Greenovator Profile
Greenovator Profile
Greenovator Profile
Innovation to Green
Green Way
Greenovator: Vision & Mission
Providing innovative services for
For farmers to view and manage their
stakeholders in the Agri ecosystem for
farms as sustainable businesses
sustainable agribusinesses
Agricultural University.
environmental conservation.
Over 7,900
Over 200,000
Agri-shop owners
Over 8,500
Agri-experts Livestock-experts
Detailed information on how to get the seed to Answers to any questions are provided by
the dinner table shown in specific categories specialized technicians that will help farmers come
and we provide farm to fork techniques for up with effective solutions to their problems.
● Asein Yone Mat Tan
● Weather Forecast
This allows farmers to track and analyze their
Weather forecasting changes with the location income and expenses and also a reliable recording
and providing weather forecasting for 5 Days. tool to use for certification process.
● Zaytangyi
● Daily Crop Market Trend Prices
This enables farmers to connect with local
agri-input shops for buying agri-inputs online
This feature provides up to date crop market directly input shops.
price for the farmers depending on their
Total ads space of ads Piloted in 2 townships in Started in 2020 May to list Targeted to launch in ● Daily crop market
Over 40 places on Myanmar in 4th quarter of all products from August 2020 using farming price (currently
websites and on 2019, Shwe Bo Tsp & agri-input companies as record features for selling data)
Homepage Feed type of Kyaukse Tsp branding contract farming ● Digital services
the Greenway application (content uploading,
collaboration with
ARTICLE TYPES Expended to the whole Proved that users are Biz farm can manage ● Seller-buyer
country during COVID interested to check the their farm with it from linkage (connecting
● Banner Type period listed company their dashboard, monitor farmers with traders
● Big Hit Type activities, assign tasks, and customers)
● Sponsored Article send/received alerts, ● Loan request
● Push Message analyze data (connect farmers
with microfinance
and spend money on
Expected over 400 shops Expected to list over 20 Expected to be sold to 5 ● QR code
listed in 2020 with monthly companies in 2020 and companies in the first year (traceability features
subscription fees and growing of the farm products
transaction commission for the consumers)
Can record every step Provides traceability Designed for Easy to know Reduces travel costs
of farming processes and enhances food Myanmar farmers the farmer’s and time to monitor
safety income and the farmer’s activities
● 09-43121627, 09-765408647