Connection is a device which is surgically When asked about the potential health risks
inserted into the user’s ear canal. It uses X-ray of Connection, she acknowledged that she had been
technology to filter sound, and it uses bluetooth battling a sore throat for the past two weeks, but
technology to alert users of other nearby users. Then, attributed them to post-surgical symptoms. She also
if two users greet and prepare to enter conversation, mentioned that she had been feeling especially
Connection alters each user’s auditory and visual “jittery” since her surgery, but claimed that was due
input to imitate that of an interested person. This to her doctor under-prescribing her ADHD
interested person persona provides the bare minimum medication. At that point in our conversation, she
of input to the conversation. This allows the user to abruptly turned and ran to a passerby (who also was a
talk freely about anything they desire, uninhibited by Connection user) and continued expressing her
the interruptions of a second party. thoughts about the effectiveness of her ADHD
medication. When our interview crew returned two
I recently sat down with Ming Xu, the lead hours later, we noticed that she was still talking with
engineer for this product’s design, to talk about the the same user but had switched topics to how her
future of Connection. Xu expressed optimism that his doctor was under-prescribing her anxiety medication.
product could heal the contentious atmosphere and
polarization of American politics. As he put it, Not everyone may be as enthused by
“Arguments require people to argue. Remove the Connection as Kelly is. But to some degree, there is a
people, and there are no arguments.” Xu also offered Kelly inside all of us that is waiting to be let free.
a surprising insight for why his product found such a
large audience in America, stating that “Americans
are obsessed with freedom. They’re always looking
to others to give them their freedom. But I don’t
think many people realize that freedom is a feeling.
And when they use Connection, they feel free.”