Formal Observation 2
Formal Observation 2
Formal Observation 2
Sarah Roberts
EDTE 255
Looking at the demographic differences in the videos I observed beyond race and
ethnicity, range of ability levels stood out to me the most. In almost every video I observed work
was done in a group setting. Most in table groups but in some videos such as the socratic seminar
and the lesson on describing the effect that media has on america they were arranged in a circle
setting. I noticed that in each of these groups there were students focused and interacting with the
material given and then there were students who seemed completely lost and uninterested. Some
students were faster learners and grasped the material easier while other students were slower
learners and had more difficulty understanding the material. In certain classes students that
seemed at the same ability level were placed together and in other classes students seems to be
placed strategically at different ability levels. For me growing up and currently struggling with
ADD I often struggle in group situations where my peers have higher ability levels and I am not
The next difference that stood out to me was personality. Personalities are huge in the
classroom setting. A student with a strong personality can take over a class and hinder students
who are more shy to speak. I noticed in the socratic seminar video that certain students where
carrying the entire conversation not leaving room for others to talk. In the video on investigating
soils in the second grade class I noticed a difference of personalities in the classroom at a
younger age group. Instead of a few students running the conversation in the socratic seminar
with the middle school group. The second grade personalities were all very strong so it was hard
to find a balance between them. The teachers I observed did an amazing job of involving all of
the students in the lesson. In particular I liked how the teacher in the investigating soils lesson
would continually rotate from table group to table group in order to give every student equal
attention. Next I liked how in the lesson on analyzing ad interpreting text the teacher would also
move to each table group as well but as he moved he would continually ask the students a new
The instruction I observed did a great job of involving all different learning styles. The
teachers continued to move around the classroom providing individual help for each student
instead of having a lecture based lesson. Having students learn by doing meaning giving them a
specific task or question to answer and letting the students first try to find the answer on their
own then asking for help if they cant move on seemed to be the best mode of learning. From
what I observed the teachers did a great job incorporating different learning styles. For example
in the observation about using images to build speaking, listening, and descriptive language
skills there were many different ways to learn the lesson. There was visual by looking at the
pictures. Audio by listening to the recorder and also verbal while the teacher initially lectured on
the material. In this specific classroom my learning needs would have been addressed. I am a
very visual and interactive learner so in this case my needs would have been met.
The students I observed seemed to be very involved and interested in the activities. Most
of the lessons I watched the students worked in groups and had individual tasks as a group to
complete. In the video I observed with the special needs learners on learning how to start a
conversation this was the best example of a teacher excelling at involving his students. One of
the students in the video was very shy and reluctant to talk. Instead of forcing her to talk as much
of the other students, the teacher took it slow for this student and applauded her on the little
things even though she was doing less than the other students. The only evidence I observed of a
teacher creating modified instruction for culturally diverse students is in analyzing and
interpreting soil lesson the teacher would work individually with students who seemed slower at
language development as english was not their first language. I did not see any students in the
videos I observed being excluded because of learning disabilities. All of the teachers I observed
be meeting every students needs equally. It is so easy to focus more on a student that struggles
more than most because as a teacher I feel as if they need more help. I don’t want to forget or
neglect the students that excel and learning comes easy to them as well. Even though the don’t
need as much help they still need to be recognized. I have learned that in the K-12 setting
students are at many different ability levels and it is our job as teachers to find ways to create
lessons that are inclusive. Not only should the lessons be inclusive but I have learned to try and
When comparing strategies to help diverse learners I think the teacher moving from
group to group giving more attention to the students in the class works better than a lesson where
the teacher lectures without involvement. In my experience in a entire class lecture not only are
students uninterested but it is hard to connect to every student in this teaching style. Some ideas I
will take with me is first continuing to ask critical questions to students that prompts their
learning. Next to incorporate different learning styles in lessons. For example I liked how the
lesson on identifying letter names and articulating the corresponding letter sounds through multi-
Sensory activities they would use visual learning by pointing at the picture then verbal by
creating sentences from the picture. In my own classroom I will work to be more clear on the
task given to my students and to also work on equally giving attention to each of my students.