleaner
followed by autoclaving of the fully loaded implant
surgical kit wrapped in cloth or in sterilization
Introduction pouches (Fig 8.1B and C).
5. Instruments and implant motor cord should be auto-
Once patient evaluation and treatment planning has claved in pouches.
been completed for a particular implant case and the 6. Surgical draping and gauze pieces should be
implant therapy protocol has been finalized, the implant autoclaved.
surgeon sets up the operatory for the implant insertion 7. Saline bottles which are to be used during implant
surgery. The implant surgery should not be considered osteotomy preparation should be refrigerated.
as a normal OPD procedure; it needs a high level of 8. The selected suturing materials (N-W 5002 3-0 ETHI-
sterility for a predictable success rate. The author rec- CON with cutting edge 3/4 circle needle or non-
ommends that implant dentists should follow all the resorbable, 4-0 vicryl/chromic gut – resorbable)
sterilization parameters that are implemented in hos- should be ready at hand.
pital operation theatres. It is always better, if possible, 9. The doctor and his assistants should wear sterilized
to have a special and separate implant unit to perform gloves, mask, head cap, and apron (Fig 8.2).
implant surgical procedures with a high level of steril- 10. Scrub the face of the patient with Betadine/chlorhexi-
ity. The patient’s oral hygiene is one of the key factors dine.
for implant success. All periodontal problems must be 11. Cover the patient’s forehead, eyes, and the middle
treated by scaling, curettage, flap surgeries, root planing, part of the body.
polishing, etc. before implant surgery, and the patient 12. Cover all the trays, trolley, radiographic unit, radio-
should be asked to rinse his/her mouth with 0.12% graphic sensor, etc. with sterilized cloth/wrapping
chlorhexidine for 30€ seconds immediately before sur- which can be used by surgeon and his assistants dur-
gery, to reduce the bacterial count in the oral cavity. ing the surgery.
The patient should also be encouraged to continue and
maintain oral hygiene after surgery also. Implant sur-
gery is an elective surgical procedure and in most cases Pre-medication
needs detailed planning and stringent execution, so it
should be performed in a calm and comfortable clinical The patient should be advised to take the following medi-
environment. cines a minimum of 1€h before surgery:
â•…â•… 111
8 Clinical Implantology

a. Prophylactic antibiotics – amoxicillin 1€ g one tab.

stat 1€h before surgery. It reduces the chances of post-
implantation infection complications. Clindamycin A long-acting anaesthetic, such as bupivacaine (marcaine)
300€mg can be given to patients who are allergic to 0.5% with epinephrine 1:200,000 should be preferred.
penicillin. Usually the infiltration works well for implant insertion
b. Analgesic and anti-inflammatory medicine: A combi- surgery. The nerve block or intravenous sedation can be
nation of aceclofenac, paracetamol and serratiopep- used for the full-arch implant or implants with other pro-
tidase (tab. Hifenac-D) should be given to the patient cedures like sinus grafting, nerve transpositioning, etc.
1€h before surgery. The injectable form of analgesics (Table 8.1).
like diclofenac (inj. Voveran 3€ml IM) or ketorol can
be given to the patient who is going to receive mul-
tiple implants. Step by step presentation of the
c. Anti-anxiety drugs: alprazolam (tab. Valium 2–5€mg)
on the night before and 1€h before surgery, to reduce
single tooth implant
the anxiety and apprehensions of the patient. Before making the incision, ask the patient to rinse with
d. Steroid–oral: (tab. Steron forte – 3 tab. stat) or inject- 0.12% chlorhexidine (Periogard, Colgate) for 30€ s. Sev-
able (inj. Dexona IM) form of steroid can be given to eral studies have shown that it reduces bacterial count in
patients to reduce the chances of postimplantation the oral cavity and complications from post-implantation
swelling. infection. The implant surgeon can also additionally
e. Anti-histaminic (cetrizine): if simultaneous sinus apply and rub the surgical site with a cotton palate moist-
grafting is to be performed with implant insertion. ened with chlorhexidine.


Fig 8.1╇ (A) Fumigator; (B) Ultrasonic cleaner from Coltene Whaledent, and (C) Front loading autoclave with automatic dry cycle.


Fig 8.2╇ (A and B) All sterilization parameters should be followed during implant surgery to avoid any postimplantation infection.
Step by step procedure of implant treatment 8
A. Incision The type of incision and extent of flap eleva- B. Flap elevation Facial and lingual mucoperiosteal
tion depend on several factors such as the width of flaps should be elevated to expose the ridge crest as
the attached keratinized tissue, ridge form, presence well as the facial and lingual part of the ridge (Fig
of any undercut, any other simultaneous grafting 8.4A and B)
procedure to be done, etc. Usually a mid-crestal inci- Key points
sion is given with or without vertical incisions and 1. Both facial as well as lingual flaps are elevated
the flap is elevated to expose the crestal, facial, and to completely expose the ridge crest and buccal
lingual parts of the bony ridge (Fig 8.3A and B). and lingual cortical plates in the case of compro-
Key points mised bone width or ridge with undercuts. This
1. The attached keratinised gingiva at the ridge crest will allow three-dimensional visibility of the bony
should be evaluated before making the incision. ridge during implant osteotomy preparation and
a. If the implant site has an adequate bucco- avoid the chances of inadvertent perforation or
lingual band of keratinized soft tissue, the dehiscence during drilling.
incision should be made so as to bisect the 2. The flaps are elevated to expose the ridge crest and
keratinized soft tissue band, which results in facial cortical plate in case of:
minimum 2–3€ mm keratinized soft tissue on a. Compromised/limited ridge width or the ridge
both the labial as well as the lingual side of the with facial undercut.
implant. b. Thin facial and thick palatal cortical plate (e.g.
b. If the implant site has an inadequate keratinized anterior maxilla), which causes the slipping of
soft tissue band, the incision should be made so drills towards the thin facial plate during osteot-
as to bisect the thin keratinized soft tissue band omy preparation, and may result in dehiscence/
and implants are placed and soft tissue grafting perforation through the facial cortical plate.
should be performed at the stage of re-exposure Thus, a direct visualization of the facial corti-
of the implant. cal plate is paramount during controlled oste-
2. If papillae are intact on the implant site, the otomy preparation.
papilla preservation incision should be preferred 3. The flaps are minimally elevated to expose the
to maintain papillae height and to achieve better ridge crest in the case of a wide ridge crest with
soft tissue aesthetics around the future implant stepped apical widening (e.g. posterior maxilla
prosthesis. and posterior mandible). Whereas it has least
chances of perforation, unnecessary elevation
of the buccal and lingual flaps leads to reduced
blood supply to the bone from the periosteum
Table 8.1╇Different anaesthetic approaches in implant during the initial phase of healing.
C. Pilot drilling: After exposing the underlying bony
ridge, either a surgical stent is seated on the site or
the reference of adjacent teeth is taken to prepare the
implant osteotomy, which is three-dimensionally
Single/two/three Several implants placed Full-arch implant correct for the future prosthesis (Fig 8.5A and B).
implants in one attempt placement A sharp pointed lance drill or pilot drill is used to
make an initial entry into the bone. Alternatively,
Maxillary implants Mandibular implants Bilateral sinus lift in a small round bur can be used to mark the implant
one step site and to drill through the high-density crestal
bone (Fig 8.5C and D).
Basic implant Implant placement with Nerve transposi-
Key points
procedure other procedures like tioning etc.
1. If the ridge crest is irregular, it should be flattened
sinus grafting, ridge split-
ting, bone grafting, etc.
using a large round carbide bur before starting
pilot drilling.


Fig 8.3╇ (A and B) A mid-crestal incision is given, using 11 or 15 no. blade, which can be further extended with a 12 no. blade in the crevicular area of
the adjacent tooth and extended further to the vertical (facial) incision with 11 or 15 no. blade (Courtesy: Osseolink Implant Company).
8 Clinical Implantology


Fig 8.4╇ (A and B) The facial and lingual mucoperiosteal flaps are elevated to expose the ridge crest as well as the facial and lingual part of the ridge
(Courtesy: Osseolink Implant Company).



Fig 8.5╇ (A and B) After exposing the underlying bony ridge, either a surgical stent is seated on the site or the reference of adjacent teeth is taken to
prepare the implant osteotomy which is three-dimensionally correct for the future prosthesis. (C and D) A pilot drill which is sharp and pointed is used
to mark the position and to drill through the hard cortex to partial depth (Courtesy: Osseolink Implant Company).

2. Before using the pilot drill one can also use a small the direction of drilling and the availability of
round carbide bur to mark the osteotomy site and the bone dimensions for further osteotomy
to punch through the hard cortex. deepening.
3. Drilling (pilot drill to final drill) must be done D. Depth drilling: The pilot drill or depth drill which
at speeds of 1200–2500€ rpm depending on usually remain 2€ mm of diameter first used to the
bone density, under a constant stream of chilled partial depth and direction of drilling is three-
saline. The torque of the implant motor should dimensionally evaluated by inserting a parallel pin/
be adjusted between 30 and 50€ Ncm so that the force direction indicator in the partially prepared
drill does not stop during osteotomy preparation, osteotomy. If the direction is correct, the depth drill
especially in hard bone. is further used to the complete depth (Fig 8.6A–D).
4. A pumping motion of the drill should be employed All the planned osteotomy depth should be attained
during drilling to allow the saline to cool down by pilot drill itself as the rest of the drills are only
the bone. This prevents overheating and necrosis used to widen the osteotomy. For example, if a
of the bone. 13€mm long implant is planned, depth drill should
5. An intraoral periapical (IOPA) radiograph can attain 13€ mm depth in the bone before the use of
be taken at this stage to see the direction of the osteotomy-widening drills.
drill, especially in tight spaces or in the areas Key points
of vital structures like the maxillary sinus or During or after pilot drilling, if the dentist finds that he/
mandibular canal. After pilot drilling to partial she has drilled in the incorrect direction, he/she can cor-
depth, this drill is inserted into the osteotomy, rect the osteotomy direction to some extent by using the
and a periapical radiograph taken to evaluate special side-cutting Lindemann drill (2 mm diameter)
Step by step procedure of implant treatment 8



Fig 8.6╇ (A) Depth drill which is 2€mm in diameter is first used to drill to partial depth and (B and C) direction of drilling is three-dimensionally evalu-
ated by inserting parallel pin/force direction indicator in the partially prepared osteotomy. (D) If the direction is correct, depth drill is further used to
the complete depth (depth marks at different lengths on all drills), e.g. for 13€mm long implant, depth drill should attain 13€mm depth in the bone
(Courtesy: Osseolink Implant Company).

E. Osteotomy widening: After pilot drilling to the bone debris which can get collected at the apex
planned depth, the osteotomy-widening drills are and prevent the complete setting of the implant.
sequentially used to the same depth. A series of dif- 3. After irrigating the prepared osteotomy with saline,
ferent diameter osteotomy-widening drills (e.g. 2.8, do not suck the site but let the fresh blood oozing out
3.2, 3.65, 4.2 mm diameters) are used to the same from within the prepared osteotomy, before insert-
depth depending on the diameter of the implant ing the implant. If it is not seen, the surgeon can pro-
(Fig 8.7A–D). Depending on the bone density, voke bleeding by inserting any tool in the prepared
the diameter of final drill should be 0.3–0.8 mm osteotomy. For early and predictable osseointegra-
less than the diameter of the implant (e.g. if the tion, the osteotomy should remain filled with fresh
planned implant diameter is 5€mm, the diameter of blood during implant insertion, for clot formation
final drill must be approximately 4.2€mm in D3/D4 between the implant surface and osteotomy walls.
bone and 4.7€mm in D1/D2 bone). G. Opening the implant packaging: The implant being
Key points highly sterile, remains packed in a sterile vial which
1. For the implant with non-cutting/nonself-tapping is further packed in an outer non-sterile packing.
threads, a bone tap or thread former can be used The outer non-sterile covering of the implant vial
after the final drill and before inserting the implant should be opened by the assistant without touching
in high-density (D1 and D2) bone. The bone tap the inner sterile vial, which contains the implant and
should be used at the speed of 20–30€rpm. cover screw (Fig 8.9A and B). The implant surgeon
2. Crestal bone drill can be used to submerge the wearing sterile gloves should open this inner vial to
implant platform apical to the ridge crest, if the take the implant out from it.
implant platform is wider than its body. This drill H. Taking out the implant from its vial and carrying
is used at the same speed as the final drill. it to the prepared osteotomy: After the surgeon has
F. Final assessment of prepared osteotomy: After opened the inner sterile vial containing implant and
the final drill, the prepared osteotomy should be cover screw, the implant driver is engaged into the
checked using a depth probe, for complete depth implant connection, the implant is removed from its
preparation and also to check any inadvertent perfo- vial, and carried to the prepared osteotomy without
ration that has occurred through the osteotomy walls touching its surface (Fig 8.10A–D). An implant mount
(Fig 8.8A and B). comes connected into the implant connection in a few
Key points systems. This implant mount is used to remove the
1. Any perforation or thinning of any cortical implant from its vial and to carry it to the osteotomy by
plate should be finally checked at this stage and hand/hand ratchet adaptor/rotary handpiece adaptor.
if detected, the surgeon should perform bone I. Implant insertion: The implant is carried to the pre-
grafting. pared osteotomy and screwed in with clockwise rota-
2. The osteotomy site should be irrigated using tions at very slow speed (30–40€ rpm) using a rotary
chilled sterile saline to remove all the residual handpiece or hand ratchet (Fig 8.11A and B).
8 Clinical Implantology



Fig 8.7╇ (A to D) A series of different diameter osteotomy widening drills (2.8, 3.2, 3.65, 4.2, etc.) are sequentially used to the same depth. Depending
on bone density, the finally used drill should have a diameter 0.3–0.8€mm less than the diameter of the implant, e.g. if the implant diameter is 5€mm, the
diameter of the final drill must be approximately 4.2 €mm in D3/D4 bone and 4.7€mm in D1/D2 bone (Courtesy: Osseolink Implant Company).


Fig 8.8╇ (A and B) Depth of completed osteotomy can be checked using a marked depth guide (Courtesy for diagram’s: Osseolink Implant Company).


Fig 8.9╇ (A and B) Implants being highly sterile, remain packed in a sterile vial which further remains packed in an outer non-sterile packing. The outer
non-sterile covering of the implant vial should be opened by the assistant without touching the inner sterile vial which contains the implant and cover
screw. The implant surgeon wearing sterile gloves should open this inner vial to take the implant out from it (Courtesy: Osseolink Implant Company).

Key Points This can be done several times till all the implant
1. If surgeon feels a little resistance, he/she should gets completely seated into the osteotomy.
stop inserting the implant and wait for a moment. 2. If surgeon feels greater resistance he/she should
He/she should let the surrounding bone expand stop inserting the implant, rotate it counter
and then restart rotating and inserting implant. clockwise to unscrew 2–3 threads of the implant
Step by step procedure of implant treatment 8



Fig 8.10╇ (A and B) After opening the inner vial, the implant driver is used to engage the implant hex connection. Make sure that implant driver is
secured well into the implant connection to avoid its sudden fall. (C and D) Implant is removed from vial and carried to the prepared osteotomy
site with upward position. Implant body surface should not be touched by gloves, any instrument, patient’s lip, saliva, etc. to avoid its surface
getting contaminated (Courtesy: Osseolink Implant Company).


Fig 8.11╇ (A and B) Secure the implant into the prepared osteotomy and rotate it clockwise at very slow speed (30–40€rpm) using rotary hand piece
or hand ratchet (Courtesy: Osseolink Implant Company).

to release the pressure on the bone, wait for a in D1, D2, and D3 bone. The implant platform
moment to let the surrounding bone expand and can be submerged 0.5–1€ mm apical to the ridge
then restart rotating and inserting the implant. crest in D4 bone, to avoid any premature loading
This can be done several times until all the implant of the implant which may cause micro movement
gets completely seated into the osteotomy. of the implant during its healing phase and may
3. If implant is not going in by following the above- lead to fail to osseointegrate.
mentioned two protocols or exerting a greater 6. While inserting the implant in aesthetic regions,
moment force (more than 40–50€Ncm) on the sur- the platform of the finally seated implant platform
rounding bone, then it can cause pressure necrosis should be 2€ mm apical to the cementoenamel
of the surrounding bone. Unscrew the implant and junction (CEJ) of adjacent teeth or their gingival
remove it from the osteotomy site and transfer it to zenith, to achieve an acceptable soft tissue emer-
its sterile vial. Further widen the osteotomy by using gence around the implant prosthesis. The implant
the next diameter drill and reinsert the implant. platform should also be placed 2€ mm palatal to
4. All the implant threads should get submerged the imaginary line or straight probe meeting the
into the bone. If any bone defect exists, it can lead facial aspects of the CEJ of the two adjacent teeth.
to exposure of implant threads. These exposed J. Cover screw insertion and flap suturing: Follow-
threads should be covered using bone graft before ing implant insertion, the implant driver is removed
closing the flap. from the implant connection, and the cover screw
5. The complete seating of the implant should pres- is removed from the implant vial and screwed over
ent the implant platform flush with the ridge crest the implant connection using a screwdriver. After
8 Clinical Implantology




Fig 8.12╇ Following implant insertion, the implant driver is removed from the implant and implant connection is irrigated with chlorhexidine.
The cover screw is removed from the vial using screwdriver and inserted over the implant to cover the implant connection during its (A to D)
healing phase. (E and F) After inserting cover screw, the flap is sutured back with tension-free primary closure (Courtesy: Osseolink Implant

inserting cover screw, the flap is sutured back with a making horizontal releasing incisions through the
tension-free primary closure (Fig 8.12A–F). periosteum from underneath the flap. A 3-0/4-0
Key points non-resorbable Ethicon or a resorbable chromic
1. An antibacterial repellent jelly like Terramycine gut suture can be used for the suturing.
ointment or Metrohex ointment can be applied over 6. The sutured tissue surface should be cleaned using
the threads of cover screw before inserting it over the chlorhexidine and a light pressure pack of moist-
implant, to prevent any microbial growth into the ened cotton is given. The patient is instructed to
implant connection during its healing phase. keep the mouth closed for 1 h.
2. The cover screw should not be tightened with great 7. An ice pack is given to the patient to apply over
moment force, because this can present problems the facial skin of the surgical site intermittently for
at removal on uncovery. If it is tightened at a high 45 min to cool down the bone. The application of a
torque, often the implant itself comes out con- cold pack is beneficial for 48€h after surgery to sup-
nected to the cover screw, especially in low-density press heat generation and inflammatory oedema,
D4 bone. which leads to tension in the soft tissue resulting
3. If the implant surgeon decides on a non-sub- in suture line opening. Hot fomentations are ben-
merged implant healing protocol, a long gingival eficial after 48€h to diffuse the inflammatory fluid
former can be inserted directly over the implant from the site, which reduces soft tissue oedema.
in spite of using cover screw, and the flap can be 8. If not given before surgery, an intramuscular
sutured around it. injection of a potent pain killer like tramadol or
4. Tension-free sutures should be used to avoid the diclofenac and a steroid like dexamethasone, can
suture line opening because of the tension in the flap. be given after the surgery to reduce the chances of
5. If achieving primary closure becomes difficult, postoperative pain and swelling.
as in cases of implant insertion with simultane- 9. Antibacterials like the amoxicillin and clavulanate
ous bone grafting, the flap should be released by combination (tab. Augmentin 1€g b.i.d.), analgesics
Step by step procedure of implant treatment 8



Fig 8.13╇ (A) After the implant has osseointegrated (3–5 months) with the bone, the cover screw is exposed by giving a small mid-crestal incision or
using soft tissue punch. (B) The cover screw is removed using screwdriver and (C and D) a long gingival former is inserted. If required, the flap should
be sutured around the gingival former and the site left to heal for 2–3 weeks before making impression (Courtesy: Osseolink Implant Company).

like the aceclofenac, paracetamol and serratiopep- L. Making implant impression: After the soft tissue
tidase combination (tab. Hifenac-D, b.i.d.) and around the gingival former has healed, the gingi-
multivitamins (cap. Becosule, o.d.) are prescribed val former is removed and an impression post is
for a minimum of 5–7 days. screwed over the implant. An impression is made in
10. The patient is instructed to take only soft foods polyether or additional silicon material (Fig 8.15A–
for a minimum of 24€h and to avoid any hot and D). After removing the impression from mouth, the
spicy food. The patient should also be instructed impression post is removed from the implant and
to avoid pulling the lip and checking the surgical the gingival former is reinserted. The patient is sent
site, which can result in suture line opening. back after shade selection and bite registration (Fig
11. Patient should be instructed to brush his/her teeth 8.15E–H).
and rinse the mouth 3–4 times a day and after Key points
every meal, with 0.12% chlorhexidine (Periogard) 1. The complete seating of the impression post over
to maintain oral hygiene after surgery (after the the implant should be checked with a radio-
flap get stabilized). graph before making the impression, because the
12. If possible, the patient should be recalled for a impression of an incompletely seated impression
follow-up check the day after the surgery. post can result in incorrect transfer of implant ori-
13. Sutures should be removed after 7–10 days. entation and subsequent inaccurate seating of the
K. Implant uncovery: Once the implant gets osseoin- final prosthesis.
tegrated with the bone, the implant is uncovered by 2. The impression should be made with open tray
making a small crestal incision or using the tissue technique, using a long open tray impression post
punch. The cover screw is removed and replaced with if the implant is deeply seated in the soft tissue.
a long gingival former/healing abutment/permuco- If the closed tray impression post emerging out of
sal extension (Fig 8.13A–D). the soft tissue is very short, it may not get properly
Key points engaged in the closed tray impression, thus leading
1. If adequate width of keratinized soft tissue collar to inaccurate transfer of the implant hex position.
is present on the implant site, the implant can be The open tray posts should also be preferred in
uncovered by using a soft tissue punch. multiple implants or full-arch cases, for precision
2. Gingival formers are available in different heights, in the fit of the multiunit prosthesis over implants.
thus one with the correct height should be cho- 3. Screw hole of the impression post should be
sen, depending on the soft tissue thickness over blocked using wax before making the impression,
the implant. as it can hinder the reseating of the post into the
3. A custom-made gingival former (provisional impression.
crown fabricated over a temporary abutment) can 4. Usually, the impression post has one long flat side
also be used to create a ‘C’ shaped aesthetic soft which guides the implant dentist in transferring
tissue collar around the future implant prosthesis this post from the implant to the impression with
in an aesthetic region (Fig 8.14A–C). the correct orientation.
8 Clinical Implantology


Fig 8.14╇ (A) The implant is exposed from the palatal side; (B) a provisional screw-retained crown is fixed over the implant, which has created a
(C) scalloped ‘C’ shaped soft tissue collar around the implant prosthesis similar to the adjacent central incisor, in 3 weeks time.





Fig 8.15╇ (A) After the soft tissue around the gingival former has healed, the gingival former is removed and (B) an impression post is inserted over the
implant. (C and D) An impression is made in polyether or additional silicon material. (E) After removing the impression from the mouth, (F) the impres-
sion post is removed from the implant and (G and H) gingival former is re-inserted. The patient is sent back after shade selection and bite registration
120 (Courtesy: Osseolink Implant Company).
Step by step procedure of implant treatment 8





Fig 8.16╇ The impression post which is removed from the mouth is assembled with the implant analogue that has a different body, but a connection
exactly similar to the implant. (A–C) Further, the post assembled with the analogue is re seated into the impression at the same position and with
same orientation. (D) The soft tissue replicating material (Multisilk, from Bredent, Germany) is poured around the post-analogue connection followed
by pouring of the (E) impression with the high-strength stone plaster. The stone cast is removed from the impression after it has set. (F) The stone
cast will contain the analogue inside the stone with the impression post emerging out of it and soft tissue replica around it. (G) The impression post is
removed from the analogue. (H) Now the implant connection, position, and orientation is exactly transferred from the mouth to the cast. The soft tissue
replica can be removed and reseated as many times as required without any distortion to visualize and to work on analogue abutment connection
(Courtesy: Osseolink Implant Company).

M. Pouring the implant impression: The impression impression with high-strength stone plaster (Fig
post which is removed from the mouth is assembled 8.16E). The stone cast is removed from the impres-
with the implant analogue which has different body, sion after it has set. The stone cast will contain the
but the connection is exactly similar to the implant. analogue inside the stone with impression post
Further, the post assembled with the analogue is emerging out of it and soft tissue replica around it
reseated into the impression at the same position (Fig 8.16F). The impression post is removed from the
and with same orientation (Fig 8.16A–C). The soft analogue (Fig 8.16G). Now the implant connection
tissue replicating material (Multisilk, from Bredent, position and orientation have been transferred exactly
Germany) is poured around the post-analogue con- from the mouth to the cast (Fig 8.16H). The soft tis-
nection (Fig 8.16D), followed by pouring of the sue replica can be removed and reseated as many
8 Clinical Implantology



Fig 8.17╇ (A and B) The final abutment of choice is inserted over the analogue and shaped/milled using carbide/diamond bur for final prosthesis
fabrication. (C and D) A desired final prosthesis is fabricated over this abutment (Courtesy: Osseolink Implant Company).



Fig 8.18╇ Fixing the cement-retained prosthesis. (A) The dentist receives a dental cast from the dental laboratory, which contains an implant analogue
connected to metal abutment and (B) the prosthesis over the abutment. (C and D) The gingival former from the patient’s mouth is removed and the
abutment is transferred from the cast to the implant in patient’s mouth with the same orientation. (E) The prosthesis is seated onto the abutment and
checked for fitting. (F) After all the required occlusal adjustment has been done, a mechanical screwdriver (torque ratchet) is used to finally tighten
the implant abutment connection screw at the moment force of 30–35€ Ncm to avoid any future screw-loosening problem under the prosthesis.
(H) The screw hole is filled using hot gutta-percha or wax (G) and the prosthesis is fixed using zinc oxide eugenol/zinc phosphate/glass ionomer luting
cement (Courtesy: Osseolink Implant Company).

Step by step procedure of implant treatment 8
times as required, without any distortion to visualize 1. Fixing the cement-retained prosthesis: The
and to work on analogue abutment connection. dentist receives a dental cast from the dental
N. Fabrication of the final prosthesis: The final abut- laboratory, which contains the implant analogue
ment of choice is screwed over the analogue and connected to metal abutment and the prosthesis
shaped/milled using carbide/diamond bur for the over the abutment. The prosthesis from the abut-
fabrication of the final prosthesis. A desired final pros- ment is removed and the abutment is marked on
thesis is fabricated over this abutment (Fig 8.17A–D). the facial side using a permanent ink marker and
Key points the same is extended to the cast so that one can
1. At this step, the implant dentist and labora- correlate the same orientation to the abutment
tory technician can decide to fabricate either a in the patient’s mouth. The gingival former from
cement or screw retained prosthesis of choice. For the patient’s mouth is removed and the abut-
cement-retained prosthesis fabrication, the tech- ment is transferred from the cast to the implant
nician fixes an appropriate metal abutment over in the patient’s mouth with the same orientation.
the analogue and shapes it to a desired shape. The prosthesis is seated onto the abutment and
Further, the technician fabricates the prosthesis checked for fitting. One should check the com-
over it similar to normal crown fabrication onto plete seating of the prosthesis with a radiograph.
the reduced natural tooth abutment. For screw- After all the required occlusal adjustment has been
retained prosthesis fabrication, a plastic castable done, a mechanical screwdriver (torque ratchet) is
abutment is fixed onto the analogue, shaped and used to finally tighten the implant abutment con-
sent to the dental laboratory. The dental techni- nection screw at the moment force of 30–35€Ncm
cian makes a wax pattern of the coping over this to avoid any future screw loosening problem
plastic abutment, removes it from the analogue under the prosthesis. The screw hole is filled using
and after removing its connection screw, he/she hot gutta-percha or wax and the prosthesis is fixed
casts all together to fabricate a metal coping that using zinc oxide eugenol/zinc phosphate/glass
can be fixed directly over the analogue using the ionomer luting cement (Fig 8.18A–F).
connection screw. Further, the ceramist builds 2. Fixing the screw-retained prosthesis: The dentist
the ceramic over this casting �keeping the patency receives from the dental laboratory, the dental cast
of fixation screw opening. This screw retained with implant analogue connected to the prosthe-
ceramic prosthesis dentist directly fix to the sis by a connection screw through a screw hole
implant in the mouth using connection screw. in the prosthesis. The gingival former is removed
2. If the implant placement is not prosthetically from the patient’s mouth and the prosthesis is
guided or if the implant surgeon has intentionally transferred to the implant in the patient’s mouth
inserted the implant at an angle to the long axis of with the correct orientation, and screwed in using
the prosthesis to insert it in best available bone, one the connection screw. The complete seating of
can use an angled abutment to fabricate the pros- the prosthesis is radiographically checked. All the
thesis at the correct axis. The 15–25° angled abut- required adjustments are done and a mechani-
ments (metal as well as plastic) are available in most cal screwdriver (torque ratchet) is used to finally
implant systems to correct this prosthetic problem. tighten the connection screw at the moment force
O. Fixing the final prosthesis over the implant: The den- 30–35€Ncm. The screw hole is first filled with the
tist receives either the cement-retained or screw-retained hot gutta-percha followed by light cure composite
prosthesis from the dental laboratory which he/she over it to blend its shade to the shade of the pros-
needs to finally fix onto the implant in the mouth. thesis (Fig 8.19A–H).â•…â•…

8 Clinical Implantology





Fig 8.19╇ Fixing the screw-retained prosthesis. (A) The finally fabricated screw-retained crown. (B–D) Crown is seated over the implant with the
correct orientation and fixed using a connection screw which goes through the crown hole to the implant connection. (E) The occlusion is checked
and the corrections are made if needed. (F and G) A mechanical torque ratchet is used to finally tighten the connection screw at the moment of
30–35€Ncm for avoiding the screw loosening problem. (H) The screw hole of the crown is filled using gutta-percha and the tooth coloured composite.
Step by step procedure of implant treatment 8

Step by step presentation of implant insertion for the mandibular first molar and its restoration (Figs 8.20–8.33).


Fig 8.20╇ (A) Missing right mandibular first molar. (B) Diagnostic radiograph is showing adequate bone height above the mandibular canal to insert
adequately long implant.


8 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d



Fig 8.21╇ (A and B) CT plan shows Implant (5 ×€10€mm) simulation. (C and D) Cross-sectional view and section cut of 3D view showing irregular
ridge crest, which needs to be flattened to get a flat bone crest for the best possible large diameter implant without any implant thread exposure
on the facial aspect of the crest.

Step by step procedure of implant treatment 8

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d


Fig 8.22╇ (A and B) Mid-crestal and crevicular incisions are made and buccal and lingual mucoperiosteal flaps are elevated to expose the ridge


Fig 8.23╇ (A) The ridge crest is flattened (vertical osteoplasty) using a large round carbide trimmer. A small round carbide bur is used to mark the
implant osteotomy site at mesiodistal and buccolingual midpoint of the ridge crest. (B–D) This bur should punch the high density cortical bone
to reach to the underlying low density cancellous bone.


Fig 8.24╇ Initial osteotomy preparation is done with the pilot drill to a depth of 10€mm. (A) The complete depth should be achieved with this pilot
drill as the rest of the drills are osteotomy widening drills. (B and C) The parallel pin/force direction indicator is inserted to check parallelism with
the adjacent teeth and also to evaluate the direction of the occlusal forces from opposing tooth over the future implant prosthesis. Any correction,
if required, can be done at this stage using the side-cutting Lindemann drill.


8 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d



Fig 8.25╇ (A–D) The rest of the osteotomy-widening drills (2.8, 3.2, 3.65 and 4.2€mm diameter) are sequentially used to widen the osteotomy
to the same depth.


Fig 8.26╇ (A) The finally prepared osteotomy is irrigated using chilled saline to remove all the bone debris and cool down the bone. The bone debris,
if left inside, can be collected at the apex and prevent complete seating of the inserted implant. (B) Finally, prepared osteotomy can be checked using
DGI probe for any perforation, and also to induce fresh bleeding. (C) This special instrument can be inserted into the prepared osteotomy and moved
up and down along the walls of the osteotomy, to check if any perforation has occurred; its tip gets stuck in the same.

Step by step procedure of implant treatment 8

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d



Fig 8.27╇ (A) Implant is inserted in the prepared osteotomy and (B) screwed in using the hand ratchet till it seats completely. (C) Torque ratchet
can be used to evaluate the primary stability of the implant, which is achieved more than 40€Ncm in this case (see the line marks on the ratchet
handle). (D) The seated implant with its platform at the level of ridge crest.


8 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d



Fig 8.28╇ (A and B) Cover screw is inserted onto the implant to cover the implant hex connection and (C) the flap is sutured back. (D) Healing
of the site on the second day of surgery.


Fig 8.29╇ The implant is uncovered after it has osseointegrated in 4 months. (A) A mid-crestal incision is given, the cover screw is removed and
replaced with the long gingival former, and the flap is sutured back. (B) The soft tissue has adequately healed in 3 weeks after implant uncovery
and is ready for the implant impression.

Step by step procedure of implant treatment 8

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d




Fig 8.30╇ (A) The gingival former is removed from the implant and the impression post is inserted. (B) The flow composite is poured and
cured into the soft tissue spaces around the impression post for accurately transferring the soft tissue emergence to the working cast.
The screw hole of the post is also filled using wax. (C) The closed tray indirect impression of the implant is made, using addition silicon putty
and light body, (D and E) the impression post with the composite attached to it, is removed from the implant, assembled with the implant ana-
logue, and transferred to the impression with the same orientation. (F) The soft tissue replicating material (Gi-Mask from Coltene Whaldent) is
poured around the post analogue connection.


8 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d



Fig 8.31╇ (A) The impression is poured using a high strength stone plaster. (B) The stone cast removed from the impression after it has set, shows
the impression post connected to the analogue. (C) The impression post is removed and replaced by an appropriate final abutment which is
shaped in the dental laboratory. (D) A metal-free zirconium crown is fabricated in the laboratory onto the prepared abutment.


Fig 8.32╇ (A and B) The gingival former is removed from the implant and replaced with the abutment which is transferred from the cast and fixed
to the implant with the same orientation as on the cast. (C) The prosthesis is seated onto the abutment and (D) radiographically checked for its
complete and accurate seating onto the abutment.


Fig 8.33╇ (A) The prosthesis is removed and the connection screw of the abutment is finally tightened at the moment of 35€Ncm using torque
ratchet. (B) The screw hole of the abutment is filled with the wax. (C) The prosthesis is finally luted onto the abutment using glass ionomer luting
cement. (D) A radiograph is taken to check the complete seating of crown and also to check any luting cement in the peri-implant soft tissue. Any
cement, if left in the soft tissue pocket, may cause peri-implantitis and crestal bone resorption.

Step by step procedure of implant treatment 8

Flapless (using soft tissue punch) implant insertion for the mandibular first molar and restoration with prepared abutment
impression technique (Figs 8.34–8.44).


Fig 8.34╇ (A) Clinical view of missing mandibular first molar shows adequate band of attached keratinized tissue at the ridge crest. (B and C)
Three-dimensional CT planning shows adequate amount of bone, without any undercut, available for flapless implant (6 x 13 mm.) insertion.



Fig 8.35╇ (A and B) A tissue punch of 5€mm diameter is used to punch out the soft tissue and (C) a small round carbide bur is used to drill through
the ridge crest cortex followed by (D) 2€mm pilot drill to the planned depth.

Continued 133
8 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-2—cont’d



Fig 8.36╇ (A) The pilot drill should attain the complete depth (13€mm). When inserting implant with flapless technique, the punched out soft tissue
height should be measured and added up to the drilling depth because the dentist cannot visualize the bony crest during the drilling, but the soft
tissue margin is used as the reference point for the drilling. In this case the soft tissue height is 3€mm; hence, to place 13€mm-long implant, the
osteotomy is prepared 16€mm deep from the soft tissue margins. (A and B) All the osteotomy widening drills (φ2.8, φ3.2, φ3.65, φ4.3, φ5.2€mm)
are sequentially used to the complete depth. The completed osteotomy is irrigated using chilled saline to cool down the bone and to remove the
bony shaving chips (which can prevent the complete seating of the implant) from the osteotomy. (C and D) DGI (defect-specific gingival index)
depth probe is inserted to evaluate any perforation and also to provoke fresh bleeding in the osteotomy.

Step by step procedure of implant treatment 8

CASE REPORT-2—cont’d



Fig 8.37╇ (A) Implant packaging, which is unsterile from the outside but has a sterile vial inside and contains implant connected to the mount
and one cover screw. (B) The implant packaging is opened and the vial, which contains the implant with mount and cover screw at its base, is
removed. (C and D) The implant is removed from the sterile vial by holding the implant mount with gloved hands.


Fig 8.38╇ The implant surface should not be touched with gloved hands or any instrument which can contaminate its surface. (A) The implant
should always be carried to the osteotomy site in the upward position to avoid its sudden detachment from the mount and fall. The oste-
otomy should remain filled with fresh blood before implant insertion, as this blood carries the different kind of blood cells like platelets and
bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) from the surrounding bone to the implant surface, which is important for predictable contact osteogenesis.
(B and C) The implant is inserted into the osteotomy and threaded with the hand to secure it enough to avoid movement.

8 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-2—cont’d



Fig 8.39╇ (A) The implant ratchet is fitted onto the mount head and rotated clockwise to carry the implant further into the osteotomy. If the
adjacent teeth start hindering with the short length mount, it can be removed (B) and (C) replaced by a long implant driver. A simple ratchet or
a torque ratchet can be used to carry the implant to the complete depth. (D) The torque ratchet shows adequate implant primary stability (40€Ncm)
of the implant.

Step by step procedure of implant treatment 8
CASE REPORT-2—cont’d





Fig 8.40╇ (A) Implant at the final position. (B and C) A gingival former inserted to the implant for non-submersed healing. (D) Healing, as seen 2 days
after implant insertion. (E) The gingival former is removed after 3 months and (F) a straight abutment is inserted which is prepared in the mouth (G)
using carbide burs. (H) The torque ratchet is used to tighten its connection screw at 35€Ncm to avoid any future screw loosening problem.

8 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-2—cont’d




Fig 8.41╇ (A) The screw hole of the abutment is filled with gutta-percha and (B) the impression is made using additional silicon impression material
with direct prepared abutment impression technique. (C) If the impression is poured with stone it may result in the breakage of the thin abutment
on removing the cast, so the impression should be poured using a hard material. (D) A dual-cure core build-up material is used to fill the abutment
impression and (E) a die pin is inserted to hold it in the stone plaster. The impression is poured with stone plaster. (F) The cast removed shows the
abutment of core build-up material. Alternatively, the hard pattern resin material can also be used to pour the abutment area. The crown of choice
is fabricated over this abutment in the laboratory.

Step by step procedure of implant treatment 8

CASE REPORT-2—cont’d


Fig 8.42╇ (A) The porcelain fused to metal crown is fixed over the implant. (B) Post loading radiograph.

Implant insertion in aesthetic region

The implant therapy in aesthetic region is very challenging to meet the
hard and soft tissue aesthetic demands of the patient.

Key Points
1. The implant should be placed at the three-dimensionally correct
position and angulation.
2. The implant platform should be placed a minimum of 2€mm
above the CEJ of the adjacent tooth to achieve the adequate
soft tissue drape and emergence profile. In cases of soft tissue
recession from the adjacent teeth, the implant platform should
be placed 2–3€mm apical to the gingival zenith (Fig 8.43).
3. Besides placing implant platform 2€mm apical to the CEJ of
adjacent teeth or gingival zenith, it should also be placed palatal Fig 8.43╇ In the maxillary aesthetic region, the implant platform
to the imaginary line connecting the facial aspect of CEJ of two should be placed minimum 2€ mm above the CEJ of the adjacent
adjacent teeth. tooth, to achieve adequate soft tissue drape and emergence profile.
4. The diameter of the implant should be chosen according to In cases of soft tissue recession from the adjacent teeth, the implant
the tooth being replaced, to achieve an aesthetic emergence platform should be placed 2–3€mm apical to the gingival zenith. The
profile of the implant prosthesis. The placement of an implant implant platform should be placed 2€mm apical to the CEJ of adja-
slightly narrower than the natural tooth root often is indicated to cent teeth or the gingival zenith, and it should also be placed palatal
decrease the risk of the lateral perforation of the bone and being to the imaginary line connecting the facial aspect of the CEJ of two
too close to the adjacent tooth root. adjacent teeth.
5. Guided bone and soft tissue regeneration procedure should
be performed to repair defects before or at the time of implant
therapy. . Papillae should be preserved or created.
6. Extensive treatment planning should be done to achieve the opti- 9. Metal-free zirconium prosthesis should be preferred over porce-
mum aesthetic outcome. lain fused to metal prosthesis to achieve high aesthetic results
7. The soft tissue should be crafted to achieve the optimal aesthetic (Fig 8.44A–D).
outcome at the time of implant uncovering.


8 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-2—cont’d



Fig 8.44╇ (A and B) Implant at maxillary central incisor position is restored using metal-free zirconium crown. (C and D) The two implants at the
mandibular anterior position are restored using a zirconium bridge.

Implants uncovery and soft tissue crafting to create papillae in the maxillary aesthetic region (Figs 8.45–8.53).


Fig 8.45╇ (A) A small amount of local anaesthetic is infiltrated directly at the ridge crest for implant uncovery 4 months after implant placement.
(B) It causes blanching of the soft tissue. This approach not only anaesthetizes the tissue required to uncover the implant, but also reduces
bleeding during uncovery.

Step by step procedure of implant treatment 8

CASE REPORT-3—cont’d



Fig 8.46╇ (A and B) A three-pronged incision is made (two small buccal and one large palatal). (C) The large palatal finger is bisected in two mesial
and distal halves and (D) both the labial fingers are elevated.


8 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-3—cont’d



Fig 8.47╇ (A) The palatal fingers are elevated to uncover the implant and (B) the cover screw is removed. (C) A temporary tooth is fabricated over
the aesthetic abutment and fixed to the implant. (D) The split palatal fingers are separated and sutured with the two labial fingers to create both
the papillae.

Step by step procedure of implant treatment 8

CASE REPORT-3—cont’d




Fig 8.48╇ (A) The screw hole is filled with gutta-percha and composite, and left to heal for 3 weeks. (B) The provisional is removed after 3
weeks showing the soft tissue healing with (C) acceptable soft tissue emergence profile. (D) Newly created mesial and distal papillae. (E and F)
An impression post is inserted to the implant and its screw hole is sealed with the wax, a gingival retraction cord is used to record the subgingival
area in the impression.


8 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-3—cont’d


Fig 8.48, cont’dâ•… (G–I) An impression is made using additional silicon impression material.

Implant Analogue Impression Post Screw Driver

Fig 8.49╇ (A and B) The impression post is removed from the mouth and assembled with the implant analogue.

Step by step procedure of implant treatment 8

CASE REPORT-3—cont’d



Fig 8.50╇ (A) The impression post, connected to the analogue, is inserted in the impression with the same orientation as in the mouth (flat surface
of the impression post should match the flat surface in the impression). (B and C) A separator is sprayed on the impression and (D–F) Gi-Mask
soft tissue replicating material (Coltene Whaledent) is used to pour the impression around the post analogue connection.


8 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-3—cont’d




Fig 8.50, cont’dâ•… (G) The impression is poured and stone model is removed after 24€ h, showing the impression post connected to the
analogue and (H) soft tissue replica around it. (I and J) The impression post is removed from the analogue.

Step by step procedure of implant treatment 8

CASE REPORT-3—cont’d




Fig 8.51╇ (A–C) The soft tissue replica can be removed and re-seated as many times as the clinician or the laboratory technicians needs, to visual-
ize the abutment and analogue connection or the abutment finish line, which is placed subgingival to fabricate the prosthesis with perfect harmony
and seal at the finish line. (D–F) An anatomical abutment, which already has the highly polished anatomical finish margins at the cervical region, is
connected to the analogue.


8 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-3—cont’d




Fig 8.52╇ (A) The stone casts are articulated, the occlusal clearance is checked, and (B) marked with marker. Now the abutment is removed from
the cast and connected to another analogue, and (C) prepared using diamond or carbide bur. Preparing the abutment connected to the cast can
result in micromovement of the analogue because of vibration during the abutment preparation/milling. This may lead to inaccurate prosthesis
fabrication and problem in seating the same in the mouth. (D) Finally prepared abutment on the model is sent to the laboratory for cement-retained
porcelain fused to metal crown fabrication. After the prosthesis is received from the laboratory, the patient is recalled and the provisional prosthesis
is removed from the implant. (E and F) The final abutment is transferred to the implant with the correct orientation.

Step by step procedure of implant treatment 8

CASE REPORT-3—cont’d


Fig 8.53╇ (A) The connection screw of the final abutment is tightened using the torque ratchet at 35€Ncm. (B) The screw hole is filled with gutta-
percha and (C) the prosthesis is fixed using dual-cure resin cement.

Single piece implant insertion with immediate restoration in aesthetic region (Figs 8.54–8.61).


Fig 8.54╇ (A) Dental radiograph of missing maxillary canine and radiolucency in the crestal half of the ridge indicate thin bone width. (B and C)
Axial and cross-sectional views of the dental CT confirm facial concavity in ridge morphology and reduced faciopalatal bone dimensions. (D) Flaps
elevated to expose the bony ridge.


8 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-4—cont’d



Fig 8.55╇ (A-C) Osteotomy is carefully prepared and its direction and depth is checked by inserting depth pin and taking a radiograph. (D) The
finally prepared osteotomy is checked for any inadvertent perforation, if has occurred.

Step by step procedure of implant treatment 8

CASE REPORT-4—cont’d



Fig 8.56╇ (A and B) A narrow diameter, long, one piece implant is inserted, which has attained adequate primary stability (more than 35€Ncm), is
measured using (C) torque ratchet. (D) Implant at the final position.


Fig 8.57╇ (A) Post-implantation radiograph. (B) The implant abutment is prepared using high-speed turbine.


8 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-4—cont’d


Fig 8.58╇ (A) An anatomical provisional crown is fabricated in mouth, it is fixed over the implant and (B) the flap is sutured.


Fig 8.59╇ (A and B) Healing after 3 weeks has created an aesthetic scalloped soft tissue architecture for the final prosthesis.


Fig 8.60╇ (A and B) Impression is made with the prepared abutment technique to accurately record the abutment as well as the soft tissue

Step by step procedure of implant treatment 8

CASE REPORT-4—cont’d




Fig 8.61╇ (A) The abutment impression is poured with a high strength pattern resin and a dia pin is inserted. (B) The impression is poured with
stone plaster. (C) The impression is removed after 24€h and (D) a metal ceramic crown is fabricated in the laboratory. (E) The prosthesis is fixed
over the implant. (F) Post loading radiograph.


8 Clinical Implantology

Bone spreading using osteotome: Often patients come before 1985. Bone spreading not only spreads the nar-
with very limited buccopalatal bone dimensions or facial row ridge faciopalatally but also condenses the soft tra-
concavities in anterior maxilla with low-density bone becular bone around the implants, which is normally
where, an implant inserted with normal drilling protocol removed by implant drills (Figure 8.62 a-d). It leads to
may result in dehiscence through the thin facial cortical high primary stability of the implant and more bone
plate. Tatum developed bone spreading to deal with such implant surface contact area, which is quite important
challenging situations in 1970s. He inserted more than for predictable osseointegration and long-term implant
5000 maxillary anterior implants with this procedure success.



Fig 8.62╇ (A) Cross-section of edentulous premaxilla with narrow faciopalatal dimensions and low density bone (D3/D4). (B) A pilot drill is used for
initial osteotomy preparation followed by use of (C) different sequential diameter osteotomes which spread and condense the surrounding low-
density trabecular bone. (D) The implant is inserted in the spreaded and condensed bone with high primary stability and without any dehiscence
through the thin labial cortical plate.

Step by step procedure of implant treatment 8
Implant placement in anterior maxilla using bone spreading Osteotomes (Figs. 8.63–8.65).


Fig 8.63╇ (A) Clinical view of the missing maxillary laterals with narrow facio-palatal dimensions and facial concavities, can be seen in the (B) 3D
view of the dental CT scan.



Fig 8.64╇ (A and B) Osteotome is used to spread and condense the bone. (C) Single piece narrow diameter implants are inserted with high primary
stability and without any dehiscence through the facial concavities. (D and E) As can be seen in the radiograph, the apex of the both implants is
also stabilized in the high density nasal floor to achieve adequate primary stability as immediate restoration of the implants is planned.

8 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-5—cont’d



Fig 8.65╇ (A) The facial concavities are filled with bone graft material (Bio-Oss) to improve the facial tissue aesthetic and (B) the flap is sutured back.
(C) Healing after 3 weeks. (D) Implants are restored after required gingivectomy, showing excellent soft tissue aesthetics.

Implant placement in the posterior maxilla Management of reduced bone height is covered in the
The posterior maxilla often presents a few specific limita- Chapter 19 ‘Sinus grafting for dental implants’. The facial
tions for ideal implant therapy. cantilevering of the implant prosthesis can be managed
Limitations with posterior maxilla
by lateral bone augmentation procedures during or before
. Poor bone quality: The posterior
1 maxilla shows poor- implant placement.
est bone quality, mostly D3 and D4 bone (Fig 8.66A) Key Points
which 1. Lateral bone condensation using osteotomes
a. causes poor initial stability of the implant 2. Achieving higher initial implant stability
b. delivers poor bone implant contact percentage 3. Using the longest and widest possible implants
c. causes micromovement of the implant during the 4. Submerging implant 1€mm apical to the ridge crest
healing period leading to failure 5. Stabilizing implant apex in the hard cortical sinus floor
d. takes longer time for the osseointegration 6. Using implant with deeper threads with high pitch
e. prevents early or immediate loading of the implant value
f. formation of poor bone quality around the osseo- 7. Using implant with fast osseointegrating surfaces
integrated implant which can lead to implant fail- (HA surface implants from BioHorizons)
ure after loading 8. Avoiding any load on the implant during the healing
g. requires progressive bone loading to strengthen the period
peri-implant trabecular bone. 9. Longer healing period of the implant before
. Limited bone height: Limited bone height is caused
2 loading
by vertical ridge resorption and expansion (pneuma- 10. Sinus grafting if subantral bone height is less than
tization) of the maxillary sinus (Fig 8.66B). It leads 10€mm.
to either the placement of short implants or requires 11. Following progressive bone loading protocols:
sinus elevation and grafting procedures to insert ade- 1. Bone condensation by using osteotomes: To
quately long implants. increase bone density around the implant, the bone
. Lateral bone resorption of the residual ridge: Lateral
3 is not removed with normal osteotomy preparation
bone resorption of the residual ridge leads to more drills; after using the pilot drill a special set of differ-
palatal implant placement and buccal cantilevering of ent diameter bone condensers (osteotomes) are used
the prosthesis (Fig 8.66C), or requires lateral bone aug- sequentially to laterally condense the low-density
mentation before implant placement. cancellous bone (Figs 8.67 and 8.68).
Step by step procedure of implant treatment 8
2. Bone condensation by the implant itself for 6. Using implant with deeper and more threads:
achieving high primary stability of the implant: The deeper threads stabilize the implant in soft
The biggest disadvantage of bone condensation cancellous bone and the use of more threads
using osteotomes is the psychological trauma to the increases the implant bone contact area for better
patient because of tapping with osteotomes. To over- osseointegration.
come this problem one can use tapered implants 7. Using implant with special early osseointegrat-
with variable threads design (e.g. Nobel active ing surfaces: According to different studies, a few
implants, SPI implant, Taureg implant, etc.) (Figs implant surfaces osseointegrate faster (e.g. Ti-unite
8.69 and 8.70). surface, SLA surface) than the other surfaces (e.g.
3. Using the longest and widest possible implant: sand blasted RBM surfaces). So the implant which
The use of the longest and widest possible implant has an early osseointegrating nature must be used in
results in more implant bone contact area and more low-density bone.
predictable implant success in the posterior maxilla. 8. Avoiding any load on the implant during the
4. Submerging implant 1€ mm apical to the ridge healing period: Any soft tissue supported prosthe-
crest: If the implant platform is submerged 1€mm api- sis should be avoided for at least for 4 months after
cal to the ridge crest, the crestal bone takes all the masti- implant placement.
catory forces and thus micromovements of the implant 9. Longer healing period of the implant before
during its healing phase can be avoided. loading: The lesser the bone volume and density, the
5. Stabilizing implant apex in the hard cortical sinus longer should be the implant healing period.
floor: If bone density is very low and the subantral bone 10. Sinus grafting if subantral bone height is less
height is limited, the sinus floor is fractured than 10€mm: To place wider platform implants the
upto 1–2€ mm, using osteotomes after final oste- sinus floor should be elevated and grafted if the sub-
otomy preparation, so that the longer implant antral bone height is less than 10€ mm, especially if
can be placed and its apex can be stabilized in bone width is also compromised.
the hard cortical sinus floor to achieve adequate 11. Following progressive bone loading protocols:
primary stability of the inserted implant. The The implant should be progressively loaded in case
sinus floor is not augmented in this procedure of D4 type bone, to strengthen the peri-implant tra-
(Figs 8.71 and 8.72). becular one (see Chapter 7).


Fig 8.66╇ (A) DentaScan showing poor bone density in the posterior maxilla, dental radiograph showing limited bone height due to maxillary sinus
pneumatization and vertical resorption of the bony ridge. (B) It indicates the need for sinus grafting for implant insertion. (C) Finally restored implant
in the posterior maxilla in ideal occlusion with the mandibular natural molar showing facial cantilever due to buccal resorption of the edentulous

8 Clinical Implantology



Fig 8.67╇ (A) Diagrammatic presentation showing low density coarse trabecular bone (D4 bone) in the posterior maxilla. (B) A pilot drill used for
initial entry followed by lateral and vertical bone condensation using (C) sequential sized osteotomes and (D) finally implant inserted in the con-
densed bone. A condensing body implant, wherein the implant itself further condenses the surrounding bone and achieves a high primary stability
in low-density bone.

Step by step procedure of implant treatment 8


Fig 8.68╇ (A) Set of different diameter osteotomes. (B) Lateral bone condensation using osteotomes in the posterior maxilla. (C) The finally pre-
pared osteotomy checked for parallelism by inserting final drills. (D) All Implants achieved high primary stability, so gingival formers are inserted
over the implants for non-submerged healing.


Fig 8.69╇ (A) SPI implant from Alpha-Bio has a tapered body and variable threads design. It has the implant core diameter much smaller than
the thread diameter. The drilling to place this implant in the posterior maxilla is done by limiting the osteotomy preparation with the final drill
with diameter matching the core diameter of the implant (e.g. if 5 mm diameter implant is inserted, it has the 2 mm apical diameter, 3.75 mm
body diameter, 5 mm diameter just apical to the implant platform and 3.75 mm platform diameter). It has the sharp self-cutting/tapping threads
at the apical region which self-prepare the threads into the soft bone to accommodate the wider body threads. It has non-cutting, deeper, self-
condensing, square threads at the implant body, which laterally condense the low-density trabecular bone. It has shallow micro rings at the crestal
part to avoid stress in the region of high-density crestal bone, which may cause crestal bone resorption. To place the 5 mm. diameter SPI implant,
the 2.0 and 2.8 mm diameter drills are used to the complete depth, and 3.2 and 3.65 mm drills are used till the partial depth. These four drills pre-
pare the osteotomy for the core of the implant. (B–D) After using these drills when the implant is inserted, its bone condensing threads laterally
condense the soft spongy trabecular bone and achieve adequate primary stability in the low-density posterior maxilla.

8 Clinical Implantology




Fig 8.70╇ (A) Clinical view showing missing 26 and 27 no. teeth with good ridge form, (B) 2.0 mm pilot drill is used for initial osteotomy prepara-
tion. (C) The 3.2 and 3.65 mm diameter drills used as the final drills. (D and E) The 4 and 5 mm diameter SPI implants, which achieve high primary
stability (more than 35 Ncm), are inserted. (F) Implants are uncovered and restored after 4 months.

Step by step procedure of implant treatment 8



Fig 8.71╇ (A and B) Implant osteotomy is prepared 1–2 mm short of the sinus floor. (C and D) An adequate size osteotome is used to fracture up
the sinus floor and the implant apex is stabilized in the high density sinus floor.

8 Clinical Implantology




Fig 8.72╇ (A) Clinical view of the root stumps of left bicuspids, which need to be extracted with immediate implant placement. (B) Dental radio-
graph shows limited bone height apical to the root stumps (especially in second bicuspid) to engage the immediately inserted implant apex.
(C) The root stumps are atraumatically extracted using periotomes and a large 4.2 mm diameter osteotome is inserted into the posterior extrac-
tion socket and gently taped to fracture up the hard sinus floor. (D) The implant osteotomy is prepared through the anterior socket 2 mm short
of sinus floor. (E) Further, a final drill diameter osteotome is used in a similar fashion to fracture up the sinus floor. (F) Both the osteotomes can be
seen in the periapical radiograph reaching beyond the sinus floor with fractured sinus floor bony pieces (red arrows) tenting up the elevated sinus
membrane. (G) Both the implants are inserted to engage their apex in the hard sinus floor as well as the ridge crest (bicortical engagement) to
achieve high initial implant stability (30–35 Ncm), which is quite necessary for optimal implant success in low-density posterior maxilla. (H and I)
Implants are uncovered and restored after 4 months.

Step by step procedure of implant treatment 8


Fig 8.72, cont’dâ•… (J) Post loading radiograph shows new bone regeneration at the sinus floor under the elevated membrane. (For interpretations
of the references to colour in the Figure legend 8.72F, the reader is referred to the online version of this book.)

Summary technique and is sent to the dental laboratory for the fab-
rication of cement- or screw-retained prosthesis.
Implant surgery should be performed at a high level of For the prepared abutment impression technique, the
sterility by sterilizing the armamentarium and all implant gingival former is replaced with an appropriate final abut-
inventories before surgery. The patient is advised to take ment which is prepared in the mouth and the impression
prophylactic antibiotics, analgesics, anti-anxiety drugs, is made similar to the usual crown and bridge impression
and steroid, 1€ h before implant insertion surgery. The technique. The impression is poured and sent to the labo-
patient is asked to rinse the mouth with 0.12% chlorhexi- ratory for the cement-retained crown fabrication, which
dine just before making the incision, to reduce the bacte- is luted over the abutment in the mouth using any appro-
rial count in the oral cavity. Usually a mid-crestal incision priate luting cement.
is made, which can be further extended horizontally or For the pick-up impression technique, the gingival for-
vertically depending on the exposure of the bony ridge mer is removed and replaced with the impression abut-
required to insert the implant. The mucoperiosteal flap ment or impression post and impression is made using
is elevated to expose the bony ridge and osteotomy is additional silicon or polyether impression material. The
prepared for the implant by sequentially using various post is removed from the mouth and assembled with the
implant drills to the planned depth and diameter, and implant analogue. The impression post analogue assem-
the implant is inserted. The implant connection is cov- bly is inserted in the impression with the same orienta-
ered using cover screw and the flap is sutured back. The tion as in the mouth and the impression is poured using
implant is re-exposed after 3–4 months, once it has osseo- high-strength stone. The impression post is removed
integrated with the bone, and the cover screw is replaced from the stone cast and the laboratory technician fixes
with a long transmucosal healing abutment/gingival an appropriate final abutment on the cast and fabricates
former for 2–3 weeks. After the soft tissue has healed, either the cement-retained or screw-retained prosthesis.
the gingival former is removed and the impression of The dentist fixes this prosthesis on the implant in the
the implant is made by prepared abutment or pick-up patient’s mouth.

8 Clinical Implantology

Further Reading
Norton MR. Multiple single-tooth implant res- Bozkaya D, Muftu S, Muftu A. Evaluation of Hwang D, Wang HL. Medical contraindica-
torations in the posterior jaws: maintenance load transfer characteristics of five different tions to implant therapy: part I: abso-
of marginal bone levels with reference to implants in compact bone at different load lute contraindications. Implant Dent
the implant-abutment micro gap. Int J Oral levels by finite elements analysis. J Prosthet 2006;15:353–60.
Maxillofac Implants 2006;21:777–84. Dent 2004;92:523–30. Brägger U. Radiographic parameters for the
Gotfredsen K. A 5-year prospective study of Hansson S. Implant-abutment interface: bio- evaluation of peri-implant tissues. Peri-
single-tooth replacements supported by mechanical study of flat top versus conical. odontol 2000 1994;4:87–97.
the Astra Tech implant: a pilot study. Clin Clin Implant Dent Relat Res 2000;2:33–41. Albrektsson T, Zarb G, Worthington P, et€ al.
Implant Dent Relat Res 2004;6:1–8. Hansson S, Norton M. The relation between The long-term efficacy of currently used
Norton M. Biologic and mechanical stabil- surface roughness and interfacial shear dental implants: a review and proposed
ity of single-tooth implants: 4- to 7-year strength for bone-anchored implants. criteria of success. Int J Oral Maxillofac
follow-up. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res A mathematical model. J Biomech Implants 1986;1:11–25.
2001;3:214–20. 1999;32:829–36. Markiewicz MR, Raina A, Chuang SK, et€ al.
Wennström JL, Ekestubbe A, Gröndahl K, et€al. Palmer RM, Palmer PJ, Smith BJ. A 5-year pro- Full-mouth rehabilitation with single-tooth
Implant-supported single-tooth restora- spective study of Astra single tooth implants. implant restorations. Overview and report
tions: a 5-year prospective study. J Clin Peri- Clin Oral Implants Res 2000;11:179–82. of case. NY State Dent J 2010;76:36–42.
odontol 2005;32:567–74. Norton MR. The Astra Tech Single-Tooth Shin YK, Han CH, Heo SJ, et€al. Radiographic
Solnit GS, Schneider RL. An alternative to Implant System: a report on 27 consecu- evaluation of marginal bone level around
splinting multiple implants: use of the ITI tively placed and restored implants. Int implants with different neck designs after
system. J Prosthodont 1998;7:114–91. J Periodontics Restorative Dent 1 year. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants
Guichet DL, Yoshinobu D, Caputo AA. Effect 1997;17:574–83. 2006;21:789–94.
of splinting and interproximal contact Puchades-Roman L, Palmer RM, Palmer PJ, Hansson S. The implant neck: smooth or pro-
tightness on load transfer by implant res- et€al. A clinical, radiographic, and microbi- vided with retention elements. A biome-
torations. J Prosthet Dent 2002;87:528–35. ologic comparison of Astra Tech and Brane- chanical approach. Clin Oral Implants Res
Wang TM, Leu LJ, Wang J, et€ al. Effects of mark single tooth implants. Clin Implant 1999;10:394–405.
prosthesis materials and prosthesis splint- Dent Relat Res 2000;2:78–84. Scherrer SS, de Rijk WG. The effect of crown
ing on peri-implant bone stress around Norton MR. Marginal bone levels at single length on the fracture resistance of poste-
implants in poor-quality bone: a numeric tooth implants with a conical fixture rior porcelain and glass-ceramic crowns. Int
analysis. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants design. The influence of surface macro and J Prosthodont 1992;5:550–7.
2002;17:231–7. microstructure. Clin Oral Implants Res
Hansson S. A conical implant-abutment 1998;9:91–9.
interface at the level of the marginal bone Palmer RM, Smith BJ, Palmer PJ, et€al. A pro-
improves the distribution of stresses in the spective study of Astra single tooth implants.
supporting bone. An axis symmetric finite Clin Oral Implants Res 1997;8:173–9.
element analysis. Clin Oral Implants Res Henry PJ, Laney WR, Jemt T, et€al. Osseointe-
2003;14:286–93. grated implants for single-tooth replace-
ment: a prospective 5-year multicenter
study. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants

Immediate implant in
extraction socket
Ajay Vikram Singhâ•… Amir Gazmaweâ•… Peter Randelzhofer

CHAPTER CONTENTS HD Loading classification for the immediately

inserted implant 174
Introduction 165 Criteria for successful loading in the
Indications 166 aesthetic zone 174
Contraindications 166 Risk factors for immediate implantation
Advantages of immediate implantation in and functional loading 174
extraction socket 166 Consensus conference on immediate loading 174
Disadvantages of immediate implantation Primary and secondary implant stability 175
in extraction socket 166 Importance of primary stability
Implant treatment options at the extraction site 167 for immediately loading the implants 175
Option 1 – extraction and delayed implant insertion Achieving primary stability 175
in the healed socket 167 Optimized implant form and surface
Indications 167 to achieve good primary stability 175
Option 2 – extraction, socket grafting, and delayed Advantages of implantation in the extraction
implant insertion in healed socket 167 socket with immediate loading 176
Indications 167 Advantages of single-piece implants 176
Option 3 – extraction and immediate implant Immediate implantation in the extraction socket
insertion with submersed healing 167 of anterior maxilla – a step by step diagrammatic
Indications 168 presentation 178
Option 4 – extraction and immediate implant Immediate implants in mandibular anterior
insertion with non-submersed/open healing 168 extraction sockets 201
Indications 169 Immediate implants in extraction sockets of
multirooted posterior teeth 212
Option 5 – immediate implantation with
nonfunctional loading of the implant 169 Socket lifting in maxillary posterior region 225
Indications 169 Summary 227
Option 6 – immediate insertion with functional
loading of the implant 169
Indications 169
Deciding factors for implant treatment modality
in extraction 169 Based on favourable findings in research and clinical trials,
Special armamentarium required for immediate
immediate implantation in the fresh extraction socket has
implantation in the extraction socket 173 become the treatment of choice in implant therapy as it
offers many advantages over placing the implant in healed
Grafting the peri-implant socket spaces bone. The exact time for placing the implant depends on
(jumping distance of osseointegration) 173 the structural changes of hard and soft tissue after extrac-
Immediate or early loading of the implant tion. Following tooth extraction, the resorption processes
inserted in a fresh extraction socket 174 of the alveolar bony walls take place. The studies of Araujo
et€al have shown that the bundle bone is mainly involved
in the resorption process, which also results in the loss of
9 Clinical Implantology

buccal bone volume and height. Two-thirds of resorption 7. Tooth needs immediate implant, shows adequate
occurs in the first 3 months post-extraction, and results in band of thick, stable, and keratinized marginal
a complex clinical situation. The socket grafting or imme- tissue.
diate insertion of the implant into fresh extraction sites 8. Extraction socket is favourable for implant insertion at
with simultaneous grafting of peri-implant socket spaces, the correct position and axis for final prosthesis.
if needed, prevents this resorption. Immediate implants 9. Extraction socket with small or no osseous defect,
have proven to be a predictable treatment option. Stud- where adequate bone–implant surface contact per-
ies showed a success rate between 93% and 100%. The centage can be achieved and simultaneous bone graft-
patient benefits from a less invasive and cost effective pro- ing for the defect is possible with predictable outcome.
cedure resulting in reduced overall treatment time and 10. The dimensions of the socket are favourable for the
higher patient comfort. However, immediate implantation planned implant dimensions.
requires primary stability and is often accompanied by ‘ad 11. The adjacent teeth have good periodontal support and
hoc’ decision making. The possibility of placing an imme- present no signs of any active infection.
diate implant depends on the defect anatomy and there-
fore it is frequently possible to make a decision only at the
time of extraction. Cases with thin gingival and high scal- Contraindications
loped soft tissue architecture are suitable for the so-called
‘open healing’ procedure with a wide body-healing abut- 1. Signs of active infection like pain, swelling, tenderness,
ment placed on top of the implant to support the mar- purulent discharge etc. related to the tooth planned
ginal gingiva. A careful and conservative surgical approach for extraction.
is required to maintain thin papillae and marginal gingiva. 2. Extraction socket possesses large osseous defect, not
The conventional technique for implant therapy at the favourable for immediate implantation.
site of the diseased tooth which needs replacement, have 3. Inadequate bone volume apical to the extraction
been discussed in the early Chapters of this book, which socket to stabilize the implant apex.
encompassed extracting the tooth, waiting 6–8 weeks for 4. Inadequate band of thick, stable, and keratinized
the socket to heal, inserting the implant, and further wait- �marginal soft tissue around the socket.
ing 3–4 months for implant healing and osseointegra- 5. Extraction socket is unfavourable for implant insertion
tion. After this procedure, surgical re-entry is necessary to at the correct position and axis for final prosthesis.
expose the implants and to place a prosthetic abutment. 6. The dimensions of the socket are unfavourable for the
Branemark and co-workers recommended a period of planned implant dimensions.
stress-free unloaded healing to ensure the Osseointegra- 7. The adjacent teeth contain active infection or poor
tion of endosseous implants. High success rates for the periodontal support.
two-stage implant protocol have been documented. Valid
paradigms have required 3–4 months of healing for tissue
integration of the implants following an adequate healing Advantages of immediate
period for the consolidation of the extraction socket. Tak- implantation in extraction socket
ing into account the prosthetic treatment also, patients
frequently had to wait up to 1 year for a lost tooth to be 1. Implant can be placed in the same position as the extracted
replaced. In recent years, shorter treatment times from the tooth, minimizing the need for angled abutments.
time of tooth loss to the restoration of teeth with pros- 2. Osseointegration is more favourable when implants
thetic appliances on osseointegrated implants have been are placed immediately in the extraction socket.
promoted by many clinicians. 3. Prevents alveolar ridge atrophy and gingival tissue
Strategies were developed to substantially shorten the recession.
implant treatment time span in extraction and implant 4. Nonfunctional restorations can be provided to restore
insertion cases. There can be various ways of immediate immediate aesthetics, especially in the anterior region.
implant insertion in the extraction socket, based on vari- 5. Immediate implantation keeps contaminants away
ous radiographic and clinical parameters as well as the from the socket.
skilled approach of the implant surgeon, to treat each 6. More patients opt for implant treatment as there is no
individual case. waiting time for healing and restoration.
7. Shortens treatment time; treatment is completed in a
shorter span of time in comparison to delayed implant
Indications insertion.
8. Fewer visits are required.
1. Grossly decayed, nonrestorable, asymptomatic tooth. 9. A diminished time period of functional and aesthetic
2. Traumatic loss of tooth with minimum bone loss. deficiency.
3. Tooth to be extracted presents no sign of any active
infection like pain, swelling, tenderness, purulent dis-
charge, etc. Disadvantages of immediate
4. Periodontally compromised tooth without purulent
exudate, which needs extraction and replacement.
implantation in extraction socket
5. Inability to perform and complete endodontic treatment. . Not possible in sockets with active infection.
6. Tooth needs immediate implant, shows adequate healthy 2. Increased risk of infection to the implant.
bone volume apical to the extraction socket to stabilize 3. Less initial bone-to-implant contact (BIC) percentage.
the implant apex. 4. Grafting required, filling voids and spaces.
Immediate implant in extraction socket 9



Fig 9.1╇ (A) Implant placement into an infected socket should be avoided. The tooth number 45 which needs extraction, showed signs of active
infection presented with pain on percussion before the extraction. Though, all measures were taken to avoid the infection to the implant, such as pro-
phylactic antibiotics, socket debridement, and flushing the socket with clindamycin before implant insertion, (B) there was infection to the immediately
inserted implant, which presented with persistent pain and extraoral swelling even 1 week after (C) the implant placement. (D) When the implant was
ultimately removed, the swelling and pain subsided within 24€h with the same antibiotics and analgesics.

5. Difficulty in achieving soft tissue closure. 3. Inadequate bone volume apical to the extraction
6. Loss of marginal keratinized soft tissue collar, if flap socket to adequately stabilize the implant.
is released and coronally advanced to achieve primary 4. Inadequate band of thick, stable, and keratinized mar-
closure. ginal tissue around the extraction socket.
7. Micromovement of implant with low primary stability
during its healing phase. Option 2 – extraction, socket grafting, and
8. Technique-sensitive procedure with less control dur-
delayed implant insertion in healed socket
ing drilling.
9. Offset implant insertion, if implant is inserted in one The tooth is extracted and the socket is grafted using
of the root sockets of multirooted tooth. appropriate bone substitute to regenerate the adequate
10. Increased cost of the treatment, if grafting materials bone dimensions at the extraction site. The grafted socket
and collagen barrier membrane are used. is left to heal for 4–6 months before implant insertion.

Implant treatment options at the Indications

1. Tooth without any active infection.
extraction site 2. Osseous topography of the extraction socket is not
Option 1 – extraction and delayed implant favourable for immediate implantation (large osseous
insertion in the healed socket defect).
3. Inadequate bone volume apical to the extraction
The tooth is extracted and the socket is left to heal for 6–8 socket to adequately stabilize the implant.
weeks before implant insertion with or without simulta- 4. Inadequate band of thick, stable, and keratinized mar-
neous guided bone regeneration. ginal tissue around the extraction socket.

Indications Option 3 – extraction and immediate implant

insertion with submersed healing
1. Tooth with the active infection (Fig 9.1A–D).
2. Osseous topography of the extraction socket not Immediate implantation in the extraction socket is per-
favourable for immediate implantation. formed with or without simultaneous bone grafting and
9 Clinical Implantology




Fig 9.2╇ (A–D) Teeth are extracted and implants are immediately placed in the sockets of anterior maxilla with apex stabilized in the high density nasal
floor to achieve adequate BIC percentage as well as to achieve adequate primary stability of the implants. (E) The inserted implants are immediately
restored with a splinted functional prosthesis which is later replaced with the definitive one after the soft tissue (F) healed in 4 weeks.

covered with the soft tissue flap for submerged healing. 4. Adequate zone of thick, stable, and keratinized mar-
The site is re-exposed to uncover and restore the implant ginal soft tissue around the extraction socket.
after 3–4 months. 5. The inserted implant achieves adequate primary sta-
bility (20–25€Ncm).
Option 4 – extraction and immediate implant
. Tooth without any active infection.
insertion with non-submersed/open healing
. Osseous topography of the extraction
2 socket is favour-
able for immediate implantation with (small osseous The dental implant is immediately inserted in the extrac-
defect) or without (no osseous defect) simultaneous tion socket and a gingival former, emerging out of the soft
bone grafting. tissues, is placed on top of the implant and the flap is
. Adequate bone volume apical to the extraction socket
3 sutured around it. The site is left to heal for 4 to 6 months
is present to stabilize the implant. before the implant is restored.
Immediate implant in extraction socket 9
3. ‘All-on-4’/‘All-on-6’ implant technique done with
Indications immediate implantation.
1. Tooth without any active infection. 4. Multiple implants in extraction sockets with immedi-
2. Osseous topography of the extraction socket is favour- ate full-arch restoration.
able for immediate implantation. 5. Immediate implantation with implant overdenture,
3. Adequate bone volume apical to the extraction socket immediately delivered.
to stabilize the implant. 6. Osseous topography of the extraction sockets is favour-
4. Adequate zone of thick, stable, and keratinized mar- able for immediate implant insertion.
ginal soft tissue around the extraction socket. 7. Adequate bone volume apical to the extraction sockets
5. The coronal advancement of the flap to achieve pri- to stabilize the implants.
mary closure may result in shifting of thick, stable, and 8. Adequate zone of thick, stable, and keratinized marginal
keratinized marginal soft tissue to the ridge crest. soft tissue around the extraction sockets.
6. The inserted implant achieves adequate primary sta- 9. The coronal advancement of the flap to achieve primary
bility (30–35€Ncm). closure can result in shifting of thick, stable, and kera-
tinized marginal soft tissue to the ridge crest.
Option 5 – immediate implantation with 10. The inserted implants achieve high primary stability
nonfunctional loading of the implant (more than 35€Ncm).

The implant is immediately inserted in the extraction

socket and a provisional prosthesis is fixed over the Deciding factors for implant
implant, and flap is sutured around it. The prosthesis is treatment modality in extraction
kept out of occlusion (nonfunctional loading), which is
replaced with a definitive prosthesis, in functional occlu- 1. Osseous topography of extraction socket (bone
sion, after 3–4 months. defect) – Bone defects can be of different types and
sizes as long as the implant is positioned within the
bone envelope and interdental bone peaks are pres-
Indications ent. The mode of implant therapy largely depends on
1. Tooth in the aesthetic region. the number of intact bony walls the extraction socket
2. Tooth without any active infection. contains (Table 9.1).
3. Osseous topography of the extraction socket is favour- a. Favourable small to medium osseous defect
able for immediate implant insertion. These are osseous defects where the implant can
4. Adequate bone volume apical to the extraction socket immediately be inserted within the bony envelope
to stabilize the implant. and the osseous defect can successfully be grafted
5. Adequate zone of thick, stable, and keratinized marginal with predictable outcome (Fig 9.3A).
soft tissue around the extraction socket. b. Unfavourable small to medium osseous defect
6. The coronal advancement of the flap to achieve pri- – The osseous defect, where the implant can-
mary closure can result in shifting of thick, stable, and not immediately be inserted within the bony
keratinized marginal soft tissue to the ridge crest. envelop and the bony walls do not provide
7. The inserted implant achieves adequate primary sta- adequate space for guided bone regeneration
bility (>35€Ncm). (�Fig 9.3B).
2. Bone dimensions (height and width) – Treatment
Option 6 – immediate insertion with functional modality largely depends on the three-dimensional
loading of the implant bone dimensions of the socket and the available bone
volume apical to the socket to engage the widest and
The implant inserted in the extraction socket of low stress longest possible implant with adequate initial sta-
aesthetic region and achieves higher bone-implant surface bility and BIC percentage. As a general rule, a mini-
percentage and primary stability (more than 35€Ncm). or, mum 3–5€mm of bone height apical to the extraction
multiple implants are immediately inserted in the extrac- socket, should be available to adequately engage the
tion sockets with high primary stability and a splinted implant apex (Fig 9.4A–C). One should also remem-
provisional prosthesis, in functional occlusion, is imme- ber that, if any noninfected periapical lesion related to
diately fixed over these implants, which is later replaced extracted tooth is present, the implant should further
with a long-term definitive prosthesis after the soft tissue be engaged 3–5€mm apical to that radiolucent lesion
is healed in 2–3 weeks. (Fig 9.5A and B).
3. Bone density – The density of the bony walls of the
socket as well as of the bone apical to the socket
Indications also plays a key role in achieving the adequate pri-
1. Immediate implant inserted into the extraction socket mary stability of the implant. An implant inserted
in the area of low occlusal forces such as aesthetic region in the extraction socket achieves less BIC percentage
and that achieves adequate BIC percentage and primary when compared to the implant inserted in the healed
stability, e.g. long implant in the maxillary anterior socket/bone. Further, if the bone density in the socket
tooth socket, stabilized in the high density nasal floor area is low, achieving adequate primary stability of
(Fig 9.2A–F), long implant in the mandibular anterior the implant can be a challenge for the surgeon, and
tooth socket stabilized in the high-density basal bone. can lead to micromovements of the implant during
2. Multiple diseased teeth without any active infection in its healing phase and subsequent failure. To overcome
the aesthetic region. this complication, the implant surgeon should follow 169
9 Clinical Implantology

the following guidelines when inserting the implant in e. Bicortical engagement of the implant.
the extraction socket in the areas of low-density bone: f. Using implant with the fast osseointegrating sur-
a. Placing widest and longest possible implant to faces (e.g. SLA surface, anodized surface, etc.).
achieve maximum area of contact between the 4. Occlusal forces The implants inserted in the extrac-
bone and implant surface. tion sockets of maxillary and mandibular anterior
b. Using an implant with deeper threads and with regions usually can immediately be restored with
high pitch value to engage maximum bone and nonfunctional loading to fulfil the aesthetic demands
achieve adequate primary stability. of the patient, as the occlusal forces in this region are
c. Bone condensing using osteotomes. very low, compared to the posterior segments. The
d. Submerging the implant platform 1–2€mm apical immediate restoration/loading of the single implant
to the bone crest to avoid micromovement under should be avoided in the posterior segment.
occlusal forces. 5. Primary stability of dental implant The mode of
implant therapy in the extraction socket largely
depends on the primary stability of the implant
Table 9.1╇Types of osseous topography of the extraction
inserted in the fresh extraction socket.
socket and implant placement modalities a. Primary stability less than 25€ Ncm – The
implant should be submerged for closed heal-
OSSEOUS ing to avoid micromovement during the phase of
TOPOGRAPHY osseointegration.
OF SOCKET TREATMENT MODALITY b. Primary stability between 25 and 35€Ncm – Open
or nonsubmerged healing protocol with immedi-
1. Socket with five Immediate implantation with simultaneous ately placed healing abutment/gingival former on
bony walls grafting of peri-implant socket spaces, if top of implant can be preferred.
required, using any resorbable graft material. c. Primary stability more than 35€Ncm: The implant
can immediately be restored with the nonfunc-
2. Socket with four Immediate implantation with simultaneous tional (out of occlusion) loading in the aesthetic
bony walls grafting of peri-implant socket spaces and
lost bony wall using autogenous bone or
6. Region
any resorbable graft material covered with a
a. Aesthetic region – Immediate restoration of
�barrier membrane.
aesthetics may be the treatment of choice in the
3. Socket with Immediate implantation with �simultaneous aesthetic region. If the post-implantation situa-
three bony walls grafting of peri-implant socket spaces and tion is favourable for open healing and imme-
lost bony walls using autogenous bone diate restoration (nonfunctional), a provisional
mixed with any resorbable graft material prosthesis can immediately be placed over the
covered with a barrier membrane supported implant; but if implant dentist decides to go for
by the tent screw from underneath for space closed healing protocol for the inserted implant,
maintenance. he/she can chose a resin-bonded or soft tissue-
supported provisional prosthesis to restore the
4. Socket with two Option 1. Socket grafting using autogenous
patient’s aesthetic during the submerged healing
bony walls bone mixed with resorbable graft material
covered with barrier membrane supported
of the implant.
b. Nonaesthetic region – Immediate restoration,
by the tent screw from underneath for space
maintenance. Implant placement after 4–6 even nonfunctional, of the implant inserted in
months in healed bone. extraction socket of nonaesthetic region should
Option 2. Block grafting and delayed implant be avoided to avoid any micromovement of the
placement in the healed bone after 4–6 months. implant during the phase of its osseointegration.
This author recommends closed (submerged) heal-
5. Socket with one Block grafting and delayed implant placement ing protocol in posterior nonaesthetic regions. The
bony wall in the healed bone after 4–6 months. open healing protocol (transgingival healing)


Fig 9.3╇ (A) Favourable osseous defect and (B) unfavourable osseous defect.
Immediate implant in extraction socket 9
by immediate placement of a healing abutment of implant insertion modality in the extraction
on top of the implant is only preferred if: socket
i. Osseous topography of the post-extraction socket b. Thin biotype – Thin biotype is less resistant
is favourable. to recession and peri-implant infections (peri-
ii. Achieving primary closure of the soft tissue is implantitis); hence restoration of this biotype
difficult. should be done before choosing the open or
iii. Bone density of the area is favourable (posterior closed implant healing protocols. The author
mandibular region). suggests connective tissue grafting to change
iv. Primary stability of the implant is more than thin biotype to thick biotype at the stage of
30€Ncm. uncovery of the implant or before prosthetic
7. Situation of soft tissues procedures.
A. Biotype B. Soft tissue collar
a. Thick biotype – Thick soft tissue biotypes are a. Keratinized – One should plan to achieve min-
more resistant to recessions and infection and imum 3–4€ mm thick, stable, and keratinized
are hence considered to be the best for any kind marginal soft tissue collar around the implant


Fig 9.4╇ (A–C) The apex of the implant should be engaged into 3–5€mm healthy bone apical to the extraction socket to achieve adequate primary


Fig 9.5╇ (A and B) If any noninfected periapical cyst/radiolucency related to the extracted tooth is present, the implant should further be engaged
3–5€mm apical to the radiolucent area.
9 Clinical Implantology


Fig 9.6╇ The implant with deeper threads with high pitch value, and sharp cutting blades at the apex should be preferred in immediate implantation
cases to achieve adequate primary stability. (A–D) The sharp cutting blades at the implant apex also help in directing the implant to the correct three-
dimensional positions during insertion (Courtesy: Alpha-Bio, Israel).

prosthesis as it is more resistant to muscle pull, If achieving the primary closure of the soft tissue looks
recession, and peri-implantitis. If a large amount difficult and the clinical situation of the inserted implant
of keratinized soft tissue collar is present around is not favourable for nonsubmerged healing, one can har-
the socket, the implant surgeon can choose vest a thick epithelialized connective tissue graft from the
immediate implant insertion and healing with patient’s palate and suture over the inserted submerged
any protocol depending on other parameters. implant. Alternatively, the implant surgeon can use the
b. Nonkeratinized – If a thin, mobile, and non nonresorbable cytoplast barrier membrane to cover the
keratinized marginal soft tissue collar is preset socket opening. This membrane can be left exposed in
around the socket, the extraction and delayed the oral cavity and immobilized by figure of eight sutures.
implant insertion in the healed socket should â•…â•…
be preferred as it generates a thick keratinized 8. Implant selection
soft tissue over the healed socket, which can be a. Tapered implant – For immediate implant place-
displaced facial to the implant inserted in the ment in an extraction, initial fixation is very impor-
healed socket. If the surgeon prefers to immedi- tant because the contact area between fixture and
ately insert the implant into the fresh extraction bone is inevitably small. Therefore, a tapered
socket, he/she should perform the soft tissue implant which has excellent initial fixation is more
grafting with the implant insertion or at the favourable than the parallel body implants (Fig
time of implant uncovery, to regenerate a thick, 9.6A–D).
stable, and keratinized marginal soft tissue col- b. The implant with self-tapping/self-cutting, deeper
lar around the final prosthesis. threads at the apex, is preferred for immediate
C. Interdental papilla implantation cases as it achieves high initial anchor-
a. Intact papilla – The implant should be inserted age/stability in the small amount of healthy bone
immediately and a provisional prosthesis should present apical to the extraction socket.
be placed to support the papilla. If the implant c. Wide implants – The implant is selected with a
cannot be immediately restored, an anatomical diameter capable of minimizing the gap between
provisional prosthesis bonded to the adjacent the implant surface and socket walls. The reason
teeth must be given to support the intact papillae. why a wide diameter is recommended is that it is
b. Compromised or missing papilla – The implant favourable for initial fixation and does not require
can be inserted with the submerged technique. guided bone generation. Wide-diameter tapered
The papillae, if lost can be re-formed with the implants that decrease in size in the apical por-
finger tip incision technique at the time of implant tion obdurate the socket, eliminating the need for
uncovery. membranes or guided bone regeneration. The stag-
D. Primary closure of soft tissue after extraction and gered decreasing apical diameters prevent perfora-
implant insertion tions of the concavity through the labial plate
a. Possible d. Back tapered coronal design (platform shifting) –
b. Problematic. Implants like NobelActive (from Nobel Biocare),
Immediate implant in extraction socket 9


Fig 9.7╇ Use of (A) periotomes, (B) luxators is highly recommended for atraumatic extraction of the tooth planned for immediate implantation.
(C) The piezotome with (D) its special extraction kit offers several advantages for atraumatic extraction of the tooth planned for immediate implantation
(Courtesy: Amron Instrument Company, and Setlec, France).

which has the reverse coronal thread design are 1. Number of implants
preferred for immediate implant in the extraction a. Single-tooth replacement
socket, as it avoids the pressure against the thin b. Multiple teeth replacement – In the case of multi-
bony crest margins of the extraction socket, which ple implants, if immediate functional or nonfunc-
may result in crestal bone resorption. It allows a tional restoration is planned, then all the implants
stress-free environment at the crestal region for clot should be splinted together using a rigid prosthesis
formation and the regeneration of a good amount to minimize the micromovements of the implants
of hard and soft tissue around its reverse coronal during function.
part. This not only prevents crestal bone resorption
but also permits the formation of thick soft tissue
at the crest resulting in high soft tissue aesthetic
around the final prosthesis. Special armamentarium required
e. Implant surface – The implants with TiUnite for immediate implantation in the
(Nobel Biocare) or SLA surface should be pre- extraction socket
ferred, as several studies have shown these surfaces
to have the property of early and enhanced osseo- The implant surgeon should have the armamentarium for
integration, thereby increasing the predictability of atraumatic extraction to preserve the hard and soft tissue
treatment in immediate implant cases. architecture of the socket for ideal implant placement.
9. Oral hygiene – Oral hygiene of the patient should be The implant surgeon needs to have the set of periotomes
improved before implant insertion in the extraction and luxators for atraumatic extraction (Fig 9.7A and B).
socket by scaling, root planing, etc. For such cases, the The special extraction kit of the piezotome, offers several
closed healing protocol should be preferred to avoid advantages for atraumatic extraction (Fig 9.7C and D).
any postimplantation infection.
10. Aesthetic and functional demands of the patient –
If conditions are favourable, the immediate implant
should be preferred in the aesthetic region. It can be Grafting the peri-implant socket
immediately restored (nonfunctional) to fulfil the spaces (jumping distance
aesthetic demands of the patient. If the implant does of osseointegration)
not achieve adequate primary stability (more than
35€ Ncm) it can be left with submerged healing, and Following tooth extraction, however, a socket often
a fixed prosthesis bonded to the adjacent teeth can be presents dimensions that may be considerably greater
given for the aesthetic purposes. than the diameter of a conventional implant. Hence,
9 Clinical Implantology

the biology of the recipient tissues, the surgical trauma,

Table 9.2╇Extraction socket seal classification by
the wound-healing process, and the occlusion of the pros-
Krauser and Hahn
thetic reconstruction.
Wound-healing studies have demonstrated osteo-
coating after 1–2 weeks following the insertion of
implant with an osteophilic surface. Implant loading
after 2 weeks may therefore turn into a feasible proto-
Grade 1 The socket is com- No Yes col. Certainly, early loading after 6 weeks has become
pletely obliterated by routine.
the implant

Grade 2a An ovoid or trian- Yes Yes Loading classification for the

gular void between
the implant and the immediately inserted implant
socket wall without 1. Conventional loading – The implant is loaded after
any vertical bone loss 3 – 6 months of subgingival healing.
Grade 2b It is the same as Yes No 2. Immediate restoration – The implant is restored out
grade 2a but with a Unless pri- of occlusion, within 48€h of insertion.
much larger void mary stability 3. Immediate loading – The implant is restored in occlu-
achieved sion, within 48€h of insertion.
4. Early loading – The implant is restored in occlusion,
Grade 3 The buccal bone of Yes No after 48€ h of insertion and before 4 months have
the extraction socket Unless primary elapsed.
is lost prior or during stability achieved 5. Delayed loading – The implant is restored after 3 – 6
the extraction-only months.
horizontal bone loss 6. Progressive loading – Light contact at first and grad-
Grade 4 Horizontal as well as Yes No
ual loading to full occlusion.
vertical bone loss of
the socket observed
around the implant Criteria for successful loading
in the aesthetic zone
1. Good primary stability – torque >35€Ncm (Chiapasco,
following implant installation a gap may occur in the 2. No excessive micromovement – <100€ µ
marginal part of the recipient site. There are many (Brunski, 1999)
schools of thought on whether to graft or not to graft 3. Implant length – minimal, 10€mm (Wang, 2006)
these spaces, but as the various studies and clinical trials 4. Bone density type – high-density bone (D1 or D2)
have shown, any space between implant surfaces and the 5. Bicortical anchorage of implant (Glauser, 2003).
socket wall which is more than 2€ mm may lead to the
soft tissue ingrowths, and hence need to be grafted. But
if the space is less than 2€mm, the bone will grow to fill
the space. This distance is called the ‘jumping distance Risk factors for immediate
of osseointegration’. implantation and functional
Extraction socket seal classification – Unlike sockets
which are oval and tapered along their length, implants
are round. Due to this geometric discrepancy the implant . Parafunction – Bruxism
may not completely fill the extraction socket. Krauser and 2. Low quality bone (Type D4)
Hahn classified and graded the implant socket on the 3. Infected implantation sites
extent to which an implant occupies the space created by 4. Large osseous defect.
extraction (Table 9.2).

Consensus conference on
Immediate or early loading of immediate loading2â•…â•…
the implant inserted in a fresh . Implant length: >10€mm
2. Implant diameter: >3.3€mm
extraction socket 3. Implant design: Screw form/tapered
Based on past studies and clinical trials, the implant 4. Implant surface: Rough titanium surface
inserted in the fresh extraction socket can immediately be 5. Occlusal scheme: No occlusal or lateral forces.
restored with functional or nonfunctional loading, espe-
cially in the area of high aesthetic concern (maxillary and 1Tarnow DP, et€al. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 1997;12:319–324. Aparicio C Clin
mandibular anteriors) and lower occlusal stress. Imme- Implant Dent Relat Res 2003;5:57–60.
diate loading of implants requires an understanding of 2Wang, Ormianer, Palti, Perel, Trisi, Sammartino, Implant Dent 2006.

Immediate implant in extraction socket 9
Primary stability Secondary stability Primary stability Secondary stability
(old bone) (new bone) (old bone) (new bone)
100 100

Stability (%)


Stability (%)
50 50


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0
A B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time (wks)
Time (wks)

Fig 9.8╇ (A and B) The implant’s primary and secondary stability curves as well as their transition period when the implant remains at higher risk of
micromovement and fails to osseointegrate. Source: Raghavendra et€al. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2005;20:425–431.

Primary and secondary implant micromovement during function remains. The more
stability pronounced the primary stability, the longer will be the
period of mechanical stability, during which the implant
Osseointegration requires bone apposition on the implant will be osseointegrated. The idea is to preserve primary
surface, without any micromovement. During implant stability during ‘functional loading’ long enough to
insertion, any stability that the, implant achieves is com- attain biological stability.
pletely mechanical and is called the primary stability of
the implant. Further, during the biological processes of
osseointegration of the implant, the surrounding bone Achieving primary stability
physiologically changes in the multiple phases of bone
resorption and new bone apposition over the implant 1. The most important factor is the bone at the implant
surface. During the healing period, however, the biologi- site, which must present adequate density (Dl or D2
cal processes of osseointegration change to a mixture of bone) and volume to place the implant with desired
mechanical and biological stability (secondary stability). dimensions and with adequate initial stability.
Any micromovement of the implant during this phase 2. Splinting of the multiple implants by a multiunit
may lead to the failure of implant osseointegration with joint bridge so that micromovement of implants dur-
the bone. The primary or mechanical stability changes to ing the healing period can be prevented.
the secondary or biological stability, once the osseointe- 3. Use of stepped tapper screw implants design with
gration of the implant is completed. Based on different deeper self-tapping threads.
studies this process may, however, take 4 to 6 months (Fig 4. Stabilizing implant apex in high density nasal floor,
9.8A and B). sinus floor or basal bone.
5. Lateral bone condensation.
Importance of primary stability for Optimized surgical preparation of the implant bed
immediately loading the implants includes a tapered screw implant that is wider than the
prepared implant bed, inserted and fastened to a torque
The concept of primary stability is of paramount impor- of minimum 35€Ncm (Fig 9.9).
tance for the survival of immediately loaded implants.
Cameron and co-workers attempted to define the con-
ditions under which porous metal will bond to bone, Optimized implant form and surface
with respect to implant movement. Pilliar and co-work- to achieve good primary stability
ers stated that micromovement above 150€ µm should
be considered excessive and therefore, deleterious to . Tapered shape
osseointegration. Brunski stated that “microÂ�motion 2. Wide screw with sharp and deep thread edges
can be deleterious at the bone-implant interface, espe- 3. Implant surface resembling the surrounding bone mor-
cially if it occurs soon after implantation.” Accord- phologically, with sandblasted acid-etched implant
ing to Brunski, micromovement of more than 100€ µm surface to maximize osseous contact during early inte-
should be avoided, as it will cause the wound to undergo gration. Bone healing is accelerated to achieve earlier
fibrous repair rather than bone apposition. Preventing osseointegration, resulting in faster secondary stability
excessive micromovement during function, may facili- for successful loading. It has been documented that if
tate the integration of implants with the surrounding a 20-Ncm counter clockwise torque does not loosen
bone. The question of how to avoid or prevent excessive the implants at placement, the splinted multi-implant
9 Clinical Implantology

restoration may be loaded immediately. If a 50-Ncm 3. Single-piece implants may be used (no risk of loosen-
counterclockwise torque does not loosen the implant, ing abutments, low cost).
a functional single-tooth restoration may be placed 4. For implants in periodontally involved areas, imme-
immediately. diate placement and loading enhances bone mainte-
nance without adversely affecting osseointegra�tion.
5. Fewer office visits are required
6. Shorter treatment time to complete the implant therapy.
Advantages of implantation in the 7. Lower cost to patients.
extraction socket with immediate 8. No removable interim denture is required.
9. Increased acceptance of treatment by patients.
loading 10. Fewer surgical procedures.
1. Crestal bone maintenance – Reports indicate that by 11. Preservation of gingival aesthetics (Fig 9.10).
delaying implant loading a significant amount of crestal 12. Less chair time needed for dentists.
bone is lost. â•…â•…
2. Osseointegration is more favourable after immediate The protocol for successful osseointegration has been
implant placement following an extraction. based on the concept of delayed loading for over 20 years,
but this concept is increasingly being questioned. After
reviewing available literature, the author concludes that
there is sufficient evidence to show that, when placed
in bone of adequate quality and volume, screw-type
implants can be loaded immediately if splinted together
by a rigid bar at least in the areas of less occlusal load and
high aesthetic demand.

Advantages of single-piece implants

. No
1 re-entry (second surgical) procedure is required
2. No risk of abutment loosening
3. No need for cover screws or healing abutments
4. During insertion, the visible abutments guide opera-
tors to parallelism with adjacent implants and teeth.
Fig 9.9╇ Demonstrates the application of a torque on the inserted implant
exceeding 35€Ncm.

Immediate implant in extraction socket 9

3 mm


5 mm




Fig 9.10╇ Tooth number 21 presented with root caries and calcified canal and therefore needed extraction and replacement. (A and B) The immedi-
ate implant in extraction socket with immediate restoration was planned to support the soft tissue architecture of the socket and for immediate aes-
thetic rehabilitation of the patient, but radiographs showed only 3€mm of bone apical to the socket. Thus a wider diameter long tapered implant was
placed and adequately stabilized along the socket walls and into the nasal floor. (C and D) The implant was restored immediately after the placement.
(E) The post-implantation radiograph shows the implant apex stabilized into the nasal floor. (F–H) After the soft tissue healed, the implant was restored
using metal-free zirconium crown. The implant has been in function without any crestal bone resorption for more than 2 years.
9 Clinical Implantology

Immediate implantation in the extraction socket of anterior maxilla – a

step by step diagrammatic presentation (Figs 9.11–9.13)


Fig 9.11╇ (A) The extraction socket of the premaxillary region often shows a thin facial cortical plate, which is prone to perforation/dehiscence during
implant osteotomy preparation because the drill tends to slip away from the hard palatal cortical bone towards the thin facial plate. (B) To overcome
this problem the osteotomy preparation should be started with the drilling slightly towards the hard palatal cortex using a pilot drill, which should reach
minimum 4–5€mm deep apical to the extraction socket.



Fig 9.12╇ (A–D) All the osteotomy widening drills are used to the same direction and depth, keeping away from the thin facial plate. During drilling, the
three-dimensional orientation of the final implant position should also be visualized.

Immediate implant in extraction socket 9




Fig 9.13╇ (A) Once the osteotomy has been prepared, either the autogenous bone, collected from the drills, or (B) the bone substitute is used to reinforce
the thin facial plate. (C) This is followed by implant placement at the correct position and axis. (D and E) If implant has achieved adequate primary stability,
a transmucosal abutment (gingival former) is inserted on top of implant and soft tissue, if required, is sutured around the same. (F) The grafting against the
thin facial plate ultimately resulted in regeneration of thick bone facial to the implant collar, which is more resistant to resorption under functional load.

9 Clinical Implantology

Immediate implant with open (nonsubmerged) healing (Figs 9.14–9.19).


Fig 9.14╇ (A) Fractured and nonrestorable endodontically treated maxillary lateral incisor. (B–D) Radiograph and CT cross-sectional images
showing adequate bone volume apical to the root socket to engage a long tapered screw implant. As seen in the CT cross-sections a very thin
bone is present facial to the tooth root, hence needs to be grafted for its long-term survival.


Fig 9.15╇ (A and B) The root is atraumatically extracted using periotomes to preserve the hard and soft tissue architecture of the socket.

Immediate implant in extraction socket 9

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d




Fig 9.16╇ (A) The socket is first irrigated using antibiotic (injection clindamycin 600€mg) to kill the residual pathogens, if present. (B) The bony
crest of the facial plate is palpated to measure the soft tissue height, so that the implant platform can be finally positioned at the level or 1€mm
apical to the crest. (C and D) The root dimensions can be measured to select the implant of appropriate diameter and length. (E and F) A sharp,
pointed side cutting Lindemann drill is used for controlled initial osteotomy preparation towards the hard palatal cortex.


Fig 9.17╇ (A) The pilot drill is used to the same direction, avoiding the thin labial cortex, to reach the complete depth. (B) A radiograph is
taken, with pilot drill inserted in the prepared osteotomy, to evaluate the correct direction and depth. (C) Further, the osteotomy widening drills
are used to widen the osteotomy at slow speed and (D) the bone scraping which comes out with the drill is collected.

9 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d




Fig 9.18╇ (A) The DGI depth probe is used to check any dehiscence/perforation, if has occurred and (B and C) autogenous bone is grafted to
reinforce the thin labial plate. (D and E) A tapered screw-shaped implant (4.2 x 16 mm) is inserted. (F) The mechanical ratchet shows primary
Â�stability of the implant at more than 40€Ncm. (G–H) Once the implant is completely seated, a gingival former is inserted for its transgingival healing.

Immediate implant in extraction socket 9

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d


Fig 9.18, cont’dâ•… (I and J) Post-implantation clinical view and radiograph.


Fig 9.19╇ (A and B) The final abutment is inserted and implant is restored after 4 months.

9 Clinical Implantology

Immediate implantation with bone grafting of large osseous defect (Courtesy: Dr Peter Randelzhofer and Dr Gert de Lange)
(Figs 9.20–9.22).




Fig 9.20╇ (A) Tooth number 11 with poor prognosis due to vertical root fracture. (B) The vertical bone defect affects two-thirds of the buccal bone
plate. (C) An extensive bone deficit becomes visible after tooth extraction. (D and E) Implant is inserted within the bony envelope and at the correct
prosthetic position. Due to the pronounced bone defect a closed healing approach is chosen. Autologous bone chips are harvested using a trephine
drill from the retromolar area and are placed onto the implant surface. Geistlich Bio-Oss® is mixed with blood and applied onto the bone chips to
prevent primary resorption of the autologous bone. (F) The regenerated hard tissue will provide the basis for stable soft tissue architecture.


Fig 9.21╇ The augmented area is covered with the Geistlich Bio-Gide® membrane. (A) The membrane is placed in the double layer technique
to provide stable protection for bone regeneration. For additional soft tissue augmentation a connective tissue graft from the palate is sutured
to the flap. In order to guarantee a tension-free closure the flap is mobilized by a split flap technique. (B) Primary wound closure is achieved with
resorbable vicryl sutures 6.0/5.0.

Immediate implant in extraction socket 9

CASE REPORT-2—cont’d



Fig 9.22╇ (A) Post-implantation radiograph. (B) Implant is uncovered after 4 months of submerged healing and (C) restored using metal-free
zirconia prosthesis with excellent aesthetic outcome; (D) post loading radiograph.

Immediate implant with bone grafting of a small osseous defect and immediate restoration (Courtesy: Dentium Co., Ltd/Well
Dental Clinic) (Figs 9.23–9.33).


Fig 9.23╇ (A) The right central incisor, which shows mobility, needs extraction and immediate implant insertion. (B) The facial flap is elevated to
expose the labial osseous defect and tooth is atraumatically extracted.

9 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-3—cont’d

Fig 9.24╇ (A) All the granulation tissue, which if left behind can cause infection to the implant, is curetted out from the socket. (B) Grinding of
fibro-osseous tissue was done using round carbide bur. It removes all the dead fibro-osseous tissues covering the inner lining of the socket
walls; it also induces the fresh bleeding from the underlying bone which nourishes the bone graft to regenerate a predictable amount and quality
of new bone in the defective area.

Fig 9.25╇ (A) The osteotomy preparation site is marked using a small round carbide bur. It avoided the chances of offset osteotomy preparation
with pilot drill. (B) Lindemann first drill/pilot drill used to deepen the osteotomy to the predetermined depth. Lindemann drills have the side cut-
ting advantage over the normal pilot drill, so one can change the drill orientation/direction during drilling to achieve better control during initial
implant osteotomy preparation. Drilling done at 1000€rpm using 35–45€Ncm torque with continuous chilled saline irrigation. The adjacent central
incisor was used as the reference to prepare the osteotomy with the correct direction so that the finally inserted implant comes along the correct
three-dimensional position for the final prosthesis.



Fig 9.26╇ (A and B) The rest of the osteotomy widening drills are used to widen the osteotomy (C). A 4.3-mm diameter countersink drill was
used to the partial depth at the speed of 20€rpm and 30–45€Ncm torque. This drill is used to submerge the implant platform apical to the bone
crest. (D) Finally prepared osteotomy.

Immediate implant in extraction socket 9

CASE REPORT-3—cont’d


Fig 9.27╇ (A and B) A superline 4.5€mm diameter and 10€mm long implant fixture inserted in the prepared osteotomy at the rotational speed of
20€rpm and 30–45€Ncm torque.


Fig 9.28╇ (A) Three-dimensional position of the implant is checked. Implant is placed closer to the palatal cortical plate to provide room for bone
grafting and thick amount of new bone regeneration facial to the implant head. The implant platform should be placed 2–3€mm apical to the
cementoenamel junction of the adjacent natural tooth. (B) The labial defect, which needs to be grafted, can be seen after final implant insertion.


Fig 9.29╇ (A and B) A collagen barrier membrane shaped to size, punched to make a hole and engaged with the implant using combi abutment.


Fig 9.30╇ (A) Small amount of autogenous bone is harvested from the subnasal region using sharp chisel and (B) placed as the base layer in the
osseous defect.

9 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-3—cont’d



Fig 9.31╇ (A) The defect is further grafted using osteon bone graft on top of autogenous bone. Grafted site is covered with barrier collage
membrane (B) and (C) flap is sutured back. (D) As high primary stability of the implant is achieved; the implant is immediately restored using a
provisional prosthesis.


Fig 9.32╇ (A) The provisional prosthesis is removed after 3 weeks and (B) the implant is restored using a metal-free zirconium prosthesis with an
acceptable aesthetic outcome.


Fig 9.33╇ (A) Post-implant loading radiograph and clinical view at 11 months follow-up. (B) The soft tissue is seen to have adapted well around
the implant prosthesis.

Immediate implant in extraction socket 9

Immediate implantation with grafting of dehiscence occurred during osteotomy preparation (Fig 9.34 A-H).



Fig 9.34╇ (A and B) Accidentally fractured tooth is extracted and implant is inserted. (C) A dehiscence through the labial cortex is visible which is
grafted using (D) Bio-Oss particulate graft and (E) the flap is sutured back with primary closure. (F) The implant is uncovered after 4 months show-
ing new bone regeneration at the dehiscence area. (G and H) Implant is restored using ceramic prosthesis.

9 Clinical Implantology

Immediate implant with immediate restoration in the maxillary anterior socket (Figs 9.35–9.38).




Fig 9.35╇ (A and B) Tooth number 21 showing root resorption, is atraumatically (C-E) extracted. (F-H) The osteotomy is prepared with correct
direction and angulation, evaluated with radiographs, and (I and J) the implant is inserted at the three-dimensionally correct position.
Immediate implant in extraction socket 9

CASE REPORT-5—cont’d





Fig 9.36╇ (A–C) A provisional crown, similar in form to the extracted tooth, is fabricated and fixed to the implant to support the soft tissue archi-
tecture. (D) Removal of the provisional crown, after 4 months, shows the formation of aesthetic emergence profile of the healed soft tissue. Now
transferring this soft tissue profile to the working cast is paramount to fabricate the definitive crown with appropriate aesthetic emergence in the
cervical region. (E–G) The provisional crown with abutment is assembled with the implant analogue and a putty impression was made. (H) Now
the analogue is removed, assembled with impression abutment, and again seated in the impression. (I and J) The cavity around the impression
abutment is filled with flowable composite to replicate the cervical emergence of the provisional crown.

9 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-5—cont’d





Fig 9.37╇ (A and B) Impression abutment with bonded composite is fixed to the implant with the correct orientation and an impression is made.
(C) It has transferred the soft tissue emergence accurately to the working cast. (D–F) A zirconium crown fabricated and fixed in the mouth shows
that a high aesthetic outcome has been achieved. (G and H) Follow-up radiograph and clinical picture show stable hard and soft tissue around
the implant and prosthesis.

Immediate implant in extraction socket 9

CASE REPORT-5—cont’d



Fig 9.38╇ (A and B) After a couple of months, tooth numbers 11 and 12 got fractured hence replaced with immediate implant in a similar way.
(C and D) Implants are restored using zirconia crowns over zirconium abutments.

Immediate implant preparation using osteotome with immediate loading of inserted implant (Figs 9.39–9.41).


Fig 9.39╇ (A and B) Tooth number 21 showing severe root resorption.


9 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-6—cont’d





Fig 9.40╇ (A–C) Tooth is extracted and (D) implant osteotomy is prepared using bone condensing osteotomes. (E) The implant is inserted at
the correct prosthetic position. (F) The peri-implant socket spaces are packed using bone graft and (G) abutment is inserted. (H) Abutment is
reduced and retention grooves are prepared over abutment surface.

Immediate implant in extraction socket 9

CASE REPORT-6—cont’d





Fig 9.41╇ (A and B) A screw-retained provisional crown is fabricated and fixed over the implant. (C) Scalloped soft tissue healing can be seen
when the provisional crown is removed after 4 months. (D and E) Impression is made with the soft tissue emergence transfer technique, and
(F and G) the implant is restored using metal-free zirconium crown. (H) Post loading radiograph.

9 Clinical Implantology

Immediate implantation with delayed loading (Figs 9.42–9.44).




Fig 9.42╇ (A–C) Fractured tooth, number 21, is atraumatically extracted. (D–F) Implant osteotomy is prepared and the implant is inserted at
the correct prosthetic position. Implant could not achieve adequate primary stability and BIC percentage because of large peri-implant socket
spaces; therefore, the abutment is removed and the decision is taken to leave the implant for submerged healing. (G) The peri-implant socket
spaces are filled using synthetic bone graft material.

Immediate implant in extraction socket 9

CASE REPORT-7—cont’d





Fig 9.43╇ (A and B) A provisional prosthesis with an aesthetic shape is fixed over the adjacent tooth which not only supports the soft tissue but
also prevents the loss of the graft from the socket. (C and D) Healing after 4 months showed the formation of nicely scalloped soft tissue at the
cervical region. (E) Implant is uncovered using tissue punch, and (F–H) implant is restored with an anatomic provisional crown.


9 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-7—cont’d



Fig 9.44╇ (A and B) Once the soft tissue got healed, the impression was made with ‘soft tissue emergence transfer technique’. (C and D) Implant
as well as adjacent tooth are restored using metal-free zirconia crowns.

Immediate implant in extraction socket 9

Immediate implantation in maxillary premolar socket (Figs 9.45–9.48).





Fig 9.45╇ (A and B) Fractured tooth number 25 is extracted and (C–E) implant is inserted at the correct position with good primary stability.
(F) Abutment is inserted, prepared, removed, and (G) assembled with analogue. (H) Self-cure resin is built up over the abutment.


9 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-8—cont’d




Fig 9.46╇ (A) Abutment is again screwed to the implant and (B) a poly crown is used to fabricate a provisional crown. (C) An entry to the screw
hole is prepared and (D) abutment with attached crown is unscrewed from the implant and assembled to the analogue. (E) The self-cure resin is
further added in the cervical area to form an aesthetic soft tissue emergence profile. (F) The crown is screwed to the implant.


Fig 9.47╇ (A) Healing after 4 months shows formation of an excellent anatomical emergence profile of soft tissue. (B) An impression abutment
with flowable composite in place.

Immediate implant in extraction socket 9

CASE REPORT-8—cont’d


Fig 9.48╇ (A) Implant is restored using metal-free zirconium crown. (B) Post losing radiograph.

Immediate implants in mandibular 1. No anatomical structures which can hinder placement
anterior extraction sockets of implants.
2. Longest (16–18€mm long) implants can be inserted to
The periodontal breakdown with excessive mobility of achieve a high initial stability.
mandibular incisors is one of the most common prob- 3. Long implant can be stabilized in high density basal
lems that patients come in with, in day-to-day general bone.
dental practise. Stabilizing such teeth, which show more 4. Less number of the implants can be inserted to sup-
than 50% of vertical bone loss is not a definitive treat- port a multiple unit bridge, 4–6 unit bridge over two
ment, hence such teeth should be extracted and replaced implants.
with implant supported prostheses. The bone in the 5. The cost of the treatment can be reduced by placing
mandibular anterior region is usually found adequate longer and fewer implants.
in height and density to insert long implants with good 6. Since the bone is very dense in this region the implants
primary stability, and hence, usually can be immediately achieve very high initial stability, and hence can imme-
restored to fulfil the aesthetic and functional demands diately be loaded.
of the patient. There are many advantages in this region, 7. Most of the patients opt for this treatment as they
which facilitate immediate implantation with immediate get fast and fixed replacement for their mobile
loading: teeth.
â•…â•… â•…â•…

Immediate implant with immediate loading in the mandibular anterior region (Figs 9.49–9.56).


Fig 9.49╇ (A) A 50-year-old female patient clinically presented all mandibular incisors, left canine and first premolar with grade 3 mobility.
(B) Panoramic radiograph shows severe vertical bone loss around the roots of the mobile teeth.


9 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-9—cont’d


Fig 9.50╇ (A) Scaling and root planing is done and (B) citric acid injected in the periodontal pockets to kill the pathogens and to improve soft tis-
sue healing. Patient is advised to rinse the mouth many times in the day with the 0.12% chlorhexidine solution and local application of Metrohex
ointment. Prophylactic antibiotics (amoxicillin 1€g€+€metronidazole 500€mg) was prescribed for 24€h before implant surgery.


Fig 9.51╇ (A and B) Three implants (3.3 × 16 mm) were planned with radiographs and dental CT images for immediate insertion in extraction sockets.

Immediate implant in extraction socket 9

CASE REPORT-9—cont’d



Fig 9.52╇ (A and B) The patient is recalled on the next day and all the mobile teeth are extracted atraumatically using a set of periotomes.
(C) A midline incision is given and mucoperiosteal flaps are elevated to expose the bony sockets. (D) All the granulation tissue present in the
sockets is curetted out because if left behind, it can infect the implants.


9 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-9—cont’d



Fig 9.53╇ (A and B) A large round carbide bur can further be used to remove the fibrosseous tissue from the socket. All the infected granulation
tissue should be removed from the socket as it can be transported deep into the prepared osteotomy and can infect the inserted implant. (C)
Further, the extraction sockets are irrigated with clindamycin (Dalacin C injection 600€mg) to kill the residual pathogens. The antibiotic is left filled
in the socket for at least 30€s to kill the pathogens. (D) A small round carbide bur is used to start the implant osteotomy because, unlike the pilot
drill, it avoids slipping towards the thin and week labial cortical plate to cause dehiscence.

Immediate implant in extraction socket 9

CASE REPORT-9—cont’d




Fig 9.54╇ (A) The osteotomy is prepared and three screw-type tapered implants (3.3€×€16€mm) are inserted. (B) All three implants achieved the
high primary stability. (C) Two implants show large peri-implant socket spaces, (D–F) a small amount of autogenous bone was harvested from
the adjacent socket wall and the spaces grafted.


Fig 9.55╇ (A) The appropriate abutments are inserted on top of implants and (B) the flap is sutured back around the abutments.

9 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-9—cont’d




Fig 9.56╇ (A) The prefabricated mould is filled with the Protemp provisional fabrication material, and (B) seated in the patient’s mouth at the
correct position. (C) The provisional bridge finished, polished, stained, and used as the provisional restoration for 3 weeks until the soft tissue
get healed. (D) The provisional bridge is removed after 3 weeks and finally milled abutments are inserted and (E) implants restored with ceramic
bridge. (F) Post loading radiograph. The implants are in function since more than 3 years without any noticeable crestal bone loss.

Immediate implant in extraction socket 9

Immediate insertion of narrow diameter single body implants with immediate loading (Figs 9.57 and 9.58).




Fig 9.57╇ (A) The 3D view of the mandible shows the vertical bone loss with mandibular incisors. (B and C) As seen in CT cross-sectional
image, the buccolingual bone width is only 5–6€mm, thus narrow diameter (3€×€15€mm) one-piece implants (ARRP) are planned for insertion at
the laterals positions to support a four-unit bridge. (D and E) Teeth are atraumatically extracted out using periotomes. (F) The mucoperiosteal
flaps are elevated to expose the bony sockets and all the granulation tissue is currated out. (G) The implant osteotomies are prepared using
2€mm diameter pilot drill and two arrow press implants are inserted at the lateral positions with good primary stability as shown with the torque


CASE REPORT-10—cont’d






Fig 9.58╇ (A) Both the inserted implants show the large peri-implant socket spaces, which need to be grafted for predictable osseointegration
and to avoid soft tissue ingrowth in the socket spaces. (B and C) A small amount of autogenous bone was harvested from the adjacent socket
wall and the socket spaces are filled using this bone. (D) The flap is sutured around the implant abutments and implants are immediately restored
with the joined provisional prosthesis fabricated using Protemp. (E–G) A piece of rubber dam should be used to cover the sutured flap surface to
prevent any Protemp material flowing into the suture line and getting entangled with the sutures. (H and I) The provisional prosthesis is removed
after 3 weeks and replaced with the final ceramic prosthesis. (J) Post loading radiograph. The implants are in function since more than 2 years
without any noticeable crestal bone loss.
Immediate implant in extraction socket 9

Flapless immediate implantation with immediate loading (Figs 9.59–9.61).



Fig 9.59╇ (A and B) Mandibular incisors, which need replacement because of severe vertical bone loss and mobility. (C) Two single-body implants
(3€×€15€mm) are planned to support a four-unit ceramic prosthesis. (D) The CT cross-sectional scans showed no severe undercuts in the ridge
morphology or any osseous defect, thus flapless implant placement is planned. (E) Teeth are atraumatically extracted, all the granulation tis-
sue is curetted out and sockets are disinfected using parenteral form of clindamycin. (F) The implant osteotomies are prepared at the correct
predetermined axis.


9 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-11—cont’d




Fig 9.60╇ (A) The guiding pins are inserted in the prepared osteotomy to check the parallelism as well as the (B) occlusal direction. (C) The
osteotomy is also checked for any perforation using a depth probe. (D – F) Two long single-body implants (3€×€15€mm), which achieved primary
stability more than 35 Ncm, are inserted.

Immediate implant in extraction socket 9
CASE REPORT-11—cont’d





Fig 9.61╇ (A) Post-implantation radiograph. (B) Implants are immediately restored in functional occlusion. (C and D) Provisional prosthesis is
removed from the implants, once soft tissue gets healed in 3 weeks. (E) The abutments are prepared in the patient’s mouth, (F–H) impression is
made with prepared abutment technique and implants are finally restored using definitive zirconium prosthesis.
9 Clinical Implantology


Fig 9.62╇ (A and B) If one of the root sockets of a multirooted molar is chosen for implant insertion, it may lead to large offset forces on the implant,
once restored in function.


Fig 9.63╇ (A) Post-extraction socket of the mandibular molar poses two root sockets, and (B and C) if the implant is inserted in one of the extraction
sockets, it may result in offset (cantilevered) forces on the implant once it finally restored in function. (D) Ideally, the implant should be inserted at the
midpoint of mesiodistal dimensions between two adjacent teeth but are often inserted at the interradicular septal region, to avoid the offset forces
on the implant prosthesis.

Immediate implants in extraction particular root socket. The following socket types
sockets of multirooted posterior should be preferred:
a. Socket with more intact osseous topography (mini-
teeth mum or no wall defects)
As described earlier in this chapter, the high success rate b. Socket more close to the mesiodistal midpoint
of immediate implants in extraction sockets has been between two adjacent teeth; it avoids cantilevered
documented. Although immediate implantation has forces on the inserted implant.
been successful in the anterior region or in a single-rooted â•…â•…
extraction socket, fewer articles describe attempts to place The disadvantage of this protocol is that it may results
an implant in the posterior multirooted sockets. The in off-axis implant placement, which may result in a large
main reason is the topography of the resultant extraction amount of cantilevered forces on the inserted implant
socket, which is two-rooted in mandibular and 3-rooted (Figs 9.62 and 9.63).
in the maxillary molar area. When planning immediate â•…â•…
implant in the extraction socket of a multirooted tooth, Protocol 2 – The implant insertion at the ideal position
the implant surgeon may choose one of the two protocols: (into inter-radicular septal region) (Fig 9.63D).
â•…â•… â•…â•…
Protocol 1 – Implant insertion in any one of the root Step by step diagrammatic presentation of immedi-
sockets. The choice of the root socket depends on ate implant in multirooted tooth socket (Figs 9.64 and
a few anatomical and radiographic features of the 9.65).

Immediate implant in extraction socket 9



Fig 9.64╇ (A) Atraumatic extraction of multirooted tooth is done and (B) the osteotomy preparation begins using a sharp pointed drill in the region of
the interradicular septa. (C and D) Alternatively, one can use a trephine drill to prepare the implant osteotomy and to remove interradicular septa which
can be used to graft the post-implantation peri-implant socket spaces. (E and F) Further, the osteotomy is prepared 3–5€mm apical to the extraction
socket using all implant drills to engage the implant apex in the healthy dense bone and to achieve adequate primary stability of the implant .

9 Clinical Implantology



Fig 9.65╇ (A) The implant is inserted into the septal region and the peri-implant socket spaces are grafted using autogenous bone alone or mixed
with bone substitute. (B) For large grafted spaces, a barrier membrane should be used to cover the socket and (C) the flap is sutured back for sub-
merged implant healing, for a minimum of 4 months. (D) Implant is uncovered after 4 months and restored with an ideal prosthesis which has the
entire occlusal load along the implant axis.

Immediate implant in extraction socket 9
Immediate implant in the mandibular molar socket with peri-implant socket space grafting and use of nonresorbable cytoplast
TXT membrane (Figs 9.66–9.70).



Fig 9.66╇ (A and B) Nonrestorable root stumps of the mandibular molar which need extraction and replacement with implant prosthesis. (C and D) Both
roots are extracted atraumatically using a set of periotomes and luxators. (E) The interradicular bony septa is removed using a (F) large trephine drill.
9 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-12—cont’d



Fig 9.67╇ (A) Once the septum has been harvested, (B) a pilot drill is used to prepare the osteotomy into the mesiodistal midpoint of two adjacent
teeth. (C) The radiograph is showing the pilot drill reaching 5€mm apical to the extraction socket and 2€mm short of the mandibular canal. (D) The
rest of the osteotomy widening drills are used to the same depth, and (E) a self-taping screw-type implant (5 x 13 mm.) with deeper threads at the
apex is inserted. (F) The inserted implant has achieved primary stability more than 35€Ncm as evaluated using mechanical torque ratchet.
Immediate implant in extraction socket 9

CASE REPORT-12—cont’d



Fig 9.68╇ (A and B) Once the implant has been installed at the final position, (C and D) the lingual and buccal soft tissue periosteum is minimally
elevated to create the buccal and lingual subperiosteal pouches.


9 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-12—cont’d



Fig 9.69╇ (A and B) One end of a nonresorbable cytoplast TXT membrane is inserted in the buccal pouch and (C and D) the peri-implant socket
spaces are loosely filled using a mixture of autogenous bone and hydroxyapatite graft.

Immediate implant in extraction socket 9

CASE REPORT-12—cont’d




Fig 9.70╇ (A) The other end of the membrane covering the graft is inserted in the lingual pouch and (B) membrane is immobilized using
sutures. (C) Another suture is given at approximate buccal and lingual soft tissue margins. (D) The post-implantation radiograph showing the
implant inserted at the ideal location and grafted socket spaces. (E) The sutures are removed after 1 week. The membrane is removed after
3 weeks using an explorer. (F) The implant is uncovered after 4 months using a tissue punch.


9 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-12—cont’d


Fig 9.70, cont’dâ•… (G) implant is restored using a metal ceramic crown. (H) Post loading radiograph. This implant is in function since one year
without any noticeable crestal bone loss.

Extraction of deciduous and immediate implantation at the mandibular molar site (Figs 9.71 and 9.72).



Fig 9.71╇ (A–C) Over-retained deciduous molar is extracted and (D) an implant is inserted at the correct position. (E) An abutment, with prepared
retention grooves, is inserted over the implant.

Immediate implant in extraction socket 9
CASE REPORT-13—cont’d





Fig 9.72╇ (A and B) The self-cure resin is built up over the abutment and (C) a provisional crown is fixed onto the implant, which has created (D)
the scalloped soft tissue emergence in 4 months of implant healing. (E and F) An impression is made with soft tissue emergence transfer tech-
nique and (G) the implant is restored with high aesthetics. (H) Post loading radiograph.
9 Clinical Implantology

(Courtesy: Dentium Co. Ltd, Well Dental Clinic, Seoul, Korea) (Fig 9.73A–H).





Fig 9.73╇ (A–C) Mandibular first molar which needs extraction, is atraumatically extracted and (D and E) a wide diameter implant is inserted in the
mesial root socket. (F and G) Another implant is inserted distal to the distal root socket to give a two-unit fixed prosthesis. (H) The socket spaces are
grafted using autogenous bone graft.

CASE REPORT-14—cont’d


Fig 9.73, cont’dâ•… (I) The flap is sutured back for trans gingival healing of the implants. (J) Post-implantation radiograph. But leaving the bone
graft exposed to the oral environment often leads to some complications like loss of graft or infection. The author recommends that the graft
should be covered either using a barrier membrane or a provisional crown fixed over the implant that completely seals the grafted area.

Immediate implant into extraction sockets of mandibular molars and use of epithelialized connective tissue graft to achieve soft
tissue closure. (Courtesy: Jun Shimada, Japan) (Figs 9.74 and 9.75).



Fig 9.74╇ (A–C) Two mandibular molars which need extraction, atraumatically extracted preserving hard and soft tissue architecture of the
socket. (D) Two implants inserted at the ideal positions into both the sockets.
9 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-15—cont’d



Fig 9.75╇ (A) A thick epithelialized connective tissue graft is harvested from the patient’s palate and sutured to cover the socket. (B) Post-Â�implantation
radiograph. (C) Implants are uncovered after 4 months using a tissue punch and (D) restored using screw-retained prosthesis.

Immediate implant in extraction socket 9

Socket lifting in maxillary posterior region

Achieving adequate primary stability is a challenge in immediate implantation in the socket of the posterior maxilla because of the
poor density of the bone. Lateral bone condensation and stabilizing the implant apex in the high-density sinus floor can provide
the adequate primary stability in such cases (Fig 9.76A–J).


Fig 9.76╇ (A) Clinical view of the root stumps of left bicuspids which need to be extracted with immediate implant placement. (B) Dental �radiograph
shows limited bone height apical to the root stumps (especially in the second bicuspid) to engage the immediately inserted implant apex.


9 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-16—cont’d




Fig 9.76, cont’dâ•… (C) The root stumps are atraumatically extracted using periotomes and a 4.2 diameter osteotome is inserted into the posterior
extraction socket and gently taped to fracture up the hard sinus floor. (D) The implant osteotomy is prepared through the anterior socket just 2 mm
short of the sinus floor. (E) Further, a final drill diameter osteotome is used in similar fashion to fracture up the sinus floor. (F) Both the osteotomes
can be seen in the radiograph reaching beyond the sinus floor with fractured sinus floor bony pieces (red arrows) tenting up the elevated sinus
membrane. (G) Both the implants are inserted to engage their apex in the hard sinus floor as well as the ridge crest (bicortical engagement) to
achieve adequate initial implant stability (30–35 Ncm), which is quite necessary for optimal implant success in the low-density posterior maxilla.
(H and I) Implants are uncovered and restored after 4 months. (J) Post loading radiograph 6 months after implant insertion shows new bone
regeneration in the elevated sinus. Even though no bone graft material was used to fill the elevated sinus floor, the reason for new bone formation
is that the implant apex kept tenting the elevated membrane and provided the space for new bone growth.

Immediate implant in extraction socket 9

Summary later can infect the inserted implant; all the granulation
tissue should be curetted out and the socket should be dis-
Backed with scientific literature and clinical trials, imme- infected using clindamycin or tetracycline to kill residual
diate implantation in the extraction socket has now been pathogens before the start of drilling. Osteotomy prepara-
established as a proven implant technique. Usually imme- tion for immediate implant in some sockets is more dif-
diate implants should be performed in single-rooted ficult than in healed bone, as the implant drills often slip
sockets, as placing the implant in the extraction socket of towards the low-density, thin, cortical plate of the socket,
a multirooted tooth often results in multiple problems which may lead to perforations. Efforts should be made
like lower percentage of bone–implant surface contact, to stabilize the implant in the healthy bone present apical
inadequate primary stability of the implant, difficulty in to the socket. The longest and widest possible implant,
achieving primary closure of the flap, off-axis implant which leaves minimum peri-implant socket spaces with-
placement, loss of graft, infection, etc. In addition, a large out compromising the resultant thickness of the peri-
amount of graft is often required to fill the peri-implant implant socket walls, should be placed. Several studies
sockets as well as a collagen membrane to cover it, which have shown good results in the immediate implant with
increases the cost of the procedure. Immediate implant immediate loading in the anterior region, if the force fac-
in the aesthetic region offers several advantages over con- tors are minimum and the implant has achieved primary
ventional implant placement in healed socket. Immedi- stability more than 35€ Ncm. The author has substantial
ate implantation cases should be thoroughly planned experience in immediate implantation with immediate
with study models, radiographs, and dental CT images, loading in the maxillary and mandibular anterior region.
to place the implant at the correct position in the socket In his view, if multiple implants are being inserted, they
without perforating any socket wall. The tooth needs to should be splinted together using a joint provisional pros-
be extracted with the minimum trauma and should pre- thesis. The peri-implant socket spaces, if they are more
serve the existing bony and soft tissue architectures of than 2€ mm wide, should be grafted and either a barrier
the socket. The implant surgeon should use good quality membrane or an anatomical crown prosthesis should be
periotomes and luxators for this purpose. The socket for fixed on top of implant to cover the graft. The immediate
immediate implantation should not contain any active implant should be avoided in sockets with large osseous
infection as it can transport pathogens to the bone and defects.

Further Reading
Araujo MG, Lindhe J. Dimensional ridge Schwartz-Arad D, Chaushu G. Placement Schwartz-Arad D, Chaushu G. Immediate
alterations following tooth extraction: an of implants into fresh extraction sites: 4 to implant placement: a procedure without
experimental study in the dog. J Clin Peri- 7 years retrospective evaluation of 95 incisions. J Periodontol 1998;69:743–50.
odontol 2005;32:212–8. implants. J Periodontol 1997;68:1110–6. Brägger U, Hämmerle CH, Lang NP. Immedi-
Schropp L, Wenzel A, Kostopoulos L. Impact Brazilay I. Immediate implants, their current ate transmucosal implants using the prin-
of conventional tomography on prediction status. Int J Prosthodont 1993;6:169. ciple of guided tissue regeneration (II). A
of the appropriate implant size. Oral Surg Schlegel KA, Fichtner G, Schultze-Mosgau S, cross-sectional study comparing the clinical
Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod et€ al. Histological findings in sinus aug- outcome 1 year after immediate to standard
2001;92:458–63. mentation with autogenous bone chips implant placement. Clin Oral Implants Res
Kan JY, Rungcharassaeng K. Immediate versus a bovine bone substitute. Int J Oral 1996;7:268–76.
implant placement and provisionalization Maxillofac Implants 2003;18:53–8. Botticelli D, Berglundh T, Lindhe J. Hard-
of maxillary anterior single implants: a Becker W, Dahlin C, Becker BE, et€al. The use tissue alteration following immediate
surgical and prosthodontic rationale, pract of e-PTFE barrier membranes for bone pro- implant placement in extraction sites.
periodont. Asthet Dent 2000;12:817–24. motion around titanium implants placed J Clin Periodontal 2004;31:820–8.
Schropp L, Wenzel A, Kostopoulos L, et€ al. into extraction sockets: a prospective multi- Schwartz-Arad D, Chaushu G. The ways
Bone healing and soft tissue contour center study. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants and wherefores of immediate placement
changes following single-tooth extraction: 1994;9:31–40. of implants into fresh extraction sites:
a clinical and radiographic 12-month pro- Tehemar S, Hanes P, Sharawy M. Enhancement a literature review. J Periodontol 1997;
spective study. Int J Periodontics Restorative of osseointegration of implants placed into 68(10):915–23.
Dent 2003;23:313–23. extraction sockets of healthy and periodon- Van Steenberghe D, Callens A, Geers L, et€ al.
Araujo MG, Sukekava F, Wennström JL, et€ al. tally diseased teeth by using graft material, The clinical use of deproteinized bovine
Ridge alterations following implant place- an ePTFE membrane or a combination. Clin bone mineral on bone regeneration in con-
ment in fresh extraction sockets: an experi- Implant Dent Relat Res 2003;5:193–211. junction with immediate implant installa-
mental study in the dog. J Clin Periodontol Rosenquist B, Granthe B. Immediate place- tion. Clin Oral Implants Res 2000;11:210–6.
2005;32:645–52. ment of implants into extraction sockets: Lang NP, Tonetti MS, Suvan JE, et€ al. Imme-
Gomez-Roman G, Kruppembacher M, Weber implant survival. Int J Oral Maxillofac diate implant placement with transmuco-
H, et€al. Immediate post extraction implant Implants 1996;11:205–9. sal healing in areas of esthetics priority: a
placement with root analog stepped Tarnow DP, Eskow RM. Preservation of implant multicenter randomised controlled clini-
implants: surgical procedure and statistical aesthetics, soft tissue and restorative consid- cal trial. I. Surgical outcomes. Clin Oral
out come after 6 years. Int J Oral Maxillofac erations. J Esthet Dent 1996;8:12–9. Implants Res 2007;18:188–96.
Implants 2001;16:503–13. Lang NP, Brägger U, Hämmerle CH, et€ al. Hämmerle CH, Lang NP. Single stage surgery
Maiorana C, Beretta M, Salina S, et€al. Reduc- Immediate transmucosal implants using combining transmucosal implant place-
tion of autogenous bone graft resorption by the principle of guided tissue regenera- ment with guided bone regeneration and
means of Bio-Oss coverage: a prospective tion. I. Rationale, clinical procedures and bioresorbable materials. Clin Oral Implants
study. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 30-month results. Clin Oral Implants Res Res 2001;12:9–18.
2005;25:19–25. 1994;5:154–63.

9 Clinical Implantology

Glauser R, Sennerby L Meredith N, et€al. Reso- De Smet E, Jaecques S, Vandamme K, et€ al. Saadoun AP, Landsberg CT. Treatment classi-
nance frequency analysis of implants sub- Positive effect of early loading on implant fication and sequencing for post extraction
jected to immediate or early functional stability in the bi-cortical guinea-pig implant therapy: a review. Pract Perio Rest
occlusal loading. Successful vs. failing model. Clin Oral Implants Res 2005; Dent 1997;9:933–41.
implants. Clin. Oral Impl. Res 2004;15: 16(4):402–7. Ganeles J, Rosenberg MM, Holt RL, et€ al.
428–34. Balshi T, Wolfinger G. Immediate func- Immediate loading of implants with fixed
Meyer U, Wiesmann HP, Fillies T, et€ al. tional loading of implants. Implant Dent restorations in the completely edentulous
Early tissue reaction at the interface of imme- 2002;10:231. mandible: report of 27 patients from a pri-
diately loaded dental implants. Int J Oral Schwartz Ard D, Laviv A, Lavin L. Survival of vate practice. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants
Maxillofac Implants 2003;18(4):489–99. immediately provisionalized dental implants 2001;16(3):418–26.
Schropp L, Wenzel A, Kostopoculos L, et€ al. placed immediately into fresh extraction Brunski JB. Biomechanical factors affecting the
Bone healing and soft tissue contour sockets. J Periodontol 2007;78:219–23. bone-dental implant interface. Clin Mater
changes following single tooth extraction: a Misch CE, Wang HL. The procedures, limita- 1992;10(3):153–201.
clinical and radiograph 12-month prospec- tions and indications for small diameter Ogiso N, Tabata T, Lee RR, et€al. Delay method
tive study. Int J Periodontics Restorative implants and a case report. Oral Health of implantation enhances implant bind-
Dent 2003;23:313–23. 2004;94:16–26. ing, a comparison with the conventional
Esposito MA, Koukoulopoulou A, Coulthard Schwartz D, et€al. The clinical effectiveness of method. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants
P, et€al. Interventions for replacing missing implants placed immediately into fresh 1995;10:415–20.
teeth: dental implants in fresh extraction extraction sites of molar teeth. J Periodon- Schropp L, Isisor F, Kostopoulos L, et€al. Inter-
sockets (immediate, immediate-delayed tol 2000;71:839–44. proximal papilla levels following early
and delayed implants). Cochrane Database Paolantonio M, Dolci M, Scarano A, et€ al. versus delayed placement of single-tooth
Syst Rev 2006;4:CD005968. Immediate versus non-immediate implan- implants: a controlled clinical trial. Int J
Immediate implantation in fresh extrac- tation for full-arch fixed reconstruc- Oral Maxillofac Implants 2005;20:753–61.
tion sockets. A controlled clinical and tion following extraction of all residual Pilliar RM, Lee JM, Maniatopoulos C. Observa-
his-tological study in man. J Periodontol teeth: a retrospective comparative study. tions on the effect of movement on bone
2001;72(11):1560–71. J Â�Periodontol 2000;71(6):923–8. ingrowth into porous-surfaced implants.
Ericsson I, Randow K, Nilner K. Peterson: Roynesdal AK, Ambjornsen E, Haanaes HR. Clin Orthop Relat Res 1986;208:108–13.
early functional loading of Branemark A comparison of 3 different endosseous
dental implants: 5-year clinical follow- nonsubmerged implants in edentulous
up study. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res mandibles: a clinical report. lnt J Oral Max-
2000;2(2):70–7. illofac Implants 1999;14(4):543–8.
Immediate load implant system, Tokyo: Becker W, Dahlin C, Becker BE, et€al. The use
Quintes. Int Oral Maxillofac Implants May of e-PTFE barrier membranes for promo-
science 1998. tion around titanium implants placed into
Ferrara A, G’Alli C, Mauro G, et€ al. Immedi- extraction sockets, a prospective multi-
ate provisional restoration of post extrac- center study. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants
tion implants for maxillary single tooth 1994;9:31–40.
replacement. Periodontics Restorative Dent

Implant overdentures
Ajay Vikram Singhâ•… Saâd Zemmouri 10
CHAPTER CONTENTS HD further bone loss. Depending on the bone volume avail-
able for implant placement, arch form, bone density, and
Introduction 229 force factors, two to four implants are inserted to retain
Prosthetic options for completely edentulous the mandibular denture, whereas four to six implants are
patients 229 required to retain the maxillary denture Â�(Fig 10.1A–E).
Problems associated with conventional dentures 229
Indications for implant overdenture 229
Advantages of the implant overdenture over the
Prosthetic options for completely
ridge supported denture 230 edentulous patients
Advantages of the implant overdenture over the fixed . Conventional ridge-supported dentures
implant prosthesis 230 2. Implant-retained overdentures
Disadvantages of the implant overdenture 231 3. Implant-supported full arch fixed prosthesis.
Components required 231
Decision making for immediate, early, or delayed Problems associated with conventional
implant loading in overdenture cases 236 dentures
Bar-retained overdenture 237
. Inadequate retention and stability
Summary 240 2. Inability to chew and eat
3. Soft tissue abrasions
4. Continuous bone loss
5. Large size prosthesis with long flanges and palate
Introduction 6. Phonetic problem
The prosthetic management of the completely edentulous 7. Longer period required to get used for the dentures
patient has long been a major challenge in dentistry. The 8. Teeth setting in the neutral zone causes altered maxil-
conventional edentulous ridge supported dentures, in use lofacial prosthesis.
over centuries, has been the traditional standard of care for
these patients. However, most patients do not achieve sat- Indications for implant overdenture
isfactory comfort with conventional dentures; hence, the
implant-retained overdenture can be one of the ultimate 1. Inadequate bone volume to insert the number of
options for these patients. After losing teeth, the ridge gets implants required for full arch fixed prosthesis
slowly resorbed as the normal course of disuse atrophy, 2. When the relation between the two arches makes the
which further gets enhanced by using the tissue supported achievement of a fixed prosthesis difficult
dentures for several years. The worst cases are the patients 3. Palatal/ridge defect which makes conventional den-
who lose their teeth because of advanced periodontitis; their ture fabrication difficult
periodontal bone gets vertically resorbed because of peri- 4. Highly resorbed ridge, inadequate to retain the con-
odontitis, leaving compromised ridge height inadequate to ventional denture
retain ridge-supported dentures. The implant retained over- 5. Phonetic problems caused by difficult control of the
dentures improve chewing efficiency, comfort, and overall saliva movement between the prosthesis and the max-
maxillofacial prosthesis of the patient. Besides, the place- illary gum
ment of implants anchors the jaw bone and prevents the 6. High aesthetic expectations.
10 Clinical Implantology



Fig 10.1╇ (A–E) Depending on the ridge form and bone available to insert the longest and widest possible implants, a minimum of 2–4 implants are
required to retain the mandibular overdenture, whereas a minimum of 4–6 implants are required to retain the maxillary overdenture. The low-density
bone and presence of facial cantilevering are the reasons to place more number of implants for the maxillary overdenture. If two implants are planned
for the mandibular overdenture, both implants should be inserted closer to the midline, to avoid anteroposterior rocking of the denture.

7. Limited financial budget for the prosthesis . Improved

5 chewing efficiency
8. Medically compromised patients for whom the place- 6. Improved occlusion – original centric occlusion can
ment of a large number of implants, grafting proce- be reproduced
dures, etc. are not possible 7. Improved maxillofacial appearance as the implant-
9. Patients with complaints of low retention of their old retained prosthesis can better support the lip and
conventional dentures cheek muscles
0. Patients with a history of poor oral hygiene maintenance.
1 8. Improved retention and removal of palatal extension
improves speech.
Advantages of the implant overdenture over
the ridge supported denture Advantages of the implant overdenture over
the fixed implant prosthesis
. Implants prevent further bone loss
. Improved denture retention, support and stability
2 . Fewer implants are required for overdenture
. Reduced denture size eliminates palate extension and
3 2. Less specific implant placement
deep flanges of the denture 3. Grafting procedures (e.g. sinus grafting, vertical bone
. Decreased
4 soft tissue abrasions augmentation, etc.) can be avoided
Implant overdentures 10


Metal housing
Retentive rubber/plastic cap

Ball abutment/ ball head of

one-piece implant

Implant in the jaw bone


Fig 10.2╇ Either a single-body, ball head implant or a two-piece implant with ball abutment is inserted into the jaw bone. A retentive rubber or plastic
cap is inserted in the metal housing before placement over the ball abutment. When the denture filled with self-cure acrylic is seated over the metal
housing, the latter comes out embedded in the tissue surface of the denture. (A and B) When this denture with the female part (metal housing with
retentive cap inside) is seated over the male part of the implant (ball abutment), it provides adequate retention to the removable implant overdenture
(Courtesy: Nobel Biocare).

4. Improved maxillofacial aesthetics with labial flanges,

soft tissue drape, and prefabricated denture teeth
5. Lower cost to the patient
6. Easy oral hygiene maintenance
7. Easy repair
8. Reduced stress on the implants as the prosthesis can
be removed at night.

Disadvantages of the implant overdenture

1. Patient’s psychological feeling against wearing a
removable prosthesis. A B
2. Needs regular maintenance like denture relining,
change of retentive components, new prosthesis after Fig 10.3╇ (A) Either a ball abutment is screwed onto the two-piece implant
few years etc. or (B) a single-body ball abutment implant is used for overdenture cases.
3. Continuous posterior bone loss. Different kinds of plastic/rubber caps ranging from hard to soft consis-
4. Denture movement where only two implants are used tency (colour coded) can be used under the metal housing, depending
for denture retention. on the degree of retention required for the denture. Ideally, if immedi-
5. More interarch space is required to compensate the ately loaded, one should use the soft low retention cap, and it should
denture base and the implant superstructure. be replaced with a medium to hard one, after the implants have osseo-
6. Food impaction under the prosthesis. integrated with the bone (Courtesy: Biohorizons Implant Systems Inc).
7. Soft tissue abrasions in the posterior region.

Components required one implant system to the other, with the type of reten-
Several kinds of prosthetic components are placed over tion device the dentist delivers to his/her patient, e.g. ball
implants as well as into the tissue surface of the denture. and socket, locator abutment, bar header clip type, etc.
These components may vary in shape, size, design from Â�(Figs 10.2–10.4).

10 Clinical Implantology

Fig 10.4╇ Many implant dentists prefer to use locator attachments over the ‘O’ ring or cap attachment because of many advantages like need of less
interarch space, more precision of fit, and longer life (Courtesy: Nobel Biocare).

Ball abutment and cap retained mandibular overdenture (step by step presentation) (Figs 10.5–10.9).



Fig 10.5╇ (A and B) Patient with faulty dentures and periodontally compromised teeth. (C) Radiograph shows the need for extraction of all teeth
and replacement with the full mouth prosthesis. (D) The maxillary ridge after the extractions, showing a good ridge form to retain a soft tissue
supported denture.

Implant overdentures 10



Fig 10.6╇ (A) Lower ridge is very poor in form, hence implant supported overdenture is planned. (B) Mid-crestal incision is given and the flap is
elevated to expose the bony ridge.

10 Clinical Implantology






Fig 10.7╇ (A) Osteoplasty, using the large round carbide bur, is done to flatten the ridge crest and (B) four implants are inserted between two
mental foramina. (C) Transgingival healing abutments are inserted and flaps are sutured back. (D) A complete denture is fabricated for the patient.
(E–G) The transgingival abutments are removed after 3 days and replaced with ball abutments. (H) The metal housings carrying retentive plastic
caps fitted inside, are seated on top of the ball abutments.

Implant overdentures 10





Fig 10.8╇ (A) A piece of rubber dam is used to cover the sutures and block the undercuts under the metal housing. It prevents the flow of the acrylic
and its locking into the undercut areas. (B and C) The tissue surface of the lower denture is reduced and the denture is tried in the patient’s mouth
for complete and passive seating over the metal housing. The tissue surface of the denture is reduced to create minimum 2€mm space all around,
between the metal housing and the denture surface, for the self-cure acrylic. (D and E) The tissue surface of the denture is filled with self-cure
acrylic and the denture is seated in the patient’s mouth in the correct occlusion. The denture surface, except its tissue surface, should be coated
with petroleum jelly before it is filled with self-cure acrylic to avoid unnecessary adhesion of acrylic over the denture flanges and teeth. (F) After the
acrylic has set, the denture carrying the metal housings embedded in the tissue surface, is removed from the mouth.

10 Clinical Implantology




Fig 10.9╇ (A and B) The denture is finished, polished, and seated over the implants in the patient’s mouth. (C) Soft tissue healing after 1 week.
(D) Post loading radiograph.

Decision making for immediate,

early, or delayed implant loading
in overdenture cases
The immediate or delayed stabilization of the denture over Table 10.1╇Various deciding factors for immediate or
the implant depends on various factors such as bone den- delayed loading in overdenture cases
sity, bone volume, number of implants required to support
the denture, implant sizes, soft tissue type, force factors, DELAYED LOADING
and the primary stability of the inserted implant (Table IMMEDIATE OF IMPLANTS
10.1). Implants are usually inserted in the anterior segment DECIDING STABILIZING (AFTER 3–4
of the maxillary and/or mandibular ridge, to retain the den- FACTORS DENTURE MONTHS)
tures where density of the bone is usually found to be ade-
quate in volume, with no structures limiting the placement Bone density High (Type I or Type II) Low (Type III or Type IV)
of the longest possible implants. Moreover, favourable
bone density is also usually found to adequately stabilize Bone volume Adequate to place Inadequate to place long
the implants in these segments, especially in the anterior long implants implants
mandible. Thus in most cases, the denture can be immedi- Soft tissue Adequate band of Inadequate band of kera-
ately or early stabilized over these implants using ball abut- keratinized tissue at tinized tissue at the ridge
ments and metal housings. For immediate loading, efforts the ridge crest crest, which needs soft
should be made to insert the longest possible implants tissue grafting at implant’s
and stabilize them in basal bone/nasal floor to achieve uncovery stage
adequate initial stability (more than 35€Ncm). However, if
adequate stability cannot be achieved (less than 35€Ncm) No. of implants Adequate Fewer implants for cost
for any implant, the implant should be loaded only after effective treatment
it has osseointegrated with the bone in 2 to 3 months (Fig Primary stability More than 35€Ncm Less than 35€Ncm
10.10A–F). For cases, where adequately long implants can- of implants
not be placed and a predictable amount of primary stability
Implant overdentures 10



Fig 10.10╇ (A) The patient who had been wearing ridge-supported dentures for more than 10 years, presented with complaint of poor retention of
the mandibular denture because of continued vertical ridge resorption in the course of time. Four implants were inserted in the anterior mandible but
most of the implants achieved primary stability between 25 and 30€Ncm. (B) The implants were left for open healing with long healing abutments.
(C and D) The denture was re-lined in mouth over these abutments and stabilized, as the immediate placement of the ball and socket connection
causes a large amount of pulling forces on the implants during denture removal, which may result in implant failure. (E) After the implants were
osseointegrated with the bone, the healing abutments were replaced with ball abutments and (F) the retention housings were placed into the tissue
surface of the denture.

cannot be achieved, the conventional two-stage protocol locator attachments used to retain the denture onto the
should be followed. In such cases the implants are left for bar (Fig 10.12A and B). When compared to the ball or
subgingival healing for 3 to 4 months and then uncovered, locator attachments, bar-retained dentures offer better
and the implant is stabilized over implants (Fig 10.11A–L). retention and support to the patient; but fabrication of
a bar which can be passively seated over the implants
and the placement of header clips into the tissue surface
Bar-retained overdenture of denture needs good laboratory support and multiple
sittings with the patient (Figs 10.12 and 10.13).
Many dentists prefer to fabricate a metal bar which is
screwed over the implants, with either header clips or

10 Clinical Implantology





Fig 10.11╇ (A–C) Four implants are inserted in the anterior mandible with submerged healing for 3 months. (D) Implants are uncovered and ball abut-
ments are inserted. (E and F) Tissue surface of the denture is prepared. (G) The undercuts of the ball abutments are blocked using modelling wax.
(H and I) The appropriate ‘O’ rings are selected and seated onto the ball abutments. (J) The self-cure acrylic is filled into the prepared tissue surface
and denture is seated over the ‘O’ rings in the correct occlusion. (K) Denture is removed after the resin has set, showing the ‘O’ rings in the denture.
(L) Denture is finished, polished, and seated in the patient’s mouth.

Implant overdentures 10


Fig 10.12╇ (A and B) Many dentists prefer to fabricate a metal bar which is screwed over the implants and either header clips or locator attachments
are used to retain the denture onto the bar. When compared to the ball or locator attachments, bar-retained dentures offer better retention and sup-
port to the patient (Courtesy: Nobel Biocare).



Fig 10.13╇ (A and B) A cast metal bar is seated and screwed over the implants. (C) The header clips are placed into the tissue surface of the denture
in the dental laboratory, (D) which gets locked over the bar to retain the denture.

10 Clinical Implantology

Summary the technique of choice, with implants as parallel as

possible to each other and the implant platforms being
Implant-retained overdenture is one of the preferred given supracrestal placement. It is critical to avoid lin-
options to stabilize loose dentures and prevent fur- gual perforation during implant placement. Haemor-
ther bone loss. The implant overdenture offers several rhage of the floor of the mouth is a potentially serious
advantages over the implant supported fixed prosthesis, complication. A minimum of 2–4 implants for the man-
such as lower treatment cost, fewer and specific implant dibular denture and 4–6 implants to support maxillary
placement, less invasive surgery, no grafting, ease in denture should be planned. If only two implants are
maintenance and repair of the prosthesis, etc. Thus it placed to support a mandibular denture, they should be
should be chosen as the first treatment option for the placed close to the midline to prevent the anterior pos-
old age patient. Meticulous planning should be done to terior rocking of the denture. Two implants (ideally in
insert the longest possible implants, to provide immedi- the canine or lateral position) is the minimal implant
ate and long-term stability for the dentures. A simple, standard of care in the edentulous anterior mandible to
uncomplicated one-stage surgical protocol is considered retain an overdenture.

Further Reading
Carpentieri, JR, Tarnow, DP. The mandibular Balsi TJ, Wolfinger GJ. Immediate loading of Krennmair G, Weinlander M, Krainhofner M,
�two-implant overdenture first-choice stan- Branemark implants in edentulous man- et€al. Implant-supported mandibular over-
dard of care for the edentulous dentaure dibles: a preliminary report. Implant Dent dentures retained with ball or telescopic
patient. Pract Proced Aesthet Dent. 2003 1997;6:83–8. crown attachments: a 3-year prospective
Nov-Dec;15(10):750–2. Quirynen M, Alsaadi G, Pauwels M, et€ al. study. Int J Prosthodont 2006;19:164–70.
Phillips K, Wong KM. Space requirements Microbiological and clinical outcomes Jemt T, Chai J, Harnett J, et€ al. A 5-year pro-
for implant-retained bar-and-clip over- and patient satisfaction for two treatment spective multicenter follow-up report on
dentures. Compend Contin Educ Dent options in the edentulous lower jaw after overdentures supported by osseointegrated
2001;22:516–8; pp. 520, 522. 10 years of function. Clin Oral Implants implants. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants
Zitzmann NU, Marinello CP. Treatment out- Res. 2005;16:277–87. 1996;11:291–8.
comes of fixed or removable implant- Zitzmann NU, Marinello CP. A review of clini- Cooper L, et€ al. Immediate mandibular reha-
supported prostheses in the edentulous cal and technical considerations for fixed bilitation with endosseous implants:
maxilla. Part I: patients’ assessments. J Pros- and removable implant prostheses in the simultaneous extraction, implant place-
thet Dent 2000;83:424–33. edentulous mandible. Int J Prosthodont ment, and loading. Int J Oral Maxillofac
Branemark PI, et€ al. Branemark Novum: a new 2002;15:65–72. Implants 2002;17:517–25.
treatment concept for the rehabilitation of the Grunder U. Immediate functional loading of Gulizio MP, Agar JR, Kelly JR, et€ al. Effect of
edentulous mandible – preliminary results immediate implants in edentulous arches: implant angulation upon retention of
from a prospective clinical follow – up study. two year results. Int J Periodontics Restor- overdenture attachments. J Prosthodont
Clin Implant Dent Relat Res 1999;1:2–16. ative. Dent 2001;21:545–51. 2005;14:3–11.
Mericske-Stern R. Prosthodontic management Feine JS, Carlsson GE, editors. Implant over- Shor A, Goto Y, Shor K. Mandibular two-
of maxillary and mandibular overdentures. dentures: the standard of care for edentu- implant-retained overdenture: prosthetic
In: Feine JS, Carlsson GE, editors. Implant lous patients. Chicago, IL: Quintessence design and fabrication protocol. Compend
overdentures: the standard of care for eden- Pub. Co.; 2003. pp. 83–98. Contin Educ Dent 2007;28:80–8.
tulous patients. Chicago, IL: Quintessence Morais JA, Heydecke G, Pawliuk J, et€ al. The
Pub. Co.; 2003. pp. 83–98. effects of mandibular two-implant over-
Branemark PI, Zarb GA, Albrektsson T. Tissue- dentures on nutrition in elderly edentulous
integrated prostheses: osseointegration individuals. J Dent Res. 2003;82:53–8.
in clinical dentistry. Chicago, IL: Quintes- Watson GK, Payne AG, Purton DG, et€al. Man-
sence; 1985. dibular overdentures: comparative evalu-
Awad MA, Lund JP, Shapiro SH, et€ al. Oral ation of prosthodontic maintenance of
health status and treatment satisfaction three different implants systems during
with mandibular implant overdentures the first year of service. Int J Prosthodont
and conventional dentures: a randomized 2002;15:259–66.
clinical trial in a senior population. Int J
Prosthodont 2003;16:390–6.

Implant impressions and prosthetics
Ajay Vikram Singh 11
CHAPTER CONTENTS HD of impression selected, depends on the type of prosthesis the
dentist has planned to use to restore the implant.
Introduction 241 Many types of implant restorations are being done and
Impression materials 241 the selection of a particular prosthesis largely depends on
Implant impression procedures 242 factors, such as the number of implants supporting the
Direct/prepared abutment technique 242 prosthesis, their insertion angulations and parallelism in
respect to each other, soft tissue depth, available crown
Indirect/pick-up impression technique 242
height space, the desired aesthetics, the position of the
Open tray technique 242 connection screw, the weight of the desired prosthesis,
Closed tray technique 242 its profile, retrievability of the prosthesis, ease of repair,
Implant versus abutment level impression 242 the prosthetic components available in the implant sys-
Summary 263 tem and stress factors. Fabrication of implant restorations
requires accurate impression transfer, good laboratory
support, and effective communication between the restor-
ing dentist and the laboratory technician.
Introduction There are many impression procedures for implant res-
toration and each has its own indications and advantages.
An accurate impression of the implant as well as the sur- The dentist should have a knowledge of how the impres-
rounding hard and soft tissue structures is known to be sion for a particular implant should be made, in order to
the backbone to deliver a desired implant prosthesis with deliver a planned prosthesis with a high level of precision.
an accurate fit and in harmony with the marginal soft tis-
sues. Studies have shown that most implant practitioners
do not give enough attention to implant impressions, and Impression materials
often the impressions sent to the dental laboratories show
visible errors, which may result in multiple problems The impression of the implant should be made using
with implant restoration, such as nonpassive fit, incom- rubber based impression materials as dimensional accu-
plete seating, tight contact, improper retention, and an racy is required in the impression, to achieve predictable
unharmonious prosthesis with marginal soft tissues. results in the fit and for precision in the implant prosthe-
More accurate transfer is required in the indirect impres- sis. Considering all the advantages, the following materi-
sion technique (pick up technique) as any change in transfer- als are preferred to make implant impressions:
ring the position and orientation of the post from the mouth â•…â•…
to the impression and later on in the working cast, may end 1. Polyether: Being hydrophilic in nature, this is the mate-
up with various prosthetic fabrication and fixing problems. rial of choice for the implant impression, to accurately
With advancements in implant prosthetics, several types of record and transfer the implant position and orienta-
implant prosthetic options are being offered, which require tion from the patient’s mouth to the working cast. The
various types of implant and abutment level impressions to only disadvantage with this material is that it cannot
deliver a prosthesis with high accuracy. As described in ear- be stored for a long time because the dimensions of
lier chapters, the implant differs from the natural tooth in this material start changing after few days, which may
not having any periodontal ligament; hence, any nonpassive lead to inaccuracy of the prosthesis in precision of fit.
prosthesis fitted over the implant does not shift the implant 2. Polyvinylsiloxane (addition silicon): This is a mate-
from its position like the natural tooth to relieve stress, rial which is widely used to make implant impressions
but the stress gets transferred to the crestal bone with the because of its dimensional accuracy, stability, and long
implant and may result in crestal bone resorption. The type storage life without any distortion in dimensions.
11 Clinical Implantology

Implant impression procedures and thus should be followed when a higher level of
accuracy is required. It is required to be followed
There are many ways to make implant impressions and a when castable implant components ,which need a
particular method is chosen based on the requirements of high level of precision to accurately seat the finally
the particular implant case. cast prosthesis onto the implants in the mouth,
â•…â•… are used. This technique should also be followed
. Direct/prepared
1 abutment impression technique: in cases of multiple implants inserted at different
In the prepared abutment technique, the final abut- angulations, as the closed tray technique may tear
ment is fixed on top of the implant in the patient’s the impression in such cases on removal from the
mouth and prepared with a normal crown and bridge mouth. The open tray technique is also helpful if
technique, using a diamond or carbide bur. Once the the implants are seated very deep in the soft tissue,
abutment is finally prepared, an impression is made as this causes the emergence of a very short part
using polyether or addition silicon material, poured of the closed tray impression abutment out of the
with a high-strength stone material. The prosthesis is thick soft tissue, which hardly gets engaged firmly
fabricated and cemented in the mouth by following in the impression.
crown and bridge technique steps. Indications
Indications i. Multiple number of implants which are not parallel
a. Single-body/one-piece implant. to each other.
b. Implant in nonaesthetic posterior region. ii. Full arch implant supported fixed prosthesis.
c. Cement-retained prosthesis where high precision is iii. Abutment level impressions of multiple to full arch
not a concern. implant case.
. Indirect/pick-up impression technique: This is the
2 iv. Joint screw-retained prosthesis over multiple
most common impression technique in implant prac- implants.
tised and practised in most dental implant cases, as v. Deep seated implants.
it precisely and accurately transfers the implant posi-
tion and orientation from the patient’s mouth to the Implant versus abutment level impression
working cast. The impression should be recorded
using a rigid impression material expressed around In most implant cases implant level impressions are
the impression components as well as in the tray. This made where the impression abutments are inserted to
impression can be made using either an open tray or the implant, and after recording open or closed tray
closed tray technique. pick-up impression, these impression abutments are
a. Closed tray technique: An impression mate- removed from the implant and assembled with the
rial with soft to medium consistency (less rigid) implant analogue. The abutment level impression
should be used in the closed tray technique, for technique is practised in cases of screw-retained mul-
ease of removal from the mouth without any tiple unit to full arch joint implant prosthesis. In this
tearing of the impression around the impression technique, the gingival formers/healing abutments
posts. The gingival former is removed from the are removed from the implants and replaced with the
implant in the patient’s mouth and a closed tray appropriate abutments which are called ‘abutment for
impression transfer abutment is inserted onto the screw.’ At one side this abutment for screw is screwed
implant using a connection screw. The accurate to the implant in the mouth and on top of it another
and complete seating of the impression abut- abutment or the prosthesis is fixed using the connection
ment on the implant should be checked with a screw. Thus after these abutments for screw are inserted
radiograph. An impression of this impression on top of implants, the impression posts are screwed
abutment using polyether or addition silicon over these abutments and an abutment level impression
material is made. After successfully recording with closed or open technique is made. After success-
the impression, the impression abutment is fully recording the impression, the impression posts are
removed from the implant and assembled with assembled with the ‘abutment analogue’ and the impres-
an appropriate implant analogue. The impres- sion is poured in the usual fashion. The restoration is
sion abutment–analogue assembly is reinserted then fabricated over the abutment analogues on the
at the corresponding location in the impres- working model and fixed over the abutments for screw
sion, making sure that the impression transfer in the patient’s mouth.
abutment is inserted with the same orientation â•…â•…
as in the mouth. The impression is sent to the A. Steps for the fabrication of a cement-retained prosthe-
dental laboratory to fabricate the working model. sis with the direct/prepared abutment technique:
It is recommended to pour a soft tissue replicat- Step 1: One piece implant in the mouth or gingival
ing material (Multisil from Bredent, Germany) former is removed and the final abutment is fixed
around the implant analogue because it facili- over the two-piece implant.
tates the removal of the impression abutment Step 2: The implant abutment is prepared in the
after the stone die is poured and provides ease of mouth using carbide or diamond burs in the usual
working to the laboratory technician, to the level fashion, as in the natural tooth preparation with
of implant abutment connection. high speed turbine.
b. Open tray technique: The open tray technique Step 3: The impression of this prepared abutment
transfers the implant position and orientation more is made using silicon material similar to the usual
precisely and accurately than the closed technique crown and bridge cases.
Implant impressions and prosthetics 11
Step 4: The impression is poured, using a high strength inserted into the impression at the correct position
stone, to make a working cast. and with correct orientation.
Step 5: The prosthesis is fabricated similar to the crown Step 3: The impression is poured using high strength
and bridge in the laboratory, and is fixed over the stone plaster, after the pouring of gingival mask
implant abutment using appropriate luting cement, around the post–analogue connection. Working cast
following the principles of normal crown and bridge is removed after it has hardened.
technique (Figs 11.1–11.4). Step 4: The impression post is removed from the ana-
B. Steps for the fabrication of a cement-retained pros- logue leaving the analogue in the stone cast. An appro-
thesis with the closed tray implant level impression priate final metal abutment is selected and screwed
technique: over the analogue, using the connection screw.
Step 1: The gingival former is removed from the Step 5: The final abutment is prepared and the desired
implant and a closed tray impression post is inserted prosthesis (porcelain-fused-to-metal [PFM] or metal
on top of the implant. The impression is made using free zirconium) is fabricated over it.
silicon impression material (polyether or addition Step 6: The abutment is transferred to the implant in
silicon). the patient’s mouth with the same orientation as
Step 2: The impression post is removed from the on the cast. The connection screw is finally tight-
mouth and assembled with an appropriate implant ened at the moment of 30–35€Ncm using mechan-
analogue. The post assembled with the analogue is ical driver and the screw hole of the abutment is



Fig 11.1╇ (A and B) Abutments of single-piece implants are prepared in the mouth. (C) Impression is made with the prepared abutment technique
and sent to the dental laboratory where the technician poured the impression using high strength stone and fabricated the four-unit ceramic bridge
prosthesis. (D) The prosthesis is fixed over the implants using dual cure resin cement.


Fig 11.2╇ (A) The healing abutments are removed and replaced with the appropriate final abutment over the two-piece implants. (B) The abutments
are prepared in the mouth using high speed turbine with carbide/diamond burs.
11 Clinical Implantology




Fig 11.3╇ (A) The connection screw is finally tightened, using a mechanical torque ratchet, at 35€Ncm (B) the screw holes are filled using gutta-percha
and (C) impression is made in silicon material. (D) A provisional prosthesis in function is fixed over the abutments which also avoids oral soft tissue
abrasions with the abutment. (E) The abutment region of the impression is poured using the high strength core build-up material or pattern resin with
dia pins inserted into it. (F) The impression is further poured with dia stone and a working cast is prepared.

sealed using retrievable material such as gutta- Step 3: The impression is poured using high strength
percha or wax. The prosthesis is fixed over the stone plaster, after pouring the gingival mask around
abutment using appropriate luting cement. (Figs the post–analogue connection. The working cast is
11.5–11.9). removed after it has hardened.
C. Steps for the fabrication of a screw retained prosthesis Step 4: The impression post is removed from the ana-
with the closed or open tray implant level impression logue leaving the analogue in the stone cast. An
technique appropriate final castable abutment (plastic abut-
Step 1: The gingival former is removed from the ment) is selected and screwed over the analogue,
implant and a closed or open tray impression post using the connection screw.
is inserted on top of the implant. The impression is Step 5: The plastic abutment is prepared and a wax
made using silicon impression material (polyether pattern is built up onto this abutment to fabricate
or addition silicon) with open or closed impression a cast framework. The connection screw is removed
technique. and the plastic abutment along with wax pattern,
Step 2: The impression post is assembled with an which has a hole for the connection screw, is cast
appropriate implant analogue. The post assembled to fabricate a metal framework, just like the metal
with the analogue is inserted into the impression at framework of the PFM crown and bridge prosthesis.
the correct position and with correct orientation, if Step 6: The try-in of the metal framework is done in
closed tray technique is used. the patient’s mouth to check its accurate and passive
Implant impressions and prosthetics 11


Fig 11.4╇ (A) A PFM prosthesis is fabricated over the cast, (B) which is transferred and fixed over the implant abutments in the mouth following normal
crown and bridge technique. (C) Post loading radiograph.


Fig 11.5╇ (A and B) Gingival former (healing abutment) is removed from the implant.

seating over the implant. To fabricate the final pros- Step 2: Either closed or open tray impression posts are
thesis, the ceramic build-up (for the PFM prosthesis) placed on top of these abutments. The impression is
or an acrylic denture curing (for the hybrid pros- made using silicon impression material (polyether
thesis) is done over this framework, preserving the or addition silicon) with open or closed impression
patency of the connection screw holes. technique.
Step 7: The final prosthesis is fixed in the patient’s Step 3: The impression posts are assembled with
mouth over the implants using connection screws, abutment analogues. The posts are assembled with
and the screw holes of the prosthesis are filled first the abutment for screw analogues and inserted into
with gutta-percha and then with a composite of a the impression at the correct position and with
blending shade (Figs 11.10–11.16) correct orientation, if the closed tray technique is
D. Steps for the fabrication of a screw-retained prosthesis practised.
with the closed or open tray abutment level impres- Step 4: The impression is poured using high strength
sion technique: stone plaster, after the pouring of the gingival mask
Step 1: The gingival formers are removed from the around the post–analogue connections. The work-
implants and replaced with the abutments for screw. ing cast is removed after it has hardened.
Alternatively the abutments for screw are placed on Step 5: The impression posts are removed from the
top of implants immediately after implant insertion analogue leaving the analogues in the stone cast.
or uncovery. The appropriate final castable abutments (plastic
11 Clinical Implantology




Fig 11.6╇ (A) The impression post for closed tray impression technique is inserted over the implant and (B) the impression is made in addition silicon
material. (C) The impression post is again replaced with gingival former over the implant and shade selection is done. (D and E) The impression
post is assembled with an appropriate implant analogue using a screwdriver and (F) inserted into the impression with the same orientation as in the

abutments) are selected and screwed over the abut- and the screw holes of the prosthesis are filled first
ment analogues using the connection screw. with gutta-percha and then using a composite of a
Step 6: The plastic abutments are prepared and a wax blending shade (Figs 11.17–11.21).
pattern is built up onto these abutments to fabri- E. Steps for stabilizing dentures over implants (ball and
cate a cast framework. The connection screws are socket type):
removed and the plastic abutments along with the 1. Direct technique
wax pattern, which has a hole for the connection Step 1: The gingival formers are removed from
screw, are cast to fabricate a metal framework, just the implants and replaced with ball abutments.
like the metal framework of the PFM crown and Alternatively the ball abutments are inserted
bridge prosthesis. over the implants immediately after the implant
Step 7: The try-in of the metal framework is done in insertion or at the stage of implant uncovery.
the patient’s mouth to check its accurate and pas- Step 2: The ‘O’ rings with retention rubbers within
sive seating over the implants. To fabricate the final or metal housings with plastic housings within
prosthesis, the ceramic build-up (for the PFM pros- are seated on top of the ball abutments. The tis-
thesis) or an acrylic denture curing (for the hybrid sue surface of the patient’s denture is prepared
prosthesis) is done over this framework, preserving in such a way that it can be passively seated
the patency of the connection screw holes. over the ridge with a minimum 2€mm space all
Step 8: The final prosthesis is fixed in the patient’s around the ‘O’ rings or metal housings for the
mouth over the implants using connection screws acrylic.
Implant impressions and prosthetics 11



Fig 11.7╇ (A) A soft tissue masking material (Gi-Mask, Coltene Whaledent or Multisil, Bredent) is poured around the impression post to the level of
post–analogue connection. (B) The impression is poured further using the stone. (C and D) The impression post, which accurately has transferred the
position and orientation of implant connection from the patient’s mouth to the working cast, is removed from the analogue.

Step 3: Self-cure acrylic is filled into the prepared technique using impression posts and sent to
tissue surface of the denture and the denture is the laboratory. In the laboratory, the technician
seated over the metal housings in the correct assembles the posts with analogues and pours
occlusion. the impression using high strength stone plas-
Step 4: After the acrylic has set, the denture is ter. The technician places the ball abutments
removed from the mouth carrying the metal and metal housings over the model and reduces
housings within the tissue surface of the denture. the denture surface. Then he/she fixes the metal
Step 5: The denture is finished, polished, and housing in the tissue surface of the denture using
seated in the mouth. The relative housings cold or heat cure resin and sends the denture
get locked over the ball abutments and pro- with the metal housings within, back to the cli-
vide adequate retention to the denture. (Figs nician. The dentist transfers the ball abutments
11.22–11.25). from the model to the implants with the similar
2. Indirect technique: In the indirect technique orientation and at similar positions. The den-
for implant overdenture, the impression of the ture is seated over the abutments in the patient’s
implants is made with open or closed impression mouth.
11 Clinical Implantology




Fig 11.8╇ (A) An appropriate final abutment is selected and (B) fixed over the analogue. (C and D) The height of the abutment is marked and reduced.
(E) The abutment is further prepared like a normal crown abutment preparation. For the abutment cutting and preparation, it should be removed
from the analogue and assembled with another analogue because vibration can loosen the analogue within the stone cast. (F) A ceramic prosthesis
is fabricated over the abutment.

Implant impressions and prosthetics 11




Fig 11.9╇ (A and B) The abutment is transferred to the implant with correct orientation and (C) the try-in of the prosthesis is done to check for its fitting.
All the required occlusal adjustments are done. (D) The connection screw is finally tightened at 35€Ncm using a torque ratchet. (E) The screw hole is
filled using warm gutta-percha and (F) the prosthesis is fixed over the abutment using glass ionomer luting cement.

11 Clinical Implantology




Fig 11.10╇ (A and B) Gingival formers (healing abutments) are removed from the implants and (C) the closed tray impression posts are inserted.
(D) A closed tray impression is made and (E) the posts assembled with implant analogues are inserted into the impression with correct position and
(F) orientation to prepare a stone cast.

Implant impressions and prosthetics 11




Fig 11.11╇ (A) Wax is used as the spacer and to block the undercuts, and (B) a special tray is fabricated over the cast. (C and D) The closed tray
impression posts are removed from the cast and replaced with the open tray impression posts. (E) The spacer is removed from the special tray and
holes are prepared over the implant sites, so that the long connection screws of the impression posts emerge out and above the impression tray.
(F) The open tray impression posts are inserted over the implants in the patient’s mouth.

11 Clinical Implantology




Fig 11.12╇ (A) The screw holes are blocked using wax and (B) try-in, for complete and passive seating of the special tray, is done. (C) A tray adhesive
should be used on the inner surface and edges of the tray. (D–F) The impression is made using polyether (3M ESPE, Impregum Penta) impression
material with the post screws emerging out and above the impression.

Implant impressions and prosthetics 11



Fig 11.13╇ (A) All the connection screws should be unscrewed from the implants, (B) before removing the impression from the patient’s mouth.
(C) On removing the impression from the patient’s mouth, the open tray posts come out firmly engaged within the impression. (D and E) The analogues
are assembled with the posts and connection screws are tightened.

11 Clinical Implantology




Fig 11.14╇ (A) First, a soft tissue replicating material (Multisil Mask, Bredent, Germany) should be poured around the post analogue connections in the
impression (B) followed by the pouring of the impression using high strength stone material. (C and D) Again the post screws should be unscrewed
from the analogues before removing the impression from the cast. (E) Use of soft tissue replicating material has the advantages of easy removal of the
posts from the analogues without cast material fracture, easy visualization and working at the analogue platform by the laboratory technician as this
material can be removed and replaced as many time as required without any distortion. (F) The appropriate castable plastic abutments are inserted
over the analogues and fixed using titanium connection screws.

Implant impressions and prosthetics 11





Fig 11.15╇ (A) The wax pattern is prepared over the abutments and (B) the abutments along with the pattern are removed from the cast. The con-
nection screws are removed from the pattern and the pattern along with castable abutments are cast to a metal framework preserving the holes
for the connection screws. (C and D) The complete and passive seating of metal framework is checked over the model as well as in the patient’s
mouth. The radiograph should be taken to make sure the cast framework is completely seated over the implants. (E and F) The bite registration is
done and transferred to the cast to articulate the models in the correct centric position. (G) The required shaping and finishing of the metal framework
is done and (H) the ceramic build-up is done over it, preserving the screw holes.

11 Clinical Implantology



Fig 11.16╇ (A) The prosthesis is removed from the cast and (B) transferred to the implants in the patient’s mouth. (C) The connection screws are finally
tightened at 35€Ncm using a torque ratchet. (D) The screw holes are first filled with gutta-percha (E) followed by light cure composite resin.

Implant impressions and prosthetics 11




Fig 11.17╇ (A and B) Healing abutments are removed from the implants and ‘abutments for screw’ are inserted over the implants. (C) The open tray
impression posts are placed on top of the abutments for screw. (D) Before making the impression, the impression posts should be splinted together
using a light cure flow composite, self-cure acrylic, or (E) pattern resin to avoid any movement of the posts within the impression. The holes are pre-
pared through a custom tray at the impression posts site and the tray is tried in the patient’s mouth for passive seating. (F and G) The long fixation
screws of the posts emerge out and above the impression tray.

11 Clinical Implantology




Fig 11.18╇ (A) The impression is made using addition silicon material with the long connection screws of the impression posts emerging out and
above the impression. (B) The fixation screws should be unscrewed from the abutments for screw before removing the impression from the patient’s
mouth. (C and D) The impression posts, which come out within the impression are assembled with the abutment for screw analogues. (E) The soft
tissue replicating material is poured around the post–analogue connections before impression is poured using the stone. (F) The fixation screws
should be unscrewed from the analogues before removing the impression from the working cast.

Implant impressions and prosthetics 11




Fig 11.19╇ (A and B) The castable plastic abutments are screwed on top of abutment analogues on the working cast and (C) reduced to the planned
height. (D) The wax pattern is prepared onto the castable abutments and (E) cast to fabricate a cast metal framework. (F) The teeth set-up is done
over the cast framework to fabricate a screw-retained hybrid prosthesis.

11 Clinical Implantology



Fig 11.20╇ (A) The try-in of the framework along with teeth set up is done in the patient’s mouth to check accurate and passive seating over the abut-
ments for screw. The teeth from the wax can be removed during try-in at the sites where the teeth come over the screw holes. (B–D) Radiographs are
taken to evaluate the complete seating of the framework onto the abutments for screw. (E) The teeth set-up is acrylized over the metal framework to
finally fabricate the hybrid prosthesis. (F) The prosthesis is fixed in the mouth over the abutments for screws, using the connection screws.



Fig 11.21╇ (A) The torque ratchet is used to finally tighten the connection screws at 30€ Ncm and (B) screws holes are filled using gutta-percha
�followed by the light cure composite. (C) Prosthesis in occlusion. (D) Post loading radiograph.

Implant impressions and prosthetics 11


Fig 11.22╇ (A) The patient with maxillary and mandibular ridge supported dentures presented complaining of poor retention of the mandibular den-
ture. (B) Poor mandibular ridge height, caused by vertical ridge resorption, can be seen.



Fig 11.23╇ (A) Three implants are inserted in the anterior mandible to provide adequate retention to the same denture. (B) Ball abutments are inserted
on top of the implants as the male part and (C and D) metal housings are placed onto the ball abutments as the female part.

11 Clinical Implantology




Fig 11.24╇ (A) The holes are prepared through the tissue surface of the denture, at the implant sites and (B) denture try-in is done for passive seating
over the ridge with the metal housing in place. Sufficient space (minimum 2€mm) should be provided in the denture all around the metal housings, to
adequately retain the housings in the self-cure resin. (C) The undercuts underneath the metal housings are blocked using a rubber dam sheath or thick
glove sheath to prevent the self-cure resin flowing down and getting locked in the undercuts. (D) The self-cure resin is mixed and filled into the tissue
surface of the denture. (E) The denture is seated over the metal housings in the patient’s mouth and the patient is asked to close the dentures in occlu-
sion. (F) The denture is removed after the self-cure resin has set, with the metal housings coming out from within the denture.

Implant impressions and prosthetics 11


Fig 11.25╇ (A and B) The denture is finished, polished, and seated in the patient’s mouth with high degree of retention from the implants.

Summary tray impression of multiple implants, the impression

posts should be splinted together using pattern resin to
Choosing the appropriate method of impression transfer avoid any possible movement of the posts within the
and performing it with the highest possible accuracy and impression, in respect to each other. Abutment level
precision is paramount for fabricating an implant pros- impressions should be preferred in cases of multiunit
thesis with high level of precision in fit and desired accu- or full arch, screw-retained implant prosthesis. The tray
racy. An appropriate impression material should be used adhesive should always be used to minimize the separa-
to make the implant impressions, polyether and addition tion of the impression from the tray. The implant impres-
silicon are the materials of choice for making implant sions should always be checked by the clinician for any
impressions. The prepared abutment technique can be errors and discrepancies before it is sent to the labora-
practised where a high level of precision is not a con- tory. Besides making accurate impression, choosing a
cern or in the cases of one-piece implants. The open tray laboratory which has expertise in fabricating the implant
impression transfer technique should be preferred over prosthesis, and using the correct prosthetic implant com-
the closed tray method in cases of multiple implants, full ponents are mandatory to obtain the desired prosthetic
arch cases, deep seated implants, and screw–retained, results. The overdenture cases can be done with the direct
multiple unit/full arch prosthesis because the open tray technique but it should be done with the indirect tech-
technique transfer the implant platform, connection nique if a high level of retention of the metal housing is
positions, and orientation more accurately. For the open desired in the denture base.

Further Reading
Conrad HJ, Pesun IJ, DeLong R, et€ al. Accu- Inturregui JA, Aquilino SA, Ryther JS, et€ al. Cabral LM, Guedes CG. Comparative analysis
racy of two impression techniques with Evaluation of three impression techniques of 4 impression techniques for implants.
angulated implants. J Prosthet Dent for osseointegrated oral implants. J Pros- Implant Dent 2007;16:187–94.
2007;97:349–56. thet Dent 1993;69:503–9. Choi JH, Lim YJ, Yim SH, et€ al. Evaluation
Assunção WG, Cardoso A, Gomes EA, et€al. Accu- Wee AG. Comparison of impression materi- of the accuracy of implant-level impres-
racy of impression techniques for implants. als for direct multi-implant impressions. sion techniques for internal-connection
Part 1 – influence of transfer copings surface J Prosthet Dent 2000;83:323–31. implant prostheses in parallel and diver-
abrasion. J Prosthodont 2008;17:641–7. Liou AD, Nicholls JI, Yuodelis RA, et€al. Accu- gent models. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants
Kohavi D. Complications in the tissue inte- racy of replacing three tapered transfer 2007;22:761–8.
grated prostheses components: clinical impression copings in two elastomeric Daoudi MF, Setchell DJ, Searson LJ.
and mechanical evaluation. J Oral Rehabil impression materials. Int J Prosthodont A laboratory investigation of the accu-
1993;20:413–22. 1993;6:377–83. racy of two impression techniques for
Assuncao WG, Filho HG, Zaniquelli O. Evalu- Carr AB. Comparison of impression techniques single-tooth implants. Int J Prosthodont
ation of transfer impressions for osseoin- for a five-implant mandibular model. Int J 2001;14:152–8.
tegrated implants at various angulations. Oral Maxillofac Implants 1991;6:448–55.
Implant Dent 2004;13:358–66.
11 Clinical Implantology

Burawi G, Houston F, Byrne D, et€ al. A com- Carr AB, Master J. The accuracy of implant Vigolo P, Majzoub Z, Cordioli G. Evaluation
parison of the dimensional accuracy of the verification casts compared with casts pro- of the accuracy of three techniques used for
splinted and unsplinted impression tech- duced from a rigid transfer coping tech- multiple implant abutment impressions. J
niques for the Bone-Lock implants system. nique. J Prosthodont 1996;5:248–52. Prosthet Dent 2003;89:186–92.
J Prosthet Dent 1997;77:68–75. Barrett MG, de Rijk WG, Burgess JO. The accuracy Assif D, Nissan J, Varsano I, et€al. Accuracy of
Hsu CC, Millstein PL, Stein RS. A compara- of six impression techniques for osseointe- implant impression splinted techniques:
tive analysis of the accuracy of implant grated implants. J Prosthodont 1993;2:75–82. effect of splinting material. Int J Oral Max-
transfer techniques. J Prosthet Dent Vigolo P, Fonzi F, Majzoub Z, et€al. An evalua- illofac Implants 1999;14:885–8.
1993;69:588–93. tion of impression techniques for multiple Lee H, So JS, Hochstedler JL, et€ al. The accu-
Naconecy MM, Teixeira ER, Shinkai RS, et€ al. internal connection implant prostheses. racy of implant impressions: A systematic
Evaluation of the accuracy of 3 transfer J Prosthet Dent 2004;92:470–6. review. J Prosthet Dent 2008;100:285–91.
techniques for implant- supported pros- Vigolo P, Majzoub Z, Cordioli G. In€vitro com- Herbst D, Nel JC, Driessen CH, et€ al. Evalua-
theses with multiple abutments. Int J Oral parison of master cast accuracy for single- tion of impression accuracy for osseointe-
Maxillofac Implants 2004;19:192–8. tooth implant replacement. J Prosthet Dent grated implant supported superstructures.
Daoudi MF, Setchell DJ, Searson LJ. An evalu- 2000;83:562–6. J Prosthet Dent 2000;83:555–61.
ation of three implant level impression Del’Acqua MA, Arioli-Filho JN, Compagnoni MA, Jemt T, Lindén B, Lekholm U. Failures and
techniques for single tooth implant. Eur J et€ al. Accuracy of impression and pour- complications in 127 consecutively placed
Prosthodont Restor Dent 2004;12:9–14. ing techniques for an implant supported fixed partial prostheses supported by Brane-
Carr AB. Comparison of impression tech- prosthesis. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants mark implants: from prosthetic treatment
niques for a two-implant 15-degree diver- 2008;23:226–36. to first annual checkup. Int J Oral Maxillo-
gent model. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants Wee AG, Aquilino SA, Schneider RL. Strategies fac Implants 1992;7:40–4.
1992;7:468–75. to achieve fit in implant prosthodontics: a Assif D, Fenton A, Zarb GA, et€ al. Compara-
Nissan J, Ghelfan O. The press-fit implant review of the literature. Int J Prosthodont tive accuracy of implant impression proce-
impression coping technique. J Prosthet 1999;12:167–78. dures. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent
Dent 2009;101:413–4. Kim S, Nicholls JI, Han CH, et€al. Displacement 1992;12:113–21.
Lorenzoni M, Pertl C, Penkner K, et€ al. Com- of implant components from impressions Spector MR, Donovan TE, Nicholls JI. An
parison of the transfer precision of three to definitive casts. Int J Oral Maxillofac evaluation of impression techniques for
different impression materials in combina- Implants 2006;21:747–55. osseointegrated implants. J Prosthet Dent
tion with transfer caps for the Frialit-2 sys- Assif D, Marshak B, Schmidt A. Accuracy of 1990;63:444–7.
tem. J Oral Rehabil 2000;27:629–38. implant impression techniques. Int J Oral Vigolo P, Fonzi F, Majzoub Z, et€al. Master cast
Wenz HJ, Hertrampf K. Accuracy of impres- Maxillofac Implants 1996;11:216–22. accuracy in single-tooth implant replace-
sions and casts using different implant Lee H, Ercoli C, Funkenbusch PD, et€al. Effect ment cases: an in€vitro comparison. A tech-
impression techniques in a multi-implant of subgingival depth of implant placement nical note. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants
system with an internal hex connection. Int on the dimensional accuracy of the implant 2005;20:455–60.
J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2008;23:39–47. impression: an in€ vitro study. J Prosthet
Dent 2008;99:107–13.

Dental implants for periodontally
compromised patients
Frédéric Joachimâ•… Issam Joachim-Samahaâ•… Jacques Charon

CHAPTER CONTENTS HD form on tooth surfaces. These biofilms comprise

microorganisms that are components of normal oral
Introduction 265 microbiota. However, the host-response determines
Infectious periodontal diseases 265 whether loss of attachment, as determined by prob-
Definition, aetiology and clinical features ing and radiographs, will or will not occur (Figs 12.1
of peri-implant diseases 265 and 12.2).
Risk factors of peri-implant diseases 267 It is clearly established that without effective treatment,
periodontal diseases cause loss of attachment or even loss
Clinical cases 271
of the teeth in severe cases. The prevalence of the most
Summary 281 severe advanced periodontitis has been found in 10–15%
of randomized populations.
However, periodontally compromised teeth, if well-
Introduction maintained and treated at regular intervals, show very
high survival at 10 years (92–93%). So, it is clear that
An increasing number of patients are benefiting from periodontal therapy is still a very good up-to-date and
implants placed to replace missing teeth that were lost economical solution, especially when epidemiological
due to periodontal diseases. A logical and fundamental studies showed that the survival of oral implants after 10
question arises as to whether a history of periodontitis years, varies between 82% and 94%.
affects implant outcomes. Nevertheless, for the 7–10% of teeth lost during peri-
Implantologists, before starting any implant therapy on odontal treatment, implant therapy seems to be a good
patients suffering from periodontal diseases, should ask alternative to fixed bridges or removable dentures.
1. What are periodontal diseases? Definition, aetiology and clinical
2. Do peri-implant diseases exist?
3. Is periodontitis a risk factor outcome for implant
features of peri-implant diseases
treatment? Peri-implant diseases or peri-implantitis are essentially
4. Does a specific protocol exist for implant therapy for infectious diseases responsible for the majority of
patients suffering from periodontal diseases? implants lost [11]. They are the result of an imbalance
â•…â•… between bacterial load and host defence but the main
The aim of this chapter is to answer these questions aetiological factor is a special biofilm.
and to evaluate the effect of untreated periodontitis on Many studies showed that bacterial flora related to
implant outcomes. periodontitis and peri-implantitis are quite similar.
A complete protocol to maximize success, will also be Therefore, when the periodontium of natural teeth is
described. Finally, in order to illustrate this chapter, clini- infected, there is a high risk of similar bacterial infec-
cal cases treated in a private practise will be presented. tion around the implant. This is called translocation
and in these circumstances, peri-implant disease may
Infectious periodontal diseases Peri-implant diseases may affect the peri-implant mucosa
only (i.e. peri-implant mucositis) or also involve the sup-
Periodontal diseases are complex infections that occur porting bone (i.e. peri-implantitis). When peri-implantitis
in susceptible hosts and are caused by biofilms that is diagnosed too late, complete loss of osseointegration
12 Clinical Implantology

Fig 12.1╇ Front clinical view of a 36-year-old male patient suffering from
aggressive periodontitis. Note the severe inflammation with gingival Fig 12.2╇ Panoramic radiograph of the same patient showing severe loss
recessions, bleeding, abscesses, and migrations. This patient was also of attachment from 50% to 80%.
suffering from halitosis, pain and finally, mobilities of the lower front teeth.

Showing 28 years follow-up periodontal treatment results on a patient with aggressive periodontitis (Figs 12.3–12.6).

Fig 12.3╇ Front clinical view of a female who was 26 years old in 1982. This patient suffered from an aggressive form of periodontitis. She was
treated for 1 year to stabilize her disease. Then, she had orthodontic treatment associated with upper front splinting. Finally, she underwent
maintenance procedure once in a year.

Fig 12.4╇ ‘Long-cone’ radiographs of 1982. The radiographs confirmed the aggressive state of the periodontitis.

Dental Implants for periodontally compromised patients 12


Fig 12.5╇ Front clinical view on December 2010. This patient comes every year for a recall session. She is 54 years old and she follows her main-
tenance protocol very carefully. Her cooperation is perfect. She has no functional complaint and is very happy that she has been able to keep
her teeth.

Fig 12.6╇ ‘Long-cone’ radiographs of 2010.There have been 28 years of follow-up since the first appointment (Fig 12.4).

occurs, followed by the removal of the implant (Figs 12.7

and 12.8).
A high number of implant losses are observed when
implant therapy is undertaken on patients suffering from
untreated or poorly maintained periodontal disease
[5,10]. Many similarities with periodontal diseases have
been observed with regard to epidemiology, aetiology,
risk factors, clinical features, pathogenesis, and progress
in peri-implantitis. Therefore, the most efficient weapon
against peri-implantitis and for its prevention, is to avoid
all periodontal infection before implant therapy.

Risk factors of peri-implant

Patients suffering from periodontal diseases are at high
risk to develop peri-implantitis when periodontitis is not Fig 12.7╇ Complete loss of osseointegration in the upper lateral right inci-
treated. This risk is increased when the patient is a smoker. sor. Migration and mobility were observed and the implant had to be
As with periodontal diseases, several risk factors may removed. Please note that for personal reasons, there was no mainte-
increase the speed and the severity of the peri-implantitis nance protocol for this patient for a period of 14 years.
12 Clinical Implantology

[5,12]. Several of the risk factors are well established 25th of May 1983 with periodontal complaints. According
whereas others need to be proved. They can be classified to his age and the clinical, radiological and bacteriological
as follows: examinations, he was diagnosed as suffering from a general
â•…â•… aggressive periodontitis (Figs 12.9 and 12.10).
. The established risk factors are:
a. Poor oral hygiene
b. History of periodontitis
c. Cigarette smoking
. Possible risk factors that still need to be proved because
of limited evidence:
a. Diabetes
b. Alcohol consumption (more than 10€mg/day)
. Conflicting and limited evidence of
3 risk factors that
need to be proved:
a. Genetic traits
b. Height of keratinized mucosa
c. Implant surface.

Showing the protocol to be followed in periodontally
�compromised patients.
A rigorous protocol has to be followed in periodontally com-
promised patients who need implant therapy. When this protocol Fig 12.8╇ Radiograph of the implant showing a complete loss of osseo-
is followed by the patient and the implantologist, it is possible to integration and its migration out of the bone.
reach a high success level close to those obtained with healthy
periodontal patients.
The step by step protocol for perioimplant patient therapy is:
• Aetiological periodontal diagnosis and prognosis
• Clinical, bacteriological and radiological stabilization of the
• Clinical, radiological, prosthetic and surgical examinations
• Implant surgery
• Prosthesis
• Periodontal and prosthetic maintenance.

The following case illustrates the above. The patient suf-

fers from severe periodontitis. There have been 28 years of
periodontal and 5 years of implant follow-up.
Mr Michel And, 38 years old, heavy smoker (40 cigarettes Fig 12.9╇ Clinical front view during the first appointment. The patient was
per day), with a stressful job, came to our practise on the 38 years old.

Fig 12.10╇ ‘Long-cone’ radiographs taken during the first appointment. Note that loss of attachment varied between 20% and 70%.
Dental Implants for periodontally compromised patients 12
The periodontal treatment was undertaken until clini- replace it by implant therapy. An implant protocol was
cal, radiological and bacteriological stabilization of the decided on, and the teeth numbers 12, 14, 27, and 28
disease was obtained. The patient was then placed on a were extracted because of poor prognosis (Fig 12.14).
twice a year maintenance protocol. A new upper denture was inserted during the time of
However, due to private and professional reasons, the implant osseointegration (Fig 12.15). The implants
patient did not come to the maintenance visits between 1986 were inserted at the same time as a sinus bone graft
and 1993. A that time, an upper right tooth was spontaneously surgery.
lost. Clinical, bacteriological and radiological examinations Because of the severity of the periodontitis and the
showed increasing periodontal loss of attachment (Fig 12.11). size of the prosthetic reconstruction, the patient was
A new periodontal treatment had to be undergone seen twice a year in recall appointments. The patient is
again. The conditions to get long-term success were now 66 years old and expresses his gratitude. Twenty-six
clearly explained to the patient. An upper partial denture years after the first appointment, a better function and
was made to facilitate the chewing. an acceptable aesthetic were obtained (Figs 12.16 and
The periodontitis was stabilized. The cooperation of the 12.17). The implantology was undertaken under good
patient has been excellent since that time (Figs 12.12 and conditions and the patient understood that long-term
12.13). success depended on his behaviour being modified to
At the 2005 recall session, the patient, who had quit prevent the recurrent periodontal infections observed
smoking, decided to remove the upper denture and to between 1986 and 1993.

Fig 12.11╇ ‘Long-cone’ radiographs shot in 1993 showing the loss of the upper right molars and the increased loss of attachment, essentially at the
upper arch.

Fig 12.12╇ Clinical front view during 2000, 17 years after the first appointment.

12 Clinical Implantology

Fig 12.13╇ ‘Long-cone’ radiographs shot in 2000 showing stabilization of the lesions. The upper first left molar had to be removed.

Fig 12.14╇ ‘Long-cone’ radiographs taken before implant therapy in 2005.

Fig 12.15╇ Front clinical view in 2005, showing the healthy periodontium
and the upper denture. Fig 12.16╇ Front clinical view taken during a recall session in 2010.
Please note ulceration due to strong brushing.

Dental Implants for periodontally compromised patients 12

Fig 12.17╇ ‘Long-cone’ radiographs taken during the recall session in 2010.

Clinical cases

CASE REPORT-1 the root of the second premolar. As the patient did not accept the
sinus bone graft, it was decided to realize a removable denture. In
Retaining partially removable prosthesis on a patient with order to reduce its size, avoid an unaesthetic clasp and increase its
chronic adult periodontitis (follow-up: 19 years-periodontitis/ stabilization, an implant with a retainer was inserted and replaced
9 years-implantology) (Figs 12.18–12.21). the tooth number 15. The patient is now 73 years old and still
In 1991, Mrs Pierrette Der, 54 years old, came to the practise in very happy with this solution. The long-term success was possible
order to treat her adult chronic periodontitis. After her periodontal because of her very good compliance with the periodontal mainte-
treatment, she was on maintenance treatment once a year. In 2001, nance protocol.
the maxillary right bridge had to be removed due to the fracture of

Fig 12.18╇ Clinical front view observed during a 2010 recall session. The periodontitis is still stable and the implant has been in function for 9 years.


12 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d

Fig 12.19╇ Right side clinical view showing the retainer.

Fig 12.20╇ View of the upper denture. Note the reduced palatal
surface of the denture.

Fig 12.21╇ Radiographs of the implant after 10 functional years.

Lower front edentulism on patient with chronic adult peri-
odontitis: fixed prosthesis on implants (follow-up: 17 years-
periodontitis/16 years-implantology) (Figs 12.22–12.26).
Mrs Colette Thi, 57 years old, consulted for the first time on the
20th of October 1993. She complained of periodontal disease.
A diagnosis of adult chronic periodontitis was established and
treatment was initiated. At the end of the treatment (April 1994) she
wanted to replace the lower denture with a fixed prosthesis. Two
implants were placed at teeth numbers 41 and 32 and a ceramic
bridge was realized. At the last recall session, the patient was 74
years old and her plaque control, which allowed the success of the
periodontal/implant treatments, was still excellent.

Fig 12.22╇ Clinical front view in 1994 at the end of the periodontal treat-
ment. Please note the very good oral hygiene.

Dental Implants for periodontally compromised patients 12

CASE REPORT-2—cont’d

Fig 12.23╇ ‘Long-cone’ radiographs taken at the end of the periodontal treatment in 1994.

Fig 12.25╇ Clinical front view in 2010. The patient is now 74 years old
and the situation still excellent. There is no inflammation.

Fig 12.24╇ Clinical front view at the first postimplant recall in 1995.


12 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-2—cont’d

Fig 12.26╇ ‘Long-cone’ radiographs taken at the 2010 recall session.

CASE REPORT-3 terminated in November 2004. However, in 2005, teeth numbers 35

and 36 were pulled out because of root fractures. Three implants and
Lower left edentulism on a patient with chronic adult peri- ceramic crowns were put inserted to replace the teeth numbers 35, 36
odontitis: fixed prosthesis on implants (follow-up: 7 years- and 37. The patient is now seen once a year on maintenance protocol.
periodontitis/5 years-implantology) (Figs 12.27–12.30).
In September 2003, Mrs Martine Dut, 50 years old, came to the
practise because she was suffering from periodontitis and wanted to
avoid dentures. The periodontal treatment was successful and was

Fig 12.27╇ Clinical front view in 2010 during a recall appointment.

Please note the very good plaque control. Fig 12.28╇ Upper view of the bridge.

Dental Implants for periodontally compromised patients 12

CASE REPORT-3—cont’d

Fig 12.29╇ ‘Long-cone’ radiographs taken at the end of the periodontal treatment in 2004.

Fig 12.30╇ ‘Long-cone’ radiographs taken at the last recall session in November 2010.

CASE REPORT-4 patient refused sinus and mandibular bone grafts. The oral prosthetic
rehabilitation was limited to the second premolars. The prosthetic
Maxillary edentulism on patient with severe periodontitis: fixed therapy took place only in January 2004, because during 2003 the
prosthesis on implants without sinus lift bone graft (follow-up: patient had surgery and chemotherapy to treat breast cancer. Since
10 years-periodontitis/6 years-implantology) (Figs 12.31–12.35). that period, she followed a very careful maintenance protocol once
Mrs Anne-Marie Bast, 51 years old, was seen for the first time in a year. The therapeutic solution restricted to the short arches has
January 2000 because of significant mobilities of the upper left and not been bothering the patient in respect of aesthetic and mastica-
right posterior bridges. Severe caries and endodontic cysts were tory functions. It confirmed findings in literature that the masticatory
diagnosed along with severe adult chronic periodontitis. Periodontal function could be established and maintained in subjects receiving
treatment was undertaken up to January 2002. Due to severe caries, fixed dental prosthesis with severely reduced but healthy periodontal
teeth numbers 17, 16, 15, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 36, 38 and 48 were tissue support.
extracted. In June 2002, implant therapy was decided on, but the


12 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-4—cont’d


Fig 12.31╇ (A–C) Clinical views taken at the first appointment (January 2000).

Fig 12.32╇ ‘Long-cone’ radiographs taken at the first appointment in January 2000. Note the loss of attachment and numerous caries.

Fig 12.34╇ Clinical front view during a recall session at the end of
2010. Note the perfect oral hygiene.

Fig 12.33╇ Clinical front view after periodontal treatment and

extraction of teeth, but before implant surgery (January 2002).

Dental Implants for periodontally compromised patients 12

CASE REPORT-4—cont’d

Fig 12.35╇ ‘Long-cone’ radiographs taken at the last recall session on November 2010.

Lateral left maxillary edentulism on a patient with severe peri-
odontitis: fixed prosthesis on implants after orthodontic treat-
ment but without sinus bone graft augmentation (follow-up:
12 years-periodontitis/8 years-implantology) (Figs 12.36–12.39).
On 1999, Mrs Francoise Lec, 54 years old, suffered from severe
periodontitis with 50–90% loss of attachment. Her major complaints
were mobility and loss of aesthetics due to migration. When the
periodontitis was stabilized, a 2-year orthodontic treatment was
undertaken and it ended in 2003, after which it was decided to splint
the front upper and lower teeth to avoid recurrence of migration. It was
also decided to remove the tooth number 24 and put two implants in
situation numbers 24 and 25 (the patient did not want to go through a
sinus lift procedure). The crowns were settled at the end of 2003. Since
then, the patient is seen once a year on a routine periodontal and
implant maintenance protocol. As in case report-4, this short left arch
Fig 12.36╇ Clinical front view during the first appointment in November
therapeutic solution has made the patient happy in respect of aesthetic
and masticatory functions. However, it is very important to realize that
long-term success depends on the compliance of the patient.


12 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-5—cont’d

Fig 12.37╇ ‘Long-cone’ radiographs taken at the first appointment. Note the severe loss of attachment.

Fig 12.38╇ Clinical front view during the last recall session on January 2011. Note the lack of inflammation even after 12 years of periodontal

Dental Implants for periodontally compromised patients 12

CASE REPORT-5—cont’d

Fig 12.39╇ ‘Long-cone’ radiographs taken at the last recall session in 2011.

Full mouth rehabilitation: full bridge on implants after bone
grafts on the upper jaw and full bridge on periodontal compro-
mised treated teeth on the lower jaw (follow-up: 13 years-
periodontitis/9 years-implantology) (Figs 12.40–12.44).
Mrs Michèle Den, 45 years old on September 1997, consulted
the practise because she was suffering from severe mobility of an
upper bridge associated with pain and abscesses. Subterminal loss
of attachment on the upper jaw and moderate loss of attachment on
the lower jaw, were observed. Therefore, it was decided to realize
a full upper arch bridge associated with autograft bone augmenta-
tion procedures in the horizontal and vertical dimensions (sinus floor
elevation procedures included). Before the graft procedures, all end-
odontic and periodontal infections were eliminated. The periodontal
treatment at the lower jaw was successful. Fig 12.41╇ Panoramic radiograph taken just before the full upper arch
On January 2001, the patient was periodontally, prosthetically bone augmentation grafts (2001).
and psychologically ready to receive the grafts. The implants were
inserted in September 2001 and fixed dentures were put in at the
end of the year. Since this period, the patient has been under a rou-
tine maintenance follow-up once a ear.

Fig 12.42╇ Clinical view (September 2010), 13 years after the first peri-
odontal appointment and 9 years after the grafts and implant surgeries.
Fig 12.40╇ Clinical view before graft surgeries (2001). The mobile full Note the excellent dental plaque control and the lack of inflammation.
bridge of 1997 was used to avoid (as long as possible) a full remov- These two conditions are the major features of long-term success.
able denture.

12 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-6—cont’d

Fig 12.43╇ ‘Long-cone’ radiographs at the first appointment (1977). Note the severe loss of attachment (often, even more than 100%).

Fig 12.44╇ ‘Long-cone’ radiographs taken in 2010. Note the good osseointegration of the implants and the stabilization of the loss of
attachment of the lower jaw.

Dental Implants for periodontally compromised patients 12

Summary prosthetic maintenance. Good maintenance is one of the

key factors of long-term success.
The success of a more or less complex implant treatment According to the human and financial investment
for a patient suffering from periodontal disease depends involved in these heavy treatments, it is necessary to offer
on the patient’s compliance to a rigorous protocol. This patients the best and most up-to-date concepts, the most
protocol goes from the periodontal diagnosis up to differ- recent scientific, fundamental, and clinical knowledge,
ent therapeutics including periodontal treatment, implant recognized techniques, and materials capable of assuring
surgery, prosthetic treatment and finally, periodontal and a high rate of long-term success.

Further Reading
Armitage GC, Cullinan M. Comparison of Karoussis IK, Salvi GE, Heitz-Mayfield LJ, et€al. Papapanou PN, Wennstrom JL, Sellen A, et€al.
the clinical features of chronic and aggres- Long-term implant prognosis in patients Periodontal treatment needs assessed by
sive periodontitis. Periodontol 2000, with and without a history of chronic the use of clinical and radiographic cri-
2010;53:12–27. periodontitis: a 10-year prospective cohort teria. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol
Aspe P, Ellen RP, Overall CM, et€al. Microbiota study of the ITI dental implant system. Clin 1990;18:113–9.
and crevicular fluid collagenase activity in Oral Impl Res 2003;14:329–39. Quirynen M, Teughels W. Microbiologi-
the osseointegrated dental implant sulcus: Koka S, Razzoog ME, Bloem TJ, et€ al. Micro- cal compromised patients and impact
a comparison of sites in edentulous and bial colonization of dental implants in par- on oral implants. Periodontol 2000,
partially edentulous patients. J Periodontal tially endentulous subjects. J Prosth Dent 2003;33:119–28.
Res 1989;24:96–105. 1993;70:141–4. Rams TE, Roberts H, Feik D, et€ al. Sub-
De Bruyn H, Collaert B. The effect of smoking Lang NP. Implants and teeth in harmony with gingival bacteriology of periodontally
on early implant failure. Clin Oral Implants biology. Wiley-Blackwell Dentistry News healthy and diseased human implants.
Res 1994;5:260–4. 2008;1:3. IADR Abstract 267. J Dent Res 1984;63:200.
Gatti C, Chiapasco M, Esposito M. Outcome Lindhe J, Meyle J. Peri-implant diseases: con- Schou S, Holmstrup P, Worthington HV,
of dental implants in partially edentulous sensus report of the sixth European work- et€ al. Outcome of implant therapy in
patients with and without a history of shop in periodontology. J Clin Periodontol patient with patient in previous tooth loss
periodontitis: a 5-year interim analysis of 2008;35(Suppl. 8):282–5. due to periodontitis. Clin Oral Impl Res
a cohort study. European J Oral Implantol Loe H, Anerud A, Boysen H, et al. Natural his- 2006;17(Suppl. 2):104–23.
2008;1:45–51. tory of periodontal disease in man rapid, Silverstein LH. The microbiota of peri-implant
Heitz-Mayfield LJA. Peri-implants diseases: moderate and no loss of attachment in Sril- region in health and disease. Impl Dent
diagnosis and risk indicators. J Clin Peri- ankan laborers 14 to 46 years of age. J Clin 1994;3:170–4.
odontol 2008;35(Suppl. 8):292–304. Periodontol 1986;13:431–40. Zitzmann NU, Berglundh T. Definition and
Hinode D, Tanabe S-I, Yokoyama M, et€ al. Lulic M, Brägger U, Lang NP, et€ al. Ante’s prevalence of peri-implant disease. J Clin
Influence of smoking on osseointegrated (1926) law revisited: a systemic review Periodontol 2008;35(Suppl.€8):286–91.
implant failure: a meta-analysis. Clin Oral on survival rates and complications of
Impl Res 2006;17:473–8. fixed dental prostheses (FDPs) on severely
Holm-Pedersen P, Lang NP, Müller F. What are reduced periodontal tissue support. Clin
the longevities of teeth and oral implants? Oral Impl Res 2007;18(Suppl. 3):63–72.
Clin Oral Impl Res 2007;18(Suppl. 3):15–9. Mombelli A, Marxer M, Gaberthuel T, et€al. The
Joachim F, Dujardin S. Implantologie et par- microbiota of osseointegrated implants in
odontopathies: quelles décisions thérapeu- patients with a history of periodontal dis-
tiques en 2009? Le fil Dentaire 2009;39:26–8. ease. J Clin Periodontol 1995;22:124–30.

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Basics of bone grafting and graft
Ajay Vikram Singhâ•… Sunita Singh

CHAPTER CONTENTS HD Graft immobilization/fixation 296

Prevention of soft tissue ingression/barrier
Introduction 283 membranes 296
Biological mechanism of bone formation Types of barrier membranes 296
at the grafted site 284
Bone graft vascularization 297
Osteoconduction 284
Defect size 297
Osteoinduction 284
Defect topography 297
Osteopromotion 284
Healing time 298
Osteogenesis 284
Bone graft material 299
Composition of natural bone 284
Growth factors 299
Types of bone grafts 284
Advantages of using PRGF 300
Autologous/autogenous bone graft/autograft 285
Contraindications to the use of platelet-rich preparations 300
Donor sites 285
Types of growth factor preparations 301
Advantages 285
Advantages of PRF over PRP and PRGF 307
Disadvantages 285
Step by step clinical presentation for production
Bone graft substitutes 285 and use of PRF in bone augmentation 307
Allograft 285 Bone morphogenic proteins 307
Xenografts 285 Transitional prosthesis 307
Synthetic bone graft/alloplastic graft 286 Factors that impede bone regeneration 307
Rationale for the use of bone Factors that promote bone regeneration 307
graft substitutes 287
Armamentaria and materials required for bone
Graft quality for successful osteoconduction 287 grafting 307
Mechanism of bone regeneration Summary 313
by various types of grafts 287
Growth factors 287
Composite graft 287
Two-phase theory of osteogenesis 287
Phase I 288
Phase II 288
Physical forms of grafts 288 "Bone grafting is a surgical procedure replacing missing
bone in order to repair bone defects."
Keys for successful bone grafting 289 Bone usually has the ability to regenerate completely
Surgical asepsis/absence of infection 289 but requires a very small defect space or some sort of
Space maintenance 290 scaffold called ‘bone graft’ to do so. Most bone grafts are
Soft tissue closure 294 expected to get reabsorbed and replaced as the natural
bone heals over a few months’ time.
Submucosal space technique 295
Bone grafting is the process of surgically placing autog-
Curvilinear-bevelled incision technique 295 enous bone or bone substitutes to repair bone defects or
13 Clinical Implantology

to regenerate desired bone volume for successful place-

Table 13.1╇Inorganic and organic components
ment of an implant of adequate size and at the desired
of the human bone
axis. In many instances, a desired implant site in the
maxilla or the mandible does not offer enough bone vol- INORGANIC ORGANIC
ume or quantity to accommodate a root form implant
PHASE (wt%) PHASE (wt%)
of desired dimensions or in the proper place, which is
ideal for the future prosthesis. This is usually a result Hydroxyapatite ~60 Collagen ~20
of bone resorption that has taken place following loss
of one or more teeth or trauma. As described in previ- Carbonate ~4 Water ~9
ous chapters, the bone gets resorbed at a variable pace
after tooth loss, due to disuse atrophy, if it has not been Citrate ~0.9 Noncollagenous proteins ~3 (osteocal-
replaced with implant restoration. Approximately, two- cin, osteonectin, osteopontin, throm-
thirds of the resorption occur in the first 3 months bospondin, morphogenetic proteins,
sialoprotein, serum proteins)
post extraction, which results in a more complex clini-
cal situation. Socket grafting or immediate implant Sodium ~0.7
into extraction socket with simultaneous grafting of
peri-implant socket spaces, if needed, prevents this Magnesium ~0.5
Many dentists do not give much attention to this Other: Cl−, F−, K+, Sr2+, Other traces: polysaccharides, lipids,
Pb2+, Zn2+, Cu2+, Fe2+ cytokines. Primary bone cells:
problem, and they leave the site either edentulous for a
osteoblasts, osteocytes, osteoclasts
long time or replace the lost tooth with fixed bridges or
removable dentures, which causes loss of bone dimen-
sions, necessitating bone grafting before or at the time of
implant insertion. Bone grafting procedures usually try to
re-establish bone dimension, which has been lost due to scaffold for currently existing osteoblasts but also triggers
resorption. the formation of new osteoblasts, theoretically promot-
Either the patient’s own bone (autogenous) in different ing faster integration of the graft.
physical forms or bone substitutes with or without autog-
enous bone, are used to regenerate new bone in and over Osteopromotion
the bone defect or deficient ridge area.
For successful implant placement, an adequate volume Osteopromotion involves the enhancement of osteoin-
and quality of bone is essential at the site of the implant duction without the possession of osteoinductive prop-
insertion. However, many patients seeking implant- erties. For example, enamel matrix derivatives have been
supported restoration are deficient in bone volume, shown to enhance the osteoinductive effect of demineral-
and hence, bone grafting has become an integral part of ized freeze-dried bone allograft (DFDBA), but they will
day-to-day implant surgery. not stimulate de novo bone growth alone.
In about 40% of all implantations, clinicians use vari-
ous regenerative procedures to build up the desired quan- Osteogenesis
tity and quality of bone and soft tissue. The use of bone
substitutes and barrier membranes is now a standard Osteogenesis occurs when vital osteoblasts originating
therapeutic approach in implantology. from the bone graft material contribute to new bone
growth along with bone growth generated via the other
two mechanisms (osteoconduction and osteoinduction).
Biological mechanism of bone
formation at the grafted site
Composition of natural bone
Hydroxyapatite and collagen form the major part of the
Osteoconduction occurs when the bone graft material human bone while water, minerals and proteins remain
serves as a scaffold for new bone growth that is perpetu- minor elements (Table 13.1).
ated by the native bone. Osteoblasts from the margin of
the defect that is being grafted utilize the bone graft mate-
rial as a framework upon which to spread and generate Types of bone grafts
new bone. At the very least, a bone graft material should
be osteoconductive. The autogenous bone remains the gold standard for bone
augmentation procedures but the need of another sur-
Osteoinduction gical site to harvest the bone, inadequate bone volume
availability, donor site morbidity, etc. are problems atten-
Osteoinduction involves the stimulation of osteoprogeni- dant to the use of autogenous bone. To overcome these
tor cells to differentiate into osteoblasts that then begin problems, bone substitutes alone or mixed with autog-
new bone formation. The most widely studied type of enous bone have very successfully been used in intraoral
osteoinductive cell mediators are bone morphogenetic bone augmentation procedures. Various types of bone
proteins (BMPs). A bone graft material that is osteo- grafts, which are used in bone augmentation procedures
conductive and osteoinductive does not only serve as a are described here.
Basics of bone grafting and graft materials 13


Fig 13.1╇ Bio-Oss is a natural, osteoconductive bone substitute that promotes bone growth in periodontal and maxillofacial osseous defects. It con-
sists of the mineral portion of bovine bone. (A and B) Bio-Oss provides the body with a matrix for bone cell migration and is integrated into the natural
physiologic remodelling process (Courtesy: Geistlich Biomaterials).

Autologous/autogenous bone graft/autograft Bone graft substitutes

The bone graft, which is harvested from the patient’s Various bone substitutes are available to be used for bone
own body and immediately used to graft the osse- grafting. These bone substitutes remain biocompatible
ous/ridge defect is called the autogenous bone graft. and show the histomorphological similarities more or
Autogenous bone remains the ‘gold standard’ for bone less, to the human bone. Use of bone substitutes offers
augmentation procedures, as it forms the bone by all several advantages like increase in the graft volume when
three mechanisms of bone formation (osteoconduc- mixed with the autogenous bone, provision of a bioactive
tion, osteoinduction, and osteogenesis). Moreover, the and bioinert scaffold for new bone regeneration, reduced
use of autogenous bone as the graft also reduces the time of grafting procedure, etc. These bone substitutes can
cost of the procedure. The drawbacks of using autog- either be used mixed with autogenous bone (composite
enous bone are the need for another intraoral or extra- graft) or used alone to regenerate new bone dimensions
oral site to harvest the bone graft, donor site morbidity, in many bone augmentation cases. Based on their source
increased time of surgery, and the need for a skilled sur- they can be classified as:
geon to harvest the graft of desired volume, dimension, â•…â•…
and quality. 1. Allograft
2. Xenograft
3. Synthetic bone graft/alloplastic graft.
Donor sites
Various intraoral as well as extraoral sites have been used
as donor sites to harvest autogenous bone, depending on Allograft
the volume and quality of bone graft required. The bone graft which is harvested from cadavers, pro-
â•…â•… cessed in bone banks to make it usable in the human
1. Intraoral sources – mandibular symphysis, mandibular body is called allograft (e.g. Grafton).
ramus/buccal shelf, maxillary tuberosity, etc.
2. Extraoral sources – iliac crest, tibia, etc. Types of bone allograft
1. Fresh or fresh-frozen bone
2. Freeze-dried bone allograft (FDBA)
Advantages 3. Demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft (DFDBA).
1. Less risk of the graft rejection because the graft is origi-
nated from the patient’s own body.
2. It has all three new bone regeneration properties –
osteoconductive, osteoinductive and osteogenic. The bone which is harvested from the animals (bovine
3. Reduced cost of the procedure. source), processed in bone banks to make it usable in the
human body is called xenograft.
Thus, these bone substitutes have their origin from a
Disadvantages species other than human, such as bovine (e.g. Bio-Oss).
1. An additional surgical site is required to harvest auto-
graft, in effect adding another potential location for Review of literature on xenograft (Bio-Oss)
postoperative pain and complications.
2. Donor site morbidity.
Bio-Oss: an ideal osteoconductive material for use in
3. Skilled approach is required to harvest the graft of dental implant surgery
desired volume and dimensions. Bio-Oss natural bone mineral offers predictable results
4. Increased time of surgery. which have been proven through years of clinical experi-
5. Resorbs faster, if used alone in an area of low oxygen ence and extensively documented in published scientific
like the maxillary sinus. literature (Fig 13.1A and B).
13 Clinical Implantology


Fig 13.2╇ Cancellous structure of Bio-Oss. (A) Structure of autogenous bone. (B) Small and compact nanocrystals of Bio-Oss similar to human bone
(TEM 100,000×). (C) Human bone – (D) small and compact natural apatite crystals (TEM 100,000×).

Bio-Oss: morphology like the human bone

Geistlich Bio-Oss® is a natural bone substitute material
obtained from the mineral portion of bovine bone. The
reason for the good bone regeneration seen with Geistlich
Bio-Oss® is its close resemblance to human bone. Bio-Oss
was developed as an ideal bone substitute that would rep-
licate the structure of autogenous bone. Each step in the
development of Bio-Oss was conducted with this goal in
mind, resulting in a matrix that is very similar in physical
and chemical composition to human bone (Fig 13.2A–D).
The trabecular architecture and fine crystalline structure of
the natural bone in Bio-Oss are preserved through a pat-
ented manufacturing process, resulting in an exceptional
osteoconductive matrix.
Process of natural bone regeneration with Bio-Oss
When Bio-Oss is grafted at the osseous defect, it provides 1 2 3 4
a bioinert and bioactive scaffold, into which new blood
vessels grow from the peripheral host bone and osteo- Fig 13.3╇ Clot stabilization facilitated by Bio-Oss interconnecting macro-
blasts migrate into the graft and form a new bone at the and micropores (1). Revascularization (red), migration of osteoblasts
graft site. The graft gets slowly replaced by new bone via (purple) and in-growth of woven bone (yellow) is enhanced by Bio-Oss
resorption and substitution during remodelling phase of scaffolding (2). Lamellar bone (dark yellow) and Bio-Oss (light yellow)
bone (Fig 13.3). are successfully integrated after approximately 6 months. Bio-Oss is
Advantages of Bio-Oss included in the natural physiologic remodelling process (osteoclasts –
blue) (3). Finally remodelled new bone formation at the site grafted with
1. Superior handling characteristics made possible by the
the Bio-Oss (4).
large hydrophilic inner surface area similar to human
2. Promotes revascularization and clot stabilization, due
to its interconnecting macropores and micropores. 7. Effectivebone regeneration that has been clinically
3. Facilitates bone formation by providing an excep- and scientifically proven for more than 15 years.
tional osteoconductive scaffolding, which results from 8. Bio-Oss prevents newly formed bone from rapid
the retention of the natural porous architecture and resorption and leads to a long-term preservation of
trabeculation of human cancellous bone. bone volume.
4. Effective space maintenance, and when integrated,
provides mechanical strength and stiffness due to Disadvantages of Bio-Oss
retention of the natural mineral content. The only disadvantage of Bio-Oss is its slow substitution
5. Optimal integration with the patient’s own bone aided rate, as the material may appear as pebbles or gel upon
by a chemical composition analogous to human bone re-entry to the grafted site.
with fewer hydroxyl and more carbonate groups than
most synthetic materials.
6. Bio-Oss is integrated during the natural remodel-
Synthetic bone graft/alloplastic graft
ling process of the human bone and slowly resorbed The bone grafts which are created from the synthetic
due to small crystallite size, which is comparable to source (ceramics) such as calcium phosphates (e.g.
human bone. hydroxyapatite and tricalcium phosphate), bioglass,
Basics of bone grafting and graft materials 13

Table 13.2╇Mechanisms of bone formation by various types of bone grafts


Alloplast + _ _

Xenograft + _ _

Mineralized allograft + ± _

Demineralized allograft + + _

Autograft + + +

and calcium sulphate are called alloplastic or synthetic Various types of grafts play different roles in bone for-
bone grafts. mation depending on their source. The alloplastic or
Alloplastic grafts are often made of hydroxyapatite synthetic grafts and xenografts show only osteoconduc-
or other naturally occurring and biocompatible sub- tive properties and only provide a bioinert and bioactive
stances with mechanical properties similar to those of scaffold onto which the blood vessels and osteoblasts
bone. Hydroxyapatite is a synthetic bone graft, which is migrate from the host bone, to form the new bone. The
the most commonly used among other synthetic grafts allograft shows the osteoconductive and also a variable
due to its osteoconduction property, hardness, and degree of osteoinductive properties. Thus, besides pro-
acceptability by bone. Hydroxyapatite (HA), if used in viding a scaffold at the ectopic site, it may also induce
combination with tricalcium phosphate (TCP), gives the host bone into the procedure of bone formation
both osteoconduction and resorbability, and thus is at the grafted site. Besides showing more enhanced
being widely used in bone regeneration procedures properties of osteoinductivity and osteoconductivity,
(OSTEON graft). the demineralization of allografts results in the graft
becoming a little osteogenic. The autograft therefore
forms bone by all three mechanisms – osteoconduc-
Rationale for the use of bone tion, osteoinduction, and osteogenesis. Besides provid-
graft substitutes ing a scaffold and inducing the host bone into bone
formation like the allografts, the autograft also con-
1. Expands autogenous bone graft volume to graft the tains the vital cells to begin new bone formation at the
large defects. graft site before bone formation occurs by the other
2. Provides scaffold for osteoconduction. two mechanisms (Table 13.2).
3. Participates in phase II remodelling.
4. Physical support for guided bone regeneration (GBR)
procedures. Growth factors
Growth factor enhanced grafts are produced using
Graft quality for successful recombinant DNA technology. They consist of either
osteoconduction human growth factors or morphogens (BMPs in con-
junction with a carrier medium, such as collagen). The
1. The graft must provide a bioinert or bioactive scaffold implant surgeon can also extract the growth factors such
at the ectopic site for new bone formation with the as platelet-rich plasma (PRP), Plasma rich in growth
process of osteoconduction. factors (PRGF), or platelet rich-fibrin (PRF) from the
2. The material should be porous and hydrophilic to patient’s venous blood just before surgery and mix in
favour tissue growth and bony deposition. the graft to enhance its bone regeneration properties (Fig
3. It should be slowly replaced by new bone via resorp- 13.4A and B).
tion and substitution during the remodelling phase
of bone.
4. The scaffold should have a microtopography similar
to bone.
Composite graft
â•…â•… A composite graft consists of a mixture of autogenous
cancellous marrow and a slow-substitution rate bone
graft substitute, in a specified ratio.
Mechanism of bone regeneration
by various types of grafts
As described earlier in this chapter, bone forma-
Two-phase theory of osteogenesis
tion at the grafted site occurs by three mechanisms – The new bone formation at the grafted site occurs in two
�osteoconduction, osteoinduction, and osteogenesis. phases when an osteogenic graft (autograft) is used.
13 Clinical Implantology


Fig 13.4╇ (A) Plasma rich in growth factors (PRGF) is separated from the venous blood. (B) PRGF being mixed with the bone substitute.



Fig 13.5╇ Figures showing autogenous bone in various physical forms – autogenous cortical bone harvested from the mandibular symphysis using
trephines (A) and (B) crushed to be used as particulate cortical chips. (C and D) The cancellous bone harvested from the maxillary tuberosity and used
as a particulate autograft. (E and F) The cortical block graft harvested from the mandibular buccal shelf.

Phase I
the graft site (phase I osteogenesis), and later on the
Volume yield from graft depends upon the concentra- osteocompetent cells from the recipient site, which
tion of viable cells transplanted from the donor through get incorporated into the graft, cause remodelling and
the process of osteogenesis. The autogenous cancellous replacement of the graft with new bone by the pro-
marrow grafts are known to be the ‘Gold Standard’ for cess of osteoinduction and osteoconduction (phase II
phase I osteogenesis. They are the most useful and pre- osteogenesis).
dictable grafts because they transfer the viable osteoblast
and osteoprogenitor cells to support phase I bone graft
healing. Physical forms of grafts
Phase II Different types of grafts can be available or harvested
in various physical forms and clinically used accord-
Osteoinduction and osteoconduction of osteocompe- ing to the requirements of the particular case of bone
tent cells from the recipient site responsible for graft augmentation. The autogenous bone can be harvested
incorporation, remodelling and replacement according and used in various forms like bone blocks (only corti-
to local stress and strain factors mediated by site specific cal or corticocancellous), strips, and particulate graft
signalling. (only cortical chips, corticocancellous, or only can-
The two-phase theory can be simplified as the autog- cellous) (Fig 13.5A–F). The different bone substitutes
enous graft transfers the viable osteoblasts and osteo- can also be commercially available in various physical
progenitor cells, which initiate new bone formation at forms such as particulate form, putty/gel form, cortical
Basics of bone grafting and graft materials 13





Fig 13.6╇ (A) Figures showing bone substitutes in various physical forms – particulate form of mineralized and (B) demineralized bone allograft.
(C) Particulated xenograft, (D) particulated form of HA€+€β-Tcp mixture, (E) demineralized allograft in putty form, (F) allograft in the form of corticocan-
cellous chips, (G) cortical block allograft, (H) cancellous block allograft, (I) corticocancellous block allograft (Courtesy: Zimmer Dental), (J) cancellous
strip allograft, (K) cortical strip allograft.

chips, strips, and cortical or corticocancellous block should be no clinical or radiographic findings of any
form (Fig 13.6A–K). active infection at the site chosen to graft (recipient site)
or harvest (donor site) bone graft material. The grafted
site should also be prevented from receiving any infection
Keys for successful bone grafting after the procedure because of poor oral hygiene, suture
Surgical asepsis/absence of infection line opening, or membrane or graft exposure to the oral
environment, etc. Antibiotics can be added to alloplastic
Infected sites should never be selected for bone grafting material and autograft. Although tetracycline is often used
until all the infection has been removed and the site has in periodontal bone grafting to improve collagen forma-
healed with no sign of any active infection like pain, swell- tion, it chelates calcium and arrests the bone formation
ing, and purulent discharge. Bacterial infection reduces process. Instead, parenteral penicillin, cephalosporin,
the pH level at the infected site, which causes solution- or clindamycin should be mixed into the graft material,
mediated rapid resorption of grafted material. There because these antibiotics do not affect the process of bone
13 Clinical Implantology

regeneration (Fig 13.7A and B). Suture line opening can

result in loss of graft, soft tissue ingression, and infection
to the graft. To prevent the exposed graft getting contami-
nated/infected, the site can be irrigated with parenteral
antibiotics (e.g. cefazolin or clindamycin) two to three
times a day till the site gets healed with secondary inten-
sion (Fig 13.8A and B). This provides an increased level of
antibiotic concentration at the site, even though vascular-
ization is incomplete.

Space maintenance
Space maintenance at the bone graft site is paramount
to the bone formation process. The space of the graft site
refers to the anatomical site and contour of the desired
augmentation, and maintenance refers to the fact that
the space must exist long enough for bone to fill the
desired region. The barrier membrane which is used to
cover the graft often collapses in the grafted space, which
A B leads to the loss/resorption of a partial volume of the
graft and results in under contoured new bone forma-
tion. The barrier membrane can be prevented from col-
Fig 13.7╇ (A) A parenteral form of cefazolin sodium (Reflin) or (B) clinda-
lapsing by using membrane fixation/stabilization screws
mycin can be mixed with graft material at the time of grafting procedure.
(‘membrane tacks’) but better contour can be achieved
These antibiotics can also be added to the graft material when the site
by using a fixation screw which is elevated above the
has been contaminated and has become infected in the early phase of
host bone level to the height/width of the desired bone
the healing process. This provides increased level of antibiotic concen-
volume to support the barrier membrane from under-
tration at the site, even though vascularization is incomplete.
neath; this screw is called ‘tent screw.’ Tent screws, tita-
nium mesh or titanium-reinforced membrane and graft
materials beneath the membrane have been advocated
to maintain the desired space during the bone grafting
process. The osseous defect, which itself can provide
adequate space for new bone regeneration is called
‘favourable osseous defect.’ This kind of defect does not
need any tent screw but the walls of the osseous defect
itself keep tenting the barrier membrane to maintain
A B the space for new bone regeneration (Fig 13.9A–F).
The osseous defect with the missing walls which can-
Fig 13.8╇ Suture line opening can result in loss of graft, soft tissue ingres- not provide the adequate space by itself for the new
sion, and infection to the graft. To prevent the exposed graft getting con- bone regeneration is called an ‘unfavourable bone
taminated/infected, the site can be irrigated with parenteral antibiotics (e.g. defect’. This kind of osseous defect needs the use of the
cefazolin or clindamycin) two to three times a day till the site gets healed tent screw to keep tenting up the barrier membrane, to
with secondary intension (A and B). This provides increased level of anti- maintain adequate space for bone regeneration (Figs
biotic concentration at the site, even though vascularization is incomplete. 13.10–13.12).



Fig 13.9╇ The favourable osseous defect, where implant placement has been possible within the osseous envelope of the defect. (A–F) The walls of
the defect have provided adequate space maintenance for the graft by tenting up the membrane from underneath (Courtesy: Dr Peter Randelzhofer,
DDS, private practice, Germany).
Basics of bone grafting and graft materials 13


Fig 13.10╇ An unfavourable bone defect is grafted using particulate bone graft covered with barrier membrane. (A and B) The barrier membrane col-
lapsed in the defect, resulting in compromised space for new bone formation of desired volume and contour.



Fig 13.11╇ Unfavourable osseous defects, where implants could not be placed within the bony envelope. (A–E) Even the defects have been ade-
quately grafted and covered with barrier membrane; the uncovering of the implants shows inadequate amount of bone formation because of inad-
equate space maintenance and loss of graft.


Fig 13.12╇ (A) The barrier membrane, which is stabilized using fixation screws (membrane tacks) to prevent the membrane from collapsing. (B) Using
a long tent screw, which supports the membrane from underneath, results in better space maintenance for the graft and new bone formation of the
desired volume and contour.
13 Clinical Implantology

Lateral and vertical bone augmentation in the posterior mandible using tent screws (Courtesy: Dr Jun Shimada, Japan)
(Figs 13.13–13.15).



Fig 13.13╇ (A) The edentulous posterior mandibular ridge shows vertical as well as horizontal bone deficiency. (B) Two tent screws are fixed to the
host site keeping them well emerged out of the bony surface. (C) A particulated allograft mixed with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is used to aug-
ment the deficient area to the desired dimensions and covered with titanium-reinforced nonresorbable TXT membrane, which is supported by the
(D) elevated tent screws from underneath.

Basics of bone grafting and graft materials 13




Fig 13.14╇ (A) The periosteum is released and sutured to achieve a watertight primary closure. (B) Postgrafting radiograph. (C) The site is uncovered
after 4 months of healing period and the TXT membrane is removed. (D) The grafted site shows a remarkable amount of new bone regeneration.


Fig 13.15╇ (A) The tent screws are removed and (B) implants of adequate sizes are inserted. (C) Clinical view after implants have been restored
in function.

13 Clinical Implantology

Soft tissue closure the graft or loss of graft material. The primary soft tissue
closure ensures healing by primary intension and requires
The primary closure of the soft tissue is mandatory for the minimal soft tissue collagen formation and soft tissue
success of the grafting procedure, as it prevents the loss of remodelling. It also minimizes postoperative discom-
graft from the site and prevents infection. However, if pri- fort to the patient. Often, it becomes difficult to achieve
mary closure is not achieved (e.g. socket grafting), a non- a primary closure over the grafted site because the vol-
resorbable cytoplast TXT membrane can be used to cover ume underneath the flap increases after bone grafting. In
the grafted site to prevent any microbial invasion into such cases, primary closure can be achieved by releasing



Fig 13.16╇ (A) Grafting of any bone defect increases the volume of the underlying hard tissue at the site, which may result in difficulty in achieving
primary closure of the flap. The tension in sutures may result in suture line opening, which may cause the loss of graft and invasion of soft tissue
into the defect area. A scalpel is inserted 1–2€mm deep through the periosteum underneath the facial flap and beyond the mucogingival junction.
(B and C) Further, a horizontal incision is given parallel to the crestal incision. (D) Then, a soft tissue scissor is pushed into the facial flap for approxi-
mately 10€mm with the blades closed, parallel to the surface mucosa. The thickness of the facial flap is approximately 3–5€mm. The tissue scissors are
opened, once at the proper depth. (E) This blunt dissection does not sever any blood vessels or nerves to the facial flap but does create a submucosal
space or tunnel. (F and G) Once the submucosal space or tunnel has been created over and beyond the vertical release incisions, the facial flap can
be advanced over the graft for tension free primary closure of the flap.
Basics of bone grafting and graft materials 13
the periosteum of the flap so that it can be advanced to Disadvantage: As the incision is given into the perios-
achieve the primary closure. There are two techniques for teum, the blood supply to the grafted region and over-
releasing the flap to achieve primary closure. lying soft tissue is affected, which results in longer time
taken for soft tissue healing.
Submucosal space technique
This technique, developed by Misch in the early 1980s, Curvilinear-bevelled incision technique
is an effective method to expand tissue over larger grafts This is another method of flap advancement. The cut back
(greater than 15€ ×€ 10€ mm in height and width) (Figs incisions are made at the vestibular ends of the vertical
13.16 and 13.17). incisions and the flap is coronally advanced and sutured
Advantage: A large degree of flap advancement can be first at the crestal part, followed by suturing of the verti-
achieved for a tension-free flap closure covering the large cal incisions at the vestibular half by mobilizing mobile
grafted sites. vestibular soft tissue together. Only a limited degree of


Fig 13.17╇ (A) Bone grafting has increased the volume of the hard tissue under the flap, which results in difficulty in achieving primary closure of the
flap without tension in the sutures. (B) Thus a releasing incision is given through the periosteum of the facial flap for the easy coronal advancement of
the flap and (C) to achieve primary closure without any tension in the flap.



Fig 13.18╇ (A) Curvilinear-bevelled incision is given, and (B) extended with two cut back incisions at the vestibular ends. (C) The flap is advanced
coronally and (D) sutured first at the crystal part with tension-free primary closure followed by suturing of nonkeratinized mobile vestibular tissue area.
This technique can be followed for the smaller grafted regions as the coronal advancement of the flap with this technique is less than that obtained
with the submucosal space technique but it has the advantage of not hindering the blood supply of the flap as the underlying periosteum remains
intact to the flap.
13 Clinical Implantology

flap advancement is possible with this technique when a barrier membrane is required to cover the bone graft to
compared to the submucosal space technique. The advan- prevent the infiltration of the soft tissue into the graft site.
tage of this technique is that it does not hinder the blood A thick cortical plate of the block graft may act as a barrier
supply to the grafted region and overlying soft tissue membrane and often, the membrane is not required in
because no horizontal incisions are made through the the block grafting cases where a cortical block graft is used.
periosteum (Fig 13.18A–D). If the periosteum of the flap over the grafted site is intact it
can also act as natural barrier membrane and prevent epi-
Graft immobilization/fixation thelium and connective tissue infiltration into the graft.

Graft stabilization is a must to achieve a predictable bone

augmentation. If the particulate graft material or the bone Types of barrier membranes
block graft is not stable at the host site, it cannot develop There are various kinds of barrier membranes which are
the blood supply from the host bone for new bone used in bone grafting and implant procedures. These
regeneration. This can further result in the graft becom- membranes can either be the resorbable type (collagen
ing encapsulated in fibrous tissue and often sequestrated. membranes and pericardial membranes), which need
For barrier membrane or particulate graft to work effec- to be completely covered by the soft tissue flap and are
tively, no load should be placed on the soft tissue over the resorbed with time, or they are the nonresorbable type
graft, because it may cause movement of the graft. If bar- polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) membranes, which can
rier membrane is used, it should be immobilized to the be left exposed to the oral environment and need to be
graft site by using bone tacks. The block bone graft should removed after the underlying graft has been consolidated
firmly be immobilized to the host bone using multiple (Fig 13.20A–C).
fixation screws to avoid any micromovement during bone
remodelling (Fig 13.19A–C). Resorbable collagen membrane
These membranes are used to cover the graft where the
Prevention of soft tissue ingression/barrier primary closure of the flap is possible. These membranes
membranes keep preventing soft tissue ingression into the graft dur-
ing its resorption and new bone formation. These mem-
The epithelium and connecting tissue grows much faster branes slowly get resorbed in 6–10 months and do not
than the new bone formation into a grafted area; hence, have to be removed (Fig 13.21A–D).


Fig 13.19╇ (A) Bone block graft firmly immobilized at the host site by using long fixation screws. (B and C) In another case, the membrane is stabilized
using bone tacks to prevent its movement during the graft maturation.


Fig 13.20╇ (A) Resorbable collagen membrane, (B) resorbable pericardium membrane from Zimmer Dental, and (C) nonresorbable PTFE Cytoplast
TXT membrane.
Basics of bone grafting and graft materials 13
Resorbable pericardium membrane cells alive. The cortical bone should be perforated to grow
It is a biological three-layered membrane, which encases the host blood vessels from the inner cancellous bone
and protects the heart and can be used for guided tissue to the graft. These blood vessels from the host bone that
regeneration. The advantages of these membranes are enter the graft site also carry the bone forming cell (osteo-
flexible and adaptable, remodel/are resorbable, tough blast) to populate the grafted site with osteoblast, which
and resilient, suturable, and space creating. results in predictable new bone formation (Fig 13.23A
and B).
Nonresorbable high-density PTFE barrier membrane
These are the nonresorbable type of membranes and so Defect size
need to be removed after graft maturation. These mem-
branes are very useful where soft tissue closure cannot be The size of the bone defect (width and height) is directly
achieved because being nonresorbable these membranes proportional to the period of bone maturation and the
can be left exposed to the oral environment (Fig 13.22A–F). amount of autogenous bone needed in the graft.

Bone graft vascularization Defect topography

The nutrient blood vessels from the host bones are Defect topography is a key factor affecting the bone aug-
required to nourish the autogenous bone graft to keep its mentation procedure (Fig 13.24).â•…â•…



Fig 13.21╇ (A–D) The grafted site is covered with resorbable collagen barrier membrane and a primary closure of the soft tissue is achieved to com-
pletely cover the membrane.
13 Clinical Implantology




Fig 13.22╇ Graft to fill the peri-implant socket spaces is covered using titanium-reinforced nonresorbable TXT membrane and the flap is sutured with
part of the membrane left exposed to the oral environment. The membrane is removed 6 weeks after the graft has consolidated. (A–F) The implants
are uncovered after 4 months for prosthetic loading.

1. Type of graft used. The type of graft needed greatly 7. BMPs. Use of autogenous bone graft and decortication
depends on the number of walls present in the defect of the host bone site enhances the concentration of
(Table 13.3). BMPs at the site.
2. Space maintenance. Tent screw and titanium-� 8. Healing time. The more compromised the defect
reinforced membrane can be used. topography, the longer is the healing period required
3. Soft tissue closure. Releasing incisions can be for bone formation.
made to release the flap and achieve soft tissue
closure. Healing time
4. Graft immobilization. Fixation screws should be used
for graft immobilization. An adequate healing time must be provided for the graft
5. Graft vascularization. Graft vascularization is directly to get resorbed and regenerate new bone at the site. The
proportional to the number of walls present in the amount of healing time can be variable and depends on
defect. The decortications of host bone enhance vascu- many factors like
larity to the graft. â•…â•…
6. Growth factors. Growth factors like PRGF, if mixed 1. Defect size
with graft, enhances bone formation in defects with 2. Topography of the defect
compromise topography. 3. Amount of graft used
Basics of bone grafting and graft materials 13


Fig 13.23╇ (A and B) The cortical bone at the host site is perforated using small round carbide bur before grafting, to achieve nutrient blood supply
from the inner cancellous bone to the graft.

Table 13.3╇Types of bone graft used to augment different

types of osseous defects


Five bony wall defect Any resorbable graft material (RGM)

Four bony wall defect Autograft/RGM and membrane

Two/three bony wall defect Autogenous bone€+€RGM and bar-

rier membrane

One bony wall defect Onlay block graft of autogenous


Bone graft material

Various types of bone graft materials have already been
described in this chapter.
Fig 13.24╇ The type of the graft and barrier membrane which should be
used largely depends on the topography of the bone defect. (Courtesy: Growth factors
Geistlich Pharma AG, Switzerland).
Wound healing involves a complex and incompletely
understood array of cellular and molecular intracellu-
d. Type of graft material used. lar and extracellular events. However, it is known that
e. Amount of autogenous bone used in the graft. platelets and the formation of a provisional matrix play
f. Host bone vascularity. a prominent and likely determinant role in the initiation
g. Number of bony walls surrounding the graft site. and maintenance of wound healing. Platelets are naturally
h. Additional keys incorporated into the bone graft, such activated by exposure to damaged tissue. Primary haemo-
as growth factors. stasis and initiation of the clotting cascade are just the
i. Systemic diseases like diabetes, hyperparathyroidism, beginning of the platelets' role in healing. Upon activa-
thyrotoxicosis, osteomalacia, osteoporosis, and Paget’s tion, platelets release their granular contents (α-granules)
disease affect the healing process. To avoid any error, into the wound environment.
as a general rule, 4–6 months healing is recommended The contents of the platelet α-granule are of particular
for graft volumes less than 5€ mm in dimension, and interest to wound healing as they contain a host of ana-
6–10 months healing for graft volumes more than bolic growth factors responsible for the initiation, propa-
5€mm in dimension. gation and maintenance of wound healing. These growth
13 Clinical Implantology

Table 13.4╇Synopsis of growth factors present in PRP


Transforming growth factor-beta Platelets, extracellular bone matrix, 1. Stimulates undifferentiated mesenchymal cell proliferation
(TGF-ß) T-lymphocytes, macrophages, 2. Regulates endothelial, fibroblastic and osteoblastic mitogenesis
monocytes and neutrophils 3. Regulates collagen synthesis and collagenase secretion
4. Regulates mitogenic effects of other growth factors

Platelet-derived growth factor Platelets, osteoblasts, monocytes, 1. Stimulates chemotaxis/mitogenesis of mesenchymal cells,
(PDGF) endothelial cells, macrophages osteoblasts, fibroblast, smooth muscle cells, macrophage and
and smooth muscle cells neutrophils
2. Regulates collagenase secretion and collagen synthesis

Platelet-derived epidermal Platelets, macrophages and 1. Stimulates endothelial chemotaxis/angiogenesis

growth factors (PDEGF) monocytes 2. Regulates collagenase secretion
3. Stimulates mitogenesis of epithelial/mesenchymal cells

Platelet-derived angiogenesis Platelets and endothelial cells 1. Stimulates angiogenesis and vascular permeability
factor (PDAF) 2. Stimulates mitogenesis of endothelial cells

Insulin-like growth factor (IGF) Osteoblasts, macrophages, 1. Stimulation of bone matrix synthesis
monocytes and chondrocytes 2. Replication of osteoblasts
3. Enhances the pace and quality of wound healing

Platelet factor-4 (PF-4) Platelets 1. Enhances chemotaxis of neutrophils and fibroblasts

2. Acts as a potent antiheparin agent

Basic fibroblast growth factor Platelets, macrophages, 1. Promotes growth and differentiation of chondrocytes and
(bFGF) mesenchymal cells, chondrocytes osteoblasts
and osteoblasts 2. Mitogenesis of mesenchymal cells, chondrocytes and

Connective tissue growth factor Platelets 1. Promotes angiogenesis, cartilage regeneration, fibrosis and
(CTGF) platelet adhesion

(Source: Peter AM, Everts, et al. Platelet-Rich Plasma and Platelet Gel: A review. J Extra Corpor Techn. 2006;38:174-187)

factors can be of various types like platelet-derived growth Advantages of using PRGF
factor (PDGF), fibroblast growth factor (FGF), transform- 1. Induces undifferentiated mesenchymal cells to differ-
ing growth factor (TGF), insulin-like growth factor (IGF), entiate into bone-forming cells (osteoblasts).
and many more. Individually and synergistically these 2. Enhances haemostasis by attracting additional plate-
growth factors stimulate progenitor cell localization to lets to the site.
a wound, wound fibroblast expansion and subsequent 3. Enhances cartilage and bone formation at the graft site.
wound matrix production. In concert with the provi- 4. Activates collagenase which remodels collagen to pro-
sional matrix or scaffolding, the growth factors initiate mote soft tissue healing and decrease chances of inci-
and propagate wound healing. sion line opening.
If explained in a very simplified manner, the human 5. Contains mitogenic activities and thus triggers capil-
blood contains the platelets which remain suspended lary formation at the graft site, which generates a new
into the plasma. On activation, these platelets secrete the blood supply to the graft from the host bone.
α-granules and these α-granules release the various growth 6. Enhances site debridement by inducing undifferenti-
factors which enhance the wound healing process. Thus, ated mesenchymal cells to differentiate into osteoclasts.
in bone augmentation procedures, if the plasma which 7. If mixed with autogenous bone graft it can acceler-
is rich in the platelet count is applied over the graft site. ate mineralization by as much as 40% during the first
On activation, it releases various growth factors which not year.
only enhance the formation and mineralization of bone 8. Provides a continued source of growth factors for bone
by inducing undifferentiated mesenchymal cells to differ- regeneration and repairs.
entiate into bone-forming cells but also enhance the pace
of soft tissue healing at the surgical site (Table 13.4). Contraindications to the use of platelet-rich
The human venous blood is made of four major compo-
nents: red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs), preparations
platelets and plasma (Fig 13.25A and B) but the platelets 1. Platelet dysfunction syndrome
are the greatest source of the growth factors. These factors 2. Critical thrombocytopaenia
have the characteristics of wound hormone, acting as a che- 3. Hypofibrinogenemia
moattractant and recruiting the mesenchymal cells into the 4. Haemodynamic instability
wound. 5. Septicaemia
Basics of bone grafting and graft materials 13



cell Plasma


Fig 13.25╇ (A and B) Components of human blood.

6. Sensitivity to bovine thrombin (if using bovine throm-

bin with calcium to make platelet gel).

Types of growth factor preparations

Various types of platelet-rich preparations have been tried
in the past but the most commonly used growth factor-
rich preparations are:
1. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP)
2. Plasma rich in growth factors (PRGF)
3. Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) Fig 13.26╇ Venous blood is withdrawn from the patient from any superfi-
cial vein before the surgery using a 10€ml syringe.
Platelet-rich plasma
It is defined as ‘a sample of autologous blood with con-
centrations of platelets above baseline values’. Platelets the separation of whole blood into two layers: the upper
play an instrumental role in the normal healing response yellow plasma layer containing platelets, leukocytes and
via the local secretion of growth factors and recruitment clotting factors and the lower red-coloured layer con-
of reparative cells. taining erythrocytes (RBCs). The yellow plasma layer is
The application of PRP has been documented in many separated and the lower erythrocyte layer is discarded.
fields. PRP was first promoted by M Ferrari in 1987 as an The yellow plasma layer is again centrifuged at 2500 rpm
autologous transfusion component after an open heart for 10 min. This results in the separation of plasma into
operation to avoid homologous blood product transfu- two layers: upper platelet poor plasma (PPP) and lower
sion. Since then, the PRP has been successfully used in PRP. The upper PPP is discarded and the lower PRP is pre-
various medical fields such as orthopaedics, sports medi- served for the use during bone augmentation procedure.
cine, dentistry, otolaryngology, neurosurgery, ophthalmol- Once the PRP is ready for use, it should be clotted by mix-
ogy, urology, wound healing, cosmetic, cardiothoracic and ing it with an activator (thrombin and CaCl2) just before
maxillofacial surgery. In dentistry, PRP was first introduced using it. Once activated, it activates the platelets and the
by Marx et€ al. (1998) in combination with autologous platelets start secreting growth factors immediately (90%
bone grafts for the reconstruction of mandibular defects. within the first 10 min and rest in next 30 min). Within
few minutes after activation, the PRP starts converting
Preparation into a gel form and if immediately mixed into the graft
Depending on the volume of PRP preparation desired, it binds the graft particles together and improves its han-
typically 20–50 ml of venous blood is withdrawn from dling properties. This PRP gel cannot be used as the bar-
the patient before the surgery into the tubes containing rier membrane because it does not prevent the fibroblasts
anticoagulant such as citrate dextrose-A. This blood is from invading a bone graft site over an extended period
first centrifuged for 5 min at 1100 rpm which results in of time what the barrier membrane does. However, it may
13 Clinical Implantology


Fig 13.27╇ (A and B) To prevent blood coagulation, the withdrawn venous blood should be immediately poured into the vacuumed tubes containing
an �anticoagulant (sodium citrate).

PRGF®- Endoret® technology (BTI Biotechnology,

Spain), the plasma which contains these proteins is
separated from the patient’s blood by centrifuging
before the use in bone grafting surgery. Once this PRGF
is applied to the bone grafting area, the bone as well as
the soft tissue regeneration process at the graft site gets
considerably accelerated. To carry out this process, a
small amount of blood is withdrawn from the patient.
This blood is centrifuged at a specific rotational speed
and for a specific time to obtain the proteins essential
for regeneration. These proteins are applied to the bone
grafting area to enhance the pace of tissue regeneration.
Thus in implantology, PRGF can be extracted out from
the patient’s own blood before the bone augmentation
surgery and used with bone graft to enhance the bone
regeneration potential of the graft. When the PRGF
coagulum or membrane is placed under the flap or over
the extraction socket, it also promotes the soft tissue
healing. Clinically, PRGF can be differentiated from
PRP in that it needs a smaller volume of blood and
prepared by single spun only.
Preparation of PRGF
Fig 13.28╇ The tubes containing venous blood are placed in a centrifuge
machine (Courtesy: Harvest Technologies Corp.) and the venous blood
Step 1 – Venous blood withdrawal: Using a syringe,
is centrifuged at 3500€ rpm for approximately 20€ min to separate the
10€ml of venous blood is withdrawn from the patient
blood into three layers.
before surgery (Fig 13.26). The volume of blood with-
drawal depends on the amount of PRGF required
to be prepared. Usually for small to medium size
grafting sites, 10€ ml of blood is sufficient for PRGF
be applied over the barrier membrane. Because PRP gel preparation.
also contains fibrinogen, it enhances the soft tissue heal- Step 2: Blood is poured into vacuum tubes containing
ing by acting as a haemostatic agent and reducing the anticoagulant (sodium citrate) (Fig 13.27A and B).
postoperative oedema and pain. Irrespective of the type Step 3 – Centrifugation of blood: The tubes containing
of bone graft, when the PRP is added to the bone graft, it the venous blood are placed into a centrifuge machine
increases the rate, quality, and volume of bone formation and the blood is centrifuged at 3500€rpm for approxi-
at the grafted site. mately 20€ min to separate the blood into three lay-
ers (Fig 13.28). The upper layer contains the plasma,
Plasma rich in growth factors the middle layer contains WBCs, and lowermost layer
In 1999, Eduardo Anitua proposed the use of PRGF. PRGF contains the RBCs. The uppermost layer that contains
is based on obtaining a plasma preparation rich in plate- plasma is of use and the other two layers (RBC and
lets. These platelets contain the various growth factors WBC) are of no use and hence should be discarded
such as TGF-β1, VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) later. The plasma layer itself is further divided into
and IGF which stimulate and speed up tissue regeneration. three equal layers. The upper one-third plasma layer
When any tissue injury occurs, the human body that contains no platelets, the middle one-third layer
releases proteins (cellular signals) to stimulate the that contains platelets in poor concentration (PPP),
process of repairing that injury. The PRP is the rich and the lower one-third plasma layer that contains a
source of these proteins and growth factors. With high concentration of the platelets (Fig 13.29).
Basics of bone grafting and graft materials 13
Lowest layer contains RBCs Step 4 – Separation, activation and use of plasma layers:
Middle layer contains WBCs The uppermost plasma layer is further divided into
Upper layer contains plasma three equal layers and separately withdrawn using the
â•…â•… micropipette and stored in three different Borosil test
The lowest (RBCs) and middle (WBCs) layers are of no tubes (Fig 13.30A–C).
use in PRGF preparation and hence should be discarded. 1. The upper one-third plasma layer (plasma without
â•…â•… platelets) – This layer contains no platelets, hence
it is either discarded or can be used to irrigate the
osteotomy site or to wash the implant surface
before placing it into osteotomy site. This plasma
can also be mixed in platelet-poor or platelet-rich
plasma to raise their volume. Unlike the other two
plasma layers this plasma layer is not activated by
mixing the platelet activator (CaCl2).
2. The middle one-third plasma layer (platelet-poor
plasma) – This layer contains a very small concen-
tration of platelets and hence is mixed with activa-
tor (CaCl2) and placed in thermoblock for 20€min
to make a coagulum (if placed in test tube) or a
membrane (if placed in glass plate). The 15€µl acti-
vator is mixed in 1.0€ml plasma.
Upper 1/3rd plasma layer This PRGF membrane is not a barrier membrane
(without platelets)
as it does not prevent the soft tissue growth into the
bone graft for several weeks to months. However, it
Middle 1/3rd plasma layer Plasma may be applied over the barrier membrane to reduce
the postoperative pain and oedema and to enhance
the pace of soft tissue healing (Fig 13.31A–E).
Lower 1/3rd plasma layer 3. The lowermost one-third plasma layer (platelet-
(platelet-rich) rich plasma) – This plasma layer is very rich in
WBCs platelet concentration and of prime importance in
guided bone regeneration.
This layer is activated just before the graft appli-
cation by the addition of calcium chloride (CaCl2)
RBCs to it and this activated plasma is mixed to the graft.
Alternatively, this plasma is first mixed with the
graft material and then the activator is added to it. It
starts converting into a jelly form and the activated
platelets start releasing various growth factors just
Fig 13.29╇ Centrifuged venous blood showing all the different layers of within 15€min of its activation. The mixing of can-
the blood. cellous bone or particulated graft with PRGF also


Fig 13.30╇ (A) Two small pipettes are used to transfer the plasma and to add the activator; (B) all three plasma layers are separately withdrawn and
(C) stored into three individual Borosil tubes.
13 Clinical Implantology



Fig 13.31╇ (A) The middle (WBC) and lower (RBC) layers are of no use, hence are discarded. (B and C) The activator (calcium chloride) added to the
platelet-poor plasma. (D) The activated platelet-poor plasma can be poured into a Borosil glass plate and (E) placed over a thermoblock to make its

improves its healing properties as the PRGF acts as PRF is a strictly (100%) autologous fibrin matrix contain-
a ‘biological’ carrier and this mixture gives stability ing a large quantity of platelet and leukocyte cytokines.
to the graft and facilitates manipulation and deliv- Unlike other platelet concentrates such as PRP and PRGF,
ery to the recipient site (Figs 13.32–13.34). this technique does not require any anticoagulants or
bovine thrombin. The PRF is prepared by centrifuging the
Plasma and activator ratio natural blood without additives. The PRF is accumulated
An accurate volume of the activator should be used to of platelets and releases cytokines in a fibrin clot.
activate a particular volume of the plasma to achieve
the desired results. Usually, 50€µl of activator should be Preparation
mixed in 1€ml plasma (Table 13.5). Depending on the amount of PRF required to be pre-
pared, 10–20 ml of venous blood is withdrawn from
Platelet-rich fibrin the patient and immediately poured into the test tubes.
Platelet-rich fibrin was developed in France by Chouk- The blood without any anticoagulant obviously starts to
roun et€ al. in 2001. PRF is a second-generation platelet coagulate, thus the tubes are immediately transfused into
concentrate which is widely used to accelerate hard and an appropriate table centrifuge machine (PC-02, Process
soft tissue healing process. PRF offers various advantages Ltd., Nice, France). When the tubes are removed from
over the better known PRP and PRGF and that include the centrifuge after 15 min spun, the blood is separated
ease of preparation, ease of application, minimal expense into three layers. The top layer contains the platelet poor
and lack of biochemical modification as no bovine plasma (PPP), middle layer contains fibrin clot (PRF),
thrombin or anticoagulant is required to be mixed. Thus, and lowest layer contains the RBCs.
Basics of bone grafting and graft materials 13



Fig 13.32╇ (A) The platelet-rich plasma is added to the bone graft material and (B) activated by adding the calcium chloride to it just before the graft is
applied to the recipient site. (C) Besides releasing growth factors it also enhances the handling properties of the graft. (D) The membrane or coagulum
formed from the platelet-poor plasma can be used to improve the soft tissue healing at the grafted site.

Unlike PRP, the PRF results from a natural and progres- membrane can be used to protect and stabilize the
sive polymerization which occurs during centrifugation. graft. This PRF membrane acts as fibrin bandage, pro-
This fibrin clot (PRF) is grabbed and gently removed from tects the bone graft, accelerates the soft tissue healing
the tube using tissue forcep. The fibrin clots are separated and facilitates the rapid closure of the incision line.
from the attached RBCs using scissor and stored in a ster- â•…â•…
ile metal or Borosil bowl. Now this fibrin clot can be used The compressed fibrin plug or the PRF membrane can
in three ways: be used in the internal sinus elevation procedure. After
â•…â•… fracturing up the sinus floor, if fibrin plug or the folded
1. The fibrin clot can be fragmented into several small PRF membrane is inserted into the osteotomy it facilitates
pieces and mixed with the bone graft to enhance the further the sinus membrane elevation using osteotomes
bone regeneration potential of the bone graft. without the membrane tear. In the lateral approach of
2. It can be little compressed and placed into the bone sinus elevation, this PRF membrane can be placed under
defect/extraction socket or on top of the graft or col- the elevated sinus membrane to facilitate its further ele-
lagen membrane to enhance the bone and soft tissue vation without tear and also to minimize the chances
regeneration. of membrane tear after the sinus has been successfully
3. This fibrin clot can be compressed between two sterile grafted due to the internal pressure on the sinus mem-
Borosil plates for 1–2 min which results in the forma- brane. This membrane can be used to cover the small
tion of an inexpensive autologous fibrin membrane sinus membrane perforation and also to cover the lateral
with the constant thickness. This membrane remains window after the sinus grafting.
hydrated for several hours for the use. The serum exu- Platelet-rich fibrin is an autologous fibrin matrix which
date which is produced on compressing the fibrin clot contains a large quantity of platelet and leukocyte cyto-
to form membrane can be used to hydrate the bone kines. The cytokines which remain incorporated within
graft and to irrigate the osteotomy or the implant sur- the fibrin mesh progressively release overtime (7–11 days),
face. When performing the bone grafting, this PRF as the network of fibrin disintegrates. When applied, PRF 305
13 Clinical Implantology



Fig 13.33╇ (A and B) Both the maxillary central incisors are extracted and the socket is irrigated with platelet-rich plasma (PRP). (C and D) Implants
are inserted at the ideal position and the site is covered with PRP coagulum.


Fig 13.34╇ (A) Healing after 1 week shows a healthy regenerated soft tissue over the implant. (B) A provisional fixed prosthesis is given to guide the
aesthetic soft tissue healing. (C) The final prosthesis on the implants shows predictable aesthetic soft tissue outcome (Courtesy: Dr Jun Shimada,

Basics of bone grafting and graft materials 13

Table 13.5╇Volume of activator required to activate different

Factors that impede bone
volumes of plasma regeneration
. Failure of vascularity to the graft
2. Mechanical instability of the graft during bone regen-
300 1 drop 3. Oversized defect
4. Growth of soft tissue into the graft
400–600 2 drops 5. Infection to the graft
6. Incorrect selection of the graft material.
600–900 3 drops

Factors that promote bone

1. Use of autogenous (osteogenic) and/or allogenous
membrane acts much like a fibrin bandage, accelerates (osteoinductive) bone in the graft
the wound healing, provides a significant postoperative 2. Use of growth factors (e.g. platelet-rich factor), which
protection to the surgical site and accelerates the integra- enhances osteogenesis and osteoinduction
tion and remodelling of the bone graft. 3. BMPs.
4. Host bone quality
5. Space maintenance for the graft.
Advantages of PRF over PRP and PRGF
1. Ease of preparation
2. Ease of application Armamentaria and materials
3. Less expense
4. Strictly autologous
required for bone grafting
5. No need of anticoagulant Advances in instrumentation and grafting biomateri-
6. No need of activator als have improved our ability to predictably reconstruct
7. No need of pippets deficient hard tissue contours at multiple implant sites
8. Preparation with single spin via minimally invasive intraoral approaches. Various
9. Less chances of contamination types of armamentaria and materials are required to
10. Can be stored for a longer period of time after perform different kinds of bone grafting procedures
preparation. (Fig 13.38A–O). Some bone grafting materials and
membranes have already been described in this chapter.
The additional armamentaria and materials specially
Step by step clinical presentation required to perform any particular bone grafting pro-
for production and use of PRF in cedure are described in the procedure-related chapters,
but the basic armamentaria which the dentists more or
bone augmentation (Figs 13.35–13.37) less need to have to perform various bone grafting pro-
Bone morphogenic proteins cedures are as follows:
These are different from platelet growth factors in that 1. Reduction handpieces (20:1 and 1:1)
they can be found in the extracellular bone matrix itself 2. Large and small round carbide burs
and can induce mesenchymal cells to differentiate into 3. Straight carbide bur
osteoblasts. The autogenous cancellous bone is the rich- 4. Sharp chisels
est source of BMPs but it can also be present in allografts. 5. Mallet
Thus, use of autogenous bone graft provides more BMPs 6. Bone rhonger
at the grafted site. 7. Bone mill
8. Bone collector
9. Trephines
Transitional prosthesis
10. Disc
No soft tissue-supported transitional prosthesis should 11. Saws
be worn by the patient in the area of bone grafting during 12. Frios® Microsaw
its healing time (4–6 months), as it can cause incision 13. Graft carrier
line opening, mobilization of the graft during healing, 14. Graft bowl
and distortion of the space of augmentation, which can 15. Fixation screws
further result in loss of graft, nonunion of block graft, 16. Screwdriver
and the formation of new bone with unfavourable con- 17. Titanium mesh
tour and unsatisfactory quantity. Whenever possible a 18. Piezotome
fixed transitional restoration can be given to the patient 19. Bone graft materials
especially in an aesthetic region, which often also helps to 20. Barrier membrane
contour the soft tissues and allow maturation before the 21. Membrane stabilizing bone tack system
final prosthesis fabrication. 22. Retractors.
13 Clinical Implantology


Fig 13.35╇ Depending on the volume of PRF need to be prepared, 10–20 ml of venous blood is withdrawn from patient and poured into the test
tubes. Before the blood starts clotting, the test tubes are immediately transfused into an adequate table centrifuge machine. When the tubes are
removed from the centrifuge after 15 min spun, the blood is separated into three layers. (A) The top layer contains the platelet poor plasma, middle
layer contains fibrin clot (PRF), and lowest layer contains the red blood cells. (B) The fibrin clot (PRF) is grabbed and gently removed from the tube
using tissue forceps. (C) The fibrin clot is separated from the attached red blood cells using scissor and (D) stored in a Borosil bowl.

Basics of bone grafting and graft materials 13



Fig 13.36╇ (A and B) To produce a fibrin membrane, the fibrin clots are compressed between two sterile Borosil plates for 1–2 min that results in the
(C) formation of an inexpensive autologous fibrin membrane with the constant thickness. This membrane remains hydrated for several hours for the
use. (D) The fibrin membrane is very elastic and resistant to tear.

13 Clinical Implantology



Fig 13.37╇ (A and B) The serum exudate which is produced on compressing the fibrin clot to form membrane can be used to hydrate the bone graft
and to irrigate the osteotomy or the implant surface. Mixing the serum exudate with the bone graft enhances the bone regeneration pace and potential
of the bone graft. (C and D) When performing the bone grafting, this PRF membrane can be used to protect and stabilize the graft. This PRF membrane
acts as fibrin bandage, protects the bone graft, accelerates the soft tissues healing and facilitates the rapid closure of the incision line.

Basics of bone grafting and graft materials 13



Fig 13.38╇ (A) Chisel used for bone splitting and to harvest autogenous bone. (B) Hammer. (C and D) Periosteum/flap retractors. (E) Bone rongeur
used to nip the thin fibrosseous tissue from the ridge crest and to harvest the bone from the tuberosity. (F) Bone mill used to mill the large bone pieces
to smaller pieces.

13 Clinical Implantology


Fig 13.38, cont’dâ•… (G) Bone crusher used to crush the autogenous bone into the small particles. (H) Bone scrapper used to scrape out the small to
medium amount of intraoral bone. (I) Bone curette used to curette out the granulation tissue from the extraction socket. (J) Bone carrier used to carry
the bone graft to the host site. Bone collecting suction system (K and L) used to collect the bone which is usually washed out during the osteotomy
preparation. (M) Bone carrier and packer.

Basics of bone grafting and graft materials 13


Fig 13.38, cont’d (N) Stainless steel bowl for mixing and storing bone graft material. (O) Bone tack used for barrier membrane stabilization.
(Courtesy: Apex Dental, USA, and Amron Dental).

Summary other points which an implant surgeon should keep in

Bone grafting has now become an integral part of implant mind for the union of the graft to the host site and suc-
practise. Depending on the type of bone graft used, there cessful new bone regeneration. Space maintenance for
are three mechanisms of bone formation at the grafted the bone graft is also required to obtain a successful out-
site: osteoconduction, osteoinduction, and osteogenesis. come and in some cases, it may require either the use of
Only autogenous bone has the ability to form bone by all block graft or tent screws. The topography of the osse-
three mechanisms and so it is considered to be the ‘gold ous defect should be closely evaluated and accordingly
standard’ in bone augmentation procedures. Most of the the type of graft should be selected. Achieving primary
xenografts and synthetic graft materials only �provide closure over the grafted sites is another problem which
a bioactive and bioinert scaffold for bone formation dentists face; the releasing incision should be given to
by the process of osteoconduction. Thus the mixing of the periosteum of the facial flap to coronally advance
�autogenous bone to bone substitutes enhances the bone the flap to achieve a tension-free primary closure. When
growth potential of the bone substitutes. Bone grafting placing graft over the cortical plate, such as in the case of
should never be attempted at infected sites as it does not lateral bone augmentation using the block graft or par-
only infect the graft but the low pH level at the infected ticulate graft, the cortical bone of the host site should
site also resorbs the graft.The prevention of the soft tissue be perforated at multiple sites to obtain nourishment to
growth into the graft is paramount for bone formation of the graft from the underlying spongiosa. The use of PRP
the desired quality and volume. It necessitates the use of or PRGF definitely enhances the bone formation poten-
barrier membrane to cover the graft for the prevention tial of any graft. But the ease of preparation, completely
of soft tissue creeping into the graft. Adequate adaptation autologous and cost-effective PRF definitely looks advan-
of the graft and its immobilization at the host site are the tageous over the better known PRP or PRGF.

Further Reading
Araújo MG, Lindhe J. Ridge preservation with Urban IA, Lozada JL. A prospective study of Becker ST, Terheyden H, et€ al. Prospective
the use of Bio-Oss® Collagen: a 6-month implants placed in augmented sinuses with observation of 41 perforations of the
study in the dog. Clin Oral Implants Res minimal and moderate residual crestal Schneiderian membrane during sinus
2009;20:433–40. bone: results after 1 to 5 years. Int J Oral floor elevation. Clin Oral Implants Res
Sartorii S, Silvestri M, Forni F, et al. Ten- Maxillofac Implants 2010;25(6):1203–12. 2008;19(12):1285–9.
year follow-up in a maxillary sinus aug- Schwarz F, Bieling K, Latz T, et al. Healing of Degidi M, Daprile G, Piattelli A. RFA values of
mentation using anorganic bovine bone intrabony peri-implantitis defects following implants placed in sinus grafted and non-
(Bio-Oss). A case report with histomorpho- application of a nanocrystalline hydroxyap- grafted sites after 6 and 12 months. Clin
metric evaluation. Clin Oral Implants Res atite (Ostim) or a bovine-derived xenograft Implant Dent Relat Res. 2009 Sep;11(3):
2003;14(3):369–72. (Bio-Oss) in combination with a collagen 178-82. Epub 2008 sep 9.
von Arx T, Buser D. Horizontal ridge augmen- membrane (Bio-Gide). A case series. J Clin Pietursson BE, Tan WC, Zwahlen M, et al. A sys-
tation using autogenous block grafts and Periodontol 2006;33(7):491–9. tematic review of the success of sinus floor
the guided bone regeneration technique Ruoff H, Terheyden H. Retrospective radio- elevation and survival of implants inserted
with collagen membranes: a clinical study graphic investigation of the long- in combination with sinus floor elevation. J
with 42 patients. Clin Oral Implants Res term stability of xenografts (Geistlich Clin Periodontol 2008;35:216–40.
2006;17(4):359–66. Bio-Oss) in the sinus. Z Zahnärztl Impl Schwarz F, Sculean A, et€ al. Two-year clini-
Valentini P, Abensur DJ. Maxillary sinus graft- 2009;25(2):160–9. cal results following treatment of peri-
ing with anorganic bovine bone: a clinical implantitis lesions using a nanocrystalline
report of long-term results. Int J Oral Maxil- hydroxyapatite or a natural bone mineral in
lofac Implants 2003;18(4):556–60. combination with a collagen membrane. J
Clin Periodontol 2008;35(1):80–7.
13 Clinical Implantology

Hämmerle CHF, Jung RE, Yaman D, et al. Dahlin C, Simion M, Hatano N. Long-term Merli M, Migani M, Esposito M. Vertical ridge
Ridge augmentation by applying biore- follow-up on soft and hard tissue levels augmentation with autogenous bone grafts:
sorbable membranes and deproteinized following guided bone regeneration treat- resorbable barriers supported by osteosyn-
bovine bone mineral: a report of twelve ment in combination with a xenogeneic thesis plates versus titanium-reinforced
consecutive cases. Clin Oral Implants Res filling material: a 5-year prospective clini- barriers. A preliminary report of a blind,
2008;19(1):19–25. cal study. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res randomized, controlled clinical trial. J Oral
Zitzmann N, Schärer P, Marinello C. Long- 2010 Dec;12(4):263–70. Maxillofac Implants 2007;22(3):373–82.
term results of implants treated with guided Rothamel D, Schwarz F, et€ al. Vertical ridge Tadjoedin ES, de Lange GL, Bronckers ALJJ,
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Dent 1997:17.

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Bone grafting simultaneous with
implant placement
Ajay Vikram Singhâ•… Peter Randelzhofer

CHAPTER CONTENTS HD achieve predictable success in the procedure. For implant

surgeons who are not very skilled at performing bone aug-
Introduction 317 mentation procedures, the author recommends reading of
Advantages 317 Chapter 13 Basics of bone grafting and graft materials and
Disadvantages 317 thoroughly understand the basic science of bone grafting,
Indications 317 before attempting the bone augmentation procedure.
Contraindications 318
Subperiosteal tunnelling technique 339
Advantages 339
Disadvantages 339 . Shortens the time span of the complete treatment
2. More acceptance by patients
Indications 340
3. Fewer visits are required
Contraindications 340 4. Reduces the treatment cost
Summary 347 5. Less volume of graft is required
6. Implant, if adequate primary stability is achieved,
be immediately restored in the aesthetics region
7. Autogenous bone can be collected from the implant
Introduction osteotomy preparation and used to graft the bone
Many patients seeking implant therapy show some osse-
ous defects or deficient ridge dimensions, which need to
be taken care of before implants can be placed with pre-
dictable success. With advancement in diagnostic and
planning tools (e.g. the dental CT scan) and bone grafting . Increases the time span of the implant surgery
materials, bone augmentation simultaneous with implant 2. More chances of postoperative complications
placement has become a routine procedure in implant 3. Needs skilled approach to achieve a successful outcome.
practise. It is seen that more patients opt for the implant
procedure if simultaneous grafting is offered, because it
reduces the number of surgeries and the total treatment
span of implant therapy, when compared to the two-stage
procedure (first the grafting and then implant insertion . Small to medium size bone defect
after 4–6 months). The author suggests meticulous treat- 2. Peri-implant socket spaces in cases of immediate imÂ�Â�
ment planning using clinical pictures, model analysis, plant in fresh extraction socket
radiographs, and CT images to successfully perform bone 3. Ridge splitting with simultaneous implant placement
augmentation simultaneous with implant placement. The 4. Sinus grafting with simultaneous implant placement
implant surgeon should closely evaluate the type of osse- 5. Adequate bone volume to engage the implant
ous defect, the type of bone graft material required for pre- 6. Implant placement is possible within the osseous
dictable bone formation, space maintenance for the graft, envelop of the defect
prevention of soft tissue growth into the graft, nourish- 7. Adequate amount of thick, stable, and keratinized soft
ment for the graft, the amount and quality of host bone tissue is available to cover the graft site
available for adequately stabilizing the implant, etc. to 8. Adequate blood supply for the graft from the host site.
14 Clinical Implantology

. Inadequate blood supply for the graft from the host site
Contraindications 5. Space maintenance for new bone regeneration is dif-
. Large size bone defect
1 ficult to achieve
. Inadequate bone volume to engage the
2 implant 6. Inadequate amount of thick, stable, and keratinized
. Vertical bone augmentation is required
3 soft tissue available to cover the graft site.

Bone grafting of osseous defect of extraction socket simulta- 2. Immediate implant placement to reduce overall treatment time in
neous with implant placement (Courtesy: Dr Peter Randelzhofer the aesthetic area
and Dr Gert de Lange) 3. Preservation of the papillae (Figs 14.1–14.6).
Aims of the therapy
1. Compensation of buccal bone wall resorption after tooth extrac-
tion by bone augmentation with Geistlich Bio-Oss® and Geistlich


Fig 14.1╇ The patient presented with a thick, medium scalloped, gingival morphology. Tooth 11 presented with poor prognosis due to vertical root
fracture. The tooth had slightly extruded resulting in a vertical gain of soft tissue. (A) The pigmented gingiva presented an extra challenge. (B) After
careful flap elevation, a clear fracture of the root was visible. The vertical bone defect affected two-thirds of the buccal bone plate.


Fig 14.2╇ An extensive bone deficit became visible after tooth extraction. (A) It was accompanied by extensive attachment loss on tooth 21,
which caused a high aesthetic risk due to possible loss of papillae after surgery. Inserted implant showed good primary stability. (B) Due to the
pronounced bone defect, a closed healing approach was chosen.

Bone grafting simultaneous with implant placement 14

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d


Fig 14.3╇ The implant was placed within the bordering sidewalls of the defect (within the osseous envelope) to maintain adequate space for the graft.
(A) The gap distance from the implant surface to the buccal bone plate should be at least 2€mm. Autologous bone chips were harvested using a tre-
phine drill from the retromolar area and were placed onto the implant surface. Geistlich Bio-Oss® was mixed with blood and applied onto the bone chips
to prevent primary resorption of the autologous bone. (B) The regenerated hard tissue provided the basis for stable soft tissue architecture.


Fig 14.4╇ The augmented area was covered with the Geistlich Bio-Gide® membrane. (A) The membrane was placed in the double layer technique
to provide stable protection for bone regeneration. For additional soft tissue augmentation, a connective tissue graft from the palate was sutured
under the flap. In order to guarantee a tension-free closure the flap was mobilized by a split-flap technique. (B) Primary wound closure was
achieved with resorbable vicryl sutures 6.0/5.0. During a second stage surgery, 4 months later, the pigmented gingiva was repositioned coronally
by a split-flap technique to restore its natural shape (not shown).


Fig 14.5╇ (A) Five months after implant placement: the distance from the implant to the buccal aspect of the alveolar ridge was still more than
2€mm, which was important for a stable long-term aesthetic result. (B) Control radiograph on reopening.

Continued 319
14 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d


Fig 14.6╇ Clinical situation 1 month after crown placement: the gingiva showed a natural appearance, was nicely scalloped, and displayed no scar
tissues. (A) The pigmented part could be maintained in shape and colour. (B) Control radiograph 1 year after implantation.

The technique presented in Case Report-1, has shown evaluation of the patient and the clinical situation is an
aesthetically pleasing results in more than 100 cases important precondition for obtaining predictable results.
treated and documented in our clinic. It features imme- The presented case displays an extra challenge in terms of
diate implant placement in cases with class 2 (medium soft tissue management due to the pigmentation of the
size) buccal bone defects, with simultaneous ridge pres- gingiva. In such situations, scars are likely to become vis-
ervation technique followed by closed healing. A sound ible and the pigmentation line may be distorted.

Bone grafting simultaneous with immediate implant with open (transmucosal) healing (Courtesy: Dr Peter Randelzhofer and Dr Gert
de Lange) (Figs 14.7–14.14).


Fig 14.7╇ (A) Patient presented with a high smile line and thin biotype with two rather large central incisors with fistulae and poor prognosis.
(B) Radiograph showed endodontic infections of both central incisors with expected osseous defect apical to the post-extraction socket.

Bone grafting simultaneous with implant placement 14

CASE REPORT-2—cont’d


Fig 14.8╇ (A) Careful extraction of both central incisors was done, preserving marginal gingiva and papillae. (B) Palpation of the buccal wall showed
bone defects connected with a granuloma in the socket.


Fig 14.9╇ Inspection of the left socket showed apical soft tissue and hard tissue defects. (A) Note the thin central papilla. (B) After a vestibular half
circle incision was made, the flap was deflected downwards and the buccal bone defects became visible for the right and left sockets.


Fig 14.10╇ After removal of granuloma tissue and endodontic material, thorough cleaning of the bone was done using antibiotics. (A) There were
large remaining bony defects of the buccal wall of both sockets. The buccal bone plate was restored using autologous bone particles collected
from lower retromolar site and covered with Geistlich Bio-Oss®. (B) Geistlich Bio-Oss® particles were also used to fill the remaining buccal space
between healing abutment and marginal gingiva for maximum soft tissue support.


14 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-2—cont’d


Fig 14.11╇ Two Camlog Screw Line implants were placed with primary stability of 35€Ncm. (A) Adequate supports of the marginal soft tissues was
obtained by immediately placing a wide body healing abutment intended to prevent tissue collapse and to preserve the contour of the gingival
margin. (B) For undisturbed bone regeneration, the augmented area was covered with Geistlich Bio-Gide® barrier membrane.


Fig 14.12╇ (A) One week after open healing, the soft tissues had adapted well. (B) Healing abutments which preserved the soft tissue well were
removed 2 months after implant placement and replaced with provisional crowns of anatomical shape, which created nicely scalloped marginal
gingiva and papillae.


Fig 14.13╇ (A) Ceramic abutments were placed. Final zirconium crowns, which were smaller in the cervical region, were fixed on the abutments.
(B) Note the total absence of tissue loss and gingival recession.

Bone grafting simultaneous with implant placement 14

CASE REPORT-2—cont’d

Fig 14.14╇ Patient presents with a nice smile, 12 months after implant placement.

The open healing procedure in Case Report-2 has also aesthetic outcome in patients with a high smile line. These
shown pleasing aesthetic results, despite the endodontic unwanted effects can be avoided by an apical approach
infections and the buccal bony defects present. Most clini- via the vestibule. The frequently present apical infections
cians remove the endodontically involved teeth first and and granuloma tissue can be removed with good visibil-
wait for healing for several weeks or months. Then bone ity to clean the implant-receiving bony site. This more
is augmented and after healing, the implant is placed. demanding technique gives sufficient access to the buc-
Finally, missing soft tissues are augmented to obtain a cal bone defects for proper bone regeneration and/or soft
proper marginal contour. This approach involves repeated tissue augmentation but does not affect gingival papillae.
surgery and a treatment time of 9 months or more. Lifting This method has been successfully used in more than 80
fragile papillae especially, may result in attachment loss patients in the author’s practise. A scientific evaluation
and soft tissue shrinkage, which will severely affect the study of efficacy and predictability is now in progress.

14 Clinical Implantology

Bone defects are difficult to evaluate using only the radiograph, and often, surprisingly, are seen after the site is exposed to insert the implant
(Fig 14.15A–J). The author strongly suggests meticulous treatment planning with bone mapping or dental CT scan to examine bone topog-
raphy and the presence of any possible bone defect, before making the incision and elevating the flap. The implant surgeon should keep
his grafting materials and armamentarium ready in each implant surgery case, to deal with such defects. (Courtesy: Dentium Co. and Well
Dental Clinic, Seoul, Korea.)



Fig 14.15╇ (A and B) Missing teeth numbers 11, 12, and 13. (C) The small bone defects are visible around the inserted implants, which need to be
grafted. (D) The particulated (HA€+€β-TCP) bone graft (osteon) is used to graft the Peri-implant defects and (E) a collagen barrier membrane is used
to cover the grafted site. Flaps are sutured back. (F) Post implantation radiograph. (G) Implants are uncovered and temporized after 4 months
(H and I) the implants are finally restored using metal-free zirconium prosthesis. (J) Post loading radiograph.

Bone grafting simultaneous with implant placement 14

CASE REPORT-3—cont’d




Fig 14.15,╇ cont’d


14 Clinical Implantology

Grafting of small osseous defects simultaneous with implants placement (Courtesy: Dentium Co. and Well Dental Clinic, Soul, Korea)
(Figs 14.16 and 14.17)




Fig 14.16╇ (A and B) Missing mandibular incisors. (C and D) Small osseous defects are visible after insertion of the implants, which were grafted
using (E and F) osteon bone substitute and covered with collagen barrier membrane.

Bone grafting simultaneous with implant placement 14

CASE REPORT-4—cont’d



Fig 14.17╇ (A) Flap is sutured back. (B and C) Implants are uncovered and restored after 4 months. (D) Radiograph 1 year after implant restoration
shows stable crestal bone level.

CASE REPORT-5 decided to see a dentist and an oral surgeon, due to recent increased
swelling and pain in the area of the traumatized tooth.
A 57-year-old healthy female with history of trauma to the face 8 The patient’s aesthetic profile consisted of a low smile line, oval
years earlier, presented to the Oral Surgery and Implantology Center teeth and a thick, flat gingival biotype. There was an open gingival
of Dr Len Tolstunov, San Francisco, CA, USA. The patient was flap exposing the necrotic apical two-thirds of the root of the canine,
referred by the general dentist for evaluation of a failing upper left which was probed deep in the vestibule with no discharge from the
canine. On presentation, the patient complained of cuspid mobility wound (Fig 14.18A). The cuspid had mobility 2 plus.
and periodic discharge from a wound high in the vestibule. Radiographic examination consisted of the periapical, panoramic,
The patient’s history of the present condition was significant for the and cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans that demon-
trauma that happened 8 years ago, when she was hit with a fist to the strated (old) mid root fracture, previous root canal treatment, and
left anterior maxilla. The upper left canine was affected by the blow, the severe apical bone loss around the tooth with just a small amount
patient felt it was loose but she did not go to a dentist and let it heal on of structural bone support left on the palatal and buccal crestal area
its own. The patient felt a bump deep in the vestibule next to the tooth (Fig 14.18B). The tooth was literally ‘hung in the air.’ There was also a
for many years and there was occasional discharge. The patient finally significant amount of alveolar bone width deficiency. The patient was

14 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-5—cont’d
diagnosed with a previously traumatized and fractured non-restorable and was followed up in both surgical and restorative offices where a
upper left cuspid with severe three-dimensional bone loss. temporary fixed provisional bridge from the lateral incisor to the first
The recommendations for the patient’s condition included a staged premolar was made (in addition, the patient required several maxillary
approach with an extraction of the cuspid, a bone graft followed by temporary crowns including both incisors, two premolars and a molar.
the placement of an endosseous implant 4–6 months later, followed The postoperative radiograph demonstrated an ideal implant position
by a restorative phase with a ceramic restoration. The patient also (Fig 14.19B).
needed a provisional appliance. Surgical stage 2 was done 6 months after the first stage, under
The patient rejected a staged treatment due to her busy schedule local anaesthesia. Temporary 3i healing abutment of 2€mm height
and asked that the practitioner should attempt to do both surgical was placed (Fig 14.19C and D). The implant was well-osseointe-
stages in one. The patient’s consent was taken and she was sched- grated. A large amount of bone was regenerated in the previous
uled for surgery. bone defect, in the buccal and apical regions. The soft tissue healed
The surgery consisted of extraction of the affected tooth, bone nicely not only in the crestal region but also deep in the vestibule
grafting and implant placement at the same time under intravenous where the original open post-traumatic chronic wound was present.
(IV) sedation. After the IV sedation was started and local anaesthe- The provisional prosthesis was modified in the cervical region to
sia was given, the crestal full-thickness flap with a distal releasing guide the soft tissue to heal with a scalloped aesthetic profile (Fig
incision was reflected. Severe buccal bone loss and exposure of the 14.19E and F).
unsupported and fractured canine tooth were visualized (Fig 14.18C). A permanent porcelain fused to metal (PFM) crown was placed
Using a periotome and with careful, slow dissection, the tooth was 2 months later and demonstrated excellent aesthetics, function,
removed leaving a single buccal crestal bone bridge with a large and phonetics, and comfort (Fig 14.19G and H). The implant continued to
deep fenestration extending to the apical region of the elevated tooth function well 2 years after completion of the case.
(Fig 14.18D and E). The palatal bone was intact. The internal connec- Unique features of the case
tion parallel-walled implant (Biomet 3i, Osseotite, Certain, 4€×€13€mm) Advanced (severe) localized bone loss (of traumatic and infectious
was guided carefully with a surgical stent into the palatal and apical origin) was reconstructed fully with the help of a (composite) cancel-
bone at about 25°, making sure it has an adequate primary implant lous graft. A ledge of a preserved natural bone on the buccal side
stability (30€Ncm), platform 2 mm below the cementoenamel served as anchor in the rebuilding of the missing bone with a help
junction (CEJ) of the adjacent teeth, and an ideal restorative draw of guided tissue regeneration (GTR) on the buccal side and above
or projection (Fig 14.18F and G). Entire bone defect was grafted (apically). Although this was mainly two-dimensional reconstruc-
using composite bone grafting material (Bio-Oss [Osteohealth Co.], tion (correction of the width deficiency), the amazing possibilities of
0.5€g and Puros [Zimmer], 0.5€ml) (Fig 14.18H). The bone graft was cancellous bone graft and membrane (GBR and GTR) can be truly
covered using a barrier collagen membrane (Fig 14.19A) and the appreciated. Function and aesthetics were completely rehabilitated
reflected buccal flap was repositioned back and closed primarily with in this complex post-traumatic implant treatment case. (Courtesy:
4-0 chromic gut suture. The patient recovered well after the surgery Dr Len Tolstunov, DDS, California.)


Fig 14.18╇ (A and B) Maxillary left canine with the large hard and soft tissue defect.

Bone grafting simultaneous with implant placement 14

CASE REPORT-5—cont’d




Fig 14.18, cont’d╇ (C–E) A large osseous defect is visible after careful flap elevation and tooth extraction. All the granulation tissue was curet-
ted out and site was disinfected using tetracycline powder. (F and G) The osteotomy was prepared and the implant was placed within the bony
envelope and at the correct prosthetic position. (H) The facial wall defect as well as the Peri-implant socket spaces were grafted using Bio-Oss
(Osteohealth Co.), 0.5€g and Puros (Zimmer), 0.5€ml.


14 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-5—cont’d





Bone grafting simultaneous with implant placement 14

CASE REPORT-5—cont’d
Fig 14.19╇ The graft is covered by barrier membrane (A) and the flap is sutured back for submerged healing of the implant. Post implantation
radiograph (B). Surgical stage 2 was done 6 months after the first stage under local anaesthesia. Temporary 3i healing abutment of 2€mm height
was placed (C and D). The implant was well osseointegrated. The large amount of bone regenerated the previous bone defects in the buccal and
apical regions. The soft tissue healed nicely not only in the crestal region but also deep in the vestibule where the original open post-traumatic
chronic wound was present. The provisional prosthesis was modified in the cervical region to guide the soft tissue to heal with a scalloped aes-
thetic profile (E and F). A permanent PFM crown was placed 2 months later and demonstrated excellent aesthetics, function, phonetics, and
comfort (G and H). (Restorative dentist: Dr Sam Itani, Blende Dental Group, San Francisco, CA, USA.)

CASE REPORT-6 and F). Osteotomies for both the implants were prepared using a
prosthetic guide, and implants were placed at the correct position
Grafting of facial perforation and periodontal defect with adja- and angulation (Fig 14.20G and H). It resulted in a small perforation
cent tooth through the facial concavity with the left implant (Fig 14.20I). The
A 45-year-old female patient presented with missing maxillary inci- bone around the perforation was decorticated using small round car-
sors. Careful intraoral examination revealed swelling and purulent bide bur to receive the nourishment for the graft from the underlying
discharge from the soft tissue pocket around the right canine, which spongiosa (Fig 14.20J).
otherwise was neither mobile nor caused pain to the patient (Fig A small amount of autologous bone was harvested from the adja-
14.20A). The dental CT scan confirmed the presence of a large cent site using a sharp chisel and used to cover the exposed implant
osseous defect with the canine and also facial concavity along the threads (Fig 14.21A–C). Further, a bone substitute (HA€+€β-TCP)
ridge morphology, which could result in perforation through the facial was used to fill the concavity as well as the periodontal defect (Fig
concavity if implants were placed at the correct prosthetic axis (Fig 14.21D and E). The grafted periodontal defect was covered with a
14.20B and C). The placement of implants at teeth numbers 22 and cytoplast TXT membrane, which was immobilized using membrane
11 (away from the periodontal defect with the canine) was planned, tacks (Fig 14.21E–G).
with simultaneous grafting of the perio-osseous defect with canine. More graft was added under the membrane to keep it tented for
The perio pocket was drained and irrigated using citric acid and the time adequate for new bone formation (Fig 14.22A). The flap was
parenteral form of clindamycin to kill the residual pathogens in the released and sutured back with primary closer (Fig 14.22B). Implants
pocket. After the pocket healed and no purulent discharge was seen were uncovered after 4 months, and showed new bone regenera-
after several dressings, the mucoperiosteal flaps were elevated to tion at the dehiscence area (Fig 14.22C and D). Final abutments
expose the bony ridge and perio-defect with canine (Fig 14.20D). All were inserted (Fig 14.22E) and a PFM prosthesis was fixed over the
the granulation tissue was carefully curetted out from the periodontal implants (Fig 14.22F and G).
defect and defect was disinfected using clindamycin (Fig 14.20E


14 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-6—cont’d





Fig 14.20╇ (A) Missing maxillary incisors. (B and C) CT images show large facial concavities and a large periodontal osseous defect around the
right canine. (D–F) The flap was elevated, granulation tissue was curetted out from the periodontal defect, and the defect was disinfected using
clindamycin. (G and H) Osteotomies for the implants were prepared using a prosthetic guide and implants were placed at the correct position and
angulation. (I) It resulted in a small perforation through the facial concavity with the left implant. (J) The bone around the perforation was decorti-
cated using a small round carbide bur, to receive the nourishment for the graft from the underlying spongiosa.

Bone grafting simultaneous with implant placement 14

CASE REPORT-6—cont’d




Fig 14.21╇ (A–C) A small amount of autologous bone was harvested from the adjacent site using a sharp chisel and used to cover the exposed
implant threads. (D and E) Further, a bone substitute (HA€+€β-TCP) was used to fill the concavity as well as the periodontal defect. (E–G) The
grafted periodontal defect was covered with a Cytoplast TXT membrane, which was immobilized by using membrane tacks.


CASE REPORT-6—cont’d




Fig 14.22╇ (A) More graft was added under the membrane to keep it tented for adequate amount of new bone formation. (B) The flap was released
and sutured back with primary closer. (C and D) Implants were uncovered after 4 months, showing new bone regeneration at the dehiscence area.
(E) Final abutments in place. (F) Final prosthesis in place. (G) Post loading radiograph.
Bone grafting simultaneous with implant placement 14

CASE REPORT-7 could not provide any relevant information about possible bone
defect on the exposure of the site (Fig 14.23C and D), but the author
Restoration of trauma case with bone augmentation simulta- had been treating many trauma cases with implants and most of
neous with implant placement the cases had shown some degree of bone defect, so all prepara-
A 25-year-old male patient presented with a history of having lost tions were made to graft defects, if found after flap elevation. The
upper front teeth in a road accident 3 months ago (Fig 14.23A). orthodontic correction of the shifted canine and replacement of the
Intraoral examination revealed that the left maxillary canine was intact lost teeth with implants was offered to the patient as the first treat-
but had intruded and shifted outward (Fig 14.23B). The radiographs ment option, but because of long time span required to complete the



Fig 14.23╇ (A) A 25-year-old male patient presented with the history of having lost the upper front teeth in a road accident 3 months previously.
(B) The intraoral examination revealed the intact left maxillary canine but it had intruded and shifted outward. (C and D) The radiographs could
not provide any relevant information about possible bone defects.

14 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-7—cont’d
treatment, the patient opted to extract and replace the shifted canine adjacent teeth was used to guide the osteotomy preparation for three
by implant therapy. implants (Fig 14.25D). Three implants at the correct prosthetic posi-
All preparations were done for atraumatic extraction of the canine tion were placed with adequate primary stability (more than 35€Ncm)
and prosthetically guided implant placement as well as simultane- (Fig 14.26A and B).
ous grafting of any bone defect. When the mucoperiosteal flap was The implant at the canine position was placed within the bony
elevated, the site showed a large osseous defect with canine and envelope of the osseous defect of the socket. A small amount of
multiple defects along the facial wall of the ridge. The soft tissue bone was collected during the osteotomy preparation using a bone
growth into the traumatized hard tissue, which leads to disruption of collector in suction line. This autogenous bone was grafted into
the periosteum of the facial flap was seen, because blunt dissec- the canine defect, which was further grafted using the previously
tions were needed when elevating the flap to adequately expose the harvested bone block. The site was further grafted using demineral-
site (Fig 14.24A). The canine was carefully extracted, to preserve the ized freeze dried allograft (Grafton) to reinforce the thin facial wall
available osseous architecture around it, to place the implant within with multiple small bone defects (Fig 14.27A–D). The grafted site was
the osseous envelope and provide space for the bone graft (Fig covered using a collagen barrier membrane, and a releasing incision
14.24B). was given through the periosteum to achieve primary closure (Fig
During thorough removal of the fibrosseous tissue, the fibro sseous 14.28A and B). The implants were uncovered after 4 months and
tissue was removed from the ridge, and a small autogenous bone restored using PFM prosthesis. The desired aesthetic and functional
block was harvested from the subnasal region using a bone saw (Fig results were achieved and implants were in function after 1 year with
14.25A–C). The prefabricated prosthetic guide supported over the stable crestal bone around the implants (Fig 14.29A–E).


Fig 14.24╇ (A) Mid-crestal as well as vertical incisions were given and the site was exposed with mucoperiosteal flap elevation by giving blunt
dissections through the soft tissue attachments into the osseous defects. (B) The canine was carefully extracted to preserve the thin socket
walls which could be used to provide space maintenance and blood supply to the graft.

Bone grafting simultaneous with implant placement 14

CASE REPORT-7—cont’d



Fig 14.25╇ (A–C) The fibrosseous tissue was removed from the ridge and a small autogenous bone block was harvested from the subnasal
region using the bone saw. (D) The prosthetic guide was seated over the adjacent teeth and the osteotomies for the implants were prepared
through the guide.


Fig 14.26╇ (A and B) Three implants were inserted at the correct prosthetic positions and with adequate primary stability.


14 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-7—cont’d



Fig 14.27╇ (A and B) The small amount of autogenous bone which was collected during osteotomy preparation using bone collecting suction,
was used to graft the large osseous defect at the canine position (C) covered by the bone block which was shaped to fit in the defect. (D)
Further, the demineralized freeze dried allograft (Grafton) was used to graft the whole site to fill all the osseous deficiencies and to regain the
natural appearance of ridge topography.


Fig 14.28╇ A collagen barrier membrane was used to cover the grafted site. Because the grafting increased the hard tissue volume thus to
achieve primary closure of the flap, (A) releasing incision was given through the periosteum of the flap from underneath and apical to the muco-
epithelial junction. (B) The primary closure of the flap was achieved. No soft tissue-supported provisional prosthesis was given to the patient,
to avoid pressure on the grafted site which may have resulted in the displacement of the graft from its position.

Bone grafting simultaneous with implant placement 14

CASE REPORT-7—cont’d



Fig 14.29╇ (A and B) The implants were uncovered 4 months after placement and restored with porcelain fused to metal (PFM) prosthesis.
(C and D) Radiographs 1 year after implant loading, showing stable crestal bone level around the implants. (E) Patient with a pleasant smile.
(The patient consented to the publication of his picture in literature.)

Subperiosteal tunnelling technique the handling properties of the graft, keeps the graft at the
The conventional techniques of lateral or vertical augmen- desired localized position, prevents graft dispersion from
tation of ridge defects or perforations that occur during the site, and enhances the bone regeneration potential of
osteotomy preparation, need extensive mucoperiosteal the bone graft.
flap elevation to completely visualize the host site for
graft placement. These conventional techniques are well Advantages
documented for success rate in bone augmentation for
new bone regeneration, but there are also various prob- . Minimally invasive technique.
lems that the dentist faces with these techniques, such 2. Less technique sensitive.
as difficulty in stabilizing the graft at site, extensive flap 3. Cost effective as no barrier membrane is used.
elevation leading to reduced blood supply to the region, 4. Fewer complications (e.g. suture line opening,
loss of
need of a barrier membrane to cover the graft, problem graft, infection, etc.) compared to open augmentation
in achieving primary closure of the flap, suture line open- techniques.
ing, and more postoperative discomfort to the patient.
To overcome these problems, the subperiosteal tunnel- Disadvantages
ling approach for lateral and vertical bone augmentation
is found to be more comfortable and successful in many 1. Graft takes longer time to get resorbed and to regener-
cases. In this approach, a small vertical incision is given ate new bone in the area, as decortication of the host
at the distant location and a subperiosteal tunnel is cre- site is difficult to perform in most cases.
ated to reach over the defect. Further, through this tunnel, 2. It is a blind procedure that needs proper radiographic
controlled periosteal elevation is done to create a desired and CT imaging planning to evaluate the size and
subperiosteal pouch over the defect. The bone graft mate- location of the defect.
rial is carried through the tunnel and deposited over the 3. Needs a very controlled surgical hand for successfully
defect within the created subperiosteal pouch and the ver- performing the procedure.
tical incision line is sutured (Fig 14.30A–E). In this tech- 4. Tearing of the periosteum during its elevation from the
nique, mixing platelet-rich plasma into the graft enhances defect area, may cause soft tissue growth in the graft.
14 Clinical Implantology



Fig 14.30╇ Diagrammatic presentation of subperiosteal tunnelling approach. (A) Cross-sectional view of the ridge showing the immediately placed
implant, which has resulted in perforation through the facial concavity. (B) A small vertical incision is given through the facial mucosa at a distant
location (minimum 8–10€ mm away from the defect) and a subperiosteal tunnel is created, using an appropriate curette, to reach over the defect.
(C) The periosteum is elevated from the defect as well as from the small area of the peripheral bone, to create a subperiosteal pouch over the defect.
(D and E) The graft is carried to the created subperiosteal pouch through the tunnel and deposited over the defect. The incision line is sutured.

Indications Contraindications
. Lateral
1 bone augmentation of facial concavities along 1. Bone dehiscence during implant placement in the
with ridge morphology. crestal half of the ridge.
. Grafting of perforation that occurs through the facial
2 2. Bone defects where adequate base for graft place-
cortical plate, well above the crest. ment is not available. For example, need of verti-
. Augmentation of the apical bone defects with imme-
3 cal bone augmentation in a pencil-thin mandibular
diate implant in extraction cases. ridge.
. Lateral bone augmentation of thin maxillary or man-
4 3. Trauma cases where the periosteum is not intact
dibular ridge in the crestal half with a favourable bed and the soft tissue has badly grown into the bone
for graft placement (favourable defect). defects.
. Vertical bone augmentation of the ridge with adequate
5 â•…â•…
buccolingual base to place the graft and to receive the

Bone grafting simultaneous with implant placement 14

Lateral bone augmentation by tunnelling approach (Fig 14.31A–P).





Fig 14.31╇ (A) Site of the missing maxillary lateral incisor, which clinically presented as the presence of adequate ridge dimensions for implant
placement. (B and C) But, CT images showed the inadequate faciopalatal bone dimension with deep facial concavity, (D) which was inadequate
even for the placement of a narrow diameter implant. A mid-crestal incision was made and the flap was minimally elevated (limited to the attached
and stable facial mucoperiosteum) to expose the ridge crest. (E) The implant was inserted at the ideal prosthetic position. The inserted implant
achieved adequate primary stability but the dehiscence which occurred through the facial concavity needed to be grafted. (F and G) A small
vertical incision was given through the facial mucosa, a little away from the dehiscence. (H) A subperiosteal tunnel was created to elevate the
periosteum at the facial concavity. (I–K) The bone substitute (HA€+€β-TCP) mixed with plasma rich in growth factors (PRGF) was carried through
the tunnel and deposited at the facial concavity. (L) Both the incision lines were sutured with primary closer. (M and N) Implant was uncovered and
restored after 4 months. (O and P) Post loading CT images show the island of new bone formation at the concavity area.

14 Clinical Implantology

Vertical bone augmentation by the tunnelling approach (Figs 14.32 and 14.33).



Fig 14.32╇ (A) The implant for the missing first molar is planned. (B–D) Dental radiograph and CT scan cross-section show inadequate bone height
above the mandibular canal; hence vertical bone augmentation was necessary before implant insertion. (E and F) Small vertical incision was given
through the facial mucosa at the distant position and the periosteum was elevated from the ridge crest through the subperiosteal tunnel.

Bone grafting simultaneous with implant placement 14

CASE REPORT-9—cont’d




Fig 14.33╇ (A and B) PRGF is prepared from the patient’s venous blood and was mixed with bone substitute. (C and D) The bone graft was
deposited into the created subperiosteal pouch on the ridge crest and the incision line was sutured. (E) Post-grafting radiograph shows approxi-
mately 10€mm of vertical bone augmentation. (F and G) The implant was inserted after 6 months with mini incision technique. (H–J) Implant was
uncovered and restored after 4 months. (K) The follow-up radiograph after 1 year shows the homogenous consolidation of newly regenerated
bone with no crestal bone resorption with the implant in function.

14 Clinical Implantology

Immediate implant in extraction socket with simultaneous grafting of a small facial bone defect by the tunnelling approach
(Figs 14.34–14.36).




Fig 14.34╇ (A) Mandibular central incisor with history of chronic periapical infection and recurrent drainage through intraoral sinus. (B) Dental radio-
graph shows large periapical radiolucent lesion affecting half the root length. (C) The tooth was atraumatically extracted and all the granulation tissue
was curetted from the socket. (D and E) A small osseous defect was felt through the facial ball of the socket in the apical region. (F) The socket was
disinfected using the parenteral form of clindamycin for 5€min to kill the residual pathogens, and then implant osteotomy was prepared in the usual
fashion. (G) A small amount of autogenous bone was collected from the drills. (H and I) A single body narrow diameter implant (3€×€15 mm One™
implant from Adin) was inserted at the ideal position. The implant achieved adequate primary stability (more than 35€Ncm).

Bone grafting simultaneous with implant placement 14

CASE REPORT-10—cont’d




Fig 14.35╇ (A) The post-implantation radiograph showed that the implant apex had been stabilized into 3€mm healthy bone apical to the radio-
lucency. (B and C) A small vertical incision was given through the facial mucoperiosteum at the distant position and a subperiosteal tunnelling
approach was taken to elevate the periosteum from the defect and to create a small subperiosteal pouch at the defect area. (D–G) Bone
substitute mixed with autogenous bone, was deposited in and over the facial defect through the subperiosteal tunnel. (H and I) The incision
line was closed with a single suture and the Peri-implant socket spaces were also loosely filled with graft.


14 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-10—cont’d



Fig 14.36╇ A small piece of rubber dam was used to cover the socket and the abutment was prepared in the mouth. (A and B) This prevents
metal dust from entering the grafted Peri-implant socket spaces. (C) Further, the flow composite was used around the abutment to seal the soft
tissue area of the socket. A provisional crown was fixed over the implant. (D) This prevents the loss of graft from the socket, supports the soft
tissue papillae, and also creates an aesthetic soft tissue emergence profile around the implant prosthesis. (E) Implant was loaded early, after
3 weeks, using ceramic prosthesis. (F) Post loading radiograph.

Bone grafting simultaneous with implant placement 14

Immediate implant with simultaneous grafting of Peri-implant socket spaces (Fig 4.37A–M).




Fig 14.37╇ (A) Grossly decayed, non-restorable mandibular molar with missing tooth, anterior to it. (B and C) The tooth was extracted with mini-
mum trauma to preserve the osseous architecture of the socket. Implants were placed in both the root sockets with adequate primary stability. (D)
The elliptical shape of the sockets resulted in large Peri-implant socket spaces which needed to be grafted. (E) The Peri-implant socket spaces
were grafted using demineralized allograft putty (Grafton). (F–H) A piece of gelatine sponge was compressed between two fingers to make it
denser. This gelatine sponge was placed over the graft and marginal soft tissue, released and mobilized to achieve primary closure. (I–K) Another
implant was placed at the anterior site. (L and M) Implants were uncovered after 4 months and restored using full zirconia (monolithic) prosthesis.

Summary Whenever possible, autogenous bone should be mixed

Bone grafting simultaneous with implant placement has with bone substitutes. Effort should be made to avoid
now become a routine procedure in implantology. The tears in the periosteum during the flap elevation, and if
implant surgeon should develop the skills to graft peri- it has occurred or if the size of the defect is larger than
implant osseous defects with minimally invasive tech- envisaged, barrier membrane should be used to prevent
niques to achieve a successful outcome. It is seen that soft tissue creeping into the graft. The implant should
bone grafting simultaneous with implant placement is be placed simultaneous with grafting only if it can be
a more technique-sensitive procedure and requires var- placed well within the bony envelope and can achieve
ied approaches for different types of bone defects. The adequate primary stability. The subperiosteal tunnelling
basics of the bone grafting that are described in the pre- technique is found to be the minimally invasive tech-
vious chapter, should be followed to obtain the desired nique for grafting and can be performed in cases of facial
outcome. The selection of the appropriate bone graft perforations, facial defects, favourable vertical defects,
and approach for bone grafting are key for a success- and where lateral bone augmentation is required. Each
ful outcome. Meticulous treatment planning should be case differs from the other, so meticulous treatment
done in cases with possible osseous defects, to evalu- planning using radiographs and CT images and the
ate the type of defect, volume of graft required, bone skilled approach of the surgeon are paramount for suc-
available for implant placement, surgical approach, etc. cess in such cases.
14 Clinical Implantology

Further Reading
Allegrini S Jr, Rumpel E, Kauschke E, et€ al. Hämmerle CH, Lang NP. Single stage surgery Yeh HC, Hsu KW. Guided bone regeneration
Hydroxyapatite grafting promotes new combining transmucosal implant place- for fenestration defects in dental implants.
bone formation and osseointegration ment with guided bone regeneration and Chang Gung Med J 2003;26(9):684–9.
of smooth titanium implants. Ann Anat bioresorbable materials. Clin Oral Impl Res Becker W, Becker BE. Guided tissue regen-
2006;188(2):143–51. 2001;12:9–18. eration for implants placed into extraction
Becker W, Becker BE, Polizzi G, et€al. Autoge- Nyman S. Bone regeneration using the prin- sockets and for implant dehiscence: surgi-
nous bone grafting of bone defects adjacent ciple of guided tissue regeneration. J Clin cal techniques and case reports. Int J Peri-
to implants placed into immediate extrac- Periodontol 1991;18:494–8. odont Restor Dent 1990;10:376–91.
tion sockets in patients: a prospective study. Artzi Z, Dayan D, Alpern Y, et€ al. Vertical Dahlin C, Linde A, Gottlow J, et€al. Healing of
Int J Oral Maxillofac Impl 1994a;9:389–96. ridge augmentation using xenogenic mate- bone defects by guided tissue regeneration.
Hockers T, Abensur D, Valentini P, et€ al. The rial supported by a configured titanium Plast Reconst Surg 1988;81:672–6.
combined use of bioresorbable membranes mesh: clinicohistopathologic and histo- Nemcovsky CE, Moses O, Artzi Z, et€al. Clini-
and xenografts or autografts in the treat- chemical study. Int J Oral Maxillofac Impl cal coverage of dehiscence defects in
ment of bone defects around implants – a 2003;18(3):440–6. immediate implant procedures: three sur-
study in beagle dogs. Clin Oral Impl Res Becker W, Dahlin C, Lekholm U, et€ al. Five- gical modalities to achieve primary soft
1999:10. year evaluation of implants placed at tissue closure. Int J Oral Maxillofac Impl
Lekholm U, Sennerby L, Roos J, et€al. Soft tis- extraction and with dehiscence and fen- 2000b;15:843–52.
sue and marginal bone conditions at osseo- estration defects augmented with ePTFE Schliephake H, Dard M, Planck H, et€ al.
integrated implants that have exposed membranes: results from a prospective Guided bone regeneration around endosse-
threads – a 5-year retrospective study. Int J multicenter study. Clin Impl Dent Rel Res ous implants using a resorbable membrane
Oral Maxillofac Impl 1996;11(5):599–604. 1999;1:27–32. vs a PTFE membrane. Clin Oral Impl Res
Zitzmann N, Schärer P, Marinello C. Long- Hammerle CH, Jung RE. Ridge augmentation 2000;11:230–41.
term results of implants treated with procedures. In: Lindhe J, Lang NP, Karring Becker W, Dahlin C, Becker BE, et€al. The use
guided bone regeneration: a 5-year pro- T, editors. 5th ed. Clinical periodontology of e-PTFE barrier membranes for bone pro-
spective study. Int J Oral Maxillofac Impl and implant dentistry, vol. 2. Munksgaard: motion around titanium implants placed
2001;16(3). Blackwell Publication; 2008. pp. 1090–2. into extraction sockets: a prospective mul-
Hämmerle CH, Lang NP. Single stage surgery Boronat A, Carrillo C, Penarrocha M, et€al. Den- ticenter study. Int J Oral Maxillofac Impl
combining transmucosal implant place- tal implants placed simultaneously with 1994b;9:31–40.
ment with guided bone regeneration and bone grafts in horizontal defects: a clinical Hürzeler MB, Quinõnes CR, Hutmacher D,
bioresorbable materials. Clin Impl Res retrospective study with 37 patients. Int J et€ al. Guided bone regeneration around
2001:21. Oral Maxillofac Impl 2010;25(1):189–96. dental implants in the atrophic alveolar
Benic GI, Jung RE, et€ al. Clinical and radio- Hermann JS, Buser D. Guided bone regenera- ridge using a bioresorbable barrier. Clin
graphic comparison of implants in regen- tion for dental implants. Curr Opin Peri- Oral Impl Res 1997;8:323–31.
erated or native bone: 5-year results. Clin odontol 1996;3:168–77. Landsberg C, Grosskopf A, Weinreb M. Clinical
Oral Impl Res 2009. Kahnberg K-E. Grafting procedures. In: Kahn- and biological observations of demineral-
Simion M, Fontana F, Raspereini G, et€ al. berg K-E, Rasmusson L, Zellin G, editors. ized freeze-dried bone allograft in augmen-
Vertical ridge augmentation by expanded- Bone grafting techniques for maxillary tation procedures around dental implants.
polytetrafluoroethylene membrane and implants. Munksgaard: Blackwell Publish- Int J Oral Maxillofac Impl 1994;9:586–92.
a combination of intraoral autogenous ing Co.; 2005. pp. 14–23. Canullo L, Trisi P, Simion M. Vertical ridge
bone graft and deproteinized inorganic Nemcovsky CE, Artzi Z, Moses O, et€al. Healing augmentation around implants using
bovine bone (Bio Oss). Clin Oral Impl Res of dehiscence defects at delayed-immediate e-PTFE titanium-reinforced membrane and
2007;18(5):620–9. implant sites primarily closed by a rotated deproteinized bovine bone mineral (Bio-
Gher ME, Quintero G, Assad D, et€ al. Bone palatal flap following extraction. Int J Oral Oss): a case report. Int J Periodont Restor
grafting and guided bone regeneration for Maxillofac Impl 2000a;15:550–8. Dent 2006;26(4):355–61.
immediate dental implants in humans.
J Periodontol 1994;65:881–991.

Block grafting for dental implants
Ajay Vikram Singhâ•… Jun Shimada 15
CHAPTER CONTENTS HD Allogenic bone blocks of various sizes are also commer-
cially available to be used for the patients who either do
Introduction 349 not have adequate bone to harvest or are not willing to
Indications 349 undergo the bone harvesting procedure.
Contraindications 349 The use of iliac crest autogenous bone block with the
Advantages 350 osseointegrated implants was originally presented by
Branemark and associates et€al, and has been extensively
Disadvantages 350
used for maxillofacial reconstruction procedures. The
Types of block grafts 350 iliac crest graft is usually used for the reconstruction of
Autogenous block grafts 350 large maxillofacial defects and often used for the full arch
Donor sites 350 ridge reconstruction in implantology. To harvest iliac
Block allografts 350
graft, the patient needs to be hospitalized, as this proce-
dure is performed under general anaesthesia. Besides, it
Advantages of using block allografts 350 gives discomfort to the patient for months and costs are
Armamentarium required for block grafting 350 high compared to the mandibular block.
Step by step surgical technique 351 Misch and associates et€ al. first described the use of
Summary 378 intraoral sites such as mandibular symphysis and ramus
to harvest bone blocks, which can be used to reconstruct
small to medium size ridge defects for implant placement.
The intraoral donor sites offer several advantages over the
Introduction extraoral sites, including less discomfort, close proximity
of donor and recipient sites, less cost, no hospitalization,
‘Block grafting is a procedure where a block of autogenous capability to be performed under local anaesthesia, ease
or allogenous bone is secured at the bone defect area to of surgical access, and decreased donor site morbidity.
regenerate new bone at the host site’.
Reconstruction of alveolar ridge defects or deficiencies
requires bone grafting before or at the time of implant Indications
placement. Various types of osseous defects occur due to
various reasons such as prolonged edentulism, trauma, . Bone defects with less than five bony walls.
congenital anomalies, periodontal disease, and infection, 2. Vertical bone augmentation is required using onlay
and they often require to be corrected by various types of graft.
hard and soft tissue reconstruction procedures. If a defect 3. Defect outside the alveolar housing preventing ideal
is small and contains favourable topography (defect with implant placement.
four or five bony walls), it can be possible to graft it using 4. Defects involving the buccal crest in aesthetic area.
particulate graft before or at the time of implant inser- 5. A long-lasting scaffold for soft tissue support in the
tion, but the presence of a defect with three or fewer bony aesthetic region is required.
walls, mandates grafting using bone block to regenerate
the desired bone dimensions before implant placement.
The use of autogenous bone grafts for ridge augmenta- Contraindications
tion is well documented and has shown a high success
rate over many years. The autogenous bone block is still . Inability to fix the block graft.
considered to be a gold standard for jaw reconstruction. 2. Compromised surrounding bone.
15 Clinical Implantology

. Inadequate donor site availability.

3 use of bone blocks has been avoided to graft the small
. Inadequate soft tissue envelopes.
4 intraoral defects.
. Patient is not fit for the procedure.
Intraoral sites
To make the block grafting procedure easy and comfort-
able for the patient, Misch et€al. presented the use of man-
Advantages dibular symphysis and ramus block bone grafts for use in
. Small to large defects can be grafted with quite predict-
1 dental implants in 1992. As this intraoral bone harvest-
able results. ing can easily be performed under local anaesthesia and
. More
2 predictable qualitative and quantitative new needs no hospitalization of the patient, it is being per-
bone regeneration outcomes than with the particu- formed by many implant surgeons to graft small intraoral
lated graft alone. bone defects.
. Cost effective, as the autogenous block can be har-
vested from the patient’s own body and also the use of Block allografts
membrane can be avoided when using cortical or cor-
ticocancellous block, because the cortical bone serves The block allografts are harvested from cadavers, pro-
the purpose of barrier membrane and prevents soft tis- cessed in the bone banks and made available to be used
sue invasion into the graft area. for intraoral bone grafting. These blocks are available in
. Horizontal as well as vertical bone augmentation can
4 different sizes and forms like cortical, corticocancellous,
be done using block graft. and cancellous blocks and are very useful in the cases
where there is no availability of intraoral bone at any site
that can be harvested, or where the surgeon is not skilled
in harvesting autogenous bone blocks.
. Time consuming and more invasive procedure.
. Technique-sensitive procedure.
Advantages of using block allografts
. Requires another surgical site to harvest bone blocks.
3 1. Saves operating time by eliminating the need for a
. Donor site morbidity.
4 secondary surgical procedure to obtain an autogenous
. Multiple surgical steps.
5 graft.
. Simultaneous implant insertion is not possible – takes
6 2. Functions as a natural biological scaffold, allowing for
a long time to complete the treatment. complete incorporation over time.
3. Remodels with the patient’s own bone.
4. Processed and terminally sterilized by Tutoplast process.
5. Three to five years of shelf life/room temperature
Types of block grafts storage.
. Based
1 on structural form
a. Cortical
Armamentarium required for block grafting
b. Cancellous Various types of armamentaria are used to perform the
c. Corticocancellous block grafting procedure. Depending on various factors
â•…â•… like ease of use, cost and availability of the armamentar-
. Based on source
2 ium, and the specific approach required in a particular
â•…â•… case, etc. surgeons have multiple choices of armamen-
a. Autogenous block graft (autograft) taria such as bone saws, carbide burs, Piezotome, and
b. Allogenic block graft (allograft). bone discs to harvest autogenous bone blocks. Various
types of carbide burs and bone saws have been conven-
tionally used to harvest autogenous blocks (Fig 15.1A–
Autogenous block grafts C), and still continue to be the first choice of many
Autogenous block grafts are harvested from the patient’s surgeons. Use of bone saws and carbide burs need a
own body and immediately transported to the host skilled approach to avoid any inadvertent soft tissue
site. injury. The use of new generation armamentaria, such
as Frios microsaw (Fig 15.2) and piezosurgery unit (Fig
Donor sites 15.3A and B), offer several advantages over the burs and
oscillating saws, like more controlled and precise bone
Extraoral sites cutting and the least possibility of soft tissue injuries.
Branemark et€ al. originally presented the use of the The only disadvantage with these new generation block
iliac crest autologous bone blocks to regenerate new harvesting systems is the increased cost to the patient.
bone for dental implant placement. A few other extra- The other armamentaria like block holding forceps
oral sites like the iliac crest, tibia, ribs, and calvarium (Fig 15.4) and block fixing kit (Fig 15.5) are required
have also been used to harvest the large amounts of to modify and immobilize the block at the host site.
autogenous bone required for grafting intraoral bone The bone block fixation system contains various drills,
defects and deficiencies. However, most of these proce- mini screws and screwdrivers. Usually 1.5 or 2.0€ mm
dures need to be performed under general anaesthesia diameter screws are used, which can be 6–18€mm long
and are not very comfortable for the patient; thus the (Figs 15.1–15.5).
Block grafting for dental implants 15


Fig 15.1╇ (A) Pikos block grafting bur kit. (B) Oscillating saw for bone harvesting. (C) Reciprocating saw for bone harvesting. (Courtesy: Salvin Dental
Specialties, USA).

Step by step surgical technique

Step 1: A mucoperiosteal flap is elevated to expose the
host site.
Step 2: A small round or straight fissure carbide bur is
used to create inlay preparation and to make the small
perforations through the cortex at the host site. This
enhances the blood supply to the bone block from the
underlying spongiosa of the host site.
Step 3: The mucoperiosteal flap is elevated to expose the
donor site and a bone block of the desired shape, but
1–1.5€mm smaller in size than the prepared recipient
site, is harvested.
Step 4: Block graft should be stored in blood, saline, or
nonactivated platelet-rich plasma.
Step 5: A small amount of additional autogenous bone
can also be scraped out from the donor site and
stored in blood, saline, or nonactivated platelet-rich
Step 6: The block graft is tried over the prepared recipient
site for its intimate adaptation. The further prepara-
tion of the recipient site, if required, is preferred over
the shaping of the block graft.
Step 7: Two to three holes are prepared through the block
graft for the fixation screws, using a straight carbide
Step 8: The block graft is transported to the recipient
Fig 15.2╇ Frios Microsaw (Dentsply Friadent) is a very useful tool for
site, adapted at the desired three-dimensional posi-
intraoral corticocancellous block harvesting. Its 0.25€mm diamond disc
tions (preferably the cancellous face of the block
allows precise preparation of donor sites. Its tissue guard controls depth
towards the host bone), and the holes in the block are
of osteotomy and protects the soft tissue from injury. Its conservative axis
extended into the host site to the desired depth, using
minimizes surgical trauma. The horizontal cuts made using contra-angle
the same straight fissure bur. At the time of extending
and vertical curves are made using a straight handpiece.
the holes through the block, the block is held at the
position using the block-holding forceps. Further, the
block is immobilized at the recipient site using two to host site to fill the deficiencies around the bone
three fixation screws. block.
Step 9: The particulated autogenous bone that has been Step 10: A barrier membrane can be used to cover the
harvested from the donor site, is mixed with syn- whole grafted site. The surgeon can avoid the barrier
thetic or xenograft (Bio-Oss) and delivered at the membrane in selective cases, because the cortical part of
15 Clinical Implantology


Fig 15.3╇ (A and B) Piezotome with bone surgery kit. Bone surgery kit comprising six ultrasonic tips (three saws and three scalpels) adapted to the
different cases that arise in the intraoral environment, used for clinical treatments such as bone harvesting, osteoplasty, crest expansion, preparation
of the implant site, accessing the lower alveolar nerve, etc. The use of the piezosurgery unit offers many advantages such as fast, fine, and selective
cut (cuts only bone without any injury to the soft tissue), and fast healing. (Courtesy: Setlec, France).

Fig 15.5╇ Bone blocks fixation system containing drills, mini screws
and screwdriver. Usually 1.5 or 2.0€mm diameter screws are used, which
can be 6–18€mm long. (Courtesy: Salvin Dental Specialties, USA).

Step 11: Verify the passive flap closer over the grafted site and
if required, the flap is released and coronally advanced
to cover the grafted site for a watertight primary closure.
Step 12: The site is left to heal for 4–6 months without
Fig 15.4╇ Anterior and posterior cortical block clamps with slotted tips. any functional loading over the grafted site (no
(Courtesy: Salvin Dental Specialties, USA). �softtissue-supported prosthesis should be used). The
site is uncovered after the graft has united with the
host bone, with the phases of resorption and apposi-
the block graft itself prevents the soft tissue creeping tion at the graft and host bone interfaces. This process
into the grafted region. The barrier membrane should may however take 4–6 months. The fixation screws
be used, if a large region around the block is grafted are removed and implants are inserted in the consoli-
using particulate graft. dated new bone.

Block grafting for dental implants 15

Step by step clinical presentation of block grafting using autoÂ�genous block from the mandibular ramus buccal shelf (Figs 15.6–15.22).


Fig 15.6╇ Clinical view of the edentulous ridge of missing molars. (A) Patient was seeking implant-supported fixed prosthesis. (B) A radiographic
template is fabricated to plan the appropriate positions for implant placement at molar sites.


15 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d




Fig 15.7╇ (A–F) When two regular diameter implants were planned to replace the teeth no. 46 and 47 using CT planning software, the various CT
views showed the deficient buccolingual bone dimensions at the crestal part of the ridge. The block grafting was planned to reconstruct the lost
bone dimensions. (G and H) The ramus buccal shelf area was chosen as the donor site.

Block grafting for dental implants 15

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d


Fig 15.8╇ (A) A mid-crestal incision was given and the mucoperiosteal flap was elevated to expose the recipient as well as the donor sites.
(B) The host and donor sites were separately marked using a sterile HB pencil.



Fig 15.9╇ (A–D) The different types of Piezotome bone surgery saws were used to prepare a rectangular osteotomy at the ramus buccal shelf
area under copious chilled saline irrigation. Care should be taken to avoid any injury to the inferior alveolar nerve. The osteotomy preparation
should be done minimally to reach the underlying spongiosa. By completely bypassing the high density cortex all around, it is easy to separate
the block from the site.


15 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d


Fig 15.10╇ (A and B) Once the rectangular osteotomy is completed deep enough to reach the underlying cancellous bone, bone chisels or
osseous �splitters are used to laterally separate the bone block.


Fig 15.11╇ (A) Block-holding forceps can be used to hold the block. (B) Donor site as seen after the block removal. If the mandibular nerve comes
out attached to the inner surface of the block, it should be carefully detached using any blunt instrument before removing the block from the site.

Block grafting for dental implants 15

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d


Fig 15.12╇ (A) The block harvested from the mandibular ramus buccal shelf mostly contains the cortical bone with very little or no cancellous
bone. (B) As and if required, the block is shaped using a large round carbide bur to fit the host site. All the sharp edges of the block should be
smoothened for easy and effective adaptation of the overlying soft tissue without any perforation or tearing.


Fig 15.13╇ (A and B) A small round carbide bur is used to prepare multiple holes through the cortex at the host site to receive the nutrient blood
supply from the host bone to nourish and keep alive the transplanted autogenous block graft cells.


15 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d


Fig 15.14╇ (A and B) A small amount of cancellous bone can be scraped out from the donor site using a piezotome bone scraper.


Fig 15.15╇ (A and B) Two holes are prepared through the block using a long carbide bur and two block fixation screws are inserted.

Block grafting for dental implants 15

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d


Fig 15.16╇ (A) The cancellous bone is delivered at the host site to fill the gaps between the inner surface of the block and the host bone. (B) Now
the block is placed over the host site and firmly immobilized using fixation screws.


Fig 15.17╇ (A and B) The particulate graft (HA€+€β-TCP) is used to fill the spaces and deficiencies around the bone block as well as to fill the donor


15 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d


Fig 15.18╇ (A and B) Horizontal releasing incisions are given through the periosteum underneath the facial flap to release it for coronal advance-
ment and to achieve tension-free primary closure.


Fig 15.19╇ (A) The flap is sutured to achieve a watertight closure. (B) The dental CT 4 months after block grafting, showing newly regenerated
bone dimensions, which are now adequate for regular to wider diameter implant placement.

Block grafting for dental implants 15

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d


Fig 15.20╇ (A and B) The mucoperiosteal flap is elevated to expose the grafted site and the fixation screws are removed using screwdriver.
The block as well as the particulate graft has been consolidated and the site is ready to receive the implants.


Fig 15.21╇ (A and B) Two wider diameter implants (5€ x€10 and 6€x€10 mm) are inserted at the ideal prosthetic positions and flap is sutured back
for submerged healing of the implants.


15 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d



Fig 15.22╇ (A) Post-implantation radiograph. (B and C) Implants are uncovered after 3 months and restored using metal-free zirconium crowns
along with the crowns over the worn out adjacent teeth. (D) The radiograph 1 year after loading shows stable bone around the implant.

Block grafting for dental implants 15
‘J’ block grafting: For ridge defects with a thin ridge bone in the desired shape. The ‘J’ block can either be har-
crest that widens apically especially in the aesthetic vested from the mandibular symphysis of the patient, or
region, the ‘J’ shaped block graft can be the right choice, an allogenic bone block of ‘J’ shape can be used for this
as it adapts well over such defects and regenerates the purpose (Fig 15.23A and B).


Fig 15.23╇ (A) A corticocancellous ‘J’ block can either be harvested from the mandibular symphysis of the patient or (B) a ‘J’ block allograft can
be used to reconstruct the ridge with thin ridge crest that widens as it proceeds apically (Courtesy: Zimmer Dental Inc.).

CASE REPORT-2 ridge. The mucoperiosteum on the palatal aspect of the defect was
left intact to provide stability to the defects (Fig 15.25A). The fibrosse-
Reconstruction of premaxilla with large osseous defect using ous tissue from the defects was removed using sharp tissue curettes.
autogenous ‘J’ blocks harvested from the mandibular symphysis The mucoperiosteal flap was elevated to expose the mandibular
A 28-year old male patient presented with a four-unit dental symphysis and two ‘J’ shaped corticocancellous bone blocks were
bridge, which had been placed 1 year previously to replace two harvested using a rotary carbide bur (Fig 15.25B and C). The blocks
maxillary central incisors. The patient complained of continued ridge were stored in normal saline (Fig 15.25D) and the donor site was
loss under the bridge which had caused an unaesthetic appearance, sutured after placing absorbable collagen sponge into the donor sites
phonetic problem, and also discomfort to the patient (Fig 15.24A). (Fig 15.25E and F). Now the prevention of soft tissue growth into the
On giving the detailed history, the patient attributed the tooth loss to graft was one of the challenges, so the pieces of collagen barrier
large endo-perio lesions developed after a trauma, which resulted in membrane were placed into the defects and pushed to the palatal
recurrent pain, swelling, draining abscess, periodontal bone loss, and side to prevent any soft tissue creeping into the graft from the palatal
teeth mobility. The dentist extracted two central incisors and replaced side (Fig 15.26A–C). The bone blocks were shaped and placed to
them with the dental bridge. exactly fit into the defects (Fig 15.26D and E). A titanium mesh was
The dental CT images of the region showed the loss of almost all placed over the blocks and stabilized using small bone screws in the
the bone structure with large amount of soft tissue growth into the subnasal bone (Fig 15.26F). The freeze dried demineralized allograft
ridge (Fig 15.24B–E). The situation was almost contradictory to any (Grafton) was mixed with platelet-rich plasma (Fig 15.27A) and added
possibility of hard and soft tissue reconstruction for implant inser- over the blocks (Fig 15.27B). The entire grafted site was covered
tion. The patient’s consent for the procedure was obtained, after his with the titanium mesh (Fig 15.27C) and flap was sutured back (Fig
current situation and the possible outcomes of the reconstruction 15.27D). The CT images after 6 months showed the desired volume
process were explained to him. of new bone regeneration at the grafted site (Fig 15.27E–G). The site
The case was planned for reconstruction using ‘J’ blocks har- was exposed again after 8 months healing (Fig 15.27H), the titanium
vested from the mandibular symphysis. The bridge was removed and mesh was removed, implants were inserted (Fig 15.27I) and the flap
a mid-crestal incision, which extended to two vertical incisions, was was sutured back with primary closure (Fig 15.27J). The implants
given. The facial mucoperiosteal flap was elevated by giving blunt were uncovered after 4 months (Fig 15.27K) and restored using
dissections through the soft tissue, which had grown deep into the zirconium prosthesis (Fig 5.27L–N).


15 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-2—cont’d



Fig 15.24╇ (A) Clinical view of the case with complaints of continuous ridge loss under the bridge, placed to replace teeth numbers 11 and 21.
Patient gave a history of tooth loss because of large endo-perio lesions which resulted in recurrent pain, swelling, draining abscess, periodontal
bone loss, and teeth mobility. (B–E) Dental CT images revealed severe bone loss in the region, which absolutely contradicted any possibility of
implant placement.



Fig 15.25╇ (A) The flap was elevated to expose the host site and all the soft tissue, which had grown into the defects, was curetted out. (B–D) Two
bone blocks of the same sizes as the defect were harvested from the mandibular symphysis region and stored in normal saline. (E) Small pieces
of absorbable collagen sponge were placed at the donor site and (F) the flap was sutured back.

Block grafting for dental implants 15

CASE REPORT-2—cont’d



Fig 15.26╇ (A–C) Pieces of collagen barrier membrane were placed into the defects and pushed to the palatal side to prevent any soft tissue
creeping into the graft from the palatal side. (D and E) The bone blocks were placed into the defects. (F) A titanium mesh was placed over the
blocks and stabilized using small bone screws in the subnasal bone.


15 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-2—cont’d






Fig 15.27╇ (A) The freeze-dried demineralized allograft (Grafton) was mixed with platelet-rich plasma and (B) added over the blocks. (C) The entire grafted
site was covered with titanium mesh and (D) the flap sutured back. (E–G) The CT images after 6 months showed new bone regeneration at the grafted
site. (H) The site was exposed again, titanium mesh was removed, and (I) implants were inserted. (J) The flap was sutured back with primary closure.
(K) The implants were uncovered after 4 months and (L and M) restored. (N) The radiograph 1 year after loading showed stable bone around the implants.
Block grafting for dental implants 15

Reconstruction of premaxilla with vertical bone augmentation using onlay block grafts, lateral bone augmentation using particu-
late graft, and grafting of the anterior third of the maxillary sinus (Figs 15.28–15.30).


Fig 15.28╇ (A and B) Clinical view of maxillary anterior edentulous ridge showing vertical as well as horizontal ridge defect.



Fig 15.29╇ (A) A surgical guide was fabricated showing ideal teeth positions of the future prosthesis. (B) A vestibular incision was given to expose
the labial cortex and ridge crest. The labial cortical plate was micro-perforated using small round carbide bur. (C) The lateral windows were pre-
pared and sinus membrane elevated to graft the anterior one-third of the maxillary sinus cavity. (D) Two rectangular bone blocks were harvested
from the mandibular symphysis.


15 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-3—cont’d




Fig 15.30╇ (A) The blocks were fixed onto the ridge crest to obtain vertical augmentation to the desired height, and (B) the particulated bone substi-
tute was used to fill the elevated sinus cavities as well as to laterally augment the labial part of the ridge. (C) The post grafting panoramic radiograph
showed the bone blocks, grafted anterior part of the sinuses, and donor site. (D and E) The healing after 4 months showed noticeable amount of
vertical and horizontal new ridge dimensions. (F) The implant-supported prosthesis showed an acceptable aesthetic profile.

Block grafting for dental implants 15

Reconstruction of maxillary defect using the autogenous cortical block harvested from the ascending ramus of �mandible
(Figs 15.31–15.39).



Fig 15.31╇ (A–C) Clinical view of edentulous region of maxilla showing the horizontal ridge defect. (D) The axial view of the dental CT showing a
large ridge defect. (E) The mucoperiosteal flap was elevated to expose the ridge crest and buccal cortex.


15 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-4—cont’d



Fig 15.32╇ (A) The ascending ramus of the mandible was exposed to harvest the bone block. (B–D) The armamentaria used for block harvesting.

Block grafting for dental implants 15

CASE REPORT-4—cont’d


Fig 15.33╇ (A and B) A disc was used to prepare inferior horizontal osteotomy and two vertical cuts (C) while the oscillating saw was used to
prepare superior horizontal osteotomy.


Fig 15.34╇ (A) The block was separated from the donor site using a sharp chisel, and (B) measured to fit the host site.

15 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-4—cont’d



Fig 15.35╇ (A and B) The host site was microperforated to access the rich blood supply from the underlying spongiosa as well as for the desired
union of the block with the host site. (C) The block was tried on the host site to assure its desired adaptability. (D) Two screw holes are prepared
through the block using a straight carbide bur.



Fig 15.36╇ (A and B) The block was immobilized on the host site using long fixation screws. (C) Further, the particulated graft was used to fill the
deficient areas. (D) The releasing incisions were given into the periosteum of the buccal flap.
Block grafting for dental implants 15

CASE REPORT-4—cont’d


Fig 15.37╇ (A and B) The mucoperiosteal flap was coronally advanced and sutured to achieve a watertight closure.


Fig 15.38╇ (A and B) Healing after 4 months shows remarkable improvement in three-dimensional ridge morphology. (C) The axial view of the
�dental CT scan shows reconstructed ridge defect.



Fig 15.39╇ (A) Site was exposed after 4 months and fixation screws are removed. (B–D) Implants were inserted using a prosthetic guide and the
flap was sutured back.
15 Clinical Implantology

Reconstruction of vertical bone defect of the mandibular molar region using onlay block graft (Figs 15.40–15.43).


Fig 15.40╇ (A) Radiograph shows a large vertical bone defect in the posterior mandibular region, which had resulted in insufficient vertical bone
dimensions above the mandibular canal to insert adequately long implants. (B) The host site as well as the ascending ramus of the mandible
was uncovered.

Block grafting for dental implants 15

CASE REPORT-5—cont’d



Fig 15.41╇ (A–D) A large corticocancellous bone block was harvested from the ascending ramus of the mandible.


15 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-5—cont’d



Fig 15.42╇ (A) A small amount of cancellous bone was also harvested from the donor site and mixed with the bone substitute. (B–D) The bone
block was fixed on top of the ridge crest and the particulated graft, mixed with blood, was added over and around the block as well as, to fill the
donor site.

Block grafting for dental implants 15

CASE REPORT-5—cont’d



Fig 15.43╇ (A) The grafted site was covered using a collagen barrier membrane. (B and C) The flap was released and sutured to achieve watertight
�closure. (D) Post-grafting radiograph shows the vertical bone augmentation using bone block.


15 Clinical Implantology

Fig 15.44╇ When harvesting the block graft from the mandibular symphysis region, care should be taken to avoid any injury to the vital structures like
mental nerve and root apices. The outer margins of the block osteotomy (presented in green) should remain a minimum of 5€mm away from the root
apices, mental nerve, and basal margin of the mandible (presented with red dotted block) (Rule of 5).

Rule of 5: When harvesting the block from the mandibu- postoperative discomfort to the patient and to obtain the
lar symphysis, care should be taken to avoid any injury desired results from the grafting. A block of adequate size
to the vital structures, such as mental nerve and roots of should be harvested and shaped to achieve maximum and
the mandibular anteriors. The margins of the osteotomy closest adaptation at the host site. The host site should
should be prepared a minimum of 5€mm away from all be microperforated using the small round bur, to provide
the structures like mental foramina, root apices of man- nutrition from the underlying spongiosa for the trans-
dibular anteriors, and basal margin of the mandible. In planted graft cells to survive. Efforts should be made to
cases where the mandibular canal is showing the ante- immobilize the block graft using a minimum of two fixa-
rior loop, osteotomy preparation should end 5€mm ante- tion screws because the use of only one screw may cause
rior to the anterior-most margin of the anterior loop (Fig rotational movement of the block and result in nonunion
15.44). of the graft to the host site. The particulate graft, either
autogenous bone harvested from the host site or bone
substitute, should be used to fill the spaces and deficien-
Summary cies around the block. The barrier membrane can be used
in selective cases where the periosteum is not intact, or
Block grafting can be a preferred option in ridge defects in cases where a lot of particulate graft has been used to
where the particulate graft does not look to be a defini- augment the defect. The fixation screws should passively
tive option. The desired results can be achieved using pass through the block, as the lateral pressure from the
block graft in cases of large defects with vertical or lateral screws may result in block fracture from the screw hole.
bone deficiency. The autogenous bone block is known to The sharp edges of the graft should be smoothened out
be the gold standard and can be harvested from the vari- to avoid any tear of the overlying soft tissue and the con-
ous intraoral sites, such as mandibular symphysis, man- sequent exposure of the block to the oral environment.
dibular ramus, and buccal shelf, to be used to augment However, if it has occurred, the exposed part of the block
small to medium-sized defects. Meticulous planning graft should be reduced using a carbide trimmer, and the
should be done to perform the procedure with minimum site left to heal by the process of secondary intension.

Further Reading
Pikos MA. Block autografts for localized ridge Hernández-Alfaro F, Pages CM, García E, et€al. Proussaefs P, Lozada J, Kleinman A, et€al. The
augmentation: part II. The posterior man- Palatal core graft for alveolar reconstruc- use of ramus autogenous block grafts for
dible. Implant Dent 2000;9(1):67–75. tion: a new donor site. Int J Oral Maxillofac vertical alveolar ridge augmentation and
Bahat O, Fontanessi RV. Efficacy of implant Implants 2005;20:777–83. implant placement: a pilot study. Int J Oral
placement after bone grafting for three- McCarthy C, Patel RR, Wragg PF, et€ al. Den- Maxillofac Implants 2002;17:238–48.
dimensional reconstruction of the poste- tal implants and on lay bone grafts in Bahat O, Fontanesi FV. Complications of graft-
rior jaw. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent the anterior maxilla: analysis of clinical ing in the atrophic edentulous or partially
2001;21:220–31. outcome. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants edentulous jaw. Int J Periodontics Restor-
Misch CM, Misch CE. The repair of localized 2003;18:238–41. ative Dent 2001;21:487–95.
severe ridge defects for implant placement Pikos MA. Alveolar ridge augmentation with Pikos MA. Block autografts for localized ridge
using mandibular bone grafts. Implant ramus buccal shelf autografts and impacted augmentation: part I. The posterior max-
Dent 1995;4:261–7. third molar removal. Dent Implantol illa. Implant Dent 1999;8(3):279–84.
Triaca A, Minoretti R, Merli M, et€ al. Peri- Update 1999;4(10):27–31. Tecimer D, Behr MM. Use of autogenous bone
osteoplasty for soft tissue closure and Hernández-Alfaro F, Martí C, Biosca MJ, et€al. grafting to reconstruct a mandibular knife
augmentation in preprosthetic surgery: Minimally invasive tibial bone harvesting edge ridge before implant surgery: a case
a surgical report. Int J Oral Maxillofac under intravenous sedation. J Oral Maxil- report. J Oral Implantol 2001;27:98–102.
Implants 2001;16:851–6. lofac Surg 2005;63:464–70.
Block grafting for dental implants 15
Misch CE. Contemporary implant dentistry. Collins TA, Nunn W. Autogenous veneer Gapski R, Wang HL, Misch CE. Management
2nd ed. St. Louis (MO): Mosby; 1999. p. grafting for improved esthetics with den- of incision design in symphysis graft pro-
443–4. tal implants. Compend Contin Educ Dent cedures: a review of the literature. J Oral
Pikos MA. Alveolar ridge augmentation using 1994;15:370–6. Implantol 2001;27:134–42.
mandibular block grafts: clinical update. Bedrossian E, Tawfilis A, Alijanian A. Veneer Schuler R, Verardi S. A new incision design for
Alpha Omegan 2000;93(3):14–21. grafting: a technique for augmentation mandibular symphysis bone-grafting pro-
Pikos MA. Facilitating implant placement with of the resorbed alveolus prior to implant cedures. J Periodontol 2005;76:845–9.
chin grafts as donor sites for maxillary placement. A clinical report. Int J Oral Max- Schwartz-Arad D, Levin L. Intraoral autogenous
bone augmentation: part I. Dent Implantol illofac Implants 2000;15:853–8. block onlay bone grafting for extensive
Update 1995;6(12):89–92. Pikos MA. Facilitating implant placement with reconstruction of atrophic maxillary alveo-
Pikos MA. Posterior maxillary bone reconstruc- chin grafts as donor sites for maxillary bone lar ridges. J Periodontol 2005;76:636–41.
tion: importance of staging. Implant News augmentation: part II. Dent Implantol Koymen R, Karacayli U, Gocmen-Mas N, et€al.
and Views 1999;1(3)(1):6–8. Update 1996;7(1):1–4. Flap and incision design in implant sur-
Kleinheinz J, Büchter A, Kruse-Lösler B, et€ al. Perry T. Ascending ramus offered as alternate gery: clinical and anatomical study. Surg
Incision design in implant dentistry based harvest site for onlay bone grafting. Dent Radiol Anat 2009;31:301–6.
on vascularization of the mucosa. Clin Oral Implantol Update 1997;3:21–4. Frost H. The regional acceleratory phenom-
Implants Res 2005;16:518–23. Sethi A, Kaus T. Ridge augmentation using enon: a review. Henry Ford Hosp Med J
Pikos MA. Buccolingual expansion of the mandibular block bone grafts: preliminary 1983;31:3–9.
maxillary ridge. Dent Implantol Update results of an ongoing prospective study. Int J Jensen OT, Pikos MA, Simion M, et€ al. Bone
1992;3(11):85–7. Oral Maxillofac Implants 2001;16:378–88. grafting strategies for vertical alveolar aug-
Wheeler SL. Implant complications in the Capelli M. Autogenous bone graft from the mentation. Peterson’s principles of oral and
esthetic zone. J Oral Maxillofac Surg mandibular ramus: a technique for bone maxillofacial surgery. 2nd ed. Ontario: BC
2007;65(7 Suppl. 1):93–102. Review. augmentation. Int J Periodontics Restor- Decker; 2004. pp. 223–32.
Erratum in: J Oral Maxillofac Surg. ative Dent 2003;23:277–85. Jensen J, Sindet-Pedersen S. Autogenous man-
2008;66:2195–6. Kainulainen VT, Sàndor GK, Carmichael RP, dibular bone grafts and osseointegrated
Frost H. The biology of fracture healing: an et€al. Safety of zygomatic bone harvesting: a implants for reconstruction of the severely
overview for clinicians. Part I. Clin Orthop prospective study of 32 consecutive patients atrophied maxilla: a preliminary report. J
Relat Res 1989;248:283–92. with simultaneous zygomatic bone grafting Oral Maxillofac Surg 1991;49:1277–87.
Li J, Wang HL. Common implant-related and 1-stage implant placement. Int J Oral Marx RE. Biology of bone grafts. In: Kelly JPW,
advanced bone grafting complications: Maxillofac Implants 2005;20:245–52. editor. OMS knowledge update. Rosemont
classification, etiology, and management. Proussaefs P, Lozada J. The use of intraorally (IL): American Association of Oral and
Implant Dent 2008;17:389–401. harvested autogenous block grafts for verti- Maxillofacial Surgeons; 1994. RCN3–17.
Collins TA. Onlay bone grafting in combina- cal alveolar ridge augmentation: a human
tion with Branemark implants. Oral Maxil- study. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent
lofac Surg Clin North Am 1991;3:893–902. 2005;25:351–63.

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Ridge splitting for implant placement
Ajay Vikram Singhâ•… Angelo Troedhan 16
Deficiencies in the width or height of the alveolar ridge
Introduction 381 in the maxilla and the mandible, can severely limit the
Causes of bone loss 382 use of dental implants in both edentulous and par-
Author’s classification for the edentulous ridge tially edentulous patients. Ridge-width problems can be
morphology of the anterior maxilla 382 solved through a variety of methods, including the use
Class 1 – Ideal ridge 382 of alveolar distraction, osteogenesis, onlay bone grafts,
titanium reinforced membranes, ridge splitting and
Class 2 – Deficient ridge crest 382 ridge expansion. Whether implants are placed imme-
Management for ideal implant insertion 382 diately or at a later stage after healing, ridge splitting
Class 3 – Adequate ridge at crest but with severe through the use of bone-splitting osteotomes or other
facial concavity 382 cutting/chiseling apparatus expand the ridge, often in
Management for ideal implant insertion 382 conjunction with bone grafting. Careful displacement of
Class 4 – Deficient ridge crest with severe facial the buccal plate is essential when ridge splitting is used,
concavity 382 because abnormal bone healing may result from undue
trauma to the plate.
Management for ideal implant insertion 382
According to Dr Ady Palti, several specifically designed
Indications 382 instruments (e.g. bone chisels for bone splitting and
Contraindications 383 osteotomes for bone spreading) enable techniques for
Comparative features of block grafting versus placing implants in the lateral region of the maxilla,
ridge splitting procedures 383 where the alveolar ridge is not wide enough. Palti explains
Advantages 384
that ‘these techniques make it possible to condense the
bone laterally, resulting in a higher bone density and an
Disadvantages 384 improved primary stability of the implant, and to aug-
Materials and instruments required for ridge ment the alveolar ridge locally, thus creating a stable ves-
splitting 384 tibular and palatine lamella of 1.5–2â•›mm’. He adds that
Conventional technique these criteria are important to ensure long-term successes
of ridge splitting 386 in implantology and, moreover to shorten the period of
Minimal incision techniques osseointegration.
for ridge splitting and expansion 393 The ridge splitting technique was originally proposed
Ridge splitting in the ridge with class 2 ridge by Dr Simion et€al and later on modified by Dr �Scipioni
morphology 393 et€al, and Dr Nivins and Dr Stein. This technique is per-
formed to widen a narrow ridge to place adequate diam-
Ridge splitting in the ridge with class 4 ridge eter implants. As the name indicates, the implant dentist
morphology 394
splits the two collapsed cortical plates apart to achieve
Ridge splitting and expansion adequate buccolingual ridge dimensions for ideal diam-
in the posterior maxilla 407 eter implant placement between two cortical plates.
Ridge-splitting procedure in the mandibular ridge 409 The bone graft is packed to fill the spaces between the
Two-stage ridge-splitting technique 409 cortical plates after implant insertion. The site is cov-
Single-stage ridge-splitting technique 419 ered with resorbable collagen membrane and the flap
sutured back with a primary closure. With advance-
Complications 428 ments in implant science and armamentarium, several
Safety measures 428 modifications have been made to conventional ridge
Summary 428 splitting techniques and can selectively be performed in
any particular case.
16 Clinical Implantology

Class 3 – Adequate ridge at crest

Causes of bone loss but with severe facial concavity
1. Traumatic avulsion of anterior teeth often causes This condition does not require any ridge modification or
severe injury to the thin facial cortical plate, which grafting at the crestal region but the facial concavity needs
in turn gets resorbed and results in inadequate ridge to be grafted before implant placement (Fig 16.1C).
width for adequate diameter implant insertion (class
2 ridge).
2. A large chronic periapical/periradicular abscess often
Management for ideal implant insertion
causes the resorption of the labial cortical plate, and 1. Lateral bone augmentation in the facial concavity and
the extraction of such teeth results in a narrow ridge delayed implant insertion
with a severe undercut along the facial aspect of the 2. Implant insertion with simultaneous bone augmenta-
ridge (class 3 ridge). tion of the facial concavity.
3. Periodontal bone defects.
4. Disuse atrophy with long-term edentulism. Class 4 – Deficient ridge crest with severe
5. Use of removable partial prosthesis/flipper for a long
facial concavity
Deficient ridge crest with severe undercuts along the facial
aspect, needs to be grafted along with ridge splitting and
expansion (Fig 16.1D).
Author’s classification for the
edentulous ridge morphology Management for ideal implant insertion
of the anterior maxilla 1. Lateral bone augmentation and delayed implant inser-
Edentulous ridge morphology of the premaxilla can be tion
classified based on its cross-sectional topography. 2. Ridge splitting with mid-crestal horizontal and two
vertical cuts on facial plate and simultaneous implant
Class 1 – Ideal ridge insertion with bone augmentation to fill the large
spaces between expanded cortical plates
The ideal diameter implant can be inserted without any 3. Ridge splitting to expand the crestal one-third fol-
ridge modification and grafting procedure (Fig 16.1A). lowed by implant insertion and lateral bone augmen-
tation over the undercut, preferably by tunnelling
Class 2 – Deficient ridge crest technique.

Deficient ridge width at the crest needs ridge expansion or

lateral bone grafting at the crestal region for ideal diam- Indications
eter implant placement (Fig 16.1B). Compromised bone width for ideal
implant placement
Management for ideal implant insertion Ridge splitting and expansion are performed to
1. Lateral bone augmentation and delayed implant inser- widen the thin ridge and the implant is immedi-
tion ately inserted between two expanded cortical plates
2. Ridge splitting and simultaneous implant insertion. (Fig 16.2A and B).


Fig 16.1╇ Author’s classification for the edentulous ridge morphology of the anterior maxilla. (A) Abundant bony ridge for ideal implant insertion with-
out any bone augmentation (class 1). (B) Bony ridge deficient at the crest, needs bone augmentation with or prior to implant placement (class 2).
(C) Bony ridge with facial concavity at the middle one-third, needs bone augmentation with or prior to implant insertion (class 3). (D) Bony ridge with
the combination of crestal bone deficiency and facial concavity, needs bone augmentation with or prior to implant insertion (class 4).
Ridge splitting for implant placement 16
Porous cortical and coarse/fine be improved with lateral bone augmentation or ridge
trabecular bone (D3/D4 bone) expansion to improve the facial aesthetics along with the
implant restoration (Fig 16.4).
Bone splitting can be performed with a greater rate of
success in the bone with medium density (e.g. maxillary
bone). Ridge splitting in the hard bone (e.g. mandible)
often leads to sudden and complete splitting/fracture of
the cortical plate during its expansion. But with the newer . Presence of dense cortical bone (D1 bone)
protocols described later in this chapter, one can manage 2. Compromised buccal cortical plate
to perform ridge splitting in the high density bone as well. 3. Absence of cancellous bone between two cortical
Presence of both cortical plates with 4. Presence of severe undercuts
5. Inadequate ridge width (<3€ mm) to perform ridge
observable interposed cancellous bone
Ridge splitting should not be performed in cases where 6. Insufficient mesiodistal space of edentulous area
any of the cortical plate is missing or if there are large (<7€mm) – if mesiodistal dimension of the edentulous
osseous defects in the bone. ridge area is less than 7â•›mm, ridge splitting with two
vertical cuts should not be performed as either of these
Absence of severe undercuts cuts can harm the roots of adjacent teeth, or because
there is inadequate bone between two cuts, which is
Severe undercut along the ridge morphology may result often very difficult to expand.
in sudden fracture of the cortical plate at the undercut
area during its expansion (Fig 16.3A–C). Newer proto-
col is described later in the chapter to manage such ridge
situations. Comparative features of block
grafting versus ridge splitting
Improvement of facial profile is a procedures
necessity to improve the aesthetics
If performed with the proper case selection, treatment
Often the available bone width is adequate to insert planning, and skilled approach, ridge splitting offers sev-
adequate diameter implant but the concavity in the ridge eral advantages over the conventional block grafting pro-
morphology, especially in the aesthetic region, needs to cedure (Table 16.1).


Fig 16.2╇ (A and B) Placement of an implant with adequate size in the ridge with compromised buccolingual ridge dimensions may result in bone
dehiscence. The ridge splitting and expansion should be performed to obtain adequate bone width before implant placement.
16 Clinical Implantology


Fig 16.3╇ (A–C) Severe undercut along the ridge morphology may result in sudden fracture of the cortical plate at the undercut area during its

Table 16.1╇Comparison between block grafting and ridge



Takes more time Takes less time

More invasive Less invasive

More technique-sensitive Less technique-sensitive

Needs another site to harvest Not required

autogenous bone block

More surgical steps Fewer surgical steps

Simultaneous implant insertion Simultaneous implant insertion

Fig 16.4╇ Concavity in ridge morphology in the aesthetic region often is not possible is possible
needs to be improved with lateral bone augmentation or ridge expansion
to improve facial aesthetics. Takes a long span of time to Takes shorter time span to
complete the treatment complete the treatment

. It can be performed as an alternative to the block graft-
1 2. Sudden fracture of cortical plate may occur during
ing in selected cases. expansion.
. Simultaneous implant placement is done.
2 3. It cannot be performed if one of the two cortical plates
. It does not usually require expensive armamentarium;
3 is missing.
can be performed using ridge splitters. 4. It may require graft materials and membranes to fill
. Implant with adequate diameter can be placed.
4 the voids/spaces.
. It enhances hard and soft tissue profile.
5 5. Skilled approach is required to obtain the desired
. Bone density around implants is increased.
6 results.
. Interposed graft receives rich blood supply for
Materials and instruments required
Disadvantages for ridge splitting (Fig 16.5A–C)
. Crestal
1 bone resorption: The ‘bounce back’ pressure . Razor sharp osseous splitters
of the expanded resilient cortical plate against the 2. Bone spreading osteotomes (D-shaped)
implant platform may lead to its resorption. 3. Good bone expanders
Ridge splitting for implant placement 16


Fig 16.5╇ (A) Palti’s ridge splitting kit containing various types of ridge splitters and accessories required to perform ridge splitting procedures,
(B) piezotome saw along with (C) bone surgery kit (from Satelec, France) can be used to prepare horizontal and vertical osteotomies more precisely
than rotary burs, before ridge splitting and expansion using splitters.

16 Clinical Implantology

. A balanced mallet
4 Conventional technique
. Thin straight fissure bur
. Piezo surgery unit
of ridge splitting
. Graft placement instruments
7 Step by step diagrammatic presentation of ridge-splitting
. Good regenerative materials (bone graft and membrane)
8 technique is shown in Figs 16.6–16.9.


Fig 16.6╇ Cross-sectional 3D view of the maxillary anterior edentulous ridge showing narrow ridge crest. (A) Any attempt to place the implant may result
in dehiscence at the crestal region. (B) The mid-crestal incision is made and mucoperiosteal flaps are elevated to expose the ridge crest as well as the
facial cortical bone. (C) A mid-crestal horizontal cut is made and deepened several millimetres, using sharp chisel/piezo saw/straight fissure bur.

Ridge splitting for implant placement 16



Fig 16.7╇ (A) A thin long straight fissure bur/piezo saw/osseous splitters are used to make two vertical cuts deep enough to reach the underlying
cancellous bone and apically to reach beyond the narrow bone or facial undercut, if present. (B) Different sized osseous splitters are then sequentially
used to widen the seam and pry apart the two cortical plates. The facial plate should be supported with the finger or any appropriate instrument
during its expansion to counteract the expansion forces and to prevent its sudden fracture. (C) Fully spread cortical plates with a large degree of
separation can be seen. The implant osteotomy is prepared in usual fashion. Drills should be used in contact with hard and stable palatal plate far
away from the spread facial plate and deeper to reach at least 3–4â•›mm. (D) Apical to the split ridge, to achieve adequate implant stability at its apex.

16 Clinical Implantology


Fig 16.8╇ (A) Implant is inserted at the correct position; implant should preferably be submerged 1.0 ╛mm apical to the ridge crest. (B) All the spaces
between the implant and expanded cortical plates should be grafted using bone graft. (C) The grafted site should be covered using barrier collagen
membrane, which can be immobilized using bone tacks.

Ridge splitting for implant placement 16


Fig 16.9╇ (A) Releasing incisions are made into the periosteum underneath the facial flap and (B) the flap is sutured back with primary closure. Implant
should be uncovered only after a minimum of 4 months.

16 Clinical Implantology

Ridge splitting with simultaneous implant placement to restore maxillary central incisors (Figs 16.10–16.12).




Fig 16.10╇ (A) Edentulous site of the missing maxillary central incisors show a labial concavity in ridge morphology, which is indicative of the
possibility of inadequate bone width. (B) As can be seen after flap elevation, any attempt to place implant would result in dehiscence at the
osteotomy opening or the fenestration at the facial concavity. A thin long straight fissure bur is used to make a mid-crestal horizontal cut to
resect the bony trabeculae and deepen the seam. Seam should come within 2â•›mm of adjacent teeth, but no closer. Further, two vertical cuts
are made on the labial cortical plate using sharp osseous splitters or the same bur. All cuts should be deep enough to reach the underlying can-
cellous bone. (C) The vertical cuts should be extended apical to the concavity at the facial bone to achieve maximum expansion without sudden
fracture of the labial plate from the concavity. (D) The bone expenders used to widen the seam and pry the plates apart. (E) The osteotomy is
prepared using pilot drill and parallel guide pins inserted to check the parallelism. (F) The further expansion and osteotomy preparation is done
using bone spreaders and implants (3.5 x 12 mm) are inserted with adequate initial stability.

Ridge splitting for implant placement 16

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d



Fig 16.11╇ (A) The peri-implant spaces can be seen between two fully spread cortical plates which need to be grafted. (B and C) Autogenous
bone is harvested from the mandibular symphysis, crushed and mixed with bovine bone material (Bio-Oss). (D) The site is grafted to fill the spaces
and to reinforce the thin facial cortical plate. (E) A collagen barrier membrane is used to cover the graft. (F) Periosteum is released and the flap is
sutured with primary closure.


16 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d




Fig 16.12╇ (A) Site uncovered after 4 months shows complete bone regeneration. (B) The gingival formers are in place. (C) The final abutments
are in place. (D and E) Final prosthesis fixed over the implants shows adequate soft tissue aesthetics around the prosthesis. (F) The follow-up
radiograph after 3 years shows stable crestal bone around the implants.

Ridge splitting for implant placement 16
Minimal incision techniques Ridge splitting in the ridge with class 2 ridge
for ridge splitting and expansion morphology (thin ridge crest without any
facial concavity)
Minimal incision techniques for ridge splitting and expan-
sion can be performed in selective cases using appropriate The ridge with the class 2 ridge morphology is the most
armamentarium and skills. appropriate ridge for the ridge splitting procedure because



Fig 16.13╇ (A) Cross-sectional 3D view of the anterior maxillary ridge with inadequate crestal bone width but without any severe undercut in ridge morphol-
ogy (class 2 ridge morphology). (B) A mid-crestal incision is made and flaps are minimally elevated only to expose the ridge crest. A mid-crestal cut is made
and deepened to several millimetres using the piezo saw or sharp thin and long straight fissure bur. (C) Ridge splitters are then used to split and expand
the narrow ridge crest. (D) Once the narrow ridge crest has been adequately expanded, the osteotomy is prepared in usual fashion using drills, and the
implant is inserted.

16 Clinical Implantology

Ridge splitting and expansion of class 2 ridge using piezotome and ridge splitters (Figs 16.14–16.16).


Fig 16.14╇ (A) Preoperative clinical view of missing tooth number 21 shows the narrow ridge crest. (B) Cross-sectional 3D view of dental CT scan
showing inadequate bone width at the ridge crest. (C and D) Implant insertion without ridge splitting or lateral bone augmentation procedure may
result in dehiscence at the crestal region and subsequent implant thread exposure.

the ridge widens faciopalatally as it proceeds apically. This because a severe undercut can be found along the facial
results in minimum chances of ridge perforation during aspect of the ridge, which may cause the sudden frac-
implant drilling or sudden fracture of the facial plate dur- ture of the facial cortical plate during ridge splitting
ing the ridge splitting and expansion procedure. Thus, and expansion. The dehiscence of the ridge through
minimum flap elevation is required if ridge expansion is the facial cortical plate and subsequent implant sur-
being performed without vertical cuts along the facial cor- face exposure may also result in the undercut region.
tical plate. Only the crestal part of the ridge is expanded in Thus the best way of dealing with such cases is ridge
such cases to accommodate the implant platform within splitting and expansion of the ridge crest with the mini-
the ridge crest dimensions and in most of such cases bone mal flap elevation, followed by grafting of the under-
grafting is not required (Fig 16.13A–D). cut region with the subperiosteal tunnelling technique.
The benefit of this approach is that the periosteum
remains intact with the facial plate in the undercut
Ridge splitting in the ridge with class 4 ridge region during ridge splitting and expansion, which
morphology (compromised crestal bone width prevents the sudden fracture of the plate at the under-
with facial concavity) cut region. Other benefits are that the grafting of the
undercut region can be done with a minimally invasive
Such type of ridges are known to be a little difficult approach and there is no need to use barrier membrane
for the performance of the ridge splitting procedure (Figs 16.17–16.19).

Ridge splitting for implant placement 16

CASE REPORT-2—cont’d



Fig 16.15╇ The papilla preservation incision is made and a small flap is elevated only to expose the ridge crest. (A) A mid-crestal cut is made
and deepened to several millimetres using the piezo saw. (B and C) The ridge splitters are then used to split and expand the narrow ridge crest.
(D) Once the narrow ridge crest has been expanded, the osteotomy is prepared using drills and the implant is inserted.


Fig 16.16╇ (A) As there were no peri-implant spaces to graft, the flap is sutured back without using any graft and membrane. (B and C) Implant
is uncovered and restored after 3 months.
16 Clinical Implantology


Fig 16.17╇ (A) Cross-sectional 3D view of the anterior maxillary bone shows compromised crestal bone width and severe facial undercut. Any attempt
to place implant may lead to dehiscence of the facial bone at the crestal as well as at the undercut region. Ridge splitting using conventional
flap technique can result in sudden and complete fracture of the facial cortical plate from the undercut area during its expansion. A mid-crestal
incision is made and flaps are minimally elevated to expose only the ridge crest. A mid-crestal cut is made and deepened to several millimetres to
reach beyond the facial undercut using the piezo saw or sharp thin and long straight fissure bur. (B) The ridge splitters are used to split and expand
the narrow ridge crest only.


Fig 16.18╇ (A) Once the narrow ridge crest is expanded, implant osteotomy is prepared in the usual fashion using drills. (B) Implant is inserted and
flaps are sutured back. Implant insertion may either cause the dehiscence or thinning of the facial bone which may resorb later at the facial concavity.
Hence, it needs to be grafted.

Ridge splitting for implant placement 16



Fig 16.19╇ (A and B) A small vertical incision is made at a distant position and the periosteum is elevated at the undercut area with subperiosteal
tunnelling technique. (C and D) The site is grafted through the tunnel and the incision line is sutured.

16 Clinical Implantology

Ridge splitting, implant placement, and simultaneous lateral bone grafting in the class 4 ridge (Figs 16.20–16.25).




Fig 16.20╇ (A) Clinical view of edentulous maxillary anterior region, a 4-unit bridge supported by two implants is planned. (B–F) The 3D and cross-
sectional views of the dental CT scan are showing facial undercuts (concavities) in the ridge morphology; thus any attempt to place implant at the
correct prosthetic axis may result in dehiscence of the facial bone at the undercut region. (G) An incision, slightly palatal, is made and the facial flap is
minimally elevated to expose the ridge crest. (H) The facial periosteum should not be elevated beyond the muscle attachment to the ridge.

Ridge splitting for implant placement 16
CASE REPORT-3—cont’d





Fig 16.21╇ (A–C) Two separate crestal cuts are made at the planned implant sites and deepened several millimetres to reach beyond the facial
undercut, using the piezo saw. (D) Two small vertical cuts are also made on the labial side of the ridge crest using the same saw. (E–G) The ridge
splitters are then used to split and expand the narrow ridge crest. (H) After the ridge crest has been adequately expanded, the osteotomy is
prepared using drills to the planned depth.

16 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-3—cont’d




Fig 16.22╇ (A and B) The expanded labial cortical plate should be supported with the finger or any instrument even during implant osteotomy
preparation to prevent its sudden fracture. (C) Once the implant osteotomy is completed, a special probe (DGI probe) can be used to evaluate any
labial dehiscence. (D and E) Again, the expanded labial cortical plate should be supported with any instrument during implant insertion to avoid
sudden fracture. (F) Implant stability can be checked using the torque ratchet, which reached up to 35â•›Ncm in this case.

Ridge splitting for implant placement 16

CASE REPORT-3—cont’d




Fig 16.23╇ (A and B) Inserted implants at their final positions. (C) Flap is sutured back with watertight primary closure, (D) two small vertical inci-
sions are made at distant locations on the labial mucosa and (E) the periosteum is elevated from the facial concavities with the subperiosteal
tunnelling technique. (F) The small particle sized synthetic hydroxyapatite graft is mixed with PRGF (plasma rich in growth factors) prepared from
the patient’s venous blood. The PRGF not only enhances the new bone regeneration potential of the graft material but also enhances the handling
properties of the graft, as it acts like a glue to bond the graft particles together and prevent their dispersion from the grafted site.

16 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-3—cont’d




Fig 16.24╇ (A–D) Both the facial concavities are grafted by carrying the bone graft through the subperiosteal tunnels, and incision sites are sutured.
(E–H) The islands of the new bone formation on the facial aspect of the inserted implants can be seen in the dental CT scan 4 months after implant

Ridge splitting for implant placement 16

CASE REPORT-3—cont’d



Fig 16.25╇ (A) Implants are uncovered after 4 months and (B and C) restored using a 4-unit ceramic bridge. The desired aesthetic and functional
results have been achieved. The graft has been consolidated and has taken an aesthetic shape so that the facial concavities are not visible now.
This has enhanced the soft tissue aesthetics apical to the restoration. (D and E) The radiographs taken 11 months after final restoration show
stable bone at the crest.

16 Clinical Implantology

Ridge splitting and implant placement in the class 4 ridge with simultaneous lateral bone augmentation using the subperiosteal
tunnelling technique (Figs 16.26–16.28).




Fig 16.26╇ (A) Missing tooth number 22. Three-dimensional and cross-sectional views of the dental CT scan show severe facial concavity in the
ridge morphology, and (B–E) any attempt to place implant may lead to dehiscence of the facial bone at the undercut region. (F) An incision, slightly
palatal, is made and the facial flap is minimally elevated to expose only the ridge crest. (G) A piezo saw is used to make a small mid-crestal hori-
zontal cut deep enough to reach apical to the facial concavity.
Ridge splitting for implant placement 16
CASE REPORT-4—cont’d





Fig 16.27╇ (A) Two small vertical cuts are made at the facial ridge contour and (B) ridge splitters are then used to split and expand the facial plate
at the crestal region. (C and D) After achieving adequate ridge expansion, the osteotomy is prepared, using drills. (E) A dehiscence at the facial
concavity is clearly evaluated using a depth probe and (F and G) the implant is inserted. (H) The initial stability of the implant is checked using the
torque ratchet, which has reached to more than 35â•›Ncm.

Continued 405
16 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-4—cont’d





Fig 16.28╇ (A–E) A small vertical incision is made through the facial mucosa at a distant location and the periosteum from the facial concavity
is elevated through subperiosteal tunnelling to create a subperiosteal pouch. Bone substitute (HAâ•›+â•›β-TCP) mixed with platelet-rich plasma is
deposited at the concavity and incision lines are sutured. (F and G) The implant is uncovered and restored after 4 months. (H–K) Postloading CT
images are showing an island of new bone formation over the dehiscence site.

Ridge splitting for implant placement 16
Ridge splitting and expansion resorbs towards the hard palate, the resorbed maxillary
in the posterior maxilla posterior ridge is often found inadequate in width to
insert the regular diameter implant. The osteoplasty of
Reduced subantral bone height due to vertical resorp- the vertically resorbed narrow ridge further increases
tion of the long-time edentulous posterior maxilla the height of the implant prosthesis and hence often
and the pneumatization of the maxillary sinus are needs ridge splitting and expansion to insert a regular
very common complaints and have successfully been diameter implant at the correct faciopalatal position
treated with the sinus grafting procedures. As the maxilla (Fig 16.29A–D).


Fig 16.29╇ (A) Maxilla resorbed towards the hard palate, thus, placing an implant in the narrow ridge crest of posterior maxilla with sinus grafting can
result in dehiscence at the facial cortical plate. (B) Vertical ridge reduction can be done at the time of implant placement surgery to obtain the desired
bone width for implant placement but it can result in various problems, such as further reduction in the subantral bone height available to stabilize
the implant, increase in the crown–implant ratio, and facial cantilevering of the future prosthesis. (C) Such ridge should be managed either with lateral
bone augmentation using block graft during or before sinus grafting and implant insertion or (D) by ridge splitting and expansion and simultaneous
implant placement.

16 Clinical Implantology

Ridge splitting in the posterior maxilla along with sinus grafting and implant placement (Fig 16.30A–M).





Ridge splitting for implant placement 16

CASE REPORT-5—cont’d
Fig 16.30╇ (A) Cross-sectional CT view of the posterior maxilla shows narrow ridge crest and reduced subantral bone height. (B and C) Sinus ele-
vation is performed with the lateral window approach and a piezo saw is used to make a deep mid-crestal cut. (D) The ridge splitters are sequen-
tially used to split and pry the cortical plates apart. (E) A rotary ridge expander is used for further expansion of the plates. (F) The elevated sinus
floor is grafted using allografts mixed with autogenous bone and three regular diameter self-tapping implants are inserted. (G) All the implants at
their final positions. (H) The peri-implant spaces between two expanded cortical plates are grafted and the some amount of graft is also depos-
ited on the facial aspect to reinforce the thin facial plate. (I) The flap is sutured back to achieve a watertight primary closure. (J) Postimplantation
radiograph shows ideal implant insertions and grafted sinus. (K and L) Implants are uncovered 6 months after the implant placement surgery and
soft tissue grafting is performed to further enhance the soft tissue emergence for implant restoration. (M) Postloading radiograph. The implants
have been in function for more than one-and-half years without any noticeable crestal bone resorption.

Ridge split of the complete maxillary arch for full-arch implant-supported restoration (Fig 16.31A–F).



Fig 16.31╇ (A) The edentulous maxillary ridge, which shows the narrow ridge morphology. (B) Multiple ridge splits are performed and six implants
are inserted. (C) All the peri-implant spaces are filled using bone graft. (D–F) Implants are uncovered after 6 months using the tissue punch and
restored using fixed ceramic prosthesis.

Ridge-splitting procedure in the can be performed with a two-stage procedure or with a

mandibular ridge single-stage procedure.
Due to higher bone density and the presence of thick 1. Two-stage technique
cortical plates, ridge splitting has never been easy to per- 2. Single-stage technique
form in the mandibular ridge, but with recent advances in
armamentarium and clinical skills, ridge splitting can suc- Two-stage ridge-splitting technique
cessfully be performed, following many protocols, in the
mandibular ridge. Ridge splitting in the mandibular ridge In the two-stage ridge-splitting procedure, the mucoperi-
should be performed very carefully and special techniques osteal flap is elevated to expose the ridge crest as well as
are followed to avoid the complete split of the cortical the facial cortical plate and a rectangular osteotomy of
plate. Depending on the particular case and the surgeon’s planned dimensions is prepared through the ridge crest
skills, ridge splitting in the high density mandibular ridge and facial cortex, similar to osteotomy preparation at the
16 Clinical Implantology

time of bone block harvesting. The osteotomy all around the necessary nourishment to the expended facial plate.
should be prepared deep enough to reach the underly- After exposing the previously prepared, mid-crestal, hori-
ing spongiosa. The flap is sutured back and site is left to zontal osteotomy, ridge splitters are sequentially used to
heal for 3–4 weeks. In the healing period of 4 weeks, the carefully split and expend the facial cortical plate. After
woven bone formation occurs along the prepared osteot- achieving desired amount of expansion, the osteotomy of
omy seam, which is soft and makes ridge expansion easy the implant is prepared and the implant of the desired
to perform, without sudden fracture of the facial cortex. dimensions is inserted. The peri-implant spaces between
After 4 weeks, a horizontal crestal incision, slightly facial two cortical plates are grafted using bone substitutes and
to the mid-crest or facial to the previously prepared mid- covered with the barrier membrane. The lingual flap is
crestal osteotomy seam is made, and the flap is elevated coronally advanced and sutured. The implants are uncov-
lingually. The facial mucoperiosteum should not be ele- ered after 4–6 months and restored.
vated as its attachment with the rectangular osteotomy Step by step diagrammatic presentation of the two-
prevents the sudden fracture of the facial plate during its stage ridge-splitting procedure is shown in Figs 16.32
expansion. Moreover, its continued attachment provides and 16.33.


Fig 16.32╇ (A) Cross sectional 3D view of the posterior mandibular ridge shows inadequate bone width for ideal diameter implant placement. Buc-
cal and lingual flaps are elevated to expose the ridge crest and facial cortical plate. (B and C) A rectangular window osteotomy is prepared using a
rotary bur or the piezo saw through the ridge crest and high-density buccal cortical plate, deep enough to reach the underlying cancellous bone. The
superior horizontal cut should be made mid-crestal and the inferior one at least 5–6â•›mm above the mandibular canal or 3–4â•›mm short of the apex of
the future implant, so that the implant can be engaged apically in 3–4â•›mm of unsplit bone and chances of any nerve injuries are avoided. Two thin
vertical osteotomies are prepared at the planned position depending on the planned future implant position.
Ridge splitting for implant placement 16





Fig 16.33, cont’d

16 Clinical Implantology

Fig 16.33╇ (A and B) The flaps are sutured back and site is left to heal for 3–4 weeks to re-establish blood supply to the cortical bone and for the
formation of low-density woven bone at the osteotomy seam. (C) The site is re-exposed after 3–4 weeks by making a crestal incision 2–3â•›mm buc-
cal to the previously prepared mid-crestal horizontal osteotomy and only the lingual flap is elevated. (D) The previously prepared mid-crestal seam is
deepened using either straight fissure bur or piezo saw. (E) The buccal plate is carefully splitted and expanded facially using sharp osseous splitters.
The buccal cortex is outfractured as wider ridge splitters or implant drills are used, but its attachment to the buccal periosteum maintains its nour-
ishment and long-term viability. (F) Further, the implant osteotomy is prepared, 3–4â•›mm apical to the ridge split. (G) The implant is inserted. (H) The
peri-implant spaces between the cortical plates are filled using bone graft; the lingual flap is released and sutured back. The site is allowed to heal for
a minimum of 4 months before implant uncovery and restoration.

Two-stage ridge-splitting procedure and implant placement
in the posterior mandible. A 42-year-old male, referred for the
replacement of missing teeth numbers 46 and 47 using implants,
showed limited bone height above the mandibular canal in the diag-
nostic radiograph. The CT planning of the edentulous region showed
only 8–10€mm of bone height above the canal, the CT cross-sections
of the bone showed narrow bone at the crestal region, which
could lead to dehiscence if implants were inserted without lateral
bone augmentation or ridge-splitting procedure. The lateral bone
augmentation using autogenous bone block was going to be a more
time-consuming and invasive procedure as it needed another site
to harvest the block, so the decision was taken to perform ridge
splitting. It was decided to adopt the two-stage protocol, because
the facial cortical plate was very dense and thick and presented the
probability of complete separation, if the one-stage ridge splitting and Fig 16.34╇ Clinical view of edentulous ridge.
expansion technique was used (Figs 16.34–16.41).

Ridge splitting for implant placement 16

CASE REPORT-7—cont’d



Fig 16.35╇ (A–F) Different views of CT planning of the site with implant simulation show inadequate bone width at the crestal region for the Â�insertion
of the implants.


16 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-7—cont’d




Fig 16.36╇ (A) Mid-crestal incision is made and a mucoperiosteal flap is elevated to expose the ridge crest and buccal cortical plate. (B) Small
round carbide bur is used to make a series of holes through the cortex, deep enough to reach the underlying cancellous bone. (C and D)
A straight carbide bur is used to prepare an osteotomy window through the buccal cortex. (E) Flap is sutured back. (F) Clinical view after
3 weeks shows complete soft tissue healing. Re-establishment of blood supply to the buccal cortical plate from the periosteum and woven
bone formation along the seam of osteotomy preparation occurs in 3–4 weeks.

Ridge splitting for implant placement 16

CASE REPORT-7—cont’d


Fig 16.37╇ (A) Incision line for the second stage surgery is planned by taking reference from the previous picture of the first stage surgery.
(B) Incision is made 3–4â•›mm buccal to the mid-crestal osteotomy. (C) Lingual flap is elevated to expose the ridge crest and horizontal osteotomy.


16 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-7—cont’d



Fig 16.38╇ (A and B) Pilot drill is used for initial implant osteotomy preparation to partial depth. (C and D) The piezo saw is used to re-prepare the
horizontal osteotomy channel to a similar depth as in the previous surgery.

Ridge splitting for implant placement 16

CASE REPORT-7—cont’d



Fig 16.39╇ (A and B) Sharp osseous splitters are used to split the buccal cortical plate and to expand it facially. (C and D) Since the mandibular
canal is close to the planned implant apex, different diameter diamond tips of the piezotome are sequentially used to prepare the implant oste-
otomies to the complete depth, to prevent any nerve injury and to insert implants close to the mandibular canal.


16 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-7—cont’d



Fig 16.40╇ (A) Finally prepared implant osteotomies. Efforts were made to prepare the osteotomies with the maximum pressure towards the more
stable lingual cortical plate. (B) Two large diameter and short length (5â•›×â•›10â•›mm) implants were inserted with adequate initial stability (more than
30â•›Ncm). (C) HAâ•›+â•›β-TCP graft was used to fill the peri-implant spaces between the two expanded cortical plates. (D) A collagen barrier membrane
was used to cover the graft site.

Ridge splitting for implant placement 16

CASE REPORT-7—cont’d


Fig 16.41╇ (A and B) The lingual flap is coronally advanced and the flap sutured back with a watertight primary closure. (C) The implants uncovered
after 4 months, show complete bone regeneration around the implants. (D) Implants are ready for the prosthetic loading.

Single-stage ridge-splitting technique well-planned skilled approach, to achieve the desired

results. There can be two protocols for performing the
With advancement in the oral surgery armamentarium single-stage ridge split in the mandibular ridge.â•…â•…
such as the piezotome unit, the single-stage ridge split a. Single-stage ridge split by elevating only lingual flap
is possible in the high density mandible, but should b. Single-stage ridge split by elevating the buccal flap
be performed using the appropriate tools and with a

16 Clinical Implantology

a. Single-stage ridge split by elevating only the lingual flap – step by step diagrammatic presentation (Fig 16.42 A – H).



Fig 16.42╇ An incision is made slightly buccal to the mid-crest and the lingual flap is elevated to uncover the ridge crest. Two small vertical incisions
can also be made, which are extended buccally only 2–3â•›mm. (A) This assists in easy expansion of the buccal cortical plate. A mid-crestal horizontal
and deep osteotomy channel is prepared using the piezo saw. (B and C) Now two vertical cuts are made lateral to the buccal cortical plate with the
side-cutting LC1 tip of the piezo saw (which does not cut the soft tissue), so that these two vertical cuts can be made in the buccal bone without
damaging the overlying periosteum. (D) The ridge splitters are then used to split and expand the buccal cortical plate, which remains attached to the
overlying periosteum.

Ridge splitting for implant placement 16



Fig 16.42, cont’dâ•… (E) After achieving the desired expansion, (F) the implant osteotomy is prepared using implant drills and the implant is inserted.
(G) The peri-implant spaces between the two cortical plates can be grafted using bone substitute. (H) The lingual flap is coronally advanced and
sutured to achieve primary closure.

16 Clinical Implantology

b. Single-stage ridge split by elevating the buccal flap – step by step diagrammatic presentation (Fig 16.43 A – H).



Fig 16.43╇ An incision slightly lingual to the mid-crest is made and the buccal flap is elevated to expose the ridge crest. Two small vertical incisions are
made buccally to minimally elevate the facial flap to partially expose the buccal cortical plate. (A) A mid-crestal horizontal deep osteotomy channel is
prepared using a piezo saw. (B and C) Two vertical cuts are made lateral to the buccal cortical plate using the side-cutting LC1 tip of the piezo saw.
(D) The ridge splitters are used to split and expand the buccal cortical plate attached to the overlying periosteum.

Ridge splitting for implant placement 16



Fig 16.43, cont’dâ•… (E) After achieving the desired amount of ridge expansion, (F) the implant osteotomy is prepared using implant drills and the
implant is inserted. (G) The peri-implant spaces between two cortical plates are grafted using bone graft material. (H) A releasing incision is made in
the periosteum of the buccal flap and flap is sutured back with primary closure.

16 Clinical Implantology

Single-stage ridge splitting in the posterior mandible with simultaneous implant insertion (Figs 16.44–16.46).


Fig 16.44╇ Mid-crestal incision is made along with two minimal vertical extensions on the buccal aspect. The buccal flap is minimally elevated to
expose only the ridge crest. (A) A mid-crestal horizontal osteotomy is prepared using the piezo saw and two vertical osteotomies are prepared
using the LC1 tip of the piezotome unit. (B) After obtaining the desired ridge expansion using ridge splitters, implant sites are carefully prepared.

Ridge splitting for implant placement 16

CASE REPORT-8—cont’d


Fig 16.45╇ (A and B) Two implants are inserted after achieving adequate amount of ridge expansion and osteotomy preparation.


Fig 16.46╇ (A) The peri-implant spaces between two cortical plates are grafted using bone substitute and the flap is sutured with primary �closure.
(B) Implants are uncovered using tissue punch after 4 months and final abutments are inserted for restoration.

16 Clinical Implantology

Single-stage ridge splitting in the posterior mandible with simultaneous implant placement (Figs 16.47 and 16.48).




Fig 16.47╇ (A) Clinical view of the mandibular edentulous ridge shows narrow ridge morphology. A horizontal incision slightly lingual to the mid-crest
along with two small facial vertical incisions are made. (B) The facial flap is elevated to expose the ridge crest and part of the buccal cortical plate.
(C) A piezo saw is used to prepare a deep mid-crestal horizontal osteotomy with two vertical cuts through the buccal cortical plate. (D–F) A set of
ridge splitters and expanders is used to split and expand the buccal cortical plate, which is still attached to the periosteum at its apical half.

Ridge splitting for implant placement 16

CASE REPORT-9—cont’d




Fig 16.48╇ (A) After achieving a large degree of expansion, the implant osteotomies are prepared and two regular diameter implants are inserted.
(B) The spaces between the two cortical plates are filled with graft and more amount of graft is deposited on the buccal cortical plate. (C) The
periosteum is released and the flap is sutured back to achieve primary closure. (D) Healing as seen after 3 weeks. (E and F) Implants are uncovered
and restored after 4 months.

16 Clinical Implantology

8. Submerging the implants 1–2â•›mm apical to the ridge

Complications crest.
. Sudden
1 fracture of the facial cortical plate during its 9. Using tapered threaded implants to achieve adequate
expansion. Implant can be inserted if: primary stability.
a. inserted implant has achieved adequate primary 10. If the implant cannot be secured, the site should be
stability grafted for future implant placement.
b. the facial plate is farther facial than the implant, e.g. 11. The implant with platform switching should be preferred
the facial plate is fractured after achieving required to avoid the pressure over the expended ridge crest.
c. the implant can be inserted at favourable angulation.
. Resorption of facial plate after healing/remodelling
around implant. Because of elastic ‘bounce back’ of
the expanded plate to its original position, the pres- The ridge-splitting procedure, in selective cases, can be
sure against the inserted implant may result in facial preferred over block grafting which needs another surgical
bone resorption. site to harvest the bone block and also takes more time to
. Poor implant position. The drills used during oste-
3 complete the implant therapy, as simultaneous implant
otomy preparation and implant insertion usually placement is not usually possible with block grafting.
slip away from the high density stable cortical plate, The ridge-splitting procedure is a very technique-sensitive
(e.g. palatal plate), and may lead to a final implant procedure, and hence should be performed after meticu-
position more facial than ideal. A controlled drilling lous treatment planning and using the correct armamen-
and implant insertion may avoid this complication. tarium. The facial cortical plate should be supported at
the time of its expansion to prevent sudden fracture. If
the cortical plate gets suddenly fractured, the procedure
Safety measures should be aborted and the site should be grafted for future
implant placement. Various techniques presented in this
1. CT planning to evaluate bone dimensions and density. chapter can be very exciting for novice implant dentists,
2. Complete reflection of facial flap. but the author suggests careful evaluation of each case
3. Narrow horizontal channel osteotomy should be made: before making the decision to perform the ridge-splitting
a. to the complete mesiodistal dimension of the procedure with a particular technique. Ridge splitting has
implant site been very successfully performed in the poor- to medium-
b. several millimetres deeper than the length of density maxillary ridge but it has never been easy in the
desired implant. high-density mandible. Two-stage ridge splitting should
4. Controlled and gentle tapping in the horizontal slot to be preferred over single-stage ridge splitting in the man-
spread the facial cortical plate. dible. The large spaces between two expended cortical
5. The facial plate should be supported during tapping plates should be grafted using any bone substitute. The
and its expansion; it prevents the sudden fracture of whole site should be covered using a barrier membrane
the facial plate. before closing the flap. The implant should never be re-
6. Use of piezotome saw if possible, to make the hori- exposed before 4 months. The newer bone surgery tools,
zontal and vertical cuts. such as the piezotome unit, offer several advantages if
7. Interpositioning graft should be placed and covered used to perform the ridge-splitting procedure. Despite
with collagen barrier membrane, if the distance between the ridge-splitting procedure being well documented and
two adjacent implants is more than 3â•›mm and if wide performed very successfully by many skilled implant sur-
spaces are seen between two widely expanded cortical geons, it needs further clinical documentation to improve
plates, as it will prevent soft tissue ingression and will its techniques to fully achieve desired results and to over-
lead to complete bone formation around the implants. come present complications.

Further Reading
Tarnow DP, et€ al. Immediate loading of Summers RB. The osteotome technique. Part 2. Guirado JL, Yuguero MR, Carrión del Valle
threaded implants at stage one surgery in The ridge expansion osteotomy (REO). MJ, et€ al. A maxillary ridge-splitting tech-
edentulous arches. Int J Oral Maxillofac Compend Contin Educ Dent 1994;15: nique followed by immediate placement
Implants 1997;12:319–24. 422–36. of implants: a case report. Implant Dent
Scipioni A, Bruschi GB, Calesini G. The eden- Sethi A, Kaus T. Maxillary ridge expansion with 2005;14(1):14–20.
tulous ridge expansion technique: a five- simultaneous implant placement in. Int J Palti A, Hoch T. A concept for treatment of
year study. Int J Periodontics Restorative Oral Maxillofac Implants 2000;15:491–9. various dental bone defects. Implant Dent
Dent 1994;14(5):451–9. Bernhart T, Weber R, Mailath G, et€al. Use of 2002;11(1):73–8.
Simoni M, Baldoni M, Zaffe D. Jaw bone crestal bone for augmentation of extremely Reilly DT, Burstein AH. The elastic and ulti-
enlargement using immediate implant knife-edged alveolar ridges prior to implant mate properties of compact bone tissue.
placement associated with a split-crest placement: report of 3 cases. Int J Oral Max- J Biomech 1975;80:393–405.
technique and guided tissue regenera- illofac Implants 1999;14:424–7.
tion. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent

Ridge splitting for implant placement 16
Ferrigno N, Laureti M. Surgical advantages with Jensen J, Sindet-Pedersen S. Autogenous man- Garg AK, Morales MJ, Navarro I, et€al. Autog-
ITI TE implants placement in conjunction dibular bone grafts and osseointegrated enous mandibular bone grafts in the treat-
with split crest technique. 18-month results implants for reconstruction of the severely ment of the resorbed maxillary anterior
of an ongoing prospective study. Clin Oral atrophied maxilla: a preliminary report. alveolar ridge: rationale and approach.
Implants Res 2005;16(2):147–55. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1991;49:1277–87. Implant Dent 1998;7(3):169–76.
Basa S, Varol A, Turker N. Alternative bone Misch CM, Misch CE. The repair of localized Triplett RG, Schow S. Autologous bone
expansion technique for immediate place- severe ridge defects for implant placement grafts endosseous implants: complemen-
ment of implants in the edentulous pos- using mandibular bone grafts. Implant tary techniques. J Oral Maxillofac Surg
terior mandibular ridge: a clinical report. Dent 1995;4:261–7. 1996;54:486–94.
Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2004;19(4): Shulman LB. Surgical considerations in implant Montazem A, Valauri DV, St-Hilaire H, et€ al.
554–8. dentistry. J Dent Educ 1988;52:712–20. The mandibular symphysis as a donor site
Chiapasco M, Ferrini F, Casentini P, et€ al. Summers RB. Maxillary implant surgery. The in maxillofacial bone grafting: a quantita-
Dental implants placed in expanded nar- osteotome technique. Part 1. Compend tive anatomic study. Int J Oral Maxillofac
row edentulous ridges with the Exten- Contin Educ Dent 1994;15:152–62. Implants 2000;58:1368–71.
sion Crest device. A 1–3-year multicenter Summers RB. The osteotome technique. Part 3. Scipioni A, Brushi GB, Calesini G. The eden-
follow-up study. Clin Oral Implants Res Less invasive methods of elevating the tulous ridge expansion technique: a 5-year
2006;17(3):265–72. sinus floor. Compend Contin Educ Dent study. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent
Tinti C, Parma-Benfenati S. Clinical classifica- 1994;15:698–708. 1994;14:451–9.
tion of bone defects concerning the place- Summers RB. The osteotome technique. Part Misch CM. Comparison of intraoral donor
ment of dental implants. Int J Periodontics 4. The future site development. Compend sites for onlay grafting prior to implant
Restorative Dent 2003;23:147–55. Contin Educ Dent 1995;11; 1090–1025. placement. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants
Chiapasco M, Zaniboni M, Boisco M. Aug- Davarpanah M, Martinez H, Tecucianu JF, 1997;12:767–76.
mentation procedures for the rehabilita- et€ al. The modified osteotome tech-
tion of deficient edentulous ridges with nique. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent
oral implants. Clin Oral Implants Res 2001;21:559–607.
2006;17(Suppl. 2):136–59.
Collins TA. Onlay bone grafting in combina-
tion with Branemark implants. Oral Maxil-
lofac Surg Clin North Am 1991;3:893–902.

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Distraction osteogenesis
in implantology
Tetsu Takahashi

CHAPTER CONTENTS HD Subsequently, the idea was introduced to the field of oral
and maxillofacial surgery by McCarthy and associates in
Introduction 431 1992. In 1996, DO was introduced as an effective new
Vertical alveolar distraction 431 technique for vertical alveolar ridge augmentation, and
Surgical technique 431 since then the vertical alveolar DO technique is applied
Horizontal alveolar distraction 432 widely to correct alveolar ridge defects or atrophy. Unlike
GBR or bone grafts, the DO technique does not need a
Devices 435
donor site or the simultaneous lengthening of surround-
Discussion 442 ing soft tissues.
Horizontal periosteal expansion osteogenesis 442
Complications 442
Immediate complications 442 Vertical alveolar distraction
Early complications 442 In 1996, Chin et€al developed a vertical alveolar distraction
Late complications 443 device, LEAD system (Stryker Leibinger, �Kalamazoo, MI),
Summary 443 consisting of a threaded rod, a threaded transport plate,
and a stabilizing unthreaded base plate (Fig 17.2).
In 1998, Hidding et€ al developed the TRACK system
(Tissue Regeneration by Alveolar Callus distraction
Introduction –Köln) distraction device (KLS Martin, GmbH, Tut-
lingen, Germany), consisting of titanium microplates
Following tooth loss, alveolar ridge bone height and width welded onto the sliding mechanism of the distraction
deficiencies limit the application of dental implants. Alve- screw (Fig 17.3).
olar deficiency can be classified both by anatomic find- Basic concepts of vertical alveolar distraction are the
ings and the desired clinical approach (Fig 17.1). same as those of Ilizarov (Fig 17.4A–C).
â•…â•… Alveolar reconstruction is achieved by a bone transport
Class I – horizontal deficiency technique whereby the transport segment is moved using
Class II – vertical deficiency a special distractor such as the LEAD system or the TRACK
Class III – both horizontal and vertical deficiency. system.
To augment these alveolar deficiencies, traditionally Surgical technique
autogenous onlay bone grafts have been performed. Ridge
augmentation is required not only for functional but also Alveolar distraction surgery is typically performed as an
for aesthetic reasons in implant-supported restoration for �in-office procedure utilizing local anaesthesia and intrave-
an atrophic, narrow alveolar process. Bone grafting with nous sedation. A horizontal vestibular incision is used to
autogenous bone or bone materials, guided bone regen- expose the bone at the level of the planned horizontal oste-
eration (GBR), and ridge expansion techniques have been otomy. The periosteum is only minimally exposed because
used for this purpose. However, these procedures have of its role in blood supply to the segmented bone (Fig 17.5).
disadvantages, such as the need for surgical intervention The bone plates of the distraction device (Track 1.0) are
and harvesting bone, unpredictable bone resorption, and contoured to the surface of the bone. The plates are also
difficulty in achieving soft tissue coverage. bent to give the proper distraction vector, which is cho-
Ilizarov established the concept of distraction osteo- sen based on the desired direction of the distraction, the
genesis (DO) for orthopaedic surgery in the early 1950s. final bone segment position, and avoidance of occlusal
17 Clinical Implantology

Fig 17.1╇ Seibert’s alveolar defect classification (Class I, Class II and Class III).

Fig 17.2╇ LEAD distraction device (Stryker Leibinger, Kalamazoo, MI).

interference (Fig 17.6). Once the device is contoured,

it is attached using one screw for each plate, so that the
intended osteotomy line can be marked, followed by
device removal. Using a reciprocating bone saw, oste- Fig 17.3╇ TRACK system (KLS Martin, GmbH, Tutlingen, Germany).
otomy is then performed horizontally and vertically (Fig
17.7), and the distractor is re-attached (Fig 17.8). At this
point, the device should be functionally tested through
its range of activation in order to detect any intraopera- Horizontal alveolar distraction
tive tilting/lodging in the underlying areas, to ensure even
transport of the osteomized segment (Fig 17.9). A horizontal DO for correcting a narrow alveolar ridge
The distractor is then deactivated to its initial position, has also been published. Nosaka et€ al reported hori-
and the flap is closed in a meticulous manner (Fig 17.10). zontal alveolar ridge distraction in a dog model and
After 7–10 days of latency period allowing the healing observed woven bone in the distraction gap at 12 weeks
of the wound, the distractor is activated by rotating the and new mature lamellar bone at 24 weeks. Funaki et€al
threaded rod at a rate of 0.4–0.8â•›mm (one to two turns, also mentioned the method of horizontal DO using a
respectively) per day until obtaining the planned length titanium mesh plate that gradually expands the buc-
(Fig 17.11). cal plate horizontally, which is very similar to ridge
After a 2–3 month consolidation period, the distraction expansion osteotomy or the bone-splitting technique
device is removed, and the placement of the implants is without interposition grafting. Horizontal alveolar
performed (Fig 17.12). Subsequently, the final implant- distraction using a titanium mesh plate is an excellent
supported prosthesis is then fabricated (Fig 17.13). augmentation technique for the placement of implants
Distraction osteogenesis in implantology 17

Fig 17.4╇ (A–C) Mechanisms of alveolar DO.

in a narrow alveolar ridge. However, previous in€ vivo the idea of osteogenesis by periosteal distraction or ele-
studies were reported the transport segment underwent vation without corticotomy for bone augmentation has
resorption and it requires appropriate bone volume to been suggested. These methods indicate a new techni-
make a transport segment by performing an osteotomy, cal aspect of DO or tissue expansion, with controlled
which placed a heavy burden on the patient. Recently guided formation of new bone.
17 Clinical Implantology

Fig 17.5╇ A horizontal vestibular incision. Fig 17.6╇ Pre-setting of Track 1.0 distraction device.

Fig 17.7╇ Preparation of transport segment – osteotomy. Fig 17.8╇ Fixation of the distraction device.

Fig 17.9╇ Distraction test. Fig 17.10╇ Flap closure.

Distraction osteogenesis in implantology 17

Horizontal alveolar distraction devices have been previ-
ously reported. ‘Calluspreader’ was developed by Gaggle
et€al. (Fig 17.14A and B).
The concept of horizontal distraction is quite similar to
the vertical alveolar distractor. The author and associates
developed a horizontal distraction device consisting of
a 0.3-mm-wide commercially pure (CP) titanium mesh
plate and a pure titanium distraction screw, 2€mm in diam-
eter and 12€mm in length (Alveo-Wider®, Okada Medical
Instrument Supply Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) (Fig 17.15A–E).
Most of the transport segment of horizontal distraction
is thin, and the segment was difficult to be fixed with a
distraction device. The mesh type device used a titanium
microscrew (1.2€mm in diameter) placed in the transport
segment and stabilized it to the remaining mandible. Fig 17.12╇ Implant placement after distractor removal.
The mesh structure has many holes to insert microscrews
and it is an advantage to have many choices to insert the
screws, especially when an inadvertent fracture occurs to
the transport segment. This device is worked at a rate of
0.4€mm (0.45€mm for the prototype) from one turn, using
an original driver distraction speed of 0.4–0.8€mm/day.

Fig 17.11╇ Distractor activation. Fig 17.13╇ Final superstructure.


Fig 17.14╇ (A) Horizontal alveolar DO device ‘Calluspreader’, (B) transport segment was moved laterally followed by activation of Calluspreader. 435
17 Clinical Implantology



Fig 17.15╇ (A) Custom horizontal alveolar distraction device Alveo-Wider® of 2 mm titanium miniplate (Okada Medical Instrument Supply Co.
Ltd., Tokyo, Japan). (B) Front view of Alveo-Wider® appliance for the anterior mandible. (C) Alveo-Wider® appliance for maxillary premolar region.
(D) Distraction activation is done by turning distraction screw using driver. (E) Transport segment was moved laterally followed by activation.

CASE REPORT-1 CP titanium mesh plate, and a pure titanium distraction screw 2
mm in diameter and 12 mm in length (Alveo-Wider®), was attached
A healthy 51-year-old female presented with the chief complaint bilaterally using a titanium microscrew (1.2 mm in diameter) placed in
of masticatory dysfunction. She had been using removable partial each transport segment and stabilized to the remaining mandible (Fig
dentures for the maxilla and mandible, and had been suffering from 17.19A). The wounds were closed with 4-0 Gore-Tex® suture (Johnson
instability of the mandibular denture because of advanced periodon- & Johnson, Somerville, NJ) with the distraction screws penetrating from
titis involving the abutment teeth (right mandibular lateral incisor and the flaps (Fig 17.19B).
canine). After these teeth were extracted, she insisted on having an
implant-supported prosthesis instead of a removable denture. However, Postoperative protocol
her mandibular alveolar ridge showed extremely thin (Fig 17.16A), and After 7 days to allow for soft tissue healing and early revascularization,
a CT scan (Aquilion, Toshiba Medical Co., Japan) revealed that her the distraction devices were activated by turning the distraction screws
anterior alveolar ridge was extremely thin, being 2€mm wide at a level 0.225€mm twice a day, for 14 consecutive days on the left side and
3€mm from the apex of the alveolar crest (Fig 17.16B). for 12 days on the right side. In all, the alveolar process of the anterior
The initial plan was to perform buccal onlay bone grafting from the mandibular region was widened to 6€mm, at a level 3€mm from the apex
ilium for implant placement. However, the patient refused to undergo of the alveolar crest on both sides. During distraction, there were no
bone grafting. Therefore, horizontal DO of the anterior mandibular apparent problems except a small dehiscence observed in the middle
ridge was chosen to augment the alveolar ridge after conventional of the flap. The patient was instructed to rinse her mouth daily with
implant placement in the posterior molar region bilaterally. chlorhexidine chloride solution. After consolidation period of 3 months,
the devices were removed, and it was confirmed that the distracted
Surgical procedure
areas were completely filled with newly formed bone. Post distraction, a
The patient was anaesthetized with local anaesthetic and intravenous CT scan (Newtom, Italy) confirmed that the alveolar process had widened
sedation. A crestal incision was made, and extended vertically mesial to to 5.8–6€mm at 3€mm from the apex of the alveolar crest (Fig 17.20A–C).
the first molar region. The mucoperiosteum was reflected, exposing the Two months after distraction device removal, four 13-mm-long
labial surface of the mandible. First, a vertical osteotomy was performed standard Astra Tech Implants (Astra Tech AB, Göteborg, Sweden), all
using a reciprocating bone saw (Fig 17.17A). This was followed by a 3.5€mm in diameter, were placed in the distracted areas with good
horizontal osteotomy to the depth of the buccal plate using an oscil- initial stability (Figs 17.21 and 17.22).
lating saw (Fig 17.17B). Finally, a splitting osteotomy was completed Four months after implant placement, the implants were uncov-
using a reciprocating bone saw and a thin-bladed osteotome, and ered, and abutments were connected. A bone-anchored fixed
the transport bone was then displaced labially by a horizontal green definitive prosthesis was then fabricated and put in place (Fig 17.23).
stick fracture apically (Fig 17.18A). In this manner, a transport bone No significant marginal bone resorption was seen around the implant
segment was made from the central to the canine region bilaterally (Fig almost 7 years after implant placement. The patient has been using
17.18B). A horizontal distraction device, consisting of a 0.3-mm-wide this prosthesis with good function and great satisfaction.

Distraction osteogenesis in implantology 17

CASE REPORT-1Â�—cont’d


Fig 17.16╇ (A) Preoperative intraoral view of the extremely atrophic mandible. (B) Preoperative cross-sectional CT scan views showing extremely
thin bony ridge in the mandibular symphyseal region.


Fig 17.17╇ (A) Vertical corticotomy using microreciprocating saw. (B) Horizontal corticotomy using microoscillating saw. Horizontal cut was only
performed to labial cortex.


Fig 17.18╇ (A) Splitting osteotomy using microreciprocating saw and thin osteotome. (B) Bilateral transport segments were created by separation
at the midline.


17 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-1Â�—cont’d


Fig 17.19╇ (A) Two distraction devices (Alveo-Wider®) were set and thin transport segment was fixed with three microscrews in each side.
(B) The wounds were closed with 4-0 Gore-Tex® suture with the distraction screws penetrating from the flaps.


Fig 17.20╇ (A–C) CT findings of distracted area at postoperative 3 months.

Fig 17.21╇ Implant placement in the distracted area.

Distraction osteogenesis in implantology 17

CASE REPORT-1Â�—cont’d

Fig 17.22╇ Intraoral radiographic findings after implant placement.

Fig 17.23╇ Definitive prosthesis was set at postoperative 9 months.

CASE REPORT-2 Postoperative protocol

A healthy 21-year-old female presented with the chief complaint of After 7 days latency period, the distraction devices were activated
masticatory dysfunction. She lost her teeth (12–15) in a traffic acci- by turning the distraction screws 0.2€mm twice a day for 24 con-
dent and insisted on having an implant-supported prosthesis instead secutive days. During distraction, there were no apparent problems
of a removable denture. CT scan revealed that her alveolar ridge was on the device and surrounding tissues. The patient was instructed
knife-edged in shape, being 3€mm wide at a level of 3€mm from the to rinse her mouth daily with chlorhexidine chloride solution. After
apex of the alveolar crest (Fig 17.24). consolidation for 3 months, the devices were removed, and it was
Surgery was planned with alveolar widening using Alveo-wider® confirmed that the distracted areas were completely filled with
and simultaneous septoplasty under general anaesthesia. newly formed bone. A CT scan revealed that bone regeneration
was approximately 500–800 HU showing excellent bone quality
Surgical procedure (Fig 17.26).
A crestal incision was made and extended vertically mesial to the Two months after distraction device removal, two 13-mm-long
central incisor. The mucoperiosteum was reflected, exposing the (diameter 3.5€mm) and two 15-mm-long (diameter 4.5€mm)
labial surface of the maxilla. First, a vertical osteotomy was performed �standard Astra Tech implants (Astra Tech AB, Goteborg, Sweden)
using a reciprocating bone saw. In the same manner as case 1, a were placed in the distracted areas with sufficient initial stability
transport bone segment was made from the central to the second (Fig 17.27A). Three months after implant placement, the implants
premolar region. A horizontal distraction device was attached using were uncovered, and abutments were connected. A bone-
titanium microscrews placed in the transport segment and stabilized anchored fixed definitive prosthesis was then fabricated and put
to the remaining maxilla (Fig 17.25). in place (Fig 17.27B). Six years after implant placement, marginal
After checking the movement of the device from trial activation, bone loss around the implants is minimal, showing excellent clini-
the wounds were closed with 5-0 nylon suture with the distraction cal outcome.
screws penetrating from the flaps.

17 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-2Â�—cont’d

Fig 17.25╇ Distraction device was fixed using microscrews.

Fig 17.24╇ Preoperative CT finding. Horizontal defect was seen at

right maxillary incisor to premolar region.

Distraction osteogenesis in implantology 17

CASE REPORT-2Â�—cont’d

Fig 17.26╇ CT finding (SimPlant) 3 months after distraction before implant insertion.


Fig 17.27╇ (A) Implant insertion at distracted area. Please note the augmented area after distraction. (B) Definitive prosthesis was set at postoperative
11 months.

17 Clinical Implantology

Discussion gradually separated, and it continues as long as the

strained tissue is activated incrementally. However, it
In 1996, DO was introduced as an effective new technique requires appropriate bone volume to make a transport
of ridge augmentation, and the vertical alveolar DO tech- segment by performing an osteotomy, which induces a
nique is nowadays applied widely to correct alveolar ridge greater burden on the patient.
defects or atrophy. However, in a clinical setting, the most In horizontal DO using titanium mesh device, previ-
substantial loss of the alveolar ridge is usually in the hori- ous in€vivo studies reported that the transport segment
zontal dimension. Although case reports and case series of had undergone resorption at 12 weeks and 24 weeks in
horizontal DO for correcting a narrow alveolar ridge have a dog model. This resorption of the transport segment
been published, the method of horizontal DO for a nar- probably occurred because the periosteum was com-
row alveolar ridge has not been established. The method of pletely reflected from the transport segment and was
horizontal DO using a titanium mesh plate that gradually not pedicle. A possible mechanism of bone formation
expands the buccal plate horizontally is very similar to ridge of this horizontal DO method, seems to mainly depend
expansion osteotomy, or the split-crest (SC) technique with on periosteum. Therefore, this method is not conven-
interpositional grafting. Compared with SC, there are some tional ‘bone distraction’, but ‘periosteal expansion’.
advantages of DO including the lack of morbidity from a �Garcia-Garcia also asserted that this method was not
graft harvest site, initial stability of bone fragment using true bone distraction, but ‘dynamic guided bone regen-
titanium mesh plate, and a vital bone of excellent quality eration’. The role of the transport segment appeared to
for the implant placement. Moreover, any type of grafting be as a continuously expanding space-maker. None-
is limited to the availability of soft tissue for coverage of the theless, the author believes that horizontal alveolar
graft and subsequent resorption. On the other hand, the distraction using a titanium mesh plate is an excellent
disadvantages of DO are also pointed out – exposure of dis- augmentation technique for the placement of implants
traction device, long treatment period, and the necessity for in a narrow alveolar ridge. This method may open a door
a secondary operation for the removal of distraction device. to ‘a new concept of bone augmentation by periosteal
Compared with vertical DO, there are some technical dif- expansion’.
ficulties with the horizontal DO. First, a splitting osteotomy Recently the idea of osteogenesis by periosteal dis-
is necessary and a splitting osteotomy for a thin alveolar traction or elevation without a corticotomy for bone
ridge can be technique-sensitive with the risk of cracking or augmentation has been suggested. These methods are
fracturing the transport segment, even when the osteotomy based on the concept that tensile strain on the perios-
is successful. Second, the transport segment must be freed teum, which causes tenting of the subperiosteal capsule,
from the periosteum, because the splitting osteotomy must is sufficient to produce bone formation, without corti-
be completed in addition to the horizontal osteotomy. cotomy or local harvesting of the bone. These studies
A titanium mesh plate is used to stabilize the transport seg- indicate a new technical aspect of DO or tissue expan-
ment. The advantage of using a titanium mesh plate for this sion, with the controlled guided formation of new
purpose is that the titanium mesh is strong enough for sta- bone. The author and associates investigated the utility
bilizing the transport segment, even if the transport segment of periosteal expansion osteogenesis (PEO), the same
cracks or fractures after the splitting osteotomy. While there concept as periosteal DO or elevation, using a highly
was a crack in the right transport segment in Case Report purified β-TCP block, instead of titanium devices, in a
2, the crack had completely disappeared by the time the dog model.
distraction device was removed. Second, a titanium mesh
plate may prevent the transport segment from resorption
because of pressure transmitted via the labial soft tissue. Complications
In a previous study by the author and associates, the kera-
tinized tissue gain on the DO side was greater than on the Complications of DO can be classified into immediate,
bone splitting side in a dog model. In conventional bone early and late complications.
grafting and vertical alveolar distraction, the elongation of
the soft tissues involves mainly the movable mucous mem- Immediate complications
brane. In contrast, with horizontal DO using this device, the
elongation of the soft tissues involved the keratinized tissue, 1. Damage to the dentition including pulp necrosis and
probably because a crestal incision was made within the loosening
keratinized tissue in our method, which resulted in a direct 2. Inability to find the screw-holes after performing the
increase in the keratinized gingiva of the alveolar crest area. osteotomy for the device
The elongation of the keratinized soft tissue seems to be 3. Damage to the orthodontic appliance
a major advantage of horizontal DO using this technique, 4. Severe undercuts along the ridge topography, resulting
that would avoid the need for surgery to acquire keratin- in the poor adaptation of the distractor plate
ized tissue for cosmetic purposes. In addition, the physical 5. Fracture of the distractor plate or fixation screw.
stress, costs, and treatment period could be reduced.
Early complications
Horizontal periosteal expansion . Postoperative infection
2. Distractor loosening
osteogenesis 3. Pressure necrosis of bone around the fixation screws
Distraction osteogenesis is a biological process that leads 4. Paraesthesia, if nerve injury has occurred during dis-
to new bone formation between segments that are tractor fixation.
Distraction osteogenesis in implantology 17

Late complications Summary

1. Occlusal disharmony Alveolar distraction osteogenesis is a viable clinical
2. Relapse alternative for alveolar ridge augmentation. This tech-
3. Incorrect vector nique, when applied for alveolar ridge augmentation,
4. Tooth elongation by elastic traction is characterized by the absence of donor site morbidity
5. Premature bony consolidation and ample bone volume augmentation, with simultane-
6. Facial nerve damage ous expansion of the surrounding soft tissues. Specifi-
7. Condylar resorption cally, horizontal alveolar distraction osteogenesis using
8. Alterations in the articulation a titanium mesh plate is an excellent augmentation
9. Atypical facial pain technique for the placement of implants in a narrow
10. Injury through the distractor alveolar ridge. This method may shed a light on ‘a new
11. Fibrous union concept of bone augmentation by periosteal expansion’.
12. Quadriparesis Further basic and clinical studies are necessary concern-
13. Maxillary sinus perforation ing the indications, limitations, and probable complica-
14. Parotid fistula tions of using horizontal distraction to expand a narrow
15. Alterations in speech. alveolar ridge.

Further Reading
Collins TA, Brown GK, Johnson N, et€al. Team Nosaka Y, Kitano S, Wada K, et€al. Endosseous Laster A, Rachmiel A, Jensen O. Alveolar
management of atrophic edentulism with implants in horizontal alveolar ridge dis- width distraction osteogenesis for early
autogenous inlay, veer, and split grafts and traction osteogenesis. Int J Oral Maxillofac implant placement. J Oral Maxillofac Surg
endosseous implants: case reports. Quin- Implants 2002;17:846–53. 2005;63:1724–30.
tessence Int 1995;26:76–93. Funaki K, Takahashi T, Yamauchi K. Horizontal Takahashi T, Funaki K, Shintani H, et€al. Use of
Artzi Z, Nemcovsky CE. The application of alveolar ridge augmentation using distrac- horizontal alveolar distraction osteogenesis
deproteinized bovine bone mineral for tion osteogenesis: comparison with a bone- for implant placement in a narrow alveolar
ridge preservation prior to implantation: splitting method in a dog model. Oral Surg ridge: a case report. Int J Oral Maxillofac
clinical and histological observations in a Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod Implants 2004;19:291–4.
case report. J Periodontol 1998;69:1062–7. 2009;107:350–8. Jensen OT, Cockrell R, Kuhlke L, et€al. Anterior
Jovanovic SA, Nevins M. Bone formation uti- Kessler P, Bumiller L, Schlegel A, et€al. Dynamic maxillary alveolar distraction osteogenesis:
lizing reinforced barrier membranes. Int J periosteal elevation. Br J Oral Maxillofac a prospective 5-year clinical study. Int J Oral
Periodont Restor Dent 1995;15:56–69. Surg 2007;45:284–7. Maxillofac Implants 2002;17:52–68.
Ilizarov GA. The tension-stress effect on Schmidt BL, Kung L, Jones C, et€ al. Induced Gaggl A, Schultes G, Karcher H. Vertical alveo-
the genesis and growth of tissue: part 1. osteogenesis by periosteal distraction. J Oral lar ridge distraction with prosthetic treat-
The influence of stability of fixation and Maxillofac Surg 2002;60(10):1170–5. able distractors: a clinical investigation. Int
soft tissue preservation. Clin Orthop Sencimen M, Aydintug YS, Ortakoglu K, et€al. J Oral Maxillfac Surg 2000;15:701–10.
1989;238:249–81. Histomorphometrical analysis of new Holbein O, Neidlinger-Wilke C, Suger G,
Ilizarov GA. The tension-stress effect on the bone obtained by distraction osteogen- et€ al. Ilizarov callus distraction produces
genesis and growth of tissue: part 2. The esis and osteogenesis by periosteal distrac- systemic bone cell mitogens. J Orthop Res
influence of the rate and frequency of dis- tion in rabbits. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1995;13(4):629–38.
traction. Clin Orthop 1989;239:263–85. 2007;36:235–42. Garcia-Garcia A, Somoza-Martin M. Bone
McCarthy JG, Schreiber J, Karp N, et€al. Length- Yamauchi K, Takahashi T, Funaki K, et€ al. distraction versus dynamic guided bone
ening the human mandible by gradual dis- Periosteal expansion osteogenesis using regeneration. J Oral Maxillofac Surg
traction. Plast Reconstr Surg 1992;89:1–8. highly puristed beta-tricalcium phosphate 2005;63:724.
Chin M, Toth B. Distraction osteogenesis in blocks: a pilot study in dogs. J Periodontol Suhr MAA, Kreusch Th. Technical consider-
maxillofacial surgery using internal devices: 2008;79:999–1005. ations in distraction osteogenesis. Int J Oral
review of five cases. J Oral Maxillofac Surg Gaggl A, Rainer H, Chiari FM. Horizon- Maxillofac Surg 2004;33:89–94.
1996;54:45–53. tal distraction of the anterior maxilla
Hidding J, Lazar F, Zölller JE. The vertical dis- in combination with bilateral sinus lift
traction of the alveolar bone. J Craniomax- operation—preliminary report. Int J Oral
illofac Surg 1998;26(Suppl. 1):72. Maxillofac Surg 2005;34:37–44.

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Sinus grafting for dental implants
Ajay Vikram Singhâ•… Angelo Troedhan 18
Introduction 445 Treatment of the posterior edentulous maxilla has been
and continues to remain a challenge for the implant
Limitations with the posterior maxilla 445 surgeon, because of reasons like pneumatization of the
Guidelines for successful implant therapy maxillary sinus, poor bone density and volume, and dif-
in the posterior maxilla 446 ficult access. Further, the bone which forms around the
History 446 osseointegrated implants in this region does not show
Maxillary sinus anatomy 447 very high density; thus in several cases the implant which
has successfully osseointegrated may lead to failure after
Indications for sinus grafting 447
loading in this region.
Contraindications for sinus grafting 447 Much research has been done on the management of
Pre- and post-medication for the sinus implant therapy in the posterior maxilla and research-
graft procedure 447 ers have advocated many techniques of sinus grafting,
Conventional surgical techniques 449 several types of bone grafts to generate new bone in the
Lateral approach for sinus grafting 449 elevated sinus floor, and various treatment protocols in
the posterior maxilla to obtain successful and long-term
Simultaneous or delayed implant placement 449
implant therapy in this region. Sinus grafting is the pro-
Graft materials for the sinus grafting 451 cedure commonly practised by most implant dentists to
Advances and modifications in the lateral approach deliver a stable and long-term, implant-supported pros-
of sinus lifting 458 thesis in the posterior maxilla. Various approaches for the
Step by step diagrammatic presentations of the lateral safe and easy sinus elevation have been advocated and
approach using DASK 468 several types of armamentariums and graft materials have
Disadvantages of the lateral approach 478 been tried in this field to obtain maximum success in the
Crestal (osteotome) approach/internal
sinus-lift technique/Summer’s osteotome technique 478
Advantages of the crestal approach/Summer’s Limitations with the posterior
osteotome technique 484
Disadvantages of the crestal approach/Summer’s
osteotome technique 484 1. Poor bone density (type 4/D4) – challenging to
Recent advancements and modifications achieve adequate initial stability of the implant.
in the crestal approach of the sinus lifting 485 2. Reduced bone height because of sinus pneumatization
Intralift technique 494 and vertical bone resorption of ridge crest.
3. Reduced bone width because of lateral resorption
Advantages of the intralift technique 494
of posterior maxilla towards the hard palate,
Complications after sinus graft surgery and their which also results in final prostheses with facial
management 510 cantilevering.
Summary 514 4. Area of less visibility and access.
5. Proximity with sinus floor, posterior superior artery, etc.

18 Clinical Implantology

Guidelines for successful implant the bone available to place wider diameter implants
therapy in the posterior maxilla (Fig 18.1A and B).

. Longest and widest possible implant insertion.

. Bicortical implant stabilization – implant platform
2 is
stabilized in hard crestal bone and its apex in the high-
density sinus floor to achieve adequate initial implant To manage these problems and to offer an optimal
stability. implant therapy in the posterior maxilla, a sinus-lift pro-
. Using more implants for the multiple unit prosthesis.
3 cedure was first performed by Dr Hilt Tatum Jr in 1974
. Implants with the sharp, self-engaging, deeper threads
4 during his period of preparation to begin sinus grafting.
should be preferred to achieve high primary stability The first sinus graft was performed by Tatum in February
in low-density trabecular bone. 1975 in Lee County Hospital in Opelika, Alabama. This
. Implants with faster osseointegrating surfaces, like
5 was followed by the placement and successful restora-
the hydroxyapatite-coated surface implants or the tion of two endosteal implants. After this, suitable instru-
sand blasted and acid etched (SLA) surface implants, ments were developed to manage the lining elevation
should be preferred. from the different anatomical surfaces encountered in
. Implant can be submerged 1 mm apical to the ridge
6 sinuses. Tatum first presented the concept at the Alabama
crest to prevent its premature loading and micromove- Implant Congress in Birmingham, Alabama in 1976 and
ment during its healing phase. presented the evolution of the technique during multi-
. Lateral bone condensation using a special set of
7 ple podium presentations each year until 1986, when he
osteotomes to achieve high-density bone around the published an article describing the procedure. Dr Philip
inserted implant. Boyne was introduced to the procedure when he was
. Longer submerged healing period for the implant.
8 invited, by Tatum, to be ‘The Discusser’ of a presentation
. Progressive bone loading.
9 on sinus grafting given by Tatum at the American Acad-
â•…â•… emy of Implant Dentistry. Boyne and James authored the
These guidelines can be valuable if the patient has mini- first publication on the technique in 1980, when they
mum average bone dimensions under the sinus floor to published case reports of autogenous grafts placed into
insert the wider and longer implant; but after the loss of the sinus and healed for 6 months prior to the placement
the maxillary molars and premolars, the maxillary sinus of blade implants.
expands and lowers down (‘pneumatization’), resulting The sinus floor elevation procedure is one of the most
in reduced subantral bone height, which is often found common surgeries performed in implant dentistry. Since
inadequate to insert adequately long implants. Further, its first description, numerous articles have been pub-
long-time edentulism of the posterior maxilla also leads lished to describe different grafting materials used to graft
to vertical ridge resorption, which further deteriorates the elevated sinus floor, modifications to the classic tech-
the situation for the insertion of long implants and also nique, and comparisons between different techniques.
increases the crown–implant height ratio. Postextraction Sinus floor elevation and bone grafting into the sinus
buccal resorption of the posterior maxilla also reduces has produced predictable results enabling clinicians to


Fig 18.1╇ (A) Panoramic radiograph shows reduced subantral bone height because of pneumatization of maxillary sinuses and vertical bone resorption,
(B) cross-sectional view of the maxillary sinus showing sinus pneumatization and buccal bone resorption, which leads to reduced bone height and width.
Sinus grafting for dental implants 18
place longer implants for more stable prostheses and bet- . Significant recurrent history of chronic sinusitis.
ter long-term outcomes. 4. Uncontrolled diabetes.
5. Maxillary sinus hypoplasia (MSH) – in these patients,
the sinus drainage system is chronically compro-
Maxillary sinus anatomy mised and is associated with malformed uncinate
The maxillary sinus is a pyramid-shaped cavity with its 6. Cystic fibrosis (CF) – cystic fibrosis is a genetic dis-
base adjacent to the nasal wall and apex pointing to the ease which represents 92–100% chronic sinusitis rate.
zygoma. The size of the sinus is insignificant until the Patients with cystic fibrosis exhibit significant rates of
eruption of permanent dentition. The average dimen- sinus polyp formation and fungal sinusitis.
sions of the adult sinus are 2.5–3.5 cm wide, 3.6–4.5 cm 7. Maxillary sinus malignant tumours.
tall, and 3.8–4.5 cm deep. It has an estimated volume 8. Big nose variant – patients having inferior turbinate
of approximately 12–15 cm. Anteriorly, it extends to the and/or meatus pneumatization.
canine and premolar area. The sinus floor usually has its
most inferior point near the first molar region. The size
of the sinus increases with age if the area is edentulous. Pre- and post-medication
The extent of pneumatization varies from person to per-
son and from side to side. Nonetheless, this process often for the sinus graft procedure
leaves the bony lateral and occlusal alveolus paper-thin Antibiotics
in the posterior maxilla. The maxillary sinus bony cav-
ity lined with the sinus membrane, is also known as the 1. Amoxicillin–clavulanic acid combination is the drug
Â�‘schneiderian membrane.’ This membrane consists of cili- of choice for sinus procedures (e.g. tab. Augmentin,
ated epithelium like the rest of the respiratory tract. It is 1 g) – One tablet twice a day starting 1 day before sur-
continuous with, and connects to, the nasal epithelium gery and continued 5 days after surgery.
through the ostium in the middle meatus. The mem- 2. If the patient is allergic to penicillin, then either
brane has a thickness of approximately 0.8 mm. Antral cefuroxime axetil (1 tab. Ceftin, 500 mg b.i.d.) or
mucosa is thinner and less vascular than nasal mucosa clindamycin (1 tab. Dalacin C, 300 mg t.i.d.) can be
(Fig 18.2A–C). prescribed for the patient.
The blood supply to the maxillary sinus is primarily 3. Antibiotics like clindamycin (inj. Dalacin-C, 300 mg)
derived from the posterior superior alveolar artery and can also be added with the graft material used for fill-
the infraorbital artery, both being branches of the max- ing the elevated sinus cavity. It significantly reduces
illary artery. There are significant anastomoses between the chances of postoperative infection complications.
these two arteries in the lateral antral wall. The greater
palatine artery also supplies the inferior portion of the Analgesics
sinus. However, because the blood supplies to the maxil-
lary sinus area are from terminal branches of peripheral Any analgesic combination which contains codeine (tab.
vessels, significant haemorrhage during the sinus-lift pro- Tylenol 3) can be prescribed, one tablet 1 h before sur-
cedure is rare. Nerve supply to the sinus is derived from gery and one 1 t.i.d. continued for 5 days after surgery.
the superior alveolar branch of the maxillary (V2) divi- Codeine is a potent antitussive and so it reduces cough-
sion of the trigeminal nerve. ing, which may exert additional pressure on the elevated
sinus membrane and can cause its tear and the introduc-
tion of bacteria into the graft.
Indications for sinus grafting
Anti anxiety/sedatives
. Residual
1 subantral bone is less than 10 mm in height.
2. Residual subantral bone is less than 5 mm in width – Sinus grafting is a technique-sensitive and time-Â�consuming
sinus lifting and grafting can be performed to insert a procedure; thus a sedative like alprazolam (tab. Alprax, or
narrow diameter but longest possible implant, to gain Valium, 2 mg) should be given to the patient:
more implant bone contact area for optimal results in â•…â•…
implant therapy. 1. One tablet in the night before surgery to reduce anxi-
3. Maxillary sinus is free of any acute or chronic infection ety, so that patient can sleep comfortably at night
(sinusitis) or pathology (cyst). before the surgery.
2. One tablet in the morning before the surgery, which
reduces the patient’s anxiety so that the patient remains
calm and comfortable during the surgery. It also enhances
Contraindications for sinus grafting the effect of the analgesia.
1. Heavy smoking – smoking is a relative contraindica- 3. One tablet at night after the surgery; it reduces exces-
tion for sinus grafting as many studies have shown sive movement of the patient, which may cause the
more failures of sinus grafting and implants in smok- complications.
ers. However, smokers can successfully be treated with
sinus grafting and implant therapy but the patient Corticosteroids
should refrain from smoking at least 15 days before
sinus graft surgery and for 4–6 weeks after surgery. A short-term dose of a steroid like dexamethasone (tab.
2. Acute sinus infection. Decadron, 4 mg) can be prescribed for sinus graft patients.
â•…â•… 447
18 Clinical Implantology


Fig 18.2╇ (A) Facial, (B) axial, and (C) cross-sectional views of the maxillary sinus region show three-dimensional anatomies of the maxillary sinus and
surrounding structures.

. Steroids
1 reduce the inflammation of soft tissue and so
the chances of postoperative swelling, pain, and inci- Vitamin B complex + zinc + Lactobacillus combination
sion line opening are reduced. (Cap. BC-Z-LB, once a day) for 5 days after the surgery.
. Ensures the patency of the ostium and minimizes any
2 It enhances postoperative healing process and maintains
inflammation in the sinus before surgery. gastric flora during the intake of antibiotics.
Two tablets (8 mg) (tab. Decadron, 4 mg) in the
morning, the day before surgery. Antibacterial oral rinse
Two tablets (8 mg) (tab. Decadron, 4 mg) in the
morning, before the surgery. Chlorhexidine gluconate 0.12% (Periogard mouth rinse)
One tablet (4 mg) on the next day, i.e. on the morn- should be used just before the surgery and twice a day
ing after the surgery. for 2 weeks after the surgery. It significantly reduces the
One tablet (4 mg) on the third day morning, (48 h) microbial flora in the oral cavity and the chances of post-
after the surgery. surgery complications.

Sinus grafting for dental implants 18


Fig 18.3╇ (A) Implant motor (physiodispensor) is also used for lateral sinus window preparation. (B) Either contra-angle or straight handpieces (1:1)
(C and D) can be used with large round carbide or diamond bur to prepare the osteotomy in the lateral wall of the sinus. (E) A special set of sinus
curettes/elevators is then used to carefully elevate the sinus membrane. (F and G) Special instruments can be required to carry the graft into the
elevated sinus floor and to fill it adequately and effectively.

Cryotherapy bony bridges still left between the window bone and the
surrounding lateral wall of sinus. The sinus membrane is
Ice or cold dressings on the face and cold oral liquids then gently lifted up from the bony floor by using a spe-
should be used for 24–48 h after sinus graft surgery. It cial set of sinus curettes. Marx and Garg suggested that
minimizes the postoperative inflammatory swelling. a cottonoid soaked with a carpule of 2% lidocaine with
1:100,000 epinephrine should be left in the space created
Hot fomentations for 5 min, to limit bleeding and allow better visualization
for further dissection. It is important to free up the sinus
Heat may be applied to the region 48 h after surgery, membrane in all directions (anteriorly, posteriorly, and
to increase blood and lymph flow; it clears the area of medially) before attempting to intrude the sinus elevators
inflammatory consequences and also reduces any ecchy- medially to elevate the sinus membrane from the sinus
mosis present. floor to the desired height. At the time of sinus membrane
elevation, the sharp margins of the curette/sinus elevator
should always be maintained on the bony floor to avoid
Conventional surgical techniques inadvertent membrane tear. The curette should never be
placed blindly into the access window. A space is cre-
There are two main conventional approaches to the max- ated after the sinus membrane has been elevated by the
illary sinus floor elevation procedure, which have been intruded sinus elevators. This space is then grafted using
modified to a large extent with the invention of new various bone substitutes alone or mixed with autogenous
armamentariums for safe and effective elevation of the bone. Care should be taken not to overfill the elevated
schneiderian membrane. sinus floor, because it may cause membrane necrosis.
The medial part of the sinus is grafted first. The graft
Lateral approach for sinus grafting material used can be either an autograft, an allograft, a
xenograft, an alloplast, a growth-factor infused collagen
This procedure was first performed by Tatum in February matrix, or combinations thereof. After the implants have
1975. A crestal incision is given along with two vertical been placed, the remaining lateral part of the sinus defect
extensions and a trapezoidal mucoperiosteal flap is ele- is grafted and the window can be covered with a collagen
vated to expose the lateral aspect of the posterior maxilla. barrier membrane to prevent any soft tissue growth in the
Then the osteotomy is completed by preparing a rectan- grafted sinus.
gular/oval window in the lateral bony wall of the maxil- Armamentaria required for lateral approach are
lary sinus to expose the sinus membrane. The osteotomy shown in Fig 18.3A–G.
can be prepared with the rotary handpiece using a large Step by step diagrammatic and clinical presentation
round carbide or diamond bur. The diamond bur should of the conventional lateral window approach is given in
be preferred over the carbide bur because the carbide bur Â�Figs 18.4–18.11.
has more tendency to tear the delicate sinus membrane.
The newer piezosurgery unit can also be used for the safe
preparation of the window osteotomy and the elevation Simultaneous or delayed implant placement
of the sinus membrane, as it does not cut the soft tissue Depending on the residual subantral bone height to
and thus chances of the sinus membrane tearing are mini- stabilize the implant, the implant surgeon may decide
mized. Once the osteotomy is completed to expose the either on simultaneous or delayed implant insertion in
sinus membrane, the bony window can gently be tapped sinus grafting cases. Implants are placed either simulta-
with the back of the mouth mirror handle, to visualize neously with the graft (one-stage lateral antrostomy) or
the complete preparation and to break the small and thin after a delayed period of up to 6–12 months, to allow
18 Clinical Implantology

Sinus membrane

Subantral residual bone

Mucosa Subantral residual bone

Fig 18.4╇ (A) Lateral and (B) cross-sectional views of posterior maxilla showing sinus cavity (sinus antrum) and subantral residual bone, which is
inadequate in height to insert adequately long implants.

Flap Lateral wall of sinus


A Medial wall of sinus


Fig 18.5╇ (A and B) A mid-crestal incision along with two facial vertical extensions are made and a trapezoidal mucoperiosteal flap is elevated to
expose the lateral wall of the maxillary sinus.

Flap Lateral wall of sinus


Lateral window preparation

A using round diamond bur Medial wall of sinus B

Fig 18.6╇ (A and B) A rectangular or oval osseous window is carefully prepared on the lateral wall of the sinus using a large round diamond bur to
expose the sinus membrane without perforating it.
Sinus grafting for dental implants 18


Fig 18.7╇ (A and B) Once the osteotomy is completed to expose the sinus membrane, the bony window can gently be tapped with the back of the
mouth mirror handle to visualize the complete preparation and to break the small and thin bony bridges still left between window bone and surround-
ing bone.

Sinus membrane

Sinus membrane elevator

Sinus floor

Fig 18.8╇ (A and B) The schneiderian membrane is carefully elevated to the desired height using a special set of sinus curettes.

for graft maturation (two-stage lateral antrostomy). The bone grafting. Iliac crest, chin, anterior ramus, and tuber-
initial bone thickness at the alveolar ridge seems to be a osity have all been mentioned as common autogenous
reliable indicator in deciding between these two meth- donor sites in maxillary sinus lift. Hydroxyapatite (HA),
ods. If the subantral bone height is 4 mm or less, ini- mixed with autogenous bone or used alone, has also been
tial implant stability could be jeopardized. Therefore, shown to be a viable alternative. Based on past research
a two-stage lateral antrostomy should be carried out. If and clinical trials, the demineralized bone matrix (FDBM,
the residual bone present below the sinus floor is suf- Grafton), which is osteogenic in nature, can be a viable
ficient in dimension and quality to adequately stabilize alternative for autogenous bone if used with Bio-Oss or
the implant, the implant can be inserted at the time of tricalcium phosphate (TCP). Bio-Oss or HA + β-TCP has
sinus grafting. shown remarkable results in sinus grafting even if used
alone (Fig 18.12A–H). Mixing platelet-rich growth factors
like platelet rich plasma (PRP)/platelet-derived growth
Graft materials for the sinus grafting factor (PDGF)/plasma rich growth factor (PRGF)/platelet
Numerous research papers have been published to eval- rich fibrin (PRF) to the sinus graft material increases the
uate the prognosis of implants under various grafting amount, quality, and pace of new bone formation in the
materials. Autogenous bone remains the gold standard in grafted sinus.
18 Clinical Implantology


Sinus membrane

Graft carrier
Sinus floor


Fig 18.9╇ (A–C) The elevated sinus floor is grafted through the lateral window using bone substitutes mixed with autogenous bone. A resorbable col-
lagen membrane can be placed under the elevated sinus membrane before filling it with the graft as it protects the sinus membrane from being torn
by the graft particles. (D) A parenteral antibiotic like clindamycin can also be mixed with the graft to prevent any postoperative infection.

Sinus membrane

Graft carrier
Sinus floor



Fig 18.10╇ Once the elevated sinus floor has been loosely filled with the graft, the implant osteotomies are prepared in the usual fashion and implants
are inserted. (A–D) The rest of the sinus is further grafted until it is all loosely packed with the graft. If subantral bone height is inadequate to stabilize
the immediately inserted implants, the surgeon can only graft the sinus and choose to go for delayed implant placement when the new bone has
regenerated in the grafted sinus floor after 6–8 months.
Sinus grafting for dental implants 18
Sinus membrane

sinus floor

A Sinus floor B
Sinus membrane

sinus floor

C Sinus floor

Fig 18.11╇ (A and B) A resorbable collagen barrier membrane can be placed to cover the lateral window to prevent soft tissue ingression into the
grafted sinus. (C and D) Flap is sutured back with a primary closure. Implants are uncovered and restored after new bone formation has occurred in
the entire grafted sinus in 6–8 months.




Fig 18.12╇ (A and B) Autogenous bone can be harvested from the mandibular symphysis using trephines, crushed and mixed with demineralized
bone matrix or (C and D) any synthetic graft like HA or HA + β-TCP mixture and used to graft the sinus. (E) The other intraoral sources of autograft
can be mandibular buccal shelf or (F) maxillary tuberosity. (G and H) The mixture of the HA (70%) and β-TCP (30%) has also been used to successfully
graft the sinus cavity, with predictable success rate.
18 Clinical Implantology

Sinus grafting with lateral approach and delayed implant insertion (Figs 18.13–18.18).


Fig 18.13╇ (A) Preoperative dental radiograph shows inadequate subantral bone height to insert implant; thus sinus grafting and delayed implant
placement are planned to replace missing first molar. (B and C) The lateral and cross-sectional CT images with simulated implant placement show
absolute need of sinus grafting procedure for adequately long implant placement.


Fig 18.14╇ (A) A trapezoidal flap is elevated to expose the anterolateral wall of the sinus and an oval window is prepared using a large round
diamond bur to expose the sinus membrane. (B) Further, the Schneiderian membrane is carefully elevated using a set of sinus elevators. (C) The
PRGF (plasma rich in growth factors) is prepared from the patient’s venous blood.


Fig 18.15╇ (A–D) Autogenous bone, which is harvested from the maxillary tuberosity of the same side, is mixed with PRGF and bone substitute (HA +
β-TCP). Besides enhancing the bone regeneration potential of the bone graft, PRGF also binds the graft particles together and improves its
handling properties.

Sinus grafting for dental implants 18

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d


Fig 18.16╇ (A) Elevated maxillary sinus is grafted and (B) covered with a barrier collagen membrane. (C) Flap is sutured with primary closure.
(D and E) CT cross-sectional images show new bone formation in the grafted sinus after 6 months, which seems sufficient for the insertion of an
adequately long implant.


Fig 18.17╇ (A) The implant osteotomy is prepared after 6 months using only osteotomes to laterally condense the bone and (B) implant (5 × 13 mm)
is inserted. (C) Inserted implant shows adequate primary stability evaluated with the torque ratchet (more than 35 Ncm).


Fig 18.18╇ (A) Clinical view of inserted implant and (B) postimplantation radiograph. (C and D) Implant uncovered and restored after 6 months.
(E) Radiograph 1 year after loading shows stable bone around the implant.

18 Clinical Implantology

Bilateral sinus grafting with simultaneous implant placements (Courtesy: Dr Ata Garajei, DMD and Dr Amin Yamani, DDS, Tehran,
Iran) (Figs 18.19–18.25).


Fig 18.19╇ (A and B) Long-time missing teeth numbers 15, 16 and 26 have resulted in lowering down of the sinus floor, which in turn leads to
reduced subantral bone height insufficient to insert implants; thus, sinus grafting procedure and simultaneous implant insertion is planned.


Fig 18.20╇ (A and B) A trapezoidal flap is elevated to expose the lateral wall of the sinus on the right side of maxilla.


Fig 18.21╇ (A) The sinus lining path is approximately marked using sterile HB pencil using the radiograph as reference. This avoids the problem
of window preparation at an incorrect position. (B) An oval window is prepared on the lateral wall of the sinus using a large round diamond bur to
expose the membrane. A (C) greyish colour sinus membrane can be seen through the scored window.

Sinus grafting for dental implants 18

CASE REPORT-2—cont’d


Fig 18.22╇ (A and B) The sinus membrane is carefully elevated using a set of sinus curettes and (C) the elevated sinus floor is grafted using a
mixture of HA and β-TCP.


Fig 18.23╇ (A) The implant osteotomies are prepared and implants are inserted in usual fashion. (B) Graft is further filled into the sinus over the
implants and (C) the flap is sutured back.


Fig 18.24╇ (A–C) Sinus grafting and implant insertion are performed in a similar fashion on the left side.


18 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-2—cont’d

Fig 18.25╇ Postoperative radiograph shows elevated and grafted sinuses with inserted implants.


Fig 18.26╇ (A) Piezosurgery unit (piezotome from Satelec, France), sinus lift kit containing special tips for lateral window preparation and (B) sinus
membrane elevation.

Advances and modifications in the lateral approach Lateral approach of sinus lifting using piezosurgery unit
of sinus lifting The ultrasonic piezosurgery unit has specifically been
With advancements in technology and armamentariums, developed for cutting bony tissue with minimal damage to
several modifications have been proposed in the conven- the soft tissue. High-frequency oscillations between 24 and
tional lateral sinus window technique, which was origi- 29.500 Hz, modulated with a low frequency between 10
nally proposed by Tatum. A few of these advancements, and 60 Hz, enable efficient and controlled use and improve
which facilitate easy and safe sinus lifting through the lat- healing of the tissue (Figs 18.26 and 18.27).
eral approach are described here.

Sinus grafting for dental implants 18


Fig 18.27╇ Application of the various piezo tips: SL1 Tip is a diamond-coated tip for vestibular bone window cut and for attenuation of sharp angles.
(A and B) A rectangular window can easily be scored using this tip, without tearing the sinus membrane.

18 Clinical Implantology



Fig 18.27, cont’d╇ SL2 Tip is a diamond-coated ball tip for smoothing the vestibular bone window; precise osteoplasty using this tip at the prepared
osteotomy corners to remove the sharp bony edges, reduces the chances of membrane tear during elevation. (C and D) Ball diameter: 1.5 mm,
laser marked every 2 mm. (E and F) SL3 Tip is a flat-ended noncutting tip used for detaching the Schneiderian membrane from the window edge.
(G and H) SL4 Tip is a noncutting spatula, oriented at 90°, used for detaching the Schneiderian membrane inside the sinus.

Sinus grafting for dental implants 18



Fig 18.27, cont’d╇ (I and J) SL5 Tip is a noncutting spatula, oriented at ±135°, used for detaching the Schneiderian membrane inside the sinus and
for removing anatomical structures. (Courtesy: Dr Pierre Marin, Implantologist–private practice, Bordeaux, France)

18 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-3 was medically fit for the sinus grafting surgery. Tooth number 15 was
extracted and socket grafting was performed 3 months before the
Sinus elevation using piezotome with simultaneous sinus graft surgery (Figs 18.28–18.39).
implants insertion
A 62-year-old female patient presented with teeth numbers 14, 16,
17 missing and tooth number 15 misaligned and mobile. The patient


Fig 18.28╇ (A) Patient’s radiograph shows very limited subantral bone height. (B–F) Cross-sectional CT images of the edentulous area show very
limited bone height and ridge width. It indicates need for sinus grafting and simultaneous ridge splitting to insert implants with adequate diameter
and length.


Fig 18.29╇ (A) Three simulated implants (3.75 × 13 mm) were planned using implant planning software. (B) Trapezoidal flap is elevated to expose
the lateral wall of the sinus. The previously grafted socket of the tooth number 15 can be seen.

Sinus grafting for dental implants 18

CASE REPORT-3—cont’d


Fig 18.30╇ (A) A rectangular osseous window is prepared on the lateral wall of the sinus using SL1 and SL2 tips of the piezotome. (B) The SL3 tip is then
used to detach the Schneiderian membrane from the window edges.


Fig 18.31╇ (A and B) The SL4 tip is then used to carefully free the membrane from the inferior, posterior, and anterior wall of the sinus, and
to elevate it to the desired height.


18 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-3—cont’d


Fig 18.32╇ (A and B) A mid-crest osteotomy channel is created using the piezo saw and the ridge is splitted to pry the buccal and palatal plates
apart, using the razor sharp osseous splitters.



Fig 18.33╇ (A) Implant osteotomies are prepared using a ParaGuide. (B) A collagen barrier membrane is placed underneath the elevated sinus
membrane to prevent its inadvertent tearing during grafting. (C) The corticocancellous allograft is mixed with PRGF. (D) First, the collagenous
spongy soft bone is placed under the membrane. It gives a cushion effect against the expansion of the sinus membrane when the patient
respires through the nose and prevents membrane tear.
Sinus grafting for dental implants 18

CASE REPORT-3—cont’d


Fig 18.34╇ (A) The sinus is further grafted using cortical chips and (B) once the medial half of the sinus has been grafted, three implants are (3.75 × 15 mm)


Fig 18.35╇ (A and B) Sinus cavity is further filled with the PRGF coagulum.


18 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-3—cont’d



Fig 18.36╇ (A–D) A vertical incision is given to expose the mandibular buccal shelf region and a corticocancellous block is harvested using piezo
saw, and the flap is sutured back.


Fig 18.37╇ (A) The block is shaped to fit the sinus window using a large carbide trimmer. (B) The block is inserted to graft the lateral half of the
sinus cavity as well as to close the window. (C) The rest of the window opening is closed using PRGF membrane.

Sinus grafting for dental implants 18

CASE REPORT-3—cont’d


Fig 18.38╇ (A and B) The synthetic particulate graft (HA + β TCP) mixed with PRGF is used to graft the peri-implant spaces and for lateral bone augmen-
tation. (C) Flap is sutured back with watertight sutures.



Fig 18.39╇ (A) Postoperative radiograph shows grafted sinus floor and inserted implants. (B and C) Implants are uncovered and restored after
8 months. (D) Radiograph 1 year after loading shows consolidated sinus graft.

18 Clinical Implantology

Lateral approach of sinus lifting using DASK 1. Wall-off technique (Fig 18.41A–C)
The DASK sinus elevation kit (from Dentium Co. Ltd., 2. Grind-out technique (Fig 18.42A and B).
Seoul, Korea) contains specially designed tips, which â•…â•…
are used with the rotary handpiece to score the osse- Step 2 – sinus membrane elevation (Fig 18.43A
ous window to approach the sinus membrane. It also and B).
contains sinus curettes to elevate the sinus membrane Step 3 – osteotomy preparation for the implant (Fig
(Fig 18.40). 18.44A and B).
Step 4 – grafting of the elevated sinus floor and implant
Step by step diagrammatic presentations placement (Fig 18.45A–D).
of the lateral approach using DASK
Step 1 – scoring the lateral osseous window. There are
two techniques for lateral window preparation using DASK:â•…â•…

Fig 18.40╇ The DASK kit (Dentium Co. Ltd. Korea) is very useful, has gained high popularity, and is being widely used for the lateral window as well
as crestal approach of sinus elevation procedure.


Fig 18.41╇ (A–C) Wall-off technique- After elevating the mucoperiosteal flap to expose the ridge and lateral wall of the sinus, a special DASK drill
attached to a rotary handpiece is used to carefully score a circular osseous window at the lateral osseous wall of the sinus, without any tear to the
underlying Schneiderian membrane. Once the drill has reached the membrane, the scored round bony wall is carefully removed (wall-off) from the
underlying sinus membrane and the membrane is elevated using a special set of sinus curettes.

Sinus grafting for dental implants 18


Fig 18.42╇ (A and B) Grind-out technique- A special large coarse diamond DASK drill is used to grind the lateral wall of the sinus with a sweeping
action to reach the underlying sinus membrane. Once the sinus membrane is exposed, it is elevated using a special set of sinus curettes.


Fig 18.43╇ (A) After exposing the sinus membrane either with wall-off or grind-out technique, a special DASK tip is used to detach the membrane from
the prepared window margins. (B) Once the membrane has successfully been detached all around from the prepared osseous window, a special set
of curettes (sinus elevators) is used to elevate the Schneiderian membrane to the desired height.

18 Clinical Implantology


Fig 18.44╇ (A and B) After the sinus membrane has been elevated to the desired height, the osteotomy for the implant is prepared from the crestal
approach using drills of the particular implant system.

Sinus grafting for dental implants 18



Fig 18.45╇ (A–D) Once the implant osteotomy has been prepared, the elevated sinus floor is grafted through the lateral window using bone graft and
the implant is inserted. Usually the implant is placed and left for submerged healing but in selective cases where the inserted implant has achieved
adequate initial stability (more than 30 Ncm) and the force factors are minimum, the implant can be left for open healing by placing the long healing
abutment on top of the implant.

18 Clinical Implantology

Sinus elevation with ‘wall-off’ technique using DASK (Courtesy: Dentium Co. Ltd. and Well Clinic, Seoul, Korea) (Figs 18.46–18.55).

Fig 18.46╇ Preoperative radiograph of a 59-year-old female patient shows missing upper left molar with limited subantral bone height because of
vertical bone resorption and sinus pneumatization. Sinus grafting and simultaneous implant placement were planned.


Fig 18.47╇ (A and B) A trapezoidal flap is elevated to expose the ridge crest and lateral wall of the sinus.

Sinus grafting for dental implants 18

CASE REPORT-4—cont’d


Fig 18.48╇ (A and B) A lateral window is carefully prepared using DASK drill.


Fig 18.49╇ (A) The prepared lateral window wall is carefully taken off (wall-off) using an elevator. (B) The bluish-hued underlying Schneiderian
membrane can be seen without any tear.


Fig 18.50╇ (A) A special instrument from the DASK kit is used to detach the sinus membrane from the prepared window margins. After the mem-
brane has been successfully detached from window margins, it is elevated to the planned height using the sinus elevators. (B) Finally the elevated
sinus membrane can be seen through lateral window.


18 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-4—cont’d


Fig 18.51╇ Implant osteotomies are prepared from the crestal approach in the usual fashion. (A) The elevated Schneiderian membrane can be
seen through the prepared window. (B) The medial half of the elevated sinus floor is grafted through the lateral window using the Osteon sinus
graft (HA + β-TCP).


Fig 18.52╇ (A and B) Two SuperLine (4.5 × 10 mm.) implants (from Dentium Co. Ltd.) are inserted with adequate primary stability.

Sinus grafting for dental implants 18

CASE REPORT-4—cont’d



Fig 18.53╇ (A) More Osteon graft is deposited to loosely fill the sinus cavity. (B and C) The bony island is repositioned to close the grafted sinus
window. (D) The flap is sutured back for the submerged healing of the implant and sinus graft maturation.


Fig 18.54╇ (A) Post-sinus-grafting radiograph. (B and C) Dental CT images show 3D view of the grafted sinus floor and immediately inserted


18 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-4—cont’d



Fig 18.55╇ (A) Implants are uncovered after 6 months and (B and C) restored using screw-retained, metal-free zirconium prosthesis. (D) Post-
implant loading radiograph.

Sinus elevation with ‘grind out’ technique using DASK (Courtesy: Dentium Co. Ltd. and Well Clinic, Seoul, Korea) (Figs 18.56–18.61).


Fig 18.56╇ (A) Preoperative panoramic radiograph of a 59-year-old male shows bilaterally missing premolar and molars. (B) Preoperative clinical
view of the right posterior edentulous maxilla.

Sinus grafting for dental implants 18

CASE REPORT-5—cont’d


Fig 18.57╇ (A) The trapezoidal flap is elevated to expose the lateral wall of the sinus. (B) Large diameter coarse diamond DASK attached to the
rotary handpiece is carefully used to grind the lateral wall of the sinus with a sweeping motion.


Fig 18.58╇ (A) Exposed bluish-hued Schneiderian membrane can be seen through the ground lateral window. (B) Sinus membrane is carefully
detached from the window margins and elevated using sinus elevators.


Fig 18.59╇ (A) Osteon sinus graft (HA + β-TCP) is introduced into the elevated sinus through the lateral window to graft the medial half of the sinus.
(B) Implants are inserted and more Osteon graft is added to the remaining lateral half of the sinus. The graft should loosely fill the sinus cavity.


18 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-5—cont’d


Fig 18.60╇ (A) Post-sinus-graft and postimplantation radiograph shows bilateral sinus grafting and implantation using DASK technique.
(B) Implants are restored after a 6-month healing period.

Fig 18.61╇ Postloading radiograph.

technique. The newer intralift and other advanced tech-

Disadvantages of the lateral approach niques are possible even if the subantral residual bone is
. It requires a large flap elevation for surgical access, which
1 less than 4 mm in height. This technique begins with a
reduces the blood supply to the lateral wall of the sinus. crestal incision. Summer suggested that the crestal incision
. Difficult access in patients with reduced mouth open-
2 should be extended distally, in selective cases, to the tuber-
ing or stiff perioral musculature. osity area where autogenous bone can be harvested. A full-
. More chances of sinus rupture and postoperative com-
3 thickness flap is elevated to expose the alveolar ridge crest. A
plication, compared to the subcrestal approach. pilot drill of 2 mm diameter is used to start the osteotomy
. Large amount of graft is required to fill the sinus when
4 preparation, which should be ended 2 mm short of sinus
compared with the subcrestal approach. floor. A confirmatory radiograph can be taken by inserting
. Barrier membrane is usually needed to cover the lat-
5 the pilot drill in the prepared osteotomy. Now either the
eral window. widening drills or a set of Summer’s osteotomes of varying
dimensions can be sequentially used to widen the osteot-
omy site to the same level (2 mm short of the sinus floor).
Crestal (osteotome) approach/internal The choice of using osteotomes or widening drills depends
sinus-lift technique/Summer’s osteotome on the density of the residual bone; in poor-density bone
technique it is preferred to use osteotomes to laterally condense the
low-density bone and enhance the density of the trabecular
It was first performed by Hilt Tatum in 1974 and published bone around the inserted implant. An osteotome of diame-
in 1994. To perform this technique, first the residual bone ter a little less than the planned implant body, is inserted in
height under the sinus floor is measured with the help of the prepared osteotomy site and gently tapped to reach the
radiographs and dental CT scans. A minimum 8–10 mm of same level. Now the osteotome is tapped gently to fracture
bone height should be present under the sinus floor to per- up the sinus floor. Once the largest osteotome has expanded
form this procedure following the conventional osteotome the implant site, the particulated bone substitutes, alone or
Sinus grafting for dental implants 18
mixed with autogenous bone, are added to the osteotomy membrane elevation. Once the desired height of sinus ele-
as the grafting material. Summer suggested a 25% autog- vation is gained and grafted, the implant fixture is inserted.
enous bone with 75% hydroxyapatite mix; however, a The implant fixture should be slightly larger in diameter
variety of other graft materials have also been successfully than the osteotomy created by the final osteotome. The
used. The final stage of sinus floor elevation is completed inserted implant becomes the final osteotome, which keeps
by reinserting the largest osteotome in the implant site with tenting up the elevated maxillary sinus membrane.
the graft material in place. This causes the added bone graft Step by step diagrammatic and clinical presenta-
to exert pressure onto the sinus membrane and to further tion of the conventional crestal approach of sinus lift-
elevate it. Additional grafting material can subsequently be ing (Summer’s osteotome technique) is shown in Figs
added and tapped in to achieve the desired amount of sinus 18.62–18.69.


Sinus membrane SINUS CAVITY


Subantral residual bone

Mucosa Subantral residual bone

Fig 18.62╇ (A and B) Facial and cross-sectional views of posterior edentulous maxilla showing limited subantral bone height, which is not sufficient
for adequately long implant placement. (C) Preoperative radiograph shows 8 mm subantral bone height.


Sinus membrane

Medial wall of sinus

Subantral bone Palatal flap
Lateral wall of sinus
6–8 mm
Buccal flap Sinus floor

Fig 18.63╇ (A and B) Mid-crestal incision is made and flaps are elevated to expose the ridge crest.
18 Clinical Implantology




Fig 18.64╇ (A–D) Osteotomy for the implant is prepared in the usual fashion using all the drills 2.0 mm short of sinus floor, which can be verified with
the dental radiographs with the drill in place.

Sinus grafting for dental implants 18




Fig 18.65╇ (A–D) Once the implant osteotomy is completely prepared 2 mm short of the sinus floor, an appropriate sized sinus-lifting osteotome is
inserted and carefully tapped to fracture up the sinus floor, and also lift up the Schneiderian membrane. After fracturing the bony floor of the sinus,
a collagen membrane or collagen plug (Collaplug, Zimmer Dental) can be inserted into the osteotomy before further lifting the sinus membrane. It
prevents the inadvertent rupture of the delicate Schneiderian membrane. After achieving the required height of sinus elevation, a blunt implant probe
can be inserted to evaluate the height of the sinus elevation that has been achieved and also to check if any rupture have occurred in the membrane.

18 Clinical Implantology




Fig 18.66╇ (A–D) The bone substitute alone or mixed with autogenous bone is carried into the osteotomy using the bone carrier, and deposited under
the lifted sinus floor.


Fig 18.67╇ (A and B) The same osteotome can be used to push the graft up and further lift the grafted sinus floor to prepare space for the implant.

Sinus grafting for dental implants 18




Fig 18.68╇ (A–D) Once the sinus floor is successfully lifted and grafted, an adequately long implant is inserted.

18 Clinical Implantology





Fig 18.69╇ (A and B) The flap is sutured back with primary closure. (C and D) The implant is exposed and restored after new bone regeneration has
occurred in the grafted sinus in 4–6 months. (E) Multiple implants can also be inserted with internal sinus-lifting performed individually for each implant.

Advantages of the crestal approach/Summer’s Disadvantages of the crestal approach/Summer’s

osteotome technique osteotome technique
. Less invasive procedure.
1 1. Initial implant stability is unproven, if the residual
. Improves maxillary bone density, which allows greater
2 bone height is less than 6 mm.
initial stability of implants. 2. Limited height of sinus elevation is possible when
. Less amount of grafting material is required to fill the
3 compared to the lateral approach.
lifted sinus membrane. 3. With this approach there could also be a higher chance
. No barrier membrane is required.
4 of misaligning the long axis of the osteotome during
. Limited flap elevation is required which maintain
5 sequential osteotomy.
blood supply to the lateral wall of the sinus. 4. Tapping can cause mental trauma to the patient.
Sinus grafting for dental implants 18
Recent advancements and modifications osteotomy has been prepared 1–2 mm short of the sinus
in the crestal approach of the sinus lifting floor, the implant is inserted so that its apex itself frac-
tures up the thin sinus floor and lifts up the membrane;
Bicortical engagement without sinus grafting thus the apical part of the implant gets firmly engaged in
If the subantral residual bone is more than 6–8 mm in the sinus floor. No graft is used in this technique. In cases
height and more than 10 mm in width, a large diameter of high-density sinus floor, the author suggests the use of
(6–7 mm) and short length (7–9 mm) implant can be an adequate size osteotome to fracture up the sinus floor
inserted with bicortical engagement (in the crest bone before implant insertion. However, if the implant surgeon
as well as into the antral floor). The engagement of the is not willing to use the osteotome, the diamond-coated
implant in the high-density sinus floor results in higher DASK drill can be used as an alternative to grind up the
initial stability of the implant. Moreover, a slightly lon- remaining part of the sinus floor, followed by implant
ger implant can be placed by this procedure. After the placement (Figs 18.70–18.72).


Fig 18.70╇ (A) Residual subantral bone height, which is insufficient for ideal length implant placement. (B) A pilot drill/Lindemann drill is used to prepare
the implant osteotomy 1–2 mm short of sinus floor.


Fig 18.71╇ (A) All the osteotomy widening drills are used to the same depth. (B) A countersinking drill can be used to submerge the implant 1 mm
apical to the ridge crest.

18 Clinical Implantology


Fig 18.72╇ The rest of the sinus floor either can be ground using DASK or fractured up using the osteotome. (A and B) Further, the implant is inserted
to engage its apex into the high-density sinus floor and platform into the high-density ridge crest (bicortical engagement).

Internal sinus lifting and implant placement to engage the implant apex in the high-density sinus floor (Fig 18.73A–J).


Fig 18.73╇ (A) Clinical view of the root stumps of left bicuspids which are to be extracted with immediate implant placement. (B) Dental radiograph
showing limited bone height apical to the root stumps (especially in second bicuspid), to engage the immediately inserted implant apex. (C) The
root stumps atraumatically extracted using periotomes and a large 4.2 mm diameter osteotome is inserted into the posterior extraction socket
and gently tapped to fracture up the hard sinus floor.

Sinus grafting for dental implants 18
CASE REPORT-6—cont’d




Fig 18.73, cont’dâ•… (D) The implant osteotomy is prepared through the anterior socket just 2 mm short of sinus floor. (E) Further a final drill diam-
eter osteotome used in a similar fashion to fracture up the sinus floor. (F) Both the osteotomes can be seen in the radiograph reaching beyond
the sinus floor with fractured sinus floor bony pieces (red arrows) tenting up the elevated sinus membrane. (G) Both the implants are inserted to
engage their apex into the high density sinus floor and their platform into the ridge crest (bicortical engagement), to achieve high initial implant
stability (30–35 Ncm) which is quite necessary for optimal implant success in the low-density posterior maxilla. (H and I) Implants are uncovered
and restored after 4 months. (J) Postloading radiograph 6 months after the implant insertion shows new bone regeneration in the elevated sinus.
Even though no bone graft material was used to fill the elevated sinus floor, the reason for the new bone formation is that the implant apex kept
tenting the elevated membrane and provided the space for new bone growth.
18 Clinical Implantology

Sinus lifting with crestal approach using DASK reach the membrane without damaging or perforating
(grinding up technique) the same. Then a special set of sinus-lifting instruments
Sinus lifting and grafting with the crest approach is used to easily and safely lift up the Schneiderian
can be effectively and safely done using the Dentium membrane.
Advanced Sinus Kit (DASK), which contains the special Step by step diagrammatic presentation of the grinding
diamond-coated burs for grinding up the sinus floor to up technique using DASK is shown in Figs 18.74–18.78.

Fig 18.74╇ (A) Subantral bone which is inadequate (4–6 mm) in height for adequately long implant placement. (B) Pilot drilling is done 2 mm short of
the sinus floor.


Fig 18.75╇ (A and B) All osteotomy widening drills are used to the same depth (2 mm short of sinus floor).

Sinus grafting for dental implants 18


Fig 18.76╇ (A) After completing the osteotomy preparation for the implant 2 mm short of sinus floor, a diamond-coated bur from DASK is used to
grind the rest of the subantral bone, to reach the Schneiderian membrane. (B–D) A sinus elevation probe with its umbrella-shaped tip is used for lifting
the sinus membrane to the desired height.


Fig 18.77╇ (A and B) Elevated sinus space is grafted using HA Scaffold (70%) + β-TCP (30%) – Osteon graft which also helps in further lifting the

18 Clinical Implantology

Fig 18.78╇ After the elevated sinus floor has successfully been grafted, the implant is inserted.

Sinus lifting with subcrestal approach using DASK (Figs 18.79–18.82).



Fig 18.79╇ Preoperative radiograph shows need for extraction of right maxillary second premolar and first molar, and replacement of teeth num-
bers 14–17 with dental implant. (A) There is insufficient subantral bone height to insert implant, so immediate sinus lifting with the crestal approach
using DASK is planned. (B) Atraumatic extraction of teeth numbers 15 and 16 is done. (C) Mid-crestal incision is given to expose the ridge crest.
(D) Diamond-coated bur from DASK fitted to 20:1 reduction implant handpiece.

Sinus grafting for dental implants 18

CASE REPORT-7—cont’d



Fig 18.80╇ (A and B) Diamond bur from the DASK kit is used to grind the sinus floor. (C and D) Then the sinus elevator is used to elevate the sinus


18 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-7—cont’d



Fig 18.81╇ (A and B) Osteon graft is filled into the lifted sinus cavity. (C) Osteon graft can be packed into the elevated sinus floor space using the
sinus elevator. (D) SuperLine Dentium implant is inserted.

Sinus grafting for dental implants 18

CASE REPORT-7—cont’d



Fig 18.82╇ (A and B) Two more implants are inserted for teeth numbers 15 and 17. (C) The inserted implants achieved adequate initial stability so
healing abutments were inserted and the flap sutured for nonsubmerged implant healing. (D) Post-sinus-lifting and implant insertion radiograph.
(E) Implants are restored after 4 months.

18 Clinical Implantology

Hydraulic sinus-lift technique approach. Several diamond-coated tips of increasing

This technique was invented by Chen in 2005. The sinus diameters (from 1.35 to 2.80 mm) are designed to drill
membrane is lifted by controlled water pressure in this and gradually widen the access canal to the schneiderian
technique. A crestal incision is made, exposing the crestal membrane. The sterile spray cools down the tips to avoid
ridge of the maxilla. An osteotomy is initiated with a any rise in temperature, which could lead to tissue dam-
sinus drill, and water pressure is used to gently elevate the age. The membrane elevation is achieved by means of
schneiderian membrane from the sinus floor. The sinus microcavitation using the TKW5 tip.
membrane is further elevated by filling in the graft mate-
rial and the implant is inserted.
Advantages of the intralift technique
1. Minimally invasive technique
Intralift technique
2. Safe and fast technique
The most popular hydraulic sinus lift is the intralift tech- 3. Selective cut – cuts only bone without any injury to
nique, which is performed using the piezotome intralift soft tissues including sinus membrane
kit (Setlec, France). This kit contains various bone grind- 4. Haemostatic effect – minimum bleeding during the
ing diamond tips which are sequentially used to grind up surgery
the subantral bone to reach the sinus membrane without 5. Fast healing
tearing it. The kit also contains a special tip, which is then 6. Minimal failure risk.
used to deliver a controlled jet of saline to lift up the sinus â•…â•…
membrane (Fig 18.83A and B). It is specially designed for Diagrammatic presentation of intralift operatory proto-
minimally invasive and safe sinus lifting by the crestal col is shown in Figs 18.84–18.87.


Fig 18.83╇ (A and B) Piezotome intralift kit from Setlec containing different intralift tips.


Fig 18.84╇ (A) Ridge crest can be approached with flap technique or (B) with soft tissue punch technique.
Sinus grafting for dental implants 18



Fig 18.85╇ (A); If the subantral bone height is more than 3 mm and high in density, drilling should be started with a 2 mm pilot drill of any implant
system to reach 2 mm short of sinus floor if subantral bone is less than 3 mm or low in density, drilling should be done with (B) TKW1 (1.35 mm)
tip to reach 2 mm short of the sinus floor. (C) TKW2 (2.1 mm) tip is used to further widen the osteotomy and grind the sinus floor to reach the
membrane. These tips do not cut or damage the soft tissue including the sinus membrane, unless if they are forcefully pushed up to tear the mem-
brane. (D) A TKW4 (2.8 mm) tip is then used to widen the crestal half of the osteotomy.

18 Clinical Implantology



Fig 18.86╇ (A) A resorbable collagen membrane or plug (Collaplug, Zimmer Dental) is inserted through the osteotomy to prevent sinus membrane
rupture during its hydraulic lift. (B) A TKW5 (2.8 mm) tip is inserted into the prepared osteotomy limited to the crestal half, which then delivers a jet
of sterile saline to elevate the sinus membrane. A TKW5 (2.8 mm) tip is a noncutting tip that delivers sterile irrigation spray right up to the end, used
for Schneiderian membrane elevation by means of microcavitation. The membrane elevation is achieved gradually, by using a series of successively
increasing rates of irrigation flow. (C and D) Once the sinus membrane has been detached and elevated from the sinus floor, the osteotomy is further
widened using TKW3 (2.35 mm) and TKW4 (2.8 mm) tips. This osteotomy is wide enough to insert a regular diameter (3.5–4 mm) implant but if the
insertion of a wider diameter implant is planned, the osteotomy can be further widened at this stage, using the widening drills of the particular implant

Sinus grafting for dental implants 18



Fig 18.87╇ (A) The particulated graft is introduced through the osteotomy using graft carrier and (B) a TKW5 tip is used to disperse the graft into the
elevated sinus floor. (C) Then the graft can be further added and (D) implant is inserted.

Key points
╅╅ Table 18.1╇The running mode and irrigation rate of saline at
1. Each intralift tip is used at a particular recommended the time of using various intralift tips
mode and saline irrigation rate of the piezosurgery
machine (Table 18.1). IRRIGATION
2. The TKW5 should be used at mode 2 or 3. Start the INSERT TIPS MODE RATE (ml/min)
elevation procedure with a 40 ml/min saline flow rate
TKW1 1 80
and increase the flow slowly to 50–60 ml/min. Stay for
maximum of 5 s at each stage. TKW2 1 80
3. When elevating the membrane with saline irrigation
using the TKW5 tip, a blunt periodontal probe can be TKW3 1 80
used to evaluate the height of membrane elevation
TKW4 1 80
after each flow step. The dentist can also verify its resil-
iency (elasticity) by gently tambourine the membrane TKW5 2 or 3 40 for 5 s
with the blunt probe. 50 for 5 s
4. A collagen sponge shaped by hand, can be inserted in 60 for 5 s
the cavity as a safeguard and a precautionary measure
against rupture of the sinus membrane. The collagen TKW5 for compacting 4 40 max. for 3–7 s
sponge is used as a buffer before osseous filling of the filling material in elevated
elevated sinus floor. In contact with blood, the collagen sinus
sponge swells and immediately adapts to the membrane.
18 Clinical Implantology

. The
5 cavity diameter drilled is 3 mm, which is adapted the maxillary sinus. The sinus elevation and graft-
to a 3.5–4 mm diameter implant. If the surgeon ing can also be checked with a dental radiograph.
needs to use a bigger diameter implant, he/she can 7. After insertion of the implant the flap can be closed
use a bigger rotary drill of particular implant system, for submerged implant healing if intralift is done with
to widen the osteotomy after the membrane eleva- the incision and flap technique. If the intralift is done
tion protocol. with the punch technique then there are two possible
. Place 0.5 ml of bone graft material in the cavity.
6 protocols:
Then use the ‘plug and spray’ technique which con- a. Insertion of gingival former – a gingival former is
sists of inserting the TKW5 tip in the cavity and inserted over the implant for nonsubmerged heal-
activating the ultrasonic device in mode 4, 10 ml/ ing, if the inserted implant has achieved adequate
min, 3–7 s maximum, in order to disperse the fill- primary stability (more than 30 Ncm).
ing material and fill the cavity again. If necessary b. Leaving the implant for submerged healing – if the
(depending on the augmentation volume needed) inserted implant has not achieved adequate initial
repeat this step several times until the required aug- stability (less than 30 Ncm), either the punched
mentation volume is achieved. On average each 0.5 ml out soft tissue is placed back and sutured or the
portion of inserted bone graft results in minimum 2 soft tissue hole is left open with or without sutur-
mm achieved augmentation height. The dentist may ing, while the soft tissue grows and fills the small
then measure with a probe to evaluate that how far hole in 2–3 days. Till then, the patient is asked to
the augmentation material has been inserted into keep it clean using a very soft brush.â•…â•…

Sinus elevation using intralift and implant placement (Figs 18.88–18.95).


Fig 18.88╇ The intralift procedure was planned for 2 posterior implants (anterior implant 5 × 12 mm, posterior implant 6 × 12 mm). The dental
CT image shows 9.67 mm subantral bone height at the first implant site and 6.5 mm at the second implant site. (A–C) Posterior implant site also
shows the presence of root stumps, which need to be extracted at the time of sinus lift and implant placement.

Sinus grafting for dental implants 18

CASE REPORT-8—cont’d



Fig 18.89╇ (A) Clinical view of the ridge before surgery. (B) Flap is elevated to expose the ridge crest and root stumps. (C) The root stumps are
extracted, all the granulation tissue is curetted out and the socket is irrigated with parenteral form of clindamycin to kill residual pathogens before
the start of drilling in the bone. (D) A small round carbide bur is used to mark the implant osteotomy sites just by punching through cortex.


Fig 18.90╇ (A) The pilot drill is used to prepare the osteotomy sites 3–4 mm short of sinus floor. (B) The TKW1 tip is then used to prepare the
osteotomy site to reach 2 mm short of the sinus membrane.

18 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-8—cont’d



Fig 18.90, cont’d╇ (C) The TKW1 tip can be seen going deep to reach close to the sinus membrane. (D and E) The TKW2 tip is used to widen
the osteotomy sites and to grind the sinus floor to reach the schneiderian membrane. (F) Once the TKW2 tip reaches the membrane, the soft
consistency of the membrane and its timbering effect can be carefully felt, either with the same tip or using a blunt probe. This can also be
further checked with the dental radiograph. (G) The TKW4 tip is used then to widen the osteotomy to a depth of only 3–4 mm.

Sinus grafting for dental implants 18

CASE REPORT-8—cont’d




Fig 18.91╇ (A and B) Insertion of blunt probe before membrane elevation shows only 7 mm of bone depth. The TKW 5 tip that delivers sterile
irrigation spray right up to the end, is inserted in the osteotomy, limited to the depth prepared with the TKW4 tip, and used for Schneiderian mem-
brane elevation by means of microcavitation. (C–E) The membrane elevation is achieved gradually by a successive increase of irrigation flow rate
(mode 2 or 3 with saline flow 40 ml/min for 5 s, 50 ml/min for the next 5 s and if required 60 ml/min for next 5 s). The blunt depth probe is again
inserted to check the height of membrane elevation, which can be seen now as 16 mm (F). This indicates that 9 mm of membrane elevation has
been achieved.

18 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-8—cont’d



Fig 18.92╇ (A) A similar procedure is performed for the anterior site, which also shows achievement of 16 mm height. (B–D) Now the TKW3 and
TKW4 tips are used to widen the osteotomy to the complete depth.


Fig 18.93╇ (A and B) The small particle-sized (0.4–0.9 mm) synthetic hydroxyapatite graft material mixed with clindamycin antibiotic is introduced
through the osteotomy, using graft carrier and the TKW5 tip to disperse the graft into the elevated sinus floor and it is compacted as the top layer
underneath the elevated sinus membrane.

Sinus grafting for dental implants 18

CASE REPORT-8—cont’d




Fig 18.94╇ (A) The osteotomy sites are further widened using the rest of the osteotomy widening drills of the BioHorizons implant system without or
with minimum saline flow. (B and C) The autogenous bone is harvested from the maxillary tuberosity using the bone rongeur and (D and E) it is used to
fill rest of the elevated sinus floor space. (F) The 5 × 12 mm and 6 × 12 mm Maestro implants are inserted into their respective osteotomies.


18 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-8—cont’d




Sinus grafting for dental implants 18

CASE REPORT-8—cont’d
Fig 18.95╇ The primary stability of more than 35 Ncm is achieved for both the implants. (A and B) As the posterior implant was placed in a fresh
extraction socket, the synthetic HA graft was used to fill the small peri-implant spaces. (C) The periosteum is released and the flap sutured back
with primary closure. (D) Postimplantation radiograph shows a noticeable amount of sinus elevation and grafting. (E and F) Implants are uncovered
and restored after 4 months. Other implants were also inserted. (G) The panoramic radiograph 1 year after implant restoration shows consolidated
grafted bone in the sinus and stable bone around the implants.

Sinus elevation grafting using intralift kit and delayed implant insertion (Fig 18.96A–D).


Postsurgical X- ray with Q-Implants and provisional crowns in site


Fig 18.96╇ (A) Preoperative radiograph shows only 3 mm subantral bone height. (B) Postintralift radiograph shows a large degree of sinus lifting
and grafting (approx. 16 mm). (C and D) Implants are inserted after the graft maturation period of 6 months.

18 Clinical Implantology

Bilateral sinus elevation and grafting using intralift kit and delayed implant placement to support a full-arch fixed prosthesis (Figs

Fig 18.97╇ Preoperative radiograph shows the bilateral presence of very little subantral bone.

Sinus grafting for dental implants 18

CASE REPORT-10—cont’d

Fig 18.98╇ Postintralift radiograph shows that a large degree of bilateral sinus elevation and grafting has been achieved.

Fig 18.99╇ Postintralift dental CT cross-sectional scans show three-dimensional sinus membrane elevation and grafted sinus floor.


18 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-10—cont’d

Fig 18.100╇ Implants are inserted after graft maturation period of 6 months.

Fig 18.101╇ Implants are restored after healing period of 4 months to support a full-arch fixed prosthesis.

Sinus grafting for dental implants 18
Frequently asked questions about What would you do to protect the membrane
the intralift technique from perforation if a bigger implant body
Why is the intralift technique the safest technique? (e.g. 4.5 mm) is used along with drills of a
The sinus membrane tolerates high pressure loadings particular implant system after the use of TKW4
when pressure is evenly distributed on the entire mem- tip (2.8 mm)?
brane but the membrane is very sensitive to tearing forces. Before placing an implant the intralift should be suc-
Conventional open or internal sinus-lift procedures cessfully done. After augmentation the preparation of the
always exert high tearing forces on the membrane, result- implant site is possible. Drilling can be performed with-
ing in punctures or rips. Since the intralift is a non con- out any irrigation and at only 200 rpm. If the membrane
tact procedure exerting only pressure forces on the sinus is elevated successfully and enough material is placed
membrane by ultrasonic activated fluid so that the danger prior to the insertion of the implant, a collagenous
of ripping the membrane is minimized. sponge can again be placed into the socket for a buffer
effect. If an implant with a round shape is used, it will
(after successful membrane elevation is completed) hold
Although a blind technique, is intralift the membrane like a tent. In the author’s experience, it
sufficiently predictable? is almost impossible to perforate the membrane after
The augmentation process takes place through the initial the sinus mucosa has been elevated successfully (even
trepanation creating an almost perfect ‘dome’ in the axis though no augmentation material is placed). To achieve a
of the trepanation. Each 0.5 ml portion of inserted bone higher primary stability when the bone height is reduced,
graft results in a minimum of 2 mm achieved augmen- it is recommended that the implant preparation is under
tation height, the bone graft perfectly surrounding the dimensional (stopped one bur before the last prepara-
implant. tion bur).

How can I know that the elevation What should be done if there is a large
is correctly performed? bone augmentation to perform?
Use a periodontal probe to measure how far the bone Large augmentations can be performed through the
material has been inserted into the maxillary sinus and 3 mm trepanation with the ‘plug and spray’ technique. The
compare with a preoperative radiograph. bone graft will get evenly dispersed under the membrane.
Alternatively, additional trepanations can be drilled after
Are there any risks of membrane primary augmentation with a minimum 1.5 ml graft, and
additional grafts can be placed through these additional
rupture? If so, how should the procedure trepanations.
be continued?
In case the membrane is punctured initially with the What are the risks for the patient?
pilot drill or TKW1 (check with ‘nose blow’ test), a small Beside the general risks of augmentative surgery/external
piece of collagenous sponge should be placed into and internal sinus lift, there are no specific risks in the
the trepanation before proceeding with the hydrody- intralift technique.
namic ultrasonic detachment of the membrane (using
the ‘TKW5’ tip). Since no tearing forces are exerted on
the membrane, the puncture will not widen or rip. Is it true that a quicker bone reformation
Insertion of the bone graft has then to be performed is observed?
very gently, and a control radiograph is mandatory Since the intralift (when applied by the gingival
prior to insertion of the implant. Heavy rips of the punch) is a minimally invasive procedure, it is not
membrane can only occur when using TKW5 tip in traumatic for the human body. Leaving the periosteum
mode 1 (maximum power) and fluid flow superior to fully intact, it was observed that the healing process
40 ml/min. started when surgery was finished and took about
1 month.
How long does the irrigation (saline solution) stay Is it true that it is a very slow technique?
in the sinus floor after the membrane is lifted using
The detachment of the membrane takes a maximum of
TKW5? How does the membrane behave once the 12 × 5 s. The most time-consuming part in the entire
irrigation solution is evacuated? procedure is the filling with bone graft through the
Most of the water will automatically come out of the 3 mm trepanation. Depending on the bone graft type
preparation socket and the rest will be ‘pressed out’ while used, the filling time varies. Application of jelly-like or
filling in the osteotomy with augmentation material. spongeous bone grafts may help to speed up the pro-
The saline has no (negative) effect, so the question and cess. After few cases, the practitioner will be able to gain
doubts over small saline volumes that may be residual in a lot of time (about 30–40%). A quick learning curve
the sinus is superfluous. Once the water has been evacu- does exist for the usage of ultrasonics in bone surgery
ated, the membrane comes back naturally to its original applications. According to Dr Wainwright, an internal
position. Once the membrane is detached, it will adapt to sinus lift with intralift will take about 20 min for the
the quantity of inserted bone graft. whole procedure.

18 Clinical Implantology

Postoperative complications
In the case of an implant superior to 4 mm, should
Please visit the implant surgeon, if you experience any of
the trepanation be enlarged before or after the bone the following:
filling procedure? â•…â•…
The preparation of the implant site should be performed • If you experience an unusual flow of liquids or air
after bone filling/intralift augmentation, because after between your nose and mouth.
‘bone height’ is increased and the space is filled with • If small graft particles begin discharging from your
augmentation material, a violation of the membrane is nose.
not possible. After preparation with the drills (with no • If there is an increase of nasal or sinus congestion near
irrigation and slowly) the material that might be exca- the surgical site.
vated again during drilling procedure is collected and re- • If you notice an increase in swelling (after 3 days) on
plugged again. your cheek, mouth, or below the eyes.

How should the enlargement of the trepanation hole

be performed without disorganizing sinus bone filling?
Complications after sinus graft
In the superior maxilla, one possible technique is not to surgery and their management
use irrigation in combination with the drilling protocol. Membrane perforation/tearing
The preparation for desired implant diameter should be
done at low speed – 175 rpm. One effect is that very This is the most common complication of sinus grafting
vital bone is collected in the drills; the other benefit is and occurs in 10–35% of cases. Membrane perforation
that you have a perfect view of the operative-field and occurs more commonly in smokers and in the sinuses with
the question of the augmentation material dissipating anatomical variants such as the presence of septa. Care-
with irrigation is answered. There are numerous arti- ful access to the sinus membrane and thereafter its careful
cles on low speed drill protocol, i.e. Eduardo Anitua in elevation from the all the bony walls of the sinus using the
Spain, 80–100 rpm. appropriate armamentarium may reduce the chances of its
tearing. Sinus membrane perforation usually does not affect
Postoperative instructions to the patient the sinus if the procedure is aborted and flap is sutured
after the sinus-lift procedure back, as it results in regeneration of the membrane in few
weeks time and thereafter it can be re-accessed for the sinus
Activities grafting procedure. The membrane tearing may result in the
. Do not blow your nose for the next 4 weeks.
1 loss of graft into the sinus which in turn may take infection.
. Be sure to sneeze with your mouth is open.
. Do not spit or drink with straws.
. You should avoid flying in a pressurized aircraft
4 or
scuba diving because it may increase sinus pressure. If the tear or perforation of the membrane occurs dur-
. You
5 can take a decongestant to help reduce the pres- ing its elevation, the continuation of the sinus elevation
sure in your sinuses. procedure is modified. The sinus membrane should be
. You should not play musical instruments that require
6 elevated off the bony walls of the antrum all around
you to blow or blow up balloons; avoid any other the perforation and then a dry piece of collagen barrier
activity that increases oral or nasal pressure. membrane should be placed to cover the perforation; the
sinus is then continued to be grafted as planned and the
Antibiotics implant is inserted (Figs 18.102 and 18.103).
All prescribed antibiotics are to be taken as directed in
order to prevent infection. Large polyp
Oral hygiene If a large polyp is seen in the sinus it should be curetted
During the first 24-h period, do not spit or rinse. This out before performing the sinus grafting procedure.
can disturb a blood clot or open the wound, which can
prolong bleeding and hinder healing. After the first Mucous retention cyst
24-h period, you can rinse with 1/2 teaspoon of salt in a
cup of warm water at least four to five times a day, espe- If any mucous retention cyst is seen in the sinus, it should
cially before bed and after meals. Do not brush your be punctured and drained. Usually, implant placement
teeth near the surgical site for 48 h. Be sure to be very should be delayed in these cases. If an immediate implant
gentle when brushing. Also, be gentle when coughing is planned, the region should be flushed with parenteral
up phlegm. form of clindamycin after puncturing the mucous reten-
tion cyst. Then the sinus grafting and implant placement
Smoking in the usual fashion can be carried out (Fig 18.104A–I).
Smoking significantly increases the possibility of implant
failure. Bleeding
Prosthesis or night guards Profuse bleeding can occur from the buccal flap tissue if the
Until your postoperative appointment, you should not posterior superior artery gets severed by the vertical inci-
use flippers, partial dentures, or full dentures. sion or by the rotary bur used to prepare the lateral sinus
Sinus grafting for dental implants 18



Fig 18.102╇ If the tear or perforation of the membrane occurs during its elevation, the continuation of the sinus elevation procedure is modified. (A–D)
The sinus membrane should be elevated off the bony walls of the antrum all around the perforation and then a dry piece of collagen barrier membrane
should be placed to cover the perforation; the sinus is continued to be grafted as planned and the implant is inserted.

window. Extraosseous anastomoses are formed by the be prepared to individually access both the sinus com-
infraorbital and posterior superior artery which is located partments and their grafting.
23 mm from the dentate ridge crest but can be located
10 mm from the resorbed ridge. Care should be taken not Incision line opening
to sever these anastomoses as they bleed profusely. The hae-
mostat can be used to stop bleeding from the severed artery. Causes of incision line opening can be:
Bleeding can also be seen when the sinus membrane is â•…â•…
elevated from the medial wall of the sinus, which can be 1. Lateral ridge augmentation performed simulta-
stopped by packing the elevated sinus cavity with a gouge neously with sinus grafting, which increases the
piece soaked with the local anaesthetic containing adrena- hard tissue volume under the flap and tension in
lin. Once the bleeding has stopped, the sinus can be grafted. sutures. Periosteum should be released to achieve a
tension-free closure.
2. Soft tissue supported prosthesis is given before
Antral septa
suture removal, which compresses the surgical area
Antral septa are the most common osseous anatomical during function. The soft tissue supported prosthe-
variant seen in the maxillary sinus. CT scans are the most sis should be avoided during the primary healing
accurate method to diagnose and evaluate the antral septa. of the soft tissue.
Antral septa mostly found in the middle of the sinus 3. Postoperative swelling causes tension in the sutures
cavity (between second premolar and first molar region) and results in the incision line opening. Steroids
(Fig 18.105A and B). Two separate lateral windows should can be prescribed to prevent any inflammatory
18 Clinical Implantology






Fig 18.103╇ (A) Preoperative radiograph showing limited bilateral subantral bone height. (B) A large perforation has occurred in the sinus membrane
during its elevation. (C and D) A resorbable collagen membrane is used to repair the perforation. (E) First the bone graft is introduced to fill the medial
part of the sinus and (F) then implants are inserted. (G) Then more graft is introduced to loosely fill the sinus cavity. (H) Another collagen membrane
was used to cover the window as well as the implants to avoid loss of any graft. (I) Flap sutured back with watertight sutures. (J) Postoperative
radiograph shows bilateral sinus grafting and implant placement. (K and L) Implants are uncovered and restored after 10 months. (M) Radiograph
2 years after postloading follow-up.
Sinus grafting for dental implants 18




Fig 18.104╇ (A) Radiograph shows large mucous retention cyst in the sinus at the molar site. (B) The tooth is extracted and (C) an osteotome is used
to fracture the sinus floor. The mucous retention cyst is carefully punctured and drained, using a sharp probe. The site is irrigated using the parenteral
form of clindamycin. (D) Further, bone substitute is deposited into the cavity and (E) the membrane is further lifted using the same osteotome and the
implant is inserted. (F) The peri-implant socket spaces are grafted and (G) site is covered with a polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) cytoplast membrane,
which is stabilized with sutures. (H) Postimplantation radiograph shows elevated and grafted sinus and placed implant, without any visibility of the
mucous retention cyst. (I) The successfully osseointegrated implant is uncovered after 4 months for restoration.

Neural injury
postoperative swelling. Cold dressing for 48 h post-
surgery to reduce the inflammatory response, and If the infraorbital nerve gets severed during surgery, the
hot fomentation after 48 h to diffuse the inflam- patient can feel paraesthesia in the infraorbital region, in
matory fluid from the surgical site, should be done the lateral part of the nose and over the lip on the same
to manage the postsurgical swelling and suture side. This is a very uncommon complication and even if it
breakdown. occurs, the sensations revert in a few weeks.
Incision line opening does not usually affect sinus graft- Acute maxillary sinusitis
ing; the patient should be instructed to keep the region
clean by using oral rinses and soft brushes until the soft tis- Acute postoperative sinusitis occurs in 5–20% of sinus
sue heals with secondary intension. If an incision is made grafting cases. The infection starts 3–7 days after the sinus
on the buccal aspect of the ridge for the lateral approach, graft surgery with symptoms like headache, pain, and ten-
suture line opening can lead to loss of sinus graft. derness in the area of the maxillary sinus and rhinorrhoea.
18 Clinical Implantology


Fig 18.105╇ (A) Axial view dental CT scan shows a sharp osseous septa emerging from the medial wall of the right sinus cavity. A long septa com-
pletely divides the left sinus cavity into two separate compartments. (B) Panoramic view of dental CT scan showing a sharp osseous septa emerging
from the floor of the left sinus cavity.

evaluate the long term effect of the implant apex exposed

Mild postoperative infection in the sinus cavity.
â•…â•… Oroantral fistula
. Nasal discharge or nasal blockage
. Pain and pressure in infraorbital area
2 It may develop postoperatively, especially if the patient
. Intraoral as well as extraoral swelling
3 has a history of infection. If it is small, it will close spon-
. Cough.
4 taneously with systemic antibiotics and oral hygiene care
â•…â•… (chlorhexidine mouth rinses). If the fistula is larger than
Management: 5 mm, it requires surgical closure.
. Amoxicillin–clavulanic acid combination (tab. Aug-
Overfilling of the sinus
mentin, 1000 mg one tab b.i.d. for 2 weeks)
. Decongestant (Oxymetazoline, 0.05% for 3 days)
2 Care should be taken not to overfill the sinus, as it can
. Nasal saline rinses.
3 block the ostium. Because the ostium is situated at a very
high position, most cases of sinus overfilling do not cause
any complications.
Moderate to severe postoperative infection
â•…â•… Summary
. Severe headache
2. High-grade fever Sinus elevation is a procedure that is very commonly being
3. Swelling in periorbital region with ocular symptoms performed. The techniques and approaches described in
like diplopia, proptosis this chapter should be performed only after the proper
. Altered mental status
4 hands-on training, to avoid postoperative complications.
. Infraorbital hyperaesthesia.
5 Meticulous diagnosis and treatment planning should be
â•…â•… done for the sinus grafting cases, to evaluate the presence
Management of any septa, sinus thickening, chronic sinus infections,
â•…â•… mucous cysts, appropriate approach for sinus membrane
. Moxifloxacin, 400 mg one tablet b.i.d. for two weeks
1 lifting and the nature and volume of the bone graft
. Medrol dosepak, 4 mg, as directed
2 required to graft the sinus floor. Usually, the internal
. Nasal saline rinses.
3 sinus elevation procedure should be preferred for cases
â•…â•… where a small height of sinus elevation is required. The
The patient should be referred to ENT surgeon if the lateral approach should be preferred for the cases where
condition does not improve with antibiotics within 4–5 a large area and height of the sinus membrane needs to
days. be elevated. For the lateral approach, if performed using
rotary bur, the large-diameter diamond bur should be
Penetration of the implant apex into the sinus preferred over the carbide bur, to avoid the tearing of the
membrane. The oval window should be prepared for the
If the implant has perforated the sinus membrane and lateral approach, because the membrane can tear during
its apex penetrates into the sinus; it can be a source of elevation at the corners of the rectangular osseous win-
periodic sinusitis. But many of the newer studies have dow. Before start elevating the membrane, the osseous
shown that if the implant apex penetrates into the sinus window should be tapped using the back of the mouth
2 mm or less, the membrane gets regenerated and covers mirror handle, to fracture the small and thin bridges
it within few weeks; and if it has penetrated more than between the osseous window and the surrounding bone.
2 mm, then being sterile material it does not usually cause The use of piezotome or DASK kit obviously offers sev-
any problem, but further clinical trials need to be done to eral advantages to perform safe and efficient sinus lifting.
Sinus grafting for dental implants 18
Summer’s technique can be effectively used to stabilize the sinus floor and same time gives lot of mental trauma
the implant apex in the high-density sinus floor and to the patient. In such cases the DASK kit or intralift obvi-
also to elevate and graft the sinus with the subcrestal ously offer several advantages for easy and safe lifting of
approach. In several cases where the sinus floor is irregu- the sinus membrane. A careful evaluation of the lifted
lar in height, it becomes difficult to perform the osteo- sinus membrane is mandatory before starting the graft
tome technique, as at one part the osteotome reaches of the sinus floor, as any tear in the membrane that has
close to of sinus floor, but on other margin can be well already occurred, may result in the loss of the graft in the
short of floor which resulted in difficulty in fracturing up sinus cavity and postoperative sinus infection.

Further Reading
Woo I, Le BT. Maxillary sinus floor elevation: Araújo MG, Lindhe J. Ridge preservation with Zitzmann NU, Scharer P. Sinus elevation
review of anatomy and two techniques. the use of Bio-Oss® Collagen: a 6-month procedures in the resorbed posterior max-
Implant Dent 2004;13(1):28–32. study in the dog. Clin Oral Implants Res illa: comparison of the crestal and lateral
Chackartchi T, Iezzi G, Goldstein M, et€al. Pro- 2009;20:433–40. approaches. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral
spective, intra-individual controlled clinical, Hallmann M, Sennerby L, Lundgren S. A clini- Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 1998;85:8–17.
micro-computerized tomography and his- cal and histologic evaluation of implant Summers RB. Sinus floor elevation with osteo-
tomorphometric study. Clin Oral Implants integration in the posterior maxilla after tomes. J Esthet Dent 1998;10:164–71.
Res 2011;22(5):473–80. sinus floor augmentation with autogenous Misch CE. Maxillary sinus anatomy, pathology,
Valentini P, Abensur DJ. Maxillary sinus graft- bone, bovine hydroxyapatite, or a 20:80 and graft surgery. Contemporary implant
ing with an organic bovine bone: a clinical mixture. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants dentistry. 3rd ed. Indian Reprint; ISBN:
report of long-term results. Int J Oral Maxil- 2002;17:635–43. 978-81-312-1510-4.
lofac Implants 2003;18(4):556–60. Hallmann M, Hedin M, Sennerby L, et€ al. Valentini P, Abensur D, Wenz B, et€ al. Sinus
Tadjoedin ES, de Lange GL, Bronckers ALJJ, et€al. A prospective 1-year clinical and radio- grafting with porous bone mineral (Bio-
Deproteinized cancellous bovine bone (Bio- graphic study of implants placed after max- Oss®) for implant placement: a study on 15
Oss) as bone substitute for sinus floor eleva- illary sinus floor augmentation with bovine patients. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent
tion. J Clin Periodontol 2003;30:261–70. hydroxyapatite and autogenous bone. J 2000;20:245–53.
De Souza Nunes LS, De Oliveira RV, Holgado Oral Maxillofac Surg 2002;60:277–84. Sartori S, Silvestri M, Forni F, et€al. Ten-year follow-
LA, et€ al. Immunoexpression of Cbfa-1/ Tawil G, Mawla M. Sinus floor elevation using up in a maxillary sinus augmentation using
Runx2 and VEGF in sinus lift procedures a bovine bone mineral (Bio-Oss) with or anorganic bovine bone (Bio-Oss). A case
using bone substitutes in rabbits. Clin Oral without the concomitant use of a bi-lay- report with histomorphometric evaluation.
Implants Res 2010;21(6):584–90; Epub ered collagen barrier (Bio-Gide): a clinical Clin Oral Implants Res 2003;14(3):369–72.
2010 Jan 23. report of immediate and delayed implant McAllister B, Margolin M, Cogan A, et€al. Eigh-
Mordenfeld A, Hallmann M, Johansson CB placement. Int J Oral Maxillofac Impl teen-month radiographic and histologic
et€al. Histological and histomorphometrical 2001;16:13–21. evaluation of sinus grafting with anorganic
analy�ses of biopsies harvested 11 years after Cordioli G, Mazzocco C, et€al. Maxillary sinus bovine bone in the chimpanzee. Int J Oral
maxillary sinus floor augmentation with floor augmentation using bioactive glass Maxillofac Implants 1999;14.
deproteinized bovine and autogenous bone. granules and autogenous bone with simul- Haas R, Mailath G, Dörtbudak O, et€al. Bovine
Clin Oral Implants Res 2010; 21(9):961–70. taneous implant placement. Clinical and hydroxyapatite for maxillary sinus augmen-
Galindo-Moreno P, Padial-Molina M, Fernan- histological findings. Clin Oral Implants tation: analysis of interfacial bond strength
dez-Barbero JE, et€ al. Optimal microvessel Res 2001;12:270–8. of dental implants using pull-out tests. Clin
density from composite graft of autog- Strietzel FP, Nowak M, et€al. Peri-implant alve- Oral Implants Res 1998;9:117–22.
enous maxillary cortical bone and anor- olar bone loss with respect to bone qual- McAllister B, Margolin M, Cogan A, et€ al.
ganic bovine bone in sinus augmentation: ity after use of the osteotome technique: Residual lateral wall defects following sinus
influences of clinical variables. Clin Oral results of a retrospective study. Clin Oral grafting with recombinant human osteo-
Implants Res 2010;21(2):221–7. Implants Res 2002;13:508–13. genic protein-1 or Bio-Oss® in the chim-
Pacifici L, Casella F, Ripari M. Lifting of the Jakse N, Seibert FJ, et€al. A modified technique panzee. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent
maxillary sinus: complementary use of of harvesting tibial cancellous bone and its 1998;18(3).
platelet rich plasma, autologous bone use for sinus grafting. Clin Oral Implants Hürzeler MB, Quiñones CR, Kirsch A, et€ al.
deproteinized bovine bone. Case report. Res 2001;12:488–94. Maxillary sinus augmentation using differ-
Minerva Stomatol 2003;52:471–8. Maiorana C, Redemagni M, Rabagliati M, et€al. ent grafting materials and dental implants
Pietursson BE, Tan WC, Zwahlen M, et€al. A sys- Treatment of maxillary ridge resorption in monkeys – part I. Evaluation of anor-
tematic review of the success of sinus floor by sinus augmentation with iliac cancel- ganic bovine-derived bone matrix. Clin
elevation and survival of implants inserted lous bone, anorganic bovine bone, and Oral Implants Res 1997;8:476–86.
in combination with sinus floor elevation. J endosseous implants: a clinical and histo- Valentini P, Abensur D. Maxillary sinus floor ele-
Clin Periodontol 2008;35:216–40. logic report. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants vation for implant placement with deminer-
Marchetti C, Pieri F, et€ al. Impact of implant 2000;15:873–8. alized freeze-dried bone and bovine bone
surface and grafting protocol on clinical Urban IA, Lozada JL. A prospective study of (Bio-Oss®): a clinical study of 20 patients.
outcomes of endosseous implants. Int J Oral implants placed in augmented sinuses with Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 1997:17.
Maxillofac Implants 2007;22(3):399–407. minimal and moderate residual crestal Wetzel AC, Stich H, Caffesse RG. Bone appo-
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Nasal floor elevation and grafting
Ajay Vikram Singh 19
and comes above the apical region of the canine posi-
CHAPTER CONTENTS HD tion once the premaxilla has resorbed palatally. Nasal
Introduction 517 floor elevation with or without grafting offers several
advantages including insertion of a longer implant
Anatomy 517
than planned specially in the severely resorbed pre-
Indications 518 maxilla, high initial stability in the inserted implant so
Contraindications 519 that it can be immediately restored to return aesthetics
Advantages 519 to the patient, etc. Further, the anterior region of the
Procedure 519 nasal floor does not contain any vital structure; so its
careful elevation does not usually cause any postopera-
Open technique 519 tive or long-term complication.
Closed technique (subcrestal approach) 534
Osteotome technique 534
Grinding up technique 534 Anatomy
Complications 541
The piriform aperture which ranges from 20 to 28€mm in
Summary 541 adults is bounded below and laterally by the maxilla. The
anatomical areas of concern for nasal floor elevation and
grafting procedure are:
1. Anterior nasal spine. This is the anterior-most com-
ponent and considered one of the reference points
Introduction during blunt dissection and labial flap elevation to
uncover the nasal floor.
Implant therapy in the anterior maxilla is considered 2. Inferior piriform rim. This is another reference point
to be most challenging because of the high aesthetic and should be uncovered to access the nasal floor for
demands of the patient and facial cantilevers. In recent elevation and grafting.
years, similar to the sinus elevation procedure, nasal 3. Nasal floor. Present posterior and inferior to the infe-
floor elevation and grafting has become an effective rior piriform rim. It is accessed through elevating the
treatment modality to achieve the bone height required nasal mucosa superior and posterior from inferior and
to place long implants and simultaneously engage lateral piriform rim.
the implant in the high density nasal floor to achieve 4. Lateral piriform rim. The inferior piriform rim
adequate primary stability. Nasal floor elevation and extends lateral and superior from the lateral piriform
grafting can be done to insert longer implants at the rim. The nasal mucosa should be elevated from this
maxillary central and lateral incisors in both the den- rim to achieve adequate height in nasal floor elevation
tate and the long-time edentulous severely resorbed and grafting.
premaxilla. This procedure can also be performed to 5. Nasal recess. It is present behind the lateral piri-
insert implants at the canine positions, only in cases form rim and makes a concavity in the lateral wall
of severely resorbed premaxilla. The reason is that the of the piriform aperture above the canine region
nasal cavity is usually present above, medial and palatal of the palatally resorbed premaxilla. The nasal
to the canine position in the dentate position. However, mucosa should be elevated at this region, especially
a nasal recess is present behind the lateral piriform rim if the nasal floor grafting is to be done for implant
19 Clinical Implantology

Anterior nasal spine piriform rim

piriform rim


Fig 19.1╇ The anterior nasal spine is the anterior-most component and is considered to be the highest limit for flap elevation to uncover the inferior
and lateral piriform rims and to access the nasal floor, which is usually present posterior and inferior to the inferior piriform rim. The canine root remains
situated distal to the lateral piriform rim of the nose. (A–C) However, the nasal recess extends distal and behind the piriform rim to reach over the
canine site of the resorbed premaxilla.

insertion at the canine position of the resorbed pre- 4. Adjuvant with sinus grafting in cases of severely
maxilla (Fig 19.1A–C). resorbed maxilla to insert multiple implants for full-
arch restoration.
5. Long implant placement to stabilize its apex in high-
Indications density nasal floor in cases of large osseous defect in
the anterior maxilla, which is grafted simultaneously
. In
1 the severely resorbed anterior maxilla, the nasal with implant placement.
floor elevation and grafting can be performed to insert 6. Adjuvant with ridge splitting procedure to achieve
long implants at the central, lateral incisors as well as adequate stability of the implant in the high-density
canine positions. nasal floor.
. Anterior maxilla with poor density bone.
2 7. High primary stability of the implant is required with
. Demanding situation of placing long implant with
3 bicortical engagement to immediately restore the
desired stability in the anterior maxilla, e.g. all-on-4 implant in resorbed anterior maxilla or in immediate
technique, knife-edge thin premaxilla. implantation in extraction socket.

Nasal floor elevation and grafting 19

Contraindications Procedure
. Nasal pathology.
1 There are two techniques for performing the nasal floor
2. Deviated nasal septum. grafting procedure:
3. Shallow nasal floor, whichmay cause the patient to â•…â•…
feel the implant apex in the nasal cavity. 1. Open technique
2. Closed technique (subcrestal approach).

Advantages Open technique

1. 3–5€mm long implant can be inserted in comparison In this technique, the facial flap is elevated to expose
to the usual implant placement. the nasal cavity. Further, the nasal floor epithelium is
2. Bicortical implant engagement – implant head is carefully detached from the inferior and lateral piri-
engaged in the high-density crestal bone and its apex form rims followed by epithelial elevation 3–5€ mm
is engaged in the high-density nasal floor. distally and superiorly, using various types of sinus
3. The procedure excludes the need of onlay bone graft- curettes to create a subepithelial pouch at the nasal
ing for the severely resorbed anterior maxilla. floor. After achieving the desired height of nasal floor
4. Implant can be established in hard nasal floor to epithelium elevation, the implant osteotomy is pre-
achieve adequate primary stability in case of low- pared with the drills perforating through the nasal
density bone, ridge splitting procedure, imme- floor in the region where the nasal epithelium has been
diately grafted large osseous defect, immediate elevated. The nasal floor is grafted using autogenous
implant in extraction socket in the premaxillary region. bone and/or any bone substitutes and the implant is
5. Implant can be restored immediately. inserted with its apex emerging through the hard nasal
6. Less invasive procedure and can be performed under bony floor. The nasal mucosa is elevated and grafted
local anaesthesia. approximately 3–5€ mm distally and superiorly with
7. Safe procedure as there are minimum chances of any this technique.
serious complication related to the procedure.

CASE REPORT-1 After meticulous planning using the radiograph, dental CT imaging,
and clinical pictures of the case, the following treatment plan was
Immediate implant with nasal floor grafting. A 50-year-old male finally decided upon to treat the patient with implant prosthesis.
patient referred to the author’s centre for immediate replacement Treatment planning
of his mobile maxillary central incisor. On examination, the tooth Step 1: Extraction of tooth.
was found extremely mobile with the other adjacent teeth in good Step 2: Careful incision and flap elevation to expose the osseous
periodontal health. The marginal soft tissue on the facial aspect had defect and its debridement.
receded approximately 10€mm from its position but the papillae were Step 3: Elevation of the nasal floor epithelium and nasal floor
at the original level. The teeth were badly stained because of fluorosis grafting.
and tobacco chewing. On radiographic and dental CT evaluation, Step 4: A long and narrow platform implant (3.75â•›×â•›18€mm) insertion
a large three-walled osseous defect which nearly reached the nasal within the osseous envelope and at the correct prosthetic position,
floor was visible. The tooth root was seen completely encapsulated stabilizing its apex in the high-density nasal floor.
into the fibrous tissue. The patient expressed the desire for immedi- Step 5: Grafting of the osseous defect using autogenous bone
ate implant placement and restoration of of aesthetics on the same (harvested from the maxillary tuberosity) mixed with bone substitutes
day. The case was found challenging in a few aspects. (HA€+€β-TCP) and plasma rich in growth factors (PRGF) extracted
Challenges in this case from the venous blood of the patient just before the implant surgery.
1. Achieving adequate primary stability for the immediately inserted The use of a tent screw was planned to provide adequate space for
implant, as there were large 3-walled osseous defect nearly the bone graft.
reaching the nasal floor Step 6: Use of nonresorbable polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) mem-
2. Augmentation of the large osseous defect simultaneous with the brane to cover the whole grafted site, releasing the periosteum to
implant insertion achieve the primary closure. The grafting of the soft tissue defect with
3. Space maintenance for the bone graft an epithelialized connective tissue graft harvested from the tuberosity
4. Immediate restoration of the lost marginal soft tissue region, before harvesting the autogenous bone.
5. Achieving primary closure for submerged implant healing and Step 7: The sectioning of the root of the extracted tooth and bonding
graft maturation with adjacent teeth to restore the aesthetics of the patient immedi-
6. Immediate and long-term aesthetic restoration which ately after implant insertion.
should match with the fluoride-affected as well as badly Step by step clinical presentation of the case is depicted in
tobacco-stained adjacent natural teeth. Figs 19.2–19.13.


19 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d



Fig 19.2╇ (A) Tooth number 21 with severe mobility and soft tissue recession. (B and C) Dental CT has revealed the three-dimensional loss
of periodontal bone with complete soft tissue encapsulation of the root. Immediate implantation with simultaneous bone grafting is planned.
(D and E) The implant apex needs to be stabilized in the high-density nasal floor to achieve adequate initial stability, thus nasal floor elevation and
grafting is planned. (F) The tooth is extracted, showing the soft tissue encapsulation of the root apex.

Nasal floor elevation and grafting 19

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d




Fig 19.3╇ (A and B) A mid-crestal incision is given and the facial mucoperiosteal flap is elevated to include the fibrous encapsulation included in the
elevated flap. (C and D) A large osseous defect can be seen at the site which looks unfavourable for immediate implant with simultaneous bone
grafting because of inadequate bone volume to achieve the primary stability of the implant. (E–G) The flap is further elevated to expose the inferior
piriform rim of left nasal cavity and the nasal floor epithelium is elevated using a set of sinus curettes.


19 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d



Fig 19.3, cont’d╇ (H–J) The implant osteotomy is prepared with the drills perforating through the nasal floor.

Nasal floor elevation and grafting 19

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d




Fig 19.4╇ (A–C) A thick epithelialized connective tissue graft is harvested from the edentulous posterior maxillary ridge. (D–F) Further, a trephine
drill is used to harvest the autogenous bone from the maxillary tuberosity.


19 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d



Fig 19.5╇ (A–D) The elevated nasal floor is grafted using the autogenous bone as the first layer through the both accesses.


Fig 19.6╇ A long implant (3.75€×€18€mm) is inserted within the osseous envelope and with the implant apex emerging 5€mm through the nasal
floor. High primary stability of the implant is achieved. (A–E) Following implant placement, the rest of the nasal floor is grafted using bone sub-
stitute. (F–K) A long tent screw is inserted for space maintenance underneath the barrier membrane and the osseous defect is first grafted with
autogenous bone followed by bone substitute (HA€+€β-TCP) mixed with PRGF.

Nasal floor elevation and grafting 19

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d




Fig 19.6, cont’d╇


19 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d


Fig 19.6, cont’d╇



Fig 19.7╇ (A) Once the osseous defect has been grafted, (B and C) a titanium reinforced PTFE cytoplast barrier membrane is placed to cover the
graft and stabilized with sutures. (D) The barrier membrane can also be stabilized using bone tacks.

Nasal floor elevation and grafting 19

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d



Fig 19.8╇ (A) A horizontal releasing incision is given through the periosteum from underneath the flap parallel to the crestal incision to release the
periosteum. (B and C) The flap is coronally advanced and sutured with primary closer. (D) The soft tissue graft is sutured over the extraction site
to regenerate a thick and keratinized marginal soft tissue around the final implant prosthesis.


19 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d




Fig 19.9╇ (A and B) The extracted tooth is shaped and bonded with the adjacent teeth. (C and D) The bonded tooth removed after 4 months
shows healed site with acceptable ridge morphology. (E and F) The site uncovered after 4 months shows the new bone regeneration under TXT

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d




Fig 19.10╇ (A–E) The fixation screw and TXT membrane are removed and a straight abutment is inserted on top of the implant. (F) The patient’s
tooth is hollowed out to create the space for the abutment.


Fig 19.11╇ (A and B) The tooth is etched from inside and bonded over the abutment using dual cure resin cement.

19 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d


Fig 19.12╇ (A) Follow-up clinical views after 1 week and (B) after 1 year.

Fig 19.13╇ Follow-up radiograph 1 year after restoration shows homogenous bone consolidation around the implant.

Nasal floor elevation and grafting 19
Immediate implant with nasal floor grafting and immediate restoration (Figs 19.14–19.20).


Fig 19.14╇ (A) Missing teeth numbers 11 and 22 and mobile tooth number 21. Extraction of tooth number and immediate implant placement is
planned at tooth numbers 11 and 21 for a three-unit bridge. (B) Preoperative radiograph shows only 4€mm bone between root apex and nasal
floor. For immediate restoration of the implants, insertion of the longest possible implant with its apex stabilized in the high-density nasal floor by
nasal floor elevation and grafting, is planned.


Fig 19.15╇ (A) Flap is elevated and (B) tooth is atraumatically extracted.


Fig 19.16╇ Implant (3.3€×€15€mm) is inserted at tooth number 11 after performing ridge split and expansion procedure. Inserted implant achieved
high initial stability (more than 35 Ncm.). (A and B) Further, the nasal epithelium is elevated on the left side using appropriate sinus curette.

Continued 531
19 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-2—cont’d


Fig 19.17╇ (A) After the nasal epithelium is elevated to the planned height and depth, the implant osteotomy is prepared through the socket to
perforate through the high density nasal floor. (B) Radiograph shows the pilot drill 4€mm beyond the nasal floor.


Fig 19.18╇ (A) Once the implant osteotomy is completed, the elevated nasal floor is grafted using bone substitute (HA€+€β-TCP) and (B) implant
is inserted. Implant has achieved high primary stability (more than 35€Ncm.)


Fig 19.19╇ (A) Post implantation radiograph shows implant apex emerging 4€mm beyond the nasal floor and grafted nasal cavity. (B) Some amount
of graft is deposited in the facial concavity to reinforce the thin facial plate and to improve the ridge morphology.

Nasal floor elevation and grafting 19

CASE REPORT-2—cont’d



Fig 19.20╇ (A) Flap is sutured and (B) implants are immediately restored in function to restore the aesthetic as well as the functional demands
of the patient. (C) Healing after 3 weeks. (D) Implants are restored with a definitive prosthesis after 6 weeks. (E) The radiograph 1 year after loading
shows stable crestal bone level and consolidated bone graft at the nasal floor.

19 Clinical Implantology

Closed technique (subcrestal approach) nasal floor. The bone substitute is introduced into the
osteotomy and pushed up into the elevated nasal floor.
Often the implant surgeon plans to place an implant This graft further elevates the nasal epithelium. After
with the flapless or by minimal flap elevation technique achieving desired nasal floor elevation and grafting, the
to minimize the soft tissue injury and post implantation implant is inserted with its apex emerging 3–5€mm above
complications like suture line opening, infection, etc. the nasal floor. This technique is indicated only in the
In such cases, a large amount of facial flap elevation is cases where the nasal floor is thin and density of the nasal
required only to access and graft the nasal floor. There- floor is poor to medium, so that it can be easily fractured
fore in such cases, the subcrestal approach can be the using the osteotome. If the surgeon fails to fracture the
more appropriate and minimally invasive technique for nasal floor with controlled tapping, he/she should imme-
the nasal floor elevation and grafting procedure. There diately switch over to the grinding up technique, to avoid
are further two techniques for the subcrestal approach to trauma to the nasal floor (Fig 19.21A–D).
the nasal epithelium:
a. Osteotome technique
Grinding up technique
b. Grinding up technique. This technique should be preferred in cases with thick
and high-density nasal floor and also in the cases where
the mental trauma of tapping is to be avoided. To perform
Osteotome technique this technique, the osteotomy for the planned implant is
To perform this technique, the implant osteotomy is fin- finished 1–2€mm short of the nasal floor. Then, the rest
ished 1–2€mm short of nasal floor followed by use of an of the subnasal bone is ground up using a coarse round
appropriate size osteotome to carefully fracture up the rotary diamond bur, DASK drill, or piezo diamond tip,



Fig 19.21╇ Step by step diagrammatic presentation of osteotome technique. (A) After completing the implant osteotomy preparation 1–2€mm short of
nasal floor, (B) an appropriate size Summer’s osteotome is used to fracture up the nasal floor. (C) Further, nasal floor elevation and grafting is achieved
by filling the particulated graft through the prepared osteotomy and condensing it, using the same osteotome. (D) Once the nasal floor has been
elevated and grafted, the implant is inserted in the usual manner.
Nasal floor elevation and grafting 19




Fig 19.22╇ Step by step diagrammatic presentation of grinding up technique. (A) The osteotomy for the planned implant is finished 1–2€mm short of
nasal floor. (B) Then, the rest of the subnasal bone is ground up using a coarse round rotary diamond bur, DASK drill, or (C) piezo diamond tips to
reach the (D) nasal epithelium. (E) Further, the nasal epithelium is carefully elevated through the prepared osteotomy, using an umbrella-shaped eleva-
tor or depth probe. (F) The bone graft is introduced and pushed up to the nasal floor which further elevates the nasal mucosa. (G) Then, the implant
is inserted in the usual fashion with its apex emerging into the nasal cavity which also keeps tenting the nasal epithelium and so maintains the space
for new bone formation at the grafted nasal floor. 535
19 Clinical Implantology

Immediate implant with nasal floor elevation and grafting with subcrestal grinding technique followed by immediate restoration
of implants in function (Figs 19.23 and 19.24).



Fig. 19.23╇ (A) Maxillary central incisors with grade 2 mobility because of lost periodontal support. (B and C) The teeth are extracted with minimum
trauma, and implant osteotomies are prepared 2€mm short of nasal floor. (D and E) A round diamond bur is then used to carefully grind up rest of
the nasal floor to reach the nasal epithelium.

Nasal floor elevation and grafting 19

CASE REPORT-3—cont’d




Fig 19.24╇ (A) After grinding up the nasal floor to reach the nasal epithelium, the depth probe with umbrella-shaped tip at its end is used to care-
fully elevate the nasal epithelium. (B) Further, the elevated nasal floor is grafted through the prepared osteotomy and (C) implants are inserted.
(D) The abutments are placed on the top of the implants and (E) implants are restored immediately in function. (F) The post surgery radiograph
shows that the apex of both implants have been well stabilized into the nasal floor.


19 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-4 placed with the conventional protocol, the implant should be
placed 2€mm short of nasal floor. In that case, initial stability to
Immediate implant with nasal floor elevation and grafting with the implant could have been inadequate to immediately restore
subcrestal osteotome technique followed by immediate resto- the implant. Thus to achieve adequate implant stability, besides
ration of implant in function. using adequate size implant to engage its threads along the
A 30-year-old female patient presented with soft tissue granula- socket walls, it was decided to perform the nasal floor elevation
tion on the facial aspect of the tooth number 21. The dental procedure, so that the implant apex could be stabilized in the
radiograph revealed root caries, which had grossly decayed the high-density nasal floor.
cervical portion of the root. Root canal therapy and the post and 2. Another challenge was the soft tissue level of the free gingiva on
core approach were tried first but the canal in the apical half was the facial aspect, which had shifted about 4€mm apical to the
found calcified, compromising the long-term survival of the tooth. ideal position. Usually epithelialized connective tissue grafting is
So, the decision was taken to remove the tooth and follow through performed in such cases but as three-dimensional blood supply
with immediate implant placement in the socket. The patient also was available at the site the author decided to go with minimally
requested that she would like allowed to go out after the implant invasive flapless implant surgery, supporting the soft tissue in
surgery, with the provisional crown on the implant. So there were original form and shape so that the lost tissue could be regener-
a few challenges in this case to achieve a predictable outcome. ated in a few weeks.
They are: Step by step clinical case presentation is shown in Figs 19.25–19.32.
1. Only 3€mm of bone was present, as seen in the radiograph,
between the root apex and the nasal floor. If the implant is



Fig 19.25╇ (A) Tooth number 21 with the visible soft tissue granulation at the facial aspect. (B) Radiograph revealed large root caries, calcified canal
at the apical half and only 3€mm bone apical to the root.


Fig 19.26╇ (A and B) Tooth is carefully extracted using periotomes and luxators with minimum trauma to the osseous structure and soft tissues.

Nasal floor elevation and grafting 19

CASE REPORT-4—cont’d


Fig 19.27╇ Implant osteotomy is prepared with the correct axis; nasal floor is elevated with the subcrestal socket lift technique using osteotomes
(subcrestal closed osteotome technique) and a tapered 5€×€11.5€mm implant is inserted. (A and B) Implant achieved initial stability of more than


Fig 19.28╇ (A) Implant at the final position. (B) The peri-implant socket spaces are loosely filled using HA€+€β-TCP bone graft.


Fig 19.29╇ (A and B) A modified custom abutment is screwed over the implant.


19 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-4—cont’d


Fig 19.30╇ (A) A provisional crown is fixed over the abutment immediately after implant insertion and the screw hole is closed using composite.
(B) Post implant surgery radiograph shows elevated nasal floor and implant apex stabilized in the nasal floor.


Fig 19.31╇ (A and B) Immediate and continued anatomical support and maintenance of the blood supply to the marginal soft tissue has regener-
ated it to the desired level in 6 weeks.


Fig 19.32╇ (A) The implant is restored early using a cement-retained zirconium crown. (B) The radiograph 1 year after the restoration shows stable
crestal bone level and consolidated nasal floor graft.

Nasal floor elevation and grafting 19
to reach the nasal epithelium. Further, the nasal epithe- Implant mobility
lium is carefully elevated through the prepared osteot-
omy using an umbrella-shaped elevator or depth probe. The inserted implant can be mobile if it is not secured
The bone graft is introduced and pushed up to the nasal well with adequate initial stability. The implant may
floor which further elevates the nasal mucosa. Then, the also show mobility because of retrograde pressure, if the
implant is inserted in the usual fashion with its apex patient places a finger in the nose. The loose implant
emerging into the nasal cavity, which also keeps tenting should be removed and if not infected, another bigger
the nasal epithelium and so maintains the space for new diameter implant can be inserted immediately with ade-
bone formation at the grafted nasal floor (Fig 19.22A–G). quate primary stability.

Complications Maxillary sinus perforation

Bleeding During the nasal floor elevation and implant insertion for
maxillary canine position, the implant drill or the implant
A strip about 1.5€mm wide covering a region of wide and apex may inadvertently penetrate through the anterior wall
long capillary loops, known as Kiesselbach’s plexus, is of the maxillary sinus. If this occurs, either the implant
found at the junction between the squamous epithelium insertion can be delayed or the sinus membrane can be ele-
of the nasal vestibule and the respiratory epithelium of vated at the perforation area through the lateral approach
the nasal cavity. This plexus extends to the lower and cen- and grafted with simultaneous implant insertion.
tral part of the cartilaginous septum and is a common
region for nose bleeding. Any injury to this plexus by
implant drill or any instrument can lead to profuse bleed- Summary
ing. Nasal floor elevation and grafting is usually limited
anterior to this plexus. However, if bleeding occurs, which Nasal floor elevation and grafting can be a valuable pro-
is very rare in nasal floor grafting, it can be controlled by cedure to stabilize the implant apex in the high-density
packing the nasal cavity for 20–30€min, with a cotton roll nasal floor for the purposes of stabilizing the implant
lightly coated with petroleum jelly. The bleeding can also in immediate implant cases or in cases with large osse-
be controlled using absorbable gelatin sponge (Ab Gel), ous defects, which are unfavourable to achieve adequate
electrocautery, etc. implant stability. A 3–5€ mm, longer-than-usual implant
can be inserted by the nasal floor elevation procedure. In
Tearing of nasal mucosa/implant several maxillary anterior implant cases, high primary sta-
exposed in the nose bility can be achieved if the implant is stabilized in the
high-density nasal floor so that the aesthetics of the patient
The nasal mucosa is generally thicker and more resistant can be immediately restored with implant-supported
to tearing, compared with the maxillary sinus mucosa. provisional prosthesis. Stabilizing implants in the nasal
The chance of its tearing is negligible during its eleva- floor in full-arch cases may provide adequate stability to
tion, however it can be perforated or torn by any sharp immediately restore the implants with a full-arch splinted
instrument, implant drill, implant with sharp apex, etc. prosthesis. The open technique should be preferred in the
Nasal mucosal tearing can result in bacterial infiltration cases where the flap needs to be raised for implant inser-
from the nasal cavity to the implant site. The torn mucosa tion and also in the cases where multiple implants need
should be sutured with watertight closure. Occasionally, to be stabilized in the nasal floor with a large volume of
the implant apex can perforate the nasal mucosa during nasal floor grafting to place adequately long implants in
the surgery or years later due to continuous pressure from the severely resorbed maxilla. The grinding up technique
underneath the nasal mucosa, especially in cases where should be preferred in the closed subcrestal approach as
the implant apex protrudes through the nasal floor with- it avoids inadvertent trauma to the nasal cavity and the
out nasal floor grafting. The threaded implant apex pro- mental trauma caused to the patient by tapping. The sub-
truding out of the nasal mucosa may capture mucosal crestal approach should be preferred in the cases where
scabs and cause foul odour or rhinosinusitis. A bone graft- flapless implant insertion has been planned. Irrespective
ing of the nasal floor before implant insertion decreases of the approach, osteotomy preparation and nasal floor
this risk. However, when this occurs to a rigid implant, elevation should be performed carefully and should be
an implant apicoectomy can be performed to remove the checked with radiographs for the position of the drill or
protruding apex of the implant. osteotome in respect to the nasal floor.

19 Clinical Implantology

Further Reading

Mazor Ziv, Lorean Adi, Mijiritsky Eitan, et€ al. Jensen J, Krantz-Simonsen E, Sindet-Pedersen Jensen J, Sindet-Pederson S, Oliver AJ. Vary-
Nasal floor elevation combined with implant S. Reconstruction of the severely resorbed ing treatment strategies for reconstruction
placement. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res, Vol- maxillary with bone grafting and osseointe- of maxillary atrophy with implants: results
ume, November, 2010. grated implants – a preliminary report. J in 98 patients. J Oral Maxillofac Surg
Rubo de Rezende ML, de Melo LG, Hamata Oral Maxillofac Surg 1990;48:27–32. 1994;52:210.
MM, et€al. Particulate inlay nasal graft with Branemark PL, Adell R, Albrektsson T, et€al. An Tatum OH. Maxillary and sinus implant
immediate dental implant placement in experimental and clinical study of osseoin- reconstruction. Dent Clin North Am 1986;
a patient with repaired alveolar cleft: case tegrated implants penetrating the nasal cav- 30:209–29.
report. Implant Dent 2008;17:332–8. ity and maxillary sinus. J Oral Maxillofac Lang J. Clinical anatomy of the nose, nasal
Higuchi K. Bone grafting into the nasal floor. Surg 1984;42:497–505. cavity and paranasal sinuses. New York:
In: Worthington P, Branemark PI, editors. Keller EE, Tolman CE, Eckert SE. Maxillary Thieme; 1989.
Advanced osseointegration surgery, appli- antral-nasal inlay autogenous bone graft Dahlin C, Lekholm U, Becker W, et€ al. Treat-
cation in the maxillofacial region. Chicago: reconstruction of compromised maxilla: a ment of fenestration and dehiscence bone
Quintessence; 1992. 12-year retrospective study. Int J Oral Max- defects around oral implants using the
Misch CM, Misch CE, Resnik RR, et€al. Recon- illofac Implant 1999;14:707–21. guided tissue regeneration technique: a
struction of maxillary alveolar defects with Keller EE, Eckert SE, Tolman DE. Maxillary prospective multicenter study. Int J Oral
mandibular symphysis grafts for dental antral and nasal one-stage inlay com- Maxollofac Implants 1995;10:312–8.
implants: a preliminary procedural report. posite bone graft: preliminary report on Misch CE, Dietsh F. Endosteal implants and
Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 1992;7:360–6. 30 recipient sites. J Oral Maxillofac Surg iliac crest grafts to restore severely resorbed,
Kahnberg KE, Nystrom E, Bartholdsson L. 1994;52:438–47. totally edentulous maxillae – a retrospective
Combined use of bone grafts and Brane- Ivanoff CH, Grondahl K, Bergstrom C, et€ al. study. J Oral Implantol 1994;20:100–10.
mark fixtures in the treatment of severely Influence of bicortical or monocortical Lundgren S, Nystrom E, Milson H, et€al. Bone
resorbed maxillae. Int J Oral Maxillofac anchorage on maxillary implant stabil- grafting to the maxillary sinuses, nasal floor
Implants 1989;4:297. ity: a 15-year retrospective study of Brane- and anterior maxilla in the atrophic eden-
Nkenke E, Kloss F, Whitfag J, et€ al. Histo- mark system implants. Int J Oral Maxillofac tulous maxilla: a two-stage technique. Int J
morphometric and fluorescence micros- Implants 2000;15:103–10. Oral Maxillofac Surg 1997;26:128–434.
copy analysis of bone remodeling after Chanavaz M. Maxillary sinus: anatomy, physi-
installation of implants using an osteo- ology, surgery, and bone grafting related
tome technique. Clin Oral Implants Res to implantology – eleven years of surgical
2002;13:595–602. experience (1979–1990). J Oral Implantol

Immediate loading using
basal implants
Stefan Kâ•›A Ihdeâ•… Antonina Ihde

The traditional procedure in dental implantology is based
Introduction 543 on the placement of large bullet-shaped implant bodies into
Devices and insertion technique of lateral and the jawbone. The position of these implants coincides typi-
screwable basal implants 543 cally with the position of the former teeth in order to create
Insertion of screwable basal implants (tubero- an ‘emerging profile’. As many patients do not provide the
pterygoid screw implants/GBC) 545 necessary amounts of bone in the designated position, often
Placement of lateral basal implants (BOI/TOI) 545 bone augmentations are performed. In the clinical reality
Treatment rationale in basal implantology 545
however, a great many patients remain untreated or get only
a partial treatment if the treatment provider offers only this
General comments 545 traditional approach. There are several reasons for this:
The bone sets the clock 547 â•…â•…
Different ways to “osseointegration” 547 1. A number of patients refuse a treatment protocol with
Treatment planning for basal implants 547 several surgical steps and waiting times.
2. A large number of patients (e.g. smokers, medically
Diagnostics 547
impaired patients, patients with profound periodontal
Choice of implant sites 547 involvement) are being excluded from dental implant
Overall load distribution 548 therapy because they do not qualify for bone augmenta-
BCS/GBC and zygoma (ZSI) implants 548 tion procedures.
3. An increasing number of patients refuse bone augmen-
Concepts for full bridges 549
tations, because the (true) rumour has spread, that
Concepts for unilateral bridge segments 549 inclusion into this treatment protocol makes the out-
Maxillary segments 549 come unpredictable.
Mandibular segments 549 â•…â•…
Replacement of lower first molars 550 Hence, when using traditional dental implants, a con-
siderable group of patients are either refused full treat-
Replacement of upper second molars 550
ment or they refuse the treatment offered. To be specific,
Inclusion of remaining teeth 550 patients with pronounced atrophy, i.e. those who would
Single tooth replacement 551 require dental implant treatment most, are left untreated.
Contraindications 551 This is a unique situation in dentistry.
Disinfection and antibiotic regime 551
Today ‘basal implantology’ is able to address and
solve all these issues and provide help for the most-
Prosthetic procedures and considerations 551 compromised patient group.
Connecting implants and prosthetics 552
Maintenance and functional grinding 552
Summary 555 Devices and insertion technique of
lateral and screwable basal implants
Basal implants belong to the group of osseointegrated
implants. Their common features are:
1. Cortical positioning of load transmitting implant
20 Clinical Implantology

Fig 20.3╇ A lateral basal implant for screw-connection (TOI® IE). This type
is compatible to the standard external hex 2.7€mmd. The implant pro-
vides a platform of 3.7€mm.
Fig 20.1╇ A one-piece lateral basal implant (BOI) for insertion into the
basal jawbone. This implant features two bending zones along the verti-
cal shaft. The fracture-proof design of the base plate was introduced in
2002. In this design the prosthetic construction is cemented.

Fig 20.4╇ A one-piece basal screw implant (BCS®). The cortical load
transmission is done through the large basal threads. These threads
should be anchored in the cortical opposite to the crest. Some BCS
implants provide lengthy grooves or holes in the threads for the in-growth
of vessels or bone. Screwable basal implants are available in diameters
Fig 20.2╇ Triple BOI implant (BBB 7 H6) for multicortical anchorage. This
3.5–12€mm and in lengths of 10–38€mm. Load transmission along the
design is frequently used in the area of the canines in both jaws. For triple
polished vertical shaft is not required for the functioning of this type of
base plate implants the term ‘basal implant’ is misleading, as of course
implant. This implant features some structural elasticity, and masticatory
only one or at maximum two base plates can be actually positioned in
loads are transmitted into the basal bone and into resorption-free bone
the basal bone. The surgeon should position the implant in such a way,
that as many as possible base plates get engaged into the cortical bone.

2. Thin and polished vertical implant parts for mucosal 6. Immediate cortical osseointegration in the case of screw-
penetration able basal implants (e.g. BCS®)
3. The usage of resorption-stable bone areas foranchorage 7. Gradualbiological osseointegration (under immediate
4. The possibility of immediate loading load conditions) in the case of lateral basal implants
5. Macro-mechanical anchorage (e.g. BOI®) (Figs 20.1–20.8).
Immediate loading using basal implants 20

Fig 20.5╇ A large variety of BCS implants allow placement in all bone situations. Thereby either the width of the bone is utilized (through threads of
3.5–12€mm in width) or the height of the bone (through implants with 10–38€mm length), or both. Since only small bone cavities of 2–2.5€mm are
drilled out, the threads have to compress the bone considerably. Therefore not all types of BCS implants can be inserted into the lower jaw with high
mineralization (high density bone).

discovered the secret of safe, immediate loading a long

Insertion of screwable basal time ago, whereas dental implantology was still work-
implants (tubero-pterygoid screw ing with ‘healing times’, considering the importance of
implants/GBC) implant-surface alterations and bone augmentations.
The two main principles used in fracture treatment with
In the upper jaw, the opposing (second) cortical must be plates and screws are bicortical or multicortical anchorage
reached by the screw thread. The preparation is best done and immediate splinting of implants (Fig 20.8).
with a handgrip and the pathfinder drill, followed by a The principles of fracture treatment have been explained
2€ mmd twist drill. This is the best way to find out the in textbooks. In surgical fracture treatment, immedi-
correct direction for the implant. To penetrate the second ate splinting (and thereby loading) is a pure necessity,
cortical, a tapping instrument is used (i.e. a Bein eleva- because a second or third surgical approach through
tor). The quality of the bone can be evaluated through the the skin and around often massive packages of muscle
sound of the taps. clearly must be avoided. In addition, every intervention
In the lower jaw long tubero-pterygoid screw implants is followed by massive swelling and the burdens of reha-
(i.e. BCS—diameter 3.5–4.6€mm; length 23–29€mm) are bilitation. Other than in the dental field, local resistance
often used in the anterior region, while shorter but wider against infection in the long bones is poor and the occur-
designs (i.e. 5.5€×€10–14€mm) are suitable in the poste- rence of osteomyelitis is a realistic threat. Massive and
rior region. In many cases, the bone lateral and below the long-lasting swellings occur and require intense postop-
mylohyoid ridge forms an almost horizontal plate. This erative care. In addition, such intervention requires sur-
plate is suited perfectly as a second cortical. gery under total anaesthesia, which increases risks and
costs. Hence, surgery on fractured long bones from early
times aimed at one surgical intervention and immediate
Placement of lateral basal implants loading.
(BOI/TOI) Another reason why ‘immediate loading’ was always the
preferred method in traumatology and joint replacement
For lateral basal implants, the preparation of a full thick- is found in the nature of bone – immobilization quickly
ness flap is mandatory. Good vision on the bone surface reduces the degree of mineralization, because the bone
must be given and all soft tissues including muscle attach- responds with strong remodelling both to increased and
ments must be removed. to decreased loads. Osteoporosis due to inactivity may
reduce the overall mineralization of a patient’s bone by
15% after 6 weeks. This is a dramatic figure and it shows
Treatment rationale in basal how quickly bone responds. The response is invisible to
our eyes.
implantology In dental implantology, these problems are not of
General comments much concern, because resistance against infection in the
jawbone and access to bone in the oral field are good. In
Conventional dental implantology has developed inde- living patients, jawbones never become inactive because
pendently from the field of orthopaedic surgery and even edentulous patients eat and carry out oral func-
traumatology. In retrospective this was unfortunate, tions one way or another. Probably for this reason, den-
because both orthopaedic surgery and traumatology had tal patients were treated for decades, without concern of
20 Clinical Implantology

Fig 20.7╇ Transsinusal placement of a BOI-BAC implant, with vertical

screw anchorage on the palatal bone, and before lateral screw anchor-
age on the lateral cortical of the maxillary sinus.

Fig 20.6╇ For use as zygoma implants, ZSI implants have been developed.
They feature an aggressive thread for zygomatic anchorage and a bend-
ing zone near the abutment. The bending zone allows insertion from the
palatal aspect of the maxillary alveolar crest and subsequent bending of
the implant. This way the head reaches the crest and fits under the pros-
thetic construction. ZSI implants are available in lengths 35–50€mm and
are used after preparing the bone with a twist drill 2.2€mm/50€mm. Both
intrasinusal and extrasinusal placements are possible.

infection, in two-stage protocols. It was actually increas-

ing competition between dentists who made ‘immediate
loading’ an issue. In addition, avoiding bone augmenta- Fig 20.8╇ Treatment of the fracture of an upper arm in an immediate load-
tions (including their cost and suffering) became a com- ing protocol. The positioning of the implant is strictly cortical (although
petitive advantage. some implants, due to the projection of the radiograph, seem to be with-
The ‘All-on-4’ concept and the inclusion of zygoma out cortical anchorage). The implants are not placed parallel. The fracture
screw implants changed the situation a bit; however this plate allows immediate splinting of all implants.
Immediate loading using basal implants 20
treatment is accessible only through specialized treatment types of bone (woven bone, osteonal bone) yield differ-
providers and involves extremely high overall costs for ent results when performing ‘osseointegration’.
implants, central treatment support, and templates. â•…â•…
These issues have been solved by basal implantology. 2. Orthopaedic surgeons always create direct contact
between the implant and the cortical bone. Their treat-
The bone sets the clock ment rationale coincides with the fact that defects
in the cortical bone are always repaired, and conse-
The ‘healing’ of bone starts 3 days after any bone surgery quently, implant bodies which are placed in the sphere
or fracture through a process of remodelling. Hence, of the corticals will be integrated almost regardless of
within the first 3 days of surgery or fracture, a very sta- the biocompatibility of the implant material and its
ble type of bone becomes available. For this reason, the surface.
authors recommend insertion of the implant within 3. Whenever spongious bone is compressed, its struc-
this short period with prosthetic reconstruction, and ture gets damaged and the degree of mineralization
recommend that it is left in place for a minimum of 6–9 of this compressed bone is increased notably. Com-
months. This ensures that the remodelling (‘healing’) of pression screws (e.g. single piece KOS®, or two-stage
the bone does not reduce its stability in the very critical Hexacone®) utilize the stability which results out
phase before implants are splinted. During a metal try- of this compression and they take advantage of the
in, the peri-implant bone around each single implant fact that the osteonal remodelling cannot have its
can be much more traumatized than during regular origin in the compressed bone areas. Hence, com-
mastication while the implant is splinted. pression screw implants like KOS and Hexacone pro-
vide grounds for a treatment protocol in immediate
Different ways to “osseointegration” loading.

A few words must be spent on what is called ‘osseoin-

tegration’. The term has been defined as ‘direct contact Treatment planning for basal
between implant and bone’. The authors add that this
contact must also be durable, whereas the degree of min- implants
eralization of the bony interface is not a criterion for suc- Diagnostics
cessful osseointegration.
In the authors’ view, at least three roads can lead to this Basal implants may be used as single tooth replacement
desired result. Two of these roads take separate routes. by experienced treatment providers, but this applica-
â•…â•… tion is not their central function. Excellent results are
1. Traditionally, the active growth of bone towards the achieved if three or more implants are splinted in a seg-
implant surface was considered to be the (only) way to ment or a full bridge. In selected situations two splinted
achieve osseointegration. The process requires at least implants can also be successful in an immediate load-
a minimal amount of space around the endosseous ing protocol, and in a number of situations the trained
implant surface and it requires blood access to support implantologist can work even with single implants in this
the production of the woven bone matrix and its sub- way. Although BOI implants are three-dimensional, the
sequent mineralization. Workers in the scientific field two dimensions shown on a panoramic radiograph are
discussed the significance of specific implant surfaces sufficient to plan a case. Three-dimensional planning is
and assumed that the ‘healing time’ could be brought helpful to identify irregularities in the bones (i.e. left-
down by altering or ‘improving’ the surfaces. All evi- over roots) and the true periodontal state of teeth. Often
dence presented for this theory was proved wrong. a three-dimensional exploration gives indications for
What is called the ‘biologic osseointegration’ definitely additional extraction, thus making the case safer to treat
works, but it must be accepted that this pathway is not and improving the overall prognosis.
the only possible road. This process of gradual integra-
tion was never used in the field of orthopaedic surgery Choice of implant sites
and its usage in dental implantology is unique. No
rationale whatsoever supports the placement of dental The resorption-stable areas in the jawbone are located as
implants in the worst bone available – the native spon- follows:
gious bone. â•…â•…
â•…â•… 1. The nasal spine
When observing implants after their osseointegration, it 2. The pterygoid plate of the sphenoid bone
is found that mainly secondary osteons are in direct con- 3. The zygomatic bone
tact with the implant. These osteons have remodelled the 4. Bone caudal to the oblique line in the mandible
primary woven bone or previous osteonal bone. Depend- 5. The bone of the floor of the nose
ing on whether direct matrix deposition as a function of 6. The laminae cribrosae of extraction sitesâ•…â•…
woven bone takes place, or if there is direct integration Depending on the pathway of past atrophy and changes
through osteons, a small layer of what was called ‘soft in morphology, bone configurations which are not present
tissue’ and is in fact the most peripheral collagen layer of in all patients, can be considered to be resorption-stable:
the circumferential lamella of the osteon, is visible under the bone caudally to the attachment of the mylohyoid
the microscope. Workers in the scientific field have for muscle on the lingual side of the mandible. This bone
decades been fighting about the question of direct bone- is easy to access, especially if this bone is provided
to-implant contact without understanding that different (almost) horizontal. For providing additional stability in
20 Clinical Implantology

Fig 20.9╇ Visualization of accessible corticals in the right maxilla – besides the first (crestal) cortical all other corticals shown here can serve as second
corticals. The bone in the area of the nasal spine (arrow from the right) is often through and through cortical – for this reason it is often unnecessary
to reach the floor of the nose as second cortical. Note that in addition to the corticals shown here, the pterygoid plate of the sphenoid bone offers
two more corticals for posterior support.

BCS/GBC and zygoma (ZSI) implants

Implants which are anchored both in the maxillary bone
and in the sphenoid bone can anchor up to four corticals
– they penetrate the crestal cortical of the maxilla, the dis-
tal cortical of the maxilla, and up to two corticals marking
the pterygoid plate. The technique of placing these screws
is a bit tricky to learn, because the surgeon’s brain has to
imagine bone regions, which are not visibly available on
conventional radiographs or in the reality of the surgi-
cal intervention. In most cases, the experienced surgeon
will be able to place these screws without preparing a flap,
simply by palpating the medial hamulus of the pterygoid
Fig 20.10╇ The supporting polygon around the disc plates of lateral basal plate and by observing the anatomy of the distal maxilla.
implants (red circle) is much larger than the polygon marked by crestal If a flapless approach fails, a small flap will reveal details
(screw) implants (green circle). In this diagram, the implants are placed in of the anatomy and allow placement of this implant with-
the strategic positions of the canines and the second molars. Consider- out problems. In some cases, the approach towards the
ing that most of the masticatory forces are exerted in the distal region, sphenoid bone requires trespassing the maxillary sinus
more implants in the anterior jaw will not help to cope with those forces and even the Schneiderian membrane with the thin and
nor will they increase the polygon significantly. polished implant. The procedure is feasible to the surgi-
cally trained dentist as well as to the oral or maxillofacial
The usage of zygoma implants (ZSI) or BCS implants
in the area of the zygomatic bone requires a profound
immediate loading cases, resorbable bone areas may also knowledge of anatomy. Today both the trans sinusal
be used, although these areas are prone to remodelling approach and the subperiosteal approach are recog-
and loss of their cortical properties (Fig 20.9). nized. In any case, the implant must be anchored rig-
idly in the zygomatic bone and immediately splinted.
Overall load distribution In circular bridges, zygoma implants are connected to
two to four anterior implants. In the lateral segment
In full bridges and in bridges following the tooth arch at bridges, ZSI implants may be considered in combina-
least a little bit, the supporting polygon (Fig 20.10) must tion with BCS implants and implants placed oblique,
be considered. Lateral basal implants provide a larger anterior to the maxillary sinus (e.g. BCS). This way
supporting polygon than screwable implants. While the stability against lateral forces stemming from all direc-
distal mandible usually provides enough cortical bone of tions is obtained.
high quality, the bone in the distal maxilla is poor. Hence, The advantage of using ZSI implants in the zygoma
additional cortical support is required in the maxilla. region compared to traditional bullet-shaped implants
BCS implants and (in cases of extreme atrophy) zygoma is that the bendable neck of the ZSI implant can be
implants provide the required amount of reliable and aligned with the tooth arch, even though the implant
stable cortical retention. projects out of the palatal side of the crest. Although the
Immediate loading using basal implants 20
region. One of them will reach the distal cortical of the
maxilla and often the pterygoid plate, whereas the ante-
rior BCS utilizes the basal cortical of the maxillary sinus.
Additional implants between the canines and between
the canines and tuberosity will increase overall stability
and compensate in the event of error. They increase the
amount of cortical anchorage and thereby improve the
prognosis. Implants between the canines may be contra-
indicated however, when it comes to compensation of
Angle class II and class III jaw relationships by means of
prosthetics. In such cases, anterior implants may limit
the freedom of the dentist technician, because the posi-
tion of the implants is connected to the available bone
between the canines, whereas the position of the teeth
is better directed towards the teeth in the opposing

Concepts for unilateral bridge segments

The domain of basal implant is the distal mandible and
the distal maxilla. In these areas, this technique helps
patients the most. As immediately loaded constructions
are typically based on at least three implants, space must
Fig 20.11╇ During the growth of the skull, the distance between the two be found for them.
pterygoid processes remains constant quite early in childhood, while the
maxilla still grows. One motor of this growth are the teeth. Because the
maxilla is attached to the pterygoid plate, this growth occurs in trans- Maxillary segments
versal direction and the maxilla becomes rounded – tubero-Â�pterygoid Whenever the second and third molars are extracted, easy
screw implants are hence inserted in a medial and distal direction. access for a BCS implant is given. For another posterior
After the teeth are lost, the morphology however changes. In very implant, the tuberosity is used again – either another
atrophic jawbones the direction of insertion for the tubero-pterygoid BCS implant (e.g. 5.5 or 7€ mmd) is applied or a lateral
screw implant is predominantly distal, and is not or is very little directed basal implant (e.g. BS 9H6 to 12H6) are placed. The area
towards the medial. Tubero-pterygoid screw implants can utilize four of the first molar should be left out. Anterior to the max-
corticals if placed correctly – the crestal (first) and distal (second) corti- illary sinus, the third implant is placed. In cases where
cal of the maxilla and the anterior (third) and posterior (fourth) cortical of decayed and root canal treated premolars are present,
the sphenoid bone. In case that the maxillary sinus is trespassed by the these teeth should be extracted, as the prognosis of these
implant, another two corticals contribute to stability. teeth is bad and they block the access to the cortical to the
nasal floor.
This concept seems rigorous. However, the authors can
recommend following it without compromise. Leftover,
ailing first premolars will lead to the necessity of cor-
technique is really special and not included in general rective intervention sooner or later. Keep in mind that
teaching in any dental speciality, it cannot be assumed, the prosthetic value of a premolar is reduced, and sav-
in general, that this implant technique is to be restricted ing these teeth in cases where root canals are required,
to maxillofacial or oral surgeons. The technique requires is often impossible. The prosthetic prognosis of canines
profound knowledge of the anatomy of the skull. The (even if subjected to root canal treatment) is better. There-
treatment provider must be able to manage complica- fore, we should include these teeth into an unilateral con-
tions which may occur ‘one floor higher up’, and in any struction if needed. Another rationale for this decision
case full anaesthesia will often be a necessary part of the is that the aesthetic outcome after singular extraction of
treatment plan (Fig 20.11). upper canines is often unfavourable.

Concepts for full bridges Mandibular segments

It is recommended that implants be placed in the strategic The treatment options in the mandible depend on the
positions of the canines and the second molars. The area position of the nerve. In most cases, enough bone is
of the first molars in the upper jaw is not a recommended present on top of the lower alveolar nerve. If it is not the
area for implant placement, unless intrasinusal buttresses case, the base plate of the basal implant can be placed
maintain bone height and provide additional triangu- below the nerve and can bypass the nerve with the verti-
lated cortical support. Without these buttresses, the bone cal implant part. As an alternative, placement of short but
in this area is prone to bidirectional resorption (maxil- wide BCS implants into the horizontal basal bone areas
lary expansion and alveolar atrophy) and hence should near the mylohyoid ridge, is an option. Distal to the men-
be avoided. tal nerve either one BAST 9/16 implant is utilized, or two
The placement of a BCS implant is always part of the implants with a smaller base plate. These are combined
treatment plan. Often two implants may be placed in this with at least one long BCS implant which bypasses the
20 Clinical Implantology

mental foramen and anchors in the basal mandibular In general, the authors do not recommend replacing a
bone. For this purpose, BCS implants providing a length single molar by one basal implant only.
of 20€mm and more are typically used.
Inclusion of remaining teeth
Replacement of lower first molars
In dental implantology the inclusion or exclusion of nat-
Decay and/or periodontal involvement is often the indi- ural abutments into the construction has been discussed
cation for an early first lower molar extraction. In such vigorously for decades. The opponents of such com-
cases, therapy with a conventional dental implant is binations claim that the elastic properties of teeth and
not immediately possible, because bone is lacking. We implants are too different to allow such a combination,
recommend replacing these teeth with two tilted BCS while the protagonists argue that the clinical reality is that
implants, one into each socket of the extracted tooth. this combination works.
BCS 3.5 or 3.6€ mmd are the preferred …options, the The authors have found that combinations of teeth and
heads of the abutments are made parallel by bending basal implants yield good and stable results. On the other
the shaft. The key to success is cortical support for the hand, they have also observed that in a considerable num-
basal thread of the implant. In most cases, the implant ber of cases, decay of teeth has led to situations where
has to be inclined towards the lingual and hence the bridges had to be removed and more implants were nec-
lingual cortical is used for anchorage (Fig 20.12 A–C). essary. In such cases, the question of ‘guarantee’ is often
The width of the occlusal table should not exceed 6€mm, raised by the patient. When planning the inclusion of nat-
(i.e. the width of a premolar). This avoids off-axis loads ural teeth, the dental surgeon should ensure that the teeth
and functional lateral excursions of the block of crowns are free of all decay, should not have been subject to root
and allows treatment in an immediate loading proce- canal treatment, and should not have been restored with
dure with two implants only. If the vestibular bone is a crown. Including a second or third crown into construc-
missing in one of the roots, the combination of one tions with implants is clearly not recommended, because
lateral basal implant (BOI) and one BCS implant gives the average lifespan of second crowns is well below 10
a promising alternative. Note that bicortical support is years, and the average lifespan of third crowns is well below
necessary for the BOI implant. The rationale of using 5 years. In other words, differences in elasticity (created by
two implants to replace one tooth can be explained to osseointegration of the implant and the fibrous ligament
the patient easily, because actually, two functional roots connection of the tooth) are not critical. The main concern
are replaced. is the expected durability of the construction.
A typical indication for successful combined con-
Replacement of upper second molars struction is the replacement of chewing surfaces in the
extremely atrophic distal mandible or maxilla, while all
When it comes to replacing the upper second molars, premolars are present.
two implants are indicated. One implant – typically a The issue of these extractions and the reasons for leaving
BCS 5.5€mmd or larger – is positioned under the clinical the teeth in and combining them with implants, should
crown of this tooth, while the second implant utilizes the be discussed with the patient openly. For the treatment
bone of the tubero-pterygoid region. Both implants are provider, who was taught for years to make tooth-saving
splinted by the crown in an immediate loading procedure. efforts, it is astonishing that many patients (unexpectedly)


Fig 20.12╇ In the mandible a vast number of possibilities for the placement of BCS implants are given. (A) Usage of the crestal (first) and basal (sec-
ond) cortical. (B) Usage of the highly mineralized vestibular (second) cortical with subsequent bending of the implant. (C) Quite often the bone lateral
and caudal to the attachment of the mylohyoid muscle provides a suitable second cortical for the rest of a BCS implant.
Immediate loading using basal implants 20
want to have their teeth out, and have a clear and final is very effective because reasonable amounts of the drug
switch to an implant-borne dentition. really arrive and potentially work at the site of action.
In our view the use of Betadine (povidone-iodine) is
Single tooth replacement extremely helpful, as it attacks bacterial fungi and viruses,
across the board. It acts in less than 1€min. The authors
The use of lateral basal implants for single-tooth replace- rinse the insertion slots of lateral basal implants and the
ment, requires a very precise surgical approach. The rea- slots of crestal implants with this agent. The implants
son for this is that once the horizontal osteotomy has are bathed in this solution before placement, so that
been made, no change in height is possible; whereas infections are prevented and good soft-tissue healing is
a screw implant can be screwed deeper into the bone achieved. The authors consider the application of Beta-
easily. This corrective step is not available for lateral dine to be by far more important than oral or intravenous
implants. The only way to change the abutment height is antibiotic coverage.
to decide on a different implant with a longer or shorter
For replacing upper laterals and first premolars the 4T Prosthetic procedures
implants were developed – they feature three base plates and considerations
of 5€×€7€mm and are inserted with the small side ahead.
Hence, the osteotomy is prepared using a 5€ mm triple Typically impressions are taken immediately after implant
cutter. placement. The impression copings are either screwed on
If more space is available, larger implants can be used. (for TOI IE-implants) or tapped on (for all single-piece
However, in general, triple-base plate implants are recom- implants with cementing abutment like BOI or BCS)
mended. Whenever delayed or late load is planned, lat- prior to the normal laboratory procedures. It is recom-
eral basal implants with internal connection may be used mended to try-in either the metal frame or the milling
and they heal in submerged mode. template for zirconium fabrication.
Replacement of single teeth with single BCS implants In the authors’ experience the only way to keep forces
is an option only if masticatory forces are really reduced on the bridge low, is to follow some quite old but valu-
and all loads leading to rotation are abandoned. able rules of prosthetics:
1. The plane of bite should be aligned to the Camper
Contraindications plane.
2. The occlusion in the distal jaws should include an occlu-
In dental literature, numerous contraindications stem- sal equivalent of the curve of Spee.
ming from general health problems have been discussed 3. During lateral movements the vertical deviation of the
and should be considered. According to the authors’ mandible must be symmetrical, i.e. the AFMP (angle
experience two main fields are important: fonctionnelle de mastication de Planas), must be sym-
â•…â•… metrical. Only this allows an equal, symmetrical, bilat-
1. Patients who have undergone intravenous bisphospho- eral mastication.
nates treatment are not candidates for dental implant 4. The length and width of the masticatory table must be
treatment, unless proof has been given that the function identical on both sides.
of their osteonal systems is not prevented, and remodel- 5. Wisdom teeth should be taken out.
ling can work. 6. The front teeth must not be in contact during occlusion
2. Cases that do not allow stable mastication on both sides or lateral grinding movements – this avoids anterior pat-
of the jaws and the positioning of a bilateral, equal mas- terns of chewing and thereby extruding forces on distal
ticatory table from 6-6 in both jaws, are not suitable implants.
for immediate loading treatment. The rationale behind â•…â•…
this is that the chewing sides will develop quickly and The above-mentioned requirements are in fact ‘noth-
the bone around implants on the chewing side will get ing new’. During the authors’ work on teeth and long-
overloaded. time integrated implants, they have learnt to overlook
â•…â•… these demands and make compromises. Such compro-
The same will happen if general conditions (i.e. hemi- mises however, must not be made in immediate-loading
paresis) prevents bilateral function. Therefore, such con- treatment protocols on basal implants. In any case, the
ditions are contraindications. functional outcome will be more favourable if prosthetic
workpieces are created within the framework of these rules.
The dentist’s technician needs the following informa-
Disinfection and antibiotic regime tion for creating two full bridges on implants:
Although it has never been shown in reliable studies that 1. The vertical dimension
antibiotic ‘coverage’ increases the success rates of den- 2. The position of the upper central incisor
tal implantology, administering these drugs is widely 3. The orientation of one of the models with respect to the
accepted. In basal implantology this is an option, espe- skeleton
cially to give moral support to the patient. Most patients 4. A bite taken in the correct vertical dimension.
are in good health and will easily cope with these drugs. â•…â•…
During the surgical procedure 10€g of amoxicillin (pow- With this information he/she can prepare this bridge
der) may be added to the cooling liquid. This precaution following standard procedures for full dentures.
20 Clinical Implantology

Although strong composites are available today, the results for a number of years. However, they are technique-
authors still prefer to create a cast metal frame for the sensitive and they are especially sensitive to water, liquids,
bridge. Metal-to-ceramic bridges are typically requested and blood during the process of cementation. The authors
by the patients, but they are prone to ceramic chip-offs have achieved best results with Fuji Plus cement. The auto
over time. Metal-to-plastic bridges with ready-made arti- mix (capsule) variant requires extremely fast handling. If
ficial teeth (either from acrylic composites or even from full bridges on more than six implants are cemented, two
ceramics) are preferred by the authors, because they are application pliers are needed and typically two nurses. The
easy and cheap to make and allow easier repair compared hand mix variant (powder–liquid) is slower and even large
to ceramic bridges. Recently bridges from zirconium have bridges can be handled with one nurse only.
become an alternative. If they are made from full zirco-
nium (e.g. Prettau®) with considerable thickness, the
chances of fractures are extremely low. The aesthetics of Maintenance and functional grinding
‘full zirconium’ is today more than acceptable and with
the appearance of CAD-production technology, the work In the authors’ experience, very little grinding of the
proceeds fast and aesthetics can be planned well. incorporated masticatory surfaces has been necessary,
Prosthetic concepts are based on the concept that was both initially and over the years – typically the situation
developed for full dentures, except that teeth in the fron- is stable. The same cannot be expected on immediately
tal zone should come in contact neither during mouth loaded implants. Here are the main reasons:
closing nor during lateral movements. â•…â•…
1. Around teeth and long-time-integrated implants, the
remodelling is finished and the bone morphology is
Connecting implants stable.
2. Around freshly placed implants, especially if extrac-
and prosthetics tions were done simultaneously, strong remodelling
If implants with screw connection are chosen (e.g. TOI IE), takes place. This alters the shape of the bone, changes
the connection between prosthetics and implants is pro- the plane of bite, and reduces total bone mass (thereby
vided by screws. The advantage of this procedure is that altering the vertical dimension).
prosthetics may be taken off at any time and this can be use- 3. Any remodelling which was initiated by the surgical
ful when it comes to creating a close fit between the gums implant placement will at the same time be influenced
and the bridge over the years. On the other hand, it is obvi- by the new functional situation. This additionally leads
ous that all screw connections can fail; screws can get loose to changes in the morphology of the bone.
and this may result in overload on the bone around those 4. Keep in mind, that osseo integrated implants are rigidly
implants, which are still rigidly connected to the bridge. anchored in the bone; they can neither elongate nor
The same can happen, if temporary cements are used intrude. They have no way to compensate for changes in
and the connection fails. In cases where very little bone the way that teeth can. They have to follow all morpho-
is available, the usage of temporary cement is not recom- logical changes. The masticatory surfaces mounted onto
mended. Furthermore, this cement should not be used, if them follow the same way.
large sagittal discrepancies are present (Angle class II and â•…â•…
class III), because in these cases often considerable seg- Hence on freshly placed and immediately loaded
ments of the bridge (i.e. the masticatory surfaces) are not implants, frequent and larger adjustments will be neces-
supported by implants. The treatment provider is often sary than on teeth or on long-time-integrated implants.
tempted to use temporary cements and the following rea- The treatment provider should consider this necessity
sons are obvious: and inform the patient in time, and the initial vertical
â•…â•… dimension chosen, should be large enough to allow such
1. Easy correction of prosthetics adjustments.
2. Easy possibility to evaluate the integration of single It is the purpose of the authors’ maintenance procedure
implants under bridge (this is considered necessary to ensure that the conditions defined earlier in this chapter
by implantologists working with traditional two-stage will prevail throughout the period of usage of the bridge.
implant systems). One major problem is that although mastication can be
â•…â•… adjusted by grinding, this consumes the vertical dimen-
The big danger associated with temporary cements is sion. Hence, after years, the vertical dimension will have
that patients may not notice if the bridge is partly loose. to be raised again. If this is neglected, the front teeth will
Patients who have had removable dentures before, will get into an unwanted amount of contact and the pattern of
be fully satisfied with a mobile bridge which is connected chewing tends to change. This leads to three changes:
only to one (mobile) implant – this situation is from â•…â•…
their point of view, still much better compared to the pre- 1. The functional situation changes and so does the dis-
vious denture. The longer the distance between their place tribution of pressure and tension areas within the
of dwelling and the office of the treatment provider, the jawbones.
smaller are the chances that patients will turn up in the 2. The canine implant tends to become a fulcrum.
office to report a small problem. From this the authors 3. The distal implants are loaded on extrusion.
have learnt that temporary cements are not suitable for â•…â•…
patients who live far away from the dental office. It is still open to discussion as to which of the three
The authors have used several brands of permanent conditions is the major contributor to subsequent prob-
cement and conventional glass ionomer cements give good lems and should be discussed academically. In the clinical
Immediate loading using basal implants 20
reality, these developments lead to fractures of implants or and in the lower distal mandible he/she should make sure
prosthetics and to mobilities of implants induced either by that enough space between the bridge and the crest is left
overloading or by underloading (in areas of tension). Dur- to allow vertical functional growth of the mandible.
ing checkups the treatment provider should ensure that all Examples of such cases are shown in (Figs 20.13–20.19).
connections between implants and the bridges are tight,



Fig 20.13╇ Full upper bridge on BOI (15, 25), KOS (teeth numbers 12, 22, 46, 35, and 35) and TPG (teeth numbers 18, 28) implants, placed
immediately after the extraction of seven teeth in the maxilla. The upper canines were left in because the patient requested this. The bridge is
connected with screws on the four distal implants and cemented in the front. (A and B) In the lower jaw, a suitable masticatory table and support
was created with the help of teeth and three implants (Courtesy: Dr Henri Diederich, Luxembourg).


Fig 20.14╇ A full-arch fixed prosthesis supported by only four lateral basal implants in a severely atrophied mandibular ridge. The vertical dimen-
sion is fully reconstructed. (A) Preoperative view. (B) Postoperative view. No crater-like bone loss, no peri-implantitis. Loading of the implants
within 5 days. (Courtesy: Ihde S, Rusak A. Case report: treatment of a severely resorbed mandible with endosseous implants in an immediate
loading protocol. CMF Impl Dir 2009;1:150–153).


20 Clinical Implantology


Fig 20.16╇ Before the upper segments can be installed, teeth numbers
38 and 48 must be extracted and 47 should be reduced in height.
The tooth number 24 should be extracted right before the implants are
placed. All surgical steps need to be done in one appointment. Note
that a lot of adjustments are necessary in the lower jaw to allow imme-
diate loading in the upper jaw.

Fig 20.15╇ Lateral basal implant during insertion in the atrophied man-
dible. The base plate is positioned below the mental nerve. The nerve
had been transpositioned a few millimetres towards the distal to avoid
any damage.

Fig 20.18╇ Intraoral view after fixing the prosthesis in the mouth.

Fig 20.17╇ To reach an adequate vertical situation, the two premolars

on the left side have to be crowned. These crowns are kept separate
from the implants. To replace tooth number 16 in an immediate load
protocol, three implants are necessary. For replacing two premolars
and one molar on the left side, only four implants are needed. Small
technical abutments are connecting the posterior implants to the

Fig 20.19╇ Nine months postoperative panoramic radiograph shows

the uneventful integration of the implants and no bone loss at all. The
extraction socket of tooth number 25 has filled with bone.

Immediate loading using basal implants 20

Summary protocols have to be carried out rigorously, without com-

promise. Good care has to be taken not to overload the
If lateral (BOI) or screwable (BCS) basal implants are uti- bone around single implants, even when they are splinted
lized, the burdens of bone augmentations and waiting inside a larger prosthetic construction. All forces should
(‘healing’) time are in almost all cases excluded from dental be positioned inside the supporting polygon.
implantology. In the concept of basal implantology, bicor- Basal implantology permits treating almost 100% of the
tical or multicortical anchorage is achieved during surgery patients with fixed teeth throughout their lives. The pro-
and the prosthetic construction serves as an immediate cedure is predictable and affordable; however it requires
and often permanent splint. The patients are able to return intense training of the treatment provider. Most of the tra-
to normal masticatory function immediately. Immediate ditional ‘rules’ of dental implantology cannot be applied –
loading is not an option – for this concept, it is a necessity. rules of orthopaedic surgery or traumatology are much more
The concept of basal implantology requires profound applicable to basal implantology than the rules of conven-
knowledge on maxillofacial anatomy in both the resorbed tional dental implantology. They should be combined with
and the nonresorbed states. The surgical and the prosthetic adequate prosthetics.

Further Reading
Rüedi TP, Buckley RE, Moran CG. AO prin- Ihde S, Konstantinovic VS. Immediate loading Ihde S, Rusak A. Case report: treatment of a
ciples of fracture treatment. Stuttgart: of dental implants. Where is the dip? CMF severely resorbed mandible with endosse-
Thieme; 2000, ISBN-10:3131174412. Impl Dir 2007;4:137–45. ous implants in an immediate loading pro-
Ihde S, Ihde A. Immediate loading. 2nd ed. Planas P. La réhabilitation neuro-occlusale. tocol. CMF Impl Dir 2009;1:150–3.
Munich/Germany: The International Implant Paris: Masson; 1982.
Foundation Publishing; 2012, ISBN 978-3-

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Full-arch fixed prosthesis:
conventional approach
Ajay Vikram Singhâ•… Amir Gazmawe

CHAPTER CONTENTS HD The specific positioning of the implant in the maxilla

for a maxillary implant-supported full-arch restoration is
Introduction 557 an important issue for both aesthetic and biomechani-
Advantages of full-arch fixed prosthesis 560 cal reasons. From an aesthetic viewpoint, implants ide-
Disadvantages of full-arch fixed prosthesis 560 ally should not be placed in the anterior region to avoid
Summary 573 aesthetic compromise of the definitive prosthesis. For
biomechanical reasons, implant positioning should be
distributed among the posterior as well as anterior regions
to decrease the potential for cantilever effects. However,
Introduction occlusal forces can also be distributed away from ante-
rior implants by balanced posterior contact during excur-
Patients who have lost or are losing all their teeth often sive movements, which decrease the loading of anterior
show a fancy for the full-arch fixed prosthesis, which is implants. In cases with severe ridge loss in the premaxillary
nonremovable and can be brushed in the mouth like region, a pink porcelain design for anterior pontics can be
natural teeth. Despite being preferred by many patients, planned to mask severe tissue loss. Cement-retained defin-
implant-retained fixed prostheses have many limitations itive prostheses rather than screw-retained alternatives can
and disadvantages. They need more surgical intervention be selected, to facilitate aesthetic and occlusal consider-
to place more number of implants, which often need ations. It becomes often a difficult task to close the screw
expensive and more invasive grafting procedures. First, hole visible in the aesthetic region using a composite of an
information must be obtained to plan the case for func- exactly blending shade. Moreover, the screw opening in the
tion and aesthetics. Study models must be prepared and anterior for such a restoration would occupy between 30%
articulated to record and analyse the present occlusal rela- and 50% of the occlusal surface, compromising the aes-
tionship. Diagnostic wax-ups should be done and tried in thetic result, interfering with the development of optimal
the mouth to evaluate aesthetics and phonetics. Radio- occlusion and jeopardizing the axial loading principle of
graphs including periapicals, panoramics, and dental CT implants. Further, a passive fit cement-retained restoration
scans must be taken to evaluate the osseous support for is easy to fabricate when compared to the screw-retained
dental implants, any present osseous defect, the sinus full-arch metal framework. A passive-fitting framework
lining, and the mandibular canal. Interactive CT scans is always preferred for an implant-supported prosthesis
with radiographic guides offer detailed information on because the misfit of screw-retained prostheses may result
implant placement related to tooth position and aesthet- in a greater level of masticatory forces being imparted
ics. The implant numbers and positions are decided by to the screw-retained implant fixtures, which can cause
keeping various factors in mind, such as arch form, bone crestal bone resorption and failure of the implants. Con-
availability, bone density, number of units of the prosthe- versely, machine-made abutments used for the cement-
sis, force factors, positions, paths of vital structures, etc. retained prosthetic design result in a more passive fit. The
Consideration must be given to establish a comfortable, lack of screw holes in cemented prostheses improves aes-
cleansable prosthesis with a stable, harmonious occlu- thetics and enhances the physical strength of porcelain or
sion that also meets aesthetic and phonetic requirements. acrylic resin, resulting in fewer fractures. Additionally, the
Prosthodontic procedures such as reconstruction of the occlusion can be better developed to facilitate axial load-
vertical dimension of occlusion, aesthetic evaluation of ing. Cement-retained implant prostheses result in reduced
intraoral and extraoral states, and establishing anterior chair time and provide easier access where vertical space
guidance, must all be seriously and carefully considered is limited. Reduced costs and complexity of components
in planning for an implant prosthesis. along with simpler laboratory procedures are important
21 Clinical Implantology



Fig 21.1╇ Patients often present with an adequate bone volume in the anterior as well as posterior regions of the maxilla and mandible to insert
adequate number of implants with adequate size without performing any grafting procedure to provide full mouth fixed prosthesis. (A–J) Panoramic
and CT scan cross-sections show adequate bone dimensions to insert adequate number of implants with ideal dimensions to support a full mouth
fixed ceramic prosthesis.


Fig 21.2╇ Many patients present with inadequate bone dimensions to insert adequate number of implants with adequate dimensions and thus need
minor to major bone augmentation procedures to rehabilitate the patient with full mouth, implant-supported fixed prosthesis. (A) Panoramic
radiograph shows inadequate bone height under the maxillary sinuses to insert implants. (B) The bilateral sinus grafting is performed using autog-
enous bone harvested from the mandibular symphysis (red arrows) mixed with bone substitutes to regenerate new bone dimensions in the sinuses.
(C) The implants are inserted 10 months after the sinus grafting and restored after further healing period of 4 months. Thus, the case is completed
in 14 months.
Full-arch fixed prosthesis: conventional approach 21




Fig 21.3╇ Traditional full mouth rehabilitation using implant-supported fixed ceramic prosthesis also requires placement of several implants with or
without augmentation procedures. (A and B) Patient with all periodontally compromised teeth, which need extraction, and implant-supported pros-
thesis. (C and D) All teeth are extracted and soft relined dentures are given to the patient for 6 weeks, till all the soft tissue is healed. (E–J) Multiple
implants are inserted in the upper and lower jaws to support fixed implant-supported cement-retained ceramic prosthesis.

advantages attributed to the cement-retained design. The involve the fabrication of a new prosthesis. The screw-
ability of the bone-implant interface to survive under load- retained hybrid prosthesis is highly preferred for full-arch
ing is a result of many factors. Though the cement-retained cases because it is retrievable, easy to repair, light weight,
prosthesis offers various advantages, the screw-retained offers high aesthetics because readymade acrylic teeth are
prosthesis offers retrievability and ensures that there is no used, and is cost effective.
cement in the peri-implant tissue. These advantages of the Once all the implant numbers, dimensions, and posi-
screw-retained prosthesis need to be considered for full- tions have been determined to provide a fixed prosthesis, it
arch cases. The intraoral repairing of the fractured full- then must be decided how the case will be provisionalized
arch cemented prosthesis is very difficult and its removal during the treatment period. Usually, a removable pro-
may need to cut all the prostheses in the mouth and may visional prosthesis is preferred to avoid undue forces on
21 Clinical Implantology

the implants during the healing period, but most patients Advantages of full-arch fixed
prefer a fixed provisional prosthesis over a removable one prosthesis
because it offers stability, aesthetics, and less interference of
speech patterns. The fixed provisional prosthesis either can . Psychological satisfaction of having
1 fixed teeth.
be fixed on the same implants if the implants have been 2. More chewing efficiency.
well stabilized in the bone, or a few additional narrow 3. Long lasting.
diameter provisional implants can be inserted to support 4. Preserves alveolar bone loss.
the provisional prosthesis. A laboratory-processed fixed
provisional prosthesis offers several advantages over a chair
side-produced provisional prosthesis. These advantages Disadvantages of full-arch
include improved aesthetics, smoother surface, increased fixed prosthesis
strength, and reduced chair time. Conventionally, efforts
are made to insert all implants maximally parallel to each . Expensive, because of the need for
1 more implants.
other for easy seating of the prosthesis; but with the inven- 2. Often needs expensive and more invasive bone aug-
tion of newer prosthetic components, angulation problems mentation procedures.
can be easily taken care of by using various angled abut- . More technique-sensitive.
ments during prosthetic reconstruction of the implants. 4. More specific implant placement needed.
Full-arch implant cases present variable hard and soft 5. Difficult to maintain.
tissue situations with few cases presenting with adequate 6. Difficult to repair.
amount of bone volume to insert implants with desired 7. More and continuous forces on the implants can-
dimensions and at the desired positions. Many cases need not be avoided in patients with parafunctional forces
bone augmentation procedures such as sinus grafting, (bruxism).
block grafting, etc. during or before implant placements 8. Less support to the perioral muscles when compared
(Figs 21.1–21.4). to overdentures.



Fig 21.4╇ (A) Edentulous patient who has been wearing soft tissue supported dentures for more than 10 years, has lost vertical bone height in the
upper and lower posterior regions. (B and C) Sinus grafting procedure is performed in posterior maxilla to insert implants in the upper full-arch.
(D and E) Five implants are inserted between two mental foramina and fixed cement-retained prosthesis with distal cantilevers is fixed on lower
implants. It took a complete year to give a fixed ceramic prosthesis to the patient. (F) Poor maintenance of the prosthesis by the patient lead to large
amount of calculus which can be seen around the lower implants, causing various problems like frequent bleeding, soft tissue recession, and crestal
bone resorption.

Full-arch fixed prosthesis: conventional approach 21

Step by step procedure for mandibular implant-supported fixed prosthesis (Figs 21.5–21.10).


Unsupported Supported Unsupported

Fig 21.5╇ (A and B) Patient wearing soft tissue-supported dentures, complained of a retention problem with the lower denture because of age-
related severe ridge resorption. The patient expressed a strong desire to have lower teeth fixed over implants. (C) The panoramic view of the
mandible shows inadequate bone height above the mandibular canals to insert implants in the posterior segments. (D) Vertical bone augmenta-
tion procedures were refused by the patient, hence a fixed distal cantilevered 12-unit ceramic prosthesis, supported by 6 implants to be placed
between mental foramina, is planned. Patient was advised to go for upper implant-supported ceramic prosthesis, once she was satisfied with
the lower one.


21 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d





Fig 21.6╇ (A) Denture base is cut for prosthetically guided implant placement. (B) Denture is seated in mouth and ridge area is marked using tis-
sue pencil. (C) Denture is removed, (D) flaps are elevated to expose the bony ridge, (E and F) and six implants are inserted between two mental
foramina at the appropriate prosthetic positions. All the implants achieved adequate primary stability (more than 35€ Ncm), thus an implant-
supported fixed provisional prosthesis is planned to be fixed immediately on the inserted implants. (G) All the implant abutments are splinted
together using a stainless steel wire, (H) which is further reinforced using the self-cure resin to firmly engage them together.

Full-arch fixed prosthesis: conventional approach 21

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d





Fig 21.7╇ (A) Denture is passively seated in the mouth in the correct occlusion and resin is added to bond the abutments with the denture in posi-
tion. (B) Once the resin gets set, the abutments along with attached denture, are unscrewed out of the mouth. (C) The resin is further added at the
tissue as well as occlusal surface to fill all the peri-abutment spaces of the denture. (D) The part of the abutments occlusally emerging out of the
denture has been reduced. The distal part of the denture is also reduced to limit the prosthesis up to the first molar, to minimize the cantilevering
of the prosthesis. (E) Flaps are sutured and the prosthesis is screwed in the mouth. (F) Postoperative radiograph. After 3 weeks, when the soft
tissue has healed, (G) prosthesis is unscrewed out from the mouth, and impression posts are inserted on top of the implants, and (H) splinted
together using pattern resin.

21 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d





Fig 21.8╇ (A–C) The custom impression tray has been modified for the open tray technique and impression is made with open tray technique
using polyether impression material. (D) The working cast is fabricated, and (E) denture is fixed over the cast. (F and G) A duplicate prosthesis
is fabricated for the bite registration and lab purposes, and is fixed in the mouth for bite registration. (H) The working cast is rearticulated at the
correct centric position.

Full-arch fixed prosthesis: conventional approach 21

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d


Fig 21.9╇ The indexing for the teeth positions and available spaces for the prosthesis is done using putty impression material. (A) The plastic abut-
ments are fixed on top of the analogues to fabricate the screw-retained prosthesis. (B) Further, a wax pattern is prepared and a metal framework
is fabricated in the laboratory leaving adequate spaces for ceramic buildup.


21 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d




Fig 21.10╇ (A and B) The abutments for screw (TCT abutments) are screwed on top of the implants in the mouth and the metal framework is
screwed to check its complete and passive seating over the implants. (C and D) The finally fabricated screw-retained ceramic prosthesis is
screwed over the implants, the connection screws are finally tightened at the moment force of 30€Ncm using a torque ratchet, and (E and F) screw
holes are sealed using flow gutta-percha and composite. (G) Post loading radiograph.

Full-arch fixed prosthesis: conventional approach 21

CASE REPORT-2 to insert implants without performing any sinus grafting procedure.
The insertion of multiple implants only in the anterior region to sup-
A 40-year-old patient presented with a partially edentulous max- port a distal cantilevered 12-unit prosthesis was planned. On right
illa with few mobile teeth in upper and lower arches. An implant- side, the sinus was extended to the canine position, so implant
supported, 4-unit prosthesis was present in the mandibular right placement with internal sinus elevation was planned in this region.
posterior region. Patient expressed the desire for the fixed full-arch (Figs 21.11–21.17).
prosthesis. When the panoramic radiograph and dental CT scan
were evaluated, inadequate bone was present in the subantral region


Fig 21.11╇ (A) Preoperative clinical view of partially edentulous maxilla. (B) The panoramic view of dental CT scan shows inadequate bone in the
subantral region but adequate bone is present in the anterior maxilla to insert adequate number of implants to support a 12-unit fixed prosthesis.
Distal tilting of left posterior implant is planned to reduce the length of distal cantilever, and the right posterior implants are planned to be stabilized
in the high-density sinus floor by internal sinus elevation without grafting.


Fig 21.12╇ (A) Left posterior implant is distally tilted and a 30° multiunit abutment is inserted. (B) Other implants are in place with straight or 17°
multiunit abutments.


Fig 21.13╇ (A) Temporary titanium cylinders are placed over the multiunit abutments. (B) The prefabricated guide is tried in the mouth for its �passive


21 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-2—cont’d



Fig 21.14╇ (A and B) Implants are splinted together using stainless steel wire and pattern resin and (C) the guide filled with self-cure acrylic is
seated in the mouth in the correct occlusion. (D) After the acrylic gets set the prosthesis is unscrewed from the implants.


Fig 21.15╇ (A) The prosthesis is finished, polished, and fixed over the implants. Postimplantation radiograph shows left posterior tilted implant. The
right posterior implants have been stabilized into the sinus floor. (B) All the teeth in the mandibular arch which were mobile have been extracted
and multiple implants have been immediately inserted into the lower arch.

Full-arch fixed prosthesis: conventional approach 21

CASE REPORT-2—cont’d


Fig 21.16╇ Healing at 6 weeks after implant placement. (A) The lower implants have been restored using ceramic prosthesis. (B) Castable plastic
abutments splinted together using pattern resin are tried in the mouth for the complete and passive fit over the implants.


Fig 21.17╇ (A–C) A screw-retained ceramic prosthesis is fabricated and has been fixed in the mouth.

21 Clinical Implantology

Full-arch maxillary fixed prosthesis on basal and pterygoid implants (Courtesy: Shlomo Birshan, Israel) (Figs 21.18–21.27).


Fig 21.18╇ (A) Edentulous maxilla. (B) Panoramic radiograph shows inadequate subantral bone to insert implants.

Fig 21.19╇ CT images show very thin bone in the anterior maxilla, where root form implants cannot be placed without lateral bone augmentation.
Thus the root form implants in the pterygoid plates and maxillary tuberosity are planned in the posterior maxilla while the lateral basal implants
are planned in the anterior maxilla.


Fig 21.20╇ (A) Thin bony ridge can be seen after mucoperiosteum flap elevation. (B) Root form implant inserted into medial pterygoid bone can
be seen.

Full-arch fixed prosthesis: conventional approach 21

CASE REPORT-3—cont’d



Fig 21.21╇ (A) After lateral osteotomy preparation using combi disc cutters, the basal implants are inserted in the anterior maxilla with high sta-
bility. (B) A small window is prepared at the lateral wall of the sinus and the anterior wall of the sinus is explored using a probe. (C and D) Small
tearing in the sinus membrane is closed using PRF membrane.


Fig 21.22╇ (A) The left sinus membrane is elevated with lateral window preparation and implants are inserted; but the posterior-most basal
implant lost stability and could have displaced laterally before it osseointegrated. (B) Thus a long fixation screw was used to secure the implant
in position and to prevent its lateral displacement.


21 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-3—cont’d


Fig 21.23╇ (A) The bone substitute is deposited over the implants (B) which is further covered using PRF membrane.


Fig 21.24╇ (A) The flap is sutured back. (B) Postimplantation radiograph.


Fig 21.25╇ (A) A provisional acrylic prosthesis is fixed over the implants the day after implant insertion surgery. (B) Healing 3 weeks after implant

Full-arch fixed prosthesis: conventional approach 21

CASE REPORT-3—cont’d


Fig 21.26╇ (A) A definitive prosthesis is screwed over the implants after 6 weeks. (B) Post loading radiograph.


Fig 21.27╇ (A) The maxillofacial profile of the patient, when she was wearing a removable maxillary prosthesis and (B) after the implant �prosthesis
was in place.

Summary area of the prosthesis. Optimal three-dimensional posi-

tioning of the implants considering various factors such
Full-arch cases that are planned to be restored with an as arch form, force factors, and type of final prosthesis,
implant-supported fixed prosthesis need meticulous allows for a long-term aesthetic and functional outcome
treatment planning for appropriate implant positioning of the implant-supported prosthesis. Conventionally,
and adequate number of implant insertion and provi- implants have been placed maximally parallel to each
sionalization during the treatment phase. The conven- other but the invention of newer prosthetic tools such as
tional approach for full mouth rehabilitation may require angled abutments and multiunit abutments has simpli-
the placement of a large number of implants with simul- fied prosthetic reconstruction of implants which are not
taneous bone grafting procedures. Meticulous treatment parallel to each other. A screw-retained prosthesis offers
planning is required to satisfactorily treat full mouth the advantages of retrievability and no cement in the
cases because various factors, such as bone density and peri-implant soft tissue but fabrication of passive screw-
volume, use of adequate number of implants in correct retained prosthesis requires accurate implant impres-
position, arch form, the vertical dimension of occlusion, sion transfer and adequate laboratory support, where
position, form, and the material of the future prosthe- the technician has expertise in fabricating the passively
sis, provisionalization of the case during the treatment seated, screw-retained implant superstructure using plas-
phase, etc. contribute substantially to the success of the tic abutments. The cement-retained prosthesis is easy to
treatment. The long-term proven success of osseointe- fabricate and passively seat over implants. It also avoids
grated implants is known to depend on bone type and the problem of screw holes displaying into the aesthetic
volume, implant positioning in respect of the future pros- region.
thesis, force factors, and the design of the superstructures Note: Various step by step surgical and prosthetic
for distributing masticatory and functional loads to the procedures for full mouth rehabilitation with fixed
implants. The failure of implant superstructures is typi- implant-supported prosthesis are described in Chap-
cally attributed to fracture of abutments or connection ter 22, Full-arch fixed prosthesis: ‘All-on-4’/‘All-on-6’
screws, porcelain fracture, and fracture of the cantilevered approach.’
21 Clinical Implantology

Further Reading
Misch CE. Screw-retained versus cement- Celletti R, Pameijer C, Bracchetti G, et€ al. Jemt T, Linden B, Lekholm U. Failures and
retained implant-supported prostheses. Histologic evaluation of osseointegrated complications in 127 consecutively placed
Pract Periodont Aes Dent 1995;7:15–8. implants restored in nonaxial functional fixed partial prostheses supported by Brane-
Carlson B, Carlsson GE. Prosthodontic compli- occlusion with pre-angled abutments. Int J mark implants: from prosthesis treatment
cations in osseointegrated dental implant Perio Rest Dent 1995;15:563–73. to first annual check up. Int J Oral Maxil-
treatment. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants Arvidson K, Bystedt H, Frykholm A, et€al. 3-year lofac Implants 1992;7:40–4.
1994;9:90–4. clinical study of Astra dental implants in the Jemt T, Lekholm U. Oral implant treatment in
Weinberg LA. The biomechanics of force treatment of edentulous mandibles. Int J posterior partially edentulous jaws: a 5-year
distribution in implant-supported pros- Oral Maxollofac Implants 1992;7:321–9. follow-up report. Int J Oral Maxillofac
theses. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants Hebel KS, Gajar RC. Cement-retained ver- Implants 1993;8:635–40.
1993;8:19–31. sus screw-retained implant restorations: Ogiso M, Tabata T, Kuo PT, et€ al. A histo-
Misch CE, Bidez MW. Implant-protected occlu- achieving optimal occlusion and esthet- logic comparison of the functional load-
sion: a biomechanical rationale. Compend ics in implant dentistry. J Prosthet Dent ing capacity of an occluded dense apatite
Contin Dent Educ 1994;15:1330–43. 1997;77:28–35. implant and the natural dentition. J Pros-
Heydecke G, Boudrias P, Awad MA, et€ al. O’Roark WL. Improving implant survival rates thet Dent 1994;71:581–8.
Within-subject comparisons of maxillary by using a new method of risk analysis. Int Kallus T, Bessing C. Loose gold screws fre-
fixed and removable implant prostheses: J Oral Maxillofac Implants 1991;8:31–57. quently occur in full-arch fixed prostheses
patient satisfaction and choice of prosthe- Branemark PI. Osseointegrated implants in the supported by osseointegrated implants
sis. Clin Oral Impl Res 2003;14:125–30. treatment of the edentulous jaw experience after 5 years. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants
Lundgren D, Falk H, Laurell L. The influence from a 10-year period. Stockholm: Amquist 1994;9:169–78.
of number and distribution of occlusal and Wesell Internate; 1997. Tischler M. Full-arch fixed prosthetics sup-
cantilever contacts on closing and chew- Adell RE, Lekholm UJ, Rockler BI. A 15-year ported by dental implants and natural
ing forces in dentitions with implant- study of osseintegrated implants in the teeth: planning, provisionalization, treat-
supported fixed prostheses occluding with treatment of the edentulous jaw. Int J Oral ment sequences: two case examples:
complete dentures. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1981;10:387–416. September 2004.
Implants 1989;4:277–83; 21. Misch CE. Contemporary implant dentistry. Nalbandian S, Lawrence B. Full-arch implant-
Rungcharassaeng K, Kan JY. Fabricating a St Louis: Mosby-Year Book Inc; 1993, supported 12-unit zirconia bridge. Austra-
stable record base for completely edentu- pp. 651–685. lian Dental Practice 180–186, May/June
lous patients treated with osseointegrated 2007.
implants using healing abutments. J Pros-
thet Dent 1999;81:224–7.

Full-arch fixed prosthesis:
‘All-on-4™’/‘All-on-6’ approach
Ajay Vikram Singhâ•… Sunita Singh

So restoring the maxilla with fixed full-arch implant-

CHAPTER CONTENTS HD supported prosthesis offers several disadvantages such
Introduction 575 as the need for sinus grafting procedures in some cases,
delayed implant placement, a long time span (6 months
All-on-6 technique 576
to 1 year) to restore the case, multiple surgical interven-
Comparative features of the traditional versus tions, more complications, a long period of wearing a
All-on-4™/All-on-6 approach 577 provisional prosthesis (usually removable), high cost of
Advantages of the All-on-4™/All-on-6 technique 577 the procedure, etc.
Disadvantages of the All-on-4™/All-on-6 technique 578 Similarly, the full-arch implant-supported mandibular
Indications 578 prosthesis needs the insertion of 6–10 implants. The pres-
ence of mental foramina limits long implant placement
Contraindications 579 only in the anterior mandibular region and often the
Key points for successful All-on-4™/All-on-6 implant bone available above the mandibular canals in the pos-
therapy 579 terior mandible is found inadequate for the insertion of
Management of complications 579 an adequately long implant. This results in the possibility
Summary 610 of the placement of only 5–6 implants in the mandibu-
lar anterior region and a fixed prosthesis with long distal
cantilevered extensions, which can be placed to a limited
extent to avoid future complications. The onlay grafting
Introduction to generate bone volume in the posterior mandible needs
a lot of surgical interventions, a long time span to com-
The conventional full-arch fixed implant-supported pros- plete treatment, more complications, increased cost, etc.
thesis often needs placement of several implants (8–12) To overcome these problems and to restore the full-
to support a 12- to 14-unit fixed prosthesis. Moreover, the arch cases immediately after graftless implant insertion,
patients who come to the implant dentist for the full-arch Dr Paulo Malo at the Malo Clinic, Lisbon, Portugal
implant-supported prosthesis usually present the loss of invented the ‘All-on-4™’ implant procedure. In 1993, he
ridge volume especially in the maxillary and mandibular performed the pilot study to establish the All-on-4™ stan-
posterior regions, which limits the insertion of the implant dard protocol. Since 1998, when the NobelSpeedy implant
with adequate dimensions without prior bone augmenta- (Nobel Biocare, India) was developed, he published many
tion. The long-term edentulism of the posterior maxilla retrospective studies about All-on-4™ for maxillary and
or replacement of lost maxillary molars and premolars mandibular rehabilitation.
other than the implant prosthesis, may result in lowering All-on-4™ is a graftless implant placement procedure
of the sinus floor because of the pneumatization of the for restoring the edentulous jaw by tilting posterior
sinus. In several cases, it results in the presence of inad- implants for utilizing maximum amount of bone and sta-
equate subantral bone height to insert the implant. Thus, bilizing them in highest possible bone density. The tilt-
in several cases that need the full-arch implant prosthesis, ing of posterior implants reduces the length of posterior
the sinus augmentation procedure needs to be performed cantilevering of the prosthesis. Moreover, it allows long
to regenerate the desired bone dimensions. However, this implant placement and the insertion of the implant apex
procedure may take 6–8 months before implants can be in the high-density anterior maxilla or anterior mandible,
inserted. Moreover, the density of the bone in this region to achieve adequate primary stability for immediate load-
is usually poor and may require subgingival healing of the ing on the implants, using a provisional splinted acrylic
inserted implants for a further 6–8 months before they prosthesis. Hence, this facilitates optimal support for
are loaded to support fixed prostheses. an acrylic prosthesis that can be immediately fixed over
22 Clinical Implantology



Fig 22.1╇ Flaps are elevated to expose the bony ridge, and the mental foramina are located. An osteotomy of approximately 10€mm depth in the
midline is prepared using a φ 2€mm twist drill and the All-on-4 guide is correctly placed in this midline osteotomy. The posterior osteotomies are
prepared to the appropriate depth and tilted distally to the maximum angle of 45°. (A) The posterior osteotomies are prepared in such a manner
that the posteriorily tilted implants are placed minimum 2€mm anterior to the inferior alveolar nerve. The osteotomies for the anterior implants are
prepared in the usual manner. (B and C) After placing all the four implants, the straight or 17° multiunit abutments are placed on top of the anterior
implants whereas the 30° multiunit abutments are inserted over the posterior tilted implants. Multiunit abutments of appropriate collar height should
be selected for each implant and should be tightened to 15€Ncm using torque ratchet. (D and E) Immediate provisional and later on definitive hybrid
prosthesis are fixed over these implants using fixation screws. (Courtesy: Nobel Biocare, India).

the inserted implants to restore aesthetics and function to the final prosthesis. The skilled approach of tilting the
within a few hours of implant insertion surgery. All-on-4™ posterior implants avoids expensive, time-consuming,
is based on Nobel Biocare’s pioneering ‘Immediate Func- and more Â�invasive grafting procedures like sinus grafting,
tion’ capability. block grafting, etc.
To perform this technique, a total of four implants are Step by step diagrammatic presentation of All-on-4™ in
inserted with the back implants tilted up to 45°, often in the mandible is shown in Fig 22.1A–E.
close approximation to the inferior and anterior wall of Step by step diagrammatic presentation of All-on-4™ in
maxillary sinus in the upper jaw and superior and ante- the maxilla is shown in Fig 22.2A–D
rior to the inferior alveolar nerve and mental foramina
in the mandible, to take maximum advantage of existing
bone by inserting long implants and firmly stabilizing All-on-6 technique
their apex in high-density anterior bone. A fixed standard-
ized surgical guide is used to correct implant placement. Because of graftless implant placement and immedi-
Both flap and flapless (guided) approaches are compat- ate loading, the All-on-4™ technique is very successfully
ible with the technique. Special components are devel- being performed by many dentists and has gained high
oped to correct the prosthetic angulation of the tilted popularity among implant dentists as well as patients.
implants as well as to immediately restore the implants The only limitation with this technique is that prosthesis
in function. If necessary, a cantilever can also be added with only limited number of teeth (10–12 units) can be
Full-arch fixed prosthesis: ‘All-on-4™’/‘All-on-6’ approach 22


Fig 22.2╇ Flap is elevated to expose the bony ridge as well as lateral wall of the maxillary sinus. A small opening on the lateral wall of the sinus is pre-
pared where the anterior wall of the sinus is expected. Further, the anterior wall of the maxillary sinus is explored by using a probe through this opening.
(A) The lateral window is extended if necessary and position of the anterior wall is marked using a sterile pencil. An osteotomy approximately 10€mm
depth is prepared in the midline using a φ 2€mm twist drill and the All-on-4™ guide is correctly placed in the midline osteotomy. (B) The osteotomies for
the posterior implants should be started as posterior as possible to minimize the cantilever and allowing approximately 4€mm distance from the sinus.
The posterior osteotomies are prepared to the appropriate depth and tilted to the maximum angle to the 45°, so that the posteriorly tilted implants
are placed a minimum 2€mm anterior to the anterior wall of the sinus. Two implants at the most-anterior position are placed in the usual manner.
(C) The 17° or straight multiunit abutments are placed on the anterior implants whereas the 30° multiunit abutments are placed on the posterior implants.
(D) Immediate provisional and later on definitive hybrid prosthesis are fixed over the implants using fixation screws (Courtesy: Nobel Biocare, India).

fixed over these four implants. Further, the loss of any one implant can be inserted at the angle of the mandible (into
implant reverts the entire procedure to the initial stage. the buccal shelf area) tilted anteriorly at 30–45°.
To avoid such problems and also for the patients who With the few advantages, there are also several dis-
express the desire for a 14-unit prosthesis, two more advantages with All-on-6 procedures such as increased
implants can be inserted posterior to the posterior wall cost, need of a highly skilled approach to correctly
of the sinus in the maxillary tuberosity and tilted ante- place implants in pterygoid process, difficult approach
riorly at 45° to minimize the length of the unsupported for the insertion and restoration of posterior implants,
bridge framework between two distal implants. The need of a skilled technician to fabricate the prosthesis,
severely resorbed posterior maxilla with a large volume and problems in oral hygiene maintenance in the back
of posterior expansion of the sinus often does not leave region.
enough bone volume in the tuberosity region to place an
implant of an adequate size. In such cases, the implant
is inserted in the tuberosity with the apex of the implant Comparative features of the
at the junction of the pyramidal process of the palatine traditional versus All-on-4™/
bone and the pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone. All-on-6 approach
The implant placed would then engage all three bone
segments that constitute this region. The implant place- Advantages of the All-on-4™/All-on-6
ment in the tuberosity with its apex engaging the medial technique
pterygoid process of sphenoid bone is the most preferred
option because it allows the multicortical engagement of 1. Vast numbers of the edentulous patients can be treated
the implant to achieve adequate initial stability for the with the technique.
implant. 2. Being a graftless and immediate loading technique, it
To perform the All-on-6 procedure in the mandible, the is more acceptable to patients.
two straight implants should be inserted usually at the 3. Fewer implants are inserted.
first or second molar site but if inadequate ridge height 4. Fixed teeth can be given on four implants to patients
above the mandibular canal does not allow placement of for whom sinus grafting/nerve transpositioning proce-
implants in the molar region, then the short and wide dures are contraindicated.
22 Clinical Implantology

Table 22.1╇Comparison of the graftless All-on-4™/All-on-6 approaches with the conventional full-arch implant procedure



Sinus grafting May be required Not required

Only grafting May be required Not required

No. of implants More no. of implants are inserted Less no. of implants are needed

Immediate fixed restoration in function May not be possible Possible

Surgery More invasive Less invasive

Surgical steps May require multiple surgical steps like grafting Only one surgical step, i.e. implant insertion
procedures, implants insertion, uncovery, etc.

Time span needed to deliver the final May take 6 months to 1 year Can be completed in a few weeks

Sinus pathology contraindicating the May not be possible Possible

grafting and implant placement

Patient’s acceptance Less More

CT guided implant placement Possible in selective cases Possible in most cases

5. Lower cost of the treatment compared to the tradi- needs grafting procedures to regenerate new bone
tional implant-supported full-arch fixed prosthesis before All-on-4™ implant placement.
which often needs bone grafting, more implants, mul- 2. Extraction of firm, healthy teeth is mandatory, if any
tiple surgical steps, etc. are present in the anterior jaw.
6. Long tilted distal implant can be maximally stabilized 3. Reduction of bone crest causes increased soft tissue
by utilizing high-density bone of the anterior region. height which in turn leads to increased pocket depth
Placement of longer implants, enhancement of the around the abutment, more chances of bacterial
area of interaction between bone and implant, and growth, and peri-implantitis.
also primary anchorage. 4. With the All-on-4™, only the 10- to 12-unit prosthesis
7. A greater distance between implants, allowing the is delivered over the four implants, and often patients
elimination of cantilevers in the prosthesis, which request the addition of more posterior teeth to maxi-
results in better load distribution. mize chewing efficiency and improve the overall max-
8. By reducing the number of implants to four, each illofacial prosthesis.
implant can be placed without interfering with the 5. Oral hygiene: Maintenance of the hybrid prosthesis is
adjacent implants. often difficult for some patients and they need regular
9. The placement of implants in residual bone, avoiding visits to the dentist for its cleaning.
more complex techniques of bone graft and/or sinus
lift. Indications
0. Immediate loading is done in most of the cases so that
the patient gets at least provisional fixed teeth on the 1. Edentulous patients who need fixed implant-�
day of implant placement for aesthetics and function. supported prosthesis – maxillary, mandibular or both.
1. It can be performed by implant surgeons who are not
1 2. Patients with partial maxillary/mandibular edentulism
very expert at performing procedures like sinus graft- with only few intact natural teeth in the anterior region.
ing, block grafting, nerve transpositioning, etc. 3. Patients with worn out dentition which needs extrac-
2. Only one surgical step is required (no implant
1 tion and replacement of all teeth.
uncovery). 4. Patients with periodontally compromised mobile
3. The high success rate of the procedure (as shown in
1 teeth which need extraction and replacement.
the various studies). 5. Edentulous or partially edentulous patients with very
4. Treatment completed in very short period of time (in
1 limited subantral bone height in the posterior maxilla.
a few weeks) whereas the traditional technique may 6. Edentulous or partially edentulous patients with very
however take years to complete treatment. limited bone height above the mandibular canals in
the posterior mandible.
Disadvantages of the All-on-4™/All-on-6 7. Edentulous patients with maxillary sinus pathologies
technique contraindicating the sinus grafting procedure.
8. Patients with adequate volume of healthy bone in the
. It
1 cannot be performed in patients presenting with maxillary and mandibular anterior region to place
large osseous defects in the anterior region, which implants.
Full-arch fixed prosthesis: ‘All-on-4™’/‘All-on-6’ approach 22
9. Implant overdenture cases with severe ridge Â�resorption – 2. Dental CT planning if possible, to see the possible
tilting posterior implants give more support to the placement of the implants with desired dimensions
denture and prevent soft tissue abrasion and further and their three-dimensional positioning for the best
bone loss in the posterior region. possible prosthesis.
3. Placement of longest possible implants and stabili-
Contraindications zation in the cortical bone such as nasal floor, basal
bone of the anterior mandible, pterygoid process, etc.
1. Patients with inadequate bone volume in the max- to achieve high primary stability.
illary and mandibular anterior region to place 4. Tilting of the posterior implants using the All-on-4™
implants. guide to avoid extreme tilting which may result in par-
2. Anterior wall of the sinus is located far anterior to the allelism problems during restoration.
usual position, contraindicating tilting of the posterior 5. Selection of multiunit abutments with proper collar
implants to reach the second premolar or first molar height and angulation.
position (Fig 22.3). 6. Sequential radiographs with the drill into the osteot-
omy during initial osteotomy preparation for poste-
Key points for successful All-on-4™/All-on-6 rior implants, to evaluate the direction of the drilling
implant therapy in respect to vital structures such as the sinus wall and
the mandibular canal.
1. Meticulous treatment planning to see the position and 7. Placement of the implants with minimum diameter of
path of anterior, inferior, and posterior wall of maxil- 3.3mm at the anterior positions and 3.75–4.2mm for
lary sinus. the posterior positions to avoid problems such as con-
nection screw loosening and implant body fracture.
8. Adequate vertical ridge reduction before implant
placement to avoid the display of the unaesthetic
transition line of prosthesis and ridge tissue when the
patient smiles (Fig 22.4A–D).

Management of complications
1. Over or inadequate tilting of the posterior implants.
It can be avoided with accurate treatment planning
and use of the All-on-4™ guide available from Nobel
Fig 22.3╇ The left maxillary sinus has been overexpanded anteriorly (red 2. Perforation through the inferior or anterior wall
arrow), contraindicating the placement of the tilted implant at the far pos- of the sinus. It can be avoided by proper exploration
terior position. of the anterior wall of the sinus. Pilot drilling should



Fig 22.4╇ (A) Unaesthetic gingival line with the old prosthesis is visible during the smile. A planned vertical ridge reduction before the implant place-
ment results in nonvisibility of the transition line of the final All-on-4™ implant prosthesis, when the patient smiles. (B–D) This gives a natural appear-
ance to the All-on-4™ prosthesis. (Courtesy: Saad Zemmouri, Morocco).
22 Clinical Implantology

Step by step procedure for All-on-6 in the maxilla (Figs 22.5–22.19).



Fig 22.5╇ (A) Edentulous maxilla. (B) The panoramic radiograph shows adequate bone for All-on-4™ (C) as well as All-on-6 procedure. (D) The
dental CT scan shows sinus membrane thickening, contraindicating sinus grafting procedure. Adequate amount of bone is luckily present bilat-
erally posterior to the sinus to insert adequate size implants, but needs to be laterally condensed to achieve adequate stability for the inserted


Fig 22.6╇ (A) Mucoperiosteal flaps are elevated to expose the bone ridge as well as the facial wall of the ridge and (B and C) planned amount of
vertical ridge reduction is done using a bone rongeur to achieve the wide ridge crest to place implants with adequate diameters as well as to shift
the transition line of the future prosthesis and ridge tissue apical to the high smile line of the patient.

Full-arch fixed prosthesis: ‘All-on-4™’/‘All-on-6’ approach 22

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d




Fig 22.7╇ (A) A small opening at the lateral wall of the right sinus is prepared using a round carbide bur. (B) The anterior wall of the sinus is explored
using a probe. (C) The opening is extended to appropriately explore (D) the complete path of the anterior wall of the sinus. (E) The anterior wall of
the left sinus is also explored in the same way and (F) it is marked using a sterile HB pencil.


22 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d



Fig 22.8╇ (A) An osteotomy is prepared using 2.0€ mm pilot drill in the midline and (B) the All-on-4™ guide (Nobel Biocare, India) is placed.
(C and D) The osteotomies are prepared for the posterior implants angled at the 45° and just anterior to the anterior wall of the sinus.

Full-arch fixed prosthesis: ‘All-on-4™’/‘All-on-6’ approach 22

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d



Fig 22.9╇ (A–C) The posterior implants are installed at the 45° and just anterior to the anterior wall of the sinus. (D and E) Two implants are placed
at the anterior positions.


22 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d



Fig 22.10╇ (A and B) Posterior wall of the right sinus is explored by preparing another small opening through the lateral wall and (C) the osteotomy
is prepared using pilot drill at 45°, just posterior to the posterior wall of the sinus. (D) The osteotomes are then sequentially used for lateral bone
condensation to improve the bone density around the implant. (E) The implant which is tilted at 45° is installed.

Full-arch fixed prosthesis: ‘All-on-4™’/‘All-on-6’ approach 22

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d



Fig 22.11╇ (A–C) Posterior wall of the left sinus is also explored in the same fashion and implant is inserted. (D) Postimplantation radiograph shows
accurate placement of all six implants.


Fig 22.12╇ (A–C) The 30° multiunit abutments are placed on top of the all four posterior implants whereas the 17° multiunit abutments are
placed on top of the both anterior implants.

22 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d





Fig 22.12, cont’d╇ (D) Abutment mounts are removed and (E) the abutment screws are tightened at 15€Ncm using a torque ratchet. (F) The tem-
porary titanium cylinders are screwed on top of the multiunit abutments using the connection screw and (G) flap is sutured. (H) Lower implants
are also uncovered and healing abutments are inserted. (I) The patient’s old dentures. (J) Upper denture is prepared and tried in the mouth for
its passive seating through the abutments.

Full-arch fixed prosthesis: ‘All-on-4™’/‘All-on-6’ approach 22

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d





Fig 22.13╇ (A and B) All the abutments are splinted using a stainless steel wire, which is further reinforced using pattern resin. (C) The self-cure
acrylic is mixed, filled into the denture which is accurately seated in the mouth at the correct position. (D) After the acrylic has set, the connection
screws of the abutments are unscrewed and the denture along with the abutments is removed from the mouth. The prosthesis is finished, pol-
ished, and fixed over the multiunit abutments. (E and F) All the necessary occlusal adjustments are made in the mouth. (G) Relined lower denture.
(H) Upper fixed and lower removable provisional prosthesis delivered on the same day as All-on-6 surgery.


22 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d




Fig 22.14╇ (A) Healing after 6 weeks, when the provisional prosthesis is removed for the impression procedure. (B) The open tray impression
abutments are placed over the multiunit abutments and splinted using dental floss and (C) further reinforced using the pattern resin to avoid any
movement of the abutments in respect to each other during the impression transfer. (D) A custom tray is prepared and tried in the mouth for its
passive seating. (E) Tray is painted with tray adhesive. (F) The light body impression material is appropriately flowed under and all around the
impression abutments and (G) the tray filled with putty is accurately seated in the mouth.

Full-arch fixed prosthesis: ‘All-on-4™’/‘All-on-6’ approach 22

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d




Fig 22.15╇ (A) The long fixation screws, emerging out of the impression, are unscrewed (B) before removing the impression from the mouth.
(C) The abutment analogues are assembled with the impression abutments. The abutment analogues are splinted together using pattern resin
to avoid their micromovements in the stone plaster during the prosthetic steps in the laboratory. (D) The soft tissue replicating material is poured
around the abutment analogue connections. (E) The impression is further poured using hard stone plaster. (F) The fixation screws are again
unscrewed before removing the impression from the working cast.


22 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d




Fig 22.16╇ (A) The abutment analogues in the working cast. (B) The vertical height of occlusion is recorded at the centric position and (C) bite
registration is done using the old prosthesis. (D) The final working casts are mounted on the articulator at the similar maxillo-mandibular relation.
(E) The castable plastic abutments are screwed over the abutment analogues using fixation screws. (F) The wax pattern is prepared to fabricate
a cast bar framework for upper and lower prosthesis.

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d





Fig 22.17╇ (A and B) The fixation screws are unscrewed and the wax pattern along with castable abutments are removed from the cast. (C) The
fixation screws are separated and the whole wax pattern along with castable abutments is cast to fabricate a bar of the Ni–Cr or titanium metal,
(D) which is screwed over the working casts. The ceramic wash opaque can be used over the bar to avoid metal display through the thin acrylic.
(E) The base plate is adapted over the bar and the teeth setting is done in the usual fashion. (F–H) The upper and lower bar framework along with
teeth setting are tried in the mouth to check the passive seating of the bar as well as the occlusion.

22 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d




Fig 22.18╇ The finally acrylized upper and lower hybrid prosthesis. (A and B) A cement-retained hybrid prosthesis is fabricated for the lower arch.
(C and D) The upper prosthesis is seated over the multiunit abutments and screwed using the fixation screws. (E) The torque ratchet is used to
finally tighten the fixation screws at the moment of 15€Ncm. (F) The screw holes are filled with gutta-percha and covered over with flowable com-
posite. The final 14-unit All-on-6 prosthesis is fixed in the mouth.


Fig 22.19╇ (A) Final upper and lower hybrid prosthesis in the mouth and (B) post loading radiograph. All implants showed stable crestal bone level
when radiographically evaluated one year after loading.
Full-arch fixed prosthesis: ‘All-on-4™’/‘All-on-6’ approach 22

CASE REPORT-2 possible time span without much grafting and long waiting periods.
Conventional implantation obviously required the sinus grafting
All-on-6 implant procedure for both arches with pterygoid procedure with delayed implant placement after the graft maturation
implants in the posterior maxilla (Figs 22.20–22.35). period of a minimum of 6 months. It further required, 6 months of
A 50-year-old male was referred to the author for full mouth subgingival healing for the implants could also be necessary. So all
rehabilitation with bilateral sinus grafting. On examination, the patient in all, the case could have been completed only in more than 1 year
was fit for implant as well as sinus grafting surgeries. On discussion, and with multiple surgical steps. To minimize surgical steps, avoid the
the patient expressed the desire for immediate restoration of his sinus grafting procedure, for immediate restoration, and to finish the
aesthetics with a fixed prosthesis as he was a speaker at business treatment in a short span of time, the All-on-6 technique was planned
meetings and conferences and could not manage with the removable for this case.
prosthesis. He also desired to complete the treatment in the shortest

Fig 22.20╇ (A) A-50-year old male presented with severely resorbed mandibular ridge (he wore a removable ridge-supported denture); and a few
teeth in the upper jaw were present, most of them were mobile and needed extraction. (B) On smiling, the patient did not show the marginal
gingiva and so did not need any ridge reduction for the maxillary bone during the implant placement surgery.


Fig 22.21╇ Panoramic radiograph shows that hardly any bone is available bilaterally under the maxillary sinuses. A minimum amount of bone is
available bilaterally posterior to the sinuses to insert the posterior-most implants. Moreover, an impacted maxillary third molar was also seen on left
side, which could hinder placement of implant in the tuberosity. The ridge in the anterior region of the maxilla as well as mandible looked adequate
for the insertion of four implants with distal tilting of the posterior implants. The placement of only four implants (All-on-4™) would have resulted
in the possibility of a 10- to 12-unit prosthesis but the patient expressed the desire for a 14-unit prosthesis for both arches and that needed the
addition of two more implants in the posterior region. Thus for the maxilla, the placement of two additional implants in the maxillary tuberosity with
their engagement in the medial pterygoid process was planned. For the mandible, the addition of two more implants with large diameter and short
length (5€×€8€mm) in the posterior mandible (in the buccal shelf region) were planned. (A) Immediate extraction of impacted maxillary molar was
planned before the placement of implant in the pterygoid process. (B) The panoramic radiograph with the simulated implants shows the planned
positions and angulations of all the implants.


22 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-2—cont’d


Fig 22.22╇ (A) The axial view of the dental CT scan shows the location and direction of the pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone in respect of
the maxillary tuberosity and (B) the planned axial position and direction of the posterior implants.


Fig 22.23╇ (A) All the front maxillary teeth were pulled out and mucoperiosteal flaps were elevated to expose the maxillary ridge as well as the lateral
wall of the sinus. The anterior wall of the sinus was bilaterally explored and marked by preparing a small opening through the lateral wall of the
sinus. (B) The All-on-4™ guide was seated in the mouth and implant osteotomies were prepared with distal tilting of the posterior implants at 45°.


Fig 22.24╇ The osteotomy for the right posterior-most implant was prepared through the maxillary tuberosity and right up to the medial pterygoid
process of the sphenoid bone. (A) The direction of the drill in respect of the posterior wall of the sinus was assessed by taking step by step radio-
graphs during osteotomy preparation. (B) The pterygoid implant in place. The inserted implant achieved primary stability of more than 35€Ncm.

Full-arch fixed prosthesis: ‘All-on-4™’/‘All-on-6’ approach 22

CASE REPORT-2—cont’d



Fig 22.25╇ (A and B) The impacted third molar on the left side was extracted and implant osteotomy was prepared through the extraction socket
and (C) the implant was inserted in the medial pterygoid process. As the implant apex had been inserted into the high-density medial pterygoid
process, the inserted implant achieved primary stability of more than 35€Ncm. (D) But the finally inserted implant showed a large peri-implant
extraction socket space at its cervical third which needed to be grafted.


Fig 22.26╇ All implants were inserted at their planned positions with high primary stability. The apexes of all four anterior implants were stabi-
lized into the high-density nasal floor to achieve high primary stability. (A) The appropriate multiunit abutments were inserted on all six implants.
(B) Further, the abutment mounts were removed and healing abutments were inserted on top of all the multiunit abutments.


22 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-2—cont’d


Fig 22.27╇ (A and B) The peri-implant socket spaces around the left pterygoid implant were grafted using bone substitute. (C) The post implant
radiograph shows accurate implant insertion and grafting.



Fig 22.28╇ (A) The flap was sutured with the healing abutments emerging out of the tissues. (B–D) The indexes of the implant positions were
transferred to the prefabricated denture using the light body silicon impression material.

Full-arch fixed prosthesis: ‘All-on-4™’/‘All-on-6’ approach 22

CASE REPORT-2—cont’d



Fig 22.29╇ (A) The holes were prepared through the denture at the indexed positions. The healing abutments of four anterior implants were
removed and replaced with the titanium cylinders. (B) The denture was seated at the correct position with the titanium cylinders emerging out
of the holes. (C) The pattern resin was carefully filled around the titanium cylinders and once it had set in the mouth, the titanium cylinders were
unscrewed to remove the denture from the mouth. Self-cure acrylic was filled into the deficiencies around the cylinders. (D and E) The palatal
extension of the denture was removed and the denture was finished, polished and screwed in the mouth over the four anterior implants. The
patient was recalled on the next day for the insertion of the lower implants.


22 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-2—cont’d


Fig 22.30╇ (A and B) For the lower arch, the mucoperiosteal flap was elevated to expose the ridge and the mental foramina were bilaterally



Fig 22.31╇ (A) The position of the mental foramina was marked on the ridge using a sterile HB pencil and the All-on-4™ guide was seated in
mouth. (B and C) The osteotomies for the two posterior implants were prepared with distal tilting and keeping final drill position 2€mm anterior to
the mental foramina. (D) The straight osteotomies for two anterior implants were prepared.

Full-arch fixed prosthesis: ‘All-on-4™’/‘All-on-6’ approach 22

CASE REPORT-2—cont’d


Fig 22.32╇ (A) Four anterior implants at their final positions with distal tilting of the two posterior implants at 45° to the long axis. (B) Two implants
were placed at the most-posterior positions (into the buccal shelf region). (C) The appropriate multiunit abutments were inserted on the top of all
the implants.


CASE REPORT-2—cont’d



Fig 22.33╇ (A) Temporary titanium cylinders were placed on top of the multiunit abutments. The prefabricated lower denture was prepared and
seated in the mouth with the cylinders emerging out of the holes prepared in the denture. Further, the cylinders were connected to the denture
using pattern resin and removed from the mouth along with the cylinders. (B) The denture was finished, polished, and (C) screwed over lower six
implants. (D) Maxillofacial view of the patient after the upper and lower provisional prosthesis were fixed in the mouth. Patient was rehabilitated
with fixed prosthesis in 2 days. (E) Postimplantation radiograph shows that all the implants have been inserted at the desired positions.


Fig 22.34╇ (A and B) The healing of the tissue as seen on removing the provisional prosthesis after 4 months for prosthetic procedures. The
impression procedures, bite registration, and try-in for the definitive prosthesis were done in the same way as described in the Case Report-1.
Full-arch fixed prosthesis: ‘All-on-4™’/‘All-on-6’ approach 22
CASE REPORT-2—cont’d



Fig 22.35╇ (A) Upper and lower screw-retained final prosthesis. (B) Upper prosthesis after fixing over the implants. (C) Lower prosthesis after fixing
over the implants. (D) Finally fixed upper and lower prosthesis in occlusion. (E) Maxillofacial view of the patient after rehabilitation. (F) Post loading
radiograph showing accurately performed All-on-6 procedure with pterygoid implants in the posterior maxilla.

22 Clinical Implantology

CT guided flapless placement of four implants with distal tilting of posterior implants (Figs 22.36–22.40).


Fig 22.36╇ (A and B) A 78-year-old female patient presented with upper intact dentition and a missing lower one and desired to have fixed
teeth for the lower arch.




Fig 22.37╇ (A) Four implants to support a 12-unit fixed hybrid prosthesis is planned; the posterior implants needed to be tilted up to 45° to Â�minimize
the length of distal cantilevers. Keeping the patient’s age in mind, the minimal invasive CT guided flapless implant placement procedure is planned.
(B–D) The implant dimensions, their positions and angulations are planned using the dental CT planning software and the files are exported to the
CAD/CAM milling centre (Pink city cera dental Lab, Jaipur). (E) Using the exported files, the CAD/CAM centre fabricated an accurate soft tissue-
supported implant insertion guide. (F) The special sleeves are used to accurately drill for a particular implant.

Full-arch fixed prosthesis: ‘All-on-4™’/‘All-on-6’ approach 22

CASE REPORT-3—cont’d





Fig 22.38╇ (A–C) The guide is accurately seated over the soft tissue ridge and immobilized using long fixation screws. (D and E) The implant oste-
otomies are prepared through the guide using special sleeves and (F and G) implants are inserted. (H) The guide is removed after all the implants
have been installed.


22 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-3—cont’d





Fig 22.39╇ (A) All the implants attained primary stability more than 35€Ncm. (B) The appropriately selected multiunit abutments are placed over
the implants and (C) straight abutments are fixed on top of multiunit abutments. (D) The patient’s old denture is prepared and (E) checked for its
passive seating in the mouth. (F and G) The provisional prosthesis is fixed over the implants on the same day of implant placement and necessary
occlusal adjustments are made in mouth. (H) Post implantation radiograph.

Full-arch fixed prosthesis: ‘All-on-4™’/‘All-on-6’ approach 22

CASE REPORT-3—cont’d



Fig 22.40╇ (A) Healing after 6 weeks, when provisional prosthesis is removed for the final prosthetic procedures. (B and C) Twelve-unit hybrid
prosthesis, which is fixed on four implants. (D) Post loading radiograph.

Full mouth rehabilitation using tilted implant concept (Courtesy: Amir Gazmawe, Israel). (Figs 22.41–22.50).

Fig 22.41╇ (A and B) Panoramic CT images of the maxilla and mandible showing inadequate bone height in the subantral region and over the
mandibular canal to insert adequately long implants without performing any bone augmentation procedure. Four implants in the anterior region
of each arch are planned with distal tilting of posterior implants to minimize the distal cantilevers.


22 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-4—cont’d


Fig 22.42╇ (A) Four implants in place with multiunit abutments. (B) Open tray impression abutments placed on top of the multiunit abutments.


Fig 22.43╇ (A) Abutment level implant impression and (B) final working cast with abutment analogues.


Fig 22.44╇ (A and B) Patient’s old denture is seated over the cast and a teeth index is made using silicon putty, which is used to cast the metal
framework at the ideal position.

Full-arch fixed prosthesis: ‘All-on-4™’/‘All-on-6’ approach 22

CASE REPORT-4—cont’d



Fig 22.45╇ (A–D) The final screw-retained ceramic prosthesis, which is screwed over the upper implants.


Fig 22.46╇ (A) Four implants are placed in the lower arch with distal tilting of posterior implants. (B) The impression is made and working cast is
prepared in the same way as mentioned before.


Fig 22.47╇ (A) Jaw relation is recorded and casts are mounted on the articulator at the centric position. (B) The tooth setting is done in ideal


22 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-4—cont’d


Fig 22.48╇ (A and B) Teeth indexing is done using silicon putty and the metal framework of an ideal shape and position on the cast.


Fig 22.49╇ (A) The metal formwork is screwed over the implants and bite registration is done. (B) The final screw-retained ceramic prosthesis on
the cast.



Fig 22.50╇ (A and B) Final prosthesis is screwed in the mouth. (C) Upper and lower final prosthesis in the mouth. (D) Post loading radiograph.

Full-arch fixed prosthesis: ‘All-on-4™’/‘All-on-6’ approach 22


Fig 22.51╇ (A) Traumatic fracture of a tooth from the All-on-4™ hybrid prosthesis, (B) repaired in the mouth using acrylic.


Fig 22.52╇ (A) Interdental brushes should be used to clean the tissue surface of the All-on-4/All-on-6 prosthesis. (B and C) The waterpik is a new
invention and very useful to clean full-arch implant prosthesis as it offers multiple water jets, as well as flossing and brushing tips to reach the difficult
areas under and over the prosthesis.

begin a minimum of 4€ mm anterior to the sinus, of 4€mm anterior to it. The presence of the anterior loop
evaluated with a radiograph. If the pilot drill has per- should be clearly evaluated in the radiographs, dental
forated the sinus cavity, it should be evaluated with CT scan and/or inserting a blunt explorer in the mental
a radiograph and the osteotomy preparation should foramina. If the anterior loop is present, the implant
be redirected to the planned direction, avoiding the should be positioned a minimum of 2€mm anterior to
enlargement of the perforation. The path of the ante- the anterior loop. For instant radiographic evaluation
rior wall of the sinus should be marked on the facial after flap elevation, a pilot drill is placed over the facial
wall using a sterile pencil, so that it can be visualized plate anterior to the mental foramina and a radio-
when drilling for implants. graph is taken to evaluate the appropriate direction
3. Nerve injury during posterior implant placement in anterior to the loop. If nerve injury has already been
the mandible. It can be avoided by properly exploring occurred, osteotomy preparation is redirected to the
the mental foramina and starting drilling a minimum correct direction and the implant is placed. If patient
22 Clinical Implantology

complains of any paraesthesia on the chin and lip of with distal tilting of the posterior implants usually allows
the side involved, proper measures should be taken to the fixing of a restoration with a 12-unit prosthesis, which
manage the paraesthesia (for more information about offers several advantages such as immediate loading in
‘management of nerve injury’ refer to in the Chapter most cases using an all acrylic bridge, minimized distal
24 ‘Complications and management’). cantilevering, placement of posterior implants longer
. Fracture of distal cantilevers of the provisional all
4 than usual with higher stability, and less invasive proce-
acrylic bridge. This is the most common complication dure because only one surgery is done to insert implants.
in the All-on-4™ technique and it can be avoided by For a few patients who desire complete arch prosthesis,
avoiding distal cantilevers in the acrylic prosthesis or two additional implants can be added in the posterior
by using high-strength pattern resin as the base of the region such as in the tuberosity and/or medial pterygoid
acrylic bridge. This complication is very uncommon in process in the maxilla and in the buccal shelf region in
All-on-6 procedures as it does not usually require the the mandible to support a 14-unit prosthesis. The accu-
distal cantilevers. rate exploration of the anterior wall of the sinus in the
. Fracture of teeth from the definitive prosthesis. Usu-
5 maxilla and mental foramina in the mandible is manda-
ally a screw-retained hybrid or ceramic prosthesis is tory to place posterior implants at the desired positions
used as the final prosthesis in All-on-4™ or All-on-6 and with the required distal tilting. To appropriately tilt
techniques, hence if it is a hybrid prosthesis it can be the posterior implants an All-on-4™ Malo guide should
easily repaired in the mouth using acrylic or compos- be used. The posterior implants should be tilted distally
ite (Fig 22.51A and B). In case of big fractures of hybrid up to a maximum of 45° to avoid parallelism prob-
prostheses or if the ceramic chips off from the ceramic lems during prosthetic construction. The placement
prosthesis, the prosthesis can be unscrewed/retrieved of implants in the medial pterygoid process may need
from the implants and repaired in the laboratory. meticulous treatment planning using dental CT scan
. Food impaction under the prosthesis. Besides nor-
6 and skilled surgical approach to install the implant at
mal teeth brushing, interdental brushes should be the desired position and angulation. Often the implants
regularly used by the patient to clean the tissue sur- placed in the pterygoid process show extreme angulation
face of the denture. The waterpik is a new invention in respect to the other implants; to restore such cases,
and very useful in the cleaning of such prostheses. flat connection abutments can be used for the pterygoid
The prosthesis can be unscrewed from the mouth implants in place of multiunit abutments. In the All-on-6
and polished in the laboratory as and when required technique, the teeth set should end well anterior to the
(Fig 22.52A–C). posterior-most implants to avoid cheek bite problems
. Wearing out of the teeth of hybrid prostheses. The
7 and for easy approach to the posterior-most connection
prosthesis can be unscrewed from the implant and a screw. An accurate impression transfer with the open tray
new set of teeth can be acrylized over the same frame- technique is mandatory to avoid prosthetic passive seat-
work in the laboratory. ing errors. The posts should be splinted together using
pattern resin to avoid their movement in respect to each
other during impression transfer. The screw-retained
Summary hybrid prosthesis should be preferred over the cement-
retained ceramic prosthesis because of many advantages.
In several cases, the tilted implant concept can be an ulti- It is cost effective, more aesthetic, light weight, easy to
mate option to restore full-arch cases by avoiding large repair, and retrievable. Long-term maintenance and regu-
volume of bone augmentations such as sinus grafting, lar follow-up visits to the dental office are required for the
block grafting etc. The placement of only four implants long-term success of the prosthesis as well as implants.

Further Reading
Malo P, Nobre M, Lope A. The use of com- Adell R, Eriksson B, Lekholm U, et€al. A long- Van Steenberghe D, Glauser R, Blomback
puter-guided flapless implant surgery and term follow-up study of osseointegrated U, et€ al. A computed tomographic scan-
four implants placed in immediate func- implants in the treatment of totally eden- derived customized surgical template and
tion to support a fixed denture: prelimi- tulous jaws. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants fixed prosthesis for flapless surgery and
nary results after a mean follow-up period 1990;5:347–59. immediate loading of implants in fully
of thirteen months. J Prosthet Dent 2007; Balshi TJ, Wolfinger GJ. Immediate loading of edentulous maxillae: a prospective multi-
97(6 Suppl):86–95. Brånemark implants in edentulous man- center study. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res
Maló P, Rangert B, Dvärsäter L. Immediate dibles. A preliminary report. Implant Dent 2005;7(Suppl. 1):S111–20.
function of Brånemark implants in the aes- 1997;6:83–8. Ericsson I, Randow K, Nilner K, et€ al. Early
thetic zone: a retrospective clinical study Schnitman DA, Wohrle PS, Rubenstein JE, functional loading of Brånemark dental
with 6 months to 4 years follow-up. Clin et€ al. Branemark implants immediately implants: 5-year clinical follow-up study.
Implant Dent Relat Res 2000;2:138–46. loaded with fixed prosthesis at implant Clin Implant Dent Relat Res 2000;2:70–7.
Krekmanov L, Kahn M, Rangert B, et€ al. Tilt- placement: ten year results. Int J Oral Max- Branemark PI, Svensson B, van Steenberghe D.
ing of posterior mandibular and maxil- illofac Implants 1997;12:495–503. Ten year survival rates of fixed prostheses on
lary implants of improved prosthesis Duyck J, Van Oosterwyck H, Vander Sloten J, four to six implants Ad Modum Branemark
support. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants et€al. Magnitude and distribution of occlu- in full edentulism. Clin Oral Implants Res
2000;15:405–14. sal forces on oral implants supporting fixed 1995;6:227–31.
prostheses: an in€ vivo study. Clin Oral
Implants Res 2000;11:465–75.

Full-arch fixed prosthesis: ‘All-on-4™’/‘All-on-6’ approach 22
Fortin Y, Sullivan RM, Rangert B. The Â�Marius Davo Rodriguez, Malevez C, Rojas J. Immedi- Brånemark PI, Engstrand P, Öhrnell LO, et€al.
implant bridge: surgical and prosthetic– ate Function in atrophic upper jaw using A new treatment concept for rehabilitation
rehabilitation for the completely edentu- Zygoma implants. J Prosthet Dent 2007; of the edentulous mandible. Preliminary
lous upper jaw with moderate to severe (Submitted). results from a prospective clinical follow-
resorption: a 5-year retrospective clini- Tulasne JF. Osseointegrated fixtures in the up study. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res
cal study. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res pterygoid region. In: Worthington P, 1999;1:2–16.
2002;4:69–77. Branemark PI, editors. Advanced osseo- Örtorp A, Jemt T. Clinical experience of CNC-
Aparicio C, Perales P, Rangert B. Tilted implants integration surgery. Applications in the milled titanium frameworks supported by
as an alternative to maxillary sinus grafting: maxillofacial region. Chicago, USA: Quin- implants in the edentulous jaw: a 3-year
a clinical, radiographic and periotest study. tessence Publ. Co, Inc; 1992. p. 182–8. interim report. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res
Clin Implant Dent Relat Res 2001;3:39–49. Graves SL. The pterygoid plate implant: a 2002;4:104–9.
Maló P, Rangert B, Nobre M. “All-on-Four” solution for restoring the posterior max- Peto R, Pike MC, Armitage P, et€al. Design and
immediate function concept with Bråne- illa. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent analysis of randomized clinical trials requir-
mark System implants for completely 1994;4:512–23. ing prolonged observation of each patient:
edentulous mandibles: a retrospective Parel S, Branemark PI, Ohrnell LO, Svensson II. Analysis and examples. Br J Cancer
clinical study. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res B. Remote implant anchorage for the reha- 1977;35:1–39.
2003;5:S2–9. bilitation of maxillary defects. J Prosthet Petersson A, Rangert B, Randow K, Ericsson
Chow J, Hui E, Liu J, et€al. The Hong Kong Bridge Dent 2001;86:377–81. I. Marginal bone resorption at different
protocol. Immediate loading of mandibular Vrielinck L, Politis C, Schepers S, Pauwels M, treatment concepts using Brånemark den-
Brånemark fixtures using a fixed provisional Naert I. Image-based planning and clini- tal implants in anterior mandibles. Clin
prosthesis: preliminary results. Clin Implant cal validation of zygoma and pterygoid Implant Dent Relat Res 2001;3:142–7.
Dent Relat Res 2001;3:166–74. implant placement in patients with severe Chaushu G, Chaushu S, Tzohar A, Dayan
Maló P, Rangert B, Nobre M. “All-on-4” bone atrophy using customized drill D. Immediate loading of single tooth
immediate-function concept with Bråne- guides. ; Preliminary results from a pro- implants: immediate versus nonimmediate
mark System implants for completely spective clinical follow-up study. Int J Oral implantation. A clinical report. Int J Oral
edentulous maxilla: a 1-year retrospective Maxillofac Surg 2003;32:7–14. Maxillofac Implants 2001;16:267–72.
clinical study. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res Hirsch J-M, Henry P, Andreasson L, et€ al. A Hui E, Chow J, Li D, Liu J, Wat P, Law H.
2005;7:S88–94. clinical Evaluation of the Zygoma Fixture. Immediate provisional for single-tooth
Rosen A, Gynther G. Implant treatment One-year follow-up at 16 clinics. J Oral implant replacement with Brånemark Sys-
without bone grafting in edentulous Maxillofac Surg 2004;9(Suppl):22–9. tem: preliminary report. Clin Implant Dent
severely resorbed maxillas: a long-term Aparicio C, Arevalo X, Ouzzani W, Granados C. Relat Res 2001;3:79–86.
follow-up study. Oral Maxillofac Surg A retrospective clinical and radiographic Esposito M, Hirsch JM, Lekholm U, Thomsen P.
2007;65:W10–1016. evaluation of tilted implants used in the Failure patterns of four osseointegrated oral
Mal P, Rangert B, Nombre M. ‘All on Four’ treatment of severely resorbed edentu- implant systems. J Materials Science Materi-
immediate function concept with Brane- lous maxilla. Appl Osseointegrat Res als in Medicine 1997(Suppl 8):843–7.
mark System implants for completely 2003;1:17–21.
edentulous maxilla: a 1-year retrospective Randow K, Ericsson I, Nilner K, Peterson A,
clinical study. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res Glantz PO. Immediate functional load-
2003;7(Suppl. 1):588–94. ing of Brånemark dental implants. An
18-month clinical follow-up study. Clin
Oral Implants Res 1999;10:8–15.

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Soft tissue grafting in implantology
Ajay Vikram Singh 23
CHAPTER CONTENTS HD Technique-2 – Subepithelial connective tissue graft
technique 625
Introduction 613 Advantages 625
Disadvantages of the thin, mobile, and€non­ Step by step diagrammatic presentation 625
keratinized€marginal soft tissue 613
Technique 3 – Subepithelial pouch technique 633
Advantages of the thick, nonmobile, and keratinized
marginal soft tissue 614 Technique-4 – Modified palatal roll technique for
dental implants 636
Surgical principles of soft tissue grafting 614
Post-surgical instructions 641
Graft size 614
Summary 641
Graft uniformity 614
Graft thickness 614
Graft vascularization 614
Graft adaptation 615
Adequate haemostasis 615 Introduction
Graft immobilization 615 The soft tissue around the restored implant prosthesis
Healing of free grafts 615 plays a big role in the long-term maintenance and lon-
Initial phase (0–3 days) 615 gevity of restored implants. Many research papers have
Revascularization phase (2–11 days) 615
been published to describe the role of soft tissue for long-
term maintenance of the implant. Based on research and
Tissue maturation phase (11–42 days) 615 the clinical experience of experienced periodontists and
Keys to success 615 implantologists, the presence of an adequate zone of
Possible donor sites for graft harvesting 616 thick, nonmobile and keratinized soft tissue around the
Armamentaria and materials required 616 implant prosthesis is paramount to resist marginal tissue
recession and peri-implant inflammation. An absolute
Technique-1 – Epithelialized connective tissue
minimum 3-mm thick zone of nonmobile and keratin-
graft or free gingival graft technique 616
ized marginal soft tissue should be present to make a
Indications 616 peri-implant soft tissue seal, resistant to recession and
Step by step diagrammatic presentation 618 peri-implant infections. If it is not present, the surgeon
Advantages of the free gingival graft technique 618 should perform the soft tissue grafting procedure to gen-
Disadvantages of the free gingival graft technique 618 erate a thick, stable, and keratinized marginal soft tissue
zone around the implant (Fig 23.1A and B).
Grafting using acellular dermal matrix (AlloDerm®
membrane) 621
Processing of AlloDerm® 621
How AlloDerm® works 621
Disadvantages of the thin, mobile,
Advantages of using AlloDerm® 621 and nonkeratinized marginal soft
Disadvantages of using AlloDerm® 622 tissue
Key points 622 . Unable
1 to protect the peri-implant tissues from injury
2. Unable to resist the pull of muscles
23 Clinical Implantology


Fig 23.1╇ (A and B) A thin, mobile, and nonkeratinized marginal soft tissue is less resistant to the muscle pull and recession, which may result in recur-
rent peri-implantitis and subsequent peri-implant bone loss.

. Leads
3 to more recession and attachment loss from
. Mobile margin resulting in more plaque
. Poor soft tissue aesthetics with the implant prosthesis
in the aesthetic region.

Advantages of the thick, nonmobile,

and keratinized marginal soft tissue
. Protects
1 the peri-implant tissues from injury and
. Resists the pull of muscles
2 A B
. Resistant to marginal soft tissue recession
. Better plaque control
. Adequate soft tissue aesthetics.
Soft tissue grafting in implant therapy creates a stable peri-
implant soft tissue environment by providing an adequate
zone of thick, keratinized, and nonmobile soft tissue with
intimate adaptation to the emerging implant superstruc-
tures. This results in the maintenance of a biological soft
tissue seal, and hence, reduction in the incidence of peri-
implantitis. Additionally, it provides adequate soft tissue to
craft and achieve natural soft tissue architecture for natural
aesthetics, and emerging harmonious implant restoration. C

Fig 23.2╇ (A) Three phases of free soft tissue graft healing – initial phase,
(B) revascularization phase and, (C) tissue maturation phase.
Surgical principles of soft tissue
Graft size implant abutment at its centre portion. The graft first
gets necrosed over this avascular surface and is gradually
The donor site should provide an adequate sized graft taken over by the granulation tissue from the periphery
to regenerate the required soft tissue dimensions at the to form a scar. The thicker graft is better able to main-
recipient site. The adequate size graft not only facilitates tain physical integrity during this process, which may take
immobilization at the recipient site but also receives ade- 4–6 weeks. Thus, a full thickness or a thick split thickness
quate peripheral circulation from the surrounding recipi- graft should be preferred for soft tissue grafting around
ent site in cases of exposed implant abutment coverage. the dental implant.

Graft uniformity Graft vascularization

Graft with a uniform surface facilitates intimate adapta- The free graft (epithelialized connective tissue graft)
tion to the recipient site. initially survives with plasmatic circulation and subse-
quently receives vascularity from the recipient site when
Graft thickness capillaries from the recipient site grow and invade the
soft tissue graft. Hence, the recipient site should provide
Grafts with thickness of more than 1.25€mm are preferred adequate vascularity to the graft. When the recipient site
when used to cover an avascular surface like the exposed has a partially avascular surface like the exposed implant
Soft tissue grafting in implantology 23
abutment, a thick and large sized graft should be pre-
ferred to receive vascularity from the surrounding vascular
surface of the recipient site.

Graft adaptation
The graft should intimately be adapted to the underlying
recipient surface at the time of operation, which results in
a thin layer of exudates between the graft and the recipient
bed and achieves a ‘plasmatic circulation’ for the initial
survival of the graft. Inadequate adaptation of the graft
causes a thick exudative layer or blood clot at the interface,
which may hamper plasmatic circulation and may lead to
graft rejection. To achieve adequate graft adaptation over
the recipient bed, the graft should have a uniform sur-
face and should be compressed for a few minutes before
and after suturing, using moist cotton to eject the blood
and extra exudates from the interface to achieve intimate Fig 23.3╇ Possible donor sites for soft tissue graft – palate mesial to
contact of the two surfaces. The recipient site should be the first molar (1) posterior ridge areas (2), and maxillary tuberosity (3
uniformly prepared to enhance the intimate adaptation of and 4).
the graft. The periosteum is considered an excellent recipi-
ent surface for the free graft as it provides close adaptation 2. Establishment of ‘plasmatic circulation’ from the recip-
and rich blood supply to the overlying free graft. ient site to the graft to provide initial nourishment to
the graft.
Adequate haemostasis
Revascularization phase (2–11 days)
Adequate haemostasis must be obtained at the recipi-
ent site because active haemorrhage may prevent inti- 1. Anastomoses occurs between blood vessels of the graft
mate adaptation of the graft to the recipient bed. It also and recipient bed (after 4 to 5 days).
facilitates the formation and maintenance of a thin fibrin 2. Circulation gets re-established in the pre-existing graft
layer at the graft–recipient surface interface, providing the vessels.
physical attachment of the graft to the recipient bed and 3. Capillary proliferation within the graft results in
also helping in the establishment of plasmatic circulation the regeneration of dense blood vessels into the
between two surfaces, which nourishes the graft before its graft.
vascularization. 4. Fibrous union between graft and recipient tissue
5. Re-epithelialization over the graft gets established
Graft immobilization
mainly by proliferation from the adjacent tissues.
The closely adapted graft should be firmly immobilized 6. If a free graft is placed on a root or implant surface,
onto the recipient bed using multiple interrupted sutures. apical migration of epithelium on this surface takes
Mobility of the graft during initial healing, can hamper its place at this time.
nourishment through plasmatic circulation or can disrupt
newly forming blood vessels that supply the graft. This Tissue maturation phase (11–42 days)
may result in excessive shrinkage or sloughing of the graft.
The free graft should not be sutured to the surrounding 1. Gradual reduction of the number of blood vessels
mobile muscular tissue, which can pull the graft during occurs in the graft.
muscle movement. It should be sutured to the underly- 2. After 14 days, the vascular system appears normal.
ing periosteum of the recipient bed and the surrounding 3. Epithelium forms a keratin layer.
�nonmobile attached tissue. ╅╅
Time for soft tissue grafting-usually the soft tissue
grafting is preferred at the stage of implant uncovery, but
Healing of free grafts soft tissue grafting can be performed at any stage such as-
A free graft, which has been secured onto a connec- 1. Prior to implant placement
tive tissue recipient bed shows three phases of healing 2. At the same time as implant placement
(Fig 23.2A–C). 3. At the time of implant uncovery – most preferred stage
4. After prosthetic insertion.
Initial phase (0–3 days)
Keys to success
An intimate adaptation of the graft to the recipient site at
the time of surgery leads to: . Adequate preparation of the recipient
1 site
â•…â•… 2. Selection of an adequate donor site
1. The formation of a thin layer of exudates between graft 3. Meticulous preparation of the graft
and recipient bed. 4. Precision in placement of the graft
23 Clinical Implantology


Submucosal fatty or glandular
tissue layer

Lamina propria


Fig 23.4╇ A cross-section of the hard palate in the region of maxillary first molar region shows different layers of soft tissue over the palatal bone.
Sullivan et€al classified the gingival grafts as split-thickness grafts or full-thickness grafts. A full-thickness graft includes all the lamina propria with
the epithelium but a split-thickness graft includes only a partial thickness of the connective tissue with the epithelium. A split thickness graft can be
further classified as thin, intermediate, and thick depending on the thickness of the connective tissue (1/4, 1/2, or 2/3) harvested with the overlying
epithelium. The fatty or glandular tissue is not harvested with the mucosal graft.

. Obtaining adequate haemostasis

. Intimate adaptation of the graft
. Adequate immobilization of the graft with suturing
7 A
. Postoperative care of the graft for 3–4 weeks.

Possible donor sites for graft B

The richest autogenous source of connective tissue
or epithelialized, connective-tissue intraoral graft
is the palate, but in selective cases the epithelialized
connective-tissue graft can also be harvested from the
edentulous ridge area of the maxilla or mandible and
also from the maxillary tuberosity (Fig 23.3). Sul-
livan et€ al classified gingival grafts as split thickness C
gingival grafts or full thickness gingival grafts. A full
thickness graft includes all the lamina propria with the
epithelium, but a split thickness graft, includes only
the partial thickness of the connective tissue with the
epithelium. A split thickness graft can be further clas-
sified as thin, intermediate, and thick depending on
the thickness of the connective tissue (1/4rth, 1/2, or D
2/3rd of total thickness) harvested with the overlying
epithelium. The fatty or glandular tissue is not har- Fig 23.5╇ (A) Angled surgical blade handle, (B) micro elevator, (C) Micro
vested with the mucosal graft (Fig 23.4). Adson forceps, (D) micro scissors (Courtesy: Salvin Dental �Specialities,
Armamentaria and materials required
1. Micro Adson forceps
Technique-1 – Epithelialized
2. Artery forceps connective tissue graft or free
3. Micro scissor
4. Straight and angled surgical blade handles
gingival graft technique
5. Micro needle holder A partial thickness or full thickness epithelialized connec-
6. Micro elevators tive tissue graft can be harvested from the palate.
7. Soft tissue punch
8. Retractors
9. Surgical blade numbers 11, 12, and 15
0. Suture material (4-0 with reverse cutting edge needle)
1 1. For increasing the zone of keratinized tissue around
1. Collagen sponge (Fig 23.5A–D).
1 the implant for ease of maintenance.
Soft tissue grafting in implantology 23




Fig 23.6╇ A horizontal incision is made, using surgical blade number 15, just coronal to the desired soft tissue augmentation. Vertical incisions are
then extended apically from the lateral aspects of the horizontal incision. All three incisions are made perpendicular to the existing soft tissue surface
to create butt joint with the free gingival graft. All the incisions are limited to the mucosa and should not cut the underlying periosteum. (A and B) The
sharp dissections are made apically to elevate all the mucosal tissue, leaving the periosteum intact to the bone. (C and D) The resultant flap is usu-
ally excised. (E and F) All the residual remnants of the connective tissue or muscle attachments are removed using a soft tissue nipper or sharp soft
tissue scissors to create a rigid periosteal recipient bed. If performed at the time of implant uncovery, the implant is exposed and a gingival former is
inserted. Haemostasis is obtained by compressing the site with a moist cotton pack for few minutes.

23 Clinical Implantology

. For
2 increasing the soft tissue thickness around the 4. It can be performed using acellular dermal matrix
implant. (AlloDerm®) in patients who resist harvesting autog-
. To obtain implant abutment coverage.
3 enous graft.
. To obtain the exposed root coverage of a natural tooth.
4 5. It can be performed at any stage, before or at the time
of implant placement, during uncovery or after the
Step by step diagrammatic presentation implant has been restored.

. Recipient site preparation (Fig 23.6A–F)

1 Disadvantages of the free gingival graft
. Harvesting epithelialized connective tissue
2 graft technique
(Fig 23.7A–E)
. Adaptation
3 and immobilization of epithelialized con- 1. It receives the nourishment only from the periosteum,
nective tissue graft at the recipient site (Fig 23.8A–D). hence, it takes a long time to maturate.
2. More prone to suture breakdown and graft mobiliza-
Advantages of the free gingival graft technique tion during the healing phase.
3. Colour mismatch of maturated grafted site and the
. Relatively
1 easy to perform when compared to other surrounding soft tissue.
soft tissue grafting procedures. 4. As the epithelium is harvested with connective tissue,
. A large area can be grafted.
2 it leads to more discomfort and long healing time at
. Thickens tissue and regenerates a keratinized epithelium.
3 the donor site.


Fig 23.7╇ Rectangular-shaped horizontal incisions, limited to the connective tissue, are made using a number 15 blade at the hard palate in the premolar
region leaving 2–3€mm marginal gingiva. (A–C) The sharp dissections are made to elevate a full thickness or partial thickness free gingival graft, leaving the
618 glandular tissue behind, attached to the periosteum. (D and E) The resultant flap is removed and immediately transferred to the prepared recipient site.
Soft tissue grafting in implantology 23



Fig 23.8╇ Free gingival graft is shaped to accurately fit at the prepared recipient site. (A and B) Once the haemostasis is obtained at the recipient
periosteum bed, the graft is adapted and sutured with the periosteum and surrounding nonmobile tissue using 4-0 chromic gut sutures. Once immo-
bilized with sutures, the graft should be compressed using a moistened saline sponge for 10–12€min, to squeeze out extra blood from the interface
and to achieve intimate contact between the two surfaces, to form a thin fibrin clot at the interface. The patient is instructed not to brush the site for
3 weeks. Sutures are removed after 10–13 days. (C and D) The graft through the different stages of its regeneration, slowly maturates into a thick
keratinized soft tissue at the site and this procedure may however take 8–10 weeks.

Use of epithelialized connective tissue palatal graft (free gingival graft) to regenerate thick, nonmobile, and keratinized �marginal
soft tissue zone around the implants (Figs 23.9–23.12).


Fig 23.9╇ (A) Thin, mobile, and nonkeratinized soft tissue over the implants can be seen at the uncovery phase. (B) A full thickness epithelialized connec-
tive tissue palatal graft (free gingival graft) is planned to regenerate a zone of thick, nonmobile, and keratinized marginal soft tissue around the implants.


23 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d


Fig 23.10╇ (A and B) An adequate size full thickness free gingival graft is harvested from the palate. (C) Donor site after graft has been harvested.



Fig 23.11╇ (A) Epithelial surface of the graft. (B) Connective tissue surface of the graft. (C) Haemostasis is achieved at the donor site by compres-
sion with moistened cotton for few minutes and an absorbable gelatin sponge is placed at the site. (D) A prefabricated acrylic template is seated
over the site to control bleeding and minimize discomfort. (E) The graft is immediately transferred to the prepared recipient periosteal bed and
immobilized by suturing first with the attached gingiva and (F) then with the underlying periosteum.
Soft tissue grafting in implantology 23

CASE REPORT-1—cont’d



Fig 23.12╇ (A) The site after 2 weeks shows capillary proliferation and re-epithelialization. (B) The site after 8 weeks shows regeneration of a
thick, nonmobile, and keratinized zone of marginal soft tissue around the implants which is more resistant to the recession, muscle pull, and peri-
implantitis. (C) Implants are restored. (D) The healing of the donor site after 2 weeks and (E) 4 weeks.

Grafting using acellular dermal matrix solubilized and washed away using a patented series of
Â�(AlloDerm® membrane) nondenaturing detergent washes.
AlloDerm® (LifeCell Corporation, Branchburg, NJ, USA), The tissue matrix is then preserved using a patented
is a donated human soft tissue that is processed to remove freeze-drying process that prevents damaging crystal for-
the dermal cells, leaving behind a regenerative collagen mations, thereby retaining the critical biochemical and
matrix. It has successfully been used as an alternative to structural components needed to maintain the tissue’s
the autogenous epithelialized palatal graft. natural regenerative properties. The graft is then ready for
AlloDerm® allows clinicians to perform soft tissue rehydration and implantation to help the human body
regeneration procedures without the discomfort and sec- begin its tissue regeneration process.
ond-site morbidity often associated with palatal tissue
harvesting. Because it is available in unlimited quanti-
ties, treatment of all necessary areas can be accomplished How AlloDerm® works
with fewer procedures than would be possible with pala- AlloDerm® provides a matrix consisting of collagens,
tal harvesting. elastin, blood vessel channels, and proteins that support
AlloDerm® is ideal for patients who either lack adequate revascularization, cell repopulation and tissue remodel-
harvestable tissue or prefer not to undergo a palatal har- ling. When the graft is left exposed, as in guided bone
vest. Widely used in root coverage procedures, AlloDerm® regeneration or a free gingival graft, the AlloDerm matrix
has demonstrated clinical and aesthetic results equivalent will support epithelial migration through creeping substi-
to palatal tissue. It may also be used for free gingival graft- tution across the basement membrane.
ing, soft tissue ridge augmentation, and as a cell-occlusive After placement, the patient’s blood infiltrates the Allo-
barrier for bone grafting. It is available in two thickness Derm graft through retained vascular channels, bringing
ranges: 0.9–1.6€mm (AlloDerm) and 0.5–0.9€mm (Allo- host stem cells that bind themselves to the proteins in the
Derm GBR) to suit specific applications. matrix. Significant revascularization can begin as early as
1 week after implantation.
The host cells respond to the local environment and
Processing of AlloDerm® the matrix is remodelled into the patient’s own tissue, in
AlloDerm® is composed of freeze-dried skin allograft, a fashion similar to the body’s natural cell attrition and
which is processed to remove all the immunogenic cel- replacement process.
lular components like epidermis and dermal cells, leaving
only a useful acellular dermal matrix that is used for soft
tissue grafting purposes. Advantages of using AlloDerm®
During the proprietary processing, a buffered salt solu- 1. Elimination of donor site.
tion gently separates the epidermis from the basement 2. Only one surgical site, hence more comfortable for the
membrane. Many cell types within the dermis are then patient.
23 Clinical Implantology

. Unlimited availability.
3 3. It has two distinct surfaces: the basement membrane
. Decreased surgical time.
4 side (BM) is smooth, does not absorb blood, and looks
. Excellent handling properties.
5 white; but the connective tissue side (CT) is rougher
. It can be used for multiple purposes
6 like free gingival and will absorb blood and changes to red colour.
grafting, root/implant abutment coverage procedures, 4. When used as an only graft to increase the width of
soft tissue ridge augmentation, and as a cell-occlusive thick, keratinized, soft tissue around an implant, the
barrier for bone grafting. connective tissue side should be oriented towards the
recipient site.
5. When used to cover an avascular surface like the
Disadvantages of using AlloDerm® exposed root or implant abutment, the basement
. Longer healing time when it is used as the only graft
1 membrane side should be oriented towards the
or left exposed in GBR (guided bone regeneration) exposed root or abutment surface.
procedures. 6. When using AlloDerm, a larger area is grafted, com-
. More secondary shrinkage when compared to autograft.
2 pared to the autograft, to compensate for secondary
. Additional cost to the patient.
3 shrinkage.
. Being a human processed tissue, some patients have
4 7. If possible, AlloDerm should be used after being
religious objections to using it. soaked in nonactivated, platelet-rich plasma. Once
the membrane has been sutured and immobilized at
the recipient site, activated platelet-rich plasma (PRP)
Key points is used topically over the graft to enhance soft tissue
. AlloDerm®
1 has a 2-year shelf life when stored in healing.
1–10°C (34–50°F). 8. Once immobilized at the site, AlloDerm should be
. It must be rehydrated for a minimum of 10€min before
2 pressed with a moist saline sponge to obtain intimacy
it is used. between the two surfaces.

Regeneration of thick, nonmobile, and keratinized marginal soft tissue using the dermal matrix (Alloderm®) (Figs 23.13 and 23.14).


Fig 23.13╇ (A) Presence of an inadequate band of keratinized marginal soft tissue over the ridge can be seen at the time of implant uncovery.
(B) AlloDerm® membrane.

Soft tissue grafting in implantology 23

CASE REPORT-2—cont’d




Fig 23.14╇ (A) A horizontal incision is made at the junction of mobile and stable tissue, the keratinized soft tissue band present at the ridge
crest is shifted to the lingual and blunt dissections are given to prepare a rigid periosteal bed at facial aspect. (B) The membrane is cut into two
pieces and (C) sutured to immobilize at the recipient site after gingival formers have been inserted on top of the implants. (D) Site after 2 weeks
is showing newly generated thick, nonmobile, and keratinized soft tissue collar around the implants. (E and F) Implants are restored 6 weeks
after the soft tissue grafting.

23 Clinical Implantology

Grafting using acellular dermal matrix (Alloderm® membrane) (Figs 23.15 and 23.16).




Fig 23.15╇ (A) Thin, nonkeratinized and mobile marginal soft tissue can be seen at the implant site during implant uncovery stage. (B) Implants are
uncovered using soft tissue punch and the gingival formers are inserted. (C) Blunt dissections have been made to remove all the nonkeratinized
mobile tissue and muscle fibres, leaving behind a firm, attached periosteum. (D and E) AlloDerm® membrane is washed in saline, soaked in the
patient’s blood to identify its connective tissue surface as it soaks blood and becomes red. (F) The membrane is cut into two surfaces to graft a
large surface area.

Soft tissue grafting in implantology 23

CASE REPORT-3—cont’d



Fig 23.16╇ (A) The membrane is immobilized over the recipient periosteal bed using 4-0 chromic gut sutures. (B) The membrane gets slowly
resorbed and (C and D) regenerates a new keratinized, thick and stable marginal soft tissue band around the implants.

4. Graft receives dual blood supply both from the under-

Technique-2 – Subepithelial connec- lying periosteum as well as from the overlying host
tive tissue graft technique tissue.
In 1982, Langer and Calagna introduced this technique 5. The graft achieves better stability at the host site.
for the enhancement of anterior soft tissue aesthetics. 6. Less postoperative care is required compared to the
A subepithelial connective tissue graft is harvested from free gingival graft.
the palate and used for localized ridge augmentation, 7. More predictable results.
exposed root coverage, or exposed implant abutment.
A subepithelial connective tissue pouch is created at the Step by step diagrammatic presentation
recipient site and the connective tissue graft is positioned
between the periosteum and a partial thickness cover flap. . Host site preparation (Figs 23.17
1 and 23.18).
This technique offers several advantages over the free gin- 2. Harvesting the connective tissue graft from the pal-
gival graft. ate. There are two techniques to harvest the connective
tissue from the palate:
a. Open approach (Fig 23.19A–D)
b. Closed approach (Figs 23.20 and 23.21).
. Less invasive procedure.
1 3. Suturing connective tissue graft over the host site
2. Excellent colour matching with the adjacent tissue. (Fig 23.22A–F).
3. Less technique-sensitive. â•…â•…

23 Clinical Implantology


Fig 23.17╇ (A) A thin connective tissue layer is seen between the epithelium and periosteum at the crestal and the facial aspect of the implant.
(B) A partial thickness flap, leaving the periosteum intact, is elevated to uncover the implants as well as the facial aspect of the ridge.


Fig 23.18╇ (A and B) The cover screw is replaced with healing abutments.

Soft tissue grafting in implantology 23


Fig 23.19╇ (A) An incision is given through the palate epithelium and a sharp dissection is made to elevate the epithelium. (B and C) Once the under-
lying �connective tissue is exposed, sharp dissections are made to harvest the thick connective tissue layer, leaving the fatty tissue (glandular) layer
attached to the periosteum. (D) Haemostasis is achieved and the epthelium is sutured back.

23 Clinical Implantology


Fig 23.20╇ (A) A sharp and deep incision is made medial to the maxillary premolars. (B) The tip of the scalpel is reoriented parallel to the surface of
the palatal tissue, and sharp dissections are made to create a subepithelial pouch. The scalpel is reoriented again to make vertical incisions through
the connective tissue at all margins of the pouch.

Soft tissue grafting in implantology 23



Fig 23.21╇ (A and B) The subperiosteal dissection is then performed using a small periosteal elevator and the connective tissue is removed from the
pouch using Adson tissue forceps. (C) A piece of absorbable collagen (Collaplug) is then inserted into the pouch to obtain haemostasis and fill the
dead space. (D) The incision line is sutured using 4-0 chromic suture.

23 Clinical Implantology




Fig 23.22╇ (A–C) The connective tissue graft is shaped, adapted at the host site and sutured with the flap. (D–F) The flap is repositioned and
sutured back.

Soft tissue grafting in implantology 23

Connective tissue grafting to enhance soft tissue emergence around implant restoration (Figs 23.23–23.27).


Fig 23.23╇ (A) Inadequate amount of facial soft tissue before the uncovery of an implant at the first molar site. (B) A partial thickness flap is elevated
to expose the implant.



Fig 23.24╇ (A–C) A vertical incision is given at the palate, medial to the premolars, and a subepithelial pouch is created by giving sharp dissections
through the subepithelial layer. (D) The underlying connective tissue is harvested from the pouch.


23 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-4—cont’d


Fig 23.25╇ (A and B) A small piece of collagen sponge is inserted to achieve haemostasis and to fill the dead space.



Fig 23.26╇ (A) The incision line is sutured with primary closure. (B-D) The connective tissue is adapted at the recipient site and sutured underneath
the facial flap.


Fig 23.27╇ (A) The flap is sutured to achieve close approximation. (B) The healing after 4 weeks shows regeneration of a thick soft tissue layer on
the facial aspect of the implant.
Soft tissue grafting in implantology 23
exposed implant and/or abutment and to achieve an aes-
Technique 3 — Subepithelial pouch thetic soft tissue emergence profile around the implant
technique restoration.
The pouch technique is performed to achieve horizontal Step by step diagrammatic presentation is shown in
as well as vertical soft tissue augmentation, to cover the (Figs 23.28–23.30).


Fig 23.28╇ (A and B) A partial thickness subepithelial pouch is created to the desired apical extension.


Fig 23.29╇ (A) An epithelialized connective tissue graft is harvested from the palate. (B) The epithelial layer is scraped out from the area of the graft,
which is planned to be placed underneath the subepithelial layer into the pouch.


Fig 23.30╇ (A–C) The graft is transported to the pouch and sutured to immobilize it into the pouch.
23 Clinical Implantology

Subepithelial connective tissue graft to cover the exposed abutment (Figs 23.31–23.34).


Fig 23.31╇ (A) Exposed implant abutment. (B and C) A horizontal incision is made parallel to the facial surface to create a partial thickness,
subepithelial pouch.



Fig 23.32╇ (A–D) A full thickness epithelialized connect tissue graft is harvested from the palate.

Soft tissue grafting in implantology 23

CASE REPORT-5—cont’d




Fig 23.33╇ (A) The epithelium is scraped out from the three quarters of the graft using a number 15 surgical blade. (B–E) The connective
tissue portion of the graft is transported into the pouch and secured with a suture. (F) The crestal part of the graft is further stabilized using
4-0 chromic sutures.


Fig 23.34╇ (A and B) A thick soft tissue regeneration can be seen over the exposed abutment after 4 weeks. (C) Implants are restored using
zirconia crowns.

23 Clinical Implantology

Technique-4 – Modified palatal roll provides adequate soft tissue to achieve a healthy and aes-
technique for dental implants thetic emergence profile for the implant prosthesis. This
technique was first used in the maxillary anterior region
This technique was first described by Abrams in 1980 to but lack of thick palatal soft tissue and the presence of neu-
be used in periodontology and later modified by Scharf rovascular tissue have limited the use of this technique in
and Tarnow in 1992. Reikie described the application of the maxillary anterior region, although it can be used to
this technique in implantology, in 1995. A partial thick- correct small soft tissue defects. This technique can be suc-
ness flap is elevated at the palatal aspect of the implant cessfully used for implants in the maxillary region poste-
site, and the underlying connective tissue is reflected and rior to the canine, to correct small to moderate soft tissue
rolled back to position under the thin facial tissue. This defects (Figs 23.35–23.38).



Fig 23.35╇ (A) Inadequate soft tissue thickness on the facial aspect, which needs to be grafted to regenerate a thick soft tissue to achieve an aesthetic
emergence profile on the facial aspect of the implant prosthesis. (B) A shallow mid-crestal incision is made through the epithelium. (C and D) Two
shallow vertical incisions are given on the palatal aspect.

Soft tissue grafting in implantology 23



Fig 23.36╇ (A –C) Blunt dissections are used to elevate a split thickness palatal flap. (D) Further, two deep vertical incisions are made on the facial



Fig 23.37╇ (A) The facial vertical incisions are extended to the palatal aspect to the same depth, followed by one horizontal incision at the most distant
part of the palatal extension. (B and C) The blunt dissections are again used to elevate the supraperiosteal connective tissue layer. (D) The flap is
further elevated from the facial aspect to the planned apical extension.

23 Clinical Implantology



Fig 23.38╇ The elevated connective tissue layer is rolled back and placed under the facial flap. (A and B) Further, it is immoblized with sutures.
(C and D) The healing abutments are inserted to the uncovered implants and flaps are sutured back.

Soft tissue grafting in implantology 23

Enhancement of the soft tissue emergence around implants using a modified roll back technique (Figs 23.39 and 23.40).



Fig 23.39╇ (A) Inadequate amount of soft tissue thickness can be seen on the facial aspect of the ridge showing a large facial concavity in ridge
morphology. (B) A shallow mid-crestal horizontal and two vertical incisions are made on the palatal aspect. (C) Blunt dissections are given to
elevate the partial thickness palatal flap, leaving behind the thick connective tissue layer attached to the periosteum. (D) Vertical incisions are
made on the facial aspect and blunt dissection is again used to elevate a supraperiosteal connective tissue layer.

23 Clinical Implantology

CASE REPORT-6—cont’d



Fig 23.40╇ The healing abutments are inserted on top of the implants. (A and B) The connective tissue layer is rolled back, placed under the facial
flap and immoblized with suture. (C) The flaps are further sutured using multiple inturpted sutures. (D) The healing after 3 weeks shows a thick
amount of soft tissue regeneration on the facial aspect of the implants. (E) This not only provides adequate soft tissue for an aesthetic emergence
profile but also avoids the dark buccal corridor.

Soft tissue grafting in implantology 23
the first week after the surgery is recommended. Crunchy
Post-surgical instructions foods, carbonated drinks and alcohol should not be con-
Brushing/flossing sumed during the first week.

Both grafted and donor sites should not be brushed/ Emergency

flossed for an initial 3 weeks after soft tissue grafting sur-
gery. The patient should use an antibacterial oral rinse The patient should be instructed to visit the dentist for
(chlorhexidine gluconate 0.12%) 2–3 times a day for 3–4 any emergency.
weeks. It is important to rinse very gently as vigorous rins-
ing may disturb the grafted site visually.
Lip pulling
Soft tissue plays an important role in the long-term
The patient should be instructed not to pull out his/her lip survival of the implant. A thick, stable and keratinized
or cheek to look at the graft. The inner portion of the lip marginal tissue is more resistant to muscle pull, reces-
may be attached to the graft to enhance the blood supply, sion and peri-implantitis. The techniques of soft tissue
thus pulling of lip or cheek may destabilize the graft, and augmentation described in this chapter have specific
graft rejection may occur. Excessive movement of the lips indications and should be performed as necessary in the
or pressure on the cheeks or lips should also be avoided. particular case. The epithelialized connective tissue graft
harvested from the palate is the most common autog-
Discomfort enous soft tissue graft used to augment medium to large
soft tissue defects. When harvesting this graft from the
An anti-inflammatory analgesic medication, such as ibu- palate, a careful approach is required to successfully
profen or diclofenac, should be prescribed along with harvest the graft with adequate size and thickness. The
antibiotics and multivitamins for 3–5 days after surgery. partial thickness or full thickness graft can be harvested
leaving the fatty tissue layer attached to the periosteum.
Smoking A prefabricated stent can be used to harvest a graft of the
desired dimensions. When harvesting the autogenous
Tobacco smoking decreases polymorphonuclear leu- graft from the palate, the most posterior incision should
kocyte activity, resulting in a lower rate of chemotactic not be extended beyond the first molar, to avoid injury to
migration and reduced phagocytic activity, which con- the anterior palatine vessels, which may result in profuse
tribute to decreased resistance to inflammation, infection, bleeding during the procedure. The bleeding which usu-
and impaired soft tissue healing potential. Hence, the ally occurs during the graft-harvesting procedure can be
patient should be instructed not to smoke for 3–4 weeks prevented by applying pressure on the site for 3–5€min
after surgery, because it can prevent the union of the graft using moist cotton. After the soft tissue has been har-
to the host site, which may result in failure. vested, haemostasis can be achieved by using the colla-
gen sponge placed into the donor site and a prefabricated
Exercise acrylic plate is seated in mouth covering the donor site.
The patient have to wear this plate for 2–3 weeks to avoid
The patient should refrain from any physical activity for any injury (which can result in profuse bleeding), to the
2–3 days after surgery. donor site during the healing period. This plate also
avoids painful and burning sensations at the donor site.
Sutures The harvested graft should be immediately transferred to
the host site, which has been prepared before harvest-
The patient should be instructed to keep the tongue away ing the graft. This maintains the cell vitality of the trans-
from playing with the stitches, which hold the graft in planted graft.
place. The acellular AlloDerm can be a good option for
Never remove or disturb any tissue at the grafted area. patients who resist providing their own tissue and also for
The graft generates new maturated tissue after passing dentists who are not highly skilled to harvest an autog-
through a few resorption and regeneration stages. Hence, enous soft tissue graft. The connective tissue graft can be
it is expected that the graft may not look very pretty dur- used for implant cases with aesthetic soft tissue defects to
ing the first 2 weeks after surgery. improve soft tissue emergence for implant restorations.
The connective tissue graft can be harvested from the
Diet palate with the open or the closed technique and can be
grafted either at the time of implant insertion surgery or
The patient should not bite foods like sandwiches, burg- during uncovery. Careful preparation of the recipient bed
ers, etc. for the first 2–3 weeks after surgery. Soft cold and adaptation of the graft is paramount for the success
foods are best on the day of the surgery. A soft diet during of the procedure.

23 Clinical Implantology

Further reading
Palacci P. Optimal implant positioning and Palacci P, Nowzari H. Soft tissue enhancement Berglundh T, Lindhe J. Dimension of the peri-
soft-tissue considerations. Oral Maxillofac around dental implants. Periodontology implant mucosa. Biological width revisited.
Surg Clin North Am 1996;8:445–452. 2000, 2008;47:113–32. J Clin Periodontol 1996;23:971–3.
Grunder U. Stability of the mucosal topogra- Kamalakidis S, Paniz G, Kang KH, et€ al. Fowler, Breault, Rebitski. Ridge preservation
phy around single-tooth implants and adja- Nonsurgical management of soft tissue utilizing an acellular dermal allograft and
cent teeth: 1-year results. Int J Periodontics deficiencies for anterior single implant- demineralized freeze-dried bone allograft:
Restorative Dent 2000;20:11–7. supported restorations: a clinical report. part I. A report of two cases. J Periodontol
Mehlbauer Michael J, Greenwell Henry. Com- J Prosthet Dent 2007;97:1–5. 2000;71:1353–9.
plete root coverage at multiple sites using Kan JY, Rungcharassaeng K, Umezu K, et€ al. Palacci P. Optimal implant positioning and
an acellular dermal matrix allograft. Com- Dimensions of peri-implant mucosa: an eval- soft tissue considerations. Oral Maxillofac
pendium 2005;21:727–33. uation of maxillary anterior single implants Surg Clin North Am 1996;8:445–52.
Hirsch, et€ al. A 2-year follow-up of root cov- in humans. J Periodontol 2003;74:557–62. Henderson R, et€ al. Predictable multiple
erage using subpedicle acellular dermal Israelson H, Plemons JM. Dental implants, site root coverage using an acellular
matrix allografts and subepithelial con- regenerative techniques, and periodontal dermal matrix allograft. J Periodontol
nective tissue autografts. J Periodontol plastic surgery to restore maxillary anterior 2001;72:571–82.
2005;76:1323–8. aesthetics. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants Santos, Goumenos, Pascual. Management of
Gapski, Parks, Wang. Acellular dermal matrix 1993;8:555–61. gingival recession by the use of a acellu-
for mucogingival surgery: a meta-analysis. Woodyard, et€ al. The clinical effect of acel- lar dermal graft material: a 12-case series.
J Periodontol 2005;76:178–86. lular dermal matrix on gingival thick- J Periodontal 2005;76:1982–90.
Jemt T. Restoring the gingival contour by ness and root coverage compared to Paolantonio, Dolci, Esposito, et€ al. Sub-
means of provisional resin crowns after coronally positioned flap alone. J Peri- pedicle acellular dermal matrix graft and
single implant treatment. Int J Periodontics odontol 2004;75:44–56. autogenous connective tissue graft in the
Restorative Dent 1999;19:20. Aichelmann-Reidy, Yukna, Evans, et€ al. Clini- treatment of gingival recessions: a com-
Scar A. Soft tissue and Esthetic considerations cal evaluation of acellular allograft dermis parative 1-year clinical study. J Periodontol
in implant dentistry. Quintessence Publish- for the treatment of human gingival reces- 2002;73:1299–307.
ing Co. 2003, ISBN 0-86715-345-7. sion. J Periodontol 2001;72:998–1005. Palacci P, Ericsson I, Engstrand P, et€al. Opti-
Griffin TJ, Cheung WS, Zavras AI, et€ al. Post- Luczyszyn, Papalexiou, Novaes Jr , et€ al. mal implant positioning and soft tissue
operative complications following gingival Acellular dermal matrix and hydroxy- management for the Branemark system.
augmentation procedures. J Periodontol apatite in prevention of ridge deformi- Chicago: Quintessence Books; 1995.
2006;77:2070–9. ties after tooth extraction. Implant Dent Strub JP, Garberthuel TW, Grunder U. The role
Hertel RC, Blijdorp PA, Baker DL. A preventive 2005;14(2):176–84. of attached gingiva in the health of peri-
mucosal flap technique for use in implan- Cummings, Kaldahl, Allen. Histologic evalu- implant tissues in dogs. 1. Clinical find-
tology. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants ation of autogenous connective tissue and ings. Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent
1993;8:452–8. acellular dermal matrix grafts in humans. 1991;11:317–33.
Bengazi F, Wennstro¨m JL, Lekholm U. J Periodontol 2005;76:178–86. Henderson, Greenwell, Drisko, et€ al. Predict-
Recession of the soft tissue margin at Froum, Cho, Elian, et€ al. Extraction sockets able multiple site root coverage using an
oral implants. A 2-year longitudinal pro- and implantation of hydroxyapatites with acellular dermal matrix allograft. J Peri-
spective study. Clin Oral Implants Res membrane barriers, a histologic study. odontol 2001;72:571–82.
1996;7:303–10. Implant Dent 2004;13(2):153–64. Sullivan RM. Perspectives on aesthetics in
Jemt T. Regeneration of gingival papillae after Novaes Jr , Souza. Acellular dermal matrix implant dentistry. Compend Contin Educ
single implant treatment. Int J Periodontics graft as a membrane for guided bone Dent 2001;22:685–92.
Restorative Dent 1997;17:326–33. regeneration: a case report. Implant Dent

Complications and management
Ajay Vikram Singhâ•… Sunita Singh 24
Treatment 658
Introduction 643
Osseointegrated implant removal on unscrewing
Complications 644 cover screw/gingival former 658
Nerve injury 644 Crestal bone resorption 659
Prevention and management 644 Causes 659
Treatment to recover the altered nerve functions 645 Prevention 659
Maxillary sinus perforation 647 Management 660
Dehiscence/perforation through the lingual Connection screw loosening 660
cortical plate 647
Causes 660
Dehiscence/perforation through the facial
Prevention 660
cortical plate 648
Management 660
Drilling through the root of the adjacent tooth 648
Prevention 648 Connection screw fracture 660
Causes 660
Management 649
Management 660
Off-axis implant placement 649
Management 649 Implant body fracture 660
Inappropriate three-dimensional implant Prosthesis fracture 660
positioning in the aesthetic region 649 Peri-implantitis 660
Implants too close to each other 649 Summary 664
Incomplete seating of the prosthesis 649
Causes of improper seating of the prosthesis
onto an abutment 649 Introduction
Prevention and management 650
Scientific literature has evidenced that implant therapy
Luting cement retention into the peri-implant obtains a success rate greater than 90%. With the increas-
soft tissue 654 ing acceptance of dental implantation as a viable tooth
Prevention 654 replacement therapy, complications and failure rates have
Management 655 also increased proportionately. Complications and fail-
Suture line opening 655 ures in implant dentistry can range from minor to major,
reversible to irreversible, and problematic to detrimental.
Implant thread exposure 656 As a result, these clinical problems cause frustrations and
Causes of implant thread exposure 656 disappointments for patients and dental professionals
Management 656 and cast doubts on the success of dental implant therapy.
Post implantation infection 657 These problems can have many different levels of unde-
sirable consequences that may lead to compromised or
Implant failure 657
less than optimal clinical results for the patients, nonpro-
Pressure necrosis 658 ductive wasted clinical chair time, extra financial burden
to the patient and dentist, create antagonistic tension in
24 Clinical Implantology


Fig 24.1╇ (A) Radiograph showing the pilot drill encroaching at the nerve. Further drilling reaching the same depth must be avoided and an implant
with shorter length should be inserted. (B and C) If the post implantation radiograph shows that the implant has been placed through the mandibular
canal, the implant should immediately be removed and another short length implant inserted or the same implant inserted with different angulation
if possible, to avoid nerve injury. (D) If the patient complains of neurosensory dysfunction on the second day of surgery, the areas of anaesthesia,
paraesthesia, and dysaesthesia should be marked differently on the patient’s lower jaw and photographed for future comparisons of recovery.

patients, and ultimately affect the reputation of the den- bone height above the mandibular canal, dental CT scan
tist and the profession. Complaints to regulatory colleges should be used to plan for the implant with appropri-
and litigations involving implant dentistry have also ate dimensions. However, the implant should be placed
increased over the past decade. Understanding the vari- minimum 2–3€ mm short of the mandibular canal
ous complications and failures in implant dentistry can (Fig 24.1A–D).
lead to prevention, early detection, and better manage-
ment of implant cases. A range of possible surgical and
prosthetic problems, their prevention, and management Prevention and management
are described below. 1. Detailed radiographic and CT planning to evaluate the
exact path of the mandibular canal.
2. Length of the planned implant should be 2-3€mm less
Complications than the height of the bone present above mandibular
Nerve injury canal (3.0€mm safety distance) (Fig 24.2).
3. If the case has been planned using only the panoramic
Many implant surgeons decide the final implant length radiograph, the 25% magnification of the radiograph
only by referring to the dental or panoramic radiograph. should be reduced from the bone height measured
These radiographs usually show some degree of magnifi- above the canal in the radiograph. For example, if the
cation, which may result in nerve injury during implant panoramic radiograph shows 15€mm bone height above
placement if the longest implant is placed with reference the canal, the actual bone height can be only 12€mm and
to the radiograph without considering the magnification after deducting another 3€mm as the safety distance, only
factor. Moreover, the radiographs often do not show the a 9€mm long implant should be chosen for placement.
clear path of the mandibular canal, which can also be a However, if the dental CT scan, which shows the actual
cause of misdiagnosis and nerve injury. The mandibular bone dimensions, shows 15€mm bone height above the
canal is the most important vital structure that should be mandibular canal, the surgeon can place a 12€mm long
taken care of during implant insertion in the mandibular implant.
posterior region. The path of the canal should be clearly 4. In the case of limited bone height above the mandibu-
evaluated to assess the bone height available to insert the lar canal, a radiograph should be taken after pilot drill-
implant. The presence of the anterior loop should also ing short of 3€mm from the planned implant depth, to
be evaluated when inserting the implant in the mandib- reconfirm the canal position in respect to the implant
ular premolars and canine region. For cases with limited length (Fig 24.3).
Complications and management 24

Fig 24.4╇ The radiograph shows the implant apex penetrating into the
sinus. The implant has been in normal function for 5 years and the patient
has not presented any clinical or radiographic signs and symptoms of
sinus pathology.
Fig 24.2╇ Implants should be inserted a minimum 2–3€mm short of the
mandibular canal.
If the implant surgeon has severely injured or crushed
the nerve, it may require microsurgical repair of the nerve,
if the paraesthesia is not recovered by therapeutic mea-
sures. The nerve injury may produce short-term or even
protracted paraesthesia (abnormal sensation without
being unpleasant or painful) or dysaesthesia (unpleasant
or painful sensation) to the patient over the lip and chin
of the side.

Treatment to recover the altered nerve functions

1. Drug therapy. The following drugs should be pre-
scribed to the patient:
• Vitamin B1 – facilitates nerve injury metabolism.
• Vitamin B6 – regulates neural activities.
• Vitamin B12 – enhances protein synthesis of neural
cells, neural fibres and myelin formation.
• Vitamin E – improves local circulation.
• ATP tablets – 20€mg – 2 tab. (enteric) t.i.d – facili-
tates nerve injury metabolism.
• Steroids (dexamethasone) – relieves oedematous
compression and inflammation around the nerve).
2. Physical therapy. Warm compressions and massage
of the paralysed area facilitate nerve restoration and
relieves neural pain.
3. Microsurgical repair. If the altered nerve sensations
Fig 24.3╇ The dental radiograph with pilot drill into the osteotomy is taken have not even started recovering in 2–3 months, the
to assess the distance from mandibular canal. patient should be referred to a surgeon who has exper-
tise in performing microsurgical repair of the neural
5. If
the osteotomy has been prepared and the im��plant tissues. To microsurgically repair the crushed nerve,
has been placed with its apex just touching the canal, the mesial and distal ends of the nerve bundles are
the patient should be recalled two days after surgery located, the crushed part of the nerve is resected, two
and enquired if there is any altered sensation over the to three nonresorbable sutures are placed to approxi-
chin and lower lip of the same side. If the answer is mate the ends, and a collagen membrane is wrapped
“Yes”, then either the implant should be unscrewed around the repaired nerve for predictable nerve tissue
1.0€ mm to release the pressure from the nerve or it regeneration.
can be removed and replaced with a shorter length â•…â•…
implant. The patient may, however, take 2–4 months Dr WL Gore and Dr Flagstaff used a polytetrafluoro-
to recover from the paraesthesia.â•…â•… ethylene (PTFE) tube to repair the inferior alveolar and
24 Clinical Implantology


Fig 24.5╇ The anterior mandible is the area where the bony ridge maximally changes its axial direction through the different stages of bone resorption.
(A) One should carefully evaluate the bony ridge topography to avoid any dehiscence through the lingual cortical plate during osteotomy preparation.
(B) Care must also be taken to avoid the penetration through the submandibular fossa which is located below the mylohyoid line and also into the
sublingual space in the anterior mandible where the sublingual artery is located. Inadvertent penetration of these lingual plates can be avoided by
appropriately directing the pilot drill towards the buccal and monitoring the area with digital contact on lingual aspect while drilling.



Fig 24.6╇ (A) A fenestration through the labial cortical plate can be seen with the implant thread exposure. (B and C) The site is grafted using Bio-Oss
(xenograft) graft material and the flap is sutured back without using any barrier membrane. (D) The implant is uncovered after 4 months showing new
bone formation at the grafted site.
Complications and management 24


Fig 24.7╇ (A and B) Implant placed at the site of the madibular lateral incisor has penetrated through the canine root. (C) Implant encroaching the
periodontal ligaments of the adjacent tooth.

lingual nerve. Proximal and distal ends were placed in favourable topography. When the perforation occurs
the PTFE tube and secured using 8-0 nylon sutures. The through the lingual cortical plate of the mandible, it
procedure was performed in a total of seven patients and is often difficult to elevate the lingual flap to such an
only two patients recovered from the paraesthesia. extent as to expose the perforation (especially if it has
occurred deep apically), and to graft the perforation.
Maxillary sinus perforation The appropriate way is to abort the implant placement
and leave the site to heal, with or without grafting the
The implant surgeon may inadvertently perforate the sinus already prepared osteotomy. Implant placement can
floor during implant placement in the maxillary posterior be attempted again once the site has healed. Though
region. If there is only a small perforation with the pilot very rare, a life-threatening haemorrhage may happen
drill, osteotomy preparation can be continued 2€mm short with the perforation of the lingual cortical plate when
of the sinus floor and the implant can be placed. Small drilling for mandibular implants. The drill may trau-
perforations spontaneously heal and do not cause any matize two major arteries: (i) the lingual artery (which
problem to implant healing. If a large perforation has been supplies the tongue) and its terminal branches called
made into the sinus membrane, the surgeon can abort the sublingual arteries supplying the lingual and gingival
implant placement and close the flap, and re-enter after it is aspects of the anterior cortical plate of the mandible
healed in 3–4 months. Alternatively, the sinus membrane and (ii) the facial artery, which runs under the base
can be elevated with the lateral approach, the perforation of the mandible in the second molar region. Signifi-
can be repaired using resorbable collagen membrane and cant internal bleeding from these arteries in the floor
the implant can be placed in the same sitting. According to of mouth may result in a life-threatening haemor-
the traditional concept, if the implant perforates the sinus rhage, which causes swelling of the floor of mouth
membrane and penetrates the sinus, it can be a source of and tongue, and respiratory obstruction. When such a
periodic sinusitis. Recent studies have shown that if the haemorrhage is noticed, the tongue should be pulled
implant apex has penetrated into the sinus 2€mm or less, the out and pressure placed along the inner and inferior
membrane regenerates and covers it within few weeks; and aspects of the body of the mandible. One should also
even if it has penetrated more than 2€mm, being a sterile compress the site with one finger intraorally over the
material it does not usually cause any problem. However, site and another finger placed extraorally, compressing
further clinical trials and scientific evidence are required to the two fingers together. A haemostatic agent should
prove that implant apex penetration in the sinus is safe and be placed into the osteotomy and the patient should
does not cause any long-term complication to the sinus immediately be transported to the hospital where a
cavity or impede implant survival (Fig 24.4). team of surgeons can ligate the injured vessels, give an
endotracheal intubation, or perform an emergency tra-
Dehiscence/perforation through the lingual cheotomy (Fig 24.5A and B).
cortical plate The risk of lingual plate perforation or fenestration, due
to lingual concavity, in an edentulous posterior mandible
Perforation through the palatal cortical plate in the in the region of second premolar or first molar was found
maxilla is very rare because of its high density and to be only 0.053% if a regular 3.75€mm diameter tapered
24 Clinical Implantology

implant was used. In the presence of significant lingual Drilling through the root of the adjacent tooth
concavity in the posterior mandible, a smaller regular
diameter implant with a stepped taper design should be Drilling in the wrong direction or the presence of inclined
considered, to avoid potential fatal damage of the vital roots of the adjacent tooth may inadvertently cause this
structures. complication (Fig 24.7A–C).

Dehiscence/perforation through the facial Prevention

cortical plate
Meticulous treatment planning using radiographs and
Any dehiscence or perforation through the facial cortical CT images and careful osteotomy preparation in three-
plate during osteotomy preparation can be grafted using dimensionally correct directions, which can be evaluated
autogenous bone and/or bone substitutes, after implant with the radiograph after the drilling to partial depth, can
placement in the same sitting (Fig 24.6A–D). avoid this complication.



Fig 24.8╇ (A) The cross-section of anterior maxilla before implant insertion (B) implant placement in the incorrect direction, (C) causing thin labial corti-
cal plate at the crestal region, (D) which fails to survive and gets resorbed.
Complications and management 24
Inappropriate three-dimensional implant
The management of this complication depends on the positioning in the aesthetic region
severity of injury to the adjacent tooth that occurs during
implant placement. The implant positioning should be three-dimensionally
â•…â•… accurate in the aesthetic region to achieve optimal hard
1. Encroachment only at the root apex. If the pilot drill and soft tissue aesthetics. When adjacent teeth are present
has only encroached at the root apex, further osteot- with the gingival collar at the correct position, the implant
omy should be prepared in the correct direction and should be placed in such a way that its platform is finally
the implant should be placed. If the tooth becomes positioned 2–3€mm apical to the imaginary line connect-
symptomatic, root canal therapy should be done in a ing the cementoenamel junction (CEJ) of two adjacent
follow-up visit. teeth, to achieve the adequate emergence profile through
â•…â•… the soft tissue. If soft tissue recession has already occurred
If the implant has been placed encroaching the root on the adjacent teeth, the implant platform should be
apex, root canal therapy should be done in the same sit- positioned 2–3€ mm apical to the gingival zenith. The
ting using only sterile saline for root canal irrigation. The implant platform should also be placed 1–1.5€mm pala-
root canals should be obturated at the same sitting. tal to the imaginary line connecting the CEJ of two adja-
â•…â•… cent teeth (Fig 24.15A–D).
2. Perforation through the apical third. Osteotomy
should be prepared in the correct direction and the Implants too close to each other
implant placed. Root canal therapy with simultane-
ous resection of the perforated root apex should be If two adjacent implants are placed very close to each
done with the lateral approach and the area should other, the thin bone (less than 3€ mm) present between
be grafted in the same surgical sitting using any bone two adjacent implants fails to survive because of lack of
substitute. nutrient supply and gets resorbed (Fig 24.16A and B).
3. Perforation through the middle third. The osteot-
omy should be prepared in the correct direction and Incomplete seating of the prosthesis
the implant should be inserted. The tooth should be
extracted and socket grafted in the same surgical sit- Incomplete seating of the prosthesis on the abutment cre-
ting, using any bone substitute. ates a subgingival gap, which may retain plaque and lead
to chronic inflammation of the peri-implant tissues. This
Off-axis implant placement may also lead to instability of the marginal gingival tis-
sues and in cases with the thin soft tissue biotype, may
Off-axis implant placement not only results in a chal- lead to recession or small fenestrations within the peri-
lenging situation for prosthetic rehabilitation but also implant tissues (Fig 24.17).
causes the resorption of thin bone at the crestal region,
which leads to bone defects and soft tissue recession Causes of improper seating of the prosthesis
(Figs 24.8 and 24.9).
onto an abutment
1. Resistance from peri-implant tissues or entrapment of
Management soft tissue between the abutment–crown margins dur-
The implant should be removed and the same or a ing prosthesis seating.
new implant should be reinserted at the correct axis. 2. Premature interproximal contacts on the adjacent
(Figs 24.10–24.14). teeth.


Fig 24.9╇ (A) The implant placed in the wrong axis resulted in loss of thin hard and soft tissue on the labial aspect if restored, (B) it will lead to a very
unaesthetic prosthesis.
24 Clinical Implantology


Fig 24.10╇ The implant can be removed and osteotomy prepared in the correct direction. (A) The same or a new implant is inserted. (B and C) The
bone defect is grafted using autogenous or synthetic graft material and the flap is sutured back for submerged healing for a minimum of 4 months,
which allows new bone formation at the area of the defect and implant to get osseointegrated.

3. Incorrect orientation and seating of the abutment on 2. The abutment should be transferred to the implant
the implant. with the same orientation as on the working cast.
4. Inaccurate impression recording, transfer, and pros- 3. Crown seating should be checked visually and con-
thesis fabrication. firmed with a radiograph, prior to final cementa-
4. When the surrounding soft tissue is preventing com-
Prevention and management plete seating of an implant crown, it should be care-
1. Accurate impression recording, transfer, and prosthe- fully trimmed to completely seat the prosthesis onto
sis fabrication. the abutment.

Complications and management 24




Fig 24.11╇ (A) The osseointegrated implant is removed using the ratchet. A papilla preservation flap is elevated to expose the implant site. (B)
A bone defect is visible, which developed after the loss of thin labial cortical plate at the crestal region because of incorrect implant angulation.
(C) A side-cutting Lindemann drill is used to drill the hard and thick palatal cortical plate and (D) the osteotomy is prepared in the correct direction
using implant drills. (E) The same implant is reinserted with the correct angulation. (F) An adequate primary stability of the implant is achieved.

24 Clinical Implantology




Fig 24.12╇ (A) The labial bone defect can be seen around the implant neck area; changing the implant direction has provided adequate room to graft
the defect. (B–D) Autogenous bone is harvested from the subnasal region using a sharp chisel and used to graft the defect. (E and F) Releasing inci-
sions are made through the periosteum of the flap to coronally advance it to achieve primary closure.

Complications and management 24



Fig 24.13╇ (A) The flap is sutured back with the primary closure and the site is allowed to heal for 4 months. (B and C) The implant uncovered using
tissue punch shows the correct axis of the implant. (D) The implants are restored with an aesthetically acceptable prosthesis. (E) Postloading radio-
graph. Though, these implants are in function since 2 years with stable crestal bone level but removal and immediate reinsertion of the same implant
in the same patient need further clinical trials.


Fig 24.14╇ (A and B) The implants at the posterior sites if placed off-axis, may result in cantilevered prosthesis over the implant.

24 Clinical Implantology



Fig 24.15╇ (A and B) Implant has been placed far facial and apical to the ideal position in the aesthetic region. (C) To achieve adequate aesthetic
outcome, the implant should be positioned 2–3€mm apical to the imaginary line connecting the CEJ of two adjacent teeth or 2–3€mm apical to the
gingival zenith. (D) The implant platform should also be placed 1–1.5€mm palatal to the imaginary line connecting the CEJ of two adjacent teeth.


Fig 24.16╇ (A) Four implants placed to replace four mandibular incisors resulted in three implants very close to each other. (B) One implant is removed
and the others are restored with a 3-unit bridge.These implants have been in function for 5 years without any noticeable crestal bone resorption.

Luting cement retention into the peri-implant is present in the soft tissue. The retention of the cement
soft tissue in the peri-implant soft tissue may lead to recurrent pain,
swelling, soft tissue inflammation, and crestal bone resorp-
Implant abutment–crown margins which are typically sub- tion (Fig 24.18).
gingival, pose a significant challenge when excess cement
is removed following crown cementation to the implant
abutment. This may be further compounded by the fact Prevention
that the peri-implant tissues are tightly adapted to the 1. Avoid placing the implant abutment–crown margin
newly placed implant crown, making it difficult to negoti- interface deeper than 2–3€mm subgingivally, by select-
ate the subgingival area. Radiographic evaluation should ing a final abutment with appropriate collar height;
always be accompanied with careful clinical evaluation if it is any deeper, removal of excess cement becomes
of the peri-implant tissues to see if any excessive cement very difficult without surgical access.
Complications and management 24

Fig 24.19╇ Suture line opening may result in cover screw exposure to the
Fig 24.17╇ The incomplete seating of the prosthesis onto the abutment. oral environment; the surgeon should not attempt to re-suture the flap but
allow it to heal by the process of secondary intention. The patient should
be instructed to keep the area very clean with the mouth rinses, soft
brushes, etc. so that the tissue grows from the flap margins and covers
the implant. If the implant is deep-seated, the deep soft tissue may collect
food particles, which are quite difficult to clean and may cause infection
to the implant. In such cases the cover screw should be replaced with a
long gingival former. The implant surgeon can also irrigate the site twice a
day with an antibiotic solution (e.g. injectable form of clindamycin) which
raises the concentration of the antibiotic at the local site and prevents
chances of infection to the implant till the soft tissue gets healed.

of completion of the prosthesis. Occasionally the area

remains asymptomatic even for years following the com-
pletion of the prosthesis. The acute inflammation associ-
ated with the presence of excess subgingival cement may
also lead to crestal bone loss. Thus, the impacted cement
should be identified in time and removed so as not to
jeopardize the long-term health of the implant. If excess
cement is removed within 3–4 months post restoration, it
is possible to see reversal of crestal changes radiographi-
cally. Removal of excess subgingival cement involves anaes-
thetizing the peri-implant tissues with local anaesthetic
and then using a periodontal curette to carefully negotiate
the sulcus until the tip of the instrument makes contact
with the cement. The implant surgeon should aim to get
the tip of the instrument below the deposit so that a coro-
Fig 24.18╇ Luting cement retention in the peri-implant soft tissue can be
nal sweeping action will dislodge the cement and remove
seen in the radiograph.
it from the sulcus. In most cases, the tissues around the
implant get softened and more pliable due to the associ-
2. excessive amount of cement should not be used as ated inflammation, and while this assists with instrumen-
excess cement gets expelled comparatively deeper tation of the subgingival areas, care needs to be taken to
subgingivally, if compared to the conventional mar- minimize trauma to the peri-implant tissues. This is par-
gins associated with routinely fixed crowns placed on ticularly important in patients with a thin biotype and with
prepared natural teeth. This is because, the implant implants in the aesthetic zone, where tissue trauma may
does not have any connective tissue attachment which lead to unsightly recession of the marginal peri-implant
can prevent the cement expulsion deep into the peri- tissues. Furthermore, care should be taken to minimize
implant soft tissue. scratching of the implant abutment surface during removal
3. Use radiopaque luting cements that can be visualized of the subgingival cement. When possible, plastic implant
in the radiograph. scalers should be used; however, these will often be insuf-
4. Using dual-cure resin cements which set quickly; the ficient to remove adherent excess cement. Fine-tipped peri-
excess part can be easily removed from the deep sub- odontal curettes, such as a Mini-Five or similar curettes,
gingival area using a fine probe. used judiciously are often a better alternative.

Management Suture line opening

The presence of residual cement often results in bleeding The open suture line should not be re-sutured but the
on probing, oedematous soft tissue, pain, exudate from the patient should be instructed to keep it clean, as it heals by
gingival sulcus, slight discomfort, etc. within 3–4 months secondary intention in 2–3 weeks (Fig 24.19).
24 Clinical Implantology


Fig 24.20╇ (A) Suture line opening resulted in the loss of graft and soft tissue recession, which has caused implant thread exposure to the oral environ-
ment. (B) The soft tissue with thin biotype receding with peri-implantitis and muscle pull.



Fig 24.21╇ (A and B) The infected tooth is extracted and replaced by immediate implant. All measures were taken to prevent postoperative infection,
such as prophylactic oral antibiotics, curetting out all the granulation tissue from the socket and irrigation of the socket with antibiotic solution before
implant placement. (C) Normal soft tissue healing was seen at the second day after surgery (D) but the patient came again after 3 days with severe
throbbing pain and swelling in the implant region. (E) Extraoral swelling could also be noticed. All attempts, such as injectable antibiotics and analge-
sics failed to reduce the pain and swelling because once the implant has received infection, it starts acting as a nonresorbable foreign body structure.
(F) After the implant was removed the pain and swelling subsided within 24€h and the site healed under regular oral antibiotics.

Implant thread exposure

2. Soft tissue recession following crestal bone resorp-
Exposure of implant threads in the oral environment tion.
may cause the collection of plaque over the exposed 3. More superficial implant placement.
rough surface of the implant, which may further cause 4. Thin mobile soft tissue recedes with muscle pull (Fig
peri-implantitis and loss of peri-implant hard and soft 24.20B).
Causes of implant thread exposure If soft tissue healing has not covered the exposed implant
1. Suture line opening and loss of graft in cases where threads, the threads should either be covered using soft
simultaneous bone grafting has been performed with tissue grafting with or without simultaneous bone graft-
implant placement (Fig 24.20A). ing, or adequate grinding and polishing should be done
Complications and management 24



Fig 24.22╇ (A) A soft tissue boil at the implant site was seen during implant uncovery with a little discharge but no symptoms of pain or swelling.
(B) A large amount of granulation tissue can be seen surrounding the implant indicating fibrous integration and failure of implant. (C) The implant
should be removed and (D) all the granulation tissue should be curretted out. The flap is sutured back. A new implant can be inserted after the site
heals in 6–8 weeks.

to make the surface very smooth, to prevent any plaque Implant failure
collection or peri-implantitis.
1. Post implant insertion. If the implant fails within
Post implantation infection a few days after insertion, the causes may be infec-
tion, pressure necrosis, premature loading over inad-
If the infection is limited to the soft tissue, a small gum equately stabilized implant etc.
boil will be noticed over the implant site. It can be punc- 2. During implant uncovery. If the implant fails to
tured using a sharp probe and irrigated with chlorhexi- osseointegrate, a fibrous tissue grows between implant
dine solution or citric acid. It heals and the pain subsides surface and surrounding bone, which often granu-
within 24€h. If there is continuous purulent discharge and lates and gets infected. It may sequestrate through the
severe pain which is not relieved by oral analgesics, the overlying soft tissue and often remains asymptomatic
infection has reached to the bone–implant body interface. (Figs 24.22 and 24.23).
In such cases, the implant surgeon should immediately 3. After prosthetic loading. If the implant fails after it is
remove the implant and prescribe some good antibiotic loaded in function, the causes may be either poor osseo-
like tab Augmentin 1000€mg twice a day for 5–7 days. A integration, as in case of extremely low-density bone, or
new implant can be inserted when the site gets healed in because the implant has been restored with the prosthe-
6 weeks (Fig 24.21A–F). sis with extremely offset occlusal loading.
24 Clinical Implantology

6. Injectable/oral
steroids (Dexona inj. just after surgery
Pressure necrosis
and tab. Decadron 4€mg once a day for the next 3 days)
If the implant has been inserted into the high-density D1 to reduce postoperative inflammation.
or D2 type bone and screwed at a very high torque, it may
lead to pressure necrosis of the surrounding bone and the
patient will complain of continuous pain not relieved by Treatment
analgesics, for weeks after the surgery. If pain with the same intensity persists even after 1 week,
the implant should be removed and another new implant
inserted after 6 weeks (Fig 24.24A–C).
1. Use of new drills when drilling into high-density
bone. Osseointegrated implant removal
2. Drilling at higher speed and with maximum amount on unscrewing cover screw/gingival
of chilled saline irrigation flow to cool down the bone. former
3. Use of final drill with the diameter only 0.2€mm less
than the implant diameter (e.g. 3.65€mm final drill for If the cover screw or gingival former has been screwed to
a 3.75€mm diameter implant). the implant using a high torque, it often becomes diffi-
4. Using the bone tap to prepare threads in the bone to cult to remove it at the implant uncovery or prosthetic
accommodate implant threads. phase. If it is removed at high torque, the implant itself
5. Application of ice packs on the facial skin over the may come out with the cover screw/gingival former, espe-
implant site and mouth rinsing with cold water for cially if the implant has been placed in poor-density bone
48€h after implant placement. (Fig 24.25).

Fig 24.23╇ In the radiograph, A radiolucent lining can be seen around the Fig 24.25╇ Osseointegrated implant, which has come out attached to the
implant which has failed to osseointegrate with the bone. gingival former on its removal at high torque.


Fig 24.24╇ Patient complained of sharp, shooting pain in the left implant region which persisted even after 2 weeks following implant insertion.
(A and B) The implant is removed using a hand ratchet and (C) another implant is inserted after 2 months. Pain subsided within 12€h of implant
Complications and management 24

Crestal bone resorption Prevention

Crestal bone resorption is one of the most common prob- 1. Placement of two implants for the large mesiodistal
lems in dental implantology. space of a missing molar.
2. Implant placement along the axis of the future pros-
thesis (prosthetically guided implant placement).
Causes 3. Use of implant with platform switching feature (Fig-
1. Occlusal forces on the implant prosthesis are off-axis ure 24.26B).
to the implant. 4. Fabrication of the implant prosthesis with narrow
2. Implant with a wider platform is placed into the nar- occlusal table (buccolingual).
row crestal bone (Fig 24.26A). 5. Oral hygiene maintenance to prevent plaque collec-
3. Plaque collection – peri-implantitis. tion and peri-implantitis.
4. Compromised (thin, unstable, and not keratinized) 6. Soft tissue grafting for compromised soft tissue around
peri-implant soft tissue. the implant prosthesis.



Fig 24.26╇ (A and B) Crestal bone resorption around the implant 1 year after implant loading. (C and D) Bone has grown around the implant platform at
1 year following implant loading, because of the platform-switching design of the implant.
24 Clinical Implantology

Management removed and immediately replaced with another implant

1. Identification and correction of the cause. of similar or larger dimensions. Thus in cases of connec-
2. Bone grafting to regenerate new bone. tion screw breakage there are various options to solve the
Connection screw loosening â•…â•…
Option-1. The broken screw should be located using
Connection screw loosening is commonly encountered the magnification loop or surgical microscope and
in implant practise. vibrated using a scaler tip. If the screw gets loos-
ened, it can be removed using a long and sharp
Causes Option-2. The broken screw should be located using
1. Screw tightened at inadequate moment force without the magnification loop or surgical microscope and a
using torque ratchet before fixing the final prosthesis. horizontal grove should be carefully prepared into the
2. Offset/cantilevered occlusal forces. screw, using the high speed turbine. An appropriate
screwdriver is then used to unscrew and retrieve the
broken screw (Fig 24.29A–J).
Prevention Option-3. If the screw cannot removed by any means, the
1. Minimize offset forces over the prosthesis. implant can be removed and immediately replaced by
2. Final screw tightening at 30–35€Ncm using the torque another implant (Fig 24.30A–E).
ratchet (Fig 24.27).
Implant body fracture
Management It happens (rarely) if a small diameter implant is inserted
1. If the connection screw of the screw-retained pros- for an oversized prosthesis with extreme offset forces. The
thesis gets loose, the filling material is removed from fractured implant should be removed using the trephine
the screw hole in the prosthesis and the connection drill and another implant inserted.
screw is tightened again at 30–35€Ncm using a torque
ratchet. Prosthesis fracture
2. If the connection screw of cement-retained prosthesis
gets loose, the prosthesis is removed, or the screw is The cause of fracture should be corrected and the pros-
re-tightened and the same prosthesis or a new pros- thesis either repaired or replaced. The hybrid prosthesis
thesis is fixed on top of the abutment. Alternatively, which has resin teeth are easy to repair in the mouth using
the connection screw Location and direction are iden- composite resin (Fig 24.31A and B). The screw-retained
tified with radiographs and a small hole is prepared prosthesis offers an advantage over the cement-retained
through the prosthesis to access the connection screw. one, as it can be unscrewed from the implants and easily
The screw is re tightened using a torque ratchet and the repaired in the laboratory. The cement-retained prosthe-
access hole is closed using gutta-percha and composite sis often needs to be cut down for easy removal from the
(Fig 24.28). implant.

Connection screw fracture

Though rare, it is encountered in clinical practise due to
several reasons. Peri-implantitis is defined as an inflammatory reaction
with the loss of supporting bone in the tissues surround-
ing a functioning implant. Peri-implantitis is character-
Causes ized by bleeding/suppuration on probing, together with
1. Weak screw material. loss of supporting bone. Cross-sectional studies have
2. Manufacturing defect in the screw. demonstrated that prevalence varies between 28% and
3. Screw tightened at a very high torque. 56%. The peri-implantitis lesion exhibits histopathologi-
4. Screw is loose and gets broken under transverse cal features that are similar, but not identical, to those
forces. in periodontitis. Similar to periodontitis, the treatment
of peri-implantitis must be based on infection control.
Under these conditions, progression of the disease may
Management be arrested and subsequently, lost peri-implant tissues
The dentist should first try to retrieve the broken screw may be regenerated by bone augmentation and soft tissue
and if this is not successful, the whole implant can be grafting procedures.

Complications and management 24

Fig 24.27╇ Connection screw of the implant abutment or prosthesis should be tightened at 30–35€Ncm using the torque ratchet, before fixing final
prosthetic to avoid future screw loosening.


Fig 24.28╇ Patient reported with connection screw loosening 1€year after implant restoration. (A) An access hole is prepared through the cement-
retained prosthesis to locate the connection screw and the screw is re-tightened using the torque ratchet. (B) The access hole is filled using gutta-
percha and composite.

24 Clinical Implantology




Fig 24.29╇ (A–C) Fractured connection screw of the implant and postloading failure of the osseointegrated implant from the anterior site because of
implant loading with extreme off set occlusal forces. (D and E) The fractured part of the screw is visualized into the implant connection and a high
speed turbine with a long straight fissure carbide bur is used to carefully prepare a horizontal groove into the screw under magnification (surgical
microscope). (F–H) An appropriate screwdriver is then used to unscrew the broken part of the screw from the implant and (I) the abutment is fixed to
the implant. (J) Another implant is inserted at the anterior site and implants are restored.

Complications and management 24



Fig 24.30╇ (A) Fractured screw in the implant. (B and C) When the broken screw could not be removed after making all the efforts, CT planning was
done and (D) the implant was removed using the hand ratchet and (E) immediately replaced with a longer and wider implant.


Fig 24.31╇ (A) The hybrid prosthesis on the lower implants has lost two resin teeth, (B) which have easily been repaired in the mouth using composite
resin of a similar shade.
24 Clinical Implantology

Summary The implants should also be placed 2€mm short of other

vital structures, such as the sinus floor, the nasal floor, etc.
The increasing trend of replacing the lost tooth with an An implant with adequate dimensions should be inserted
implant and its worldwide acceptance, has tremendously and also positioned at the prosthetically correct position
increased the number of dentists who are placing and and direction.
restoring implants. Moreover, several associated proce- All sterilization and disinfection measures should be
dures like bone augmentation procedures are also being implemented during implant insertion surgery to avoid
practised to provide this therapy to the maximum num- post implantation infection. If the implant after insertion
ber of patients. A comprehensive training is mandatory has become infected, it should be removed and the site
for the dentist to place and restore implants to minimize left to heal under antibiotic coverage. Several studies have
postoperative or postloading complications. The man- shown that an oral rinse for 30€s with 0.12% chlorhexi-
dibular canal is the most important vital structure, which dine before the implant surgery, may reduce the chances
needs to be taken care off during implant insertion, as of post implantation infection to a large extent.
severe injury to the nerve may result in permanent loss of The connection screw of the abutment should be tight-
sensation. The implant should be placed 2–3€mm short ened at a moment force of 30–35€Ncm using a mechanical
of mandibular canal. The magnification factor needs to driver (torque ratchet), before fixing the final prosthesis.
be calculated to plan the final implant length, if plan- This avoids the occurrence of screw loosening to a large
ning with the peri-apical or the panoramic radiograph. extent. If the luting cement has spilt out into the peri-
The radiograph after partial drilling can also verify the implant soft tissue pocket, it should be verified with the
available bone for further drilling and implant place- radiograph and removed to avoid peri-implantitis.
ment above the mandibular canal. The anterior loop Postoperative care and follow-up visits after implant
of the canal should also be taken care of when placing therapy are important for long-term maintenance of
implants in the mandibular premolars and canine region. implant restorations.

Further Reading
Danesh-Meyer M. Diagnosis and manage- Van Steenberghe D, Lekholm U, Bolender Parel SM, Funk JJ. The use and fabrication of a
ment of commonly encountered problems C, et€ al. Applicability of osseointegrated self-retaining surgical guide for controlled
with cemented implant crowns. Dent Pract oral implants in the rehabilitation of par- implant placement; a technical note. Int J
2006:142–48. tial edentulism: a prospective multicenter Oral Maxillofac Implants 1991;6:207–10.
Mombelli A, Lang NP. The diagnosis and treat- study on 558 fixtures. Int J Oral Maxillofac Blustein R, Jackson R, Godar D, et€ al. Use of
ment of peri-implantitis. Periodontol 2000 Implants 1990;5:272–81. splint material in the placement of implants.
1998;17:63–76. Ayangco L, Sheridan PJ. Development and Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 1986;1:47–9.
Park S-H, Wang H-L. Implant reversible com- treatment of retrograde peri-implantitis Berglundh T, Persson L, Klinge B. A systematic
plications: classification and treatments. involving a site with a history of failed review of the incidence of biological and
Implant Dent 2005;14:211–20. endodontic and apicoectomy procedures: technical complications in implant den-
Fugazzotto PA, Wheeler SL, Lindsay JA. a series of reports. Int J Oral Maxillofac tistry reported in prospective longitudinal
Success and failure rates of cylinder Implants 2001;16:412–7. studies of at least 5 years. J Clin Periodontol
implants in type IV bone. J Periodontol Nakamura N, Mitsuyasu T, Ohishi M. Endo- 2002;29:197–212.
1993;64:1085–7. scopic removal of an implant displaced in Shaffer MD, Juruaz DA, Haggerty PC. The
Shin HI, Sohn DS. A method of sealing per- the maxillary sinus; a technical note. Int J effect of periredicular endodontic pathosis
forated sinus membrane and histological Oral Maxillofac Surg 2004;33:195–7. on the apical region of adjacent implants.
finding of bone substitutes: a case report. Varol A, Turker N, Basa S, et€ al. Endoscopic Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral
Implant Dent 2005;14:328–35. retrieval of dental implants from the max- Radiol Endod 1998;86:578–81.
Kim S-G, Mitsugi M, Kim B-O. Simultaneous illary sinus. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants el Askary AS, Meffert RM, Griffin T. Why do
sinus lifting and alveolar distraction of the 2006;21:801–4. dental implants fail? Part I. Implant Dent
atrophic maxillary alveolus for implant Cheung WW. Risk management in implant 1999;8:173–85.
placement: a preliminary report. Implant dentistry. Hong Kong Dent J 2005;2:58–60. Worthington P. Injury to the inferior alveolar
Dent 2005;14:344–8. Oh T-J, Joongkyo Y, Wang H-L. Management nerve during implant placement: a formula
Ardekian L, Oved-Peleg E, Peled M, et€al. The of the implant periapical lesions: a case for protection of the patient and clinician. Int
clinical significance of sinus membrane report. Implant Dent 2003;12:41–6. J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2004;19:731–4.
perforation during augmentation of the Klinge B, Hultin M, Berglundh T. Peri-implan- Sharawy M, Misch CE, Tehemar S, et€al. Heat
maxillary sinus. J Oral Maxillofac Surg titis. Dent Clin N Am 2005;49:661–76. generation during implant drilling: the sig-
2006;64:277–82. Garg AK, Reddi SN, Chacon GE. The impor- nificance of motor speed. J Oral Maxillofac
Proussaefs P, Lozada J, Rohrer MD, et€ al. tance of asepsis in dental implantology. Surg 2002;60:1160–9.
Repair of the perforated sinus membrane Implant Soc 1994;5; 8e11. Albrektsson T, Branemark PI, Hansson HA,
with a resorbable collagen membrane: a Tolman DE, Keller EE. Management of man- et€ al. Osseointegrated titanium implants.
human study. Int J Oral Maxillofac Impl dibular fractures in patients with endos- Requirements for ensuring a long-lasting
2004;19:413–20. seous implants. Int J Oral Maxillofac direct bone-to-implant anchorage in man.
Jung JH, Choi BH, Li J, et€ al. The effects of Implants 1991;6:427–36. Acta Orthop Scand 1981;52; 155e170.
exposing dental implants to the maxillary Tiwana K, Morton, Tiwana PS. Aspiration and Heller AA, Shankland WE II. Alternative to
sinus cavity on sinus complications. Oral ingestion in dental practice: a 10-year insti- the inferior alveolar nerve block anesthesia
Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol tutional review. JADA 2004;135:1287–91. when placing mandibular dental implants
Endod 2006;102:602–5. posterior to the mental foramen. J Oral
Implantol 2001;27:127–33.
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Nazarian Y, Eliav E, Nahlieli O. [Hebrew] Lioubavina-Hack N, Lang NP, Karring T. Sig- Longoni, Longoni S, Sartori M, et€ al. Lingual
Nerve injury following implant place- nificance of primary stability for osseointe- vascular canals of the mandible: the risk
ment: prevention, diagnosis and treatment gration of dental implants. Clin Oral Impl of bleeding complications during implant
modalities. Refuat Hapeh Vehashinayim Res 2006;17:244–50. procedures. Implant Dent 2007;16:131–8.
2003;20:44–50. Sussman HI. Tooth devitalization via implant Chen S, Darby I. Dental implants: mainte-
Kraut RA, Chahal O. Management of patients placement: a case report. Periodontal Clin nance, care and treatment of peri-implant
with trigeminal nerve injuries after Investig 1998;20:22–4. infection. Aust Dent J 2003;48(4):212–20.
mandibular implant placement. JADA Ercoli C, Funkenbusch PD, Lee HJ, et€ al. The Flanagan D. Important arterial supply of the
2002;133:1351–4. influence of drill wear on cutting efficiency mandible, control of an arterial hemor-
Wu PB, Yung WC. Factors contributing and heat production during osteotomy rhage, and report of a hemorrhagic inci-
to implant failure. Hong Kong Dent J preparation for dental implants: a study dent. J Oral Implantol 2003;29:165–79.
2005;2:12–8. of drill durability. Int J Oral Maxillofac Bartling R, Freeman K, Kraut RA. The incidence
McDermott N, Chuang S, Dodson T, et€ al. Implants 2004;19:335–49. of altered sensation of the mental nerve
Complications of dental implants: iden- Olson RA, Fonseca RJ, Osbon DB, et€ al. Frac- after mandibular implant placement. J Oral
tification, frequency, and associated risk tures of the mandible: a review of 580 cases. Maxillofac Surg 1999;57:1408–10.
factors. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1982;40:23–8. Leonhardt Å, Dahlèn G, Renvert S. Five-
2003;18:848–55. Hegedus F, Diecidue RJ. Trigeminal nerve inju- year clinical, microbiological, and radio-
Moy PK, Medina D, Aghaloo TL, et€ al. Den- ries after mandibular implant placement- logical outcome following treatment of
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risk factors. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants Maxillofac Implants 2006;21:111–6. 2003;74:1415–22.
2005;20:569–77. Day RH. Microneurosurgery of the injured tri- Adell R, Lekholm U, Rockler B, et€al. A 15-year
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Arch forms Bone angulation, 83
ovoid, 69 Bone density, 169–170
Abutments, 21–22 square arch, 69 D1/type 1 bone, 43
anatomical/aesthetic, 22 tapering, 69 advantages, 43
angled, 22 Antral septa, 511 disadvantages, 43
for ball retained overdentures, 22 Armamentarium, for implantology, 23–27 D2/type 2 bone, 43–44
castable abutment, 22 Armamentaria, in allografting, 350 advantages, 44
for cement-retained prosthesis, 22 Autoclave/steriliser, 30 disadvantages, 44
engaging/non-engaging abutment, 22 Autogenous bone graft (autograft), 285, 350 D3/type 3 bone, 44
multiunit abutment, 579, 585f–586f advantages, 285 advantages, 44
plastic abutment, 22 disadvantages, 285 disadvantages, 44
for screw-retained prosthesis, 22. (See also donor sites, 285, 350 D4/type 4 bone, 44–51
‘Abutment for screw’) Available bone width and height, 83 advantages, 44–45
straight, 22 disadvantages, 45
temporary abutment, 22 determination of, 42–43
UCLA abutment, 22 factors related to, 42
zirconium abutment, 22 Barrier membranes Lekhom and Zarb classification, 42
‘Abutment for screw,’ 22, 242 types, 296–297 Misch classification, 42
Acellular dermal matrix (AlloDerm®), 621–625 Basal implants. See also Zygoma implants Bone dimensions, 169
advantages, 621–622 connection with prosthetics, 552 Bone disorders, 67
disadvantages, 622 contraindications, 551 Bone graft, 283
function, 621 insertion technique, 543–545 Bone graft substitutes, 285–287
key points, 622–625 introduction, 543 rationale for use of, 287
processing of, 621 Basal osseointegrated implants (BOI), 9–10 Bone graft vascularization, 297
Acid-etched surface, 13 Bicortical implant engagement, 519 Bone grafting. See also Bone grafting with
Acute maxillary sinusitis, 513–514 Bicortical implant stabilization, 446 implant placement
All on 4™/All on 6 technique, 576–577 Bicortical engagement of implant, 485–488 application, 287
advantages, 577–578 Bio-Oss, 285 armamentaria and materials used,
contraindications, 579 advantages, 286 307–313
disadvantages, 578 disadvantages, 286 bone graft vascularization, 297
indications, 578–579 Bisphosphonates, 67–68 bone regeneration, 307
introduction, 575–576 Blade implants, 9 bone regeneration mechanism, 287
surgical procedure placement, 9 composite graft, 287
impression procedure, 588f Block grafting, 339–347 defect size, 297
pterygoid implants, 601f advantages, 350 defect topography, 297–298
titanium cylinders, 585f–586f contraindications, 349–350 growth factors, 287, 299–307
vs. traditional approach, 577–610 disadvantages, 350 osteoconduction, 284
complications, management of, grafts, types, 350 graft quality, 287
579–610 indications, 349 osteogenesis, 287–288
Allograft (allogenic block graft), 285, 350 introduction, 349 osteoinduction, 284
Analogue, 22 ‘J’ block grafting, 363f osteopromotion, 284
Analogues, 589f ‘Rule of 5,’ 378 physical forms, 288–289
Angina pectoris, 68 Armamentaria, 350 PRF, use of, 307
Angled abutments, 22 block fixing kit, 350 successful, keys for, 289–307
Anodized surface, 14 block holding forceps, 350 barrier membranes, prevention of,
advantages, 14 bone saws, 350 296–297
Anterior loop, 87–88 Frios microsaw, 350 graft immobilization/fixation, 296
Anterior mandible, morphology, 90 piezosurgery unit, 350 soft tissue closure, 294–296


Bone grafting (Continued) Connection screw, 23 Diagnostic (IOPA/OPG) radiographs,

space maintenance, 290–294 fracture, 660 73–75
surgical asepsis/absence of infection, loosening, 660 bone mapping, 75
289–290 Connection screw fracture, 660 distant and contact osteogenesis, 4
autogenous bone graft, 285 Connection screw loosening, 660 impressions and diagnostic cast prepara-
Graft substitutes, 285–287 Conventional dentures, 229 tion, 75
Bone grafting with implant placement Cortical grafts, 350 panoramic radiographs, 73–75
advantages, 317 Cortico-cancellous design implants. See Vari- periapical radiographs, 73–75
bone augmentation, 335b–336b able thread (cortico-cancellous) design radiographic template fabrication, 75–76
contraindications, 318–339 implants Direct impression technique, 242
disadvantages, 317 Corticocancellous grafts, 350 indications, 242
indications, 317–318 Countersink drill, 28 Direction of force, 99
introduction, 317 Cover screw, 18 Distant and contact osteogenesis, 4
tunnelling technique, subperiosteal, Cover screw insertion, key points, 117–118 Distraction osteogenesis (DO)
339–347 Crestal bone drill /countersink, 28 alveolar deficiency, Seibert’s classification,
advantages, 339 Crestal bone resorption, 659–660 432f
contraindications, 340–347 Crestal (osteotome) approach. See also Sinus complications, 442
disadvantages, 339–340 lifting horizontal alveolar distraction, 432–442
indications, 340 advancements/modifications, 485–494 horizontal periosteal expansion osteogen-
Bone mapping, 75 bicortical engagement without sinus esis, 442
Bone morphogenic proteins, 307 grafting, 485–488 introduction, 431
Bone regeneration grinding up technique, 488–494 surgical technique, 431–432
mechanism, 287 Summer’s osteotome technique, 484 distraction test, 434f
promoting factors, 307 Crown height space, 95–96 distractor activation, 435f
Bone saws, 350 excessive, management, 95 vertical alveolar distraction, 431–432
Bone spreading using osteotome, 149b reduced, management, 95–96 LEAD distraction device, 432f
Bone tap, 28 CT planning, 76 Track system, 432f
Bone tap/thread former, 28 Curvilinear-bevelled incision technique, Donor sites, 285
Bruxism, 72 295–296 Drill extender, 28
Drills, 27
bone tap/thread former, 28
crestal bone drill /countersink, 28
Cancellous grafts, 350 D1/type 1 bone, 43 drill extender, 28
Cantilevering of implant prosthesis, 96–99 advantages, 43 depth probe, 28
Carbide bur, 27 disadvantages, 43 implant insertion tool/implant
Cement retained prosthesis, fixing, 123 D2/type 2 bone, 43–44 driver, 28
Cement retention in peri-implant tissues, advantages, 44 carbide bur, 27
654–655 disadvantages, 44 parallel guide/depth guide/force direction
Ceramic prosthesis, 37–38 D3/type 3 bone, 44 indicators, 27
Cleaning and sterilization equipments, 30 advantages, 44 pilot drill, 27
autoclave/steriliser, 30 disadvantages, 44 drill stoppers, 27–28
fumigator, 30 D4/type 4 bone, 44–51 width-increasing/widening drills, 27
ultra sonic cleaner, 30 advantages, 44–45 Drill stoppers, 27–28
Closed tray impression transfer technique, 21 disadvantages, 45 Dual scan technique, 77–79
Closed tray technique, 21, 242 DASK approach, 468–478
Collagen membranes, 296 grind-out technique, 468
resorbable, 296 wall-off technique, 468
Complications and management 579–610 Defect size, 297 Edentulous patients, prosthesis, 229–231
Comparative anatomy, tooth and implant, 5–6 Defect topography, 297–298 Endosseous implants, 9
cement retention in peri-implant tissues, Denta scan, 76 blade implants, 9
654–655 Dental CT, template for, 76 root form implants. (See Endosseous root
management, 655 Dental implant(s) form implants)
prevention, 654–655 benefits, 2 Endosseous root form implants, 9
connection screw fracture, 660 definition, 1–2 classification of, 10–12
causes, 660 history, 2–3 body design, 11
management, 660 in periodontal patients, 265 connection design, 11–12
connection screw loosening, 660 success rate, 1–2 crestal polished collar, 12
causes, 660 Depth drilling, key points, 114 implant connections, 11
management, 660 Depth guide, 27 implant material, 12
prevention, 660 Depth probe, 28 implant pieces, 12
crestal bone resorption, 659–660 Diabetes mellitus, 64–67 surface design, 10
causes, 659 bone healing in diabetic patients, 66f thread design, 12
management, 660 glycosylated Hb%, 66t Engaging abutments, 22
prevention, 659–660 implant therapy for, 66–67 Epithelialized connective tissue graft,
implant body fracture, 660 perioperative measures, 66–67 614–615
Composite graft, 287 postoperative infection, 66 External connection (external hex), 11
Computer-assisted surgical guide, 77–79 literature review, 65–66 Extraction socket seal classification, 174

Immediate implant in extraction socket Implant placement in posterior maxilla,
(Continued) 155b
Facial cantilever, 99 primary stability Implant positioning, 649
Favourable osseous defect, 290 achieving, 175 Implant prosthesis with adjacent tooth/teeth,
Financial management of, implant patients, importance of, 175 86–87
103 and secondary implant stability, 175 Implant prosthesis occlusion, 90
Fixed implant prosthesis vs. implant over risk factors for, 174 Implant surfaces, 13–14
dentures, 230–231 single-piece implants, advantages of, machined/smooth/turned, 13
Fixed orthodontics, 101 176–178 modified, 13–14
Flap elevation, key points, 113 socket lifting, 225–227 Implant thread exposure, 656–657
Force direction indicator, 27 socket spaces, 173–174 Causes, 656
Free gingival graft technique, 616–625 treatment options, 167–169 Management, 656–657
Free grafts (epithelialized connective tissue Implant and adjacent tooth, distance between, Implant treatment
graft) 83 pre-medication, 111–112
healing of, 615–616 Implant in aesthetic region, 139f pre-operative set-up, 111
initial phase, 615 Implant analogue, 21 single tooth implant, 112–156
revascularization phase, 615 Implant body fracture, 660 bone spreading using osteotome,
success, key to, 615–616 Implant components, 17–23 149b
tissue maturation phase, 615 abutments, 21–22 cover screw insertion, key points,
Frios microsaw, 350, 351f types of, 22 117–118
Full arch fixed prosthesis. See also All on cover screw, 18 depth drilling, key points, 114
4™/All on 6 technique gingival former/healing screw/healing flap elevation, key points, 113
advantages, 560 �abutment, 18 implant from vial, 115
disadvantages, 560–573 implant analogue, 21 implant impression, key points, 119
Fumigator, 30 implant fixture, 17 implant insertion, key points, 115
implant mount, 18 implant packaging, opening of, 115
impression post/transfer abutment, 18 implant uncovery, key points, 119
types of, 21 incision, key points, 113
General and medical evaluation, Implant depth probe, 28 inner sterile vial from implant, opening
64–69 Implant design selection, 83 of, 115
Gingival former, 18 Implant diameter selection, 79–83 osteotomy (prepared), final assessment,
Graft immobilization/fixation, 296 Implant distance 115
from mandibular canal, 87 osteotomy widening, key points, 115
from mental foramina, 87–88 pilot drilling, key points, 113
from nasal floor, 88–90 placement in posterior maxilla, 155b
Healing abutment, 18 from sinus floor, 88 prosthesis (final), fabrication of, 123
Healing screw, 18 Implant failure, 657–658 Implant uncovery, key points, 119
Healing time, 298–299 Implant fixture, 17 Impressions and diagnostic cast preparation,
Hex driver, 28 Implant impression, key points, 119 75
Hexagonal design implants, 11 Implant impression and prosthetics Impression posts, types of, 18
High-density PTFE barrier membrane, vs. abutment level impression, 242–263 closed tray impression post, 21
�nonresorbable, 297 introduction, 241 open tray impression post, 21
Hydraulic sinus-lift technique, 494 See also materials used, 241–263 Incision, key points, 113
Intralift technique procedures, 242. See also Direct impression Incisive foramen, 88
Hybrid prosthesis, 38 technique; Indirect impression technique Indirect impression technique
Hydroxyapatite (HA) coated surface, 14 Implant insertion, key points, 115 closed tray technique, 242
advantages, 14 Implant insertion, tool/driver, 28 indications, 242
disadvantages, 14 Implant length selection, 83 open tray technique, 242
Hypertension, 67 Implant motor (physiodispensor), 29 Infectious periodontal diseases, 265
Implant mount, 18 definition/clinical features, 265–267
Implant over dentures, 36–37 risk factors, 267–269
advantages, 230–231 Inner sterile vial from implant, opening of,
Immediate implant in extraction socket ball retained over dentures, 36–37 115
advantages, 166, 176 bar retained over dentures, 37, 285 Interdental papilla, 172
of anterior maxilla, 178–201 components, 231–236 Internal connection (internal hex), 11
armamentarium for, 173 conventional dentures, problems, 229 Intralift technique, 494–510
contradictions, 166 decision making, 236–237 advantages, 494–509
criteria for successful loading, 174 disadvantages, 231 intralift operatory protocol, 494
deciding factors, 169–173 edentulous patients, prosthetics,
disadvantages, 166–167 229–231
implant selection, 172–173 vs. fixed implant prosthesis, 230–231
indications, 166 indications, 229–230 ‘J’ block grafting, 363f
introduction, 165–166 introduction, 229
loading classification, 174 metal bar, fabrication of, 237
in mandibular anterior region, vs. soft tissue supported denture, 230
201–225 Implant overdenture, 101 Keratinized soft tissue, width of, 69
of multirooted posterior teeth, 212 Implant packaging, opening of, 115 Kiesselbach’s plexus, 541


Nasal floor elevation and grafting (Continued) Parallel guide, 27, 29

nasal floor, 517 Parallel guide/depth guide/force direction
Lateral basal implants, 545 nasal recess, 517–518 indicators, 27
Lekhom and Zarb classification, 42 piriform aperture, 517 Patient evaluation and treatment planning
Lip lines complications, 541 anterior loop, 87–88
high, 95 nose bleeding, 541. See also Kiesselbach’s anterior mandible, ridge morphology
low, 94–95 plexus of, 90
medium, 95 contraindications, 518–519 available bone width and height, 83
positions, 94–95 indications, 518 bone angulation, 83
Liver cirrhosis, 68 introduction, 517 cantilevering of implant prosthesis,
Locator abutments, 36–37 procedure, 519–541 96–99
closed technique (subcrestal approach), computer-assisted surgical guide, 77–79
534–541 crown height space, 95–96
open technique, 519–534 CT planning, 76
Mandibular canal, distance from, 87 Natural bone, composition, 284 diagnostic (IOPA/OPG) radiographs,
Mandibular flexure, 99–100 Nerve injury, 644–647 73–75
Mandibular sockets, implants in, 201–225 Nerve function recovery, treatment for, bone mapping, 75
Manual surgical guide, 77 645–647 impressions and diagnostic cast prepara-
Maxillary posterior region, socket lifting in, Prevention/management, 644–645 tion, 75
225–227 Non-engaging abutments, 22 panoramic radiographs, 73–75
Maxillary sinus perforation, 647 Non-threaded implants, 10 periapical radiographs, 73–75
Maxillary sinusitis, acute, 513–514 radiographic template fabrication,
Maxillomandibular arch relationship, 99 75–76
Membrane tacks, 290 direction of force, 99
Membranes. See Barrier membranes Occlusal forces, 170 facial cantilever, 99
Mental foramina position, 87 Octagonal design implants, 12 financial management of, implant patients,
Metal free zirconium prosthesis, 38 One-piece implant, 12 103
Minimum bone buccal/lingual, to inserted Open technique, 519–534 fixed orthodontics, ideal implant place-
implant, 87 Open tray impression post, 21 ment, 101
Misch and Judy classification, bone availabil- Open tray impression transfer technique, 21 general and medical evaluation, 64–69
ity, 53–57 Open tray technique, 21, 242 age, 64
division A (abundant bone), 53–54 Oral examination, 69–73 medical problems, 64–69
prosthetic options for, 53–54 Oral malignancy, 68 implant and adjacent tooth, distance
division B (barely adequate) bone, Orthodontics, fixed, 101 between, 83
54–55 Osseointegration, 13 implant design selection, 83
prosthetic options for, 54–55 clinical evidence of successful, 3 implant diameter selection, 79–83
division C (compromised bone), 55–56 definition of, 3 implant distance
prosthetic options for, 56 distant and contact osteogenesis, 4 from nasal floor, 88–90
treatment options, 56 enhancement rate and degree of, 3–4 from sinus floor, 88
division D bone (deficient bone), 56–57 versus osseocoalescence, 4 implant length selection, 83
prosthetic options for, 57 phases of, 3–4 implant prosthesis occlusion, 90
treatment options, 56–57 primary and secondary stability, 4 implant prosthesis with adjacent tooth/
Misch bone density classification, 42 soft tissue integration, 4–5 teeth, 86–87
Missing maxillary canines, replacement Osseous defects, 102 incisive foramen, 88
of, 99 Osseous topography, of extraction lip line positions, 94–95
Morse taper connection, 12 socket, 169 mandibular canal, distance from, 87
Mouth opening, 72–73 favourable, 169 mandibular flexure, 99–100
Mucous retention cyst, 510 unfavourable, 169 manual surgical guide, 77
Multi-rooted molar, fresh extraction socket Osteoconduction, 284 maxillomandibular arch relationship, 99
of, 102 Osteogenesis, 284 mental foramina position, 87
Multirooted posterior teeth, implant in, phase I, 288 minimum bone buccal/lingual, to inserted
212 phase II, 288 implant, 87
Multi-unit abutment, 23 two-phase theory of, 287–288 missing maxillary canines, replacement of,
Myocardial infarction, 68 Osteoinduction, 284 99
Osteopromotion, 284 multi-rooted molar, fresh extraction socket
Osteoradionecrosis, 68 of, 102
Osteotomy (prepared), final assessment, oral examination, 69–73
Narrow diameter implant 115 arch form, 69
advantages, 81 Osteotomy widening, key points, 115 bruxism, 72
disadvantages, 83 keratinized soft tissue, width of, 69
Nasal floor elevation and grafting mouth opening, 72–73
advantages, 519 papilla at the implant site (intact or flat-
bicortical implant engagement, 519 Palatal roll technique, modified, 636–641 tened), 70
anatomy, 517–518 Panoramic radiographs, 73–75 periodontal health of adjacent teeth,
anterior nasal spine, 517 Papilla at implant site (intact or 70–71
inferior piriform rim, 517 flattened), 70 ridge morphology of edentulous region,
lateral piriform rim, 517 Parallel body implants, 11 69

Patient evaluation and treatment planning Prosthesis (final), fixing over the implant, Screw/cement retained ceramic prosthesis,
(Continued) 123 37–38
soft tissue biotype, 69 Prosthesis fracture, 660 Screw driver, 28
tobacco chewing, 72 Prosthetic inventories, mix and match, 17 Screw retained prosthesis, fixing, 123
osseous defects, 102 Prosthetically guided implant insertion, Sharp/V-shaped (cutting) thread (self tapping)
posterior maxilla, ridge morphology 75–76 implants, 12
of, 94 Prosthetics. See Full arch fixed prosthesis Single-piece implants, 176–178
premaxilla, ridge morphology of, 90–92 for completely edentulous patients, Single tooth implant, 112–156
progressive bone loading, 101 36–38 cover screw insertion, key points, 117–118
root inclinations of adjacent teeth, 85–86 implant-supported fixed prosthesis, depth drilling, key points, 114
submandibular fossa, 90 37–38 flap elevation, key points, 113
surgical guide fabrication, 76–79 implant-supported removable prosthesis, implant impression, key points, 119
three-dimensional implant positioning, 36–37 pouring of, 121–123
102 for partially edentulous patients, 35–36 implant insertion, key points, 115
two adjacent implants, distance between, Pterygoid implants, 601f. See also All on implant in aesthetic region, 139f
83 4™/All on 6 technique implant packaging, opening of, 115
Perforation implant placement in posterior maxilla,
Through facial cortical plate, 648 155b
Through lingual cortical plate, 647–648 implant uncovery, key points, 119
Peri-implant diseases, 265–267 Radiograph, template for, 76 incision, key points, 113
Peri-implant mucositis, 265–267 Radiographic template, 76 inner sterile vial from implant, opening of,
Peri-implantitis, 265–267, 660 fabrication, 75–76 115
Periapical radiographs, 73–75 Ratchets, 28 osteotomy (prepared), final assessment, 115
Pericardial membranes, 296 torque, 28 osteotomy widening, key points, 115
Pericardium membrane, resorbable, 297 wrench, 28 bone tap/thread former, 115
Periodontal health of adjacent teeth, Ridge morphology crestal bone drill, 115
70–71 of anterior mandible, 90 pilot drilling, key points, 113
Phase I osteogenesis, 288 of edentulous region, 69 posterior maxilla, limitations, 155b
Phase II osteogenesis, 288 of posterior mandible, 90 prosthesis (final), fabrication of, 123
Pier abutment, 87 of posterior maxilla, 94 prosthesis (final), fixing over the implant,
Pikos block grafting bur kit, 351f of premaxilla, 90–92 123
Pilot drill, 27 Ridge splitting cement retained prosthesis, fixing, 123
Pilot drilling, key points, 113 vs. block grafting, 383–384 screw retained prosthesis, fixing, 123
Piriform aperture, 517 bone loss, causes, 382 Sinus grafting
Plasma rich in growth factors (PRGF), classification, 382 complications, 510–514
302–304 complications, 428 acute maxillary sinusitis, 513–514
preparation of, 302–304 contraindications, 383 antral septa, 511
Plasmatic circulation, 615 conventional technique, 386–393 mucous retention cyst, 510
Plastic/castable abutments, 22 and expansion sinus membrane perforation/tearing,
Platelet α-granule, 299–300 minimal incision technique, 393–407 510
Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF), 304–307 in posterior maxilla, 407–409 sinus polyp, 510
advantages of, 307 indications, 382–383 contraindications, 447
in bone augmentation, 307 introduction, 381 conventional surgical techniques,
preparation, 304–307 in mandibular ridge, 409–428 449–510
Platelet-rich plasma, 301–302 single-stage ridge-splitting technique, graft materials used, 451–458
preparation, 301–302 419–428 lateral antrostomy, stages, 449–451
Platform switching concept, 23 two-stage ridge-splitting technique, sinus lifting, lateral approach, 458–468
Polyether, 241 409–419 history, 446–447
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) membranes, materials/instruments used, 384–386 indications, 447
296 safety measures, 428 introduction, 445
polyvinylsiloxane (addition silicon), 241 Ridge supported denture maxillary sinus anatomy, 447
Post implantation infection, 657 versus implant over dentures, 230 sinus membrane (See Schneiderian
Posterior maxilla, limitations, 155b Root form implants. See Endosseous root membrane)
Posterior maxilla, morphology (ridge), 94 form implants pre/post medication, procedure, 447–449
Pregnancy, 69 Root inclinations of adjacent teeth, 85–86 Sinus lifting, 458–468
Premaxilla, morphology (ridge), 90–92 Rotary hand pieces, 29 DASK, lateral approach, 468–478
Pressure necrosis, 658 ‘Rule of 5,’ 378 grind-out technique, 468
Prevention, 658 wall-off technique, 468
Treatment, 658 internal, crestal (osteotome) approach,
Primary stability 478–494
achieving, 175 Sandblasted surface, 13 advancements/modifications, 485–494
of dental implant, 170 and acid-etched surface, 13–14 Summer’s osteotome technique, 484
importance of, 175 advantages, 13–14 post-operative instructions, 510
and secondary implant stability, 175 disadvantages, 13 Sinus lifting, lateral approach, 458–468
Progressive bone loading, 101 Schneiderian membrane, 447 Sinus membrane perforation/tearing, 510
Prophylactic antibiotics, 69t Screwable basal implants, 545 Sinus polyp, 510
Prosthesis (final), fabrication of, 123 Screw/cement hybrid prosthesis, 38 Smoking, 69


Smooth surface/ non-hex (cold-weld) design, Square /U-shaped (non-cutting) thread Tissue Regeneration by Alveolar Callus
12 implants, 12 Â�distrackin – Köln (TRACK), 431, 432f
Socket lifting, in maxillary posterior region, Stensen’s organ, 88 Titanium alloy implants, 12
225–227 Straight abutments, 22 Titanium dioxide, 13
Soft tissue biotype, 69 Subacute bacterial endocarditis (SABE), 69 Titanium plasma sprayed (TPS) surface, 13
Soft tissue biotypes, 171 Subepithelial connective tissue graft tech- disadvantages, 13
Soft tissue closure, 294–296 nique, 625–633 Tobacco chewing, 72
curvilinear-bevelled incision technique, Subepithelial pouch technique, 633–636 TRACK. See Tissue Regeneration by Alveolar
295–296 Subgingival (two-stage) implants, 12 Callus distrackin - Köln (TRACK)
submucosal space technique, 295 Submandibular fossa, 90 Transgingival (one-stage) implants, 12
Soft tissue grafting Submucosal space technique, 295 Transitional prosthesis, 307
donor sites, 616 Subperiosteal implants, 8 Transosteal implants, 9
armamentaria/materials used, 616 fabrication, 8 Triangular design implants, 11
free gingival graft technique, 616–625 Summer’s osteotome technique, 484 Tunnelling technique, subperiosteal,
advantages, 618 Surgical asepsis/absence of infection, 289–290 339–347
disadvantages, 618–621 surgical kits, 27 Two adjacent implants, distance
grafting with acellular dermal matrix, bone tap/thread former, 28 between, 83
621–625 crestal bone drill/countersink drill, 28 Two-phase theory of osteogenesis,
indication, 616–618 drill extender, 28 287–288
step–by-step diagrammatic presentation, drill stoppers, 27–28 Two-piece implants, 12
618 drills, 27
healing of free grafts, 615–616. See also Free guides, 27
grafts (epithelialized connective tissue implant depth probe, 28
graft) implant insertion tool/implant driver, 28 UCLA abutment, 22
introduction, 613 ratchets, 28 Ultra sonic cleaner, 30
palatal roll technique, modified, screw driver/hex driver, 28 Unfavorable bone defect, 290
636–641 Surgical guide
post surgical instructions, 641 computer-assisted, 77–79
subepithelial connective tissue graft tech- ridge supported, 77–79
nique, 625–633 soft tissue supported, 77–79 Variable thread (cortico-cancellous) design
advantages, 625 manual, 77 implants, 12
step-by-step diagrammatic presentation, Surgical guide fabrication, 76–79
625–633 Suture line opening, 655
subepithelial pouch technique, Synthetic bone graft/alloplastic graft,
633–636 286–287 Wide diameter implants
surgical principles, 614–615 advantages of, 79
adequate haemostasis, 615 disadvantages of, 79
graft adaptation, 615. See also Plasmatic Width-increasing/widening drills, 27
circulation Tapered body implants, 11
graft immobilization, 615 Temporary abutments, 22
graft size, 614 Tent screw, 290
graft thickness, 614 Thick biotype, 69, 171 Xenografts, 285–286
graft uniformity, 614 Thin biotype, 69, 171
graft vascularization, 614–615. See also Thread former, 28
Epithelialized connective tissue graft Threaded implants, 10
Space maintenance, 290–294 Three-dimensional implant positioning, in Zirconium abutments, 22
Spacing guide, 29 aesthetic region, 102 Zirconium implants, 12
Speed reduction hand piece, 29 Thyroid disorders, 67 Zygoma implants, 546f, 548–549


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