Individual Differences

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Individual Differences

In this module, I realized that students are diverse in different forms which
associated with factors that bring about student diversity. First is the socioeconomic
status, it is true that lifestyle of the students differs from one another which I believe
has something to do with the family income, parents' education level, and parents'
occupational prestige. The concrete example is that if your family income is way too
good, you are enrolled in the private school but when you are in lower income group,
you are enrolled in public school. I do not take this in general but this is just a
common thing. Second factor is thinking/ learning style of the students, I do believe
that students have different preferences in learning modality. Some are visual
learners, they tend to learn and grasp the lessons easily just by looking to it while
others are auditory learners, they grasp the lessons quickly through listening to it
attentively. Another type of learner is depended on the performance-based which
actually learns through manipulating objects. These learning styles are just some of
many that manifest in a group of students. Moreover, exceptionalities in class should
also be considered. The intelligence of the students differs from one another. Some
students are struggling in spoken language comprehension while some are
experiencing difficulty in seeing and hearing. That is why from the beginning of
classes, the teachers are asking the students who among them are experiencing
difficulty in vision so that the teacher would place them in front same with the
students who have difficulty in hearing.

An effective teacher would respect and address the diversity of his/her students.
Although it is a great challenge for us teachers to handle the class with students who
have different potentials, skills, abilities and talents. All through out my junior high
school year, I was belong in a regular class since my school that time does not offer
Science Class or superior sections. But when the time I moved into new school
during the Senior High School, I experienced new environment. My classmates are
not just intelligent but they are also good in many ways, some are good in writing,
singing, dancing, acting and even good in arts. Some of my classmates are from the
wealthy one and some are not. Through with that, student diversity is really evident in
class. It is an advantage as well since the teacher is not merely focusing on one
student to enhance his/her skills but many of the students have their own potentials
that should be given attention. This also allows the learners to outgrow themselves
as it prepares their role as responsible members of society. Confining student’s
potentials could affect the self-esteem of the students. Some of the tips given to
account the student diversity are teachers should encourage learners to share their
personal history and experiences and adapt to the students’ diverse backgrounds
and learning styles by allowing them personal choice and decision- making
opportunities concerning what they will learn and how they will learn it.

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