Final Exam Equivalent Project (FEEP)

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MKTG 3410


1. This final exam equivalent project consists of FIVE (5) questions. Answer ALL questions.

2. Number of words for EACH question: 2 to 3 pages (Times New Roman 12, single-spacing). Start
each question in a new/fresh page.

3. Submit your assignment in a SINGLE file (including your cover page which contain your Exam ID).
Please take note that only MS Word format file is allowed for submission.

4. Submit your assignment to TURNITIN. *Class ID: 25361207; Enrollment Password: 310579

5. Submission date: 7 October 2020 (before 5.00pm)

6. This project accounts for 50% of the total marks for the course.


1. Environmental sensitivity is very important for international companies that operating in

different countries. Changes need to be made in order to suit the local needs or conditions.
Discuss such changes that you can observed in the electrical/electronic gadgets and the food
and beverages industries.
(10 marks)

2. What is balance of payments (BOP)? Explain the concept in brief. Also, summarize the 2019
Malaysia BOP and explain what insights can be developed from your observation.
(10 marks)

3. Explain the differences of local, international and global brands along with an actual brand
example for each category.
(10 marks)

4. There are some businesses/products are operating in foreign countries. However, they are
still maintain its own local culture positioning as an important business component. Explain
an actual example for the scenario above.
(10 marks)

5. Joint venture (JV) is now a common collaboration strategy for companies to venture into a
new industry. Discuss how the JV works by illustrating an actual JV example in the market.
Your discussion should focus on the purpose of the collaboration, what new business entity
was developed, what advantages/contributions from the each party involved and its current
(10 marks)

[Total: 50 Marks]

Unsatisfactory Max
Criteria Weight Or Marks
Excellent Good Fair Poor No response
5 4 3 2 1
Environmental 2.0 Relevant and detailed Relevant but brief Partially relevant and Least relevant and Incompleteness: no 10
sensitivity is very description on the description on the limited description on limited description on complete set of
important for general concept of general concept of the general concept of the general concept of answer given or
international environmental environmental environmental environmental certain
companies that sensitivity. Able to sensitivity. Able to sensitivity. Able to sensitivity. Able to parts/components are
operating in different identify and explain identify and explain identify and explain identify and explain missing.
countries. Changes clearly the example of briefly the example of briefly the example of briefly the example of
need to be made in such providers. such providers. such providers. such providers.
order to suit the local
needs or conditions.
Discuss such changes
that you can observed
in the
gadgets and the food
and beverages
What is balance of 2.0 Relevant and detailed Relevant but brief Partially relevant and Least relevant and Incompleteness: no 10
payments (BOP)? description on the description on the limited description on limited description on complete set of
Explain the concept in general concept of BOP. general concept of BOP. the general concept of the general concept of answer given or
brief. Also, summarize Able to identify and to Able to identify and to BOP. Able to identify BOP. Able to identify certain
the 2019 Malaysia BOP display relevant display relevant and to display and to display parts/components are
and explain what statistics along with statistics along with 1-2 acceptable/limited acceptable/limited missing.
insights can be three or more good good insights developed statistics along with less statistics only.
developed from your insights developed and without the support of than three insights
observation. supported by fact and fact and figure. developed.
Explain the differences 2.0 Clearly display the ability Limited ability to Least ability to Least ability to Incompleteness: no 10
of local, international to differentiate the local, differentiate the local, differentiate the local, differentiate the local, complete set of
and global brands international and global international and global international and global international and answer given or

along with an actual brands. Relevant and brands. Relevant and brands. Detailed global brands. Limited certain
brand example for detailed description on detailed description on description on all three description on 1-2 parts/components are
each category. all three components 1-2 components along components along with components along with missing.
along with good with good examples partially relevant partially relevant
examples provided for provided for each examples provided for examples provided for
each components. components. each components. each components.
There are some 2.0 Relevant and detailed Relevant but brief Partially relevant and Least relevant and Incompleteness: no 10
businesses/products discussion provided for discussion provided for limited discussion limited discussion complete set of
are operating in both the concept and both the concept and provided for both the provided for both the answer given or
foreign countries. example. example. concept and example. concept and example. certain
However, they are still parts/components are
maintain its own local missing.
culture positioning as
an important business
component. Explain an
actual example for the
scenario above.
Joint venture (JV) is 2.0 Relevant and detailed Relevant but brief Partially relevant and Least relevant and Incompleteness: no 10
now a common description on the description on the limited description on limited description on complete set of
collaboration strategy general concept of JV. general concept of JV. the general concept of the general concept of answer given or
for companies to Able to identify and Able to identify and JV. Able to identify but JV. Able to identify but certain
venture into a new explain clearly all explain clearly 1-2 without sufficient without sufficient parts/components are
industry. Discuss how aspects listed in the aspects listed in the explanation on 1-2 explanation on all missing.
the JV works by question. question. aspects required. those aspects required.
illustrating an actual JV
example in the market.
Your discussion should
focus on the purpose
of the collaboration,
what new business
entity was developed,
ons from the each
party involved and its
current status.
Total 10 50

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