Globe Valves
Globe Valves
Globe Valves
A Globe valve is a linear motion valve specifically designed to stop, start and
control flow. The Globe valve's disk can be completely removed from the flow path, or
the flowpath can be completely closed.For insulation and throttling services, traditional
Globe valves can be used. To regulate flow, globe valves are widely used. In the design
of the valve to avoid premature failure and ensure adequate operation, the range of flow
control, pressure drop, and duty must be taken into account. Specially designed valve
trims are needed for valves undergoing high-differential pressure-throttling operation.
o Stem.The stem connects the disk to the valve actuator or hand wheel, transmitting
the force.
o Disk (Plug). The part of the globe valve that moves perpendicular to the seat. It’s
the moveablephysical barrier that blocks (or frees) the flow.When closed, the disk
sits against the seat, plugging the flow. When opened, the disk sits above theseat,
allowing liquid to pass.
o Seat (Seat ring).This part of the valve provides the seal between the stem/disk
and bonnet whenthe disk is tightly pressed against it. It’s either integrated or
screwed into the valve itself.
o Z types
A Z-body is the simplest design and most common type. Within the
globular body, the Z-shaped partition includes the bench. The seat's horizontal
seating configuration enables the stem and disk to pass perpendicular to the axis
of the pipe, resulting in a loss of very high pressure.
Figure No. Z Type
o Y types
A solution to the high pressure drop problem in Z-type valves is the Y-type
style. The seat and stem are angled at approximately 45 ° to the pipe axis in this form.
In high pressure and other critical facilities where pressure drops are involved, y-body
valves are used.
Without using an elbow and one additional pipe weld, the angle globe valve
transforms the flow direction by 90 degrees. Open Disk against the flow. In the
fluctuating flow state, this type of globe valve can also be used, as they are able to
handle the slugging effect.
Figure No. Angle Type
Flow Direction through the globe valves
Globe valve have specific flow directions. Depending on the application, a globe valve will
have fluid flow above or below the disc. Globe valves can be arranged so that the disk
closes against or in the same direction of fluid flow. When the disk closes against the direction of
fluid flow, the kinetic energy of the fluid impedes closing but aids opening of the valve. When
the disk closes in the same direction of fluid flow, the kinetic energy of the fluid aids closing but
impedes opening.
For low temperature and low pressure applications, globe valves are ordinarily installed so
that pressure is under the disk. This promotes easy operation, helps protect the packing, and
eliminates a certain amount of erosive action to the seat and disk faces.
For high temperature and high pressure applications, like steam, globe valves are installed so
that pressure is above the disk. This helps to prevent the stem from contracting when it cools
down and will keep the disc from lifting off the seat that may cause leakage. If the pressure on
top of the disc is higher, a bypass valve may have to be provided that permits the downstream
system to be pressurized before the globe valve is
Usually flow direction arrow is marked on the globe valve body for ease and simplification
of installation purpose.
Introduction to Globe Valves. Retrieved 7 November 2020 from
A Complete Guide to Globe Valve Types and Parts. Retrieved 7 November 2020 from
Globe Valve Types and Parts – A Complete Guide. Retrievd 7 November 2020 from
Ashlin, & Areej. (2020, November 02). Retrieved November 08, 2020, from
Theprocesspiping. (2020, April 22). Introduction to Globe Valve. Retrieved November 08, 2020,