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Ben Sherman Marketing Mix

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BEN SHERMAN STUDY 27/5/08 10:30 Page 1

Use of the marketing mix CURRICULUM TOPICS

• Market/product orientation

in the fashion industry • Marketing mix

• Market segments ark

• Branding

Introduction GLOSSARY
Brand: a name, symbol or design
Ben Sherman is a globally recognised lifestyle brand. It has grown from its business used to identify a specific product
beginnings in quality shirts in Brighton in 1963 and is now sold in 35 countries around the and to differentiate it from its
world. It has expanded into the USA, Europe, and Australasia.
Market segment: that part or
‘slice’ of a market a business is
In 2004, Ben Sherman was acquired by the American-based company, Oxford Industries. This aiming at.
group is an international apparel design, sourcing and marketing company that features a Target market: the specific part of
diverse portfolio of owned and licensed lifestyle brands. the population to whom a product
offering is aimed and all marketing
communication is tailored.
Ben Sherman’s name has always been closely linked with the British music scene and with
fashion. Its customers are young and at the forefront of style. Throughout the years high Marketing mix: a series of
variable factors such as the four Ps
profile customers include musicians, models, actors and bands, such as Blur, Oasis and the (product/price/place/promotion)
Kaiser Chiefs. The growth of the brand can be traced through changes in musical taste and used by an organisation to meet its
this is a key part of Ben Sherman’s marketing strategy. customers’ needs.
Product-orientated: when a
As a young person reading this, you are a central market segment of Ben Sherman’s business creates a product and then
markets it to target customers.
target market. A market segment is a group of people with similar needs or
characteristics, such as age, gender or lifestyle. For example, you like music, you like fashion Market-orientated: when a
business tries to find out what the
and you are willing to spend money on top brands that deliver the quality and image that you market wants and then provide it.
want. As the company founder Ben Sherman said in 1963: ‘Looking good isn’t important, it’s
Product range: the various different
everything.’ products made by a business.
Brand image: what the brand
Ben Sherman has developed a balanced marketing mix. This is often referred to as the represents – in Ben Sherman’s case,
4 P’s - product, price, promotion and place. By getting the mix right, the company ensures fashion and style.
that its products reach the market segments it is aiming the brand at. This approach helps the Life cycle: the key stages in the
business remain competitive and extends its market share and influence. growth and eventual decline of a

The marketing mix is like a cake recipe. Most cakes need the basic ingredients of eggs, flour,
sugar and milk. However, a child’s birthday cake will require a different recipe to a wedding
cake. The key is to combine the ingredients to get the right cake for the right occasion. The
marketing mix works in exactly the same way. The key ingredients of product, price,
promotion and place are all necessary for the appropriate marketing of the product. Ben
Sherman chooses the right combination of each element to satisfy different customers’ needs.

Ben Sherman has to decide whether to:
• create a product and then market it to target customers (product-orientated) or
• find out what the market wants and then provide it (market-orientated).

To achieve both, the company produces a wide product range that appeals to all its target
market segments. The range includes casual clothes, formal wear, denim, footwear and
lifestyle accessories, such as underwear, watches, bags, belts and fragrances.

A strong brand image ties the product range together. Each collection has an umbrella
theme. In 2007, the product theme was ‘This Sporting Life’ and the marketing theme was
‘British music and style’.

Ben Sherman uses major fashion shows to launch its collections to the press. The fashion year
has two cycles – the spring/summer season and the autumn/winter one. The fashion industry
is highly competitive and fast-moving. Fashion products tend to have a short life cycle.
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This means the time between the launch of a product and the point at which that product is
‘mature’ is very quick. Competition amongst fashion retailers forces businesses to refresh their
ranges a number of times in a year. This topping up modifies the product as it reaches the
maturity stage. The boost of a new product or style then extends the life of the range. Products
need refreshing to avoid the dip in sales during the Saturation stage of the life cycle which could
result in an early decline. The additions and changes help sales rise again, earning extra sales
revenue and profit, as well as maintaining the Ben Sherman brand in the market.

Price sensitive: describes a
product whose sales are influenced
Expenditure Extension
by price rather than quality.
Growth Saturation strategy
Market leaders: companies
with the largest share of the
market, measured by sales (value
or volume). Time

There are a number of pricing strategies that a business can use for its products including:
• cost based pricing – where the selling price is set to cover the cost of manufacture.
• market orientated pricing. This covers several different approaches:
• market penetration, where a new product is priced low to attract a high volume of sales
• market skimming – where a new product has premium pricing to give high revenues
whilst the product is unique in the market
• premium pricing, where there is a uniqueness and exclusiveness about the product
so that it can command a high price
• economy pricing, which tends to be for no-frills, basic products, where the cost of
manufacture and marketing are kept to a minimum.

The price of a product relates to its perceived value. Lower priced items will expect a higher
volume of sales, whilst fewer sales of luxury products may achieve the same revenue through
higher pricing. Ben Sherman has to assess which markets its products are aimed at and set a
price to match.

A ‘product map’ shows where products are positioned in the market. Each product type
behaves in a different way.

Individually designed High price

fashion items Ben Sherman

Quality and individuality Mass produced

Generic products
Low price and copies

Customers are willing to pay more for ‘aspirational’ products, such as designer wear. These
products or brands show that those who own or wear them have a degree of success in their
lives. These brands are not price sensitive, as people are willing to pay premium prices for
individuality or for the latest style.

Low price brands often copy the market leaders and may be generic own brands, such as
those produced by supermarket chains. The main purpose of price here is to indicate value-
for-money and such brands do not expect customers to show loyalty.

Ben Sherman produces mostly medium-price range products. Its position in the market for
clothing is shown on the product map diagram. The mix of product and price is clearly
evident here. These brands are identifiable by their quality and style.

Ben Sherman uses brand identity images like the plectrum logo and the Ben Sherman script
label in subtle ways. Its products are good quality and individually styled and therefore the price
reflects this. There is a relationship between product quality and price (revenue per sale). The
pricing also impacts on the level of sales. Ben Sherman’s pricing best matches aspect B.
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High Low

designer wear,
A luxury made,
designed products. GLOSSARY
Channels of distribution: the
ways by which the product is

B Medium price range

brands with quality and
style such as Ben Sherman.
delivered to customers.
Value: benefits that are added to
the product or service during the
process for the end user.
Low price, often ‘own label’ Stock: materials or finished

C products from value retailers and
supermarkets, may be low cost
‘copies’ of top brands and fashions. High
products for sale.
Investment: putting funds to use
in the hope of securing increased
Revenue per sale Sales volume returns later.

This refers both to the places where Ben Sherman products may be bought and to the
channels of distribution used to deliver the products to these places. Place is not always
a physical building such as a retail outlet or shop, but includes any means by which the
product is made available to the customer.

A business has to balance getting enough of its products to its target customers against the
problems or costs of distributing them. For a premium or luxury brand, making the products
too easily available might reduce the perceived value of the brand. This illustrates the need
to select carefully how the marketing mix is put together to match the product to the needs of
the target market. Ben Sherman limits where its products are sold and keeps a tight rein on
how they are sold and its distribution channels. This creates a unique Ben Sherman
experience wherever customers buy its products.

Ben Sherman uses three traditional distribution channels. Each has distinct characteristics and
different strengths and weaknesses:
• its own stores - where the brand is strongest, but requires investment in property, stock
and sales people
• independent fashion stores - whilst offering a unique or more specialised sales channel
these outlets carry limited amounts stock. Also, the costs of processing, e.g. for delivery
and administration, are relatively higher for smaller orders.
• department stores - will buy centrally but may want discounts if they order in bulk, reducing
Ben Sherman’s profitability.

Ben Sherman works in close partnership with department stores, creating ‘shop-in-shops’ –
a unique concept where the customer feels that they are in a Ben Sherman store. The store
shares its marketing information about what types of customers are purchasing and which
products are most in demand. This enables Ben Sherman and the department store to
provide the relevant stock to maximise revenue.

Ben Sherman also has its own stores around the world and opens new ones each year. It
has a long-term commitment to expanding globally. Although the stores represent a big
investment, they are important to the company in controlling its own sales environment
and increasing profit. The interiors of its flagship stores reflect British style and identity
through use of antique furniture, music memorabilia, photographs and the Union Jack flag.

For a limited time in 2007, each store worldwide displayed a specially designed Gibson
guitar in a dedicated window space decorated with and inspired by the Ben Sherman
product, brand and music influences. Gibson is the world’s leading guitar specialist and
created for Ben Sherman a set of 20 collectable limited edition guitars. Each unique guitar
was then sold at auction online to raise money for charity. Ben Sherman used the guitar
auction online to link the physical worldwide stores to the Internet. The company transmitted
news of the auctions and bids via the Internet and gained online, national and regional press.
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Ben Sherman also uses newer channels of distribution. It relaunched its website
www.bensherman.com in February 2007 to provide a more interactive experience for
customers to encourage them to spend more time on the site and shop:
• The site provides an online ordering service.
• It offers news updates for customers on the latest Ben Sherman products.
• The website helps to create an online ‘community’ of people who like Ben Sherman products.
• It gives relevant context for Ben Sherman products by providing video and music links, for
example, the top 10 records of the 1970s.
GLOSSARY This helps to build the brand philosophy and values. The company sees its online services as
Above-the-line: directly paid
particularly important in reaching customers now and in the future.
for promotion, e.g. advertising
such as in magazines or on TV. Promotion
Below-the-line: indirect
advertising such as product The purpose of promotion is to obtain and retain customers. It covers:
placement or public relations • ‘above-the-line’, which is using independent media to reach a wide audience easily,
Public relations: using but over which the company may have limited control, for example, magazine advertising.
magazines, the press and other This reaches a mass audience but can be hard to measure its impact.
media to promote a product • ‘below-the-line’, which uses media over which the business has control, for example,
through events, parties, shows,
concerts where that the product direct mailing. This type of promotion can be more cost-effective and give more
can be given good exposure. measurable response rates.
Product placement: when Ben Sherman uses both above-the-line and below-the-line promotion to help inform
products are ‘placed’, in films or customers about its products. Through this information, it increases the customers’ desire to
TV shows or with famous faces, in buy its products.
order to give them good exposure.
Endorsement: make a public Some people think of promotion as being just advertising – but advertising is only one aspect.
statement of approval or support
for something or someone.
Promotion may also include:
• direct mail – for example, catalogues, newsletters you may receive by post or email
Icon: someone or something
regarded as embodying the • exhibitions or events – Ben Sherman has a high profile at fashion events and music events,
essential characteristics of, for for example, sponsoring a series of live gigs to support new British music in collaboration
example, an era or group. with with Gibson guitars and music channel MTV
• sales promotions, such as discounts, money-off coupons or competitions
• public relations – perhaps through press conferences or by participating in charitable
events, such as the Gibson Guitar auction for Nordoff Robbins charity
• sponsorship – Ben Sherman sponsored the ‘Best Breakthrough Artist’ category at the 2007
Q Awards
• product placement – Ben Sherman gives clothes to famous people so that they create
publicity when they wear them. This is seen as an endorsement for the product. Amy
Winehouse and Ricki from the Kaiser Chiefs have been used to promote Ben Sherman
products by wearing them at high profile events and featuring in the printed press
• branding – you can see the Ben Sherman brand in the layout and decoration of its stores,
its links to music, its advertising campaigns, packaging and point-of-sales displays.

Ben Sherman is a brand that appeals to the youth market. Its responsiveness to changing
tastes in fashion and music throughout the last fifty years has provided it with a unique
heritage of quality, personality and style. This has made Ben Sherman into a great British
icon, reflecting British culture as it does business across the world.

Whilst each element of the marketing mix is important in its own right, the right balance of the
four elements is critical. A business must clearly understand its target market - the customers at
which it is aiming its product range - to ensure that it has the marketing mix balanced to appeal
to this market. Ben Sherman’s continuing global growth and high profile in music and fashion
demonstrates that, as far as the marketing mix is concerned, it has got the balance right.

1. What is meant by a market segment?

2. Describe the key elements of the marketing mix. Explain why it is important
to have a balance between these elements.

3. Which pricing strategies do you think

Ben Sherman applies in its marketing mix?

4. Which of the distribution strategies Ben Sherman

uses would give it best returns and why? www.bensherman.com

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